1 00:00:00,600 --> 00:00:04,770 I have been sent by the Great One! 2 00:00:06,230 --> 00:00:09,230 I declare death unto you! 3 00:00:09,900 --> 00:00:15,780 The Great One has mobilized an army to destroy you! 4 00:00:15,780 --> 00:00:18,660 Nonetheless, time has been granted unto you 5 00:00:18,660 --> 00:00:24,210 to allow you to mount a desperate, albeit futile, resistance! 6 00:00:24,210 --> 00:00:26,500 Eight days from this day... 7 00:00:26,500 --> 00:00:30,340 at that time, you shall be the second offering of death 8 00:00:30,340 --> 00:00:33,880 from among the Lizardmen tribes of this lake! 9 00:00:33,880 --> 00:00:34,880 The second? 10 00:00:34,880 --> 00:00:37,510 Offer your desperate resistance, 11 00:00:37,510 --> 00:00:43,020 so that the Great One may sneeringly take delight! 12 00:00:44,140 --> 00:00:48,270 By no means forget! Eight days! 13 00:00:55,070 --> 00:00:58,160 You remember the clouds that covered the heavens, right? 14 00:00:58,160 --> 00:01:00,540 That was likely fourth-tier magic, 15 00:01:01,120 --> 00:01:03,540 "Control Cloud". 16 00:01:04,040 --> 00:01:06,540 Fourth-tier? 17 00:01:06,540 --> 00:01:10,460 Only a powerful magic caster could use something of that scope. 18 00:01:10,460 --> 00:01:14,300 Even I can only use as high as second-tier. 19 00:01:14,300 --> 00:01:16,800 We should evacuate as soon as possible. 20 00:01:16,800 --> 00:01:20,180 Are you saying we should abandon our home without even trying to fight? 21 00:01:20,180 --> 00:01:22,560 That thing said we had eight days. 22 00:01:22,560 --> 00:01:24,230 We still have time, 23 00:01:24,230 --> 00:01:26,690 so I believe we should wait and see what the enemy does. 24 00:01:26,690 --> 00:01:29,060 Hmm... 25 00:01:32,690 --> 00:01:36,150 If the choice is between running and fighting, I choose the latter. 26 00:01:36,700 --> 00:01:40,580 Zaryusu, a traveler such as yourself may not speak. 27 00:01:40,580 --> 00:01:42,540 You should be grateful we're even allowing you in here— 28 00:01:43,660 --> 00:01:47,670 We are allowing anyone with any learning to participate right now. 29 00:01:47,670 --> 00:01:50,500 It would be wrong not to listen to the opinions of travelers, as well. 30 00:01:50,500 --> 00:01:55,050 Chief, you cannot give him special treatment just because he is your blood. 31 00:01:55,050 --> 00:01:59,550 Not listening to the words of the knowledgeable is the act of a fool. 32 00:01:59,930 --> 00:02:04,270 No warrior would turn away the opinion of he who possesses Frost Pain. 33 00:02:07,390 --> 00:02:09,810 Hmm... So, what makes you say that? 34 00:02:10,560 --> 00:02:12,320 It is the only way. 35 00:02:14,480 --> 00:02:15,690 Can we win? 36 00:02:15,690 --> 00:02:16,860 Of course we can! 37 00:02:16,860 --> 00:02:18,200 No. 38 00:02:18,200 --> 00:02:20,950 As things now stand, our chances of winning are slim. 39 00:02:20,950 --> 00:02:22,740 What are you talking about? 40 00:02:22,740 --> 00:02:25,700 Our foe must be aware of our forces, 41 00:02:25,700 --> 00:02:28,120 which is why he has taken the tone that he has. 42 00:02:28,120 --> 00:02:31,000 If so, we need to throw his reckoning off. 43 00:02:32,130 --> 00:02:35,340 You all remember the war we fought earlier, right? 44 00:02:35,340 --> 00:02:36,210 Of course. 45 00:02:36,210 --> 00:02:37,880 There is no way we could forget it. 46 00:02:38,260 --> 00:02:41,890 There were once seven tribes living in this marsh. 47 00:02:42,220 --> 00:02:45,100 There was our tribe, the Green Claw. 48 00:02:45,100 --> 00:02:47,810 The skilled hunters of the Small Fang. 49 00:02:47,810 --> 00:02:51,150 The tribe with the best defensive capabilities, the Razor Tail. 50 00:02:51,150 --> 00:02:53,520 The war-loving Dragon Tusk. 51 00:02:53,520 --> 00:02:55,650 The moderate Yellow Speckle. 52 00:02:55,650 --> 00:02:58,610 The Sharp Edge, who were proficient with sword skills. 53 00:02:58,610 --> 00:03:01,910 With many members possessing priestly abilities, the Red Eye. 54 00:03:01,910 --> 00:03:05,700 It was several years ago that we had an extended shortage of food, 55 00:03:05,700 --> 00:03:08,160 and all of our tribes began competing with each other. 56 00:03:08,160 --> 00:03:11,830 Until finally, it turned into an all-out war among the three tribes 57 00:03:11,830 --> 00:03:14,630 consisting of ourselves, the Small Fang, and the Razor Tail 58 00:03:14,630 --> 00:03:17,340 against the two tribes of the Yellow Speckle and the Sharp Edge. 59 00:03:17,920 --> 00:03:20,090 As a result, the three of us secured victory, 60 00:03:20,090 --> 00:03:23,930 and the two losing tribes were absorbed into the Dragon Tusk, 61 00:03:23,930 --> 00:03:25,260 who remained out of the fighting. 62 00:03:26,220 --> 00:03:27,680 What about it? 63 00:03:27,680 --> 00:03:30,850 That thing said that this village would be second. 64 00:03:30,850 --> 00:03:34,440 Doesn't that mean that he intends to destroy us and the other tribes in order? 65 00:03:35,060 --> 00:03:38,230 You want us to join forces with the other tribes before he attacks, 66 00:03:38,230 --> 00:03:40,070 and engage him all together? 67 00:03:40,400 --> 00:03:44,030 Our one-time allies, the Small Fang and the Razor Tail, 68 00:03:44,030 --> 00:03:46,780 will probably form an alliance with us again. 69 00:03:46,780 --> 00:03:48,080 Let there be no mistake. 70 00:03:48,620 --> 00:03:51,830 What I'm suggesting entails all of the tribes. 71 00:03:51,830 --> 00:03:55,460 Chief, I propose that we form an alliance 72 00:03:55,460 --> 00:03:57,590 with the Dragon Tusk and the Red Eye, as well! 73 00:03:57,590 --> 00:03:58,340 Impossible! 74 00:03:58,340 --> 00:04:03,260 The Dragon Tusk contains the survivors of the two losing tribes from the last war. 75 00:04:03,260 --> 00:04:05,340 There can be no alliance with us. 76 00:04:05,340 --> 00:04:08,220 We have no interaction with the Red Eye, either. 77 00:04:08,220 --> 00:04:09,720 Won't this be difficult? 78 00:04:10,730 --> 00:04:12,730 A five-tribe union... 79 00:04:13,100 --> 00:04:14,230 All right. 80 00:04:14,230 --> 00:04:16,610 Who will be the envoy to those two tribes? 81 00:04:16,610 --> 00:04:18,110 I will go. 82 00:04:19,320 --> 00:04:21,110 You, a traveler? 83 00:04:21,110 --> 00:04:22,610 That's right. 84 00:04:22,610 --> 00:04:25,360 If they are unwilling to listen to me because I'm a traveler, 85 00:04:25,360 --> 00:04:27,070 then they aren't worth allying with. 86 00:04:27,070 --> 00:04:28,370 Hmm... 87 00:04:28,370 --> 00:04:30,870 You'll take the chief's seal. 88 00:04:32,620 --> 00:04:33,660 My gratitude. 89 00:04:46,930 --> 00:04:47,970 Brother... 90 00:04:53,770 --> 00:04:54,690 Rororo! 91 00:05:05,360 --> 00:05:09,240 I've always thought that you should have been the one to become chief. 92 00:05:09,620 --> 00:05:12,450 The reason I was able to learn how to farm fish 93 00:05:12,450 --> 00:05:15,620 is because you allowed me to be a traveler, Brother. 94 00:05:15,620 --> 00:05:17,750 Why would you say such a thing now? 95 00:05:17,750 --> 00:05:21,460 You could have done that even if you'd stayed in the village. 96 00:05:21,460 --> 00:05:26,630 It's bright men like you who should shoulder the weight of the village. 97 00:05:26,630 --> 00:05:27,640 Brother... 98 00:05:28,010 --> 00:05:31,680 So, is this really all you're after? 99 00:05:33,180 --> 00:05:36,310 What do you mean? What are you trying to say? 100 00:05:36,310 --> 00:05:40,820 The fact that the skirmishing between our tribes had diminished, 101 00:05:40,820 --> 00:05:43,070 as well as that our numbers had increased, 102 00:05:43,070 --> 00:05:45,070 proved to be among the causes of the past war. 103 00:05:45,070 --> 00:05:49,070 Brother, I think that's all you'd better say. 104 00:05:50,160 --> 00:05:51,580 I knew it. 105 00:05:52,290 --> 00:05:56,830 There's no other way if we're going to avoid repeating that last war. 106 00:05:56,830 --> 00:06:01,590 In that case, what will you do if the other tribe refuses an alliance? 107 00:06:01,590 --> 00:06:05,210 If that happens, we'll eliminate them... first. 108 00:06:05,210 --> 00:06:07,840 You're saying you would kill our fellow kinsmen? 109 00:06:08,470 --> 00:06:09,430 Brother... 110 00:06:09,430 --> 00:06:11,350 I do understand you. 111 00:06:11,350 --> 00:06:13,180 It's the survival of the tribe. 112 00:06:13,180 --> 00:06:16,980 What happens if the man at its head doesn't consider that? 113 00:06:18,770 --> 00:06:19,520 Rororo! 114 00:06:25,530 --> 00:06:26,570 Let's head out. 115 00:06:27,820 --> 00:06:30,620 So tell me, Brother, what will the count be? 116 00:06:30,620 --> 00:06:34,700 Ten from the warrior class, 12 hunters, 3 priests, 117 00:06:34,700 --> 00:06:39,670 70 males, 100 females, and some of the children, I would say. 118 00:06:39,670 --> 00:06:41,250 Understood. 119 00:06:41,250 --> 00:06:45,170 If it comes to it, I'll use those numbers as a bargaining tool. 120 00:06:51,550 --> 00:06:53,550 Hmm, he's sure gotten big, huh? 121 00:06:53,550 --> 00:06:56,890 He was a lot smaller when I found him. 122 00:06:56,890 --> 00:06:58,770 That's hard to believe. 123 00:06:58,770 --> 00:07:01,810 When you brought him back to the village, 124 00:07:01,810 --> 00:07:04,190 he was already pretty big. 125 00:07:10,610 --> 00:07:12,160 Be sure to come back safely. 126 00:07:12,160 --> 00:07:13,280 Don't do anything crazy. 127 00:07:13,280 --> 00:07:14,660 Of course not. 128 00:07:14,660 --> 00:07:17,700 I will see this through to perfection and come home. 129 00:07:17,700 --> 00:07:19,580 Just sit tight, Brother! 130 00:07:33,430 --> 00:07:36,850 It has been far too long, Assistant Butler. 131 00:07:37,430 --> 00:07:40,890 Oh, it has been a long time, Lord Demiurge. 132 00:07:40,890 --> 00:07:42,940 Is Lord Ainz around? 133 00:07:42,940 --> 00:07:46,150 No, he said he would be at the human village for several days. 134 00:07:46,150 --> 00:07:48,900 Lady Albedo is inside, however. 135 00:07:48,900 --> 00:07:51,950 I see. By the way, Eclair, 136 00:07:51,950 --> 00:07:55,410 it's unusual for an assistant butler such as yourself to come all the way here. 137 00:07:55,410 --> 00:07:57,410 Lord Sebas is not around right now, 138 00:07:57,410 --> 00:07:59,910 so I must work twice as hard to make up the difference. 139 00:07:59,910 --> 00:08:04,170 As such, I just finished making some specific arrangements with Lady Albedo. 140 00:08:04,170 --> 00:08:06,710 I guess you're right. Now that he is gone, 141 00:08:06,710 --> 00:08:10,260 Nazarick's ninth floor is in your capable hands. 142 00:08:10,260 --> 00:08:11,220 Absolutely. 143 00:08:11,760 --> 00:08:18,310 I must work hard for the time when I rule the Great Tomb of Nazarick. 144 00:08:18,310 --> 00:08:20,810 Right you are, keep at it. 145 00:08:20,810 --> 00:08:23,850 Your creator, Lady Ankoro Mocchi Mochi, 146 00:08:23,850 --> 00:08:26,310 did design you that way. 147 00:08:26,810 --> 00:08:30,400 So, what is the first thing you're going to do toward that end? 148 00:08:30,820 --> 00:08:33,700 Hmph, cleaning. 149 00:08:40,660 --> 00:08:44,750 There is no one in Nazarick who can clean more carefully than I can! 150 00:08:44,750 --> 00:08:48,540 After I've cleaned the restroom, you can lick the bowl! 151 00:08:49,550 --> 00:08:51,550 Outstanding! 152 00:09:14,570 --> 00:09:17,450 I am Zaryusu Shasha of the Green Claw tribe! 153 00:09:17,450 --> 00:09:20,450 I would like to speak to the Red Eye tribal chief! 154 00:09:23,330 --> 00:09:26,120 Zaryusu Shasha of the Green Claw tribe, 155 00:09:26,120 --> 00:09:29,340 the one who holds the tribe together will see you. 156 00:09:29,750 --> 00:09:32,460 Hmm? Not the chief? 157 00:09:39,260 --> 00:09:40,350 In here. 158 00:09:42,100 --> 00:09:47,140 The one who holds the tribe together wishes to speak with you one-on-one. 159 00:09:47,140 --> 00:09:48,100 Ho... 160 00:09:49,650 --> 00:09:52,980 I am Zaryusu Shasha of the Green Claw tribe! 161 00:09:52,980 --> 00:09:55,490 I will now enter the room. 162 00:09:57,200 --> 00:09:57,990 Please. 163 00:10:05,250 --> 00:10:06,870 Thank you for coming. 164 00:10:11,000 --> 00:10:14,710 Even the bearer of Frost Pain, one of the Four Great Treasures, 165 00:10:14,710 --> 00:10:17,470 appears to find my body bizarre-looking. 166 00:10:20,970 --> 00:10:23,350 Er, um, is something the matter? 167 00:10:33,070 --> 00:10:35,650 Oh, I mean... That was... Please excuse me. 168 00:10:35,650 --> 00:10:40,740 N-Not at all. I am the acting chief of the Red Eye tribe, 169 00:10:41,200 --> 00:10:42,620 Crusch Lulu. 170 00:10:43,950 --> 00:10:47,710 Now, may I ask the reason for your visit here today? 171 00:10:48,370 --> 00:10:49,960 Marry me. 172 00:10:59,470 --> 00:11:01,760 M-Marry you? 173 00:11:01,760 --> 00:11:04,510 Th-That was not my purpose in coming here! 174 00:11:04,510 --> 00:11:08,350 I am well aware that ordinarily I should settle that matter first 175 00:11:08,350 --> 00:11:10,020 before saying such a thing, 176 00:11:10,020 --> 00:11:13,020 but I cannot be untrue to my own feelings! 177 00:11:15,110 --> 00:11:15,900 Uh-huh... 178 00:11:15,900 --> 00:11:20,910 Ah! Oh, I'm sorry! Feel free to give me your answer at a later date! 179 00:11:25,450 --> 00:11:29,830 Should I not be surprised that you are unafraid of my white body? 180 00:11:31,790 --> 00:11:36,380 From time to time among the Red Eye, an albino such as myself is born. 181 00:11:36,380 --> 00:11:39,170 They grow to exhibit an aptitude for some talent... 182 00:11:39,170 --> 00:11:42,300 in my case, that would be priestly powers. 183 00:11:42,300 --> 00:11:46,680 For that reason, they end up having authority second only to the chief. 184 00:11:47,180 --> 00:11:49,930 As white as the snow blanketing yonder mountains. 185 00:11:49,930 --> 00:11:50,980 Huh...?! 186 00:11:52,230 --> 00:11:53,730 It's a pretty color. 187 00:11:54,060 --> 00:11:56,980 Wh-What are you saying? 188 00:12:05,030 --> 00:12:07,410 Wh-Why would you do that without any warning?! 189 00:12:12,160 --> 00:12:14,630 It's love at first sight. 190 00:12:14,630 --> 00:12:17,670 Plus, we might be killed in this battle, 191 00:12:17,670 --> 00:12:19,670 and I wouldn't want to regret what might have been. 192 00:12:20,550 --> 00:12:25,180 The bearer of that sword, Frost Pain, is prepared to die? 193 00:12:25,180 --> 00:12:28,430 Did you see the monster that delivered the message? 194 00:12:28,430 --> 00:12:29,260 Yes. 195 00:12:29,260 --> 00:12:32,810 That thing produced screams that rattled the mind, 196 00:12:32,810 --> 00:12:37,020 and could neutralize just about any attack by non-enchanted weapons. 197 00:12:37,400 --> 00:12:41,150 When I encountered it before, I had no choice but to flee. 198 00:12:41,150 --> 00:12:46,660 We druids can temporarily imbue swords with magic. 199 00:12:47,030 --> 00:12:49,660 Can you ward against mental attacks? 200 00:12:49,660 --> 00:12:52,830 Most priests can bolster one's resistance. 201 00:12:53,410 --> 00:12:56,920 However, when it comes to protecting the mind from confusion, 202 00:12:56,920 --> 00:12:58,670 I'm the only one in our tribe who can do so. 203 00:13:01,510 --> 00:13:03,840 What number did it say the Red Eye tribe was? 204 00:13:04,760 --> 00:13:06,970 It said we were the fourth. 205 00:13:06,970 --> 00:13:11,180 I see. So, what are you planning to do? 206 00:13:12,930 --> 00:13:14,640 I'm going to be straight with you. 207 00:13:17,060 --> 00:13:19,690 If the Red Eye tribe evacuates, 208 00:13:19,690 --> 00:13:23,280 do you think you can live the same way you do now in some strange location? 209 00:13:24,570 --> 00:13:26,860 It would be quite difficult. 210 00:13:26,860 --> 00:13:30,910 So then, if all five tribes in the area were to similarly evacuate, 211 00:13:30,910 --> 00:13:32,660 what do you think would happen? 212 00:13:32,660 --> 00:13:34,750 If we could not find enough food, 213 00:13:34,750 --> 00:13:37,370 and the fish that make up our principal diet grew scarce, 214 00:13:38,250 --> 00:13:41,000 would all five tribes end up killing each other this time? 215 00:13:41,500 --> 00:13:45,470 You don't mean fighting a battle we may not be able to win would be... 216 00:13:45,840 --> 00:13:46,720 Yes. 217 00:13:46,720 --> 00:13:50,970 I'm taking into account depopulation, including the other tribes. 218 00:13:51,560 --> 00:13:56,140 Crusch Lulu, the Green Claw requests an alliance with the Red Eye. 219 00:13:58,190 --> 00:13:59,730 If you refuse, 220 00:13:59,730 --> 00:14:04,150 it will become necessary for us to challenge your tribe to battle first. 221 00:14:04,150 --> 00:14:06,490 To prevent any one tribe from running away without fighting 222 00:14:06,490 --> 00:14:09,910 and establishing a numerical superiority in a new land, right? 223 00:14:10,410 --> 00:14:14,160 My thinking is that if we form an alliance, then even if we are defeated, 224 00:14:14,160 --> 00:14:18,790 the chances of intertribal warfare in a new land are low. 225 00:14:19,920 --> 00:14:22,040 Our recognition of each other will be redefined, 226 00:14:22,040 --> 00:14:25,300 not as separate tribes, but as allies who fought alongside each other. 227 00:14:25,800 --> 00:14:27,050 I see. 228 00:14:27,930 --> 00:14:28,970 Incidentally... 229 00:14:29,800 --> 00:14:33,220 ...during the previous battle, in which the Red Eye did not fight, 230 00:14:33,220 --> 00:14:35,310 how did you manage to survive? 231 00:14:36,930 --> 00:14:39,310 Do I really have to say? 232 00:14:39,310 --> 00:14:42,060 I'd like you to tell me. Was it priestly power? 233 00:14:42,060 --> 00:14:44,570 Or was it by some other means? 234 00:14:44,570 --> 00:14:46,690 It may prove to be our salvation. 235 00:14:47,110 --> 00:14:48,450 It won't. 236 00:14:49,990 --> 00:14:51,870 It will not be our salvation. 237 00:14:52,570 --> 00:14:55,370 What we engaged in was cannibalism. 238 00:14:56,700 --> 00:14:58,870 We fed on our fallen friends. 239 00:15:03,380 --> 00:15:06,960 At the time, our tribe found itself in a similarly dire situation 240 00:15:06,960 --> 00:15:10,130 owing to a shortage of food. 241 00:15:10,760 --> 00:15:14,260 However, one day, the chief came to us with food... 242 00:15:14,970 --> 00:15:16,770 bright red meat. 243 00:15:17,430 --> 00:15:21,690 All of us were vaguely aware of where the meat came from. 244 00:15:22,100 --> 00:15:24,270 After all, whenever the chief brought us the meat, 245 00:15:24,270 --> 00:15:29,150 it was invariably after he had expelled a family who had violated our strict laws. 246 00:15:29,150 --> 00:15:33,160 We simply closed our eyes, and ate the meat. 247 00:15:34,070 --> 00:15:35,620 In order to survive. 248 00:15:36,410 --> 00:15:40,290 Still, it wasn't as though that could go on indefinitely. 249 00:15:40,290 --> 00:15:43,000 Before long, the pent-up frustration came to an explosive head, 250 00:15:43,000 --> 00:15:45,420 and manifested itself in the form of an insurrection. 251 00:15:46,340 --> 00:15:48,710 I, as the one who was the second-most-powerful next to the chief, 252 00:15:48,710 --> 00:15:53,800 became the banner they rallied to, and we rose in revolt against the chief. 253 00:15:53,800 --> 00:15:56,260 The fighting divided the village in two, 254 00:15:56,260 --> 00:15:59,680 but with our greater numbers, we were the ones who secured victory. 255 00:16:00,890 --> 00:16:04,150 The chief refused to back down to the very end, 256 00:16:04,150 --> 00:16:07,020 and after receiving countless wounds, he was on the verge of death. 257 00:16:07,020 --> 00:16:09,440 Then, at the moment when the fatal blow was struck, 258 00:16:10,440 --> 00:16:12,450 he smiled at me. 259 00:16:13,410 --> 00:16:16,200 It was a truly sweet smile. 260 00:16:17,450 --> 00:16:22,000 Through the death of the chief, the tribe was brought back together. 261 00:16:22,000 --> 00:16:24,040 Moreover, since our numbers had decreased, 262 00:16:24,040 --> 00:16:27,840 the great gift of recovery from our food situation came with it. 263 00:16:28,300 --> 00:16:30,960 We were in the wrong, weren't we? 264 00:16:30,960 --> 00:16:36,090 The chief, who acted out of a clear view of reality, was actually the one in the right, wasn't he? 265 00:16:37,470 --> 00:16:39,600 I can't shake those thoughts. 266 00:16:45,520 --> 00:16:48,230 We are neither omniscient nor omnipotent. 267 00:16:48,230 --> 00:16:51,490 If I were in your position, I might have done the same thing. 268 00:16:51,490 --> 00:16:54,150 But I don't want to offer you solace. 269 00:16:54,150 --> 00:16:57,370 Are there ever any correct answers in this world? 270 00:16:57,370 --> 00:17:00,290 The only thing we can do is keep walking, 271 00:17:00,290 --> 00:17:03,750 even as we afflict the soles of our feet with woe and remorse. 272 00:17:04,540 --> 00:17:06,750 You, too, must keep walking. 273 00:17:06,750 --> 00:17:08,880 That's what I think. 274 00:17:12,090 --> 00:17:14,380 I'm sorry you had to see me look so disgraceful. 275 00:17:15,130 --> 00:17:17,260 What disgrace? 276 00:17:17,260 --> 00:17:21,220 What's more, do I look like a male who's foolish enough to believe 277 00:17:21,220 --> 00:17:23,980 that anyone who keeps moving along their road, 278 00:17:23,980 --> 00:17:26,270 even as they are tormented and scarred by it, is disgraceful? 279 00:17:27,270 --> 00:17:28,770 You are beautiful. 280 00:17:32,190 --> 00:17:33,570 This is bad... 281 00:17:36,410 --> 00:17:37,740 Let me ask you once again. 282 00:17:37,740 --> 00:17:40,740 Which policy will the Red Eye adopt? 283 00:17:40,740 --> 00:17:44,250 After our discussion yesterday, we have decided on evacuation. 284 00:17:44,250 --> 00:17:48,000 Then let me ask you, Acting Chief Crusch Lulu, 285 00:17:48,000 --> 00:17:49,750 do you still feel the same? 286 00:17:54,380 --> 00:17:56,340 It is for you to decide. 287 00:17:56,340 --> 00:17:59,010 When the previous chief smiled at you at the end, 288 00:17:59,390 --> 00:18:02,600 it was because he was giving this future over to you. 289 00:18:02,600 --> 00:18:06,020 If true, now is the time for you to fulfill that calling. 290 00:18:07,390 --> 00:18:09,270 In that case, let me ask you, 291 00:18:09,270 --> 00:18:12,520 how many do you plan on letting escape as refugees? 292 00:18:14,110 --> 00:18:18,200 Ten from the warrior class, 12 hunters, 3 priests, 293 00:18:18,200 --> 00:18:21,530 70 males, 100 females, and a number of children. 294 00:18:21,530 --> 00:18:23,540 And other than them? 295 00:18:23,540 --> 00:18:26,290 If the situation calls for it, they will die. 296 00:18:28,670 --> 00:18:30,290 I see. 297 00:18:30,290 --> 00:18:32,710 There's one thing I'd like to make clear... 298 00:18:32,710 --> 00:18:35,300 we are not fighting to die. 299 00:18:35,550 --> 00:18:37,340 We're fighting to win! 300 00:18:40,050 --> 00:18:43,810 In that case, we of the Red Eye will fight with you. 301 00:18:44,310 --> 00:18:47,350 To make sure our chief's smile was not meaningless. 302 00:18:48,190 --> 00:18:52,650 As well as to ensure that as many of the Red Eye tribe as possible will survive. 303 00:18:54,440 --> 00:18:55,690 You have my gratitude. 304 00:19:08,620 --> 00:19:09,290 Good morning. 305 00:19:09,290 --> 00:19:11,250 Yeah, good morning. 306 00:19:11,250 --> 00:19:14,290 It looks like you brought the tribe around without any issue. 307 00:19:14,290 --> 00:19:18,470 I'm grateful that you took part in the discussions until so late last night. 308 00:19:18,470 --> 00:19:21,550 Those who will fight should be able to leave within the day. 309 00:19:21,970 --> 00:19:24,010 Those who are evacuating, as well. 310 00:19:24,640 --> 00:19:27,600 Zaryusu, what will you do now? 311 00:19:27,600 --> 00:19:31,060 I plan to head over to the Dragon Tusk tribe. 312 00:19:31,060 --> 00:19:32,980 Although, I do have a question... 313 00:19:32,980 --> 00:19:34,560 What's with that getup? 314 00:19:36,070 --> 00:19:37,440 It doesn't look good on me? 315 00:19:38,190 --> 00:19:41,320 Would you like me to say it looks good on you? 316 00:19:41,320 --> 00:19:42,910 Don't be silly. 317 00:19:42,910 --> 00:19:45,530 The light of the sun is hard on me when I'm out and about. 318 00:19:45,530 --> 00:19:47,080 You're planning to come with me? 319 00:19:47,450 --> 00:19:51,960 The Dragon Tusk have the greatest force of arms of all the tribes, right? 320 00:19:51,960 --> 00:19:55,960 Yeah. However, since we have no dealings with them, we're not well informed. 321 00:19:55,960 --> 00:19:58,960 Then it's best that I go with you. 322 00:19:59,510 --> 00:20:00,760 It will be dangerous. 323 00:20:00,760 --> 00:20:02,970 Is there anywhere right now that isn't dangerous? 324 00:20:05,470 --> 00:20:07,970 I'm not thinking rationally, am I? 325 00:20:08,220 --> 00:20:09,140 All right. 326 00:20:09,140 --> 00:20:11,480 I'll avail myself of your help, Crusch. 327 00:20:11,480 --> 00:20:13,560 Very well, Zaryusu. 328 00:20:13,560 --> 00:20:14,940 You can count on me. 329 00:20:17,900 --> 00:20:21,490 These are the teleportation scrolls, 330 00:20:21,490 --> 00:20:24,240 and the "Message" scrolls. 331 00:20:24,240 --> 00:20:27,780 Lord Ainz said they were made from parchment that we obtained 332 00:20:27,780 --> 00:20:31,080 through the efforts of Lord Demiurge. 333 00:20:31,080 --> 00:20:36,080 He says that he wants us to report if we have any problems using them. 334 00:20:36,080 --> 00:20:38,250 I see. Understood. 335 00:20:38,880 --> 00:20:42,380 So once again, Demiurge has distinguished himself over me. 336 00:20:42,380 --> 00:20:43,970 Also... 337 00:20:44,380 --> 00:20:50,720 ...we have been instructed to monitor the outcome of the battle from here. 338 00:20:51,060 --> 00:20:52,350 Understood. 339 00:20:53,020 --> 00:20:55,520 I want you to see this through, 340 00:20:55,520 --> 00:21:00,480 and deliver an absolute victory for the Supreme One! 341 00:21:17,750 --> 00:21:19,630 I am Zaryusu Shasha. 342 00:21:19,630 --> 00:21:22,380 I am here on behalf of the Green Claw tribe. 343 00:21:23,010 --> 00:21:24,630 I wish to speak to your chief. 344 00:21:24,630 --> 00:21:28,600 I am acting chief of the Red Eye tribe, Crusch Lulu. 345 00:21:28,600 --> 00:21:30,890 I, too, am here to meet with your chief. 346 00:21:31,770 --> 00:21:36,480 I'm glad you came, possessor of Frost Pain. 347 00:21:38,770 --> 00:21:42,400 And what might you be, some kind of plant monster? 348 00:21:42,400 --> 00:21:43,650 No, I'm not! 349 00:21:44,070 --> 00:21:47,280 Oh, please, don't take my joke so seriously. 350 00:21:47,280 --> 00:21:50,660 I am the Dragon Tusk chief, Zenberu Gugu. 351 00:21:50,660 --> 00:21:52,160 You can call me Zenberu. 352 00:21:53,410 --> 00:21:55,500 You are free to call me Zaryusu, as well. 353 00:21:55,500 --> 00:21:56,250 Now... 354 00:21:56,250 --> 00:21:59,170 I can already guess what you're going to say. 355 00:21:59,170 --> 00:22:01,840 However, we only trust those who are strong. 356 00:22:04,880 --> 00:22:06,130 Take up your sword. 357 00:23:42,020 --> 00:23:47,190 Zaryusu and Crusch headed to the Dragon Tusk tribe's village to propose an alliance. 358 00:23:47,190 --> 00:23:50,610 However, Chief Zenberu would only be swayed by strength. 359 00:23:50,610 --> 00:23:53,620 It was to be a battle of the highest calibre. 360 00:23:53,620 --> 00:23:59,450 Meanwhile, Shasuryu continued efforts to gather troops from the village of the Razor Tail tribe, 361 00:23:59,450 --> 00:24:02,120 the first to have death declared on them. 362 00:24:02,670 --> 00:24:05,880 Chapter 3, Lizardmen, gathering. 363 00:24:05,880 --> 00:24:08,510 The winds of battle have begun to blow. 364 00:01:00,580 --> 00:01:03,540 Green Claw Tribe 365 00:01:00,580 --> 00:01:03,540 Head Priestess 366 00:01:00,580 --> 00:01:03,540 Green Claw Tribe 367 00:01:00,580 --> 00:01:03,540 Head Priestess 368 00:01:03,580 --> 00:01:06,540 Green Claw Tribe 369 00:01:03,580 --> 00:01:06,540 Chief Shasuryu Shasha 370 00:01:03,580 --> 00:01:06,540 Green Claw Tribe 371 00:01:03,580 --> 00:01:06,540 Chief Shasuryu Shasha 372 00:01:16,840 --> 00:01:20,180 Green Claw Tribe 373 00:01:16,840 --> 00:01:20,180 Head Warrior 374 00:01:16,840 --> 00:01:20,180 Green Claw Tribe 375 00:01:16,840 --> 00:01:20,180 Head Warrior 376 00:01:20,220 --> 00:01:24,230 Head Hunter 377 00:01:20,220 --> 00:01:24,230 Green Claw Tribe 378 00:01:20,220 --> 00:01:24,230 Green Claw Tribe 379 00:01:20,220 --> 00:01:24,230 Head Hunter 380 00:09:05,100 --> 00:09:08,610 Red Eye Tribe Village 381 00:09:05,100 --> 00:09:08,610 Red Eye Tribe Village 382 00:21:08,030 --> 00:21:12,540 Dragon Tusk Tribe Village 383 00:21:08,030 --> 00:21:12,540 Dragon Tusk Tribe Village 384 00:23:40,020 --> 00:24:10,050 Next Episode 385 00:23:40,020 --> 00:24:10,050 Next Episode 386 00:22:10,010 --> 00:22:10,010 h 387 00:22:10,010 --> 00:22:10,010 a 388 00:22:10,010 --> 00:22:10,970 ha 389 00:22:10,970 --> 00:22:18,020 ha 390 00:22:10,010 --> 00:22:10,760 m 391 00:22:10,010 --> 00:22:10,760 e 392 00:22:10,760 --> 00:22:11,720 me 393 00:22:11,720 --> 00:22:18,060 me 394 00:22:10,010 --> 00:22:11,510 t 395 00:22:10,010 --> 00:22:11,510 s 396 00:22:10,010 --> 00:22:11,510 u 397 00:22:11,510 --> 00:22:12,310 tsu 398 00:22:12,310 --> 00:22:18,020 tsu 399 00:22:10,050 --> 00:22:12,140 s 400 00:22:10,140 --> 00:22:12,140 a 401 00:22:12,140 --> 00:22:12,930 sa 402 00:22:12,930 --> 00:22:18,020 sa 403 00:22:10,220 --> 00:22:12,720 e 404 00:22:12,720 --> 00:22:13,970 e 405 00:22:13,970 --> 00:22:18,020 e 406 00:22:10,260 --> 00:22:13,810 i 407 00:22:13,810 --> 00:22:14,310 i 408 00:22:14,310 --> 00:22:18,060 i 409 00:22:10,350 --> 00:22:14,100 t 410 00:22:10,430 --> 00:22:14,100 o 411 00:22:14,100 --> 00:22:14,680 to 412 00:22:14,680 --> 00:22:18,060 to 413 00:22:10,510 --> 00:22:14,470 w 414 00:22:10,600 --> 00:22:14,470 a 415 00:22:14,470 --> 00:22:15,230 wa 416 00:22:15,230 --> 00:22:18,060 wa 417 00:22:10,640 --> 00:22:15,020 n 418 00:22:10,720 --> 00:22:15,020 a 419 00:22:10,800 --> 00:22:15,020 i 420 00:22:15,020 --> 00:22:15,770 nai 421 00:22:15,770 --> 00:22:18,020 nai 422 00:22:10,890 --> 00:22:15,560 d 423 00:22:10,970 --> 00:22:15,560 e 424 00:22:15,560 --> 00:22:17,640 de 425 00:22:17,640 --> 00:22:18,020 de 426 00:22:23,110 --> 00:22:23,610 n 427 00:22:23,190 --> 00:22:23,610 e 428 00:22:23,610 --> 00:22:24,440 ne 429 00:22:24,440 --> 00:22:35,580 ne 430 00:22:23,230 --> 00:22:24,230 e 431 00:22:23,320 --> 00:22:24,230 , 432 00:22:24,230 --> 00:22:25,400 e, 433 00:22:25,400 --> 00:22:35,540 e, 434 00:22:23,400 --> 00:22:25,240 m 435 00:22:23,480 --> 00:22:25,240 a 436 00:22:25,240 --> 00:22:26,150 ma 437 00:22:26,150 --> 00:22:35,580 ma 438 00:22:23,570 --> 00:22:25,940 d 439 00:22:23,610 --> 00:22:25,940 a 440 00:22:25,940 --> 00:22:28,410 da 441 00:22:28,410 --> 00:22:35,540 da 442 00:22:23,690 --> 00:22:28,200 k 443 00:22:23,780 --> 00:22:28,200 o 444 00:22:28,200 --> 00:22:28,700 ko 445 00:22:28,700 --> 00:22:35,580 ko 446 00:22:23,860 --> 00:22:28,490 n 447 00:22:23,940 --> 00:22:28,490 o 448 00:22:28,490 --> 00:22:29,030 no 449 00:22:29,030 --> 00:22:35,580 no 450 00:22:23,980 --> 00:22:28,820 t 451 00:22:24,070 --> 00:22:28,820 e 452 00:22:28,820 --> 00:22:30,160 te 453 00:22:30,160 --> 00:22:35,580 te 454 00:22:24,150 --> 00:22:29,990 n 455 00:22:24,230 --> 00:22:29,990 i 456 00:22:29,990 --> 00:22:31,200 ni 457 00:22:31,200 --> 00:22:35,540 ni 458 00:22:24,320 --> 00:22:31,030 n 459 00:22:24,360 --> 00:22:31,030 o 460 00:22:31,030 --> 00:22:31,570 no 461 00:22:31,570 --> 00:22:35,540 no 462 00:22:24,440 --> 00:22:31,410 k 463 00:22:24,530 --> 00:22:31,410 o 464 00:22:31,410 --> 00:22:32,030 ko 465 00:22:32,030 --> 00:22:35,540 ko 466 00:22:24,610 --> 00:22:31,830 r 467 00:22:24,650 --> 00:22:31,830 u 468 00:22:31,830 --> 00:22:33,080 ru 469 00:22:33,080 --> 00:22:35,540 ru 470 00:22:24,730 --> 00:22:32,870 k 471 00:22:24,820 --> 00:22:32,870 a 472 00:22:32,870 --> 00:22:33,490 ka 473 00:22:33,490 --> 00:22:35,540 ka 474 00:22:24,900 --> 00:22:33,290 k 475 00:22:24,990 --> 00:22:33,290 e 476 00:22:33,290 --> 00:22:33,740 ke 477 00:22:33,740 --> 00:22:35,580 ke 478 00:22:25,070 --> 00:22:33,540 r 479 00:22:25,110 --> 00:22:33,540 a 480 00:22:33,540 --> 00:22:33,910 ra 481 00:22:33,910 --> 00:22:35,580 ra 482 00:22:25,190 --> 00:22:33,700 d 483 00:22:25,280 --> 00:22:33,700 a 484 00:22:33,700 --> 00:22:34,330 da 485 00:22:34,330 --> 00:22:35,540 da 486 00:22:25,360 --> 00:22:34,160 t 487 00:22:34,160 --> 00:22:34,450 t 488 00:22:34,450 --> 00:22:35,540 t 489 00:22:25,400 --> 00:22:34,290 t 490 00:22:25,490 --> 00:22:34,290 e 491 00:22:34,290 --> 00:22:35,160 te 492 00:22:35,160 --> 00:22:35,580 te 493 00:22:36,120 --> 00:22:36,620 a 494 00:22:36,620 --> 00:22:37,710 a 495 00:22:37,710 --> 00:22:45,130 a 496 00:22:36,160 --> 00:22:37,540 n 497 00:22:36,250 --> 00:22:37,540 a 498 00:22:37,540 --> 00:22:39,790 na 499 00:22:39,790 --> 00:22:45,170 na 500 00:22:36,330 --> 00:22:39,580 t 501 00:22:36,410 --> 00:22:39,580 a 502 00:22:39,580 --> 00:22:40,670 ta 503 00:22:40,670 --> 00:22:45,170 ta 504 00:22:36,500 --> 00:22:40,460 n 505 00:22:36,580 --> 00:22:40,460 o 506 00:22:40,460 --> 00:22:42,090 no 507 00:22:42,090 --> 00:22:45,170 no 508 00:22:36,620 --> 00:22:41,920 m 509 00:22:36,710 --> 00:22:41,920 o 510 00:22:41,920 --> 00:22:43,550 mo 511 00:22:43,550 --> 00:22:45,130 mo 512 00:22:36,790 --> 00:22:43,340 n 513 00:22:36,870 --> 00:22:43,340 o 514 00:22:43,340 --> 00:22:44,750 no 515 00:22:44,750 --> 00:22:45,130 no 516 00:22:44,050 --> 00:22:44,550 n 517 00:22:44,130 --> 00:22:44,550 a 518 00:22:44,550 --> 00:22:45,800 na 519 00:22:45,800 --> 00:22:51,970 na 520 00:22:44,210 --> 00:22:45,590 n 521 00:22:44,250 --> 00:22:45,590 i 522 00:22:45,590 --> 00:22:46,380 ni 523 00:22:46,380 --> 00:22:52,010 ni 524 00:22:44,340 --> 00:22:46,170 m 525 00:22:44,420 --> 00:22:46,170 o 526 00:22:46,170 --> 00:22:46,920 mo 527 00:22:46,920 --> 00:22:51,970 mo 528 00:22:44,500 --> 00:22:46,720 k 529 00:22:44,550 --> 00:22:46,720 a 530 00:22:46,720 --> 00:22:47,510 ka 531 00:22:47,510 --> 00:22:51,970 ka 532 00:22:44,630 --> 00:22:47,300 m 533 00:22:44,710 --> 00:22:47,300 o 534 00:22:47,300 --> 00:22:48,630 mo 535 00:22:48,630 --> 00:22:51,970 mo 536 00:22:44,800 --> 00:22:48,430 n 537 00:22:44,880 --> 00:22:48,430 a 538 00:22:48,430 --> 00:22:48,970 na 539 00:22:48,970 --> 00:22:51,970 na 540 00:22:44,920 --> 00:22:48,800 k 541 00:22:45,010 --> 00:22:48,800 u 542 00:22:48,800 --> 00:22:49,260 ku 543 00:22:49,260 --> 00:22:51,970 ku 544 00:22:45,090 --> 00:22:49,050 s 545 00:22:45,170 --> 00:22:49,050 h 546 00:22:45,260 --> 00:22:49,050 i 547 00:22:49,050 --> 00:22:49,840 shi 548 00:22:49,840 --> 00:22:52,010 shi 549 00:22:45,300 --> 00:22:49,630 t 550 00:22:45,380 --> 00:22:49,630 e 551 00:22:49,630 --> 00:22:50,390 te 552 00:22:50,390 --> 00:22:52,010 te 553 00:22:45,460 --> 00:22:50,220 m 554 00:22:45,550 --> 00:22:50,220 o 555 00:22:50,220 --> 00:22:51,590 mo 556 00:22:51,590 --> 00:22:52,010 mo 557 00:22:51,220 --> 00:22:51,720 s 558 00:22:51,260 --> 00:22:51,720 a 559 00:22:51,720 --> 00:22:52,140 sa 560 00:22:52,140 --> 00:22:56,310 sa 561 00:22:51,340 --> 00:22:51,930 s 562 00:22:51,430 --> 00:22:51,930 a 563 00:22:51,930 --> 00:22:52,430 sa 564 00:22:52,430 --> 00:22:56,270 sa 565 00:22:51,510 --> 00:22:52,220 g 566 00:22:51,590 --> 00:22:52,220 e 567 00:22:52,220 --> 00:22:52,600 ge 568 00:22:52,600 --> 00:22:56,310 ge 569 00:22:51,680 --> 00:22:52,430 r 570 00:22:51,720 --> 00:22:52,430 u 571 00:22:52,430 --> 00:22:52,760 ru 572 00:22:52,760 --> 00:22:56,310 ru 573 00:22:51,800 --> 00:22:52,550 m 574 00:22:51,890 --> 00:22:52,550 o 575 00:22:52,550 --> 00:22:53,140 mo 576 00:22:53,140 --> 00:22:56,270 mo 577 00:22:51,970 --> 00:22:52,970 n 578 00:22:52,010 --> 00:22:52,970 o 579 00:22:52,970 --> 00:22:53,350 no 580 00:22:53,350 --> 00:22:56,270 no 581 00:22:52,100 --> 00:22:53,140 g 582 00:22:52,180 --> 00:22:53,140 a 583 00:22:53,140 --> 00:22:54,350 ga 584 00:22:54,350 --> 00:22:56,270 ga 585 00:22:52,260 --> 00:22:54,140 a 586 00:22:54,140 --> 00:22:54,720 a 587 00:22:54,720 --> 00:22:56,270 a 588 00:22:52,350 --> 00:22:54,510 r 589 00:22:52,430 --> 00:22:54,510 u 590 00:22:54,510 --> 00:22:55,060 ru 591 00:22:55,060 --> 00:22:56,310 ru 592 00:22:52,470 --> 00:22:54,890 n 593 00:22:52,550 --> 00:22:54,890 o 594 00:22:54,890 --> 00:22:55,850 no 595 00:22:55,850 --> 00:22:56,310 no 596 00:22:55,520 --> 00:22:56,020 m 597 00:22:55,600 --> 00:22:56,020 i 598 00:22:56,020 --> 00:22:57,230 mi 599 00:22:57,230 --> 00:23:03,860 mi 600 00:22:55,680 --> 00:22:57,020 r 601 00:22:55,720 --> 00:22:57,020 a 602 00:22:57,020 --> 00:22:58,020 ra 603 00:22:58,020 --> 00:23:03,860 ra 604 00:22:55,810 --> 00:22:57,850 i 605 00:22:57,850 --> 00:22:58,520 i 606 00:22:58,520 --> 00:23:03,900 i 607 00:22:55,890 --> 00:22:58,310 d 608 00:22:55,970 --> 00:22:58,310 a 609 00:22:56,020 --> 00:22:58,310 t 610 00:22:58,310 --> 00:22:59,020 dat 611 00:22:59,020 --> 00:23:03,900 dat 612 00:22:56,100 --> 00:22:58,810 t 613 00:22:56,180 --> 00:22:58,810 e 614 00:22:58,810 --> 00:23:00,190 te 615 00:23:00,190 --> 00:23:03,900 te 616 00:22:56,270 --> 00:22:59,980 i 617 00:22:59,980 --> 00:23:00,480 i 618 00:23:00,480 --> 00:23:03,860 i 619 00:22:56,350 --> 00:23:00,310 n 620 00:22:56,390 --> 00:23:00,310 o 621 00:23:00,310 --> 00:23:00,900 no 622 00:23:00,900 --> 00:23:03,900 no 623 00:22:56,470 --> 00:23:00,690 c 624 00:22:56,560 --> 00:23:00,690 h 625 00:22:56,640 --> 00:23:00,690 i 626 00:23:00,690 --> 00:23:01,400 chi 627 00:23:01,400 --> 00:23:03,860 chi 628 00:22:56,730 --> 00:23:01,190 d 629 00:22:56,770 --> 00:23:01,190 e 630 00:23:01,190 --> 00:23:01,860 de 631 00:23:01,860 --> 00:23:03,900 de 632 00:22:56,850 --> 00:23:01,650 s 633 00:22:56,930 --> 00:23:01,650 a 634 00:23:01,650 --> 00:23:02,480 sa 635 00:23:02,480 --> 00:23:03,860 sa 636 00:22:57,020 --> 00:23:02,270 e 637 00:23:02,270 --> 00:23:03,440 e 638 00:23:03,440 --> 00:23:03,860 e 639 00:23:07,280 --> 00:23:07,780 y 640 00:23:07,360 --> 00:23:07,780 a 641 00:23:07,780 --> 00:23:08,450 ya 642 00:23:08,450 --> 00:23:14,700 ya 643 00:23:07,400 --> 00:23:08,240 k 644 00:23:07,490 --> 00:23:08,240 e 645 00:23:08,240 --> 00:23:08,820 ke 646 00:23:08,820 --> 00:23:14,700 ke 647 00:23:07,570 --> 00:23:08,610 t 648 00:23:07,650 --> 00:23:08,610 s 649 00:23:07,740 --> 00:23:08,610 u 650 00:23:08,610 --> 00:23:09,200 tsu 651 00:23:09,200 --> 00:23:14,660 tsu 652 00:23:07,780 --> 00:23:08,990 k 653 00:23:07,860 --> 00:23:08,990 i 654 00:23:08,990 --> 00:23:09,530 ki 655 00:23:09,530 --> 00:23:14,700 ki 656 00:23:07,940 --> 00:23:09,360 t 657 00:23:08,030 --> 00:23:09,360 a 658 00:23:09,360 --> 00:23:10,240 ta 659 00:23:10,240 --> 00:23:14,700 ta 660 00:23:08,110 --> 00:23:10,030 k 661 00:23:08,150 --> 00:23:10,030 a 662 00:23:08,240 --> 00:23:10,030 n 663 00:23:10,030 --> 00:23:10,530 kan 664 00:23:10,530 --> 00:23:14,660 kan 665 00:23:08,320 --> 00:23:10,320 j 666 00:23:08,400 --> 00:23:10,320 o 667 00:23:08,490 --> 00:23:10,320 u 668 00:23:10,320 --> 00:23:11,030 jou 669 00:23:11,030 --> 00:23:14,660 jou 670 00:23:08,530 --> 00:23:10,820 m 671 00:23:08,610 --> 00:23:10,820 o 672 00:23:10,820 --> 00:23:11,570 mo 673 00:23:11,570 --> 00:23:14,700 mo 674 00:23:08,700 --> 00:23:11,360 f 675 00:23:08,780 --> 00:23:11,360 u 676 00:23:11,360 --> 00:23:11,780 fu 677 00:23:11,780 --> 00:23:14,700 fu 678 00:23:08,860 --> 00:23:11,570 m 679 00:23:08,900 --> 00:23:11,570 o 680 00:23:11,570 --> 00:23:12,280 mo 681 00:23:12,280 --> 00:23:14,700 mo 682 00:23:08,990 --> 00:23:12,070 u 683 00:23:12,070 --> 00:23:13,160 u 684 00:23:13,160 --> 00:23:14,700 u 685 00:23:09,070 --> 00:23:12,950 n 686 00:23:09,150 --> 00:23:12,950 a 687 00:23:12,950 --> 00:23:13,370 na 688 00:23:13,370 --> 00:23:14,660 na 689 00:23:09,240 --> 00:23:13,160 i 690 00:23:13,160 --> 00:23:13,410 i 691 00:23:13,410 --> 00:23:14,700 i 692 00:23:09,280 --> 00:23:13,240 n 693 00:23:09,360 --> 00:23:13,240 o 694 00:23:13,240 --> 00:23:13,580 no 695 00:23:13,580 --> 00:23:14,660 no 696 00:23:09,450 --> 00:23:13,370 r 697 00:23:09,530 --> 00:23:13,370 i 698 00:23:13,370 --> 00:23:13,780 ri 699 00:23:13,780 --> 00:23:14,700 ri 700 00:23:09,610 --> 00:23:13,580 m 701 00:23:09,650 --> 00:23:13,580 o 702 00:23:13,580 --> 00:23:14,280 mo 703 00:23:14,280 --> 00:23:14,700 mo 704 00:23:13,780 --> 00:23:14,280 s 705 00:23:13,870 --> 00:23:14,280 u 706 00:23:14,280 --> 00:23:14,950 su 707 00:23:14,950 --> 00:23:20,460 su 708 00:23:13,950 --> 00:23:14,740 g 709 00:23:13,990 --> 00:23:14,740 a 710 00:23:14,740 --> 00:23:15,410 ga 711 00:23:15,410 --> 00:23:20,420 ga 712 00:23:14,080 --> 00:23:15,200 r 713 00:23:14,160 --> 00:23:15,200 u 714 00:23:15,200 --> 00:23:15,790 ru 715 00:23:15,790 --> 00:23:20,420 ru 716 00:23:14,240 --> 00:23:15,580 b 717 00:23:14,280 --> 00:23:15,580 u 718 00:23:15,580 --> 00:23:16,040 bu 719 00:23:16,040 --> 00:23:20,420 bu 720 00:23:14,370 --> 00:23:15,830 z 721 00:23:14,450 --> 00:23:15,830 a 722 00:23:15,830 --> 00:23:16,410 za 723 00:23:16,410 --> 00:23:20,460 za 724 00:23:14,530 --> 00:23:16,200 m 725 00:23:14,620 --> 00:23:16,200 a 726 00:23:16,200 --> 00:23:16,830 ma 727 00:23:16,830 --> 00:23:20,420 ma 728 00:23:14,700 --> 00:23:16,620 m 729 00:23:14,740 --> 00:23:16,620 o 730 00:23:16,620 --> 00:23:17,410 mo 731 00:23:17,410 --> 00:23:20,460 mo 732 00:23:14,830 --> 00:23:17,200 m 733 00:23:14,910 --> 00:23:17,200 i 734 00:23:17,200 --> 00:23:17,870 mi 735 00:23:17,870 --> 00:23:20,420 mi 736 00:23:14,990 --> 00:23:17,660 t 737 00:23:15,040 --> 00:23:17,660 s 738 00:23:15,120 --> 00:23:17,660 u 739 00:23:17,660 --> 00:23:18,160 tsu 740 00:23:18,160 --> 00:23:20,460 tsu 741 00:23:15,200 --> 00:23:18,000 g 742 00:23:15,290 --> 00:23:18,000 u 743 00:23:18,000 --> 00:23:18,580 gu 744 00:23:18,580 --> 00:23:20,370 gu 745 00:23:15,370 --> 00:23:18,370 o 746 00:23:18,370 --> 00:23:19,000 o 747 00:23:19,000 --> 00:23:20,370 o 748 00:23:15,450 --> 00:23:18,790 r 749 00:23:15,490 --> 00:23:18,790 o 750 00:23:18,790 --> 00:23:19,330 ro 751 00:23:19,330 --> 00:23:20,460 ro 752 00:23:15,580 --> 00:23:19,120 k 753 00:23:15,660 --> 00:23:19,120 a 754 00:23:19,120 --> 00:23:19,580 ka 755 00:23:19,580 --> 00:23:20,420 ka 756 00:23:15,740 --> 00:23:19,370 m 757 00:23:15,790 --> 00:23:19,370 o 758 00:23:19,370 --> 00:23:20,000 mo 759 00:23:20,000 --> 00:23:20,420 mo 760 00:23:19,460 --> 00:23:19,960 y 761 00:23:19,540 --> 00:23:19,960 a 762 00:23:19,960 --> 00:23:20,750 ya 763 00:23:20,750 --> 00:23:26,760 ya 764 00:23:19,620 --> 00:23:20,540 n 765 00:23:20,540 --> 00:23:21,120 n 766 00:23:21,120 --> 00:23:26,800 n 767 00:23:19,660 --> 00:23:20,920 d 768 00:23:19,750 --> 00:23:20,920 a 769 00:23:20,920 --> 00:23:21,830 da 770 00:23:21,830 --> 00:23:26,800 da 771 00:23:19,830 --> 00:23:21,620 k 772 00:23:19,910 --> 00:23:21,620 o 773 00:23:21,620 --> 00:23:22,210 ko 774 00:23:22,210 --> 00:23:26,760 ko 775 00:23:19,960 --> 00:23:22,000 e 776 00:23:22,000 --> 00:23:22,580 e 777 00:23:22,580 --> 00:23:26,800 e 778 00:23:20,040 --> 00:23:22,380 m 779 00:23:20,120 --> 00:23:22,380 o 780 00:23:22,380 --> 00:23:23,290 mo 781 00:23:23,290 --> 00:23:26,800 mo 782 00:23:20,210 --> 00:23:23,080 k 783 00:23:20,290 --> 00:23:23,080 e 784 00:23:23,080 --> 00:23:23,670 ke 785 00:23:23,670 --> 00:23:26,760 ke 786 00:23:20,330 --> 00:23:23,460 g 787 00:23:20,420 --> 00:23:23,460 a 788 00:23:23,460 --> 00:23:24,040 ga 789 00:23:24,040 --> 00:23:26,760 ga 790 00:23:20,500 --> 00:23:23,840 r 791 00:23:20,580 --> 00:23:23,840 e 792 00:23:23,840 --> 00:23:24,210 re 793 00:23:24,210 --> 00:23:26,760 re 794 00:23:20,670 --> 00:23:24,000 t 795 00:23:20,710 --> 00:23:24,000 a 796 00:23:24,000 --> 00:23:24,380 ta 797 00:23:24,380 --> 00:23:26,760 ta 798 00:23:20,790 --> 00:23:24,170 r 799 00:23:20,870 --> 00:23:24,170 y 800 00:23:20,960 --> 00:23:24,170 o 801 00:23:21,040 --> 00:23:24,170 u 802 00:23:24,170 --> 00:23:24,920 ryou 803 00:23:24,920 --> 00:23:26,760 ryou 804 00:23:21,080 --> 00:23:24,710 t 805 00:23:21,170 --> 00:23:24,710 e 806 00:23:24,710 --> 00:23:25,170 te 807 00:23:25,170 --> 00:23:26,800 te 808 00:23:21,250 --> 00:23:24,960 m 809 00:23:21,330 --> 00:23:24,960 o 810 00:23:24,960 --> 00:23:26,380 mo 811 00:23:26,380 --> 00:23:26,760 mo 812 00:23:26,090 --> 00:23:26,590 k 813 00:23:26,170 --> 00:23:26,590 i 814 00:23:26,590 --> 00:23:27,380 ki 815 00:23:27,380 --> 00:23:36,140 ki 816 00:23:26,210 --> 00:23:27,170 z 817 00:23:26,300 --> 00:23:27,170 u 818 00:23:27,170 --> 00:23:27,960 zu 819 00:23:27,960 --> 00:23:36,140 zu 820 00:23:26,380 --> 00:23:27,760 d 821 00:23:26,460 --> 00:23:27,760 e 822 00:23:27,760 --> 00:23:28,630 de 823 00:23:28,630 --> 00:23:36,100 de 824 00:23:26,550 --> 00:23:28,420 s 825 00:23:26,590 --> 00:23:28,420 a 826 00:23:28,420 --> 00:23:29,010 sa 827 00:23:29,010 --> 00:23:36,100 sa 828 00:23:26,670 --> 00:23:28,800 k 829 00:23:26,760 --> 00:23:28,800 a 830 00:23:28,800 --> 00:23:29,420 ka 831 00:23:29,420 --> 00:23:36,140 ka 832 00:23:26,840 --> 00:23:29,220 r 833 00:23:26,920 --> 00:23:29,220 e 834 00:23:29,220 --> 00:23:29,800 re 835 00:23:29,800 --> 00:23:36,100 re 836 00:23:26,960 --> 00:23:29,590 t 837 00:23:27,050 --> 00:23:29,590 a 838 00:23:29,590 --> 00:23:31,050 ta 839 00:23:31,050 --> 00:23:36,100 ta 840 00:23:27,130 --> 00:23:30,840 k 841 00:23:27,210 --> 00:23:30,840 o 842 00:23:30,840 --> 00:23:31,220 ko 843 00:23:31,220 --> 00:23:36,140 ko 844 00:23:27,300 --> 00:23:31,010 k 845 00:23:27,340 --> 00:23:31,010 o 846 00:23:31,010 --> 00:23:31,890 ko 847 00:23:31,890 --> 00:23:36,100 ko 848 00:23:27,420 --> 00:23:31,680 r 849 00:23:27,510 --> 00:23:31,680 o 850 00:23:31,680 --> 00:23:32,720 ro 851 00:23:32,720 --> 00:23:36,140 ro 852 00:23:27,590 --> 00:23:32,510 m 853 00:23:27,670 --> 00:23:32,510 o 854 00:23:32,510 --> 00:23:35,720 mo 855 00:23:35,720 --> 00:23:36,140 mo 856 00:22:10,010 --> 00:22:17,940 {\an5}D 857 00:22:10,010 --> 00:22:17,940 {\an5}o 858 00:22:10,010 --> 00:22:17,940 {\an5}n 859 00:22:10,010 --> 00:22:17,940 {\an5}' 860 00:22:10,010 --> 00:22:17,940 {\an5}t 861 00:22:10,010 --> 00:22:17,940 862 00:22:10,010 --> 00:22:17,940 {\an5}h 863 00:22:10,010 --> 00:22:17,940 {\an5}e 864 00:22:10,010 --> 00:22:17,940 {\an5}s 865 00:22:10,010 --> 00:22:17,940 {\an5}i 866 00:22:10,010 --> 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{\an5}Y 891 00:22:23,610 --> 00:22:35,500 {\an5}o 892 00:22:23,610 --> 00:22:35,500 {\an5}u 893 00:22:23,610 --> 00:22:35,500 894 00:22:23,610 --> 00:22:35,500 {\an5}k 895 00:22:23,610 --> 00:22:35,500 {\an5}n 896 00:22:23,610 --> 00:22:35,500 {\an5}o 897 00:22:23,610 --> 00:22:35,500 {\an5}w 898 00:22:23,610 --> 00:22:35,500 {\an5}, 899 00:22:23,610 --> 00:22:35,500 900 00:22:23,610 --> 00:22:35,500 {\an5}e 901 00:22:23,610 --> 00:22:35,500 {\an5}v 902 00:22:23,610 --> 00:22:35,500 {\an5}e 903 00:22:23,610 --> 00:22:35,500 {\an5}n 904 00:22:23,610 --> 00:22:35,500 905 00:22:23,610 --> 00:22:35,500 {\an5}t 906 00:22:23,610 --> 00:22:35,500 {\an5}h 907 00:22:23,610 --> 00:22:35,500 {\an5}e 908 00:22:23,610 --> 00:22:35,500 909 00:22:23,610 --> 00:22:35,500 {\an5}p 910 00:22:23,610 --> 00:22:35,500 {\an5}i 911 00:22:23,610 --> 00:22:35,500 {\an5}e 912 00:22:23,610 --> 00:22:35,500 {\an5}c 913 00:22:23,610 --> 00:22:35,500 {\an5}e 914 00:22:23,610 --> 00:22:35,500 {\an5}s 915 00:22:23,610 --> 00:22:35,500 916 00:22:23,610 --> 00:22:35,500 {\an5}r 917 00:22:23,610 --> 00:22:35,500 {\an5}e 918 00:22:23,610 --> 00:22:35,500 {\an5}m 919 00:22:23,610 --> 00:22:35,500 {\an5}a 920 00:22:23,610 --> 00:22:35,500 {\an5}i 921 00:22:23,610 --> 00:22:35,500 {\an5}n 922 00:22:23,610 --> 00:22:35,500 {\an5}i 923 00:22:23,610 --> 00:22:35,500 {\an5}n 924 00:22:23,610 --> 00:22:35,500 {\an5}g 925 00:22:23,610 --> 00:22:35,500 926 00:22:23,610 --> 00:22:35,500 {\an5}w 927 00:22:23,610 --> 00:22:35,500 {\an5}i 928 00:22:23,610 --> 00:22:35,500 {\an5}t 929 00:22:23,610 --> 00:22:35,500 {\an5}h 930 00:22:23,610 --> 00:22:35,500 {\an5}i 931 00:22:23,610 --> 00:22:35,500 {\an5}n 932 00:22:23,610 --> 00:22:35,500 933 00:22:23,610 --> 00:22:35,500 {\an5}t 934 00:22:23,610 --> 00:22:35,500 {\an5}h 935 00:22:23,610 --> 00:22:35,500 {\an5}e 936 00:22:23,610 --> 00:22:35,500 {\an5}s 937 00:22:23,610 --> 00:22:35,500 {\an5}e 938 00:22:23,610 --> 00:22:35,500 939 00:22:23,610 --> 00:22:35,500 {\an5}h 940 00:22:23,610 --> 00:22:35,500 {\an5}a 941 00:22:23,610 --> 00:22:35,500 {\an5}n 942 00:22:23,610 --> 00:22:35,500 {\an5}d 943 00:22:23,610 --> 00:22:35,500 {\an5}s 944 00:22:36,620 --> 00:22:44,630 {\an5}B 945 00:22:36,620 --> 00:22:44,630 {\an5}e 946 00:22:36,620 --> 00:22:44,630 {\an5}l 947 00:22:36,620 --> 00:22:44,630 {\an5}o 948 00:22:36,620 --> 00:22:44,630 {\an5}n 949 00:22:36,620 --> 00:22:44,630 {\an5}g 950 00:22:36,620 --> 00:22:44,630 951 00:22:36,620 --> 00:22:44,630 {\an5}t 952 00:22:36,620 --> 00:22:44,630 {\an5}o 953 00:22:36,620 --> 00:22:44,630 954 00:22:36,620 --> 00:22:44,630 {\an5}y 955 00:22:36,620 --> 00:22:44,630 {\an5}o 956 00:22:36,620 --> 00:22:44,630 {\an5}u 957 00:22:44,550 --> 00:22:51,680 {\an5}E 958 00:22:44,550 --> 00:22:51,680 {\an5}v 959 00:22:44,550 --> 00:22:51,680 {\an5}e 960 00:22:44,550 --> 00:22:51,680 {\an5}n 961 00:22:44,550 --> 00:22:51,680 962 00:22:44,550 --> 00:22:51,680 {\an5}i 963 00:22:44,550 --> 00:22:51,680 {\an5}f 964 00:22:44,550 --> 00:22:51,680 965 00:22:44,550 --> 00:22:51,680 {\an5}I 966 00:22:44,550 --> 00:22:51,680 967 00:22:44,550 --> 00:22:51,680 {\an5}l 968 00:22:44,550 --> 00:22:51,680 {\an5}o 969 00:22:44,550 --> 00:22:51,680 {\an5}s 970 00:22:44,550 --> 00:22:51,680 {\an5}e 971 00:22:44,550 --> 00:22:51,680 972 00:22:44,550 --> 00:22:51,680 {\an5}e 973 00:22:44,550 --> 00:22:51,680 {\an5}v 974 00:22:44,550 --> 00:22:51,680 {\an5}e 975 00:22:44,550 --> 00:22:51,680 {\an5}r 976 00:22:44,550 --> 00:22:51,680 {\an5}y 977 00:22:44,550 --> 00:22:51,680 {\an5}t 978 00:22:44,550 --> 00:22:51,680 {\an5}h 979 00:22:44,550 --> 00:22:51,680 {\an5}i 980 00:22:44,550 --> 00:22:51,680 {\an5}n 981 00:22:44,550 --> 00:22:51,680 {\an5}g 982 00:22:44,550 --> 00:22:51,680 {\an5}, 983 00:22:51,680 --> 00:22:56,020 {\an5}I 984 00:22:51,680 --> 00:22:56,020 985 00:22:51,680 --> 00:22:56,020 {\an5}h 986 00:22:51,680 --> 00:22:56,020 {\an5}a 987 00:22:51,680 --> 00:22:56,020 {\an5}v 988 00:22:51,680 --> 00:22:56,020 {\an5}e 989 00:22:51,680 --> 00:22:56,020 990 00:22:51,680 --> 00:22:56,020 {\an5}s 991 00:22:51,680 --> 00:22:56,020 {\an5}o 992 00:22:51,680 --> 00:22:56,020 {\an5}m 993 00:22:51,680 --> 00:22:56,020 {\an5}e 994 00:22:51,680 --> 00:22:56,020 {\an5}t 995 00:22:51,680 --> 00:22:56,020 {\an5}h 996 00:22:51,680 --> 00:22:56,020 {\an5}i 997 00:22:51,680 --> 00:22:56,020 {\an5}n 998 00:22:51,680 --> 00:22:56,020 {\an5}g 999 00:22:51,680 --> 00:22:56,020 1000 00:22:51,680 --> 00:22:56,020 {\an5}t 1001 00:22:51,680 --> 00:22:56,020 {\an5}o 1002 00:22:51,680 --> 00:22:56,020 1003 00:22:51,680 --> 00:22:56,020 {\an5}o 1004 00:22:51,680 --> 00:22:56,020 {\an5}f 1005 00:22:51,680 --> 00:22:56,020 {\an5}f 1006 00:22:51,680 --> 00:22:56,020 {\an5}e 1007 00:22:51,680 --> 00:22:56,020 {\an5}r 1008 00:22:55,970 --> 00:23:03,650 {\an5}M 1009 00:22:55,970 --> 00:23:03,650 {\an5}y 1010 00:22:55,970 --> 00:23:03,650 1011 00:22:55,970 --> 00:23:03,650 {\an5}f 1012 00:22:55,970 --> 00:23:03,650 {\an5}u 1013 00:22:55,970 --> 00:23:03,650 {\an5}t 1014 00:22:55,970 --> 00:23:03,650 {\an5}u 1015 00:22:55,970 --> 00:23:03,650 {\an5}r 1016 00:22:55,970 --> 00:23:03,650 {\an5}e 1017 00:22:55,970 --> 00:23:03,650 {\an5}, 1018 00:22:55,970 --> 00:23:03,650 1019 00:22:55,970 --> 00:23:03,650 {\an5}M 1020 00:22:55,970 --> 00:23:03,650 {\an5}y 1021 00:22:55,970 --> 00:23:03,650 1022 00:22:55,970 --> 00:23:03,650 {\an5}l 1023 00:22:55,970 --> 00:23:03,650 {\an5}i 1024 00:22:55,970 --> 00:23:03,650 {\an5}f 1025 00:22:55,970 --> 00:23:03,650 {\an5}e 1026 00:22:55,970 --> 00:23:03,650 {\an5}. 1027 00:22:55,970 --> 00:23:03,650 {\an5}. 1028 00:22:55,970 --> 00:23:03,650 {\an5}. 1029 00:23:07,780 --> 00:23:14,280 {\an5}M 1030 00:23:07,780 --> 00:23:14,280 {\an5}y 1031 00:23:07,780 --> 00:23:14,280 1032 00:23:07,780 --> 00:23:14,280 {\an5}b 1033 00:23:07,780 --> 00:23:14,280 {\an5}u 1034 00:23:07,780 --> 00:23:14,280 {\an5}r 1035 00:23:07,780 --> 00:23:14,280 {\an5}n 1036 00:23:07,780 --> 00:23:14,280 {\an5}t 1037 00:23:07,780 --> 00:23:14,280 {\an5}- 1038 00:23:07,780 --> 00:23:14,280 {\an5}o 1039 00:23:07,780 --> 00:23:14,280 {\an5}u 1040 00:23:07,780 --> 00:23:14,280 {\an5}t 1041 00:23:07,780 --> 00:23:14,280 1042 00:23:07,780 --> 00:23:14,280 {\an5}e 1043 00:23:07,780 --> 00:23:14,280 {\an5}m 1044 00:23:07,780 --> 00:23:14,280 {\an5}o 1045 00:23:07,780 --> 00:23:14,280 {\an5}t 1046 00:23:07,780 --> 00:23:14,280 {\an5}i 1047 00:23:07,780 --> 00:23:14,280 {\an5}o 1048 00:23:07,780 --> 00:23:14,280 {\an5}n 1049 00:23:07,780 --> 00:23:14,280 {\an5}s 1050 00:23:07,780 --> 00:23:14,280 {\an5}, 1051 00:23:07,780 --> 00:23:14,280 1052 00:23:07,780 --> 00:23:14,280 {\an5}m 1053 00:23:07,780 --> 00:23:14,280 {\an5}y 1054 00:23:07,780 --> 00:23:14,280 1055 00:23:07,780 --> 00:23:14,280 {\an5}f 1056 00:23:07,780 --> 00:23:14,280 {\an5}r 1057 00:23:07,780 --> 00:23:14,280 {\an5}u 1058 00:23:07,780 --> 00:23:14,280 {\an5}i 1059 00:23:07,780 --> 00:23:14,280 {\an5}t 1060 00:23:07,780 --> 00:23:14,280 {\an5}l 1061 00:23:07,780 --> 00:23:14,280 {\an5}e 1062 00:23:07,780 --> 00:23:14,280 {\an5}s 1063 00:23:07,780 --> 00:23:14,280 {\an5}s 1064 00:23:07,780 --> 00:23:14,280 1065 00:23:07,780 --> 00:23:14,280 {\an5}p 1066 00:23:07,780 --> 00:23:14,280 {\an5}r 1067 00:23:07,780 --> 00:23:14,280 {\an5}a 1068 00:23:07,780 --> 00:23:14,280 {\an5}y 1069 00:23:07,780 --> 00:23:14,280 {\an5}e 1070 00:23:07,780 --> 00:23:14,280 {\an5}r 1071 00:23:07,780 --> 00:23:14,280 {\an5}s 1072 00:23:07,780 --> 00:23:14,280 {\an5}, 1073 00:23:14,280 --> 00:23:19,960 {\an5}T 1074 00:23:14,280 --> 00:23:19,960 {\an5}h 1075 00:23:14,280 --> 00:23:19,960 {\an5}e 1076 00:23:14,280 --> 00:23:19,960 1077 00:23:14,280 --> 00:23:19,960 {\an5}u 1078 00:23:14,280 --> 00:23:19,960 {\an5}g 1079 00:23:14,280 --> 00:23:19,960 {\an5}l 1080 00:23:14,280 --> 00:23:19,960 {\an5}i 1081 00:23:14,280 --> 00:23:19,960 {\an5}n 1082 00:23:14,280 --> 00:23:19,960 {\an5}e 1083 00:23:14,280 --> 00:23:19,960 {\an5}s 1084 00:23:14,280 --> 00:23:19,960 {\an5}s 1085 00:23:14,280 --> 00:23:19,960 1086 00:23:14,280 --> 00:23:19,960 {\an5}I 1087 00:23:14,280 --> 00:23:19,960 1088 00:23:14,280 --> 00:23:19,960 {\an5}c 1089 00:23:14,280 --> 00:23:19,960 {\an5}l 1090 00:23:14,280 --> 00:23:19,960 {\an5}i 1091 00:23:14,280 --> 00:23:19,960 {\an5}n 1092 00:23:14,280 --> 00:23:19,960 {\an5}g 1093 00:23:14,280 --> 00:23:19,960 1094 00:23:14,280 --> 00:23:19,960 {\an5}t 1095 00:23:14,280 --> 00:23:19,960 {\an5}o 1096 00:23:14,280 --> 00:23:19,960 {\an5}, 1097 00:23:14,280 --> 00:23:19,960 1098 00:23:14,280 --> 00:23:19,960 {\an5}t 1099 00:23:14,280 --> 00:23:19,960 {\an5}h 1100 00:23:14,280 --> 00:23:19,960 {\an5}e 1101 00:23:14,280 --> 00:23:19,960 1102 00:23:14,280 --> 00:23:19,960 {\an5}f 1103 00:23:14,280 --> 00:23:19,960 {\an5}o 1104 00:23:14,280 --> 00:23:19,960 {\an5}o 1105 00:23:14,280 --> 00:23:19,960 {\an5}l 1106 00:23:14,280 --> 00:23:19,960 {\an5}i 1107 00:23:14,280 --> 00:23:19,960 {\an5}s 1108 00:23:14,280 --> 00:23:19,960 {\an5}h 1109 00:23:14,280 --> 00:23:19,960 {\an5}n 1110 00:23:14,280 --> 00:23:19,960 {\an5}e 1111 00:23:14,280 --> 00:23:19,960 {\an5}s 1112 00:23:14,280 --> 00:23:19,960 {\an5}s 1113 00:23:14,280 --> 00:23:19,960 1114 00:23:14,280 --> 00:23:19,960 {\an5}I 1115 00:23:14,280 --> 00:23:19,960 1116 00:23:14,280 --> 00:23:19,960 {\an5}p 1117 00:23:14,280 --> 00:23:19,960 {\an5}r 1118 00:23:14,280 --> 00:23:19,960 {\an5}o 1119 00:23:14,280 --> 00:23:19,960 {\an5}v 1120 00:23:14,280 --> 00:23:19,960 {\an5}i 1121 00:23:14,280 --> 00:23:19,960 {\an5}d 1122 00:23:14,280 --> 00:23:19,960 {\an5}e 1123 00:23:14,280 --> 00:23:19,960 {\an5}, 1124 00:23:19,960 --> 00:23:26,590 {\an5}M 1125 00:23:19,960 --> 00:23:26,590 {\an5}y 1126 00:23:19,960 --> 00:23:26,590 1127 00:23:19,960 --> 00:23:26,590 {\an5}a 1128 00:23:19,960 --> 00:23:26,590 {\an5}i 1129 00:23:19,960 --> 00:23:26,590 {\an5}l 1130 00:23:19,960 --> 00:23:26,590 {\an5}e 1131 00:23:19,960 --> 00:23:26,590 {\an5}d 1132 00:23:19,960 --> 00:23:26,590 1133 00:23:19,960 --> 00:23:26,590 {\an5}v 1134 00:23:19,960 --> 00:23:26,590 {\an5}o 1135 00:23:19,960 --> 00:23:26,590 {\an5}i 1136 00:23:19,960 --> 00:23:26,590 {\an5}c 1137 00:23:19,960 --> 00:23:26,590 {\an5}e 1138 00:23:19,960 --> 00:23:26,590 {\an5}, 1139 00:23:19,960 --> 00:23:26,590 1140 00:23:19,960 --> 00:23:26,590 {\an5}m 1141 00:23:19,960 --> 00:23:26,590 {\an5}y 1142 00:23:19,960 --> 00:23:26,590 1143 00:23:19,960 --> 00:23:26,590 {\an5}s 1144 00:23:19,960 --> 00:23:26,590 {\an5}t 1145 00:23:19,960 --> 00:23:26,590 {\an5}a 1146 00:23:19,960 --> 00:23:26,590 {\an5}i 1147 00:23:19,960 --> 00:23:26,590 {\an5}n 1148 00:23:19,960 --> 00:23:26,590 {\an5}e 1149 00:23:19,960 --> 00:23:26,590 {\an5}d 1150 00:23:19,960 --> 00:23:26,590 1151 00:23:19,960 --> 00:23:26,590 {\an5}h 1152 00:23:19,960 --> 00:23:26,590 {\an5}a 1153 00:23:19,960 --> 00:23:26,590 {\an5}n 1154 00:23:19,960 --> 00:23:26,590 {\an5}d 1155 00:23:19,960 --> 00:23:26,590 {\an5}s 1156 00:23:19,960 --> 00:23:26,590 {\an5}, 1157 00:23:26,590 --> 00:23:36,060 {\an5}A 1158 00:23:26,590 --> 00:23:36,060 {\an5}n 1159 00:23:26,590 --> 00:23:36,060 {\an5}d 1160 00:23:26,590 --> 00:23:36,060 1161 00:23:26,590 --> 00:23:36,060 {\an5}m 1162 00:23:26,590 --> 00:23:36,060 {\an5}y 1163 00:23:26,590 --> 00:23:36,060 1164 00:23:26,590 --> 00:23:36,060 {\an5}h 1165 00:23:26,590 --> 00:23:36,060 {\an5}e 1166 00:23:26,590 --> 00:23:36,060 {\an5}a 1167 00:23:26,590 --> 00:23:36,060 {\an5}r 1168 00:23:26,590 --> 00:23:36,060 {\an5}t 1169 00:23:26,590 --> 00:23:36,060 {\an5}, 1170 00:23:26,590 --> 00:23:36,060 1171 00:23:26,590 --> 00:23:36,060 {\an5}h 1172 00:23:26,590 --> 00:23:36,060 {\an5}e 1173 00:23:26,590 --> 00:23:36,060 {\an5}l 1174 00:23:26,590 --> 00:23:36,060 {\an5}d 1175 00:23:26,590 --> 00:23:36,060 1176 00:23:26,590 --> 00:23:36,060 {\an5}o 1177 00:23:26,590 --> 00:23:36,060 {\an5}p 1178 00:23:26,590 --> 00:23:36,060 {\an5}e 1179 00:23:26,590 --> 00:23:36,060 {\an5}n 1180 00:23:26,590 --> 00:23:36,060 1181 00:23:26,590 --> 00:23:36,060 {\an5}b 1182 00:23:26,590 --> 00:23:36,060 {\an5}y 1183 00:23:26,590 --> 00:23:36,060 1184 00:23:26,590 --> 00:23:36,060 {\an5}t 1185 00:23:26,590 --> 00:23:36,060 {\an5}h 1186 00:23:26,590 --> 00:23:36,060 {\an5}e 1187 00:23:26,590 --> 00:23:36,060 1188 00:23:26,590 --> 00:23:36,060 {\an5}s 1189 00:23:26,590 --> 00:23:36,060 {\an5}c 1190 00:23:26,590 --> 00:23:36,060 {\an5}a 1191 00:23:26,590 --> 00:23:36,060 {\an5}r 1192 00:23:26,590 --> 00:23:36,060 {\an5}s 1193 00:21:12,540 --> 00:21:15,540