1 00:00:10,176 --> 00:00:12,976 - [man 1 over radio] Target is on the move. - [camera shutter clicking] 2 00:00:17,142 --> 00:00:18,782 [man 2 over radio] I have eyes on target. 3 00:00:20,061 --> 00:00:23,440 The FBI has Phil Brunton under 24-hour surveillance. 4 00:00:23,523 --> 00:00:26,985 How is Moss' chief strategist connected to the bioterror threat? 5 00:00:27,068 --> 00:00:29,195 Feds found someone solicited by Brunton 6 00:00:29,279 --> 00:00:32,240 to research and develop bioethnically targeted infections. 7 00:00:32,323 --> 00:00:33,408 We've confirmed that? 8 00:00:33,491 --> 00:00:35,219 [Rachelle] NSA was brought in, and they've now tied Brunton 9 00:00:35,243 --> 00:00:37,579 to the dead terrorist, Momberg, through phone records. 10 00:00:37,662 --> 00:00:41,166 Do I have to tiptoe around the GOP elephant in the room? 11 00:00:41,249 --> 00:00:43,001 Is Moss involved? 12 00:00:43,084 --> 00:00:44,586 - FBI doesn't know. - He couldn't be. 13 00:00:44,669 --> 00:00:48,465 Well, if he is, his loyal attack weasel will never tell. 14 00:00:48,548 --> 00:00:50,008 Moss is ahead in the polls. 15 00:00:50,091 --> 00:00:52,761 Brunton will stay quiet, hoping for a pardon if he wins. 16 00:00:54,053 --> 00:00:55,889 Where are we at with the arrest? 17 00:00:55,972 --> 00:00:59,517 That is the question causing a run on Imodium at the DOJ. 18 00:01:00,143 --> 00:01:01,983 The grand jury handed down a sealed indictment, 19 00:01:02,020 --> 00:01:05,774 but Director Vargas prides himself on keeping the FBI apolitical. 20 00:01:05,857 --> 00:01:09,402 Which is why they back-channeled this through the White House Counsel's office. 21 00:01:09,486 --> 00:01:11,738 The bureau has a long-standing protocol 22 00:01:11,821 --> 00:01:14,141 of refraining from making major decisions in investigations 23 00:01:14,199 --> 00:01:17,285 - in the weeks preceding an election. - We're less than a week out. 24 00:01:17,368 --> 00:01:18,512 An arrest now gives the appearance 25 00:01:18,536 --> 00:01:20,639 that they're using their authority to influence the outcome. 26 00:01:20,663 --> 00:01:23,100 We don't know what Brunton could do if he's allowed to remain free. 27 00:01:23,124 --> 00:01:26,377 I'm sorry, but I have to step in here. My job is to protect the American people. 28 00:01:26,461 --> 00:01:28,004 And my job is to protect you. 29 00:01:28,088 --> 00:01:31,341 As president, you do not have authority to order a prosecution. 30 00:01:31,424 --> 00:01:34,093 Abuse of power opens you to a range of consequences. 31 00:01:34,177 --> 00:01:35,553 And think of the optics. 32 00:01:35,637 --> 00:01:38,056 Ordering the arrest of your political rival's top surrogate? 33 00:01:38,139 --> 00:01:39,766 I still have to do something. 34 00:01:39,849 --> 00:01:42,185 Your interference could jeopardize the case. 35 00:01:44,145 --> 00:01:45,625 I strongly advise you stay out of it. 36 00:01:46,439 --> 00:01:49,442 Okay, fine. Thank you, Rachelle. Thank you. 37 00:01:53,613 --> 00:01:55,031 She's right about the optics. 38 00:01:55,115 --> 00:01:58,201 You're behind in the polls. It'll look political. 39 00:02:01,329 --> 00:02:02,497 You know Vargas. 40 00:02:06,417 --> 00:02:08,419 [theme music playing] 41 00:02:25,562 --> 00:02:27,397 You're speaking on behalf of the president? 42 00:02:27,480 --> 00:02:29,941 He wants you to know that this isn't a White House 43 00:02:30,024 --> 00:02:32,610 that's going to interfere in an investigation. 44 00:02:32,694 --> 00:02:35,989 Then why are we meeting in a security camera blind spot, Mars? 45 00:02:36,072 --> 00:02:39,159 Vargas, the FBI should proceed by the book. 46 00:02:39,242 --> 00:02:40,242 We are. 47 00:02:41,035 --> 00:02:43,288 We don't put our thumb on the electoral scale. 48 00:02:43,371 --> 00:02:45,665 I was referring to the part that says, 49 00:02:45,748 --> 00:02:50,670 when there's a bioterrorism threat, you haul ass to keep people safe. 50 00:02:51,337 --> 00:02:53,381 Political blowback be damned. 51 00:02:53,464 --> 00:02:55,717 Manipulating an ongoing criminal investigation 52 00:02:55,800 --> 00:02:57,927 can come back to bite you, Mars. 53 00:02:58,845 --> 00:03:01,890 We have Brunton under surveillance. We can wait it out. 54 00:03:01,973 --> 00:03:05,435 I understand the FBI is an independent organization. 55 00:03:06,561 --> 00:03:10,273 But you guys really shit the bed on this bioterror investigation. 56 00:03:10,857 --> 00:03:11,774 I think we're done here. 57 00:03:11,858 --> 00:03:16,112 The only reason there wasn't a pandemic of God-knows-what in Houston 58 00:03:16,195 --> 00:03:18,406 was because Hannah Wells wouldn't let it go 59 00:03:18,489 --> 00:03:22,619 when the FBI shut it down. It cost her her life. 60 00:03:23,870 --> 00:03:27,957 If there is another attack between now and election day, 61 00:03:28,583 --> 00:03:29,751 it's on you. 62 00:03:34,756 --> 00:03:36,132 [cell phone vibrating] 63 00:03:37,926 --> 00:03:38,926 [Seth] Hello. 64 00:03:39,969 --> 00:03:43,139 Uh, I'm just going to get some coffee. I was not watching you sleep. 65 00:03:43,681 --> 00:03:45,683 [cell phone continues vibrating] 66 00:03:47,518 --> 00:03:49,687 Stop bothering me. 67 00:03:50,271 --> 00:03:51,272 Telemarketer? 68 00:03:51,898 --> 00:03:52,899 [Isabel] Worse. 69 00:03:53,566 --> 00:03:54,984 Lorraine. 70 00:03:55,068 --> 00:03:57,153 She keeps hounding me 71 00:03:57,237 --> 00:04:01,074 to go on today's campaign swing through Florida with Aaron. 72 00:04:01,157 --> 00:04:03,743 - To keep up appearances. - Will you? 73 00:04:03,826 --> 00:04:06,955 I thought you weren't supposed to involve yourself in campaign issues. 74 00:04:07,038 --> 00:04:10,041 Hey, I'm on my personal time here. I'm just an ordinary concerned citizen. 75 00:04:11,334 --> 00:04:12,627 No, I'm not going. 76 00:04:13,461 --> 00:04:14,461 Follow-up question. 77 00:04:14,504 --> 00:04:17,632 Not that I don't love having you as a houseguest, but... 78 00:04:17,715 --> 00:04:19,755 is there any chance you guys will get back together? 79 00:04:20,718 --> 00:04:21,718 No. 80 00:04:23,304 --> 00:04:28,977 I know it's unfair to ask you to play the role of the supportive good spouse, 81 00:04:30,270 --> 00:04:32,355 - but Kirkman's down in Florida. - Seth... [sighs] 82 00:04:32,438 --> 00:04:34,816 It just sucks that he has to suffer collateral damage 83 00:04:34,899 --> 00:04:36,150 because of what Aaron did. 84 00:04:37,151 --> 00:04:38,403 Was it really that bad? 85 00:04:41,030 --> 00:04:42,282 He slept with Emily. 86 00:04:44,409 --> 00:04:46,609 Yeah, fuck that asshole. You're not campaigning for him. 87 00:04:56,587 --> 00:04:58,589 [glass shatters] 88 00:05:02,760 --> 00:05:04,804 [agent 1] Federal agents. Do not move! 89 00:05:04,887 --> 00:05:06,014 What the fuck? 90 00:05:06,097 --> 00:05:08,075 - Phil Brunton? - You can't just break into my home. 91 00:05:08,099 --> 00:05:10,019 We may enter unannounced with a no-knock warrant. 92 00:05:10,059 --> 00:05:11,561 Get dressed and come with me. 93 00:05:12,395 --> 00:05:14,230 - Latest numbers are in. - [Lorraine] Okay. 94 00:05:14,314 --> 00:05:17,900 Kirkman is trailing behind by four points in Nevada, 95 00:05:17,984 --> 00:05:19,736 and three in Arizona and Tennessee. 96 00:05:20,236 --> 00:05:23,448 Damn it! I've got to turn some of this purple to gold. 97 00:05:23,531 --> 00:05:25,491 You're like a reverse Midas. 98 00:05:25,575 --> 00:05:26,826 Shoot the messenger, please. 99 00:05:26,909 --> 00:05:30,538 If these numbers hold, there is no path to victory. 100 00:05:31,914 --> 00:05:34,334 Is there any movement in his home state? 101 00:05:34,417 --> 00:05:36,020 No, looks like New York's still going to Porter. 102 00:05:36,044 --> 00:05:37,962 Well, screw New York. 103 00:05:38,046 --> 00:05:40,465 If they're gonna keep sucking Democrat balls, 104 00:05:40,548 --> 00:05:43,634 then I'm not wasting any more of my precious funds on them. 105 00:05:43,718 --> 00:05:45,878 Too late. POTUS is doing a whistle-stop there tomorrow. 106 00:05:45,928 --> 00:05:49,015 Give my regards to Broadway. We're scuttling that New York trip. 107 00:05:49,098 --> 00:05:51,726 Let's reroute him some place where he has a chance. 108 00:05:51,809 --> 00:05:54,353 There was a small uptick in Texas after the Houston incident. 109 00:05:54,437 --> 00:05:56,797 - I'm sorry. Are you high? - [woman] Oh, my God! Turn it up. 110 00:05:56,856 --> 00:05:58,250 [reporter on TV] It's now confirmed that Phil Brunton, 111 00:05:58,274 --> 00:06:01,569 the chief domestic strategist for the Moss presidential campaign, 112 00:06:01,652 --> 00:06:05,364 was taken into custody by federal agents early this morning. 113 00:06:05,448 --> 00:06:09,202 The charges related to last week's attempted bioterror attack. 114 00:06:09,285 --> 00:06:15,458 Whoo-hoo! October surprise, bitches. All bets are off for Moss now. 115 00:06:15,541 --> 00:06:18,169 Texas is officially in play! 116 00:06:21,255 --> 00:06:24,092 The Performing Arts Center in Albany is shaped like an egg. 117 00:06:24,175 --> 00:06:25,176 Can I see? 118 00:06:26,844 --> 00:06:29,597 Like an egg sliced in half. Do we get to see it today? 119 00:06:29,680 --> 00:06:32,642 Unfortunately, sweetheart, the campaign is moving at a sprinter's pace 120 00:06:32,725 --> 00:06:36,312 in the 26th mile of a marathon. And Albany did not make the cut. 121 00:06:36,395 --> 00:06:39,398 Well, egg or no egg, we'll have a great trip, Pen. 122 00:06:39,482 --> 00:06:40,483 Are you nervous? 123 00:06:41,526 --> 00:06:44,403 - Not really. - She's too cool to be nervous. 124 00:06:44,487 --> 00:06:47,007 How about you? Are you nervous about introducing me in Manhattan? 125 00:06:47,031 --> 00:06:50,660 Well, I have a lot of friends there coming to support me, so that helps. 126 00:06:51,869 --> 00:06:53,704 You look tired. Is everything okay? 127 00:06:53,788 --> 00:06:56,290 I'm not even sure if I closed my eyes last night. 128 00:06:56,374 --> 00:06:58,793 An insomniac's dream is a regular person's sleep. 129 00:06:59,836 --> 00:07:01,420 [Lorraine] Hey-ho, good morning. 130 00:07:01,504 --> 00:07:05,299 We got a date with a state and her name is Texas. 131 00:07:05,383 --> 00:07:08,136 - Ladies, can I have a second? - We were just leaving. 132 00:07:08,928 --> 00:07:10,179 See you later. 133 00:07:11,931 --> 00:07:13,766 [sighs] What happened to New York? 134 00:07:13,850 --> 00:07:16,727 Phil Brunton happened. Don't fight me on Texas. 135 00:07:16,811 --> 00:07:18,771 Moss has fallen, and we would be remiss 136 00:07:18,855 --> 00:07:20,624 if we didn't kick him a little while he's down. 137 00:07:20,648 --> 00:07:23,025 I still can't wrap my head around this. Could he have known? 138 00:07:23,109 --> 00:07:25,236 The Moss I worked for? No. 139 00:07:25,319 --> 00:07:28,489 But he'd do anything to win, and you've got to make this all about him. 140 00:07:28,573 --> 00:07:31,659 - He hasn't been implicated. - He signed the terrorist's paycheck. 141 00:07:31,742 --> 00:07:32,618 Still doesn't mean he knew. 142 00:07:32,702 --> 00:07:33,786 His hands are bloody, 143 00:07:33,870 --> 00:07:36,581 whether he held the knife or shook the hand of the guy who did. 144 00:07:36,664 --> 00:07:38,624 You've gotta hammer that home in your speech. 145 00:07:39,208 --> 00:07:42,170 If you swing Texas and Aaron swings Florida... 146 00:07:42,795 --> 00:07:45,381 - We've got a shot. - More than a shot, hon. 147 00:07:45,465 --> 00:07:46,465 You win. 148 00:07:47,091 --> 00:07:48,091 [chuckles] 149 00:07:48,593 --> 00:07:51,596 Why is she refusing to take her pain meds? Put her on the phone. 150 00:07:54,098 --> 00:07:54,932 Hey. 151 00:07:55,016 --> 00:07:56,434 Mom, what's going on? 152 00:07:57,018 --> 00:07:59,437 You know what a fog that medication puts me in. 153 00:07:59,520 --> 00:08:01,606 Yes, a relatively painless one. 154 00:08:01,689 --> 00:08:05,485 I wanna be clear-headed tonight when you get home, so we can talk. 155 00:08:07,737 --> 00:08:10,907 - Uh... I'm coming home now. - No, don't. 156 00:08:11,491 --> 00:08:14,660 - You have work to do. - If you don't take your meds, 157 00:08:14,744 --> 00:08:17,788 - I have to come home right now. - For Pete's sake. 158 00:08:18,915 --> 00:08:22,960 It's nothing earth-shattering. I just wanna be lucid for once. 159 00:08:23,544 --> 00:08:25,087 Maybe beat you at Jeopardy. 160 00:08:26,005 --> 00:08:27,673 I'll take the damn pills. 161 00:08:29,300 --> 00:08:32,345 - You promise? - Yes. Have a good day at work. 162 00:08:33,930 --> 00:08:35,306 [exhales heavily] 163 00:08:42,313 --> 00:08:45,316 I'll forward you the data analytics from our impact investing initiative. 164 00:08:45,858 --> 00:08:51,197 Hey. Look, I wanna apologize for Lorraine. You don't have to go to Florida. 165 00:08:51,280 --> 00:08:53,908 I know I don't. But I'm going anyway. 166 00:08:54,492 --> 00:08:56,077 - Really? - Not for you, pendejo. 167 00:08:56,160 --> 00:08:57,161 I'm going for POTUS. 168 00:08:57,245 --> 00:09:00,957 Okay? There's no reason he should suffer for your broken campaign promises. 169 00:09:01,040 --> 00:09:02,917 - Isi, thank you, this... - Listen to me. 170 00:09:03,459 --> 00:09:05,145 - Here are the ground rules, okay? - [Aaron] Yeah. 171 00:09:05,169 --> 00:09:07,463 In public, we're the world's happiest couple. 172 00:09:07,547 --> 00:09:09,840 The second we're offstage, you don't touch me, 173 00:09:09,924 --> 00:09:12,426 you don't talk to me, you don't exist. 174 00:09:12,510 --> 00:09:15,054 Fine, yeah, whatever you need. All right. 175 00:09:17,014 --> 00:09:21,435 - Is Emily going? - No. No, her mom is close to the end. 176 00:09:21,519 --> 00:09:25,439 Well, the last time her mother was dying, she used it as an excuse to fuck you. 177 00:09:27,984 --> 00:09:30,152 Great. I am looking forward to meeting you. 178 00:09:30,695 --> 00:09:33,197 - I'll... I'll see you at 8:30. - Sorry. 179 00:09:33,281 --> 00:09:35,908 All right, sounds good. Hey, do you know what I look like? 180 00:09:37,076 --> 00:09:39,704 Oh, right, of course. [chuckles] 181 00:09:39,787 --> 00:09:41,539 Uh, I'll see you then. Bye. 182 00:09:42,832 --> 00:09:44,709 - A date? - Uh, no. 183 00:09:44,792 --> 00:09:47,169 That was my daughter's mother. 184 00:09:47,253 --> 00:09:48,253 Stephanie's mom? 185 00:09:48,296 --> 00:09:51,257 You're having dinner with the woman who bought your sperm 21 years ago? 186 00:09:51,340 --> 00:09:54,677 - That'd be weird. We're having drinks. - Okay. Is Stephanie gonna be there? 187 00:09:54,760 --> 00:09:57,471 No. I haven't heard from her since before the debates. 188 00:09:58,848 --> 00:10:01,809 Oh, can you believe this Brunton thing? 189 00:10:03,144 --> 00:10:04,604 Moss had to know about it. 190 00:10:05,229 --> 00:10:08,399 ...despicable, last-ditch effort of the failing Kirkman campaign 191 00:10:08,482 --> 00:10:12,903 to win the election the only way he can, by fabricating wild conspiracies. 192 00:10:12,987 --> 00:10:14,196 Fuck off. 193 00:10:14,280 --> 00:10:16,842 I can't believe he's trying to spin Kirkman into this. The craziest thing... 194 00:10:16,866 --> 00:10:19,577 - You slept with Aaron? - What? 195 00:10:20,411 --> 00:10:23,456 - What is that? Some Lorraine gossip? - Isabel told me. 196 00:10:23,539 --> 00:10:27,001 - Oh, my God. She's telling everyone? - I'm the only one she told. 197 00:10:27,752 --> 00:10:31,756 - What, are you two, like, besties now? - Em. Why'd you do it? 198 00:10:32,923 --> 00:10:35,092 [sighs] Look, it's not an excuse, 199 00:10:36,135 --> 00:10:38,387 but that was one of the worst days of my life. 200 00:10:39,013 --> 00:10:41,891 I had just found out that my mom's cancer had spread 201 00:10:41,974 --> 00:10:45,895 and that she wanted to kill herself, and... 202 00:10:48,356 --> 00:10:53,069 in the moment, there were no consequences because it felt like the end of the world. 203 00:10:58,240 --> 00:11:00,552 - The bioweapon isn't what we thought. - [Dianne] What are you talking about? 204 00:11:00,576 --> 00:11:04,205 I finished sequencing the genetic code Momberg uploaded before he killed himself. 205 00:11:04,288 --> 00:11:06,624 The virus wasn't designed to kill people of color? 206 00:11:06,707 --> 00:11:07,707 No, not to kill them. 207 00:11:08,959 --> 00:11:10,169 What does it do? 208 00:11:10,753 --> 00:11:13,130 In some ways, something even more insidious. 209 00:11:13,214 --> 00:11:15,174 Mass sterilization? 210 00:11:15,257 --> 00:11:17,069 That appears to have been the intended outcome. 211 00:11:17,093 --> 00:11:20,471 The bioweaponized flu was going to be introduced into populations 212 00:11:20,554 --> 00:11:22,473 with high minority growth rates. 213 00:11:22,556 --> 00:11:25,309 Large swaths of the population would become infected, 214 00:11:25,393 --> 00:11:26,473 but then they'd get better. 215 00:11:26,519 --> 00:11:29,688 What would be undetectable was that it had been genetically sequenced 216 00:11:29,772 --> 00:11:32,024 to sterilize its minority hosts. 217 00:11:32,108 --> 00:11:35,111 So this is a long-term plan to change the demographic of the electorate. 218 00:11:35,194 --> 00:11:36,737 Engineered voter suppression. 219 00:11:38,030 --> 00:11:39,865 But, wait, if they're playing the long game, 220 00:11:39,949 --> 00:11:41,784 this would have no effect on the election. 221 00:11:41,867 --> 00:11:43,702 Which means Moss would have no motive. 222 00:11:43,786 --> 00:11:46,914 Just the legacy of protecting the political landscape of the country. 223 00:11:46,997 --> 00:11:49,375 Sir, the American people have a right to be told about this. 224 00:11:49,458 --> 00:11:52,169 If we release this now, it'd just be considered a political ploy. 225 00:11:52,253 --> 00:11:54,893 No one would believe it. Hell, I'm having a hard time believing it. 226 00:11:54,922 --> 00:11:57,216 Don't forget, the genetic code was briefly on the Web. 227 00:11:57,299 --> 00:12:00,719 If we're lucky, it was downloaded out of scientific curiosity 228 00:12:00,803 --> 00:12:02,721 of a non-genocidal persuasion. 229 00:12:03,931 --> 00:12:06,851 Regardless, the news is going to get out. Soon. 230 00:12:09,186 --> 00:12:12,773 And I stress, the weaponized virus was never released. 231 00:12:12,857 --> 00:12:14,984 We are now past the incubation period 232 00:12:15,067 --> 00:12:17,987 and there are no reported cases of infection, meaning, 233 00:12:18,070 --> 00:12:21,657 thankfully, for those of us in the non-pigmentally challenged category, 234 00:12:21,740 --> 00:12:24,827 - no cases of sterilization. Questions? - [reporters clamoring] 235 00:12:24,910 --> 00:12:28,372 Seth, if the technology is out there, the threat still exists. 236 00:12:28,456 --> 00:12:31,083 Of course, along with every other known threat to humanity, 237 00:12:31,167 --> 00:12:32,727 most of which are available on the Web. 238 00:12:32,793 --> 00:12:36,338 We're monitoring the situation closely. Woe to anyone who tries to use it. 239 00:12:36,422 --> 00:12:39,383 - Dennis. - Is there evidence that Moss is involved? 240 00:12:39,467 --> 00:12:41,187 Let me answer that question with a question. 241 00:12:41,260 --> 00:12:42,612 Did Phil Brunton have the resources 242 00:12:42,636 --> 00:12:44,638 to pull off something of this magnitude alone? 243 00:12:44,722 --> 00:12:47,600 Does the president believe Brunton was working with an outside group? 244 00:12:47,683 --> 00:12:49,723 As far as I know, President Kirkman has no knowledge 245 00:12:49,768 --> 00:12:51,329 of any outside group involved in the matter. 246 00:12:51,353 --> 00:12:54,482 So he believes this was an inside job? From within the Moss campaign? 247 00:12:54,565 --> 00:12:56,150 As you know, the Hatch Act prevents me 248 00:12:56,233 --> 00:12:58,777 from commenting on matters related to the campaign. 249 00:12:58,861 --> 00:13:00,088 I just want his gut reaction, Seth. 250 00:13:00,112 --> 00:13:02,364 Does the president think Moss was involved? 251 00:13:02,448 --> 00:13:05,367 The engineer of Moss' domestic policy has been arrested 252 00:13:05,451 --> 00:13:08,245 for allegedly trying to end democracy as we know it 253 00:13:08,329 --> 00:13:10,015 by tipping the demographics of the electorate 254 00:13:10,039 --> 00:13:13,584 in favor of Moss' party. Do I really need to spell it out for you? 255 00:13:13,667 --> 00:13:15,377 [clamoring] 256 00:13:16,504 --> 00:13:18,506 Nicely done! 257 00:13:19,006 --> 00:13:21,675 - I kinda got a lady chub. - Oh, thank you. 258 00:13:21,759 --> 00:13:24,762 They're shitting bricks over at Moss' campaign headquarters. 259 00:13:24,845 --> 00:13:26,388 I just finished. How do you know that? 260 00:13:26,472 --> 00:13:29,975 Yeah, so start preparing responses to what Moss is gonna do next. 261 00:13:30,059 --> 00:13:31,477 He's gonna deny any involvement. 262 00:13:31,560 --> 00:13:35,648 Yeah! So pull together any sound bites of him praising his old friend Phil, 263 00:13:35,731 --> 00:13:37,209 'cause he's gonna act like he doesn't know the guy. 264 00:13:37,233 --> 00:13:38,793 Like he couldn't pick him out of a lineup. 265 00:13:38,817 --> 00:13:40,903 How could he claim that? Phil was a senior advisor. 266 00:13:40,986 --> 00:13:43,030 - He's... - [Cornelius on TV] I can and I do 267 00:13:43,113 --> 00:13:46,283 unequivocally state that I had no knowledge of, 268 00:13:46,367 --> 00:13:50,162 or involvement in, any plan to harm American citizens. 269 00:13:50,246 --> 00:13:52,331 - And while Mr. Brunton... - Here we go. 270 00:13:52,414 --> 00:13:54,184 ...must be presumed innocent until proven guilty... 271 00:13:54,208 --> 00:13:55,042 [Lorraine] Wait for it. 272 00:13:55,125 --> 00:13:57,586 ...I have to say that I didn't know him very well. 273 00:13:57,670 --> 00:14:00,714 Oh, I wish I could stay for the press-feeding frenzy, 274 00:14:00,798 --> 00:14:02,091 but I've gotta leave for Texas. 275 00:14:02,174 --> 00:14:06,303 Dontae! Ándale. Air Force One ain't gonna wait for you. 276 00:14:07,137 --> 00:14:08,889 - Dontae, do me a favor. - Anything. 277 00:14:08,973 --> 00:14:11,517 - Keep an eye on Lorraine. - Anything but that. 278 00:14:11,600 --> 00:14:13,203 I know she has a mole in the Moss campaign. 279 00:14:13,227 --> 00:14:15,020 Just keep your eyes and ears open. 280 00:14:18,482 --> 00:14:19,482 [sighs] 281 00:14:19,525 --> 00:14:22,278 [Penny] It can refuel in mid-air and it has a whole operating room. 282 00:14:22,361 --> 00:14:25,573 It's packed with military defense systems in case we're attacked. 283 00:14:26,115 --> 00:14:29,618 Honey, Sasha might not wanna hear about that stuff right before we fly. 284 00:14:29,702 --> 00:14:33,122 Well, hello, ladies. Don't you look fabulous. 285 00:14:33,205 --> 00:14:36,125 I almost wore that exact same skirt. I'm glad I didn't. 286 00:14:36,208 --> 00:14:37,608 You would've won "Who Wore It Best" 287 00:14:37,668 --> 00:14:40,838 - and I hate to lose at anything. - Only reason I hired her. 288 00:14:40,921 --> 00:14:43,081 - Hey, can I steal you away for a second? - [Tom] Yeah. 289 00:14:43,299 --> 00:14:46,677 Sweetheart, after we take off, maybe you can give Sasha the grand tour. 290 00:14:49,305 --> 00:14:50,556 [sighs] 291 00:14:52,725 --> 00:14:55,060 Tom! What is Sasha doing here? 292 00:14:55,144 --> 00:14:58,123 The favor of introducing me at the rally, which you asked me to get her to do. 293 00:14:58,147 --> 00:15:00,774 Yeah, when we were scheduled to appear in Manhattan. 294 00:15:00,858 --> 00:15:04,194 - Houston is not Manhattan. - It's also not the last century. 295 00:15:04,278 --> 00:15:06,756 And how do you think the transgender issue is gonna play down there? 296 00:15:06,780 --> 00:15:09,533 For your edification, Houston leans more liberal than conservative. 297 00:15:09,617 --> 00:15:10,868 Until you get to the suburbs. 298 00:15:10,951 --> 00:15:13,913 Please stop painting all Conservatives with the same brush. 299 00:15:13,996 --> 00:15:16,582 Barbara Bush came to understand transgender issues, 300 00:15:16,665 --> 00:15:18,125 and she lived in Houston. 301 00:15:18,208 --> 00:15:22,046 Houston is the birthplace of the anti-trans bathroom movement. 302 00:15:22,129 --> 00:15:22,963 What do you want me to do? 303 00:15:23,047 --> 00:15:25,317 March down there and throw my sister-in-law off the plane? 304 00:15:25,341 --> 00:15:30,554 We're going to Moss' home turf to try to turn his fellow Texans against him. 305 00:15:30,638 --> 00:15:35,726 Why, Tom? Why hand his base something to attack back against? 306 00:15:36,894 --> 00:15:39,855 We're getting ready to take off. You should probably go find a seat. 307 00:15:46,737 --> 00:15:47,905 Really? 308 00:15:47,988 --> 00:15:51,283 I swear I had nothing to do with this. I told Lorraine we needed a two-bedroom. 309 00:15:51,367 --> 00:15:53,953 If she thinks this is gonna lead to a romcom ending, 310 00:15:54,036 --> 00:15:57,164 - I've got a big spoiler alert for her. - I'll just take the couch. 311 00:15:57,247 --> 00:15:59,333 - [cell phone ringing] - Have fun. 312 00:16:03,587 --> 00:16:04,755 [speaking Spanish] 313 00:16:09,510 --> 00:16:10,510 What? What's wrong? 314 00:16:10,552 --> 00:16:12,137 Are the tickets refundable? 315 00:16:13,138 --> 00:16:14,556 [mutters inaudibly] 316 00:16:14,640 --> 00:16:16,934 No, Papi, of course we wanna see you. 317 00:16:17,017 --> 00:16:19,728 It's just... Aaron is booked solid with appearances. 318 00:16:19,812 --> 00:16:21,831 We would hate for you to come all the way from Puerto Rico 319 00:16:21,855 --> 00:16:24,608 and not have any time to spend with you. 320 00:16:25,317 --> 00:16:27,569 Okay. Yeah, we'll work it out. 321 00:16:30,114 --> 00:16:32,324 He can't wait to meet you either. 322 00:16:33,534 --> 00:16:35,869 Okay, have a safe flight. [speaking Spanish] 323 00:16:35,953 --> 00:16:37,496 [Aaron sighs] 324 00:16:39,373 --> 00:16:41,583 You haven't told your parents we broke up. 325 00:16:42,376 --> 00:16:43,961 Hadn't gotten around to it yet. 326 00:16:44,044 --> 00:16:46,755 It's been a while. Could've done it just now. 327 00:16:46,839 --> 00:16:49,258 If only our relationship status weren't state secret. 328 00:16:49,341 --> 00:16:50,968 You tell your mother everything. 329 00:16:52,511 --> 00:16:53,804 I tried to tell them. 330 00:16:53,887 --> 00:16:54,887 But? 331 00:16:57,349 --> 00:16:59,685 I kept putting it off until I could do it without crying. 332 00:17:00,436 --> 00:17:01,436 Excuse me. 333 00:17:16,118 --> 00:17:18,912 [Tom] I realized that I didn't even ask you how you felt 334 00:17:18,996 --> 00:17:21,373 about taking the stage in Houston tomorrow. 335 00:17:21,457 --> 00:17:23,125 Honestly? Nervous. 336 00:17:23,208 --> 00:17:25,085 I should have told you about the venue change, 337 00:17:25,169 --> 00:17:27,254 - and if you wanna back out... - And excited. 338 00:17:27,796 --> 00:17:31,175 I mean, it's actually a much bigger opportunity. 339 00:17:31,842 --> 00:17:35,596 My intro will be all about you, but just the fact of me doing it... 340 00:17:35,679 --> 00:17:39,475 If I can normalize transgender for even one person... 341 00:17:43,645 --> 00:17:44,645 Tom, what? 342 00:17:49,443 --> 00:17:54,948 I need you to understand that, personally, I am so proud that you would introduce me. 343 00:17:59,119 --> 00:18:00,120 Go on. 344 00:18:00,996 --> 00:18:04,291 But the election's in a few days, and with this gift that I've been given, 345 00:18:04,374 --> 00:18:06,668 everything that's happening in the Moss campaign, 346 00:18:06,752 --> 00:18:08,796 I've actually got a shot at winning this thing. 347 00:18:09,922 --> 00:18:11,173 But, strategically... 348 00:18:14,551 --> 00:18:17,054 you're not the best person to help me do that. 349 00:18:18,430 --> 00:18:19,973 Sasha, I am so sorry. 350 00:18:21,350 --> 00:18:24,228 But if we can win this election, I can help change things. 351 00:18:24,311 --> 00:18:26,230 I mean, in a really big way. 352 00:18:30,734 --> 00:18:31,985 I understand. 353 00:18:43,372 --> 00:18:44,540 Thank you. 354 00:18:45,040 --> 00:18:46,125 [door closes] 355 00:18:50,129 --> 00:18:51,463 [Emily] Hey, Mom. 356 00:18:52,297 --> 00:18:55,008 - Where's Tina? - I sent her home. 357 00:18:56,510 --> 00:18:57,970 You didn't take your pain meds. 358 00:18:59,138 --> 00:19:01,348 [breath trembling] 359 00:19:02,724 --> 00:19:03,724 No. 360 00:19:06,687 --> 00:19:09,731 - No. - Yeah. Tonight's the night. 361 00:19:12,901 --> 00:19:14,444 Mom, please don't do this. 362 00:19:17,447 --> 00:19:18,740 Come here, baby. 363 00:19:19,533 --> 00:19:20,951 Come sit next to me. 364 00:19:22,119 --> 00:19:23,120 Mom. 365 00:19:28,333 --> 00:19:30,919 Oh, you know I love you, right? 366 00:19:33,463 --> 00:19:34,464 No. 367 00:19:34,548 --> 00:19:36,925 You're gonna have to stick around a while and convince me. 368 00:19:37,009 --> 00:19:38,093 [Carrie chuckles] 369 00:19:40,387 --> 00:19:42,848 No mother could ever be prouder. 370 00:19:43,849 --> 00:19:48,395 I can leave this world knowing I created something really special. 371 00:19:49,897 --> 00:19:52,232 You're the best thing I ever did. 372 00:19:53,650 --> 00:19:55,360 I just have one regret. 373 00:19:56,695 --> 00:19:57,695 What? 374 00:19:58,530 --> 00:20:01,575 That I gave you such an asshole for a father. 375 00:20:01,658 --> 00:20:02,951 [laughing] 376 00:20:05,078 --> 00:20:06,121 It's my bad. 377 00:20:09,082 --> 00:20:12,169 You more than made up for him. 378 00:20:14,796 --> 00:20:16,065 The election's only a few days away. 379 00:20:16,089 --> 00:20:17,849 I thought you were gonna hold on until after. 380 00:20:17,883 --> 00:20:20,344 I know, baby. I tried. 381 00:20:21,053 --> 00:20:23,180 But I can't. 382 00:20:27,601 --> 00:20:30,729 I know what I'm asking you to do seems awful. 383 00:20:32,064 --> 00:20:36,276 But if I could choose how I wanted to go, 384 00:20:36,360 --> 00:20:38,320 how I could die happy, 385 00:20:39,404 --> 00:20:42,616 it would be peacefully, 386 00:20:43,325 --> 00:20:46,453 in the arms of the one I love the most in this world. 387 00:20:48,664 --> 00:20:52,918 You are the only person on Earth who can give me that. 388 00:21:03,679 --> 00:21:04,680 [chuckles] 389 00:21:05,305 --> 00:21:07,349 Hey, something wrong? 390 00:21:08,225 --> 00:21:10,811 At this moment, absolutely nothing. 391 00:21:12,771 --> 00:21:15,899 I can't remember the last time I cried because I was happy. 392 00:21:15,983 --> 00:21:18,735 I don't know the exact date, but it was definitely around 393 00:21:18,819 --> 00:21:21,947 one of my more spectacular performances in bed. 394 00:21:22,030 --> 00:21:23,031 [both laughing] 395 00:21:26,451 --> 00:21:30,163 Thank you for carving out time for me. I know how crazed you are. 396 00:21:30,247 --> 00:21:34,293 The madness of running the White House, your extracurricular activities. 397 00:21:35,877 --> 00:21:36,962 Oh. 398 00:21:39,047 --> 00:21:40,674 I wasn't talking about that. 399 00:21:42,050 --> 00:21:45,721 We have worked through that. We've moved on. 400 00:21:47,973 --> 00:21:49,933 By extracurricular activities, 401 00:21:50,017 --> 00:21:54,938 I was talking about the Big Pharma scandal that you helped expose. 402 00:21:55,856 --> 00:21:57,983 You know, it's still claiming casualties. 403 00:21:58,066 --> 00:22:00,277 I've heard Garrett Detwiler has been asked to resign 404 00:22:00,360 --> 00:22:03,155 from at least three boards he sits on. 405 00:22:06,325 --> 00:22:07,701 There's a couch over there, 406 00:22:07,784 --> 00:22:10,287 but why don't we just go home and celebrate? 407 00:22:10,370 --> 00:22:11,913 Oh, yes, please. 408 00:22:29,306 --> 00:22:30,682 [exhaling] 409 00:22:39,274 --> 00:22:40,484 [Carrie whimpering] 410 00:22:53,663 --> 00:22:54,663 [grunts] 411 00:23:08,303 --> 00:23:09,679 [groaning] 412 00:23:13,100 --> 00:23:14,392 That's good. 413 00:23:17,312 --> 00:23:18,688 I love you. 414 00:23:22,025 --> 00:23:23,652 Thank you, baby. 415 00:23:41,920 --> 00:23:42,838 Excuse me. 416 00:23:42,921 --> 00:23:45,202 - Can I have the bill, please? Thank you. - [server] Sure. 417 00:23:47,509 --> 00:23:48,844 [Riya] Seth? 418 00:23:49,928 --> 00:23:53,056 - You can't be Riya. - And yet I am. [chuckles] 419 00:23:54,266 --> 00:23:55,308 You got here early. 420 00:23:55,392 --> 00:23:57,144 Uh, actually, you're... 421 00:23:57,227 --> 00:23:59,563 You're not what I had pictured. 422 00:24:00,147 --> 00:24:03,275 - What were you picturing? - I don't know. My mom? 423 00:24:03,859 --> 00:24:05,402 I was way off. 424 00:24:06,570 --> 00:24:09,531 Can you actually leave it open for me? What can I get you? 425 00:24:09,614 --> 00:24:10,740 A Harvey Wallbanger. 426 00:24:10,824 --> 00:24:12,159 - [server] You got it. - [laughs] 427 00:24:12,242 --> 00:24:15,203 - Sorry, I thought you were joking. - No, you have Stephanie's laugh. 428 00:24:15,287 --> 00:24:17,455 Well, actually, she would have my laugh, right? 429 00:24:17,539 --> 00:24:19,457 Oh, man, she inherited my laugh. 430 00:24:19,541 --> 00:24:21,334 When she hears something silly. 431 00:24:21,418 --> 00:24:24,171 I'll have to make her laugh, then. Presuming I see her again. 432 00:24:24,254 --> 00:24:28,175 She's been so busy at college. It's her senior year, you know. 433 00:24:28,258 --> 00:24:29,885 She'll be graduating summa cum laude. 434 00:24:29,968 --> 00:24:33,305 Hey, I graduated summa cum laude, at Harvard. 435 00:24:33,388 --> 00:24:35,140 Sorry, people always make fun of me 436 00:24:35,223 --> 00:24:36,659 for slipping in the fact that I went to Harvard. 437 00:24:36,683 --> 00:24:38,226 Don't apologize. 438 00:24:38,852 --> 00:24:41,271 Harvard is the reason I chose your sperm. 439 00:24:41,354 --> 00:24:43,583 - That's what they all say. Just kidding. - [both laughing] 440 00:24:43,607 --> 00:24:45,650 It's one of the law schools Stephanie's applied to. 441 00:24:45,734 --> 00:24:47,569 - She's going to law school? - If she gets in. 442 00:24:47,652 --> 00:24:48,528 Why wouldn't she? 443 00:24:48,612 --> 00:24:51,698 She's got the grades and the extracurriculars, but nowadays, 444 00:24:51,781 --> 00:24:54,576 you have to pack that application with stuff that really stands out. 445 00:24:59,247 --> 00:25:00,832 Does the White House have internships? 446 00:25:01,416 --> 00:25:03,501 Yeah, the application's on the website. 447 00:25:04,169 --> 00:25:07,297 I assume those spots go to people who have connections. 448 00:25:16,765 --> 00:25:18,642 [crying] 449 00:25:25,857 --> 00:25:26,858 [Carrie groans] 450 00:25:28,401 --> 00:25:29,653 Mom? 451 00:25:30,779 --> 00:25:32,822 Mom, can you hear me? 452 00:25:35,283 --> 00:25:36,409 Mom? 453 00:25:45,126 --> 00:25:46,520 [operator over phone] 911. What's your emergency? 454 00:25:46,544 --> 00:25:50,173 [sobbing] I need an ambulance. I need an ambulance. 455 00:25:50,257 --> 00:25:51,258 Oh, my God! 456 00:25:52,842 --> 00:25:53,842 Mom. 457 00:26:00,850 --> 00:26:03,019 [machine beeping] 458 00:26:08,733 --> 00:26:10,333 Barbiturate OD. Patient is unresponsive. 459 00:26:10,402 --> 00:26:12,445 I need bemegride and IV naloxone. 460 00:26:12,529 --> 00:26:15,740 Get me a DN tube, blood glucose and activated carbon. 461 00:26:15,824 --> 00:26:19,411 When we're ready and on my count. One, two, three. 462 00:26:20,829 --> 00:26:23,540 - Do we know exactly what she took? - Daughter says pentobarbital. 463 00:26:24,082 --> 00:26:26,482 - [machine beeping rapidly] - [doctor] She's gone into V-fib. 464 00:26:28,920 --> 00:26:30,171 Does your mother have a DNR? 465 00:26:30,255 --> 00:26:31,172 Can you just save her? 466 00:26:31,256 --> 00:26:32,936 Do you know if she has advanced directive? 467 00:26:32,966 --> 00:26:35,176 You're a doctor. You took an oath! 468 00:26:35,260 --> 00:26:37,488 - Can you please just save her? - Miss, I need an answer. 469 00:26:37,512 --> 00:26:40,352 - [Emily] I don't know what I did to her! - Does your mother have a DNR? 470 00:26:43,018 --> 00:26:45,437 [sobbing] Yes, she does. 471 00:26:47,564 --> 00:26:49,190 [flatlining] 472 00:26:49,274 --> 00:26:50,650 [sobbing] 473 00:26:52,152 --> 00:26:54,863 I'm so sorry, Mom. 474 00:27:01,745 --> 00:27:03,663 [reporter on TV] You're watching DC One. 475 00:27:03,747 --> 00:27:05,665 Ted from Saratoga Springs. 476 00:27:05,749 --> 00:27:08,811 [Ted] I just wanna thank President Kirkman for stopping the attack on our democracy. 477 00:27:08,835 --> 00:27:09,875 [reporter] Bill from Ohio. 478 00:27:09,919 --> 00:27:11,564 [Bill] You know who had the power to orchestrate it? 479 00:27:11,588 --> 00:27:13,268 That illegitimate son-of-a-prick Kirkman... 480 00:27:13,340 --> 00:27:16,468 [reporter] Bill, language. Ramona from Baton Rouge. 481 00:27:16,551 --> 00:27:18,595 [Ramona] Before I vote again for President Moss, 482 00:27:18,678 --> 00:27:20,805 I need to know if he's wrapped up in this mess or not. 483 00:27:20,889 --> 00:27:22,769 - The American people have a... - [line ringing] 484 00:27:24,476 --> 00:27:26,704 - [Rachelle over cell phone] Hello? - Are you watching DC One? 485 00:27:26,728 --> 00:27:29,314 Mr. President, it's 4:00 a.m. 486 00:27:29,397 --> 00:27:31,399 Nobody's watching DC One right now. 487 00:27:31,483 --> 00:27:33,401 I know you're gonna stand by your legal advice 488 00:27:33,485 --> 00:27:36,696 for me to stay out of the investigation, but I think it's ridiculous 489 00:27:36,780 --> 00:27:39,699 that the only information I'm getting on it is coming from cable news. 490 00:27:39,783 --> 00:27:41,826 I need to know whether Moss was involved or not. 491 00:27:41,910 --> 00:27:45,205 You're right, sir. I do stand by my advice. 492 00:27:46,373 --> 00:27:48,792 - Let me walk you through it. - You don't need to. I get it. 493 00:27:48,875 --> 00:27:53,046 As a candidate, I could appear unethical, possibly even corrupt. 494 00:27:53,129 --> 00:27:56,758 But as president of the United States, I feel I'm being negligent, 495 00:27:56,841 --> 00:27:59,135 and I'm having a difficult time reconciling the two. 496 00:27:59,219 --> 00:28:01,679 Sir, have faith in the FBI. 497 00:28:02,472 --> 00:28:04,057 And for God's sake, get some sleep. 498 00:28:05,016 --> 00:28:06,226 [sighs] 499 00:28:07,560 --> 00:28:08,770 I wish I could. 500 00:28:08,853 --> 00:28:09,687 [all laughing] 501 00:28:09,771 --> 00:28:12,148 That was nothing compared to the time she met the Pope. 502 00:28:12,232 --> 00:28:13,233 Ay, Mama, no. 503 00:28:13,316 --> 00:28:15,527 - [Aaron] Wait, you met the Pope? - She threw up on him. 504 00:28:15,610 --> 00:28:17,112 I was one. 505 00:28:17,195 --> 00:28:19,823 The Pope's first and last visit to Puerto Rico. 506 00:28:19,906 --> 00:28:21,175 - [Aaron] Look... - Projectile vomit. 507 00:28:21,199 --> 00:28:23,344 She did exactly the same thing when she met the president. 508 00:28:23,368 --> 00:28:25,912 - [gasps] - [Rafael and Camila laughing] 509 00:28:25,995 --> 00:28:29,666 So when exactly do you two move into the Naval Observatory? 510 00:28:31,835 --> 00:28:33,771 You do know that's where the vice president lives? 511 00:28:33,795 --> 00:28:35,755 Okay, let's not count our chickens. 512 00:28:35,839 --> 00:28:38,049 I've been checking pictures online, 513 00:28:38,133 --> 00:28:41,386 and there's a room that would make a perfect nursery, 514 00:28:41,469 --> 00:28:44,180 should any babies appear in the next four years. 515 00:28:44,264 --> 00:28:47,767 Well, if Moss' bioterror attack had succeeded, 516 00:28:47,851 --> 00:28:50,019 there'd be no Latino babies appearing anywhere. 517 00:28:50,103 --> 00:28:52,188 So Moss was behind it? 518 00:28:52,272 --> 00:28:55,775 - Well, we don't know that. - He hired Phil Brunton as policymaker. 519 00:28:55,859 --> 00:28:57,485 His policy is genocide. 520 00:28:57,569 --> 00:28:59,112 Will people still vote for Moss? 521 00:28:59,195 --> 00:29:00,864 Sadly, his base will. 522 00:29:01,448 --> 00:29:06,578 But I think that people who've lost touch with the importance of their heritage... 523 00:29:07,203 --> 00:29:09,372 I am ashamed to admit I may have been one of them 524 00:29:09,456 --> 00:29:10,874 before I met your daughter. 525 00:29:11,750 --> 00:29:13,334 I think now they're opening their eyes. 526 00:29:13,418 --> 00:29:17,380 They're realizing that people who just regard us as the other group 527 00:29:17,464 --> 00:29:20,300 and not as fellow Americans, they just don't deserve our vote. 528 00:29:22,218 --> 00:29:23,218 Amen. 529 00:29:23,887 --> 00:29:26,806 You'd certainly have our vote, if we could vote. 530 00:29:26,890 --> 00:29:30,393 Puerto Ricans have been US citizens for the past 100 years, 531 00:29:30,477 --> 00:29:31,519 but we still can't vote. 532 00:29:31,603 --> 00:29:33,897 The government takes our money but not our ballot. 533 00:29:33,980 --> 00:29:36,180 It's one of the greatest failings of our current system, 534 00:29:36,232 --> 00:29:38,193 and one I promise not to forget if we win. 535 00:29:41,696 --> 00:29:42,697 We are late. 536 00:29:43,656 --> 00:29:46,075 Aaron needs to go win over some people who actually can vote. 537 00:29:48,411 --> 00:29:51,131 - It was such a pleasure meeting you. - It was wonderful to meet you. 538 00:29:53,291 --> 00:29:55,376 - I am mortified. - About what? 539 00:29:55,460 --> 00:29:59,589 - I had no idea my mom had contacted you. - It was great. Your mother's great. 540 00:30:00,465 --> 00:30:01,883 How are you? Here, have a seat. 541 00:30:04,427 --> 00:30:05,427 Um... 542 00:30:06,805 --> 00:30:09,015 I just wanted to apologize in person. 543 00:30:09,098 --> 00:30:11,726 Stephanie, you don't owe me an apology. You don't owe me anything. 544 00:30:11,810 --> 00:30:13,812 I owe you two apologies. 545 00:30:13,895 --> 00:30:15,855 I was a total jerk for ghosting you. 546 00:30:15,939 --> 00:30:19,234 No, your mother mentioned how busy college has been keeping you. 547 00:30:19,317 --> 00:30:21,694 It is, but that wasn't the reason. 548 00:30:21,778 --> 00:30:24,948 - You don't have to... - My parents got divorced last year. 549 00:30:25,907 --> 00:30:28,910 It's not like I was five, but I took it really hard. 550 00:30:29,911 --> 00:30:31,996 I took a DNA test out of spite. 551 00:30:32,080 --> 00:30:35,333 Out of some silly fantasy that they weren't my real parents. 552 00:30:36,626 --> 00:30:40,255 I didn't ever think that I'd be half right. 553 00:30:40,338 --> 00:30:42,924 Oh, my God. What a terrible way to find out. 554 00:30:43,007 --> 00:30:45,510 - They never told you? - Nope. It was a head trip. 555 00:30:46,344 --> 00:30:48,239 Then I clicked to see if you were in the database, 556 00:30:48,263 --> 00:30:50,265 again, never dreaming that you would be, 557 00:30:51,599 --> 00:30:52,809 but you were. 558 00:30:53,893 --> 00:30:57,480 And then you wrote to me, never dreaming that I'd answer. 559 00:30:58,606 --> 00:31:00,066 But I did. 560 00:31:00,775 --> 00:31:03,903 I had a small freak-out after every one of those steps. 561 00:31:05,780 --> 00:31:08,366 The last one resulted in radio silence. 562 00:31:10,368 --> 00:31:13,288 I'm really sorry that I dragged you into this. 563 00:31:13,371 --> 00:31:14,497 It wasn't fair to you. 564 00:31:16,207 --> 00:31:18,918 This is the best thing that's ever happened to me. 565 00:31:20,795 --> 00:31:21,713 [chuckles] 566 00:31:21,796 --> 00:31:24,841 And you really should fill out that White House internship application. 567 00:31:24,924 --> 00:31:26,175 You have connections. 568 00:31:26,259 --> 00:31:28,136 You don't need to do that for me, seriously. 569 00:31:28,219 --> 00:31:30,138 The White House would be lucky to have you. 570 00:31:31,973 --> 00:31:34,726 That would be amazing. Thank you. 571 00:31:35,476 --> 00:31:36,477 Oh. 572 00:31:41,608 --> 00:31:44,986 - Be right with you, Mars. - Take your time, Garrett. 573 00:31:45,069 --> 00:31:47,780 I appreciate you squeezing me in like this. 574 00:31:47,864 --> 00:31:49,383 [Detwiler] If you're looking for a donation, 575 00:31:49,407 --> 00:31:50,927 I'm already backing another candidate. 576 00:31:50,992 --> 00:31:53,077 No, I'm not here to ask for anything. 577 00:31:53,161 --> 00:31:54,597 Are you here on behalf of the president? 578 00:31:54,621 --> 00:31:56,080 Nope. It's personal. 579 00:31:56,164 --> 00:31:58,416 [Detwiler] Well, those are my only two guesses. 580 00:31:58,499 --> 00:31:59,542 Why do you need to see me? 581 00:32:01,502 --> 00:32:04,088 I wanted to tell you what a piece of shit you are. 582 00:32:05,089 --> 00:32:05,965 Excuse me? 583 00:32:06,049 --> 00:32:08,760 And to gloat about the fact that you've been kicked off 584 00:32:08,843 --> 00:32:11,179 the board of FlagKind, and the board of directors... 585 00:32:11,262 --> 00:32:14,641 If you think I give a flying piss about stepping down from a few boards, 586 00:32:14,724 --> 00:32:16,643 you're even more insane than you look right now. 587 00:32:16,726 --> 00:32:19,395 Do you remember that exposé about your corrupt practices 588 00:32:19,479 --> 00:32:22,649 - when you were FDA commissioner? - Thanks for stopping by, Mars. 589 00:32:22,732 --> 00:32:26,361 I wanted to let you know that it was me who exposed you. 590 00:32:29,447 --> 00:32:30,573 Gotcha. 591 00:32:36,079 --> 00:32:39,666 How's your addict wife, Mars? Hmm? 592 00:32:41,709 --> 00:32:43,878 That's what this is all about, right? 593 00:32:44,921 --> 00:32:46,798 I read she went into rehab. 594 00:32:48,883 --> 00:32:51,386 Because of a drug that never should've been on the market, 595 00:32:51,469 --> 00:32:53,554 because you pushed it through. 596 00:32:53,638 --> 00:32:56,891 It's easier to blame me than your pathetic junkie wife, isn't it? 597 00:32:56,975 --> 00:33:00,895 You should be in jail because of your part in the opioid crisis. 598 00:33:01,646 --> 00:33:03,982 Well, that's never gonna happen, Mars. 599 00:33:05,441 --> 00:33:07,068 Now, get out. 600 00:33:12,991 --> 00:33:16,995 And I do have to know, though, since you are Moss' biggest donor, 601 00:33:17,078 --> 00:33:19,038 was he part of the bioterror plot? 602 00:33:19,789 --> 00:33:20,999 What kind of question is that? 603 00:33:22,458 --> 00:33:24,836 - Yeah, you get out of my office! - Okay. 604 00:33:26,295 --> 00:33:27,880 [agent] Step away from the computer. 605 00:33:27,964 --> 00:33:30,633 - [Mars] What's going on? - Sir, we need you to clear the area. 606 00:33:32,135 --> 00:33:34,262 What the hell is happening? 607 00:33:34,345 --> 00:33:35,930 They flipped Brunton. 608 00:33:36,014 --> 00:33:37,932 Detwiler funded the whole thing. 609 00:33:41,310 --> 00:33:44,981 Garrett, if you can't afford an attorney, one will be provided for you. 610 00:33:45,940 --> 00:33:47,108 Asshole. 611 00:33:49,569 --> 00:33:53,322 And should anyone need reminding, simply take a coin out of your pocket. 612 00:33:53,406 --> 00:33:55,241 The principle and de facto motto 613 00:33:55,324 --> 00:33:57,869 on which this great nation was built is printed right there. 614 00:33:57,952 --> 00:34:00,872 E pluribus unum. Out of many, one. 615 00:34:00,955 --> 00:34:01,998 [crowd cheering] 616 00:34:02,081 --> 00:34:04,834 Black, white, Latino, Asian, we are all immigrants, 617 00:34:04,917 --> 00:34:06,461 or descendants of immigrants, 618 00:34:06,544 --> 00:34:08,463 and we are America! 619 00:34:09,255 --> 00:34:11,299 It's what made us the greatest country on Earth, 620 00:34:11,382 --> 00:34:13,634 and it is what will carry us into the future. 621 00:34:13,718 --> 00:34:17,096 God bless you, Houston. God bless America. 622 00:34:17,180 --> 00:34:18,180 Thank you. 623 00:34:18,222 --> 00:34:20,224 [crowd cheering] 624 00:34:24,312 --> 00:34:26,481 You did great. I am so proud of you. 625 00:34:27,523 --> 00:34:29,817 What's wrong? Hey. Hey. 626 00:34:29,901 --> 00:34:31,235 Did something happen? 627 00:34:31,319 --> 00:34:33,654 I think Sasha should have been out there with us. 628 00:34:33,738 --> 00:34:36,282 - I can't believe you did that to her. - Penny, I'm sorry. 629 00:34:36,365 --> 00:34:38,409 You know how proud I am of your Aunt Sasha. 630 00:34:38,493 --> 00:34:40,078 It doesn't look that way to me. 631 00:34:40,703 --> 00:34:43,581 - It looks like you're ashamed of her. - Of course not. I... 632 00:34:44,248 --> 00:34:48,169 I felt that some of the people here might not give her a very warm reception. 633 00:34:48,252 --> 00:34:50,338 Only because they don't know her. 634 00:34:50,421 --> 00:34:53,800 They'd change their minds if they met her. You didn't give them the chance. 635 00:34:53,883 --> 00:34:55,486 - Penny, please. - [Lorraine] Humongous news... 636 00:34:55,510 --> 00:34:57,678 - Can you just give us a minute? - This is too good. 637 00:34:57,762 --> 00:35:00,223 - Detwiler was just arrested. - That's Moss' biggest donor. 638 00:35:00,306 --> 00:35:01,626 Still think Moss wasn't involved? 639 00:35:01,682 --> 00:35:04,519 Obviously, we're gonna add a topper to your next remarks. 640 00:35:04,602 --> 00:35:07,230 Ooh, I've gotta take this. I'm gonna catch up with you. 641 00:35:07,980 --> 00:35:09,690 Come on, honey, let's go. 642 00:35:33,714 --> 00:35:35,776 [Myles] That's why this is gonna be twice the normal price. 643 00:35:35,800 --> 00:35:37,760 Myles, honestly, I'm good for it. 644 00:35:37,844 --> 00:35:40,555 I will wire money into your account tomorrow morning. 645 00:35:44,016 --> 00:35:45,351 Is this Pegasus? 646 00:35:45,434 --> 00:35:47,687 Actually, it's a good, old-fashioned cell phone video 647 00:35:47,770 --> 00:35:49,647 taken from a hella pissed-off busboy. 648 00:35:49,730 --> 00:35:51,107 Unbelievable. 649 00:35:51,190 --> 00:35:54,485 This is worth more than everything I've gotten from Pegasus put together. 650 00:35:54,569 --> 00:35:56,988 You could've saved me a bundle if I'd known this was coming. 651 00:35:57,071 --> 00:35:59,490 - What will you do with it? - Leak it to an outlet. 652 00:35:59,574 --> 00:36:02,702 Mother Jones, I think, seems good. I gotta get back to Kirkman. 653 00:36:11,169 --> 00:36:13,254 Mr. President. A word? 654 00:36:14,380 --> 00:36:16,567 I've wanted to have a word with you for quite some time. 655 00:36:16,591 --> 00:36:18,843 The only thing I wanna hear from you is an apology. 656 00:36:18,926 --> 00:36:21,053 And all I need from you is an explanation. 657 00:36:21,137 --> 00:36:22,930 Smear campaign is one thing. 658 00:36:23,014 --> 00:36:25,641 You crossed a line when you accused me of being a terrorist. 659 00:36:25,725 --> 00:36:27,268 - I haven't said that. - No. 660 00:36:27,351 --> 00:36:31,147 No, you took the chicken shit route and had your spokesgirl say it for you. 661 00:36:31,230 --> 00:36:34,650 Emily Rhodes hasn't released any statement proclaiming your guilt or innocence. 662 00:36:34,734 --> 00:36:37,278 She's simply asking the questions that everyone else is. 663 00:36:37,361 --> 00:36:39,530 The question that kept me up all night. Were you? 664 00:36:39,614 --> 00:36:41,216 You know goddamn well I had nothing to do with it... 665 00:36:41,240 --> 00:36:43,701 - I do not know that. - Bullshit! You know me! 666 00:36:43,784 --> 00:36:46,204 I thought I did until you got into bed with that racist, 667 00:36:46,287 --> 00:36:48,164 hate-spewing ideologue, Phil Brunton. 668 00:36:48,247 --> 00:36:50,541 Phil Brunton was a brilliant Ivy League kid 669 00:36:50,625 --> 00:36:52,585 with his thumb on the pulse of the heartland. 670 00:36:52,668 --> 00:36:54,337 I had no idea he had a screw loose. 671 00:36:54,420 --> 00:36:57,048 What the hell happened to you? I used to respect you. 672 00:36:57,131 --> 00:36:59,759 You used to be a thoughtful, compassionate Conservative. 673 00:36:59,842 --> 00:37:02,386 And how many of those unicorns have you seen lately? 674 00:37:02,470 --> 00:37:05,640 No, sir. I shifted right when my constituents did. 675 00:37:05,723 --> 00:37:07,892 And I think you've made a gross miscalculation. 676 00:37:07,975 --> 00:37:10,037 The people you're pandering to might be the most vocal, 677 00:37:10,061 --> 00:37:11,741 but they're not the majority of your party. 678 00:37:11,771 --> 00:37:14,106 Son, you are sadly out of step with the times. 679 00:37:14,190 --> 00:37:15,942 Well, Tuesday will tell. 680 00:37:16,025 --> 00:37:18,212 I've gone all-in for what I think is right for the heart 681 00:37:18,236 --> 00:37:19,421 and majority of this country... 682 00:37:19,445 --> 00:37:21,697 Save the saccharine for the yahoos at your next stop, 683 00:37:21,781 --> 00:37:24,158 and, please, don't stand there and tell me 684 00:37:24,242 --> 00:37:27,245 that you aren't flagrantly pandering to the far left. 685 00:37:27,328 --> 00:37:30,498 - Picking Aaron Shore as your VP? - He was the best candidate. 686 00:37:31,082 --> 00:37:34,210 You know, when you came out with the announcement about your running mate, 687 00:37:34,293 --> 00:37:36,146 I said, "That boy has learned to play the game." 688 00:37:36,170 --> 00:37:38,256 God damn it, Cornelius. This is not a game. 689 00:37:38,339 --> 00:37:39,757 Of course it is! 690 00:37:41,592 --> 00:37:43,302 You hold yourself above politics, 691 00:37:44,220 --> 00:37:47,348 but the truth is you're every bit as much a politician as I am. 692 00:37:47,974 --> 00:37:49,976 God help me if that's true. 693 00:37:52,270 --> 00:37:55,106 You know, I didn't think you'd have the balls 694 00:37:55,189 --> 00:37:57,275 to pull your sister-in-law, or whatever you call her, 695 00:37:57,358 --> 00:37:58,651 out of your programme. 696 00:38:00,069 --> 00:38:01,404 Smart move. 697 00:38:29,974 --> 00:38:31,475 [cell phone ringing] 698 00:38:40,818 --> 00:38:42,278 Dontae, it's not a good time. 699 00:38:42,361 --> 00:38:43,946 [Dontae] Don't hang up. You were right. 700 00:38:44,655 --> 00:38:46,907 Lorraine definitely has a mole in Moss' campaign. 701 00:38:46,991 --> 00:38:50,244 It's Moss' digital guy. His name is Myles. 702 00:38:50,328 --> 00:38:52,848 - Dontae, I'm sorry, I... - This is way bigger than you thought. 703 00:38:52,872 --> 00:38:54,749 If I heard what I think I just heard, 704 00:38:54,832 --> 00:38:57,960 the two of them are messing with some seriously illegal shit. 705 00:38:58,044 --> 00:39:01,213 Like, beyond Watergate illegal. 706 00:39:01,297 --> 00:39:02,297 It's called Pegasus. 707 00:39:02,340 --> 00:39:05,384 It's Israeli spy software that lets you read text messages, 708 00:39:05,468 --> 00:39:07,529 - track calls, collect passwords... - Look, I'm sorry... 709 00:39:07,553 --> 00:39:11,265 ...and remotely turn on a device to record without the owner's knowledge. 710 00:39:11,349 --> 00:39:14,643 This is tech that is only supposed to be available to governments to combat terror. 711 00:39:14,727 --> 00:39:16,812 This is bad, Emily. 712 00:39:18,105 --> 00:39:19,857 End-of-the-road bad. 713 00:39:19,940 --> 00:39:22,151 - Are you at the campaign office? - No. 714 00:39:22,234 --> 00:39:23,234 Can you get there? 715 00:39:23,861 --> 00:39:25,446 I'm sorry, I can't. 716 00:39:25,529 --> 00:39:28,824 Before we get in tonight, you have to get onto Lorraine's computer. 717 00:39:28,908 --> 00:39:30,826 See if she really has the Pegasus software. 718 00:39:30,910 --> 00:39:32,661 I don't know her password. 719 00:39:32,745 --> 00:39:34,080 Not to be ageist, 720 00:39:34,163 --> 00:39:36,683 but people of a certain age tend to keep it written down nearby. 721 00:39:37,416 --> 00:39:39,269 I saw her read it from a Post-it in her top drawer. 722 00:39:39,293 --> 00:39:42,004 - I can't... - I'm not asking for me. 723 00:39:42,088 --> 00:39:43,214 It's for Kirkman. 724 00:39:44,131 --> 00:39:46,467 - Come on, you have to. - [sobbing] 725 00:39:47,176 --> 00:39:49,053 - Okay, I'll go. I'll go. - Thank you. 726 00:39:49,136 --> 00:39:50,304 I gotta go. 727 00:39:54,433 --> 00:39:55,601 [sniffles] 728 00:39:56,644 --> 00:39:57,812 [exhales heavily] 729 00:40:01,649 --> 00:40:03,651 I'm only standing here today 730 00:40:03,734 --> 00:40:07,238 because of this amazing woman by my side, Isabel Pardo. 731 00:40:07,321 --> 00:40:09,573 [crowd cheering] 732 00:40:15,079 --> 00:40:20,376 She has been my rock since the very beginning of this journey. 733 00:40:21,627 --> 00:40:23,045 Thank you. Thank you, Isi. 734 00:40:24,422 --> 00:40:26,173 [crowd continues cheering] 735 00:40:27,550 --> 00:40:28,550 Uh... 736 00:40:29,427 --> 00:40:34,515 I know you have it ingrained in you to vote blue or to vote red. 737 00:40:34,598 --> 00:40:36,559 But where has that gotten you? 738 00:40:37,476 --> 00:40:40,396 - Do you feel represented? - [all] No! 739 00:40:40,479 --> 00:40:43,858 - Do you deserve to be represented? Yes. - [all] Yes! 740 00:40:43,941 --> 00:40:46,026 Then break the cycle. 741 00:40:46,110 --> 00:40:47,903 Make a different choice. 742 00:40:47,987 --> 00:40:49,864 An Independent choice. 743 00:40:49,947 --> 00:40:51,991 Make history. 744 00:40:52,074 --> 00:40:58,372 Make this man our first Latino vice president! 745 00:41:03,669 --> 00:41:05,212 [Aaron] Thank you. 746 00:41:09,633 --> 00:41:11,886 You may have just won Florida. 747 00:41:11,969 --> 00:41:13,053 I think you may have. 748 00:41:13,846 --> 00:41:17,349 Isi, we're pretty good at this, aren't we? 749 00:41:18,934 --> 00:41:20,686 You wanna give it another shot? 750 00:41:22,104 --> 00:41:25,941 Let's not get ahead of ourselves, okay? 751 00:41:26,525 --> 00:41:28,611 - All right. Yeah. - I gotta go find my parents. 752 00:41:30,196 --> 00:41:31,322 Okay. 753 00:41:35,034 --> 00:41:36,577 Holy hell. 754 00:41:38,412 --> 00:41:39,473 [Felix over phone] Harper's office. 755 00:41:39,497 --> 00:41:41,697 Hey, Felix, pull up the Mother Jones website for Harper. 756 00:41:41,749 --> 00:41:44,502 Have him watch the video in the lead story now. 757 00:41:48,214 --> 00:41:50,216 Felix, get me POTUS. 758 00:41:50,299 --> 00:41:53,427 I wanted to tell you that I'm sorry. I was wrong. 759 00:41:53,511 --> 00:41:55,596 I should have let you introduce me. 760 00:41:55,679 --> 00:41:56,889 Easy to say now. 761 00:41:56,972 --> 00:41:59,099 [Tom] But I didn't realize how wrong I was 762 00:41:59,183 --> 00:42:02,686 until someone who I have absolutely no respect for 763 00:42:02,770 --> 00:42:04,313 told me I was just like him. 764 00:42:05,356 --> 00:42:07,191 And he wasn't completely wrong. 765 00:42:07,858 --> 00:42:08,692 How so? 766 00:42:08,776 --> 00:42:12,071 What I did was a purely calculated political move. 767 00:42:12,154 --> 00:42:13,948 It wasn't something that I thought was right. 768 00:42:14,031 --> 00:42:17,409 And I didn't get into politics to behave like a politician. 769 00:42:17,493 --> 00:42:20,120 I'm sorry. It'll never happen again. 770 00:42:20,204 --> 00:42:24,124 I didn't enjoy playing the gracefully suffering trans woman. 771 00:42:24,208 --> 00:42:26,544 I promise not to do that again. 772 00:42:26,627 --> 00:42:28,587 - [cell phone ringing] - Excuse me. 773 00:42:29,713 --> 00:42:30,923 Yeah? 774 00:42:33,384 --> 00:42:35,761 - [whispers] I'm sorry. - We're cool. 775 00:42:36,679 --> 00:42:37,763 Okay. 776 00:42:42,893 --> 00:42:43,978 I'll call you right back. 777 00:42:46,230 --> 00:42:49,024 [Cornelius over video] The America that everyone in this room 778 00:42:49,108 --> 00:42:50,818 knows and loves is changing. 779 00:42:50,901 --> 00:42:53,153 According to the latest census projection, 780 00:42:53,237 --> 00:42:57,366 by 2045, this country will become minority white. 781 00:42:57,449 --> 00:43:00,369 That means at some point before 2050, 782 00:43:00,452 --> 00:43:03,205 whites will account for less than 50% of the population. 783 00:43:03,289 --> 00:43:04,665 And that will be up against 784 00:43:05,624 --> 00:43:07,334 25% Hispanics, 785 00:43:08,544 --> 00:43:11,380 15% blacks, 5% Asians 786 00:43:12,172 --> 00:43:15,092 and 7% your other multiracial populations. 787 00:43:15,175 --> 00:43:17,219 If things continue down this path, 788 00:43:17,303 --> 00:43:20,598 and if we fail to persuade people otherwise, 789 00:43:20,681 --> 00:43:23,267 these numbers are going to favor the other party. 790 00:43:24,184 --> 00:43:29,023 We are going to be voted out of office, and we will lose our grip on power. 791 00:43:29,106 --> 00:43:30,774 Son of a bitch! 792 00:43:30,858 --> 00:43:33,736 [Cornelius] Completely and forever. 793 00:43:33,819 --> 00:43:35,988 The question we have to ask ourselves is, 794 00:43:37,114 --> 00:43:39,450 "Is that the country you want to live in?" 795 00:43:40,326 --> 00:43:41,327 [men] No. 796 00:43:49,293 --> 00:43:50,586 Unbelievable. 797 00:44:13,359 --> 00:44:14,568 You were right. 798 00:44:15,444 --> 00:44:17,071 - About what? - Moss. 799 00:44:17,154 --> 00:44:19,698 - Have you seen the Mother Jones video? - No. 800 00:44:21,325 --> 00:44:22,325 What? 801 00:44:34,588 --> 00:44:36,090 What are you gonna do? 802 00:44:46,850 --> 00:44:49,103 [Emily] There's no Pegasus, Dontae. 803 00:44:54,191 --> 00:44:56,360 She probably wouldn't label it that. 804 00:44:56,443 --> 00:44:59,154 [Tom] Even though they were unsuccessful, make no mistake, 805 00:44:59,238 --> 00:45:01,031 our democracy was under attack. 806 00:45:04,076 --> 00:45:05,828 [Emily] Maybe his parents. 807 00:45:05,911 --> 00:45:08,831 With his connection to Phil Brunton and Garrett Detwiler, 808 00:45:08,914 --> 00:45:11,792 and now the release of this incredibly offensive video... 809 00:45:12,793 --> 00:45:13,877 [Emily] Poseidon. 810 00:45:15,963 --> 00:45:17,047 Medusa. 811 00:45:20,134 --> 00:45:22,261 After hearing candidate Moss in his own words, 812 00:45:22,344 --> 00:45:24,388 I was forced to draw my own conclusions, 813 00:45:24,471 --> 00:45:27,599 and now it is time for the American people to do the same. 814 00:45:29,143 --> 00:45:30,745 [Cornelius over recording] God damn it, Garrett! 815 00:45:30,769 --> 00:45:32,604 What the fuck have you and Phil done to me? 816 00:45:33,355 --> 00:45:36,650 Why would you do this despicable thing behind my back? 817 00:45:36,733 --> 00:45:38,402 Why would you do it at all? 818 00:45:38,485 --> 00:45:39,695 Oh, my God. 819 00:45:39,778 --> 00:45:42,406 [man] You believe President Moss is guilty of domestic terrorism? 820 00:45:43,866 --> 00:45:45,284 Yes, I do. 821 00:45:48,662 --> 00:45:50,372 Moss didn't know. 822 00:45:51,582 --> 00:45:53,584 [theme music playing]