1 00:00:02,038 --> 00:00:03,822 This program me contains strong language, 2 00:00:03,847 --> 00:00:06,692 scenes that some viewers may find upsetting and discussions of suicide 3 00:00:06,717 --> 00:00:08,263 Stand still. 4 00:00:08,288 --> 00:00:09,652 Move across. 5 00:00:09,677 --> 00:00:10,973 Stand still! 6 00:00:12,288 --> 00:00:13,543 Sit. 7 00:00:16,677 --> 00:00:18,973 When your back's against the wall, 8 00:00:18,998 --> 00:00:21,983 we have to see who is willing to go to the edge. 9 00:00:23,488 --> 00:00:26,652 Do you have what it takes to be one of us? 10 00:00:31,648 --> 00:00:33,263 Don't give up! 11 00:00:33,288 --> 00:00:34,772 Suffer in silence! 12 00:00:34,797 --> 00:00:37,103 In this series... 13 00:00:37,128 --> 00:00:40,183 ...an elite team of ex-special forces soldiers... 14 00:00:40,208 --> 00:00:41,902 Keep pushing! 15 00:00:41,927 --> 00:00:43,652 Let's go! 16 00:00:43,677 --> 00:00:46,463 ...from the UK and USA... Go! 17 00:00:46,488 --> 00:00:48,772 ...have combined their skills... Light it up! 18 00:00:48,797 --> 00:00:51,293 ...to create the toughest course yet. 19 00:00:51,318 --> 00:00:53,933 Watch the right! Get in there now! 20 00:00:53,958 --> 00:00:55,213 Let's go! 21 00:00:55,238 --> 00:00:57,572 ...bringing together the most gruelling elements 22 00:00:57,597 --> 00:01:00,293 of Special Forces selection... Come on! 23 00:01:00,318 --> 00:01:02,013 ...from both sides of the Atlantic. 24 00:01:02,038 --> 00:01:04,463 America's bringing something to the table! 25 00:01:04,488 --> 00:01:08,133 This is a combination of the best fighting forces in the world. 26 00:01:08,158 --> 00:01:09,652 Yes! 27 00:01:09,677 --> 00:01:11,572 I'm going to Vegas, baby! 28 00:01:11,597 --> 00:01:13,902 Collaboration with our brothers in arms 29 00:01:13,927 --> 00:01:15,183 has gone on for years. 30 00:01:15,208 --> 00:01:18,013 We've got incoming! Get out! Get out! 31 00:01:18,038 --> 00:01:20,733 The American process is based on ours, 32 00:01:20,758 --> 00:01:23,423 but it's even more brutal. 33 00:01:23,448 --> 00:01:26,782 I want the recruits to learn through pain. 34 00:01:26,807 --> 00:01:28,293 This is the warm up. 35 00:01:28,318 --> 00:01:30,293 Now we're going to get to the real game. 36 00:01:30,318 --> 00:01:32,013 Let's go, mountain goats! 37 00:01:32,038 --> 00:01:34,493 Each recruit must go beyond the physical... 38 00:01:34,518 --> 00:01:36,733 SHOUTING 39 00:01:39,448 --> 00:01:42,782 ...to come face to face with their true character. 40 00:01:45,727 --> 00:01:48,063 You buffoon! I am strong. 41 00:01:48,088 --> 00:01:50,702 You'd better not stop again or I'm dropping your ass. 42 00:01:50,727 --> 00:01:53,013 No other test asks as much... 43 00:01:53,038 --> 00:01:54,293 Keep working. Keep working. 44 00:01:54,318 --> 00:01:55,822 Do not give up. 45 00:01:55,847 --> 00:01:57,463 ...or means as much... 46 00:01:57,488 --> 00:01:59,063 Be proud of yourself, mate. Own it. 47 00:01:59,088 --> 00:02:00,623 Good man. 48 00:02:00,648 --> 00:02:02,983 I'm proud of you. Give me some. Thank you. 49 00:02:03,008 --> 00:02:05,263 ...to the few who make it through. 50 00:02:05,288 --> 00:02:06,652 Good job. Both of you. 51 00:02:06,677 --> 00:02:08,183 Thank you, staff. 52 00:02:10,008 --> 00:02:12,623 Welcome to the slaughterhouse, 53 00:02:12,648 --> 00:02:13,983 little lambs. 54 00:02:32,857 --> 00:02:35,223 Oh, my hair's just, like, stuck to my scalp. 55 00:02:36,857 --> 00:02:40,143 INAUDIBLE 56 00:02:40,168 --> 00:02:42,063 Felt I got, like, four hours' sleep. 57 00:02:44,607 --> 00:02:47,223 SHE TRUMPS 00f! 58 00:02:47,248 --> 00:02:48,782 That was a hell of a fart. 59 00:02:51,687 --> 00:02:53,093 Just checking. 60 00:02:55,368 --> 00:02:57,983 Recruits, out on the parade square! 61 00:02:58,008 --> 00:02:59,863 Let's go. 62 00:02:59,888 --> 00:03:01,303 Hurry UP! 63 00:03:04,368 --> 00:03:06,912 It's the third phase of the course, 64 00:03:06,937 --> 00:03:09,452 and of the 20 recruits who began, 65 00:03:09,477 --> 00:03:10,983 18 remain. 66 00:03:13,048 --> 00:03:18,983 The most powerful individual asset an SF soldier possesses... 67 00:03:20,888 --> 00:03:22,782 ...is his mind. 68 00:03:24,298 --> 00:03:28,993 The mind is what frames the individual Warrior's 69 00:03:29,018 --> 00:03:30,813 complete reality. 70 00:03:32,528 --> 00:03:35,223 We're stepping into a new phase and we're going to have some 71 00:03:35,248 --> 00:03:41,353 very serious exposes of character and mindset. 72 00:03:41,378 --> 00:03:44,143 All right, get your Bergens, head on out to the vehicles. 73 00:03:56,218 --> 00:03:59,993 In the special forces community, mindset is everything. 74 00:04:04,328 --> 00:04:06,633 And it ain't going to be anyone in this car, is it? No! 75 00:04:06,658 --> 00:04:07,712 No. 76 00:04:07,737 --> 00:04:10,662 When you are in an enemy land... Keep it going. 77 00:04:10,687 --> 00:04:12,353 Let's go! All the way up! 78 00:04:12,378 --> 00:04:15,912 ...you must compartmentalise your pain and fear 79 00:04:15,937 --> 00:04:17,223 to accomplish the mission. 80 00:04:17,248 --> 00:04:18,943 LET'S go! 81 00:04:18,968 --> 00:04:23,662 If you do not have that ability, you will not survive. 82 00:04:23,687 --> 00:04:26,383 Right, ditch your Bergens here. 83 00:04:26,408 --> 00:04:29,553 The recruits are at the Red Sea port of Aqaba, 84 00:04:29,578 --> 00:04:31,582 where they will face a fear test 85 00:04:31,607 --> 00:04:34,582 designed by Special Forces training 86 00:04:34,607 --> 00:04:37,433 to instil trust and courage. 87 00:04:40,408 --> 00:04:42,183 Hey, listen up. Pay attention. 88 00:04:44,328 --> 00:04:48,662 The backwards dive is a test of mindset 89 00:04:48,687 --> 00:04:51,792 in the face of fear and the unknown. 90 00:04:51,817 --> 00:04:53,193 You will not hesitate. 91 00:04:54,538 --> 00:04:56,223 And don't fuck this up. 92 00:04:57,737 --> 00:04:59,433 Watch and get it right. 93 00:05:19,408 --> 00:05:22,023 The perfect demonstration. 94 00:05:22,048 --> 00:05:26,073 The recruits must cross their arms and drop seven metres, 95 00:05:26,098 --> 00:05:28,633 headfirst into the dock below. 96 00:05:28,658 --> 00:05:29,993 Number eight. 97 00:05:32,128 --> 00:05:34,462 Right, when you get up there, get your heels 98 00:05:34,487 --> 00:05:36,823 over the edge of the platform so they're free. Yeah. 99 00:05:36,848 --> 00:05:40,023 At 26 years old, number eight, Paige, 100 00:05:40,048 --> 00:05:42,513 is the youngest female on the course. 101 00:05:42,538 --> 00:05:44,823 Don't look down and don't push your arse out. 102 00:05:44,848 --> 00:05:47,873 I do think people underestimate us. 103 00:05:47,898 --> 00:05:50,183 SHE LAUGHS 104 00:05:50,208 --> 00:05:53,743 See, I was always known as ditzy, and I used to always get told 105 00:05:53,768 --> 00:05:56,383 I was living in fluffy bunny land. 106 00:05:56,408 --> 00:05:57,672 Inhale. 107 00:05:57,697 --> 00:05:59,993 So I kind of do everything in my will 108 00:06:00,018 --> 00:06:01,993 to prove otherwise, I suppose. 109 00:06:06,308 --> 00:06:07,462 Go! 110 00:06:11,308 --> 00:06:12,542 00f! 111 00:06:13,817 --> 00:06:16,433 That's what you do not want to do. 112 00:06:16,458 --> 00:06:19,073 Number eight, shite! 113 00:06:19,098 --> 00:06:21,353 Diabolical. 114 00:06:21,378 --> 00:06:22,643 Fail. 115 00:06:24,898 --> 00:06:26,393 Next recruit! 116 00:06:28,458 --> 00:06:31,283 How's it going, number 17? Good. 117 00:06:31,308 --> 00:06:35,283 Recruit number 17, Pahrnia, is next up. 118 00:06:35,308 --> 00:06:37,033 You wouldn't clock it straight away, 119 00:06:37,058 --> 00:06:39,462 but I sometimes get impostor syndrome. 120 00:06:39,487 --> 00:06:40,823 All right, 17. Yes, staff. 121 00:06:40,848 --> 00:06:42,753 You've received your instructions. 122 00:06:42,778 --> 00:06:46,283 Honestly, I will try my hardest to keep face 123 00:06:46,308 --> 00:06:48,003 and look confident. 124 00:06:48,028 --> 00:06:49,792 You'll fake until to make it. I've lived... 125 00:06:49,817 --> 00:06:51,183 I've lived by this. 126 00:06:51,208 --> 00:06:52,873 Deep inhale. 127 00:06:52,898 --> 00:06:54,702 Turn up as you hope to be. 128 00:06:54,727 --> 00:06:57,623 And just... Just hide the fear. 129 00:06:59,677 --> 00:07:01,093 Go! 130 00:07:08,198 --> 00:07:09,813 What the fuck was that? 131 00:07:09,838 --> 00:07:12,452 Face plant, number 17. 132 00:07:12,477 --> 00:07:14,133 Fail. 133 00:07:14,158 --> 00:07:17,173 Hold and fall, simple. You're not splitting the atom, 134 00:07:17,198 --> 00:07:19,733 you're just falling off a platform. Can't get that right, 135 00:07:19,758 --> 00:07:21,532 the size of some of your fucking heads. 136 00:07:23,088 --> 00:07:24,343 Go! 137 00:07:26,398 --> 00:07:27,813 Cross your arms. 138 00:07:27,838 --> 00:07:29,293 Focus. Focus. 139 00:07:29,318 --> 00:07:31,572 Deep breath. Hold your breath. 140 00:07:31,597 --> 00:07:32,782 Go! 141 00:07:32,807 --> 00:07:36,813 The selection process is about pushing the recruits 142 00:07:36,838 --> 00:07:39,093 to control their fear. 143 00:07:39,118 --> 00:07:40,373 Stand by. 144 00:07:40,398 --> 00:07:42,853 I remember when I first jumped out of a plane 145 00:07:42,878 --> 00:07:45,572 from a very high altitude into water. 146 00:07:45,597 --> 00:07:46,782 Go! 147 00:07:46,807 --> 00:07:48,373 I was scared to death. 148 00:07:50,727 --> 00:07:52,572 But I didn't think about it. 149 00:07:52,597 --> 00:07:54,423 'Just jumped. 150 00:07:54,448 --> 00:07:57,093 And that moment I jumped — I defeated fear. 151 00:07:59,398 --> 00:08:00,933 Perfect. I beat it. 152 00:08:00,958 --> 00:08:03,223 And that's what we want our recruits to do. 153 00:08:07,888 --> 00:08:09,623 Bunch of amateurs! 154 00:08:09,648 --> 00:08:11,933 Next recruit! 155 00:08:11,958 --> 00:08:13,863 Arms across your chest. Body rigid. 156 00:08:13,888 --> 00:08:15,423 Do not forget that. 157 00:08:15,448 --> 00:08:19,143 Next up to the platform is number 12, James. 158 00:08:19,168 --> 00:08:21,623 Hold your nerve. That's all you have to do. 159 00:08:21,648 --> 00:08:23,893 Staff. 160 00:08:23,918 --> 00:08:25,093 Crack on. 161 00:08:26,288 --> 00:08:28,503 Number 12. On me. Calm down. 162 00:08:30,888 --> 00:08:33,343 You've received your instructions. Yes, staff. 163 00:08:33,368 --> 00:08:35,343 Big inhale. Cross the arms. 164 00:08:39,648 --> 00:08:41,093 Go! 165 00:08:46,448 --> 00:08:47,943 Holy shit! 166 00:08:49,648 --> 00:08:51,223 Ooh! 167 00:08:51,248 --> 00:08:53,013 You fucking bell end! 168 00:08:53,038 --> 00:08:56,063 Oi! You think you're in a fucking circus? 169 00:08:56,088 --> 00:08:57,983 Showboating. 170 00:08:58,008 --> 00:08:59,532 Muppet. 171 00:08:59,557 --> 00:09:04,023 The thing was, he was just either not listening, hesitant or... 172 00:09:04,048 --> 00:09:05,813 Circus clown. Fucking... 173 00:09:05,838 --> 00:09:07,253 Which really pissed me off. Yeah. 174 00:09:07,278 --> 00:09:09,582 Showboat. And that was number 12. 175 00:09:09,607 --> 00:09:11,253 Playing the game, wants to be different, 176 00:09:11,278 --> 00:09:13,303 so we'll make him fucking different. Oh, 100%. 177 00:09:13,328 --> 00:09:15,582 On the basis of that, that was disappointing? 178 00:09:17,658 --> 00:09:20,993 If anybody's here for pure self gain and "it's all about me", 179 00:09:21,018 --> 00:09:22,303 give me your armband now. 180 00:09:22,328 --> 00:09:24,662 You know exactly what I'm talking about, don't you? 181 00:09:24,687 --> 00:09:25,743 Don't you? Staff. 182 00:09:25,768 --> 00:09:26,993 Well, you know what? 183 00:09:27,018 --> 00:09:29,353 Because of you, have a guess what's going to happen? 184 00:09:29,378 --> 00:09:30,863 They're going to pay for this. Staff. 185 00:09:30,888 --> 00:09:34,383 You're not. You can come and sit with me and chill the fuck out. 186 00:09:34,408 --> 00:09:35,743 Turn to your right. 187 00:09:35,768 --> 00:09:37,173 Put that down. 188 00:09:37,198 --> 00:09:39,503 Number 12, out you come. Chill out. 189 00:09:39,528 --> 00:09:40,813 Sit down. Chill. 190 00:09:40,838 --> 00:09:43,103 Think about your actions. 191 00:09:43,128 --> 00:09:44,353 Fuck. 192 00:09:44,378 --> 00:09:47,223 When I say go, you two will race. 193 00:09:47,248 --> 00:09:48,893 Stand by. 194 00:09:48,918 --> 00:09:50,423 Go! 195 00:09:52,048 --> 00:09:53,532 Go! 196 00:09:55,198 --> 00:09:56,993 Down and waddle! 197 00:09:59,378 --> 00:10:00,993 Fucking hurry up. Get your arse down. 198 00:10:01,018 --> 00:10:02,532 Get your arse below your knees. 199 00:10:02,557 --> 00:10:05,782 You can say thank you to number 12 for fucking around 200 00:10:05,807 --> 00:10:07,183 and trying to show off. 201 00:10:07,208 --> 00:10:10,433 Everything we do on selection is a test. 202 00:10:10,458 --> 00:10:12,863 It's a test of your mind, a test of your character. 203 00:10:12,888 --> 00:10:15,223 Pick your Bergens up on the way back to Billy. 204 00:10:15,248 --> 00:10:17,542 Get your Bergens and fucking hurry up. Tell 'em. 205 00:10:17,567 --> 00:10:19,183 Get your Bergens and hurry up! 206 00:10:19,208 --> 00:10:21,863 Some people can take the punishment on for themselves, 207 00:10:21,888 --> 00:10:24,223 but when you see somebody else suffering, 208 00:10:24,248 --> 00:10:25,823 a lot of people can't cope with that. 209 00:10:25,848 --> 00:10:27,542 On your feet! Back to Billy! 210 00:10:27,567 --> 00:10:29,433 You have to control your mind. 211 00:10:29,458 --> 00:10:30,993 Otherwise, it will eat you up. 212 00:10:31,018 --> 00:10:32,542 If you don't start shouting at 'em, 213 00:10:32,567 --> 00:10:34,433 I'm going to keep 'em for another five minutes. 214 00:10:34,458 --> 00:10:36,073 Hurry the fuck up, you lazy fuckers. 215 00:10:36,098 --> 00:10:38,353 Hurry... I want to hear you! 216 00:10:38,378 --> 00:10:40,073 Hurry up, lazy fuckers! 217 00:10:41,328 --> 00:10:43,582 Keep pushing! Keep pushing! 218 00:10:43,607 --> 00:10:44,973 Keep pushing! 219 00:10:44,998 --> 00:10:46,433 PANTING 220 00:10:46,458 --> 00:10:48,183 Let's go right here! 221 00:10:50,928 --> 00:10:52,943 Get lower, number 20. I can't... 222 00:10:52,968 --> 00:10:54,712 Either get lower or take off your band. 223 00:10:54,737 --> 00:10:55,943 It's one or the other. 224 00:10:57,018 --> 00:10:58,462 I can't fucking do it, staff. 225 00:11:01,408 --> 00:11:03,943 Thanks for everything, staff. You can hold your head high. 226 00:11:03,968 --> 00:11:06,263 You understand that? Yes, staff. 227 00:11:06,288 --> 00:11:07,513 Hold your head high. 228 00:11:09,848 --> 00:11:14,183 Leo is the third recruit to withdraw from the course. 229 00:11:14,208 --> 00:11:15,903 17 remain. 230 00:11:15,928 --> 00:11:17,353 You're my fucking dog. 231 00:11:17,378 --> 00:11:19,623 Start barking now! Keep moving! 232 00:11:21,378 --> 00:11:22,873 Move! 233 00:11:25,666 --> 00:11:28,511 Number two! Get down, number two! 234 00:11:28,536 --> 00:11:30,122 Get moving! 235 00:11:30,147 --> 00:11:32,561 The recruits are being beasted as punishment 236 00:11:32,586 --> 00:11:35,641 for number 12 James' poor performance 237 00:11:35,666 --> 00:11:37,082 on the backwards dive. 238 00:11:37,107 --> 00:11:38,282 Arses down! 239 00:11:38,307 --> 00:11:39,761 I am reasonably mentally strong, 240 00:11:39,786 --> 00:11:42,082 but there's definitely a breaking point with me. 241 00:11:42,107 --> 00:11:43,082 Get moving! 242 00:11:43,107 --> 00:11:46,362 If I feel like I'm struggling... Keep moving! 243 00:11:46,387 --> 00:11:48,922 ...| do have a tendency to kind of quit on myself. 244 00:11:48,947 --> 00:11:51,232 I can't believe I'm saying that, but it's the truth. 245 00:11:51,257 --> 00:11:52,511 I know it hurts. 246 00:11:52,536 --> 00:11:53,952 It's supposed to hurt. 247 00:11:55,387 --> 00:11:58,232 Sprint, number three! 248 00:11:58,257 --> 00:12:01,082 Can't hear you. If I have one more silence, 249 00:12:01,107 --> 00:12:03,441 I am going to add another ten minutes. I can't, staff. 250 00:12:03,466 --> 00:12:04,391 I can't. Want to VW? 251 00:12:04,416 --> 00:12:06,082 Yes, I can't. OK. 252 00:12:07,796 --> 00:12:10,032 Get your kit. Grab your Bergen. 253 00:12:10,057 --> 00:12:11,391 Go and wait over there. 254 00:12:11,416 --> 00:12:14,082 Number 12, James, hands in his armband... 255 00:12:15,546 --> 00:12:18,771 ...and the DS called time on the be a sting. 256 00:12:18,796 --> 00:12:22,521 Follow me. Now 16 recruits remain. 257 00:12:22,546 --> 00:12:25,132 Behind my ass, my fucking cute little butt, 258 00:12:25,157 --> 00:12:26,521 get behind it. 259 00:12:35,466 --> 00:12:37,282 I know. I was just getting to know him, like. 260 00:12:37,307 --> 00:12:39,561 I could only imagine how James is feeling. 261 00:12:46,157 --> 00:12:49,492 In general, everyone, I believe, is regressing a little bit. 262 00:12:49,517 --> 00:12:51,521 What do you think, guys? 263 00:12:51,546 --> 00:12:54,162 I think there's a few borderline waiting to pull the plug. 264 00:12:54,187 --> 00:12:55,521 Waiting to go. 265 00:12:55,546 --> 00:12:57,391 You can just read in their faces. 266 00:12:57,416 --> 00:13:01,441 You know, and I agree with you, it's hard to ignore. 267 00:13:01,466 --> 00:13:04,882 I think there is still shit that needs separating... 268 00:13:04,907 --> 00:13:06,602 To shake out the deadwood now. 269 00:13:06,627 --> 00:13:07,962 Let's do it. 270 00:13:09,596 --> 00:13:12,492 Recruits, cover down in your vehicles and load up! 271 00:13:17,187 --> 00:13:20,932 On selection, there comes a time when certain people 272 00:13:20,957 --> 00:13:24,602 just aren't doing enough to justify their position on the course. 273 00:13:26,067 --> 00:13:28,391 We have to put them through the mixer 274 00:13:28,416 --> 00:13:32,802 to see if they've got the grit and determination to get to the end. 275 00:13:32,827 --> 00:13:35,852 Guys, we are in a valley of sand dunes. 276 00:13:35,877 --> 00:13:37,682 Anxiety is kicking in now. Like, what? 277 00:13:37,707 --> 00:13:39,042 What, what? 278 00:13:39,067 --> 00:13:42,882 The DS have designed a task to whittle out the week 279 00:13:42,907 --> 00:13:46,932 on the 400—metre high sand dune. 280 00:13:48,747 --> 00:13:51,012 Welcome to the slaughterhouse, 281 00:13:51,037 --> 00:13:53,292 little lambs. 282 00:13:53,317 --> 00:13:54,962 This is what we call a route march. 283 00:13:54,987 --> 00:13:58,292 It requires mindset, grit and determination. 284 00:13:58,317 --> 00:14:00,012 It is going to be fucking hard. 285 00:14:00,037 --> 00:14:01,962 I want to see some desire to want to be here 286 00:14:01,987 --> 00:14:03,321 at the end of the course. 287 00:14:03,346 --> 00:14:05,082 Yes, staff. Let's go! 288 00:14:08,397 --> 00:14:12,762 In a task of endurance and searing temperatures, 289 00:14:12,787 --> 00:14:16,162 the recruits must race up the sand to an RV point 290 00:14:16,187 --> 00:14:17,732 at the top of the dune... 291 00:14:20,187 --> 00:14:23,242 ...carrying over 15 kilos in their Bergens. 292 00:14:24,546 --> 00:14:27,122 Can you move your fucking arse? 293 00:14:27,147 --> 00:14:30,521 I've been in situations in southern Afghanistan 294 00:14:30,546 --> 00:14:33,042 where it was blisteringly hot. 295 00:14:33,067 --> 00:14:35,451 Get up with the DS now! Come on. 296 00:14:35,476 --> 00:14:39,122 We needed to move at speed up a mountain. 297 00:14:39,147 --> 00:14:40,932 I was carrying a SATCOM radio. 298 00:14:40,957 --> 00:14:42,571 I was carrying two mortar bombs. 299 00:14:42,596 --> 00:14:45,451 I was carrying my own weapon systems and ammunition. 300 00:14:45,476 --> 00:14:47,762 You know, it's a fucking nightmare. 301 00:14:47,787 --> 00:14:49,401 Ooh. 17, let's go! 302 00:14:51,476 --> 00:14:55,122 Taking an early lead is recruit number 17, Pahrnia. 303 00:14:56,546 --> 00:14:58,962 I consider myself a leader. 304 00:15:00,037 --> 00:15:01,571 I hate faffing around. 305 00:15:01,596 --> 00:15:03,882 I like to get from A to B as efficiently 306 00:15:03,907 --> 00:15:05,012 and as quickly as possible. 307 00:15:05,037 --> 00:15:07,531 So if I'm the one to help lead people to do that, 308 00:15:07,556 --> 00:15:09,092 I will happily step up. 309 00:15:09,117 --> 00:15:12,531 One, I want to see more effort! 310 00:15:15,426 --> 00:15:19,321 As the temperature on the sand dune approaches 35 degrees... 311 00:15:19,346 --> 00:15:22,242 Keep going! ..the oldest recruit on the course — 312 00:15:22,267 --> 00:15:25,242 number five, Stacy — is struggling at the back. 313 00:15:26,346 --> 00:15:27,962 What do you want to do? VW. 314 00:15:27,987 --> 00:15:31,092 You want to VW? Give me your number. 315 00:15:31,117 --> 00:15:33,932 All right, for you, it's over. All right? Go back down. 316 00:15:33,957 --> 00:15:36,451 Look at me. Go and get yourself down there, all right? 317 00:15:36,476 --> 00:15:38,122 Get your hat back on. Away you go. 318 00:15:38,147 --> 00:15:40,682 Yes, staff. Now 15 remain. 319 00:15:44,037 --> 00:15:45,372 REMI: Are you done? No, staff. 320 00:15:45,397 --> 00:15:48,012 OK, then don't stop. You stop one more time, you're done. 321 00:15:48,037 --> 00:15:50,321 Come here! What's the rules? 322 00:15:50,346 --> 00:15:52,732 Don't stop, staff. Then stop fucking stopping! 323 00:15:53,917 --> 00:15:55,222 Go! 324 00:15:56,757 --> 00:16:00,222 16 and eight, you are now nine minutes behind. 325 00:16:00,247 --> 00:16:01,451 Come on! 326 00:16:01,476 --> 00:16:04,531 20 minutes into the climb, number eight, Paige, 327 00:16:04,556 --> 00:16:06,531 is also trailing at the back. 328 00:16:08,837 --> 00:16:12,172 I would consider myself quite fit, 329 00:16:12,197 --> 00:16:18,581 but that's all dependent on what challenges I am to face. 330 00:16:18,606 --> 00:16:20,042 I've never been abroad, 331 00:16:20,067 --> 00:16:24,092 so I don't know what the abroad heat is like. 332 00:16:24,117 --> 00:16:28,581 I can only relate to Newcastle heat and sun beds, 333 00:16:28,606 --> 00:16:31,732 so I can't really comment on that one. 334 00:16:31,757 --> 00:16:35,302 Show us you want to be here! 335 00:16:35,327 --> 00:16:37,612 Let's go, mountain goats! 336 00:16:37,637 --> 00:16:40,581 Who is that stopping? You done? Did you just quit, 19? 337 00:16:40,606 --> 00:16:42,581 No, staff. Do you want me to take your badge? 338 00:16:42,606 --> 00:16:44,451 No, staff. That's your last warning. 339 00:16:44,476 --> 00:16:46,022 Yes, staff. 340 00:16:46,047 --> 00:16:50,331 Number 19, Tom, is starting to fall behind the leaders. 341 00:16:51,397 --> 00:16:53,172 So I don't really like being criticised. 342 00:16:53,197 --> 00:16:56,411 Close the gap, 19. Staff! 343 00:16:56,436 --> 00:16:59,022 When I was younger, whether it was sport or education, 344 00:16:59,047 --> 00:17:00,772 or whatever it was I was doing, 345 00:17:00,797 --> 00:17:02,732 I never felt like I was good enough. 346 00:17:02,757 --> 00:17:05,052 I think I've learned with age that criticism 347 00:17:05,077 --> 00:17:06,482 isn't a negative thing 348 00:17:06,507 --> 00:17:08,812 and that you can actually use it to make yourself 349 00:17:08,837 --> 00:17:10,222 better and improve. 350 00:17:10,247 --> 00:17:12,531 If I get up there before you close that gap, 351 00:17:12,556 --> 00:17:13,892 you are done, 19! 352 00:17:13,917 --> 00:17:15,531 I'm coming for your ass. 353 00:17:15,556 --> 00:17:17,092 Get out my way. 354 00:17:17,117 --> 00:17:19,102 Pack leaders! Get up there, pack leaders! 355 00:17:19,127 --> 00:17:22,382 That's you, 19! Good job, 19. 356 00:17:22,407 --> 00:17:23,742 You lucky you closed that gap. 357 00:17:23,767 --> 00:17:25,132 Thank you, staff. 358 00:17:26,767 --> 00:17:28,581 Come on, number two. Good effort. 359 00:17:28,606 --> 00:17:31,772 Recruit number two, Dylan, is the first to reach 360 00:17:31,797 --> 00:17:33,302 the top of the dune. 361 00:17:34,436 --> 00:17:37,331 Closely followed by number 19, Tom... 362 00:17:37,356 --> 00:17:39,052 Good effort, 19. 363 00:17:39,077 --> 00:17:41,742 ...and number 17, Pahrnia. 364 00:17:41,767 --> 00:17:44,052 Good effort, 17. Bergen off, tuck into the rocks, 365 00:17:44,077 --> 00:17:45,252 get some water on board. 366 00:17:46,556 --> 00:17:48,822 Enough of the fist—bumping. Fucking hell. 367 00:17:51,967 --> 00:17:54,411 15! What are you doing? 368 00:17:54,436 --> 00:17:57,252 I told you multiple times, don't stop. 369 00:17:57,277 --> 00:17:58,581 I'm done. 370 00:17:58,606 --> 00:17:59,772 Take it. 371 00:18:02,407 --> 00:18:04,252 50 minutes into the climb... 372 00:18:04,277 --> 00:18:05,581 Sit down, 15. 373 00:18:05,606 --> 00:18:09,972 ...number 15, Nic, voluntarily withdraws from the course. 374 00:18:12,486 --> 00:18:15,492 Now 14 recruits remain. 375 00:18:16,847 --> 00:18:18,492 Come on, 13. 376 00:18:18,517 --> 00:18:20,742 Fucking walking like C—3PO. 377 00:18:22,436 --> 00:18:25,461 The final recruits to arrive at the RV 378 00:18:25,486 --> 00:18:27,182 are number eight, Paige... 379 00:18:27,207 --> 00:18:29,461 Number eight, all the way in. 380 00:18:29,486 --> 00:18:30,492 Head up! 381 00:18:30,517 --> 00:18:34,132 ...and in last place, number 14, Jody. 382 00:18:34,157 --> 00:18:36,461 Get your Bergen down and get some water on board. 383 00:18:36,486 --> 00:18:37,772 Don't pass out. 384 00:18:43,327 --> 00:18:46,302 The recruits have now made it to the top. 385 00:18:46,327 --> 00:18:50,052 But what they don't know is that the task isn't over. 386 00:18:50,077 --> 00:18:51,461 This was your warm-up. 387 00:18:51,486 --> 00:18:53,822 Now we're going to get to the real games. 388 00:18:53,847 --> 00:18:55,541 Sprint down to Foxy. Do it now. 389 00:18:55,566 --> 00:18:57,982 Go, go, go, go, go, go! 390 00:19:00,077 --> 00:19:03,902 At a gradient of 45 degrees, the recruits must now 391 00:19:03,927 --> 00:19:07,022 sprint up and down the dune continuously... 392 00:19:07,047 --> 00:19:09,382 Bergen's off and straight back up. Let's go. 393 00:19:09,407 --> 00:19:12,132 ...until two more withdraw from the course. 394 00:19:12,157 --> 00:19:13,822 If you want it, you got to take it. 395 00:19:13,847 --> 00:19:15,262 Let's go! 396 00:19:17,566 --> 00:19:20,052 17's breaking away, 19. It's a fight. 397 00:19:20,077 --> 00:19:23,102 Two! OK, somebody wants it! 398 00:19:23,127 --> 00:19:26,102 Number two! Dogfight, I love it! 399 00:19:26,127 --> 00:19:28,461 All the way down to the next DS. 400 00:19:28,486 --> 00:19:30,952 This is the dark place we've got to thrive in. 401 00:19:30,977 --> 00:19:34,702 A continuous sickener is to replicate war. 402 00:19:34,727 --> 00:19:38,062 You should not be walking. Get moving. 403 00:19:38,087 --> 00:19:40,421 You never know when war is going to finish. 404 00:19:40,446 --> 00:19:42,772 You don't know when a fire fight is going to finish. 405 00:19:42,797 --> 00:19:46,182 Come on then, number eight. This is the fight I was talking about. 406 00:19:46,207 --> 00:19:48,492 After struggling on the climb, 407 00:19:48,517 --> 00:19:53,262 number eight Paige is now less than a minute behind the leader. 408 00:19:53,287 --> 00:19:56,142 Fucking good effort, well done. Dig deep now. Take her. 409 00:19:56,167 --> 00:19:59,952 You deserve to be in front of her. Now go, come on. Yes, sir. 410 00:19:59,977 --> 00:20:02,702 We're looking for the people that have got the ability 411 00:20:02,727 --> 00:20:06,392 to keep digging deep when you don't know where the end is. 412 00:20:06,417 --> 00:20:08,902 Do you want to be here, nine? Do you want to be here? Yes, staff. 413 00:20:08,927 --> 00:20:12,032 Yes, staff. Do you fucking want to be here? Turn and burn. 414 00:20:12,057 --> 00:20:15,312 It is the way of whittling out 415 00:20:15,337 --> 00:20:19,822 the weaker members that haven't got the mental stamina to keep going. 416 00:20:19,847 --> 00:20:22,312 Number nine, pick up your Bergen. 417 00:20:22,337 --> 00:20:25,062 I can spit further than you've got to fucking walk. 418 00:20:26,887 --> 00:20:29,671 Hurry up. Let's go! 419 00:20:30,847 --> 00:20:33,752 Number nine, what are you doing? You look like a zombie. 420 00:20:35,597 --> 00:20:37,262 Come on, Reese, come on. 421 00:20:38,527 --> 00:20:40,952 Staff... What do you want to do? VW, staff. 422 00:20:40,977 --> 00:20:43,762 You gave your heart and soul on the mountain, didn't you? Yes, staff. 423 00:20:43,787 --> 00:20:47,482 Good effort. Go and sit over there and grab some water. Well done. 424 00:20:47,507 --> 00:20:50,562 Number nine Vince voluntarily withdraws from the course. 425 00:20:50,587 --> 00:20:51,882 Come on, 14. 426 00:20:53,947 --> 00:20:55,842 Are you done, 14? You can't stop. 427 00:20:57,226 --> 00:20:58,882 Are you done, yes or no? 428 00:21:03,627 --> 00:21:05,451 Sit down. SHE PANTS 429 00:21:07,226 --> 00:21:08,451 I'm proud of you. 430 00:21:08,476 --> 00:21:10,451 You understand? 431 00:21:11,707 --> 00:21:17,372 With number 14, Jodie handing in her arm band, the sickener is over. 432 00:21:17,397 --> 00:21:19,762 Let's go. Get your head up! 433 00:21:20,947 --> 00:21:23,482 Now, 12 recruits remain. 434 00:21:25,117 --> 00:21:27,401 That was brutal. That was savage. 435 00:21:39,867 --> 00:21:42,122 Right, Foxy, do the hon ours. 436 00:21:42,147 --> 00:21:45,281 When you gone, you stay gone. 437 00:21:47,587 --> 00:21:50,372 All right, so we're focusing on mindset now. 438 00:21:50,397 --> 00:21:52,321 What did you see, Foxy? 439 00:21:52,346 --> 00:21:54,812 If I'm honest, they were all hurting when they came in. 440 00:21:54,837 --> 00:21:58,842 But I have to say, 17 is a fucking ox. 441 00:21:58,867 --> 00:22:01,201 She's big and greedy. She's impressing me, man, 442 00:22:01,226 --> 00:22:03,732 I've got to tell you. Very much so. Yeah, I agree. 443 00:22:03,757 --> 00:22:06,562 She is really putting everything into it. Yeah. 444 00:22:06,587 --> 00:22:09,172 19 is still steady. Steady as hell. 445 00:22:09,197 --> 00:22:11,612 I was really impressed with him. 446 00:22:11,637 --> 00:22:16,012 Yeah, what I liked about it was he never gave attitude, he never quit. 447 00:22:16,037 --> 00:22:18,692 Number eight, she was hurting bad... 448 00:22:18,717 --> 00:22:23,562 I didn't think she was going to make it. But she kept driving hard. 449 00:22:23,587 --> 00:22:27,012 In fact, at the end, number eight came in and I was like, 450 00:22:27,037 --> 00:22:29,331 "Where the fuck have you come from?" 451 00:22:29,356 --> 00:22:32,252 She's starting to step into the lime light for the right reasons. 452 00:22:32,277 --> 00:22:37,052 Yeah. Yes. All right, let's bring her in. Yeah. Sound good? Yeah. 453 00:22:39,947 --> 00:22:40,972 Number eight. 454 00:22:42,277 --> 00:22:43,252 Ooh. 455 00:22:45,147 --> 00:22:46,281 Let's go. 456 00:22:47,717 --> 00:22:51,122 Come in, number eight. To the wall. 457 00:22:51,147 --> 00:22:54,892 After showing resilience on the previous task, 458 00:22:54,917 --> 00:22:59,451 the DS want to find out where number eight Paige's motivation comes from. 459 00:23:00,717 --> 00:23:02,972 One step down. 460 00:23:02,997 --> 00:23:04,562 Watch your step. 461 00:23:12,356 --> 00:23:14,201 Forward. 462 00:23:14,226 --> 00:23:15,411 Shift to the right. 463 00:23:29,667 --> 00:23:31,281 How do you think you're getting on? 464 00:23:32,917 --> 00:23:36,281 Erm, I've had a bit of a roller-coaster. 465 00:23:36,306 --> 00:23:38,612 I think I done quite well. 466 00:23:38,637 --> 00:23:41,492 Well, you actually did all right. I was impressed. 467 00:23:42,556 --> 00:23:44,852 We all saw a change in you. 468 00:23:44,877 --> 00:23:47,692 It takes us a while to get in a stride. 469 00:23:47,717 --> 00:23:51,742 And if I can find that mindset I can get into it, 470 00:23:51,767 --> 00:23:55,052 but it takes us a while. We don't have a while. 471 00:23:55,077 --> 00:23:57,692 Where does it come from? I don't know. 472 00:23:57,717 --> 00:24:01,692 I just... When I was younger, me brothers and sisters and me mam 473 00:24:01,717 --> 00:24:06,291 and everybody it was just like, "Oh, it's fluffy bunny Paige 474 00:24:06,316 --> 00:24:10,692 "that lives in this world of her own." So, who put you down? 475 00:24:10,717 --> 00:24:13,052 Your brothers, your mum, what about your father? 476 00:24:13,077 --> 00:24:15,692 No, no, me dad never did. He always believed that, 477 00:24:15,717 --> 00:24:18,331 like, he always wanted us to do really good. 478 00:24:18,356 --> 00:24:20,652 So, why don't you listen to that voice? 479 00:24:20,677 --> 00:24:22,572 Yeah... 480 00:24:22,597 --> 00:24:26,932 How is your relationship right now with your dad? 481 00:24:26,957 --> 00:24:28,772 I...| lost my dad two years ago. 482 00:24:28,797 --> 00:24:30,291 You lost him? Yes. 483 00:24:31,637 --> 00:24:33,331 He committed suicide. 484 00:24:35,647 --> 00:24:38,211 I guess that knocked the shit out of you, right? 485 00:24:38,236 --> 00:24:40,742 Yeah, I suppose it did. MM-hm. 486 00:24:42,037 --> 00:24:44,291 It was quite hard 487 00:24:44,316 --> 00:24:47,291 cos he was somebody who 488 00:24:47,316 --> 00:24:49,982 I'd viewed as the most strongest person... 489 00:24:50,007 --> 00:24:52,692 Right. ..in my life... 490 00:24:52,717 --> 00:24:58,211 and to see somebody not believe in themselves like he did 491 00:24:58,236 --> 00:25:01,321 and just fall into that depressive state 492 00:25:01,346 --> 00:25:04,112 and kind of not be able to come out of it... 493 00:25:05,466 --> 00:25:07,521 Yeah, that scares the shit out of us 494 00:25:07,546 --> 00:25:11,882 because I've seen the one strongest man in my life...happened to him. 495 00:25:11,907 --> 00:25:14,242 So... Yeah. 496 00:25:15,627 --> 00:25:17,912 Is your old man part of the reason you're here? 497 00:25:17,937 --> 00:25:21,082 Yeah. Dealing with that situation, 498 00:25:21,107 --> 00:25:23,472 because I was, like...there. 499 00:25:23,497 --> 00:25:25,722 It was me who cut him down. 500 00:25:26,747 --> 00:25:31,112 In my mental resilience that I'd showed as much as how much I wanted 501 00:25:31,137 --> 00:25:35,082 to give up at that point.. Yeah. ..seeing him like that, 502 00:25:35,107 --> 00:25:37,042 I'd kept going forward. 503 00:25:38,466 --> 00:25:41,242 And I didn't know what it was and I just wanted 504 00:25:41,267 --> 00:25:43,912 to find out what that resilience is. 505 00:25:44,987 --> 00:25:47,602 How far you could push yourself? 506 00:25:47,627 --> 00:25:52,271 Yeah. Because I didn't realise I'd had that much until I'd seen how 507 00:25:52,296 --> 00:25:54,122 I'd dealt with that. 508 00:25:54,147 --> 00:25:57,552 That is a massive weapon in your armoury. 509 00:25:57,577 --> 00:26:01,242 It's going to get harder. Mm-hm. You are capable. You do have potential. 510 00:26:02,546 --> 00:26:04,882 Stay focused. OK. 511 00:26:06,067 --> 00:26:07,191 Guard. 512 00:26:17,627 --> 00:26:19,271 Stand. 513 00:26:20,707 --> 00:26:22,352 To the side. 514 00:26:22,377 --> 00:26:23,482 Turn around. 515 00:26:29,346 --> 00:26:31,552 That's sad. Yeah. 516 00:26:35,346 --> 00:26:38,271 I think you're doing great kid. Thanks, staff. 517 00:26:38,296 --> 00:26:43,162 I've definitely became stronger because of the past few years. 518 00:26:43,187 --> 00:26:45,812 I did all of these things at one time for the first time 519 00:26:45,837 --> 00:26:49,521 and they were hard for me too. It's a combination of mental, 520 00:26:49,546 --> 00:26:55,521 physical and emotional strength and all three have to be balanced. 521 00:26:55,546 --> 00:26:59,922 Yes, staff. I feel like I could be a dark horse on this course. 522 00:26:59,947 --> 00:27:04,242 I do think people will naturally underestimate how determined I am. 523 00:27:05,556 --> 00:27:07,242 Hopefully, I can prove them wrong. 524 00:27:20,740 --> 00:27:22,635 Right, front bicep, go. 525 00:27:24,219 --> 00:27:26,165 Yeah! 526 00:27:26,190 --> 00:27:29,324 He's a beast, isn't he? Thanks man, I've been training. 527 00:27:29,349 --> 00:27:32,965 Have you? Just earlier today, actually. 528 00:27:32,990 --> 00:27:35,274 It's half way through the course 529 00:27:35,299 --> 00:27:39,685 and of the 20 recruits who began, 12 remain. 530 00:27:39,710 --> 00:27:43,045 I won the competition for worst tattoo as well. What's your tat? 531 00:27:43,070 --> 00:27:46,605 I've got "Party in my pants" with balloons on. Oh, how funny. 532 00:27:46,630 --> 00:27:48,475 How much action did you get for that, though? 533 00:27:48,500 --> 00:27:50,795 HE SCOFFS Most people hated it actually. 534 00:27:50,820 --> 00:27:53,045 THEY LAUGH 535 00:27:54,910 --> 00:27:58,635 Recruits, go ahead and get them out. Head on out to the vehicles. 536 00:27:58,660 --> 00:28:01,355 Let's go. Front vehicle. Front vehicle. 537 00:28:01,380 --> 00:28:03,605 Second vehicle. Third, third. 538 00:28:08,990 --> 00:28:11,685 The recruits are heading back to the dunes... 539 00:28:11,710 --> 00:28:16,074 ...after being tested on their mental endurance. 540 00:28:16,099 --> 00:28:18,435 Keep it going, let's go. Stay together! 541 00:28:18,460 --> 00:28:21,404 ...next, the DS want to test their aggression. 542 00:28:25,990 --> 00:28:30,995 All right. This is called murder ball. 543 00:28:32,630 --> 00:28:36,355 You have to give 100%. 544 00:28:36,380 --> 00:28:38,685 There are no time-outs. 545 00:28:38,710 --> 00:28:41,685 You can never show weakness. You understand? 546 00:28:41,710 --> 00:28:43,485 ALL: Yes, staff. 547 00:28:43,510 --> 00:28:46,324 You will be split up into two teams. 548 00:28:46,349 --> 00:28:48,885 One team will be on that side, 549 00:28:48,910 --> 00:28:51,324 the other team will be on that side. 550 00:28:51,349 --> 00:28:54,324 Hurry up. Let's get this moving. Let's go. 551 00:28:54,349 --> 00:28:57,995 The teams must fight for possession of the tyre. 552 00:28:58,020 --> 00:29:01,154 At the top there, lie your Bergens out there like that, 553 00:29:01,179 --> 00:29:03,765 so your Bergens will create your goal line. 554 00:29:03,790 --> 00:29:07,645 To win, they must get it across the opposing teams line. 555 00:29:07,670 --> 00:29:10,324 Number eight and 13. 556 00:29:10,349 --> 00:29:12,875 Number 13, Sarah 557 00:29:12,900 --> 00:29:15,925 will go head-to-head with number eight, Paige. 558 00:29:17,630 --> 00:29:20,074 Go! 559 00:29:20,099 --> 00:29:23,605 Go on, Paige. Have a plan. Have a fucking plan. 560 00:29:25,990 --> 00:29:28,925 Come on, Paige, that's it. Come on, Paige! 561 00:29:28,950 --> 00:29:33,715 Get in there now. Go round her, go. On your feet. 562 00:29:33,740 --> 00:29:37,725 Get on your feet, you can move. Nice. Get her off. 563 00:29:37,750 --> 00:29:39,645 13, there you go. Pull it up. Rip it. 564 00:29:39,670 --> 00:29:41,125 And number three. 565 00:29:41,150 --> 00:29:44,765 To make the fight unfair, number three Claire is brought in 566 00:29:44,790 --> 00:29:46,645 to assist Sarah. 567 00:29:46,670 --> 00:29:49,845 Hold her down. Hold her down. Two against one, why don't you talk? 568 00:29:49,870 --> 00:29:53,845 Communicate. That's right. War your mindset. Drag her. Pull her. 569 00:29:53,870 --> 00:29:57,875 You've got this, Paige. Pull. There you go. 570 00:29:57,900 --> 00:30:00,404 18. To even up the teams, 571 00:30:00,429 --> 00:30:03,645 number 18 Shylla is brought onto the pitch... Come on, then. 572 00:30:05,670 --> 00:30:07,204 Oh, fucking hell... 573 00:30:08,720 --> 00:30:12,154 Pass to Paige. Go, go, go, Paige. Go, go, go, Paige. 574 00:30:12,179 --> 00:30:14,515 ...and clears a path for her team mate. 575 00:30:14,540 --> 00:30:15,875 Go, Paige. Come on, eight, come on... 576 00:30:15,900 --> 00:30:18,805 Come on, let's go, you've got the advantage. Don't fucking waste it. 577 00:30:18,830 --> 00:30:20,284 All you've got, eight! 578 00:30:21,390 --> 00:30:24,365 Keep going. Let's go, eight- 579 00:30:24,390 --> 00:30:26,805 Go, eight! Don't you dare, eight! 580 00:30:31,150 --> 00:30:35,975 Yeah, good effort. I knew you had it in you. 581 00:30:36,000 --> 00:30:38,725 Paige's team wins the bout. 582 00:30:42,189 --> 00:30:43,204 Ah, shit... 583 00:30:43,229 --> 00:30:44,365 Go! 584 00:30:47,260 --> 00:30:49,005 Get the tyre up. 585 00:30:49,030 --> 00:30:51,005 YELLING Let's go! 586 00:30:51,030 --> 00:30:54,334 Murder ball is all about getting the recruits 587 00:30:54,359 --> 00:30:58,645 to start thinking about how to employ aggression... 588 00:31:01,670 --> 00:31:05,445 ...and overcome an enemy 589 00:31:05,470 --> 00:31:08,084 in this situation that they've not been able to plan for. 590 00:31:08,109 --> 00:31:09,525 17! 591 00:31:11,109 --> 00:31:14,565 To win any battle, whether it's long distance or close quarter, 592 00:31:14,590 --> 00:31:16,365 you need fucking aggression. 593 00:31:18,030 --> 00:31:21,055 Fucking, mate... 16... 16! 594 00:31:21,080 --> 00:31:23,695 And you have to be able to go head first into some shit. 595 00:31:28,000 --> 00:31:30,885 You're going the wrong way, 17. 596 00:31:34,750 --> 00:31:35,725 Stop! 597 00:31:37,189 --> 00:31:40,284 Very good effort. Good effort, 17. 598 00:31:40,309 --> 00:31:42,005 Number eight. 599 00:31:42,030 --> 00:31:44,414 After winning the first round, 600 00:31:44,439 --> 00:31:48,245 number eight Paige is paired up with number 16 Cat... 601 00:31:48,270 --> 00:31:51,294 Number four and 17. 602 00:31:51,319 --> 00:31:56,164 ...to go against number four Abigail and number 17 Pahrnia. 603 00:31:57,390 --> 00:32:00,414 When I was younger, I was angry at life. 604 00:32:00,439 --> 00:32:03,605 I was angry at growing up in... 605 00:32:03,630 --> 00:32:06,615 Just with parents that shouldn't have been together. 606 00:32:06,640 --> 00:32:08,334 All right, let me know when you're ready. 607 00:32:08,359 --> 00:32:12,055 But now, I'm not angry any more. I've made peace with it. 608 00:32:12,080 --> 00:32:14,414 You can't choose the cards you've been dealt, 609 00:32:14,439 --> 00:32:16,164 but you can choose how you play them. Away you go. 610 00:32:17,630 --> 00:32:19,015 Get in, you two! 611 00:32:22,830 --> 00:32:24,214 Number one. 612 00:32:24,239 --> 00:32:29,055 The DS instruct number one Jamie to join next. 613 00:32:31,470 --> 00:32:32,655 Come on! 614 00:32:32,680 --> 00:32:33,775 SHE YELLS 615 00:32:35,800 --> 00:32:36,935 SHE YELPS 616 00:32:39,239 --> 00:32:41,164 HE WINCES Fuck“. 617 00:32:43,520 --> 00:32:45,414 Oh, my head. Oh! 618 00:32:45,439 --> 00:32:47,055 Shit. 619 00:32:47,080 --> 00:32:49,344 Stop there. Oh, fuck. I hope she's OK. 620 00:32:50,760 --> 00:32:54,214 Oh, shit. just lie flat for me. Can you just lie flat for me? 621 00:32:54,239 --> 00:32:57,164 I'm just going to pop you on a bit of oxygen, just for a minute. 622 00:33:03,160 --> 00:33:04,655 Is your neck feeling sore? 623 00:33:04,680 --> 00:33:06,935 Any tingling or numbness in your hands? Um... 624 00:33:23,720 --> 00:33:26,515 I hope 17's all right. 625 00:33:26,540 --> 00:33:29,984 You shouldn't feel shit, Jamie, cos it's part of the fucking game, man. 626 00:33:34,329 --> 00:33:38,385 I want you to look at my finger and keep your head still. 627 00:33:38,410 --> 00:33:42,905 After number 17, Pahrnia suffered a head injury during murder ball... 628 00:33:42,930 --> 00:33:44,545 All right? Mm-hm. 629 00:33:44,570 --> 00:33:48,465 ...Chief Medical Officer Saleyha is assessing whether she's well enough 630 00:33:48,490 --> 00:33:49,705 to stay on the course. 631 00:33:50,980 --> 00:33:52,625 KNOCKING Coming in. 632 00:33:54,050 --> 00:33:56,545 Does that feel a bit...? No, no, it's just... OK... 633 00:33:56,570 --> 00:33:58,984 OK. All right. 634 00:33:59,009 --> 00:34:02,184 People witnessed you having a loss of consciousness. 635 00:34:02,209 --> 00:34:06,545 With that in mind, I'm going to have to medically withdraw you. 636 00:34:06,570 --> 00:34:08,314 No, no, no... 637 00:34:08,339 --> 00:34:10,875 Please, let me have a say on this. 638 00:34:12,089 --> 00:34:15,705 You lost consciousness. We cannot risk you. 639 00:34:15,730 --> 00:34:18,104 A brain and nervous system injury, 640 00:34:18,129 --> 00:34:22,104 or the possibility of one, can be fatal 641 00:34:22,129 --> 00:34:27,155 and we have more violence ahead on this course. 17, do you understand? 642 00:34:27,180 --> 00:34:30,425 No, I get it, I get it. It has to be the call. 643 00:34:30,450 --> 00:34:33,155 Fucking great effort. Fantastic. 644 00:34:34,570 --> 00:34:36,425 Keep it going. Let's go. 645 00:34:36,450 --> 00:34:37,955 Faster... Faster. 646 00:34:39,450 --> 00:34:40,705 Sprint. 647 00:34:46,910 --> 00:34:51,405 When you are driving through a hostile environment, 648 00:34:51,430 --> 00:34:54,015 you're vulnerable to an ambush. 649 00:34:55,680 --> 00:34:58,044 Your vehicle becomes your tool of escape, 650 00:34:58,069 --> 00:35:00,964 your vehicle becomes your weapon. 651 00:35:00,989 --> 00:35:04,815 You have not got time to mess about, you have to get out fastest, safest, 652 00:35:04,840 --> 00:35:07,735 quickest means that you possibly can. 653 00:35:07,760 --> 00:35:09,605 There's no room for error. 654 00:35:12,550 --> 00:35:15,525 As a final test of their mindset, 655 00:35:15,550 --> 00:35:19,424 the recruits will come under attack whilst driving 656 00:35:19,449 --> 00:35:21,174 in a simulated war zone. 657 00:35:22,600 --> 00:35:26,135 You will drive through multiple checkpoints, 658 00:35:26,160 --> 00:35:29,605 a border crossing and to a safe zone. 659 00:35:30,710 --> 00:35:36,174 You must maintain a cool mindset. 660 00:35:36,199 --> 00:35:38,094 Do you understand? Yes, staff. 661 00:35:39,710 --> 00:35:40,895 Number one. 662 00:35:44,400 --> 00:35:47,455 You can drive, right? Yes, staff. Let's go. 663 00:35:47,480 --> 00:35:50,605 First to go is recruit number one, Jamie. 664 00:35:53,069 --> 00:35:55,044 On entering the compound, 665 00:35:55,069 --> 00:35:59,455 the recruits will be subjected...to an ambush. 666 00:35:59,480 --> 00:36:00,735 What's coming in, 667 00:36:00,760 --> 00:36:03,375 anything from the right or the left? It's a car, staff, it's a car. 668 00:36:03,400 --> 00:36:04,815 The DS are lying in wait... 669 00:36:04,840 --> 00:36:07,375 Who's ready to go? Let's go right. 670 00:36:07,400 --> 00:36:09,375 Let's get out of here, let's go right. 671 00:36:09,400 --> 00:36:11,735 ...and will further attack the vehicle. 672 00:36:11,760 --> 00:36:13,015 GUNFIRE 673 00:36:13,040 --> 00:36:15,325 They're coming behind us. There's a car following us. 674 00:36:15,350 --> 00:36:16,505 What are you going to do? 675 00:36:16,530 --> 00:36:19,505 To pass the task, they must escape to safety... 676 00:36:19,530 --> 00:36:20,974 HE GIVES INSTRUCTION 677 00:36:20,999 --> 00:36:22,615 What do you do? I'm going through. 678 00:36:22,640 --> 00:36:24,405 ...by breaking through the barrier... 679 00:36:30,890 --> 00:36:31,865 Climb out. 680 00:36:37,400 --> 00:36:41,405 You happy with that decision? I am, sir. OK, well done. Good effort. 681 00:36:41,430 --> 00:36:45,815 Number one Jamie successfully completes the task. 682 00:36:45,840 --> 00:36:48,174 Number eight, sprint to Billy now. Sprint. 683 00:36:48,199 --> 00:36:51,585 Next up is recruit number eight, Paige. 684 00:36:51,610 --> 00:36:54,615 You can drive, right? Yes, staff. You can? 685 00:36:54,640 --> 00:36:57,865 Initially to pressure, I get really nervous. 686 00:36:57,890 --> 00:36:59,335 I can get a bit flustered. 687 00:37:02,040 --> 00:37:04,255 Calm down. Calm down. Just drive. 688 00:37:06,119 --> 00:37:08,665 It's not in gear. Get it in gear. Oh... 689 00:37:08,690 --> 00:37:11,025 Hopefully, I'll be able to get that under control 690 00:37:11,050 --> 00:37:13,945 and really truly show that I am capable. 691 00:37:13,970 --> 00:37:15,945 There's smoke. Fuck! 692 00:37:15,970 --> 00:37:18,335 Let's get out of here. Let's get in there now. 693 00:37:18,360 --> 00:37:20,255 What else is happening with that car? Let's go. 694 00:37:20,280 --> 00:37:22,585 It's got guns. OK, they're blocking the fucking road, 695 00:37:22,610 --> 00:37:24,224 which way are you going to go? 696 00:37:24,249 --> 00:37:27,025 For fuck's sake. Slow down, slow down. What's happening? 697 00:37:27,050 --> 00:37:29,495 What's happening in front of us? What's happening behind us? 698 00:37:29,520 --> 00:37:32,094 What are you going to do? Do we know where we're going? 699 00:37:34,119 --> 00:37:35,335 Stop! 700 00:37:36,840 --> 00:37:38,495 Stop. Get out. 701 00:37:43,360 --> 00:37:46,585 Right, what was in your head, do you think? 702 00:37:46,610 --> 00:37:50,135 Pretty frantic stuff. You went to rush, it didn't you? Yes, staff. 703 00:37:50,160 --> 00:37:54,135 Consequently, I am fucking dead and you're dead. Yes. 704 00:37:54,160 --> 00:37:56,415 You failed this task, all right? Yes, staff. 705 00:37:59,770 --> 00:38:03,385 You told me you could drive. No, I've recently passed my test. 706 00:38:03,410 --> 00:38:05,104 Oh, fucking great... 707 00:38:05,129 --> 00:38:10,054 The driving ambush is important because, under duress, 708 00:38:10,079 --> 00:38:12,945 you need to make split-second decisions. 709 00:38:12,970 --> 00:38:15,255 Seconds can cost lives. 710 00:38:16,800 --> 00:38:19,104 What are we going to do? What are we going to do? 711 00:38:19,129 --> 00:38:20,945 Down the fucking eight. Stop! 712 00:38:20,970 --> 00:38:23,895 Stop. I've missed death by milliseconds. 713 00:38:23,920 --> 00:38:26,255 Where are we going to go? We're going to go straight. 714 00:38:26,280 --> 00:38:28,695 Let's go right, let's go right... Right, right, right! 715 00:38:28,720 --> 00:38:32,465 I took a round straight through my windshield in an ambush. 716 00:38:32,490 --> 00:38:33,615 What's going on? 717 00:38:33,640 --> 00:38:35,974 There's a man in front of us. Well, what are we going to do?! 718 00:38:35,999 --> 00:38:37,665 My team leader was shot right next to me. 719 00:38:37,690 --> 00:38:40,184 OK... Oh, shit... Oh, shit. There's a bomb, there's a bomb. 720 00:38:40,209 --> 00:38:41,775 With enemies surrounding me, 721 00:38:41,800 --> 00:38:44,854 three of my tyres on my Hum V were blown out. 722 00:38:44,879 --> 00:38:47,304 There's a car coming on the left. Well, get a speed on, then. 723 00:38:47,329 --> 00:38:50,745 Bullets and RPGs going all around us. 724 00:38:50,770 --> 00:38:52,745 We were in the battle of our lives. 725 00:38:52,770 --> 00:38:54,224 Fuck it, I'm going through. 726 00:38:54,249 --> 00:38:57,184 Keeping a cool head in chaos... 727 00:38:57,209 --> 00:38:59,545 What's happening behind us, where are we going to go? 728 00:38:59,570 --> 00:39:04,054 ...that's what separates special operations...and everybody else. 729 00:39:04,079 --> 00:39:06,585 What are we going to do? Straight through the barriers, staff. 730 00:39:06,610 --> 00:39:07,625 What's happening?! 731 00:39:10,610 --> 00:39:13,025 It was a good decision, well done. Yes, staff. 732 00:39:16,290 --> 00:39:18,905 Number 19, get over here. 733 00:39:18,930 --> 00:39:23,304 Last to go is recruit number 19, Tom. 734 00:39:24,520 --> 00:39:27,135 How are you feeling about this right now? Bit anxious, staff. 735 00:39:29,009 --> 00:39:31,345 You don't want to quit though, do you? No, staff. OK. 736 00:39:31,370 --> 00:39:33,304 I want to give this my best. So what do you need to do? 737 00:39:33,329 --> 00:39:35,905 Work through it, right? Focus. Right.. Concentrate on the job. 738 00:39:35,930 --> 00:39:38,265 So being nervous is not going to help the situation. 739 00:39:38,290 --> 00:39:40,825 So suck it up, take a deep breath and get it done. 740 00:39:43,410 --> 00:39:47,234 In the, past I was a bit of an arsehole, going out, 741 00:39:47,259 --> 00:39:50,745 drinking as a young lad, trying to be all macho... 742 00:39:50,770 --> 00:39:53,135 Take your hat off, put it in your pocket right now. 743 00:39:54,570 --> 00:39:58,625 ...but things changed for me, really, when I met my wife. 744 00:39:58,650 --> 00:40:01,595 Let's go. Run, run, run. Sprint, sprint. 745 00:40:01,620 --> 00:40:04,905 She's definitely helped me get on the straight and narrow. 746 00:40:04,930 --> 00:40:06,955 Let's go then, start the engine. 747 00:40:06,980 --> 00:40:10,495 Come on, if we stay, we're getting blown to fucking pieces here. 748 00:40:10,520 --> 00:40:12,314 Stay in control of the vehicle. 749 00:40:12,339 --> 00:40:14,625 Oh, fuck, what the fuck was that. 750 00:40:14,650 --> 00:40:17,395 I think there's grenades coming over. What's that car coming...? 751 00:40:17,420 --> 00:40:19,675 Up here. Oh, fuck, what are they doing? Which way...? 752 00:40:21,009 --> 00:40:23,955 Let's go right...! HE YELLS 753 00:40:23,980 --> 00:40:26,625 What's happening? Gonna go right. What the fuck are we going to do? 754 00:40:26,650 --> 00:40:28,984 What's happening behind us? A man at the border. 755 00:40:29,009 --> 00:40:31,545 What the fuck are we going to do? What are we going to do? 756 00:40:31,570 --> 00:40:34,035 HE CONTINUES YELLING I don't know, staff. 757 00:40:34,060 --> 00:40:36,675 Make a fucking decision. Come on. We're going to go back, staff. 758 00:40:36,700 --> 00:40:38,465 Stop! Ah... 759 00:40:39,730 --> 00:40:41,064 TOM SIGHS 760 00:40:42,139 --> 00:40:43,705 Get out. Move to the front. 761 00:40:50,290 --> 00:40:51,395 What the fuck was that? 762 00:40:52,930 --> 00:40:54,395 What was your decision? 763 00:40:54,420 --> 00:40:56,705 I wanted to go back, staff. 764 00:40:56,730 --> 00:40:58,625 You fucked up, didn't you? Yes, staff. 765 00:40:58,650 --> 00:41:00,984 I should have drove at him and got him to move. 766 00:41:01,009 --> 00:41:03,705 Well, should've and could've, you fucking didn't. Consequently, 767 00:41:03,730 --> 00:41:06,545 we're both fucking strung up now, so you failed, didn't you? 768 00:41:06,570 --> 00:41:08,425 Yes, staff. Disappear over there. Go. 769 00:41:14,290 --> 00:41:16,545 You all right, mate? Yeah, I don't want to talk. OK. 770 00:41:17,570 --> 00:41:19,864 You're all right, mate. I know it's fucking rough, that. 771 00:41:21,889 --> 00:41:24,114 All right, get in the vehicles. 772 00:41:29,290 --> 00:41:30,705 TOM: I'm so frustrated at myself. 773 00:41:31,860 --> 00:41:34,395 Just breathe, mate. Yeah. 774 00:41:46,860 --> 00:41:48,194 19. 775 00:41:48,219 --> 00:41:50,595 19... 19. 776 00:41:50,620 --> 00:41:51,585 I saw that coming. 777 00:41:58,500 --> 00:42:02,275 After his emotional reaction on the driving ambush, 778 00:42:02,300 --> 00:42:07,505 the DS want to dig deeper into number 19's background. 779 00:42:34,380 --> 00:42:36,635 Tell us a little something about yourself 19. 780 00:42:38,339 --> 00:42:41,074 What would you like to know, staff? 781 00:42:41,099 --> 00:42:43,675 You got a relationship? You got kids? 782 00:42:43,700 --> 00:42:46,785 I haven't got any kids, but I've got a wife. 783 00:42:52,500 --> 00:42:54,835 You get very emotional, what's up? 784 00:42:54,860 --> 00:42:59,194 I just... My wife's a very, very brave person 785 00:42:59,219 --> 00:43:01,944 and I've seen how strong she is 786 00:43:01,969 --> 00:43:04,324 and I just want to show that I'm strong as well. 787 00:43:07,070 --> 00:43:08,505 What's she been going through? 788 00:43:10,099 --> 00:43:16,475 So, two years ago, we were driving to a birthday party... 789 00:43:16,500 --> 00:43:18,074 HE CLEARS HIS THROAT 790 00:43:18,099 --> 00:43:21,074 ...and a car, coming round the corner... 791 00:43:22,820 --> 00:43:25,194 ...ended up on the wrong side of the road 792 00:43:25,219 --> 00:43:26,915 and we were in a head—on collision. 793 00:43:28,139 --> 00:43:29,795 HE CLEARS HIS THROAT 794 00:43:29,820 --> 00:43:30,795 And... 795 00:43:32,219 --> 00:43:33,835 “they managed to get me out... 796 00:43:33,860 --> 00:43:36,124 I had to wait about an hour, not knowing... 797 00:43:37,860 --> 00:43:40,124 Take your time. Yeah, it's all right. 798 00:43:41,610 --> 00:43:43,944 ...not knowing if I would see her again 799 00:43:43,969 --> 00:43:45,915 or if she was going to turn up at the hospital. 800 00:43:47,610 --> 00:43:51,435 And when she finally did, they brought her bed in next to mine 801 00:43:51,460 --> 00:43:54,275 and the doctors came in 802 00:43:54,300 --> 00:43:56,994 and they confirmed that she had fractured her spine 803 00:43:57,019 --> 00:44:00,915 in two different places and it was just told to us 804 00:44:00,940 --> 00:44:02,355 that she may never walk again 805 00:44:02,380 --> 00:44:05,155 and time will tell if it will heal or not. 806 00:44:05,180 --> 00:44:07,715 So, for two and a half months, I didn't work 807 00:44:07,740 --> 00:44:09,994 and I just spent every day at the hospital with her. 808 00:44:11,330 --> 00:44:14,515 She's made a great recovery. She's so strong, determined. 809 00:44:16,149 --> 00:44:18,915 She's since ran a half marathon... 810 00:44:18,940 --> 00:44:20,235 HE EXHALES 811 00:44:20,260 --> 00:44:23,155 ...and she's training for a marathon which she plans to run next year, 812 00:44:23,180 --> 00:44:25,994 which I'm going to be running with her. 813 00:44:26,019 --> 00:44:28,515 You're through that phase now, right? Mm-hm. 814 00:44:28,540 --> 00:44:30,874 Obviously, it still hurts you and it's still emotional 815 00:44:30,899 --> 00:44:33,155 when you think about it and talk about it, but... 816 00:44:34,260 --> 00:44:37,045 I just don't know if there's something I could've done different. 817 00:44:37,070 --> 00:44:38,925 If I could have seen... Does it matter now? 818 00:44:38,950 --> 00:44:40,155 TOM EXHALES SHAKILY 819 00:44:40,180 --> 00:44:42,715 She's back in a good place, right? Yeah. 820 00:44:43,899 --> 00:44:45,635 You've still got her. Yeah. 821 00:44:45,660 --> 00:44:48,074 And actually, sounds like she's kicking your fucking arse! 822 00:44:48,099 --> 00:44:49,954 She is and that's why I want to prove myself. 823 00:44:49,979 --> 00:44:53,405 And that's a great mindset, but I'm hoping you've got the same, 824 00:44:53,430 --> 00:44:55,645 cos you're going to need it. Yeah. 825 00:44:56,620 --> 00:44:58,355 I let it get to me today. 826 00:44:58,380 --> 00:45:01,315 If you can learn from it, it's not a failure. 827 00:45:01,340 --> 00:45:05,124 So you really think about that tonight. You should learn from this. 828 00:45:05,149 --> 00:45:06,235 Yes, staff. 829 00:45:09,070 --> 00:45:10,045 Guard. 830 00:45:29,070 --> 00:45:30,725 The thing that I love most about Helen, 831 00:45:30,750 --> 00:45:33,204 she's been thrown a lot of challenges 832 00:45:33,229 --> 00:45:35,235 and she's always stayed positive, 833 00:45:35,260 --> 00:45:37,954 always stayed focused and never let anything beat her. 834 00:45:41,820 --> 00:45:46,235 If I'm ever struggling, or things ever feel tough, 835 00:45:46,260 --> 00:45:48,954 I just think about what she had to go through 836 00:45:48,979 --> 00:45:50,795 and how strong she stayed. 837 00:45:54,470 --> 00:45:56,765 All good? Yeah...Yeah. 838 00:45:56,790 --> 00:45:59,315 That's all I need to do and I'll get through it. 839 00:45:59,340 --> 00:46:00,874 If she can do that... 840 00:46:00,899 --> 00:46:02,445 Then, yeah. 841 00:46:11,830 --> 00:46:14,285 Let's go, mountain goats. 842 00:46:14,310 --> 00:46:16,165 Through special forces selection... 843 00:46:16,190 --> 00:46:19,084 Keep going! ..everything about you will be exposed. 844 00:46:19,109 --> 00:46:21,845 Yes. I'm proud of you. Give me some. Thank you. 845 00:46:21,870 --> 00:46:24,285 You better not stop again or I'm dropping your ass. 846 00:46:24,310 --> 00:46:26,165 You must trust one another... 847 00:46:26,190 --> 00:46:28,124 Wait for your partner! ..implicitly. 848 00:46:32,510 --> 00:46:33,565 Go to... 849 00:46:37,060 --> 00:46:40,084 Subtitles by Red Bee Media