1 00:00:07,475 --> 00:00:10,576 Freeman: There is one role that follows me wherever I go. 2 00:00:11,779 --> 00:00:14,313 You could say it's omnipresent. 3 00:00:17,184 --> 00:00:19,201 It's having played god. 4 00:00:20,271 --> 00:00:24,973 I think what resonates with people is that god would appear among us, but not with 5 00:00:25,076 --> 00:00:29,845 some angelic halo, more as an ordinary person, 6 00:00:31,015 --> 00:00:33,348 a janitor, carpenter. 7 00:00:34,702 --> 00:00:38,604 Jesus is not the only example of human incarnation of god. 8 00:00:39,440 --> 00:00:44,643 The egyptian pharaohs, the emperors of the inca were all considered divine. 9 00:00:46,313 --> 00:00:51,366 Makes you wonder why do people want to see god walk among us? 10 00:00:55,072 --> 00:00:57,906 I'm going on a journey to discover 11 00:00:58,008 --> 00:01:01,944 how different faiths see god taking human form. 12 00:01:03,781 --> 00:01:07,666 I'll meet a goddess living in the body of a nepali girl. 13 00:01:07,768 --> 00:01:11,036 Anil: She's the kumari, we're going to get a chance to get her blessing today. 14 00:01:12,373 --> 00:01:15,040 Freeman: I'll visit a hindu sect whose god walked the earth 15 00:01:15,142 --> 00:01:17,009 just 200 years ago. 16 00:01:17,111 --> 00:01:22,014 Sadhu: Just as jesus was god on earth, swaminarayan was god on earth. 17 00:01:23,934 --> 00:01:27,236 Freeman: I'll witness a host of gods come down to hanoi. 18 00:01:29,607 --> 00:01:34,576 And discover ancient archaeological evidence of when jesus became a god. 19 00:01:37,448 --> 00:01:43,569 Yonatan: Here's the momentous word here, to the god jesus christ. 20 00:01:59,069 --> 00:02:05,407 Freeman: There is one god on earth whose followers number in the billions, jesus. 21 00:02:07,344 --> 00:02:12,014 Every christmas, throngs of pilgrims converge on the starting point of his 22 00:02:12,116 --> 00:02:15,901 terrestrial journey, bethlehem. 23 00:02:20,407 --> 00:02:25,711 The church of the nativity on manger square is built over the spot where the faithful 24 00:02:25,813 --> 00:02:28,013 believe the manger once stood. 25 00:02:31,502 --> 00:02:37,139 Franciscan priest father peter vasko is taking me to the exact place where helena, 26 00:02:37,241 --> 00:02:41,910 mother of roman emperor constantine, believed jesus was born. 27 00:02:43,914 --> 00:02:45,113 Wow. 28 00:02:46,417 --> 00:02:47,266 Father peter: Hundreds of thousands of pilgrims have come 29 00:02:47,368 --> 00:02:49,635 from around the world to be here. 30 00:02:50,538 --> 00:02:55,841 Now over here, we'll go down here, here is the manger. 31 00:02:57,578 --> 00:02:59,511 Freeman: Okay, this is what we're looking for. 32 00:03:01,015 --> 00:03:03,348 Father peter: So we're in the actual place where our lord was born. 33 00:03:04,702 --> 00:03:07,870 Very powerful, and one of the holiest shrines that we have. 34 00:03:10,241 --> 00:03:15,577 Freeman: Christians venerate this site now, but I'm eager to understand when jesus 35 00:03:15,679 --> 00:03:22,000 the preacher, jesus the rabbi came to be seen as the divine jesus. 36 00:03:23,704 --> 00:03:26,638 The answer may lie 86 miles to the north. 37 00:03:33,447 --> 00:03:37,599 I've been offered a glimpse of an archaeological discovery so important that it was 38 00:03:37,701 --> 00:03:41,904 re-buried for protection almost as soon as it was discovered. 39 00:03:43,607 --> 00:03:49,378 It was unearthed in 2005 when work started on an expansion of 40 00:03:49,480 --> 00:03:51,580 a high security israeli prison. 41 00:03:56,437 --> 00:03:57,703 Freeman: Hi. 42 00:03:59,873 --> 00:04:02,374 Now the prison offers welcome security, 43 00:04:02,476 --> 00:04:06,478 as the site has been recently exposed again for further study. 44 00:04:09,016 --> 00:04:14,036 Here to show me around is scholar of comparative religion, doctor yonatan moss. 45 00:04:14,305 --> 00:04:15,737 Yonatan: Hello. Freeman: Hello sir. 46 00:04:15,839 --> 00:04:21,643 I hear you have proof that early christians thought that jesus was god. 47 00:04:22,212 --> 00:04:24,947 Yonatan: We do have proof along those lines. 48 00:04:25,549 --> 00:04:31,536 This here is an excavation of what was discovered to be 49 00:04:31,639 --> 00:04:33,639 an early christian prayer hall. 50 00:04:34,108 --> 00:04:36,908 And here is this fantastic mosaic. 51 00:04:38,045 --> 00:04:43,832 Freeman: Back in the early 3rd century, this mosaic was the floor of a house, 52 00:04:45,002 --> 00:04:48,870 one of the oldest christian houses of worship ever discovered. 53 00:04:51,842 --> 00:04:55,043 So, we are actually in a house here. 54 00:04:55,312 --> 00:04:57,612 Yonatan: Yes, so what does this look like to you? 55 00:04:59,683 --> 00:05:01,133 Freeman: Greek. Yonatan: Exactly. 56 00:05:01,235 --> 00:05:02,668 Greek to us. 57 00:05:02,770 --> 00:05:04,336 Well, let me read it for you. 58 00:05:04,438 --> 00:05:05,470 Freeman: Okay. 59 00:05:05,572 --> 00:05:08,240 Yonatan: Pros enikein akeptous. 60 00:05:08,442 --> 00:05:10,142 Akeptos is somebody's name. 61 00:05:10,511 --> 00:05:12,778 And what did this woman akeptos do? 62 00:05:12,880 --> 00:05:18,033 Pros enikein, she dedicated this table, the table. 63 00:05:19,103 --> 00:05:20,802 What table is she talking about. 64 00:05:20,904 --> 00:05:21,870 Do we see any remnants? 65 00:05:22,006 --> 00:05:23,538 Freeman: What about right there in the middle? 66 00:05:23,741 --> 00:05:25,073 Yonatan: Bingo. 67 00:05:25,175 --> 00:05:28,543 This is the base of the table that would have been in this church. 68 00:05:28,645 --> 00:05:29,544 Freeman: Altar. Yonatan: Altar. 69 00:05:29,646 --> 00:05:31,213 Exactly. 70 00:05:31,348 --> 00:05:33,765 Now she doesn't call it an altar, but this would have been where they would have 71 00:05:33,867 --> 00:05:38,003 their religious, liturgical celebration, maybe something like the eucharist. 72 00:05:45,346 --> 00:05:49,348 And it would have been the table, maybe altar, 73 00:05:49,450 --> 00:05:51,433 for the celebration of the bread and the wine. 74 00:05:54,505 --> 00:05:58,407 Freeman: Biblical scholars believe the sharing of bread and wine as the divine body 75 00:05:58,509 --> 00:06:03,578 and blood of jesus has been part of christian worship since the 1st century. 76 00:06:04,281 --> 00:06:07,899 And, as suggested by the letters of the apostle paul, 77 00:06:08,001 --> 00:06:10,635 many of the early church leaders were women. 78 00:06:12,039 --> 00:06:16,141 Yonatan: I think it's very interesting that it's a woman who dedicates this table. 79 00:06:17,044 --> 00:06:20,645 Freeman: It sort of runs counter to what we see today. 80 00:06:20,964 --> 00:06:22,314 Yonatan: It does yes. 81 00:06:24,034 --> 00:06:27,769 In the early centuries, because christianity was kind of an underground and counter 82 00:06:27,871 --> 00:06:33,308 cultural movement, it was often the people who were in a somewhat subjugated position 83 00:06:33,410 --> 00:06:39,748 within society who accepted christianity, earlier than people in positions of power. 84 00:06:40,284 --> 00:06:41,666 Freeman: Right. 85 00:06:41,769 --> 00:06:45,370 Yonatan: And one of the main demographics in that category were women. 86 00:06:46,306 --> 00:06:50,575 Freeman: Direct archaeological evidence of a woman leading a 3rd century church 87 00:06:50,677 --> 00:06:52,310 is a rare find. 88 00:06:53,380 --> 00:06:57,082 But the mosaic reveals something far more momentous about 89 00:06:57,167 --> 00:06:59,034 the people who worshiped here. 90 00:06:59,937 --> 00:07:04,673 Yonatan: It says, she dedicated the table or offered the table, and here's the 91 00:07:05,275 --> 00:07:08,443 momentous word here, theo iesu christo, 92 00:07:09,513 --> 00:07:12,781 to the god, or god, jesus christ. 93 00:07:16,003 --> 00:07:17,369 Freeman: Not the son of god. 94 00:07:17,471 --> 00:07:18,870 Yonatan: Just god. 95 00:07:18,972 --> 00:07:21,807 Freeman: So this is the oldest archaeological evidence that christians 96 00:07:21,909 --> 00:07:24,176 thought of jesus as god. 97 00:07:24,711 --> 00:07:27,813 Yonatan: This was the matter of debate among early christians, right. 98 00:07:27,915 --> 00:07:31,600 We have the council of nicea in 325 where they discussed 99 00:07:31,702 --> 00:07:34,503 the trinitarian question, right? What does it mean? 100 00:07:34,872 --> 00:07:36,304 Freeman: The father, the son, the holy ghost. 101 00:07:36,406 --> 00:07:40,308 Yonatan: Exactly, what does it mean to say that christ is the son of god? 102 00:07:41,011 --> 00:07:42,744 But what did ordinary christians believe? 103 00:07:43,180 --> 00:07:45,580 That was always very hard to kind of figure out. 104 00:07:48,836 --> 00:07:53,271 This site would seem to give us the voice of these ancient christian women, 105 00:07:53,373 --> 00:07:55,307 and what they believed about christ. 106 00:07:56,109 --> 00:07:57,943 It's explicitly stated here. 107 00:07:58,946 --> 00:08:03,849 Theou iesu christo for these, the people living here, in this village, 108 00:08:03,951 --> 00:08:07,536 in the 3rd century, they understood christ to be divine. 109 00:08:08,605 --> 00:08:10,639 Freeman: Christ as god. 110 00:08:11,208 --> 00:08:12,507 Yonatan: As god, exactly. 111 00:08:17,314 --> 00:08:19,247 Freeman: Well, this is quite an incredible discovery. 112 00:08:20,934 --> 00:08:27,105 1800 years ago, this ordinary house was a meeting place for a group of people, 113 00:08:27,207 --> 00:08:30,242 a group of christians, the dominant voice being women, 114 00:08:30,344 --> 00:08:33,778 played a part in transforming jesus the rabbi, 115 00:08:33,881 --> 00:08:37,699 jesus the prophet, into jesus the god. 116 00:08:38,569 --> 00:08:40,101 God made flesh. 117 00:08:41,805 --> 00:08:45,440 I would argue it is this transformation that has given christianity its longevity. 118 00:08:46,677 --> 00:08:51,947 Billions of souls followed the teaching, not of a man, but of god. 119 00:08:53,584 --> 00:08:54,933 God on earth. 120 00:08:57,938 --> 00:09:02,974 Jesus's few dramatic decades on earth confirmed his divinity in the hearts of 121 00:09:03,076 --> 00:09:05,210 christians for 2,000 years. 122 00:09:05,946 --> 00:09:09,581 Other faiths' gods come and go, much more frequently. 123 00:09:18,175 --> 00:09:20,809 I've come to the mountain nation of nepal. 124 00:09:26,683 --> 00:09:31,236 The capital, kathmandu, is a noisy, bustling, modern city, 125 00:09:31,672 --> 00:09:34,639 and home to a living goddess. 126 00:09:37,477 --> 00:09:42,247 She resides just down the road from the square, next to the local produce market, 127 00:09:43,150 --> 00:09:44,499 in the center of town. 128 00:09:44,968 --> 00:09:47,869 Anil: We are going to enter, a very, you know, sacred space. 129 00:09:48,405 --> 00:09:52,240 Freeman: Anil chitrakar is a nepalese cultural ambassador who is here 130 00:09:52,342 --> 00:09:56,411 to help me learn about the ancient tradition of kumari. 131 00:10:00,767 --> 00:10:03,368 Anil: This is the, space, where the living goddess lives. 132 00:10:04,538 --> 00:10:08,506 We regard the kumari as something integral to our life, because they are the 133 00:10:08,609 --> 00:10:11,610 protectors of everything we have and everything we do. 134 00:10:12,012 --> 00:10:15,480 And so, we're gonna get a chance, you know, for you to actually meet her, and then, 135 00:10:15,582 --> 00:10:17,248 you know, get her blessing today. 136 00:10:18,969 --> 00:10:20,368 Freeman: About how old is this child? 137 00:10:20,470 --> 00:10:23,471 Anil: So, usually, they start around three or four years old. 138 00:10:23,974 --> 00:10:25,807 Freeman: Three years old, giving blessings? Anil: Right. 139 00:10:25,909 --> 00:10:29,577 Even today, you know, the head of state, you know, must get a blessing, you know, 140 00:10:29,680 --> 00:10:32,047 from this young girl, to rule this country, you know, for a year. 141 00:10:35,135 --> 00:10:36,868 Freeman: The kumari is worshiped as a deity by both 142 00:10:36,970 --> 00:10:39,371 the nepalese hindus and buddhists. 143 00:10:41,475 --> 00:10:44,743 She is chosen from the buddhist newari people of this region, 144 00:10:45,545 --> 00:10:50,015 and reigns as a living embodiment of the hindu goddess, taleju. 145 00:10:51,168 --> 00:10:56,738 Her dharma, or duty, is to bestow blessings on believers. 146 00:11:01,311 --> 00:11:05,146 Anil: Be mindful that she will be expressionless, because the local people, you know, 147 00:11:05,248 --> 00:11:09,868 believe that laughter, you know, a smile, you know, all those expressions that human 148 00:11:09,970 --> 00:11:12,237 beings have, you know, are not a very good sign. 149 00:11:12,773 --> 00:11:15,540 And so, having a straight face, is usually the good thing. 150 00:11:15,742 --> 00:11:17,442 Freeman: Oh, now, wait a minute! 151 00:11:17,544 --> 00:11:20,311 Well, what if the child sees me and smiles? 152 00:11:20,414 --> 00:11:23,882 Anil: Hm-mm, so, that would not be a very good thing because people believe, that 153 00:11:23,984 --> 00:11:27,335 that could be a bad omen, you know, that could lead to something bad, like you know 154 00:11:27,437 --> 00:11:30,839 death, or even a legal case, you know, things that, you know bad things 155 00:11:30,941 --> 00:11:32,374 that people want to avoid. 156 00:11:33,977 --> 00:11:35,844 And so generally we believe that a straight face is what you really want to, 157 00:11:35,946 --> 00:11:37,011 you know, see. 158 00:11:38,982 --> 00:11:40,115 Freeman: Are you coming? 159 00:11:40,217 --> 00:11:41,332 Anil: I'm not going to come in. 160 00:11:41,435 --> 00:11:42,500 Freeman: Okay. 161 00:12:13,784 --> 00:12:16,067 Freeman: I'm about to have an audience with a living embodiment 162 00:12:16,169 --> 00:12:18,269 of the hindu god taleju. 163 00:12:18,972 --> 00:12:22,407 My hope is that the kumari remains expressionless. 164 00:12:22,843 --> 00:12:26,745 Even the hint of a smile is said to bring misfortune. 165 00:12:36,006 --> 00:12:40,175 ♪ ♪ 166 00:12:58,678 --> 00:13:00,645 she didn't, she didn't smile. 167 00:13:01,214 --> 00:13:02,981 As a matter of fact, she didn't have an expression at all. 168 00:13:03,083 --> 00:13:04,015 Anil: Okay. That's a good thing. 169 00:13:04,117 --> 00:13:05,233 Freeman: So that's good for me right? 170 00:13:05,335 --> 00:13:06,935 Anil: That's a good thing. 171 00:13:07,070 --> 00:13:12,207 Freeman: Alright, and I also noticed that her feet were up on a little platform. 172 00:13:12,409 --> 00:13:13,608 Anil: Pedestal, yes. 173 00:13:13,743 --> 00:13:16,444 So while she is the kumari she should not touch the earth... 174 00:13:16,713 --> 00:13:18,746 Freeman: Uh-huh. Anil: And so she will be carried around. 175 00:13:18,849 --> 00:13:20,415 Freeman: I see, okay. 176 00:13:20,517 --> 00:13:23,334 Anil: And so she gets carried around in a palanquin... Freeman: Yeah. 177 00:13:23,436 --> 00:13:26,838 Anil: Even when she has to go to festivals and to attend other rituals in the city. 178 00:13:28,158 --> 00:13:32,277 Freeman: This royal treatment isn't required merely out of respect for the divine. 179 00:13:33,346 --> 00:13:36,381 It avoids her receiving cuts to her feet. 180 00:13:37,350 --> 00:13:40,902 If she bleeds, she ceases to be a goddess. 181 00:13:41,838 --> 00:13:45,573 Of course, that day can only be put off so long. 182 00:13:46,142 --> 00:13:49,777 With the onset of puberty, this young girl must return to a way of life 183 00:13:49,880 --> 00:13:52,547 that may now be alien to her. 184 00:13:54,150 --> 00:13:57,836 It seemed like this would be kind of a rough deal for a kid. 185 00:13:57,938 --> 00:14:01,639 Anil: It is a rough deal, you know, for a kid, but I think in this part of the world, 186 00:14:01,741 --> 00:14:04,042 you know, we're constantly reminded about our duty... 187 00:14:04,244 --> 00:14:05,977 Freeman: Yes. 188 00:14:06,112 --> 00:14:08,746 Anil: And so in, you know, sort of the years to come the people take great pride in the 189 00:14:08,849 --> 00:14:12,166 fact that she was able to serve her community by taking on this duty. 190 00:14:13,603 --> 00:14:16,004 Freeman: And after is no longer a goddess.. 191 00:14:16,106 --> 00:14:17,639 Anil: Right. Freeman: What is she? 192 00:14:17,774 --> 00:14:20,575 Anil: You know once she reaches puberty then the community begins to search, 193 00:14:20,677 --> 00:14:23,411 you know, for a second child, you know, who'll replace her. 194 00:14:23,713 --> 00:14:25,613 She enters the regular family and I think... 195 00:14:25,715 --> 00:14:27,015 Freeman: She becomes just a regular... 196 00:14:27,117 --> 00:14:28,499 Anil: Regular girl. 197 00:14:28,602 --> 00:14:29,767 Freeman: Got it. 198 00:14:32,305 --> 00:14:34,606 The kumari can't speak to me. 199 00:14:34,708 --> 00:14:37,208 She can't tell me what it's like to be a living goddess. 200 00:14:41,982 --> 00:14:46,634 But anil has arranged for me to visit someone who can. 201 00:14:50,340 --> 00:14:53,074 Former kumari, matina shakya. 202 00:14:53,343 --> 00:14:54,676 Namaste. 203 00:14:56,813 --> 00:15:00,965 Matina is not the first in the shakya line to have been seen as divine. 204 00:15:02,602 --> 00:15:07,205 The lineage traces back to siddhartha gautama, the buddha. 205 00:15:10,377 --> 00:15:15,413 Now, matina has returned to the life of a typical 13-year-old girl. 206 00:15:20,370 --> 00:15:22,103 I just met a kumari. 207 00:15:22,606 --> 00:15:25,306 She was on her cushion. 208 00:15:25,675 --> 00:15:27,642 Her feet are up on a platform. 209 00:15:27,744 --> 00:15:29,877 And she had no expression. 210 00:15:31,081 --> 00:15:37,035 And I was told that if she did have an expression it could be my downfall. 211 00:15:38,505 --> 00:15:44,709 I don't know if you have to think, after a while, about controlling yourself? 212 00:15:45,312 --> 00:15:49,814 Can you give me any idea how you felt? 213 00:15:51,001 --> 00:15:52,800 (speaking in native language). 214 00:15:53,003 --> 00:15:55,637 Anil: So, no, she doesn't have any, you know, negative thoughts. 215 00:15:56,539 --> 00:16:02,010 (speaking in native language). 216 00:16:02,112 --> 00:16:07,966 (speaking in native language). 217 00:16:08,068 --> 00:16:12,103 She's saying that for nine years, the two things she found very good was her 218 00:16:12,205 --> 00:16:15,540 friends would come and play with her, so she always had the company. 219 00:16:16,476 --> 00:16:19,143 But the second one was, you know, she had tutors, you know, 220 00:16:19,245 --> 00:16:20,945 who took her through the curriculum. 221 00:16:22,716 --> 00:16:28,603 Freeman: Is it difficult to make the transition from being the goddess 222 00:16:28,705 --> 00:16:31,139 to being just regular? 223 00:16:33,209 --> 00:16:36,310 Anil: Very normal, she doesn't have any difficulty... 224 00:16:36,563 --> 00:16:39,514 Freeman: Really? Anil: Adjusting to this new life, no. 225 00:16:39,616 --> 00:16:42,900 Freeman: Do your friends still think of you as a goddess? 226 00:16:43,803 --> 00:16:45,937 (speaking in native language). 227 00:16:49,209 --> 00:16:51,743 (speaking in native language). 228 00:16:54,147 --> 00:16:58,466 Anil: So they recognize both the roles that she's a former kumari, but then when they're 229 00:16:58,568 --> 00:17:00,802 playing, you know, she's just a class mate. 230 00:17:00,904 --> 00:17:02,003 Freeman: Okay. 231 00:17:08,044 --> 00:17:10,611 What makes you laugh out loud? 232 00:17:11,648 --> 00:17:14,248 (speaking in native language). 233 00:17:23,576 --> 00:17:25,209 Freeman: Is she gonna say nothing? 234 00:17:28,615 --> 00:17:30,882 Well, I guess she can't grow up as a goddess and 235 00:17:31,501 --> 00:17:36,204 not gain some sense of bearing, right? Right. 236 00:17:36,306 --> 00:17:37,505 Anil: Right, right. 237 00:17:37,607 --> 00:17:40,308 Freeman: And I'm struck by her serenity. 238 00:17:42,512 --> 00:17:44,979 (speaking in native language). 239 00:17:51,805 --> 00:17:53,404 Freeman: What do you want to go in to? 240 00:17:53,606 --> 00:17:55,940 What do you going to do in life? 241 00:17:56,142 --> 00:17:58,810 (speaking in native language). 242 00:18:03,083 --> 00:18:04,932 (speaking in native language). 243 00:18:08,304 --> 00:18:10,071 (speaking in native language). 244 00:18:10,173 --> 00:18:13,274 Anil: So she loves her math class a lot, but what that will lead to 245 00:18:13,376 --> 00:18:14,842 she hasn't yet decided. 246 00:18:14,911 --> 00:18:18,012 Freeman: Right, well that's good enough I'm telling you. 247 00:18:18,114 --> 00:18:19,947 (speaking in native language) 248 00:18:20,049 --> 00:18:22,533 freeman: One thing I do not do, math. 249 00:18:22,635 --> 00:18:25,036 (laughter) 250 00:18:25,238 --> 00:18:26,204 thank you. 251 00:18:26,306 --> 00:18:27,872 Matina: You're welcome. 252 00:18:33,446 --> 00:18:36,714 Freeman: I'm just amazed when I contemplate matina's childhood. 253 00:18:37,750 --> 00:18:41,169 At the age of three she was elevated to the status of goddess. 254 00:18:43,106 --> 00:18:49,210 That was her dharma, her duty; she was given a role by her community to be a source of 255 00:18:49,312 --> 00:18:52,680 divine blessing and guidance. 256 00:18:55,068 --> 00:18:59,203 To be a bridge between this world and the realm of the gods. 257 00:19:02,275 --> 00:19:08,129 That was matina's burden, and her honor. 258 00:19:23,947 --> 00:19:27,548 Being a god for a decade shapes the kumari's entire life. 259 00:19:30,036 --> 00:19:34,305 But some gods enter human bodies for just fleeting moments. 260 00:19:37,977 --> 00:19:40,011 ♪ ♪ 261 00:19:53,676 --> 00:19:58,446 I've come to the city of hanoi, vietnam's capital and cultural heart. 262 00:19:59,716 --> 00:20:04,302 I'm here to witness a ceremony of the ancient dao mau folk religion. 263 00:20:17,817 --> 00:20:21,002 Nguyen ngoc vi is a dao mau spirit medium. 264 00:20:21,571 --> 00:20:24,572 Vi, how are you? 265 00:20:25,008 --> 00:20:26,440 So good to see you. 266 00:20:26,910 --> 00:20:28,976 Nguyen: Yes, nice to meet you, come please. 267 00:20:29,078 --> 00:20:30,344 Freeman: Thank you. 268 00:20:32,849 --> 00:20:38,069 She's preparing to ask the gods to come down to earth for bui thi khim khue, 269 00:20:38,504 --> 00:20:41,372 who needs divine guidance in her romantic life. 270 00:20:42,575 --> 00:20:47,745 But first, I want to understand how vi became a channel for divine spirits. 271 00:20:49,649 --> 00:20:54,035 How does a young woman like you become a spirit medium? 272 00:20:55,004 --> 00:20:57,371 (speaking in native language). 273 00:20:58,608 --> 00:21:01,976 Khue: People said that when she was very young she was very uncommon. 274 00:21:02,078 --> 00:21:03,010 Freeman: Yeah. 275 00:21:03,112 --> 00:21:06,147 (speaking in native language) 276 00:21:06,449 --> 00:21:10,835 khue: We didn't know anything until the day that my parents went to talk to 277 00:21:10,970 --> 00:21:12,303 the fortune teller, 278 00:21:12,739 --> 00:21:18,676 and also that I start to see, gods spirit. 279 00:21:26,369 --> 00:21:32,707 Freeman: So you think these spirits were trying to communicate something to you? 280 00:21:33,676 --> 00:21:35,176 Nguyen: Yeah. 281 00:21:35,278 --> 00:21:38,079 (speaking in native language). 282 00:21:38,181 --> 00:21:42,800 Khue: One time I receive a message like a dream, from the god, 283 00:21:43,403 --> 00:21:49,240 and he told me that I should become a medium to help people. 284 00:21:49,876 --> 00:21:52,710 To be the messenger of god. 285 00:21:59,168 --> 00:22:02,503 Freeman: Vi has become one of dao mau's leading mediums, 286 00:22:03,139 --> 00:22:07,274 drawing people who wish to speak to the gods from all over northern vietnam. 287 00:22:08,378 --> 00:22:09,910 The religion has many deities. 288 00:22:11,581 --> 00:22:15,333 Over several weeks of preparation, vi has petitioned several of them to come down 289 00:22:15,435 --> 00:22:16,734 to earth today. 290 00:22:23,509 --> 00:22:27,611 But the ceremony can only begin when vi senses the arrival of the mother goddess, 291 00:22:28,114 --> 00:22:32,400 a chief deity of dao mau who opens the door for the other gods. 292 00:22:53,673 --> 00:22:57,375 Freeman: When a deity arrives, vi signals her assistants to dress 293 00:22:57,493 --> 00:22:59,577 her in that god's clothing. 294 00:23:19,882 --> 00:23:21,382 Freeman: This deity is a general. 295 00:23:23,035 --> 00:23:26,036 The color of each god's costume represents which of the four elements of nature 296 00:23:26,139 --> 00:23:31,442 they control; earth, sky, mountain or water. 297 00:24:06,145 --> 00:24:07,127 Freeman: Why are you here? 298 00:24:19,809 --> 00:24:22,843 Freeman: The general leaves without giving a message to khue. 299 00:24:25,648 --> 00:24:28,599 But a new god is already on the way. 300 00:24:46,469 --> 00:24:50,638 Freeman: Nguyen ngoc vi has prayed for several gods of the dao mau folk religion to come 301 00:24:50,740 --> 00:24:52,606 down to hanoi today. 302 00:24:54,777 --> 00:25:00,181 She believes one of them can help bui thi khim khue with her troubled love life. 303 00:25:07,573 --> 00:25:13,310 As each god arrives vi welcomes them with a drink, changes into their costume, 304 00:25:14,547 --> 00:25:17,181 and lets them express themselves in human form. 305 00:25:29,111 --> 00:25:34,915 Freeman: A series of noble ladies, princes, and maidens inhabit vi's body. 306 00:25:35,968 --> 00:25:37,835 But none has a message for khue. 307 00:25:40,273 --> 00:25:44,141 Until, at last, a second general arrives. 308 00:25:48,514 --> 00:25:50,681 It's the commander of tu n tranh, 309 00:25:50,816 --> 00:25:55,369 a figure famous for fighting back a mongol invasion in the 13th century. 310 00:26:03,179 --> 00:26:05,446 He summons khue to come to the altar. 311 00:26:13,272 --> 00:26:19,243 ♪ ♪ 312 00:26:46,772 --> 00:26:52,910 khue: So, he gave me a blessing that I'm going to meet a person with good, 313 00:26:53,012 --> 00:26:55,579 with a kind heart. 314 00:26:55,781 --> 00:26:57,448 And, will get married. 315 00:26:58,050 --> 00:26:58,966 Yes. 316 00:26:59,068 --> 00:27:01,001 That's, the blessing I got. 317 00:27:01,170 --> 00:27:03,704 Freeman: He give you any idea how long it's gonna be before this happens? 318 00:27:04,507 --> 00:27:06,740 Khue: Maybe soon, I hope. 319 00:27:07,910 --> 00:27:09,209 Freeman: Okay we'll see. 320 00:27:09,312 --> 00:27:10,644 Khue: We'll see. 321 00:27:12,481 --> 00:27:14,648 They gonna ask me to finish bottom up. 322 00:27:15,267 --> 00:27:17,067 Freeman: Bottoms up. Khue: So that I can get married. 323 00:27:18,170 --> 00:27:19,703 Freeman: Okay. 324 00:27:35,838 --> 00:27:40,841 Gods and the souls of ancestors all mix and mingle flowing through 325 00:27:40,943 --> 00:27:43,077 the tradition of dao mau. 326 00:27:45,581 --> 00:27:48,666 For the believers, the boundary between the eternal and 327 00:27:48,734 --> 00:27:52,503 our mortal world is thin and porous. 328 00:27:54,607 --> 00:27:57,975 The appearance of these gods on earth, it's not a miracle. 329 00:27:59,245 --> 00:28:01,111 It's an everyday occurrence. 330 00:28:01,881 --> 00:28:04,848 Like calling up an old friend. 331 00:28:09,138 --> 00:28:11,405 We gonna have to give all this money back before we leave? 332 00:28:11,507 --> 00:28:12,539 Khue: No. 333 00:28:12,842 --> 00:28:14,675 You can keep this, it's lucky. 334 00:28:14,977 --> 00:28:16,977 Freeman: About 60 grand here. 335 00:28:21,350 --> 00:28:24,034 Many believers turn to the gods in times of need. 336 00:28:25,871 --> 00:28:29,940 Jesus came to judea when the jews were under the thumb of roman occupation. 337 00:28:31,010 --> 00:28:32,576 Thousands of years later, 338 00:28:34,780 --> 00:28:38,682 some say he came again, this time to africa. 339 00:28:42,471 --> 00:28:48,809 Shashamane, ethiopia is a rastafari settlement more than 7000 miles from jamaica. 340 00:28:51,680 --> 00:28:56,200 Donisha prendergast, activist, documentarian, and granddaughter of 341 00:28:56,302 --> 00:28:58,135 reggae legend bob marley... 342 00:28:58,938 --> 00:28:59,937 Isha: Thank you. 343 00:29:01,273 --> 00:29:02,706 Freeman: Is here to learn about the rastafari belief that 344 00:29:02,842 --> 00:29:08,145 the late ethiopian emperor haile selassie was a reincarnation of jesus. 345 00:29:08,881 --> 00:29:13,967 ♪ babylon is falling, ethiopia she is calling. ♪ 346 00:29:14,069 --> 00:29:19,473 freeman: Meeting her today is sydney salmon a jamaican rastafarian 347 00:29:19,575 --> 00:29:21,575 who now calls shashamane home. 348 00:29:21,911 --> 00:29:25,145 Sydney: Welcome, welcome, welcome home, welcome home, welcome home. 349 00:29:26,148 --> 00:29:29,199 Isha: You know many people think that rastafari is just 350 00:29:29,301 --> 00:29:33,203 bob marley, ganja, reggae music. 351 00:29:33,773 --> 00:29:34,938 Sydney: Yes. 352 00:29:36,675 --> 00:29:39,376 Isha: So, tell me about, what is it about shashamane, why do you find yourself here? 353 00:29:40,079 --> 00:29:43,647 Sydney: You know, shashamane is the mecca of rastafari, you know. 354 00:29:43,849 --> 00:29:47,434 Isha: We can't talk about rastafari as a movement... Sydney: Yes. 355 00:29:47,536 --> 00:29:49,603 Isha: Without talking about marcus mosiah garvey. 356 00:29:49,705 --> 00:29:51,104 Sydney: Yes, I... 357 00:29:51,474 --> 00:29:54,908 Freeman: The story starts in 1920 with the jamaican publisher 358 00:29:55,010 --> 00:29:57,544 and political activist, marcus garvey. 359 00:29:57,913 --> 00:30:01,215 Sydney: Marcus garvey is like john the baptist, you know, the first man 360 00:30:01,317 --> 00:30:02,966 who come and spoke to us. 361 00:30:03,068 --> 00:30:06,170 He said, "africans need to see their god through african spectacles. 362 00:30:07,106 --> 00:30:11,975 Freeman: Garvey believed that people of african descent, dispersed by slavery and 363 00:30:12,077 --> 00:30:17,381 tyrannized by colonialism, needed leaders, both political and spiritual, 364 00:30:18,217 --> 00:30:19,700 made in their own image. 365 00:30:21,670 --> 00:30:26,840 He wrote: "look to africa when a black king shall be crowned, 366 00:30:28,477 --> 00:30:31,211 for the day of deliverance is near." 367 00:30:47,346 --> 00:30:51,899 ten years later the ethiopian nobleman rastafari mekonnen 368 00:30:52,001 --> 00:30:56,937 was crowned emperor of ethiopia, and took the name haile selassie. 369 00:30:58,107 --> 00:31:01,708 Isha: 88 years ago when his majesty was coronated... 370 00:31:01,810 --> 00:31:03,644 Sydney: Yes. Isha: He changed history. 371 00:31:03,746 --> 00:31:04,978 Sydney: Yes. 372 00:31:05,114 --> 00:31:07,981 Isha: So from the jump his majesty was about african unity. 373 00:31:08,083 --> 00:31:09,299 Sydney: Unity. 374 00:31:10,903 --> 00:31:13,937 Freeman: Many jamaicans, living under british colonial rule, were inspired by 375 00:31:14,039 --> 00:31:16,840 selassie's resistance to european invaders. 376 00:31:17,509 --> 00:31:19,643 And saw him as garvey's redeemer. 377 00:31:20,579 --> 00:31:26,233 Some pronounced him a reincarnation of jesus, and the rastafari faith was born. 378 00:31:27,770 --> 00:31:29,970 Sydney: To some people god mean different things. 379 00:31:30,072 --> 00:31:33,473 Well, the first thing we know that the bible teaches that god is a spirit. 380 00:31:34,276 --> 00:31:39,613 But this spirit manifested himself as a man. 381 00:31:39,982 --> 00:31:41,114 As a human being. 382 00:31:42,801 --> 00:31:46,470 Freeman: Selassie was an ethiopian orthodox christian and 383 00:31:46,572 --> 00:31:48,772 never claimed to be divine. 384 00:31:49,608 --> 00:31:53,677 But when he set aside shashamane as a homeland for dispersed africans it 385 00:31:53,779 --> 00:31:56,813 bolstered his status as a god for the rastafari. 386 00:31:57,149 --> 00:31:59,866 Isha: He was the only african king who came and stretched out his hand. 387 00:32:00,035 --> 00:32:00,968 Sydney: Yeah. 388 00:32:01,070 --> 00:32:03,553 Isha: Gave us 500 acres of land. 389 00:32:03,639 --> 00:32:05,939 Sydney: Yes, so I give thanks for being here. 390 00:32:06,709 --> 00:32:08,141 Long live marcus garvey. 391 00:32:08,277 --> 00:32:13,413 Long live the spirit of rastafari and repatriation to the homeland, 392 00:32:13,515 --> 00:32:16,233 with my god and my king beside me, you know. 393 00:32:19,638 --> 00:32:24,274 Freeman: People of many faiths yearn to reach out and touch the divine here on earth. 394 00:32:24,710 --> 00:32:27,844 But divinity does not only manifest in human form. 395 00:32:28,781 --> 00:32:32,149 Catholics believe they can still make contact with jesus 396 00:32:32,267 --> 00:32:34,267 through the objects he left behind. 397 00:32:52,938 --> 00:32:57,374 Freeman: I've come to paris to visit one of the most famous cathedrals 398 00:32:57,810 --> 00:32:59,910 in the entire world. 399 00:33:00,245 --> 00:33:02,813 (bells ringing) 400 00:33:05,184 --> 00:33:07,234 notre dame. 401 00:33:09,171 --> 00:33:15,342 (organ playing) 402 00:33:17,446 --> 00:33:20,847 more than 13 million people come here every year. 403 00:33:21,750 --> 00:33:26,903 Yet only a fraction of them knows that these vaulted ceilings house one of the most 404 00:33:27,006 --> 00:33:31,341 precious and closely guarded relics in all christendom. 405 00:33:34,980 --> 00:33:36,813 The crown of thorns. 406 00:33:38,801 --> 00:33:43,303 I've been granted special access to see the crown up-close, and learn more 407 00:33:43,405 --> 00:33:47,140 about what the faithful see in this sacred object. 408 00:33:48,477 --> 00:33:52,345 Father denis dupont-fauville is one of its curators. 409 00:33:54,283 --> 00:33:57,234 This, this is it? 410 00:33:58,070 --> 00:34:01,438 Father denis: This is it. This is very rare to show it like that. 411 00:34:04,076 --> 00:34:07,544 Freeman: It's been the prized possession of the catholic church in France 412 00:34:07,646 --> 00:34:09,713 for almost 800 years. 413 00:34:11,550 --> 00:34:15,869 Of course, if it's the genuine article, it's far older than that. 414 00:34:17,306 --> 00:34:20,357 Father denis: The crown which is made of reeds, of herbs, of weeds... 415 00:34:20,442 --> 00:34:21,775 Freeman: Mm-mm. 416 00:34:21,910 --> 00:34:27,547 Father denis: And they put it in this circle of glass, actually, 417 00:34:27,649 --> 00:34:29,199 with gold around there. 418 00:34:29,601 --> 00:34:33,670 And they added a few gold wires to maintain it. 419 00:34:33,772 --> 00:34:37,074 Freeman: Oh, then the actual reeds are held together now... 420 00:34:37,176 --> 00:34:38,909 Father denis: Yes. Freeman: With these little gold wires. 421 00:34:39,044 --> 00:34:43,480 Father denis: Yes, and then they put this glass thing and the sealed it just to preserve 422 00:34:43,582 --> 00:34:46,500 it from air, from pollution, from contact. 423 00:34:47,202 --> 00:34:53,440 But what we call the crown of thorns was actually sort of a helmet of thorns. 424 00:34:53,876 --> 00:34:58,945 And so they, on this circle they made a helmet with the thorns and 425 00:34:59,047 --> 00:35:01,081 then they set it on the head. 426 00:35:01,183 --> 00:35:03,500 That was really horrible. 427 00:35:06,438 --> 00:35:10,740 Freeman: The gospels say that when jesus was carrying his cross to golgotha, 428 00:35:11,477 --> 00:35:14,878 roman soldiers mocked him as the "king of the jews" 429 00:35:15,848 --> 00:35:18,865 and placed a crown of thorns on his head. 430 00:35:20,269 --> 00:35:21,635 I have this question for you. 431 00:35:21,770 --> 00:35:24,638 Father denis: Yes. Freeman: France, that's a long way from golgotha. 432 00:35:24,740 --> 00:35:26,406 Father denis: Yes, that's a long story. 433 00:35:26,542 --> 00:35:31,077 So helen, who was the mother of the emperor took it from jerusalem to constantinople 434 00:35:31,180 --> 00:35:32,512 in the 4th century. 435 00:35:34,149 --> 00:35:38,435 Freeman: The roman emperor constantine's mother had converted to christianity, 436 00:35:38,971 --> 00:35:44,107 and claimed the crown as a key symbol of jesus's suffering on the cross. 437 00:35:46,345 --> 00:35:50,947 Father denis: And then nearly 1000 years the crown stayed in constantinople. 438 00:35:51,750 --> 00:35:55,936 Then there was the war, but the emperor had no money to pay the army. 439 00:35:56,271 --> 00:36:01,441 So, to get the money for his army, he put the crown in loan in venice. 440 00:36:02,044 --> 00:36:03,310 Freeman: They swapped it. 441 00:36:03,412 --> 00:36:05,111 Father denis: He loaned the crown. 442 00:36:05,214 --> 00:36:09,266 And when the king of France learned that, king louis, he say, "it's a shame. 443 00:36:09,368 --> 00:36:15,639 So, I give the money for the army and I get the crown in a safe place, that's France." 444 00:36:15,841 --> 00:36:16,806 freeman: Okay. 445 00:36:16,942 --> 00:36:21,678 Father denis: So in 1239 it arrived in France. 446 00:36:21,780 --> 00:36:23,480 Freeman: Uh-huh. 447 00:36:23,615 --> 00:36:27,934 Father denis: And when king louis welcomed this crown in paris, he went out of the city 448 00:36:28,036 --> 00:36:33,840 with bare feet, only a shirt on him, and he said, "well, I'm the most powerful 449 00:36:33,942 --> 00:36:37,844 king on earth, but I'm nothing in comparison to the true king. 450 00:36:38,580 --> 00:36:43,400 My crown is of gold, but his crown is the true one. It was made of thorns." 451 00:36:43,869 --> 00:36:48,271 so it was very, very moving from this man who was the most powerful on earth at the time. 452 00:36:48,907 --> 00:36:50,140 You know... 453 00:36:50,275 --> 00:36:54,244 And the money he gave was one full year of France's budget. 454 00:36:55,113 --> 00:36:56,980 You can imagine it was tremendous. 455 00:36:57,082 --> 00:36:58,965 Freeman: Quite a bit of money. 456 00:36:59,234 --> 00:37:04,404 So, the amount that was paid probably opened the doorway for a lot of fake stuff. 457 00:37:05,107 --> 00:37:10,243 Father denis: Well, you can never be sure 100% they are the true ones. 458 00:37:10,846 --> 00:37:15,632 But in this case it was analyzed a little bit a few years ago, 459 00:37:16,535 --> 00:37:22,872 so, we are certain that is the actual crown which was shown to helen. 460 00:37:23,675 --> 00:37:26,676 So if there is one in the world, it's this one. 461 00:37:27,512 --> 00:37:33,533 Freeman: I know you said that if there is a crown of thorns, this is it. 462 00:37:33,969 --> 00:37:35,335 Father denis: Yes. 463 00:37:35,437 --> 00:37:38,772 Freeman: But what if it's not it? 464 00:37:38,874 --> 00:37:43,076 Father denis: Well if it really touched christ of course it is obvious, but even 465 00:37:43,178 --> 00:37:49,332 if it's not the true one it's a way of remembering, okay he really was on earth. 466 00:37:49,801 --> 00:37:50,934 He was a true man. 467 00:37:51,069 --> 00:37:54,371 He could bear that, he could have that on his very head. 468 00:37:55,173 --> 00:37:59,809 And this is no story, this is not a tale or a symbol or an abstraction. 469 00:38:00,312 --> 00:38:01,645 This is history. 470 00:38:01,747 --> 00:38:03,680 This is concrete, we can touch it. 471 00:38:04,316 --> 00:38:05,632 You know. 472 00:38:06,034 --> 00:38:07,367 Freeman: Got you. 473 00:38:14,609 --> 00:38:19,346 Today is the first Friday of the month, when the crown is put on public display. 474 00:38:25,437 --> 00:38:30,807 People from all over the world come to attend mass and get close to the relic. 475 00:38:35,580 --> 00:38:40,400 By so doing, they believe they are getting closer to jesus. 476 00:38:52,114 --> 00:38:56,499 Father denis: People come there with their sufferings, with their hopes. 477 00:38:58,804 --> 00:39:03,873 And they come to this crown, they come to christ actually; and say, 478 00:39:03,975 --> 00:39:10,280 "okay, you suffered, you hoped. I suffer, I hope. I want to join with you." 479 00:39:11,650 --> 00:39:13,466 so that's very, very deep. 480 00:39:14,102 --> 00:39:16,269 Simple in a way but very, very moving. 481 00:39:27,983 --> 00:39:30,667 Freeman: Holy relics are symbols of the divine here on earth. 482 00:39:32,671 --> 00:39:37,006 As such, they can and do fall under the control of people who 483 00:39:37,109 --> 00:39:40,043 would use them for earthly power. 484 00:39:42,414 --> 00:39:48,701 But for those who are seeking spiritual strength, relics act as a beacon, 485 00:39:50,572 --> 00:39:55,742 a beacon of faith, that guide them through the distractions of this 486 00:39:55,844 --> 00:40:02,182 mortal realm to a more direct connection with god. 487 00:40:08,073 --> 00:40:11,207 Religions often form around divinely inspired figures, 488 00:40:12,577 --> 00:40:15,979 moses, mohammed, the buddha. 489 00:40:16,848 --> 00:40:22,135 Most people are only aware of one faith where god took human form, christianity. 490 00:40:23,839 --> 00:40:25,672 But there is another. 491 00:40:26,141 --> 00:40:31,311 This divine person may be the key to understanding the power of gods on earth. 492 00:40:44,709 --> 00:40:49,846 Freeman: I've come to london to visit the shri swaminarayan temple. 493 00:40:57,572 --> 00:41:01,341 It's dedicated to the swaminarayan sect of the hindu faith. 494 00:41:07,415 --> 00:41:10,900 I've been granted an audience with one of the senior spiritual leaders of the group... 495 00:41:11,903 --> 00:41:13,670 Thank you for having this conversation with me. 496 00:41:14,439 --> 00:41:16,339 Sadhu paramtattvadas. 497 00:41:17,442 --> 00:41:22,512 He and millions of his fellow devotees believe that the supreme god of hinduism, 498 00:41:23,381 --> 00:41:27,934 brahman, came to earth as a human, just over 200 years ago. 499 00:41:31,506 --> 00:41:34,841 Tell me the story of god on earth, the hindu god on earth. 500 00:41:35,210 --> 00:41:38,178 Sadhu: For me, I mean there are many gods. 501 00:41:38,280 --> 00:41:39,546 Freeman: I thought there was one? 502 00:41:39,648 --> 00:41:42,081 Sadhu: There is one supreme entity. 503 00:41:42,184 --> 00:41:44,834 And that entity can take many forms. 504 00:41:45,103 --> 00:41:49,973 So for me, as a, as a monk, that would be bhagwan swaminarayan. 505 00:41:50,575 --> 00:41:54,377 For me, he is the supreme, ultimate entity. 506 00:41:54,846 --> 00:41:57,013 For me, he is god. 507 00:41:57,516 --> 00:42:02,101 Freeman: Swaminarayan hindus believe that god was born in human form in 508 00:42:02,204 --> 00:42:06,639 the indian state of uttar pradesh in 1781. 509 00:42:07,542 --> 00:42:13,746 Sadhu: He manifested on earth, as a normal human being, through a mother and a father, 510 00:42:13,848 --> 00:42:18,368 to dispel the darkness of ignorance, to help elevate humankind, 511 00:42:18,470 --> 00:42:20,336 to a higher moral level. 512 00:42:22,574 --> 00:42:24,908 At the age of 11, after his parents passed away, 513 00:42:26,811 --> 00:42:30,513 alone, barefooted, open-chested, 514 00:42:31,116 --> 00:42:35,168 with nothing except a utensil to drink from, 515 00:42:35,804 --> 00:42:38,204 a small scripture and a loincloth. 516 00:42:40,375 --> 00:42:43,409 Chose this journey of traveling across india, 517 00:42:44,479 --> 00:42:47,981 and he traveled 12,000 kilometers including 518 00:42:48,083 --> 00:42:53,603 spending three years across the himalayas, alone through jungles, across mountains, 519 00:42:53,705 --> 00:42:56,439 treacherous, climates and conditions. 520 00:43:01,246 --> 00:43:05,615 Freeman: As he traveled, stories of his power and divinity began to spread. 521 00:43:08,503 --> 00:43:13,640 In one such tale, he arrived at a village that was being terrorized by a lion. 522 00:43:14,609 --> 00:43:19,579 The village priest warned him away, but swaminarayan refused to go. 523 00:43:20,548 --> 00:43:23,733 That night he faced down the lion. 524 00:43:25,804 --> 00:43:29,639 When the village awoke, the lion looked more like a lamb. 525 00:43:30,875 --> 00:43:33,543 Calmly lying at the swami's feet. 526 00:43:35,213 --> 00:43:39,966 The villagers knew then that this young man was no ordinary human. 527 00:43:44,205 --> 00:43:48,908 Sadhu: He spent seven years along this journey, to see the religious landscape of india, 528 00:43:49,277 --> 00:43:54,947 and see where he could find those souls that he wanted to bring to perfection. 529 00:43:55,550 --> 00:44:00,470 Freeman: The 11-year-old who walked the length and breadth of india, 530 00:44:01,039 --> 00:44:02,739 and became supreme. 531 00:44:03,541 --> 00:44:05,441 Sadhu: No. Freeman: No. 532 00:44:05,543 --> 00:44:07,844 Sadhu: He was eternally supreme, he is god. 533 00:44:09,748 --> 00:44:11,648 He doesn't become god, he was god. 534 00:44:11,750 --> 00:44:13,533 And is god and always will be god. 535 00:44:13,935 --> 00:44:14,867 Freeman: Always was? 536 00:44:14,969 --> 00:44:16,536 Sadhu: Always was, and always will be. 537 00:44:16,638 --> 00:44:20,907 That's the, the very essence of having eternal supreme entity. 538 00:44:21,209 --> 00:44:26,379 Just as jesus was god on earth, bhagwan swaminarayan was god on earth. 539 00:44:29,601 --> 00:44:32,835 Because he grew up as a normal child, but there were still miracles happening 540 00:44:32,937 --> 00:44:34,437 all around him. 541 00:44:34,539 --> 00:44:36,739 He was bringing things to life, he was protecting people, 542 00:44:36,841 --> 00:44:41,377 saving people throughout his life there were lots of miracles. 543 00:44:44,182 --> 00:44:49,068 But in our traditions, the miracles don't have as much spiritual importance. 544 00:44:51,239 --> 00:44:54,040 They don't prove him as god. 545 00:44:55,276 --> 00:44:56,376 He is. 546 00:44:56,478 --> 00:44:59,512 Freeman: How is the human condition helped 547 00:45:00,281 --> 00:45:04,801 by a god being here among us? 548 00:45:05,570 --> 00:45:10,640 Sadhu: Is god not powerful enough to exact his power from heaven? 549 00:45:11,876 --> 00:45:15,778 Bhagwan swaminarayan explains that his manifestation, 550 00:45:15,880 --> 00:45:21,667 taking on a human form, was to help countless souls eradicate their ignorance, 551 00:45:22,337 --> 00:45:24,737 and elevate them to spiritual perfection. 552 00:45:27,041 --> 00:45:29,609 Freeman: I'm, I'm trying my best to absorb. 553 00:45:30,412 --> 00:45:34,480 So what you're saying, basically, it's a way of leading by example. 554 00:45:34,849 --> 00:45:37,867 Sadhu: Yes, I think it's immensely powerful. 555 00:45:38,770 --> 00:45:41,037 What if jesus was present on earth now? 556 00:45:43,908 --> 00:45:45,341 Amongst us. 557 00:45:45,944 --> 00:45:49,479 Rather than interpreting scriptures in different ways, 558 00:45:49,581 --> 00:45:51,280 we have a person who's speaking to us. 559 00:45:51,683 --> 00:45:54,700 It's a much more direct relationship. 560 00:45:55,703 --> 00:46:00,173 What more powerful and direct form of revelation could there be 561 00:46:00,341 --> 00:46:05,812 than god himself appearing on earth and saying, here I am. 562 00:46:12,003 --> 00:46:17,640 ♪ ♪ 563 00:46:25,216 --> 00:46:31,504 ♪ ♪ 564 00:46:36,478 --> 00:46:40,880 it seems to me we yearn for god to walk among us because, 565 00:46:40,982 --> 00:46:44,901 we need a living example of what it means to be divine. 566 00:46:48,273 --> 00:46:51,374 A god in human form can show us the way through hard times. 567 00:46:53,444 --> 00:46:55,044 Help us make tough choices. 568 00:46:56,748 --> 00:47:02,268 Show us how to love and respect one another, when it seems the hardest thing to do. 569 00:47:13,548 --> 00:47:18,801 Just because we are mortal doesn't mean we can't strive to live as god would. 570 00:47:19,070 --> 00:47:20,236 Captioned by cotter captioning services.