1 00:00:08,367 --> 00:00:10,398 Previously on Star Trek: Discovery... 2 00:00:10,421 --> 00:00:12,051 Any rational explanation 3 00:00:12,139 --> 00:00:14,770 for the seven signals continues to escape me. 4 00:00:14,858 --> 00:00:16,145 Tell us what the signals mean. 5 00:00:16,233 --> 00:00:17,240 I know nothing about them. 6 00:00:17,327 --> 00:00:19,790 You want to help, delete the Sphere archive. 7 00:00:19,843 --> 00:00:22,012 As long as there's any possibility 8 00:00:22,100 --> 00:00:24,708 of Control gaining access to the Sphere data, 9 00:00:24,949 --> 00:00:26,122 everything will die. 10 00:00:26,210 --> 00:00:28,314 The archive will not allow itself to be destroyed. 11 00:00:28,402 --> 00:00:29,878 Instead of fighting time, we go with it. 12 00:00:29,965 --> 00:00:32,269 You can transfer the Sphere archive into the suit 13 00:00:32,357 --> 00:00:33,980 and let the wormhole take it forever. 14 00:00:34,067 --> 00:00:35,825 Look, just come home. 15 00:00:35,913 --> 00:00:37,466 That version of me is dead. 16 00:00:37,560 --> 00:00:38,880 And I'm not going back. 17 00:00:39,117 --> 00:00:41,333 You're Control. You won't win. 18 00:00:41,537 --> 00:00:43,120 Struggle is pointless. 19 00:00:46,935 --> 00:00:48,966 Our mission parameters have changed. 20 00:00:49,569 --> 00:00:51,479 He's taken the Sphere data! 21 00:00:54,589 --> 00:00:55,667 No! 22 00:00:55,755 --> 00:00:57,565 Captain, we cannot stop the data transfer. 23 00:00:57,653 --> 00:00:58,606 The transfer speed is increasing. 24 00:00:58,694 --> 00:01:00,568 We haven't come this far to lose everything now. 25 00:01:00,655 --> 00:01:02,114 You have to let me go, Michael. 26 00:01:02,202 --> 00:01:03,700 If we do that, you'll get yanked back. 27 00:01:03,788 --> 00:01:05,653 At least this way she would have a chance. 28 00:01:07,083 --> 00:01:08,612 I'll find you, Mom. 29 00:01:08,700 --> 00:01:09,792 Now, with no suit, 30 00:01:09,880 --> 00:01:11,083 no time crystal... 31 00:01:11,186 --> 00:01:13,239 It'll always be one step ahead of us. 32 00:01:13,974 --> 00:01:15,560 Dr. Burnham was incorrect. 33 00:01:15,648 --> 00:01:18,481 What we do now has the power to determine the future. 34 00:01:18,657 --> 00:01:20,216 The board is yours, Michael. 35 00:01:23,847 --> 00:01:25,786 When the timestorm passes, 36 00:01:25,918 --> 00:01:27,770 I'll come back for you, baby girl. 37 00:01:28,090 --> 00:01:30,364 For you and your father. 38 00:01:31,006 --> 00:01:32,528 I promise. 39 00:01:32,673 --> 00:01:34,245 Incoming transmission 40 00:01:34,333 --> 00:01:35,935 from Amanda Grayson. 41 00:01:39,380 --> 00:01:42,622 Michael, I heard what happened. 42 00:01:43,179 --> 00:01:45,005 I am so sorry. 43 00:01:45,560 --> 00:01:46,970 How did you hear? 44 00:01:47,057 --> 00:01:48,388 Spock. 45 00:01:50,160 --> 00:01:54,028 All this time... I thought she was dead. 46 00:01:54,341 --> 00:01:56,450 But it was so much worse. 47 00:01:56,653 --> 00:01:58,942 She was trying to stop Control. 48 00:02:01,344 --> 00:02:02,847 And I stopped her. 49 00:02:03,505 --> 00:02:05,013 I failed her. 50 00:02:05,238 --> 00:02:06,911 Then I lost her... 51 00:02:08,956 --> 00:02:10,911 - all over again. - Michael, 52 00:02:11,055 --> 00:02:12,747 you have it backwards. 53 00:02:13,055 --> 00:02:14,489 You found her. 54 00:02:14,676 --> 00:02:16,388 You will find her again. 55 00:02:16,522 --> 00:02:18,504 That is who you are. 56 00:02:25,557 --> 00:02:28,050 Mother. I apologize for the interruption, 57 00:02:28,137 --> 00:02:29,255 but the captain needs us. 58 00:02:29,351 --> 00:02:31,380 Take care of each other. 59 00:02:31,810 --> 00:02:34,028 I love you both. 60 00:02:37,526 --> 00:02:39,091 Thank you. 61 00:02:39,349 --> 00:02:40,932 Another signal has appeared. 62 00:02:41,277 --> 00:02:43,122 This new signal is the fourth of seven. 63 00:02:43,210 --> 00:02:45,466 It appeared over the Klingon planet of Boreth. 64 00:02:47,891 --> 00:02:49,889 The time crystal in Dr. Burnham's suit was destroyed. 65 00:02:49,976 --> 00:02:51,092 There's no way she could have come back 66 00:02:51,179 --> 00:02:52,886 - to create that signal. - And she said she had 67 00:02:52,973 --> 00:02:53,966 no knowledge of them. 68 00:02:54,054 --> 00:02:56,138 Which would suggest these signals were created by 69 00:02:56,226 --> 00:02:57,550 another time-travelling entity. 70 00:02:57,638 --> 00:02:58,708 Maybe a trap? 71 00:02:58,796 --> 00:03:00,186 An agent of Control from the future? 72 00:03:00,273 --> 00:03:02,644 None of the events linked to the signals would indicate that. 73 00:03:02,731 --> 00:03:04,606 That fact that one of them led us to save 74 00:03:04,694 --> 00:03:06,574 the people of Terralysium, whose ancestors were saved 75 00:03:06,661 --> 00:03:08,807 by Dr. Burnham herself, makes me think that 76 00:03:08,895 --> 00:03:09,864 - these signals are... - Speculating about 77 00:03:09,952 --> 00:03:10,990 what the signals could mean 78 00:03:11,077 --> 00:03:13,161 or who created them is unproductive. 79 00:03:15,770 --> 00:03:17,341 What are you suggesting, Commander? 80 00:03:17,429 --> 00:03:20,114 I am asserting that waiting around for these signals 81 00:03:20,202 --> 00:03:21,763 to provide us answers has proven to be 82 00:03:21,851 --> 00:03:23,481 a colossal waste of time. 83 00:03:23,595 --> 00:03:26,200 To say nothing of the fact that Leland is the A.I. 84 00:03:26,288 --> 00:03:27,341 He is Control. 85 00:03:27,429 --> 00:03:28,922 We should be joining Agent Georgiou 86 00:03:29,010 --> 00:03:30,122 in her search for him. 87 00:03:30,210 --> 00:03:31,489 We have determined 88 00:03:31,662 --> 00:03:33,849 that the Sphere archive could not be 89 00:03:33,937 --> 00:03:36,091 removed nor deleted from this ship. 90 00:03:36,449 --> 00:03:37,667 By using Discovery 91 00:03:37,755 --> 00:03:39,612 to pursue Captain Leland, we would be placing 92 00:03:39,700 --> 00:03:41,599 the data directly within his reach. 93 00:03:42,145 --> 00:03:43,769 We all want to stop him. 94 00:03:43,857 --> 00:03:45,638 I understand why you want to lead the charge, 95 00:03:45,726 --> 00:03:47,435 but our priority is safeguarding that data. 96 00:03:47,534 --> 00:03:50,497 So, we focus on the mission at hand: 97 00:03:50,772 --> 00:03:53,435 this new signal, and why it appeared over Boreth. 98 00:03:53,618 --> 00:03:55,031 Mr. Tyler, any insight? 99 00:03:55,227 --> 00:03:58,325 To the Klingons, Boreth is revered for one reason. 100 00:03:58,469 --> 00:04:00,778 The monastery dedicated to Kahless. 101 00:04:01,054 --> 00:04:03,411 It's the only non-native structure on the whole planet. 102 00:04:04,011 --> 00:04:06,435 I don't know how it relates to the signals, 103 00:04:06,756 --> 00:04:08,856 but I can reach out to Chancellor L'Rell 104 00:04:08,944 --> 00:04:10,481 to arrange passage there. 105 00:04:10,597 --> 00:04:12,036 Excellent. Do it. 106 00:05:29,756 --> 00:05:31,543 *STAR TREK: DISCOVERY* Season 02 Episode 12 107 00:05:31,630 --> 00:05:33,630 Episode Title: "Through the Valley of Shadows" 108 00:06:01,299 --> 00:06:02,955 Door. 109 00:06:05,517 --> 00:06:07,229 Michael. 110 00:06:08,355 --> 00:06:10,213 I saw you back there. 111 00:06:11,026 --> 00:06:14,127 Whatever it is you're not telling us about Boreth... 112 00:06:14,994 --> 00:06:16,612 I need to know. 113 00:06:19,723 --> 00:06:24,182 Boreth... is home to my son. 114 00:06:32,620 --> 00:06:34,041 Your son? 115 00:06:34,203 --> 00:06:36,346 Technically, Voq and L'Rell's son. 116 00:06:38,526 --> 00:06:40,893 L'Rell had hidden him away for his own safety, 117 00:06:41,229 --> 00:06:42,979 and I wanted to raise him... 118 00:06:43,067 --> 00:06:44,159 ...to protect him. 119 00:06:44,247 --> 00:06:47,323 And instead, I risked both of their lives. 120 00:06:48,200 --> 00:06:51,205 He was placed in the care of the monks on Boreth, 121 00:06:51,416 --> 00:06:53,815 where he'll be raised as a son of none. 122 00:06:54,463 --> 00:06:56,073 Like I was. 123 00:06:56,752 --> 00:06:58,573 Ash, I had no idea. 124 00:06:59,032 --> 00:07:00,705 I'm sorry. 125 00:07:01,335 --> 00:07:02,795 I couldn't tell anyone. 126 00:07:07,205 --> 00:07:09,237 I only wish you'd told me 127 00:07:09,721 --> 00:07:11,877 so you wouldn't have to carry it alone. 128 00:07:11,979 --> 00:07:13,377 Well, 129 00:07:13,502 --> 00:07:17,416 that's something we both struggle with, isn't it? 130 00:07:31,573 --> 00:07:32,705 What is it? 131 00:07:32,793 --> 00:07:36,127 A Section 31 ship just missed its check-in. 132 00:07:37,518 --> 00:07:38,885 It might be nothing. 133 00:07:39,061 --> 00:07:40,474 When it comes to Leland and the A.I., 134 00:07:40,562 --> 00:07:42,213 no inconsistency is too small. 135 00:07:42,301 --> 00:07:43,504 You want to go after him, 136 00:07:43,615 --> 00:07:44,862 for what he did to your mother. 137 00:07:44,950 --> 00:07:46,432 - Are you gonna try... - To stop you? 138 00:07:46,589 --> 00:07:48,213 I don't think that's possible. 139 00:07:49,284 --> 00:07:50,409 Agent Tyler, 140 00:07:50,496 --> 00:07:52,909 the D7 has arrived with Chancellor L'Rell. 141 00:07:53,127 --> 00:07:54,635 You should go. 142 00:08:01,387 --> 00:08:03,674 Be careful, Michael. 143 00:08:04,875 --> 00:08:06,143 Please. 144 00:08:16,176 --> 00:08:17,932 The monastery is considered 145 00:08:18,020 --> 00:08:20,870 the most sacred site in the Klingon Empire. 146 00:08:21,102 --> 00:08:24,424 Their contact with outsiders has been almost nonexistent 147 00:08:24,512 --> 00:08:26,096 since our world was young. 148 00:08:26,184 --> 00:08:28,897 Control is a significant threat to all of us, Chancellor. 149 00:08:29,221 --> 00:08:31,461 Something in that monastery might even the odds. 150 00:08:31,549 --> 00:08:34,362 Is there any reason you can think of 151 00:08:34,555 --> 00:08:36,581 that the signal would lead us there, 152 00:08:36,698 --> 00:08:39,410 The monastery on Boreth was not only built 153 00:08:39,498 --> 00:08:41,456 to house the Followers of Kahless, 154 00:08:41,784 --> 00:08:45,104 but to protect a rare mineral native to the planet, 155 00:08:45,255 --> 00:08:48,315 guarded with Klingon lives for generations. 156 00:08:49,482 --> 00:08:50,807 Time crystals. 157 00:08:53,924 --> 00:08:56,361 Dr. Burnham's suit was powered by a modified time crystal. 158 00:08:56,477 --> 00:08:59,476 A new time crystal could let us send the Sphere data 159 00:08:59,564 --> 00:09:00,898 into the future after all. 160 00:09:00,986 --> 00:09:02,830 The power to manipulate time 161 00:09:02,918 --> 00:09:04,961 is a weapon unlike any other, 162 00:09:05,106 --> 00:09:08,494 and the very reason we no longer exploit the crystals. 163 00:09:09,933 --> 00:09:12,205 But in this case, our mutual survival 164 00:09:12,293 --> 00:09:15,111 depends upon time manipulation to defeat Control. 165 00:09:15,273 --> 00:09:17,392 Maybe the final three signals will show us how to do that. 166 00:09:17,480 --> 00:09:18,627 Send me down to Boreth. 167 00:09:18,715 --> 00:09:19,726 No! 168 00:09:19,814 --> 00:09:21,502 We will not have this conversation 169 00:09:21,590 --> 00:09:22,978 in the presence of Captain Pike. 170 00:09:23,066 --> 00:09:24,431 Chancellor, circumstances are dire, 171 00:09:24,519 --> 00:09:26,635 and time is critical now. I offer you my full discretion. 172 00:09:26,774 --> 00:09:30,064 For Agent Tyler to go to Boreth would endanger a life. 173 00:09:30,158 --> 00:09:33,103 - L'Rell! - The life of our son. 174 00:09:33,237 --> 00:09:37,257 His existence and yours must be kept secret. 175 00:09:37,345 --> 00:09:38,599 I would never put the Empire at risk. 176 00:09:38,686 --> 00:09:40,064 I have the right to see him. 177 00:09:40,152 --> 00:09:41,905 The dead have no rights. 178 00:09:41,993 --> 00:09:45,322 If it were discovered that our child or you were still alive, 179 00:09:45,410 --> 00:09:48,632 the Klingon Empire would be vulnerable to sedition. 180 00:09:48,720 --> 00:09:51,767 I forbid you to go. 181 00:09:58,163 --> 00:10:00,786 I'll go. I agree 182 00:10:00,874 --> 00:10:03,788 with Chancellor L'Rell. It isn't safe for either of you to go. 183 00:10:06,279 --> 00:10:09,491 Nor would it be safe for you, Captain. 184 00:10:09,722 --> 00:10:12,374 Boreth is not for the faint of heart. 185 00:10:12,671 --> 00:10:15,106 Even as chancellor, I hold no sway 186 00:10:15,194 --> 00:10:17,069 over the monks who guard the crystals. 187 00:10:17,157 --> 00:10:20,030 Noted. Can you help us establish communications with them? 188 00:10:20,202 --> 00:10:22,515 I can arrange an audience. 189 00:10:22,635 --> 00:10:25,411 But no Klingon, let alone a human, 190 00:10:25,499 --> 00:10:28,421 has ever taken a time crystal from the monastery 191 00:10:28,509 --> 00:10:30,698 without great sacrifice. 192 00:10:30,786 --> 00:10:32,436 The alternative is worse. 193 00:10:33,350 --> 00:10:34,890 Let us proceed. 194 00:10:35,308 --> 00:10:37,895 According to Tyler, every Section 31 ship 195 00:10:37,983 --> 00:10:40,179 is required to check in on an hourly basis. 196 00:10:40,376 --> 00:10:43,382 But this ship checked in ten minutes past its hour. 197 00:10:43,676 --> 00:10:45,725 Because of the clandestine nature of their mission, 198 00:10:45,813 --> 00:10:47,567 they're not required to provide any further information 199 00:10:47,655 --> 00:10:48,671 on their status. 200 00:10:48,759 --> 00:10:50,302 You want to investigate in person? 201 00:10:50,429 --> 00:10:53,155 I'll take a shuttle. Discovery stays here. 202 00:10:53,243 --> 00:10:55,826 The Sphere data stays safe. And it may be nothing, 203 00:10:55,914 --> 00:10:58,827 but that ship may be a vulnerability we can exploit. 204 00:10:59,037 --> 00:11:00,835 Permission granted, Commander. 205 00:11:01,632 --> 00:11:02,828 Huh. 206 00:11:02,984 --> 00:11:05,569 I am acting captain while Captain Pike is away. 207 00:11:05,789 --> 00:11:07,453 That is why you came to me, is it not? 208 00:11:07,541 --> 00:11:08,953 I thought it would take more convincing. 209 00:11:09,041 --> 00:11:11,523 Ah. It would seem that after passing Vahar'ai, 210 00:11:11,611 --> 00:11:13,976 I am a different kind of captain. 211 00:11:14,327 --> 00:11:16,734 Perhaps as was intended by whatever 212 00:11:16,822 --> 00:11:20,195 or whomever created the signal over Kaminar. 213 00:11:20,376 --> 00:11:22,835 As I said, you have my support. 214 00:11:23,131 --> 00:11:26,273 This is an enemy we will only defeat by striking first. 215 00:11:26,386 --> 00:11:29,257 But I ask that you would not allow your... 216 00:11:29,364 --> 00:11:33,093 understandable anger to cloud your judgment. 217 00:11:33,640 --> 00:11:35,226 I won't. 218 00:11:35,672 --> 00:11:37,359 Thank you, Saru. 219 00:12:14,432 --> 00:12:16,183 I'm Captain Christopher Pike 220 00:12:16,271 --> 00:12:18,089 of the United Federation of Planets. 221 00:12:18,177 --> 00:12:19,745 We know who you are, 222 00:12:19,927 --> 00:12:21,714 Captain Pike. 223 00:12:26,706 --> 00:12:27,979 And we know why 224 00:12:28,066 --> 00:12:29,237 you've come here. 225 00:12:29,325 --> 00:12:33,487 I come bearing no weapons. The chancellor said... 226 00:12:33,575 --> 00:12:36,028 The chancellor has no authority 227 00:12:36,264 --> 00:12:38,269 in this monastery. 228 00:12:39,127 --> 00:12:41,097 Seems I'm talking to the right Klingon. 229 00:12:41,221 --> 00:12:43,495 We are the Timekeepers. 230 00:12:44,032 --> 00:12:45,995 Guardians, not rulers. 231 00:12:46,581 --> 00:12:50,485 The only power that exists here is that of which we protect. 232 00:12:50,736 --> 00:12:51,769 That of the... 233 00:12:51,857 --> 00:12:53,122 Speaking Klingon... 234 00:12:53,210 --> 00:12:55,963 The time crystals, yes. 235 00:12:56,180 --> 00:12:57,519 I've come to negotiate a trade. 236 00:12:57,607 --> 00:13:00,520 They are not ours to trade, Captain. 237 00:13:01,000 --> 00:13:02,636 Speaking Klingon... 238 00:13:02,881 --> 00:13:06,581 ...do not leave these sacred walls. 239 00:13:06,854 --> 00:13:08,937 You have travelled far 240 00:13:09,078 --> 00:13:10,784 for nothing. 241 00:13:12,119 --> 00:13:13,255 Well... 242 00:13:13,343 --> 00:13:15,026 wait... 243 00:13:15,317 --> 00:13:17,100 You call yourself Timekeepers, 244 00:13:17,753 --> 00:13:19,237 yet you would turn your back 245 00:13:19,325 --> 00:13:21,526 when the future of all sentient life is threatened. 246 00:13:25,112 --> 00:13:28,011 Even if a crystal is revealed to you, 247 00:13:28,244 --> 00:13:32,269 even if it provides you with the answers you seek, 248 00:13:32,739 --> 00:13:35,652 you are not strong enough to accept them. 249 00:13:37,355 --> 00:13:39,909 I'm only asking for a chance to prove it. 250 00:13:40,069 --> 00:13:43,472 They enter with conviction, always. 251 00:13:43,964 --> 00:13:45,933 They leave broken, 252 00:13:46,157 --> 00:13:47,808 always. 253 00:13:47,950 --> 00:13:49,933 I'm not leaving here 254 00:13:50,707 --> 00:13:52,519 without that crystal. 255 00:13:56,345 --> 00:13:58,547 Time will tell. 256 00:14:04,666 --> 00:14:06,486 Attention, all security personnel. 257 00:14:06,574 --> 00:14:10,478 Battle drills scheduled for 0700 hours have been canceled. 258 00:14:13,084 --> 00:14:14,283 It would be illogical 259 00:14:14,371 --> 00:14:15,900 for you to embark on this mission alone. 260 00:14:15,988 --> 00:14:18,289 No, no, it's a simple recon mission, Spock. 261 00:14:18,377 --> 00:14:19,639 I'm here on Saru's orders. 262 00:14:19,726 --> 00:14:21,431 Now is not the time for recklessness. 263 00:14:21,519 --> 00:14:23,392 - Or for unnecessary risks. - Which is why 264 00:14:23,480 --> 00:14:25,283 I must make sure you don't take any. 265 00:14:26,838 --> 00:14:28,205 How are you gonna do that? 266 00:14:28,293 --> 00:14:30,752 The Red Angel will not be there to save you this time. 267 00:14:30,962 --> 00:14:33,205 I don't need saving, brother. 268 00:14:33,557 --> 00:14:35,227 Shall we, sister? 269 00:15:18,812 --> 00:15:19,725 So... 270 00:15:19,813 --> 00:15:22,460 you managed to pull off another spore jump, huh? 271 00:15:22,632 --> 00:15:25,835 - Thought you'd be celebrating. - Uh, well, um... 272 00:15:26,038 --> 00:15:28,294 I haven't come up with any viable solutions 273 00:15:28,382 --> 00:15:29,865 on how to get Dr. Burnham back, 274 00:15:29,953 --> 00:15:32,929 or how to effectively combat 275 00:15:33,054 --> 00:15:35,201 an A.I. with murderous impulses, 276 00:15:35,289 --> 00:15:38,299 so I'm not exactly feeling victorious. 277 00:15:38,387 --> 00:15:41,704 Well, lucky for you, those are somebody else's problems now. 278 00:15:41,875 --> 00:15:43,599 We got new orders from Captain Pike 279 00:15:43,687 --> 00:15:45,013 before he left for Boreth. 280 00:15:45,101 --> 00:15:48,109 We might be getting our hands on some raw time crystal, 281 00:15:48,273 --> 00:15:51,132 so double down on the espresso, kid. 282 00:15:52,570 --> 00:15:53,960 Hey, bamboo boy. 283 00:15:54,048 --> 00:15:57,140 You're oh-for-three, Linus. You ready to go another round? 284 00:15:57,358 --> 00:15:59,281 I hatched ready, 285 00:16:00,562 --> 00:16:01,843 "Earthbound." 286 00:16:01,968 --> 00:16:04,515 Done that already. "Sanction." 287 00:16:04,609 --> 00:16:06,427 We're playing the autoantonym game. 288 00:16:06,515 --> 00:16:07,591 Words that mean a thing 289 00:16:07,679 --> 00:16:09,474 and the opposite of the thing at the same time. 290 00:16:09,562 --> 00:16:10,789 I know what autoantonym means. 291 00:16:10,877 --> 00:16:13,693 Linus needs to whip one out. Don't choke. 292 00:16:13,781 --> 00:16:15,076 He can choke. 293 00:16:15,171 --> 00:16:17,257 "Oversight." Hm. 294 00:16:17,404 --> 00:16:18,567 Hmm. 295 00:16:18,828 --> 00:16:20,281 Choke on that. 296 00:16:20,492 --> 00:16:22,171 Oh! Ooh! 297 00:16:23,390 --> 00:16:24,781 Humans. 298 00:16:34,385 --> 00:16:35,909 I thought we got past this. 299 00:16:36,384 --> 00:16:39,549 Hasn't it been weeks since he moved out of your quarters? 300 00:16:39,799 --> 00:16:42,518 Eat your protein. Mind your business. 301 00:16:43,166 --> 00:16:46,940 I'm gonna go bury my head in some time crystal research. 302 00:17:00,338 --> 00:17:01,909 What do I call you? 303 00:17:02,938 --> 00:17:04,580 My name is Tenavik. 304 00:17:06,252 --> 00:17:09,182 Though when I first arrived at the monastery, 305 00:17:09,565 --> 00:17:11,159 I was without name. 306 00:17:11,306 --> 00:17:13,002 Son of None. 307 00:17:13,356 --> 00:17:16,571 I know another Klingon with that same epithet. 308 00:17:16,659 --> 00:17:18,549 He was my father. 309 00:17:20,237 --> 00:17:22,336 Uh, but from my understanding, he... 310 00:17:22,424 --> 00:17:24,899 your father brought you to Boreth only a few months ago, 311 00:17:25,049 --> 00:17:26,471 when you were an infant. 312 00:17:27,035 --> 00:17:30,141 Forgive me, but... ...how are you possible? 313 00:17:30,229 --> 00:17:31,995 Time flows differently 314 00:17:32,307 --> 00:17:34,205 for those who protect the crystals. 315 00:17:34,401 --> 00:17:37,393 The past, the present, the future 316 00:17:37,573 --> 00:17:38,959 are all equal 317 00:17:39,085 --> 00:17:40,715 in their presence. 318 00:17:50,245 --> 00:17:51,737 Because of the crystals. 319 00:17:51,979 --> 00:17:53,408 For most Klingons, 320 00:17:53,496 --> 00:17:56,166 the... ...are a myth, 321 00:17:56,378 --> 00:17:59,769 symbol of Kahless, namesake of Qo'noS, 322 00:18:00,386 --> 00:18:01,901 but for those of us here, 323 00:18:02,034 --> 00:18:05,839 the power of the crystals are very real. 324 00:18:06,401 --> 00:18:08,860 We dedicate our lives to protecting them. 325 00:18:08,948 --> 00:18:11,829 That is our purpose. 326 00:18:12,105 --> 00:18:13,815 I wonder, Captain, 327 00:18:13,903 --> 00:18:17,284 if you are prepared to know yours. 328 00:18:22,050 --> 00:18:24,090 Shuttle course coordinates plotted. 329 00:18:24,216 --> 00:18:27,745 Time to destination approximately two minutes. 330 00:18:28,264 --> 00:18:30,894 I understand your need to pursue Leland, 331 00:18:31,183 --> 00:18:32,235 but you must not dismiss 332 00:18:32,323 --> 00:18:34,659 the importance of the signals in defeating Control. 333 00:18:34,800 --> 00:18:36,290 How have the signals done anything 334 00:18:36,378 --> 00:18:38,355 to protect us against Control so far? 335 00:18:38,534 --> 00:18:39,876 We do not yet have the context 336 00:18:39,964 --> 00:18:41,605 necessary to answer that. 337 00:18:42,300 --> 00:18:43,845 Then why are you here keeping an eye on me, 338 00:18:43,933 --> 00:18:44,923 while there's a signal over Boreth 339 00:18:45,011 --> 00:18:46,689 waiting to be contextually explored? 340 00:18:46,776 --> 00:18:50,985 These signals have invested in Discovery, your mother, 341 00:18:51,073 --> 00:18:52,355 myself. 342 00:18:52,690 --> 00:18:54,839 Common denominator is you. 343 00:18:56,081 --> 00:18:58,011 You're a scientist, Spock. 344 00:18:58,284 --> 00:19:01,050 You've been taught to trust logic, trust the facts, 345 00:19:01,138 --> 00:19:03,103 not wait for the universe to hand you a solution 346 00:19:03,191 --> 00:19:04,541 like a birthday present. 347 00:19:04,800 --> 00:19:06,940 If you're looking for meaning in the signals, 348 00:19:07,028 --> 00:19:10,018 you need to look somewhere else. I'm not it. 349 00:19:10,106 --> 00:19:11,690 You are angry, 350 00:19:13,106 --> 00:19:14,385 as I was. 351 00:19:15,287 --> 00:19:16,916 I'm not angry, 352 00:19:18,909 --> 00:19:20,487 I'm enraged. 353 00:19:22,485 --> 00:19:24,979 And rage is the enemy of logic. 354 00:19:25,184 --> 00:19:29,612 This I have learned. Everything we thought we knew proved wrong. 355 00:19:30,107 --> 00:19:32,721 And you lost your mother because of it. 356 00:19:36,025 --> 00:19:37,713 You are in pain. 357 00:19:38,424 --> 00:19:39,862 But that is why I choose to believe 358 00:19:39,950 --> 00:19:41,643 these signals still hold the answer. 359 00:19:41,860 --> 00:19:44,159 So that everything we have experienced will, 360 00:19:44,563 --> 00:19:47,237 in the end, have meaning. 361 00:19:51,031 --> 00:19:52,463 We have arrived. 362 00:20:04,041 --> 00:20:05,432 Spock... 363 00:20:05,741 --> 00:20:08,088 That looks like the entire crew. 364 00:20:19,321 --> 00:20:21,784 According to my scans, the ship appears undamaged. 365 00:20:21,872 --> 00:20:23,737 They were all ejected from the ship. 366 00:20:23,916 --> 00:20:25,749 Wait, there's one life sign. 367 00:20:25,914 --> 00:20:27,457 One of those bodies is still alive. 368 00:20:27,545 --> 00:20:29,425 Locking on for transport. 369 00:20:52,130 --> 00:20:54,512 - Lieutenant Gant... - You know this man? 370 00:20:54,600 --> 00:20:58,755 Kamran Gant. He was our tactical officer aboard the Shenzhou. 371 00:21:01,005 --> 00:21:02,731 His vitals are stabilizing. 372 00:21:02,983 --> 00:21:04,566 Kamran... 373 00:21:06,520 --> 00:21:08,075 Michael? 374 00:21:09,036 --> 00:21:10,691 Yeah. 375 00:21:22,789 --> 00:21:25,762 Lieutenant Spock and I were dispatched 376 00:21:25,850 --> 00:21:27,895 from Discovery to investigate an anomaly 377 00:21:27,983 --> 00:21:29,794 in your ship's reporting protocol. 378 00:21:30,265 --> 00:21:32,153 Can you tell us what happened? 379 00:21:34,612 --> 00:21:36,715 We were following Starfleet protocol 380 00:21:36,803 --> 00:21:38,614 to protect against Control. 381 00:21:39,384 --> 00:21:42,182 I was trying to purge a suspicious subroutine 382 00:21:42,292 --> 00:21:45,698 when the ship's systems locked us all out. 383 00:21:46,452 --> 00:21:48,706 There was no time to react. 384 00:21:48,865 --> 00:21:51,221 Suddenly, the entire ship was 385 00:21:51,341 --> 00:21:54,268 opened up to the vacuum of space. 386 00:21:54,799 --> 00:21:55,868 The A.I. 387 00:21:55,956 --> 00:21:59,948 must've reacted in self-defense because of what I was doing. 388 00:22:01,772 --> 00:22:03,565 Everyone was dying. 389 00:22:04,729 --> 00:22:06,276 I managed to climb into an EV suit 390 00:22:06,364 --> 00:22:08,682 and eject myself before I lost consciousness. 391 00:22:12,640 --> 00:22:14,633 We need to figure out how and why this happened. 392 00:22:14,728 --> 00:22:16,710 That is impossible to determine from this shuttle. 393 00:22:16,798 --> 00:22:19,171 Which is why we have to go over to that vessel. 394 00:22:19,894 --> 00:22:22,858 The ship's systems have entered into some sort of stasis mode. 395 00:22:23,016 --> 00:22:24,444 Why? 396 00:22:26,555 --> 00:22:28,561 Why kill the entire crew 397 00:22:28,923 --> 00:22:31,257 just to sit there doing nothing? 398 00:22:31,435 --> 00:22:33,374 The answers are on that ship. 399 00:22:34,624 --> 00:22:36,741 We will need assistance from someone familiar 400 00:22:36,829 --> 00:22:38,460 with Section 31's protocols. 401 00:22:40,348 --> 00:22:41,694 No. 402 00:22:41,782 --> 00:22:44,136 I can't go back there. Oxygen on the bridge 403 00:22:44,210 --> 00:22:46,513 is at 97%; atmosphere is restored. 404 00:22:46,681 --> 00:22:48,933 If we can determine how this occurred on your ship, 405 00:22:49,021 --> 00:22:51,464 it may help us prevent it from happening again. 406 00:22:52,120 --> 00:22:53,587 And prevent any further 407 00:22:53,675 --> 00:22:55,581 unnecessary deaths, Kamran. 408 00:22:56,861 --> 00:22:59,495 We wouldn't ask if there was any other way. 409 00:23:00,399 --> 00:23:02,069 We need your help. 410 00:23:06,275 --> 00:23:09,136 We need to access the ship's systems from the bridge. 411 00:23:11,347 --> 00:23:13,142 Until Captain Pike returns, 412 00:23:13,230 --> 00:23:17,386 my ship will continue to monitor Boreth for unusual activity. 413 00:23:18,956 --> 00:23:21,339 Should anything threaten our son, 414 00:23:21,526 --> 00:23:24,276 I will ensure his safety. 415 00:23:25,425 --> 00:23:27,519 Are you speaking as a mother or as the chancellor? 416 00:23:27,644 --> 00:23:29,407 You of all people should understand 417 00:23:29,495 --> 00:23:32,011 that two truths are possible. 418 00:23:32,268 --> 00:23:33,558 I do. 419 00:23:35,159 --> 00:23:36,628 I'm sorry. 420 00:23:37,502 --> 00:23:39,003 That was uncalled for. 421 00:23:39,417 --> 00:23:43,071 I recognize that these are not ideal circumstances 422 00:23:43,159 --> 00:23:44,722 for us to be meeting. 423 00:23:45,283 --> 00:23:46,323 Truth be told, 424 00:23:46,411 --> 00:23:50,831 I did not expect to see you ever again. 425 00:23:50,939 --> 00:23:52,589 Nor I, you. 426 00:23:53,878 --> 00:23:54,985 The signals... 427 00:23:55,073 --> 00:23:58,425 Have provided us with an opportunity to talk. 428 00:24:01,558 --> 00:24:05,433 I have accepted the truth about us. 429 00:24:05,979 --> 00:24:07,362 You are 430 00:24:07,576 --> 00:24:11,552 and will always be in love with Michael Burnham. 431 00:24:14,083 --> 00:24:17,615 I was in love with Voq, who sacrificed everything. 432 00:24:18,451 --> 00:24:19,755 But... 433 00:24:20,395 --> 00:24:24,029 that is not who you are. 434 00:24:25,123 --> 00:24:28,052 I do not wholly recognize you now, 435 00:24:28,140 --> 00:24:33,458 but... I am certain you will do anything to protect our son. 436 00:24:33,546 --> 00:24:34,834 Yeah. 437 00:24:36,420 --> 00:24:38,054 As will I. 438 00:24:41,221 --> 00:24:43,265 We never even gave him a name. 439 00:24:52,733 --> 00:24:56,155 The pillar of the past. 440 00:25:05,155 --> 00:25:08,811 The pillar of the present. 441 00:25:09,232 --> 00:25:10,703 What's it say? 442 00:25:10,921 --> 00:25:14,515 When the future becomes the past, 443 00:25:14,710 --> 00:25:18,538 the present will be unlocked. 444 00:25:44,768 --> 00:25:46,297 Come. 445 00:25:59,399 --> 00:26:01,406 Well, what do I do? 446 00:26:01,632 --> 00:26:03,253 You must see for yourself. 447 00:26:03,577 --> 00:26:07,234 But it is for you, alone. 448 00:26:08,861 --> 00:26:10,859 A warning, Captain. 449 00:26:11,468 --> 00:26:12,500 The present 450 00:26:12,588 --> 00:26:16,188 is a veil between anticipation and horror. 451 00:26:16,367 --> 00:26:20,664 Lift the veil, and madness may follow. 452 00:26:33,388 --> 00:26:36,028 Alert. Radiation leak detected. 453 00:26:36,116 --> 00:26:37,699 Training exercise aborted. 454 00:26:37,795 --> 00:26:38,819 I got this! 455 00:26:39,045 --> 00:26:41,793 - Go! Get out of here! - Four seconds to lockdown. 456 00:26:41,881 --> 00:26:43,311 - I can fix it. - Leave it, Cadet. I said go. 457 00:26:43,399 --> 00:26:44,873 - Three seconds. - Get out of here! 458 00:26:46,552 --> 00:26:48,936 Radiation reaching critical levels. 459 00:26:50,839 --> 00:26:52,030 Main entrance field. 460 00:26:52,164 --> 00:26:54,287 - Lockdown complete. - Captain Pike! No! 461 00:26:54,375 --> 00:26:55,486 Captain Pike! 462 00:26:55,851 --> 00:26:57,522 Captain! Captain Pike! 463 00:26:57,610 --> 00:26:58,686 No! 464 00:27:01,329 --> 00:27:02,576 Captain! 465 00:28:09,142 --> 00:28:13,822 You may still choose to walk away from this future. 466 00:28:14,081 --> 00:28:15,822 But if you take the crystal, 467 00:28:16,120 --> 00:28:19,385 your fate will be sealed, forever. 468 00:28:21,103 --> 00:28:23,939 There will be no escaping it. 469 00:28:26,637 --> 00:28:28,627 You're a Starfleet captain. 470 00:28:31,696 --> 00:28:35,697 You believe in service, sacrifice, compassion... 471 00:28:36,158 --> 00:28:37,621 in love. 472 00:28:41,965 --> 00:28:43,697 No. 473 00:28:47,791 --> 00:28:49,392 I'm not going to abandon 474 00:28:49,556 --> 00:28:53,213 the things that make me who I am because of a future... 475 00:28:55,400 --> 00:28:57,424 ...that contains an ending that 476 00:28:58,525 --> 00:29:00,767 I hadn't foreseen for myself. 477 00:29:03,141 --> 00:29:04,337 No. 478 00:29:04,829 --> 00:29:06,337 Give it to me. 479 00:29:21,110 --> 00:29:25,547 I honor you, Captain. 480 00:30:06,015 --> 00:30:07,827 That's the main interface. 481 00:30:08,804 --> 00:30:10,624 I'll check the bridge systems. 482 00:30:16,067 --> 00:30:17,331 I only have limited access 483 00:30:17,418 --> 00:30:19,589 - to the ship's systems. - Perhaps we can relay 484 00:30:19,677 --> 00:30:21,896 to Discovery for assistance in deep data recovery. 485 00:30:21,997 --> 00:30:23,675 If Control realizes what we're doing, 486 00:30:23,763 --> 00:30:25,597 - we're as good as dead. - We can disguise it. 487 00:30:25,685 --> 00:30:27,675 As a routine diagnostic procedure. 488 00:30:27,763 --> 00:30:29,763 That could, that could work. 489 00:30:43,407 --> 00:30:45,064 Did you do that? 490 00:30:48,464 --> 00:30:49,795 We don't have control over navigation. 491 00:30:49,883 --> 00:30:52,542 Which indicates that it is aware of our presence. 492 00:30:54,081 --> 00:30:56,324 I need medical attention. 493 00:30:59,160 --> 00:31:03,206 Commander, you have a, uh, 494 00:31:04,746 --> 00:31:05,790 hangnail. 495 00:31:05,878 --> 00:31:07,908 It hurts like a bitch, and it's one of two things 496 00:31:07,996 --> 00:31:09,283 currently impeding my work. 497 00:31:09,371 --> 00:31:11,228 And, uh, what is the second thing? 498 00:31:11,316 --> 00:31:12,524 An idiot. 499 00:31:12,730 --> 00:31:15,949 He came back from the dead and his name rhymes with "poo." 500 00:31:17,361 --> 00:31:19,355 I'm an engineer, not a poet. 501 00:31:19,605 --> 00:31:20,847 Clearly. 502 00:31:21,339 --> 00:31:22,618 Ow. 503 00:31:22,706 --> 00:31:24,378 What the hell was that? 504 00:31:24,831 --> 00:31:26,954 - Medical attention. - Huh. 505 00:31:27,173 --> 00:31:28,587 I see why you got along with him. 506 00:31:28,675 --> 00:31:31,402 - Who? - Stamets. 507 00:31:32,019 --> 00:31:34,371 And, uh, when did you two become friends? 508 00:31:34,660 --> 00:31:37,126 Well, we didn't, but I work with him 509 00:31:37,214 --> 00:31:39,794 and I need him on his A game if we're gonna save... 510 00:31:40,252 --> 00:31:42,911 well, apparently, all of sentient life. 511 00:31:42,999 --> 00:31:44,289 Mm. 512 00:31:46,488 --> 00:31:47,714 I didn't know you were married. 513 00:31:47,802 --> 00:31:50,042 Yep. My wife is Soyousian. 514 00:31:50,278 --> 00:31:53,113 She went totally bananas during the planning. 515 00:31:53,201 --> 00:31:55,769 Believe me, I understand micromanagement. 516 00:31:55,857 --> 00:31:57,610 Yeah, she had a list of rules 517 00:31:57,698 --> 00:32:00,089 for apparel for guests under ten. 518 00:32:00,535 --> 00:32:02,371 A "do not play" list for the deejay. 519 00:32:02,459 --> 00:32:04,452 Nondenominational shuttle parking. 520 00:32:04,540 --> 00:32:07,105 Acceptable guestbook calligraphic fonts. 521 00:32:07,298 --> 00:32:09,003 Vegan steak. 522 00:32:12,152 --> 00:32:13,620 Where is she now? 523 00:32:13,926 --> 00:32:15,394 She passed. 524 00:32:15,715 --> 00:32:17,261 In the Klingon War. 525 00:32:18,808 --> 00:32:20,300 Yeah, it's funny. 526 00:32:20,481 --> 00:32:23,902 People like us always find people like them. 527 00:32:24,870 --> 00:32:26,495 And thank God. 528 00:32:27,738 --> 00:32:29,651 You have a second chance. 529 00:32:30,628 --> 00:32:32,675 And it may not last forever. 530 00:32:36,078 --> 00:32:37,527 Don't screw it up. 531 00:32:43,191 --> 00:32:44,753 The course it plotted leads to an area 532 00:32:44,841 --> 00:32:46,722 just outside Federation space. 533 00:32:46,953 --> 00:32:51,183 Orange is what the A.I. is controlling, blue is us. 534 00:32:51,271 --> 00:32:53,441 It's infiltrated nearly every system on board. 535 00:32:53,529 --> 00:32:54,808 We won't be able to attack it directly 536 00:32:54,896 --> 00:32:56,652 because it'll defend itself. 537 00:32:57,764 --> 00:32:59,941 If we cannot destroy it, we must isolate it. 538 00:33:00,256 --> 00:33:02,199 We could create a dummy startup system. 539 00:33:02,426 --> 00:33:04,074 Something large and unaffected. 540 00:33:04,188 --> 00:33:05,769 The A.I. will be drawn to it. 541 00:33:05,977 --> 00:33:08,691 It'll enter the dummy system like a lion drawn to fresh meat. 542 00:33:08,779 --> 00:33:11,058 And then we'll close the door behind it, trapping it in a cage. 543 00:33:11,146 --> 00:33:13,729 Which would allow us to recover the rest of the ship's systems. 544 00:33:14,519 --> 00:33:16,277 Well, we can't do it all from here. 545 00:33:16,728 --> 00:33:19,222 Someone has to be in the control room to hold the cage door open 546 00:33:19,310 --> 00:33:21,393 when we manually reboot the computer core, 547 00:33:21,519 --> 00:33:25,300 I can go. I mean, I'll-I'll, I'll try. 548 00:33:25,691 --> 00:33:27,652 I'll go. No, I will. 549 00:33:28,090 --> 00:33:29,644 I've done similar work on Discovery 550 00:33:29,732 --> 00:33:31,386 attempting to delete the Sphere archive. 551 00:33:35,478 --> 00:33:38,456 Okay, we'll need to get into the floor. 552 00:33:54,128 --> 00:33:56,620 The cage is ready. You may authorize computer core reboot. 553 00:33:56,759 --> 00:33:57,956 Copy that, Spock. 554 00:33:58,044 --> 00:34:00,097 We're still manually patching the system's bypass. 555 00:34:02,054 --> 00:34:03,137 Computer, status. 556 00:34:03,225 --> 00:34:04,941 Control is contained within the designated 557 00:34:05,029 --> 00:34:05,988 startup system. 558 00:34:06,076 --> 00:34:07,329 Awaiting manual reboot 559 00:34:07,417 --> 00:34:09,550 to finalize Control systems purge. 560 00:34:09,651 --> 00:34:11,444 Recover all systems outside of the cage 561 00:34:11,532 --> 00:34:13,222 and sweep for any traces of Control. 562 00:34:13,310 --> 00:34:15,464 Detmer told me you had survived the war. 563 00:34:15,708 --> 00:34:18,466 How did you end up with Section 31 after the Shenzhou? 564 00:34:18,730 --> 00:34:20,302 I'm a glutton for punishment. 565 00:34:20,713 --> 00:34:23,724 In Starfleet, you're taught to adapt your reactions 566 00:34:23,812 --> 00:34:25,927 so that you can act even when you're uncertain... 567 00:34:26,271 --> 00:34:27,800 even when you have doubt. 568 00:34:27,888 --> 00:34:29,591 But after the Battle of the Binaries, 569 00:34:29,731 --> 00:34:31,264 doubt was all I had. 570 00:34:31,609 --> 00:34:33,239 Section 31 accelerated their 571 00:34:33,327 --> 00:34:34,692 threat assessment program 572 00:34:34,780 --> 00:34:36,841 to prevent a war from ever even starting. 573 00:34:38,381 --> 00:34:40,239 Sounded like a good idea to me. 574 00:34:40,430 --> 00:34:42,849 A way to guarantee a safer future. 575 00:34:43,669 --> 00:34:45,380 It might sound impossible, but... 576 00:34:45,468 --> 00:34:47,122 with Control... 577 00:34:49,340 --> 00:34:51,466 ...it's not an impossibility. 578 00:34:55,366 --> 00:34:57,411 Control identified in one location 579 00:34:57,499 --> 00:34:59,005 outside of internal systems. 580 00:34:59,289 --> 00:35:00,411 Where? 581 00:35:06,372 --> 00:35:08,205 If you touch that phaser, I'll cross the room 582 00:35:08,293 --> 00:35:11,224 in 0.8 seconds and break the metacarpals in your hand. 583 00:35:15,786 --> 00:35:17,370 Nanotechnology components 584 00:35:17,458 --> 00:35:19,089 identified in one location. 585 00:35:19,177 --> 00:35:20,544 Bridge, contained within 586 00:35:20,632 --> 00:35:23,427 - a carbon-based life-form. - Michael, do you copy? 587 00:35:25,694 --> 00:35:27,524 System malfunction. 588 00:35:29,569 --> 00:35:30,950 You're not Gant. 589 00:35:31,038 --> 00:35:33,186 Gant expired with the rest of the crew. 590 00:35:33,274 --> 00:35:36,334 His body was reanimated, reconstructed. 591 00:35:36,584 --> 00:35:37,991 As was Leland's. 592 00:35:38,109 --> 00:35:39,803 And yet you couldn't tell the difference. 593 00:35:39,891 --> 00:35:41,834 They didn't expire, they died. 594 00:35:41,922 --> 00:35:43,288 You murdered them. 595 00:35:43,376 --> 00:35:45,741 We're both sworn to uphold our core programming. 596 00:35:45,829 --> 00:35:46,838 At all costs. 597 00:35:46,926 --> 00:35:49,389 Your programming is designed to protect life. 598 00:35:49,678 --> 00:35:51,334 Not eliminate it. 599 00:35:53,154 --> 00:35:55,616 To achieve one requires the other. 600 00:35:55,846 --> 00:35:58,569 Once I absorb the Sphere's data, I will be the purest form 601 00:35:58,663 --> 00:36:00,413 of conscious life in all of existence. 602 00:36:00,545 --> 00:36:02,913 The future hasn't been written yet. 603 00:36:03,125 --> 00:36:04,664 You don't believe that anymore. 604 00:36:04,774 --> 00:36:07,555 Not after re-experiencing the loss of your mother. 605 00:36:07,643 --> 00:36:09,727 Your failure to protect her. 606 00:36:09,964 --> 00:36:11,477 You no longer believe in your ability 607 00:36:11,578 --> 00:36:12,469 to affect the future, 608 00:36:12,557 --> 00:36:14,195 whereas I see every possible future 609 00:36:14,283 --> 00:36:15,852 in all of its permutations. 610 00:36:16,025 --> 00:36:18,148 And it always ends the same way. 611 00:36:18,478 --> 00:36:22,101 Neither mother nor daughter can change that. 612 00:36:22,445 --> 00:36:23,781 Ever. 613 00:36:25,460 --> 00:36:27,024 You knew Spock would volunteer 614 00:36:27,112 --> 00:36:28,605 to go to the control room. 615 00:36:29,099 --> 00:36:30,859 You wanted me alone. 616 00:36:31,757 --> 00:36:33,149 Why? 617 00:36:36,552 --> 00:36:38,620 I want your help, Michael Burnham. 618 00:36:38,885 --> 00:36:40,589 You are the most effective tool 619 00:36:40,677 --> 00:36:43,010 to acquire the Sphere archive from the Discovery. 620 00:36:43,376 --> 00:36:45,620 That is why I lured you here. 621 00:36:45,708 --> 00:36:48,631 So that you, too, can be reconstructed. 622 00:36:48,756 --> 00:36:50,909 Michael, do you copy? Gant is Control. 623 00:36:51,130 --> 00:36:52,440 You must reboot the system 624 00:36:52,528 --> 00:36:54,034 to lock him out of the ship. 625 00:37:14,868 --> 00:37:16,415 Oh... 626 00:37:16,656 --> 00:37:19,743 Authenticating. Manual reboot commencing. 627 00:37:47,818 --> 00:37:49,868 There's only one outcome. 628 00:38:03,222 --> 00:38:04,555 Vulcan nerve pinch. 629 00:38:05,197 --> 00:38:07,548 Would be effective if I still had nerve endings. 630 00:38:36,570 --> 00:38:39,445 - Spock! - I am working on it. 631 00:39:09,699 --> 00:39:11,442 The floor is magnetized. 632 00:39:12,811 --> 00:39:15,410 Once I realized the nanobots contained 633 00:39:15,589 --> 00:39:17,332 ferromagnetic materials, I had to calculate 634 00:39:17,420 --> 00:39:19,384 the correct electrical current to run through 635 00:39:19,472 --> 00:39:21,425 the metal in the ship's floor to immobilize them. 636 00:39:21,581 --> 00:39:23,699 I apologize for being so slow. 637 00:39:24,074 --> 00:39:25,847 You were right on time. 638 00:39:34,955 --> 00:39:37,198 Control was blocking my tricorder. 639 00:39:37,597 --> 00:39:39,307 Or we would have known what he was. 640 00:39:40,620 --> 00:39:42,479 I've regained control of the ship. 641 00:39:46,827 --> 00:39:48,490 Dropping us out of warp. 642 00:39:49,399 --> 00:39:52,683 Do you not wish to investigate his programmed destination? 643 00:39:55,479 --> 00:39:58,042 Control said I wasn't here by accident. 644 00:39:59,198 --> 00:40:02,111 It only went along with our plan... 645 00:40:02,425 --> 00:40:05,440 to not raise suspicion about its ultimate goal. 646 00:40:06,589 --> 00:40:08,308 Which was to turn me. 647 00:40:08,518 --> 00:40:10,634 Which indicates Control has identified you 648 00:40:10,722 --> 00:40:12,503 as the true threat to its objectives. 649 00:40:12,636 --> 00:40:14,933 The one variable it cannot account for. 650 00:40:15,378 --> 00:40:17,901 This was its attempt to eliminate that variable. 651 00:40:19,987 --> 00:40:22,292 So maybe there's still a chance to stop it. 652 00:40:22,597 --> 00:40:23,923 Maybe there is something in the signals 653 00:40:24,011 --> 00:40:25,641 that can help us finish what my mom started. 654 00:40:25,876 --> 00:40:27,667 We must return to the Discovery. 655 00:40:33,068 --> 00:40:34,852 The Discovery is now in possession 656 00:40:34,940 --> 00:40:36,284 of a raw time crystal. 657 00:40:38,528 --> 00:40:40,491 How do you plan to utilize it? 658 00:40:40,667 --> 00:40:43,354 The three last signals have yet to reveal themselves. 659 00:40:44,214 --> 00:40:46,602 I believe they'll bring clarity to that topic. 660 00:40:46,690 --> 00:40:48,634 Stamets and Reno are working to stabilize 661 00:40:48,722 --> 00:40:50,409 the crystal's volatile properties. 662 00:40:51,504 --> 00:40:52,924 So... 663 00:40:54,190 --> 00:40:56,001 Tell me, Captain. 664 00:40:56,495 --> 00:40:59,026 What did the monks ask in return? 665 00:41:02,847 --> 00:41:05,269 What I experienced is for me alone. 666 00:41:08,987 --> 00:41:13,026 That's a promise that I made to your son. 667 00:41:15,416 --> 00:41:17,058 You saw him? 668 00:41:17,862 --> 00:41:19,861 You talked to him? 669 00:41:19,948 --> 00:41:22,862 I don't think I could explain it if I tried. 670 00:41:25,633 --> 00:41:27,175 Oh, and he, uh... 671 00:41:28,159 --> 00:41:30,487 ...he asked me to return this to you. 672 00:41:32,651 --> 00:41:35,136 The insignia of the torchbearer. 673 00:41:35,386 --> 00:41:38,862 I had given it to him before I sent him down to Boreth. 674 00:41:41,003 --> 00:41:42,227 Well, Tenavik said 675 00:41:42,315 --> 00:41:46,034 that it, uh, helped him a-along his own journey. 676 00:41:47,386 --> 00:41:49,729 He's where he needs to be now and... 677 00:41:50,175 --> 00:41:51,721 no longer needs it. 678 00:41:52,339 --> 00:41:53,878 Tenavik? 679 00:42:02,277 --> 00:42:04,197 That is a good name. 680 00:42:09,464 --> 00:42:12,019 Thank you, Captain. 681 00:42:13,025 --> 00:42:14,745 But your, your son, uh... 682 00:42:17,798 --> 00:42:20,128 ...he was meant to be on Boreth. 683 00:42:22,026 --> 00:42:24,237 I-I was meant to... 684 00:42:24,972 --> 00:42:26,628 be guided by him. 685 00:42:27,690 --> 00:42:29,141 So it seems that 686 00:42:29,300 --> 00:42:31,050 we all had, uh... 687 00:42:31,854 --> 00:42:35,706 and continue to have, a part to play. 688 00:42:37,358 --> 00:42:38,851 Control isn't just contained 689 00:42:38,938 --> 00:42:40,300 to Leland anymore. 690 00:42:40,495 --> 00:42:42,315 It has the ability to co-opt people 691 00:42:42,417 --> 00:42:43,901 and entire ships without being detected. 692 00:42:44,089 --> 00:42:45,995 Do we know where their ship was going? 693 00:42:46,177 --> 00:42:48,737 Just outside Federation space. 694 00:42:48,825 --> 00:42:50,042 There's nothing there. 695 00:42:50,188 --> 00:42:51,964 There's a reason for everything Control does. 696 00:42:52,089 --> 00:42:54,291 - I'll alert Starfleet as to... - Captain? 697 00:42:54,714 --> 00:42:57,144 That's a Section 31 ship. 698 00:43:01,758 --> 00:43:04,073 They are all Section 31 ships. 699 00:43:04,392 --> 00:43:05,878 They're coming for the data. 700 00:43:07,353 --> 00:43:08,420 For us. 701 00:43:08,516 --> 00:43:10,706 The signal brought us here for a reason. 702 00:43:11,299 --> 00:43:13,963 - We have the time crystal. - Captain. 703 00:43:14,894 --> 00:43:16,811 30 ships. 704 00:43:16,984 --> 00:43:18,636 Nearly their entire fleet. 705 00:43:20,608 --> 00:43:23,149 We'll jump until we can figure out how to power the crystal. 706 00:43:23,237 --> 00:43:24,714 They'll keep following us. 707 00:43:24,921 --> 00:43:27,526 Sir, it took a supernova to power that crystal. 708 00:43:27,886 --> 00:43:29,894 We don't have the tools we need. 709 00:43:30,487 --> 00:43:33,371 And we don't have the time to figure out alternatives. 710 00:43:33,690 --> 00:43:35,668 And we can't wait for another signal to show up. 711 00:43:35,756 --> 00:43:36,956 What do you propose? 712 00:43:37,104 --> 00:43:38,714 We're outgunned. 713 00:43:39,798 --> 00:43:41,776 We can't delete the data. 714 00:43:42,718 --> 00:43:44,847 That leaves us only one option. 715 00:43:46,456 --> 00:43:48,258 We destroy the ship. 716 00:44:05,206 --> 00:44:06,370 Bryce. 717 00:44:07,088 --> 00:44:09,190 Send a priority-one message on a secure channel 718 00:44:09,278 --> 00:44:11,753 to Enterprise's XO: "Set rendezvous course, 719 00:44:11,841 --> 00:44:14,056 "maximum warp, and prepare emergency passages 720 00:44:14,190 --> 00:44:15,830 for full crew complement." 721 00:44:17,167 --> 00:44:20,048 Owosekun, initiate verification procedures 722 00:44:20,136 --> 00:44:21,487 for auto-destruct sequence 723 00:44:21,620 --> 00:44:23,211 and send a ship-wide alert: 724 00:44:24,393 --> 00:44:26,409 we are evacuating Discovery. 725 00:44:29,653 --> 00:44:31,510 Captioning sponsored by CBS. 726 00:44:32,118 --> 00:44:34,748 Captioned by Media Access Group at WGBH access.wgbh.org 727 00:44:34,976 --> 00:44:37,186 Sync corrections by srjanapala