1 00:00:01,990 --> 00:00:07,980 There are probably a ton of people hiding away in a city this big... 2 00:00:07,980 --> 00:00:11,300 There must be women and children, too. 3 00:00:13,040 --> 00:00:16,640 Some people might live through an earthquake... 4 00:00:16,640 --> 00:00:21,290 If I try to burn the city down, people will run around like crazy and a few might escape... 5 00:00:22,250 --> 00:00:26,950 Even though my powers come from Lady Bukubuku Chagama... 6 00:00:35,790 --> 00:00:36,510 All right! 7 00:00:36,830 --> 00:00:38,510 I'll do it! 8 00:00:38,510 --> 00:00:43,010 I'll annihilate the royal capital and slaughter every single person in it! 9 00:00:43,010 --> 00:00:45,640 I've got this! 10 00:00:45,640 --> 00:00:49,020 I've got this! 11 00:00:49,020 --> 00:00:52,100 I've got this! 12 00:01:01,210 --> 00:01:02,750 It's so quiet. 13 00:01:05,050 --> 00:01:07,370 How did it all come to this? 14 00:01:08,850 --> 00:01:10,000 Princess Renner... 15 00:01:12,910 --> 00:01:14,880 Climb, we need to hurry. 16 00:01:14,880 --> 00:01:15,840 Yes. 17 00:01:17,460 --> 00:01:19,180 Did something happen? 18 00:01:19,180 --> 00:01:19,840 Yes. 19 00:01:19,840 --> 00:01:22,100 I remembered something I have to do. 20 00:01:22,440 --> 00:01:25,040 We can get a little revenge against the Sorcerer Kingdom. 21 00:01:28,320 --> 00:01:29,060 Father! 22 00:01:29,410 --> 00:01:30,900 Renner, why did you... 23 00:01:30,900 --> 00:01:33,690 I just remembered something important! 24 00:01:34,270 --> 00:01:35,530 And that's— 25 00:01:37,270 --> 00:01:38,700 These are... 26 00:01:38,700 --> 00:01:42,000 various items that have been passed down through the royal family. 27 00:01:42,000 --> 00:01:42,830 Yes. 28 00:01:42,830 --> 00:01:44,470 I wanted to pass down 29 00:01:44,470 --> 00:01:48,460 the historical items of the royal family to the conqueror of our kingdom. 30 00:01:48,460 --> 00:01:53,720 I must stay presentable as its last king. 31 00:01:53,720 --> 00:01:54,840 Climb. 32 00:01:54,840 --> 00:01:55,540 Yes! 33 00:01:55,540 --> 00:01:56,970 This is a royal decree. 34 00:01:56,970 --> 00:01:59,400 Take Renner and escape. 35 00:01:59,400 --> 00:02:03,640 There is a secret passage in the royal palace that will lead you outside. 36 00:02:03,640 --> 00:02:06,480 If you use it, you may still be able to escape. 37 00:02:06,480 --> 00:02:09,080 There's no need for that, Climb. 38 00:02:10,200 --> 00:02:11,120 Climb. 39 00:02:11,120 --> 00:02:11,980 Climb. 40 00:02:11,980 --> 00:02:15,030 Father, Climb is mine. 41 00:02:15,030 --> 00:02:17,440 He will not listen to your orders. 42 00:02:18,490 --> 00:02:19,770 You're right. 43 00:02:20,450 --> 00:02:24,080 But if he's truly loyal... 44 00:02:24,080 --> 00:02:28,850 Climb, for the sake of continuing the bloodline of the Vaiself family, 45 00:02:28,850 --> 00:02:31,330 will you take this child with you and escape? 46 00:02:32,050 --> 00:02:35,590 As a reward, I'll give you her hand. 47 00:02:39,450 --> 00:02:41,130 That's more than what I deserve. 48 00:02:41,130 --> 00:02:43,020 Although the reward is extremely attractive, 49 00:02:44,760 --> 00:02:46,140 I will have to decline. 50 00:02:47,840 --> 00:02:49,660 This is more important, Father. 51 00:02:49,660 --> 00:02:51,900 Yes, that's right. 52 00:02:52,400 --> 00:02:54,400 Why did you come here? 53 00:02:54,770 --> 00:02:56,960 Please give me your crown. 54 00:02:56,960 --> 00:02:58,970 I'm going to hide it in the royal capital. 55 00:02:58,970 --> 00:03:00,210 Why? 56 00:03:00,210 --> 00:03:02,660 I'm going to tell the Sorcerer King, 57 00:03:02,660 --> 00:03:06,950 "We've hidden everything that represents our king." 58 00:03:06,950 --> 00:03:09,210 "If you destroy the royal capital," 59 00:03:09,210 --> 00:03:12,170 "you'll never get your hands on it." 60 00:03:12,420 --> 00:03:17,100 I see. You plan to save as many of the people as you can. 61 00:03:17,880 --> 00:03:21,550 Climb, will you hide this somewhere in the royal capital? 62 00:03:21,550 --> 00:03:23,450 Of course, Princess Renner. 63 00:03:23,450 --> 00:03:26,180 But where should I hide it? 64 00:03:26,180 --> 00:03:30,520 My brother arranged a place in the warehouse district. 65 00:03:30,520 --> 00:03:31,690 Zanac? 66 00:03:32,010 --> 00:03:36,070 Yes. Brother was the one who gave me this idea. 67 00:03:36,920 --> 00:03:40,120 I see. He planned so far ahead... 68 00:03:40,820 --> 00:03:44,180 Father, will you please show me the secret passage 69 00:03:44,180 --> 00:03:45,810 that leads out of the royal palace? 70 00:03:46,390 --> 00:03:47,190 Yes. 71 00:03:49,800 --> 00:03:51,540 Then, I'll be off. 72 00:03:51,790 --> 00:03:54,540 Climb, once you finish hiding those items... 73 00:03:54,540 --> 00:03:55,540 Princess Renner... 74 00:03:55,790 --> 00:03:59,050 Make sure to come back to me safely. 75 00:03:59,240 --> 00:04:00,050 Yes! 76 00:04:00,360 --> 00:04:02,930 Please come back safely! 77 00:04:02,930 --> 00:04:06,100 You have to run, not fight. 78 00:04:06,350 --> 00:04:09,470 Yes. I'll come back as quickly as I can. 79 00:04:12,160 --> 00:04:14,250 I'm depending on you. 80 00:04:27,670 --> 00:04:31,010 Let me confirm things first, boy. 81 00:04:31,010 --> 00:04:33,250 Are you a subordinate of the Sorcerer King? 82 00:04:33,550 --> 00:04:38,320 Hmm, you know, I'm only here to collect magic items. 83 00:04:38,320 --> 00:04:41,760 So, I'll let you guys live if you show me the way. 84 00:04:42,030 --> 00:04:43,500 You talk big, boy. 85 00:04:43,500 --> 00:04:47,680 But I cannot allow you to pass through here. 86 00:04:48,040 --> 00:04:53,680 I can't hand over a dangerous item that even attracts devils to it. 87 00:04:53,940 --> 00:04:56,680 Thank goodness. So, it's still here. 88 00:04:56,680 --> 00:04:59,570 So? What's your answer to my offer? 89 00:04:59,840 --> 00:05:01,420 We refuse. 90 00:05:03,380 --> 00:05:04,740 I, Ves— 91 00:05:07,610 --> 00:05:12,870 I need to grab all the magic items here and I don't have much time. 92 00:05:13,300 --> 00:05:17,940 Maybe I should just catch one of the snobby magic casters inside. 93 00:05:20,530 --> 00:05:22,560 Oh. Kill them all. 94 00:05:25,680 --> 00:05:28,620 Demiurge is gonna be super happy. 95 00:05:48,750 --> 00:05:49,920 I have to hurry. 96 00:05:58,400 --> 00:05:59,540 What?! 97 00:06:02,680 --> 00:06:05,300 Oh! Th-Thank goodness. 98 00:06:05,620 --> 00:06:09,180 U-Um, it'll be dangerous if you stand there. 99 00:06:09,590 --> 00:06:10,720 Who are you? 100 00:06:11,050 --> 00:06:13,090 Um, well, that's... 101 00:06:13,090 --> 00:06:16,350 I'm planning on destroying this area first... 102 00:06:17,600 --> 00:06:23,230 So, um, I might accidentally get you involved. Please go quickly. 103 00:06:24,360 --> 00:06:27,610 Make sure to come back to me safely. 104 00:06:46,380 --> 00:06:47,470 The royal capital... 105 00:06:48,240 --> 00:06:49,470 It's burning?! 106 00:07:01,170 --> 00:07:02,060 Princess Renner! 107 00:07:05,570 --> 00:07:06,620 Excuse me. 108 00:07:11,690 --> 00:07:13,020 The throne room? 109 00:07:16,960 --> 00:07:17,700 Princess Renner! 110 00:07:24,440 --> 00:07:27,670 Come in, last human in this palace. 111 00:07:41,980 --> 00:07:42,980 Princess! 112 00:07:45,670 --> 00:07:46,820 Climb... 113 00:07:51,860 --> 00:07:52,980 Sorcerer King! 114 00:08:00,160 --> 00:08:02,750 You stand too proudly before Lord Ains. 115 00:08:03,200 --> 00:08:05,250 Prostrate yourself! 116 00:08:13,040 --> 00:08:17,390 You used this ability to control Princess Renner! 117 00:08:19,160 --> 00:08:23,290 You made her kill the king, her own father, with her own hands! 118 00:08:24,520 --> 00:08:27,100 Oh, I just remembered. 119 00:08:27,830 --> 00:08:31,810 I saw you once before when I fought with Gazef Stronoff. 120 00:08:34,680 --> 00:08:36,280 Release him. 121 00:08:37,530 --> 00:08:39,080 You are free to move. 122 00:08:42,290 --> 00:08:44,580 This is all because of you! 123 00:08:46,620 --> 00:08:48,340 You should thank me. 124 00:08:49,000 --> 00:08:53,720 I'll allow you to fight me, a king, one-on-one. 125 00:08:54,730 --> 00:08:56,100 Let's see... 126 00:08:57,120 --> 00:09:00,220 How about I take that sword if I win? 127 00:09:00,990 --> 00:09:04,820 If it weren't for you, the Kingdom would be at peace! 128 00:09:05,710 --> 00:09:10,360 No one would have died and the princess would have shed no tears! 129 00:09:19,530 --> 00:09:20,240 Climb! 130 00:09:23,110 --> 00:09:25,040 If this was a story, 131 00:09:25,490 --> 00:09:33,050 your rage would call forth the hidden power within you in order to cut me down. 132 00:09:33,380 --> 00:09:35,520 But this is reality. 133 00:09:36,010 --> 00:09:38,260 Such a thing won't happen! 134 00:09:42,160 --> 00:09:44,220 You will die here. 135 00:09:44,810 --> 00:09:47,580 There is no value in saving you. 136 00:09:48,080 --> 00:09:52,050 You have no special talent or power. 137 00:09:53,080 --> 00:09:55,270 But there is no need to despair. 138 00:09:56,480 --> 00:09:59,030 The world is unfair. 139 00:09:59,440 --> 00:10:02,130 Inequality exists from the moment of birth. 140 00:10:02,710 --> 00:10:05,640 There are those who have talent and those who do not. 141 00:10:05,640 --> 00:10:09,040 Those who are born into wealth and those born into misery. 142 00:10:09,040 --> 00:10:12,410 Lucky ones who live a blessed life 143 00:10:12,410 --> 00:10:16,550 and unlucky ones who live a miserable life. 144 00:10:17,500 --> 00:10:21,300 But there is no need to despair over the inequality. 145 00:10:22,240 --> 00:10:27,930 Because death is fair to all. 146 00:10:28,160 --> 00:10:31,540 And I am that death itself. 147 00:10:34,500 --> 00:10:42,450 My mercy as the overlord of death is the only absolutely fair thing in this unfair world. 148 00:10:45,330 --> 00:10:46,720 I... 149 00:10:47,570 --> 00:10:49,460 I am Princess Renner's shield! 150 00:10:50,550 --> 00:10:53,590 I see. Those eyes... 151 00:11:02,840 --> 00:11:04,470 Pick it up. 152 00:11:11,480 --> 00:11:17,690 Putting it simply, it is a sword that may be able to kill me. 153 00:11:19,380 --> 00:11:20,780 Climb... 154 00:11:23,010 --> 00:11:27,040 Let me ask you. Will you kill the princess after you kill me? 155 00:11:32,630 --> 00:11:35,240 What answer will make you suffer the most? 156 00:11:36,220 --> 00:11:41,090 I'm sure that not answering at all will have the best effect. 157 00:11:41,930 --> 00:11:44,050 Sorcerer King! 158 00:11:52,340 --> 00:11:54,940 Now! Ability Release! 159 00:11:56,230 --> 00:11:57,090 Climb... 160 00:11:57,910 --> 00:11:59,360 I'll lend you this. 161 00:11:59,360 --> 00:12:00,690 What is it? 162 00:12:00,690 --> 00:12:06,070 It's supposed to raise one's power as a warrior well past their limits. 163 00:12:15,850 --> 00:12:18,920 I see. That was a good attack. 164 00:12:22,800 --> 00:12:24,160 Climb! 165 00:12:26,230 --> 00:12:30,050 Can Razor Edge destroy world items? 166 00:12:30,520 --> 00:12:33,370 That would be an interesting idea to experiment with. 167 00:12:34,100 --> 00:12:39,270 Well, I'll take my time to think about it after killing you. 168 00:12:39,740 --> 00:12:44,010 To think that the Sorcerer King would use magic on someone like me... 169 00:12:46,850 --> 00:12:48,460 Grasp Heart. 170 00:12:56,730 --> 00:12:58,310 You did well. 171 00:13:00,160 --> 00:13:02,510 If you'll excuse me, woof. 172 00:13:08,970 --> 00:13:11,260 Climb! You're awake! 173 00:13:13,320 --> 00:13:15,020 Pri... Re... 174 00:13:15,670 --> 00:13:19,940 Yes, that's right. It's me, Climb. 175 00:13:31,330 --> 00:13:33,420 Oh, this? 176 00:13:34,830 --> 00:13:38,320 The Sorcerer King used his powers to change me into this. 177 00:13:38,320 --> 00:13:42,590 I'm no longer a human, but a demon. 178 00:13:44,790 --> 00:13:49,450 How pathetic of me. I'm the only one who managed to survive. 179 00:13:57,140 --> 00:14:02,780 I'm sure you're wondering why you're still alive. 180 00:14:04,600 --> 00:14:08,030 Before I answer, Climb... 181 00:14:08,030 --> 00:14:10,780 Will you listen to my selfish request? 182 00:14:13,130 --> 00:14:18,370 I've turned into a demon and will now live for all eternity. 183 00:14:18,370 --> 00:14:20,180 I'd be so lonely by myself... 184 00:14:21,030 --> 00:14:25,870 Climb, will you become a demon for me? 185 00:14:29,640 --> 00:14:31,400 Thank you very much. 186 00:14:32,330 --> 00:14:35,130 Let me answer you now. 187 00:14:35,130 --> 00:14:42,830 Actually, I pledged my allegiance to the Sorcerer King in exchange for your resurrection. 188 00:14:45,240 --> 00:14:49,990 Will you pledge your allegiance to the Sorcerer King with me? 189 00:14:51,690 --> 00:14:53,340 Yes... 190 00:14:54,200 --> 00:15:01,280 I'm sure that the Sorcerer King will test your allegiance in some way. 191 00:15:01,280 --> 00:15:04,000 It will surely be painful for you. 192 00:15:04,000 --> 00:15:06,430 That hurts my heart... 193 00:15:06,430 --> 00:15:10,300 Don't... wor...ry... 194 00:15:10,880 --> 00:15:12,540 Thank you very much. 195 00:15:13,160 --> 00:15:17,140 Climb, let's talk about such things later. 196 00:15:19,630 --> 00:15:21,980 Please take your time to rest. 197 00:15:29,380 --> 00:15:30,980 Lady Albedo! 198 00:15:32,320 --> 00:15:37,160 I would like to apologize for taking so long to thank you. 199 00:15:37,500 --> 00:15:39,720 Everything from preparing the poison for the food 200 00:15:39,720 --> 00:15:41,770 and going along with my charade in the throne room... 201 00:15:41,770 --> 00:15:47,920 I'd like to thank the Sorcerer King for all the support he's given me. 202 00:15:49,500 --> 00:15:52,200 There's no need to be so nervous. 203 00:15:52,200 --> 00:15:57,600 Ninety percent of the plan used to destroy this kingdom was suggested by you. 204 00:15:57,960 --> 00:16:01,020 We are well aware of your capabilities. 205 00:16:01,480 --> 00:16:06,110 I hope you continue to support Nazarick by working diligently as my subordinate. 206 00:16:06,360 --> 00:16:08,610 Of course, Lady Albedo. 207 00:16:09,040 --> 00:16:13,620 Lord Ains valued you enough to go this far in helping you... 208 00:16:13,620 --> 00:16:15,870 Don't disappoint him. 209 00:16:17,120 --> 00:16:20,390 I'll give you the reward for your hard work 210 00:16:20,390 --> 00:16:22,870 for the next couple of thousand years in advance. 211 00:16:24,500 --> 00:16:28,380 This is another Seed of the Fallen. 212 00:16:28,380 --> 00:16:30,320 Thank you very much. 213 00:16:30,320 --> 00:16:33,560 Please give His Majesty the Sorcerer King my thanks. 214 00:16:33,560 --> 00:16:38,640 I will be sure to work enough, no, more than that, to repay his generosity. 215 00:16:39,840 --> 00:16:44,090 Now, I'll be taking my leave, as there are still things to attend to. 216 00:16:56,760 --> 00:17:00,240 It looks like I'll be able to get past the last hurdle. 217 00:17:00,460 --> 00:17:03,080 Only one thing went against my calculations. 218 00:17:03,080 --> 00:17:09,750 I never expected His Majesty to come personally and act out such a silly role. 219 00:17:11,280 --> 00:17:13,760 I'm so fortunate. 220 00:17:14,360 --> 00:17:19,640 I was able to realize my dream by merely selling out a single kingdom. 221 00:17:19,850 --> 00:17:25,140 Climb, let's spend eternity together in happiness. 222 00:17:25,660 --> 00:17:31,520 First, we should exchange our first time together today. 223 00:17:32,580 --> 00:17:38,030 Or should we treasure our first time a bit more? 224 00:17:40,440 --> 00:17:49,960 {\an8}A dream within a dream. 225 00:17:50,640 --> 00:18:00,800 {\an8}Now, let's forget everything else. 226 00:18:00,800 --> 00:18:10,810 {\an8}To stand upon this stage of corpses. 227 00:18:11,230 --> 00:18:21,660 {\an8}We only need each other. 228 00:18:31,270 --> 00:18:41,890 {\an8}Let's go mad with delight and dance. 229 00:18:31,880 --> 00:18:36,380 Lord Ains, there is one request I would like to make of you. 230 00:18:37,250 --> 00:18:39,600 After reading the material that Sebas provided, 231 00:18:39,600 --> 00:18:41,890 there is one place that I would like to go see. 232 00:18:41,890 --> 00:18:44,510 Could I impose on you for some time? 233 00:18:41,890 --> 00:18:51,020 {\an8}Let's drown in happiness and sing. 234 00:18:44,510 --> 00:18:49,000 I don't mind. You are acting for the benefit of Nazarick, aren't you? 235 00:18:49,000 --> 00:18:51,020 Go on ahead, Demiurge. 236 00:18:51,450 --> 00:18:52,940 Thank you very much. 237 00:18:51,900 --> 00:19:03,240 {\an8}Let's fall as far as we can, until our last breath. 238 00:18:56,360 --> 00:18:58,910 Is that you, Climb? Please come in. 239 00:19:03,240 --> 00:19:05,540 Forgive me for being gone so long. 240 00:19:06,260 --> 00:19:07,910 I was worried. 241 00:19:09,200 --> 00:19:11,740 I really was worried, you know. 242 00:19:10,280 --> 00:19:13,380 {\an8}So, I hear you are going up against the Eight Fingers? 243 00:19:13,380 --> 00:19:15,000 Where will you be attacking? 244 00:19:15,430 --> 00:19:16,920 These seven locations. 245 00:19:16,920 --> 00:19:20,680 Also, my sister, I have an important question. 246 00:19:20,680 --> 00:19:24,000 Our beloved older brother, the first prince, 247 00:19:24,000 --> 00:19:26,420 is also taking money from the Eight Fingers, right? 248 00:19:26,420 --> 00:19:28,680 Ah, Brother Barbro? 249 00:19:28,680 --> 00:19:31,380 This would be the perfect evidence to depose him. 250 00:19:31,380 --> 00:19:36,190 I'd like to include the drug division stronghold he deals with in your plans. 251 00:19:36,190 --> 00:19:39,850 Then that will make eight places for us to raid. 252 00:19:38,120 --> 00:19:41,480 {\an8}Next, I must convey an important matter to you. 253 00:19:41,480 --> 00:19:42,620 Entoma? 254 00:19:42,620 --> 00:19:44,070 Acknowledged. 255 00:19:45,950 --> 00:19:49,740 You are forbidden to kill this person. Especially you, Shalltear. 256 00:19:49,740 --> 00:19:53,360 Okay, I get it! You don't have to single me out! 257 00:19:53,360 --> 00:19:56,040 Hmm? What is it, Shadow Demon? 258 00:19:56,460 --> 00:20:01,960 I see. It appears we now have one more Eight Fingers base to attack. 259 00:20:01,960 --> 00:20:05,180 Mare, I want you to head there with Entoma. 260 00:20:05,180 --> 00:20:09,750 There is no way a human weakling is getting away from me unharmed! 261 00:20:09,750 --> 00:20:11,560 Time Accelerator! 262 00:20:13,920 --> 00:20:14,930 Is that...? 263 00:20:16,160 --> 00:20:20,740 Princess Renner has requested that I fight without changing the color of my armor. 264 00:20:24,010 --> 00:20:27,080 Hey, is anyone there? 265 00:20:27,640 --> 00:20:29,500 Worthless trash... 266 00:20:37,410 --> 00:20:39,840 Oh, you're awake. 267 00:20:40,310 --> 00:20:41,710 Lady Albedo. 268 00:20:41,710 --> 00:20:44,990 Though I set up a barrier to keep us isolated, 269 00:20:44,990 --> 00:20:48,470 I was planning to come and wake you if you didn't do so on your own. 270 00:20:48,470 --> 00:20:51,310 Th-Thank you for coming all this way! 271 00:20:53,120 --> 00:20:55,650 You're here to save me, aren't you? 272 00:20:56,030 --> 00:20:58,600 Me, a mere pawn. 273 00:20:59,560 --> 00:21:03,400 This was all done by the people who envy me! 274 00:21:03,670 --> 00:21:06,660 I knew you'd understand! 275 00:21:07,050 --> 00:21:10,990 I only worked hard to do what I thought was right! 276 00:21:12,080 --> 00:21:15,800 At this point, I can only be impressed... 277 00:21:16,360 --> 00:21:19,440 Well, I've brought you a present. 278 00:21:19,440 --> 00:21:21,140 How kind of you! 279 00:21:28,510 --> 00:21:33,980 How dare you soil my good name with your actions? 280 00:21:36,120 --> 00:21:39,200 You father begged me. 281 00:21:39,200 --> 00:21:41,180 He wanted to let his stupid son 282 00:21:41,180 --> 00:21:45,150 experience the same suffering he and his people experienced. 283 00:21:46,050 --> 00:21:49,100 I'll be sure to keep my promise. 284 00:22:09,780 --> 00:22:13,720 Your Majesty, we have gathered as you have decreed. 285 00:22:14,030 --> 00:22:17,520 Raeven, was it? I'm pleased you've come. 286 00:22:19,290 --> 00:22:23,560 I should reward you for your troubles, 287 00:22:23,560 --> 00:22:26,940 but I dislike wasting time with useless chatter. 288 00:22:26,940 --> 00:22:29,870 So, let's end this quickly. 289 00:22:30,430 --> 00:22:31,370 Yes! 290 00:22:31,600 --> 00:22:38,620 The Sorcerer Kingdom's army will destroy the remaining noble fiefs and return home. 291 00:22:39,030 --> 00:22:42,290 Continue governing your own domains as usual. 292 00:22:42,290 --> 00:22:48,150 There may be transfers in the future, but things have yet to be decided. 293 00:22:48,150 --> 00:22:50,310 Isn't that right, Albedo? 294 00:22:50,310 --> 00:22:53,010 Yes. Exactly as you say, Lord Ains. 295 00:22:53,240 --> 00:22:54,950 That's how it is. 296 00:22:54,950 --> 00:22:57,960 Govern using the same laws until changes are announced. 297 00:22:57,960 --> 00:22:58,770 Yes! 298 00:22:59,280 --> 00:23:00,800 Now, then... 299 00:23:00,800 --> 00:23:04,020 The Kingdom has thus completely fallen. 300 00:23:04,840 --> 00:23:07,530 Raeven, I'd like to ask you something. 301 00:23:07,780 --> 00:23:09,780 Yes. Please ask anything. 302 00:23:09,780 --> 00:23:15,990 Do you think everyone will now understand the foolishness of going against me? 303 00:23:15,990 --> 00:23:17,000 Yes. 304 00:23:17,000 --> 00:23:21,710 I'm sure that the foolishness of going against His Majesty the Sorcerer King 305 00:23:21,710 --> 00:23:24,710 will be known by many for all eternity. 306 00:23:25,280 --> 00:23:26,850 I see. 307 00:23:27,320 --> 00:23:29,970 Then it was worth doing. 308 00:23:32,100 --> 00:23:35,430 I am quite satisfied with this result.