1 00:00:21,900 --> 00:00:32,900 (soft music) 2 00:00:37,900 --> 00:00:48,275 (crying) 3 00:00:48,900 --> 00:00:51,400 (heavy breathing) 4 00:00:51,417 --> 00:00:53,192 Come to me. 5 00:00:53,292 --> 00:00:54,942 Come to me. 6 00:00:55,483 --> 00:00:56,608 The guardian angel. 7 00:00:57,067 --> 00:00:59,358 A spirit of comfort. 8 00:01:00,067 --> 00:01:03,550 Spirit of any celestial sphere. 9 00:01:05,400 --> 00:01:06,733 Anything. 10 00:01:07,417 --> 00:01:08,733 Hear my call. 11 00:01:13,608 --> 00:01:14,725 Come to me. 12 00:02:20,150 --> 00:02:24,150 [FOREIGN] 13 00:03:31,400 --> 00:03:32,317 Thomas? 14 00:03:35,400 --> 00:03:35,650 Thomas? 15 00:03:36,650 --> 00:03:37,275 What's up, Alice? 16 00:03:38,400 --> 00:03:41,275 What is it? 17 00:03:45,400 --> 00:03:46,400 Nothing. 18 00:03:47,233 --> 00:03:50,025 I tripped. 19 00:03:51,358 --> 00:03:51,775 Come here. 20 00:03:52,817 --> 00:03:55,400 There's nothing to be afraid of. 21 00:03:55,400 --> 00:03:58,150 The honeymoon was yet too short. 22 00:03:59,400 --> 00:04:01,567 Take off your shoes. 23 00:04:04,608 --> 00:04:05,400 I wish I could stay my love. 24 00:04:08,400 --> 00:04:09,358 How should I have 25 00:04:09,358 --> 00:04:10,442 earned such a dirty wife? 26 00:04:11,983 --> 00:04:13,900 I told you not to let her into bed. 27 00:04:14,358 --> 00:04:14,983 I've got everything I 28 00:04:14,983 --> 00:04:16,317 wear. Absolutely covered in it. 29 00:04:16,317 --> 00:04:17,775 For Greta loves it here. 30 00:04:18,233 --> 00:04:19,567 She wishes you to stay too. 31 00:04:19,817 --> 00:04:22,150 Today is of the utmost importance for us. 32 00:04:22,150 --> 00:04:23,108 One minute more. 33 00:04:23,775 --> 00:04:24,567 Everybody must be off. 34 00:04:28,400 --> 00:04:29,400 Goodbye. 35 00:04:38,400 --> 00:04:41,692 He has the position already. 36 00:04:45,983 --> 00:04:46,400 They'll send him away. 37 00:05:45,400 --> 00:05:47,233 You have kept him a quarter hour. 38 00:05:49,233 --> 00:05:49,358 Forgive me, sir. 39 00:05:54,608 --> 00:05:59,192 [LAUGHTER] 40 00:05:59,192 --> 00:06:07,108 Pray pardon me, Herr 41 00:06:07,108 --> 00:06:08,317 Knoch, for my tidiness. 42 00:06:08,317 --> 00:06:10,817 Your delay is providential, my boy. 43 00:06:10,817 --> 00:06:11,025 Providential. 44 00:06:11,275 --> 00:06:11,942 Come in, come in. 45 00:06:12,483 --> 00:06:13,692 Still preparing the account. 46 00:06:16,358 --> 00:06:19,108 And I thank you, sir, for considering me. 47 00:06:19,400 --> 00:06:20,067 When tiling's in your 48 00:06:20,067 --> 00:06:21,733 recent nuptials reached my ears, 49 00:06:21,733 --> 00:06:24,317 I knew it was providence. 50 00:06:26,108 --> 00:06:29,400 A new husband requires new wages. 51 00:06:30,025 --> 00:06:30,942 Put it in, generous sir. 52 00:06:31,400 --> 00:06:33,025 Allow me to extend my 53 00:06:33,025 --> 00:06:34,650 congratulations to your wife. 54 00:06:34,942 --> 00:06:35,400 Thank you, sir. 55 00:06:35,733 --> 00:06:38,025 She truly is beautiful. 56 00:06:39,233 --> 00:06:42,400 A non-parais, almost a... 57 00:06:45,400 --> 00:06:46,358 ...silph. 58 00:06:48,275 --> 00:06:49,400 [LAUGHTER] 59 00:06:49,400 --> 00:06:51,150 Yes, thank you, sir. 60 00:06:52,400 --> 00:06:53,817 And I'm most eager to proceed with 61 00:06:53,817 --> 00:06:54,650 whatever your request 62 00:06:54,650 --> 00:06:55,692 that I might be fully 63 00:06:55,692 --> 00:06:57,067 engaged with the firm. 64 00:06:57,400 --> 00:06:58,400 Indeed, indeed. 65 00:06:59,775 --> 00:07:00,025 Providence. 66 00:07:01,858 --> 00:07:03,817 Now, I have been entertaining dealings 67 00:07:03,817 --> 00:07:05,400 with a foreign count. 68 00:07:05,733 --> 00:07:07,108 Very old line of 69 00:07:07,108 --> 00:07:09,942 nobility, very old and eccentric. 70 00:07:11,400 --> 00:07:13,025 He wishes to acquire a 71 00:07:13,025 --> 00:07:15,025 home here in our visberg. 72 00:07:15,317 --> 00:07:15,692 Oh, yes. 73 00:07:15,817 --> 00:07:16,733 To retire here. 74 00:07:16,733 --> 00:07:17,608 He has one foot in 75 00:07:17,608 --> 00:07:18,733 the grave, so to speak. 76 00:07:20,400 --> 00:07:22,275 I should be pleased to escort the 77 00:07:22,275 --> 00:07:23,025 gentleman and recommend 78 00:07:23,025 --> 00:07:23,775 him to our properties. 79 00:07:24,025 --> 00:07:25,275 I have already selected. 80 00:07:25,775 --> 00:07:27,067 Gornivault Manor. 81 00:07:28,400 --> 00:07:31,192 Forgive me, sir, but is it not a ruin? 82 00:07:32,400 --> 00:07:35,275 He requested an old home, and 83 00:07:35,275 --> 00:07:36,733 he will pay most generously. 84 00:07:37,108 --> 00:07:38,233 I shall meet him tomorrow, then. 85 00:07:38,525 --> 00:07:38,858 Nine o'clock? 86 00:07:39,400 --> 00:07:41,400 Here is the peculiarity. 87 00:07:41,983 --> 00:07:44,400 He is too infirm to travel, so you, 88 00:07:44,650 --> 00:07:46,317 Niegs, must journey to him. 89 00:07:46,983 --> 00:07:47,400 I see. 90 00:07:48,025 --> 00:07:50,358 He lives in a small country, 91 00:07:51,567 --> 00:07:52,858 east of Bohemia, 92 00:07:53,400 --> 00:07:55,567 isolated in the Carpaleon Alps. 93 00:07:56,942 --> 00:07:57,192 Oh. 94 00:08:01,400 --> 00:08:03,858 It will be a great adventure, my boy. 95 00:08:04,900 --> 00:08:05,108 Indeed. 96 00:08:06,525 --> 00:08:07,817 May not the Count execute 97 00:08:07,817 --> 00:08:09,192 the deed here when he arrives? 98 00:08:09,608 --> 00:08:10,983 Oh, no, it is much too urgent. 99 00:08:10,983 --> 00:08:12,192 He insists we offer him 100 00:08:12,192 --> 00:08:15,275 an agent in the flesh, 101 00:08:17,067 --> 00:08:17,942 and he will reward you 102 00:08:17,942 --> 00:08:20,400 handsomely, my boy, handsomely. 103 00:08:21,567 --> 00:08:23,483 Secure this account, and you will secure 104 00:08:23,483 --> 00:08:26,858 your official position in the firm. 105 00:08:28,192 --> 00:08:29,192 Thank you, sir. Thank you. 106 00:08:29,608 --> 00:08:30,275 I shan't disappoint. 107 00:08:31,233 --> 00:08:32,358 And what was the Count's name? 108 00:08:34,358 --> 00:08:57,692 Orlok. Orlok. 109 00:09:00,400 --> 00:09:02,317 And I shall have to set off tomorrow, as 110 00:09:02,317 --> 00:09:03,400 it is a six-week journey. 111 00:09:05,775 --> 00:09:06,733 But Harding has generously 112 00:09:06,733 --> 00:09:08,067 agreed to keep you till my return. 113 00:09:09,733 --> 00:09:10,233 Why have you killed 114 00:09:10,233 --> 00:09:11,150 these beautiful flowers? 115 00:09:11,775 --> 00:09:11,942 What? 116 00:09:12,775 --> 00:09:13,067 Nothing. 117 00:09:13,817 --> 00:09:14,567 What are you talking about? 118 00:09:15,317 --> 00:09:15,983 Forgive me. 119 00:09:16,483 --> 00:09:18,067 Er, let us put them in water. 120 00:09:18,275 --> 00:09:19,108 I will only die in a 121 00:09:19,108 --> 00:09:20,233 few days. Throw them out. 122 00:09:20,900 --> 00:09:21,525 What? 123 00:09:21,525 --> 00:09:22,192 Throw them out! 124 00:09:24,733 --> 00:09:25,650 What are you... 125 00:09:27,400 --> 00:09:28,942 You cannot leave. 126 00:09:30,400 --> 00:09:31,525 What is this? 127 00:09:31,525 --> 00:09:32,358 I must tell you my dream. 128 00:09:33,400 --> 00:09:35,400 Ellen, we have put these 129 00:09:35,400 --> 00:09:36,275 difficulties behind us. 130 00:09:36,275 --> 00:09:36,692 I must! 131 00:09:36,942 --> 00:09:38,275 Please. They're more 132 00:09:38,275 --> 00:09:39,108 of enchanted memories. 133 00:09:39,442 --> 00:09:40,942 The doctors advised never to... 134 00:09:41,942 --> 00:09:42,775 It was our wedding. 135 00:09:44,983 --> 00:09:46,192 Yet not in chapel walls. 136 00:09:48,817 --> 00:09:50,483 Above was an impenetrable thundercloud 137 00:09:50,483 --> 00:09:51,775 outstretched beyond the hills. 138 00:09:53,275 --> 00:09:55,108 The scent of the lilacs was strong in the 139 00:09:55,108 --> 00:09:57,692 rain, and when I reached the altar... 140 00:10:00,233 --> 00:10:00,400 You weren't there? 141 00:10:02,650 --> 00:10:06,733 Standing before me, all in black, was... 142 00:10:09,233 --> 00:10:09,400 Death. 143 00:10:12,067 --> 00:10:12,942 But I was so happy. 144 00:10:14,275 --> 00:10:15,108 So very happy. 145 00:10:16,025 --> 00:10:19,942 In exchange for ours, we embraced, and 146 00:10:19,942 --> 00:10:21,608 when we turned around... 147 00:10:23,983 --> 00:10:24,358 Everyone was dead. 148 00:10:25,400 --> 00:10:28,900 Father and... everyone. 149 00:10:29,817 --> 00:10:30,608 The scent of their 150 00:10:30,608 --> 00:10:32,525 bodies was... horrible. 151 00:10:34,733 --> 00:10:34,942 And... 152 00:10:36,858 --> 00:10:38,358 But I never mean so happy... 153 00:10:40,067 --> 00:10:40,942 At that moment... 154 00:10:42,775 --> 00:10:44,358 As I held hands with death. 155 00:10:52,108 --> 00:10:55,733 I never speak these things aloud. 156 00:10:56,483 --> 00:10:56,692 No. 157 00:10:57,942 --> 00:10:58,900 It is a trifle for this 158 00:10:58,900 --> 00:11:00,400 dream, just as your past fancies. 159 00:11:02,233 --> 00:11:02,775 Everything is well. 160 00:11:05,400 --> 00:11:08,900 It portends something awful for us. 161 00:11:09,775 --> 00:11:10,358 No. 162 00:11:10,358 --> 00:11:10,608 When I return, I will finally make something of myself I shall buy as a final. I will finally make something of myself I shall buy as a final. I will finally make something of myself I shall buy as a final. No. 163 00:11:11,442 --> 00:11:12,900 When I return, I will finally make 164 00:11:12,900 --> 00:11:13,775 something of myself I 165 00:11:13,775 --> 00:11:14,400 shall buy as a final. 166 00:11:14,650 --> 00:11:15,900 House of our own would mean so. 167 00:11:15,900 --> 00:11:16,900 We needn't any of that. 168 00:11:17,858 --> 00:11:19,567 I wish you to have all you deserve. 169 00:11:19,567 --> 00:11:22,067 You mustn't leave. I love you too much. 170 00:11:29,400 --> 00:11:30,400 Great Easter. 171 00:11:32,317 --> 00:11:38,942 Never since our school day, Easter. 172 00:11:41,400 --> 00:11:43,067 From my grandfather, the best. 173 00:11:43,775 --> 00:11:44,900 I wouldn't. It's worth 174 00:11:44,900 --> 00:11:46,775 celebrating your adventure. 175 00:11:48,067 --> 00:11:48,442 Thank you. 176 00:11:51,400 --> 00:11:53,150 I envy you. 177 00:11:54,275 --> 00:11:56,442 I envy you. You've truly taken your 178 00:11:56,442 --> 00:11:57,692 father's place now. It's incredible. 179 00:11:58,192 --> 00:11:59,317 The bloody responsibility 180 00:11:59,317 --> 00:12:00,692 is crushing, Thomas Crashing. 181 00:12:01,233 --> 00:12:02,275 Of course, it's unseemly to 182 00:12:02,275 --> 00:12:03,567 complain with all the earnings, 183 00:12:03,567 --> 00:12:04,775 but the demands of the market grow fast 184 00:12:04,775 --> 00:12:05,900 in the damaged shipyard. 185 00:12:06,775 --> 00:12:08,400 And my two girls, two, Tom... 186 00:12:11,400 --> 00:12:14,067 I... I love them more than the world. 187 00:12:14,567 --> 00:12:16,692 And I speak none of this 188 00:12:16,692 --> 00:12:17,983 to Ellen Moore, my Anna, 189 00:12:18,233 --> 00:12:20,817 but we have another on the way. 190 00:12:23,650 --> 00:12:24,067 Mm-hmm. 191 00:12:24,983 --> 00:12:25,567 Congratulations. 192 00:12:27,400 --> 00:12:28,567 You always wear a rutting coat. 193 00:12:29,775 --> 00:12:33,692 I cannot resist her. 194 00:12:36,067 --> 00:12:37,483 And when will you two newlyweds? 195 00:12:38,942 --> 00:12:40,525 I am no longer a pauper. 196 00:12:41,567 --> 00:12:42,692 Frederick, when I have, I mean to say I 197 00:12:42,692 --> 00:12:43,942 shall finally be able to return 198 00:12:43,942 --> 00:12:44,733 the money to you 199 00:12:44,733 --> 00:12:46,608 learned not another word. 200 00:12:47,817 --> 00:12:50,400 And, Frederick, do take care of Ellen. 201 00:12:51,483 --> 00:12:53,692 She nearly begged me to remain here and 202 00:12:53,692 --> 00:12:55,525 toss aside your fine opportunity. 203 00:12:56,692 --> 00:12:59,108 I fear her past, Mel and Colley, 204 00:12:59,317 --> 00:13:00,400 returning naturally. 205 00:13:00,733 --> 00:13:01,483 Her dashing young 206 00:13:01,483 --> 00:13:03,108 husband's leaving her bedside cold. 207 00:13:03,900 --> 00:13:05,358 I speak once. It's time now, I beg. 208 00:13:05,400 --> 00:13:06,775 Papa! Papa! 209 00:13:07,858 --> 00:13:08,108 No! 210 00:13:10,108 --> 00:13:10,900 Your mother. 211 00:13:10,900 --> 00:13:12,775 The time has simply come. Enough, enough. 212 00:13:13,358 --> 00:13:14,608 We can't! 213 00:13:15,150 --> 00:13:17,233 There is a monster in the room! 214 00:13:17,942 --> 00:13:19,525 Papa! Papa! 215 00:13:19,775 --> 00:13:21,692 Don't let her feed me to the monster! 216 00:13:22,442 --> 00:13:23,733 Stab him! 217 00:13:23,733 --> 00:13:26,067 Hard enough, but I am to hunt a monster. 218 00:13:26,358 --> 00:13:27,775 You're a perfect child, yourself. 219 00:13:28,817 --> 00:13:29,192 Good night. 220 00:13:29,733 --> 00:13:30,400 I'll forgive. 221 00:13:31,525 --> 00:13:33,358 Papa, please stay with us. 222 00:13:33,400 --> 00:13:34,608 I will stay with you 223 00:13:34,608 --> 00:13:35,692 until you're too fast. 224 00:13:36,233 --> 00:13:38,442 I can hear him breathing from each other! 225 00:13:38,900 --> 00:13:43,067 Forgive me. 226 00:13:43,900 --> 00:13:45,608 I have put these fences behind me. 227 00:13:46,192 --> 00:13:46,567 I have. 228 00:13:47,567 --> 00:13:48,400 And we have each other. 229 00:14:33,400 --> 00:14:50,233 (sighs) 230 00:14:50,233 --> 00:14:52,275 (laughs) 231 00:14:53,400 --> 00:14:54,858 Hey, hey, hey, she 232 00:14:54,858 --> 00:14:56,108 wants these guys to come. 233 00:14:56,400 --> 00:14:59,983 (laughs) 234 00:14:59,983 --> 00:15:01,108 You did great. 235 00:15:01,733 --> 00:15:06,692 You had to be the most cis tom-tom. 236 00:15:07,900 --> 00:15:10,067 (laughs) 237 00:15:10,067 --> 00:15:11,650 (gasps) 238 00:15:11,692 --> 00:15:12,108 Oh. 239 00:15:16,400 --> 00:15:18,233 Your lordship, it is 240 00:15:18,233 --> 00:15:20,358 entirely as you have demanded. 241 00:15:21,108 --> 00:15:22,983 He shall presently be in thy rule, 242 00:15:23,233 --> 00:15:25,150 and I shall attend the year. 243 00:15:25,400 --> 00:15:29,025 Mere the object of thy contract! 244 00:15:40,192 --> 00:15:46,317 I am proud of you. 245 00:15:46,317 --> 00:15:46,525 I... 246 00:15:49,483 --> 00:15:50,900 Please keep safe. 247 00:15:51,900 --> 00:15:53,358 There is a little faith in me. 248 00:15:53,400 --> 00:15:55,317 I will send you my utmost faith. 249 00:15:57,608 --> 00:15:59,817 And you will write to me every day. 250 00:16:00,150 --> 00:16:01,067 I shall, I promise. 251 00:16:02,400 --> 00:16:04,608 Remember, it's all for us. 252 00:16:09,400 --> 00:16:10,192 I love you. 253 00:16:10,442 --> 00:16:11,108 I love you. 254 00:16:13,400 --> 00:16:13,650 Farewell. 255 00:16:53,400 --> 00:16:55,400 (tapping) 256 00:17:38,192 --> 00:17:42,483 (tapping) 257 00:17:42,483 --> 00:17:45,983 (chattering) 258 00:17:45,983 --> 00:17:48,608 So mad. 259 00:17:48,817 --> 00:17:52,400 (whistles) 260 00:18:53,400 --> 00:19:00,067 [LAUGH] 261 00:19:00,067 --> 00:19:15,192 [FOREIGN] 262 00:19:21,983 --> 00:19:24,650 Forgive me, I only 263 00:19:24,650 --> 00:19:25,525 wish to stay one night. 264 00:19:26,108 --> 00:19:27,025 I have an audience at the castle. 265 00:19:28,067 --> 00:19:29,108 New Castle, Orlok, we 266 00:19:29,108 --> 00:19:29,733 are going to the castle. 267 00:19:32,442 --> 00:19:32,983 [FOREIGN] 268 00:19:38,400 --> 00:19:40,942 I am weary, I pray you. 269 00:19:42,400 --> 00:19:45,358 I will pay double the board. 270 00:19:45,400 --> 00:19:48,400 [FOREIGN] 271 00:20:45,400 --> 00:20:54,400 [FOREIGN] 272 00:21:35,400 --> 00:21:45,400 [FOREIGN] 273 00:22:31,025 --> 00:22:31,817 [FOREIGN] 274 00:22:46,025 --> 00:22:53,525 [FOREIGN] 275 00:22:53,525 --> 00:22:57,358 [FOREIGN] 276 00:28:11,025 --> 00:28:15,317 You are late. 277 00:28:17,400 --> 00:28:22,400 The midnight of war has passed 278 00:28:23,400 --> 00:28:28,608 and my attendants have all read I are. 279 00:28:29,733 --> 00:28:30,567 Forgive me, Count. 280 00:28:47,400 --> 00:28:55,025 The midnight of war has passed 281 00:29:09,400 --> 00:29:13,108 Leave there your conveniences 282 00:29:14,483 --> 00:29:18,233 Sit out indeed and sit. 283 00:29:21,817 --> 00:29:22,442 Where do you not wish 284 00:29:22,442 --> 00:29:23,108 to wait till morning? 285 00:29:24,817 --> 00:29:27,983 I wish you to do as I request. 286 00:29:28,983 --> 00:29:29,192 Yes. 287 00:29:31,400 --> 00:29:32,108 Of course, sir. 288 00:29:34,150 --> 00:29:34,858 Lord. 289 00:29:35,483 --> 00:29:36,358 Oh, me, sir. 290 00:29:37,400 --> 00:29:41,525 Your lord, I will be addressed as the 291 00:29:41,525 --> 00:29:45,317 owner of my blood demands it. 292 00:29:46,025 --> 00:29:46,233 Yes. 293 00:29:47,067 --> 00:29:47,483 My lord. 294 00:29:48,733 --> 00:29:49,858 I give my lord. 295 00:29:53,567 --> 00:29:53,983 Pray. 296 00:29:56,317 --> 00:29:56,650 Sit. 297 00:29:57,692 --> 00:29:58,108 Thank you. 298 00:30:01,233 --> 00:30:06,858 I am most impatient to bring my eyes on 299 00:30:06,858 --> 00:30:09,483 your covenant papers 300 00:30:11,400 --> 00:30:15,192 and my correspondence with your 301 00:30:15,192 --> 00:30:18,567 proprietor, Herrok Mook. 302 00:30:21,483 --> 00:30:25,025 I have long awaited them. 303 00:30:25,275 --> 00:30:26,108 Of course, my lord. 304 00:30:33,733 --> 00:30:38,400 The midnight of war has passed 305 00:30:38,400 --> 00:31:04,567 Drink. The midnight of war has passed 306 00:31:04,567 --> 00:31:08,275 I have, my lord, I have questions about 307 00:31:08,275 --> 00:31:11,942 the unfamiliar customs of the peasantry, 308 00:31:11,942 --> 00:31:14,025 and the errant wanderers. 309 00:31:17,400 --> 00:31:20,608 Last night I saw, or rather I believe I 310 00:31:20,608 --> 00:31:23,900 saw a band of gypsies they mentioned to a 311 00:31:23,900 --> 00:31:25,233 small birch grove and 312 00:31:25,400 --> 00:31:30,150 I fear we yet keep close many 313 00:31:30,150 --> 00:31:34,942 superstitions here that may seem backward 314 00:31:34,942 --> 00:31:40,192 to a young man of your high learning. 315 00:31:43,525 --> 00:31:46,317 These gypsies, they exhumed a corpse. 316 00:31:46,775 --> 00:31:50,233 It is their filthy ritual. 317 00:31:52,400 --> 00:31:54,108 What manner of ritual? 318 00:31:54,400 --> 00:31:56,150 Speech not of it again! 319 00:32:00,025 --> 00:32:04,275 How I look forward to retiring to your 320 00:32:04,275 --> 00:32:06,983 city of a modern mind, 321 00:32:09,400 --> 00:32:14,567 Who knows nothing of nor believes in 322 00:32:14,567 --> 00:32:18,358 these such morbid, very tales. 323 00:32:18,400 --> 00:32:30,358 It is not your own. 324 00:32:30,358 --> 00:32:34,483 It is your own. You are married, Herroter. 325 00:32:35,317 --> 00:32:37,650 I will take heed what you do. 326 00:32:40,900 --> 00:32:41,483 It's nothing. 327 00:32:43,358 --> 00:32:46,400 I might ease your wound. 328 00:32:53,900 --> 00:32:56,275 Come by the fire, your 329 00:32:56,275 --> 00:32:59,650 face shows you one well. 330 00:33:25,067 --> 00:33:37,942 Wait for me! 331 00:33:39,067 --> 00:33:42,150 Careful children, keep your nut fields. 332 00:33:43,442 --> 00:33:45,567 Do you have a feel at 333 00:33:45,567 --> 00:33:46,858 times as if you were not? 334 00:33:48,692 --> 00:33:49,900 As if you were not a person? 335 00:33:52,317 --> 00:33:54,358 Well, what I wish to say is that you are 336 00:33:54,358 --> 00:33:57,275 not truly present nor alive. 337 00:33:58,067 --> 00:33:58,942 As if you were at the 338 00:33:58,942 --> 00:34:00,400 whim of another like a dog. 339 00:34:01,150 --> 00:34:03,400 Someone or something had the power to 340 00:34:03,400 --> 00:34:07,025 breathe life into you, to move you. 341 00:34:07,608 --> 00:34:08,567 But of course we all 342 00:34:08,567 --> 00:34:11,067 feel out of sorts at times. 343 00:34:11,067 --> 00:34:11,358 It's not out of sorts. 344 00:34:11,400 --> 00:34:14,900 It's as if there is something at play 345 00:34:14,900 --> 00:34:17,983 that is too awful or grave to explain. 346 00:34:18,317 --> 00:34:21,067 God, no, my lovely Anna. 347 00:34:21,942 --> 00:34:23,900 I, look at the sky. 348 00:34:25,150 --> 00:34:26,025 Look at the sea. 349 00:34:26,275 --> 00:34:27,525 Does it never call to you? 350 00:34:28,067 --> 00:34:28,733 Urge you. 351 00:34:29,442 --> 00:34:30,942 Something is close at hand. 352 00:34:31,275 --> 00:34:32,358 That is His power. 353 00:34:32,942 --> 00:34:34,442 A gentle breeze from heaven. 354 00:34:34,942 --> 00:34:35,317 Destiny! 355 00:34:36,400 --> 00:34:37,775 My sweet romantic. 356 00:34:41,400 --> 00:34:45,358 I am not mad, Anna. 357 00:34:45,733 --> 00:34:45,942 Any. 358 00:34:47,317 --> 00:34:47,900 Forgive me. 359 00:34:48,775 --> 00:34:51,400 Everything I say sounds so childish. 360 00:34:52,067 --> 00:34:54,108 Your words spring from your honest heart. 361 00:34:55,067 --> 00:34:57,400 My heart is lost without my Thomas. 362 00:35:15,025 --> 00:35:15,233 Hello? 363 00:35:16,400 --> 00:36:14,025 You count? (ominous music) 364 00:36:42,108 --> 00:36:43,900 (ominous music) 365 00:36:43,900 --> 00:36:48,067 (crunching) 366 00:36:48,067 --> 00:36:53,608 (groaning) 367 00:36:53,608 --> 00:37:00,025 (growling) 368 00:37:00,025 --> 00:37:06,650 (groaning) 369 00:37:11,817 --> 00:37:16,108 Your signature as solesitor. 370 00:37:18,400 --> 00:37:20,400 You can't list me, my lord. 371 00:37:24,275 --> 00:37:28,025 The language of my forefather, son. 372 00:37:31,192 --> 00:37:31,775 Of course. 373 00:37:34,650 --> 00:37:39,150 A maiden's token, I see, your bride. 374 00:37:40,858 --> 00:37:41,983 Just so I hid her. 375 00:37:42,483 --> 00:37:42,817 Yes. 376 00:37:44,108 --> 00:37:44,983 My wife. 377 00:37:55,775 --> 00:37:56,858 We are newly married at late. 378 00:37:58,192 --> 00:37:59,900 Incidentally, I have letters to her. 379 00:37:59,900 --> 00:38:01,067 I would post it for me. 380 00:38:04,317 --> 00:38:05,567 Alleluia. 381 00:38:07,692 --> 00:38:08,400 What was that? 382 00:38:08,692 --> 00:38:08,942 What order? 383 00:38:11,775 --> 00:38:15,733 You were fortunate in your love. 384 00:38:17,358 --> 00:38:17,942 It's Providence. 385 00:38:18,983 --> 00:38:19,775 (speaking in foreign language) 386 00:38:21,025 --> 00:38:22,358 Your signature. 387 00:38:29,525 --> 00:38:32,525 I pray you will indulge my barber. 388 00:38:32,608 --> 00:38:45,400 I do not neglect your commission. 389 00:38:48,817 --> 00:38:50,358 (speaking in foreign language) 390 00:38:50,358 --> 00:38:56,525 (speaking in foreign language) 391 00:38:56,525 --> 00:39:12,025 (ominous music) (ominous music) 392 00:39:12,025 --> 00:39:17,608 (breathing heavily) 393 00:39:17,608 --> 00:39:20,692 (ominous music) 394 00:39:20,692 --> 00:39:22,900 (breathing heavily) 395 00:39:22,900 --> 00:39:23,525 (ominous music) Stand. 396 00:39:26,442 --> 00:39:34,858 (ominous music) (ominous music) 397 00:39:37,775 --> 00:39:41,983 Thou are we named Bar-a-son. 398 00:39:43,275 --> 00:39:44,817 It is my good fortune, Lord. 399 00:39:48,233 --> 00:39:49,442 Forgive my asking, my Lord, 400 00:39:49,442 --> 00:39:51,858 but why such an antique residence, 401 00:39:52,108 --> 00:39:52,733 screw-a-volt manner? 402 00:39:53,483 --> 00:39:55,400 The government designed. 403 00:39:56,567 --> 00:39:56,983 Of course. 404 00:39:59,358 --> 00:40:00,692 Well, I thank you and 405 00:40:00,692 --> 00:40:02,150 congratulate you on your new home. 406 00:40:03,067 --> 00:40:03,858 It is late. 407 00:40:04,692 --> 00:40:07,192 You must wish to retire. 408 00:40:08,900 --> 00:40:10,233 If I may, my Lord, 409 00:40:10,358 --> 00:40:11,192 if I may be slightly 410 00:40:11,192 --> 00:40:12,525 unsubtle in my approach, 411 00:40:12,983 --> 00:40:14,358 I wish to depart as soon as, 412 00:40:15,150 --> 00:40:16,567 well, as soon as agreeable, 413 00:40:16,692 --> 00:40:17,483 my service is rendered. 414 00:40:17,733 --> 00:40:18,275 I am in much, 415 00:40:19,442 --> 00:40:20,733 I have been enduring 416 00:40:20,733 --> 00:40:22,400 the most irregular dreams 417 00:40:22,400 --> 00:40:23,400 I fear I am taken ill. 418 00:40:23,900 --> 00:40:26,650 It is a black hole to 419 00:40:26,650 --> 00:40:28,525 journey in Portland. 420 00:40:29,983 --> 00:40:34,108 You will remain and well rest yourself. 421 00:40:34,942 --> 00:40:36,275 I must object, my Lord. 422 00:40:36,483 --> 00:40:39,400 You will obey this, my counsel. 423 00:40:40,275 --> 00:40:41,358 Open my Lord. 424 00:40:45,983 --> 00:40:46,192 Count? 425 00:40:48,108 --> 00:40:50,150 (ominous music) 426 00:40:51,108 --> 00:40:52,067 You have my locket. 427 00:40:53,525 --> 00:40:54,108 (coughing) 428 00:40:58,983 --> 00:41:08,108 (panting) 429 00:41:08,108 --> 00:41:13,983 (ominous music) 430 00:41:28,983 --> 00:41:31,150 (panting) 431 00:41:58,983 --> 00:42:01,650 (ominous music) 432 00:42:28,983 --> 00:42:36,650 (panting) 433 00:42:36,650 --> 00:43:01,150 (ominous music) (panting) 434 00:43:28,983 --> 00:43:39,733 (ominous music) 435 00:43:39,733 --> 00:43:46,192 (ominous music) 436 00:43:58,983 --> 00:43:59,775 (panting) 437 00:44:01,733 --> 00:44:09,275 (ominous music) 438 00:44:09,275 --> 00:44:36,733 (ominous music) (ominous music) 439 00:44:36,733 --> 00:44:40,317 (panting) 440 00:44:40,317 --> 00:44:48,692 (ominous music) 441 00:44:48,692 --> 00:44:51,858 (ominous music) 442 00:44:51,858 --> 00:44:52,400 (ominous music) 443 00:45:01,150 --> 00:45:03,900 (ominous music) 444 00:45:03,900 --> 00:45:11,275 (ominous music) 445 00:45:11,275 --> 00:45:15,650 (ominous music) 446 00:45:15,650 --> 00:45:18,650 (ominous music) 447 00:45:18,858 --> 00:45:32,192 (ominous music) 448 00:45:32,192 --> 00:45:35,900 (ominous music) 449 00:45:35,900 --> 00:45:37,108 (panting) 450 00:45:37,108 --> 00:45:40,608 (ominous music) 451 00:45:48,900 --> 00:45:52,358 (ominous music) 452 00:45:52,358 --> 00:45:52,817 (panting) 453 00:45:52,817 --> 00:46:03,900 (ominous music) 454 00:46:03,900 --> 00:46:06,733 (ominous music) 455 00:46:06,733 --> 00:46:26,150 (ominous music) (ominous music) 456 00:46:26,150 --> 00:46:27,483 (ominous music) 457 00:46:27,483 --> 00:46:59,275 (ominous music) (ominous music) 458 00:46:59,275 --> 00:47:01,233 (ominous music) 459 00:47:01,233 --> 00:47:43,733 (ominous music) (ominous music) 460 00:47:43,733 --> 00:48:02,067 (ominous music) (ominous music) (ominous music) (ominous music) 461 00:48:02,067 --> 00:48:02,900 (ominous music) 462 00:48:02,900 --> 00:48:07,192 (ominous music) 463 00:48:07,192 --> 00:48:11,400 (ominous music) 464 00:48:30,067 --> 00:48:43,192 trust 465 00:48:56,400 --> 00:48:56,983 Nothing, of Thomas? 466 00:48:57,775 --> 00:48:57,858 Nothing? 467 00:48:57,900 --> 00:48:59,483 No, I mean, yes, I've 468 00:48:59,483 --> 00:49:00,983 received nothing of any kind. 469 00:49:01,067 --> 00:49:02,858 Not even to your- at the shipyard? 470 00:49:03,442 --> 00:49:04,317 And Hacunoc? 471 00:49:05,233 --> 00:49:06,275 Still no trace of him. 472 00:49:07,483 --> 00:49:09,275 His foes and David Kales. 473 00:49:09,942 --> 00:49:11,067 I never liked that man. 474 00:49:11,067 --> 00:49:12,525 Never shall call upon 475 00:49:12,525 --> 00:49:13,525 his office myself directly. 476 00:49:13,817 --> 00:49:14,567 Please, Ralston, no. 477 00:49:14,567 --> 00:49:15,400 I must discover something. 478 00:49:15,400 --> 00:49:16,400 For heaven's sake, you 479 00:49:16,400 --> 00:49:17,442 cannot leave unaccompanied. 480 00:49:23,567 --> 00:49:24,900 I am most sensitive 481 00:49:24,900 --> 00:49:26,567 to your art of nature, 482 00:49:26,775 --> 00:49:27,900 and shard of approval, 483 00:49:27,900 --> 00:49:29,983 further in this era of judgment. 484 00:49:32,400 --> 00:49:33,983 I will send someone daily 485 00:49:33,983 --> 00:49:35,067 until hair cannot be found. 486 00:49:44,400 --> 00:49:47,567 Thomas is well. I'm certain of it. 487 00:49:48,608 --> 00:49:49,567 Nanny, it's near Sandown. 488 00:49:50,567 --> 00:49:51,525 You really ought to be leaving. 489 00:49:54,400 --> 00:49:54,650 Nanny? 490 00:49:55,400 --> 00:49:56,400 Just a moment, Logan. 491 00:49:57,983 --> 00:49:58,192 Please. 492 00:50:02,900 --> 00:50:04,275 Friedrich, be not a child, please. 493 00:50:04,275 --> 00:50:05,108 You mustn't be swept 494 00:50:05,108 --> 00:50:06,442 up in her fairy ways. 495 00:50:06,775 --> 00:50:07,567 The entirety of the 496 00:50:07,567 --> 00:50:09,067 household centers upon her, Wims. 497 00:50:10,067 --> 00:50:12,150 I tire of discussing her. 498 00:50:12,150 --> 00:50:12,692 Thank you. There is 499 00:50:12,692 --> 00:50:13,858 no burden upon myself. 500 00:50:15,108 --> 00:50:16,608 I love her. She is 501 00:50:16,608 --> 00:50:17,942 blameless for her malady. 502 00:50:18,233 --> 00:50:19,275 Forgive me, my love. 503 00:50:20,025 --> 00:50:21,442 Dr. Severs will pay her another visit. 504 00:50:21,817 --> 00:50:22,567 Let us in, please. 505 00:50:23,275 --> 00:50:24,275 Talk of something else. 506 00:50:27,150 --> 00:50:28,108 How is our love, Friedrich? 507 00:50:29,067 --> 00:50:32,442 Well, Hungary is always like his father. 508 00:50:34,358 --> 00:50:34,942 Friedrich in public. 509 00:50:35,942 --> 00:50:37,858 I cannot resist you, my love. 510 00:50:40,733 --> 00:50:42,608 Nanny! 511 00:50:44,900 --> 00:50:48,650 The due patient. 512 00:50:50,108 --> 00:50:50,650 Yes, sir. 513 00:50:52,358 --> 00:50:54,025 We stowed him downstairs, sir. 514 00:50:54,233 --> 00:50:55,400 I have strictly forbidden 515 00:50:55,400 --> 00:50:57,025 the use of the old seraphals. 516 00:50:57,483 --> 00:50:58,192 Picking your pardon, 517 00:50:58,192 --> 00:50:59,608 sir. Out of the question. 518 00:50:59,608 --> 00:51:01,150 This is a modern hospital, not a prison. 519 00:51:01,650 --> 00:51:02,483 A little old soul he 520 00:51:02,483 --> 00:51:05,025 may look, but all my life. 521 00:51:05,400 --> 00:51:07,067 Saw him screaming and a-crowning. 522 00:51:07,067 --> 00:51:10,025 Found him at a Luther Christmas market. 523 00:51:10,900 --> 00:51:12,900 Killed three sheep with his bare hands. 524 00:51:14,025 --> 00:51:17,067 And he was eating a roar-like roar. 525 00:51:40,192 --> 00:51:47,150 (LAUGHING) 526 00:51:47,150 --> 00:51:58,692 Good day, my love. I'm Dr. Severs. 527 00:51:59,608 --> 00:52:00,692 What seems to be trouble? 528 00:52:02,233 --> 00:52:02,733 No trouble. 529 00:52:04,067 --> 00:52:05,317 No trouble. 530 00:52:06,108 --> 00:52:07,817 Providence. Providence. 531 00:52:08,233 --> 00:52:10,608 And three. Can you tell me your name? 532 00:52:11,733 --> 00:52:11,942 Er... 533 00:52:12,525 --> 00:52:13,525 I have no one. 534 00:52:15,067 --> 00:52:17,525 I am his servant. 535 00:52:18,775 --> 00:52:21,025 And, erm... what do you have there? 536 00:52:22,567 --> 00:52:25,150 Lives, gifts... 537 00:52:26,817 --> 00:52:30,400 bestowed upon me by his lordship. 538 00:52:30,400 --> 00:52:31,733 Look, this is a pretty one. 539 00:52:32,442 --> 00:52:35,067 His lordship, that's the pretty ones. 540 00:52:36,108 --> 00:52:36,942 The best... 541 00:52:37,733 --> 00:52:38,400 ...in fortune... 542 00:52:41,817 --> 00:52:42,858 ...is infinity. 543 00:52:46,567 --> 00:52:48,608 Eyes shining... 544 00:52:49,942 --> 00:52:51,567 ...like a jewel who died in... 545 00:52:52,358 --> 00:52:53,025 ...and then... 546 00:52:54,275 --> 00:52:54,775 ...Petressens... 547 00:52:56,275 --> 00:52:57,233 ...the Sixeens. 548 00:53:01,192 --> 00:53:01,983 First man! 549 00:53:05,567 --> 00:53:06,275 I'm divorced. 550 00:53:08,358 --> 00:53:09,483 Well, my good fellow. 551 00:53:10,233 --> 00:53:11,025 Why would you do that? 552 00:53:11,733 --> 00:53:12,692 It's all right. 553 00:53:14,067 --> 00:53:18,733 No one wants to hurt you, my dear friend. 554 00:53:20,067 --> 00:53:22,900 He is coming. 555 00:53:24,567 --> 00:53:24,942 Who? 556 00:53:26,275 --> 00:53:27,067 Who is? 557 00:53:27,108 --> 00:53:31,733 It was he that invoked me... 558 00:53:32,608 --> 00:53:33,442 ...to his eye that 559 00:53:33,442 --> 00:53:35,817 was chosen to serve him. 560 00:53:36,192 --> 00:53:40,275 I know what he covets. 561 00:53:50,067 --> 00:53:54,067 And he shall cast upon you... 562 00:53:55,025 --> 00:53:56,650 ...Cursie's confusion, 563 00:53:57,150 --> 00:53:59,025 afflictions, rebukes... 564 00:54:00,192 --> 00:54:03,900 ...for you have forsaken me... 565 00:54:04,400 --> 00:54:06,942 ...and he shall reign over 566 00:54:06,942 --> 00:54:10,733 all of your empty corpses. 567 00:54:15,233 --> 00:54:16,817 Do thou, lass... 568 00:54:20,317 --> 00:54:21,150 Do thy rights! 569 00:54:25,942 --> 00:54:30,275 [GASPING] 570 00:54:30,275 --> 00:54:31,358 Why, puppy? 571 00:54:43,067 --> 00:54:45,358 These hysterical spells 572 00:54:45,358 --> 00:54:46,858 come over her at night for... 573 00:54:47,900 --> 00:54:48,692 ...like clockwork. 574 00:54:50,608 --> 00:54:52,108 Seagal? No, thank you. 575 00:54:56,067 --> 00:54:56,275 I... 576 00:54:56,817 --> 00:55:00,025 ...l amant to tell you this. 577 00:55:01,858 --> 00:55:04,650 But his employer, Herr Knoch, was 578 00:55:04,650 --> 00:55:06,275 admitted to hospital this morning. 579 00:55:08,525 --> 00:55:08,733 What? 580 00:55:10,900 --> 00:55:11,858 Did you speak to him at all? 581 00:55:12,108 --> 00:55:14,150 He is mad. Mad? 582 00:55:14,525 --> 00:55:15,608 No one encompasses Mantis. 583 00:55:17,567 --> 00:55:20,233 And freely, is it well the wretched 584 00:55:20,233 --> 00:55:21,067 fellow while inflamed... 585 00:55:21,108 --> 00:55:23,192 ...with some sort of religious maniac. 586 00:55:24,358 --> 00:55:26,442 He has a similar motto to Frau Hutter. 587 00:55:28,275 --> 00:55:28,817 He is coming. 588 00:55:29,983 --> 00:55:30,317 What? 589 00:55:34,317 --> 00:55:36,400 Well, then, devil, are you, Thomas? 590 00:55:51,108 --> 00:55:54,525 [GASPING] 591 00:55:54,525 --> 00:55:55,817 [SPEAKING FRENCH] 592 00:56:21,108 --> 00:56:22,358 [GASPING] 593 00:56:26,067 --> 00:56:28,317 Which brings me to the specialist. 594 00:56:29,150 --> 00:56:30,692 A man by the name of old France. 595 00:56:31,608 --> 00:56:33,150 Swiss. Swiss? 596 00:56:33,942 --> 00:56:35,817 Professor Alvin Eberhard, old France. 597 00:56:36,233 --> 00:56:38,192 He is this old person who 598 00:56:38,192 --> 00:56:39,608 may be able to diagnose her. 599 00:56:40,400 --> 00:56:42,150 And I'm a physician and scholar in Zurich 600 00:56:42,150 --> 00:56:42,942 when I was at school. 601 00:56:43,608 --> 00:56:44,275 My finest teacher. 602 00:56:45,275 --> 00:56:46,025 Send a message to 603 00:56:46,025 --> 00:56:47,483 Zurich, then. No, no, really. 604 00:56:48,067 --> 00:56:49,483 It's here, in Biswur. 605 00:56:51,858 --> 00:56:54,192 Here. Here, here. 606 00:56:55,233 --> 00:56:57,025 Why haven't you told me, man? Well... 607 00:56:57,025 --> 00:56:58,900 This is capital news, David, man. Why 608 00:56:58,900 --> 00:57:00,025 didn't you think of this before? 609 00:57:00,025 --> 00:57:01,358 You see, he... 610 00:57:02,567 --> 00:57:04,358 old France is the most 611 00:57:04,358 --> 00:57:05,400 learned in the field. 612 00:57:05,400 --> 00:57:06,692 His mind staggering, but... 613 00:57:06,900 --> 00:57:08,067 I'll spare no expense. 614 00:57:08,525 --> 00:57:10,483 Now, you misunderstand me, Friedrich. 615 00:57:11,608 --> 00:57:13,317 It has fallen hard on me to recommend it. 616 00:57:14,150 --> 00:57:15,775 He was tossed out of the university, 617 00:57:16,483 --> 00:57:17,567 laughed out of his home country. 618 00:57:18,067 --> 00:57:19,817 What? It grieves me to say it, but... 619 00:57:20,108 --> 00:57:22,817 he became obsessed with the work of 620 00:57:22,817 --> 00:57:24,775 Paracels, a gripper and the like. 621 00:57:27,233 --> 00:57:28,983 I'm a shipman, Sivas. 622 00:57:31,358 --> 00:57:32,275 How come you? 623 00:57:33,317 --> 00:57:33,942 Mr. Philosophy... 624 00:57:36,025 --> 00:57:36,400 do you copy? 625 00:57:37,817 --> 00:57:39,108 (speaking in German) 626 00:57:40,067 --> 00:57:50,942 (speaking in German) 627 00:57:50,942 --> 00:57:54,775 No! 628 00:57:58,150 --> 00:58:01,233 (speaking in German) 629 00:58:01,233 --> 00:58:06,067 A black enchanter who was in life. 630 00:58:06,900 --> 00:58:08,400 (speaking in German) 631 00:58:11,067 --> 00:58:13,400 The devil preserved his soul. 632 00:58:14,025 --> 00:58:15,442 That his corpse may 633 00:58:15,442 --> 00:58:16,775 walk again in blasphemy. 634 00:58:18,692 --> 00:58:20,150 (speaking in German) 635 00:58:20,150 --> 00:58:22,817 You are lost in his shadow. 636 00:58:23,192 --> 00:58:26,567 No! No, I must leave. I promised Ellen. 637 00:58:28,233 --> 00:58:28,317 (speaking in German) 638 00:58:28,317 --> 00:58:29,150 Remain here. 639 00:58:30,733 --> 00:58:31,525 (speaking in German) 640 00:58:31,525 --> 00:58:34,025 This evil cannot enter this house of God. 641 00:58:34,025 --> 00:58:35,775 I promised to join the firm. I came here 642 00:58:35,775 --> 00:58:38,067 to sell the count of a house in Bismarck. 643 00:58:38,067 --> 00:58:40,192 (speaking in German) 644 00:58:41,067 --> 00:58:43,025 He has found her visible. 645 00:58:43,400 --> 00:58:44,358 He cannot leave here. 646 00:58:45,233 --> 00:58:47,692 He must return to the cursed earth 647 00:58:47,692 --> 00:58:49,067 wherein he was buried. 648 00:58:49,275 --> 00:58:53,067 No, he seeks after Ellen. I know it. 649 00:58:53,108 --> 00:58:58,525 (ominous music) 650 00:58:58,525 --> 00:59:10,067 (speaking in German) 651 00:59:23,108 --> 00:59:33,317 (speaking in German) 652 00:59:42,067 --> 00:59:45,858 I have not failed! You're not saved! 653 00:59:46,900 --> 00:59:49,067 That promised gift awaits! 654 00:59:49,108 --> 00:59:52,108 (ominous music) 655 00:59:52,108 --> 00:59:53,025 Prominent! 656 00:59:56,067 --> 00:59:58,233 The scientific community is on a crusade 657 00:59:58,233 --> 01:00:00,108 to prove his worth drove him to madness. 658 01:00:01,317 --> 01:00:03,150 I assure you, Arden, the professor may be 659 01:00:03,150 --> 01:00:04,317 a bit unconventional, 660 01:00:04,608 --> 01:00:05,650 but he will know the 661 01:00:05,650 --> 01:00:06,483 source of their motives. 662 01:00:07,192 --> 01:00:10,358 (speaking in German) 663 01:00:13,483 --> 01:00:14,317 Professor Montfranze. 664 01:00:15,067 --> 01:00:18,817 It is your former student. 665 01:00:19,692 --> 01:00:20,483 (speaking in German) 666 01:00:20,483 --> 01:00:37,192 Professor, please, I 667 01:00:37,192 --> 01:00:38,275 should not wish to true. 668 01:00:39,025 --> 01:00:41,067 (speaking in German) 669 01:00:45,442 --> 01:00:47,775 Professor, please, I am nearly a lot of 670 01:00:47,775 --> 01:00:49,108 the finer key of the 671 01:00:49,108 --> 01:00:51,192 Mysteriorum Libra Quinqui. 672 01:00:51,942 --> 01:00:54,358 I'm sorry, Professor. No, no matter. 673 01:00:55,150 --> 01:00:56,942 I miscalculated the stars. 674 01:00:57,983 --> 01:00:59,608 Ermis will not render my 675 01:00:59,608 --> 01:01:01,525 black self a gold this evening. 676 01:01:02,567 --> 01:01:04,108 Yes, we can't trouble you, Father. 677 01:01:05,025 --> 01:01:05,858 We must take our lead. 678 01:01:06,858 --> 01:01:11,858 Good night, Professor. 679 01:01:14,275 --> 01:01:15,067 (speaking in German) 680 01:01:32,858 --> 01:01:34,983 (speaking in German) 681 01:01:39,067 --> 01:01:40,275 My dear young severs, 682 01:01:41,108 --> 01:01:43,775 to my dying eyes deceive me. 683 01:01:43,775 --> 01:01:46,150 I should have known. Embrace me, my boy. 684 01:01:46,400 --> 01:01:48,317 I am so rejoiced to see you. 685 01:01:50,150 --> 01:01:51,233 I sense something. 686 01:01:51,567 --> 01:01:52,317 It brought me to 687 01:01:52,317 --> 01:01:54,358 Wisburg all these years ago. 688 01:01:54,942 --> 01:01:57,358 I felt it was now imminently approaching. 689 01:01:57,358 --> 01:01:58,858 I thought it knew, but 690 01:01:58,858 --> 01:02:00,567 it must have been you. 691 01:02:02,150 --> 01:02:04,108 Now, what is the matter? 692 01:02:07,108 --> 01:02:08,733 Ah, I see, yes. 693 01:02:09,108 --> 01:02:10,983 A dear friend of yours 694 01:02:10,983 --> 01:02:12,692 has some rare ailments. 695 01:02:13,233 --> 01:02:14,775 Perhaps a house guest, yes. 696 01:02:15,275 --> 01:02:17,192 A young woman exhibiting 697 01:02:17,192 --> 01:02:19,483 protracted fits of some nambulism. 698 01:02:21,233 --> 01:02:22,567 You look tired, young man. 699 01:02:26,275 --> 01:02:26,483 Snopes? 700 01:02:40,358 --> 01:02:43,400 (snoring) 701 01:02:47,067 --> 01:02:49,692 Wait! You are not yet well! 702 01:02:54,983 --> 01:02:59,067 (speaking in German) 703 01:03:09,108 --> 01:03:12,067 (speaking in German) 704 01:03:40,317 --> 01:03:41,942 Untie this child at once! 705 01:03:42,608 --> 01:03:43,983 It's all I could do to keep her from 706 01:03:43,983 --> 01:03:45,233 tearing the room to ribbons. 707 01:03:45,525 --> 01:03:45,942 Untie her! 708 01:03:52,067 --> 01:03:54,358 You are the Doctor Arcee for Spook. 709 01:03:54,567 --> 01:03:55,108 Doctor. 710 01:03:55,900 --> 01:03:57,150 I've been administering an opiate. 711 01:03:57,525 --> 01:03:58,942 She must rest by day, for 712 01:03:58,942 --> 01:04:00,025 her body isn't out of stress. 713 01:04:00,233 --> 01:04:01,817 She cannot be clouded. 714 01:04:02,275 --> 01:04:03,192 Step away, step away. 715 01:04:05,108 --> 01:04:07,067 My dear creature, yes, I am he, 716 01:04:07,067 --> 01:04:10,108 and I am hither come to help you. 717 01:04:11,817 --> 01:04:12,442 Is she yours? 718 01:04:13,400 --> 01:04:13,608 Good. 719 01:04:14,192 --> 01:04:16,733 She has no master or mistress. 720 01:04:17,233 --> 01:04:17,817 Quite so. 721 01:04:18,942 --> 01:04:20,775 I entreat you to excuse me, 722 01:04:20,775 --> 01:04:22,442 but I should like to begin my 723 01:04:22,442 --> 01:04:23,900 consultation presently. 724 01:04:24,900 --> 01:04:28,025 You see, I have a curiosity about you. 725 01:04:30,067 --> 01:04:31,900 Doctor Seavis tells me that you've had 726 01:04:31,900 --> 01:04:33,483 these spells since childhood. 727 01:04:35,067 --> 01:04:37,233 Would you describe them to me, please? 728 01:04:38,233 --> 01:04:39,817 I cannot always remember them, 729 01:04:40,358 --> 01:04:43,108 as if my spirit wanders off. 730 01:04:43,692 --> 01:04:45,400 Tell me what you can from the beginning. 731 01:04:48,233 --> 01:04:51,525 Sometimes it was, it is like a dream, 732 01:04:52,067 --> 01:04:53,775 and I knew things. 733 01:04:53,775 --> 01:04:54,775 I always knew the 734 01:04:54,775 --> 01:04:56,150 contents of my Christmas gifts. 735 01:04:56,942 --> 01:04:59,733 I knew when, that my mother would pass. 736 01:05:00,608 --> 01:05:02,942 Father, he would find me in our fields 737 01:05:03,067 --> 01:05:05,692 within the forest, as if I was this 738 01:05:05,692 --> 01:05:07,233 little changeling girl. 739 01:05:07,233 --> 01:05:07,692 I see. 740 01:05:08,400 --> 01:05:09,733 But as I became older, it worsened. 741 01:05:10,733 --> 01:05:11,525 I frightened him. 742 01:05:12,608 --> 01:05:13,192 My touch. 743 01:05:14,858 --> 01:05:16,775 I was so very alone, you see, 744 01:05:16,775 --> 01:05:18,733 and I wished for comfort, 745 01:05:19,900 --> 01:05:20,567 a presence, 746 01:05:21,025 --> 01:05:22,525 and the nightmares, 747 01:05:23,775 --> 01:05:25,067 the appelipses, I... 748 01:05:28,567 --> 01:05:29,567 May I continue? 749 01:05:30,900 --> 01:05:34,025 At last, the Parr family once lay, 750 01:05:35,442 --> 01:05:36,817 unclothed, I was. 751 01:05:37,942 --> 01:05:42,025 My body, my flesh, I... 752 01:05:43,358 --> 01:05:45,150 Sinned, he said. 753 01:05:46,067 --> 01:05:47,775 He would have sent me to that place, I... 754 01:05:48,067 --> 01:05:48,942 I shan't go! 755 01:05:49,067 --> 01:05:49,817 No, no. 756 01:05:52,067 --> 01:05:54,650 It all ended when I first met my Thomas. 757 01:05:57,150 --> 01:05:58,817 From our love, I became as normal. 758 01:05:59,108 --> 01:06:01,483 Yet these visions and night-wondering's 759 01:06:01,483 --> 01:06:02,525 have returned to you. 760 01:06:03,233 --> 01:06:04,483 I fear for him so. 761 01:06:05,983 --> 01:06:06,358 Professor. 762 01:06:08,067 --> 01:06:10,150 My dreams grow darker. 763 01:06:11,900 --> 01:06:12,817 Does evil come from 764 01:06:12,817 --> 01:06:14,817 within us, or from beyond? 765 01:06:21,150 --> 01:06:23,067 A trance straight has begun. 766 01:06:24,067 --> 01:06:27,817 You have led her to 767 01:06:27,817 --> 01:06:29,067 decrease the congestion. 768 01:06:29,400 --> 01:06:29,733 Of course. 769 01:06:30,983 --> 01:06:33,025 And her menstruations are also... 770 01:06:33,525 --> 01:06:33,733 Liberal. 771 01:06:35,233 --> 01:06:36,067 Too much blood. 772 01:06:36,650 --> 01:06:37,442 Too much blood. 773 01:06:38,233 --> 01:06:39,358 A table, please. 774 01:06:44,442 --> 01:06:45,858 A pupil is expanded. 775 01:06:46,400 --> 01:06:48,733 It does not contract naturally to light. 776 01:06:49,067 --> 01:06:49,400 Impossible. 777 01:06:49,900 --> 01:06:50,525 A second sight. 778 01:06:51,108 --> 01:06:52,067 She is no longer here. 779 01:06:52,108 --> 01:06:53,067 My bag. 780 01:06:54,067 --> 01:06:56,942 Forgive the grotesque tediousness of this 781 01:06:56,942 --> 01:06:58,900 demonstration, the needle. 782 01:06:59,525 --> 01:07:03,983 However, I must impress upon you that 783 01:07:03,983 --> 01:07:07,442 this child is not with us. 784 01:07:08,067 --> 01:07:09,358 Professor, I do protest. 785 01:07:09,650 --> 01:07:10,525 First, frame your 786 01:07:10,525 --> 01:07:13,025 protestation, for she feels nothing. 787 01:07:13,567 --> 01:07:15,900 She convenes now with another realm. 788 01:07:17,942 --> 01:07:19,067 Turn to the wall, sewers. 789 01:07:19,067 --> 01:07:24,192 Do you hear me, my child? 790 01:07:25,775 --> 01:07:26,775 What did you say? 791 01:07:28,983 --> 01:07:31,317 I doubt you speak now what you say. 792 01:07:33,192 --> 01:07:38,192 And during night, a spectre of death, he 793 01:07:38,192 --> 01:07:41,983 spreads his shadow, 794 01:07:42,942 --> 01:07:46,275 and he, he, he's coming. 795 01:07:46,608 --> 01:07:47,067 Who is coming to you, my child? 796 01:07:47,067 --> 01:07:50,400 Who? That you speak? 797 01:07:51,567 --> 01:07:53,567 You, before you say too much! 798 01:07:54,192 --> 01:07:57,567 I will not harm her! 799 01:07:59,525 --> 01:08:00,358 How come are you? 800 01:08:01,108 --> 01:08:02,400 Talk into my voice. 801 01:08:04,108 --> 01:08:06,192 By the protection of champion, 802 01:08:06,733 --> 01:08:08,150 hallelujah, and viking, 803 01:08:09,233 --> 01:08:10,358 impart your speech unto 804 01:08:10,358 --> 01:08:12,067 me in the name of Elohish, 805 01:08:12,108 --> 01:08:14,317 for the Selah's today, 806 01:08:14,650 --> 01:08:16,983 impart your speech unto me. 807 01:08:18,067 --> 01:08:21,942 I shall persist to join you 808 01:08:21,942 --> 01:08:23,275 every night first in sleep, 809 01:08:23,275 --> 01:08:24,900 then in your arms, everything will be 810 01:08:24,900 --> 01:08:26,108 missed to the abomination, 811 01:08:26,108 --> 01:08:27,817 and you'll be me deep in blood. 812 01:08:28,483 --> 01:08:29,733 Everyone will cry, there 813 01:08:29,733 --> 01:08:31,233 will be none to bury the dead. 814 01:08:32,108 --> 01:08:35,150 You are coming to me! 815 01:08:35,150 --> 01:08:36,358 You need no answer! 816 01:08:36,650 --> 01:08:38,733 Help me! Help me! 817 01:08:43,400 --> 01:08:44,025 As I feared. 818 01:08:47,525 --> 01:08:47,650 Well? 819 01:08:48,317 --> 01:08:49,692 Wait, what, my boy? 820 01:08:50,067 --> 01:08:51,483 Cannot you see, or see what? 821 01:08:52,400 --> 01:08:53,358 See that she is cursed. 822 01:08:54,275 --> 01:08:54,608 Cursed? 823 01:08:54,608 --> 01:08:57,150 Yes, cursed! This dear young creature is 824 01:08:57,150 --> 01:08:58,733 possessed of some spirit. 825 01:08:59,775 --> 01:09:00,025 Perhaps. 826 01:09:00,567 --> 01:09:02,525 A demon? I beg your pardon? 827 01:09:02,525 --> 01:09:03,942 I assure you, Harding, the professor 828 01:09:03,942 --> 01:09:05,025 means this is hyperbole. 829 01:09:05,025 --> 01:09:06,858 No! I mean a demon! 830 01:09:07,192 --> 01:09:07,858 You jest. 831 01:09:08,317 --> 01:09:09,775 But what of your own discoveries of 832 01:09:09,775 --> 01:09:11,067 macabre hallucination pathologies? 833 01:09:11,067 --> 01:09:12,442 This is not one. 834 01:09:12,692 --> 01:09:13,733 You cannot conceivably 835 01:09:13,733 --> 01:09:14,900 perceive all of this. 836 01:09:15,150 --> 01:09:16,317 How should this happen to Ellen? 837 01:09:17,900 --> 01:09:20,400 Demonic spirits more easily obsess those 838 01:09:20,400 --> 01:09:22,692 whose lower animal functions dominate. 839 01:09:23,858 --> 01:09:25,817 Demons like them, they seek them out. 840 01:09:26,025 --> 01:09:27,733 I do not wish to dispute you, Professor, 841 01:09:27,733 --> 01:09:30,233 but I myself have witnessed women of 842 01:09:30,233 --> 01:09:31,192 Melon's constitutions 843 01:09:31,192 --> 01:09:32,483 in that all manner of delusions. 844 01:09:32,483 --> 01:09:33,942 This is no delusion. 845 01:09:33,942 --> 01:09:35,858 I believe she has always been highly 846 01:09:35,858 --> 01:09:37,108 conductive to these 847 01:09:37,108 --> 01:09:39,067 cosmic forces, uniquely so. 848 01:09:39,067 --> 01:09:41,733 Your lunatic, perhaps, do you then 849 01:09:41,733 --> 01:09:42,275 acknowledge the 850 01:09:42,275 --> 01:09:43,358 connection between these cases? 851 01:09:44,483 --> 01:09:45,942 That is a question. 852 01:09:46,442 --> 01:09:47,400 Oh, this is just capital. 853 01:09:47,692 --> 01:09:49,192 I tell you, it is the manner of her 854 01:09:49,192 --> 01:09:50,067 husband's disappearance. 855 01:09:50,358 --> 01:09:54,275 No! This evil! What it is! 856 01:09:54,900 --> 01:09:55,692 How it is been 857 01:09:55,692 --> 01:09:58,483 summoned! At least, I know not. 858 01:09:59,442 --> 01:10:01,942 But this remarkable child, it has changed 859 01:10:01,942 --> 01:10:03,733 itself to his engraved peril. 860 01:10:05,108 --> 01:10:07,442 I must do my studies. 861 01:10:08,275 --> 01:10:10,942 Frau Harding, sit with her. 862 01:10:11,483 --> 01:10:12,108 Observe her. 863 01:10:12,983 --> 01:10:13,733 Report her behavior. 864 01:10:14,775 --> 01:10:16,692 Sifas, no more ether. 865 01:10:17,358 --> 01:10:18,525 But she will rave all night. 866 01:10:19,442 --> 01:10:20,733 Then rave she must. 867 01:10:21,775 --> 01:10:23,692 There is a drenched storm rising. 868 01:10:49,067 --> 01:11:07,233 You have given the disease. (panting) 869 01:11:35,317 --> 01:11:37,233 (panting) 870 01:12:05,775 --> 01:12:07,942 (panting) 871 01:12:07,942 --> 01:12:15,317 (screaming) 872 01:12:18,525 --> 01:12:21,150 Help me, help me! 873 01:12:22,525 --> 01:12:24,400 (screaming) 874 01:12:25,067 --> 01:12:25,608 Okay, girls. 875 01:12:26,608 --> 01:12:26,733 (screaming) 876 01:12:26,733 --> 01:12:27,025 Are you worried? 877 01:12:28,567 --> 01:12:30,067 (panting) 878 01:12:30,608 --> 01:12:32,483 All right, listen. 879 01:12:33,108 --> 01:12:33,733 What was that? 880 01:12:34,192 --> 01:12:34,775 He's not. 881 01:12:35,108 --> 01:12:36,817 (gasping) 882 01:12:37,358 --> 01:12:38,400 He's not him. 883 01:12:39,692 --> 01:12:41,067 He has come. 884 01:12:44,108 --> 01:12:44,525 (screaming) 885 01:12:46,483 --> 01:12:49,108 Blood is the light. 886 01:12:50,483 --> 01:12:51,733 (laughing) 887 01:12:52,192 --> 01:12:53,192 He's here, he's here. 888 01:12:54,567 --> 01:12:56,817 He's not him, he's here. 889 01:12:58,067 --> 01:12:58,483 (laughing) 890 01:12:58,692 --> 01:13:00,150 Blood is the light. 891 01:13:00,900 --> 01:13:02,442 (dramatic music) 892 01:13:05,233 --> 01:13:14,233 (dramatic music) 893 01:13:16,983 --> 01:13:17,483 He's here. 894 01:13:20,317 --> 01:13:20,483 Help! 895 01:13:24,608 --> 01:13:34,858 Thomas! (screaming) 896 01:13:36,358 --> 01:13:38,400 No, no, no! 897 01:13:40,025 --> 01:13:40,233 Thomas! 898 01:13:43,733 --> 01:13:44,067 Thomas. 899 01:13:50,900 --> 01:13:52,067 He hasn't found you. 900 01:13:53,775 --> 01:13:55,317 I failed him, it's you again. 901 01:13:55,983 --> 01:13:56,442 Why not? 902 01:13:58,317 --> 01:13:58,733 You were right. 903 01:13:59,817 --> 01:14:00,317 You were. 904 01:14:02,817 --> 01:14:03,733 I thought you had your pocket. 905 01:14:04,900 --> 01:14:05,108 Thomas. 906 01:14:07,317 --> 01:14:07,400 Thomas. 907 01:14:08,400 --> 01:14:09,150 Who is it now? 908 01:14:09,567 --> 01:14:09,858 Thomas. 909 01:14:10,150 --> 01:14:10,858 Hartman the door. 910 01:14:11,275 --> 01:14:11,817 Very good, then. 911 01:14:13,317 --> 01:14:13,400 Thomas! 912 01:14:16,108 --> 01:14:17,400 (door knocking) 913 01:14:20,233 --> 01:14:21,358 It's endless, it's past 914 01:14:21,358 --> 01:14:22,317 three o'clock in the morning. 915 01:14:32,817 --> 01:14:36,233 (dramatic music) 916 01:14:37,775 --> 01:14:38,567 My God. 917 01:14:39,900 --> 01:14:40,108 Blake. 918 01:14:41,108 --> 01:14:41,942 It's a Blake ship. 919 01:14:44,483 --> 01:14:44,858 Damn it. 920 01:14:45,692 --> 01:14:46,775 Blood's the post authority. 921 01:14:47,567 --> 01:14:48,608 The fetch comes to see us. 922 01:14:49,025 --> 01:14:49,983 Oh, it was a big day. 923 01:14:51,108 --> 01:14:53,067 (laughing) 924 01:14:53,733 --> 01:14:55,733 There it is, your little ship. 925 01:14:57,150 --> 01:14:57,817 The heritage. 926 01:14:58,858 --> 01:14:59,900 (laughing) 927 01:15:02,817 --> 01:15:12,650 (dramatic music) 928 01:15:17,442 --> 01:15:18,525 The progress. 929 01:15:22,233 --> 01:15:24,525 I shall stifle out the 930 01:15:24,525 --> 01:15:26,067 bridegroom, your Lord ship. 931 01:15:27,442 --> 01:15:29,900 I have use in him. 932 01:15:30,775 --> 01:15:30,942 Pray. 933 01:15:32,817 --> 01:15:35,150 (laughing) 934 01:15:36,067 --> 01:15:41,525 Instruct me, charge me, use me. 935 01:15:43,900 --> 01:15:45,942 I shall fetch back to thee. 936 01:15:47,358 --> 01:15:48,442 I will be belonging. 937 01:15:49,358 --> 01:15:53,692 The combat commands she must willingly 938 01:15:53,692 --> 01:15:56,442 re-pledge her vow. 939 01:15:58,525 --> 01:16:00,483 She cannot be stolen. 940 01:16:01,817 --> 01:16:03,067 Change my Lord. 941 01:16:05,150 --> 01:16:05,692 My baby. 942 01:16:06,775 --> 01:16:10,025 Pile and stock, your 943 01:16:10,025 --> 01:16:12,942 entreat is growing slit. 944 01:16:13,858 --> 01:16:16,733 You shall crave of me nothing. 945 01:16:16,983 --> 01:16:17,650 My Lord. 946 01:16:19,733 --> 01:16:23,442 They break the laws near. 947 01:16:25,150 --> 01:16:28,317 And on the bells of 948 01:16:28,317 --> 01:16:28,817 dawn shall toil be cast. 949 01:16:30,525 --> 01:16:33,650 On the spair of my coming. 950 01:16:38,192 --> 01:16:42,900 And I shall taste all you. 951 01:16:45,567 --> 01:16:47,525 (dramatic music) 952 01:17:00,525 --> 01:17:06,150 (bell ringing) 953 01:17:09,692 --> 01:17:10,400 How is he faring? 954 01:17:11,525 --> 01:17:12,525 I fear no better than 955 01:17:12,525 --> 01:17:13,900 everyone tells me I have suffered. 956 01:17:15,233 --> 01:17:17,358 Pray, forgive me for all the 957 01:17:17,358 --> 01:17:18,608 troubles I have caused you. 958 01:17:18,608 --> 01:17:19,608 I am only glad you have 959 01:17:19,608 --> 01:17:20,650 become yourself again. 960 01:17:21,192 --> 01:17:22,150 It seems a miracle. 961 01:17:23,400 --> 01:17:24,983 Perhaps Professor Franz was wrong. 962 01:17:25,692 --> 01:17:26,775 Perhaps it was only your 963 01:17:26,775 --> 01:17:27,900 wish to see Thomas returned 964 01:17:27,900 --> 01:17:30,233 and your, your-- 965 01:17:30,400 --> 01:17:30,983 I'm calling my melancholy. 966 01:17:33,733 --> 01:17:36,358 Thomas has seen something awful. 967 01:17:37,608 --> 01:17:38,900 If only I could speak to the-- 968 01:17:38,983 --> 01:17:39,233 Hush. 969 01:17:40,400 --> 01:17:41,817 His thoughts are so coy. 970 01:17:41,817 --> 01:17:43,192 Professor Franz said a demon. 971 01:17:43,692 --> 01:17:44,650 Lenny, please. 972 01:17:45,775 --> 01:17:46,275 For the sake of the 973 01:17:46,275 --> 01:17:48,942 children, Christmas tide is upon us. 974 01:17:49,400 --> 01:17:50,525 Why must you remain so 975 01:17:50,525 --> 01:17:52,358 exasperatingly contrary 976 01:17:52,567 --> 01:17:53,400 as I am in the right? 977 01:17:56,858 --> 01:17:58,317 Seabers, I request in 978 01:17:58,317 --> 01:17:59,900 conference with your maniac, 979 01:18:00,233 --> 01:18:01,192 but I'm not a dead man. 980 01:18:01,233 --> 01:18:02,608 I beg your patience, Professor, 981 01:18:02,817 --> 01:18:04,108 but this is what vexes me. 982 01:18:05,317 --> 01:18:06,067 He exhibits all the 983 01:18:06,067 --> 01:18:07,192 signs of a blood plague, 984 01:18:08,067 --> 01:18:10,108 sepsis, ophthalmic discharge, 985 01:18:10,858 --> 01:18:13,650 inflamed rodent bites here and here. 986 01:18:15,525 --> 01:18:17,150 I fear this ship has 987 01:18:17,150 --> 01:18:18,525 brought the plague to this boat. 988 01:18:21,650 --> 01:18:24,858 And what is confounding is his body 989 01:18:24,858 --> 01:18:26,483 is entirely absent of blood. 990 01:18:28,067 --> 01:18:31,525 Look at this curious mark here. 991 01:18:33,400 --> 01:18:34,108 I've seen some of the 992 01:18:34,108 --> 01:18:35,983 biocyan-like pests in our canals, 993 01:18:35,983 --> 01:18:38,275 but tell me, Professor, what 994 01:18:38,275 --> 01:18:40,150 brat has to do with such size? 995 01:18:41,692 --> 01:18:43,358 Angels and demons protect us. 996 01:18:44,650 --> 01:18:46,233 Whereas your lunatic, you 997 01:18:46,233 --> 01:18:47,733 must take me to here presently. 998 01:18:48,900 --> 01:18:50,233 Ain't you hurt, Doctor, sir? 999 01:18:50,942 --> 01:18:51,192 No. 1000 01:18:51,858 --> 01:18:52,983 Eknock has gone and escaped. 1001 01:18:53,692 --> 01:18:53,942 What? 1002 01:18:54,275 --> 01:18:56,358 He killed the porter on duty last night. 1003 01:18:57,108 --> 01:18:58,400 This man must be found. 1004 01:18:58,900 --> 01:19:00,025 Sirrah, show me out. 1005 01:19:00,733 --> 01:19:02,067 Seabers, fetch Hodding and 1006 01:19:02,067 --> 01:19:03,775 meet me at my residence tonight. 1007 01:19:04,900 --> 01:19:06,567 This is no mere plague. 1008 01:19:10,317 --> 01:19:12,150 (eerie music) 1009 01:19:43,108 --> 01:19:55,858 (eerie music) Get off me. 1010 01:19:57,108 --> 01:19:58,067 (gasping) 1011 01:19:59,400 --> 01:20:00,025 Thomas. 1012 01:20:01,150 --> 01:20:02,442 I can't breathe. 1013 01:20:02,733 --> 01:20:03,233 It's me. 1014 01:20:03,608 --> 01:20:04,983 I can't breathe. 1015 01:20:05,942 --> 01:20:06,358 (loud crash) 1016 01:20:06,358 --> 01:20:06,775 Get off! 1017 01:20:11,692 --> 01:20:13,775 Please, you, don't leave us, Mama. 1018 01:20:14,525 --> 01:20:16,733 I promise I shan't let anything harm you. 1019 01:20:17,108 --> 01:20:18,525 No monsters, nothing. 1020 01:20:19,608 --> 01:20:22,275 Now, give me a kiss and say your prayers. 1021 01:20:22,275 --> 01:20:29,400 (eerie music) 1022 01:20:32,442 --> 01:20:34,900 Now I lay me down to sleep. 1023 01:20:35,608 --> 01:20:37,150 I pray the Lord. 1024 01:20:52,317 --> 01:20:54,775 (eerie music) 1025 01:21:47,400 --> 01:21:49,983 (breathing heavily) 1026 01:21:50,067 --> 01:21:50,275 Anna. 1027 01:21:50,733 --> 01:21:53,692 Oh, are you frightened me? 1028 01:21:53,983 --> 01:21:54,858 Forgive me. 1029 01:21:56,233 --> 01:21:57,150 Has Friedrich returned? 1030 01:21:59,025 --> 01:22:00,025 No, no. 1031 01:22:02,775 --> 01:22:03,567 What is it, my lovely? 1032 01:22:06,942 --> 01:22:10,108 May I stay with you tonight? 1033 01:22:13,775 --> 01:22:14,858 Our friendship is a 1034 01:22:14,858 --> 01:22:16,275 precious bond to my heart. 1035 01:22:16,650 --> 01:22:19,275 (sighing) 1036 01:22:20,067 --> 01:22:21,192 Forgive my joy to you. 1037 01:22:23,400 --> 01:22:25,400 Thank you for loving me. 1038 01:22:28,900 --> 01:22:30,442 You may take it if you wish. 1039 01:22:36,900 --> 01:22:38,358 God is with us, Lenny. 1040 01:22:40,900 --> 01:22:42,692 I cannot yield to 1041 01:22:42,692 --> 01:22:44,442 being haunted by a ghost. 1042 01:22:44,775 --> 01:22:45,608 No, no, please, no. 1043 01:22:45,942 --> 01:22:47,525 It is no mere ghost, for 1044 01:22:47,525 --> 01:22:49,233 it can manifest physically 1045 01:22:49,608 --> 01:22:51,900 and with the most foul intent. 1046 01:22:52,317 --> 01:22:53,400 And what praise that? 1047 01:22:53,692 --> 01:22:55,150 Like every plague, its 1048 01:22:55,150 --> 01:22:56,900 soul desires to consume 1049 01:22:57,108 --> 01:22:58,233 all life on earth. 1050 01:22:58,900 --> 01:23:00,233 This creature is a force 1051 01:23:00,233 --> 01:23:01,817 more powerful than evil. 1052 01:23:02,233 --> 01:23:03,275 It is death itself. 1053 01:23:05,192 --> 01:23:06,692 I have not slept in days. 1054 01:23:08,150 --> 01:23:09,525 My house has become a bedroom, 1055 01:23:09,942 --> 01:23:12,150 and here I've been, we summon to this 1056 01:23:12,483 --> 01:23:14,192 godforsaken habitation for this. 1057 01:23:15,067 --> 01:23:16,150 Do not tell me you believe 1058 01:23:16,150 --> 01:23:18,192 in such medieval devouring. 1059 01:23:18,525 --> 01:23:20,233 I do not believe, I know. 1060 01:23:21,275 --> 01:23:22,983 I have seen things in this 1061 01:23:22,983 --> 01:23:24,150 world that would have made 1062 01:23:24,192 --> 01:23:26,067 Isaac Newton crawl back 1063 01:23:26,067 --> 01:23:27,233 into his mother's womb. 1064 01:23:28,817 --> 01:23:31,233 We have not become so much enlightened 1065 01:23:31,358 --> 01:23:32,983 as we have been blinded by 1066 01:23:32,983 --> 01:23:34,942 the gaseous light of science. 1067 01:23:35,567 --> 01:23:37,525 I have wrestled with the devil, 1068 01:23:37,900 --> 01:23:40,150 as Jake wrestled the atrium pendulum. 1069 01:23:40,150 --> 01:23:42,733 I tell you, if we are to tame darkness, 1070 01:23:43,067 --> 01:23:45,400 we must first face that it exists. 1071 01:23:47,817 --> 01:23:51,317 By Nahanan, we are here encountering 1072 01:23:52,025 --> 01:23:53,400 the undead plague carrier. 1073 01:23:55,358 --> 01:23:55,858 Evumbria 1074 01:23:57,817 --> 01:23:58,150 must flutter. 1075 01:24:13,108 --> 01:24:15,567 (eerie music) 1076 01:24:54,567 --> 01:25:06,442 (eerie music) 1077 01:25:07,108 --> 01:25:07,400 You. 1078 01:25:14,025 --> 01:25:16,567 I felt you crawling 1079 01:25:16,567 --> 01:25:18,733 like a serpent in my body. 1080 01:25:21,358 --> 01:25:22,733 It is not me. 1081 01:25:25,608 --> 01:25:27,192 It is your nature. 1082 01:25:27,817 --> 01:25:30,025 No, I love Thomas. 1083 01:25:30,650 --> 01:25:33,858 Love is inferior to you. 1084 01:25:35,025 --> 01:25:39,775 I told you, you are not a human kind. 1085 01:25:39,817 --> 01:25:41,817 You are a villain to speak, sir. 1086 01:25:41,900 --> 01:25:46,400 I am an appetite, nothing more. 1087 01:25:50,817 --> 01:25:55,692 Over centuries, a lonesome beast 1088 01:25:55,900 --> 01:26:00,233 I lay within the darkest pit. 1089 01:26:03,692 --> 01:26:05,608 Deluded wake me, 1090 01:26:06,650 --> 01:26:08,067 enchantress, 1091 01:26:08,900 --> 01:26:12,150 and stir me from my grave. 1092 01:26:12,483 --> 01:26:15,692 You are my affliction. 1093 01:26:16,067 --> 01:26:18,192 I care nothing of your afflictions. 1094 01:26:20,358 --> 01:26:24,192 Yet even now, we are fated. 1095 01:26:26,442 --> 01:26:29,108 Your husband assigned his name 1096 01:26:29,275 --> 01:26:31,942 and covenanted you to my person 1097 01:26:32,275 --> 01:26:34,775 for but a sack of gold. 1098 01:26:35,108 --> 01:26:35,650 Lie. 1099 01:26:35,942 --> 01:26:37,567 Your goal, the Eden of 1100 01:26:37,567 --> 01:26:40,483 Azar, is not you on but. 1101 01:26:40,483 --> 01:26:41,567 You know nothing of him. 1102 01:26:41,567 --> 01:26:42,567 And the resignation 1103 01:26:42,567 --> 01:26:45,692 must be completed by you, 1104 01:26:46,442 --> 01:26:49,108 freely of thine own will. 1105 01:26:49,442 --> 01:26:50,608 You are a deceiver. 1106 01:26:51,317 --> 01:26:53,900 You deceive yourself. 1107 01:26:56,317 --> 01:26:58,192 I was but an innocent child. 1108 01:26:58,442 --> 01:27:01,650 I thought you I would not, or at all. 1109 01:27:02,650 --> 01:27:05,567 Thought you I would not. 1110 01:27:08,317 --> 01:27:12,192 Your passion is bound to me. 1111 01:27:15,775 --> 01:27:17,442 You cannot love. 1112 01:27:19,317 --> 01:27:21,150 I cannot. 1113 01:27:23,775 --> 01:27:28,150 Yet I cannot be sated without you. 1114 01:27:28,192 --> 01:27:30,567 (dramatic music) 1115 01:27:31,775 --> 01:27:34,067 Remember how once we were, 1116 01:27:35,442 --> 01:27:38,317 a moment of remember. 1117 01:27:43,442 --> 01:27:46,400 I abhor you. 1118 01:27:47,525 --> 01:27:50,942 And laugh, or she'll-- 1119 01:27:51,358 --> 01:27:52,567 So, you wish me to 1120 01:27:52,567 --> 01:27:55,192 prove my enmity as well? 1121 01:27:56,108 --> 01:27:58,775 I will leave you three nights. 1122 01:27:59,442 --> 01:28:01,233 Tonight was the first. 1123 01:28:01,692 --> 01:28:04,025 Tonight you denied yourself. 1124 01:28:04,483 --> 01:28:07,525 And thereby you suffer me to vanish 1125 01:28:07,733 --> 01:28:10,275 up the lives of those you loved. 1126 01:28:10,483 --> 01:28:13,317 Denied myself, irreverent my torture. 1127 01:28:13,775 --> 01:28:17,525 Upon the third night, you will submit. 1128 01:28:18,608 --> 01:28:20,442 For he who call your 1129 01:28:20,442 --> 01:28:24,442 husband shall perish by my hand. 1130 01:28:24,650 --> 01:28:24,983 No. 1131 01:28:25,775 --> 01:28:27,900 Till you bid me come. 1132 01:28:28,983 --> 01:28:30,525 Shall you watch the 1133 01:28:30,525 --> 01:28:33,108 world become as naught? 1134 01:28:33,858 --> 01:28:35,150 (screaming) 1135 01:28:35,150 --> 01:28:40,025 (panting) 1136 01:28:40,025 --> 01:28:44,733 (groaning) 1137 01:28:59,358 --> 01:29:02,358 (panting) 1138 01:29:02,358 --> 01:29:07,942 (screaming) 1139 01:29:11,567 --> 01:29:14,608 Do I not love the race? 1140 01:29:15,608 --> 01:29:16,275 (screaming) 1141 01:29:17,775 --> 01:29:19,150 I ain't never seen the logic. 1142 01:29:19,400 --> 01:29:20,900 It's been spreading faster than war 1143 01:29:20,900 --> 01:29:21,650 thought since yesterday. 1144 01:29:21,983 --> 01:29:23,442 We certainly cannot admit anymore. 1145 01:29:24,150 --> 01:29:25,525 The contraction rate is too high. 1146 01:29:26,275 --> 01:29:27,025 I've retreated the burger 1147 01:29:27,025 --> 01:29:28,025 master for a quarantine. 1148 01:29:28,525 --> 01:29:29,775 The city must be shut up. 1149 01:29:30,025 --> 01:29:32,067 Hey Christian, we can find Rooster. 1150 01:29:32,483 --> 01:29:34,067 The dead daughters are coming, sir. 1151 01:29:34,233 --> 01:29:34,608 Take pity. 1152 01:29:34,983 --> 01:29:36,692 We must remain calm in 1153 01:29:36,692 --> 01:29:37,525 the face of this break. 1154 01:29:39,525 --> 01:29:40,150 (groaning) 1155 01:29:41,150 --> 01:29:42,775 A shadow pressing. 1156 01:29:44,942 --> 01:29:47,525 My body sinking, sinking. 1157 01:29:48,108 --> 01:29:51,233 (gasping) 1158 01:29:51,900 --> 01:29:54,067 The smell of rancid meat. 1159 01:29:56,317 --> 01:29:57,025 It's suffocating. 1160 01:29:58,025 --> 01:29:58,400 It's a lot. 1161 01:29:59,733 --> 01:30:02,775 I feel so weak. 1162 01:30:04,942 --> 01:30:07,400 (laughing) 1163 01:30:08,692 --> 01:30:10,942 My fair little Phaedra is so strong. 1164 01:30:12,192 --> 01:30:13,983 So hungry he is eating me weary. 1165 01:30:18,108 --> 01:30:19,817 (crying) 1166 01:30:19,817 --> 01:30:22,650 May I see the girls? 1167 01:30:25,650 --> 01:30:26,983 I must assure them. 1168 01:30:30,150 --> 01:30:31,942 Everything will be well, my darling. 1169 01:30:32,483 --> 01:30:34,317 Everything shall be just fine. 1170 01:30:36,192 --> 01:30:37,275 I don't know myself. 1171 01:30:43,400 --> 01:30:46,108 Tell me, what is this 1172 01:30:46,108 --> 01:30:47,692 insufferable darkness? 1173 01:30:48,108 --> 01:30:55,358 (crying) 1174 01:31:01,900 --> 01:31:02,275 Hey, Hardy. 1175 01:31:02,983 --> 01:31:03,817 You must hear me. 1176 01:31:03,817 --> 01:31:04,442 There is something. 1177 01:31:04,983 --> 01:31:05,400 The shadow. 1178 01:31:06,150 --> 01:31:07,108 An infernal creature. 1179 01:31:07,400 --> 01:31:07,567 Ellen. 1180 01:31:08,150 --> 01:31:10,067 Please, these are no troubled nerves 1181 01:31:10,067 --> 01:31:11,233 and disaster of us friends. 1182 01:31:11,567 --> 01:31:12,608 Described a demon. 1183 01:31:12,900 --> 01:31:13,942 Proud to forgive me, 1184 01:31:13,942 --> 01:31:15,733 but I need few and tons. 1185 01:31:16,525 --> 01:31:18,233 Both of you to return home. 1186 01:31:18,692 --> 01:31:18,942 What? 1187 01:31:20,192 --> 01:31:21,192 As for your own sake. 1188 01:31:22,567 --> 01:31:25,358 Please, have pity, Thomas is very poorly. 1189 01:31:25,358 --> 01:31:26,275 I know not what. 1190 01:31:27,275 --> 01:31:28,942 I shall pray for Tom. 1191 01:31:30,942 --> 01:31:31,900 You know I love you both. 1192 01:31:31,900 --> 01:31:32,442 What of Anna? 1193 01:31:33,275 --> 01:31:34,317 Did you not see her? 1194 01:31:35,317 --> 01:31:36,567 It's none of your concern. 1195 01:31:36,900 --> 01:31:37,233 Every trick. 1196 01:31:37,733 --> 01:31:38,817 You must listen to me. 1197 01:31:38,817 --> 01:31:40,608 We're all in the most grave danger. 1198 01:31:40,900 --> 01:31:41,733 I throw my thumb at you. 1199 01:31:41,775 --> 01:31:42,817 Throw a hutter, please. 1200 01:31:48,733 --> 01:31:49,567 Why do you hate me? 1201 01:31:53,483 --> 01:31:55,483 How dare you speak to 1202 01:31:55,483 --> 01:31:56,525 me in that marked manner. 1203 01:31:56,525 --> 01:31:57,525 You have never liked me. 1204 01:31:58,108 --> 01:31:58,317 Never. 1205 01:31:58,525 --> 01:31:59,983 Know your place, madam. 1206 01:32:00,025 --> 01:32:01,817 I will not stand by and 1207 01:32:01,817 --> 01:32:03,275 pretend at your superiority. 1208 01:32:03,567 --> 01:32:06,400 I refuse to exchange approaches with you. 1209 01:32:06,567 --> 01:32:07,775 Listen to me, please. 1210 01:32:07,775 --> 01:32:09,317 I have done everything in my power 1211 01:32:09,317 --> 01:32:11,275 to be kind to you in these long months. 1212 01:32:11,275 --> 01:32:19,275 Hide me up. Find the dignity to 1213 01:32:19,275 --> 01:32:20,858 display the respect of your good. 1214 01:32:20,858 --> 01:32:23,400 How can you be so stupid and cruel? 1215 01:32:25,900 --> 01:32:27,317 Hartman will call you a coach. 1216 01:32:28,650 --> 01:32:30,317 At my expense, of course. 1217 01:32:32,400 --> 01:32:33,192 For your husband's 1218 01:32:33,192 --> 01:32:35,442 sake, I pray you will learn 1219 01:32:35,442 --> 01:32:37,275 to conduct yourself with more deference. 1220 01:32:37,317 --> 01:32:38,483 Anna is going to die. 1221 01:32:38,900 --> 01:32:41,192 You are going to die. You are going to die. You are going to die. 1222 01:32:41,567 --> 01:32:43,400 We are all going to die. 1223 01:32:45,817 --> 01:32:47,733 Why did you not tell me of this before? 1224 01:32:48,025 --> 01:32:48,692 I am a fool. 1225 01:32:49,233 --> 01:32:50,358 Of course it is Erechonok. 1226 01:32:50,608 --> 01:32:51,192 His obsessive 1227 01:32:51,192 --> 01:32:52,942 consumption of living creatures, 1228 01:32:52,942 --> 01:32:54,108 it must be him. 1229 01:32:54,150 --> 01:32:55,942 He is not Nosferatu. 1230 01:32:56,775 --> 01:32:57,858 What he must be found. 1231 01:32:58,858 --> 01:33:00,358 For he is made compact with this shadow. 1232 01:33:09,900 --> 01:33:10,525 Search everything. 1233 01:33:23,150 --> 01:33:32,025 Pull up the rug. 1234 01:33:35,108 --> 01:33:35,817 So the menari. 1235 01:33:38,900 --> 01:33:39,150 We stop there in the city. 1236 01:33:39,150 --> 01:33:39,317 Please be strong through their secrets and their 1237 01:33:39,317 --> 01:33:40,775 codex of secrets. 1238 01:33:42,817 --> 01:33:47,733 ( Eddie yelling and Muhammad yelling) 1239 01:34:08,900 --> 01:34:10,150 I'm out for my lion! 1240 01:34:11,358 --> 01:34:12,817 A beast with seven heads! 1241 01:34:13,275 --> 01:34:13,942 A tiny heart! 1242 01:34:15,400 --> 01:34:17,317 A lion with a brown, faggot head! 1243 01:34:17,858 --> 01:34:19,192 A cat with a strange, 1244 01:34:20,358 --> 01:34:21,317 a giant, 1245 01:34:21,775 --> 01:34:23,150 a giant, 1246 01:34:23,150 --> 01:34:23,650 a giant, 1247 01:34:24,900 --> 01:34:25,150 a giant, 1248 01:34:25,150 --> 01:34:25,650 a giant, 1249 01:34:25,650 --> 01:34:25,733 a giant, 1250 01:34:25,733 --> 01:34:26,233 a giant, 1251 01:34:26,233 --> 01:34:28,858 a giant, 1252 01:34:31,275 --> 01:34:36,900 a giant, 1253 01:34:37,900 --> 01:34:38,733 how can this 1254 01:34:38,900 --> 01:34:40,775 aversion be killed? 1255 01:34:40,942 --> 01:34:42,400 I do not know. You sent them a lot. 1256 01:34:42,650 --> 01:34:43,525 You sent them a lot? 1257 01:34:43,525 --> 01:34:44,525 No, not that. Yes, I did. 1258 01:34:45,067 --> 01:34:45,983 You don't know. 1259 01:34:46,483 --> 01:34:48,400 Precisely correct. I do not know. 1260 01:34:48,692 --> 01:34:49,442 I have never 1261 01:34:49,442 --> 01:34:51,400 encountered Nosferatu firsthand. 1262 01:34:54,025 --> 01:34:54,942 He doesn't know. 1263 01:34:56,025 --> 01:34:57,483 All your fine lectures 1264 01:34:57,483 --> 01:34:58,733 are mere regurgitations 1265 01:34:58,900 --> 01:35:00,650 from bloody books! 1266 01:35:01,150 --> 01:35:03,358 The means of repelling and destroying 1267 01:35:03,358 --> 01:35:04,900 vary greatly from region to region. 1268 01:35:04,942 --> 01:35:07,817 Their efficacy is plainly unknown. 1269 01:35:08,275 --> 01:35:10,525 Yet there is one invariable fact 1270 01:35:10,525 --> 01:35:12,275 that nutrients me most. 1271 01:35:12,275 --> 01:35:12,483 No. 1272 01:35:12,900 --> 01:35:13,608 In every account, 1273 01:35:14,192 --> 01:35:17,400 the Nosferatu must return to the earth 1274 01:35:17,400 --> 01:35:19,192 wherein it was buried 1275 01:35:19,192 --> 01:35:21,108 by first row of cock. 1276 01:35:22,233 --> 01:35:24,108 It must sleep in its grave by day. 1277 01:35:25,400 --> 01:35:26,400 What happens if it does not? 1278 01:35:26,942 --> 01:35:28,942 That, my dear Sivus, is the question. 1279 01:35:30,275 --> 01:35:30,358 (LAUGHS) 1280 01:35:30,900 --> 01:35:31,150 Oh, God! 1281 01:35:33,025 --> 01:35:34,150 My God! 1282 01:35:35,983 --> 01:35:37,108 I am shattering. 1283 01:35:38,817 --> 01:35:39,942 I'm breaking apart. 1284 01:35:40,442 --> 01:35:41,067 Get out! 1285 01:35:41,775 --> 01:35:42,900 Take your leave at once. 1286 01:35:43,400 --> 01:35:43,983 Both of you! 1287 01:35:44,233 --> 01:35:45,442 Please, we cannot wish. 1288 01:35:45,442 --> 01:35:47,775 Aren't you seen as a bloody, real, 1289 01:35:48,233 --> 01:35:48,817 plain gentleman? 1290 01:35:49,692 --> 01:35:51,025 A real epidemic that is 1291 01:35:51,025 --> 01:35:52,817 really killing real people. 1292 01:35:53,067 --> 01:35:53,358 Damn! 1293 01:35:53,358 --> 01:35:54,192 Ouch! I'm so sorry. 1294 01:35:54,192 --> 01:35:54,775 Appear of you! 1295 01:35:54,775 --> 01:35:55,025 Sivus, I'm sorry. 1296 01:35:56,192 --> 01:35:57,400 Frau Kuta is mad. 1297 01:35:58,025 --> 01:35:59,358 You should have been locked up long ago. 1298 01:35:59,358 --> 01:35:59,858 My honor. 1299 01:36:00,900 --> 01:36:02,900 It's bitten by bone and... 1300 01:36:03,817 --> 01:36:03,983 rats! 1301 01:36:04,858 --> 01:36:05,442 No more. 1302 01:36:07,483 --> 01:36:07,608 Tomorrow. 1303 01:36:08,275 --> 01:36:09,442 We are leaving Visberg. 1304 01:36:09,817 --> 01:36:10,358 With the quarantine, 1305 01:36:10,775 --> 01:36:11,483 tomorrow we close off the city. 1306 01:36:11,483 --> 01:36:12,483 I'm not gonna let your 1307 01:36:12,483 --> 01:36:14,275 vain madness kill my wife! 1308 01:36:14,275 --> 01:36:16,150 Her night demon has sucked 1309 01:36:16,150 --> 01:36:17,525 of your good wife's blood 1310 01:36:17,900 --> 01:36:19,692 and shall return for the rest. 1311 01:36:23,692 --> 01:36:23,900 Kief. 1312 01:36:45,067 --> 01:36:47,400 [knocking] 1313 01:36:47,400 --> 01:36:47,608 Thomas. 1314 01:36:55,900 --> 01:36:58,483 I am alive. 1315 01:37:03,775 --> 01:37:04,317 We must go. 1316 01:37:05,317 --> 01:37:06,233 We must flee the city. 1317 01:37:08,192 --> 01:37:09,317 You're in danger. 1318 01:37:10,358 --> 01:37:11,775 You knew. We cannot run. 1319 01:37:12,358 --> 01:37:12,942 We must. 1320 01:37:13,317 --> 01:37:14,817 There is something I must tell you. 1321 01:37:15,317 --> 01:37:17,775 Something so lonesome, so base. 1322 01:37:18,108 --> 01:37:20,650 Nothing you can say will shake me. 1323 01:37:20,650 --> 01:37:22,358 For there is a devil in this world, 1324 01:37:22,358 --> 01:37:23,275 and I have met him. 1325 01:37:23,650 --> 01:37:23,900 And he... 1326 01:37:24,900 --> 01:37:26,858 I cannot speak at ease. 1327 01:37:29,150 --> 01:37:30,900 He is coming to Visberg. 1328 01:37:31,900 --> 01:37:32,400 For you. 1329 01:37:32,400 --> 01:37:32,817 I know. 1330 01:37:33,942 --> 01:37:34,942 What? 1331 01:37:37,192 --> 01:37:37,692 I know him. 1332 01:37:39,233 --> 01:37:39,608 Know him? 1333 01:37:40,942 --> 01:37:42,900 I've brought the sea flop on us. 1334 01:37:43,900 --> 01:37:53,525 I have never shared my 1335 01:37:53,525 --> 01:37:56,067 secret with any soul. 1336 01:37:59,983 --> 01:38:00,733 I sought company. 1337 01:38:02,358 --> 01:38:07,567 I sought tenderness, and I called out. 1338 01:38:07,775 --> 01:38:08,775 What do you mean by that? 1339 01:38:08,775 --> 01:38:08,900 At first it was sweet. 1340 01:38:08,900 --> 01:38:09,775 I had never known such a place. Hello. It didn't turn to tears. I was so sorry. I was so sorry. At first it was sweet. 1341 01:38:09,983 --> 01:38:11,275 I had never known such a place. 1342 01:38:11,525 --> 01:38:11,733 Hello. 1343 01:38:11,942 --> 01:38:13,233 It didn't turn to torture. 1344 01:38:13,442 --> 01:38:14,317 It would kill me. 1345 01:38:14,733 --> 01:38:17,567 But, Thomas, it was you 1346 01:38:17,567 --> 01:38:18,567 that gave me the courage 1347 01:38:18,567 --> 01:38:19,983 to be free of my shame. 1348 01:38:20,733 --> 01:38:21,025 You. 1349 01:38:22,275 --> 01:38:22,942 What are you telling me? 1350 01:38:24,067 --> 01:38:25,025 Don't you understand? 1351 01:38:26,025 --> 01:38:27,275 Traits, help me to... 1352 01:38:27,275 --> 01:38:28,525 He is my shame. 1353 01:38:28,942 --> 01:38:30,025 He is my melancholy. 1354 01:38:30,400 --> 01:38:32,025 He took me as his lover then, 1355 01:38:32,025 --> 01:38:33,317 and now he has come back. 1356 01:38:33,317 --> 01:38:34,400 He has discovered our 1357 01:38:34,400 --> 01:38:35,817 marriage and has come back. 1358 01:38:35,817 --> 01:38:36,150 Impossible. 1359 01:38:36,358 --> 01:38:37,775 He sorts me in my dreams. 1360 01:38:37,942 --> 01:38:38,733 I am so am I sleeping 1361 01:38:38,733 --> 01:38:40,650 closer to him every night. 1362 01:38:41,025 --> 01:38:41,650 Don't touch me. 1363 01:38:41,942 --> 01:38:43,233 I am not to be touched. 1364 01:38:59,942 --> 01:39:01,442 You stuffed your letters to me. 1365 01:39:02,942 --> 01:39:03,317 What? 1366 01:39:03,650 --> 01:39:05,275 You promised to write to me every day. 1367 01:39:05,942 --> 01:39:07,817 Did not you think of me in that castle? 1368 01:39:08,233 --> 01:39:08,608 I did. 1369 01:39:08,983 --> 01:39:09,275 Lies. 1370 01:39:11,525 --> 01:39:13,150 After what you have just confessed. 1371 01:39:13,567 --> 01:39:14,400 He told me about you. 1372 01:39:15,108 --> 01:39:17,608 He told me how foolish you were. 1373 01:39:18,067 --> 01:39:18,650 How fearful. 1374 01:39:19,692 --> 01:39:20,567 How like a child. 1375 01:39:21,400 --> 01:39:22,775 How you fell into his arms 1376 01:39:22,775 --> 01:39:24,483 as a swooning lily of a woman. 1377 01:39:24,692 --> 01:39:25,067 Ellen. 1378 01:39:25,067 --> 01:39:26,025 He told me how you 1379 01:39:26,025 --> 01:39:27,525 sold me to him for gold. 1380 01:39:27,525 --> 01:39:27,900 No. 1381 01:39:27,900 --> 01:39:29,567 I thought I was supposed to be sacred. 1382 01:39:29,567 --> 01:39:29,858 Ellen, please. 1383 01:39:29,858 --> 01:39:30,567 You never listened. 1384 01:39:31,317 --> 01:39:32,233 But where is it? 1385 01:39:32,608 --> 01:39:34,900 Your money, your promotion, your house. 1386 01:39:35,150 --> 01:39:35,858 Where is that which 1387 01:39:35,858 --> 01:39:37,442 is so precious to you? 1388 01:39:38,150 --> 01:39:38,900 Have you paid that 1389 01:39:38,900 --> 01:39:40,358 kind of harding your debt? 1390 01:39:40,358 --> 01:39:41,317 Have you repaid him with this 1391 01:39:41,317 --> 01:39:43,025 plague that infected his wife? 1392 01:39:43,025 --> 01:39:44,067 I left for us. 1393 01:39:44,525 --> 01:39:44,900 For our future. 1394 01:39:44,900 --> 01:39:45,233 For what? 1395 01:39:45,608 --> 01:39:46,025 For what? 1396 01:39:46,275 --> 01:39:46,942 For these days? 1397 01:39:47,567 --> 01:39:48,192 For you. 1398 01:39:48,192 --> 01:39:48,942 It doesn't matter. 1399 01:39:48,942 --> 01:39:49,442 It doesn't matter. 1400 01:39:49,858 --> 01:39:50,817 Don't you think? 1401 01:39:51,567 --> 01:39:53,108 We should never have married. 1402 01:39:53,483 --> 01:39:54,900 We are already dead. 1403 01:39:57,900 --> 01:40:30,108 [screaming] (screaming) 1404 01:40:31,775 --> 01:40:33,483 I trust him, Dr. Seamus. 1405 01:40:34,192 --> 01:40:34,608 No! 1406 01:40:36,608 --> 01:40:37,817 Please, please. 1407 01:40:38,775 --> 01:40:39,317 I'll get it. 1408 01:40:40,025 --> 01:40:41,067 I'll get it, I promise. 1409 01:40:42,150 --> 01:40:42,608 I promise. 1410 01:40:43,192 --> 01:40:52,942 (dramatic music) 1411 01:40:54,442 --> 01:40:56,192 You can never please me as he could. 1412 01:41:01,608 --> 01:41:01,900 Eat it! 1413 01:41:02,858 --> 01:41:03,358 Touch me! 1414 01:41:05,108 --> 01:41:05,400 Please. 1415 01:41:07,358 --> 01:41:07,567 Please. 1416 01:41:10,150 --> 01:41:10,400 Yes. 1417 01:41:13,192 --> 01:41:18,233 (groaning) 1418 01:41:18,233 --> 01:41:19,317 Kiss me. 1419 01:41:19,942 --> 01:41:21,442 Kiss my heart. 1420 01:41:22,108 --> 01:41:22,775 My heart. 1421 01:41:25,192 --> 01:41:34,442 Let him see. 1422 01:41:34,817 --> 01:41:35,442 Let him see. 1423 01:41:35,692 --> 01:41:35,942 I know. 1424 01:41:38,275 --> 01:41:39,358 (laughing) 1425 01:41:41,942 --> 01:41:43,317 I love you. 1426 01:41:43,317 --> 01:41:44,983 I will become a demon. 1427 01:41:45,650 --> 01:41:45,858 Ellen! 1428 01:41:46,358 --> 01:41:46,608 Ellen! 1429 01:41:47,317 --> 01:41:48,233 Ellen, it's me. 1430 01:41:49,233 --> 01:41:51,192 Ellen, Ellen, I love you. 1431 01:41:51,442 --> 01:41:52,192 I love you. 1432 01:41:52,817 --> 01:41:53,608 You're safe with me. 1433 01:41:54,192 --> 01:41:55,025 It's me, it's me. 1434 01:41:58,858 --> 01:42:01,108 You've away from me, I am unclean. 1435 01:42:01,108 --> 01:42:01,358 Never. 1436 01:42:03,900 --> 01:42:08,108 He will murder you if I do not go to him. 1437 01:42:08,567 --> 01:42:09,442 We will be torn apart, 1438 01:42:09,483 --> 01:42:11,400 and the will will be disturbed. 1439 01:42:13,150 --> 01:42:13,733 How can I help? 1440 01:42:14,358 --> 01:42:15,150 Kill him, I will. 1441 01:42:16,900 --> 01:42:18,150 He shall never harm you again. 1442 01:42:20,067 --> 01:42:24,150 At last. 1443 01:42:34,650 --> 01:42:35,858 And though the maiden 1444 01:42:35,858 --> 01:42:37,442 fair did offer up her love 1445 01:42:37,483 --> 01:42:40,150 unto the beast, and with 1446 01:42:40,150 --> 01:42:42,358 him lay in close embrace 1447 01:42:42,608 --> 01:42:43,900 until the first cock 1448 01:42:43,900 --> 01:42:46,400 crow, her willing sacrifice 1449 01:42:46,608 --> 01:42:49,192 thus broke the curse and 1450 01:42:49,192 --> 01:42:50,358 freed them from the plague 1451 01:42:50,692 --> 01:42:51,567 of Nosferatu. 1452 01:43:00,567 --> 01:43:01,233 She is the way. 1453 01:43:01,525 --> 01:43:05,983 (eerie music) 1454 01:43:06,650 --> 01:43:09,442 Let the spank go. 1455 01:43:13,692 --> 01:43:13,900 Pichu! 1456 01:43:14,317 --> 01:43:14,525 What? 1457 01:43:14,900 --> 01:43:15,192 Pichu! 1458 01:43:18,983 --> 01:43:19,400 Pichu, let go! 1459 01:43:20,817 --> 01:43:22,733 (screaming) 1460 01:43:31,525 --> 01:43:33,858 (screaming) 1461 01:44:01,525 --> 01:44:04,025 (eerie music) 1462 01:44:31,525 --> 01:44:33,983 (laughing) 1463 01:44:41,317 --> 01:44:42,858 I can weep no longer, for I 1464 01:44:42,858 --> 01:44:44,275 have no more tears to shed. 1465 01:44:46,275 --> 01:44:47,317 We must speak with him. 1466 01:44:47,983 --> 01:44:48,983 Just a moment longer, 1467 01:44:49,275 --> 01:44:50,275 his grief is too great. 1468 01:44:51,025 --> 01:44:51,442 May I? 1469 01:44:54,858 --> 01:44:55,650 More will be taken. 1470 01:44:56,650 --> 01:44:57,483 She was with child. 1471 01:44:57,858 --> 01:44:58,233 I know. 1472 01:45:00,983 --> 01:45:03,233 The Grim Reaper wields his heavy scythe 1473 01:45:03,233 --> 01:45:04,692 with every change of wind. 1474 01:45:06,317 --> 01:45:07,650 Professor, I must speak with you. 1475 01:45:07,942 --> 01:45:09,192 And I will speak with you. 1476 01:45:09,192 --> 01:45:12,817 Take that dragon from this place. 1477 01:45:14,025 --> 01:45:15,650 Your disease is mine, it's 1478 01:45:15,650 --> 01:45:17,150 brought all of his outrage. 1479 01:45:17,317 --> 01:45:19,150 Stop, please, it is my spot. 1480 01:45:19,150 --> 01:45:20,608 Someone doesn't concern you, John. 1481 01:45:20,942 --> 01:45:22,525 You're very present. 1482 01:45:22,567 --> 01:45:24,567 You must just be rude. 1483 01:45:25,525 --> 01:45:26,483 These nightmares do exist. 1484 01:45:26,483 --> 01:45:29,483 They exist. 1485 01:45:36,400 --> 01:45:37,483 And yet he shows no 1486 01:45:37,483 --> 01:45:38,608 sign of the blood play. 1487 01:45:38,650 --> 01:45:39,442 The Good Sisters sought 1488 01:45:39,442 --> 01:45:40,400 to nurse me back to health 1489 01:45:40,400 --> 01:45:42,942 with their prayer, yet I 1490 01:45:42,942 --> 01:45:44,275 fear I'm not free of his spell. 1491 01:45:44,567 --> 01:45:45,858 Trust in God and your strength. 1492 01:45:47,025 --> 01:45:48,192 The monster left you to the 1493 01:45:48,192 --> 01:45:49,108 wolves, yet you prevailed. 1494 01:45:49,942 --> 01:45:50,150 Pardon? 1495 01:45:51,942 --> 01:45:53,942 Forgive me, I'm not myself, I... 1496 01:45:54,983 --> 01:45:58,150 Please forgive me, all of you. 1497 01:45:58,858 --> 01:46:02,150 My reason cannot accept, accept. 1498 01:46:02,275 --> 01:46:03,400 Strength, not strength. 1499 01:46:03,442 --> 01:46:04,567 All of has kept his 1500 01:46:04,567 --> 01:46:06,233 coffin within bruinful manner. 1501 01:46:06,525 --> 01:46:07,525 I'd rather have the noises. 1502 01:46:08,317 --> 01:46:10,067 Tonight, we destroy the beast. 1503 01:46:10,108 --> 01:46:10,900 Let me come with you. 1504 01:46:10,900 --> 01:46:11,650 Then of course, Lieutenant, 1505 01:46:11,650 --> 01:46:12,650 you must be kept safe away. 1506 01:46:12,942 --> 01:46:13,900 We shall meet Earth's 1507 01:46:13,900 --> 01:46:15,650 hardings in depart for the man. 1508 01:46:15,775 --> 01:46:17,525 Please, the readiness is all. 1509 01:46:17,817 --> 01:46:19,150 We shall sanctify the 1510 01:46:19,150 --> 01:46:20,692 Earth, wherein he is buried, 1511 01:46:21,108 --> 01:46:22,150 and destroy the sarcophagus. 1512 01:46:23,275 --> 01:46:25,692 Then he can have no sensory and chakra. 1513 01:46:26,483 --> 01:46:27,692 And when we uncover the body, 1514 01:46:27,692 --> 01:46:29,025 I will drive a spike of 1515 01:46:29,025 --> 01:46:30,525 cold iron through him. 1516 01:46:32,067 --> 01:46:33,317 What if it does not work? 1517 01:46:33,358 --> 01:46:33,817 It must. 1518 01:46:37,442 --> 01:46:38,192 Professor, allow me to 1519 01:46:38,192 --> 01:46:38,983 walk you to your door. 1520 01:46:45,567 --> 01:46:47,858 I know, it must be me, Professor. 1521 01:46:48,900 --> 01:46:49,775 I am but an able 1522 01:46:49,775 --> 01:46:51,358 tourist in this occult world. 1523 01:46:52,358 --> 01:46:53,358 You were born to it. 1524 01:46:54,692 --> 01:46:55,692 It is a rare gift. 1525 01:46:56,192 --> 01:46:57,317 His pull to me is so 1526 01:46:57,317 --> 01:46:59,567 powerful, so terrible. 1527 01:47:00,775 --> 01:47:02,567 Yet my spirit cannot be evil as his. 1528 01:47:04,067 --> 01:47:05,858 We must know evil to 1529 01:47:05,858 --> 01:47:07,858 be able to destroy it. 1530 01:47:08,067 --> 01:47:10,400 We must discover it within ourselves. 1531 01:47:10,400 --> 01:47:12,108 And when we have, we must 1532 01:47:12,108 --> 01:47:14,192 crucify the evil within us, 1533 01:47:14,192 --> 01:47:15,317 or there is no salvation. 1534 01:47:15,317 --> 01:47:16,400 We need no salvation. 1535 01:47:17,067 --> 01:47:18,317 My entire life I've done 1536 01:47:18,317 --> 01:47:19,817 no ill, but heed my nature. 1537 01:47:19,817 --> 01:47:20,775 Then he'll come to it. 1538 01:47:22,400 --> 01:47:25,233 I fear no sorority will be superfluous 1539 01:47:25,233 --> 01:47:26,775 to any of our iron stakes. 1540 01:47:28,275 --> 01:47:29,817 I'm convinced only you 1541 01:47:29,817 --> 01:47:33,692 have the faculty to redeem us. 1542 01:47:35,358 --> 01:47:36,358 Ellen, let's make haste. 1543 01:47:36,692 --> 01:47:41,650 (footsteps) 1544 01:47:45,233 --> 01:47:47,858 In heathen times, you might have been 1545 01:47:47,858 --> 01:47:49,400 a great priestess of Isis. 1546 01:47:50,817 --> 01:47:53,983 Yet in this strange and modern world, 1547 01:47:54,942 --> 01:47:56,483 your purpose is of greater worth. 1548 01:47:57,983 --> 01:47:59,567 You are our salvation. 1549 01:48:01,358 --> 01:48:01,650 Thank you. 1550 01:48:06,692 --> 01:48:08,400 I will keep your husband in bay tonight. 1551 01:48:08,900 --> 01:48:09,858 Go now, go home. 1552 01:48:10,400 --> 01:48:11,525 Attend him that he is 1553 01:48:11,525 --> 01:48:13,150 sturdy for this false hunt. 1554 01:48:15,942 --> 01:48:16,900 (somber music) 1555 01:48:40,608 --> 01:48:40,692 (speaking in foreign language) 1556 01:49:14,650 --> 01:49:20,692 (somber music) (footsteps) 1557 01:49:20,692 --> 01:49:27,817 (speaking in foreign language) 1558 01:49:36,692 --> 01:49:39,108 (speaking in foreign language) 1559 01:49:47,400 --> 01:49:49,317 Cardin, Cardin! 1560 01:49:52,692 --> 01:49:52,900 (speaking in foreign language) 1561 01:49:52,900 --> 01:49:56,442 (dramatic music) 1562 01:50:07,400 --> 01:50:14,358 (footsteps) 1563 01:50:14,358 --> 01:50:22,817 (speaking in foreign language) 1564 01:50:22,817 --> 01:50:24,567 (dramatic music) 1565 01:50:24,567 --> 01:50:26,025 (speaking in foreign language) 1566 01:50:26,025 --> 01:50:30,192 (dramatic music) 1567 01:50:30,192 --> 01:50:33,233 (speaking in foreign language) 1568 01:50:36,317 --> 01:50:42,858 (speaking in foreign language) 1569 01:50:42,858 --> 01:50:51,692 (speaking in foreign language) 1570 01:50:51,692 --> 01:50:55,192 (speaking in foreign language) 1571 01:51:06,317 --> 01:51:09,025 (dramatic music) 1572 01:51:09,025 --> 01:51:18,983 (speaking in foreign language) 1573 01:51:18,983 --> 01:51:22,942 (dramatic music) 1574 01:51:22,942 --> 01:51:23,108 (speaking in foreign language) 1575 01:51:23,108 --> 01:51:24,650 (dramatic music) 1576 01:51:36,275 --> 01:51:38,942 (dramatic music) 1577 01:51:40,483 --> 01:51:40,858 Frank, Rick! 1578 01:51:43,983 --> 01:51:47,942 (footsteps) 1579 01:51:51,233 --> 01:51:51,733 Oh, God. 1580 01:51:56,233 --> 01:51:56,983 We are too late. 1581 01:51:58,400 --> 01:52:00,775 We must set fire to the infected bodies. 1582 01:52:02,483 --> 01:52:04,067 Our flames will sanctify them. 1583 01:52:05,108 --> 01:52:06,317 We're not burning more. 1584 01:52:08,233 --> 01:52:09,483 Please, we must onward. 1585 01:52:10,275 --> 01:52:11,108 But all of it. 1586 01:52:11,608 --> 01:52:12,733 Will you not already have risen? 1587 01:52:13,108 --> 01:52:14,192 Should we not return to our homes? 1588 01:52:14,192 --> 01:52:15,817 No, I will not wait till morning. 1589 01:52:16,067 --> 01:52:17,233 Very wise young Thomas. 1590 01:52:18,317 --> 01:52:19,983 I feel his hold upon me this night. 1591 01:52:21,942 --> 01:52:23,275 May God have mercy on my souls. 1592 01:52:25,650 --> 01:52:26,900 In the name of general 1593 01:52:26,900 --> 01:52:28,608 fame by the power and dignity 1594 01:52:28,983 --> 01:52:29,983 of these three names, 1595 01:52:29,983 --> 01:52:31,150 check to your count on 1596 01:52:31,150 --> 01:52:32,150 things that are important. 1597 01:52:33,025 --> 01:52:35,525 As for you, how disobeating, 1598 01:52:35,525 --> 01:52:36,900 spelling, close for our 1599 01:52:36,900 --> 01:52:38,233 doom to the lake of fire 1600 01:52:38,442 --> 01:52:40,692 have not remained until the day you do 1601 01:52:40,942 --> 01:52:42,192 and not to be remembered 1602 01:52:42,192 --> 01:52:43,775 before the face of God, 1603 01:52:43,775 --> 01:52:44,817 which shall come to 1604 01:52:44,817 --> 01:52:46,275 judge the quick and the dead 1605 01:52:46,567 --> 01:52:47,900 and the world with fire. 1606 01:52:48,900 --> 01:52:52,567 (dramatic music) 1607 01:52:52,567 --> 01:52:54,400 (dramatic music) 1608 01:53:07,942 --> 01:53:13,358 (speaking in foreign language) 1609 01:53:13,650 --> 01:53:16,150 There is a chapel beyond the courtyard. 1610 01:53:16,650 --> 01:53:17,317 Make haste, Thomas. 1611 01:53:20,275 --> 01:53:22,483 (dramatic music) 1612 01:53:26,317 --> 01:53:26,900 I am ready. 1613 01:53:28,442 --> 01:53:30,275 I bid you come to me. 1614 01:53:30,317 --> 01:53:33,067 (dramatic music) 1615 01:53:33,067 --> 01:53:36,442 (knocking) 1616 01:53:37,775 --> 01:53:38,275 There he lies. 1617 01:53:44,358 --> 01:53:46,150 (dramatic music) 1618 01:53:48,067 --> 01:53:48,692 Oh, God. 1619 01:53:51,775 --> 01:53:52,692 Go forward, Thomas. 1620 01:53:53,692 --> 01:53:54,942 Set free the demon's body. 1621 01:54:00,483 --> 01:54:02,192 (dramatic music) 1622 01:54:03,442 --> 01:54:27,942 (dramatic music) 1623 01:54:30,900 --> 01:54:31,358 No! 1624 01:54:31,733 --> 01:54:32,983 I know. 1625 01:54:34,650 --> 01:54:39,233 I relinquished him my soul. 1626 01:54:41,900 --> 01:54:43,525 I should have been the 1627 01:54:43,525 --> 01:54:46,400 Prince of France, immortal. 1628 01:54:48,858 --> 01:54:53,942 He cares only for his pretty bride 1629 01:54:54,567 --> 01:54:58,983 and she is his monstrous strike again. 1630 01:54:59,858 --> 01:55:01,692 I am the King of the Wild. 1631 01:55:21,733 --> 01:55:34,983 (dramatic music) (dramatic music) (dramatic music) In vain, in vain you run, in vain you 1632 01:55:34,983 --> 01:55:37,317 cannot outrun her destiny. 1633 01:55:38,608 --> 01:55:41,108 Her stock bond with the 1634 01:55:41,108 --> 01:55:43,358 beast shall redeem us all, 1635 01:55:43,942 --> 01:55:45,400 for when the sun's pure 1636 01:55:45,400 --> 01:55:47,942 light-surf ring capone the dawn, 1637 01:55:48,692 --> 01:55:53,150 redemption, the pain shall be lifted. 1638 01:55:55,900 --> 01:55:56,525 Redemption! 1639 01:57:01,733 --> 01:57:04,192 (eerie music) 1640 01:57:04,233 --> 01:57:06,692 (eerie music) 1641 01:57:28,608 --> 01:57:29,775 (eerie music) 1642 01:57:30,317 --> 01:57:33,733 Don't get the oestra up to a volume. 1643 01:57:37,108 --> 01:57:37,525 I do. 1644 01:57:41,067 --> 01:57:41,650 (speaking in foreign language) 1645 01:57:49,983 --> 01:57:50,067 Yes. 1646 01:57:51,483 --> 01:57:55,067 (speaking in foreign language) 1647 01:58:07,233 --> 01:58:07,442 Mia. 1648 01:58:10,317 --> 01:58:11,567 (eerie music) 1649 01:58:36,733 --> 01:58:39,233 (eerie music) 1650 01:59:06,733 --> 01:59:09,233 (eerie music) 1651 01:59:36,733 --> 01:59:39,233 (eerie music) 1652 02:00:14,150 --> 02:00:20,400 (eerie music) 1653 02:00:20,400 --> 02:00:26,608 (speaking in foreign language) 1654 02:00:36,733 --> 02:00:39,233 (eerie music) 1655 02:01:06,733 --> 02:01:15,317 (eerie music) 1656 02:01:15,317 --> 02:01:48,067 (eerie music) (eerie music) 1657 02:01:48,067 --> 02:01:52,775 (eerie music) 1658 02:02:06,733 --> 02:02:09,233 (eerie music) 1659 02:02:36,733 --> 02:02:44,442 (eerie music) 1660 02:02:44,442 --> 02:02:51,900 Forgive us. 1661 02:02:54,525 --> 02:02:57,567 And though the maiden 1662 02:02:57,567 --> 02:03:00,900 fair did offer up her love 1663 02:03:01,150 --> 02:03:03,983 unto the beast, and 1664 02:03:03,983 --> 02:03:05,817 with him lay in cloaks 1665 02:03:05,983 --> 02:03:09,317 her embrace until the first cockrove. 1666 02:03:09,317 --> 02:03:11,608 Her willing sacrifice 1667 02:03:11,608 --> 02:03:13,192 thus broke the curse 1668 02:03:13,192 --> 02:03:15,567 and freed them from 1669 02:03:15,567 --> 02:03:18,317 the plague of Nosferatu. 1670 02:03:19,775 --> 02:03:23,067 (eerie music) 1671 02:03:36,025 --> 02:03:59,858 (eerie music) 1672 02:03:59,858 --> 02:03:59,983 (eerie music)