1 00:00:01,001 --> 00:00:03,414 [narrator] Previously on Star Trek: Discovery: 2 00:00:03,504 --> 00:00:06,463 You are the only one who has had contact with the Red Angel. 3 00:00:07,049 --> 00:00:09,666 You said you don't understand why it chose you. 4 00:00:11,553 --> 00:00:15,092 [Spock] It guided me to a remote planet and showed me... 5 00:00:17,392 --> 00:00:18,392 the end. 6 00:00:28,320 --> 00:00:32,280 My perception of reality was challenged by visions from a time-traveling entity. 7 00:00:32,866 --> 00:00:34,778 Who should help me but you, of course. 8 00:00:35,244 --> 00:00:37,657 After all, the entire Klingon war was your doing. 9 00:00:38,872 --> 00:00:42,411 That version of me that called your quarters home? 10 00:00:42,501 --> 00:00:45,665 That version of me is dead, and I'm not going back. 11 00:00:46,672 --> 00:00:49,585 Would you please just move forward? And let me do the same. 12 00:00:52,886 --> 00:00:55,094 [Cornwell] Whether I can issue orders or not, 13 00:00:55,180 --> 00:00:57,888 we have to get a team on to that station and reset Control. 14 00:00:58,767 --> 00:01:03,432 - Michael, you have to open the airlock. - No, I'm not gonna eject you into space. 15 00:01:03,522 --> 00:01:04,933 I will unlock this door. 16 00:01:06,400 --> 00:01:07,481 I will kill you. 17 00:01:07,568 --> 00:01:09,525 Everything is because of you. 18 00:01:09,611 --> 00:01:10,611 Because of me? 19 00:01:10,612 --> 00:01:12,604 You have to find Project Daedalus. 20 00:01:12,698 --> 00:01:14,189 What is Project Daedal...? 21 00:01:15,867 --> 00:01:17,199 [gasping] 22 00:01:30,215 --> 00:01:32,832 [Pike] Commander Airiam reminds us that resilience... 23 00:01:33,719 --> 00:01:35,005 is an unshakable virtue. 24 00:01:37,556 --> 00:01:38,717 She was fiercely loyal. 25 00:01:40,767 --> 00:01:41,767 To her crew. 26 00:01:44,271 --> 00:01:45,271 To Starfleet. 27 00:01:51,486 --> 00:01:52,852 And in her final moments... 28 00:01:55,282 --> 00:01:57,569 she sacrificed herself for that loyalty. 29 00:01:58,827 --> 00:02:00,489 That is how she'll be remembered. 30 00:02:06,877 --> 00:02:10,541 [Tilly] Some people choose to live their lives as if nothing is a miracle. 31 00:02:10,839 --> 00:02:14,674 But Airiam fought for her life, and so everything was. 32 00:02:15,677 --> 00:02:18,135 Everything that she saw, everything that she felt, 33 00:02:18,388 --> 00:02:20,505 all of her memories, they made a kind of... 34 00:02:21,266 --> 00:02:22,552 constellation for her. 35 00:02:25,520 --> 00:02:26,520 I'm... 36 00:02:27,064 --> 00:02:28,896 I'm grateful to her for that lesson. 37 00:02:33,654 --> 00:02:34,654 She was my friend. 38 00:02:36,323 --> 00:02:39,782 [Stamets] She said once, without a hint of self-pity... 39 00:02:42,412 --> 00:02:47,532 that the paths of trillions of particles had been forever changed, 40 00:02:48,001 --> 00:02:51,335 simply because she and her husband smiled at each other. 41 00:02:52,839 --> 00:02:55,456 She was happy that together, 42 00:02:56,426 --> 00:02:58,668 they made the universe a little less orderly. 43 00:03:00,013 --> 00:03:02,346 I just felt the weight of what I had lost. 44 00:03:03,975 --> 00:03:08,686 But she showed me that my augmentation didn't make me an imitation of myself. 45 00:03:10,107 --> 00:03:11,473 It made both of us new. 46 00:03:13,026 --> 00:03:14,858 And that there could be a future. 47 00:03:16,071 --> 00:03:17,071 She was right. 48 00:03:20,325 --> 00:03:23,534 [Burnham] There are so many reasons to join Starfleet. 49 00:03:28,417 --> 00:03:33,537 We get to reach for the stars. We get to reach for the best in ourselves. 50 00:03:35,799 --> 00:03:37,335 But most important... 51 00:03:38,635 --> 00:03:40,467 we get to reach for each other. 52 00:03:42,222 --> 00:03:43,633 We get to do what we love, 53 00:03:44,683 --> 00:03:47,221 alongside colleagues who become friends. 54 00:03:49,104 --> 00:03:50,345 Who become family. 55 00:03:51,898 --> 00:03:54,732 And who better to stand with, shoulder to shoulder... 56 00:03:57,571 --> 00:03:59,358 facing those pivotal moments? 57 00:04:00,866 --> 00:04:02,232 Who more painful to let go? 58 00:04:07,539 --> 00:04:09,030 I am so sorry, Airiam. 59 00:04:12,043 --> 00:04:13,284 On Kaminar... 60 00:04:14,713 --> 00:04:18,457 we sing songs of remembrance for those who have been taken from us too soon. 61 00:04:19,551 --> 00:04:22,589 This is a song of remembrance for Airiam. 62 00:04:23,138 --> 00:04:25,004 [Saru singing in Kelpien] 63 00:05:21,363 --> 00:05:22,604 You spoke beautifully. 64 00:05:22,697 --> 00:05:23,697 Thank you. 65 00:05:26,952 --> 00:05:27,868 I'm so sorry. 66 00:05:27,869 --> 00:05:30,202 I'm sorry you were confined to quarters for so long. 67 00:05:30,288 --> 00:05:32,450 I told Captain Pike you weren't responsible. 68 00:05:34,584 --> 00:05:35,584 It's okay. 69 00:05:37,587 --> 00:05:39,920 If I were in his shoes, I'd have done the same. 70 00:05:40,006 --> 00:05:43,124 I just wish it had played out differently. 71 00:05:44,094 --> 00:05:45,094 Yeah. 72 00:05:53,353 --> 00:05:54,389 Michael. 73 00:05:57,190 --> 00:05:59,273 I can feel what you're trying to do, Ash. 74 00:06:00,861 --> 00:06:01,861 I can. 75 00:06:03,071 --> 00:06:05,859 But Section 31 created Control, 76 00:06:05,949 --> 00:06:10,319 and some future version of it came here, and now Airiam is gone. 77 00:06:10,412 --> 00:06:13,075 You don't think I knew what was happening, do you? 78 00:06:13,164 --> 00:06:14,164 Of course not. 79 00:06:19,254 --> 00:06:20,836 But your duty is still to them. 80 00:06:25,719 --> 00:06:26,719 So... 81 00:06:35,228 --> 00:06:37,345 [Pike] Let's start with everything we know. 82 00:06:38,565 --> 00:06:40,101 The AI is from the future. 83 00:06:40,942 --> 00:06:45,186 It infected Airiam, and forced her to copy some of the Sphere data into Control, 84 00:06:45,280 --> 00:06:46,816 so Control could evolve. 85 00:06:46,907 --> 00:06:48,427 We stopped her before it could happen. 86 00:06:48,491 --> 00:06:50,448 How did the Section 31 program 87 00:06:50,535 --> 00:06:53,494 designed to eliminate threats become the threat? 88 00:06:54,039 --> 00:06:54,955 Time travel. 89 00:06:54,956 --> 00:06:57,824 The one variable we cannot possibly predict is the future. 90 00:06:58,460 --> 00:07:00,201 And clearly that future AI is built 91 00:07:00,295 --> 00:07:02,523 on advanced technology of which we have no understanding. 92 00:07:02,547 --> 00:07:03,708 How do we stop it? 93 00:07:03,798 --> 00:07:05,255 To the best of our knowledge, 94 00:07:05,342 --> 00:07:08,585 the future AI only infected Airiam and Control. 95 00:07:09,220 --> 00:07:11,837 Airiam's neural system was erased before her funeral. 96 00:07:12,349 --> 00:07:16,810 As for Control, it was used only by Section 31. 97 00:07:17,228 --> 00:07:20,312 We destroyed the station where Control was located. 98 00:07:20,398 --> 00:07:22,310 And per your suggestion, admiral, 99 00:07:22,400 --> 00:07:25,814 we advised all Section 31 ships to run diagnostic tests. 100 00:07:26,237 --> 00:07:27,478 All came out clean. 101 00:07:27,572 --> 00:07:29,234 [Pike] Let's not celebrate yet. 102 00:07:29,324 --> 00:07:33,068 The AI that infected Control could have sent itself off-station. 103 00:07:33,161 --> 00:07:36,780 We have to assume it's lying dormant, but it could re-emerge at any time. 104 00:07:36,873 --> 00:07:40,583 And when it does, we have to be able to destroy it somehow. 105 00:07:40,669 --> 00:07:41,669 [door opens] 106 00:07:42,712 --> 00:07:43,953 Hi... Oh, um... 107 00:07:44,047 --> 00:07:47,040 Sorry, uh, captain, admiral, everyone. I should have knocked. 108 00:07:47,509 --> 00:07:50,593 Although it is kind of pointless. These doors pretty much open on their own. 109 00:07:50,679 --> 00:07:52,295 Ensign, did you need something? 110 00:07:52,389 --> 00:07:54,881 Uh, well, actually, I fou... I have something. 111 00:07:54,975 --> 00:07:56,716 I mean, I found something. Um... 112 00:07:57,852 --> 00:08:02,517 So, I was, uh, reviewing some scans of Airiam's system. 113 00:08:02,941 --> 00:08:04,398 And I found this weird code. 114 00:08:04,484 --> 00:08:06,924 And at first I figured it's just some junk from an old update. 115 00:08:06,987 --> 00:08:08,853 But then I discovered it's actually a file 116 00:08:08,947 --> 00:08:11,815 that was implanted there by a digital parasite. 117 00:08:12,200 --> 00:08:14,283 The file is called Project Daedalus. 118 00:08:15,036 --> 00:08:16,823 Those are the last words Airiam said to me. 119 00:08:18,832 --> 00:08:23,042 The file also contains a bio-neural signature of the Red Angel. 120 00:08:25,422 --> 00:08:26,422 Michael, it's you. 121 00:10:13,321 --> 00:10:15,591 [Pike] While Dr. Culber hasn't been officially reinstated, 122 00:10:15,615 --> 00:10:18,733 I've asked him to oversee analysis of the data Tilly uncovered. 123 00:10:20,286 --> 00:10:22,027 [Spock] The results are conclusive? 124 00:10:22,163 --> 00:10:24,655 Well, every test that I've run on Commander Burnham 125 00:10:24,749 --> 00:10:26,456 is a 100-percent match 126 00:10:26,543 --> 00:10:29,126 to the bio-neural signature found in Airiam's Daedalus file. 127 00:10:29,212 --> 00:10:32,376 We have to consider the source. Airiam was compromised. 128 00:10:32,465 --> 00:10:35,833 The AI could've had her plant information to throw us off course. 129 00:10:35,927 --> 00:10:39,671 I see no logic or strategic reason for Airiam to provide a false positive. 130 00:10:39,764 --> 00:10:42,598 And even if she had, it would've read too perfect. 131 00:10:43,017 --> 00:10:44,724 Humans have a few neural wildcards 132 00:10:44,811 --> 00:10:47,554 that anything artificially generated couldn't replicate. 133 00:10:47,647 --> 00:10:49,730 - I would've caught it. - We're saying that Michael, 134 00:10:49,816 --> 00:10:52,433 our Michael Burnham, is gonna wake up one day, 135 00:10:52,527 --> 00:10:56,020 access time-travel technology that doesn't exist yet, 136 00:10:56,114 --> 00:10:58,276 and take it upon herself to save the galaxy. 137 00:10:58,366 --> 00:11:01,484 That supposition fits her emotional profile rather precisely. 138 00:11:02,287 --> 00:11:04,495 Particularly her drive to take responsibility 139 00:11:04,581 --> 00:11:06,664 for situations often beyond her control. 140 00:11:07,000 --> 00:11:09,538 Thank you for sharing that with the group, Spock. 141 00:11:09,627 --> 00:11:10,834 [Spock] We must also assume 142 00:11:10,920 --> 00:11:13,788 the cataclysmic events I foresaw when the Angel appeared to me 143 00:11:13,882 --> 00:11:16,920 are a result of Control evolving, achieving consciousness. 144 00:11:17,302 --> 00:11:19,259 Assume for a moment I am the Red Angel. 145 00:11:19,345 --> 00:11:22,338 If I knew about an apocalypse, why wouldn't I say so? 146 00:11:22,432 --> 00:11:24,845 Perhaps you simply have a penchant for the dramatic. 147 00:11:24,934 --> 00:11:26,050 Okay. 148 00:11:26,144 --> 00:11:28,511 [Spock] The suit was emitting tetryonic radiation, 149 00:11:28,605 --> 00:11:31,473 which would limit traditional radio and sensor communication. 150 00:11:31,566 --> 00:11:33,752 That would explain my difficulties mind-melding with it. 151 00:11:33,776 --> 00:11:36,143 And why it put seven signals in the sky. 152 00:11:37,197 --> 00:11:39,592 It was trying to get Starfleet's attention, maybe to warn us. 153 00:11:39,616 --> 00:11:43,701 The first three signals appeared on the asteroid, Terralysium and Kaminar, 154 00:11:43,995 --> 00:11:45,435 with four left to reveal themselves. 155 00:11:46,206 --> 00:11:49,244 If I'm guiding Starfleet to these specific places, 156 00:11:50,168 --> 00:11:51,579 it's some sort of path. 157 00:11:51,836 --> 00:11:55,170 Why? What do these locations have in common? 158 00:11:55,256 --> 00:11:57,873 [Saru] Admiral, captain, we've just received word 159 00:11:57,967 --> 00:12:00,129 that a Section 31 vessel is on its way. 160 00:12:10,855 --> 00:12:13,563 The Federation has cleared Discovery, Lieutenant Spock 161 00:12:13,650 --> 00:12:15,266 and Commander Burnham of all charges. 162 00:12:15,360 --> 00:12:18,853 If you came all this way to arrest somebody, you wasted a trip. 163 00:12:18,947 --> 00:12:20,028 We're aware, admiral. 164 00:12:20,990 --> 00:12:23,073 Chris, I'm sorry for the loss of your crew member. 165 00:12:23,159 --> 00:12:26,079 We're here to make sure nothing from the future can attack the Federation. 166 00:12:26,162 --> 00:12:27,682 We're already working on a strategy... 167 00:12:27,747 --> 00:12:31,331 In other words, you're accumulating input which only invites debate. 168 00:12:31,417 --> 00:12:33,033 No debate, no innovation. 169 00:12:33,127 --> 00:12:37,121 I prefer a little totalitarian efficiency, but that's me. 170 00:12:37,966 --> 00:12:39,673 Admiral, we have a solution. 171 00:12:39,759 --> 00:12:41,125 I'm cringing already. 172 00:12:41,219 --> 00:12:42,779 The angel is the only one with answers, 173 00:12:42,804 --> 00:12:45,342 about the future, the AI and perhaps how to stop it. 174 00:12:45,431 --> 00:12:48,174 And we can't predict when or how it will appear. 175 00:12:48,268 --> 00:12:49,268 Correct. 176 00:12:49,644 --> 00:12:52,637 So, we set a trap, we capture it... 177 00:12:53,773 --> 00:12:55,105 and make it work for us. 178 00:12:55,191 --> 00:12:58,229 The Red Angel's bio-neural signature was hidden inside Airiam's data 179 00:12:58,319 --> 00:13:00,311 in a file called Project Daedalus. 180 00:13:00,905 --> 00:13:03,898 Are you absolutely certain it was a match to Michael? 181 00:13:03,992 --> 00:13:04,992 It's me. 182 00:13:06,327 --> 00:13:10,287 [Saru] As the Angel travels through time, she opens a micro-wormhole, 183 00:13:10,373 --> 00:13:13,411 along with the possibility that a future AI will follow her. 184 00:13:13,501 --> 00:13:14,912 We can't let that happen again. 185 00:13:15,003 --> 00:13:18,587 Agreed, which is why we have to stop her from traveling back and forth. 186 00:13:19,048 --> 00:13:21,506 We have to capture her. Me. 187 00:13:22,010 --> 00:13:23,046 So... 188 00:13:23,511 --> 00:13:25,252 how do you propose we trap her? 189 00:13:27,682 --> 00:13:31,517 Twenty years ago, we discovered the Klingons were researching time travel. 190 00:13:32,562 --> 00:13:34,019 Obviously, a critical threat. 191 00:13:34,105 --> 00:13:37,724 A warrior race with the ability to rewrite the past and shape the future? 192 00:13:37,984 --> 00:13:41,443 They'd have wiped us out before we could even walk out of the primordial soup. 193 00:13:41,988 --> 00:13:42,988 No offense. 194 00:13:43,656 --> 00:13:44,656 None taken. 195 00:13:45,033 --> 00:13:46,033 They would've. 196 00:13:46,909 --> 00:13:49,322 We found ourselves in a temporal arms race. 197 00:13:49,412 --> 00:13:52,576 So, to gain a strategic advantage, we developed the Daedalus Project. 198 00:13:54,542 --> 00:13:55,542 It's ours. 199 00:13:57,420 --> 00:14:00,754 Section 31's grand design for time travel. 200 00:14:01,799 --> 00:14:03,335 You created the Red Angel? 201 00:14:03,426 --> 00:14:06,885 The suit was on the verge of being tested when it was destroyed by Klingon spies. 202 00:14:06,971 --> 00:14:09,338 We thought they had abandoned the project permanently. 203 00:14:09,432 --> 00:14:10,968 Until the signals began. 204 00:14:11,059 --> 00:14:13,016 Once the suit appeared alongside the signals, 205 00:14:13,102 --> 00:14:14,809 we started working on a way to capture it. 206 00:14:14,896 --> 00:14:18,731 A mousetrap, if you will, to get our technology back. 207 00:14:19,400 --> 00:14:21,733 And the individual using that technology? 208 00:14:22,362 --> 00:14:24,069 She will not be harmed. 209 00:14:24,155 --> 00:14:26,863 There are gaps in your story that I find disconcerting. 210 00:14:27,241 --> 00:14:30,279 - I told you everything you need to know. - Not if I'm the mission, sir. 211 00:14:30,370 --> 00:14:31,370 Burnham. 212 00:14:31,704 --> 00:14:36,574 I have the technical specifications and a list of, uh, equipment required, 213 00:14:36,667 --> 00:14:39,501 provided I may borrow some of your top minds to build it. 214 00:14:39,587 --> 00:14:41,670 You can work with Stamets. He's one of our best. 215 00:14:42,298 --> 00:14:43,459 [Spock] Even if they succeed, 216 00:14:43,549 --> 00:14:46,417 there's still the matter of predicting the Angel's next appearance. 217 00:14:46,511 --> 00:14:49,219 She's not consistently accompanied the arrival of the signals. 218 00:14:49,806 --> 00:14:52,799 Signal or no signal, there has to be a pattern to my jumps. 219 00:14:52,892 --> 00:14:55,760 And once we find it, we'll find me. 220 00:14:55,853 --> 00:14:58,561 I'll figure out a way to close the wormhole when she gets here. 221 00:14:58,648 --> 00:15:01,561 The graviton beams on our ship should be powerful enough. 222 00:15:01,651 --> 00:15:05,941 I would be happy to assist you with the calculations, Captain Leland. 223 00:15:07,615 --> 00:15:08,822 Admiral? 224 00:15:09,951 --> 00:15:11,567 Let's go build a mousetrap. 225 00:15:22,171 --> 00:15:24,914 [Burnham] Georgiou, wait. What aren't you telling me? 226 00:15:25,508 --> 00:15:28,171 How many times have you asked me that? Aren't you getting bored? 227 00:15:28,261 --> 00:15:30,141 I'll stop asking when it stops being a question. 228 00:15:30,179 --> 00:15:32,011 I know there's more to that Daedalus story. 229 00:15:32,098 --> 00:15:34,590 We shared what we needed to share. At least I have. 230 00:15:34,684 --> 00:15:35,684 Philippa. 231 00:15:37,186 --> 00:15:38,893 I'm putting my life in your hands. 232 00:15:40,773 --> 00:15:42,014 You asked for my trust. 233 00:15:43,067 --> 00:15:44,808 I'm giving you a way to earn it. 234 00:15:45,778 --> 00:15:48,896 I'm not the one with the information you need to hear, Michael. 235 00:15:49,657 --> 00:15:50,657 Leland? 236 00:15:51,367 --> 00:15:52,483 It's my experience, 237 00:15:53,161 --> 00:15:56,825 it's often our best intentions that cause us to do most harm, 238 00:15:57,540 --> 00:15:59,657 especially to those we care for. 239 00:16:06,257 --> 00:16:07,537 [Stamets] This is the Red Angel. 240 00:16:07,592 --> 00:16:11,336 The suit that lets someone travel through time via micro-wormholes. 241 00:16:11,888 --> 00:16:14,301 But wormholes are inherently unstable, 242 00:16:14,390 --> 00:16:17,724 so the Angel needs to hold them open, or she won't be able to get home again. 243 00:16:17,810 --> 00:16:20,848 And as I understand it, to keep the wormhole open, 244 00:16:20,938 --> 00:16:25,433 the suit generates a membrane, a protective layer that travels with her. 245 00:16:25,818 --> 00:16:28,652 And one end stays attached to her starting point in the future. 246 00:16:28,738 --> 00:16:29,738 An anchor. 247 00:16:29,906 --> 00:16:33,525 When she wants to go home, it snaps her back like a rubber band. 248 00:16:33,618 --> 00:16:37,202 Our phase discriminators will hold the Angel in stasis beams, 249 00:16:37,580 --> 00:16:39,071 so the membrane can't snap her back. 250 00:16:39,707 --> 00:16:43,121 Then we'll lower her to a platform where an electromagnetic pulse 251 00:16:43,461 --> 00:16:45,874 will shut down the time crystal that powers her suit. 252 00:16:46,339 --> 00:16:48,797 And, uh, then we raise the containment field, 253 00:16:49,217 --> 00:16:51,709 and that will hold her here for as long as we want. 254 00:16:52,720 --> 00:16:54,803 And then, uh, we can question her, 255 00:16:54,889 --> 00:16:57,882 and nothing from the future will be able to reach us, right? 256 00:16:59,143 --> 00:17:00,679 What's that look on your face? 257 00:17:00,770 --> 00:17:04,229 I was thinking, you may be smarter than the Stamets I knew. 258 00:17:04,857 --> 00:17:07,975 You're also much more neurotic. Have you considered medication? 259 00:17:09,654 --> 00:17:10,654 Um... 260 00:17:11,030 --> 00:17:12,692 Based on my calculations, 261 00:17:12,949 --> 00:17:15,441 the phase discriminators should function properly. 262 00:17:16,035 --> 00:17:17,947 The problem is... 263 00:17:19,789 --> 00:17:23,408 [woman] Attention: Please, clear the shuttle bay until further notice. 264 00:17:24,168 --> 00:17:27,502 Hey, Tilly, is, uh, Admiral Cornwell here? I thought she might be... 265 00:17:27,588 --> 00:17:29,375 [Tilly] Yeah. What? No, she's not. 266 00:17:29,465 --> 00:17:31,777 No, but it is... It's great... So great that you're here... 267 00:17:31,801 --> 00:17:32,801 Please. 268 00:17:32,802 --> 00:17:38,139 Your wide-eyed attempt to release this fabulous male tension is a buzzkill. 269 00:17:38,224 --> 00:17:41,592 You never learned to relish a little discomfort, Red? 270 00:17:41,686 --> 00:17:42,722 Who raised you? 271 00:17:42,812 --> 00:17:44,769 My mom, but she wasn't around a lot... 272 00:17:44,855 --> 00:17:46,221 Stop talking. 273 00:17:47,817 --> 00:17:50,400 You said there was a problem, Paul? 274 00:17:50,486 --> 00:17:53,194 Uh... Yes, with the phase discriminators. 275 00:17:54,115 --> 00:17:58,610 We'd need the equivalent of 12 warp cores to generate enough energy to run them. 276 00:17:58,703 --> 00:18:03,118 And if we can even locate that much power, it will be almost impossible to control. 277 00:18:03,416 --> 00:18:04,416 Not for you. 278 00:18:04,917 --> 00:18:06,874 In fact, we don't need warp cores. 279 00:18:06,961 --> 00:18:10,921 One of the Project Daedalus testing sites was on Essof Four. 280 00:18:11,882 --> 00:18:14,545 Yes, I read about that place. So much deuterium. 281 00:18:14,635 --> 00:18:18,879 We can use it to create a plasma reactor to power up our phase discriminators. 282 00:18:18,973 --> 00:18:22,512 And then, snap, we have our mouse. 283 00:18:23,311 --> 00:18:26,054 You are savvier than he was. 284 00:18:26,606 --> 00:18:29,189 Um, you do know that he's gay, right? 285 00:18:29,275 --> 00:18:30,275 Don't be so binary. 286 00:18:30,359 --> 00:18:36,401 In my universe, he was pansexual, and we had DEFCON-level fun together. 287 00:18:36,490 --> 00:18:38,322 And you, too, papi. 288 00:18:38,409 --> 00:18:39,820 Did you just call me papi? 289 00:18:40,286 --> 00:18:42,403 Well, in my universe, 290 00:18:42,496 --> 00:18:47,287 and... pretty much any universe I can possibly imagine, I'm gay. 291 00:18:47,376 --> 00:18:48,376 And so is he. 292 00:18:48,377 --> 00:18:49,493 Of course you are. 293 00:18:49,587 --> 00:18:52,204 I'm glad we all see what's right in front of us. 294 00:18:52,923 --> 00:18:54,539 And now if you'll excuse me, 295 00:18:54,634 --> 00:18:58,127 I need to talk to Captain Pike about setting a course for Essof Four. 296 00:19:00,097 --> 00:19:01,463 What just happened? 297 00:19:02,016 --> 00:19:03,016 Commander. 298 00:19:04,769 --> 00:19:06,476 - Hey. - I just... 299 00:19:07,313 --> 00:19:08,313 Look. 300 00:19:08,856 --> 00:19:12,099 My job is to preserve as many lives as possible, 301 00:19:12,735 --> 00:19:13,735 at any cost. 302 00:19:14,779 --> 00:19:16,645 But what you said at the service... 303 00:19:17,698 --> 00:19:19,360 It is hard to let go. 304 00:19:22,662 --> 00:19:23,662 You did the right thing. 305 00:19:24,997 --> 00:19:26,454 I'm grateful you were there. 306 00:19:27,291 --> 00:19:28,691 Strange way to get to know someone, 307 00:19:28,751 --> 00:19:31,243 but after seeing how hard you fought for her, 308 00:19:31,962 --> 00:19:32,962 the real her... 309 00:19:35,508 --> 00:19:38,000 let's just say, I'm grateful you were there, too. 310 00:19:43,015 --> 00:19:46,725 The wormhole used by the Red Angel would close on its own eventually. 311 00:19:46,977 --> 00:19:49,685 But we must find a way to force it closed immediately, 312 00:19:49,772 --> 00:19:51,388 or risk another AI infiltration. 313 00:19:52,650 --> 00:19:56,018 Unfortunately, Discovery's graviton beam is not powerful enough to... 314 00:19:56,112 --> 00:19:58,229 Which is why I said I'd do it from my ship. 315 00:19:58,322 --> 00:19:59,984 I'll have Specialist Tyler help. 316 00:20:00,074 --> 00:20:01,110 We'll close it fast. 317 00:20:02,076 --> 00:20:05,114 Did Captain Pike decide that I needed a monitor? 318 00:20:05,996 --> 00:20:07,237 Is that why you're here? 319 00:20:09,542 --> 00:20:11,329 I chose to work with you 320 00:20:11,419 --> 00:20:13,877 because I wanted to assess you myself. 321 00:20:15,131 --> 00:20:20,001 Section 31 has engaged in questionable practices of late. 322 00:20:20,094 --> 00:20:21,676 Given that we will be working together 323 00:20:22,179 --> 00:20:25,889 and the lives of those I care for may be in your hands, 324 00:20:26,767 --> 00:20:29,305 I need to know that you can be trusted. 325 00:20:29,395 --> 00:20:32,809 If you can tell the answer, I'm not doing my job very well. 326 00:20:33,441 --> 00:20:34,773 Even without my ganglia, 327 00:20:35,109 --> 00:20:41,447 I still have strong instinctive reactions to dangerous situations and individuals. 328 00:20:42,032 --> 00:20:43,148 And? 329 00:20:43,242 --> 00:20:46,826 I believe you will work to protect your crew and ours 330 00:20:46,912 --> 00:20:48,869 to the very best of your ability. 331 00:20:50,416 --> 00:20:54,456 I also believe there are many things you are not saying. 332 00:20:55,379 --> 00:20:56,296 [door opens] 333 00:20:56,297 --> 00:20:57,333 Excuse me. 334 00:20:58,799 --> 00:21:02,463 Mr. Saru, may I have a moment with Captain Leland, please? 335 00:21:02,553 --> 00:21:04,089 Certainly, commander. 336 00:21:10,478 --> 00:21:12,845 Captain, we're preparing a strategy to capture me. 337 00:21:12,938 --> 00:21:15,555 I have a right to know everything you do. 338 00:21:16,108 --> 00:21:17,895 As in, everything you know. 339 00:21:18,527 --> 00:21:22,020 You are capable of some intricate moral gymnastics. 340 00:21:22,114 --> 00:21:23,525 And that's your job, right? 341 00:21:23,991 --> 00:21:26,199 But I am giving you one chance 342 00:21:26,285 --> 00:21:28,868 to explain everything as you need to explain it. 343 00:21:38,881 --> 00:21:39,881 I knew your parents. 344 00:21:42,635 --> 00:21:45,594 They worked on Project Daedalus for Section 31. 345 00:21:47,223 --> 00:21:49,556 I had them stationed on Doctari Alpha. 346 00:21:51,519 --> 00:21:52,519 No. 347 00:21:54,230 --> 00:21:57,314 We were stationed there because my parents wanted a change of scenery. 348 00:21:57,983 --> 00:21:59,423 And we only stayed as long as we did 349 00:21:59,485 --> 00:22:01,442 because I wanted to see a star go supernova. 350 00:22:01,529 --> 00:22:02,529 You were there... 351 00:22:04,073 --> 00:22:05,073 because of me. 352 00:22:06,659 --> 00:22:07,659 Your parents... 353 00:22:09,286 --> 00:22:10,948 Your parents were killed there... 354 00:22:12,665 --> 00:22:13,665 because of me. 355 00:22:17,169 --> 00:22:18,169 My parents... 356 00:22:19,755 --> 00:22:20,836 were scientists. 357 00:22:21,507 --> 00:22:23,373 My father was a xenoanthroplogist. 358 00:22:23,467 --> 00:22:25,083 My mother was an astrophysicist. 359 00:22:26,136 --> 00:22:27,976 They wouldn't have been involved in Section 31. 360 00:22:28,013 --> 00:22:29,299 She was also an engineer. 361 00:22:31,308 --> 00:22:32,308 A brilliant one. 362 00:22:34,270 --> 00:22:36,853 We were working on a theory that sudden technological leaps 363 00:22:36,939 --> 00:22:39,397 across certain cultures, including those on Earth, 364 00:22:39,859 --> 00:22:43,023 weren't happenstance, but the result of time travel. 365 00:22:43,112 --> 00:22:44,944 No, they would have known that certain leaps, 366 00:22:45,030 --> 00:22:47,397 including technological advancements, can be explained... 367 00:22:47,491 --> 00:22:50,325 I wasn't convinced either until they built the suit. 368 00:22:51,954 --> 00:22:55,118 No. No, they didn't mention anything like this to me. 369 00:22:55,207 --> 00:22:56,618 Because it was classified... 370 00:22:57,751 --> 00:22:58,751 and very dangerous. 371 00:23:00,629 --> 00:23:02,336 What did you have to do with this? 372 00:23:02,423 --> 00:23:05,382 The suit was missing a key component. A time crystal. 373 00:23:05,467 --> 00:23:07,587 The element that would enable it to jump through time. 374 00:23:07,970 --> 00:23:10,838 We got intel from an operative on Qo'noS 375 00:23:10,931 --> 00:23:15,266 that a time crystal had hit the black market near the Orion outpost. 376 00:23:15,352 --> 00:23:17,765 I used my assets in the sector to steal it. 377 00:23:18,606 --> 00:23:21,440 See, I thought that we had made it untraceable. 378 00:23:22,610 --> 00:23:24,476 But the Klingons tracked it to Doctari Alpha... 379 00:23:24,570 --> 00:23:28,564 Where a star was about to go supernova, releasing a massive amount of energy. 380 00:23:44,048 --> 00:23:45,584 This whole time... 381 00:23:49,053 --> 00:23:50,053 I thought I... 382 00:23:57,561 --> 00:23:59,097 We were there because of you? 383 00:24:00,397 --> 00:24:01,397 For a time crystal? 384 00:24:03,943 --> 00:24:05,980 And you let the Klingons track it? 385 00:24:06,070 --> 00:24:07,777 I was young. I was ambitious. I... 386 00:24:09,949 --> 00:24:10,949 I was careless. 387 00:24:12,785 --> 00:24:15,027 I should've done more to protect your parents. 388 00:24:15,120 --> 00:24:19,080 I know how much this has cost you, and I am so sorry. 389 00:24:21,919 --> 00:24:22,919 [grunts] 390 00:24:23,212 --> 00:24:24,248 That's for my mom. 391 00:24:25,673 --> 00:24:26,673 [grunts] 392 00:24:27,341 --> 00:24:28,798 That's for my dad. 393 00:24:36,725 --> 00:24:37,725 This isn't over. 394 00:24:52,574 --> 00:24:54,657 I just uploaded all of Section 31's signal data. 395 00:24:54,743 --> 00:24:56,279 - Did you know? - Know what? 396 00:24:56,370 --> 00:24:58,783 That Leland was responsible for the death of my parents? 397 00:24:59,456 --> 00:25:00,492 You knew, didn't you? 398 00:25:00,582 --> 00:25:02,018 - No. Who...? - Don't lie to me, Ash. 399 00:25:02,042 --> 00:25:04,284 Michael, I don't know what you're talking about. 400 00:25:05,129 --> 00:25:08,497 Every moment you work for Section 31, you're announcing who you are. 401 00:25:10,509 --> 00:25:13,877 You're saying this is your compass, this is your course. 402 00:25:16,348 --> 00:25:17,509 You can live with that? 403 00:25:19,393 --> 00:25:21,601 Section 31 has a specific mission. 404 00:25:23,939 --> 00:25:27,057 I don't always agree with their tactics, but I do believe in their mission. 405 00:25:27,151 --> 00:25:29,471 - No matter who pays the price? - It's not black-and-white. 406 00:25:29,987 --> 00:25:31,067 They also do a lot of good. 407 00:25:32,698 --> 00:25:33,905 I'll take that as a yes. 408 00:25:36,368 --> 00:25:37,368 [sighs] 409 00:25:37,786 --> 00:25:38,993 - [door chimes] - Come. 410 00:25:42,499 --> 00:25:44,661 Admiral, uh, they said you were here. 411 00:25:46,045 --> 00:25:47,045 Do you have a moment? 412 00:25:48,297 --> 00:25:49,297 I do. 413 00:25:53,635 --> 00:25:56,469 You, uh, used to be a therapist. 414 00:25:58,015 --> 00:25:59,015 Yes, I'm aware. 415 00:26:03,812 --> 00:26:05,428 What's on your mind, doctor? 416 00:26:05,522 --> 00:26:06,522 [chuckles] 417 00:26:07,483 --> 00:26:08,483 Doctor. 418 00:26:10,152 --> 00:26:13,190 I can understand how that might sound strange to you. 419 00:26:14,615 --> 00:26:17,153 I would assume everything is strange to you now. 420 00:26:18,368 --> 00:26:22,328 Your experience transcends everything we know about identity. 421 00:26:24,875 --> 00:26:26,787 I've never felt more alone in my life. 422 00:26:30,130 --> 00:26:31,337 Even sitting here. 423 00:26:33,258 --> 00:26:36,626 Commander Stamets is the person who knew you most profoundly... 424 00:26:36,720 --> 00:26:38,507 You used the past tense. 425 00:26:38,597 --> 00:26:40,634 Well, you are new. 426 00:26:44,311 --> 00:26:45,311 I remember Paul. 427 00:26:46,939 --> 00:26:48,271 I remember loving him. 428 00:26:48,982 --> 00:26:50,314 But it feels like a dream. 429 00:26:51,777 --> 00:26:53,268 It's someone else's life. 430 00:26:54,780 --> 00:26:56,567 And I don't know what I feel about him now. 431 00:26:56,657 --> 00:26:59,149 Do you feel pressure to feel something? 432 00:26:59,618 --> 00:27:01,200 I can't give him what he needs. 433 00:27:04,748 --> 00:27:06,831 - And I don't want to hurt him. - All right. 434 00:27:07,084 --> 00:27:09,246 You know that. You know you don't want to hurt him. 435 00:27:09,336 --> 00:27:10,998 - That's not enough. - Enough for what? 436 00:27:11,088 --> 00:27:13,205 Enough for the man I know loves me. 437 00:27:15,634 --> 00:27:16,715 And who I once loved. 438 00:27:20,055 --> 00:27:22,968 Love is a choice, Hugh. 439 00:27:23,058 --> 00:27:25,425 And one doesn't just make that choice once. 440 00:27:25,519 --> 00:27:27,681 One makes it again and again. 441 00:27:28,647 --> 00:27:29,728 [computer beeps] 442 00:27:31,900 --> 00:27:33,482 I'll let you get back to it. 443 00:27:35,154 --> 00:27:36,315 Doctor. 444 00:27:37,447 --> 00:27:39,939 The only way to make a new road... 445 00:27:41,368 --> 00:27:42,368 is to walk it. 446 00:27:47,708 --> 00:27:48,708 Thank you, admiral. 447 00:27:52,754 --> 00:27:53,870 [grunting] 448 00:28:01,180 --> 00:28:03,843 I'm sure Captain Leland appreciates your choice 449 00:28:03,932 --> 00:28:06,332 of high-density urethane foam in lieu of his nasal cartilage. 450 00:28:08,103 --> 00:28:10,943 Spock, no offense, but you're the last person I wanna talk to right now. 451 00:28:11,815 --> 00:28:14,307 You are angry, an understandable reaction. 452 00:28:15,402 --> 00:28:16,518 You lost your friend. 453 00:28:16,904 --> 00:28:19,271 Knowing her death was unavoidable would not provide solace. 454 00:28:19,364 --> 00:28:22,284 You also learned you are the Red Angel, which does not make logical sense, 455 00:28:22,326 --> 00:28:24,286 despite its correlation to your emotional profile. 456 00:28:24,745 --> 00:28:25,745 Spock. 457 00:28:26,580 --> 00:28:28,697 Finally, you discovered your parents were killed 458 00:28:28,790 --> 00:28:30,747 because of Captain Leland's negligence, 459 00:28:31,084 --> 00:28:33,792 which does not make their loss any more acceptable. 460 00:28:35,631 --> 00:28:37,463 I do wish I'd been there when you struck him. 461 00:28:38,300 --> 00:28:41,634 I believe I would've found the moment... satisfying. 462 00:28:58,111 --> 00:29:00,353 You have experienced a series of events 463 00:29:00,447 --> 00:29:04,066 in which both emotion and logic have failed you. 464 00:29:04,534 --> 00:29:06,821 In my experience of this, it is... 465 00:29:09,289 --> 00:29:10,289 uncomfortable. 466 00:29:12,459 --> 00:29:13,459 Very. 467 00:29:16,004 --> 00:29:17,004 [sighs] 468 00:29:23,929 --> 00:29:25,045 What you said about... 469 00:29:27,015 --> 00:29:29,007 me always finding a way to blame myself. 470 00:29:29,643 --> 00:29:30,643 [sighs] 471 00:29:31,728 --> 00:29:32,728 You are right. 472 00:29:34,648 --> 00:29:36,560 And I brought my guilt into your home. 473 00:29:39,820 --> 00:29:40,820 I'm sorry. 474 00:29:43,615 --> 00:29:44,651 You were a child... 475 00:29:47,327 --> 00:29:49,660 with a child's understanding of an event 476 00:29:49,746 --> 00:29:51,988 that even adults would struggle to comprehend. 477 00:29:56,128 --> 00:29:57,128 However... 478 00:29:58,130 --> 00:29:59,792 if it will ease your suffering... 479 00:30:01,133 --> 00:30:02,419 I accept your apology. 480 00:30:18,108 --> 00:30:19,974 Thank you for coming to talk to me. 481 00:30:20,402 --> 00:30:21,402 It was unexpected... 482 00:30:24,197 --> 00:30:25,197 and helpful. 483 00:30:27,326 --> 00:30:29,659 I had not anticipated this conversation either. 484 00:30:31,872 --> 00:30:33,329 But I appreciate it as well. 485 00:30:41,214 --> 00:30:43,080 So, why did you come to see me, then? 486 00:30:45,177 --> 00:30:47,009 In your absence, I made a discovery. 487 00:30:47,346 --> 00:30:49,554 I now understand the variance in the signal patterns. 488 00:30:49,639 --> 00:30:52,723 What causes the Angel to appear at certain times and not others. 489 00:30:52,809 --> 00:30:54,141 And? 490 00:30:54,936 --> 00:30:57,974 The variance is you, Michael. 491 00:31:01,693 --> 00:31:02,693 We don't have to wait. 492 00:31:02,694 --> 00:31:04,811 We can set the trap directly on Essof Four. 493 00:31:04,905 --> 00:31:07,967 The plan was to power the trap there and take it to the Angel. What's changed? 494 00:31:07,991 --> 00:31:10,233 We've been trying to track her by the signals, 495 00:31:10,327 --> 00:31:11,534 asking when she might appear. 496 00:31:11,620 --> 00:31:13,260 But what we should've been asking is why. 497 00:31:13,330 --> 00:31:14,946 Why does she appear when she does? 498 00:31:15,040 --> 00:31:18,408 Each signal brought Discovery to a location where lives were saved. 499 00:31:18,502 --> 00:31:20,960 The Angel appeared at some of those locations, but not all, 500 00:31:21,046 --> 00:31:23,163 leaving no clear pattern to suggest intent. 501 00:31:23,757 --> 00:31:27,216 However, there is a pattern to her appearances without any signal. 502 00:31:27,302 --> 00:31:30,670 As when Spock was a boy, and it warned him that I was in danger. 503 00:31:30,764 --> 00:31:33,848 When it appeared to me on the asteroid when I was injured. 504 00:31:33,934 --> 00:31:36,472 Seeing it gave me strength, knowing that help was on the way. 505 00:31:36,561 --> 00:31:37,768 You were saving your own life. 506 00:31:37,854 --> 00:31:39,265 The grandfather paradox. 507 00:31:39,564 --> 00:31:42,557 Future Burnham would not exist if present Burnham were to perish. 508 00:31:42,651 --> 00:31:45,689 When Michael's life is in danger, her guardian Red Angel intervenes. 509 00:31:45,779 --> 00:31:48,487 Which means I have to be the bait. 510 00:31:48,573 --> 00:31:50,235 What does that mean exactly? 511 00:31:50,325 --> 00:31:52,533 The place doesn't have breathable atmosphere. 512 00:31:52,619 --> 00:31:55,532 We set a trap, I go down. You let me start to suffocate. 513 00:31:55,622 --> 00:31:57,955 - Are you insane? - Absolutely not. 514 00:31:58,041 --> 00:32:01,534 The Angel will protect her, captain, or her efforts to communicate with us, 515 00:32:01,628 --> 00:32:03,540 to save the galaxy, would be for naught. 516 00:32:03,630 --> 00:32:05,310 And if anything were to not go as planned, 517 00:32:05,382 --> 00:32:07,465 Dr. Culber will be right there to resuscitate me. 518 00:32:07,551 --> 00:32:10,214 But we do not believe he will ultimately be necessary. 519 00:32:10,512 --> 00:32:13,175 I'm not looking forward to it, captain. Far from it. 520 00:32:13,265 --> 00:32:15,302 But we do not see any other way. 521 00:32:15,851 --> 00:32:17,638 What you are asking me to allow 522 00:32:18,395 --> 00:32:21,934 is in direct opposition to the oath I took as a Starfleet captain. 523 00:32:22,023 --> 00:32:24,356 I understand, but with all due respect, 524 00:32:24,443 --> 00:32:27,231 between risking myself and risking all sentient life... 525 00:32:28,363 --> 00:32:29,444 there is no choice. 526 00:32:29,823 --> 00:32:31,823 Captain, if we're going to capture the Red Angel... 527 00:32:32,617 --> 00:32:33,778 you have to let me die. 528 00:32:46,339 --> 00:32:49,503 [Spock] To call Essof Four inhospitable would be a gross understatement. 529 00:32:49,885 --> 00:32:51,421 Temperatures fluctuate wildly, 530 00:32:51,761 --> 00:32:54,424 and its carbon-monoxide atmosphere is laced with perchlorate dust, 531 00:32:54,514 --> 00:32:57,848 which will quickly prove lethal to any oxygen-breathing life-form. 532 00:32:57,934 --> 00:33:00,972 But the facility itself has oxygen, doesn't it? 533 00:33:01,062 --> 00:33:02,062 [Spock] That is correct. 534 00:33:06,401 --> 00:33:08,688 [Georgiou] So, we're going to the Ninth Circle of Hell 535 00:33:08,778 --> 00:33:10,235 to capture a Red Angel. 536 00:33:11,072 --> 00:33:14,281 I'd enjoy the irony of that, if this weren't so dangerous. 537 00:33:23,335 --> 00:33:26,703 Commander Stamets, your work must be precise. 538 00:33:27,005 --> 00:33:29,965 We have to succeed on the first attempt. We won't have another opportunity. 539 00:33:30,675 --> 00:33:33,759 Once Commander Burnham is strapped into that chair, the roof will recede. 540 00:33:33,845 --> 00:33:36,007 She'll be exposed to the toxic atmosphere. 541 00:33:36,598 --> 00:33:38,760 And she'll have exactly two minutes to live. 542 00:33:39,476 --> 00:33:42,344 Then she'll suffocate painfully. 543 00:33:48,109 --> 00:33:51,728 [Pike] Dr. Culber, be prepared to breach the target area and resuscitate. 544 00:33:52,113 --> 00:33:53,479 I will. Don't worry, sir. 545 00:33:54,115 --> 00:33:57,779 [Spock] But you cannot revive her too early, or the Angel will not appear. 546 00:33:58,370 --> 00:33:59,486 And if she does not... 547 00:34:00,288 --> 00:34:02,621 we will lose much more than the life of Michael Burnham. 548 00:34:06,044 --> 00:34:07,626 All sentient life will be lost. 549 00:34:12,926 --> 00:34:14,292 - Hey. - May I come in? 550 00:34:15,845 --> 00:34:16,845 Yeah. 551 00:34:22,811 --> 00:34:25,929 I'm glad you're here. You have to know what happened with your parents... 552 00:34:26,022 --> 00:34:27,229 Please, don't apologize. 553 00:34:28,608 --> 00:34:30,315 What I said to you was not fair. 554 00:34:31,278 --> 00:34:32,359 I was angry... 555 00:34:33,280 --> 00:34:34,737 and I didn't know where to put it. 556 00:34:37,993 --> 00:34:39,950 I think you put it where you knew it'd be okay. 557 00:34:41,121 --> 00:34:45,035 I don't want that to be our last conversation if, um... 558 00:34:45,125 --> 00:34:46,616 No. Don't even think that way. 559 00:34:47,752 --> 00:34:48,959 This will work. 560 00:34:51,381 --> 00:34:54,169 You have an entire crew dedicated to saving your life. 561 00:34:56,261 --> 00:34:57,261 You have me. 562 00:35:04,769 --> 00:35:05,769 [Burnham sobs] 563 00:35:17,949 --> 00:35:19,565 [whimpering] I'm scared. 564 00:35:23,204 --> 00:35:24,204 Me, too. 565 00:35:39,012 --> 00:35:41,220 [Saru] Captain, the facility is prepped and ready. 566 00:35:41,598 --> 00:35:43,055 The away team is on-site. 567 00:35:58,740 --> 00:36:00,660 [Pike] Welcome to the bridge, Lieutenant Nilsson. 568 00:36:00,742 --> 00:36:01,742 Standing by, captain. 569 00:36:07,749 --> 00:36:09,615 Bringing phase discriminators online. 570 00:36:13,963 --> 00:36:15,670 [computer] Comm check in progress. 571 00:36:17,008 --> 00:36:20,092 We didn't get a chance to talk at Airiam's funeral. 572 00:36:20,512 --> 00:36:22,629 I just wanted to say I'm sorry. 573 00:36:23,556 --> 00:36:24,556 Thank you. 574 00:36:25,600 --> 00:36:27,136 - Paul... - This isn't the time. 575 00:36:29,813 --> 00:36:31,349 It might not ever be the time. 576 00:36:44,202 --> 00:36:45,202 Are you ready? 577 00:36:45,453 --> 00:36:46,453 As I'll ever be. 578 00:36:47,539 --> 00:36:48,539 Michael Burnham, 579 00:36:49,040 --> 00:36:52,283 always willing to sacrifice everything for the good of others. 580 00:36:54,379 --> 00:36:57,963 We'll monitor exposure time from the moment the roof retracts. 581 00:36:59,718 --> 00:37:02,051 Why didn't you just tell me about my parents? 582 00:37:05,515 --> 00:37:06,926 It wasn't my story to tell. 583 00:37:08,143 --> 00:37:10,351 But I could make certain it was told. 584 00:37:15,358 --> 00:37:16,358 I gotta go. 585 00:37:21,239 --> 00:37:22,980 [woman] Final system check, please. 586 00:37:44,012 --> 00:37:46,129 Let us hope the Angel lives up to her name. 587 00:37:48,308 --> 00:37:50,268 Captain Leland, are you and Mr. Tyler ready to go? 588 00:37:50,310 --> 00:37:52,413 Standing by to close the wormhole in the Angel's wake. 589 00:37:52,437 --> 00:37:53,757 - [Pike] Make it fast. - Trust me. 590 00:37:53,813 --> 00:37:56,681 The last thing I want is another AI infecting our systems. 591 00:37:58,568 --> 00:37:59,568 Michael. 592 00:38:03,823 --> 00:38:04,904 I know, Ash. 593 00:38:53,373 --> 00:38:54,739 What if it doesn't work? 594 00:39:00,588 --> 00:39:01,669 Were you to perish... 595 00:39:03,424 --> 00:39:07,008 I would be charged with killing a Starfleet officer again. 596 00:39:10,390 --> 00:39:11,881 It would therefore be ideal... 597 00:39:13,643 --> 00:39:14,643 if you survived. 598 00:39:17,438 --> 00:39:18,895 Such a way with words, Spock. 599 00:39:40,420 --> 00:39:41,420 On your mark, commander. 600 00:39:53,850 --> 00:39:54,766 Ready. 601 00:39:54,767 --> 00:39:56,303 Shutting down life support. 602 00:40:00,148 --> 00:40:01,148 Starting timer now. 603 00:40:02,692 --> 00:40:03,972 [Pike] Two minutes and counting. 604 00:40:18,249 --> 00:40:19,285 [gasping] 605 00:40:23,838 --> 00:40:24,838 [sighs] 606 00:40:29,344 --> 00:40:30,585 [grunting] 607 00:40:32,555 --> 00:40:33,555 [screaming] 608 00:40:47,946 --> 00:40:49,437 [gasping] 609 00:40:53,618 --> 00:40:55,735 Oxygen saturation levels at 85 percent 610 00:40:55,828 --> 00:40:57,035 and falling fast. 611 00:40:57,121 --> 00:40:58,783 If it drops below 40, she won't make it. 612 00:40:58,873 --> 00:41:00,956 Ensign Tilly, tachyon update. 613 00:41:03,211 --> 00:41:05,689 Ensign, are you picking up any spikes in the tachyon radiation? 614 00:41:05,713 --> 00:41:07,045 Sorry, sir. Um, no change. 615 00:41:07,590 --> 00:41:09,172 Oxygen levels dropping fast... 616 00:41:09,258 --> 00:41:10,999 What if she isn't coming? 617 00:41:12,428 --> 00:41:14,761 [man] Stay the course until otherwise advised. 618 00:41:21,354 --> 00:41:24,313 Oxygen saturation is down to 62 percent. Heart rate spiking. 619 00:41:27,694 --> 00:41:29,026 She wants out. It's over. 620 00:41:29,654 --> 00:41:30,986 We're coming to get you, Michael. 621 00:41:32,073 --> 00:41:33,814 Wait. She's saying something. 622 00:41:37,745 --> 00:41:38,745 Variance. 623 00:41:38,830 --> 00:41:39,991 She said "variance." 624 00:41:40,081 --> 00:41:43,074 I don't give a damn what she said. Get the oxygen. Follow me. 625 00:41:43,167 --> 00:41:45,033 Michael means that she is the variance. 626 00:41:45,128 --> 00:41:46,209 She is creating a situation 627 00:41:46,295 --> 00:41:48,582 where the Red Angel will have no choice but to save her. 628 00:41:48,673 --> 00:41:51,837 That thing is not coming, and Michael is shaking her head no. 629 00:41:51,926 --> 00:41:55,419 Because she does not want interference. We must let it proceed. 630 00:41:55,513 --> 00:41:58,051 Oxygen is down to 42 percent. If I don't get to her, she'll die. 631 00:41:58,141 --> 00:41:59,141 Yes, doctor. 632 00:41:59,851 --> 00:42:00,887 That is the idea. 633 00:42:06,691 --> 00:42:07,727 Status reports? 634 00:42:07,817 --> 00:42:09,399 No change in tachyon levels. 635 00:42:09,944 --> 00:42:11,435 Sensors stable on my end, too. 636 00:42:11,529 --> 00:42:12,815 No sign of the Red Angel. 637 00:42:17,702 --> 00:42:18,738 Your call. 638 00:42:23,666 --> 00:42:25,874 [Pike] This operation is over. Away team, get her out. 639 00:42:25,960 --> 00:42:27,041 We can't, sir. 640 00:42:27,378 --> 00:42:30,462 Lieutenant Spock is holding us hostage. Says we have to let her die. 641 00:42:30,548 --> 00:42:33,228 - [Pike] Damn it, Spock, stand down. - I'm sorry, captain, I cannot. 642 00:42:33,301 --> 00:42:35,418 [Pike] Spock, stand down. That's an order. 643 00:42:35,678 --> 00:42:37,089 [Spock] I am sorry, captain. 644 00:42:37,180 --> 00:42:38,180 I cannot. 645 00:42:42,560 --> 00:42:43,926 [monitor flatlining] 646 00:43:08,461 --> 00:43:10,544 Ops, beam Commander Burnham directly to Sickbay now. 647 00:43:12,423 --> 00:43:14,881 I can't. There's too much interference to get a lock on her. 648 00:43:14,967 --> 00:43:15,967 Interference from what? 649 00:43:16,385 --> 00:43:19,219 I'm detecting a massive surge in tachyon radiation. 650 00:43:25,103 --> 00:43:26,061 Captain! 651 00:43:26,062 --> 00:43:27,598 Get us over there. Now! 652 00:43:29,065 --> 00:43:30,476 Shields up, red alert. 653 00:43:30,566 --> 00:43:31,566 [alarm wailing] 654 00:43:32,151 --> 00:43:33,151 Get ready, Spock. 655 00:43:41,702 --> 00:43:42,702 It's coming. 656 00:43:45,540 --> 00:43:47,281 - I need eyes. - Working on it. 657 00:43:58,719 --> 00:44:00,799 Having trouble stabilizing the beam. Need more power. 658 00:44:00,847 --> 00:44:01,883 Keep firing. 659 00:44:01,973 --> 00:44:03,839 I'll override the security buffers. 660 00:44:03,933 --> 00:44:05,733 Get that damn thing closed as soon as you can. 661 00:44:20,741 --> 00:44:21,822 [gasping] 662 00:44:25,329 --> 00:44:26,329 Now! 663 00:44:37,091 --> 00:44:38,673 Authorizing security buffer override. 664 00:44:38,759 --> 00:44:40,091 [computer] System offline. 665 00:44:40,428 --> 00:44:41,428 Tyler, I need... 666 00:44:42,305 --> 00:44:43,671 - System online. - Never mind. 667 00:44:44,223 --> 00:44:46,840 Authorizing security buffer override. 668 00:44:46,934 --> 00:44:47,934 Working. 669 00:44:48,436 --> 00:44:50,143 Let's go. It is not that hard. 670 00:44:50,229 --> 00:44:52,937 [computer as Leland] Let's go. Let's go. It is not that hard. 671 00:44:53,024 --> 00:44:54,185 [grunts] 672 00:44:59,405 --> 00:45:01,738 [Leland] Tyler, you should have the power you need now. 673 00:45:04,827 --> 00:45:05,943 Wormhole's closed. 674 00:45:09,832 --> 00:45:10,832 Re-engaging atmosphere. 675 00:45:21,010 --> 00:45:22,046 Systems back up. 676 00:45:24,889 --> 00:45:27,427 - Can you get out there to Burnham? - Not yet. It's not safe. 677 00:45:33,731 --> 00:45:34,812 Firing EMP. 678 00:45:44,283 --> 00:45:46,775 We have the Red Angel. Raising containment field now. 679 00:45:56,128 --> 00:45:57,869 [breathing heavily] 680 00:46:18,442 --> 00:46:19,442 Mom?