1 00:00:16,811 --> 00:00:18,271 Good evening. 2 00:00:18,438 --> 00:00:22,150 We are here tonight to talk about violence. 3 00:00:22,316 --> 00:00:25,987 Or maybe human nature. 4 00:00:28,406 --> 00:00:32,910 We are here to talk about human nature. 5 00:00:34,078 --> 00:00:35,747 Wait. 6 00:00:36,122 --> 00:00:37,915 A quote. 7 00:00:38,374 --> 00:00:40,543 A great philosopher once wrote: 8 00:00:40,710 --> 00:00:46,716 "In times of peace, the warlike man attacks himself." 9 00:00:46,883 --> 00:00:50,428 This is the root of all our problems. 10 00:00:50,595 --> 00:00:52,764 And by this... 11 00:00:53,765 --> 00:00:55,767 ...I mean we. 12 00:00:55,975 --> 00:00:59,395 We are the root of all our problems. 13 00:00:59,562 --> 00:01:03,191 Our confusion, our anger... 14 00:01:03,357 --> 00:01:07,403 ...our fear of things we don't understand. 15 00:01:07,570 --> 00:01:12,950 Violence, in other words, is ignorance. 16 00:01:13,242 --> 00:01:14,535 Figure your shit out. 17 00:01:14,702 --> 00:01:16,454 That's my.... 18 00:01:16,704 --> 00:01:18,664 What I'd say. 19 00:01:35,640 --> 00:01:39,352 There are two kinds of stories we tell our children. 20 00:01:39,519 --> 00:01:41,521 The first kind: 21 00:01:41,687 --> 00:01:45,191 Once upon a time there was a fuzzy little rabbit... 22 00:01:45,358 --> 00:01:47,026 ...named Frizzy-top... 23 00:01:47,193 --> 00:01:50,488 ...who went on a quantum-fun adventure... 24 00:01:50,655 --> 00:01:53,574 ...only to face a big setback... 25 00:01:53,741 --> 00:01:59,914 ...which he overcame through perseverance and by being adorable. 26 00:02:00,206 --> 00:02:03,918 This kind of story teaches empathy. 27 00:02:04,085 --> 00:02:09,340 Put yourself in Frizzy-top's shoes, in other words. 28 00:02:10,550 --> 00:02:12,802 The other kind: 29 00:02:13,344 --> 00:02:14,929 Oliver Anthony Bird... 30 00:02:15,096 --> 00:02:20,017 ...if you get too close to that ocean you'll be sucked into the sea and drowned. 31 00:02:20,393 --> 00:02:24,605 This kind of story teaches them fear. 32 00:02:25,439 --> 00:02:30,361 And for the rest of their lives these two stories compete. 33 00:02:30,820 --> 00:02:35,074 Empathy and fear. 34 00:02:36,659 --> 00:02:40,496 And so I bring you tonight's play. 35 00:02:40,788 --> 00:02:45,501 A work in five acts about a fuzzy little bunny... 36 00:02:45,751 --> 00:02:48,671 ...who got too close to the ocean... 37 00:02:49,213 --> 00:02:51,966 ...and what happened next. 38 00:02:52,967 --> 00:02:55,011 Let us begin. 39 00:03:07,398 --> 00:03:09,567 SYD: We went looking for truth... 40 00:03:13,237 --> 00:03:15,072 ...but found only lies. 41 00:03:22,663 --> 00:03:24,665 The doctor had disappeared. 42 00:03:29,253 --> 00:03:32,590 The old girlfriend hid behind a smile. 43 00:03:34,467 --> 00:03:36,469 What was real? 44 00:03:36,928 --> 00:03:37,970 That was the mission. 45 00:03:39,472 --> 00:03:41,390 We had seen things. 46 00:03:42,850 --> 00:03:44,936 Heard things. 47 00:03:45,102 --> 00:03:47,271 But could we believe our eyes? 48 00:03:47,438 --> 00:03:49,357 Could David? 49 00:03:50,024 --> 00:03:51,943 WOMAN: David? 50 00:03:53,486 --> 00:03:55,863 MAN: What do the stars say? 51 00:03:58,324 --> 00:04:00,576 WOMAN: My boy. 52 00:04:00,826 --> 00:04:01,869 [CHILD LAUGHING] 53 00:04:02,703 --> 00:04:04,538 My beautiful boy. 54 00:04:08,292 --> 00:04:09,710 SYD: David? 55 00:04:09,877 --> 00:04:11,671 Wake up. 56 00:04:13,130 --> 00:04:15,174 Wake up. 57 00:04:19,095 --> 00:04:20,721 Odd. 58 00:04:23,724 --> 00:04:25,184 Extremely. 59 00:04:25,351 --> 00:04:26,727 He's gonna wake up, right? 60 00:04:26,894 --> 00:04:29,480 There is no medical reason David's unconscious. 61 00:04:29,647 --> 00:04:32,149 If that's what he is. 62 00:04:32,316 --> 00:04:34,151 DAVID: Andromeda. 63 00:04:35,361 --> 00:04:36,946 Cassiopeia. 64 00:04:40,700 --> 00:04:42,076 SYD: I'm getting out tomorrow. 65 00:04:43,661 --> 00:04:45,830 Kissinger says I'm clean... 66 00:04:47,665 --> 00:04:48,833 ...so I get to go home. 67 00:04:49,125 --> 00:04:52,712 - No! SYD: David, wake up. 68 00:04:55,381 --> 00:04:58,592 CARY: I could try a shot of adrenaline. MELANIE: No. 69 00:04:59,677 --> 00:05:01,637 - Too risky. - Agreed. 70 00:05:01,804 --> 00:05:03,514 SYD: David? 71 00:05:03,931 --> 00:05:06,225 David, where are you? 72 00:05:08,060 --> 00:05:10,062 You've gotta get better. 73 00:05:10,229 --> 00:05:11,605 So you can come home too. 74 00:05:16,652 --> 00:05:18,070 David? 75 00:05:18,362 --> 00:05:20,114 Wake up. 76 00:05:20,531 --> 00:05:21,574 [SYD GASPS] 77 00:05:23,075 --> 00:05:24,618 PTONOMY: He's not inside his memories. 78 00:05:24,994 --> 00:05:27,830 His subconscious. I looked. 79 00:05:27,997 --> 00:05:29,915 Wherever his mind is, I can't find it. 80 00:05:30,207 --> 00:05:32,251 - But he's not-- CARY: He's not brain-dead, no. 81 00:05:32,418 --> 00:05:34,754 His mind is active. What's it doing, though? 82 00:05:35,963 --> 00:05:39,300 PTONOMY: We know he can create a kind of mental projection space. 83 00:05:39,467 --> 00:05:42,178 Something between reality and dream. 84 00:05:43,179 --> 00:05:45,139 An astral plane. 85 00:05:47,975 --> 00:05:49,643 MELANIE: We've been inside David's memories three times. 86 00:05:49,810 --> 00:05:50,895 [GASPS] 87 00:05:51,187 --> 00:05:55,066 Three times we saw glitches, omissions. 88 00:05:55,816 --> 00:05:58,444 It's as if we've activated some kind of guardian. 89 00:05:58,611 --> 00:06:01,739 There's something in David's memory he does not want us to see. 90 00:06:01,906 --> 00:06:02,907 - Kerry. KERRY: Yes. 91 00:06:03,074 --> 00:06:05,993 MELANIE: I have a mission for you. Three of you. I'm sending you out. 92 00:06:06,744 --> 00:06:10,456 We need to find out what happened to David before he went to Clockworks. 93 00:06:10,623 --> 00:06:14,627 SYD: What about Division Three? MELANIE: It's just a risk we'll have to take. 94 00:06:14,919 --> 00:06:16,087 He's too important. 95 00:06:16,253 --> 00:06:19,381 Is he, though? Because I'm thinking "dangerous" is a better word. 96 00:06:19,548 --> 00:06:22,968 KERRY: I think he's annoying, but if I get to kick a few people, I'm in. 97 00:06:23,594 --> 00:06:25,513 MELANIE: You're all going. 98 00:06:27,765 --> 00:06:28,849 SYD: What was real? 99 00:06:30,226 --> 00:06:32,311 That was the mission. 100 00:06:32,603 --> 00:06:35,773 Keep an eye out. We can't stay long. 101 00:06:38,359 --> 00:06:43,823 Just a guess, but I'd say Dr. Poole hasn't been here in a few years. 102 00:06:47,201 --> 00:06:48,285 It's weird. 103 00:06:49,203 --> 00:06:52,540 SYD: Seeing it after visiting David's memory. 104 00:06:53,040 --> 00:06:55,459 The curtains are completely different. 105 00:06:55,626 --> 00:06:59,130 Most people's memories are unreliable. 106 00:06:59,296 --> 00:07:02,007 The things we see, that people say. 107 00:07:02,174 --> 00:07:04,510 And they change over time too. 108 00:07:04,677 --> 00:07:06,887 Your past is an illusion. 109 00:07:09,390 --> 00:07:10,850 SYD: There was a tear right there. 110 00:07:12,476 --> 00:07:14,562 The wall opened up. 111 00:07:14,728 --> 00:07:17,189 That red light came out. 112 00:07:17,606 --> 00:07:20,526 And the boy ran into the closet... 113 00:07:20,818 --> 00:07:21,861 ...and I followed. 114 00:07:22,027 --> 00:07:23,320 SYD: Wait! 115 00:07:23,487 --> 00:07:24,989 PTONOMY: Into the astral plane. 116 00:07:25,156 --> 00:07:26,824 The invented space. 117 00:07:26,991 --> 00:07:30,619 I looked for you. You weren't in any memories of David I could find. 118 00:07:30,786 --> 00:07:33,205 Are you saying David created that space? 119 00:07:33,372 --> 00:07:35,958 It's part of his ability, psychic projection. 120 00:07:36,125 --> 00:07:38,544 To create a simulated reality. 121 00:07:39,587 --> 00:07:43,507 Okay, let's see what she has to say. 122 00:07:44,842 --> 00:07:46,969 - Who? - The room. 123 00:07:52,641 --> 00:07:54,810 There you are. 124 00:07:59,982 --> 00:08:01,609 Objects have memory too. 125 00:08:01,775 --> 00:08:06,197 Is there any way...? Could we still be in David's mind? 126 00:08:06,363 --> 00:08:08,532 The simulation? 127 00:08:08,699 --> 00:08:09,783 No. This is real. 128 00:08:09,950 --> 00:08:12,953 SYD: How do you know? - Because I know. 129 00:08:13,579 --> 00:08:17,958 I mean, I'm pretty sure. 130 00:08:18,542 --> 00:08:22,463 - How do you--? - Put your hand here. 131 00:08:29,553 --> 00:08:31,388 Watch it. 132 00:08:32,431 --> 00:08:35,809 I won't touch you. It's not my first day. Just.... 133 00:08:36,560 --> 00:08:38,604 Close your eyes. 134 00:08:46,946 --> 00:08:48,781 [INDISTINCT CHATTER ON RECORDING] 135 00:08:49,615 --> 00:08:51,825 MAN [ON RECORDING]: Cassiopeia. 136 00:08:54,787 --> 00:08:56,956 Boötes. 137 00:08:57,289 --> 00:08:59,333 Canis Major. 138 00:08:59,667 --> 00:09:01,543 Lupus. 139 00:09:02,670 --> 00:09:04,672 Telescopia. 140 00:09:07,591 --> 00:09:08,717 Tell me, David. 141 00:09:08,884 --> 00:09:10,636 What did the stars say? 142 00:09:19,812 --> 00:09:21,230 [GASPS] 143 00:09:23,065 --> 00:09:24,984 Did he...? 144 00:09:25,150 --> 00:09:30,572 Looks like the doctor came back while David was robbing the place. 145 00:09:34,535 --> 00:09:36,787 That doesn't sound like David. 146 00:09:37,204 --> 00:09:41,250 I know you like him, but he's not stable. Trust me. 147 00:09:41,417 --> 00:09:44,003 You try hearing voices for 10, 15 years... 148 00:09:44,169 --> 00:09:47,506 ...self-medicate with hard drugs, and then get dumped in a loony bin. 149 00:09:47,673 --> 00:09:48,882 I was in a loony bin. 150 00:09:49,049 --> 00:09:50,968 Yeah, but you're-- 151 00:09:51,302 --> 00:09:54,346 I mean, no offense, but compared to him, his power... 152 00:09:54,513 --> 00:09:56,640 ...you're a card trick. 153 00:09:59,601 --> 00:10:00,728 I read the report. 154 00:10:02,104 --> 00:10:04,440 He broke the doctor's skull. 155 00:10:04,606 --> 00:10:07,443 They had to put the guy in a coma to get the swelling down. 156 00:10:07,609 --> 00:10:09,069 And that was with his fists. 157 00:10:09,236 --> 00:10:11,739 Imagine if he used his power. 158 00:10:12,156 --> 00:10:13,991 He's a bomb. 159 00:10:22,875 --> 00:10:25,627 What did the stars say? 160 00:10:25,794 --> 00:10:27,254 - What? - Dr. Poole asked David: 161 00:10:27,421 --> 00:10:29,757 "What did the stars say?" 162 00:10:30,674 --> 00:10:32,718 And I saw him. 163 00:10:32,885 --> 00:10:35,179 When we were in his mind. 164 00:10:35,346 --> 00:10:40,100 Just before the monster came, I saw him. 165 00:10:40,267 --> 00:10:42,644 Like a flash. He had-- 166 00:10:42,811 --> 00:10:46,190 He was stuffing tape into his mouth, audio tape, and his hands were-- 167 00:10:46,357 --> 00:10:47,608 - You're saying-- - Glitches. 168 00:10:49,902 --> 00:10:52,196 Omissions. 169 00:10:52,363 --> 00:10:56,700 You've seen his memories. There are rips in them. Gaps. 170 00:10:58,035 --> 00:11:01,121 - What if--? - I've seen implanted memories before. 171 00:11:01,288 --> 00:11:02,373 You can always tell. 172 00:11:02,539 --> 00:11:06,210 Implanted from the outside. I'm talking about.... 173 00:11:06,418 --> 00:11:09,630 He's so powerful. David. 174 00:11:10,339 --> 00:11:13,425 Maybe he's hidden his real memories behind fake ones. 175 00:11:13,592 --> 00:11:16,887 - Why? - I don't know. 176 00:11:21,683 --> 00:11:26,855 A lot of effort just to convince yourself your boyfriend's a nice guy. 177 00:11:27,022 --> 00:11:30,943 Conversations on tape. "What did the stars say?" 178 00:11:32,694 --> 00:11:34,238 We know he's hiding things. 179 00:11:34,405 --> 00:11:36,448 LENNY: One last job and we're out. 180 00:11:36,615 --> 00:11:40,619 What if he didn't come in here to steal a radio or some coins? 181 00:11:40,911 --> 00:11:44,873 What if he came here to get rid of evidence? 182 00:11:45,040 --> 00:11:49,711 A conversation. The one time he said too much. 183 00:11:58,887 --> 00:12:00,472 [INDISTINCT CHATTER OVER RADIO] 184 00:12:01,181 --> 00:12:04,810 SYD: How do you find the facts when memory becomes a dream? 185 00:12:04,977 --> 00:12:06,228 David. 186 00:12:07,438 --> 00:12:10,357 Alice went down the rabbit hole. 187 00:12:10,524 --> 00:12:12,860 Dorothy landed in Oz. 188 00:12:13,152 --> 00:12:15,070 Or did she? 189 00:12:18,323 --> 00:12:20,534 I was looking for the man I loved. 190 00:12:21,869 --> 00:12:22,911 [BOTH LAUGHING] 191 00:12:25,164 --> 00:12:27,833 Or did I just love the idea of him? 192 00:12:28,625 --> 00:12:30,752 The face he showed me. 193 00:12:34,923 --> 00:12:37,301 All I could do was follow the lines... 194 00:12:38,218 --> 00:12:39,928 ...pull the string. 195 00:12:42,431 --> 00:12:44,224 The things he'd done. 196 00:12:45,267 --> 00:12:47,352 The things he'd said. 197 00:12:48,812 --> 00:12:52,774 Who are we if not the stories we tell ourselves? 198 00:13:06,079 --> 00:13:07,789 [BELL RINGING] 199 00:13:21,053 --> 00:13:22,679 [MOANING] 200 00:13:38,403 --> 00:13:39,863 [SCREAMS] 201 00:13:41,448 --> 00:13:43,116 [GASPING] 202 00:13:47,788 --> 00:13:49,498 Hello? 203 00:13:50,499 --> 00:13:52,459 Who's that? 204 00:13:55,003 --> 00:13:56,797 MAN: I'm here. 205 00:13:56,964 --> 00:13:59,049 I exist! 206 00:13:59,258 --> 00:14:01,552 I'm in a cell! 207 00:14:08,267 --> 00:14:10,269 We should speak quietly. 208 00:14:10,435 --> 00:14:13,814 They might be listening. 209 00:14:14,856 --> 00:14:16,525 Who? 210 00:14:19,403 --> 00:14:21,572 Tell me your name. 211 00:14:24,825 --> 00:14:26,285 Amy. 212 00:14:26,451 --> 00:14:27,578 Haller. 213 00:14:27,744 --> 00:14:29,454 My God. 214 00:14:29,663 --> 00:14:31,540 The sister. 215 00:14:32,749 --> 00:14:34,459 Who are you? 216 00:14:34,626 --> 00:14:36,253 My name is Kissinger. 217 00:14:36,420 --> 00:14:39,381 - I was-- - David's doctor. 218 00:14:39,548 --> 00:14:43,135 I went to the hospital to look for you. They said you didn't exist. 219 00:14:43,302 --> 00:14:45,012 I do. 220 00:14:45,804 --> 00:14:47,848 I used to. 221 00:14:48,223 --> 00:14:50,017 Have they...? 222 00:14:51,351 --> 00:14:53,103 Did you tell them where he is? 223 00:14:53,270 --> 00:14:54,396 No. 224 00:14:54,563 --> 00:14:56,189 I don't know. 225 00:14:56,356 --> 00:14:58,817 I haven't seen him since.... 226 00:14:59,526 --> 00:15:02,487 - Did you? - No. 227 00:15:02,946 --> 00:15:07,451 After he left the hospital he stayed with us for a few nights. 228 00:15:07,618 --> 00:15:09,077 [DOOR SLAMS] 229 00:15:19,004 --> 00:15:20,047 [DOOR CLOSES] 230 00:15:20,631 --> 00:15:23,050 Did you know... 231 00:15:24,051 --> 00:15:26,136 ...he wasn't sick? 232 00:15:26,887 --> 00:15:28,221 That he had powers? 233 00:15:33,560 --> 00:15:36,855 KISSINGER: He spoke of voices, visions. 234 00:15:37,022 --> 00:15:38,065 [PEOPLE SCREAMING] 235 00:15:39,358 --> 00:15:40,400 Did you? 236 00:15:44,988 --> 00:15:47,032 I think so. 237 00:15:49,034 --> 00:15:51,119 I should have. 238 00:15:51,995 --> 00:15:53,747 AMY: For years. 239 00:15:53,914 --> 00:15:56,917 Doctors, hospitals. 240 00:15:57,626 --> 00:16:01,088 God. He was so sweet. 241 00:16:02,506 --> 00:16:03,840 But he-- 242 00:16:04,007 --> 00:16:05,842 He moved. 243 00:16:07,469 --> 00:16:13,433 From room to room, sometimes further. You'd hear his voice and you'd follow it. 244 00:16:14,643 --> 00:16:15,727 AMY: He wouldn't be there. 245 00:16:16,144 --> 00:16:17,437 And he knew things. 246 00:16:17,854 --> 00:16:20,399 Conversations he couldn't have heard. 247 00:16:20,565 --> 00:16:22,275 More than conversations. 248 00:16:22,442 --> 00:16:23,485 Thoughts. 249 00:16:24,444 --> 00:16:28,198 AMY: I'd catch him talking to people who weren't there. 250 00:16:28,365 --> 00:16:31,076 Who are you talking to? 251 00:16:31,243 --> 00:16:35,664 - And he would say, "King." - The dog. 252 00:16:36,331 --> 00:16:38,125 KISSINGER: Your dog. 253 00:16:38,500 --> 00:16:41,670 - David spoke of him often. AMY: Doctor... 254 00:16:45,090 --> 00:16:47,259 ...we didn't have a dog. 255 00:17:07,070 --> 00:17:10,824 DAVID: If you come with me, you are gonna see things. 256 00:17:21,960 --> 00:17:24,463 You will not feel the same about me. 257 00:17:33,305 --> 00:17:35,015 [WOMAN MOANING] 258 00:17:54,409 --> 00:17:57,996 Cary called, he found an address for Philly. 259 00:18:00,040 --> 00:18:01,333 Hey, Syd. 260 00:18:01,500 --> 00:18:03,210 Syd. 261 00:18:03,543 --> 00:18:06,296 Cary called, he found an address for the girlfriend. 262 00:18:06,463 --> 00:18:08,548 Ex-girlfriend. 263 00:18:10,342 --> 00:18:11,384 Mm-hm. 264 00:18:11,968 --> 00:18:17,432 So you live inside his body? 265 00:18:17,599 --> 00:18:18,809 We share. 266 00:18:20,560 --> 00:18:22,020 Is that weird? 267 00:18:23,063 --> 00:18:25,732 I'll tell you a story. 268 00:18:26,399 --> 00:18:28,151 Ray and Irma Whitecloud. 269 00:18:28,318 --> 00:18:31,738 They're having their first kid. And it's a girl. A native girl. 270 00:18:31,905 --> 00:18:34,491 They decide to name her Kerry. 271 00:18:34,950 --> 00:18:37,244 KERRY & CARY [IN UNISON]: Nine months later... 272 00:18:37,744 --> 00:18:39,287 CARY: ...a skinny white boy comes out. 273 00:18:39,454 --> 00:18:41,665 KERRY: Ray decides Irma had an affair. 274 00:18:41,832 --> 00:18:44,626 He leaves her. So now Irma's a single mother... 275 00:18:44,793 --> 00:18:47,754 ...raising this bastard runt. 276 00:18:47,921 --> 00:18:54,803 CARY: Then, eight years later, little boy Cary wakes up in his room.... 277 00:18:59,474 --> 00:19:06,523 KERRY: And there is an 8-year-old native girl playing with his train set. 278 00:19:08,358 --> 00:19:11,027 So for the next year he thinks maybe he made her up. 279 00:19:11,194 --> 00:19:16,074 Like his imaginary friend who comes and goes. 280 00:19:16,449 --> 00:19:18,702 CARY & KERRY [IN UNISON]: But then he figures out that... 281 00:19:19,995 --> 00:19:22,539 CARY: ...she lives inside of him. 282 00:19:25,000 --> 00:19:31,047 KERRY & CARY [IN UNISON]: That they're two people in one body. 283 00:19:35,552 --> 00:19:37,429 SYD: That's his side. What about you? 284 00:19:38,305 --> 00:19:40,056 What do you mean? 285 00:19:42,893 --> 00:19:45,478 You're a person too. 286 00:19:45,979 --> 00:19:48,064 With feelings. 287 00:19:48,690 --> 00:19:51,359 I'm asking what it's like for you. 288 00:19:54,988 --> 00:19:57,699 He does the boring stuff, okay? 289 00:19:57,866 --> 00:19:59,117 Eating, sleeping. 290 00:19:59,284 --> 00:20:05,165 Whatever it is you guys do in the bathroom, and I get all the action. 291 00:20:06,875 --> 00:20:09,085 He makes me laugh, and I keep him safe. 292 00:20:09,252 --> 00:20:13,715 If that's weird... 293 00:20:15,091 --> 00:20:17,093 ...I'm okay with it. 294 00:20:25,018 --> 00:20:27,312 COMPUTERIZED VOICE: Electrical malfunction. 295 00:20:27,479 --> 00:20:29,356 MELANIE: Are you sure you're up for this? 296 00:20:29,522 --> 00:20:32,067 SYD: Don't worry, we'll get the facts. 297 00:20:33,151 --> 00:20:35,695 MELANIE: It's just a risk we'll have to take. 298 00:21:00,220 --> 00:21:02,138 A diving suit. You're sure? 299 00:21:02,305 --> 00:21:03,807 It's not just coincidence. 300 00:21:03,974 --> 00:21:05,976 With David gone. 301 00:21:07,727 --> 00:21:09,771 Maybe he's waking up. 302 00:21:09,938 --> 00:21:12,357 Maybe, but don't get your hopes up. 303 00:21:12,524 --> 00:21:14,985 We've been wrong before. 304 00:21:20,699 --> 00:21:22,742 Do you miss her? 305 00:21:23,118 --> 00:21:24,744 Kerry? 306 00:21:26,621 --> 00:21:28,498 Is that dumb? 307 00:21:28,748 --> 00:21:30,250 No. 308 00:21:30,959 --> 00:21:32,711 MELANIE: It's sweet. 309 00:21:33,420 --> 00:21:36,548 It so amazes me how she only ages when she's outside your body. 310 00:21:36,715 --> 00:21:40,093 CARY: I know, and here I am getting old. 311 00:21:40,260 --> 00:21:42,887 What happens to her when I die, I wonder? 312 00:21:49,102 --> 00:21:50,812 Is he--? 313 00:21:51,104 --> 00:21:52,522 He's still here. 314 00:21:53,189 --> 00:21:55,108 His body. 315 00:21:56,609 --> 00:21:58,486 CARY: Ah-ah-ah. 316 00:22:00,780 --> 00:22:02,574 Oliver. 317 00:22:05,368 --> 00:22:07,287 It's me. 318 00:22:07,454 --> 00:22:08,455 [ALARM WAILING] 319 00:22:08,621 --> 00:22:09,622 COMPUTERIZED VOICE: Unannounced visitor. 320 00:22:10,206 --> 00:22:11,666 Unannounced visitor. 321 00:22:12,375 --> 00:22:14,461 Unannounced visitor. 322 00:22:14,627 --> 00:22:16,671 Unannounced visitor. 323 00:22:16,838 --> 00:22:18,965 Unannounced visitor. 324 00:22:19,132 --> 00:22:21,259 Unannounced visitor. 325 00:22:21,426 --> 00:22:23,928 Unannounced visitor. 326 00:22:24,429 --> 00:22:25,972 Unannounced-- 327 00:22:27,015 --> 00:22:28,516 - What was it? - Nothing. 328 00:22:28,683 --> 00:22:31,186 I told you we need to replace this operating system. 329 00:22:31,352 --> 00:22:32,729 MELANIE: No. 330 00:22:32,896 --> 00:22:34,189 He's trying to reach us. 331 00:22:36,066 --> 00:22:38,359 We could hear you, my love. 332 00:22:41,237 --> 00:22:43,281 Come back to us. 333 00:22:54,709 --> 00:22:56,419 [INDISTINCT WHISPERING] 334 00:23:00,590 --> 00:23:02,133 [ALL YELLING] 335 00:23:07,055 --> 00:23:09,057 COMPUTERIZED VOICE: Unannounced visitor. 336 00:23:09,224 --> 00:23:11,226 Unannounced visitor. 337 00:23:11,392 --> 00:23:13,520 Unannounced visitor. 338 00:23:13,686 --> 00:23:15,730 Unannounced visitor. 339 00:23:15,897 --> 00:23:18,108 Unannounced visitor. 340 00:23:18,274 --> 00:23:20,276 Unannounced visitor. 341 00:23:20,443 --> 00:23:22,320 Unannounced-- 342 00:23:42,382 --> 00:23:44,008 Wait. 343 00:25:30,573 --> 00:25:32,200 Drink? 344 00:25:33,451 --> 00:25:34,494 Uh.... 345 00:25:35,245 --> 00:25:37,080 Sure. 346 00:25:39,082 --> 00:25:42,252 What's real in this space is whatever you want it to be. 347 00:25:42,418 --> 00:25:47,382 So my feeling is why not wait in style? 348 00:25:47,840 --> 00:25:49,634 Wait for what? 349 00:25:49,801 --> 00:25:51,719 Where are we? 350 00:25:52,637 --> 00:25:54,013 OLIVER: Sorry about the cold. 351 00:25:54,180 --> 00:25:57,475 It's the only thing I can't seem to fix in here. 352 00:25:58,226 --> 00:26:01,980 Oh. Would you like to listen to something? 353 00:26:10,363 --> 00:26:12,240 [MODERN JAZZ MUSIC PLAYING OVER SPEAKERS] 354 00:26:22,083 --> 00:26:23,626 It's, um-- 355 00:26:24,836 --> 00:26:27,005 Hey, dig that groove. 356 00:26:27,171 --> 00:26:29,299 Ah, it's genius. 357 00:26:30,008 --> 00:26:31,467 Can you--? 358 00:26:35,847 --> 00:26:37,390 Could you turn it off? 359 00:26:39,183 --> 00:26:40,351 [MUSIC STOPS] 360 00:26:40,560 --> 00:26:42,228 Sorry. 361 00:26:42,603 --> 00:26:44,772 I forgot about your, um.... 362 00:26:45,940 --> 00:26:48,901 I had a similar proclivity. 363 00:26:49,068 --> 00:26:50,111 Malady. 364 00:26:50,278 --> 00:26:52,697 I forget the word. What's the word? 365 00:26:53,114 --> 00:26:58,119 I've been here a long time and things tend to, uh... 366 00:26:59,829 --> 00:27:00,997 ...drift. 367 00:27:01,164 --> 00:27:02,832 Right. 368 00:27:03,291 --> 00:27:06,878 And here is...? 369 00:27:10,465 --> 00:27:13,134 See, I was-- They gave me a shot. 370 00:27:13,301 --> 00:27:17,305 A sedative. For the memory work, and when I woke up, I was-- 371 00:27:18,681 --> 00:27:21,309 Unless I'm not really awake. 372 00:27:22,352 --> 00:27:23,936 Maybe this is the drug. 373 00:27:24,103 --> 00:27:25,855 Tell me something, do they still, uh...? 374 00:27:26,022 --> 00:27:27,357 Is free love still a thing? 375 00:27:27,523 --> 00:27:30,109 Girls in summer dresses with no bra? 376 00:27:31,694 --> 00:27:34,322 Not really. It's definitely.... 377 00:27:34,489 --> 00:27:35,531 Bras are back. 378 00:27:37,825 --> 00:27:38,910 Too bad. 379 00:27:39,535 --> 00:27:41,496 So.... 380 00:27:42,246 --> 00:27:44,540 Oh. Yes, right. 381 00:27:44,707 --> 00:27:46,084 Well.... 382 00:27:46,250 --> 00:27:49,629 There's good news and there's bad news. 383 00:27:49,796 --> 00:27:52,382 The bad news is it's not the drug. 384 00:27:52,548 --> 00:27:53,716 You're here. 385 00:27:53,883 --> 00:27:55,343 In the astral plane. 386 00:27:55,510 --> 00:27:58,012 You went too far into the make-believe and got lost. 387 00:27:58,179 --> 00:28:01,182 Your mind. Consciousness. 388 00:28:01,808 --> 00:28:06,437 And now you're trapped in this no place... 389 00:28:06,604 --> 00:28:08,689 ...where every day is the same... 390 00:28:08,856 --> 00:28:11,401 ...where you can imaginify yourself a kingdom... 391 00:28:11,567 --> 00:28:13,694 ...but nothing is ever real. 392 00:28:15,822 --> 00:28:18,324 And what's the good news? 393 00:28:18,491 --> 00:28:22,120 I'm not alone anymore. How do you feel about beat poetry? 394 00:28:23,413 --> 00:28:29,252 I went to the neon fruit supermarket Dreaming of your enumerations 395 00:28:29,419 --> 00:28:33,047 What peaches and what penumbras 396 00:28:33,214 --> 00:28:36,551 Whole families shopping at night 397 00:28:36,717 --> 00:28:41,139 Aisles full of husbands Wives and the avocados 398 00:28:41,305 --> 00:28:42,515 Babies and the tomatoes-- 399 00:28:42,682 --> 00:28:44,892 Uh, sir. 400 00:28:46,269 --> 00:28:47,603 Oliver. Please. 401 00:28:49,105 --> 00:28:50,189 Don't worry. 402 00:28:50,982 --> 00:28:53,484 He can't get you in here. 403 00:28:54,318 --> 00:28:57,447 - He? - Your monster. 404 00:28:58,990 --> 00:29:00,032 Ah. 405 00:29:00,491 --> 00:29:03,453 He makes you forget. Clever. 406 00:29:04,328 --> 00:29:06,873 - What are you--? - You have an unquiet mind... 407 00:29:07,039 --> 00:29:13,504 ...and so you war with yourself, like a dog trying to chew off its own tail. 408 00:29:14,505 --> 00:29:19,635 - Like I said, I've seen it before. - I'm-- I was schizophrenic, I thought. 409 00:29:19,802 --> 00:29:22,305 But Melanie said it was because of my powers. 410 00:29:22,472 --> 00:29:23,931 Melanie. 411 00:29:24,182 --> 00:29:25,266 I knew a Melanie once. 412 00:29:26,267 --> 00:29:29,562 You know what? I gotta get out of here. Back to the-- They need me. 413 00:29:29,729 --> 00:29:30,938 Amy needs me. 414 00:29:31,105 --> 00:29:32,315 Amy, your girlfriend. 415 00:29:32,482 --> 00:29:34,817 No, your sister. 416 00:29:35,234 --> 00:29:38,154 - How do you--? - I wouldn't go out there. 417 00:29:38,321 --> 00:29:39,739 It's waiting. 418 00:29:40,239 --> 00:29:41,282 The monster. 419 00:29:41,824 --> 00:29:45,161 You brought it in here, and now it's hunting you. 420 00:29:45,328 --> 00:29:48,498 There is no monster. It's just me. I know that. 421 00:29:48,664 --> 00:29:51,834 It's just me. It's my psychology. 422 00:29:52,001 --> 00:29:54,212 Mm.... Monster as metaphor. I like it. 423 00:29:54,378 --> 00:29:55,421 But wrong. 424 00:29:55,588 --> 00:29:58,174 It's part of you, that's true, but not like a symptom. 425 00:29:58,341 --> 00:30:00,134 More like a... 426 00:30:00,676 --> 00:30:01,761 ...parasite. 427 00:30:03,888 --> 00:30:07,350 - Are you saying I'm haunted? - No. That's superstition. I'm a scientist. 428 00:30:07,517 --> 00:30:10,311 I'm saying maybe it's good you're here. 429 00:30:10,561 --> 00:30:12,688 Figure some things out. 430 00:30:12,855 --> 00:30:14,232 Defeat the dragon. 431 00:30:14,398 --> 00:30:18,152 Unless, you know, the dragon wins. 432 00:30:19,070 --> 00:30:21,656 Listen, I can't just-- People need me. Syd and Amy. 433 00:30:21,822 --> 00:30:24,325 So I am gonna get out of this place. 434 00:30:24,492 --> 00:30:26,369 - I am not waiting. - How? 435 00:30:26,536 --> 00:30:30,373 I don't know. But apparently I'm this super-powerful mutant... 436 00:30:30,540 --> 00:30:33,376 ...so I'm guessing I'll figure something out. 437 00:30:44,262 --> 00:30:45,930 Pity. 438 00:30:46,138 --> 00:30:49,559 Two more and we could have had a barbershop quartet. 439 00:30:55,064 --> 00:30:56,482 Right. 440 00:30:57,024 --> 00:30:58,901 I'll watch for you as best I can... 441 00:30:59,068 --> 00:31:02,488 ...but things get muddy out there in the vast subconscious. 442 00:31:02,947 --> 00:31:08,077 Remember, it's not real unless you make it real. 443 00:31:17,670 --> 00:31:19,088 Come back any time. 444 00:31:19,255 --> 00:31:21,173 Wednesday is karaoke night. 445 00:31:47,908 --> 00:31:51,037 SYD: We moved through a city of normals. 446 00:31:51,621 --> 00:31:54,498 Soldiers in a secret war. 447 00:31:54,915 --> 00:31:59,545 We were the ghosts in a haunted house, the golem of myth. 448 00:31:59,712 --> 00:32:04,842 To the normal, we were just superstition, make-believe. 449 00:32:05,092 --> 00:32:07,470 Sometimes it felt like that to us too. 450 00:32:12,224 --> 00:32:13,893 To me... 451 00:32:14,435 --> 00:32:17,563 ...I was a woman who couldn't be touched. 452 00:32:20,274 --> 00:32:23,402 In love with a man who wasn't there. 453 00:32:25,988 --> 00:32:27,990 What was real? 454 00:32:29,533 --> 00:32:33,371 The old girlfriend, that was the mission. 455 00:32:34,455 --> 00:32:37,833 PTONOMY: I need you to take the lead, so I can scan her. 456 00:32:38,209 --> 00:32:39,251 Scan her? 457 00:32:39,418 --> 00:32:43,339 I'll look through her memories while you keep her busy. I need 30 to 40 minutes. 458 00:32:43,506 --> 00:32:46,717 How am I supposed to keep her busy for 30 to 40 minutes? 459 00:32:46,884 --> 00:32:48,719 Buy a house. 460 00:32:48,886 --> 00:32:50,888 If you see anything, just whistle. 461 00:32:51,055 --> 00:32:53,683 There's gonna be some fighting soon, right? 462 00:32:54,475 --> 00:32:59,021 To fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence. 463 00:32:59,188 --> 00:33:02,900 Supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy's resistance... 464 00:33:03,067 --> 00:33:04,735 ...without fighting. 465 00:33:04,902 --> 00:33:06,570 - Whatever. - Oh.... 466 00:33:08,531 --> 00:33:10,032 And I'm blind. 467 00:33:10,199 --> 00:33:14,161 And are we looking for a one-bedroom or a two-bedroom? 468 00:33:14,829 --> 00:33:15,955 Kids. 469 00:33:16,122 --> 00:33:17,415 We're hoping to have kids. 470 00:33:17,581 --> 00:33:20,209 Oh, wow. Congratulations. 471 00:33:25,172 --> 00:33:26,173 SYD: No, no, no. 472 00:33:26,340 --> 00:33:28,217 No, we're not, um... 473 00:33:28,384 --> 00:33:29,427 ...having kids. 474 00:33:29,593 --> 00:33:31,220 It's just, uh.... 475 00:33:31,804 --> 00:33:33,055 We're talking. 476 00:33:33,222 --> 00:33:34,265 [BOTH CHUCKLE] 477 00:33:34,432 --> 00:33:38,936 Oh, well, you don't get them just by talking. Ha, ha, ha! 478 00:33:39,687 --> 00:33:42,440 So I know it's a stretch of our price range... 479 00:33:42,606 --> 00:33:45,317 ...but we were thinking about something on the west side. 480 00:33:45,484 --> 00:33:49,864 Great. You wanna take a look at some places.... 481 00:34:05,671 --> 00:34:06,922 More coffee? 482 00:34:07,089 --> 00:34:09,675 Oh, no. I've got a hard enough time sleeping as it is. 483 00:34:09,842 --> 00:34:11,719 PHILLY: David has the same problem. 484 00:34:11,886 --> 00:34:13,929 He's always tossing and turning. 485 00:34:14,096 --> 00:34:16,265 And sometimes he talks in his sleep. 486 00:34:16,432 --> 00:34:19,143 We don't have to-- It's not a session. 487 00:34:19,310 --> 00:34:23,272 He's right. But I'd like to hear more about this dog you're thinking of getting. 488 00:34:23,439 --> 00:34:26,442 His name is Archie. David had a beagle when he was a kid. 489 00:34:26,609 --> 00:34:29,445 King. His name was King, he went with me, like, everywhere. 490 00:34:29,820 --> 00:34:33,491 PHILLY: He sounds like just the cutest thing. I keep asking for pictures, but-- 491 00:34:33,866 --> 00:34:36,160 Amy must have some. I don't keep a lot of stuff. 492 00:34:36,327 --> 00:34:37,369 A lot? 493 00:34:37,536 --> 00:34:40,998 We're talking nothing. No pictures, no favorite teddy bear. 494 00:34:41,165 --> 00:34:44,001 No evidence he was ever.... 495 00:34:44,168 --> 00:34:47,087 You know, heh, heh, had a past. 496 00:34:57,348 --> 00:34:58,891 ...evidence, he was ever.... 497 00:34:59,058 --> 00:35:01,352 You know, heh, had a past. 498 00:35:19,620 --> 00:35:21,997 PHILLY: So, uh, you wanna take a tour? 499 00:35:22,414 --> 00:35:26,085 No, thanks. I think we found what we were looking for. 500 00:35:26,252 --> 00:35:29,213 I'm sorry. You look so familiar. 501 00:35:29,380 --> 00:35:32,550 - Did you date someone named David? - Syd. 502 00:35:33,717 --> 00:35:35,594 Are you friends of his? 503 00:35:39,557 --> 00:35:41,016 Do you know where he is? 504 00:35:41,892 --> 00:35:44,353 No. We.... 505 00:35:44,520 --> 00:35:46,564 We're looking for him actually. 506 00:35:47,273 --> 00:35:50,943 But I just wanted you to know he said such nice things about you. 507 00:35:52,152 --> 00:35:53,904 Did he--? 508 00:35:54,280 --> 00:35:57,241 Did things end badly with you guys? 509 00:35:57,741 --> 00:35:59,159 It's-- 510 00:36:00,077 --> 00:36:01,704 I thought I could fix him. 511 00:36:01,871 --> 00:36:04,248 He was so troubled, you know. 512 00:36:05,291 --> 00:36:07,835 He was always nice to me. 513 00:36:08,836 --> 00:36:11,088 But then he went off his medication. 514 00:36:11,255 --> 00:36:13,132 He had this friend. Benny. 515 00:36:13,591 --> 00:36:15,551 SYD: You mean Lenny. PHILLY: No. Benny. 516 00:36:15,718 --> 00:36:17,219 He was a.... 517 00:36:17,720 --> 00:36:19,471 Pusher, I guess. 518 00:36:19,638 --> 00:36:21,682 David's friend, the one he did drugs with-- 519 00:36:21,974 --> 00:36:23,642 Unhand the reptile, space captain. 520 00:36:23,809 --> 00:36:26,937 Hey, now, don't fight. 521 00:36:27,104 --> 00:36:28,147 --was a man. 522 00:36:28,314 --> 00:36:30,566 Yeah. A big guy. 523 00:36:30,733 --> 00:36:34,236 He smiled a lot, but not with his eyes. 524 00:36:35,779 --> 00:36:39,950 If I see him, is there anything that you wanna say? A message? 525 00:36:44,747 --> 00:36:46,582 Tell him... 526 00:36:49,001 --> 00:36:50,169 [WHISPERS] ...they're watching. 527 00:37:02,932 --> 00:37:04,850 SYD: Are we gonna talk about Benny? 528 00:37:05,017 --> 00:37:06,310 PTONOMY: You saw the memories. 529 00:37:06,477 --> 00:37:08,562 Everywhere we went it was David and Lenny... 530 00:37:08,729 --> 00:37:10,773 ...his old female friend from the hospital. 531 00:37:10,940 --> 00:37:13,609 Who I buried in a wall. How'd she end up stitched in David's memory? 532 00:37:13,776 --> 00:37:15,736 This would be an awesome place to have a fight. 533 00:37:15,903 --> 00:37:18,364 I don't know. But whoever altered David's memory... 534 00:37:18,530 --> 00:37:20,407 ...replaced the real dude with Lenny. 535 00:37:20,574 --> 00:37:23,077 Helicopters coming in, gunships. Ninjas on fast ropes. 536 00:37:23,243 --> 00:37:24,286 - Heck, yeah. - Why? 537 00:37:24,453 --> 00:37:25,788 I don't know. 538 00:37:25,955 --> 00:37:27,331 Let's ask the doctor. 539 00:37:32,962 --> 00:37:36,632 SYD: Lenny, Benny, which one was real? 540 00:37:36,799 --> 00:37:39,593 Or were they one and the same? 541 00:37:40,135 --> 00:37:42,638 A man who became a woman. 542 00:37:42,805 --> 00:37:43,806 [KNOCK ON DOOR] 543 00:37:43,973 --> 00:37:46,725 Or maybe it was just an illusion. 544 00:37:47,810 --> 00:37:49,561 SYD: Dr. Poole. 545 00:37:49,728 --> 00:37:52,272 We're here about David Haller. 546 00:37:52,564 --> 00:37:55,693 - I don't talk about my patients. SYD: Please. 547 00:37:57,111 --> 00:37:59,238 He's in trouble. 548 00:37:59,613 --> 00:38:04,493 You told us that he broke into your office to steal things so that he could buy drugs. 549 00:38:04,743 --> 00:38:06,286 We think there's another story. 550 00:38:08,622 --> 00:38:10,332 SYD: Doctor, five minutes... 551 00:38:10,499 --> 00:38:12,543 ...and you'll never see us again. 552 00:38:26,140 --> 00:38:29,184 I swept upstairs. Nothing. 553 00:38:30,436 --> 00:38:31,812 Same drill. 554 00:38:31,979 --> 00:38:34,440 You talk, I'll search his memories. 555 00:38:34,606 --> 00:38:36,650 No. It's-- 556 00:38:36,817 --> 00:38:38,610 We're not spies. 557 00:38:38,777 --> 00:38:41,572 If he's willing to talk, let's let him talk. 558 00:38:49,455 --> 00:38:52,708 - Thank you. - Of course. 559 00:38:55,544 --> 00:38:59,840 SYD: So you're a lighthouse keeper now? 560 00:39:00,632 --> 00:39:03,260 I like to think I was always a lighthouse keeper. 561 00:39:03,427 --> 00:39:06,346 How long did you treat David? 562 00:39:06,597 --> 00:39:08,807 POOLE: On and off for three years. 563 00:39:08,974 --> 00:39:10,017 Why off? 564 00:39:10,184 --> 00:39:13,687 POOLE: People with schizophrenia are subject to delusional thinking. 565 00:39:13,854 --> 00:39:17,274 When David was on his medication, he was open... 566 00:39:17,441 --> 00:39:20,069 ...almost desperate to work. 567 00:39:20,611 --> 00:39:26,533 - But when he went off it.... - What about drugs or booze? 568 00:39:26,700 --> 00:39:30,621 He had conflicting impulses, good and bad. 569 00:39:31,205 --> 00:39:32,581 There was a friend. 570 00:39:32,748 --> 00:39:34,208 A man or woman? 571 00:39:34,374 --> 00:39:35,876 A man. 572 00:39:36,043 --> 00:39:37,586 Benny. 573 00:39:38,212 --> 00:39:42,716 He had, I'd say, a negative effect on David's treatment. 574 00:39:44,009 --> 00:39:48,180 Was he different at all, David, before the break-in? 575 00:39:48,347 --> 00:39:50,140 Days or weeks? 576 00:39:50,307 --> 00:39:52,643 He doubled his sessions. 577 00:39:53,769 --> 00:39:58,107 It was clear that there were things he wanted to say, but couldn't. 578 00:39:58,816 --> 00:40:00,150 Until his last appointment. 579 00:40:00,317 --> 00:40:02,361 SYD: Dr. Poole... 580 00:40:02,736 --> 00:40:04,488 ...what did the stars say? 581 00:40:08,700 --> 00:40:10,786 You're in love with him. 582 00:40:13,872 --> 00:40:14,957 Yes. 583 00:40:17,584 --> 00:40:20,337 I'd very much like to see David again. 584 00:40:20,546 --> 00:40:22,422 Could you take me to him? 585 00:40:22,589 --> 00:40:26,468 - Why? - Because I have the same question you do. 586 00:40:27,302 --> 00:40:29,847 I had a wife, kids. 587 00:40:31,140 --> 00:40:34,309 Now I can't see out of one eye. 588 00:40:34,476 --> 00:40:35,894 I can't concentrate. 589 00:40:36,061 --> 00:40:37,688 He ruined my life. 590 00:40:39,690 --> 00:40:41,984 I just want to ask him why. 591 00:40:49,658 --> 00:40:51,076 So he's in charge? 592 00:40:51,243 --> 00:40:52,995 Nobody's in charge. 593 00:40:53,162 --> 00:40:54,246 We're here together. 594 00:40:56,248 --> 00:40:58,125 And Melanie Bird? 595 00:40:59,251 --> 00:41:01,420 Is she not the leader of your little band? 596 00:41:02,963 --> 00:41:05,340 What did you just say? 597 00:41:07,092 --> 00:41:08,677 It's a trap. 598 00:41:15,058 --> 00:41:16,643 - Shit. - Upstairs. 599 00:41:53,472 --> 00:41:57,643 All day it was talk, talk, talk-- 600 00:41:58,185 --> 00:41:59,311 My turn. 601 00:42:19,414 --> 00:42:22,834 [FEIST'S "THE UNDISCOVERED FIRST" PLAYING OVER SPEAKERS] 602 00:42:47,109 --> 00:42:54,908 I had what I thought were clear Open eyes, bright blue 603 00:42:57,536 --> 00:43:01,248 Vision of a lake 604 00:43:01,415 --> 00:43:06,003 Carryin' pictures to lay on you 605 00:43:08,255 --> 00:43:11,049 Close the blinds, let 'em in 606 00:43:11,216 --> 00:43:18,098 Don't mind openin' It's the edge of love 607 00:43:19,141 --> 00:43:23,603 You can't un-think a thought 608 00:43:23,770 --> 00:43:28,900 Either it's there or not 609 00:43:30,902 --> 00:43:35,866 Shadows of the mountain 610 00:43:36,033 --> 00:43:40,245 Don't tell them what's under 611 00:43:40,495 --> 00:43:44,708 The breadth and the height 612 00:43:44,875 --> 00:43:50,047 Of an undiscovered first 613 00:43:50,213 --> 00:43:54,551 Shadows of the mountain 614 00:43:54,718 --> 00:43:59,431 Don't tell them what's in store 615 00:43:59,598 --> 00:44:03,477 The height and the breadth 616 00:44:03,643 --> 00:44:09,024 Is it wrong to want more? 617 00:44:13,153 --> 00:44:14,196 [INAUDIBLE] 618 00:44:40,013 --> 00:44:42,474 THE EYE: We've been looking for you. 619 00:44:44,101 --> 00:44:46,103 That was a mistake. 620 00:45:06,706 --> 00:45:09,835 Is this the right mountain 621 00:45:11,503 --> 00:45:13,880 For us to climb? 622 00:45:16,049 --> 00:45:19,719 Is this the way to live 623 00:45:20,554 --> 00:45:23,181 For you to be mine? 624 00:45:25,600 --> 00:45:29,062 Is this the way to live 625 00:45:30,439 --> 00:45:33,066 For me to be yours? 626 00:45:35,485 --> 00:45:38,613 Is this the way to live 627 00:45:39,865 --> 00:45:43,243 Is it wrong to want more? 628 00:45:44,744 --> 00:45:52,502 Is this the way to live for me to be yours? 629 00:45:54,463 --> 00:46:02,095 Is this the way to live? Is it wrong to want more? 630 00:46:05,307 --> 00:46:08,310 MAN: Sir. - Targets acquired. 631 00:46:08,477 --> 00:46:10,479 - The other? - Secured but feisty. 632 00:46:10,645 --> 00:46:12,939 It's a trick. He's not-- Unh! 633 00:46:14,941 --> 00:46:17,235 THE EYE: Throw them in the vehicle. 634 00:46:17,944 --> 00:46:20,363 I'll take them back myself. 635 00:46:29,289 --> 00:46:31,082 LENNY: All good in the head now? 636 00:46:33,919 --> 00:46:36,379 You think you're safe here? 637 00:46:38,298 --> 00:46:40,467 With these clowns? 638 00:46:41,593 --> 00:46:44,304 Dreaming you're a mountain climber? 639 00:46:51,228 --> 00:46:53,021 Look, it's your little room. 640 00:46:57,484 --> 00:46:58,818 I am not in the mood. 641 00:47:00,946 --> 00:47:01,988 [LENNY WHISTLES] 642 00:47:03,031 --> 00:47:05,909 Whoopsie. I guess we gotta talk. 643 00:47:06,993 --> 00:47:08,620 Kid. 644 00:47:08,787 --> 00:47:09,996 Hey, kid. 645 00:47:10,163 --> 00:47:11,456 Are you my friend? 646 00:47:11,623 --> 00:47:15,043 - Because I could really use-- - Yes, of course I'm your friend. Come on. 647 00:47:15,210 --> 00:47:20,590 It's just-- I'm Betsy Tough Love, your mean friend. 648 00:47:20,799 --> 00:47:23,176 But don't worry, I love you. 649 00:47:23,343 --> 00:47:26,012 - Blow me. - Don't swing that way, bro. 650 00:47:26,304 --> 00:47:29,057 But I could be talked into a circle jerk. 651 00:47:29,224 --> 00:47:33,812 That is if you can get it up in this place. 652 00:47:33,979 --> 00:47:38,483 I've been walking around, looking for an exit like an idiot. 653 00:47:41,069 --> 00:47:45,407 All those years of practice and now, poof, mission complete. 654 00:47:46,366 --> 00:47:47,576 I lost my mind. 655 00:47:47,742 --> 00:47:50,870 Yeah, well, you screwed up, kid. I told you not to trust them. 656 00:47:51,037 --> 00:47:54,457 I mean, what kind of a name is Summerland? 657 00:47:54,624 --> 00:47:58,503 You know, you let your guard down, man. They gave you a shot and now we're here. 658 00:47:58,670 --> 00:48:00,297 No. He said it wasn't the drugs. 659 00:48:00,463 --> 00:48:02,632 Who? Captain Nemo, in his giant ice cube? 660 00:48:02,799 --> 00:48:04,301 COMPUTERIZED VOICE: Unannounced visitors. 661 00:48:04,509 --> 00:48:07,262 They doped you up and kicked you out of your own body... 662 00:48:07,429 --> 00:48:09,431 ...to do who knows what. 663 00:48:09,598 --> 00:48:12,601 Uncle Fiddly with the glasses and the angry girl inside him... 664 00:48:12,767 --> 00:48:17,105 - ...they could be fingering you right now. - Who are you? Really. 665 00:48:18,523 --> 00:48:19,858 I'm you. 666 00:48:20,025 --> 00:48:21,735 I'm me. 667 00:48:21,943 --> 00:48:24,654 I'm everything you wanna be. 668 00:48:25,697 --> 00:48:27,407 Please. 669 00:48:27,907 --> 00:48:29,743 The truth. 670 00:48:33,288 --> 00:48:34,623 Here's the truth, pal... 671 00:48:34,789 --> 00:48:37,042 ...we gotta get out of here. Okay? 672 00:48:37,208 --> 00:48:38,501 You and me. 673 00:48:38,668 --> 00:48:40,879 Because wherever you go, there I am. 674 00:48:41,046 --> 00:48:44,799 I can't hang out in this shit-stain no-place much longer. I got things to do. 675 00:48:44,966 --> 00:48:49,554 - What does that mean? - So I was thinking if you just concentrate... 676 00:48:49,721 --> 00:48:53,516 ...or if together maybe we-- 677 00:48:53,683 --> 00:48:55,226 Hey. 678 00:48:56,478 --> 00:48:59,356 Or maybe you need a little more motivation. 679 00:49:00,482 --> 00:49:01,524 Wait, is that--? 680 00:49:01,691 --> 00:49:06,029 That's right. In the real world, that guy's about to shank your girlfriend. 681 00:49:06,196 --> 00:49:07,614 - Or worse. - Ugh. 682 00:49:07,781 --> 00:49:09,240 - Get mad. - No. 683 00:49:09,407 --> 00:49:11,284 Oh, no. 684 00:49:11,451 --> 00:49:12,702 [GRUNTING] 685 00:49:12,869 --> 00:49:14,537 LENNY: Come on. Let it come. 686 00:49:14,704 --> 00:49:15,747 [SCREAMING] 687 00:49:19,584 --> 00:49:22,420 Come on. Come on. 688 00:49:45,110 --> 00:49:46,611 Syd! 689 00:49:48,947 --> 00:49:50,490 Syd. 690 00:49:51,533 --> 00:49:53,118 Syd. 691 00:50:02,043 --> 00:50:04,587 It's okay. I'm here. 692 00:50:07,465 --> 00:50:08,758 It's okay. 693 00:50:08,925 --> 00:50:10,343 We were looking for you. 694 00:50:10,510 --> 00:50:12,137 I know. I got lost. 695 00:50:12,303 --> 00:50:14,889 Here, hold this. I'll check on the others. 696 00:50:44,335 --> 00:50:46,004 Ah! Oh.... 697 00:50:46,880 --> 00:50:49,090 Run. I'll protect you. Go. 698 00:50:49,257 --> 00:50:50,592 Grab her! 699 00:50:51,760 --> 00:50:53,136 No. 700 00:51:05,523 --> 00:51:07,025 [GRUNTING] 701 00:51:10,069 --> 00:51:11,988 David. 702 00:51:16,701 --> 00:51:18,787 - Run! - No. It's me. 703 00:51:20,872 --> 00:51:22,749 [IN SYD'S VOICE] David. 704 00:51:49,567 --> 00:51:51,444 [KERRY GROANING]