1 00:00:17,942 --> 00:00:20,108 [CREATURE SQUAWKING] 2 00:00:34,608 --> 00:00:36,775 [CREATURES SQUAWKING] 3 00:00:43,400 --> 00:00:45,400 [CREATURES CONTINUE SQUAWKING] 4 00:00:49,067 --> 00:00:50,317 [DOO-WOP SONG PLAYING] 5 00:00:50,400 --> 00:00:53,525 Over the mountain 6 00:00:53,608 --> 00:00:56,650 Across the sea 7 00:00:56,733 --> 00:01:00,358 There's a girl She's waiting for me 8 00:01:00,442 --> 00:01:02,317 [YAWNING] 9 00:01:05,775 --> 00:01:06,900 [MOANS] 10 00:01:06,983 --> 00:01:09,900 Cross over the river 11 00:01:09,983 --> 00:01:13,192 Beyond every cloud 12 00:01:13,275 --> 00:01:14,608 She's passed the wind 13 00:01:14,692 --> 00:01:16,233 [RUMBLING] 14 00:01:16,317 --> 00:01:19,067 That's blowing loud 15 00:01:19,150 --> 00:01:20,483 [MOANS] 16 00:01:20,567 --> 00:01:22,733 Over the mountain 17 00:01:22,817 --> 00:01:30,025 A girl waits for me 18 00:01:33,817 --> 00:01:35,150 Tell all the sands 19 00:01:35,233 --> 00:01:36,817 [SNIFFING] 20 00:01:36,900 --> 00:01:39,567 And every blade of grass 21 00:01:39,650 --> 00:01:41,108 Mm. 22 00:01:41,192 --> 00:01:44,317 Please tell the wind to let my love pass 23 00:01:44,400 --> 00:01:46,525 [GROWLING SOFTLY] 24 00:01:47,692 --> 00:01:49,942 Over the mountain 25 00:01:50,025 --> 00:01:56,275 A girl waits for me 26 00:01:56,358 --> 00:01:58,108 [DEVICE WHIRRING] 27 00:02:04,858 --> 00:02:07,192 [HEAVY FOOTSTEPS THUDDING] 28 00:02:22,567 --> 00:02:24,567 [FAINT, MUFFLED FOOTSTEPS] 29 00:02:27,067 --> 00:02:29,025 [MUFFLED GRUNTING] 30 00:02:42,025 --> 00:02:43,650 [ROARS] 31 00:02:52,400 --> 00:02:54,525 [ROARING LOUDLY] 32 00:02:57,317 --> 00:02:59,108 [DISTANT EXPLOSION] 33 00:03:04,192 --> 00:03:05,733 [SOFT EXPLOSION] 34 00:03:10,358 --> 00:03:11,733 [ALARM BLARES] 35 00:03:11,817 --> 00:03:13,858 [AUTOMATED VOICE ON SPEAKER] Alert, biodome breach. 36 00:03:13,942 --> 00:03:16,692 Alert, biodome breach. 37 00:03:19,192 --> 00:03:21,525 Dr. Andrews, did you see that? 38 00:03:21,608 --> 00:03:23,775 The habitat's not gonna hold much longer. 39 00:03:23,858 --> 00:03:26,192 We need to start thinking about off-site solutions. 40 00:03:26,275 --> 00:03:28,733 The island is the one thing that's kept him isolated. 41 00:03:28,817 --> 00:03:30,817 If he leaves, Godzilla will come for him. 42 00:03:30,900 --> 00:03:33,317 There can't be two alpha Titans. 43 00:03:33,400 --> 00:03:35,275 The whole theory of an ancient rivalry 44 00:03:35,358 --> 00:03:36,817 stems from Iwi mythology. 45 00:03:36,900 --> 00:03:38,192 He's gotten too big over time. 46 00:03:38,275 --> 00:03:40,067 This environment won't sustain much longer. 47 00:03:40,150 --> 00:03:41,608 It's too unstable. 48 00:03:44,817 --> 00:03:46,192 Hey. 49 00:03:46,275 --> 00:03:47,608 {\an8}[IN SIGN LANGUAGE] 50 00:03:48,483 --> 00:03:49,900 {\an8}[IN SIGN LANGUAGE] 51 00:03:56,150 --> 00:03:57,275 [SIGHS] 52 00:03:58,733 --> 00:04:00,900 Off-site would be a death sentence. 53 00:04:00,983 --> 00:04:04,233 You don't think the King could take care of himself? 54 00:04:04,317 --> 00:04:06,358 There has to be another way. 55 00:04:15,025 --> 00:04:16,942 MAN 1: Finding the origin of these creatures 56 00:04:17,025 --> 00:04:20,983 is essential to mankind's survival. 57 00:04:21,067 --> 00:04:22,608 MAN 2: The interior of the Earth 58 00:04:22,692 --> 00:04:25,442 is made up of vast cabins and air pockets, 59 00:04:26,400 --> 00:04:30,108 joined by natural avenues. 60 00:04:30,192 --> 00:04:32,483 MAN 3: The admiral begins his expedition, 61 00:04:32,567 --> 00:04:35,025 searching for an entrance to a hidden world. 62 00:04:35,108 --> 00:04:36,692 MAN 4: The purpose is the discovery 63 00:04:36,775 --> 00:04:38,192 and the release to the world 64 00:04:38,275 --> 00:04:40,317 of the unknown treasures of Antarctica 65 00:04:40,400 --> 00:04:43,858 in the interests of all mankind. 66 00:04:43,942 --> 00:04:47,025 MAN 5: Members of the lost party were never seen again. 67 00:04:47,108 --> 00:04:49,442 Still no word on what may have happened. 68 00:04:54,400 --> 00:04:56,150 MAN 6: There's an ecosystem out there, 69 00:04:56,233 --> 00:04:58,567 the likes of which we can't imagine. 70 00:04:58,650 --> 00:05:01,650 And the place to find it is this island. 71 00:05:53,942 --> 00:05:55,442 [GROWLING] 72 00:06:29,775 --> 00:06:31,067 MAN: Hello, loyal listeners. 73 00:06:31,150 --> 00:06:33,233 Welcome to TTP, Titan Truth Podcast. 74 00:06:33,317 --> 00:06:35,608 Episode number 245. 75 00:06:35,692 --> 00:06:37,358 Today is the day. 76 00:06:37,442 --> 00:06:39,317 Maybe the last podcast I ever record. 77 00:06:39,400 --> 00:06:41,067 And look, I know I said that last week 78 00:06:41,150 --> 00:06:42,983 and maybe the week before and a few other times. 79 00:06:43,067 --> 00:06:44,567 But, look, this is the point. 80 00:06:44,650 --> 00:06:47,400 After five years of deep cover at Apex Cybernetics, 81 00:06:47,483 --> 00:06:49,233 I'm finally taking my shot. 82 00:06:49,317 --> 00:06:50,900 Something bad is going on here. 83 00:06:50,983 --> 00:06:52,317 I don't know what it is, 84 00:06:52,400 --> 00:06:54,733 but I'm about to walk in and download hard evidence 85 00:06:54,817 --> 00:06:57,317 and expose a vast corporate conspiracy. 86 00:06:57,400 --> 00:06:58,942 Yeah, you can call me a whistleblower, 87 00:06:59,025 --> 00:07:00,400 but I ain't just whistling. 88 00:07:00,483 --> 00:07:03,983 I mean, this is more than a leak. It's a flood. 89 00:07:04,067 --> 00:07:05,775 And believe me, this flood 90 00:07:05,858 --> 00:07:08,942 is gonna wash away all of Apex's lies. 91 00:07:09,025 --> 00:07:10,733 You can believe that. 92 00:07:15,442 --> 00:07:17,983 [AUTOMATED VOICE ON SPEAKER] Welcome to Apex Cybernetics. 93 00:07:18,067 --> 00:07:21,608 No unauthorized persons allowed beyond this point. 94 00:07:21,692 --> 00:07:24,442 [MAN ON TV] When we started Apex Cybernetics, 95 00:07:24,525 --> 00:07:25,942 we dreamt of new ways 96 00:07:26,025 --> 00:07:29,358 to push past the limits of human potential. 97 00:07:29,442 --> 00:07:33,483 Robotics, the human mind, artificial intelligence. 98 00:07:33,567 --> 00:07:38,150 Who knows what brave new future we'll dream of next? 99 00:07:39,275 --> 00:07:41,067 I'm Walter Simmons, 100 00:07:41,150 --> 00:07:43,525 and it is my privilege to lead Apex 101 00:07:43,608 --> 00:07:46,150 into humanity's bold new era. 102 00:07:46,233 --> 00:07:48,150 We're not going anywhere. 103 00:07:48,983 --> 00:07:50,192 And neither are you. 104 00:07:52,900 --> 00:07:54,567 MAN: There you are, baby. 105 00:08:01,733 --> 00:08:03,858 [INDISTINCT CHATTER ON RADIO] 106 00:08:04,733 --> 00:08:06,150 No, don't eat that! 107 00:08:06,233 --> 00:08:07,983 It's incredibly unhealthy. 108 00:08:09,317 --> 00:08:10,983 It's just all the GMOs. 109 00:08:11,067 --> 00:08:12,567 Growing a second head could be useful. 110 00:08:12,650 --> 00:08:13,650 You have to let me know. 111 00:08:13,733 --> 00:08:15,025 Because me, myself? 112 00:08:15,108 --> 00:08:16,650 I can barely handle the one I got. [CHUCKLES] 113 00:08:16,733 --> 00:08:19,692 Bernie, you're not supposed to be in here. 114 00:08:19,775 --> 00:08:22,483 You ever wonder what we're really doing here? 115 00:08:22,567 --> 00:08:24,067 I mean, really doing here. 116 00:08:24,150 --> 00:08:25,483 Why are you here? 117 00:08:25,567 --> 00:08:27,358 This isn't Engineering. 118 00:08:27,442 --> 00:08:28,817 Because, you know, I had to wait 119 00:08:28,900 --> 00:08:30,192 because they're rendering these new specs, 120 00:08:30,275 --> 00:08:31,983 which is gonna take over, uh... 121 00:08:32,067 --> 00:08:33,400 That's calculator mode. 122 00:08:33,483 --> 00:08:35,108 ...over one hour, maybe even more. 123 00:08:35,192 --> 00:08:37,192 So my foreman told me to just take a walk 124 00:08:37,275 --> 00:08:39,733 - and make some new friends. - Oh. 125 00:08:39,817 --> 00:08:41,067 Oh! Now that we're new friends, 126 00:08:41,150 --> 00:08:42,900 I can share something with you, right? 127 00:08:42,983 --> 00:08:44,525 I know it's in here somewhere. 128 00:08:44,608 --> 00:08:46,192 This is hand sanitizer that I made from my own garden. 129 00:08:46,275 --> 00:08:47,525 It's really amazing. 130 00:08:47,608 --> 00:08:49,400 Don't know if I used that or not. 131 00:08:50,025 --> 00:08:51,275 [EXCLAIMS] 132 00:08:51,358 --> 00:08:53,858 Yes. This. Check this out. 133 00:08:53,942 --> 00:08:56,608 That right there is radio mesh networking 134 00:08:56,692 --> 00:08:58,358 with a voice-record subprocessor. 135 00:08:58,442 --> 00:09:00,192 - Guess from where. Come on. - I don't care. 136 00:09:00,275 --> 00:09:01,525 A toaster! [CHUCKLES] 137 00:09:01,608 --> 00:09:03,275 It's from a toaster. Look at this thing. 138 00:09:03,358 --> 00:09:04,900 I have to go to the bathroom. 139 00:09:04,983 --> 00:09:06,358 Is it one or two? 140 00:09:06,442 --> 00:09:08,025 'Cause if it's two, it's probably from these apples. 141 00:09:08,108 --> 00:09:10,733 Hey, you wanna use the hand sanitizer that I made? 142 00:09:10,817 --> 00:09:11,817 I'm good. 143 00:09:11,900 --> 00:09:14,483 Okay, I'll just stay here. 144 00:09:15,525 --> 00:09:17,775 [SOFTLY] Okay. Yeah. 145 00:09:19,150 --> 00:09:20,858 Ah, let's see. 146 00:09:20,942 --> 00:09:22,025 Whoo. 147 00:09:23,775 --> 00:09:25,025 Screen. 148 00:09:30,400 --> 00:09:31,900 What are they shipping to Hong Kong? 149 00:09:31,983 --> 00:09:34,150 What's Sublevel 33? 150 00:09:36,608 --> 00:09:37,942 What the...? 151 00:09:39,775 --> 00:09:41,233 - [ALARM BLARES] - [GASPS] 152 00:09:41,317 --> 00:09:43,400 [AUTOMATED VOICE ON PA] Evacuation, Titan alert. 153 00:09:43,483 --> 00:09:45,150 [MAN ON PA] This is not a drill. 154 00:09:45,233 --> 00:09:47,108 All Apex employees, please proceed... 155 00:09:47,192 --> 00:09:49,358 That is my cue. That's my cue. 156 00:09:49,442 --> 00:09:51,233 [MAN ON PA] This is not a drill. 157 00:09:57,942 --> 00:09:59,900 [INDISTINCT SHOUTING] 158 00:10:15,525 --> 00:10:17,983 [ROARS] 159 00:10:18,067 --> 00:10:21,233 Proceed to the fallout shelter in a single-file line. 160 00:10:21,317 --> 00:10:22,317 Let's go! 161 00:10:22,400 --> 00:10:23,942 MAN: They used cyanide capsules 162 00:10:24,025 --> 00:10:25,483 instead of fallout shelters to keep the secrets in, 163 00:10:25,567 --> 00:10:26,983 but, you know, that's neither here nor there, 164 00:10:27,067 --> 00:10:28,650 so don't listen to me. 165 00:10:28,733 --> 00:10:32,525 GUARD: Level two personnel, this way! Let's go, let's go! 166 00:10:33,733 --> 00:10:35,150 Yeah, that way. 167 00:10:43,608 --> 00:10:45,275 It's time! 168 00:10:45,358 --> 00:10:47,733 We need to go now! 169 00:10:58,858 --> 00:11:00,567 [INDISTINCT SHOUTING] 170 00:11:00,650 --> 00:11:02,900 [PEOPLE SCREAMING] 171 00:11:13,775 --> 00:11:15,733 [AUTOMATED VOICE] Evacuate. 172 00:11:15,817 --> 00:11:18,317 [PANTING] One level at a time, okay. 173 00:11:19,483 --> 00:11:21,400 - No. - Hey, you! 174 00:11:21,483 --> 00:11:23,400 - Where's your clearance tag? - You know what? 175 00:11:23,483 --> 00:11:24,858 The fact that you're talking about 176 00:11:24,942 --> 00:11:26,400 clearance tags right now in a time of crisis 177 00:11:26,483 --> 00:11:28,025 is incredibly unprofessional. 178 00:11:28,108 --> 00:11:29,942 We should be talking about evacuation. 179 00:11:30,025 --> 00:11:31,150 - [COCKS GUN] - Yo! Okay! 180 00:11:31,233 --> 00:11:32,692 - [RUMBLING] - [BERNIE YELPS] 181 00:11:34,150 --> 00:11:36,025 - [HIGH-PITCHED SCREECH] - [SCREAMS] 182 00:11:42,317 --> 00:11:44,025 [BERNIE COUGHING] 183 00:11:46,942 --> 00:11:48,733 [GRUNTS] Oh, my God. 184 00:11:50,358 --> 00:11:52,608 [MECHANICAL WARBLINGAND CLANKING] 185 00:11:57,483 --> 00:12:01,275 Oh, no. What the hell is that? 186 00:12:01,358 --> 00:12:03,150 [MECHANICAL CLANKING] 187 00:12:07,608 --> 00:12:09,233 [PEOPLE SCREAMING] 188 00:12:13,442 --> 00:12:15,150 [ROARING] 189 00:12:18,025 --> 00:12:19,317 [NEWS THEME MUSIC PLAYS] 190 00:12:19,400 --> 00:12:21,483 ANNOUNCER: This is CNN breaking news. 191 00:12:21,567 --> 00:12:23,400 [ANCHOR] The United States Navy's Fourth Fleet 192 00:12:23,483 --> 00:12:25,400 is deployed off the southeastern seaboard 193 00:12:25,483 --> 00:12:28,567 of the U.S. after last night's sudden Godzilla attack. 194 00:12:28,650 --> 00:12:30,358 A time of relative peace shattered 195 00:12:30,442 --> 00:12:31,858 when the massive Titan, 196 00:12:31,942 --> 00:12:33,442 once thought to be a hero to humanity, 197 00:12:33,525 --> 00:12:35,650 made landfall in Pensacola, Florida. 198 00:12:35,733 --> 00:12:37,525 While the damage was largely contained 199 00:12:37,608 --> 00:12:40,275 to the U.S. headquarters of Apex Cybernetics, 200 00:12:40,358 --> 00:12:43,067 governments around the world aren't taking any chances 201 00:12:43,150 --> 00:12:45,275 after the first substantiated Titan sighting 202 00:12:45,358 --> 00:12:46,775 in over three years. 203 00:12:46,858 --> 00:12:49,942 CEO Walter Simmons had this to say. 204 00:12:50,025 --> 00:12:53,900 It's about working together to ensure a safer world. 205 00:12:53,983 --> 00:12:55,442 Godzilla's a threat to humanity, 206 00:12:55,525 --> 00:12:57,442 and Apex has a plan to deal with it, 207 00:12:57,525 --> 00:12:59,608 - once and for all. - [SCHOOL BELL RINGS] 208 00:12:59,692 --> 00:13:01,942 WOMAN ON PA: Students and faculty, please be advised 209 00:13:02,025 --> 00:13:03,608 a mandatory assembly will be held 210 00:13:03,692 --> 00:13:05,108 at 2:00 p.m. this afternoon. 211 00:13:05,192 --> 00:13:06,650 Guidance counselors will also be holding 212 00:13:06,733 --> 00:13:08,525 additional office hours all this week 213 00:13:08,608 --> 00:13:10,067 for individual and group sessions. 214 00:13:10,150 --> 00:13:11,608 [BERNIE ON SPEAKER] Welcome back, loyal listeners, 215 00:13:11,692 --> 00:13:14,317 to Titan Truth Podcast, episode 246. 216 00:13:14,400 --> 00:13:15,900 Oh, my God. I was there. 217 00:13:15,983 --> 00:13:18,692 Godzilla's Apex attack. I saw it go down! 218 00:13:18,775 --> 00:13:20,983 You think it's a coincidence that he reappears 219 00:13:21,067 --> 00:13:23,692 and just so happens to destroy that specific facility? 220 00:13:23,775 --> 00:13:27,483 Ha-ha, no, no, no, no. No such thing as coincidence. 221 00:13:33,400 --> 00:13:35,067 MADISON: Dad, I'm telling you, there's something 222 00:13:35,150 --> 00:13:36,858 provoking him that we're not seeing here. 223 00:13:36,942 --> 00:13:39,317 Why else would Godzilla flash an intimidation display 224 00:13:39,400 --> 00:13:40,900 if there wasn't another Titan around? 225 00:13:40,983 --> 00:13:42,983 That podcast is filling your head with garbage. 226 00:13:43,067 --> 00:13:45,817 - You should be in school. - I am just trying to help. 227 00:13:45,900 --> 00:13:48,067 I don't want you to help. I want you to stay safe. 228 00:13:48,150 --> 00:13:50,067 We needed a plan to keep peace with these things, 229 00:13:50,150 --> 00:13:52,317 and the best one we had just went down in flames. 230 00:13:52,400 --> 00:13:53,983 I don't have any more. 231 00:13:54,067 --> 00:13:55,983 And the last thing that I need is to be worrying about you. 232 00:13:56,067 --> 00:13:59,317 Godzilla saved us. You were there with Mom. You saw it. 233 00:13:59,400 --> 00:14:00,692 How could you doubt him? 234 00:14:00,775 --> 00:14:02,358 - There has to be a pattern. - There doesn't. 235 00:14:02,442 --> 00:14:04,400 - A reason why he was provoked. - There isn't. 236 00:14:04,483 --> 00:14:05,692 How do you know that? 237 00:14:05,775 --> 00:14:07,650 Because creatures, like people, can change. 238 00:14:07,733 --> 00:14:09,150 And right now, Godzilla's out there 239 00:14:09,233 --> 00:14:11,275 and he's hurting people, and we don't know why. 240 00:14:11,358 --> 00:14:13,983 So cut your pop some slack, would ya? 241 00:14:15,942 --> 00:14:17,525 See you at home, Dad. 242 00:14:21,817 --> 00:14:23,442 BERNIE: You wanna know my theory? 243 00:14:23,525 --> 00:14:25,275 I mean, of course you do. That's why you're here. 244 00:14:25,358 --> 00:14:27,775 Come on, it's all about patterns and variables. 245 00:14:27,858 --> 00:14:29,567 Oh, wait, stick with me. I'm gonna take you back 246 00:14:29,650 --> 00:14:31,358 to sixth grade with this, okay? 247 00:14:31,442 --> 00:14:33,858 Godzilla attacks when provoked, that's the pattern. 248 00:14:33,942 --> 00:14:36,567 Pensacola is the only coastal Apex hub 249 00:14:36,650 --> 00:14:37,817 with an advanced robotics lab. 250 00:14:37,900 --> 00:14:39,150 That's the variable. 251 00:14:39,233 --> 00:14:40,983 And add them up and your answer is 252 00:14:41,067 --> 00:14:43,692 that Apex is at the heart of the problem. 253 00:14:53,067 --> 00:14:55,858 - [FAINT BEEP] - [DOOR CLOSES] 254 00:15:00,983 --> 00:15:02,108 Can I help you? 255 00:15:03,983 --> 00:15:05,567 If you want an appointment, 256 00:15:05,650 --> 00:15:07,067 my office hours are nine to five. 257 00:15:07,150 --> 00:15:09,900 - WALTER: Please, Dr. Lind. - What the f... 258 00:15:09,983 --> 00:15:12,233 Guys like you and me, 259 00:15:12,317 --> 00:15:14,317 we don't do normal hours, do we? 260 00:15:17,108 --> 00:15:18,567 I've been fixated on Hollow Earth 261 00:15:18,650 --> 00:15:20,067 for as long as you have. 262 00:15:20,150 --> 00:15:23,150 Your theory that it's the birthplace of all Titans 263 00:15:23,233 --> 00:15:24,442 is fascinating. 264 00:15:24,525 --> 00:15:26,483 Your book was very impressive. 265 00:15:26,567 --> 00:15:29,442 Oh, yeah? Well, I got about 30 unsold boxes 266 00:15:29,525 --> 00:15:31,108 in my apartment if you want some. 267 00:15:31,192 --> 00:15:32,275 [CHUCKLES] 268 00:15:32,358 --> 00:15:34,233 Walt Simmons. 269 00:15:34,317 --> 00:15:36,108 I know who you are, sir. It's an honor. 270 00:15:36,192 --> 00:15:39,775 No, the honor is mine. As is the urgency. 271 00:15:39,858 --> 00:15:43,150 Godzilla has never attacked us unprovoked before. 272 00:15:43,233 --> 00:15:46,150 These are dangerous times, Dr. Lind. 273 00:15:46,233 --> 00:15:47,608 Allow me to introduce 274 00:15:47,692 --> 00:15:51,400 our Apex chief technology officer, Mr. Ren Serizawa. 275 00:15:51,483 --> 00:15:54,900 He has an interesting thing to show you. 276 00:15:57,525 --> 00:15:58,942 [BEEPS] 277 00:15:59,025 --> 00:16:03,025 Magnetic imaging from one of our new satellites. 278 00:16:03,108 --> 00:16:05,650 You know what this is, right? 279 00:16:05,733 --> 00:16:07,067 NATHAN: Hollow Earth. 280 00:16:07,150 --> 00:16:10,442 WALTER: An ecosystem as vast as any ocean, 281 00:16:10,525 --> 00:16:12,025 right beneath our feet. 282 00:16:16,067 --> 00:16:18,400 This energy signal is enormous. 283 00:16:18,483 --> 00:16:21,900 And almost identical to readings from Gojira. 284 00:16:21,983 --> 00:16:24,233 WALTER: As our sun fuels the planet's surface, 285 00:16:24,317 --> 00:16:26,608 this energy sustains the Hollow Earth, 286 00:16:26,692 --> 00:16:31,400 enabling life as powerful as our aggressive Titan friend. 287 00:16:31,483 --> 00:16:34,442 If we can harness this life force, 288 00:16:34,525 --> 00:16:38,108 we'll have a weapon that can compete with GODZILLA. 289 00:16:38,192 --> 00:16:40,358 I need your help to find it. 290 00:16:40,442 --> 00:16:42,733 [CHUCKLING] 291 00:16:42,817 --> 00:16:46,108 I don't know if I'm the right guy for the job. 292 00:16:47,150 --> 00:16:48,483 Did you read the reviews? 293 00:16:48,567 --> 00:16:51,525 "A sci-fi quack trading in fringe physics." 294 00:16:51,608 --> 00:16:53,150 Look where they put my office. 295 00:16:53,233 --> 00:16:56,567 I'm in the basement right across from flute class. 296 00:16:56,650 --> 00:16:59,358 Besides, I'm not with Monarch anymore. 297 00:16:59,442 --> 00:17:01,775 And Hollow Earth entry is impossible. 298 00:17:02,567 --> 00:17:03,817 We tried. 299 00:17:06,567 --> 00:17:08,858 I'm sorry about your brother. 300 00:17:09,608 --> 00:17:11,858 He was a true pioneer. 301 00:17:11,942 --> 00:17:13,025 Thanks. 302 00:17:13,858 --> 00:17:16,025 [SNIFFLES, CLEARS THROAT] 303 00:17:17,608 --> 00:17:19,900 See, all of our forward scans 304 00:17:19,983 --> 00:17:23,275 suggest a habitable environment down there. 305 00:17:23,358 --> 00:17:29,025 So, what really went wrong on your brother's mission? 306 00:17:31,733 --> 00:17:34,525 When they tried to enter, 307 00:17:34,608 --> 00:17:37,233 they hit a gravitational inversion. 308 00:17:37,317 --> 00:17:39,608 A whole planet's worth of gravity 309 00:17:39,692 --> 00:17:41,817 reversed in a split second. 310 00:17:43,650 --> 00:17:46,567 They were crushed in an instant. 311 00:17:48,400 --> 00:17:51,900 What if I told you that we, at Apex, 312 00:17:51,983 --> 00:17:54,067 have created a phenomenal craft 313 00:17:54,150 --> 00:17:56,775 which could sustain such an inversion? 314 00:17:59,483 --> 00:18:02,025 The Hollow Earth Aerial Vehicle. 315 00:18:02,608 --> 00:18:03,817 HEAV. 316 00:18:06,900 --> 00:18:07,942 We can make the journey 317 00:18:08,025 --> 00:18:10,317 to Hollow Earth possible, Dr. Lind. 318 00:18:10,400 --> 00:18:12,942 But we need you to lead the mission. 319 00:18:19,608 --> 00:18:20,817 Help me. 320 00:18:22,483 --> 00:18:24,775 Help everyone. 321 00:18:24,858 --> 00:18:27,275 Finding this needle in a haystack 322 00:18:27,358 --> 00:18:29,608 is our best shot against Godzilla. 323 00:18:29,692 --> 00:18:33,483 Well, I, uh, might have an idea. 324 00:18:34,192 --> 00:18:35,442 But it's crazy. 325 00:18:35,525 --> 00:18:39,150 I love crazy ideas. They made me rich. 326 00:18:40,650 --> 00:18:43,150 NATHAN: Are you guys familiar with genetic memory? 327 00:18:43,233 --> 00:18:46,025 It's a theory that all Titans share a common impulse 328 00:18:46,108 --> 00:18:48,150 to return to their evolutionary source. 329 00:18:48,233 --> 00:18:49,567 Like spawning salmon. 330 00:18:49,650 --> 00:18:53,858 Exactly. Or a... Or a homing pigeon. 331 00:18:53,942 --> 00:18:56,150 So if this is the Titans' home 332 00:18:56,233 --> 00:18:58,358 and this life force sustains them... 333 00:18:58,442 --> 00:19:00,275 A Titan could show you the way. 334 00:19:01,942 --> 00:19:03,942 NATHAN: Yeah. 335 00:19:04,025 --> 00:19:06,067 With a little help of an old colleague. 336 00:19:13,567 --> 00:19:15,067 [GRUNTS SOFTLY] 337 00:19:39,733 --> 00:19:41,858 ILENE: Ugh, where is it? 338 00:19:41,942 --> 00:19:44,942 [RECEPTIONIST] Dr. Andrews, you have a visitor waiting for you at security. 339 00:19:47,650 --> 00:19:48,817 {\an8}[IN SIGN LANGUAGE] 340 00:19:51,692 --> 00:19:52,858 [SIGHS] Okay. 341 00:20:03,358 --> 00:20:04,692 [CHUCKLES SOFTLY] 342 00:20:06,358 --> 00:20:07,525 [THUNDER RUMBLES] 343 00:20:07,608 --> 00:20:09,692 ILENE: A power source in Hollow Earth? 344 00:20:09,775 --> 00:20:11,983 This sounds nuts, Nathan, even for you. 345 00:20:12,067 --> 00:20:14,983 NATHAN: It's there! We just need Kong to bring us to it! 346 00:20:15,067 --> 00:20:17,567 ILENE: The second you take Kong out of containment, 347 00:20:17,650 --> 00:20:19,108 Godzilla's gonna come for him. 348 00:20:19,192 --> 00:20:20,650 NATHAN: You said you can't keep him here forever. 349 00:20:20,733 --> 00:20:22,692 No. Our meddling has already wreaked havoc 350 00:20:22,775 --> 00:20:23,900 on Kong's habitat. 351 00:20:23,983 --> 00:20:25,400 No way am I letting you drag him 352 00:20:25,483 --> 00:20:27,108 halfway across the world to use him as a weapon. 353 00:20:27,192 --> 00:20:29,567 NATHAN: No, not as a weapon. As an ally. 354 00:20:29,650 --> 00:20:31,733 To protect us, lead the way down there. 355 00:20:31,817 --> 00:20:33,983 What even makes you think that he'll go in? 356 00:20:34,067 --> 00:20:35,775 You always believed that Skull Island 357 00:20:35,858 --> 00:20:38,275 was like Hollow Earth come to the surface, right? 358 00:20:38,358 --> 00:20:40,108 And that's where Kong's ancestors came from. 359 00:20:40,192 --> 00:20:41,317 Mm-hmm. 360 00:20:41,400 --> 00:20:42,525 Through the entrance in Antarctica, 361 00:20:42,608 --> 00:20:44,650 we could help him find a new home. 362 00:20:44,733 --> 00:20:46,650 And he could save ours. 363 00:20:47,483 --> 00:20:48,858 Hers. 364 00:20:48,942 --> 00:20:51,400 That power source may be our only hope. 365 00:20:51,483 --> 00:20:54,483 We gotta stop Godzilla. This is our only chance. 366 00:20:55,275 --> 00:20:56,900 We have to take it. 367 00:20:58,567 --> 00:21:00,150 [CREATURES CHITTERING] 368 00:21:02,400 --> 00:21:04,650 [ELECTRICAL CRACKLING AND HUMMING] 369 00:21:06,150 --> 00:21:07,400 [SIGHS] 370 00:21:14,317 --> 00:21:15,567 - Okay. - Yes! 371 00:21:15,650 --> 00:21:18,775 But when it comes to Kong, what I say goes. 372 00:21:18,858 --> 00:21:21,025 You name the terms. Thank you. 373 00:21:22,650 --> 00:21:24,983 Sorry. Thank you. 374 00:21:26,192 --> 00:21:27,608 You won't regret this. 375 00:21:27,692 --> 00:21:29,900 - Mm, I already regret this. - [THUDDING] 376 00:21:31,525 --> 00:21:32,733 [SIGHS] 377 00:21:32,817 --> 00:21:34,400 {\an8}[IN SIGN LANGUAGE] 378 00:21:43,025 --> 00:21:44,275 [ILENE SIGHS] 379 00:21:49,692 --> 00:21:51,567 [EXHALES HEAVILY] Come on. 380 00:21:55,025 --> 00:21:57,317 [COUNTRY SONG PLAYING] 381 00:22:04,400 --> 00:22:08,733 If you could see me now 382 00:22:08,817 --> 00:22:13,692 The one who said that he'd rather roam 383 00:22:15,483 --> 00:22:22,192 The one who said he'd rather be alone 384 00:22:22,275 --> 00:22:27,275 If you could only see me now 385 00:22:27,358 --> 00:22:31,525 I've been too long in the wind 386 00:22:31,608 --> 00:22:33,983 Too long in the rain 387 00:22:34,067 --> 00:22:35,650 [INDISTINCT RADIO CHATTER] 388 00:22:35,733 --> 00:22:39,692 Taking any comfort that I can 389 00:22:41,275 --> 00:22:44,275 Looking back and longing for 390 00:22:44,358 --> 00:22:46,817 The freedom of my chains... 391 00:22:46,900 --> 00:22:49,150 [DOOR THUDS, BUZZER SOUNDS] 392 00:22:49,233 --> 00:22:52,650 Whoo! Jeez, I can smell him from up here. 393 00:22:52,733 --> 00:22:54,692 Well, he can smell you, too. 394 00:22:54,775 --> 00:22:56,900 [KONG MOANING] 395 00:23:02,900 --> 00:23:04,650 Still not a fan, huh? 396 00:23:08,192 --> 00:23:09,483 {\an8}[IN SIGN LANGUAGE] 397 00:23:10,483 --> 00:23:11,650 What's she saying? 398 00:23:12,692 --> 00:23:14,233 Just an Iwi expression. 399 00:23:14,317 --> 00:23:15,900 It means that you're very brave. 400 00:23:15,983 --> 00:23:17,150 - Yeah? - ILENE: Mm-hmm. 401 00:23:19,358 --> 00:23:21,650 NATHAN: Hey, use a light touch on the sedatives. 402 00:23:21,733 --> 00:23:23,192 He's our escort. 403 00:23:23,275 --> 00:23:25,483 We can't have him comatose when we reach Hollow Earth. 404 00:23:25,567 --> 00:23:27,567 What if Kong doesn't go willingly? 405 00:23:27,650 --> 00:23:29,400 - What do you do then? - [PA CHIMES] 406 00:23:29,483 --> 00:23:30,900 WOMAN ON PA: Dr. Lind, please report 407 00:23:30,983 --> 00:23:32,983 to the forward deck. Dr. Lind. 408 00:23:33,067 --> 00:23:34,192 Excuse me. 409 00:23:35,775 --> 00:23:37,067 New arrivals. 410 00:23:37,150 --> 00:23:38,400 {\an8}[IN SIGN LANGUAGE] 411 00:23:42,525 --> 00:23:44,942 - [METAL CREAKS] - [KONG GRUNTING] 412 00:23:55,858 --> 00:23:57,525 [GROWLS SOFTLY] 413 00:24:00,317 --> 00:24:01,400 Welcome. 414 00:24:03,983 --> 00:24:08,942 Wow. Who's the idiot who came up with this idea? 415 00:24:09,025 --> 00:24:10,775 - Ha-ha. - I'm Maia Simmons. 416 00:24:10,858 --> 00:24:11,900 My father sent me. 417 00:24:11,983 --> 00:24:13,442 I run point for Apex. 418 00:24:13,525 --> 00:24:15,233 Nathan Lind, mission chief. 419 00:24:15,317 --> 00:24:17,608 [KONG GROWLS] 420 00:24:17,692 --> 00:24:20,775 Yeah, don't worry. I'm just here to babysit. 421 00:24:20,858 --> 00:24:22,192 - [KONG GROWLS] - [METAL CLANGS] 422 00:24:22,275 --> 00:24:23,817 The Hollow Earth Aerial Vehicles 423 00:24:23,900 --> 00:24:26,150 are on their way to Antarctica as we speak. 424 00:24:26,233 --> 00:24:28,608 I know you people think you're cutting-edge, 425 00:24:28,692 --> 00:24:30,317 but these prototypes we're loaning you 426 00:24:30,400 --> 00:24:33,858 will make what you've been flying look like used Miatas. 427 00:24:33,942 --> 00:24:35,442 I love Miatas. 428 00:24:35,525 --> 00:24:37,650 Forget about the price tag, which is obscene, of course. 429 00:24:37,733 --> 00:24:39,442 The antigravity engines alone produce 430 00:24:39,525 --> 00:24:41,942 enough charge to light up Vegas for a week. 431 00:24:43,233 --> 00:24:45,150 Feel free to be impressed. 432 00:24:46,067 --> 00:24:47,233 Wow. 433 00:24:48,025 --> 00:24:49,525 [THUNDER CRASHES] 434 00:24:50,567 --> 00:24:52,442 [MOANING] 435 00:25:00,067 --> 00:25:01,317 NATHAN: All right, we'll be 436 00:25:01,400 --> 00:25:03,358 at the Antarctica entry in 48 hours. 437 00:25:03,442 --> 00:25:06,525 This path will get us into Hollow Earth. 438 00:25:06,608 --> 00:25:10,317 Once we're inside, Kong should lead us to the power source. 439 00:25:10,400 --> 00:25:11,858 Now, the gravitational inversion 440 00:25:11,942 --> 00:25:13,358 will be quite intense. 441 00:25:13,442 --> 00:25:14,817 Our best guess is that on entry, 442 00:25:14,900 --> 00:25:16,900 it'll feel like bungee jumping... 443 00:25:16,983 --> 00:25:19,150 with the cord tied to your lower intestine. 444 00:25:19,233 --> 00:25:21,567 But if your helicopters are as good as you say... 445 00:25:21,650 --> 00:25:22,858 HEAVs. 446 00:25:22,942 --> 00:25:25,483 If your HEAVs are as good as you say they are, 447 00:25:25,567 --> 00:25:27,192 I believe we can do this. 448 00:25:27,275 --> 00:25:28,775 MAIA: They'll do the job. 449 00:25:29,483 --> 00:25:31,525 You just gotta do yours. 450 00:25:31,608 --> 00:25:32,983 Excellent. 451 00:25:35,275 --> 00:25:37,025 WILCOX: Dr. Andrews. 452 00:25:37,108 --> 00:25:39,900 We've avoided all of Godzilla's known territorial waters 453 00:25:39,983 --> 00:25:41,692 according to your guidelines. 454 00:25:41,775 --> 00:25:42,692 Good. 455 00:25:42,775 --> 00:25:44,108 Do I need to be concerned? 456 00:25:44,192 --> 00:25:46,025 Yes. They do have a way of sensing threats. 457 00:25:46,108 --> 00:25:48,567 And we believe that they had an ancient rivalry. 458 00:25:48,650 --> 00:25:50,192 The myths say that their ancestors 459 00:25:50,275 --> 00:25:51,733 fought each other in a great war. 460 00:25:51,817 --> 00:25:54,900 So if they meet again, who bows to who, is that it? 461 00:25:54,983 --> 00:25:56,317 [SCOFFS] 462 00:25:56,400 --> 00:25:59,025 No, I spent 10 years on that island studying him. 463 00:25:59,108 --> 00:26:01,233 I know this for sure. 464 00:26:01,317 --> 00:26:03,608 Kong bows to no one. 465 00:26:13,983 --> 00:26:15,983 [FAINT, MUFFLED MOANING] 466 00:26:18,400 --> 00:26:20,525 [MUFFLED PLUSING] 467 00:26:31,858 --> 00:26:33,650 [PLUSING QUICKENING] 468 00:26:38,983 --> 00:26:40,483 [RAIN PATTERING] 469 00:26:42,608 --> 00:26:44,108 [LOUD THUD] 470 00:26:51,275 --> 00:26:53,442 Is she supposed to be out there? 471 00:26:53,525 --> 00:26:55,817 - [THUDDING CONTINUES] - [METALLIC WHINING] 472 00:27:04,567 --> 00:27:05,900 [ROARS] 473 00:27:16,067 --> 00:27:17,900 [FAINT, MUFFLED ROARING] 474 00:27:20,275 --> 00:27:21,858 [FAINT, MUFFLED GRUNTING] 475 00:27:43,567 --> 00:27:44,983 [KONG GRUNTS SOFTLY] 476 00:27:53,275 --> 00:27:55,192 [KONG MOANING] 477 00:27:58,858 --> 00:28:00,525 Jia, come on. Come on. 478 00:28:03,108 --> 00:28:04,608 {\an8}[IN SIGN LANGUAGE] 479 00:28:09,650 --> 00:28:10,817 [HUFFS] 480 00:28:19,775 --> 00:28:21,400 [MOANING] 481 00:28:35,775 --> 00:28:37,442 [GRUNTING SOFTLY] 482 00:28:49,817 --> 00:28:51,317 [GROANING] 483 00:28:55,900 --> 00:28:58,108 Did the monkey just talk? 484 00:29:03,025 --> 00:29:05,233 [BERNIE ON SPEAKER] Okay, class, listen up. 485 00:29:05,317 --> 00:29:08,900 In the midst of Godzilla's attack on Apex Pensacola, 486 00:29:08,983 --> 00:29:12,775 I found some crazy tech with no official classification. 487 00:29:13,650 --> 00:29:15,067 What I saw doesn't match 488 00:29:15,150 --> 00:29:16,858 any of the engineering specs I've ever seen. 489 00:29:16,942 --> 00:29:20,317 So what are they working on in such blackout secrecy, hmm? 490 00:29:20,400 --> 00:29:22,025 This could be the thread that finally unravels 491 00:29:22,108 --> 00:29:23,733 the Apex sweater of conspiracy. 492 00:29:23,817 --> 00:29:26,525 You better believe I'm gonna keep tugging. 493 00:29:26,608 --> 00:29:27,942 For now, I'm secure. 494 00:29:28,025 --> 00:29:29,442 Anonymous and hiding in plain sight 495 00:29:29,525 --> 00:29:31,108 as I continue my mission. 496 00:29:31,192 --> 00:29:34,025 ["BREAKING THE LAW" BLARING ON VAN SPEAKER] 497 00:29:34,108 --> 00:29:36,942 Breaking the law Breaking the law 498 00:29:37,025 --> 00:29:40,108 Breaking the law Breaking the law 499 00:29:42,150 --> 00:29:43,900 [MUSIC STOPS] 500 00:29:46,317 --> 00:29:48,650 To be clear, my brother can never know we took his van. 501 00:29:48,733 --> 00:29:51,108 Josh, to be clear, even if we got into an accident, 502 00:29:51,192 --> 00:29:52,650 I don't think he could tell. 503 00:29:52,733 --> 00:29:54,525 No, no, my brother would never let you drive either. 504 00:29:54,608 --> 00:29:55,733 My mission, my wheel. 505 00:29:55,817 --> 00:29:57,233 I just don't think it's a good idea, 506 00:29:57,317 --> 00:29:59,108 looking for some secret weirdo off the Internet. 507 00:29:59,192 --> 00:30:01,483 I mean, we just had an assembly about this. 508 00:30:01,567 --> 00:30:03,900 He's not a weirdo. He's a covert investigator. 509 00:30:03,983 --> 00:30:05,900 And he's the only one looking for the truth 510 00:30:05,983 --> 00:30:07,442 about Godzilla and Apex. 511 00:30:07,525 --> 00:30:10,150 So let him look. Why do we have to help him? 512 00:30:10,233 --> 00:30:11,483 [SIGHS] Because... 513 00:30:11,567 --> 00:30:13,733 If we don't, nobody else will. 514 00:30:15,275 --> 00:30:17,358 Are you coming or not? 515 00:30:17,442 --> 00:30:18,858 Obviously I'm coming. 516 00:30:18,942 --> 00:30:20,400 [VAN DOOR RATTLES] 517 00:30:20,483 --> 00:30:21,733 It's stuck. 518 00:30:21,817 --> 00:30:24,233 - [ENGINE REVS] - Wait, wait, wait, wait! 519 00:30:34,400 --> 00:30:36,442 [BERNIE ON SPEAKER] Mind CONTROL. Read up on it, sheep. 520 00:30:36,525 --> 00:30:38,150 Psionic link technology is a reality. 521 00:30:38,233 --> 00:30:40,400 That's right. One brain controlling another. 522 00:30:40,483 --> 00:30:41,775 Oh, man. 523 00:30:41,858 --> 00:30:42,858 BERNIE: Imagine that on a global scale 524 00:30:42,942 --> 00:30:44,233 and Apex is invincible. 525 00:30:44,317 --> 00:30:46,025 We've been listening to this weirdo for hours. 526 00:30:46,108 --> 00:30:47,942 - MADISON: Whoa, whoa, whoa! - [TIRES SCREECH] 527 00:30:48,025 --> 00:30:50,108 Whoa! Knock it off! 528 00:30:50,192 --> 00:30:52,025 Wait, this is the part I was telling you about. 529 00:30:52,108 --> 00:30:54,067 BERNIE: ...need special UV to even know you've been marked! 530 00:30:54,150 --> 00:30:55,733 One or two gallons won't cut it. 531 00:30:55,817 --> 00:30:58,525 I need my bleach in bulk! 532 00:30:58,608 --> 00:31:00,650 Because spy dust is real, people! 533 00:31:00,733 --> 00:31:02,358 I mean, come on, invisible to the naked eye... 534 00:31:02,442 --> 00:31:04,067 - [TURNS OFF STEREO] - That's how we find him. 535 00:31:04,150 --> 00:31:06,067 - The bleach. - Bleach? 536 00:31:06,150 --> 00:31:08,067 He consumes a ton of bleach. 537 00:31:08,150 --> 00:31:09,608 He drinks bleach? 538 00:31:10,650 --> 00:31:12,025 Showers with it. 539 00:31:12,108 --> 00:31:14,900 Oh! Yeah, I shower with bleach. No, what? 540 00:31:14,983 --> 00:31:17,858 Prevention against organic tracking technology. 541 00:31:17,942 --> 00:31:20,358 See? Tradecraft. 542 00:31:20,442 --> 00:31:23,025 Would've made more sense if he just drank it. 543 00:31:28,692 --> 00:31:30,567 MADISON: Come on, just one more place. 544 00:31:30,650 --> 00:31:33,150 Madison, this is getting old. 545 00:31:33,233 --> 00:31:35,525 Hey, you sell bleach? 546 00:31:35,608 --> 00:31:37,733 Is this another one of those Internet challenge things? 547 00:31:37,817 --> 00:31:39,525 When I sold those kids those detergent pods, 548 00:31:39,608 --> 00:31:41,233 I didn't know they were gonna eat them. 549 00:31:41,317 --> 00:31:43,567 I'm still dealing with the lawsuits from that. 550 00:31:43,650 --> 00:31:44,983 Look, we're looking for a guy 551 00:31:45,067 --> 00:31:46,567 who works for Apex Cybernetics. 552 00:31:46,650 --> 00:31:49,483 Buys a lot of bleach. Like every night. 553 00:31:49,567 --> 00:31:50,942 He's probably paranoid, 554 00:31:51,025 --> 00:31:53,233 high-strung, doesn't like daylight. 555 00:31:53,317 --> 00:31:55,358 You know, has a lot of crumbs in his beard, 556 00:31:55,442 --> 00:31:56,567 if he has a beard. 557 00:31:56,650 --> 00:31:58,192 Okay, look, you kids want some candy? 558 00:31:58,275 --> 00:31:59,942 Because I can help you with candy. 559 00:32:00,025 --> 00:32:03,275 Look at me in the eye. Okay? I need information. 560 00:32:03,358 --> 00:32:04,775 Yeah, we want lots of candy. 561 00:32:06,608 --> 00:32:08,150 What are you doing? You think...? 562 00:32:08,233 --> 00:32:11,525 Oh, you mean Bernie. 563 00:32:12,275 --> 00:32:13,525 Yeah, I know that guy. 564 00:32:13,608 --> 00:32:15,150 He buys, like, a ton of bleach. 565 00:32:15,233 --> 00:32:16,650 I know where he is, too. 566 00:32:16,733 --> 00:32:18,942 If you buy a live fish, I'll give you his address. 567 00:32:19,525 --> 00:32:20,983 [BANGING ON DOOR] 568 00:32:22,067 --> 00:32:23,650 MADISON: Bernie? 569 00:32:23,733 --> 00:32:25,275 BERNIE: Mister... [CLEARS THROAT] Mis... 570 00:32:25,358 --> 00:32:26,608 - [THUD] - [BERNIE GROANS] 571 00:32:26,692 --> 00:32:28,025 [IN DEEP VOICE] Mister Bernie not home. 572 00:32:28,108 --> 00:32:29,400 Yep, that was definitely Mister Bernie. 573 00:32:29,483 --> 00:32:30,900 Yeah. Um... 574 00:32:30,983 --> 00:32:35,275 Hi! Hi. Listen, we wanna talk about Apex and Godzilla. 575 00:32:35,358 --> 00:32:37,400 BERNIE: No. No. No. 576 00:32:37,483 --> 00:32:41,275 I... I got your faces. I contact authorities. Yes. 577 00:32:41,358 --> 00:32:42,483 JOSH: For knocking on a door? 578 00:32:42,567 --> 00:32:43,775 [BERNIE CHUCKLES] No. No. 579 00:32:43,858 --> 00:32:45,942 Bernie, you don't trust the authorities. 580 00:32:46,025 --> 00:32:47,942 My name is Madison Russell. 581 00:32:48,025 --> 00:32:50,983 My father works for Monarch and my mother was... 582 00:32:51,067 --> 00:32:53,192 Emma Russell, right? 583 00:32:54,817 --> 00:32:57,900 Before we go any farther, I got one question. 584 00:32:58,733 --> 00:33:00,192 Tap or no tap? 585 00:33:00,275 --> 00:33:01,817 No tap. 586 00:33:01,900 --> 00:33:04,233 - Excuse me, what is "tap"? - Water. 587 00:33:04,317 --> 00:33:06,525 They put fluoride in it. Learned it from the Nazis. 588 00:33:06,608 --> 00:33:09,358 Theory is it makes you docile, easy to manipulate. 589 00:33:09,442 --> 00:33:11,067 Oh, I drink tap water. 590 00:33:11,983 --> 00:33:13,442 Yeah, I kind of figured that. 591 00:33:13,525 --> 00:33:15,025 But she does the thinking for both of you, 592 00:33:15,108 --> 00:33:16,983 so it should be all right. 593 00:33:17,067 --> 00:33:18,900 - Thanks. - Okay. 594 00:33:18,983 --> 00:33:20,108 What you got? 595 00:33:21,567 --> 00:33:23,442 I believe Godzilla's most recent attacks 596 00:33:23,525 --> 00:33:24,775 haven't just been random. 597 00:33:24,858 --> 00:33:26,775 I think he targeted the Apex facility. 598 00:33:26,858 --> 00:33:28,317 I'm of the same opinion. 599 00:33:28,400 --> 00:33:30,733 But why? What is Apex up to that's provoking him? 600 00:33:30,817 --> 00:33:33,358 For five years, I embedded myself inside this company, 601 00:33:33,442 --> 00:33:35,525 trying to figure out what their game was. 602 00:33:35,608 --> 00:33:38,108 Then, last week... 603 00:33:38,192 --> 00:33:39,317 I saw this. 604 00:33:40,608 --> 00:33:43,692 A manifest of huge cargo being sent from here 605 00:33:43,775 --> 00:33:45,192 to Apex headquarters in Hong Kong, 606 00:33:45,275 --> 00:33:46,650 which makes no sense 607 00:33:46,733 --> 00:33:48,567 because we are not equipped for heavy shipping. 608 00:33:48,650 --> 00:33:49,900 - Then what? - And then boom! 609 00:33:49,983 --> 00:33:51,692 Godzilla shows up. 610 00:33:51,775 --> 00:33:53,192 Caved in half the facility, 611 00:33:53,275 --> 00:33:55,025 but I got a sneak peek at some suspicious tech 612 00:33:55,108 --> 00:33:56,692 which was hidden in a secret bunker. 613 00:33:56,775 --> 00:33:58,733 I mean, some pretty damn suspicious tech. 614 00:33:58,817 --> 00:34:01,025 Yeah, but what is that? 615 00:34:04,983 --> 00:34:06,358 That's, um... 616 00:34:07,817 --> 00:34:10,150 That's Katzunari single malt whiskey. 617 00:34:10,233 --> 00:34:12,525 Yeah, but it's in a gun holster. 618 00:34:12,608 --> 00:34:14,608 It was a gift from my Sara. 619 00:34:14,692 --> 00:34:15,775 You have a Sara? 620 00:34:15,858 --> 00:34:17,400 She was my wife. 621 00:34:17,483 --> 00:34:19,567 Um, she passed on. 622 00:34:21,942 --> 00:34:23,067 [BERNIE SIGHS] 623 00:34:23,150 --> 00:34:24,775 She was my rock. 624 00:34:25,233 --> 00:34:27,192 My truth. 625 00:34:27,275 --> 00:34:30,317 I'll tell you something, the day that this goes empty, 626 00:34:30,400 --> 00:34:32,358 that's the day you know I've given up. 627 00:34:37,567 --> 00:34:39,192 MADISON: Bernie. 628 00:34:39,275 --> 00:34:41,067 I think we can help each other. 629 00:34:44,942 --> 00:34:47,442 Okay, I guess now that we're a team, 630 00:34:47,525 --> 00:34:49,900 I feel like we should come up with a plan. 631 00:34:49,983 --> 00:34:51,275 We're breaking into Apex. 632 00:34:51,358 --> 00:34:53,483 - JOSH: Wait, what? - BERNIE: You heard her. 633 00:34:53,567 --> 00:34:55,275 Tap water. 634 00:34:55,358 --> 00:34:56,817 Shit. 635 00:35:02,817 --> 00:35:04,067 [GROANS] 636 00:35:11,483 --> 00:35:13,275 [GRUNTS CONTENTEDLY] 637 00:35:26,608 --> 00:35:27,983 ILENE: Hey. 638 00:35:31,733 --> 00:35:33,358 {\an8}[IN SIGN LANGUAGE] 639 00:36:08,817 --> 00:36:10,317 Thank you. 640 00:36:11,817 --> 00:36:13,275 How is she? 641 00:36:13,358 --> 00:36:16,358 Calm. So calm, it's scary. [CHUCKLES] 642 00:36:16,442 --> 00:36:18,525 That was extraordinary. 643 00:36:18,608 --> 00:36:22,358 I have been signing the alphabet. Basic commands. 644 00:36:22,442 --> 00:36:24,983 I thought that he showed recognition, but he never... 645 00:36:25,067 --> 00:36:27,983 Do you have any idea how long they've been communicating? 646 00:36:28,067 --> 00:36:29,358 No. 647 00:36:29,442 --> 00:36:31,567 I knew that they had a bond. 648 00:36:31,650 --> 00:36:33,108 He trusts her. 649 00:36:33,192 --> 00:36:35,400 Without her, he'd be tearing the ship apart. 650 00:36:36,942 --> 00:36:40,192 You know, Jia's parents were killed on the island. 651 00:36:40,275 --> 00:36:42,400 When the storm took over the island, 652 00:36:42,483 --> 00:36:44,233 it wiped out the native people. 653 00:36:44,317 --> 00:36:45,692 But Kong saved her. 654 00:36:45,775 --> 00:36:47,858 She had nowhere to go. 655 00:36:47,942 --> 00:36:49,358 So I made a promise, 656 00:36:49,442 --> 00:36:51,942 then and there, to protect her. 657 00:36:52,025 --> 00:36:56,192 And I think that in some way, he did the same. 658 00:36:58,900 --> 00:37:01,400 Do you think he would take directions from her? 659 00:37:03,650 --> 00:37:04,983 No. 660 00:37:05,067 --> 00:37:06,733 If we have someone who can keep the reins on Kong... 661 00:37:06,817 --> 00:37:09,025 Yeah, no one can keep the reins on Kong. 662 00:37:10,442 --> 00:37:12,108 And she's a child. 663 00:37:24,150 --> 00:37:26,358 [DISTANT, MUFFLED PLUSING] 664 00:37:33,858 --> 00:37:35,983 [MUFFLED GROANING] 665 00:37:40,108 --> 00:37:43,442 NATHAN: I know Jia is only a child. 666 00:37:43,525 --> 00:37:47,442 But she's the only one he'll communicate with. 667 00:37:47,525 --> 00:37:50,567 And we need Kong to find that power source. 668 00:37:52,192 --> 00:37:54,275 The world needs him. 669 00:37:56,025 --> 00:37:57,858 [ALARM BLARING] 670 00:37:57,942 --> 00:37:59,567 [MUFFLED MOANING] 671 00:38:03,733 --> 00:38:05,317 [INDISTINCT SHOUTING] 672 00:38:07,317 --> 00:38:08,983 What's she saying? 673 00:38:09,067 --> 00:38:10,192 Godzilla. 674 00:38:10,275 --> 00:38:12,650 [ROARING] 675 00:38:14,067 --> 00:38:16,233 [URGENT CHATTER] 676 00:38:17,567 --> 00:38:19,733 - [KONG GRUNTS] - [METAL CLANGS] 677 00:38:19,817 --> 00:38:21,150 Did we change course? 678 00:38:21,233 --> 00:38:23,025 No. We're nowhere near the areas you flagged. 679 00:38:23,108 --> 00:38:25,025 It looks like he's coming for us anyway. 680 00:38:25,108 --> 00:38:26,317 ILENE: He's not coming for us. 681 00:38:26,400 --> 00:38:28,692 Him? Then dump him. Dump the monkey! 682 00:38:28,775 --> 00:38:30,983 How about we throw you off instead, huh? 683 00:38:31,067 --> 00:38:32,900 [ROARS] 684 00:38:32,983 --> 00:38:34,150 We have to release him. 685 00:38:34,233 --> 00:38:35,733 If we lose Kong, the mission is over. 686 00:38:35,817 --> 00:38:37,108 He's a sitting duck out there. 687 00:38:37,192 --> 00:38:39,150 We have to let him protect himself. And us. 688 00:38:39,233 --> 00:38:41,067 [WEAPONS FIRING] 689 00:38:41,942 --> 00:38:43,067 [ROARS] 690 00:39:07,108 --> 00:39:09,233 [ROARING] 691 00:39:17,400 --> 00:39:18,483 [GROANS] 692 00:39:19,150 --> 00:39:20,150 [SCREAMS] 693 00:39:40,900 --> 00:39:42,442 [ROARING] 694 00:39:50,025 --> 00:39:51,275 [HIGH-PITCHED ROAR] 695 00:39:51,817 --> 00:39:53,275 [ROARING] 696 00:40:08,608 --> 00:40:10,067 [ROARS] 697 00:40:11,192 --> 00:40:12,525 [MEN SCREAM] 698 00:40:14,483 --> 00:40:16,650 [PEOPLE SCREAMING] 699 00:40:24,108 --> 00:40:25,275 [GROWLS] 700 00:40:30,150 --> 00:40:31,608 [GODZILLA GROANS] 701 00:40:33,275 --> 00:40:35,067 ILENE: Oh, my God, Jia! 702 00:40:35,150 --> 00:40:36,275 Nathan? 703 00:41:04,067 --> 00:41:05,150 [ROARS] 704 00:41:05,233 --> 00:41:06,650 [YELLING] 705 00:41:19,525 --> 00:41:21,358 [BOTH SNARLING] 706 00:41:37,233 --> 00:41:39,067 [ALARM BEEPING] 707 00:41:49,442 --> 00:41:50,983 [GROWLING] 708 00:41:53,442 --> 00:41:55,358 [ROARING] 709 00:42:00,275 --> 00:42:01,483 [MOANS] 710 00:42:07,525 --> 00:42:08,733 [ROARS] 711 00:42:39,275 --> 00:42:40,942 [ROARING] 712 00:42:50,192 --> 00:42:51,317 [ROARS] 713 00:43:12,108 --> 00:43:13,817 [GODZILLA SCREECHING] 714 00:43:20,692 --> 00:43:22,233 [SCREECHES] 715 00:43:25,692 --> 00:43:27,192 [KONG MOANS] 716 00:43:37,233 --> 00:43:38,983 [ELECTRICAL THROBBING] 717 00:44:02,442 --> 00:44:03,817 [GODZILLA SCREECHES] 718 00:44:28,400 --> 00:44:29,692 He needs our help. 719 00:44:29,775 --> 00:44:31,817 There must be some way to disorient Godzilla. 720 00:44:31,900 --> 00:44:33,525 Depth charges. 721 00:44:33,608 --> 00:44:35,192 [BUZZER SOUNDING] 722 00:44:46,150 --> 00:44:47,900 [SNARLING] 723 00:44:54,358 --> 00:44:56,650 [GROWLS, YELLS] 724 00:44:57,483 --> 00:44:59,025 [MUFFLED EXPLOSION] 725 00:45:24,108 --> 00:45:25,317 [RETCHES] 726 00:45:27,400 --> 00:45:28,983 [COUGHING] 727 00:45:44,483 --> 00:45:45,942 NATHAN: He's circling back. 728 00:45:46,025 --> 00:45:49,108 This won't end until one of them submits. 729 00:45:49,192 --> 00:45:51,567 [GROANING SOFTLY] 730 00:45:51,650 --> 00:45:53,650 - NATHAN: Shut it down. - What? 731 00:45:54,192 --> 00:45:55,483 All of it. 732 00:45:55,567 --> 00:45:57,275 Guns, engines. 733 00:45:57,358 --> 00:46:00,317 - Shut it down. Right now. - If we do that, we're dead. 734 00:46:00,400 --> 00:46:02,108 No, we're playing dead. 735 00:46:02,192 --> 00:46:04,067 And we're making him think that he's won. 736 00:46:06,900 --> 00:46:07,900 [MIC WHINES] 737 00:46:07,983 --> 00:46:10,442 Cut the power. Cut the engines. 738 00:46:10,525 --> 00:46:11,858 Kill anything that makes a noise. 739 00:46:18,525 --> 00:46:20,275 [POWER SHUTTING DOWN] 740 00:46:23,233 --> 00:46:25,067 [SILENCE DESCENDS] 741 00:46:25,150 --> 00:46:26,608 This better work. 742 00:47:09,775 --> 00:47:11,150 {\an8}[IN SIGN LANGUAGE] 743 00:47:16,942 --> 00:47:18,233 [MOANS WEAKLY] 744 00:47:18,317 --> 00:47:21,150 ILENE: As soon as we move, he'll be back. 745 00:47:21,233 --> 00:47:23,900 How are we supposed to get the rest of the way? 746 00:47:30,525 --> 00:47:32,692 How's Kong with heights? 747 00:47:43,025 --> 00:47:44,358 So, what's the plan? 748 00:47:44,442 --> 00:47:47,067 BERNIE: We find out what's on Sublevel 33. 749 00:47:47,150 --> 00:47:48,317 - [BOTTLE CLINKS] - JOSH: Ow. 750 00:47:48,400 --> 00:47:50,233 Keep it moving, tap water. 751 00:47:53,400 --> 00:47:54,650 Go ahead. 752 00:47:58,983 --> 00:48:00,317 [PANTING] 753 00:48:02,983 --> 00:48:06,275 All right, Mad Hatter. Down the rabbit hole. 754 00:48:07,608 --> 00:48:09,483 Okay. We got this. 755 00:48:10,150 --> 00:48:11,400 Oh, my God! 756 00:48:11,483 --> 00:48:12,567 JOSH: Are you sure we can trust this guy? 757 00:48:12,650 --> 00:48:14,067 Yeah, why? 758 00:48:14,150 --> 00:48:15,733 Well, mainly because he says crazy shit all the time 759 00:48:15,817 --> 00:48:17,108 and carries a bottle of whiskey 760 00:48:17,192 --> 00:48:19,192 from his dead wife like a gun. 761 00:48:19,275 --> 00:48:20,942 I think it's romantic. 762 00:48:21,025 --> 00:48:22,108 Whoo-hoo! 763 00:48:23,150 --> 00:48:25,275 I really don't understand women. 764 00:48:30,900 --> 00:48:32,108 [GRUNTS] 765 00:48:42,567 --> 00:48:44,150 Okay, come on. 766 00:48:47,567 --> 00:48:50,108 - [ELECTRICITY CRACKLING] - [GASPS] 767 00:48:50,192 --> 00:48:53,150 BERNIE: This whole thing came down, and there was this... 768 00:48:54,025 --> 00:48:55,858 eye. 769 00:48:55,942 --> 00:48:57,900 JOSH: Uh, what are we looking at? 770 00:48:57,983 --> 00:49:00,400 BERNIE: No, no, no, no. No, it was here. 771 00:49:00,483 --> 00:49:03,275 I swear to God, it was... it was right there. 772 00:49:03,358 --> 00:49:04,942 Hey, guys. 773 00:49:05,025 --> 00:49:07,608 - [BUTTON BEEPS] - [DOOR BUZZES] 774 00:49:07,692 --> 00:49:09,900 Anyone know where this leads to? 775 00:49:11,233 --> 00:49:12,483 You believe me, right? 776 00:49:12,567 --> 00:49:14,025 'Cause I know that there was something here. 777 00:49:14,108 --> 00:49:16,942 JOSH: I'm gonna get a migraine from that torch. 778 00:49:17,025 --> 00:49:20,442 "Sublevel." How deep does this thing go, Bernie? 779 00:49:20,525 --> 00:49:23,733 Hell. Goes to hell. 780 00:49:23,817 --> 00:49:25,692 [FEMALE AUTOMATED VOICE] Sublevel 33. 781 00:49:27,567 --> 00:49:29,150 [MALE AUTOMATED VOICE] Maglev shuttle departure 782 00:49:29,233 --> 00:49:32,483 to Roswell, New Mexico at 0900 hours. 783 00:49:32,567 --> 00:49:34,025 [MECHANICAL WHINE] 784 00:49:36,317 --> 00:49:38,275 JOSH: Whoa. [CHUCKLES] 785 00:49:39,317 --> 00:49:41,525 [INDISTINCT PA ANNOUNCEMENT] 786 00:49:41,608 --> 00:49:43,192 What is all this? 787 00:49:43,275 --> 00:49:45,483 It's breakaway civilization. 788 00:49:45,567 --> 00:49:46,983 I mean, come on. This is page one 789 00:49:47,067 --> 00:49:49,817 in the Apex-playing-God handbook. Huh? 790 00:49:49,900 --> 00:49:53,025 I mean, the Illuminati running shadow economies 791 00:49:53,108 --> 00:49:55,358 all to fund a hidden colony for the elite 792 00:49:55,442 --> 00:49:57,317 in case any of these governments 793 00:49:57,400 --> 00:49:58,483 and megacorporations 794 00:49:58,567 --> 00:50:00,733 accidentally hit the doomsday button. 795 00:50:01,942 --> 00:50:03,108 It makes sense 796 00:50:03,192 --> 00:50:04,150 - if you think about it. - Yeah, sure. 797 00:50:04,275 --> 00:50:06,650 [INDISTINCT SHOUTING] 798 00:50:06,733 --> 00:50:07,900 - MADISON: Someone's coming. - What? 799 00:50:07,983 --> 00:50:09,275 - Someone's coming. - What? 800 00:50:09,358 --> 00:50:10,942 - JOSH: Someone's coming? - MADISON: Yes! 801 00:50:15,150 --> 00:50:16,900 Oh, my God. 802 00:50:16,983 --> 00:50:18,525 [MUFFLED SQUELCHING] 803 00:50:21,108 --> 00:50:24,358 - JOSH: They look like eggs. - Skull-crawlers. 804 00:50:24,442 --> 00:50:26,858 What's Apex doing with skull-crawlers? 805 00:50:26,942 --> 00:50:28,233 MAN: All right, let's load it up! 806 00:50:28,317 --> 00:50:29,608 - [SCREAMS] - [ALARM BLARES] 807 00:50:29,692 --> 00:50:31,108 BERNIE: What was that? What was that? 808 00:50:31,192 --> 00:50:33,150 - [ENGINE HUMMING] - No way. No, no, no. Come on. 809 00:50:33,233 --> 00:50:35,275 Okay, guys, I think we're moving. 810 00:50:52,483 --> 00:50:53,650 It says we're headed 811 00:50:53,733 --> 00:50:55,192 to Apex headquarters in Hong Kong. 812 00:50:55,275 --> 00:50:56,733 - What? - BERNIE: Hong Kong. 813 00:50:56,817 --> 00:50:59,025 That means that we're gonna get some answers. 814 00:50:59,108 --> 00:51:01,317 [AUTOMATED VOICE] G10, clear for launch. 815 00:51:02,108 --> 00:51:04,233 [ENGINE THRUMMING] 816 00:51:08,567 --> 00:51:10,358 [ENGINE ACCELERATING] 817 00:51:12,067 --> 00:51:13,192 Here we go. 818 00:51:21,733 --> 00:51:23,858 [MUFFLED PLUSING] 819 00:51:43,525 --> 00:51:44,983 We're getting close! 820 00:52:08,900 --> 00:52:11,525 - [INDISTINCT RADIO CHATTER] - [ALARM BLARING] 821 00:52:26,733 --> 00:52:29,692 [HARNESSES SNAPPING] 822 00:52:47,650 --> 00:52:49,025 [GRUNTS SOFTLY] 823 00:52:51,733 --> 00:52:53,067 [MOANS] 824 00:53:01,317 --> 00:53:02,900 [GRUNTING CURIOUSLY] 825 00:53:10,442 --> 00:53:11,983 [WIND WHISTLING] 826 00:53:18,608 --> 00:53:20,358 [KONG GRUNTING SOFTLY] 827 00:53:31,150 --> 00:53:32,400 {\an8}[IN SIGN LANGUAGE] 828 00:53:35,275 --> 00:53:36,608 [MOANS] 829 00:53:39,525 --> 00:53:40,733 [SNUFFLES] 830 00:53:46,900 --> 00:53:48,150 [GRUNTS SOFTLY] 831 00:53:50,317 --> 00:53:51,442 [SNORTS] 832 00:53:57,067 --> 00:53:58,900 It's not working. 833 00:53:58,983 --> 00:54:00,733 Just wait. Wait, wait, wait. 834 00:54:00,817 --> 00:54:01,942 What if she tells him 835 00:54:02,025 --> 00:54:03,900 there are others down there like him? 836 00:54:04,817 --> 00:54:06,067 But you don't know that. 837 00:54:06,150 --> 00:54:08,733 We lost our entire fleet getting here. 838 00:54:09,650 --> 00:54:11,733 There's no way back for him. 839 00:54:11,817 --> 00:54:13,900 And he can't survive here. 840 00:54:17,358 --> 00:54:18,567 [GROWLS SOFTLY] 841 00:54:22,858 --> 00:54:24,317 [MOANING] 842 00:54:27,067 --> 00:54:29,233 All right. All right. 843 00:54:36,025 --> 00:54:37,233 [SOFTLY] Hey. 844 00:54:38,650 --> 00:54:39,900 {\an8}[IN SIGN LANGUAGE] 845 00:54:49,025 --> 00:54:50,233 [SIGHS] 846 00:55:16,150 --> 00:55:17,525 [GRUNTS SOFTLY] 847 00:55:18,317 --> 00:55:20,733 [SNARLS] 848 00:55:20,817 --> 00:55:24,108 He's going. Prepare to launch! Everybody to their station. 849 00:55:24,192 --> 00:55:25,317 We gotta go. 850 00:55:36,733 --> 00:55:38,525 [MAN ON PA] All flights crews cleared 851 00:55:38,608 --> 00:55:40,733 for immediate HEAV launch. 852 00:55:40,817 --> 00:55:43,233 PILOT 1: HEAV 1 online. We're clear for launch. 853 00:55:43,317 --> 00:55:45,442 [CONTROL] Copy that, HEAV 1. 854 00:55:45,525 --> 00:55:48,067 PILOT 2: HEAV 2 online. Exiting hangar now. 855 00:55:48,150 --> 00:55:51,692 [CONTROL] HEAV 2, confirmation 4055. 856 00:55:51,775 --> 00:55:54,108 PILOT 3: This is HEAV 3 online, launching now. 857 00:55:54,192 --> 00:55:55,858 We'll follow him from behind. 858 00:56:15,442 --> 00:56:17,025 There. 859 00:56:17,108 --> 00:56:18,275 There he is. 860 00:56:18,358 --> 00:56:19,983 [INDISTINCT RADIO CHATTER] 861 00:56:21,608 --> 00:56:23,192 [ENGINE REVVING] 862 00:56:30,983 --> 00:56:32,233 [GROWLS] 863 00:56:32,317 --> 00:56:34,150 Are you sure the monkey's gonna survive this? 864 00:56:34,233 --> 00:56:36,567 Oh, he'll be fine. It's us I'd worry about. 865 00:56:36,650 --> 00:56:39,775 We're about to be launched 1,000 miles in two seconds 866 00:56:39,858 --> 00:56:44,900 until gravity inverts itself and spits us into free fall. 867 00:56:46,608 --> 00:56:49,108 It'll be the most amazing thing you've ever seen. 868 00:56:49,192 --> 00:56:51,233 [RUMBLING] 869 00:56:51,317 --> 00:56:53,233 Here. For the vomit. 870 00:56:53,317 --> 00:56:54,442 What? 871 00:56:57,442 --> 00:56:58,525 [GROWLS] 872 00:57:01,067 --> 00:57:02,525 [KONG GROANS] 873 00:57:05,858 --> 00:57:08,067 [MAIA YELPS, PANTING] 874 00:57:08,733 --> 00:57:09,858 [ALARM BLARING] 875 00:57:09,942 --> 00:57:11,442 [KONG ROARING] 876 00:57:15,192 --> 00:57:16,608 [SILENCE DESCENDS] 877 00:57:22,608 --> 00:57:23,983 [GRUNTING] 878 00:57:35,108 --> 00:57:37,442 [DISTORTED SCREAMING] 879 00:57:56,650 --> 00:57:59,983 [AUTOMATED VOICE] Engine failure, gravity low. 880 00:58:00,067 --> 00:58:02,233 - Engine failure. - [ALARM BLARING] 881 00:58:02,317 --> 00:58:03,525 [KONG GROWLS] 882 00:58:07,983 --> 00:58:09,608 [ALARMS BLARING] 883 00:58:13,108 --> 00:58:14,650 [SCREAMING] 884 00:58:19,650 --> 00:58:21,150 [KONG GROANS] 885 00:58:24,275 --> 00:58:25,692 [ROARS] 886 00:58:34,275 --> 00:58:37,317 All Delta, reverse gravity propulsion! [SCREAMS] 887 00:58:40,817 --> 00:58:42,317 [CREATURES SCREECHING] 888 00:58:52,233 --> 00:58:54,400 [MAIA PANTING] 889 00:59:20,983 --> 00:59:22,650 [CREATURE SQUAWKING] 890 00:59:29,983 --> 00:59:32,317 [CREATURES CHITTERING] 891 00:59:43,650 --> 00:59:45,817 It's beautiful. 892 00:59:45,900 --> 00:59:47,358 [PILOT ON RADIO] This is HEAV 3, 893 00:59:47,442 --> 00:59:49,525 we're getting some strange radar activity. 894 00:59:49,608 --> 00:59:51,150 We're gonna circle back and... 895 00:59:52,900 --> 00:59:54,025 [GASPS] 896 00:59:59,567 --> 01:00:00,733 [CREATURE SCREECHING] 897 01:00:00,817 --> 01:00:02,400 [ALL SCREAMING] 898 01:00:04,108 --> 01:00:05,525 [KONG GROWLING] 899 01:00:09,317 --> 01:00:10,608 [CREATURE SCREECHING] 900 01:00:14,900 --> 01:00:16,650 [KONG ROARS] 901 01:00:16,733 --> 01:00:19,692 [ROARS] 902 01:00:19,775 --> 01:00:20,942 [SNARLING] 903 01:00:25,900 --> 01:00:27,400 [KONG ROARS] 904 01:00:28,692 --> 01:00:30,900 All Delta, prepare to attack! 905 01:00:36,692 --> 01:00:38,150 [CREATURE SCREECHING] 906 01:00:38,233 --> 01:00:39,442 [THUDDING] 907 01:00:43,317 --> 01:00:44,775 [KONG GRUNTING] 908 01:00:47,150 --> 01:00:48,400 [BONES CRUNCHING] 909 01:00:51,108 --> 01:00:53,608 [CREATURE SCREECHING] 910 01:01:00,233 --> 01:01:02,067 [PANTING] 911 01:01:04,275 --> 01:01:05,567 [ROARS] 912 01:01:11,358 --> 01:01:13,442 [GRUNTING] 913 01:01:15,567 --> 01:01:17,483 That's gross. 914 01:01:23,650 --> 01:01:24,858 [ILENE ON RADIO] Kong's on the move. 915 01:01:24,942 --> 01:01:26,067 We gotta go. 916 01:01:31,900 --> 01:01:33,233 [CREATURES CHITTERING] 917 01:01:38,442 --> 01:01:39,817 [GROWLING] 918 01:01:50,733 --> 01:01:54,525 [NATHAN ON RADIO] Well, he seems to know where he's going. 919 01:01:54,608 --> 01:01:56,942 Oh, he certainly can move. 920 01:02:28,983 --> 01:02:31,275 [THUD ECHOES] 921 01:02:36,067 --> 01:02:37,483 [ROCKS THUDDING] 922 01:02:40,317 --> 01:02:41,567 [WHINES] 923 01:02:48,025 --> 01:02:50,733 [MELLOW INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC PLAYING] 924 01:03:11,650 --> 01:03:13,067 [GRUNTS SOFTLY] 925 01:03:15,317 --> 01:03:16,733 [WHOOSHES] 926 01:03:22,608 --> 01:03:24,317 [RUMBLING] 927 01:03:24,400 --> 01:03:26,233 Okay, okay. 928 01:03:26,317 --> 01:03:28,733 Creepy monorail is slowing down. 929 01:03:28,817 --> 01:03:31,650 [ANNOUNCER on PA] Attention: Shipping pod arriving. 930 01:03:31,733 --> 01:03:33,983 [ANNOUNCER REPEATING IN CANTONESE] 931 01:03:34,067 --> 01:03:35,692 [RAPID BEEPING] 932 01:03:37,817 --> 01:03:39,025 [HORN BLARES] 933 01:03:39,108 --> 01:03:40,817 [AUTOMATED VOICE SPEAKING INDISTINCTLY] 934 01:03:40,900 --> 01:03:43,567 BERNIE: Okay. Keep quiet. Follow me. 935 01:03:44,817 --> 01:03:45,942 [GATE THUDS] 936 01:03:49,608 --> 01:03:50,733 We're going in? 937 01:03:50,817 --> 01:03:52,067 Yeah. 938 01:03:56,567 --> 01:03:57,650 Oh, no! 939 01:03:58,900 --> 01:04:01,608 Every time, I swear. Doors hate us. 940 01:04:02,358 --> 01:04:04,858 BERNIE: Oh, yeah. 941 01:04:09,775 --> 01:04:11,983 - BERNIE: Aah! - MADISON: Oh, my God! 942 01:04:12,067 --> 01:04:16,483 It's just so massive. It's so stupid. 943 01:04:16,567 --> 01:04:18,192 So, what is this place? 944 01:04:18,275 --> 01:04:21,442 Well, if there's a corporate-friendly term for "sacrifice pit," 945 01:04:21,525 --> 01:04:24,025 I'd say we are in it. 946 01:04:24,942 --> 01:04:27,233 MADISON: Oh, God, that stinks. 947 01:04:30,275 --> 01:04:32,733 [ALARM BLARING] 948 01:04:32,817 --> 01:04:34,400 That's not good. Bernie! 949 01:04:34,483 --> 01:04:35,900 BERNIE: I really hate this place. 950 01:04:38,858 --> 01:04:41,067 [AUTOMATED VOICE] Attention: Demonstration 951 01:04:41,150 --> 01:04:43,233 in T-minus one minute. 952 01:04:45,400 --> 01:04:49,150 All personnel are to stay clear of the area. 953 01:04:49,233 --> 01:04:51,150 [MACHINES POWERING UP] 954 01:04:57,775 --> 01:05:01,275 ENGINEER: Mr. Simmons, systems are coming online now. 955 01:05:02,067 --> 01:05:03,442 [EXHALES] 956 01:05:05,400 --> 01:05:07,525 [METAL CLANKING] 957 01:05:25,942 --> 01:05:27,650 Commence uplink. 958 01:05:27,733 --> 01:05:28,983 [KEYBOARD CLACKING] 959 01:05:30,483 --> 01:05:32,233 REN: Engaging uplink. 960 01:05:32,317 --> 01:05:34,567 [AUTOMATED VOICE] Pilot engaged. 961 01:05:36,233 --> 01:05:38,108 [WHIRRING] 962 01:05:41,358 --> 01:05:45,025 [PLUSING] 963 01:06:01,192 --> 01:06:04,108 [ROARS] 964 01:06:04,192 --> 01:06:05,483 [BERNIE MUMBLING] 965 01:06:05,567 --> 01:06:07,608 That's robot Godzilla. 966 01:06:07,692 --> 01:06:09,358 Oh, no. That's... 967 01:06:09,442 --> 01:06:11,317 That's MECHAGODZILLA. 968 01:06:16,983 --> 01:06:19,233 [METAL THUDDING] 969 01:06:20,317 --> 01:06:22,942 [METAL CLANKING] 970 01:06:30,067 --> 01:06:32,358 WALTER: Release number 10. 971 01:06:32,442 --> 01:06:34,108 [GATE THUDS] 972 01:06:35,525 --> 01:06:36,692 [SNARLING] 973 01:06:36,775 --> 01:06:39,483 [BOTH SCREAMING] 974 01:06:39,567 --> 01:06:42,108 BERNIE: Go, go! Go through there! 975 01:06:44,858 --> 01:06:46,858 [ROARS] 976 01:06:46,942 --> 01:06:48,858 [BOTH SCREAMING] 977 01:06:48,942 --> 01:06:51,192 BERNIE: Madison! Run, girl! 978 01:06:52,608 --> 01:06:54,775 - [SKULLCRAWLER ROARS] - [MADISON SHRIEKS] 979 01:06:56,733 --> 01:06:58,025 [GASPS] 980 01:06:59,733 --> 01:07:01,400 [SCREECHING] 981 01:07:09,650 --> 01:07:11,025 [CHUCKLES SOFTLY] 982 01:07:18,983 --> 01:07:20,108 BERNIE: Yes! 983 01:07:22,858 --> 01:07:24,608 [SYSTEM POWERS DOWN] 984 01:07:27,983 --> 01:07:30,275 - [SQUELCHING] - [BERNIE EXCLAIMS] 985 01:07:30,358 --> 01:07:32,400 Damn it. [SIGHS] 986 01:07:32,483 --> 01:07:35,067 [REN OVER COMMS] System only reached 40% power. 987 01:07:35,150 --> 01:07:36,233 WALTER: Oh, I know. 988 01:07:36,317 --> 01:07:37,567 As expected. 989 01:07:37,650 --> 01:07:39,150 Don't worry. Once the Hollow Earth 990 01:07:39,233 --> 01:07:40,817 sample is uploaded, 991 01:07:40,900 --> 01:07:43,025 our power troubles will be over. 992 01:07:43,108 --> 01:07:44,942 REN: If they can find the source. 993 01:07:45,025 --> 01:07:49,067 WALTER: Oh, they'll find it. I have faith in my daughter. 994 01:07:49,150 --> 01:07:51,400 I have faith in our creation. 995 01:07:51,483 --> 01:07:54,442 And humanity will once again... 996 01:07:54,525 --> 01:07:57,858 be the apex species. 997 01:07:57,942 --> 01:08:01,900 This is why Godzilla attacked the Apex facility. 998 01:08:01,983 --> 01:08:04,983 [SCOFFS] They're trying to replace him. 999 01:08:06,317 --> 01:08:08,817 [MECHAGODZILLA WARBLING] 1000 01:08:17,358 --> 01:08:19,275 [GROWLS] 1001 01:08:30,317 --> 01:08:32,442 MARK: Come on, Maddie. 1002 01:08:32,525 --> 01:08:34,317 [SIGNAL BEEPING] 1003 01:08:34,400 --> 01:08:36,317 [TECH ON RADIO] Sir, Godzilla just made an abrupt change 1004 01:08:36,400 --> 01:08:38,025 in direction. He's moving very fast. 1005 01:08:38,108 --> 01:08:40,442 Projections show he's likely headed to Hong Kong. 1006 01:08:40,525 --> 01:08:43,483 Transport is ready and waiting to take you there, sir. 1007 01:08:53,942 --> 01:08:55,775 [THUNDER CRACKS] 1008 01:08:58,900 --> 01:09:00,358 [MOUTHING] 1009 01:09:04,692 --> 01:09:05,942 NATHAN: That has to be it. 1010 01:09:22,067 --> 01:09:26,108 [THUNDER CRACKS, RUMBLES] 1011 01:09:28,233 --> 01:09:30,442 [GRUNTS SOFTLY] 1012 01:09:38,942 --> 01:09:41,567 [GROWLS INQUISITIVELY] 1013 01:09:47,317 --> 01:09:49,400 [STRAINING] 1014 01:10:07,233 --> 01:10:09,608 [ENERGY PULSATING] 1015 01:10:18,025 --> 01:10:21,025 [ROARS] 1016 01:10:21,108 --> 01:10:24,567 [ROAR ECHOES] 1017 01:11:01,567 --> 01:11:04,775 [ROARS] 1018 01:11:06,192 --> 01:11:07,983 We were right. 1019 01:11:09,025 --> 01:11:10,442 He's home. 1020 01:12:34,108 --> 01:12:35,858 [AUTOMATED VOICE] All personnel must display 1021 01:12:35,942 --> 01:12:38,817 their Apex employee badge at all times. 1022 01:12:38,900 --> 01:12:40,983 [WHISPERING] Follow me. 1023 01:12:41,067 --> 01:12:42,775 Lizard people build all their facilities 1024 01:12:42,858 --> 01:12:44,858 the same way. I can find the exit. 1025 01:12:45,442 --> 01:12:46,900 [JOSH GASPS] 1026 01:12:46,983 --> 01:12:49,025 BERNIE: The exit's this way. 1027 01:12:49,108 --> 01:12:51,233 Guys. Madison! 1028 01:13:01,025 --> 01:13:02,858 Oh, my God. 1029 01:13:05,150 --> 01:13:07,567 BERNIE: Bitch, what? 1030 01:13:07,650 --> 01:13:09,108 JOSH: It's a Titan skull. 1031 01:13:09,192 --> 01:13:12,400 BERNIE: No, no, no. That's not just any Titan. 1032 01:13:12,483 --> 01:13:13,983 That's Monster Zero. 1033 01:13:14,067 --> 01:13:16,442 [GASPS] Ghidorah. 1034 01:13:20,817 --> 01:13:22,733 BERNIE: They hardwired its DNA. 1035 01:13:22,817 --> 01:13:24,817 Self-generating neural pathways 1036 01:13:24,900 --> 01:13:27,025 capable of intuitive learning. 1037 01:13:27,108 --> 01:13:29,192 JOSH: Okay, I'm smart, but I only go to high school. 1038 01:13:29,275 --> 01:13:31,567 - It's a living supercomputer. - JOSH: Shh. 1039 01:13:33,317 --> 01:13:34,567 [GASPS IN DISBELIEF] 1040 01:13:34,650 --> 01:13:36,942 BERNIE: It had three heads. 1041 01:13:37,025 --> 01:13:38,233 Its necks were so long, 1042 01:13:38,317 --> 01:13:40,567 they communicated telepathically. 1043 01:13:40,650 --> 01:13:42,025 And there's one here 1044 01:13:42,108 --> 01:13:43,983 and another one inside of that thing. 1045 01:13:44,067 --> 01:13:46,483 Yeah, it could be a psionic interface. 1046 01:13:47,192 --> 01:13:48,942 [EXCLAIMS] Oh, my God. 1047 01:13:50,525 --> 01:13:51,733 [WHISPERS] Careful. 1048 01:13:51,817 --> 01:13:52,900 MADISON: It's a pilot. 1049 01:13:52,983 --> 01:13:56,233 BERNIE: Yeah. He's in a trance. 1050 01:13:56,317 --> 01:13:58,192 That's a psionic uplink. 1051 01:13:59,358 --> 01:14:01,775 It follows his will. 1052 01:14:01,858 --> 01:14:04,233 Oh, Apex, what have you done? 1053 01:14:15,775 --> 01:14:18,067 [PEOPLE CLAMORING AND SCREAMING] 1054 01:14:19,525 --> 01:14:21,983 [ROARS] 1055 01:14:24,817 --> 01:14:27,317 - [CAR ALARMS BLARING] - [HORN BLARING] 1056 01:14:27,400 --> 01:14:30,858 [STOMPING] 1057 01:14:31,942 --> 01:14:34,192 [PEOPLE SCREAMING] 1058 01:14:34,817 --> 01:14:37,150 [GROWLING] 1059 01:14:46,900 --> 01:14:50,025 This is the day we feared. I've given the order, Doctor. 1060 01:14:50,108 --> 01:14:51,858 - [PEOPLE SCREAMING] - The city is being evacuated. 1061 01:14:53,025 --> 01:14:55,317 [SCREAMING CONTINUES] 1062 01:15:00,025 --> 01:15:03,483 MAIA: I don't understand. He led us here. Where is it? 1063 01:15:05,858 --> 01:15:07,525 [ENERGY PULSATES] 1064 01:15:09,400 --> 01:15:10,900 [GRUNTS] 1065 01:15:23,442 --> 01:15:24,775 MAIA: What is he doing? 1066 01:15:50,108 --> 01:15:53,692 [ENERGY SURGING] 1067 01:15:54,442 --> 01:15:55,858 ILENE: It's the axe. 1068 01:15:55,942 --> 01:15:57,858 It's drawing radiation from the core 1069 01:15:57,942 --> 01:15:59,442 like it's charging. 1070 01:16:25,650 --> 01:16:27,733 [ROARS] 1071 01:16:33,692 --> 01:16:35,817 [ENERGY CHARGING UP] 1072 01:16:41,317 --> 01:16:45,025 WALTER: Whoa! Godzilla's responding! They found it! 1073 01:16:47,442 --> 01:16:48,733 [SIREN BLARING] 1074 01:16:48,817 --> 01:16:50,525 MARK: What in the hell? 1075 01:16:59,525 --> 01:17:00,733 [ROBOT CHITTERING] 1076 01:17:04,192 --> 01:17:05,817 What are you doing? 1077 01:17:05,900 --> 01:17:07,650 MAIA: Extracting a sample. 1078 01:17:07,733 --> 01:17:09,942 ILENE: This is a power beyond our understanding. 1079 01:17:10,025 --> 01:17:11,608 You can't just drill into it. 1080 01:17:11,692 --> 01:17:13,608 MAIA: Actually, we can. 1081 01:17:16,400 --> 01:17:18,442 My father gets what he wants. 1082 01:17:18,525 --> 01:17:20,192 That's Apex property now. 1083 01:17:20,275 --> 01:17:21,483 ILENE: What? 1084 01:17:26,025 --> 01:17:27,067 [SYSTEM BEEPING] 1085 01:17:27,150 --> 01:17:29,650 Energy signature incoming. 1086 01:17:29,733 --> 01:17:32,775 We should be able to recreate it soon. 1087 01:17:35,650 --> 01:17:37,942 That is the discovery of the millennium. 1088 01:17:38,025 --> 01:17:40,650 - You can't strip it for parts. - Hold it. 1089 01:17:40,733 --> 01:17:42,025 [GUNS COCKING] 1090 01:17:44,108 --> 01:17:45,275 [ROARS] 1091 01:17:49,608 --> 01:17:51,192 [RUMBLING] 1092 01:17:59,442 --> 01:18:01,525 [CREATURES SCREECHING] 1093 01:18:04,067 --> 01:18:05,275 [KONG GROWLS] 1094 01:18:06,442 --> 01:18:08,525 Go. Go. Got what we needed. 1095 01:18:08,608 --> 01:18:10,192 Let's go! 1096 01:18:10,275 --> 01:18:11,817 [BEEPING] 1097 01:18:11,900 --> 01:18:13,108 WALTER: Yes. 1098 01:18:13,192 --> 01:18:16,692 Mr. Serizawa, start your engines! 1099 01:18:16,775 --> 01:18:18,025 The upgrade is untested. 1100 01:18:18,108 --> 01:18:19,567 Once we get online, 1101 01:18:19,650 --> 01:18:21,317 Gojira will come straight for us. 1102 01:18:21,400 --> 01:18:22,983 He's been coming for us 1103 01:18:23,067 --> 01:18:25,025 since our creation first awoke. 1104 01:18:25,108 --> 01:18:27,442 - We must embrace it. - We shouldn't rush this. 1105 01:18:27,525 --> 01:18:29,650 We have no idea how this energy source 1106 01:18:29,733 --> 01:18:30,775 will affect the Mecha. 1107 01:18:30,858 --> 01:18:32,692 Get in the goddamn chair. 1108 01:18:37,692 --> 01:18:39,067 [APEX GUARD SCREAMING] 1109 01:18:39,150 --> 01:18:40,733 [KONG GROWLING] 1110 01:18:42,150 --> 01:18:43,067 [GUNFIRE] 1111 01:18:43,150 --> 01:18:44,525 [APEX GUARD 2 SCREAMING] 1112 01:18:47,817 --> 01:18:50,525 - MAIA: Go, go, go! - PILOT: Come on, come on! 1113 01:18:50,608 --> 01:18:53,150 Move! What are you waiting for? Let's go! 1114 01:18:59,483 --> 01:19:02,317 PILOT: This way, sir! Hurry! We gotta get back... 1115 01:19:02,400 --> 01:19:04,150 - [PILOT SCREAMS] - [ILENE EXCLAIMS] 1116 01:19:04,233 --> 01:19:07,150 [PILOT GRUNTS, SCREAMS] 1117 01:19:09,025 --> 01:19:10,817 [CREATURE 2 SCREECHES] 1118 01:19:10,900 --> 01:19:12,775 [CREATURES SNARLING] 1119 01:19:13,817 --> 01:19:15,650 [HISSING AND SNARLING] 1120 01:19:19,108 --> 01:19:20,567 [SQUAWKING] 1121 01:19:22,525 --> 01:19:23,775 [ILENE GASPS] 1122 01:19:24,733 --> 01:19:25,858 [SCREECHING] 1123 01:19:28,983 --> 01:19:30,733 Okay. 1124 01:19:30,817 --> 01:19:32,650 - [GRUNTS] - [screeches] 1125 01:19:32,733 --> 01:19:34,067 [SCREECHING] 1126 01:19:38,025 --> 01:19:39,150 [THUDS] 1127 01:19:41,942 --> 01:19:43,150 [KONG GRUNTS] 1128 01:19:55,025 --> 01:19:57,025 [ROARS] 1129 01:19:59,108 --> 01:20:02,150 [KONG ROARS] 1130 01:20:06,150 --> 01:20:09,025 Get him out of the way! Shoot him! 1131 01:20:11,275 --> 01:20:12,858 - Go, go, go! - [ROARS] 1132 01:20:14,525 --> 01:20:15,608 [THUDS] 1133 01:20:17,525 --> 01:20:19,233 [ROARS] 1134 01:20:19,317 --> 01:20:21,108 - [ALARM BLARING] - [KONG GROWLS] 1135 01:20:21,858 --> 01:20:23,025 Oh, no. 1136 01:20:23,692 --> 01:20:24,983 No, no, no... 1137 01:20:27,733 --> 01:20:30,358 NATHAN: Oh, Jesus! Come on, let's go! 1138 01:20:34,400 --> 01:20:35,650 [THUDS] 1139 01:20:37,192 --> 01:20:38,483 [GROWLS] 1140 01:20:49,358 --> 01:20:51,608 [GROWLS ANGRILY] 1141 01:20:57,108 --> 01:20:58,858 [BEEPING] 1142 01:20:58,942 --> 01:21:00,317 - Hold on, ladies. - Yeah. 1143 01:21:01,150 --> 01:21:02,275 NATHAN: Whoa. 1144 01:21:23,358 --> 01:21:24,608 [EXHALES NERVOUSLY] 1145 01:21:25,483 --> 01:21:26,858 [BEEPING] 1146 01:21:28,400 --> 01:21:29,817 Stay low. 1147 01:21:31,358 --> 01:21:33,233 [CAMERA CLICKING] 1148 01:21:33,317 --> 01:21:34,567 [GASPS] 1149 01:21:34,650 --> 01:21:36,900 [SOFTLY] Yeah. Going viral. 1150 01:21:37,608 --> 01:21:38,692 What? 1151 01:21:38,775 --> 01:21:41,400 We've gotta try and stop this. 1152 01:21:41,483 --> 01:21:43,650 [METAL CREAKING AND THUDDING IN DISTANCE] 1153 01:21:43,733 --> 01:21:45,608 Mm-mm. I don't like this, guys. 1154 01:21:45,692 --> 01:21:47,650 If this wasn't contributing to world destruction, 1155 01:21:47,733 --> 01:21:49,317 this would be a great DJ booth. 1156 01:21:53,483 --> 01:21:54,817 I know what it... Maintenance. 1157 01:21:54,900 --> 01:21:56,483 - [BERNIE MUMBLING] - Madison, we should go. 1158 01:21:56,567 --> 01:21:58,192 BERNIE: I'm Maintenance. You don't have to alert the... 1159 01:21:58,275 --> 01:21:59,900 She doesn't buy that. Uh, Madison, we need to go. 1160 01:21:59,983 --> 01:22:01,900 The woman with the villain hairdo... 1161 01:22:01,983 --> 01:22:03,442 Madison, they have guns. 1162 01:22:03,525 --> 01:22:06,233 Hey, guys. Uh, it's soundproof so I can't really... 1163 01:22:06,317 --> 01:22:08,317 - I wanna communicate... - Open the door! 1164 01:22:08,400 --> 01:22:09,483 Say again? 1165 01:22:09,567 --> 01:22:11,275 Oh, God! Get down! Get down! 1166 01:22:11,358 --> 01:22:13,442 MADISON: Oh, shit! [GASPS] 1167 01:22:19,025 --> 01:22:20,150 [CHUCKLES NERVOUSLY] 1168 01:22:24,358 --> 01:22:25,608 [CAR ALARM BLARES] 1169 01:22:25,692 --> 01:22:27,942 [PEOPLE SCREAMING] 1170 01:22:28,025 --> 01:22:29,817 [KONG GROWLING] 1171 01:22:35,150 --> 01:22:36,567 [ROARS] 1172 01:22:48,025 --> 01:22:49,108 [GROWLS] 1173 01:22:51,817 --> 01:22:52,900 [GROWLS] 1174 01:22:53,733 --> 01:22:55,608 [BOTH ROARING] 1175 01:23:01,858 --> 01:23:03,567 [PEOPLE SCREAMING] 1176 01:23:04,900 --> 01:23:07,317 - [GODZILLA SCREECHES] - [KONG GROANS] 1177 01:23:08,233 --> 01:23:09,400 [ENERGY CHARGING UP] 1178 01:23:26,525 --> 01:23:27,817 [KONG GRUNTS] 1179 01:23:32,942 --> 01:23:34,067 [ROARS] 1180 01:23:35,525 --> 01:23:37,192 [ENERGY CHARGING UP] 1181 01:24:01,650 --> 01:24:02,983 [ROARS] 1182 01:24:08,900 --> 01:24:11,275 [KONG GROWLING] 1183 01:24:12,317 --> 01:24:13,567 [SIRENS WAILING] 1184 01:24:25,150 --> 01:24:27,150 [YELPING] 1185 01:24:33,192 --> 01:24:34,358 [ROARS] 1186 01:24:43,233 --> 01:24:44,400 [GROWLS] 1187 01:24:48,275 --> 01:24:50,733 We're about to breach the veil! Hold on! 1188 01:24:55,942 --> 01:24:57,525 [KONG ROARING] 1189 01:24:57,608 --> 01:24:58,942 [BOTH SCREAMING] 1190 01:25:14,858 --> 01:25:17,108 - [GRUNTING HEAVILY] - [EXCLAIMS] 1191 01:25:21,192 --> 01:25:22,317 [KONG ROARS] 1192 01:25:35,608 --> 01:25:36,942 [ROARS] 1193 01:25:38,608 --> 01:25:39,942 [EXPLOSION] 1194 01:25:56,525 --> 01:25:58,733 [GRUNTING] 1195 01:26:01,692 --> 01:26:04,192 Looks like round two goes to Kong. 1196 01:26:04,275 --> 01:26:07,233 [ILENE BREATHING HEAVILY] 1197 01:26:16,775 --> 01:26:17,858 Hey! 1198 01:26:22,942 --> 01:26:26,567 Oh, come on, guys. Really? Greenpeace again? 1199 01:26:26,650 --> 01:26:28,608 [LAUGHS] Greenpea... 1200 01:26:28,692 --> 01:26:30,900 Actually, sir, not like you would know this, 1201 01:26:30,983 --> 01:26:32,817 but I'm Level Two Assistant Engineering... 1202 01:26:32,900 --> 01:26:35,358 Well, Provisional Level Two Assistant Engineering, 1203 01:26:35,442 --> 01:26:36,733 not like you would know that. 1204 01:26:36,817 --> 01:26:38,775 My evaluations were incredibly encourag... 1205 01:26:38,858 --> 01:26:43,150 I'm just saying Greenpeace wishes, is all I'm saying. 1206 01:26:44,150 --> 01:26:46,900 Where do I know you from? 1207 01:26:49,483 --> 01:26:51,692 Oh, my goodness. 1208 01:26:51,775 --> 01:26:54,942 Director Russell's daughter, yes? 1209 01:26:55,025 --> 01:26:56,608 You caused all of this. 1210 01:26:56,692 --> 01:27:00,900 If by "all of this," you mean I, and I alone, 1211 01:27:00,983 --> 01:27:03,567 have given humanity a chance against the Titans, 1212 01:27:03,650 --> 01:27:06,567 then, yes, I will own that title. 1213 01:27:06,650 --> 01:27:09,067 Godzilla had left us in peace. 1214 01:27:09,150 --> 01:27:10,900 You provoked him into war. 1215 01:27:10,983 --> 01:27:13,733 There can only be one alpha, Miss Russell. 1216 01:27:13,817 --> 01:27:16,692 It seems to have been providence. [CHUCKLES] 1217 01:27:35,108 --> 01:27:37,067 [GROWLING] 1218 01:27:40,525 --> 01:27:41,817 [GODZILLA ROARS] 1219 01:27:41,900 --> 01:27:43,025 [KONG ROARS] 1220 01:28:00,525 --> 01:28:01,650 [KONG GROANS] 1221 01:28:05,942 --> 01:28:07,400 [BOTH GROWLING] 1222 01:28:13,983 --> 01:28:15,358 [GROANS] 1223 01:28:16,692 --> 01:28:18,108 [GODZILLA ROARS] 1224 01:28:20,567 --> 01:28:21,692 [KONG GROANS] 1225 01:28:30,983 --> 01:28:32,900 [KONG GROANING] 1226 01:28:35,483 --> 01:28:36,567 [GROANS] 1227 01:28:38,525 --> 01:28:40,608 [GODZILLA ROARS] 1228 01:28:41,650 --> 01:28:43,317 [KONG GROANING] 1229 01:28:48,775 --> 01:28:50,150 [GROWLS] 1230 01:29:00,150 --> 01:29:01,692 [GODZILLA ROARS] 1231 01:29:06,775 --> 01:29:08,150 [ROARS] 1232 01:29:20,067 --> 01:29:22,358 [GROANS] 1233 01:29:22,442 --> 01:29:23,608 [WHIMPERS] 1234 01:29:38,442 --> 01:29:39,858 [GROWLS WEAKLY] 1235 01:29:39,942 --> 01:29:41,983 [PENSIVE MUSIC PLAYING] 1236 01:30:06,358 --> 01:30:08,067 [WLATER OVER COMMS] It's time to launch. 1237 01:30:08,150 --> 01:30:10,317 Begin pilot integration. 1238 01:30:18,150 --> 01:30:19,483 And now... 1239 01:30:20,567 --> 01:30:21,900 my Mecha. 1240 01:30:23,150 --> 01:30:25,650 It's not only Godzilla's equal... 1241 01:30:27,567 --> 01:30:29,317 but his superior. 1242 01:30:29,400 --> 01:30:31,275 [MECHAGODZILLA POWERING UP] 1243 01:30:31,358 --> 01:30:34,983 The Apex Titan of my own hand. 1244 01:30:35,067 --> 01:30:36,650 [LAUGHS] 1245 01:30:36,733 --> 01:30:39,733 [OVER COMMS] It's time to show the world what you can do. 1246 01:30:42,067 --> 01:30:44,025 [AUTOMATED VOICE] Pilot engaged. 1247 01:30:47,858 --> 01:30:51,025 Alert: Failure. System unstable. 1248 01:30:51,108 --> 01:30:55,233 [DISTORTED] Alert: Failure. System unstable. 1249 01:30:57,358 --> 01:31:00,817 This is how we, as a species, win. 1250 01:31:02,108 --> 01:31:03,900 You see, 10 years ago, 1251 01:31:03,983 --> 01:31:07,608 when Gojira was first revealed to the world, 1252 01:31:07,692 --> 01:31:09,817 I had a dream. 1253 01:31:09,900 --> 01:31:12,983 And in that dream, I saw one thing. 1254 01:31:13,067 --> 01:31:18,817 And that beautiful, amazing thing was... 1255 01:31:21,900 --> 01:31:23,067 Oh, shit. 1256 01:31:23,150 --> 01:31:24,233 No! 1257 01:31:25,525 --> 01:31:26,775 [ELECTRICITY CRACKLING] 1258 01:31:27,692 --> 01:31:29,442 [GRUNTING] 1259 01:31:32,983 --> 01:31:34,483 [ALL COUGHING] 1260 01:31:37,317 --> 01:31:39,108 It's unfair. [COUGHS] 1261 01:31:39,192 --> 01:31:41,483 I really wanted to hear the rest of that speech. 1262 01:31:53,275 --> 01:31:54,567 [LOUD THUDDING] 1263 01:32:01,858 --> 01:32:03,858 [MECHAGODZILLA ROARS] 1264 01:32:06,025 --> 01:32:07,608 [CAR ALARMS BLARING] 1265 01:32:17,775 --> 01:32:19,400 What in God's name is that? 1266 01:32:29,067 --> 01:32:30,817 [WARBLING] 1267 01:32:31,317 --> 01:32:33,775 [ROARS] 1268 01:32:43,108 --> 01:32:44,942 [GROANS] 1269 01:32:45,025 --> 01:32:47,108 [PEOPLE CLAMORING AND SCREAMING] 1270 01:32:55,983 --> 01:32:57,483 [METAL CLANKING] 1271 01:33:00,525 --> 01:33:02,358 [GROANING] 1272 01:33:04,358 --> 01:33:06,733 It's thinking for itself now. 1273 01:33:06,817 --> 01:33:08,900 We have to warn Monarch. 1274 01:33:08,983 --> 01:33:11,483 Or try to stop it ourselves. 1275 01:33:11,567 --> 01:33:13,275 That thing's still linked to their satellite. 1276 01:33:13,358 --> 01:33:15,358 BERNIE: Wait, Josh. 1277 01:33:15,442 --> 01:33:17,442 JOSH: If I can figure out the password, 1278 01:33:17,525 --> 01:33:19,275 maybe we can shut it down. 1279 01:33:19,358 --> 01:33:20,442 All right. 1280 01:33:28,525 --> 01:33:29,650 [NATHAN GRUNTS] 1281 01:33:30,317 --> 01:33:31,442 [ILENE GASPS] 1282 01:33:34,192 --> 01:33:35,775 What the hell is that? 1283 01:33:35,858 --> 01:33:37,483 [GODZILLA ROARS] 1284 01:33:55,108 --> 01:33:56,525 [SILENCE DESCENDS] 1285 01:34:03,900 --> 01:34:05,817 [MUFFLED HEARTBEAT] 1286 01:34:27,567 --> 01:34:28,817 What? 1287 01:34:29,733 --> 01:34:31,650 {\an8}[IN SIGN LANGUAGE] 1288 01:34:34,650 --> 01:34:36,567 What's happening? 1289 01:34:36,650 --> 01:34:38,483 She can feel his heartbeat. 1290 01:34:39,108 --> 01:34:40,150 He's dying. 1291 01:34:40,233 --> 01:34:42,525 [KONG GROANING SOFTLY] 1292 01:34:42,608 --> 01:34:44,692 There's nothing we can do to restart his heart. 1293 01:34:44,775 --> 01:34:46,192 We'd need a charge big enough to... 1294 01:34:46,275 --> 01:34:48,108 Light up Las Vegas for a week. 1295 01:35:05,442 --> 01:35:06,567 [ROARS] 1296 01:35:11,275 --> 01:35:12,775 - BERNIE: Is that a password? - [SYSTEM BUZZING] 1297 01:35:14,233 --> 01:35:15,483 [SHOUTS] Is that a password? 1298 01:35:15,567 --> 01:35:16,817 I don't know! I'm not used to this. 1299 01:35:16,900 --> 01:35:18,483 I'm used to pirating movies online. 1300 01:35:18,567 --> 01:35:20,067 - Okay, then go to Settings. - [LINE RINGING] 1301 01:35:20,150 --> 01:35:21,650 - [ON PHONE] This is Mark. - Dad? 1302 01:35:21,733 --> 01:35:23,692 Madison, where are you? 1303 01:35:23,775 --> 01:35:25,942 Dad, can you hear... 1304 01:35:26,025 --> 01:35:27,817 Can you hear me? I'm in Hong Kong. 1305 01:35:27,900 --> 01:35:29,400 - Mad? - Dad! 1306 01:35:29,483 --> 01:35:31,317 Mad? Madison! 1307 01:35:31,400 --> 01:35:33,150 [ALARM BLARING] 1308 01:35:35,983 --> 01:35:37,233 - [ENGINE POWERS UP] - A-ha! 1309 01:35:37,317 --> 01:35:38,483 [CHUCKLES] 1310 01:35:40,567 --> 01:35:42,733 Okay, you two better get some distance. 1311 01:35:49,275 --> 01:35:50,567 Hey. 1312 01:35:52,317 --> 01:35:55,400 You are a very brave little girl. 1313 01:35:55,483 --> 01:35:56,858 {\an8}[IN SIGN LANGUAGE] 1314 01:36:02,942 --> 01:36:04,317 I don't know. 1315 01:36:04,400 --> 01:36:06,025 Maybe we both are. 1316 01:36:17,400 --> 01:36:20,067 - [ROARS] - [ENERGY CHARGING UP] 1317 01:36:20,692 --> 01:36:22,567 [WARBLING] 1318 01:36:33,025 --> 01:36:35,775 [ROARS] 1319 01:36:44,692 --> 01:36:45,942 Okay. 1320 01:36:49,900 --> 01:36:51,567 Good luck, big fella. 1321 01:36:52,317 --> 01:36:54,692 [SYSTEM ALARM BEEPING] 1322 01:36:54,775 --> 01:36:56,608 [BEEPING INTENSIFIES] 1323 01:37:08,108 --> 01:37:09,358 - [EXPLOSION] - [KONG GASPS] 1324 01:37:13,400 --> 01:37:14,650 [GROWLS] 1325 01:37:16,733 --> 01:37:18,400 [PANTING] 1326 01:37:31,608 --> 01:37:33,108 {\an8}[IN SIGN LANGUAGE] 1327 01:37:35,567 --> 01:37:36,900 [ROARS] 1328 01:38:06,983 --> 01:38:08,067 [GROWLS] 1329 01:38:18,483 --> 01:38:19,775 [GROANS] 1330 01:38:21,150 --> 01:38:22,483 [ROARS] 1331 01:38:24,483 --> 01:38:26,608 - [BONES CRACKING] - [GROWLS] 1332 01:38:26,692 --> 01:38:28,108 I thought you said you were a hacker! 1333 01:38:28,192 --> 01:38:30,067 I said I took an HTML course at summer camp. 1334 01:38:30,150 --> 01:38:31,733 - HTML? - Yes, at summer camp. 1335 01:38:31,817 --> 01:38:34,192 Was it a '90s camp? Come on. Use QWERTY. 1336 01:38:34,275 --> 01:38:36,567 [AUTOMATED VOICE] Error. Security lock. 1337 01:38:36,650 --> 01:38:39,067 - [ALARM BLARING] - JOSH: No. Shit! 1338 01:38:39,150 --> 01:38:40,567 Shit. 1339 01:38:41,317 --> 01:38:43,192 [BREATHING HEAVILY] 1340 01:39:00,733 --> 01:39:02,067 [GODZILLA WHIMPERING] 1341 01:39:08,358 --> 01:39:09,942 [KONG ROARS] 1342 01:39:24,358 --> 01:39:25,608 [GODZILLA ROARS] 1343 01:40:13,567 --> 01:40:14,942 - [WHIRRING] - [ROARS] 1344 01:40:18,192 --> 01:40:19,942 MADISON: Josh! You have to do something. 1345 01:40:20,025 --> 01:40:22,025 We tried to take down those Apex bastards, 1346 01:40:22,108 --> 01:40:23,525 but I think this is as far as we go, 1347 01:40:23,608 --> 01:40:24,858 so bottom's up. 1348 01:40:24,942 --> 01:40:27,150 I was hoping to die with adults, but okay. 1349 01:40:32,150 --> 01:40:35,233 BERNIE: If you've never had a drink before, now's the time 'cause... 1350 01:40:35,317 --> 01:40:36,858 Drink. Drink! 1351 01:40:36,942 --> 01:40:38,650 - BERNIE: Hey! What are you... - [STATIC] 1352 01:40:40,442 --> 01:40:41,858 That's your solution? 1353 01:40:41,942 --> 01:40:44,108 I gotta die here with you, and sober! 1354 01:40:44,192 --> 01:40:45,567 [EXPLOSION] 1355 01:40:45,650 --> 01:40:46,900 [WHIRRING STOPS] 1356 01:40:47,692 --> 01:40:49,733 [ELECTRICITY CRACKLING] 1357 01:40:53,692 --> 01:40:55,025 [KONG GROWLS] 1358 01:40:57,150 --> 01:40:58,567 [ENERGY SURGING] 1359 01:41:01,858 --> 01:41:02,983 [GRUNTS] 1360 01:41:05,233 --> 01:41:06,483 [KONG ROARS] 1361 01:41:07,817 --> 01:41:09,442 - BERNIE: Yeah! - JOSH: Yes! Yes! 1362 01:41:10,608 --> 01:41:11,942 [METAL CLANGS] 1363 01:41:13,067 --> 01:41:14,150 [GROWLS] 1364 01:41:22,483 --> 01:41:23,692 [ROARS] 1365 01:41:33,358 --> 01:41:34,650 [ELECTRICITY CRACKLING] 1366 01:41:37,358 --> 01:41:40,525 [ROARS] 1367 01:41:44,942 --> 01:41:46,150 [GROANING] 1368 01:42:02,692 --> 01:42:04,108 [ECHOES] Hey, Nathan? 1369 01:42:04,192 --> 01:42:05,483 [SOFT INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC PLAYS] 1370 01:42:05,567 --> 01:42:07,483 - Nathan? - [GASPS SOFTLY] 1371 01:42:07,567 --> 01:42:09,317 Nathan, are you okay? 1372 01:42:19,733 --> 01:42:21,442 [HELICOPTERS HOVERING] 1373 01:42:21,525 --> 01:42:23,233 [CROWD CHATTERING] 1374 01:42:25,608 --> 01:42:27,817 [SIRENS WAILING] 1375 01:42:33,275 --> 01:42:34,358 Dad? 1376 01:42:35,900 --> 01:42:36,983 Dad! 1377 01:42:37,900 --> 01:42:38,858 Dad! 1378 01:42:38,942 --> 01:42:40,025 [MARK GASPS] 1379 01:42:40,108 --> 01:42:41,483 [CRYING] 1380 01:42:47,150 --> 01:42:50,525 Hi. Um, it was, um... Madison's idea. 1381 01:42:51,650 --> 01:42:53,150 Shut up, Josh. 1382 01:42:53,275 --> 01:42:56,983 Dad. This is the man who saved our lives. 1383 01:42:57,067 --> 01:42:58,400 Bernie, meet Dad. 1384 01:42:58,483 --> 01:42:59,858 Dad. Uh, Bernie. 1385 01:42:59,942 --> 01:43:01,858 Um, it's an absolute pleasure to meet you. 1386 01:43:01,942 --> 01:43:05,025 [HESITATES] I was wondering if I could invite you onto my podcast 1387 01:43:05,108 --> 01:43:08,358 to talk about the Monarch facility in Roswell because... 1388 01:43:08,442 --> 01:43:11,317 [BERNIE CONTINUES INDISTINCTLY] 1389 01:43:14,275 --> 01:43:15,608 It's amazing. It happened... 1390 01:43:15,692 --> 01:43:17,275 - [GODZILLA ROARS] - [BERNIE SCREAMS] 1391 01:43:20,233 --> 01:43:22,192 [KONG GRUNTING] 1392 01:43:29,442 --> 01:43:31,067 Jia? Jia! 1393 01:43:31,150 --> 01:43:34,483 [ROARS] 1394 01:44:00,358 --> 01:44:04,775 [GODZILLA ROARS] 1395 01:44:30,983 --> 01:44:34,192 ["THE AIR THAT I BREATHE" PLAYING] 1396 01:44:44,775 --> 01:44:46,317 [INDISTINCT CHATTER] 1397 01:44:46,400 --> 01:44:49,275 Heads up, guys! He's coming around for his morning walk. 1398 01:44:50,400 --> 01:44:52,275 [MEN SHOUTING] 1399 01:45:02,733 --> 01:45:03,983 {\an8}[IN SIGN LANGUAGE] 1400 01:45:07,900 --> 01:45:10,650 Sometimes 1401 01:45:11,233 --> 01:45:12,650 [GRUNTING] 1402 01:45:12,733 --> 01:45:14,733 All I need is the air that I breathe 1403 01:45:14,817 --> 01:45:16,567 [ROAR ECHOES] 1404 01:45:16,650 --> 01:45:19,483 And to love you 1405 01:45:19,567 --> 01:45:23,858 All I need is the air that I breathe 1406 01:45:23,942 --> 01:45:27,983 Yes, to love you 1407 01:45:28,067 --> 01:45:34,358 All I need is the air that I breathe 1408 01:45:44,317 --> 01:45:47,650 Sometimes 1409 01:45:47,733 --> 01:45:51,900 All I need is the air that I breathe 1410 01:45:51,983 --> 01:45:54,317 And to love you 1411 01:45:55,942 --> 01:46:00,233 All I need is the air that I breathe 1412 01:46:00,317 --> 01:46:02,608 And to love you 1413 01:46:04,275 --> 01:46:08,525 All I need is the air that I breathe 1414 01:46:08,608 --> 01:46:10,650 Yes, to love you 1415 01:46:12,733 --> 01:46:15,192 [DRAMATIC MUSIC PLAYING]