1 00:01:33,626 --> 00:01:38,894 NEW YORK, SEPTEMBER, 2003 2 00:01:51,611 --> 00:01:53,170 My name is Michael Sullivan. 3 00:01:54,247 --> 00:01:57,200 And I have a story, I think you're gonna want to hear 4 00:01:57,255 --> 00:02:01 ,953 BASED ON A TRUE STORY 5 00:02:05,994 --> 00:02:12,227 6 00:02:14,234 --> 00:02:18,000 7 00:02:18,204 --> 00:02:20,866 8 00:02:23,676 --> 00:02:29,706 9 00:02:32,018 --> 00:02:38,321 10 00:02:53,506 --> 00:02:57,465 UNITED NATIONS, NEW YORK OCTOBER, 2002 11 00:03:02,849 --> 00:03:04,214 Michael Sullivan? 12 00:03:17,463 --> 00:03:19,744 How long have you been in as lobbyist for Banco Belasquian? 13 00:03:20,900 --> 00:03:21,924 Two years. 14 00:03:22,202 --> 00:03:24,694 A lot of strategy, research and reports. 15 00:03:26,439 --> 00:03:27,600 That's a good job. 16 00:03:27,840 --> 00:03:28,840 You're not happy there? 17 00:03:29,375 --> 00:03:30,706 No, I'm just... 18 00:03:31,344 --> 00:03:33,369 I don't want to wake up when I'm 40 and.. 19 00:03:33,580 --> 00:03:36,675 discovered the only thing I contributed to the world is, 20 00:03:36,883 --> 00:03:39,147 tax shelters, sweatshops and holes in the ozones. 21 00:03:39,352 --> 00:03:40,410 You're an idealist? 22 00:03:42,689 --> 00:03:45,021 For as long as I can remember, I wanted to be a diplomat. 23 00:03:46,693 --> 00:03:48,684 I want to make a difference in the world. 24 00:03:53,199 --> 00:03:54,724 Your father was a diplomat. 25 00:03:55,235 --> 00:03:57,226 Ah yeah. US state department. He.. 26 00:03:57,437 --> 00:03:59,735 Libanon, 1983. 27 00:04:02,909 --> 00:04:04,308 I'm sorry for your lost. 28 00:04:08,848 --> 00:04:10,714 My father passed away when I was little. 29 00:04:13,886 --> 00:04:17,720 He was killed in the bombing of the US Embassy in Beirut when I was 5 years old. 30 00:04:20,693 --> 00:04:22,627 One of my earliest memory is my father... 31 00:04:22,729 --> 00:04:24,959 telling stories about the founding of the United Nations. 32 00:04:25,000 --> 00:04:27,563 We find a way to end wars. 33 00:04:27,967 --> 00:04:31,301 He made it sound like modern day knights sitting around the round table. 34 00:04:35,241 --> 00:04:36,902 I wanted to follow him in his foot steps. 35 00:04:41,214 --> 00:04:42,704 By the fall of 2002, 36 00:04:42,949 --> 00:04:46,078 I have applied for a job at the United Nations four times. 37 00:04:47,587 --> 00:04:51,114 My sister said it's because foreign services is in our family legacies. 38 00:04:51,324 --> 00:04:53,691 Hey little brother, how are you? Hello. Good. 39 00:04:53,793 --> 00:04:55,070 Sorry. I'm late. You look good. 40 00:04:55,094 --> 00:04:56,094 And just like my mother, 41 00:04:56,195 --> 00:04:58,641 She married a guy she met while interning in the UN. 42 00:04:58,665 --> 00:05:01,600 So I got you something small but something else is on its way, ok? 43 00:05:02,335 --> 00:05:03,461 Hey, Trevor. Hey. 44 00:05:03,670 --> 00:05:04,670 Nice cake, Lily. 45 00:05:04,837 --> 00:05:06,437 Got enough Danish Flags? Yeah.. yeah. 46 00:05:07,974 --> 00:05:09,237 Well..Did you hear anything? 47 00:05:09,976 --> 00:05:10,976 Ah..No. 48 00:05:11,110 --> 00:05:12,305 I'll hear tomorrow. 49 00:05:12,578 --> 00:05:13,841 But how did it feel? 50 00:05:14,447 --> 00:05:15,447 Good? 51 00:05:15,982 --> 00:05:16,915 No. 52 00:05:16,983 --> 00:05:18,610 I was too nervous 53 00:05:19,085 --> 00:05:20,109 Oh well. It's their lost. 54 00:05:21,321 --> 00:05:22,516 I'm sure you'll get it. 55 00:05:22,622 --> 00:05:24,488 You've been working so hard for this. Yeah. 56 00:05:25,692 --> 00:05:28,059 Somebody's birthday, So shall we do cake? 57 00:05:28,328 --> 00:05:29,159 Yes! 58 00:05:29,228 --> 00:05:34,689 Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday to you 59 00:05:35,668 --> 00:05:38,365 Happy birthday, Dear Kate 60 00:05:52,452 --> 00:05:55,683 These candidates keep getting harder than getting hedge funds. 61 00:05:56,222 --> 00:05:57,553 Michael Sullivan. 62 00:06:00,893 --> 00:06:02,418 I knew his father. 63 00:06:05,898 --> 00:06:06,922 Danish passport. 64 00:06:07,567 --> 00:06:08,567 His mother side. 65 00:06:08,868 --> 00:06:11,462 But he's only 24 years old. 66 00:06:14,841 --> 00:06:15,967 He'll do. 67 00:06:23,549 --> 00:06:26,211 I thought I would start with some entry level assignment. 68 00:06:27,353 --> 00:06:28,793 Instead I got a dream job. 69 00:06:30,556 --> 00:06:32,957 Special assistant to the Under-Secretary-General. 70 00:06:34,560 --> 00:06:38,554 Running the largest humanitarian program in United Nation's history. 71 00:06:44,070 --> 00:06:45,560 I couldn't believe my luck. 72 00:06:46,739 --> 00:06:49,985 All I could thinking was don't fuck this up. 73 00:06:50,610 --> 00:06:52,840 The program is called "Oil for Food". 74 00:06:53,379 --> 00:06:55,040 It was created in 1995. 75 00:06:55,114 --> 00:06:58,106 By Security Council resolution 986 which is stated that 76 00:06:58,317 --> 00:07:01,981 the UN will manage the sale of Iraqui oil 77 00:07:02,221 --> 00:07:07,318 And he used the profits to provide humanitarian relief in the country to allieviate the hardship 78 00:07:08,127 --> 00:07:10,300 which basically means that... 79 00:07:10,350 --> 00:07:12,631 Our office is in charge of trying to feed the entire nation. 80 00:07:12,732 --> 00:07:14,222 Over 20 million people. 81 00:07:19,305 --> 00:07:21,239 You have a little reading to catch up on. 82 00:07:21,874 --> 00:07:25,242 We are wholefully behind schedule now funding data reports to the security council. 83 00:07:25,445 --> 00:07:28,676 Your immediate task would be to help facilitate its completion. 84 00:07:28,915 --> 00:07:31,509 Your predecessor was due to brief Under-Secretary tomorrow. 85 00:07:31,617 --> 00:07:32,743 Tomorrow? 86 00:07:33,186 --> 00:07:34,244 What happened to him? 87 00:07:34,454 --> 00:07:35,944 The car accident in Iraq. 88 00:07:49,235 --> 00:07:50,327 Jesus Christ! 89 00:07:51,237 --> 00:07:52,102 Is he all right? 90 00:07:52,171 --> 00:07:53,263 No, he didn't make it. 91 00:07:53,473 --> 00:07:55,407 A bullet point summary will do. 92 00:07:55,842 --> 00:07:57,742 Pasha will be in his office at night. 93 00:08:34,213 --> 00:08:35,476 Got a couple of minutes, Michael? 94 00:08:36,682 --> 00:08:38,673 Justin Cutter, Central Intelligence. 95 00:08:39,018 --> 00:08:40,076 Really? 96 00:08:40,553 --> 00:08:42,544 Yeah, we come in all shapes and sizes. 97 00:08:43,556 --> 00:08:45,149 Ok. Can I help you with something? 98 00:08:46,092 --> 00:08:49,153 Listen. We think "Oil for Food" is being gained... 99 00:08:49,228 --> 00:08:52,061 for private gain by a bad guy or by a bad guy's unknown. 100 00:08:52,431 --> 00:08:55,560 Possibly withheld from the inside which is where you are. 101 00:08:56,235 --> 00:08:57,999 I just got this job. 102 00:08:58,204 --> 00:08:59,831 I'm not gonna,, I'm not gonna spoil it through. 103 00:09:00,506 --> 00:09:01,564 Oh God no. 104 00:09:02,208 --> 00:09:03,869 Leave that to the professionals. 105 00:09:04,076 --> 00:09:06,875 I don't want you to do anything that makes you uncomfortable, Michael. 106 00:09:08,848 --> 00:09:10,577 Just keep your eyes and ears open. That's all. 107 00:09:10,683 --> 00:09:12,208 For God and Country. 108 00:09:19,692 --> 00:09:22,662 I was aware going in "Oil for Food" program 109 00:09:22,728 --> 00:09:25,322 becomes a something of a "political football". 110 00:09:27,700 --> 00:09:30,601 The program budget was 10 billon dollars a year. 111 00:09:31,070 --> 00:09:34,563 The entire rest of the UN operation budget was only two. 112 00:09:34,874 --> 00:09:36,569 It was crazy money to be had. 113 00:09:38,277 --> 00:09:40,677 Special interests circling like buzzard. 114 00:09:41,614 --> 00:09:42,945 The program was simple. 115 00:09:43,382 --> 00:09:46,283 Because of the economic sanction post against Saddam Hussein 116 00:09:46,385 --> 00:09:47,985 after the first Gulf War, 117 00:09:48,321 --> 00:09:50,085 Iraqui ecomony hit crushed. 118 00:09:50,590 --> 00:09:54,458 People were starving and dying from the lack of basis medicines and staples. 119 00:09:55,928 --> 00:09:58,073 The "Oil for Food" program was designed to provide 120 00:09:58,097 --> 00:10:01,431 Iraqui citizens with what they needed to survive. 121 00:10:01,968 --> 00:10:04,460 While at the same time preventing Saddam from developing 122 00:10:04,704 --> 00:10:07,105 his alleged Weapons of mass destruction. 123 00:10:08,874 --> 00:10:11,969 Under UN supervision , Iraqui oil were being sold at market prices 124 00:10:12,078 --> 00:10:15,070 to pay for humanitarian aid. 125 00:10:16,449 --> 00:10:18,713 Our job was to keep it funded 126 00:10:19,118 --> 00:10:21,382 by making sure everything went by the book. 127 00:10:22,888 --> 00:10:24,219 I'm here to present the summary. 128 00:10:24,724 --> 00:10:25,953 He'll be with you in a minute. 129 00:10:26,325 --> 00:10:27,656 This fucking regime! 130 00:10:28,094 --> 00:10:29,653 Unbelievable. Yes. 131 00:10:29,895 --> 00:10:32,489 I solved it and dissolved it as a solution. 132 00:10:32,598 --> 00:10:37,365 No, we charges the load of taxes that should last to outline villages. 133 00:10:37,470 --> 00:10:39,097 They don't get the trust back. 134 00:10:41,707 --> 00:10:43,106 You called this a "summary"? 135 00:10:46,345 --> 00:10:48,006 Fucking "War and Peace" 136 00:10:48,681 --> 00:10:50,445 Sorry sir. I was trying to be thorough. 137 00:10:50,683 --> 00:10:51,980 Thorough? 138 00:10:52,451 --> 00:10:53,451 Yes. Sir. 139 00:10:54,120 --> 00:10:55,212 Fuck. 140 00:10:56,989 --> 00:11:00,118 Well, just give me the highlights kid. Otherwise, we'll be here till spring thaw. 141 00:11:00,192 --> 00:11:05,221 Yes. We have to decrease the malnutrition rate. Reduce child mortality. 142 00:11:05,731 --> 00:11:10,965 We've also made bid strike in access to water and electricity. 143 00:11:11,671 --> 00:11:16,199 There are however some..systemic distribution failures. Particularly in the North. 144 00:11:16,210 --> 00:11:21,311 The Kurds are getting shortage. Wheat, Milk, diesel fuel 145 00:11:21,380 --> 00:11:25,442 to the benefit of Tikrit who are getting seemingly more than their fair share. 146 00:11:25,685 --> 00:11:28,120 Saddam's hometown. What a surprise. 147 00:11:28,721 --> 00:11:29,721 Yeah. 148 00:11:30,189 --> 00:11:33,853 There are also all these after service fees in the contracts. 149 00:11:35,227 --> 00:11:37,025 I'm pretty sure they kickbacks. 150 00:11:37,563 --> 00:11:38,655 If you want to take a look, 151 00:11:38,731 --> 00:11:42,361 I'm highlighted and aggregated among page 26 to 29. 152 00:11:51,210 --> 00:11:52,678 It's a lot of money, Sir. 153 00:11:53,012 --> 00:11:56,209 In some places, it is much as 30%. 154 00:12:03,089 --> 00:12:04,089 Sit. 155 00:12:05,691 --> 00:12:06,691 Kid. 156 00:12:07,727 --> 00:12:08,727 Sit down. 157 00:12:12,031 --> 00:12:15,331 The first rule of Diplomacy is that the truth is not the matter of fact. 158 00:12:15,568 --> 00:12:16,694 It's a matter of consensus. 159 00:12:16,902 --> 00:12:19,564 The consensus right now is the sanctions are here to stay. 160 00:12:19,672 --> 00:12:21,850 The Americans and the British will never lift them. 161 00:12:21,874 --> 00:12:23,000 which means... 162 00:12:23,609 --> 00:12:25,941 that if you want the people of Iraq to survive, 163 00:12:26,746 --> 00:12:28,866 We have to keep "Oil for Food" running. 164 00:12:29,715 --> 00:12:31,342 Even with all these wars and flaws. 165 00:12:31,584 --> 00:12:33,712 Sir. You don't... The second rule is to keep your mouth shut and listen, 166 00:12:33,953 --> 00:12:36,354 and then if it suits you, you can talk. 167 00:12:36,589 --> 00:12:37,681 With discretion. 168 00:12:38,124 --> 00:12:41,094 Otherwise, keep your cards towards your vest. 169 00:12:43,095 --> 00:12:44,095 Yeah. 170 00:12:51,971 --> 00:12:54,997 Your father was a good man. 171 00:12:58,244 --> 00:13:00,679 You sure be so lucky as to have his heart. 172 00:13:01,680 --> 00:13:03,079 Yes. I've been told. 173 00:13:03,949 --> 00:13:06,577 We crossed paths a couple of times. 174 00:13:07,686 --> 00:13:10,678 Must have been 79, 80. 175 00:13:12,725 --> 00:13:13,954 What a tragedy. 176 00:13:15,494 --> 00:13:16,494 Beirut. 177 00:13:18,497 --> 00:13:19,497 Fuck. 178 00:13:20,833 --> 00:13:21,833 I'm sorry. 179 00:13:23,669 --> 00:13:26,570 It must have been hard a boy growing up without a father. 180 00:13:27,439 --> 00:13:28,838 It was my normal. 181 00:13:29,108 --> 00:13:30,234 I had my cry. 182 00:13:34,013 --> 00:13:35,013 Good. 183 00:13:40,586 --> 00:13:41,917 Fix your summary. 184 00:13:42,555 --> 00:13:43,989 Go home and pack. 185 00:13:44,690 --> 00:13:46,681 We leave for Baghdad on a red light. 186 00:13:48,060 --> 00:13:49,687 What? You have other plans? 187 00:13:51,197 --> 00:13:52,562 No. I don't. 188 00:13:53,866 --> 00:13:55,834 Of course not. Thank you. 189 00:13:59,705 --> 00:14:03,369 BAGHDAD, IRAQ 190 00:14:31,637 --> 00:14:33,731 I was swapped up in the role I summoned. 191 00:14:34,640 --> 00:14:36,005 I mean this is what I wanted. 192 00:14:36,709 --> 00:14:38,973 High adventure and the worthy cause. 193 00:14:40,679 --> 00:14:43,148 It's like Baghdad was my "Casablanca". 194 00:14:45,718 --> 00:14:50,417 More or less sketchy, crazy, dangerous and stranger than I could ever imagine. 195 00:14:51,891 --> 00:14:54,690 The country live in the state of permanant South occupation. 196 00:14:55,594 --> 00:14:58,120 Our Baghdad's office is going to present a problem. 197 00:14:59,098 --> 00:14:59,963 Ok. 198 00:15:00,065 --> 00:15:02,534 The contracted director sarbotaged the reports. 199 00:15:03,235 --> 00:15:04,964 Why? Why would he sarbotage his own report? 200 00:15:05,070 --> 00:15:06,070 She. 201 00:15:06,605 --> 00:15:09,097 So the Security Council will be forced to lift a sanction, 202 00:15:09,208 --> 00:15:11,700 and everybody can cash in on the deals they made with Saddam... 203 00:15:11,777 --> 00:15:14,337 back before he rouge into Kuwait and pissed off the world. 204 00:15:16,582 --> 00:15:18,016 Jesus H Christ, kid. 205 00:15:18,450 --> 00:15:20,714 I'm gonna have to fucking teach you in everything from scratch. 206 00:15:22,021 --> 00:15:25,457 Every six months, we have to justify our continued existence. 207 00:15:26,892 --> 00:15:30,453 Our job right now is to write report for the Security Council. 208 00:15:30,562 --> 00:15:34,226 Emphasizing for the good in "Oil for Food" program 209 00:15:34,566 --> 00:15:36,694 whilst minimzing the challenges. 210 00:15:37,369 --> 00:15:38,962 Not to lie. 211 00:15:39,238 --> 00:15:40,569 No. Never lie. 212 00:15:40,973 --> 00:15:44,100 But to chose 213 00:15:44,150 --> 00:15:47,306 our facts or truths with the utmost care 214 00:15:47,680 --> 00:15:48,738 Right. 215 00:15:52,351 --> 00:15:53,978 Can I trust you to do that? 216 00:15:56,822 --> 00:15:59,450 Yes. Absolutely. 217 00:16:25,684 --> 00:16:28,483 There she is. Madame Dupre. 218 00:16:28,988 --> 00:16:30,683 Trying to backstab us. 219 00:16:34,493 --> 00:16:35,756 Christina. 220 00:16:39,498 --> 00:16:41,626 Hassan Ghazarian. Michael Sullivan. 221 00:16:41,700 --> 00:16:43,220 Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you. 222 00:16:43,268 --> 00:16:44,667 Photo? Oui. 223 00:16:47,339 --> 00:16:49,273 Did you get the documents I sent you? I did. 224 00:16:49,475 --> 00:16:51,466 I even printed them out for you. Oh Great. 225 00:16:52,478 --> 00:16:53,877 It went well. 226 00:16:56,849 --> 00:16:59,318 Sixty percent of the Iraqui people 227 00:16:59,685 --> 00:17:03,553 are solely depended upon our supplies for survival. 228 00:17:03,989 --> 00:17:07,857 Wheat, grain, milk, medicines. Essential infrastructures. 229 00:17:08,327 --> 00:17:09,419 During the last of ten months, 230 00:17:09,695 --> 00:17:15,190 we have decrease malnutrition rate amongst children in Iraq by fifty percent. 231 00:17:15,434 --> 00:17:19,200 Thereby reduce child mortality significantly. 232 00:17:20,072 --> 00:17:21,233 Ok. Thank you very much. 233 00:17:21,473 --> 00:17:24,067 Photographers coming through. We gonna have a photo opportunity 234 00:17:24,343 --> 00:17:25,708 with Madame Dupre. 235 00:17:28,680 --> 00:17:32,207 It's hard to overstate how badly Saddam was abusing his people. 236 00:17:33,218 --> 00:17:36,210 Friends of the régime gets easy access to the medicines. 237 00:17:36,422 --> 00:17:38,220 Others, less fortunate, 238 00:17:38,590 --> 00:17:41,082 were left to die for even the simplest of diseases. Wait. 239 00:17:46,999 --> 00:17:48,330 They sent back drugs. 240 00:17:49,701 --> 00:17:52,102 Out of the prescriptions. 241 00:17:52,371 --> 00:17:55,932 Thank him for bringing this to me. Tell him I'll definitely looking into it. 242 00:17:59,445 --> 00:18:02,574 He said there's a black market with "Oil for Food" appears. 243 00:18:12,458 --> 00:18:14,756 Oh this innocent child. 244 00:18:14,827 --> 00:18:18,730 Please explain to her why she cannot have the stem cell therapy that could cure her. 245 00:18:19,965 --> 00:18:23,401 Why she has to suffer because the West begrudges 246 00:18:23,410 --> 00:18:24,903 Iraq its dignity. 247 00:18:29,741 --> 00:18:31,368 That I can't explain. No. 248 00:18:45,124 --> 00:18:46,819 She asked why you are crying. 249 00:18:59,004 --> 00:19:03,874 I promise I will do anything I can to help your child. 250 00:19:21,560 --> 00:19:23,858 It sickens me to have to stand there and listen to your lies. 251 00:19:24,062 --> 00:19:27,828 It's PR, Christina. Everyone in the field is working so hard. 252 00:19:28,967 --> 00:19:32,369 Well, my report to the Security Council is going to tell the truth. 253 00:19:33,372 --> 00:19:34,840 Just so you know. 254 00:19:35,541 --> 00:19:36,667 Your report. 255 00:19:38,110 --> 00:19:40,101 The program is a failure. 256 00:19:41,013 --> 00:19:43,525 The sanctions are not working. How is the program failing? 257 00:19:43,549 --> 00:19:45,589 Medicines getting through. At what cost? 258 00:19:45,617 --> 00:19:47,881 People are getting basis staples.. At what cost? 259 00:19:48,120 --> 00:19:50,179 Everybody is grifting the system. 260 00:19:50,556 --> 00:19:53,355 Corruption grows like a cancer. It will never be perfect. 261 00:19:53,559 --> 00:19:55,220 And surely it's better than doing nothing. 262 00:19:56,728 --> 00:19:58,128 Michael, what's the delay? 263 00:19:58,197 --> 00:20:01,929 Ah sorry, It's just.. the security issues. We'll be on our way in a few moments. 264 00:20:03,068 --> 00:20:04,558 I know what you are doing. 265 00:20:05,737 --> 00:20:08,104 You want me to sign off on your moral relativism. 266 00:20:08,574 --> 00:20:11,566 So you can throw me under the bus when it's all unravel. 267 00:20:11,677 --> 00:20:13,167 You are mistaken. 268 00:20:13,245 --> 00:20:16,510 I just trying to feed a Country. Enough spins, Costa. Enough. 269 00:20:16,748 --> 00:20:18,375 The facts will speak for themselves. 270 00:20:18,684 --> 00:20:22,086 My report to the Security Council is going to tell the truth. 271 00:20:31,330 --> 00:20:35,164 HOTEL AL RASHEED BAGHDAD, IRAQ. 272 00:20:54,086 --> 00:20:56,384 Baghdad is the center of the Universe, kid. 273 00:20:56,588 --> 00:20:59,114 And this Al Rasheed is ground zero. 274 00:20:59,324 --> 00:21:01,258 Boiler room of Diplomacy. 275 00:21:12,971 --> 00:21:15,303 Pasha! Nice to see you again. 276 00:21:16,174 --> 00:21:17,972 Mr. Mohammed, my assistant. 277 00:21:18,744 --> 00:21:19,744 Michael Sullivan. 278 00:21:19,845 --> 00:21:22,177 Cut your fingers off if you shake hands with this one. 279 00:21:22,581 --> 00:21:25,073 All major intelligence agencies are here. 280 00:21:25,450 --> 00:21:27,145 All rooms above. 281 00:21:27,252 --> 00:21:30,222 Everyone try to bother in its secrets and services. 282 00:21:30,622 --> 00:21:32,090 Information is everything. 283 00:21:33,392 --> 00:21:35,588 The currency, the power. 284 00:21:36,328 --> 00:21:38,888 Look. Listen. Learn. 285 00:21:43,001 --> 00:21:44,662 Everyone has their own agenda, huh? 286 00:21:45,337 --> 00:21:48,466 May be Bush thinks Saddam disrespected his papa. 287 00:21:48,740 --> 00:21:53,109 American convinced democracy will bloom like a fucking flower. 288 00:21:53,312 --> 00:21:54,336 Good luck with that. 289 00:21:54,579 --> 00:21:57,480 Putin wants Bush to fail. China wants a new market. 290 00:21:57,916 --> 00:22:02,854 Half of Europe couldn't care less about the Saddam. Civillians are built of bombs, big oil. 291 00:22:03,689 --> 00:22:05,384 Simply want to end of the sanctions 292 00:22:05,490 --> 00:22:07,720 so he can suck an Iraqui dick ... 293 00:22:12,698 --> 00:22:14,689 So by the way, a doctor told me today. 294 00:22:17,069 --> 00:22:19,060 The bits of medicines missing supplies. 295 00:22:20,505 --> 00:22:21,995 I smell a setup. 296 00:22:22,541 --> 00:22:25,135 It didn't really feel like a setup. No. 297 00:22:25,344 --> 00:22:28,143 Nonsense. She's not just an effective. 298 00:22:28,213 --> 00:22:29,624 She's actively prooving the program's failing. 299 00:22:29,648 --> 00:22:32,276 If we don't do something, this report gonna be a disaster. 300 00:22:32,684 --> 00:22:34,379 Don't you get the final say? 301 00:22:34,486 --> 00:22:35,544 Sadly, no. 302 00:22:36,722 --> 00:22:42,559 UN protocols require regional director signed off on the report. 303 00:22:44,996 --> 00:22:46,054 What's our agenda? 304 00:22:46,698 --> 00:22:49,861 Our agenda? That little girl 305 00:22:51,203 --> 00:22:52,329 at the hospital. 306 00:22:53,405 --> 00:22:55,737 God help anyone who gets in our way. 307 00:22:57,342 --> 00:22:58,468 Yeah. 308 00:23:16,228 --> 00:23:17,593 I have a son once. 309 00:23:20,198 --> 00:23:23,691 Died from a flu. Just a baby. 310 00:23:25,737 --> 00:23:26,863 Can you believe that? 311 00:23:28,607 --> 00:23:29,972 And my wife.. 312 00:23:32,878 --> 00:23:34,209 we couldn't make another. 313 00:23:37,582 --> 00:23:38,708 Sorry. 314 00:23:39,718 --> 00:23:41,208 30 years ago. 315 00:23:42,587 --> 00:23:44,021 How did you put it? 316 00:23:45,690 --> 00:23:46,953 I have my cry. 317 00:23:50,962 --> 00:23:51,962 Flu. 318 00:23:55,967 --> 00:23:56,967 You tired? 319 00:23:58,303 --> 00:23:59,303 No. 320 00:23:59,604 --> 00:24:01,436 Youth. Fuck. 321 00:24:16,588 --> 00:24:18,800 You know for someone who speaks for the people for a living 322 00:24:18,824 --> 00:24:20,314 you don't talk much. 323 00:24:22,861 --> 00:24:25,626 I couldn't help... 324 00:24:25,697 --> 00:24:27,697 but notice you were not surprise when the doctor 325 00:24:27,833 --> 00:24:29,528 spoke of black market medicines. 326 00:24:31,102 --> 00:24:32,263 No, I wasn't. 327 00:24:34,339 --> 00:24:35,829 Will you tell your boss? 328 00:24:36,908 --> 00:24:39,741 Yeah. We already know and is approaching the program. 329 00:24:41,613 --> 00:24:43,843 Outside Baghdad is much worse. 330 00:24:44,316 --> 00:24:46,683 Rations diverted, power cut off. 331 00:24:47,085 --> 00:24:48,746 Extortion, Bribes.. 332 00:24:51,456 --> 00:24:54,187 Well. I'll make sure Pasha knows that too. 333 00:25:06,972 --> 00:25:08,963 You have something you want to ask me? 334 00:25:11,076 --> 00:25:12,202 It's about Madame? 335 00:25:12,677 --> 00:25:15,408 That your boss wants you to find the secret button 336 00:25:15,680 --> 00:25:17,546 he can push and bend her his way? 337 00:25:18,717 --> 00:25:20,151 I can tell you. 338 00:25:21,686 --> 00:25:23,154 It does not exist. 339 00:25:23,889 --> 00:25:25,414 I'm just trying to do my job. 340 00:25:35,367 --> 00:25:36,425 But... 341 00:25:37,202 --> 00:25:39,330 your predecesor, Abhek. 342 00:25:41,206 --> 00:25:44,335 His car accident was not an accident. 343 00:25:47,979 --> 00:25:50,471 That's a pretty big accusation you made. 344 00:26:12,571 --> 00:26:14,096 Why are you telling me this? 345 00:26:16,308 --> 00:26:18,743 He was murdered because of something he uncovered. 346 00:26:20,378 --> 00:26:21,738 Something in "Oil for Food"? 347 00:26:22,314 --> 00:26:24,976 I don't know. May be. 348 00:26:26,084 --> 00:26:28,883 He was feared for that someone inside United Nations. 349 00:26:30,322 --> 00:26:32,450 A facilitator of corruption. 350 00:26:34,659 --> 00:26:36,889 You need to be very very careful. 351 00:27:18,203 --> 00:27:19,432 Good evening. 352 00:27:20,205 --> 00:27:21,331 Please. 353 00:27:29,214 --> 00:27:32,878 Mukhabarat you see was concerned.. 354 00:27:33,118 --> 00:27:35,883 to inspect your sleeping chamber for the existence of any survillance device. 355 00:27:36,354 --> 00: 27:39,551 This as a courtesy for your security of course. 356 00:27:40,191 --> 00:27:42,216 Why don't you start by telling me who you are? 357 00:27:42,961 --> 00:27:45,828 Are you enjoying your visit to Mesopotamia, Mr.Sullivan? 358 00:27:46,498 --> 00:27:48,830 First one if I'm not mistaken, yes? 359 00:27:49,100 --> 00:27:52,365 Such a difficult stressful time for everyone here. 360 00:27:52,604 --> 00:27:55,164 The great satan keeps threatening to bomb the city 361 00:27:55,273 --> 00:27:57,605 meanwhile the sanctions cut deep. 362 00:27:58,376 --> 00:28:00,216 Baghdad .. Why don't you get to the point! 363 00:28:03,615 --> 00:28:07,711 You will find on the bureau behind me an envelope containing a small fee. 364 00:28:08,353 --> 00:28:11,220 We greatly admired the work you're doing for the Iraqui. 365 00:28:11,322 --> 00:28:14,348 It's late. I'd like you to leave. Please. 366 00:28:21,099 --> 00:28:22,567 No disrespect was meant by it. 367 00:28:26,938 --> 00:28:28,702 Don't forget your envelope. 368 00:28:57,335 --> 00:28:59,702 Can't blame them for trying. It's nothing. 369 00:29:00,238 --> 00:29:01,728 You handled it perfectly. 370 00:29:02,707 --> 00:29:03,707 Yeah. 371 00:29:05,110 --> 00:29:07,943 What about what the interpreter said about Abhek? 372 00:29:09,447 --> 00:29:10,608 I don't believe it. 373 00:29:11,850 --> 00:29:15,252 Perhaps she's a spy for Saddam sent to rattle us. 374 00:29:18,223 --> 00:29:19,987 You look like shit, kid. Fuck. 375 00:29:20,658 --> 00:29:21,658 Eat something. 376 00:29:35,673 --> 00:29:36,902 I'm sorry. 377 00:29:39,677 --> 00:29:40,677 Excuse me. 378 00:29:42,580 --> 00:29:43,911 I've been warned. 379 00:29:44,182 --> 00:29:46,222 But I was still shocked by the criticisims from 380 00:29:46,317 --> 00:29:48,445 UN staffs against the sanction 381 00:29:48,953 --> 00:29:50,250 Pasha was right. 382 00:29:50,488 --> 00:29:52,081 Every department had an agenda. 383 00:29:52,323 --> 00:29:54,155 They were working across purposes 384 00:29:54,259 --> 00:29:56,455 and played right into Madame Dupre's hands. 385 00:30:07,839 --> 00:30:09,329 Shut up! 386 00:30:11,009 --> 00:30:13,103 You sound like Saddam's puppets. All of you. 387 00:30:14,312 --> 00:30:18,112 Do I need to point out the serious fucking consequences to Iraqui people 388 00:30:18,183 --> 00:30:19,860 if we fail to.. Sir, your violations.. 389 00:30:19,884 --> 00:30:22,319 Are you fucking kidding me! 390 00:30:24,689 --> 00:30:28,057 It's not our place to question the decisions of the Security Council. 391 00:30:30,862 --> 00:30:32,227 We implement them. 392 00:30:34,132 --> 00:30:36,965 Absent of all politics. 393 00:30:38,837 --> 00:30:41,670 And yes, it's our fucking job sometimes. 394 00:30:44,008 --> 00:30:45,533 But if you can't do it, 395 00:30:45,877 --> 00:30:49,074 I suggest you turn in your fucking credentials and go home. 396 00:31:01,025 --> 00:31:02,169 I knew from my research that 397 00:31:02,193 --> 00:31:03,971 our biggest worry was Kurdistan. 398 00:31:03,995 --> 00:31:05,105 KURDISTAN REGION, NORTHERN IRAQ 399 00:31:05,129 --> 00:31:06,995 As long as Saddam was in power, 400 00:31:07,065 --> 00:31:10,330 It was gonna take all of Pasha's considerable diplomatic skills 401 00:31:10,568 --> 00:31:12,768 to keep the Kurds from undermining the report. 402 00:31:13,137 --> 00:31:18,200 The rations, when they come, I always have half of what was promised. 403 00:31:18,476 --> 00:31:21,138 The North is a protector, so unfortunately... 404 00:31:21,212 --> 00:31:24,375 They even hit harder on the sanctions than any other regions. 405 00:31:25,350 --> 00:31:27,944 while "Oil for Food" was providing some relief. 406 00:31:28,553 --> 00:31:31,250 It had helped sustain the very regime that suppress them. 407 00:31:31,356 --> 00:31:33,950 The Kurds have pits of money to buy their own food. 408 00:31:34,225 --> 00:31:36,091 From that black market oil! 409 00:31:36,294 --> 00:31:37,693 Mister, if you'd allow me, 410 00:31:37,896 --> 00:31:40,593 The Kurdish conflict with Iraq goes back nearly a century. 411 00:31:41,699 --> 00:31:43,895 Saddam Hussein took it to a whole new level. 412 00:31:44,736 --> 00:31:47,865 Force displacement, mass detention and torture. 413 00:31:48,072 --> 00:31:50,939 And then when that didn't work, resort it to land mines and cluster bombs. 414 00:31:51,209 --> 00:31:54,270 Sarin gas and nerve agents, 415 00:31:54,379 --> 00:31:57,371 killing ten of thousands and crippling ten of thousands more. 416 00:31:58,249 --> 00:31:59,580 A reign of terror. 417 00:31:59,884 --> 00:32:04,617 that included the worst single act of chemical genocide ever committed against the civillian population. 418 00:32:04,722 --> 00:32:07,885 Kurds are dying for simply being Kurdish. 419 00:32:09,027 --> 00:32:11,860 And in a shuttle diplomacy between two sworn enemies, 420 00:32:12,597 --> 00:32:14,361 I watched Pasha worked his magic. 421 00:32:14,432 --> 00:32:17,527 It's how the most beloved food Allah 422 00:32:17,602 --> 00:32:20,094 is that which is touched by many hands. 423 00:32:21,706 --> 00:32:23,367 Fuck. This is all I need. 424 00:32:23,574 --> 00:32:24,652 Kurdish minister is right. 425 00:32:24,676 --> 00:32:26,716 And from what I've been told, they're getting completely screwed.. 426 00:32:26,744 --> 00:32:29,179 I know he's right. It's in the fucking field reports. 427 00:32:29,447 --> 00:32:31,108 But we have to keep a little bit. 428 00:32:31,316 --> 00:32:33,560 The choice can't be to feed everyone or feed no one. 429 00:32:33,584 --> 00:32:35,575 It has to be feeded to many as possible. 430 00:32:41,326 --> 00:32:43,260 I have to go back to New York tomorrow. 431 00:32:44,095 --> 00:32:45,655 I need you to stay focus. 432 00:32:46,097 --> 00:32:47,097 Of course. 433 00:32:48,833 --> 00:32:50,267 Here's your travel rights. 434 00:32:50,468 --> 00:32:53,438 You are connected to Kuwait, lands in JFK at 5 pm. 435 00:32:55,673 --> 00:32:58,734 Dupre is going to freeze you out of the final report. 436 00:32:59,310 --> 00:33:01,470 Her oppose is inditement for "Oil for Food". 437 00:33:04,015 --> 00:33:06,677 Ok then why am I staying here then? 438 00:33:07,852 --> 00:33:10,480 In a few days, you'll receive some photographs. 439 00:33:10,855 --> 00:33:13,916 You want Hassan to see them because you won't understand what they could mean. 440 00:33:14,258 --> 00:33:18,752 Your task is to make sure he shows them to Dupre by insisting he shouldn't. 441 00:33:21,332 --> 00:33:22,332 You asking me if I... 442 00:33:22,467 --> 00:33:23,957 a trap. Yes. 443 00:33:24,202 --> 00:33:26,603 She'll fall into it, and we'll be rid of her. 444 00:33:30,341 --> 00:33:31,365 Kid. 445 00:33:31,676 --> 00:33:33,007 It's diplomacy. 446 00:33:33,478 --> 00:33:36,175 Sometimes require removing obstacles 447 00:33:36,247 --> 00:33:38,407 that standing in the way of successful outcomes. 448 00:33:42,420 --> 00:33:44,320 Can I trust you again with this one? 449 00:33:46,724 --> 00:33:48,886 I mean what lie am I gonna be telling? 450 00:33:49,694 --> 00:33:51,025 Not lie. 451 00:33:52,730 --> 00:33:55,700 Just the opportunity to draw around conclusion. 452 00:34:16,387 --> 00:34:17,411 Morning. 453 00:34:35,940 --> 00:34:36,940 Just so you know, 454 00:34:37,742 --> 00:34:41,701 Madame said you won't be reading reports until it's finished and she signed off on it. 455 00:34:43,247 --> 00:34:44,737 I'll be by if she wants me to help. 456 00:34:45,316 --> 00:34:47,476 People in hell want ice water. 457 00:34:47,585 --> 00:34:49,314 We just ponds in the bigger game you and me. 458 00:34:51,255 --> 00:34:52,484 Sorry, Michael. 459 00:34:53,958 --> 00:34:54,958 Hassan. 460 00:34:56,461 --> 00:34:59,328 At least she can help me arrange an interpreter for the field trip. 461 00:35:02,100 --> 00:35:04,865 I want to open one of the boxes and check the expiration date. 462 00:35:07,305 --> 00:35:09,103 He said he's the company representative. 463 00:35:09,307 --> 00:35:10,706 Tell him I want to open one of these boxes. 464 00:35:24,755 --> 00:35:26,746 These pills expired in 1999. 465 00:35:29,227 --> 00:35:31,628 Sick people will get sicker or die because of these. 466 00:35:36,200 --> 00:35:37,640 Every box needs to be checked. 467 00:35:37,702 --> 00:35:39,693 And the out of date medicines need to be destroyed. 468 00:35:39,971 --> 00:35:42,338 And the Manufacture will have to replace it at their own expense. 469 00:35:51,315 --> 00:35:52,680 I should warn you. 470 00:35:53,017 --> 00:35:55,349 Everyone here thinks I'm your prostitute. 471 00:35:56,988 --> 00:35:59,108 All right. we should split the check up. 472 00:36:00,324 --> 00:36:03,487 You can't really just ask for a date without chaperone for women in Iraq. 473 00:36:04,595 --> 00:36:06,586 There are rituals and traditions. 474 00:36:06,831 --> 00:36:08,265 Do you want to call it off then? 475 00:36:11,702 --> 00:36:14,262 Did you tell your boss what I said about Ahbek? 476 00:36:17,008 --> 00:36:18,339 Yeah, I did. 477 00:36:19,477 --> 00:36:21,536 He thinks you might be a government spy. 481 00:36:34,091 --> 00:36:35,354 So are you? The spy? 482 00:36:37,061 --> 00:36:38,688 Is that a serious question? 483 00:36:39,564 --> 00:36:41,362 It's a pretty evasive answer. 484 00:36:44,068 --> 00:36:45,068 No. 485 00:36:51,375 --> 00:36:54,106 Now it's my turn to ask you. 486 00:36:54,679 --> 00:36:55,679 Ok. 487 00:36:57,081 --> 00:36:58,571 What are you doing here? 488 00:36:59,517 --> 00:37:05,251 Well, I'm doing a status report for the "Oil for Food" program and I'm gonna.. 489 00:37:05,990 --> 00:37:09,358 I mean today with the spoiled medicines. 490 00:37:09,427 --> 00:37:12,692 What you did had nothing to do with writing a report. 491 00:37:13,564 --> 00:37:14,588 You took action. 492 00:37:15,366 --> 00:37:18,427 It was risky and rather brave. 493 00:37:19,870 --> 00:37:21,702 Was that just to impress me? 494 00:37:25,009 --> 00:37:27,341 I'm not here just to be a functionary. 495 00:37:28,746 --> 00:37:30,578 I took this job for a reason. 496 00:37:31,582 --> 00:37:33,016 Because I want to help people. 497 00:37:34,685 --> 00:37:36,380 And I want to make a difference. 498 00:37:38,456 --> 00:37:39,821 Make a difference? 499 00:37:40,958 --> 00:37:41,982 Exactly. 500 00:37:45,096 --> 00:37:46,564 I will drink to that. 501 00:37:47,565 --> 00:37:48,565 Cheers. 502 00:37:52,303 --> 00:37:53,930 They're not gonna bomb Baghdad. 503 00:37:54,005 --> 00:37:55,649 Without getting the UN staffs out... 504 00:37:55,673 --> 00:37:57,402 Mr. Sullivan? Yeah? 505 00:37:57,475 --> 00:37:59,443 This has come for you. Thanks. 506 00:37:59,910 --> 00:38:01,901 Ah... I've gotta go. 507 00:38:02,680 --> 00:38:04,341 It was on my desk, sir. 508 00:38:20,731 --> 00:38:22,442 Are those "Oil for Food" trucks? 509 00:38:22,466 --> 00:38:24,230 Yeah. But I don't want to source them. 510 00:38:25,136 --> 00:38:29,505 If they're real, they are proof that we are being gamed by Saddam Hussein. 511 00:38:29,607 --> 00:38:31,735 Yeah. "If". I still don't think we should trust them. 512 00:38:32,443 --> 00:38:36,107 Using our trucks to deliver weapons? I mean what the fuck? 513 00:38:37,114 --> 00:38:40,106 I just gonna packed them up into carrier pouch.. 514 00:38:40,551 --> 00:38:42,019 and see what Pasha thinks. No, no. 515 00:38:44,555 --> 00:38:46,435 Let me show Christina first. No. 516 00:38:46,557 --> 00:38:47,991 No.. No chance. 517 00:38:48,359 --> 00:38:50,350 It's ok. What do you call it? 518 00:38:51,562 --> 00:38:52,562 Chain of command. 519 00:38:55,366 --> 00:38:56,366 Ok. 520 00:39:23,994 --> 00:39:24,994 Hi. 521 00:39:25,696 --> 00:39:26,696 Hey. 522 00:39:27,865 --> 00:39:29,355 I need to show you something. 523 00:39:30,201 --> 00:39:31,201 Ok. 524 00:39:38,142 --> 00:39:39,337 They are friends. 525 00:39:41,679 --> 00:39:42,679 Ok. 526 00:39:47,551 --> 00:39:50,384 KURDISTAN REGION, NORTHERN IRAQ 527 00:40:21,452 --> 00:40:25,389 So this place isn't here officially. 528 00:40:27,091 --> 00:40:33,360 These are the graves of Kurdish civillians that Saddam Hussein suddenly decided they no longer needed to live. 529 00:40:34,865 --> 00:40:37,732 Gas, sarín, Tabún, Vx. 530 00:40:38,135 --> 00:40:40,035 The smell of sweet apples.. 531 00:40:42,573 --> 00:40:45,668 He doesn't care about your sanctions or resolutions. 532 00:40:46,744 --> 00:40:48,337 He's the angel of death. 533 00:40:49,313 --> 00:40:50,313 Azrael. 534 00:40:52,683 --> 00:40:53,912 You're Kurdish? 535 00:40:55,352 --> 00:40:57,013 My parents were intellectuals. 536 00:40:57,121 --> 00:40:58,680 Activists in UK. 537 00:41:00,691 --> 00:41:01,771 Killed in Halabdja. 538 00:41:04,128 --> 00:41:05,186 I'm sorry. 539 00:41:06,363 --> 00:41:08,855 Nobody in Baghdad knows I'm Kurdish, Michael. 540 00:41:09,533 --> 00:41:11,262 If Saddam spies find out, 541 00:41:11,469 --> 00:41:12,959 they will disappear me. 542 00:41:14,205 --> 00:41:17,402 My friends they have Ahbek uncovered on criminal conspiracies. 543 00:41:17,475 --> 00:41:21,434 Saddam is using to scheme billions of dollars from "Oil for Food". 544 00:41:23,147 --> 00:41:25,582 Ahbek claimed there's a whole system of corruption.. 545 00:41:25,850 --> 00:41:28,570 that reaches to the highest levels of the same invested Government that 546 00:41:28,686 --> 00:41:30,347 support sanctions. 547 00:41:31,689 --> 00:41:33,179 Ok. How did Ahbek know this? 548 00:41:33,591 --> 00:41:35,616 There's a rumor. Office list. 549 00:41:35,860 --> 00:41:38,955 A list that contains names of people, and organisations.. 550 00:41:39,196 --> 00:41:42,029 all over the world who are all getting paid off by Saddam... 551 00:41:42,132 --> 00:41:43,932 to keep the system running. 552 00:41:44,668 --> 00:41:46,466 And Ahbek had seen it. 553 00:41:46,871 --> 00:41:48,134 Did you bring it? Yes. 554 00:41:48,339 --> 00:41:51,536 They have had it on its computer. You sure nobody saw you? 555 00:41:52,009 --> 00:41:54,239 The office has emptied. Everyone has gone home. 556 00:41:55,379 --> 00:41:57,006 Ahbek, what's going on with you? 557 00:41:57,081 --> 00:41:58,207 I'm going North. 558 00:41:58,983 --> 00:42:00,508 Across the border. 559 00:42:00,584 --> 00:42:02,313 It's not safe for me here. 561 00:42:18,969 --> 00:42:20,130 He made a back up. 562 00:42:22,840 --> 00:42:24,467 But it's encrypted. 563 00:42:26,076 --> 00:42:28,568 We don't have the sources to decypher it. 564 00:42:32,683 --> 00:42:35,209 Why didn't you take it to someone more senior in the UN? 565 00:42:35,486 --> 00:42:37,352 I mean. Anyone? Madame Dupre. 566 00:42:37,421 --> 00:42:39,082 Nobody would listen to her. 567 00:42:40,090 --> 00:42:42,320 It's important who delivered the list. 568 00:42:43,427 --> 00:42:45,327 No one can accuse you of being partisan of... 569 00:42:45,563 --> 00:42:48,225 having an agenda about the truth. 570 00:42:48,432 --> 00:42:50,298 I'm not gonna hand this, Nashim. 571 00:42:51,201 --> 00:42:52,464 I'm not gonna do that. 572 00:42:53,971 --> 00:42:55,097 No. I don't want that. 573 00:42:55,306 --> 00:42:57,968 I just want you to take it back with you. 574 00:42:58,075 --> 00:42:59,702 And find someone who can break the encryption. 575 00:43:00,444 --> 00:43:03,470 And then together we can decide what to do. 576 00:43:31,875 --> 00:43:32,774 Shit! 577 00:43:32,876 --> 00:43:34,310 It's Mukhabarat. 578 00:43:37,247 --> 00:43:38,715 Are you fucking kidding me? 579 00:43:39,883 --> 00:43:40,883 Jesus. 580 00:43:54,665 --> 00:43:57,100 There must be a mistake. I'm..an UN official. 581 00:43:57,868 --> 00:43:59,199 The young diplomat. 582 00:44:01,271 --> 00:44:05,333 You know it's very dangerous for you to be in this God forsaken desert unescorted. 583 00:44:06,010 --> 00:44:10,675 Mukhabarat was concerned you might have been kidnapped by these individuals. 584 00:44:12,683 --> 00:44:14,674 Consider this a courtesy. 585 00:44:15,119 --> 00:44:16,177 Your paper. 588 00:44:27,197 --> 00:44:29,859 I'll tell you this with all humility, Mr. Sullivan. 589 00:44:30,100 --> 00:44:31,465 Cos I'm sure it won't happen again. 590 00:44:31,669 --> 00:44:35,606 Your recent visit to the pharmaceutical distribution service... 591 00:44:35,673 --> 00:44:38,870 that was unnecessarily provocative. Yes? 592 00:44:39,843 --> 00:44:42,471 It would be in everyone's best interest in the future 593 00:44:42,546 --> 00:44:46,210 where you decide such inspections were no longer necessary. 594 00:44:46,316 --> 00:44:47,681 They're armed! 595 00:44:51,121 --> 00:44:53,249 She is my interpreter. Right! I told you! 597 00:44:56,593 --> 00:44:57,685 Stop! 599 00:45:06,370 --> 00:45:10,329 Go. Now. Before they change their minds. 600 00:45:10,708 --> 00:45:11,834 Get in the car. 601 00:45:27,891 --> 00:45:29,222 He kept my papers. 602 00:45:31,695 --> 00:45:34,687 It's only a question of time now before they find out who I am. 609 00:46:14,304 --> 00:46:15,635 Where is the girl? 610 00:46:15,739 --> 00:46:17,264 What girl? The Kurdish girl. 611 00:46:17,341 --> 00:46:19,219 I don't know what you are talking about. You are lying! 612 00:46:19,243 --> 00:46:21,007 I don't know what you are talking about. Don't lie. 613 00:46:21,111 --> 00:46:22,655 I don't know where she is. I saw you with her. 614 00:46:22,679 --> 00:46:24,408 Yeah. I know. But I don't know where she is. Ok? 615 00:46:24,481 --> 00:46:26,711 Let me just.. Let me make a call. 616 00:46:28,719 --> 00:46:29,948 I don't know where she is. 617 00:46:31,321 --> 00:46:32,321 Get out! 618 00:46:32,589 --> 00:46:35,251 You have no jurisdiction here. Out! 619 00:46:45,569 --> 00:46:48,470 It's Michael Sullivan from Baghdad of "Oil for Food" office. 620 00:46:50,240 --> 00:46:51,298 Yeah. 621 00:46:52,576 --> 00:46:53,576 Yeah. 622 00:46:54,678 --> 00:46:57,477 I need to arrange an UNLP for one of our staffs here. 623 00:47:00,851 --> 00:47:02,444 Yeah.. The name is Nashim. 624 00:47:04,354 --> 00:47:05,354 Huesseni. 625 00:47:18,502 --> 00:47:19,502 Hey. 626 00:47:19,970 --> 00:47:21,563 I took all I could carry. 627 00:47:21,672 --> 00:47:23,299 This will get you to the US. 628 00:47:23,373 --> 00:47:25,733 The High Commission for Refugees will help you get a VISA. 629 00:47:26,343 --> 00:47:30,177 I don't know. I can go to Kurdish part of Turkey. I have some friends there. 630 00:47:30,280 --> 00:47:31,941 No. You'll be safer in New York. 631 00:47:32,015 --> 00:47:35,349 We'll get you to the US. And then we de-encrypt the list together. 632 00:47:37,888 --> 00:47:40,482 Go. You cannot be seen with me. 633 00:47:40,691 --> 00:47:42,125 Whatever happens.. 634 00:47:44,995 --> 00:47:47,191 Just promise me you'll let me know. 635 00:47:49,066 --> 00:47:50,363 Whatever happens... 636 00:47:51,969 --> 00:47:52,969 happens. 637 00:47:53,470 --> 00:47:54,470 Right? 638 00:48:00,944 --> 00:48:01,944 Thank you. 639 00:48:04,014 --> 00:48:05,014 Thank you. 640 00:48:24,868 --> 00:48:27,200 Would you please come to my office immediately? 641 00:48:31,742 --> 00:48:33,710 You really expect me to fall for these? 642 00:48:34,011 --> 00:48:35,911 These.. I don't even know what to call them. 643 00:48:36,013 --> 00:48:37,071 Garbage! 644 00:48:38,448 --> 00:48:41,110 What was the plan? Shook me to releasing them? 645 00:48:41,852 --> 00:48:45,117 And then force me out when the evidence comes this is false? 646 00:48:45,222 --> 00:48:47,247 I'm at loss. I don't even know what you are talking about. 647 00:48:47,457 --> 00:48:48,515 Madame. 648 00:48:48,592 --> 00:48:49,957 I've sent some documents. 649 00:48:50,227 --> 00:48:51,787 Hassam wants to show them to you that's it. 650 00:48:51,962 --> 00:48:54,260 You are finished in the UN. Do you hear me? 651 00:48:54,898 --> 00:48:56,366 Your career is over! 652 00:48:56,566 --> 00:48:58,694 What will you have him do? He got some photos! 653 00:48:58,969 --> 00:49:00,130 Shame on you. 654 00:49:00,237 --> 00:49:01,568 Shame on both of you! 655 00:49:04,007 --> 00:49:05,304 The report is finished. 656 00:49:05,676 --> 00:49:08,338 It tells the truth about the failure of "Oil for Food". 657 00:49:08,979 --> 00:49:10,071 The files are in digital. 658 00:49:10,314 --> 00:49:12,612 watermarked, timed, date. 659 00:49:12,849 --> 00:49:14,442 And I have secure copies. 660 00:49:14,685 --> 00:49:17,848 So you can't change anything when it goes to New York. 661 00:49:18,322 --> 00:49:21,087 The battle is over, Costa. And you have lost. 662 00:49:21,325 --> 00:49:23,817 Security Council will make the decision based on the facts. 664 00:49:34,237 --> 00:49:35,727 She's gone. Pasha. 665 00:49:37,841 --> 00:49:38,967 Well. Fuck. 666 00:49:40,143 --> 00:49:41,783 Nothing more for you to do there, kid. 667 00:49:42,679 --> 00:49:44,977 Take the next UN flight. Come home. 668 00:49:46,850 --> 00:49:48,113 Don't worry about it. 669 00:50:03,266 --> 00:50:07,999 JFK AIRPORT, NEW YORK 670 00:50:09,840 --> 00:50:10,840 Excuse me, Sir. 671 00:50:11,508 --> 00:50:12,873 Let me see your passport? 672 00:50:14,077 --> 00:50:15,238 Oh yeah.. Sure. 673 00:50:24,087 --> 00:50:26,419 Mr. Sullivan? I need you to come with us. 674 00:50:48,145 --> 00:50:49,579 Michael, how are you doing? 675 00:50:51,982 --> 00:50:52,982 I have nothing for you. 676 00:50:53,216 --> 00:50:55,480 No, that's ok. I got something for you. 677 00:50:56,420 --> 00:50:59,355 Christina Dupre is dead. 678 00:51:01,158 --> 00:51:04,253 They found her few hours ago alone at home. 679 00:51:04,694 --> 00:51:05,991 Heart attack. 680 00:51:06,229 --> 00:51:09,096 At least. That's what they're saying. 681 00:51:14,371 --> 00:51:16,703 What do you mean "that's what they're saying."? 682 00:51:19,709 --> 00:51:21,302 What did you think happen, Mike? 683 00:51:27,217 --> 00:51:28,309 I... I don't.. 684 00:51:29,086 --> 00:51:30,646 I have no idea. Why would I? 685 00:51:30,720 --> 00:51:31,720 Your boss. 686 00:51:32,222 --> 00:51:33,383 What does he think? 687 00:51:34,458 --> 00:51:37,450 You have questions for Pasha, you should just ask him yourself. 688 00:51:39,696 --> 00:51:42,688 Did he ever mention anything about a list? 689 00:51:45,368 --> 00:51:46,699 No. Why? 690 00:51:50,607 --> 00:51:51,733 Michael. 691 00:51:54,044 --> 00:51:56,103 Is there anything you want to tell me right now? 692 00:51:59,382 --> 00:52:00,577 No. 693 00:52:12,829 --> 00:52:13,829 Thanks. 694 00:52:51,835 --> 00:52:53,496 Hello? You are home. 695 00:52:55,372 --> 00:52:56,840 Yeah.. Yeah.. I just got in. 696 00:52:58,608 --> 00:53:00,201 Did you hear about Madame? 697 00:53:01,478 --> 00:53:02,478 Yeah. 698 00:53:03,713 --> 00:53:05,841 Terrible. Terrible. 699 00:53:07,484 --> 00:53:09,452 We have our disagreements but.. 700 00:53:09,986 --> 00:53:11,681 this has break my heart. 701 00:53:14,024 --> 00:53:16,322 And the.. the report? 702 00:53:17,093 --> 00:53:19,653 Hassan has shown me that he doesn't share the Madame's determination 703 00:53:19,729 --> 00:53:21,207 to block the program... 704 00:53:21,231 --> 00:53:23,529 He will sign off as her successor 705 00:53:23,600 --> 00:53:25,591 I want everything to get refunded. 706 00:53:26,069 --> 00:53:28,868 Madame was wrong. Being fucking dead doesn't change that. 707 00:53:29,706 --> 00:53:31,196 You have two days to clean this up. 708 00:53:31,575 --> 00:53:34,374 What do you mean I've got two days to clean this up? 709 00:53:34,578 --> 00:53:37,445 I thinking I might need you to present the oral summary. 710 00:53:37,681 --> 00:53:40,082 Wait. Do you want me to present the report? 711 00:53:41,117 --> 00:53:42,917 To the old fucking Security Council. 712 00:53:43,019 --> 00:53:45,078 Isn't that break your protocol Pasha? 713 00:53:46,089 --> 00:53:47,420 I can do what I like. 714 00:53:48,024 --> 00:53:51,187 Besides they should be hearing from somebody close to the ground 715 00:53:51,261 --> 00:53:53,161 than whom else can I toss to do it? 716 00:53:55,098 --> 00:53:56,429 Ok. Yeah.. 717 00:54:17,454 --> 00:54:18,454 Are you kidding me? 718 00:54:18,588 --> 00:54:20,078 This is such a big deal. 719 00:54:20,323 --> 00:54:23,315 For somebody, your pay grade stands before the Security Council? 720 00:54:23,960 --> 00:54:25,894 Yeah. I know it's a great opportunity. 721 00:54:27,430 --> 00:54:28,556 What? 722 00:54:29,232 --> 00:54:30,597 Where do you get this? 723 00:54:30,967 --> 00:54:32,298 A friend in Baghdad. 724 00:54:32,736 --> 00:54:34,966 No. I mean I can't crack this. 725 00:54:36,139 --> 00:54:37,664 Do you know anyone who can? 726 00:54:39,442 --> 00:54:41,069 Do you even know what's on the drive? 727 00:54:43,847 --> 00:54:44,871 No. 728 00:54:45,749 --> 00:54:47,717 Do you know anyone who can crack it? 729 00:54:48,451 --> 00:54:49,748 Yeah.. I'll give it a try. 730 00:54:49,953 --> 00:54:52,251 Mind if I.. hold on to this? 731 00:54:52,455 --> 00:54:53,455 Yeah. Keep it. 732 00:54:53,990 --> 00:54:56,823 Yeah, I was given this was a possible contact number for her. 733 00:54:58,328 --> 00:55:00,092 Yeah. Exactly. Michael Sullivan. 734 00:55:03,500 --> 00:55:04,934 No. I understand, yeah. 735 00:55:05,001 --> 00:55:07,470 Just.. the number I gave you. If you could make sure, 736 00:55:07,570 --> 00:55:11,598 you or one of your colleagues gets back to me if you hear anything at all. 737 00:55:15,612 --> 00:55:19,105 Madame Dupre's death hang over "Oil for Food" program like a cloud. 738 00:55:20,016 --> 00:55:22,314 But Pasha had a clear path for what he wanted. 739 00:55:27,457 --> 00:55:29,221 I focus on writing the report. 740 00:55:32,195 --> 00:55:35,460 I didn't want anyone to doubt that I deserve to be in that room. 741 00:55:38,001 --> 00:55:39,969 I couldn't help think about my father. 742 00:55:40,704 --> 00:55:43,664 Whether he'd stood before the Council like I would. 743 00:55:44,207 --> 00:55:46,972 Whether he would think of what he was doing was right. 744 00:56:16,072 --> 00:56:17,198 You ok? 745 00:56:17,841 --> 00:56:19,206 I'm ok now. 746 00:57:22,105 --> 00:57:25,973 They are one hundred percent fucking certainty WMD is in Iraq, 747 00:57:26,342 --> 00:57:28,504 and zero percent certainty where they are. 748 00:57:28,611 --> 00:57:29,840 Let me call you back. 749 00:57:30,180 --> 00:57:31,238 Finished. 750 00:57:31,314 --> 00:57:33,180 Pending your review and Hassan signed off. 751 00:57:35,452 --> 00:57:36,613 That's my boy. 752 00:57:37,086 --> 00:57:38,178 Good work. 753 00:57:41,991 --> 00:57:43,322 I got a call.. 754 00:57:44,961 --> 00:57:46,986 from Oversight. 755 00:57:47,997 --> 00:57:53,094 About your UNLP request for our sexy little tr anslator. 756 00:57:53,336 --> 00:57:54,963 They ask me to look into it. 757 00:57:55,238 --> 00:57:57,434 I believe she's in New York now. 758 00:57:57,674 --> 00:57:58,674 Right. 759 00:57:59,342 --> 00:58:00,400 She's Kurdish. 760 00:58:00,477 --> 00:58:01,808 She needs an asylum. 761 00:58:01,911 --> 00:58:04,243 They killed two of her countrymen. 762 00:58:04,314 --> 00:58:06,112 Kurdish don't have a country. 763 00:58:18,194 --> 00:58:20,185 She makes friends like you everywhere. 764 00:58:20,697 --> 00:58:21,697 All the tricks in the book. 765 00:58:21,965 --> 00:58:22,989 The honeypot. 766 00:58:23,500 --> 00:58:25,195 CIA calls it a "the tangle" now. 767 00:58:25,468 --> 00:58:27,493 Seduce them up. Tell them fairy tales. 768 00:58:28,137 --> 00:58:30,071 It's not just the russians, notice? 769 00:58:30,974 --> 00:58:32,339 CIA. 770 00:58:33,343 --> 00:58:35,175 MI5, Interpol. 771 00:58:35,245 --> 00:58:37,009 Girl has a big following. 772 00:58:37,080 --> 00:58:38,760 Pashmerga sent it to school in England. 773 00:58:38,982 --> 00:58:41,622 Got a phoney paper and a job in Baghdad, UN. 774 00:58:43,219 --> 00:58:44,880 What is she want you to do? 775 00:58:46,689 --> 00:58:47,689 Nothing. 776 00:58:48,191 --> 00:58:50,683 I bet she's hiding skills in the soft art. 777 00:58:57,066 --> 00:59:00,001 What you did is stupid and illegal. 778 00:59:00,203 --> 00:59:01,364 I'll make it go away. 779 00:59:01,571 --> 00:59:04,211 In future if you're gonna do these things, you've got to come to me first. 780 00:59:18,388 --> 00:59:20,857 Who gave you this? It doesn't matter. 781 00:59:23,426 --> 00:59:24,985 You've been using me. 782 00:59:25,428 --> 00:59:27,089 No. Yes. 783 00:59:29,966 --> 00:59:32,196 You said you wanted to help. 784 00:59:33,436 --> 00:59:37,066 Our meeting wasn't like that... I really.. Fucking bullshit, Nashim. I know how this works. 785 00:59:37,874 --> 00:59:39,740 Do you? Yeah. 786 00:59:40,877 --> 00:59:43,869 Yes. Ok. I''m guilty of taking a job in Bagdad 787 00:59:44,080 --> 00:59:46,139 and try to find a way to help my people. 788 00:59:46,249 --> 00:59:49,082 Get free of a dictator who wants to exterminate us. 789 00:59:50,253 --> 00:59:52,984 And yes, I talked with men who might be off help. 790 00:59:53,890 --> 00:59:56,552 But I didn't sleep with any of them, Ok? 791 00:59:56,893 --> 00:59:58,133 I didn't have to. Nashim. 792 00:59:58,227 --> 01:00:01,686 You have asked me to risk my life for the list.. 793 01:00:01,898 --> 01:00:04,265 that I don't even know where it fucking came from. 794 01:00:05,435 --> 01:00:06,435 This is... 795 01:00:12,709 --> 01:00:13,972 I'm sorry but.. 796 01:00:14,744 --> 01:00:16,212 This is who I am. 797 01:00:21,250 --> 01:00:22,718 Do you want me to leave? 798 01:01:23,379 --> 01:01:24,379 Hi! 799 01:01:24,614 --> 01:01:25,614 Hey. 800 01:01:26,115 --> 01:01:27,549 I came to wish you luck. 801 01:01:28,851 --> 01:01:29,851 Hey, man. 802 01:01:29,986 --> 01:01:31,106 Knock them dead. Thank you. 803 01:01:32,321 --> 01:01:33,652 Ready? Yeah. 804 01:01:33,723 --> 01:01:35,987 You'll do great. Relax. Thanks. 805 01:01:39,729 --> 01:01:43,427 In an unusual move at today's United Nations "Oil for Food" vote, 806 01:01:43,700 --> 01:01:46,226 Under-Secretary-General Costa Passaris.. 807 01:01:46,703 --> 01:01:49,570 yielded his chair to his executive assistant Michael Sullivan 808 01:01:49,839 --> 01:01:52,706 to present the report on the status of the program. 809 01:01:53,076 --> 01:01:58,071 The "Oil for Food' program continues to achieve its core mission of providing humanitarian relief. 810 01:01:58,514 --> 01:02:00,710 The request for continue funding comes 811 01:02:00,950 --> 01:02:03,544 in a wake of the sudden death of Baghdad field director 812 01:02:03,853 --> 01:02:06,413 Christina Dupre, who is a vocal critic of the program. 813 01:02:06,856 --> 01:02:09,348 And against the backdrop of the intensifying efforts 814 01:02:09,425 --> 01:02:11,670 to find Saddam Hussein suspected cashes and 815 01:02:11,694 --> 01:02:13,374 weapons of mass destruction. 816 01:02:13,563 --> 01:02:19,866 Continuing resolution 986, the Council has voted unanimously. 817 01:02:20,703 --> 01:02:25,231 to extend funding for another 180 days. 818 01:02:25,341 --> 01:02:28,208 Michael Sullivan address the press after the Security Council vote. 819 01:02:53,236 --> 01:02:57,230 I don't understand why you want here, like me? Why? 820 01:02:57,673 --> 01:02:58,731 I know. 821 01:02:58,975 --> 01:03:00,602 Me neither. Let's get a drink, ok? 822 01:03:00,843 --> 01:03:01,843 Here you are. 823 01:03:02,178 --> 01:03:04,203 My prodigy. Michael Sullivan. 824 01:03:05,615 --> 01:03:07,083 Timur Rasnetsov. 825 01:03:09,452 --> 01:03:11,944 Costa insists you were the hero of "Oil for Food". 826 01:03:14,490 --> 01:03:15,980 And here is Nashim. 827 01:03:16,993 --> 01:03:17,993 Lovely. 828 01:03:18,661 --> 01:03:20,595 Welcome to the USA. 829 01:03:20,663 --> 01:03:21,663 Thank you. 830 01:03:22,598 --> 01:03:23,598 Where is your drink? 831 01:03:23,833 --> 01:03:26,734 I think we even have some Arak tuck away. 832 01:03:30,606 --> 01:03:32,096 So how have you been? 833 01:03:33,576 --> 01:03:34,839 Fine. Thank you. 834 01:03:35,611 --> 01:03:36,611 Great. 835 01:03:38,881 --> 01:03:40,679 Well, enjoy your evening. 836 01:03:51,694 --> 01:03:54,061 You must be the young diplomat Michael Sullivan. 837 01:03:54,330 --> 01:03:56,458 My husband is always talking about you. 838 01:03:56,699 --> 01:03:57,632 Nice to meet you. Plesure. 839 01:03:57,700 --> 01:03:59,300 I'm Melina, Pasha' wife. 840 01:03:59,468 --> 01:04:00,367 Of course, Yes. 841 01:04:00,469 --> 01:04:04,463 Pasha gushes about you. Pasha doesn't gush about anyone. 842 01:04:04,874 --> 01:04:06,672 Yeah. He certainly told me a lot. 843 01:04:07,376 --> 01:04:08,844 It can never work. 844 01:04:10,546 --> 01:04:13,277 Is that the proud Papa protecting his surrogate son? 845 01:04:13,349 --> 01:04:15,613 Don't patronize me. 846 01:04:18,487 --> 01:04:20,979 Is this so unthinkable that I could be in love with him? 847 01:04:22,859 --> 01:04:24,327 You are what you are. 848 01:04:27,129 --> 01:04:28,893 You cannot fool me. 849 01:04:31,701 --> 01:04:33,465 You gave him the file on me. 850 01:04:34,704 --> 01:04:36,001 Listen. 851 01:04:37,840 --> 01:04:40,207 If you do anything to compromise the kid or hurt him, 852 01:04:40,443 --> 01:04:43,572 I will have you deported so fast your hijab would spin. 853 01:04:46,883 --> 01:04:48,681 No.. I have to.. I have to go. 854 01:04:48,885 --> 01:04:51,115 My apologies. I have to deal with something. 855 01:04:53,723 --> 01:04:55,452 How long have you known that guy for? 856 01:04:56,092 --> 01:04:59,687 He came with the delegation. We just met. Why? 857 01:04:59,896 --> 01:05:02,558 He was the one who tried to bribe me in my Hotel in Baghdad. 858 01:05:03,432 --> 01:05:06,060 Paradics is very well connected. Could be useful. 859 01:05:10,072 --> 01:05:11,072 I've gotta go. 860 01:05:11,574 --> 01:05:14,874 What the fuck was that man doing at the party? 861 01:05:16,345 --> 01:05:17,345 I don't know. 862 01:05:19,949 --> 01:05:21,110 What did Pasha want? 863 01:05:24,020 --> 01:05:25,112 He threatened me. 864 01:05:27,223 --> 01:05:28,691 Your boss threatened me. 865 01:05:33,396 --> 01:05:34,396 Hello? 866 01:05:34,697 --> 01:05:37,894 Michael, my guy came through, you better come see this. 867 01:05:37,967 --> 01:05:39,264 You're not gonna believe this. 868 01:05:40,136 --> 01:05:43,003 Saddam. He's been selling Oil vouchers. 869 01:05:43,105 --> 01:05:47,736 At that discount, the people who turn around, resell the vouchers with the going on pay grade. 870 01:05:47,977 --> 01:05:49,672 For huge profits. 871 01:05:50,179 --> 01:05:54,844 Saddam gets a kickback, shares the difference between his discounts on a going rate. 872 01:05:55,484 --> 01:05:57,077 How much does he make? 873 01:05:58,120 --> 01:05:59,720 Could be over a billion dollars. 874 01:06:01,090 --> 01:06:02,182 Jesus Christ! 875 01:06:03,092 --> 01:06:04,617 We know if these are real? 876 01:06:04,694 --> 01:06:05,694 They look real. 877 01:06:06,128 --> 01:06:07,596 And it looks like a system. 878 01:06:07,663 --> 01:06:10,758 There's a list of all the major players, 879 01:06:10,833 --> 01:06:13,461 Politcians, Businessmen, Bankers. 880 01:06:14,103 --> 01:06:16,902 We're talking highly placed people.. 881 01:06:17,106 --> 01:06:20,098 at the very heart of most first world goverments. 882 01:06:20,843 --> 01:06:24,245 They are taking millions of dollars and bribes. 883 01:06:24,447 --> 01:06:26,438 This is real. Of course, it's real. 884 01:06:26,749 --> 01:06:30,310 Well. To proove it, you gonna need records of the actual transactions. 885 01:06:31,620 --> 01:06:33,145 You need to get this to Pasha. 886 01:06:33,255 --> 01:06:34,689 This is an UN internal matter. 887 01:06:34,957 --> 01:06:37,119 You do not want to be left holding the bag on this. 888 01:06:37,593 --> 01:06:41,496 Amongst the encrypted documents, I found this video codec. 889 01:06:41,831 --> 01:06:42,957 How long does it run for? 890 01:06:44,000 --> 01:06:46,662 71 minutes. 71 minutes is a strange time. 891 01:06:47,570 --> 01:06:49,868 I sort of scroll through a bit, it's pretty much the same. 892 01:06:53,843 --> 01:06:55,004 Zoom in. 893 01:07:00,016 --> 01:07:01,074 Go back. 894 01:07:28,210 --> 01:07:29,210 I knew it. 895 01:07:30,079 --> 01:07:32,138 I fucking knew it. I knew.. 896 01:07:32,681 --> 01:07:34,080 I knew that he was involved. 897 01:07:34,550 --> 01:07:36,382 We need to make the list public. 898 01:07:36,685 --> 01:07:38,050 We can't do that. 899 01:07:38,154 --> 01:07:39,154 They'll just deny it. 900 01:07:40,356 --> 01:07:42,154 Then all it'll do is destroy the UN. 901 01:07:42,358 --> 01:07:44,718 We need to find someone to start asking questions. 902 01:07:44,960 --> 01:07:46,872 "Media, The Congress", the truth will come out. 903 01:07:46,896 --> 01:07:50,696 All these powerful interests in play, they will decide what the truth is. 904 01:07:50,900 --> 01:07:53,892 Pasha will be the sacrificial lamb and my career will be over. 905 01:07:53,969 --> 01:07:54,969 You are not part of this. 906 01:07:55,037 --> 01:07:56,237 Of course, I'm fucking part of this. 907 01:07:56,305 --> 01:07:58,745 I just gave a speech about the integrity for "Oil for Food". 908 01:07:58,908 --> 01:08:01,570 What are you saying? Do nothing? I don't know what I'm saying. 909 01:08:23,699 --> 01:08:24,699 What's going on? 910 01:08:25,568 --> 01:08:27,434 Michael! Somebody! 911 01:08:42,718 --> 01:08:45,312 Man, you ok? You need me to call 911? 912 01:09:28,597 --> 01:09:29,860 Where is she? I don't know. 913 01:09:30,099 --> 01:09:32,477 Call your friend. Tell him I will trade what he wants for Nashim. 914 01:09:32,501 --> 01:09:33,525 He's not my friend. 915 01:09:33,636 --> 01:09:36,662 Pasha, I have a video of you taking a fucking bribe from him. 916 01:09:40,543 --> 01:09:43,035 You gonna come inside, kid or do we have to do this out here? 917 01:09:43,145 --> 01:09:44,442 We gonna do this out here. 918 01:09:45,981 --> 01:09:48,348 I take a cut. Sure. 919 01:09:48,984 --> 01:09:51,214 Why not? Everyone else has. 920 01:09:52,221 --> 01:09:56,488 I put my whole career on the line for this mission every fucking day. 921 01:09:59,094 --> 01:10:00,994 Come inside, kid. It's cold. 922 01:10:08,871 --> 01:10:10,839 Rasnetsov is a fixer. 923 01:10:11,574 --> 01:10:13,201 He's a very dangerous man. 924 01:10:14,343 --> 01:10:18,837 Nothing in Iraq runs. Nothing without him. 925 01:10:19,081 --> 01:10:20,310 And who wants him? 926 01:10:20,382 --> 01:10:21,508 The highest bidder. 927 01:10:22,218 --> 01:10:25,483 Moscow, Beijing, Saddam, hedge funds, mafia, Greek. 928 01:10:25,721 --> 01:10:30,090 Rasnetsov is a bridge between politics and reality. 929 01:10:30,326 --> 01:10:31,725 And whose sides are you on, Pasha? 930 01:10:34,230 --> 01:10:35,994 I thought I heard you coming. 931 01:10:36,599 --> 01:10:38,226 Sit down Michael. Please. 932 01:10:41,003 --> 01:10:42,027 I'll make the call. 933 01:10:46,242 --> 01:10:47,242 Coffee? 934 01:10:48,711 --> 01:10:49,872 Yeah, thanks. 935 01:10:55,718 --> 01:10:57,584 Did you enjoy the party last night? 936 01:10:58,220 --> 01:10:59,813 Yeah, we had a great time. Thank you. 937 01:11:00,089 --> 01:11:01,955 You left so early. I wondered. 938 01:11:02,491 --> 01:11:05,256 My friend.. She wasn't feeling too well. 939 01:11:09,231 --> 01:11:10,665 It's a flu season. 940 01:11:13,235 --> 01:11:14,235 Yeah. 941 01:11:16,438 --> 01:11:18,167 Well, I'll leave you to it. 942 01:11:23,445 --> 01:11:25,607 They handed her over to Immigration. 943 01:11:25,714 --> 01:11:27,079 Ok. Was she has papers? 944 01:11:27,383 --> 01:11:29,078 I think they find them missing. 945 01:11:30,252 --> 01:11:31,981 She becomes an irritation. 946 01:11:32,087 --> 01:11:34,749 If she gets deported to Iraq, they will execute her for treason. 947 01:11:34,823 --> 01:11:37,383 I'll send her back to Baghdad, I still have some sway. 948 01:11:37,593 --> 01:11:41,154 No, you call him back and tell him, I'm not gonna give up the list until Nashim sets free. 949 01:11:41,263 --> 01:11:42,822 That's not how it works. 950 01:11:43,332 --> 01:11:45,596 You need to trust me. I did trust you Pasha. 951 01:11:45,668 --> 01:11:48,137 I trusted you and you fucked me in every turn. 952 01:11:49,338 --> 01:11:50,897 Look where we are. 953 01:11:51,106 --> 01:11:52,767 Committing crimes and taking bribes. 954 01:11:52,841 --> 01:11:54,321 The crime would have been to do nothing 955 01:11:54,443 --> 01:11:56,605 to watch innocence suffer and die. 956 01:11:56,845 --> 01:11:59,212 What about Dupre, and what about Ahbek? What was the justification for that? 957 01:11:59,315 --> 01:12:01,010 We didn't make the storm. 958 01:12:01,684 --> 01:12:03,311 We can't control the strom. 959 01:12:03,986 --> 01:12:08,446 All we can do is plot our course, set out sails and try to do our best. 960 01:12:08,691 --> 01:12:10,056 As we did and we do. 961 01:12:10,326 --> 01:12:12,226 Best for whom? Pasha. Best for you? 962 01:12:12,328 --> 01:12:14,558 Not best for Nashim. Not best for her people. 963 01:12:15,564 --> 01:12:18,363 Look. May be you love the spy. Fuck. 964 01:12:19,868 --> 01:12:21,836 Who am I to argue with a heart? 965 01:12:25,341 --> 01:12:27,002 Don't let her get you killed. 966 01:12:32,681 --> 01:12:36,117 We can help her people. But we have to do it our way. 967 01:12:36,985 --> 01:12:40,353 Bush's coalition of the willing is going to invade Iraq 968 01:12:40,556 --> 01:12:43,321 in a matter of days now. Consensus is changing. 969 01:12:43,559 --> 01:12:46,051 If it's truth, Saddam is history. 970 01:12:46,495 --> 01:12:49,624 And "Oil for Food" can be successful framework 971 01:12:49,965 --> 01:12:52,696 for rebuilding of a new free Iraq 972 01:12:52,968 --> 01:12:57,428 in which the United Nations, not the carpet buggers and craven carvens 973 01:12:57,706 --> 01:13:00,869 who created this nightmare. The UN can take the lead fucking role. 974 01:13:02,611 --> 01:13:03,669 You and me, kid. 975 01:13:06,248 --> 01:13:07,716 We can save the world. 976 01:13:08,951 --> 01:13:10,350 And save your girl. 977 01:13:16,692 --> 01:13:17,692 Trust me. 978 01:13:21,430 --> 01:13:23,023 My fellow citizens. 979 01:13:23,232 --> 01:13:26,361 At this hour, America and college enforces are 980 01:13:26,568 --> 01:13:28,808 in early stages of military operations 981 01:13:28,904 --> 01:13:31,896 to disarm Iraq, to free his people. 982 01:13:32,241 --> 01:13:34,232 And to defend the world from grave danger. 983 01:13:38,380 --> 01:13:40,940 Over the next 24 to 48 hours, 984 01:13:41,216 --> 01:13:45,881 perhaps as many as three thousand.. three thousand missiles 985 01:13:46,221 --> 01:13:49,623 Satellite guided precision bombs, laser guided bombs 986 01:13:49,725 --> 01:13:53,457 would be dropped at various targets, not only in Bagdad or around Bagdad, 987 01:13:53,695 --> 01:13:56,130 but elsewhere around the.. 988 01:14:05,140 --> 01:14:08,110 Since we started the invasion, I was back in Baghdad. 989 01:14:08,477 --> 01:14:10,722 To work on Pasha's plan to put UN in charge of 990 01:14:10,746 --> 01:14:12,680 rebuilding the new Iraq. 991 01:14:13,582 --> 01:14:15,016 The sanctions were lifted. 992 01:14:15,117 --> 01:14:17,245 The free market would power the country. 993 01:14:17,453 --> 01:14:20,115 Free elections would give every citizen of voice. 994 01:14:20,322 --> 01:14:22,086 And oil would pay the bills. 995 01:14:24,593 --> 01:14:26,322 Pasha still have strong connections. 996 01:14:27,830 --> 01:14:29,229 And he kept his promise to me. 997 01:14:36,438 --> 01:14:38,133 Nashim Husseini! 998 01:15:28,557 --> 01:15:30,423 The days burned together. 999 01:15:32,127 --> 01:15:33,458 Blank pages. 1000 01:15:40,869 --> 01:15:42,064 I've missed you. 1001 01:15:49,478 --> 01:15:50,707 I have something for you. 1002 01:15:56,485 --> 01:15:59,216 A new passport and a VISA so 1003 01:16:02,357 --> 01:16:04,257 You can stay as long if you want. 1004 01:16:07,095 --> 01:16:09,029 And what about the list? 1005 01:16:12,200 --> 01:16:13,690 I gave it to Pasha. 1006 01:16:17,439 --> 01:16:20,636 You traded this? For me? Yeah. 1007 01:16:20,742 --> 01:16:22,870 Why? I didn't exactly have a choice. 1008 01:16:22,945 --> 01:16:24,640 I made a judgement call. Ok? 1009 01:16:24,746 --> 01:16:27,738 And what you think is going to happen to Pasha now? 1010 01:16:28,317 --> 01:16:30,197 Pasha can still do a lot of good in the UN. 1011 01:16:31,887 --> 01:16:33,878 You are dreaming. I'm not dreaming. 1012 01:16:33,956 --> 01:16:36,687 I'm not dreaming. I'm not. Ok. Consensus has changed. 1013 01:16:37,259 --> 01:16:39,557 With Saddam gone, we can actually do a lot of good.. 1014 01:16:39,861 --> 01:16:44,731 Just by thinking you can work with the criminals to take what you want. You're at lost. 1015 01:16:46,301 --> 01:16:48,770 It wasn't exactly a fight we are going to win, was it? 1016 01:16:48,870 --> 01:16:52,204 I put all my fucking life on this. 1017 01:16:52,574 --> 01:16:54,474 Who are you to decide that for me? 1018 01:16:55,243 --> 01:16:56,870 You said it yourself. 1019 01:16:58,313 --> 01:17:01,078 It's very very fucking complicated. 1020 01:17:03,485 --> 01:17:06,318 No. Not this part. 1021 01:17:07,956 --> 01:17:09,822 This part is very simple. 1022 01:17:11,860 --> 01:17:14,090 I don't want to be a part of this. No, no. 1023 01:17:14,663 --> 01:17:15,824 I can't. 1024 01:17:16,665 --> 01:17:18,861 Nashim. Wait... Wait. Wait!! 1025 01:17:21,436 --> 01:17:22,528 Nashim! 1026 01:17:36,551 --> 01:17:39,543 I'm told you aren't answering your phone. What the fuck. 1027 01:17:41,690 --> 01:17:43,317 Yeah. I've been busy. Yah. 1028 01:17:49,131 --> 01:17:50,131 I heard. 1029 01:17:51,333 --> 01:17:52,823 Your Kurdish took a walk. 1030 01:17:53,068 --> 01:17:55,969 Relationships are trainwreck. 1031 01:17:58,674 --> 01:18:00,073 Come on, Kid. 1032 01:18:00,575 --> 01:18:02,805 You wanted a career in diplomacy. 1033 01:18:02,878 --> 01:18:04,710 Well, you're missing a golden moment. 1034 01:18:08,216 --> 01:18:09,877 See you at the office. 1035 01:18:28,336 --> 01:18:30,566 Pasha. Are those medical contracts... 1036 01:18:35,510 --> 01:18:36,875 I was on my way out. 1037 01:18:38,213 --> 01:18:39,213 Pasha. 1038 01:18:39,681 --> 01:18:40,842 See you. 1039 01:18:48,690 --> 01:18:50,681 It's good to see you again, Michael. 1040 01:18:58,333 --> 01:18:59,892 You think I like it? 1041 01:19:00,569 --> 01:19:02,435 He got the world in his pocket, kid. 1042 01:19:02,704 --> 01:19:05,173 All the major fucking players in reconstruction. 1043 01:19:05,240 --> 01:19:07,402 I don't understand. When did he get back into this? 1044 01:19:07,509 --> 01:19:11,070 He never left. He just moved into the shadows when the stakes got higher. 1045 01:19:11,713 --> 01:19:12,713 There was no one else. 1046 01:19:13,215 --> 01:19:15,206 We've been through this, Michael. 1047 01:19:17,819 --> 01:19:19,651 I'm not gonna fucking deal with him. 1048 01:19:22,224 --> 01:19:23,224 What? 1049 01:19:27,262 --> 01:19:28,889 This is how it works. 1050 01:19:36,004 --> 01:19:38,439 The optimisim of the liberation was short-lived. 1051 01:19:39,741 --> 01:19:43,575 It turned out nobody had made plans what to do after Saddam was gone. 1052 01:19:44,246 --> 01:19:47,682 The America has purged everyone who had been loyal to the regime 1053 01:19:48,083 --> 01:19:51,451 which meant there wasn't anybody left who knew how to run the country. 1054 01:19:52,320 --> 01:19:54,755 Rasnetsov and all the other fixers like him.. 1055 01:19:55,757 --> 01:19:59,250 filled that vacuum with power and now they control the game again. 1056 01:19:59,961 --> 01:20:04,091 Iraq spirals into anarchy, chaos and terror. 1057 01:20:09,971 --> 01:20:13,430 All those countries that have been scamming "Oil for Food" before the war, 1058 01:20:15,277 --> 01:20:17,609 Well, they got ready to curve Iraq up. 1059 01:20:18,847 --> 01:20:20,611 Like it was one big pie. 1060 01:20:22,184 --> 01:20:23,184 And me.. 1061 01:20:24,186 --> 01:20:26,086 I was going through emotions. 1062 01:20:27,455 --> 01:20:28,616 I lost my faith in it.. 1063 01:20:44,840 --> 01:20:45,840 Hello? 1064 01:20:46,107 --> 01:20:47,107 It's Nashim. 1065 01:20:49,344 --> 01:20:50,344 Hey. 1066 01:20:51,713 --> 01:20:52,713 You ok? 1067 01:20:52,848 --> 01:20:55,340 I need to see you. Can you come downstairs? 1068 01:20:57,686 --> 01:20:58,686 Sure. 1069 01:21:11,333 --> 01:21:12,732 Michael. Good to see you. 1070 01:21:13,702 --> 01:21:14,702 Yeah. 1071 01:21:14,736 --> 01:21:16,500 I got someone you got to meet. 1072 01:21:18,206 --> 01:21:19,731 We need your help, Michael. 1073 01:21:26,548 --> 01:21:29,449 Michael Sullivan, Mr. Shaswar Rauf. 1074 01:21:30,719 --> 01:21:31,948 Yeah. We've met before. 1075 01:21:32,220 --> 01:21:34,712 He will play a central role in a new Iraq. 1076 01:21:36,958 --> 01:21:39,723 You ever heard of a guy named Rasnetsov? 1077 01:21:41,229 --> 01:21:42,094 Yeah. 1078 01:21:42,197 --> 01:21:43,858 Yeah? You've ever met him? 1079 01:21:44,299 --> 01:21:47,030 A few times before the invasion. 1080 01:21:47,869 --> 01:21:49,030 How about after? 1081 01:21:52,107 --> 01:21:53,107 No. I didn't. 1082 01:21:54,075 --> 01:21:57,773 Well now him and his criminal gang for "Oil for Food" are back. 1083 01:21:57,879 --> 01:21:59,813 And they're creating a mess in Iraq. 1084 01:22:01,983 --> 01:22:02,983 Yeah.. 1085 01:22:07,222 --> 01:22:11,887 You know there was a list of individuals and organisations that were 1086 01:22:13,662 --> 01:22:16,407 helping Saddam with "Oil for Food". You guys know about that? 1087 01:22:16,431 --> 01:22:19,196 Yeah. There was no way to proof what was on it. No. 1088 01:22:19,267 --> 01:22:22,100 Proof was in Iraq, all ministry. 1089 01:22:22,704 --> 01:22:24,882 Official files that were taken by US troops 1090 01:22:24,906 --> 01:22:26,284 after the government fell. 1091 01:22:26,308 --> 01:22:29,437 Proof that is probably be still in the basement of UN 1092 01:22:29,711 --> 01:22:32,146 somewhere if anyone care to look. 1093 01:22:32,247 --> 01:22:34,978 Forget about the list. We don't want the list anymore. 1094 01:22:35,083 --> 01:22:37,142 You don't want the list? Too many powerful people. 1095 01:22:37,252 --> 01:22:38,720 Too political. 1096 01:22:39,220 --> 01:22:42,451 It is a coalition of fucking greedy. No one gives a shit about Iraq. 1097 01:22:43,591 --> 01:22:45,616 Everyone just want some money. 1098 01:22:45,727 --> 01:22:48,958 Yeah, that's why we need to stop Rasnetsov. 1099 01:22:50,966 --> 01:22:52,559 Pasha can give him to us. 1100 01:22:54,336 --> 01:22:57,465 Michael, we have strong intel that your boss is involved. 1101 01:22:59,574 --> 01:23:01,099 Pasha never gonna help you. 1102 01:23:01,476 --> 01:23:03,672 Or may be he's just need a little push. 1103 01:23:05,847 --> 01:23:08,976 And we're hoping that may be you can convince him. 1104 01:23:09,684 --> 01:23:13,245 You think I can convince Pasha? Pasha's never gonna do it. He's not gonna listen to you. 1105 01:23:13,321 --> 01:23:17,087 We can protect the UN for any unpleasant throwbacks. 1106 01:23:20,228 --> 01:23:21,228 Diplomacy. 1107 01:23:22,230 --> 01:23:23,129 What? 1108 01:23:23,198 --> 01:23:24,198 Diplomacy. 1109 01:23:28,570 --> 01:23:30,368 Something Pasha said to me once.. 1110 01:23:57,499 --> 01:24:00,059 So now you're the one working with the criminals. 1111 01:24:01,836 --> 01:24:03,065 It's not the same. 1112 01:24:06,074 --> 01:24:07,564 Why it isn't the same? 1113 01:24:08,009 --> 01:24:10,103 We had the momentum now. 1114 01:24:10,211 --> 01:24:13,044 The Kurds are going to be in important part of making the new era.. 1115 01:24:13,114 --> 01:24:16,015 The Kurds been fighting the same pretty much several thousand years. 1116 01:24:16,217 --> 01:24:18,413 You really think this gonna change anything? 1117 01:24:20,855 --> 01:24:22,345 Who can't say? 1118 01:24:23,224 --> 01:24:25,716 But for sure it's not up to you to decide that for us 1119 01:24:28,863 --> 01:24:29,863 Come with me. 1120 01:24:38,573 --> 01:24:39,870 I can't. 1121 01:25:15,877 --> 01:25:19,643 Neonatal medicine. Yeah.. There are new inventors. 1122 01:25:19,747 --> 01:25:21,215 French-canadians. 1123 01:25:22,484 --> 01:25:24,929 They want the exclusive rights to the whole of the Northern region. 1124 01:25:24,953 --> 01:25:27,854 That's very greedy. Especially for the Canadians. 1125 01:25:28,323 --> 01:25:31,190 Well, I can.. They need to be willing to pay hundred grand 1126 01:25:31,493 --> 01:25:32,493 to make it happen. 1127 01:25:32,594 --> 01:25:37,122 You do the preparations with the Kurds and the provisional authoritiy. 1128 01:25:37,332 --> 01:25:39,852 I'll handle the rest, we split fifty-fifty. 1129 01:25:39,968 --> 01:25:43,199 Fifty thousand dollars paid off? No, shekels. 1130 01:25:44,205 --> 01:25:46,333 Christ! Of course, dollars. What the fuck! 1131 01:25:47,108 --> 01:25:48,108 Thank you. 1132 01:25:50,678 --> 01:25:53,113 Pleasure to see you again, Sir. 1133 01:25:53,181 --> 01:25:56,981 And so much more favorable circumstances yes? 1134 01:25:59,554 --> 01:26:01,386 You must be one of the Canadians. 1135 01:26:01,489 --> 01:26:02,979 I'm Cutter, Sir. No. 1136 01:26:04,058 --> 01:26:05,355 Ah..American. 1137 01:26:05,460 --> 01:26:06,689 I wasn't.. 1138 01:26:07,562 --> 01:26:09,522 You didn't tell me the provisional authoritiy 1139 01:26:09,564 --> 01:26:11,862 will be sending someone for such a routine agreement. 1140 01:26:12,066 --> 01:26:13,295 They didn't. 1141 01:26:13,368 --> 01:26:16,338 We're not exactly here about medicines, Mr. Passaris. 1142 01:26:19,474 --> 01:26:24,344 They need to be willing to pay hundred grands to make this happen. 1143 01:26:24,546 --> 01:26:29,108 You do the preparations with the Kurds and the provisional authority. 1144 01:26:29,317 --> 01:26:32,446 I handle the rest, we split fifty-fifty. 1145 01:26:33,855 --> 01:26:34,855 Ohh Kid... 1146 01:26:35,223 --> 01:26:38,318 Fifty thousand dollars paid off? - No, shekels. 1147 01:26:39,494 --> 01:26:41,553 Christ of course, Dollars, What the fuck? 1148 01:26:45,733 --> 01:26:48,327 It's like a surprise party without the cake. 1149 01:26:51,206 --> 01:26:52,332 What do you want? 1150 01:26:53,241 --> 01:26:56,074 Give us Timur Rasnetsov, and resign your job. 1151 01:26:58,012 --> 01:27:02,677 Or I will have to drag you and the United Nations through a scandals of a stark proportions. 1152 01:27:07,088 --> 01:27:08,249 This happens. 1153 01:27:09,490 --> 01:27:11,652 With or without you. With or without me.. 1154 01:27:11,726 --> 01:27:15,219 Rasnetsov will be protected by multinational companies 1155 01:27:15,330 --> 01:27:17,059 who have governments who protect them. 1156 01:27:17,165 --> 01:27:20,100 Same people who just brought Saddam to his knees and put you here. 1157 01:27:20,868 --> 01:27:22,427 Holding court. Judging me. 1158 01:27:23,438 --> 01:27:26,499 You think your place at the table now is not bought and paid for? 1159 01:27:26,708 --> 01:27:29,143 We pay with our lives if that's what you mean. 1160 01:27:29,244 --> 01:27:31,444 What you called corruption is simply the growing pains 1161 01:27:31,579 --> 01:27:33,240 of the new democracy. 1162 01:27:36,251 --> 01:27:39,710 And you are indeed fools if you think you can put the brakes on it now. 1163 01:27:41,222 --> 01:27:43,816 Let's let the politician worry about that. 1164 01:27:44,459 --> 01:27:46,120 We will settle for the rat.. 1165 01:27:46,961 --> 01:27:48,656 You want me to commit suicide. 1166 01:27:49,264 --> 01:27:50,561 We can protect you. 1167 01:27:50,832 --> 01:27:51,958 You know that's not true. 1168 01:27:52,233 --> 01:27:53,667 Well just set up a meeting. 1169 01:27:54,669 --> 01:27:56,899 Give him the envelope the Canadian's deal. 1170 01:27:57,438 --> 01:27:59,566 We catch him red handed. 1171 01:28:04,679 --> 01:28:05,908 What the hell? 1172 01:28:44,686 --> 01:28:45,983 Not bad, Kid. 1173 01:28:47,488 --> 01:28:48,580 Well played. 1174 01:28:59,867 --> 01:29:00,959 He's late. 1180 01:30:03,698 --> 01:30:04,698 Yes? 1181 01:30:29,657 --> 01:30:31,091 Fucking country. 1182 01:31:35,990 --> 01:31:37,719 Is it ok if I join you? 1183 01:31:42,463 --> 01:31:43,953 I'm stepping down going home. 1184 01:31:44,365 --> 01:31:46,060 I've lost my taste for it. 1185 01:31:46,467 --> 01:31:48,561 I wanted you to hear it from me. 1186 01:31:49,670 --> 01:31:52,469 I recommended you for a position in UNESCO. 1187 01:31:53,074 --> 01:31:54,667 Special assistant. 1188 01:31:55,977 --> 01:31:57,968 You'll be the youngest one in the whole UN. 1189 01:32:01,415 --> 01:32:02,541 Did you know? 1190 01:32:05,152 --> 01:32:06,313 Kid. 1191 01:32:10,091 --> 01:32:12,025 How can even you think that? 1192 01:32:13,327 --> 01:32:16,558 These fucking lunatics. They are killing each other everyday. 1193 01:32:18,699 --> 01:32:19,996 That's the truth of it. 1194 01:32:23,704 --> 01:32:25,433 That's your truth, Pasha. 1195 01:32:27,708 --> 01:32:29,676 And I'm not part of it anymore. 1196 01:32:31,679 --> 01:32:34,205 Don't. Don't do anything dumb. 1197 01:32:34,682 --> 01:32:36,343 You can't fight the storm. 1198 01:32:45,192 --> 01:32:48,025 NEW YORK, SEPTEMBER, 2003 1199 01:32:49,864 --> 01:32:52,697 I realize everybody knew about the corruption. 1200 01:32:53,568 --> 01:32:55,434 They just didn't want to be exposed. 1201 01:32:56,571 --> 01:32:58,699 Every permanent member of Security Council 1202 01:32:58,906 --> 01:33:00,431 has something to lose. 1203 01:33:00,708 --> 01:33:02,870 Someone on the list who can embarass it. 1204 01:33:04,078 --> 01:33:05,375 It will all be covered up. 1205 01:33:06,581 --> 01:33:08,845 The UN couldn't survive these lies. 1206 01:33:10,952 --> 01:33:12,386 I had to do something. 1207 01:33:12,687 --> 01:33:13,950 Risk something. 1208 01:33:15,222 --> 01:33:16,553 To make a change. 1209 01:33:17,224 --> 01:33:21,559 If I tried to list his accomplishments, we will be here until tomorrow. 1210 01:33:22,430 --> 01:33:26,765 But in his forty years of service, to the cause of world peace and, 1211 01:33:26,867 --> 01:33:31,100 our humanitarian missions, the crowning achievement would have to be 1212 01:33:31,372 --> 01:33:35,468 his successful implementation and operation of "Oil for Food ". 1213 01:33:43,584 --> 01:33:45,450 Hi, I'm Trevor Owen from "Oversight". 1214 01:33:45,686 --> 01:33:47,120 I've spoke to John earlier.. 1215 01:33:47,321 --> 01:33:49,346 Saddam's palace files.. Yeah.. 1216 01:33:50,324 --> 01:33:52,315 Which boxes? All of them. 1217 01:33:52,960 --> 01:33:55,122 They sealed to the public, but as you're from "Oversight" 1218 01:33:55,329 --> 01:33:58,526 and as long as you don't take anything with you, go crazy. 1219 01:33:59,367 --> 01:34:00,5 96 Thank you. 1220 01:34:01,469 --> 01:34:03,961 Mr. Passaris. Job well done. 1221 01:34:04,372 --> 01:34:05,372 Thank you. 1222 01:34:06,974 --> 01:34:09,306 Where's Michael? He has cleaned his desk, sir. 1223 01:34:13,180 --> 01:34:14,545 I think I found it. 1224 01:34:16,984 --> 01:34:18,213 You know what we're gonna have to do? 1225 01:34:19,553 --> 01:34:20,850 Fucking family. 1226 01:34:58,693 --> 01:35:00,457 My name is Michael Sullivan. 1227 01:35:01,462 --> 01:35:04,898 And I have a story I think you're gonna want to hear. 1228 01:35:09,003 --> 01:35:11,529 These are the wrong numbers of how much money was involved. 1229 01:35:11,639 --> 01:35:14,370 And that is billions. This is not Millions. 1230 01:35:14,575 --> 01:35:15,974 Jesus! 1231 01:35:16,977 --> 01:35:20,504 And this is the list of everyone who received their vouchers, 1232 01:35:20,581 --> 01:35:22,242 their bribes and kickbacks. 1233 01:35:22,983 --> 01:35:25,543 You can corroborate the names with the deposit records. 1234 01:35:26,353 --> 01:35:27,353 They're here 1235 01:35:27,421 --> 01:35:29,355 with the list of contracts on files. 1236 01:35:34,095 --> 01:35:35,688 This is massive, Jesse. 1237 01:35:37,698 --> 01:35:40,724 You realize the minute this breaks you'll have a lot of enemies? 1238 01:35:42,002 --> 01:35:43,060 Yeah, I know. 1239 01:35:43,738 --> 01:35:45,502 We could protect you. 1240 01:35:45,573 --> 01:35:47,268 Cite you as "A confidential source." 1241 01:35:47,374 --> 01:35:48,934 No, anonymity is part of the problem. 1242 01:35:49,443 --> 01:35:53,744 If nobody takes responsibility for the truth, then we are leaving up to consensus. 1243 01:35:55,983 --> 01:35:57,451 I have to own it. 1244 01:36:00,087 --> 01:36:02,818 We began with this evening with the United Nations, the "Oil for Food" 1245 01:36:03,090 --> 01:36:05,457 controversies and scandal. 1246 01:36:05,826 --> 01:36:10,559 And the call on the part of the United States Senator for the resignation of Kofi Annan. 1247 01:36:11,098 --> 01:36:14,159 Obviously, these are serious allegations 1248 01:36:14,268 --> 01:36:15,326 which we take seriously. 1249 01:36:15,569 --> 01:36:20,097 The UN Secretary General today ordered an investigation on Costa Passaris, 1250 01:36:20,474 --> 01:36:23,637 the former Under-Secretary who has whistelblower claims 1251 01:36:23,744 --> 01:36:27,840 was behind the "Oil for Food" scandals that has rocked the United Nations. 1252 01:36:28,115 --> 01:36:31,176 And implicated a long list of prominent businessmen 1253 01:36:31,585 --> 01:36:34,316 and political figures across the world. 1254 01:36:34,955 --> 01:36:36,787 Incompetent and corrupt. 1256 01:36:40,961 --> 01:36:43,089 The weaknesses is in the "Oil for Food" program.. 1257 01:36:43,330 --> 01:36:45,770 raises serious questions about the United Nations' ability 1258 01:36:45,866 --> 01:36:49,632 to enforce sanctions and administrated mandated program in the future. 1259 01:36:49,737 --> 01:36:51,603 The documents for the telegraph come up with 1260 01:36:51,839 --> 01:36:54,331 reportedly found in Iraq's foreign ministry archive. 1261 01:36:54,441 --> 01:36:57,240 days after the US led the invasions. 1262 01:36:57,578 --> 01:37:00,513 The "Wall Street Journal" report having documentations of 1263 01:37:00,614 --> 01:37:03,675 kickbacks, and bribes and forms of oil vouchers... 1264 01:37:03,918 --> 01:37:05,896 worth billions of dollars. 1265 01:37:05,920 --> 01:37:07,684 But according to federal authority, 1266 01:37:07,922 --> 01:37:10,584 Passaris himself has fled the country. 1267 01:37:15,963 --> 01:37:17,294 CYPRUS, MAY, 2004 1268 01:37:34,114 --> 01:37:35,707 I'm with the "Wall Street Journal". 1269 01:37:37,017 --> 01:37:38,348 We're doing a follow up 1270 01:37:38,686 --> 01:37:41,155 on the "Oil for Food" scandals. 1271 01:37:41,222 --> 01:37:43,190 I come to get your side of the story. 1272 01:37:43,991 --> 01:37:45,356 I don't have a side. 1273 01:37:45,559 --> 01:37:47,049 And it's the kid's fucking story. 1274 01:37:56,704 --> 01:37:58,672 I'm not running away. Ok? 1275 01:37:58,739 --> 01:38:00,207 Make sure you write that. 1276 01:38:00,441 --> 01:38:02,569 I'm not hiding from anybody. 1277 01:38:03,677 --> 01:38:06,578 Yet here you are in a place without extradition. It was difficult. 1278 01:38:07,514 --> 01:38:08,879 Write that. 1279 01:38:09,850 --> 01:38:10,874 Complicated. 1280 01:38:12,086 --> 01:38:15,613 Messy was Saddam's ugly nonsense and the usual first world duplicity. 1281 01:38:15,723 --> 01:38:17,452 But we did more good than bad. 1282 01:38:21,428 --> 01:38:23,692 I don't care what anybody fucking said. 1283 01:38:27,868 --> 01:38:29,199 And the kid did great. 1284 01:38:33,974 --> 01:38:38,571 The choice is I see it, it's between cynicism and candor. 1285 01:38:39,980 --> 01:38:42,472 You know if only we care so much about Iraq as said, 1286 01:38:44,218 --> 01:38:47,313 the story would have been celebrated as a conspiracy of Saint. 1287 01:38:49,657 --> 01:38:50,954 But the truth.. 1288 01:38:53,827 --> 01:38:56,694 The truth isn't about the lie we told each other. 1289 01:38:59,600 --> 01:39:01,920 It's about the lie we told ourselves. 1290 01:39:10,110 --> 01:39:14,377 More than two thousands companies from 56 different countries 1291 01:39:14,581 --> 01:39:16,913 took bribes or paid kickbacks to Saddam Hussein. 1292 01:39:17,952 --> 01:39:19,784 Over twenty billion dollars got diverted 1293 01:39:19,887 --> 01:39:22,117 from the "Oil for Food" program. 1294 01:39:22,623 --> 01:39:26,253 Implicated some of the most prestigious coroperations in the world. 1295 01:39:28,329 --> 01:39:33,165 172 organisations and individuals highly placed in the government 1296 01:39:33,267 --> 01:39:34,735 received bribes. 1297 01:39:37,738 --> 01:39:41,675 My name is Michael Sullivan. My father was a diplomat. 1298 01:39:43,978 --> 01:39:45,772 I tried to follow him in his foot steps. 1304 01:40:18,704 --> 01:40:22,700 Edited by Miro JJ (I did it in a hurry so there might be some errors.) Enjoy~