1 00:00:08,387 --> 00:00:11,095 Previously on Sar Trek: Discovery: 2 00:00:11,120 --> 00:00:12,573 Contact Starfleet Command. 3 00:00:12,598 --> 00:00:14,900 Tell them we have engaged the Klingons. 4 00:00:14,925 --> 00:00:18,011 How did the Vulcans achieve diplomatic relations with the Klingons? 5 00:00:18,127 --> 00:00:20,254 Starfleet doesn't fire first. 6 00:00:20,279 --> 00:00:21,307 We have to. 7 00:00:21,332 --> 00:00:24,103 Stand down, Commander Burnham. That's an order. 8 00:00:25,722 --> 00:00:26,886 I'm sorry. 9 00:00:26,911 --> 00:00:29,808 - This is mutiny. - Move, Saru. Tactical. 10 00:00:29,833 --> 00:00:31,128 - Locked on. - Fire. 11 00:00:31,153 --> 00:00:32,947 - Belay that order. - Please. 12 00:00:32,989 --> 00:00:34,407 I'm trying to save all of you. 13 00:00:34,432 --> 00:00:36,249 Captain, warp signatures detected. 14 00:00:36,274 --> 00:00:38,819 - Is it Starfleet? - No. Those ships are Klingon. 15 00:00:41,942 --> 00:00:43,127 _ 16 00:00:43,152 --> 00:00:46,130 T'Kuvma has anointed himself the next Klingon messiah. 17 00:00:46,155 --> 00:00:48,290 If you kill him, you make him a martyr. 18 00:00:48,315 --> 00:00:50,651 But if you take him as a prisoner of war, 19 00:00:50,680 --> 00:00:53,600 you give the Federation leverage to sue for peace. 20 00:01:00,258 --> 00:01:02,188 For the charge of mutiny, 21 00:01:02,213 --> 00:01:05,174 it is our ruling that the defendant be stripped of rank 22 00:01:05,257 --> 00:01:08,753 and hereby sentenced to imprisonment for life. 23 00:01:12,723 --> 00:01:15,601 _ 24 00:01:15,626 --> 00:01:17,879 You hear why we're getting transferred to Tellun? 25 00:01:17,925 --> 00:01:20,142 Dilithium pocket went piezoelectric. 26 00:01:20,167 --> 00:01:22,002 Ripped apart the bottom of the mine. 27 00:01:22,494 --> 00:01:24,705 Bam, 50 cons... 28 00:01:24,788 --> 00:01:25,706 vaporized. 29 00:01:27,082 --> 00:01:30,574 So, lucky us. We get to be miners for the war effort now. 30 00:01:30,878 --> 00:01:34,801 I hear half the screws on Tellun are scumbag Andorians. 31 00:01:35,132 --> 00:01:37,646 Andorians are cold in all the wrong places. 32 00:01:37,671 --> 00:01:39,839 The three I killed were cold everywhere. 33 00:01:42,639 --> 00:01:43,858 That kind of talk got 34 00:01:43,883 --> 00:01:46,834 your shiny little panties in a bunch, Starfleet? 35 00:01:48,199 --> 00:01:50,468 What are you in for? Staying out past curfew? 36 00:01:50,493 --> 00:01:51,744 You don't know who that is? 37 00:01:54,406 --> 00:01:56,617 - That's Michael Burnham. - The mutineer? 38 00:01:56,700 --> 00:01:58,274 In the flesh. 39 00:01:59,870 --> 00:02:02,515 My cousin was on the Europa when it went down. 40 00:02:03,749 --> 00:02:06,835 She and 8000 others are dead because of you. 41 00:02:07,127 --> 00:02:09,421 Eight thousand, one hundred and eighty-six. 42 00:02:11,173 --> 00:02:13,842 Proximity alert. Scanning. 43 00:02:15,928 --> 00:02:18,847 Starbase 18, we got some bugs in the works out here. 44 00:02:18,930 --> 00:02:20,669 You're going to need to put on an EV suit 45 00:02:20,694 --> 00:02:21,581 and play exterminator. 46 00:02:21,642 --> 00:02:22,880 Great. 47 00:02:25,187 --> 00:02:26,271 Hey, where you going? 48 00:02:26,355 --> 00:02:29,400 Um, hey, what's going on? Shouldn't somebody be flying this thing? 49 00:02:29,483 --> 00:02:31,443 That's species GS54. 50 00:02:32,152 --> 00:02:34,154 An organism that feeds on electricity. 51 00:02:34,822 --> 00:02:37,449 It's feeding on the shuttle's power systems. 52 00:02:38,116 --> 00:02:39,535 Bay doors open. 53 00:02:39,952 --> 00:02:42,871 Unless the pilot can get rid of the infestation fast enough, 54 00:02:42,955 --> 00:02:44,581 they'll drain us of all of our power. 55 00:02:45,541 --> 00:02:47,793 And we'll drift until our oxygen runs out... 56 00:02:48,213 --> 00:02:49,843 or we freeze to death. 57 00:02:51,547 --> 00:02:52,673 Whichever comes first. 58 00:02:52,756 --> 00:02:55,009 Um... Could you come back? 59 00:02:55,462 --> 00:02:57,053 - Hello? - Relax. 60 00:02:58,178 --> 00:02:59,471 The pilot's taking care of it. 61 00:03:00,889 --> 00:03:03,308 Warning, safety tether disconnected. 62 00:03:03,392 --> 00:03:05,727 Warning, autopilot malfunction. 63 00:03:06,478 --> 00:03:07,855 - We're all gonna die. - Okay. 64 00:03:12,985 --> 00:03:14,194 Damn it! 65 00:05:30,217 --> 00:05:35,012 - Synced and corrected by martythecrazy - - www.addic7ed.com - 66 00:05:58,432 --> 00:06:00,685 Ensign Chiefowitz, report to medical bay. 67 00:06:02,121 --> 00:06:04,248 Ensign Chiefowitz, report to the medical bay. 68 00:06:05,513 --> 00:06:06,931 Not a scratch on the floor. 69 00:06:06,956 --> 00:06:09,250 This puppy just rolled off the assembly line. 70 00:06:09,459 --> 00:06:12,921 What's a brand-new starship doing so far from the front lines? 71 00:06:17,761 --> 00:06:19,638 This is the U.S.S. Discovery. 72 00:06:20,981 --> 00:06:24,801 My name's Commander Landry. I'm chief of security here. 73 00:06:26,726 --> 00:06:29,731 I see we're unloading all kinds of garbage today. 74 00:06:33,775 --> 00:06:36,668 Even Starfleet's first mutineer. 75 00:06:38,905 --> 00:06:40,800 On me. 76 00:06:48,887 --> 00:06:51,227 Lieutenant Collins, report to the bridge. 77 00:06:51,311 --> 00:06:53,564 Lieutenant Collins, report to the bridge. 78 00:06:56,566 --> 00:06:58,735 Ensign Magnus, report to engineering. 79 00:06:59,151 --> 00:07:01,821 What's with the silver shirts? 80 00:07:01,905 --> 00:07:03,406 It's a science vessel. 81 00:07:09,078 --> 00:07:10,872 You ever seen a black badge before? 82 00:07:11,748 --> 00:07:13,791 Somehow this doesn't feel very scientific. 83 00:07:13,874 --> 00:07:16,043 Mouths shut, eyes ahead. 84 00:07:16,836 --> 00:07:19,631 All right. Starfleet says we have to feed the animals. 85 00:07:20,372 --> 00:07:21,799 Who's hungry? 86 00:07:26,137 --> 00:07:28,347 - Told you that was her. - It can't be. 87 00:07:28,598 --> 00:07:30,324 Keyla. 88 00:08:01,881 --> 00:08:04,300 How about we make it 8,187? 89 00:08:19,565 --> 00:08:21,942 Captain wants to see you. 90 00:08:26,531 --> 00:08:27,532 Come on. 91 00:08:33,329 --> 00:08:34,846 Put them in the brig. 92 00:08:38,042 --> 00:08:39,752 Vulcan martial arts, huh? 93 00:08:42,172 --> 00:08:43,590 Suus Mahna. 94 00:08:43,990 --> 00:08:45,867 Vulcans should stick to logic. 95 00:09:19,709 --> 00:09:22,002 No matter how deep in space you are, 96 00:09:22,086 --> 00:09:24,904 I always feel like you can see home. Don't you think? 97 00:09:27,258 --> 00:09:28,593 Maybe it's just me. 98 00:09:29,469 --> 00:09:32,305 Forgive the lighting, or lack thereof. 99 00:09:32,805 --> 00:09:34,474 Recent battle injury. 100 00:09:36,100 --> 00:09:39,937 There's nothing they can do if I wanna keep my own eyes, and I do. 101 00:09:40,021 --> 00:09:41,981 I have to suffer light change slowly. 102 00:09:43,399 --> 00:09:45,610 I like to think it makes me mysterious. 103 00:09:53,910 --> 00:09:54,786 No? 104 00:09:56,954 --> 00:09:59,957 Captain Gabriel Lorca. Welcome to Discovery. 105 00:10:03,669 --> 00:10:05,212 Here. Don't be shy. 106 00:10:13,096 --> 00:10:15,139 It was a family business, a century ago. 107 00:10:15,890 --> 00:10:17,531 That was before the future came, 108 00:10:17,556 --> 00:10:20,109 and hunger need and want disappeared. 109 00:10:21,062 --> 00:10:23,064 Of course, they're making a comeback now. 110 00:10:23,687 --> 00:10:24,976 Thanks to you. 111 00:10:26,007 --> 00:10:29,051 Michael Burnham, the Michael Burnham, on my ship. 112 00:10:29,528 --> 00:10:32,448 When I saw your name on the shuttle manifest, I... 113 00:10:32,740 --> 00:10:34,341 re-read your file. 114 00:10:34,870 --> 00:10:37,247 Pulled up your court-martial transcripts and... 115 00:10:40,415 --> 00:10:41,833 you're something. 116 00:10:41,916 --> 00:10:43,918 Captain, what am I doing on this ship? 117 00:10:44,836 --> 00:10:48,214 I guess you might have to ask that storm out there. 118 00:10:48,923 --> 00:10:50,967 I received no warning that I'd be transferred 119 00:10:51,050 --> 00:10:53,469 to another prison facility, which is customary. 120 00:10:54,679 --> 00:10:55,847 Then my shuttle changed course 121 00:10:55,930 --> 00:10:59,225 - halfway through the journey. - Maybe the universe hates waste. 122 00:10:59,741 --> 00:11:01,024 Sir? 123 00:11:01,685 --> 00:11:04,428 Question is, what am I gonna do with you? 124 00:11:06,441 --> 00:11:08,069 If I put you in the brig... 125 00:11:08,485 --> 00:11:09,736 someone's gonna die. 126 00:11:09,819 --> 00:11:12,322 And I don't have the time for that kind of distraction. 127 00:11:16,576 --> 00:11:19,384 You have training in high-level quantum physics, don't you? 128 00:11:20,496 --> 00:11:22,331 My engineers tell me it's gonna take three days 129 00:11:22,414 --> 00:11:24,750 to clear the lightning bugs out of the prisoner shuttle. 130 00:11:25,001 --> 00:11:27,267 I have something on deck that requires 131 00:11:27,292 --> 00:11:29,090 every trained mind available. 132 00:11:30,796 --> 00:11:32,316 You're gonna help us out. 133 00:11:32,341 --> 00:11:33,467 No. 134 00:11:34,135 --> 00:11:35,028 Excuse me? 135 00:11:35,053 --> 00:11:36,722 No, thank you. 136 00:11:37,388 --> 00:11:40,307 Respectfully, I owe a debt for my crime... 137 00:11:40,804 --> 00:11:42,320 and it'd be best... 138 00:11:45,437 --> 00:11:47,773 I'd prefer to serve my time without getting involved. 139 00:11:49,359 --> 00:11:51,537 Think I care what your preferences are? 140 00:11:51,562 --> 00:11:52,962 Until your vessel's repaired, 141 00:11:52,987 --> 00:11:55,287 you'll be assigned to quarters and put to work. 142 00:11:55,782 --> 00:11:58,535 I'm not a chauffeur. There's no free rides on my ship. 143 00:11:58,618 --> 00:12:00,679 You were once a Starfleet officer. 144 00:12:00,995 --> 00:12:04,123 I will use you or anything else I can to achieve my mission. 145 00:12:04,207 --> 00:12:06,362 And what mission is that, sir? 146 00:12:06,387 --> 00:12:08,097 To win the war, of course. 147 00:12:08,836 --> 00:12:10,087 To send everyone home. 148 00:12:10,885 --> 00:12:12,642 Safe and happy. 149 00:12:14,117 --> 00:12:15,619 Dismissed. 150 00:12:22,153 --> 00:12:25,160 You're on day shift. Escort at 0800 hours. 151 00:12:25,185 --> 00:12:27,021 When not working, you're confined to quarters. 152 00:12:27,046 --> 00:12:28,301 Working on what? 153 00:13:00,304 --> 00:13:01,347 Lights. 154 00:13:05,143 --> 00:13:06,686 This is so neat. They... 155 00:13:06,769 --> 00:13:09,273 Uh, they told me, because of my special needs, 156 00:13:09,298 --> 00:13:12,500 that I couldn't have a roommate, which was kind of a letdown, 157 00:13:12,525 --> 00:13:15,737 because a roommate is like an automatic built-in friend and... 158 00:13:15,820 --> 00:13:18,114 But then they told me I was gonna have a roommate, 159 00:13:18,198 --> 00:13:20,276 and so now I guess that's you, and... 160 00:13:21,961 --> 00:13:23,143 Um... 161 00:13:23,453 --> 00:13:26,862 Um, hi, I'm... I'm Cadet Sylvia Tilly. 162 00:13:32,003 --> 00:13:34,255 I talk when I'm nervous. Um... 163 00:13:34,339 --> 00:13:36,382 My instructors advised me to work on that. 164 00:13:36,466 --> 00:13:37,592 Why are you nervous? 165 00:13:37,675 --> 00:13:41,367 I'm trying to decide if I should tell you that you took my bed. 166 00:13:43,901 --> 00:13:45,242 Seriously? 167 00:13:45,783 --> 00:13:49,120 I know, they look the same. But, um, I'm allergic to polyester, 168 00:13:49,145 --> 00:13:52,766 and viscoelastic polyurethane foam. It results in chronic snoring. 169 00:13:52,791 --> 00:13:55,210 This is why I wasn't supposed to have a roommate. 170 00:13:55,235 --> 00:13:56,690 No problem. 171 00:14:03,805 --> 00:14:05,375 What's your name? 172 00:14:08,957 --> 00:14:09,999 Michael. 173 00:14:10,416 --> 00:14:12,726 I never met a female named Michael before. 174 00:14:12,794 --> 00:14:14,145 Do you think that suits you? 175 00:14:14,170 --> 00:14:16,714 I'll call you Mickey. I think that's more approachable. 176 00:14:16,798 --> 00:14:17,924 No, you won't. 177 00:14:18,007 --> 00:14:19,717 Oh, yeah. No, I won't. 178 00:14:21,219 --> 00:14:24,155 The only other female Michael I ever heard of 179 00:14:24,180 --> 00:14:26,364 was Michael Burnham, the mutineer. 180 00:14:26,724 --> 00:14:29,936 You're not her, are you? 181 00:14:32,784 --> 00:14:34,334 Are you? 182 00:14:41,030 --> 00:14:44,700 Black alert. Black alert. 183 00:14:44,933 --> 00:14:45,914 What's going on? 184 00:14:45,939 --> 00:14:46,824 You weren't briefed? 185 00:14:46,849 --> 00:14:49,621 - No. - Well, then I can't tell you. I'm sorry. 186 00:15:08,433 --> 00:15:11,494 Tilly, what the hell is going on on this ship? 187 00:15:24,054 --> 00:15:25,973 Matter synthesis complete. 188 00:15:28,433 --> 00:15:30,643 Attention, all personnel. 189 00:15:30,727 --> 00:15:33,938 Battle drills on Deck 9 have been canceled until further notice. 190 00:15:36,571 --> 00:15:37,827 Saru. 191 00:15:37,852 --> 00:15:39,892 First Officer Saru. 192 00:15:43,115 --> 00:15:44,944 With me, please. 193 00:15:48,537 --> 00:15:51,123 You're famous. They all want a peek. 194 00:15:51,749 --> 00:15:53,500 Congratulations on your promotion. 195 00:15:53,583 --> 00:15:56,836 Mm. Thank you. The powers that be were impressed by my actions 196 00:15:56,920 --> 00:15:59,005 at the Battle of the Binary Stars, but... 197 00:15:59,511 --> 00:16:01,573 upon my own reflection of that day, 198 00:16:01,598 --> 00:16:03,377 my only wish is that I could've done more. 199 00:16:03,402 --> 00:16:04,710 I understand. 200 00:16:05,715 --> 00:16:06,884 Blueberries. 201 00:16:13,344 --> 00:16:15,179 The ones in prison don't taste the same. 202 00:16:15,888 --> 00:16:18,932 I suppose that is a function of the environment you eat them in 203 00:16:19,016 --> 00:16:20,684 instead of a food synthesizer issue. 204 00:16:21,060 --> 00:16:22,102 I suppose so. 205 00:16:25,188 --> 00:16:28,232 So many people with so many places to go. 206 00:16:28,316 --> 00:16:30,902 On Discovery, our facilities can accommodate 207 00:16:30,986 --> 00:16:33,072 300 discreet scientific missions. 208 00:16:33,337 --> 00:16:34,759 A Starfleet record. 209 00:16:34,865 --> 00:16:36,408 So, this is a science vessel. 210 00:16:38,040 --> 00:16:39,267 Uh... 211 00:16:40,479 --> 00:16:42,648 Oh. You've been assigned to engineering. 212 00:16:43,289 --> 00:16:46,541 Lieutenant Stamets will task you with specific duties. 213 00:16:47,168 --> 00:16:48,555 Saru. 214 00:16:51,355 --> 00:16:53,566 First Officer Saru. 215 00:16:56,052 --> 00:16:59,192 I saw a recording of the speech you gave at the captain's funeral. 216 00:17:00,994 --> 00:17:02,309 It was beautiful. 217 00:17:03,179 --> 00:17:05,682 I never thought I'd get a chance to say this to you. 218 00:17:09,033 --> 00:17:11,698 I think about what happened every day. 219 00:17:12,364 --> 00:17:14,877 All the time. And I owe you... 220 00:17:16,939 --> 00:17:18,623 I'm trying to say... 221 00:17:19,401 --> 00:17:20,882 "I'm sorry"? 222 00:17:21,922 --> 00:17:23,319 Yes. 223 00:17:24,999 --> 00:17:26,973 I believe you feel regret. 224 00:17:29,038 --> 00:17:30,289 But... 225 00:17:30,326 --> 00:17:33,934 in my mind... you are dangerous. 226 00:17:35,134 --> 00:17:37,094 Captain Lorca is a man who... 227 00:17:37,927 --> 00:17:41,016 does not fear the things normal people fear. 228 00:17:42,320 --> 00:17:43,687 But I do. 229 00:17:44,143 --> 00:17:46,645 And you are someone to fear, Michael Burnham. 230 00:17:48,824 --> 00:17:51,201 I just wanna get back on that shuttle, Commander. 231 00:17:52,664 --> 00:17:55,655 - I won't make any trouble for you here. - Well, that is certain. 232 00:17:56,155 --> 00:17:57,783 But if you try... 233 00:17:58,281 --> 00:18:02,400 know that I intend to do a better job protecting my captain... 234 00:18:03,119 --> 00:18:04,711 than you did yours. 235 00:18:26,018 --> 00:18:27,644 I'm looking for Lieutenant Stamets. 236 00:18:27,669 --> 00:18:28,972 He's in there. 237 00:18:29,395 --> 00:18:30,521 Add it to the list. 238 00:18:30,605 --> 00:18:32,023 That area's off-limits. 239 00:18:32,107 --> 00:18:33,726 No entry without a breath print. 240 00:18:34,442 --> 00:18:36,486 Starfleet doesn't keep engineering labs classified. 241 00:18:36,778 --> 00:18:37,945 This is Discovery. 242 00:18:38,189 --> 00:18:39,941 I recommend you find a station. 243 00:18:49,081 --> 00:18:53,595 Sorry, these stations... Uh, we have assigned seats. 244 00:19:11,355 --> 00:19:12,189 Who are you? 245 00:19:13,315 --> 00:19:14,582 I'm Michael Burnham. 246 00:19:14,903 --> 00:19:16,276 I was assigned. 247 00:19:16,360 --> 00:19:18,278 Who gave you an assignment? 248 00:19:18,361 --> 00:19:21,155 I'm the only one who gives assignments around here. 249 00:19:24,952 --> 00:19:26,453 So you're the one Lorca sent? 250 00:19:26,537 --> 00:19:28,715 - Yes. - The mutineer? 251 00:19:29,498 --> 00:19:31,792 - Yes. - I was told to expect a Vulcan. 252 00:19:31,875 --> 00:19:33,293 There may be a misunderstanding. 253 00:19:33,318 --> 00:19:34,876 - On my part? - Yes. 254 00:19:36,009 --> 00:19:39,233 - No. - You're making this very complicated. 255 00:19:39,258 --> 00:19:42,052 I was raised on Vulcan, and attended the Vulcan Science Academy. 256 00:19:42,136 --> 00:19:44,304 My Uncle Everett plays in a Beatles cover band, 257 00:19:44,388 --> 00:19:46,181 it hardly makes him John Lennon. 258 00:19:46,765 --> 00:19:48,400 I'm not sure I'm following. 259 00:19:48,574 --> 00:19:51,415 Well, if Lorca thinks you're such an asset... 260 00:19:54,106 --> 00:19:56,202 reconcile these two suites of code. 261 00:19:58,485 --> 00:20:00,467 Go. Somewhere else, please. 262 00:20:00,964 --> 00:20:02,959 It's not like we have assigned seats. 263 00:20:39,693 --> 00:20:41,349 What was Discovery's interval? 264 00:20:41,374 --> 00:20:43,443 Last night? Speirein 12. 265 00:20:43,468 --> 00:20:46,133 Why so conservative? Is Lorca holding you back? 266 00:20:46,158 --> 00:20:48,707 No, he's always pushing us for more. 267 00:20:49,323 --> 00:20:51,199 I'm sure that our rate of progress 268 00:20:51,224 --> 00:20:53,229 is his life's biggest disappointment. 269 00:20:53,623 --> 00:20:54,356 By the way, 270 00:20:54,381 --> 00:20:56,775 12 is a perfectly robust number, Straal. 271 00:20:57,419 --> 00:20:59,421 - Where's the Glenn? - Speirein 240. 272 00:20:59,880 --> 00:21:01,256 I hate you. How? 273 00:21:01,340 --> 00:21:02,341 A recent breakthrough. 274 00:21:02,633 --> 00:21:03,967 I hate you. How? 275 00:21:04,051 --> 00:21:06,136 All I can say is there are unexpected benefits 276 00:21:06,161 --> 00:21:07,236 to not growing your own. 277 00:21:07,261 --> 00:21:09,080 Right now, we have to finish getting ready. 278 00:21:09,223 --> 00:21:11,100 Tonight we're going for Speirein 900. 279 00:21:11,183 --> 00:21:12,226 That's not possible. 280 00:21:12,309 --> 00:21:14,687 Don't be like that. You're one of my oldest friends. 281 00:21:14,770 --> 00:21:17,106 We've been working on this for 12 years. When we succeed, 282 00:21:17,189 --> 00:21:19,358 both our names are going on the Zee-Magnees Prize. 283 00:21:19,441 --> 00:21:22,342 I'm not jealous, oddly. I'm worried. 284 00:21:22,986 --> 00:21:25,064 That displacement is too massive. 285 00:21:25,322 --> 00:21:26,240 It's not safe. 286 00:21:26,322 --> 00:21:28,282 It is now. I worked out the kinks. 287 00:21:28,911 --> 00:21:30,204 Lurker. 288 00:21:31,203 --> 00:21:32,454 I despise lurkers. 289 00:21:32,830 --> 00:21:34,795 I'm struggling with these equations. 290 00:21:36,250 --> 00:21:38,919 Initially thought I was dealing with quantum astrophysics. 291 00:21:39,003 --> 00:21:41,130 But as I got deeper in, biochemistry came into play. 292 00:21:41,213 --> 00:21:42,923 Maybe even a form of gene expression. 293 00:21:43,007 --> 00:21:45,009 It'd be helpful to know what I'm working on. 294 00:21:45,092 --> 00:21:47,344 Why would I tell a prisoner of the Federation, 295 00:21:47,369 --> 00:21:51,753 who is essentially a temp, the details of my top secret research? 296 00:21:51,807 --> 00:21:52,808 It's your call. 297 00:21:53,898 --> 00:21:55,869 But either way, this line here... 298 00:21:56,845 --> 00:21:58,110 it's a mistake. 299 00:22:06,780 --> 00:22:08,890 You can go, lurker. 300 00:22:09,532 --> 00:22:12,284 Submit breath scan for entry. 301 00:22:12,743 --> 00:22:15,436 Lieutenant Paul Stamets. 302 00:22:46,193 --> 00:22:48,404 Submit breath scan for entry. 303 00:22:51,073 --> 00:22:53,242 Cadet Sylvia Tilly. 304 00:23:25,775 --> 00:23:27,359 Incoming transmission. 305 00:23:27,444 --> 00:23:32,533 Lorca, Gabriel. Classified. Above Top Secret. 306 00:23:35,077 --> 00:23:38,140 During the last hour, while performing black alert maneuvers, 307 00:23:38,165 --> 00:23:42,836 there was an incident on our sister ship, the U.S.S. Glenn. 308 00:23:44,250 --> 00:23:45,898 The entire crew was lost. 309 00:23:51,301 --> 00:23:53,842 What happened? Was it a bloom failure? 310 00:23:53,897 --> 00:23:56,233 We're sending a boarding party to find out. 311 00:23:56,317 --> 00:23:59,112 Lieutenant Stamets, you'll accompany Commander Landry 312 00:23:59,137 --> 00:24:01,785 and ensure that everything related to the project 313 00:24:01,810 --> 00:24:03,266 returns to this ship. 314 00:24:03,291 --> 00:24:05,960 Why not just transport what we need from the Glenn to us? 315 00:24:06,051 --> 00:24:08,428 The room holding the equipment is shielded. 316 00:24:08,527 --> 00:24:11,155 - Shielded? That's curious. - Indeed. 317 00:24:11,180 --> 00:24:13,196 Let's not indulge that curiosity. 318 00:24:13,221 --> 00:24:14,642 It went down by Klingon territory. 319 00:24:14,667 --> 00:24:16,435 - Let's get in and get out. - Really? 320 00:24:16,460 --> 00:24:18,062 We're running drills near Klingon space. 321 00:24:18,087 --> 00:24:19,692 We are at war, Lieutenant. 322 00:24:19,717 --> 00:24:22,387 I'd appreciate a day without having to remind you of that. 323 00:24:22,412 --> 00:24:25,289 Well, Captain, I will need to take a team with me. 324 00:24:25,314 --> 00:24:28,943 You know, for the cumbersome, annoying science part. 325 00:24:29,267 --> 00:24:31,103 Pick a team. Do it quickly. 326 00:24:32,050 --> 00:24:33,354 Take Burnham with you. 327 00:24:33,792 --> 00:24:35,472 Sir, it's one thing to make her 328 00:24:35,497 --> 00:24:37,213 a data cruncher in my lab, 329 00:24:37,238 --> 00:24:40,199 but to integrate her into this project at such a deep level... 330 00:24:40,224 --> 00:24:42,513 I understand that you lost a friend today, 331 00:24:42,538 --> 00:24:44,696 but this is not a democracy. 332 00:24:45,663 --> 00:24:47,079 You understand? 333 00:24:47,295 --> 00:24:48,358 Yes, sir. 334 00:24:48,667 --> 00:24:50,145 Number One, you served with Burnham 335 00:24:50,170 --> 00:24:53,129 aboard the Shenzhou. What is your assessment of her abilities? 336 00:24:58,556 --> 00:25:00,267 Her mutiny aside... 337 00:25:01,083 --> 00:25:02,330 she is... 338 00:25:03,343 --> 00:25:06,533 the smartest Starfleet officer I have ever known. 339 00:25:06,927 --> 00:25:07,970 Huh. 340 00:25:09,341 --> 00:25:10,787 And he knows you. 341 00:25:17,088 --> 00:25:18,549 Can't believe he picked me. 342 00:25:18,815 --> 00:25:20,984 I mean, I'm the best theoretical engineer on the ship. 343 00:25:21,067 --> 00:25:22,736 It's why I was fast-tracked at the Academy. 344 00:25:22,821 --> 00:25:25,657 But this is my very first boarding party. 345 00:25:26,716 --> 00:25:29,449 Kind of hard to believe, right? 346 00:25:30,883 --> 00:25:32,409 Not really. 347 00:25:33,259 --> 00:25:34,808 So, um... 348 00:25:35,267 --> 00:25:36,769 I need to apologize to you. 349 00:25:38,156 --> 00:25:40,825 Yesterday I didn't want you to take the station next to me 350 00:25:40,850 --> 00:25:42,053 because, um... 351 00:25:42,078 --> 00:25:43,963 it's really important that I make a good impression here, 352 00:25:43,988 --> 00:25:45,651 and I was afraid that... 353 00:25:46,428 --> 00:25:49,598 if I was seen with you, that would get in the way of it. 354 00:25:51,854 --> 00:25:53,356 I understand. 355 00:25:54,008 --> 00:25:56,200 - It's okay. - No, it's not okay. 356 00:25:56,663 --> 00:25:59,213 It's... I have this character flaw, 357 00:25:59,238 --> 00:26:02,200 I care too much about what other people think about me. 358 00:26:02,532 --> 00:26:05,311 But you don't care if, like, everybody hates you. 359 00:26:06,347 --> 00:26:09,759 No, that came out wrong. Um... 360 00:26:09,784 --> 00:26:12,175 I... I think that you could help me. 361 00:26:12,200 --> 00:26:13,928 You're a nice kid, Tilly. 362 00:26:14,730 --> 00:26:17,024 But I'm not staying long enough to make friends. 363 00:26:17,389 --> 00:26:19,149 We're dropping out of warp. 364 00:26:19,226 --> 00:26:20,836 Approaching the Glenn. 365 00:26:21,265 --> 00:26:24,298 Disco 1, confirm visual acquisition. 366 00:26:31,931 --> 00:26:33,725 You see the etchings on the hull? 367 00:26:33,808 --> 00:26:36,853 That's evidence of catastrophic basidiosac rupture. 368 00:26:37,654 --> 00:26:39,009 Basidiosac? 369 00:26:39,411 --> 00:26:40,978 That's an unfamiliar term. 370 00:26:42,064 --> 00:26:45,234 You're out of your depth here, non-Vulcan number cruncher. 371 00:26:45,612 --> 00:26:47,259 Seen and not heard, please. 372 00:26:48,205 --> 00:26:51,248 "Basidia" refers to spore-producing structures. 373 00:26:51,390 --> 00:26:53,171 The numbers I've been analyzing have been consistent 374 00:26:53,196 --> 00:26:54,684 with organic structures. 375 00:26:54,709 --> 00:26:57,499 You mentioned the term "bloom." That refers to biological... 376 00:26:57,524 --> 00:27:00,633 Are you trying to show everyone how smart you are? 377 00:27:00,658 --> 00:27:02,166 I'm trying to get up to speed, 378 00:27:02,191 --> 00:27:03,897 so that I can help with this mission. 379 00:27:03,922 --> 00:27:06,823 In what is our problem based, biology or physics? 380 00:27:06,848 --> 00:27:09,932 Are you really so naive as to see them as different? 381 00:27:10,112 --> 00:27:11,405 Sir? 382 00:27:11,930 --> 00:27:14,432 At the quantum level, there is no difference 383 00:27:14,457 --> 00:27:16,000 between biology and physics. 384 00:27:16,025 --> 00:27:17,738 No difference at all. 385 00:27:17,853 --> 00:27:19,637 And you talk about spores. 386 00:27:20,522 --> 00:27:23,483 What are they? They are the progenitors of panspermia. 387 00:27:23,534 --> 00:27:27,163 They are the building blocks of energy across the universe. 388 00:27:27,583 --> 00:27:29,794 Physics and biology? No. 389 00:27:29,819 --> 00:27:31,974 Physics as biology. 390 00:27:32,406 --> 00:27:35,591 - All right. - I became an astromycologist 391 00:27:35,616 --> 00:27:36,784 because of awe. 392 00:27:37,450 --> 00:27:39,535 Awe at the miracle of life. 393 00:27:40,091 --> 00:27:42,677 I met Straal, and we formed a partnership. 394 00:27:42,702 --> 00:27:44,780 We would get to the veins and muscles 395 00:27:44,805 --> 00:27:46,605 that hold our galaxies together. 396 00:27:47,483 --> 00:27:49,365 We would find truth. 397 00:27:49,928 --> 00:27:53,161 And we were happy in our lab, then your war started, 398 00:27:53,186 --> 00:27:55,730 and Starfleet co-opted our research. 399 00:27:55,824 --> 00:27:58,410 They split us up, put us in charge of different teams, 400 00:27:58,492 --> 00:28:00,160 so we could work twice as fast. 401 00:28:00,245 --> 00:28:03,263 Not for truth, or to further Starfleet's mission statement 402 00:28:03,288 --> 00:28:07,444 of diplomacy and exploration, but for war. 403 00:28:08,128 --> 00:28:10,464 And now my friend and his colleagues are dead 404 00:28:10,547 --> 00:28:11,798 because of our research. 405 00:28:11,882 --> 00:28:14,509 And I have to live with that, but if you think I'm okay 406 00:28:14,593 --> 00:28:18,346 handing my life's work over to that warmonger Lorca, you're wrong. 407 00:28:18,435 --> 00:28:19,491 Lieutenant Stamets, 408 00:28:19,516 --> 00:28:22,506 I sincerely have no idea what research you're involved in. 409 00:28:22,557 --> 00:28:24,476 Long-range sensors are clear... 410 00:28:24,559 --> 00:28:27,729 I never even intended to be here. 411 00:28:27,814 --> 00:28:30,776 Well, if Lorca wants you to be here, 412 00:28:31,360 --> 00:28:34,071 I'm afraid your intentions are less than moot. 413 00:28:39,034 --> 00:28:41,578 Activating shuttle bay containment-field override. 414 00:28:52,295 --> 00:28:54,923 - Pilot, stay with the ship. - Affirmative. 415 00:28:55,006 --> 00:28:56,758 Kowski, let's move out. 416 00:29:06,393 --> 00:29:10,355 All the power relays and redundancies must be shot. 417 00:29:10,439 --> 00:29:11,857 Is that normal? 418 00:29:11,942 --> 00:29:14,861 Nothing's normal after an accident like this. 419 00:29:41,511 --> 00:29:44,514 I never anticipated injuries like this. 420 00:29:45,432 --> 00:29:49,644 Cadet, scan to determine if the helical trauma to the body 421 00:29:49,728 --> 00:29:52,814 is related to the spiral markings on the ship's hull. 422 00:29:54,107 --> 00:29:56,359 There's correlation. 423 00:29:56,443 --> 00:29:57,903 Engineering is this way. 424 00:30:31,960 --> 00:30:33,353 Look. 425 00:30:33,983 --> 00:30:35,510 Klingons. 426 00:30:37,458 --> 00:30:39,377 Could this mean they know about the device? 427 00:30:39,460 --> 00:30:42,700 If they do, it's all over. 428 00:31:22,428 --> 00:31:24,464 Why aren't their bodies braided up? 429 00:31:24,545 --> 00:31:26,506 They didn't die in the initial accident. 430 00:31:26,589 --> 00:31:28,214 Probably boarded after spyin 431 00:31:28,239 --> 00:31:30,387 g a crippled Federation ship with no life signs. 432 00:31:30,493 --> 00:31:32,238 They beamed on to steal our tech. 433 00:31:32,263 --> 00:31:35,230 What could do this to a dozen fully armed Klingons? 434 00:31:38,100 --> 00:31:39,582 Over here. 435 00:31:41,757 --> 00:31:43,452 This hull is double-reinforced. 436 00:31:43,477 --> 00:31:45,337 What could tear through this metal? 437 00:31:52,643 --> 00:31:55,617 You in the shadows, show yourself. 438 00:32:11,164 --> 00:32:12,828 Shh. 439 00:32:13,125 --> 00:32:14,692 Is he shushing you? 440 00:32:20,836 --> 00:32:21,952 Run. 441 00:32:23,813 --> 00:32:25,250 To Engineering! 442 00:32:42,746 --> 00:32:44,963 Set phasers to kill! 443 00:32:47,808 --> 00:32:50,088 In here. 444 00:32:52,161 --> 00:32:55,543 Kowski, no! 445 00:32:58,593 --> 00:32:59,928 What was that thing? 446 00:33:00,141 --> 00:33:02,682 Burnham, download the ship's logs. 447 00:33:02,785 --> 00:33:06,651 Tilly, pull all telemetry and check the spore-containment status. 448 00:33:13,003 --> 00:33:14,497 Oh, God. 449 00:33:17,750 --> 00:33:19,622 I'm sorry, my friend. 450 00:33:25,265 --> 00:33:26,725 Log data's corrupted. 451 00:33:26,809 --> 00:33:29,019 Sir, there's some kind of navigational hack over here. 452 00:33:31,271 --> 00:33:34,274 - Get what you're getting. - This is coming with us. Help me get it. 453 00:33:40,104 --> 00:33:42,242 - Jammed. - Nah. 454 00:33:48,895 --> 00:33:51,178 There's some kind of device in the reaction cube. 455 00:33:51,203 --> 00:33:52,936 We'll take it with us. 456 00:33:54,355 --> 00:33:56,076 Can we go now, please? 457 00:34:00,334 --> 00:34:02,508 Not gonna burn through this in time. 458 00:34:02,914 --> 00:34:04,397 What are you doing? 459 00:34:04,422 --> 00:34:06,753 One Federation ship is pretty much like another, I hope. 460 00:34:06,778 --> 00:34:09,229 - I need a phaser. - Mutineers don't get phasers. 461 00:34:09,254 --> 00:34:11,925 - Won't kill it. - I'm trying to piss it off. 462 00:34:22,148 --> 00:34:23,504 Hey. 463 00:34:25,758 --> 00:34:26,867 Shit, that worked. 464 00:34:26,892 --> 00:34:29,234 We're through. Move, move, move. 465 00:34:42,656 --> 00:34:45,075 "The rabbit-hole went on like a tunnel for some way," 466 00:34:45,100 --> 00:34:48,545 then dipped suddenly down, so suddenly that Alice had not a moment 467 00:34:48,570 --> 00:34:49,843 to think about stopping herself, 468 00:34:49,868 --> 00:34:53,966 "but instead found herself falling down a very deep well." 469 00:34:54,108 --> 00:34:56,272 Burnham, we're in the shuttle. 470 00:34:56,297 --> 00:34:57,332 What is your location? 471 00:34:57,993 --> 00:35:00,745 Jefferies tube. Elevate the shuttle 200 feet, rear quarter, 472 00:35:00,770 --> 00:35:03,393 above the shield-replacement units. Open the top hatch. 473 00:35:08,478 --> 00:35:10,361 "She was now only ten inches high." 474 00:35:10,386 --> 00:35:12,425 Her face and body brightened up. 475 00:35:12,450 --> 00:35:14,198 She was now the right size 476 00:35:14,223 --> 00:35:17,242 "to go through the little door into that lovely garden." 477 00:35:25,287 --> 00:35:26,826 Go! 478 00:35:50,834 --> 00:35:53,003 Permission to enter the bridge, Commander Saru. 479 00:35:53,126 --> 00:35:55,737 - Captain requested my presence. - Permission granted. 480 00:35:56,005 --> 00:35:58,699 Commander Airiam, you have the conn. 481 00:36:00,009 --> 00:36:03,550 The other prisoners are being transferred to the shuttle now. 482 00:36:03,805 --> 00:36:06,999 - It's scheduled to leave within the hour. - I'll be on it, sir. 483 00:36:08,772 --> 00:36:13,368 It has not gone unnoticed that during your time on this ship 484 00:36:13,398 --> 00:36:15,961 you conducted yourself in a respectable manner. 485 00:36:15,986 --> 00:36:18,204 And from what I understand, you were invaluable 486 00:36:18,229 --> 00:36:20,751 to the boarding party, which I was pleased to hear, 487 00:36:20,776 --> 00:36:23,362 since I was the one who recommended your involvement. 488 00:36:24,189 --> 00:36:26,143 I appreciate your faith in me. 489 00:36:26,168 --> 00:36:28,171 You were always a good officer... 490 00:36:28,728 --> 00:36:30,564 until you weren't. 491 00:36:31,856 --> 00:36:33,400 If only you hadn't... 492 00:36:37,529 --> 00:36:39,249 You are a valuable asset. 493 00:36:39,554 --> 00:36:41,867 It is a loss for Starfleet. 494 00:36:42,951 --> 00:36:43,952 Thank you. 495 00:36:54,919 --> 00:36:57,713 Well, there she is. 496 00:36:57,817 --> 00:36:59,199 Captain. 497 00:36:59,572 --> 00:37:00,833 Michael Burnham, 498 00:37:01,008 --> 00:37:03,561 I would like to extend an official invitation to you 499 00:37:03,607 --> 00:37:07,110 to join the Discovery and be a member of our crew. 500 00:37:07,364 --> 00:37:09,356 I've been court-martialed and convicted... 501 00:37:09,381 --> 00:37:10,850 Don't worry about Starfleet. 502 00:37:11,757 --> 00:37:15,317 They gave me discretion to fight this war however I saw fit. 503 00:37:20,288 --> 00:37:22,499 I'm afraid I can't take you up on your offer. 504 00:37:23,520 --> 00:37:25,438 You hell-bent on self-persecution? 505 00:37:25,463 --> 00:37:26,791 That's not it. 506 00:37:27,341 --> 00:37:28,792 Not all of it, anyway. 507 00:37:29,031 --> 00:37:30,405 Why wouldn't you stay? 508 00:37:30,430 --> 00:37:31,973 Let me answer with a question: 509 00:37:31,998 --> 00:37:34,067 Why do you want me to stay? 510 00:37:37,271 --> 00:37:39,019 I'm not here by accident. 511 00:37:39,411 --> 00:37:41,051 I think you brought me here. 512 00:37:41,343 --> 00:37:43,527 I think you've been testing me. 513 00:37:43,735 --> 00:37:46,762 And why would I do that? 514 00:37:47,468 --> 00:37:50,413 You're developing some kind of experimental technology. 515 00:37:50,667 --> 00:37:53,003 Some kind of spore-based biological weapon. 516 00:37:53,028 --> 00:37:54,608 Oh. 517 00:37:55,306 --> 00:37:57,604 The kind of weapon that is explicitly forbidden 518 00:37:57,629 --> 00:38:01,491 by the Geneva Protocols of 1928 and 2155. 519 00:38:04,129 --> 00:38:06,495 And you need someone to help you. 520 00:38:07,230 --> 00:38:08,580 Enter: me. 521 00:38:09,286 --> 00:38:10,664 A mutineer... 522 00:38:11,865 --> 00:38:15,335 who intended to wage unsanctioned war on the Klingons. 523 00:38:16,711 --> 00:38:20,092 A trained officer who's been banished from Starfleet. 524 00:38:21,197 --> 00:38:23,359 And someone who would presumably do anything 525 00:38:23,384 --> 00:38:25,487 to get out of their life sentence in prison, 526 00:38:25,512 --> 00:38:27,556 including illicit weapons tests. 527 00:38:27,668 --> 00:38:29,878 Like whatever went wrong on the Glenn. 528 00:38:31,830 --> 00:38:35,025 Enter: you... indeed. 529 00:38:35,102 --> 00:38:37,025 I'm not who you think I am. 530 00:38:38,961 --> 00:38:42,698 Before I was a mutineer, I was a first officer in Starfleet. 531 00:38:45,318 --> 00:38:47,487 I'll never bear that rank or any other again. 532 00:38:49,429 --> 00:38:52,655 But it is who I am, and who I will always be. 533 00:38:52,680 --> 00:38:55,102 It is by the principles of the United Federation of Planets 534 00:38:55,127 --> 00:38:56,738 that I live. 535 00:38:58,474 --> 00:39:01,153 And by them I will most certainly die. 536 00:39:01,597 --> 00:39:05,777 I know who you are, Michael Burnham. I know exactly who you are. 537 00:39:08,041 --> 00:39:10,433 I know you love being right. 538 00:39:10,914 --> 00:39:14,801 But I suspect that you hate being wrong even more, 539 00:39:14,826 --> 00:39:17,372 so, let me stop you going down a path you'll regret. 540 00:39:17,397 --> 00:39:19,478 Computer, two for site-to-site transport. 541 00:39:19,503 --> 00:39:21,672 Captain's Ready Room to Engineering Test Bay Alpha. 542 00:39:21,700 --> 00:39:23,907 - Confirmed. - Energize. 543 00:39:35,498 --> 00:39:37,407 If you'll be so kind. 544 00:39:56,233 --> 00:39:58,466 Mycelium spores. Harmless. 545 00:39:58,491 --> 00:40:01,956 Harvested from the fungal species prototaxites stellaviatori, 546 00:40:01,981 --> 00:40:03,983 which we grow in our cultivation bay. 547 00:40:04,905 --> 00:40:07,244 But you know that, because you broke in. 548 00:40:14,412 --> 00:40:18,400 We're not creating a new way to kill. We are creating a new way... 549 00:40:18,607 --> 00:40:19,809 to fly. 550 00:40:19,834 --> 00:40:22,100 An organic propulsion system. 551 00:40:22,128 --> 00:40:25,279 The Glenn was traveling on these when disaster struck. 552 00:40:25,374 --> 00:40:28,032 You yourself have jumped across a mycelial network. 553 00:40:28,057 --> 00:40:31,727 Nothing bad happened. Ship's walls got a little damp, that's all. 554 00:40:31,752 --> 00:40:32,973 Black alert. 555 00:40:33,522 --> 00:40:35,389 Discovery's leaps have measured only 556 00:40:35,414 --> 00:40:36,910 in the hundreds of kilometers. 557 00:40:36,935 --> 00:40:40,333 A sad statistic which is the source of some tension between myself 558 00:40:40,358 --> 00:40:43,481 and Lieutenant Stamets. But our more advanced sister ship, 559 00:40:43,506 --> 00:40:45,675 before she crashed, was traveling back and forth 560 00:40:45,700 --> 00:40:49,739 from the Beta Quadrant, 90 light-years away, in 1.3 seconds. 561 00:40:49,788 --> 00:40:51,741 How do you travel on spores? 562 00:40:52,020 --> 00:40:56,489 Imagine a microscopic web that spans the entire cosmos. 563 00:40:56,603 --> 00:40:58,438 An intergalactic ecosystem. 564 00:40:58,637 --> 00:41:01,384 An infinite number of roads, leading everywhere. 565 00:41:01,459 --> 00:41:04,101 "The veins and muscles that hold our galaxies together." 566 00:41:04,126 --> 00:41:08,714 Now, if the Discovery can be anywhere, and gone in an instant... 567 00:41:10,398 --> 00:41:13,755 that's how you beat the Klingons. That's how you win the war. 568 00:41:13,880 --> 00:41:16,099 And we must win the war. 569 00:41:17,848 --> 00:41:20,541 But that's just the beginning. 570 00:41:20,566 --> 00:41:22,501 Imagine the possibilities. 571 00:41:26,388 --> 00:41:29,491 Wanna see where they're going? Where they've been? 572 00:41:29,608 --> 00:41:31,403 Or where they could take us? 573 00:41:39,372 --> 00:41:40,629 Hold tight. 574 00:41:45,221 --> 00:41:47,477 Blink, you're in Ilari. 575 00:41:48,507 --> 00:41:50,382 Blink, the moons of Andoria. 576 00:41:50,840 --> 00:41:53,054 Blink, you missed Romulus. 577 00:41:53,079 --> 00:41:56,819 All those planets, all those places, all those species, 578 00:41:56,844 --> 00:41:59,888 seen and yet to be seen. 579 00:42:02,909 --> 00:42:05,695 And you're home like it never happened. 580 00:42:14,915 --> 00:42:16,513 I did choose you. 581 00:42:17,076 --> 00:42:18,745 But not for the reasons you think. 582 00:42:19,011 --> 00:42:21,598 Your assumption that the Klingons were waiting in ambush 583 00:42:21,623 --> 00:42:24,626 at the Binary Stars was predictive. 584 00:42:24,658 --> 00:42:26,151 You chose to do the right thing, 585 00:42:26,176 --> 00:42:27,934 over and above what was sanctioned, 586 00:42:28,324 --> 00:42:30,257 even at great cost to yourself. 587 00:42:31,320 --> 00:42:34,011 And that is the kind of thinking that wins wars. 588 00:42:34,526 --> 00:42:36,682 The kind of thinking I need next to me. 589 00:42:37,284 --> 00:42:39,432 Universal law is for lackeys. 590 00:42:39,758 --> 00:42:41,271 Context... 591 00:42:42,073 --> 00:42:43,710 is for kings. 592 00:42:50,531 --> 00:42:52,279 Now, what's it to be, Michael? 593 00:42:53,498 --> 00:42:54,939 What's in your future? 594 00:42:55,299 --> 00:42:57,783 What do you wish for? Atonement? 595 00:42:57,808 --> 00:42:58,986 Redemption? 596 00:42:59,288 --> 00:43:00,617 Maybe... 597 00:43:00,642 --> 00:43:04,049 the assurance that the captain you lost didn't die in vain? 598 00:43:06,035 --> 00:43:08,256 You helped start a war. 599 00:43:10,562 --> 00:43:12,678 Don't you wanna help me end it? 600 00:43:36,976 --> 00:43:40,202 Shuttle for prison colony cleared for warp. 601 00:43:58,196 --> 00:44:01,337 - I thought you were on a prison shuttle. - I'm still here. 602 00:44:01,988 --> 00:44:03,489 Hope you don't mind. 603 00:44:03,595 --> 00:44:04,708 I'm glad. 604 00:44:09,006 --> 00:44:12,528 Here's a thing most people don't know about me... 605 00:44:14,092 --> 00:44:16,201 I'm gonna be a captain someday. 606 00:44:16,888 --> 00:44:20,391 The thing is, is that there are still some things I need to learn. 607 00:44:20,669 --> 00:44:23,905 And I know that you were one of the most highly regarded 608 00:44:23,943 --> 00:44:25,361 first officers in Starfleet. 609 00:44:25,386 --> 00:44:27,854 And I have read everything there is on Georgiou... 610 00:44:27,879 --> 00:44:29,542 Captain. 611 00:44:31,854 --> 00:44:33,102 Captain Georgiou. 612 00:44:33,127 --> 00:44:35,715 - Of course, I'm sorry. I didn't mean... - It's okay. 613 00:44:39,954 --> 00:44:42,055 Wow, is that a book? 614 00:44:56,286 --> 00:44:58,705 When I was a kid, after my parents were killed... 615 00:44:59,551 --> 00:45:02,387 my foster mother on Vulcan used to read it to me and her son. 616 00:45:02,437 --> 00:45:04,544 She and I were the only humans in the house. 617 00:45:04,683 --> 00:45:06,285 That's how I learned that the real world 618 00:45:06,310 --> 00:45:07,939 doesn't always adhere to logic. 619 00:45:08,323 --> 00:45:10,460 Sometimes down is up. 620 00:45:11,373 --> 00:45:13,065 Sometimes up is down. 621 00:45:14,439 --> 00:45:17,799 Sometimes, when you're lost, you're found. 622 00:45:19,768 --> 00:45:21,791 What was her name? 623 00:45:22,181 --> 00:45:23,486 Amanda. 624 00:45:32,941 --> 00:45:36,183 And the U.S.S. Glenn is no more. 625 00:45:36,487 --> 00:45:38,683 Sad to see a ship like that go. 626 00:45:39,313 --> 00:45:41,531 Mm. Just a ship. 627 00:45:43,702 --> 00:45:46,119 So, is our new guest settled in? 628 00:45:46,607 --> 00:45:49,873 Aye, sir. Snug as a bug in a rug. 629 00:45:50,417 --> 00:45:53,452 Then I think we will spend some time together this evening. 630 00:45:53,477 --> 00:45:55,295 Thank you for beaming it aboard. 631 00:45:55,658 --> 00:45:58,298 Anything, anytime, Captain. 632 00:45:58,936 --> 00:46:00,529 Dismissed. 633 00:46:21,117 --> 00:46:22,879 Here, kitty, kitty. 634 00:46:53,845 --> 00:46:58,877 - Synced and corrected by martythecrazy - - www.addic7ed.com -