1 00:00:02,930 --> 00:00:05,500 Huh? What the hell? 2 00:00:05,500 --> 00:00:08,990 Why did a powered suit from Yggdrasil suddenly appear? 3 00:00:08,990 --> 00:00:10,640 Could it be a player? 4 00:00:13,040 --> 00:00:16,740 The Death Knight and Death Warrior were destroyed so easily... 5 00:00:17,210 --> 00:00:20,520 Mm. Just as expected. 6 00:00:25,460 --> 00:00:29,000 I see. So that's why... 7 00:00:29,000 --> 00:00:30,760 Huh? Cocytus?! 8 00:00:30,760 --> 00:00:33,760 Yes! Yes! Yes! I understand now, too! 9 00:00:33,760 --> 00:00:39,390 Lord Ains was expecting the one in red armor to appear! 10 00:00:39,650 --> 00:00:44,480 He chose to send fewer soldiers in order to lure the enemy out into the open! 11 00:00:45,750 --> 00:00:48,450 Excellent deduction from the two of you, as expected! 12 00:00:49,820 --> 00:00:51,280 Y-Yeah. 13 00:00:51,280 --> 00:00:53,680 Hey, who is that guy? 14 00:00:53,680 --> 00:00:59,530 He's from Drop of Red, one of the three adamantite teams in the Kingdom. 15 00:00:59,530 --> 00:01:03,160 It's reported that his team normally works in the northern region of the Kingdom. 16 00:01:03,360 --> 00:01:07,290 S-So that's why Lord Ains set a trap in this northern city! 17 00:01:07,290 --> 00:01:10,740 So, he's a fish that took the bait... 18 00:01:12,000 --> 00:01:13,550 Exactly. 19 00:01:16,310 --> 00:01:20,320 Now that you've achieved your original goal, 20 00:01:20,320 --> 00:01:24,310 we should send stronger forces to that town and raze it to the ground. 21 00:01:24,310 --> 00:01:26,850 Yes, that sounds good... 22 00:01:28,430 --> 00:01:32,370 N-No, I was thinking of changing the plans a bit 23 00:01:32,370 --> 00:01:36,950 and bringing the royal capital to ruin immediately. 24 00:01:37,240 --> 00:01:42,200 If that is what you wish, we will simply obey. 25 00:01:42,200 --> 00:01:43,150 Yes. 26 00:01:43,580 --> 00:01:47,850 This way, I'll be able to give the people in that town a chance to escape. 27 00:01:49,320 --> 00:01:54,240 Good! We will cease hiding our movements and advance on the royal capital! 28 00:01:54,240 --> 00:01:57,470 We will annihilate every city within our reach along the way. 29 00:01:57,470 --> 00:02:01,490 Teach them the foolishness of resisting Nazarick! 30 00:02:01,490 --> 00:02:02,310 Yes! 31 00:03:38,360 --> 00:03:41,110 Your Highness, Princess Renner is here to see you. 32 00:03:41,360 --> 00:03:43,570 I'll speak with her during dinner. 33 00:03:43,800 --> 00:03:47,010 She said that if she can't speak with you immediately, 34 00:03:47,010 --> 00:03:49,450 she'll begin yelling lies mixed with truth... 35 00:03:50,410 --> 00:03:53,080 I understand. Let her in. 36 00:03:53,480 --> 00:03:56,550 But have the other two with her stand outside. 37 00:03:57,440 --> 00:03:58,710 I understand. 38 00:04:00,470 --> 00:04:01,470 What is it? 39 00:04:01,770 --> 00:04:04,220 Is Father still alive? 40 00:04:04,970 --> 00:04:09,230 Hey, now. Do you think I'd kill him? 41 00:04:09,230 --> 00:04:10,770 At a time like this? 42 00:04:12,400 --> 00:04:14,880 Father is not well right now. 43 00:04:14,880 --> 00:04:16,860 I'm having him rest. 44 00:04:16,860 --> 00:04:21,770 Brother is able to detain Father even without Marquis Raeven's soldiers... 45 00:04:21,770 --> 00:04:23,890 That means that the head of the military 46 00:04:23,890 --> 00:04:26,240 and the head of internal affairs have taken your side. 47 00:04:27,420 --> 00:04:30,240 Father planned to negotiate until the end, 48 00:04:30,550 --> 00:04:33,460 in order to minimize our losses. 49 00:04:34,320 --> 00:04:36,630 I understand his feelings, but... 50 00:04:37,000 --> 00:04:38,320 There had been no word of 51 00:04:38,320 --> 00:04:41,880 the Sorcerer Kingdom invading since the declaration of war. 52 00:04:42,360 --> 00:04:46,760 But, in reality, his army has been heading north this whole time. 53 00:04:47,010 --> 00:04:50,000 He took over the northern border near the Council State 54 00:04:50,000 --> 00:04:53,390 in order to prevent them from sending support troops. 55 00:04:53,390 --> 00:04:55,020 That's right. 56 00:04:55,370 --> 00:05:00,400 The invaded cities were completely destroyed and all the people were massacred. 57 00:05:01,140 --> 00:05:02,400 My sister... 58 00:05:02,400 --> 00:05:05,530 Please enlighten me with your brilliant mind. 59 00:05:06,210 --> 00:05:10,530 How have the Sorcerer Kingdom's forces gone unnoticed until now? 60 00:05:10,850 --> 00:05:14,160 You've realized it yourself, haven't you? 61 00:05:15,210 --> 00:05:18,480 It's the work of the people in our own kingdom. 62 00:05:18,480 --> 00:05:22,300 But the only person who can keep this a secret so thoroughly... 63 00:05:22,300 --> 00:05:24,050 ...is Marquis Raeven. 64 00:05:25,470 --> 00:05:27,220 No way! Impossible. 65 00:05:27,450 --> 00:05:29,720 This is Marquis Raeven's domain. 66 00:05:30,700 --> 00:05:34,480 That man loves his son quite dearly. 67 00:05:34,480 --> 00:05:37,880 Wouldn't he do it if his son were taken hostage? 68 00:05:37,880 --> 00:05:40,610 You think they're threatening him that way? 69 00:05:41,100 --> 00:05:45,860 I believe that he's decided that the royal family has no future. 70 00:05:47,680 --> 00:05:51,620 What action would you take in a situation like this? 71 00:05:52,800 --> 00:05:56,160 If things continue according to the movements on this map, 72 00:05:56,160 --> 00:05:59,000 there will be a decisive battle at the royal capital next. 73 00:05:59,000 --> 00:06:00,000 Yes. 74 00:06:00,280 --> 00:06:02,750 Do you think we can win? 75 00:06:03,020 --> 00:06:06,630 It's not a matter of winning or losing. We have to do it. 76 00:06:07,280 --> 00:06:12,120 The Sorcerer Kingdom is burning down all the cities and murdering all who live in them. 77 00:06:12,120 --> 00:06:14,920 We can only survive by gathering all the soldiers 78 00:06:14,920 --> 00:06:17,390 and risking everything on the slim chance of victory. 79 00:06:17,660 --> 00:06:19,410 I'll ask the people, as well. 80 00:06:19,410 --> 00:06:22,770 We'll advertise the cruelty of the Sorcerer Kingdom and call them to arms. 81 00:06:24,350 --> 00:06:27,780 Brother, you've truly become a king. 82 00:06:29,150 --> 00:06:32,410 Your way of thinking is correct. 83 00:06:32,410 --> 00:06:35,160 I'm completely useless in battle, 84 00:06:35,160 --> 00:06:38,860 but a member of the royal family should stand on the front lines to lead the troops. 85 00:06:39,760 --> 00:06:43,760 Father should take care of the rest. 86 00:06:43,760 --> 00:06:46,170 You can escape at any time. 87 00:06:46,550 --> 00:06:50,470 I understand. I'll do so when the time comes. 88 00:06:52,300 --> 00:06:54,600 What're you gonna do? 89 00:06:54,600 --> 00:06:57,220 I'm joining! Just you wait, Sorcerer King! 90 00:06:57,220 --> 00:06:58,560 Hey, everyone... 91 00:06:58,560 --> 00:07:02,020 Only one person needs to go to see the contents of the request. 92 00:07:02,020 --> 00:07:03,480 Why don't you guys go and get a drink? 93 00:07:03,480 --> 00:07:08,240 Lakyus, is there a reason we can't go with you? 94 00:07:08,760 --> 00:07:11,180 O-O-Of course not! 95 00:07:11,180 --> 00:07:14,240 The Drop of Red are coming for this request, aren't they? 96 00:07:14,240 --> 00:07:17,500 Isn't their leader, Mr. Azuth, your relative? 97 00:07:17,500 --> 00:07:21,120 You guys probably have a lot to catch up on, right? I get you. 98 00:07:21,120 --> 00:07:22,880 So, you understand?! Then... 99 00:07:22,880 --> 00:07:23,880 That's the mystery. 100 00:07:23,880 --> 00:07:24,560 So strange. 101 00:07:24,560 --> 00:07:25,130 Huh? 102 00:07:25,130 --> 00:07:30,130 What kind of request requires both the Drop of Red and Blue Rose? 103 00:07:30,130 --> 00:07:31,380 It's suspicious. 104 00:07:31,380 --> 00:07:34,010 Maybe it's a trap. 105 00:07:34,010 --> 00:07:37,010 Yes. We shouldn't act separately. 106 00:07:37,010 --> 00:07:40,090 And we want to meet such a famous hero. 107 00:07:40,090 --> 00:07:43,400 He's a relative, so it wouldn't hurt to meet him at least once. 108 00:07:46,580 --> 00:07:48,860 This is the meeting place. 109 00:07:48,860 --> 00:07:50,250 Too suspicious. 110 00:07:50,250 --> 00:07:52,100 Someone is definitely planning something. 111 00:07:55,660 --> 00:07:57,030 Come on in. 112 00:08:00,950 --> 00:08:02,580 Um, everyone... 113 00:08:02,880 --> 00:08:04,240 Let me be honest. 114 00:08:04,240 --> 00:08:07,420 My uncle's the type of person that makes most people grimace. 115 00:08:12,970 --> 00:08:15,720 Hey, Lakyu! Long time no see! 116 00:08:16,080 --> 00:08:21,480 Uncle... Can't you dress a little more appropriately for this meeting? 117 00:08:21,720 --> 00:08:25,050 Well, now. At least we're not having a meeting in bed. 118 00:08:25,050 --> 00:08:26,650 Does it really matter? 119 00:08:26,650 --> 00:08:27,860 It matters! 120 00:08:27,860 --> 00:08:29,090 Is that so? 121 00:08:29,090 --> 00:08:30,950 Aw, stop! 122 00:08:32,880 --> 00:08:34,790 And I heard he was a hero... 123 00:08:35,420 --> 00:08:36,780 Leave, women. 124 00:08:36,780 --> 00:08:38,250 Who's this kid? 125 00:08:38,250 --> 00:08:42,040 A brat who doesn't even show her face shouldn't act so high and mighty! 126 00:08:42,680 --> 00:08:43,950 Charm Person. 127 00:08:45,800 --> 00:08:47,360 You're in the way. Leave. 128 00:08:47,360 --> 00:08:48,920 Oh, yes. 129 00:08:50,960 --> 00:08:52,420 Charm Person. 130 00:08:52,420 --> 00:08:53,140 Go. 131 00:08:53,140 --> 00:08:54,700 I understand. 132 00:09:01,180 --> 00:09:02,030 Evileye. 133 00:09:02,030 --> 00:09:02,940 Good job! 134 00:09:03,310 --> 00:09:04,430 Boss. 135 00:09:10,600 --> 00:09:12,440 You're on time. 136 00:09:26,280 --> 00:09:27,640 Hey, hey, hey... 137 00:09:27,640 --> 00:09:31,590 You're the last ones here and you're giving off such dangerous vibes. 138 00:09:31,590 --> 00:09:34,840 You're pretty cocky for bringing whores, old man. 139 00:09:34,840 --> 00:09:37,840 Hah. You're the ones who held a meeting in a place like this. 140 00:09:38,080 --> 00:09:40,720 I just wanted to harass you guys a bit. 141 00:09:41,720 --> 00:09:42,990 Now, now. 142 00:09:42,990 --> 00:09:45,430 I would appreciate it if everyone settled down. 143 00:09:45,430 --> 00:09:49,350 Well, Qua's the leader this time, so I guess I'll listen... 144 00:09:50,560 --> 00:09:52,600 Let me get straight to the point. 145 00:09:52,600 --> 00:09:57,990 Lord Azuth Aindra and the other absent members from the Drop of Red... 146 00:09:58,370 --> 00:10:00,260 As well as all the members from Blue Rose... 147 00:10:00,990 --> 00:10:03,820 We are here to scout you today. 148 00:10:05,750 --> 00:10:08,500 Which country are you guys from? 149 00:10:08,500 --> 00:10:10,750 Who cares? 150 00:10:10,750 --> 00:10:11,160 What? 151 00:10:11,160 --> 00:10:11,920 No way! 152 00:10:11,920 --> 00:10:13,750 Please be at ease. 153 00:10:13,750 --> 00:10:16,390 If we really planned to kill all of you, 154 00:10:16,390 --> 00:10:19,510 we wouldn't be wasting time introducing ourselves. 155 00:10:22,890 --> 00:10:25,220 Are you people from the Theocracy? 156 00:10:25,630 --> 00:10:26,600 The Theocracy?! 157 00:10:26,960 --> 00:10:29,600 The Theocracy's elite heroic unit. 158 00:10:29,600 --> 00:10:32,140 The Black Scripture, was it? 159 00:10:32,610 --> 00:10:36,930 I heard one of you deviated from the heroic path, though. 160 00:10:38,560 --> 00:10:40,840 It seems like you know a lot. 161 00:10:40,840 --> 00:10:47,820 But there are people here who are as strong as me, maybe even stronger. 162 00:10:49,040 --> 00:10:52,910 Evileye of the Blue Rose. You'd be a bit troublesome. 163 00:10:53,390 --> 00:10:54,290 Hmph. 164 00:10:54,800 --> 00:10:55,650 Hey. 165 00:10:56,170 --> 00:10:58,910 Theocracy's secret unit. 166 00:10:59,550 --> 00:11:02,680 Want to work with us to fight against the Sorcerer King? 167 00:11:02,680 --> 00:11:03,880 I see. 168 00:11:03,880 --> 00:11:06,440 I understand your thoughts, Lord Azuth. 169 00:11:06,910 --> 00:11:10,060 And what's the answer from the Blue Rose? 170 00:11:11,560 --> 00:11:13,770 We won't force you by any means. 171 00:11:13,770 --> 00:11:20,840 We want you to truly become our allies and help secure the future of mankind. 172 00:11:22,200 --> 00:11:24,560 I refuse. How about... 173 00:11:24,560 --> 00:11:27,080 Don't just speak for yourself. 174 00:11:27,080 --> 00:11:30,170 We all agree with Leader's decision. 175 00:11:30,170 --> 00:11:31,080 Yeah. 176 00:11:31,330 --> 00:11:32,500 I see. 177 00:11:32,500 --> 00:11:34,780 Looks like it'd be pointless to try to convince you. 178 00:11:35,320 --> 00:11:40,010 We hope everyone is able to bring retribution upon the Sorcerer King. 179 00:11:42,440 --> 00:11:43,470 So... 180 00:11:43,470 --> 00:11:45,210 What are you going to do, Uncle? 181 00:11:45,800 --> 00:11:48,810 I'll wait here for the arrival of the Sorcerer King. 182 00:11:49,030 --> 00:11:51,340 He'll definitely make his way here. 183 00:11:51,340 --> 00:11:54,060 You guys won't even be able to get your swords close to him. 184 00:11:54,060 --> 00:11:55,210 Run. 185 00:11:56,810 --> 00:12:01,190 Even so, we can't leave the royal capital behind. 186 00:12:01,190 --> 00:12:04,600 If you're asking me to join you, I refuse. 187 00:12:04,600 --> 00:12:06,700 I'll be moving on my own. 188 00:12:06,700 --> 00:12:09,640 Do you think you'll be able to do anything? 189 00:12:09,640 --> 00:12:12,840 There's no way I can defeat him. 190 00:12:12,840 --> 00:12:15,020 But if I'm alone, 191 00:12:15,020 --> 00:12:19,460 I should be able to escape, even if the Sorcerer King surrounds the entire capital. 192 00:12:19,460 --> 00:12:23,220 Welp, I'm going to unload a bit in the other room. 193 00:12:25,040 --> 00:12:27,820 Sorry for the wait, kittens. 194 00:12:25,920 --> 00:12:27,820 Jeez! You took forever! 195 00:12:32,690 --> 00:12:33,570 Your Highness. 196 00:12:33,570 --> 00:12:34,730 I know. 197 00:12:43,400 --> 00:12:49,370 Lord Ains, a representative is approaching from the human army. 198 00:12:53,400 --> 00:12:58,630 I am the crown prince of the Re-Estize Kingdom, Zanac Valleon Igana Ryle Vaiself! 199 00:12:58,890 --> 00:13:02,560 I would like to speak with the Sorcerer King! 200 00:13:03,010 --> 00:13:05,140 What do you wish to do, Lord Ains? 201 00:13:05,140 --> 00:13:08,850 I feel there's no need to listen, unless it's a messenger announcing the start of battle... 202 00:13:08,850 --> 00:13:14,480 If he refuses to converse with an opponent, others may think him close-minded. 203 00:13:14,480 --> 00:13:17,350 Who cares about a rumor when no one is left to spread it? 204 00:13:17,350 --> 00:13:19,490 Albedo. Have you forgotten? 205 00:13:19,490 --> 00:13:22,340 There may be someone watching from afar who can speak ill of us. 206 00:13:22,340 --> 00:13:24,280 My apologies. 207 00:13:24,280 --> 00:13:27,280 Yes. Then, I will go. 208 00:13:27,280 --> 00:13:29,520 Lord Ains, bring guards with you. 209 00:13:29,520 --> 00:13:31,840 A royal came to me alone. 210 00:13:31,840 --> 00:13:34,770 It is only right that I return the favor. 211 00:13:43,030 --> 00:13:45,880 I am glad to meet you, Sorcerer King. 212 00:13:46,330 --> 00:13:49,980 I am Zanac Valleon Igana Ryle Vaiself. 213 00:13:50,480 --> 00:13:52,760 I am glad to meet you, as well. 214 00:13:53,190 --> 00:13:55,680 I am the Sorcerer King, Ains Ooal Gown. 215 00:13:56,840 --> 00:13:58,190 Will water suffice? 216 00:13:58,820 --> 00:14:01,480 Yes. Thank you very much, Your Majesty. 217 00:14:01,960 --> 00:14:03,480 I appreciate your hospitality. 218 00:14:03,750 --> 00:14:07,900 Now, the preparations for our talk are complete. 219 00:14:10,940 --> 00:14:13,100 What did you wish to speak about? 220 00:14:13,100 --> 00:14:16,620 Shall I discuss why our invasion is just? 221 00:14:16,620 --> 00:14:20,130 Your Majesty, there's something I'd like to ask. 222 00:14:20,470 --> 00:14:23,750 Why are you doing something this cruel? 223 00:14:23,750 --> 00:14:26,740 Why won't you accept our plea of surrender? 224 00:14:30,930 --> 00:14:32,670 Because there is no merit to it. 225 00:14:32,670 --> 00:14:34,010 Merit? 226 00:14:34,010 --> 00:14:37,170 We will sacrifice your kingdom to show the world that 227 00:14:37,170 --> 00:14:42,270 it is foolish to oppose the Sorcerer Kingdom. 228 00:14:42,270 --> 00:14:47,030 To that end, we will enter your royal capital after decimating your forces 229 00:14:47,030 --> 00:14:50,040 and turn everything into a mountain of rubble. 230 00:14:50,480 --> 00:14:54,020 We'll leave everything like that for hundreds or even thousands of years... 231 00:14:54,020 --> 00:14:56,880 In this way, stories about the folly of going against the Sorcerer Kingdom 232 00:14:56,880 --> 00:14:58,860 will be passed down for all eternity. 233 00:15:00,480 --> 00:15:02,130 Why have you chosen to do so? 234 00:15:02,710 --> 00:15:03,630 What? 235 00:15:03,630 --> 00:15:05,530 There are other ways 236 00:15:05,820 --> 00:15:09,570 to have Your Majesty's prestige known throughout the world. 237 00:15:12,230 --> 00:15:14,980 Why are your actions so close-minded? 238 00:15:17,050 --> 00:15:18,820 Close-minded, huh? 239 00:15:19,390 --> 00:15:21,420 What is your goal? 240 00:15:22,480 --> 00:15:24,760 My goal? 241 00:15:31,160 --> 00:15:35,450 My comrades from Yggdrasil may exist somewhere in this world. 242 00:15:36,060 --> 00:15:38,060 That's what I had hoped... 243 00:15:39,640 --> 00:15:42,120 My goal... 244 00:15:42,120 --> 00:15:44,930 It seems simple and complicated at the same time. 245 00:15:45,510 --> 00:15:47,350 My goal... 246 00:15:47,860 --> 00:15:50,630 There's only one thing I'm searching for... 247 00:15:51,270 --> 00:15:52,880 Happiness. 248 00:15:53,240 --> 00:15:54,890 Happiness? 249 00:15:54,890 --> 00:16:01,270 In the end, isn't the ultimate goal of all creatures happiness? 250 00:16:01,270 --> 00:16:04,770 So, you're saying it's fine to take away the happiness of others for the sake of your own? 251 00:16:04,770 --> 00:16:06,520 Isn't that obvious? 252 00:16:07,100 --> 00:16:10,690 If I can bring happiness to the ones I treasure, 253 00:16:10,690 --> 00:16:14,280 I don't care about what happens to anyone else. 254 00:16:14,590 --> 00:16:17,600 If your people could only achieve happiness 255 00:16:17,600 --> 00:16:21,410 by making the people of another country suffer, what would you do? 256 00:16:21,410 --> 00:16:24,670 Would you tell your people to give up on that happiness? 257 00:16:25,250 --> 00:16:26,540 That logic is too extreme! 258 00:16:28,000 --> 00:16:30,250 Excuse me, Your Majesty. 259 00:16:30,250 --> 00:16:32,270 No, I don't mind. 260 00:16:33,420 --> 00:16:34,950 Are you telling me that 261 00:16:34,950 --> 00:16:39,880 someone of Your Majesty's intelligence and power had no other way to move forward? 262 00:16:42,140 --> 00:16:43,860 There may be other ways. 263 00:16:44,640 --> 00:16:49,030 However, it's better to grab a hold of the chance to obtain such happiness 264 00:16:49,030 --> 00:16:51,150 if the opportunity to do so is easily available. 265 00:16:51,720 --> 00:16:55,410 They say, "The goddess of fortune is bald behind." 266 00:16:55,410 --> 00:16:57,470 What a strange goddess. 267 00:16:57,470 --> 00:16:58,890 Oh, pardon me. 268 00:16:58,890 --> 00:17:03,100 I'm not belittling the gods you believe in or anything. 269 00:17:03,100 --> 00:17:04,540 Please forgive me. 270 00:17:04,910 --> 00:17:06,640 I don't mind. 271 00:17:06,640 --> 00:17:09,290 I don't particularly believe in them. 272 00:17:09,640 --> 00:17:11,720 So, that's how it is. 273 00:17:11,720 --> 00:17:16,920 I will have you suffer for the happiness of the people I must protect. 274 00:17:16,920 --> 00:17:18,430 Does my answer satisfy you? 275 00:17:19,330 --> 00:17:22,770 Well, they say it is the duty of those at the top 276 00:17:22,770 --> 00:17:28,810 to pursue benefits for their country and bring happiness to their people. 277 00:17:29,190 --> 00:17:31,890 I understand your reason for refusing our surrender. 278 00:17:32,370 --> 00:17:34,820 It seems there is nothing else I can do. 279 00:17:34,820 --> 00:17:39,470 Now, I guess it's my turn to question you. 280 00:17:40,130 --> 00:17:41,200 That's right. 281 00:17:41,480 --> 00:17:45,710 Who currently holds the sword that Gazef Stronoff wielded? 282 00:17:45,710 --> 00:17:48,480 The armor you're wearing was also previously worn by him. 283 00:17:48,480 --> 00:17:49,080 Yes. 284 00:17:49,490 --> 00:17:54,210 A man named Brain Unglaus is currently in possession of that sword. 285 00:17:54,430 --> 00:17:56,280 Brain Unglaus... 286 00:17:57,060 --> 00:18:00,470 Oh, is that man currently here? 287 00:18:00,470 --> 00:18:03,350 No, he should be in the royal palace. 288 00:18:03,350 --> 00:18:04,550 I see. 289 00:18:04,550 --> 00:18:09,980 Then, it seems it doesn't matter what spells I use to decimate your forces. 290 00:18:09,980 --> 00:18:12,470 We don't plan to lose, 291 00:18:12,470 --> 00:18:16,490 but I hope you use magic that will kill us without much suffering. 292 00:18:17,570 --> 00:18:19,030 Well... 293 00:18:19,030 --> 00:18:21,440 We've now become acquainted with one another. 294 00:18:21,440 --> 00:18:24,620 I'll make sure to kill you as gently as I can. 295 00:18:26,440 --> 00:18:27,930 I appreciate that. 296 00:18:31,420 --> 00:18:33,620 The drink was delicious, Your Majesty. 297 00:18:35,210 --> 00:18:39,140 May I ask you one last thing? 298 00:18:40,660 --> 00:18:45,520 Did you or perhaps one of your subordinates kill my elder brother? 299 00:18:45,520 --> 00:18:46,560 Your brother? 300 00:18:47,610 --> 00:18:50,310 The deed was probably done by one of mine. 301 00:18:50,620 --> 00:18:54,020 I see. So he's dead, after all. 302 00:18:54,690 --> 00:18:58,440 Thank you for letting me know, Your Majesty. 303 00:18:58,680 --> 00:18:59,950 I'll take my leave. 304 00:19:02,960 --> 00:19:04,510 A dauntless man. 305 00:19:05,410 --> 00:19:08,510 That must be what true royalty is like. 306 00:19:14,920 --> 00:19:17,200 My goal... 307 00:19:17,200 --> 00:19:19,730 There's only one thing I'm searching for... 308 00:19:20,200 --> 00:19:21,840 Happiness. 309 00:19:22,620 --> 00:19:26,820 Perhaps I was never fit to be a king. 310 00:19:28,250 --> 00:19:32,300 I just wanted to make this kingdom into a respectable one. 311 00:19:37,040 --> 00:19:38,360 Your Highness! 312 00:19:38,360 --> 00:19:39,750 You're safe! 313 00:19:39,750 --> 00:19:41,360 What did the Sorcerer King say?! 314 00:19:41,360 --> 00:19:45,320 The Sorcerer King plans to massacre everyone in the kingdom. 315 00:19:45,320 --> 00:19:47,870 There was no opportunity for negotiation. 316 00:19:48,450 --> 00:19:50,070 Welcome back. 317 00:19:50,070 --> 00:19:52,750 It sounds like the talk didn't go well. 318 00:19:52,750 --> 00:19:56,000 In other words, the talk went as expected. 319 00:19:56,000 --> 00:19:57,730 I see. 320 00:19:57,730 --> 00:20:00,840 So, what kind of evil monster was the Sorcerer King? 321 00:20:00,840 --> 00:20:03,120 He was surprisingly human. 322 00:20:03,120 --> 00:20:03,640 What? 323 00:20:03,640 --> 00:20:06,840 Well, he was definitely a monster on the outside. 324 00:20:06,840 --> 00:20:11,210 But, well, he was the same as any other human on the inside. 325 00:20:11,890 --> 00:20:14,530 So what is the plan of attack? 326 00:20:15,020 --> 00:20:17,150 There's no plan. 327 00:20:17,660 --> 00:20:22,020 We lost many of our commanders and knights in the last battle. 328 00:20:22,650 --> 00:20:23,760 Truthfully speaking, 329 00:20:23,760 --> 00:20:29,160 I didn't like Stronoff, so I never thought I would miss him at a time like this... 330 00:20:29,890 --> 00:20:31,070 You people are... 331 00:20:35,040 --> 00:20:36,170 King Zanac! 332 00:20:37,640 --> 00:20:39,920 Stand down! This is His Highness's tent! 333 00:20:39,920 --> 00:20:42,080 A rebellion at this point and time? 334 00:20:42,080 --> 00:20:46,440 No, this is just the result of their desperate attempt to live... 335 00:20:47,180 --> 00:20:48,800 You lowly people! Stand down! 336 00:20:48,800 --> 00:20:50,480 Stop, Representative. 337 00:20:51,430 --> 00:20:54,440 For what reason did you enter my tent? 338 00:20:54,440 --> 00:20:57,810 Your Highness, please surrender. 339 00:20:57,810 --> 00:20:59,590 It's impossible. 340 00:20:59,590 --> 00:21:03,950 We can only survive if we defeat the Sorcerer King. 341 00:21:03,950 --> 00:21:05,280 We can't win! 342 00:21:05,280 --> 00:21:06,820 He has an army of undead! 343 00:21:07,760 --> 00:21:10,120 That may be the case for you, Your Highness. 344 00:21:10,120 --> 00:21:15,260 But we'll exchange your life for our own! 345 00:21:15,260 --> 00:21:17,830 We will go and pledge our allegiance to the Sorcerer King! 346 00:21:18,340 --> 00:21:22,340 Your Highness, please obey us quietly. 347 00:21:24,120 --> 00:21:30,350 As a member of the royal family, I have the resolve to fight to the end. 348 00:21:31,410 --> 00:21:35,060 Come, if you don't fear losing your life! 349 00:21:37,450 --> 00:21:38,690 What's wrong?! 350 00:21:38,690 --> 00:21:42,220 Come and take this neck if you can! 351 00:21:46,590 --> 00:21:48,050 Lord Ains. 352 00:21:48,050 --> 00:21:49,320 What is it, Albedo? 353 00:21:49,320 --> 00:21:54,200 Some nobles from the Kingdom wish to see the Sorcerer King. 354 00:21:55,130 --> 00:21:56,490 Bring them here. 355 00:21:57,910 --> 00:22:03,990 We are in awe of Your Majesty and wish to bow down at your feet. 356 00:22:04,840 --> 00:22:07,220 Please accept this, Your Majesty. 357 00:22:19,390 --> 00:22:21,480 Bury him with respect. 358 00:22:23,950 --> 00:22:27,490 So, what happened to the armor this man was wearing? 359 00:22:28,470 --> 00:22:32,850 What's wrong? You can't answer Lord Ains' question? 360 00:22:32,850 --> 00:22:35,180 N-No! Well, about that... 361 00:22:35,180 --> 00:22:38,120 I believe it's with the prince's corpse in his tent. 362 00:22:39,600 --> 00:22:41,630 I see. I understand. 363 00:22:42,010 --> 00:22:44,380 You all did well. 364 00:22:44,380 --> 00:22:47,470 I shall give you a reward comparable to your efforts. 365 00:22:47,470 --> 00:22:48,700 What do you want? 366 00:22:48,700 --> 00:22:50,940 Please spare me and my family! 367 00:22:50,940 --> 00:22:54,390 Sorcerer King! I pledge my complete allegiance to you! 368 00:22:53,610 --> 00:22:55,150 {\an8}I do, as well, Your Majesty! 369 00:22:54,390 --> 00:22:55,930 Please show mercy on us! 370 00:22:55,150 --> 00:22:55,930 {\an8}Me, as well! 371 00:22:55,930 --> 00:22:57,630 I understand. I understand. 372 00:22:57,630 --> 00:23:00,960 Then, I will spare you and your families. 373 00:23:00,960 --> 00:23:02,650 Thank you very much! 374 00:23:02,650 --> 00:23:06,780 Albedo, send them to Neuronist. 375 00:23:07,830 --> 00:23:09,650 Understood. 376 00:23:09,650 --> 00:23:11,060 Thank you! 377 00:23:11,060 --> 00:23:13,160 Long live His Majesty, the Sorcerer King! 378 00:23:13,510 --> 00:23:14,020 Aura. 379 00:23:14,020 --> 00:23:15,410 Yes, Lord Ains. 380 00:23:15,410 --> 00:23:21,610 Make sure to tell Neuronist not to kill them unless they beg for death. 381 00:23:21,610 --> 00:23:23,670 I understand, Lord Ains! 382 00:23:26,030 --> 00:23:30,720 Even if they beg for death, don't kill them too quickly. 383 00:23:30,720 --> 00:23:31,500 Yes! 384 00:23:33,640 --> 00:23:36,070 I've lost interest. 385 00:23:36,070 --> 00:23:39,230 Cocytus will be the commander and Mare the vice-commander. 386 00:23:39,230 --> 00:23:40,230 Yes. 387 00:23:39,230 --> 00:23:40,230 Yes! 388 00:23:40,590 --> 00:23:45,050 I allow the two of you to freely use your strength... 389 00:23:45,050 --> 00:23:48,540 So don't let a single one of them survive.