1 00:00:01,040 --> 00:00:03,077 [narrator] Previously on Star Trek: Discovery: 2 00:00:03,160 --> 00:00:05,755 [Lorca] Discovery is now the only Starfleet ship 3 00:00:05,840 --> 00:00:07,957 with a displacement-activated spore hub drive. 4 00:00:08,040 --> 00:00:10,509 [gasping, then laughing] 5 00:00:10,600 --> 00:00:13,240 He injected himself with the tardigrade DNA compound. 6 00:00:14,640 --> 00:00:16,836 - [Tyler] Here. - [Lorca] What's your name? 7 00:00:16,920 --> 00:00:18,036 Lieutenant Ash Tyler. 8 00:00:18,160 --> 00:00:19,230 [insect skittering] 9 00:00:19,320 --> 00:00:23,075 You'd take food from the only two men standing between you and death? 10 00:00:23,600 --> 00:00:24,750 Damn right, I would. 11 00:00:26,360 --> 00:00:27,360 [neck cracks] 12 00:00:29,640 --> 00:00:31,313 Now shall we proceed to our raider? 13 00:00:31,920 --> 00:00:33,400 [grunts] No. 14 00:00:33,480 --> 00:00:34,630 [shouting and grunting] 15 00:00:37,280 --> 00:00:38,919 [Lorca] Get up, soldier. Get up. 16 00:00:39,000 --> 00:00:41,151 I'm slowing you down, sir. Go. 17 00:02:17,160 --> 00:02:19,197 [Burnham] Personal log, Specialist Michael Burnham. 18 00:02:20,480 --> 00:02:22,039 Stardate 2136.8. 19 00:02:23,320 --> 00:02:25,118 Despite my fears to the contrary, 20 00:02:25,200 --> 00:02:28,159 I seem to have found my place on this Discovery. 21 00:02:28,240 --> 00:02:31,074 An air of routine has descended upon the ship, 22 00:02:31,160 --> 00:02:32,674 and even I am a part of it. 23 00:02:33,160 --> 00:02:34,230 I've made friends. 24 00:02:34,720 --> 00:02:36,996 Well, one, at least. 25 00:02:37,080 --> 00:02:39,311 I take comfort in my work. 26 00:02:39,400 --> 00:02:41,915 This ship has quickly become the most important weapon 27 00:02:42,000 --> 00:02:45,789 in the Federation's arsenal in our war against the Klingons. 28 00:02:45,880 --> 00:02:48,554 And because of her, the tide has turned. 29 00:02:49,480 --> 00:02:52,120 Because of us, we are winning. 30 00:02:53,000 --> 00:02:55,390 Lieutenant Stamets' ability to pilot the ship's spore drive 31 00:02:55,480 --> 00:02:57,517 has given him access notjust to all of space, 32 00:02:57,600 --> 00:03:00,434 but to unseen parts of his personality, as well. 33 00:03:01,240 --> 00:03:03,197 As we perform our daily responsibilities, 34 00:03:03,280 --> 00:03:05,431 I confess I find some members of my fellow crew 35 00:03:05,520 --> 00:03:07,671 more interesting than others. 36 00:03:08,360 --> 00:03:13,480 Lieutenant Tyler has suffered so much, and still maintains dignity and kindness. 37 00:03:14,880 --> 00:03:17,315 I find him... intriguing. 38 00:03:18,760 --> 00:03:22,959 But I fear my personal history interferes with my ability to forge relationships. 39 00:03:23,360 --> 00:03:28,037 I am among the others, but also apart. 40 00:03:28,120 --> 00:03:30,077 I wish sorely to step out of my comfort zone, 41 00:03:30,160 --> 00:03:31,674 yet don't know how. 42 00:03:31,760 --> 00:03:35,993 But tonight I will face one of my greatest challenges so far. 43 00:03:36,560 --> 00:03:39,314 Tonight we are having a party. 44 00:03:39,840 --> 00:03:42,992 [Wyclef Jean's "We Trying to Stay Alive" playing over speakers] 45 00:03:46,320 --> 00:03:48,391 One, two, three, go. 46 00:03:50,080 --> 00:03:51,639 [all cheering] 47 00:03:54,560 --> 00:03:56,677 [all chanting] Go, Tilly. Go, Tilly. 48 00:03:56,760 --> 00:03:58,672 Go, Tilly. Go, Tilly. 49 00:03:59,040 --> 00:04:00,040 Go, Tilly. 50 00:04:01,040 --> 00:04:02,952 [music stops, all booing and groaning] 51 00:04:04,320 --> 00:04:05,959 [music resumes, all cheering] 52 00:04:06,640 --> 00:04:07,640 What's your deal? 53 00:04:08,200 --> 00:04:10,112 Starships have power redundant relays. 54 00:04:10,200 --> 00:04:14,353 - There shouldn't be any flickering. - No, not work. I'm talking about him. 55 00:04:15,800 --> 00:04:18,872 You guys have been on two dates. What's going on? I want details. 56 00:04:18,960 --> 00:04:21,634 I helped him calibrate pulse scope rifles in the armory, 57 00:04:22,560 --> 00:04:25,712 and we ate lunch together, because it was the end of our shift. 58 00:04:25,800 --> 00:04:29,111 Hey, listen, you gotta give him a sign that you're interested. 59 00:04:29,200 --> 00:04:31,431 Otherwise, you're gonna lose your shot. 60 00:04:32,000 --> 00:04:34,959 Duly noted, when I'm actually on a date, which these were not. 61 00:04:35,040 --> 00:04:36,793 Well, how...? How do you see him? 62 00:04:36,920 --> 00:04:40,470 How does he stack up, compared to your old boyfriends? 63 00:04:41,560 --> 00:04:43,074 How does he compare to yours? 64 00:04:43,160 --> 00:04:46,153 Well, I used to exclusively go for soldiers. 65 00:04:46,240 --> 00:04:49,233 I'm kind of going through, like, a musician phase right now. 66 00:04:49,320 --> 00:04:50,720 [Tyler] Everyone, hey. 67 00:04:50,800 --> 00:04:52,519 We're all lucky to be here tonight, 68 00:04:52,600 --> 00:04:54,910 surrounded by our brothers and sisters in arms. 69 00:04:55,480 --> 00:04:56,994 Laughing. Dancing. 70 00:04:57,080 --> 00:04:59,834 But let's not forget the sacrifices that have been made 71 00:04:59,920 --> 00:05:02,389 - by those who still serve alongside us... - Cheers. 72 00:05:02,480 --> 00:05:06,360 and by those who have given their lives, so we can continue the fight. 73 00:05:06,440 --> 00:05:09,558 - [all applauding] - To the 10,000 souls who are gone, 74 00:05:09,640 --> 00:05:12,155 - but will never be forgotten. - [man] Never. Yes. 75 00:05:12,240 --> 00:05:13,993 [all cheering] 76 00:05:17,440 --> 00:05:19,432 My soldier thing is back. 77 00:05:20,560 --> 00:05:21,560 [Tyler] Burnham. 78 00:05:21,960 --> 00:05:23,519 Hey, Tilly. What are you up to? 79 00:05:23,600 --> 00:05:24,600 Leaving. 80 00:05:25,200 --> 00:05:26,395 You guys have fun. 81 00:05:28,400 --> 00:05:30,596 - Your friend's subtle. - Inappropriately so. 82 00:05:30,680 --> 00:05:31,955 [speaker beeps] 83 00:05:32,040 --> 00:05:34,635 [Saru] Science Specialist Burnham and Lieutenant Tyler, 84 00:05:34,720 --> 00:05:36,313 please report to the bridge. 85 00:05:37,600 --> 00:05:40,160 Look at that. Saved from the horrors of small talk. 86 00:05:40,240 --> 00:05:42,516 ♪ Lock up lock up When I love up love up ♪ 87 00:05:42,600 --> 00:05:45,354 ♪ Who's callin' bluff? Hey, yo, John is chillin' ♪ 88 00:05:45,920 --> 00:05:46,920 Wait. No, I... 89 00:05:47,800 --> 00:05:48,800 To be clear, 90 00:05:49,160 --> 00:05:50,753 I wasn't attempting to be rude. 91 00:05:51,320 --> 00:05:53,755 It's just that my experience with parties is limited. 92 00:05:53,840 --> 00:05:56,071 - Easy, I get it. - [man] Your left, please. 93 00:05:57,120 --> 00:06:00,192 Vulcans don't party? The Shenzhou? You served for seven years. 94 00:06:00,280 --> 00:06:02,840 Due to my rank, interpersonal fraternization was... 95 00:06:03,400 --> 00:06:04,311 not appropriate. 96 00:06:04,400 --> 00:06:08,110 Not really an excuse anymore. So, why are you still hiding in corners? 97 00:06:12,080 --> 00:06:13,355 I'm sorry, lieutenant. 98 00:06:13,600 --> 00:06:14,920 I'm sorry, Dr. Culber. 99 00:06:15,000 --> 00:06:20,234 Why would you apologize for a random act of physical interaction? 100 00:06:20,920 --> 00:06:25,676 These are the moments that make life so gloriously unpredictable. 101 00:06:27,960 --> 00:06:29,235 You're a very tall man. 102 00:06:30,400 --> 00:06:33,916 I believe you met Lieutenant Tyler. He's our new chief of security. 103 00:06:34,000 --> 00:06:37,232 May I say, you are astonishingly grounded 104 00:06:37,320 --> 00:06:39,880 for having endured seven months of torture. 105 00:06:40,000 --> 00:06:41,957 I deeply apologize for my partner. 106 00:06:42,520 --> 00:06:43,874 Lately, he's been, um... 107 00:06:45,160 --> 00:06:46,958 - different. - Speaking of different, 108 00:06:47,880 --> 00:06:52,079 look at this cybernetic augment that my resident genius here built for me. 109 00:06:52,160 --> 00:06:53,799 We're trying to make his connection 110 00:06:53,880 --> 00:06:57,590 - to the spore drive more comfortable. - You're always looking out for me. 111 00:06:57,680 --> 00:07:00,957 By the way, what's the deal with you two? 112 00:07:01,920 --> 00:07:02,990 There is no deal. 113 00:07:03,080 --> 00:07:05,197 Burnham would hate to be inappropriate. 114 00:07:07,800 --> 00:07:08,916 Coming, Burnham? 115 00:07:09,000 --> 00:07:10,229 What did he mean by that? 116 00:07:14,520 --> 00:07:16,159 - What did you mean by that? - Okay. 117 00:07:19,840 --> 00:07:23,311 Captain, the unidentified signal I monitored is directly ahead. 118 00:07:23,400 --> 00:07:24,993 Yellow alert, Mr. Saru. 119 00:07:25,080 --> 00:07:26,196 Shields up. 120 00:07:26,280 --> 00:07:28,397 - Phasers on standby. - Copy that. Topping up. 121 00:07:28,480 --> 00:07:30,870 Scanners identify the object as biological. 122 00:07:30,960 --> 00:07:34,920 Xenologic classification, gormagander. Its health appears to be compromised. 123 00:07:36,160 --> 00:07:37,753 Cancel yellow alert, Mr. Saru. 124 00:07:38,960 --> 00:07:41,111 Thought those had been hunted to extinction. 125 00:07:41,200 --> 00:07:43,351 Hunting isn't the cause of its reduced numbers. 126 00:07:43,480 --> 00:07:47,474 It's primarily due to their mating practices or lack thereof. 127 00:07:47,560 --> 00:07:50,553 They spend their lives feeding on alpha particles in solar winds. 128 00:07:50,640 --> 00:07:54,475 They are often so consumed by this task that they ignore all other instincts. 129 00:07:54,840 --> 00:07:56,194 Including reproduction. 130 00:07:56,280 --> 00:07:58,636 That's as depressing a trait as I've ever heard. 131 00:07:58,720 --> 00:07:59,870 Helmsman, plot a course. 132 00:07:59,960 --> 00:08:02,350 The gormagander is on the endangered species list. 133 00:08:03,080 --> 00:08:05,515 Protocol requires transfer to a xenologic facility. 134 00:08:07,960 --> 00:08:09,110 Then have at it. 135 00:08:10,880 --> 00:08:12,760 Heard we've got a lonely gormagander beaming in. 136 00:08:13,280 --> 00:08:15,192 Lost cub or old widow? 137 00:08:15,440 --> 00:08:17,716 No matter what she is, she is all alone. 138 00:08:19,640 --> 00:08:22,040 [man 1] We've got a lock on the creature. Ready to transport. 139 00:08:22,080 --> 00:08:23,275 Energizing. 140 00:08:30,800 --> 00:08:32,553 [gormagander groaning] 141 00:08:33,920 --> 00:08:34,920 All right, sweet girl. 142 00:08:36,520 --> 00:08:39,115 Let's see if we can't figure out what's got you down. 143 00:08:41,760 --> 00:08:42,830 [man 2] Wait a minute. 144 00:08:42,920 --> 00:08:45,515 I'm detecting abnormal readings inside the creature. 145 00:08:45,600 --> 00:08:47,512 [gormagander groaning] 146 00:09:06,840 --> 00:09:07,840 Burnham to the bridge. 147 00:09:07,920 --> 00:09:10,276 Intruder alert. Shots fired. Need assistance. 148 00:09:10,400 --> 00:09:11,675 Intruder on Deck 6, sir. 149 00:09:11,760 --> 00:09:12,910 Want him locked down. 150 00:09:13,000 --> 00:09:14,116 [alarm wailing] 151 00:09:14,240 --> 00:09:15,594 - Status on Burnham? - Unharmed. 152 00:09:15,760 --> 00:09:19,117 - She reports four confirmed fatalities. - Tell her not to engage the hostile. 153 00:09:21,720 --> 00:09:23,120 We have him trapped, sir. 154 00:09:24,120 --> 00:09:27,557 Whoever you are, drop your weapons. This ends now. 155 00:09:27,640 --> 00:09:28,676 [intruder laughing] 156 00:09:30,480 --> 00:09:32,676 Did you miss me as much as I missed you? 157 00:09:32,800 --> 00:09:33,916 Mudd. 158 00:09:34,760 --> 00:09:38,117 Did you really think that you could leave me to rot in a Klingon prison 159 00:09:38,200 --> 00:09:39,998 and not suffer any repercussions? 160 00:09:40,520 --> 00:09:44,230 As soon as I find out what's so special about your ship, 161 00:09:44,920 --> 00:09:48,038 I'm gonna sell it to the Klingons. Do you hear me, captain? 162 00:09:48,240 --> 00:09:51,790 I'm gonna sell your ship to your mortal enemy. 163 00:09:51,880 --> 00:09:52,996 And in so doing, 164 00:09:53,200 --> 00:09:57,911 destroy any chance your Federation has of winning this war. 165 00:09:58,760 --> 00:10:01,320 When you left me behind with the Klingons, 166 00:10:01,400 --> 00:10:04,154 you robbed me of my dear, sweet Stella. 167 00:10:04,920 --> 00:10:07,640 The only woman I have ever loved. 168 00:10:07,720 --> 00:10:09,473 And I will have my revenge. 169 00:10:11,360 --> 00:10:13,955 Also, I'm gonna kill you as many times as possible. 170 00:10:14,440 --> 00:10:16,636 I don't see this ending with you taking my ship. 171 00:10:16,760 --> 00:10:17,876 Not this time. 172 00:10:17,960 --> 00:10:20,520 But I have all the data I need for the next, so... 173 00:10:20,640 --> 00:10:21,960 I will see you later. 174 00:10:22,040 --> 00:10:24,475 Or, rather... earlier. 175 00:10:27,800 --> 00:10:29,075 [alarm wailing] 176 00:10:29,640 --> 00:10:31,472 - Mr. Saru. - [Saru] Sensors read anicium 177 00:10:31,560 --> 00:10:33,074 and yurium compound explosion. 178 00:10:33,160 --> 00:10:34,355 Hull breach on Deck 6. 179 00:10:34,440 --> 00:10:36,079 [rumbling and explosions nearby] 180 00:10:36,640 --> 00:10:38,120 Five. Four. 181 00:10:38,640 --> 00:10:39,640 Now three. 182 00:10:40,120 --> 00:10:41,315 We can't contain it. 183 00:10:49,760 --> 00:10:52,878 [Wyclef Jean's "We Trying to Stay Alive" playing over speakers] 184 00:10:54,680 --> 00:10:57,912 To the 10,000 souls who are gone, but will never be forgotten. 185 00:10:58,000 --> 00:10:59,150 [all] Never. 186 00:10:59,240 --> 00:11:00,799 [all cheering] 187 00:11:02,160 --> 00:11:03,560 My soldier thing is back. 188 00:11:05,640 --> 00:11:07,518 Burnham. Hey, Tilly. What are you up to? 189 00:11:07,600 --> 00:11:08,600 I'm leaving. 190 00:11:09,160 --> 00:11:10,160 Have fun. 191 00:11:11,160 --> 00:11:13,311 - Your friend's subtle. - Inappropriately so. 192 00:11:13,440 --> 00:11:14,590 [speaker beeping] 193 00:11:16,720 --> 00:11:17,720 To be clear, 194 00:11:18,040 --> 00:11:19,633 I wasn't attempting to be rude. 195 00:11:20,080 --> 00:11:21,878 My experience with parties is limited. 196 00:11:21,960 --> 00:11:24,475 - Easy, Burnham, I get it. - [man] Your left, please. 197 00:11:26,080 --> 00:11:27,958 So, Vulcans don't party? [chuckles] 198 00:11:28,080 --> 00:11:30,311 What about Shenzhou? You served for seven years. 199 00:11:30,400 --> 00:11:33,040 Yes, but interpersonal fraternization was inappropriate. 200 00:11:33,120 --> 00:11:35,077 Not really an excuse anymore. 201 00:11:35,840 --> 00:11:38,400 So, why are you still hiding in corners? 202 00:11:38,480 --> 00:11:42,679 There aren't always simple answers to those kinds of questions. 203 00:11:44,520 --> 00:11:45,670 And sometimes there are. 204 00:11:48,760 --> 00:11:50,717 - Oh. Tyler. Tyler. Wait. - Stamets? 205 00:11:50,800 --> 00:11:52,917 Burnham. Both of you. You need to listen to me. 206 00:11:53,000 --> 00:11:54,070 There isn't any time. 207 00:11:54,160 --> 00:11:57,949 - Or, rather, there is time. Too much time. - Stamets, slow down. 208 00:11:58,040 --> 00:12:01,033 I can't slow down. Don't you see what's happening? 209 00:12:01,120 --> 00:12:02,474 We have been here before. 210 00:12:02,920 --> 00:12:03,920 All of us. 211 00:12:03,960 --> 00:12:06,520 I cannot be the only person who recognizes this. 212 00:12:06,600 --> 00:12:08,273 Paul. I'm very sorry. 213 00:12:08,960 --> 00:12:11,680 - You're ranting. - What I need is for all of you 214 00:12:11,760 --> 00:12:14,355 placid people to finally start listening. 215 00:12:14,440 --> 00:12:15,669 Wait, wait. Uh... 216 00:12:16,400 --> 00:12:19,871 It all starts with a gormagander, okay? A gormagander. 217 00:12:21,640 --> 00:12:24,235 - What's a gormagander? - It's a space whale. 218 00:12:25,240 --> 00:12:26,310 Well, that explains it. 219 00:12:27,200 --> 00:12:28,236 [alarm wailing] 220 00:12:30,160 --> 00:12:31,674 Nice of you two to show up. 221 00:12:32,120 --> 00:12:34,237 Mr. Saru, what's hiding from us out there? 222 00:12:34,560 --> 00:12:38,440 The object is not an enemy ship, sir. It is an organic life form. 223 00:12:38,520 --> 00:12:40,193 A gormagander. 224 00:12:44,280 --> 00:12:47,398 Oh, for crying out loud. All right, cancel yellow alert. 225 00:12:47,480 --> 00:12:49,472 Helm, find some way to get around it. 226 00:12:50,080 --> 00:12:54,757 But, sir, scans show the gormagander's bio-readings to be highly unstable. 227 00:12:55,240 --> 00:12:57,736 Now, according to regulations, we are required to transfer it... 228 00:12:57,760 --> 00:12:59,760 - Belay that order. - I don't advise that, captain. 229 00:13:00,280 --> 00:13:02,875 The Endangered Species Act is quite clear. 230 00:13:03,680 --> 00:13:06,912 Ignoring our duties would put us in violation of established laws 231 00:13:07,000 --> 00:13:09,595 and subject our captain to court-martial. 232 00:13:09,680 --> 00:13:11,440 [Lorca] Let's beam this into the shuttle bay, 233 00:13:11,480 --> 00:13:13,551 drop it off at the sanctuary as soon as we can. 234 00:13:13,640 --> 00:13:15,154 I'd like to run point on this. 235 00:13:15,920 --> 00:13:16,956 As science specialist, 236 00:13:17,040 --> 00:13:19,236 I'm the most qualified to handle this creature. 237 00:13:19,360 --> 00:13:21,158 I don't give a damn. I want it done. 238 00:13:21,880 --> 00:13:24,395 I request security oversight of the operation, captain. 239 00:13:24,960 --> 00:13:26,952 I still don't give a damn. Go. 240 00:13:31,200 --> 00:13:34,477 How could Lieutenant Stamets know we were gonna run into a gormagander? 241 00:13:34,560 --> 00:13:37,712 There have only been 57 cases of near misses with starships 242 00:13:37,800 --> 00:13:40,395 in the last ten years. The odds are almost incalculable. 243 00:13:40,480 --> 00:13:43,056 - Gotta be a prize for that kind of dumb. - [man] I hear we've got 244 00:13:43,080 --> 00:13:45,549 - a lonely gormagander beaming in. - [sighs] Yeah. 245 00:13:47,760 --> 00:13:48,760 Activate transporter. 246 00:13:49,720 --> 00:13:51,791 You thinking this whale is armed? 247 00:14:00,320 --> 00:14:02,880 [gormagander groaning] 248 00:14:11,520 --> 00:14:14,115 Medical readings are abnormal. Nothing else is unusual. 249 00:14:14,600 --> 00:14:15,920 Gonna get closer readings. 250 00:14:19,440 --> 00:14:21,113 [tricorder humming and beeping] 251 00:14:30,600 --> 00:14:31,600 You got something? 252 00:14:32,400 --> 00:14:33,400 Faint. 253 00:14:34,000 --> 00:14:35,000 An energy pattern. 254 00:14:36,240 --> 00:14:37,720 Almost like a transporter beam. 255 00:14:39,480 --> 00:14:40,914 [computer] Black alert. 256 00:14:41,000 --> 00:14:43,879 - Black alert. - Why are we preparing to jump? 257 00:14:46,600 --> 00:14:49,434 - [computer] Spore drive activated. - I didn't order a spore jump. 258 00:14:49,960 --> 00:14:51,314 I did not activate it, sir. 259 00:14:52,040 --> 00:14:53,554 Computer, show me Engineering. 260 00:14:53,640 --> 00:14:54,756 [computer] Denied. 261 00:14:56,560 --> 00:14:58,153 Tyler, get to Engineering. 262 00:14:58,240 --> 00:14:59,240 Go, go, go. 263 00:15:01,400 --> 00:15:03,790 Door's locked. Security override isn't functioning. 264 00:15:05,000 --> 00:15:08,789 [computer] Warning: Critical drive overload in three minutes. 265 00:15:10,840 --> 00:15:12,911 Welcome, kiddies. Make yourselves at home. 266 00:15:13,000 --> 00:15:15,196 - I have. - How did you get out of that prison? 267 00:15:16,640 --> 00:15:18,597 [Mudd] Remember my multi-legged friend, Stuart? 268 00:15:18,680 --> 00:15:21,514 Well, we performed a feat of magic 269 00:15:21,600 --> 00:15:24,559 that would make the most accomplished escape artist blush. 270 00:15:24,640 --> 00:15:26,711 Alas, once free, he went his own way. 271 00:15:26,800 --> 00:15:27,950 Bugs, no loyalty. 272 00:15:28,520 --> 00:15:30,671 - Tyler, you know this man? - He was my cellmate. 273 00:15:30,760 --> 00:15:34,356 Back away, and put your hands in the air. I won't ask you again, Mudd. 274 00:15:35,240 --> 00:15:36,240 Actually, you will. 275 00:15:36,680 --> 00:15:37,680 But before then, 276 00:15:38,040 --> 00:15:40,475 would you please tell me how to work these controls? 277 00:15:40,560 --> 00:15:45,237 Now, I understand that the drive system is what's special about this ship. 278 00:15:45,320 --> 00:15:47,437 - Back away or we'll fire. - But I can't... 279 00:15:50,600 --> 00:15:52,796 ...figure out what these contraptions do. 280 00:15:52,880 --> 00:15:55,554 - Or what they connect to. - [computer] Critical drive overload 281 00:15:55,680 --> 00:15:58,070 - in 60 seconds. - Can we jump to where you tell me how 282 00:15:58,160 --> 00:16:02,040 to make these systems operational? I've got some Klingons on the hook. 283 00:16:02,600 --> 00:16:03,600 Might wanna hurry. 284 00:16:03,920 --> 00:16:07,038 We're getting close to that point where... [mimics explosion] 285 00:16:07,120 --> 00:16:10,591 - Computer, beam intruder to the brig. - I've created a field to protect me. 286 00:16:10,680 --> 00:16:13,354 You think I would forget to take control of the computer? 287 00:16:13,440 --> 00:16:15,671 Warning: Critical drive overload imminent. 288 00:16:15,760 --> 00:16:17,877 - You are mad. - [Mudd] No. 289 00:16:17,960 --> 00:16:19,189 I'm Mudd. 290 00:16:20,240 --> 00:16:24,029 Now would one of you tell me how to work this damn system?! 291 00:16:24,120 --> 00:16:25,315 [phaser fires] 292 00:16:28,680 --> 00:16:31,752 As days go, this is a weird one. 293 00:16:38,760 --> 00:16:40,080 Stamets, the drive. 294 00:16:40,160 --> 00:16:41,355 I know. Believe me. 295 00:16:41,440 --> 00:16:43,955 [computer] Critical drive overload in 20 seconds. 296 00:16:44,040 --> 00:16:46,680 We've been through all this before. Um... 297 00:16:47,600 --> 00:16:49,717 Multiple times, actually. 298 00:16:50,600 --> 00:16:52,319 And I hate to tell you, 299 00:16:52,400 --> 00:16:56,952 but I have yet to find a way where it ends with a win for the home team. 300 00:16:57,040 --> 00:16:58,872 Warning: Drive overload critical. 301 00:16:59,880 --> 00:17:01,200 [computer beeping] 302 00:17:02,760 --> 00:17:04,240 I'll see you again soon. 303 00:17:04,320 --> 00:17:05,595 Stamets, wait. 304 00:17:07,760 --> 00:17:10,832 [Wyclef Jean's "We Trying to Stay Alive" playing over speakers] 305 00:17:12,880 --> 00:17:14,633 I was gonna ask if you wanted to dance. 306 00:17:14,800 --> 00:17:15,950 [speaker beeps] 307 00:17:16,040 --> 00:17:18,475 [Saru] Science Specialist Burnham and Lieutenant Tyler, 308 00:17:18,560 --> 00:17:22,440 - please report to the bridge. - Saved by the bell. 309 00:17:22,560 --> 00:17:24,791 Excuse me. 310 00:17:24,880 --> 00:17:27,600 ♪ Buyin' her fake furs And takin' her to the fever ♪ 311 00:17:27,680 --> 00:17:30,036 - Hey, where's Burnham? - I don't know. 312 00:17:30,120 --> 00:17:32,351 Gormagander is on the endangered species list. 313 00:17:35,480 --> 00:17:36,516 Have at it. 314 00:17:40,920 --> 00:17:43,560 Burnham, don't talk. Just listen. The ship is in danger. 315 00:17:43,640 --> 00:17:45,518 We are caught in a temporal loop. 316 00:17:45,600 --> 00:17:48,115 We are repeating the same 30 odd minutes over and over again. 317 00:17:48,200 --> 00:17:50,032 The ship can be destroyed. We can be killed. 318 00:17:50,120 --> 00:17:52,794 If the 30 minutes doesn't expire, everything starts over. 319 00:17:52,880 --> 00:17:55,952 And every second you doubt me brings us all closer to death. 320 00:17:56,040 --> 00:17:57,040 Do you understand? 321 00:17:58,800 --> 00:18:00,359 We need to get you to Sickbay. 322 00:18:00,920 --> 00:18:03,389 - These might be side effects... - Exposure to alien DNA. 323 00:18:03,480 --> 00:18:06,598 - We didn't consider variances... - We didn't consider variances... 324 00:18:06,680 --> 00:18:09,036 Yes, yes, yes. Please, stop talking. Come with me. 325 00:18:09,120 --> 00:18:10,395 I'll explain everything. 326 00:18:10,480 --> 00:18:12,119 Is the fish safely onboard yet? 327 00:18:12,200 --> 00:18:14,590 Technically, it's not a fish, it's... 328 00:18:15,760 --> 00:18:17,911 - Shuttle bay reports five by five. - Good. 329 00:18:18,000 --> 00:18:20,037 Captain, message from Dr. Culber. 330 00:18:20,160 --> 00:18:22,470 He's requesting you in Sickbay, regarding Stamets. 331 00:18:22,960 --> 00:18:25,429 - It's urgent. - Sickbay. Direct. 332 00:18:29,440 --> 00:18:31,318 [computer] Destination canceled. 333 00:18:36,360 --> 00:18:38,352 - Heavy. - Mudd? 334 00:18:39,440 --> 00:18:40,440 Computer, red alert. 335 00:18:40,520 --> 00:18:42,876 Override, my dear computer. Come on. 336 00:18:42,960 --> 00:18:44,792 The hell are you doing on my ship? 337 00:18:45,000 --> 00:18:47,151 You ask me that question every single time. 338 00:18:47,240 --> 00:18:48,390 You know that, don't you? 339 00:18:48,520 --> 00:18:50,910 - No, of course you don't. - What? 340 00:18:52,800 --> 00:18:54,154 Move. 341 00:18:54,840 --> 00:18:58,436 I really can't take it from the top for you all over again, Lorca. 342 00:18:58,760 --> 00:19:01,195 The message from the doctor was not real. 343 00:19:01,280 --> 00:19:03,158 I just wanted some alone time with you. 344 00:19:03,240 --> 00:19:05,516 There's an area of the ship I can't access. 345 00:19:05,600 --> 00:19:08,035 Hope you hide your secrets to the spore drive inside. 346 00:19:08,120 --> 00:19:09,873 I don't know what you're talking about. 347 00:19:10,000 --> 00:19:12,515 But if you think I'm gonna help you in any way at all, 348 00:19:12,920 --> 00:19:14,593 then you're crazier than I remember. 349 00:19:15,520 --> 00:19:18,672 There are many ways to blow up this ship. It's almost a design flaw. 350 00:19:19,440 --> 00:19:22,319 Computer, access self-destruct program. 351 00:19:22,400 --> 00:19:24,960 - [computer] Accessed. - Ball's in your court, captain. 352 00:19:27,640 --> 00:19:30,075 Mudd is using some kind of technology that allows him 353 00:19:30,160 --> 00:19:32,595 to repeat the same 30 minutes, over and over. 354 00:19:32,680 --> 00:19:35,912 He's trying to get the drive running to sell the ship to the Klingons. 355 00:19:36,000 --> 00:19:38,834 But how are you capable of existing outside of the time loop? 356 00:19:38,920 --> 00:19:41,355 Well, the tardigrade is a multidimensional creature. 357 00:19:41,440 --> 00:19:44,194 So, it must be a side effect of combining its DNA with mine. 358 00:19:44,560 --> 00:19:46,438 - Yes, so, you remember everything. - Yes. 359 00:19:46,520 --> 00:19:50,275 And it's getting really hard to keep it straight. 360 00:19:50,760 --> 00:19:52,911 I can't stop Mudd alone, Burnham. 361 00:19:53,000 --> 00:19:55,071 And sooner or later, he's going to figure out 362 00:19:55,160 --> 00:19:57,720 that there's a piece missing from the spore drive. 363 00:19:58,840 --> 00:19:59,956 Me. 364 00:20:01,240 --> 00:20:03,516 How is Mudd creating a time loop? 365 00:20:03,880 --> 00:20:04,916 I don't know. 366 00:20:05,000 --> 00:20:08,152 Maybe Tyler might, because they shared a cell together. 367 00:20:08,240 --> 00:20:10,630 Tyler mentioned it right before I shot Mudd. 368 00:20:11,760 --> 00:20:14,958 Anyway, I need you to talk to Tyler. 369 00:20:17,440 --> 00:20:19,193 We're almost out of time in this loop. 370 00:20:20,040 --> 00:20:21,440 Tell me a secret. 371 00:20:22,320 --> 00:20:25,677 Something that will immediately prove to you we've had this conversation. 372 00:20:26,440 --> 00:20:28,238 Something you've never admitted. 373 00:20:30,920 --> 00:20:33,037 I promise, it'll be safe with me. 374 00:20:42,160 --> 00:20:43,913 [inaudible whispering] 375 00:20:50,480 --> 00:20:51,480 I'm sorry. 376 00:20:54,720 --> 00:20:55,720 Where is Mudd now? 377 00:20:56,880 --> 00:20:59,679 Now is usually around the time he kills the captain. 378 00:21:07,160 --> 00:21:08,674 Okay. [chuckles] 379 00:21:09,120 --> 00:21:11,555 Ooh, I love what you've done with the place, Gabe. 380 00:21:12,480 --> 00:21:15,996 There's nothing here for you, Mudd. This is my own private research area. 381 00:21:16,080 --> 00:21:19,517 Uh-huh. Why didn't you tell me that you had so many wonderful toys? 382 00:21:20,120 --> 00:21:21,120 Ooh. 383 00:21:22,200 --> 00:21:23,395 Wonder what this does. 384 00:21:23,480 --> 00:21:26,075 I'm thinking it might melt brains. Does it melt brains? 385 00:21:26,160 --> 00:21:29,153 Kill a Starfleet captain, they lock you up forever. 386 00:21:29,240 --> 00:21:30,240 You know that. 387 00:21:32,160 --> 00:21:35,039 Know how many times I've had the pleasure of taking your life? 388 00:21:56,720 --> 00:21:57,949 [yelling] 389 00:22:11,760 --> 00:22:14,229 Fifty-three. But who's counting? 390 00:22:14,360 --> 00:22:16,033 - And it never gets old. - [watch beeps] 391 00:22:16,600 --> 00:22:19,638 Oh, drat. We're almost out of time. 392 00:22:19,720 --> 00:22:22,872 I'll figure out how that little motor of yours works sooner or later. 393 00:22:22,960 --> 00:22:24,952 I've got all the time in the world. 394 00:22:26,000 --> 00:22:28,959 And in the meanwhile, we still don't know what this does. 395 00:22:29,760 --> 00:22:30,760 Let's find out. 396 00:22:34,640 --> 00:22:37,758 [Wyclef Jean's "We Trying to Stay Alive" playing over speakers] 397 00:22:37,840 --> 00:22:39,360 [music stops, all booing and groaning] 398 00:22:39,440 --> 00:22:40,954 [music resumes, all cheering] 399 00:22:41,040 --> 00:22:44,078 - What's your deal? - Starships have redundant power relays. 400 00:22:44,160 --> 00:22:46,880 - There shouldn't... - I spotted the hottest guy over there, 401 00:22:46,960 --> 00:22:48,758 and apparently, he's in a band. 402 00:22:49,240 --> 00:22:52,312 - Have fun. - I wouldn't take you for this event. 403 00:22:52,960 --> 00:22:54,155 You've never been in love. 404 00:22:56,440 --> 00:22:58,557 - Why would you say that? - I need your help. 405 00:22:58,640 --> 00:23:02,873 You told me that information to prove to you that what I'm saying is true. 406 00:23:03,440 --> 00:23:05,432 We've been caught in a 30-minute time loop, 407 00:23:05,520 --> 00:23:09,230 I'm the only one who realizes it. I have witnessed you and Lorca 408 00:23:09,320 --> 00:23:13,030 and Tyler die at the hands of a criminal named Harry Mudd, 409 00:23:13,160 --> 00:23:16,437 who is trying to take over our ship. I need to know you believe me, 410 00:23:16,520 --> 00:23:20,196 because if I have to explain this again, I'll throw myself out an air lock. 411 00:23:20,280 --> 00:23:22,237 [Tyler] ...sacrifices that have been made 412 00:23:22,760 --> 00:23:24,035 by those who still serve... 413 00:23:24,120 --> 00:23:25,440 - I believe you. - Good. 414 00:23:26,000 --> 00:23:27,912 So, please, talk to Tyler, 415 00:23:28,000 --> 00:23:31,471 and find out if he has any information on Mudd that will help us stop him. 416 00:23:31,560 --> 00:23:34,075 - But what if he won't talk to me, either? - Oh, he will. 417 00:23:34,920 --> 00:23:36,036 He likes you. 418 00:23:36,120 --> 00:23:37,554 [all cheering] 419 00:23:38,280 --> 00:23:39,280 Here he comes. 420 00:23:41,960 --> 00:23:45,510 Uh-oh. Xenoanthropologist in the corner. Don't tell me. 421 00:23:45,600 --> 00:23:47,592 Busy studying coupling of pent-up soldiers. 422 00:23:47,680 --> 00:23:49,751 - No. - I was gonna ask if you wanted to dance. 423 00:23:49,840 --> 00:23:50,910 We don't have time. 424 00:23:53,000 --> 00:23:54,320 I mean... 425 00:23:55,320 --> 00:23:56,674 [speaker beeping] 426 00:23:56,760 --> 00:23:58,956 [Saru] Science Specialist Burnham and Lieutenant Tyler, 427 00:23:59,080 --> 00:24:00,878 please report to the bridge. 428 00:24:02,280 --> 00:24:03,280 Saved by the bell. 429 00:24:04,280 --> 00:24:05,953 [Burnham] I'm really bad at this. 430 00:24:06,040 --> 00:24:09,033 Yeah, you should've gone with him to the bridge. 431 00:24:09,600 --> 00:24:10,750 If what you say is true, 432 00:24:10,840 --> 00:24:14,038 then Tyler and I don't have any more alone time until the next reset. 433 00:24:15,040 --> 00:24:17,396 Our one chance to fix all this, and I blew it. 434 00:24:17,480 --> 00:24:18,480 You like him. 435 00:24:19,000 --> 00:24:20,639 That makes things a little tricky. 436 00:24:20,720 --> 00:24:21,915 I'm out of my element. 437 00:24:25,760 --> 00:24:26,760 Dance with me. 438 00:24:27,600 --> 00:24:28,600 For science. 439 00:24:29,080 --> 00:24:31,072 I need to see what I'm working with. 440 00:24:32,320 --> 00:24:35,472 But say I wanted to step out of my corner. 441 00:24:36,720 --> 00:24:39,110 How do people connect in that way? 442 00:24:39,640 --> 00:24:42,712 Hugh and I fell in love after I told him to get lost. 443 00:24:43,680 --> 00:24:46,957 - That doesn't make any sense. - Well, love isn't logical. 444 00:24:47,040 --> 00:24:48,918 Here. Can you let me lead, please? 445 00:24:51,280 --> 00:24:54,352 I was in a wonderful café on Alpha Centauri, 446 00:24:54,440 --> 00:24:58,229 when, three seats down, comes this hideous humming. 447 00:24:58,320 --> 00:24:59,320 [chuckles] 448 00:25:00,600 --> 00:25:04,958 Have you ever heard someone try to hum Kasseelian opera? 449 00:25:05,800 --> 00:25:07,075 I can't say that I have. 450 00:25:07,600 --> 00:25:11,230 Well, I told him to stifle it, or sit somewhere else. 451 00:25:11,720 --> 00:25:15,031 Instead, he sat right next to me. 452 00:25:16,840 --> 00:25:18,672 And he's been there ever since. 453 00:25:20,120 --> 00:25:22,191 After such a rude exchange, 454 00:25:23,160 --> 00:25:24,310 why would he do that? 455 00:25:25,080 --> 00:25:27,549 I told him how I really felt. 456 00:25:28,120 --> 00:25:29,440 And he did the same. 457 00:25:30,840 --> 00:25:32,433 We liked that about each other. 458 00:25:34,120 --> 00:25:35,474 I'm good at honesty. 459 00:25:36,040 --> 00:25:40,034 Never hide who you are. That's the only way relationships work. 460 00:25:45,680 --> 00:25:46,716 We're out of time. 461 00:25:48,200 --> 00:25:50,635 We have to figure out how he's resetting the loop. 462 00:25:52,000 --> 00:25:53,832 You'll do better on the next go-around. 463 00:25:55,000 --> 00:25:56,000 You have to. 464 00:25:58,080 --> 00:25:59,434 [rumbling] 465 00:26:02,920 --> 00:26:06,038 [Wyclef Jean's "We Trying to Stay Alive" playing over speakers] 466 00:26:06,120 --> 00:26:07,679 - Hi. - Hey. 467 00:26:07,840 --> 00:26:09,320 I was just coming over to see... 468 00:26:09,560 --> 00:26:10,630 Do you want to dance? 469 00:26:11,400 --> 00:26:12,595 I thought you'd never ask. 470 00:26:14,680 --> 00:26:18,071 [Al Green's "Love and Happiness" playing over speakers] 471 00:26:18,160 --> 00:26:19,276 Will you lead, please? 472 00:26:20,240 --> 00:26:21,240 Yeah. 473 00:26:24,200 --> 00:26:29,559 ♪ Love ♪ 474 00:26:43,360 --> 00:26:45,670 ♪ Love and happiness ♪ 475 00:26:48,280 --> 00:26:51,352 ♪ But wait a minute Something is going wrong ♪ 476 00:26:51,920 --> 00:26:53,434 ♪ Someone's on the phone ♪ 477 00:26:53,520 --> 00:26:56,991 So, I hear you were locked up in that Klingon prison cell with Harry Mudd. 478 00:26:58,920 --> 00:27:00,513 Not one for small talk, are you? 479 00:27:01,320 --> 00:27:03,152 I've never understood it, really. 480 00:27:05,160 --> 00:27:06,389 But I've realized that... 481 00:27:08,360 --> 00:27:10,158 relationships are built on honesty. 482 00:27:11,440 --> 00:27:13,238 So, here it is. Harry Mudd is here. 483 00:27:14,000 --> 00:27:16,435 And in a few minutes, he's gonna take over this ship. 484 00:27:17,560 --> 00:27:19,392 He wants to sell it to the Klingons. 485 00:27:19,480 --> 00:27:22,154 - He's already trapped us in a time loop. - Harry Mudd? 486 00:27:23,960 --> 00:27:25,360 Wait, is this Vulcan humor? 487 00:27:26,320 --> 00:27:27,754 [Burnham] I wish it were. 488 00:27:28,320 --> 00:27:32,109 - Why didn't Stamets come to me? - He tried in previous loops. 489 00:27:32,920 --> 00:27:35,196 He felt you'd have an easier time trusting me. 490 00:27:35,680 --> 00:27:36,680 Why is that? 491 00:27:38,400 --> 00:27:39,436 Because I like you. 492 00:27:43,080 --> 00:27:44,434 He thinks you like me, too. 493 00:27:46,960 --> 00:27:48,519 This night's gotten weird. 494 00:27:51,240 --> 00:27:52,515 But also, very interesting. 495 00:27:56,520 --> 00:27:57,795 If time really is repeating, 496 00:27:58,600 --> 00:27:59,600 this won't matter. 497 00:28:02,000 --> 00:28:05,152 ♪ - Love and happiness - Love and happiness ♪ 498 00:28:05,880 --> 00:28:07,314 ♪ You be good to me ♪ 499 00:28:08,160 --> 00:28:09,640 ♪ I'll be good to you ♪ 500 00:28:10,640 --> 00:28:13,678 ♪ We'll be together, yeah ♪ 501 00:28:14,800 --> 00:28:15,800 That was nice. 502 00:28:17,720 --> 00:28:20,679 ♪ Walk away with victory, yeah ♪ 503 00:28:21,640 --> 00:28:22,710 [speaker beeping] 504 00:28:22,800 --> 00:28:25,235 [Saru] Science Specialist Burnham and Lieutenant Tyler, 505 00:28:25,320 --> 00:28:26,390 report to the bridge. 506 00:28:27,840 --> 00:28:29,115 No. Please, ignore it. 507 00:28:29,200 --> 00:28:31,795 - We have to. - Okay. Okay. 508 00:28:34,440 --> 00:28:35,440 So, how can I help? 509 00:28:36,720 --> 00:28:39,440 Did Mudd ever mention having access to equipment 510 00:28:39,960 --> 00:28:42,111 that could help him do something this big? 511 00:28:43,400 --> 00:28:44,400 Yeah. Yeah, he... 512 00:28:44,560 --> 00:28:47,280 He did used to brag about robbing a Betazoid bank. 513 00:28:49,600 --> 00:28:51,592 Heavily secured and fortified. No way in. 514 00:28:52,680 --> 00:28:54,160 Volatile encryption. 515 00:28:55,280 --> 00:28:56,475 Molecular locks. 516 00:28:58,440 --> 00:29:00,636 Daily DNA password protection. 517 00:29:02,360 --> 00:29:05,000 Mudd claimed to have memorized the security patterns. 518 00:29:07,760 --> 00:29:10,116 I thought it was just another one of his lies. 519 00:29:11,120 --> 00:29:13,840 But I guess if he had an unlimited number of tries... 520 00:29:13,920 --> 00:29:15,832 Did he say how he did it? 521 00:29:17,640 --> 00:29:19,916 Something about a nonequilibrial matter state. 522 00:29:22,760 --> 00:29:23,830 A time crystal. 523 00:29:25,200 --> 00:29:27,396 We learned about these at the Vulcan Academy. 524 00:29:27,760 --> 00:29:30,480 But the decay rate of the lattice is too unpredictable. 525 00:29:30,560 --> 00:29:33,439 No Federation-aligned species has been able to stabilize them. 526 00:29:34,200 --> 00:29:35,200 A four-dimensional race 527 00:29:35,280 --> 00:29:37,480 must have perfected the technology, and now Mudd has it. 528 00:29:38,880 --> 00:29:42,271 [Tyler] Why don't we track Mudd, see if he's wearing one of these crystals? 529 00:29:43,120 --> 00:29:44,440 Any idea where he is? 530 00:29:47,000 --> 00:29:48,000 Let's go. 531 00:29:53,240 --> 00:29:55,277 Has that fish beamed aboard safely yet? 532 00:29:55,520 --> 00:29:57,876 Well, technically, it's not a fish, it's... 533 00:29:59,480 --> 00:30:00,480 Mm-hm. 534 00:30:00,720 --> 00:30:02,552 Where the hell are Burnham and Tyler? 535 00:30:03,440 --> 00:30:06,080 [triumphant orchestral music playing over speakers] 536 00:30:09,880 --> 00:30:10,916 Mr. Saru? 537 00:30:11,000 --> 00:30:12,912 I'm locked out of the ship's controls. 538 00:30:13,920 --> 00:30:14,920 Computer. 539 00:30:16,440 --> 00:30:17,476 Computer, respond. 540 00:30:18,600 --> 00:30:19,920 Let me see what I can do. 541 00:30:20,000 --> 00:30:23,152 Computer, reduce volume, so we can have a normal conversation. 542 00:30:23,320 --> 00:30:25,437 - [computer] Yes, Captain Mudd. - "Captain Mudd"? 543 00:30:25,520 --> 00:30:30,117 I never thought I would say this, but I'm actually tired of gloating. 544 00:30:30,920 --> 00:30:33,833 In any case, this is very much my ship. 545 00:30:33,920 --> 00:30:34,797 Your ship? 546 00:30:34,880 --> 00:30:37,395 - Very much not at all. - All right, show's over, Mudd. 547 00:30:37,520 --> 00:30:38,795 - Back to... - To the brig. 548 00:30:44,520 --> 00:30:47,558 I do not know how you wrested control, but you are in violation... 549 00:30:47,640 --> 00:30:50,553 Of code 7.5.3. 550 00:30:50,640 --> 00:30:52,950 Yes. You've said many times. 551 00:30:53,520 --> 00:30:57,036 At any rate, tell me, lanky, have you ever seen one of these? 552 00:30:57,560 --> 00:31:00,917 Of the 823 ways there are to die in space, 553 00:31:01,480 --> 00:31:04,632 this is rumored to be the most painful. 554 00:31:06,000 --> 00:31:09,232 I found them in your former captain's man cave. 555 00:31:09,320 --> 00:31:11,391 Apparently, the weaponized dark matter 556 00:31:11,960 --> 00:31:15,351 rips molecules apart at the subatomic level. 557 00:31:15,920 --> 00:31:18,674 So, if any of you are planning on becoming heroes, 558 00:31:18,760 --> 00:31:23,391 including you, random communications officer man, 559 00:31:24,280 --> 00:31:26,511 you'll find there's very little I don't know. 560 00:31:27,440 --> 00:31:29,557 Now just sit tight. 561 00:31:30,160 --> 00:31:31,310 This won't hurt a bit. 562 00:31:32,360 --> 00:31:33,589 [Tyler] Mudd. 563 00:31:36,320 --> 00:31:38,118 Whoa. [chuckles] 564 00:31:40,840 --> 00:31:41,840 Seem to have missed. 565 00:31:55,760 --> 00:31:56,796 Well, that was new. 566 00:32:01,760 --> 00:32:03,433 Let's not suffer any more losses. 567 00:32:05,520 --> 00:32:07,751 - Please. - [Mudd] Okey-doke. Listen up. 568 00:32:08,240 --> 00:32:11,278 One of you is going to teach me how this damn drive works... 569 00:32:12,200 --> 00:32:14,715 or the bean pole dies screaming. 570 00:32:15,360 --> 00:32:18,194 So, how do I start that engine? 571 00:32:18,280 --> 00:32:19,280 Hmm? 572 00:32:21,240 --> 00:32:24,756 I will disintegrate every single one of you... 573 00:32:26,280 --> 00:32:29,671 in a screaming fit of agony, 574 00:32:29,920 --> 00:32:30,920 one at a time, 575 00:32:31,840 --> 00:32:32,840 starting with you. 576 00:32:34,680 --> 00:32:35,716 Stop. 577 00:32:35,800 --> 00:32:38,713 I can't watch you kill any more people. 578 00:32:46,800 --> 00:32:48,359 It needs me to work. 579 00:32:49,720 --> 00:32:50,720 Delicious. 580 00:32:51,320 --> 00:32:53,755 Shall we to the engine room? Computer. 581 00:32:54,480 --> 00:32:55,480 Pump up the volume. 582 00:32:55,520 --> 00:32:56,556 [music resumes] 583 00:32:56,640 --> 00:32:58,472 Destination: Engineering. 584 00:32:58,560 --> 00:32:59,560 Toodles. 585 00:33:06,920 --> 00:33:08,718 Tilly, where are you? 586 00:33:10,840 --> 00:33:12,911 So, did I die, too? 587 00:33:13,160 --> 00:33:15,072 We all died many times. 588 00:33:16,040 --> 00:33:18,111 But now Mudd has everything that he needs. 589 00:33:18,200 --> 00:33:20,032 If we can't stop him, he'll let Discovery 590 00:33:20,120 --> 00:33:22,715 rejoin the time stream, sell the ship to the Klingons. 591 00:33:23,240 --> 00:33:24,993 Anyone who's dead will stay dead. 592 00:33:25,080 --> 00:33:26,753 And Starfleet loses the war. 593 00:33:27,280 --> 00:33:30,557 I noticed that Mudd was wearing a crystal on his wrist. 594 00:33:31,080 --> 00:33:34,471 But it's too small to generate enough energy for chronal displacements. 595 00:33:34,560 --> 00:33:37,871 - There has to be a larger energy source. - Oh, okay. 596 00:33:37,960 --> 00:33:40,236 Uh... Uh, I got something. 597 00:33:40,320 --> 00:33:41,390 Um... 598 00:33:42,400 --> 00:33:43,516 I'm sending it to you. 599 00:33:48,080 --> 00:33:51,073 [sighs] Poor thing. No wonder you feel bad. 600 00:33:51,480 --> 00:33:54,996 Mudd hid the ship inside the creature, and the crystal inside the ship. 601 00:33:55,480 --> 00:33:57,836 This crystal, it has the same orthogonal indices 602 00:33:57,920 --> 00:34:00,037 as the device on Mudd's wrist. 603 00:34:00,600 --> 00:34:03,035 Can we beam it over to the deck to disable it? 604 00:34:03,120 --> 00:34:06,113 No, because Mudd has control of all the critical systems. 605 00:34:06,200 --> 00:34:07,600 We're running out of time. 606 00:34:07,680 --> 00:34:10,320 Now that Mudd knows how to work the spore drive, 607 00:34:10,440 --> 00:34:13,990 the only way is to get Mudd to reset time himself. 608 00:34:14,080 --> 00:34:15,958 You said he has no reason to restart time. 609 00:34:16,040 --> 00:34:17,918 He has everything the Klingons want. 610 00:34:18,000 --> 00:34:19,000 No, he doesn't. 611 00:34:20,360 --> 00:34:23,637 Captain's log, stardate 2137.2. 612 00:34:23,720 --> 00:34:26,918 Captain Harcourt Fenton Mudd recording. 613 00:34:27,440 --> 00:34:30,114 I am about to close the deal of the millennium. 614 00:34:30,200 --> 00:34:31,200 [door beeps] 615 00:34:32,080 --> 00:34:33,080 Enter. 616 00:34:38,320 --> 00:34:39,720 [Burnham] You seem at home. 617 00:34:40,680 --> 00:34:41,875 Should've been a captain. 618 00:34:41,960 --> 00:34:44,600 I'm neither one for following orders nor giving them. 619 00:34:45,080 --> 00:34:49,632 The solar winds are my mistress, and I follow her wherever she beckons. 620 00:34:50,160 --> 00:34:51,196 And what about Stella? 621 00:34:51,760 --> 00:34:52,760 What? 622 00:34:52,920 --> 00:34:54,639 Oh, yes. Oh, Stella. 623 00:34:55,240 --> 00:34:56,276 The love of my life. 624 00:34:56,360 --> 00:34:57,874 Ah, Stella. 625 00:34:58,640 --> 00:34:59,994 The war took her from me. 626 00:35:00,520 --> 00:35:03,194 Never have two souls been so star-crossed. 627 00:35:03,520 --> 00:35:04,920 Romantic? Yes. 628 00:35:05,120 --> 00:35:05,951 Tragic? Ha. 629 00:35:06,080 --> 00:35:07,355 Even more so. 630 00:35:08,280 --> 00:35:11,034 But the best of romances always are, aren't they? 631 00:35:11,920 --> 00:35:12,920 Are you done? 632 00:35:13,440 --> 00:35:14,840 Almost. Computer, 633 00:35:14,920 --> 00:35:17,560 please, send our location to the awaiting Klingon ship, 634 00:35:17,640 --> 00:35:20,314 - courtesy of Harry Mudd. - [computer] Coordinates sent. 635 00:35:20,880 --> 00:35:24,078 - Now I'm done. - Klingons will pay a lot to win this war. 636 00:35:25,120 --> 00:35:27,555 But there is one thing they would pay more for. 637 00:35:28,080 --> 00:35:29,080 Oh, really? 638 00:35:29,560 --> 00:35:34,191 Me. I murdered T'Kuvma, the Klingon messiah. 639 00:35:34,800 --> 00:35:37,713 That's absurd. I checked the officers manifest. 640 00:35:37,800 --> 00:35:39,029 You're a nobody. 641 00:35:39,120 --> 00:35:40,440 I'm not an officer. 642 00:35:40,920 --> 00:35:41,920 I'm Michael Burnham. 643 00:35:43,480 --> 00:35:45,536 - Computer, confirm. - [computer] Identity confirmed. 644 00:35:45,560 --> 00:35:47,870 Captain Mudd, the alien ship is hailing... 645 00:35:47,960 --> 00:35:50,520 - Quiet. - You'll get a lot of money for this ship. 646 00:35:50,600 --> 00:35:52,796 But what would I be worth to them? 647 00:35:53,320 --> 00:35:54,320 Oh. 648 00:35:55,920 --> 00:35:56,920 Oh, yes. 649 00:35:58,200 --> 00:35:59,200 More. 650 00:36:00,160 --> 00:36:03,039 Much, much more. 651 00:36:04,800 --> 00:36:07,156 But why are you telling me this? Hmm? 652 00:36:07,240 --> 00:36:08,356 What's in it for you? 653 00:36:09,160 --> 00:36:10,310 Lieutenant Tyler. 654 00:36:11,840 --> 00:36:13,718 Lieutenant Tyler is dead. 655 00:36:15,280 --> 00:36:16,475 Not for long. 656 00:36:16,560 --> 00:36:17,560 What? No. 657 00:36:18,760 --> 00:36:19,955 [shouts] 658 00:36:28,560 --> 00:36:30,279 - [computer] Captain Mudd. - Damn it. 659 00:36:30,360 --> 00:36:32,477 We are being hailed by the Klingons. 660 00:36:35,040 --> 00:36:36,269 Son of a... 661 00:36:46,920 --> 00:36:48,400 [inaudible dialogue] 662 00:37:20,480 --> 00:37:21,675 Captain Mudd. 663 00:37:29,400 --> 00:37:30,400 What's this? 664 00:37:32,960 --> 00:37:33,960 Your chair. 665 00:37:34,000 --> 00:37:35,000 What's happening? 666 00:37:35,720 --> 00:37:38,474 You. Hmm. You've been cheating. 667 00:37:39,000 --> 00:37:41,834 You've been passing notes in class to save your friends. 668 00:37:41,920 --> 00:37:44,355 Well, whatever you think you've come up with, 669 00:37:44,440 --> 00:37:47,512 I'll find a workaround. I'll keep resetting time until I do. 670 00:37:48,000 --> 00:37:49,719 Nobody beats Mudd. 671 00:37:50,240 --> 00:37:53,756 Lieutenant Stamets has shown us your success is a universal certainty. 672 00:37:53,840 --> 00:37:57,390 Using considerable scientific methodology. 673 00:37:58,320 --> 00:38:00,710 This must end for all of our sakes. 674 00:38:00,840 --> 00:38:03,196 So, Harcourt Fenton Mudd... 675 00:38:04,600 --> 00:38:06,319 the U.S.S. Discovery is yours. 676 00:38:06,400 --> 00:38:07,400 As am I. 677 00:38:08,280 --> 00:38:09,191 You win. 678 00:38:09,280 --> 00:38:10,280 [chuckles] 679 00:38:10,480 --> 00:38:12,400 - Don't try and con a con man. - [Lorca] I'm not. 680 00:38:12,440 --> 00:38:14,511 I'm negotiating with a businessman. 681 00:38:15,000 --> 00:38:16,195 My offer's simple. 682 00:38:16,520 --> 00:38:19,194 The lives of my crew in exchange for... 683 00:38:21,120 --> 00:38:23,396 Burnham, the ship, and Stamets. 684 00:38:23,480 --> 00:38:26,154 Why would a Federation captain do that? 685 00:38:26,280 --> 00:38:30,832 I will not have a repeat of the Buran. 686 00:38:31,400 --> 00:38:35,394 We will do whatever our new owners require, 687 00:38:36,080 --> 00:38:39,232 if I have your word that you will spare the ship's complement. 688 00:38:42,960 --> 00:38:44,189 Your word, Mudd. 689 00:38:56,000 --> 00:38:58,913 Well, I've never been one to look a gift captain in the mouth. 690 00:38:59,480 --> 00:39:01,199 You have my word. [chuckles] 691 00:39:01,280 --> 00:39:02,680 Excellent. Excellent, good. 692 00:39:02,760 --> 00:39:04,319 - Computer. - [computer] Working. 693 00:39:04,840 --> 00:39:07,594 Send our coordinates to the awaiting Klingon vessel, 694 00:39:07,680 --> 00:39:09,319 courtesy of Harry Mudd. 695 00:39:09,800 --> 00:39:11,029 Sending, Captain Mudd. 696 00:39:11,840 --> 00:39:14,878 Now... [clears throat] this is your last chance to stop me. 697 00:39:15,440 --> 00:39:18,353 Only got about 30 seconds until we rejoin the time stream, 698 00:39:18,440 --> 00:39:20,511 and there is no turning back. 699 00:39:21,040 --> 00:39:23,350 [computer] Captain, incoming warp signature detected. 700 00:39:23,440 --> 00:39:26,831 I never thought I'd be so happy to see those pointy-headed bastards. 701 00:39:28,880 --> 00:39:35,275 Oh! Look at this. Five, four, three, two, one. 702 00:39:37,520 --> 00:39:38,749 [computer] Captain Mudd, 703 00:39:38,840 --> 00:39:41,116 - we are being hailed by the Klingons. - Excellent. 704 00:39:41,320 --> 00:39:43,630 - Welcome our guests onboard. - Acknowledged. 705 00:39:43,720 --> 00:39:45,200 Two to beam aboard. 706 00:39:45,280 --> 00:39:47,351 Energize once I reach the transporter room. 707 00:39:47,440 --> 00:39:50,035 Come along. Meet your new masters. 708 00:39:50,120 --> 00:39:52,237 Ah-ah-ah. Not you, old man. 709 00:39:53,000 --> 00:39:56,232 Lorca, I'm gonna really miss killing you. [chuckles] 710 00:39:57,000 --> 00:39:58,400 [Mudd speaks in French] 711 00:40:00,200 --> 00:40:02,635 - You seem very happy. - Listen, petunia, 712 00:40:02,760 --> 00:40:06,071 I've been screwed over since the day I was born. I deserve this. 713 00:40:06,200 --> 00:40:09,193 So, it wasn't about Stella after all? 714 00:40:09,280 --> 00:40:10,999 It was always only about you. 715 00:40:11,880 --> 00:40:15,510 You keep talking about how you lost her because of the war, 716 00:40:15,640 --> 00:40:18,633 but her father's an arms dealer who's made a fortune off it. 717 00:40:19,160 --> 00:40:21,800 Finding either of them shouldn't be that difficult, 718 00:40:22,360 --> 00:40:25,592 - unless you don't want to. - I never told you about Barron Grimes. 719 00:40:25,680 --> 00:40:28,798 No, but Discovery's archives are non-critical systems. 720 00:40:29,440 --> 00:40:31,557 You probably should've disarmed them, as well. 721 00:40:31,640 --> 00:40:34,872 Now you don't have your time crystal. Can't learn from this mistake. 722 00:40:34,960 --> 00:40:37,600 And it turns out that Stella's been looking for you. 723 00:40:37,680 --> 00:40:40,752 So much so that her father put out a reward. 724 00:40:40,840 --> 00:40:42,320 You aren't running to Stella. 725 00:40:42,400 --> 00:40:43,834 You've been running from her. 726 00:40:44,960 --> 00:40:47,600 Skipped out on the Barron's daughter with her dowry. 727 00:40:48,360 --> 00:40:50,795 Stella was too tempting a mark for you to resist. 728 00:40:50,880 --> 00:40:52,951 Ripping off her father was a risky move. 729 00:40:53,040 --> 00:40:56,158 [Burnham] No wonder you needed the deal with the Klingons so bad. 730 00:40:56,240 --> 00:40:57,310 You had to disappear. 731 00:40:57,400 --> 00:41:00,996 And you almost pulled it off, except for me, 732 00:41:01,640 --> 00:41:05,190 'cause I exist outside the normal time stream. 733 00:41:05,760 --> 00:41:07,319 You think you're so smart. 734 00:41:07,720 --> 00:41:11,350 Have you forgotten the Klingons are beaming their way here as we speak? 735 00:41:12,480 --> 00:41:15,518 Hmm? You can forget about that deal I made with Lorca. 736 00:41:16,040 --> 00:41:20,114 You geniuses have just condemned your crewmates to a life of servitude. 737 00:41:20,200 --> 00:41:22,715 Harry, the Klingons aren't coming. 738 00:41:23,480 --> 00:41:25,199 I rewired the captain's chair. 739 00:41:25,280 --> 00:41:27,351 [Burnham] Another non-critical system. 740 00:41:27,880 --> 00:41:29,872 You didn't send coordinates to your buyers. 741 00:41:29,960 --> 00:41:31,394 You sent them to Stella... 742 00:41:32,360 --> 00:41:33,360 and her daddy. 743 00:41:36,400 --> 00:41:38,437 Turns out you can con a con man. 744 00:41:40,200 --> 00:41:41,200 [Tyler] Let's go. 745 00:41:42,880 --> 00:41:44,553 Computer, cancel transporter now. 746 00:41:44,640 --> 00:41:45,640 [computer] Denied. 747 00:41:48,240 --> 00:41:49,435 Harcourt. 748 00:41:50,400 --> 00:41:52,392 Where have you been? 749 00:41:52,480 --> 00:41:54,870 I have been so worried about you. 750 00:41:57,440 --> 00:42:01,593 Oh. It's been, oh, such a tumultuous year. [chuckles] 751 00:42:01,680 --> 00:42:03,433 I can't even begin to explain. 752 00:42:04,720 --> 00:42:05,720 Try. 753 00:42:06,240 --> 00:42:07,240 Yes. Yes. 754 00:42:07,320 --> 00:42:08,834 Of course. 755 00:42:08,960 --> 00:42:10,599 You know how much you meant to me. 756 00:42:10,680 --> 00:42:11,680 Mean. 757 00:42:12,400 --> 00:42:13,993 How much you mean to me. 758 00:42:14,080 --> 00:42:15,514 But to be brutally honest, 759 00:42:15,680 --> 00:42:18,673 I have led a life marred by... Oh, how shall we say? 760 00:42:19,160 --> 00:42:20,799 Poor choices, debt. 761 00:42:21,200 --> 00:42:23,396 All kinds of blemishes to my reputation. 762 00:42:23,480 --> 00:42:25,517 And I couldn't enter into union with you 763 00:42:25,600 --> 00:42:28,957 with those pocks upon my character, so, I set out to eliminate them. 764 00:42:29,520 --> 00:42:33,196 But, alas, my plan was led astray. 765 00:42:34,160 --> 00:42:37,790 Harry, I have always known who you are. 766 00:42:39,520 --> 00:42:41,034 And I've never cared. 767 00:42:41,160 --> 00:42:44,358 We could've faced those problems together, and... 768 00:42:45,280 --> 00:42:47,351 Daddy would've taken care of everything else. 769 00:42:47,880 --> 00:42:51,760 Consider it a consolidation of your debt under one lender. 770 00:42:52,720 --> 00:42:55,110 I would do anything for my daughter, 771 00:42:55,640 --> 00:42:57,791 and she, for better or worse, 772 00:42:58,320 --> 00:42:59,470 has taken to you, Mudd. 773 00:43:00,280 --> 00:43:03,193 And now thanks to the action of these officers, 774 00:43:03,720 --> 00:43:05,916 you can finally make an honest woman of Stella. 775 00:43:06,680 --> 00:43:11,118 As for Starfleet, I don't intend to be in debt to your organization. 776 00:43:12,080 --> 00:43:13,080 How do I repay you? 777 00:43:14,040 --> 00:43:18,114 Just make sure Mr. Mudd spends the rest of his days at your daughter's side, 778 00:43:18,240 --> 00:43:19,560 and out of Starfleet's way. 779 00:43:20,040 --> 00:43:21,040 Consider it done. 780 00:43:23,280 --> 00:43:25,158 Come here, Harcourt, you naughty boy. 781 00:43:48,160 --> 00:43:49,594 - Hey. - Hey. 782 00:43:51,880 --> 00:43:54,714 Stamets told me in a previous timeline, that we, um... 783 00:43:56,880 --> 00:43:57,880 danced. 784 00:43:58,800 --> 00:43:59,800 Yeah. 785 00:44:00,360 --> 00:44:02,192 Yeah, he mentioned that to me, too. 786 00:44:05,960 --> 00:44:07,155 He said I liked it. 787 00:44:10,520 --> 00:44:11,520 I can't imagine. 788 00:44:13,080 --> 00:44:14,080 Why? 789 00:44:15,200 --> 00:44:16,520 I'm a really good dancer. 790 00:44:19,520 --> 00:44:21,477 - I didn't mean... - Easy, Burnham. 791 00:44:23,240 --> 00:44:24,240 I get it. 792 00:44:26,640 --> 00:44:28,040 [door opens] 793 00:44:38,560 --> 00:44:39,676 What I'm feeling... 794 00:44:41,440 --> 00:44:42,556 is complicated... 795 00:44:43,520 --> 00:44:44,520 and strange. 796 00:44:47,120 --> 00:44:48,120 It's okay. 797 00:44:48,880 --> 00:44:50,075 I'm not going anywhere. 798 00:44:58,440 --> 00:44:59,440 What is it? 799 00:45:01,360 --> 00:45:03,272 I'm just sad we missed our first kiss. 800 00:45:05,480 --> 00:45:06,675 [door opens] 801 00:45:08,840 --> 00:45:09,990 [Burnham] Personal log. 802 00:45:10,080 --> 00:45:12,595 Just as repetition reinforces repetition, 803 00:45:13,280 --> 00:45:15,715 change begets change. 804 00:45:17,080 --> 00:45:18,434 I guess the truth is 805 00:45:18,520 --> 00:45:20,352 we never really know what's coming. 806 00:45:21,440 --> 00:45:24,000 Sometimes the only way to find out where you fit in 807 00:45:24,480 --> 00:45:26,756 is to step out of the routine. 808 00:45:28,120 --> 00:45:31,079 Because sometimes where you really belong 809 00:45:31,160 --> 00:45:33,675 was waiting right around the corner all along.