WEBVTT 1 00:00:00,028 --> 00:00:00,945 NOHO HANK: What do you think? They ready? 2 00:00:01,028 --> 00:00:02,070 As ready as they're ever gonna be. 3 00:00:02,153 --> 00:00:03,487 Slate is clean. Okay? 4 00:00:03,571 --> 00:00:04,737 You owe me nothing. 5 00:00:04,821 --> 00:00:05,987 ♪ (ACCORDION PLAYS) ♪ 6 00:00:06,070 --> 00:00:07,445 Are you fuckin' serious? 7 00:00:07,529 --> 00:00:08,571 ♪ (MUSIC STOPS) ♪ 8 00:00:09,945 --> 00:00:11,696 SALLY REED: This piece that I'm doing for class, 9 00:00:11,779 --> 00:00:13,195 it's not a character. It's me. 10 00:00:13,279 --> 00:00:14,320 What if I get it wrong? 11 00:00:14,404 --> 00:00:15,779 WOMAN: The whole place is yours. 12 00:00:16,153 --> 00:00:16,903 Wow. 13 00:00:17,362 --> 00:00:18,487 HANK: Hey guys, since we're all about to die, 14 00:00:18,571 --> 00:00:20,153 I have to be honest about something. 15 00:00:20,237 --> 00:00:21,903 I'm nice. Polite. 16 00:00:22,487 --> 00:00:24,320 -I'm optometrist by nature. -(GUN FIRES) 17 00:00:24,404 --> 00:00:26,737 Guys. Is this about what I said on bus? 18 00:00:26,987 --> 00:00:29,445 Because... I was delegating. 19 00:00:30,112 --> 00:00:31,237 I'm headed up to my cabin. 20 00:00:31,320 --> 00:00:33,445 This private detective approached me. 21 00:00:33,529 --> 00:00:34,612 -Barry. -Ah. 22 00:00:35,445 --> 00:00:39,945 My name is Gene Cousineau. I killed Detective Janice Moss. 23 00:00:48,987 --> 00:00:54,862 (birds singing) 24 00:01:02,612 --> 00:01:04,696 ♪ ♪ 25 00:01:22,487 --> 00:01:24,529 ♪ ♪ 26 00:01:28,237 --> 00:01:31,153 (panting) 27 00:01:37,237 --> 00:01:39,320 ♪ ♪ 28 00:01:42,320 --> 00:01:45,195 (distant sirens wailing) 29 00:01:47,028 --> 00:01:49,445 (distant helicopter whirring) 30 00:01:49,529 --> 00:01:51,487 (whispers) 31 00:01:52,696 --> 00:01:54,862 (sirens growing louder) 32 00:01:57,279 --> 00:01:58,903 (panting) 33 00:01:58,987 --> 00:02:01,112 (helicopter whirring nearby) 34 00:02:06,028 --> 00:02:08,112 (crying) 35 00:02:11,279 --> 00:02:13,195 (Cousineau sobbing) 36 00:02:17,529 --> 00:02:19,571 (sobbing) 37 00:02:20,945 --> 00:02:24,404 -(sirens wailing loudly) -(helicopters whirring overhead) 38 00:02:27,153 --> 00:02:28,279 (sirens, whirring stop) 39 00:02:28,362 --> 00:02:31,696 (birds twittering) 40 00:02:34,112 --> 00:02:36,028 ♪ ♪ 41 00:02:36,112 --> 00:02:37,903 (indistinct chatter) 42 00:02:41,237 --> 00:02:44,070 (door buzzes, creaks open) 43 00:02:45,779 --> 00:02:47,153 Deputy: Sit down. 44 00:02:50,237 --> 00:02:51,821 Sit down! 45 00:02:54,237 --> 00:02:55,737 (door clangs shut) 46 00:02:59,487 --> 00:03:01,612 (footsteps approach) 47 00:03:03,779 --> 00:03:06,195 Mae: So, you talked to this Goulet character? 48 00:03:06,279 --> 00:03:07,903 Yes. 49 00:03:07,987 --> 00:03:09,445 And while you were in the woods, 50 00:03:09,529 --> 00:03:12,237 you heard the sirens that brought you to the car? 51 00:03:13,779 --> 00:03:14,779 Yes. 52 00:03:14,862 --> 00:03:16,362 The car that we couldn't find 53 00:03:16,445 --> 00:03:19,153 even after scouring the woods for a month? 54 00:03:20,320 --> 00:03:22,028 Is Mr. Cousineau okay? 55 00:03:25,153 --> 00:03:27,028 You know what I thought the first time I met you? 56 00:03:27,112 --> 00:03:30,279 I thought, wow, this Barry guy really cares about his teacher. 57 00:03:31,279 --> 00:03:33,696 You were almost... protective of him. 58 00:03:33,779 --> 00:03:35,529 We're not making this Goulet guy up. 59 00:03:35,612 --> 00:03:37,320 Mae: I want to believe you. 60 00:03:37,404 --> 00:03:39,571 Because lying to a police officer during an investigation 61 00:03:39,654 --> 00:03:40,903 is a crime. 62 00:03:40,987 --> 00:03:44,654 But... (scoffs) there's no evidence to suggest 63 00:03:44,737 --> 00:03:47,821 that anyone was up in the woods with you other than your teacher. 64 00:03:51,195 --> 00:03:53,279 ♪ ♪ 65 00:03:55,571 --> 00:03:58,237 Okay. You're free to go. 66 00:03:59,279 --> 00:04:00,612 Can I see Mr. Cousineau? 67 00:04:00,696 --> 00:04:02,821 Oh, no. We think he killed his girlfriend, 68 00:04:02,903 --> 00:04:05,153 so he's staying here with us. 69 00:04:11,987 --> 00:04:14,195 (indistinct police radio chatter) 70 00:04:16,070 --> 00:04:19,112 ♪ ♪ 71 00:04:19,195 --> 00:04:21,279 Fuches (over phone): Yeah, you've reached Comtel Industries. 72 00:04:21,362 --> 00:04:24,571 -Why don't you go ahead and leave a message. -(voice mail beeps) 73 00:04:24,654 --> 00:04:26,779 Fuches... 74 00:04:26,862 --> 00:04:28,654 I'm coming for you. 75 00:04:28,737 --> 00:04:30,404 You're a fucking dead man. 76 00:04:33,445 --> 00:04:37,112 I would like to welcome you guys to your new home! 77 00:04:37,195 --> 00:04:40,612 -(men speaking Chechen) -Which I got for you. You're welcome. 78 00:04:40,696 --> 00:04:42,945 Oh, this place is great, isn't it? 79 00:04:43,028 --> 00:04:45,779 It's like Enter Dragon. Am I right? 80 00:04:45,862 --> 00:04:47,945 Wow, need to get rid of this, though. 81 00:04:48,028 --> 00:04:50,779 I mean, what an eyesore. What is that for even? 82 00:04:50,862 --> 00:04:54,529 Anyway, heroin gets here in T-minus five hours. 83 00:04:54,612 --> 00:04:57,362 -So, we're-- Guys? -(doors slamming) 84 00:04:59,821 --> 00:05:01,153 Hey! Know what we need? 85 00:05:01,237 --> 00:05:04,571 Um, table to put the heroin on. 86 00:05:04,654 --> 00:05:06,445 Fuck, that is such a great idea. 87 00:05:06,529 --> 00:05:09,279 I'm going to buy one, put it right here. 88 00:05:09,362 --> 00:05:11,779 Heroin table, that's got to be a thing, right? 89 00:05:11,862 --> 00:05:13,862 So, I'm on your website right now. 90 00:05:13,945 --> 00:05:15,445 Beautiful furniture, by the way. 91 00:05:15,529 --> 00:05:17,612 And I'm seeing dining room tables, 92 00:05:17,696 --> 00:05:19,028 I'm seeing coffee tables, 93 00:05:19,112 --> 00:05:22,237 but not sure how to look for the table that I need. 94 00:05:22,945 --> 00:05:24,404 No, it's for heroin. 95 00:05:24,487 --> 00:05:26,445 About 30 kilos, give or take. 96 00:05:26,529 --> 00:05:29,279 What I'm thinking is carved wood, stone top. 97 00:05:29,362 --> 00:05:30,487 Marble maybe. 98 00:05:30,571 --> 00:05:32,237 What I'm dealing with is an open floor plan, 99 00:05:32,320 --> 00:05:34,529 -so it really needs to work on its own merit. -(phone beeping) 100 00:05:34,612 --> 00:05:36,404 I'm sorry. Can you hang on one minute? 101 00:05:36,487 --> 00:05:37,654 Thank you. 102 00:05:37,737 --> 00:05:39,487 This is NoHo Hank. 103 00:05:39,571 --> 00:05:42,404 (over phone): It's Batir. I just landed. 104 00:05:44,654 --> 00:05:46,987 Batir, uh... 105 00:05:47,070 --> 00:05:49,195 you're here in California? 106 00:05:49,279 --> 00:05:50,821 I've come to replace you, Hank. 107 00:05:50,903 --> 00:05:52,945 You're going home to Chechnya. 108 00:05:54,404 --> 00:05:55,737 Is this open for discussion? 109 00:05:55,821 --> 00:05:57,987 No. I am at Ontario Airport. 110 00:05:58,070 --> 00:05:59,862 I am taking Super Shuttle to monastery. 111 00:05:59,945 --> 00:06:01,571 They promised to drop me first. 112 00:06:01,654 --> 00:06:04,362 They say 30 minutes. 113 00:06:04,445 --> 00:06:06,028 NoHo Hank (over phone): My guys are fortifying this monastery 114 00:06:06,112 --> 00:06:07,862 for when Bolivians and Burmese show up 115 00:06:07,945 --> 00:06:09,362 to have massive firefight. 116 00:06:09,445 --> 00:06:11,612 I don't even have time to order heroin table, 117 00:06:11,696 --> 00:06:13,737 which is a thing on Pinterest but not on Amazon. 118 00:06:13,821 --> 00:06:15,529 And now, Batir is coming. 119 00:06:15,612 --> 00:06:18,153 I mean, he's coming from Ontario, so it'll take him like nine hours-- 120 00:06:18,237 --> 00:06:20,112 Barry: I can't have this conversation anymore, Hank. 121 00:06:20,195 --> 00:06:22,404 NoHo Hank: My guys, they'll listen to you. 122 00:06:22,487 --> 00:06:26,195 I need you to tell them that I am to be trusted. I'm losing them! 123 00:06:26,279 --> 00:06:29,737 - There is suspiciously low level of eye contact going on. -(knocking at window) 124 00:06:29,821 --> 00:06:32,153 Uh, tell them I am best leader, you know. 125 00:06:32,237 --> 00:06:33,945 -We arm wrestle, maybe-- -(door alarm beeps) 126 00:06:39,696 --> 00:06:42,028 -How was your audition? -Oh. Uh, it was fine-- 127 00:06:42,112 --> 00:06:43,903 I'm really just asking. I don't need an answer. 128 00:06:43,987 --> 00:06:45,821 Come on, we're in the middle of tech. 129 00:06:48,153 --> 00:06:50,737 Barry: Wait. What is this place? 130 00:06:50,821 --> 00:06:53,612 Do you have any idea where Gene is? No one can get a hold of him. 131 00:06:53,696 --> 00:06:55,571 Oh, he's at his cabin, I think. 132 00:06:55,654 --> 00:06:57,237 He-He'll be here. Whoa. 133 00:06:57,320 --> 00:06:59,237 Natalie (through speaker): Okay, actors, if you're not in this scene, 134 00:06:59,320 --> 00:07:00,737 just take a seat in the house. 135 00:07:00,821 --> 00:07:02,112 Look at all the seats. 136 00:07:02,195 --> 00:07:03,737 Yeah, Lindsay sold out the whole place. 137 00:07:03,821 --> 00:07:05,362 She told people it was a "diversity showcase," 138 00:07:05,445 --> 00:07:07,237 and I think they were afraid not to RSVP. 139 00:07:07,320 --> 00:07:08,903 -(feedback whines) -Natalie: Okay, everyone, 140 00:07:08,987 --> 00:07:11,571 let's take it from the bottom of Jermaine's speech. 141 00:07:11,654 --> 00:07:14,153 -Here we go, everyone. Here we go. -(feedback whines) 142 00:07:14,237 --> 00:07:17,237 -Yeah, I know. I'm going to set it there. Thank you. -Natalie: Shh! Shh! 143 00:07:17,320 --> 00:07:20,571 My dad was my hero, and then he disappeared. 144 00:07:20,654 --> 00:07:23,112 My ma used to tell me that the reason I never saw him again 145 00:07:23,195 --> 00:07:25,070 was because he got abducted by aliens. 146 00:07:25,153 --> 00:07:27,404 -(lights click) -I actually believed that 147 00:07:27,487 --> 00:07:28,945 till the day I saw him strung out, 148 00:07:29,028 --> 00:07:31,404 begging for money, outside of a liquor store. 149 00:07:32,404 --> 00:07:34,195 He didn't recognize me. 150 00:07:37,487 --> 00:07:39,612 (chuckles) That's crazy, uh... 151 00:07:39,696 --> 00:07:41,195 Uh, so I gave him some money 152 00:07:41,279 --> 00:07:43,320 and never saw him again. 153 00:07:43,404 --> 00:07:45,445 I don't know if he's dead or alive, 154 00:07:45,529 --> 00:07:47,612 but I just hope he knows, wherever he is, 155 00:07:47,696 --> 00:07:50,112 that he's still my hero. 156 00:07:50,195 --> 00:07:52,195 Not even aliens could take that away from me. 157 00:07:52,279 --> 00:07:53,445 (clears throat) 158 00:07:53,529 --> 00:07:55,445 -Natalie: That's beautiful, powerful. -Woo! 159 00:07:55,529 --> 00:07:58,821 Natalie: Great job. Okay, we got that. Let's move on to Nick. 160 00:07:58,903 --> 00:08:00,112 Sasha, strike that. 161 00:08:00,195 --> 00:08:02,696 Look, Barry, I was nervous too, okay? 162 00:08:02,779 --> 00:08:04,903 But everybody's dropped the competitive grief bullshit, 163 00:08:04,987 --> 00:08:07,529 and they're delivering honest and real work. 164 00:08:07,612 --> 00:08:09,529 I mean, look what we inspired! 165 00:08:09,612 --> 00:08:12,404 Natalie: Nick, your vomit scene is up next. 166 00:08:12,487 --> 00:08:14,654 Jesus, this place has a balcony. 167 00:08:14,737 --> 00:08:17,404 Yes, there's a lot of fucking seats! Move on! 168 00:08:17,487 --> 00:08:18,945 (sighs) Doors open in two hours, 169 00:08:19,028 --> 00:08:20,779 I think we should start rehearsing. 170 00:08:20,862 --> 00:08:22,821 -(Nick retching) -Louder, Nick, louder. 171 00:08:22,903 --> 00:08:25,445 Okay, okay. Sorry, sorry. (heaving loudly) 172 00:08:25,529 --> 00:08:27,529 Mae: We can't find this guy. 173 00:08:27,612 --> 00:08:30,987 But we have a recording of a 911 call 174 00:08:31,070 --> 00:08:34,612 where you confess to Moss's murder and threaten suicide. 175 00:08:34,696 --> 00:08:36,362 It wasn't me. 176 00:08:36,445 --> 00:08:38,445 But the call came from your phone, 177 00:08:38,529 --> 00:08:40,612 and it sounds like you. 178 00:08:41,903 --> 00:08:43,571 Mr. Cousineau, can you look at me? 179 00:08:46,737 --> 00:08:49,279 Mae: Mm. You're in a bad place. 180 00:08:50,195 --> 00:08:52,529 The guilt and remorse is weighing on you. 181 00:08:52,612 --> 00:08:53,903 I get it. 182 00:08:53,987 --> 00:08:56,445 You know what I think? 183 00:08:56,529 --> 00:08:59,529 I think you called your student, Barry, to talk you out of it. 184 00:08:59,612 --> 00:09:01,696 'Cause you didn't want to go through with it. 185 00:09:03,112 --> 00:09:04,487 Barry spoke to him. 186 00:09:04,571 --> 00:09:07,237 I don't want to hear about this Goulet guy. 187 00:09:07,320 --> 00:09:08,821 He doesn't exist. 188 00:09:08,903 --> 00:09:10,529 What happened? 189 00:09:16,862 --> 00:09:18,279 (sighs) 190 00:09:28,779 --> 00:09:31,696 Gene, it's okay. 191 00:09:31,779 --> 00:09:33,612 It's okay. 192 00:09:33,696 --> 00:09:35,070 Did you fight? 193 00:09:35,153 --> 00:09:36,320 Did she threaten to leave you 194 00:09:36,404 --> 00:09:38,237 and you couldn't handle the rejection? 195 00:09:38,320 --> 00:09:40,654 She was the love of my life. 196 00:09:43,362 --> 00:09:44,987 (sighs) 197 00:09:46,529 --> 00:09:48,696 Mr. Cousineau, please stand up. 198 00:09:50,821 --> 00:09:53,487 You're under arrest for the murder of Janice Moss. 199 00:09:53,571 --> 00:09:56,737 We'll arrange for a transport for you back to Los Angeles. 200 00:09:56,821 --> 00:09:58,279 You'll be taken to a holding cell, 201 00:09:58,362 --> 00:10:00,903 and you'll be given one phone call. 202 00:10:00,987 --> 00:10:02,237 Officer: Stand up, please. 203 00:10:02,320 --> 00:10:05,862 (Mayrbek shouting in Chechen) 204 00:10:05,945 --> 00:10:07,903 (men chattering) 205 00:10:07,987 --> 00:10:10,070 (Mayrbek shouting) 206 00:10:16,237 --> 00:10:17,529 (rifle cocks) 207 00:10:17,945 --> 00:10:21,404 (shouting in Chechen) 208 00:10:24,237 --> 00:10:25,862 (Mayrbeck continues shouting) 209 00:10:30,821 --> 00:10:34,028 (distant Chechens chanting) 210 00:10:37,195 --> 00:10:39,696 (chanting growing louder) 211 00:10:49,862 --> 00:10:51,404 Fuches: Impressive. 212 00:10:51,487 --> 00:10:53,737 Looks like you got yourself an army. 213 00:10:53,821 --> 00:10:58,654 -Fuches? -And I need an army. 214 00:10:58,737 --> 00:11:01,945 -(chanting quickens) -(line ringing) 215 00:11:03,279 --> 00:11:04,571 (line ringing) 216 00:11:04,654 --> 00:11:06,320 Man (on phone): San Bernardino Sheriff's Department. 217 00:11:06,404 --> 00:11:07,654 Deputy Wilson speaking. 218 00:11:07,737 --> 00:11:10,028 Hi. Yeah, this is, uh, Barry Berkman. 219 00:11:10,112 --> 00:11:12,279 - Yeah? -Uh, you said I could call you, 220 00:11:12,362 --> 00:11:14,987 uh, with any updates on Mr. Cousineau. 221 00:11:15,070 --> 00:11:17,571 Wilson (over phone): I said I'd call you with any updates. 222 00:11:17,654 --> 00:11:20,821 Natalie: Okay, guys, this show starts in two minutes. 223 00:11:20,903 --> 00:11:23,945 -Well, how's he doing? - They just booked him. 224 00:11:24,028 --> 00:11:25,779 You can try to see him in LA County tomorrow. 225 00:11:25,862 --> 00:11:28,487 - They are moving him tonight. -They-- they booked him? 226 00:11:28,571 --> 00:11:29,571 Yeah. 227 00:11:29,654 --> 00:11:32,028 Well, is-is, uh... is he okay? 228 00:11:32,112 --> 00:11:34,070 See him tomorrow, Berkman. 229 00:11:35,445 --> 00:11:38,320 Crewman (over radio): Copy that. We'll get on it. 230 00:11:48,112 --> 00:11:50,654 ♪ ♪ 231 00:11:57,612 --> 00:11:59,487 Yeah, I think "fraught" is maybe the word I'm looking for. 232 00:11:59,571 --> 00:12:01,612 -Yeah, that's not what I'm trying-- Oh! -(phone chiming) 233 00:12:01,696 --> 00:12:04,195 -Just, I got to-- Yeah. -Oh, please. 234 00:12:04,279 --> 00:12:06,028 (ringtone chiming) 235 00:12:08,862 --> 00:12:11,028 -Hey, bud! -(whispers): Fuck you! 236 00:12:11,112 --> 00:12:13,404 (chuckles) You know... 237 00:12:13,487 --> 00:12:16,862 you could save your little acting teacher. You know that, right? 238 00:12:16,945 --> 00:12:19,279 I'm going to fucking kill you, Fuches. 239 00:12:19,362 --> 00:12:21,779 All you have to do is turn yourself in. 240 00:12:21,862 --> 00:12:23,529 Give it all up for him. 241 00:12:23,612 --> 00:12:25,070 Fuches: Yeah? 242 00:12:25,153 --> 00:12:28,153 Not so altruistic now, are you, motherfucker? 243 00:12:28,237 --> 00:12:30,903 Now who's out of moves? Buh-bye. 244 00:12:31,612 --> 00:12:33,070 (breathes sharply) 245 00:12:33,153 --> 00:12:36,445 Sally: Hey, everybody, bring it in. Bring it in. Woo! 246 00:12:36,529 --> 00:12:37,737 And... 247 00:12:37,821 --> 00:12:40,903 All: Go... Cousineau! 248 00:12:40,987 --> 00:12:43,279 (applause, cheers) 249 00:12:43,362 --> 00:12:44,862 Natalie: All right, places everyone. Places, places. 250 00:12:44,945 --> 00:12:46,654 -Showtime! Hey. -Hi! Hi. 251 00:12:46,737 --> 00:12:48,279 Showtime. Yeah. You feelin' good? 252 00:12:48,362 --> 00:12:50,237 -Yeah. Yeah. I think so. Yeah. -Good. Yeah. 253 00:12:50,320 --> 00:12:52,279 So everyone showed. The audience is packed. 254 00:12:52,362 --> 00:12:54,070 Everyone is here. Oh, the Mikes are here. 255 00:12:54,153 --> 00:12:56,237 Oh, so they got on board with the whole showcase idea? 256 00:12:56,320 --> 00:12:58,487 Oh yeah, they're in, but... (stammers) 257 00:12:58,571 --> 00:12:59,696 They don't know. They're... 258 00:12:59,779 --> 00:13:01,571 They're as on board as they'll ever be. 259 00:13:01,654 --> 00:13:02,987 (chuckling): Which is pretty on board. 260 00:13:03,070 --> 00:13:04,571 -I'm not-- I mean, you know... -No pressure. 261 00:13:04,654 --> 00:13:06,862 No pressure, exactly. It's going to be... 262 00:13:08,612 --> 00:13:10,279 So, um... 263 00:13:10,362 --> 00:13:12,279 You feel good that we're doing this, though, right? 264 00:13:12,362 --> 00:13:14,737 -Oh, me? I feel great that we're doing this! -(paper ripping) 265 00:13:14,821 --> 00:13:17,445 I feel so good, because, at the end of the day, 266 00:13:17,529 --> 00:13:18,945 you are telling your story. 267 00:13:19,028 --> 00:13:20,779 You're the artist. I'm supporting the artist. 268 00:13:20,862 --> 00:13:23,487 I brought all these people here because this is what you want to do. 269 00:13:23,571 --> 00:13:26,112 And you're going to be great, and I believe in you. 270 00:13:26,195 --> 00:13:28,320 Which is why we started this whole frickin' thing. 271 00:13:28,404 --> 00:13:30,445 So, I'm excited. You're excited. 272 00:13:30,529 --> 00:13:32,779 You're going to be great, and break a frickin' leg, Sally. 273 00:13:32,862 --> 00:13:34,612 (inhales sharply) Okay, see you later. 274 00:13:34,696 --> 00:13:37,571 -Natalie: Nick, Nick, you're up, let's go. -(breathes deeply) 275 00:13:37,654 --> 00:13:40,279 This is not what her contract was supposed to say. These aren't the right details. 276 00:13:40,362 --> 00:13:42,654 Sally's is last, so you guys are going to have to be patient. 277 00:13:42,737 --> 00:13:43,862 -But... -(whispers): Oh, great. 278 00:13:43,945 --> 00:13:45,987 -(audience murmuring) -Shh! Shh! Shh! 279 00:13:47,862 --> 00:13:51,779 (Nick retching loudly) 280 00:13:51,862 --> 00:13:53,445 (Nick coughs) 281 00:13:54,362 --> 00:13:56,070 Nick: You know what was in the toilet? 282 00:13:57,279 --> 00:13:59,070 It wasn't the vomit, 283 00:13:59,153 --> 00:14:02,779 or the three-day old pizza I poured bleach on and still ate, 284 00:14:02,862 --> 00:14:05,945 or even my made-up stomach issue. 285 00:14:07,445 --> 00:14:08,320 It was me. 286 00:14:08,404 --> 00:14:11,028 -It was me! -(Mike sputters) 287 00:14:11,112 --> 00:14:12,945 Forgotten. 288 00:14:13,028 --> 00:14:14,529 Remembered. 289 00:14:14,612 --> 00:14:16,445 Forgotten. 290 00:14:16,529 --> 00:14:19,529 I was the youngest of four gotten. 291 00:14:19,612 --> 00:14:20,862 Forgotten. 292 00:14:20,945 --> 00:14:25,654 Four got ten, nine, eight, seven, six! 293 00:14:25,737 --> 00:14:29,362 Was the age when I was left at a garage sale. 294 00:14:29,445 --> 00:14:32,195 -I mean, Jesus, Hank. They're all headed here now? -Yes. 295 00:14:32,279 --> 00:14:35,279 What I need more than anything right now is Barry. 296 00:14:35,362 --> 00:14:37,862 He is like crazy Chechen goon-whisperer. 297 00:14:37,945 --> 00:14:39,028 That might be a bit tricky, Hank. 298 00:14:39,112 --> 00:14:40,862 We had a minor falling out. 299 00:14:40,945 --> 00:14:44,654 Oh, come on, you guys are like Fleetwood Mac. 300 00:14:44,737 --> 00:14:46,696 You break up, you get back together again, 301 00:14:46,779 --> 00:14:49,696 and then you go out and make a great album, like The Best of Fleetwood Mac. 302 00:14:49,779 --> 00:14:51,612 This may be more final than that. 303 00:14:51,696 --> 00:14:54,070 Which is why I need your guys to get my back, yes? 304 00:14:54,153 --> 00:14:57,987 Yeah, well, day late and ruble short, I'm afraid. 305 00:14:58,070 --> 00:14:59,696 They won't listen to me, man. 306 00:14:59,779 --> 00:15:01,529 But they will listen to Barry. 307 00:15:01,612 --> 00:15:03,445 Barry? Come on. I'm the guy that made Barry! 308 00:15:03,529 --> 00:15:04,862 -They'll listen to me. -(door opens) 309 00:15:04,945 --> 00:15:06,404 Hey, fellas! Come back here. 310 00:15:06,487 --> 00:15:08,487 -(speaking Chechen) -Fuches: Guys. Guys! 311 00:15:10,112 --> 00:15:13,153 (commanding in Chechen) 312 00:15:13,237 --> 00:15:15,320 (men chattering) 313 00:15:19,362 --> 00:15:20,654 NoHo Hank: Shit. 314 00:15:22,654 --> 00:15:24,945 (guns cocking) 315 00:15:25,028 --> 00:15:27,153 ♪ ♪ 316 00:15:29,529 --> 00:15:31,987 (man speaking Chechen) 317 00:15:34,487 --> 00:15:36,112 Also, I was thinking that-- 318 00:15:36,195 --> 00:15:37,362 Fuches? 319 00:15:37,445 --> 00:15:39,571 Okay, guys, we're going to be in a war now. 320 00:15:39,654 --> 00:15:42,445 -I'm so excited for you guys! -Hello! 321 00:15:42,529 --> 00:15:45,987 You know, seems like you brought 322 00:15:46,070 --> 00:15:51,153 a lot of people and guns 323 00:15:51,237 --> 00:15:54,028 for a talk with friends. 324 00:15:54,112 --> 00:15:56,195 Who is this? 325 00:15:56,279 --> 00:15:57,529 Viejito loco. 326 00:15:57,612 --> 00:15:59,779 - Yes. Muy triste. - (chuckles) 327 00:15:59,862 --> 00:16:02,028 (Fuches muttering indistinctly) 328 00:16:04,195 --> 00:16:06,529 Cristobal: Is... Is he talking to us? 329 00:16:06,612 --> 00:16:09,279 No, maybe-- No, he's on the Bluetooth. 330 00:16:09,362 --> 00:16:11,153 I can't-- Is he on the Bluetooth? 331 00:16:11,237 --> 00:16:13,112 Fuches: Cristobal, buddy, wow! 332 00:16:13,195 --> 00:16:17,070 Oh. Okay. I hear my name. He is talking to us. 333 00:16:17,153 --> 00:16:18,612 (speaks Chechen) 334 00:16:18,696 --> 00:16:19,987 NoHo Hank: I can't watch. 335 00:16:20,070 --> 00:16:23,404 Cristobal. Esther. Nice to meet you. 336 00:16:23,487 --> 00:16:26,279 You know, in America Esther's a woman's name. 337 00:16:26,362 --> 00:16:28,070 (growls) 338 00:16:28,153 --> 00:16:29,987 Who the fuck are you? 339 00:16:30,070 --> 00:16:31,862 Fuches. Monroe Fuches. 340 00:16:31,945 --> 00:16:34,404 I'm, uh, Hank's representative. 341 00:16:37,153 --> 00:16:38,487 Let's get to it. 342 00:16:38,571 --> 00:16:41,070 You came here to kill us. 343 00:16:41,153 --> 00:16:43,987 Okay. Murder. 344 00:16:44,070 --> 00:16:48,237 (chuckles) I used to think people like you were the shit, man. 345 00:16:48,320 --> 00:16:52,945 Bad-asses like yourself always fascinated me. 346 00:16:53,028 --> 00:16:54,987 But-But doing it, you know, 347 00:16:55,070 --> 00:16:58,779 actually pulling the trigger, ending a life... 348 00:16:59,987 --> 00:17:02,987 Well, that takes someone with no soul. 349 00:17:03,070 --> 00:17:05,529 Hank tried to criss-cross me. 350 00:17:05,612 --> 00:17:11,612 You and Hank, you're in a... transitional phase, that's all. 351 00:17:11,696 --> 00:17:14,320 You know, people meet and sometimes... 352 00:17:15,362 --> 00:17:17,862 they lock into each other 353 00:17:17,945 --> 00:17:21,445 like two long-sought-after pieces of a puzzle. 354 00:17:23,237 --> 00:17:24,696 Now, as time goes on, 355 00:17:24,779 --> 00:17:27,821 these pieces, they morph and they-they grow. 356 00:17:29,445 --> 00:17:33,404 And they can grow together and become stronger. 357 00:17:33,487 --> 00:17:34,779 Or... 358 00:17:36,654 --> 00:17:40,945 they can become two completely different shapes that... 359 00:17:41,696 --> 00:17:44,654 they don't have any room for each other, they don't fit anymore. 360 00:17:45,487 --> 00:17:48,028 If there's one thing I've learned in my life, 361 00:17:48,112 --> 00:17:53,070 you can't control what other people are going to do. 362 00:17:53,153 --> 00:17:54,654 No. No. 363 00:17:54,737 --> 00:17:56,945 They need their own space to... 364 00:17:57,028 --> 00:18:00,487 become whatever weird-ass shape they're going to change into. 365 00:18:02,320 --> 00:18:05,654 It's nature. You can't control it, but... 366 00:18:06,945 --> 00:18:08,571 you can accept it. 367 00:18:08,654 --> 00:18:11,237 And I think, you know, 368 00:18:11,320 --> 00:18:14,195 you and Hank, that's still a fit, man. 369 00:18:18,654 --> 00:18:20,112 (sniffling) 370 00:18:20,195 --> 00:18:22,654 -Cristobal: I'm so sorry, man. -Are you kidding me? 371 00:18:22,737 --> 00:18:25,571 Are you kidding me? I tried to screw you over, man. 372 00:18:25,654 --> 00:18:27,362 No, you only tried to kill Esther 373 00:18:27,445 --> 00:18:29,571 because you cared about me. 374 00:18:29,654 --> 00:18:31,237 Look, I love you, okay? 375 00:18:31,320 --> 00:18:33,112 Can we just say that once and for all? 376 00:18:33,195 --> 00:18:34,362 Look, I love you, man. 377 00:18:34,445 --> 00:18:36,612 And I just think, with the heroin shipment 378 00:18:36,696 --> 00:18:39,612 coming in and everything, you know... 379 00:18:39,696 --> 00:18:41,903 Both: ...we're sitting on a gold mine! 380 00:18:41,987 --> 00:18:44,237 (both laughing) 381 00:18:44,320 --> 00:18:45,779 (both sigh) 382 00:18:45,862 --> 00:18:48,987 Te llamo mi corazon . My little papita . 383 00:18:49,070 --> 00:18:50,487 Fuches: Jesus Christ, easy, easy. 384 00:18:50,571 --> 00:18:51,821 (laughs) You guys are like my cats. 385 00:18:51,903 --> 00:18:53,445 I have to pour water on you. 386 00:18:53,529 --> 00:18:55,070 Come on! Let's celebrate. 387 00:18:55,153 --> 00:18:57,529 We can send somebody to Ralph's, get sandwiches. 388 00:18:57,612 --> 00:19:00,320 And, you know, case of Rolling Rock, let's do it up! 389 00:19:00,404 --> 00:19:03,529 ♪ ♪ 390 00:19:07,529 --> 00:19:09,112 Sasha: Ugh, I'm sweating. 391 00:19:09,195 --> 00:19:12,362 All right, you guys clearly don't get this so, to recap: 392 00:19:12,445 --> 00:19:14,070 This... 393 00:19:14,153 --> 00:19:16,362 was walking down this... 394 00:19:16,445 --> 00:19:18,320 and it was seen by her. 395 00:19:18,404 --> 00:19:20,945 Not-- not actually her. This is not a photo of me. 396 00:19:21,028 --> 00:19:22,987 I don't have any photos of myself from my childhood 397 00:19:23,070 --> 00:19:25,279 because my uncle burnt down my house when my mum was still inside, but that's... 398 00:19:25,362 --> 00:19:28,070 that is not relevant to this story, is it? 399 00:19:28,153 --> 00:19:30,987 Sally: Okay, Lindsay seems really nervous. 400 00:19:31,070 --> 00:19:32,404 What if the scene doesn't work? 401 00:19:32,487 --> 00:19:35,737 Telling the truth is the right thing to do, right? 402 00:19:35,821 --> 00:19:37,654 Barry? 403 00:19:37,737 --> 00:19:41,028 Telling the truth is the right thing to do, right? 404 00:19:41,112 --> 00:19:42,654 Barry! 405 00:19:42,737 --> 00:19:44,821 Oh my God, are you okay? 406 00:19:44,903 --> 00:19:47,903 Okay, it's time, guys. 407 00:19:47,987 --> 00:19:50,195 (panting): Break legs. 408 00:19:50,279 --> 00:19:52,320 (feedback whines) 409 00:19:52,404 --> 00:19:53,821 (mutters): Fuck. 410 00:19:56,237 --> 00:19:58,487 Hey, Barry, are you okay? 411 00:19:58,571 --> 00:20:01,362 Come on. Are you okay? 412 00:20:01,445 --> 00:20:03,696 (sighs) Fuck! 413 00:20:03,779 --> 00:20:06,028 Barry, it's a good idea we're doing this, right? 414 00:20:06,112 --> 00:20:07,903 (modified voice): Jer-Jermaine. I am Jermaine. 415 00:20:07,987 --> 00:20:10,779 -Sally: You don't think this is a mistake? -Natalie: Give me that back. 416 00:20:12,112 --> 00:20:13,696 Just try to breathe. 417 00:20:13,779 --> 00:20:15,903 (breathes deeply) 418 00:20:15,987 --> 00:20:18,112 (Sasha speaking indistinctly onstage) 419 00:20:18,195 --> 00:20:19,237 Sasha: It's not horses. 420 00:20:19,320 --> 00:20:20,945 It's just that I love their magical... 421 00:20:21,028 --> 00:20:22,903 (whispering): Hey, where are you at right now? 422 00:20:22,987 --> 00:20:24,571 -I need you present. -I am present. 423 00:20:24,654 --> 00:20:26,195 No, come on. Come on. Focus. 424 00:20:26,279 --> 00:20:28,195 Come on, focus. Look at me. 425 00:20:28,279 --> 00:20:30,779 Let's just, let's practice the choke, ready? 426 00:20:30,862 --> 00:20:34,028 -What? -The choke. Ready? One-- one, two, three. 427 00:20:34,112 --> 00:20:37,529 -Come on, Barry, sell it! -I am selling it. 428 00:20:37,612 --> 00:20:40,903 (distant wind whistling) 429 00:20:40,987 --> 00:20:43,070 ♪ ♪ 430 00:20:44,320 --> 00:20:48,362 (distant wind whistling) 431 00:20:50,112 --> 00:20:52,153 -(audience applauding) -Stay in that place. 432 00:20:53,404 --> 00:20:55,112 Sasha Thank you. 433 00:20:55,571 --> 00:20:57,070 Oh wait, I'm going to take that. I'm going to take that. 434 00:20:57,153 --> 00:20:59,237 I'm going to take that for my house. Love that! 435 00:20:59,320 --> 00:21:00,571 Oh, killed it. 436 00:21:01,696 --> 00:21:05,070 (furniture clattering) 437 00:21:13,028 --> 00:21:15,070 (footsteps recede) 438 00:21:15,153 --> 00:21:17,195 (silence) 439 00:21:19,487 --> 00:21:20,862 (lights click) 440 00:21:20,945 --> 00:21:22,612 Sally: It was... 441 00:21:24,070 --> 00:21:26,112 It was a typical November night. 442 00:21:28,028 --> 00:21:29,445 It was cold outside. 443 00:21:29,529 --> 00:21:31,696 And he had been drinking. 444 00:21:40,903 --> 00:21:42,696 (inhales softly) 445 00:21:43,696 --> 00:21:46,195 Who was that guy you were dancing with tonight? 446 00:21:47,571 --> 00:21:48,987 Ken? 447 00:21:49,070 --> 00:21:51,903 Well, he's just a friend, Sam. (scoffs) 448 00:21:51,987 --> 00:21:53,237 I didn't like it. It was embarrassing. 449 00:21:53,320 --> 00:21:54,779 You looked like a fuckin' whore. 450 00:21:54,862 --> 00:21:57,404 (sighs) Come on, Sam. 451 00:21:57,487 --> 00:21:59,696 Don't-- Don't be an idiot. 452 00:22:00,696 --> 00:22:04,112 -Don't fucking call me an idiot! -(loud clattering) 453 00:22:06,737 --> 00:22:08,654 I'll call you a fucking idiot! 454 00:22:08,737 --> 00:22:10,320 (panting): Yeah, and you know what else? 455 00:22:10,404 --> 00:22:12,320 I'll talk to who I please, when I please. 456 00:22:12,404 --> 00:22:14,153 You don't own me, you fucking prick! 457 00:22:14,237 --> 00:22:16,529 And from now on, I'm going to speak my mind. 458 00:22:16,612 --> 00:22:18,445 I'll say what I want to say, starting with this: 459 00:22:18,529 --> 00:22:20,320 My name is Sally Jane Reed, and, as of today, 460 00:22:20,404 --> 00:22:23,279 we are fucking done, you son of a bitch! 461 00:22:35,404 --> 00:22:37,237 Sally (whispers): Shit... 462 00:22:45,987 --> 00:22:48,945 -Natalie: And that's our show... -(applauding) 463 00:22:50,445 --> 00:22:52,362 Sally. Hey. Hey, hey! Where you going? 464 00:22:52,445 --> 00:22:53,779 -What's going on? -I got to get out of here. 465 00:22:53,862 --> 00:22:55,362 It's fine! No. Tell me-- tell me what happened. 466 00:22:55,445 --> 00:22:57,195 (weeping): I just, I don't know. I saw all those people, 467 00:22:57,279 --> 00:22:58,404 and I just-- I kind of panicked. 468 00:22:58,487 --> 00:23:00,779 So, I got up there and I... I lied. 469 00:23:00,862 --> 00:23:03,279 I actually lied. I'm not an artist. 470 00:23:03,362 --> 00:23:04,862 You should go in there. You should be-- 471 00:23:04,945 --> 00:23:06,404 That's a different kind of truth. 472 00:23:06,487 --> 00:23:09,028 I was kind of forcing you to expose in front of everyone. 473 00:23:09,112 --> 00:23:11,028 Sally, I just really want to apologize, 474 00:23:11,112 --> 00:23:13,487 -because I feel very bad about this situation. -No, no... 475 00:23:13,571 --> 00:23:15,654 And I should not have put you in that position. 476 00:23:15,737 --> 00:23:18,737 You should never have had to do something so incredibly vulnerable 477 00:23:18,821 --> 00:23:20,529 -in front of so many people with so little time. -Michael: Sally. 478 00:23:20,612 --> 00:23:24,529 So that was not at all what I thought you were going to do. 479 00:23:24,612 --> 00:23:27,821 And now we know why you hated Aaron Ryan's story so much. 480 00:23:27,903 --> 00:23:29,612 His story was dark and gritty and, frankly, 481 00:23:29,696 --> 00:23:32,362 kind of a bummer about women who get trapped in a hopeless existence. 482 00:23:32,445 --> 00:23:34,279 Michael: But yours was full of hope and redemption 483 00:23:34,362 --> 00:23:35,821 about a woman taking charge of her life. 484 00:23:35,903 --> 00:23:37,279 -(cushion air hissing) -Really inspiring. 485 00:23:37,362 --> 00:23:39,195 And not like those other stories which were a bummer. 486 00:23:39,279 --> 00:23:40,571 I liked the one about the horse. 487 00:23:40,654 --> 00:23:42,028 And the way you did that speech. 488 00:23:42,112 --> 00:23:43,779 -It was like... - Braveheart . 489 00:23:43,862 --> 00:23:47,320 -Braveheart , exactly. -Look this is exactly the kind of fucking shit I-- 490 00:23:47,404 --> 00:23:48,737 Excuse me, Ms. Reed? 491 00:23:48,821 --> 00:23:51,903 My husband and I thought you were amazing. 492 00:23:51,987 --> 00:23:55,612 There she is. That was breathtaking. 493 00:23:55,696 --> 00:23:57,571 I have a friend who went through a similar situation. 494 00:23:57,654 --> 00:23:59,779 She did not have the courage to do what you just did. 495 00:23:59,862 --> 00:24:01,571 -(gasps) -Truly inspiring. 496 00:24:01,654 --> 00:24:04,779 -She was crying. -I was crying. I was really crying. 497 00:24:04,862 --> 00:24:07,612 (lively chattering) 498 00:24:07,696 --> 00:24:10,404 ♪ ♪ 499 00:24:15,279 --> 00:24:16,737 Your ride back to LA is here. 500 00:24:16,821 --> 00:24:19,779 You'll meet your lawyer and be arraigned in Los Angeles. 501 00:24:20,612 --> 00:24:21,529 Hold on. 502 00:24:21,612 --> 00:24:23,779 Mae, you need to come in here. 503 00:24:25,862 --> 00:24:27,404 Excuse me. 504 00:24:34,445 --> 00:24:36,737 (indistinct conversation) 505 00:24:45,195 --> 00:24:46,445 (door opens) 506 00:24:48,987 --> 00:24:50,737 Mae: Okay, Mr. Cousineau. 507 00:24:52,320 --> 00:24:53,903 Mr. Cousineau? 508 00:24:54,737 --> 00:24:56,779 You're free to go. 509 00:24:58,237 --> 00:24:59,571 He's free to go. 510 00:25:05,779 --> 00:25:08,987 -(rain pattering) -(thunder rumbling) 511 00:25:15,987 --> 00:25:17,821 (line ringing) 512 00:25:17,903 --> 00:25:19,571 Voicemail: This is Officer Chad Wilson 513 00:25:19,654 --> 00:25:21,945 -of the San Bernardino Sheriff's Department... -(phone beeps) 514 00:25:23,903 --> 00:25:26,070 (distant thunder rumbling) 515 00:25:37,779 --> 00:25:41,153 (ringtone playing) 516 00:25:43,529 --> 00:25:44,654 Hello? 517 00:25:45,779 --> 00:25:47,487 Hello? 518 00:25:47,571 --> 00:25:49,945 Uh, is Mr. Cousineau there? 519 00:25:50,028 --> 00:25:52,237 Leo: Uh, who is this? 520 00:25:52,320 --> 00:25:54,153 Uh, this is Barry Block. 521 00:25:55,571 --> 00:25:56,529 Who's this? 522 00:25:56,612 --> 00:25:59,195 I'm-- I'm Leo. 523 00:25:59,279 --> 00:26:01,153 I'm his-- his son. 524 00:26:02,654 --> 00:26:05,112 Hi, um, is he okay? 525 00:26:05,195 --> 00:26:06,529 Have they taken him to LA yet? 526 00:26:06,612 --> 00:26:07,945 No, actually, they're letting him go. 527 00:26:08,028 --> 00:26:09,362 I just got here, so... 528 00:26:09,445 --> 00:26:12,529 They're letting him go? What happened? 529 00:26:12,612 --> 00:26:16,404 I-- I guess they found this thing in Janice's trunk. 530 00:26:16,487 --> 00:26:18,028 It's a Chechen pin. 531 00:26:18,112 --> 00:26:20,737 Mae: So this translates to "The debt has been paid"? 532 00:26:20,821 --> 00:26:22,362 Deputy: That's what our guy is telling us. 533 00:26:22,445 --> 00:26:24,987 They must have left it there as a message for when we found her. 534 00:26:26,279 --> 00:26:27,779 Chechens did this. 535 00:26:27,862 --> 00:26:29,987 ♪ ♪ 536 00:26:31,737 --> 00:26:33,028 (sighs) 537 00:26:37,320 --> 00:26:38,696 (thunder rumbles) 538 00:26:39,903 --> 00:26:41,779 Oh, good, uh... 539 00:26:41,862 --> 00:26:44,112 Can you keep in contact with me? 540 00:26:44,195 --> 00:26:45,821 Just to let me know he's okay? 541 00:26:45,903 --> 00:26:48,070 Uh, sure, I-- 542 00:26:48,153 --> 00:26:49,862 Barry Block? Is that what you said? 543 00:26:49,945 --> 00:26:51,821 It's Berkman. 544 00:26:53,487 --> 00:26:55,571 My name's Barry Berkman. 545 00:26:55,654 --> 00:26:57,903 Okay, yeah, I'll let you know. 546 00:26:57,987 --> 00:27:00,529 Well, and-- and can you tell your dad something for me? 547 00:27:00,612 --> 00:27:03,404 Uh, sure. 548 00:27:03,487 --> 00:27:06,362 Can you tell him that he's going to be okay and that, uh... 549 00:27:08,362 --> 00:27:10,028 and that he was right? 550 00:27:11,362 --> 00:27:13,862 I'm pretty sure that people can change. 551 00:27:13,945 --> 00:27:15,945 Okay. Will do. 552 00:27:16,028 --> 00:27:18,112 ♪ ♪ 553 00:27:27,153 --> 00:27:29,237 (thunder rumbling) 554 00:27:31,362 --> 00:27:33,279 (sighs) 555 00:27:33,362 --> 00:27:35,112 (thunder rumbles) 556 00:27:35,195 --> 00:27:36,821 (phone chimes) 557 00:27:41,445 --> 00:27:43,903 ♪ ♪ 558 00:27:50,153 --> 00:27:52,237 ♪ ♪ 559 00:27:56,571 --> 00:28:00,821 (no audible dialogue) 560 00:28:00,903 --> 00:28:03,654 ♪ ♪ 561 00:28:20,654 --> 00:28:22,320 (tires screech) 562 00:28:28,696 --> 00:28:31,445 (lively chatter, laughter) 563 00:28:37,945 --> 00:28:40,153 White boy. Lululemon track suit. 564 00:28:42,112 --> 00:28:43,654 (shouts in Burmese) 565 00:28:43,737 --> 00:28:45,195 (mirror shatters) 566 00:28:45,279 --> 00:28:47,529 Barry? 567 00:28:47,612 --> 00:28:48,529 Shit! 568 00:28:48,612 --> 00:28:51,279 (panicked shouting) 569 00:28:53,696 --> 00:28:55,445 -Fuches! -Fuches: No! 570 00:28:55,529 --> 00:28:57,529 (gunfire) 571 00:28:59,320 --> 00:29:01,862 (distant gunshots echoing) 572 00:29:01,945 --> 00:29:05,195 (speaking in Chechen) 573 00:29:12,153 --> 00:29:14,237 (panicked shouts) 574 00:29:15,654 --> 00:29:18,237 -Cristobal: Matalo, matalo! - Matalo, matalo! 575 00:29:18,320 --> 00:29:20,279 -(gunshots) -(bullet casings clink) 576 00:29:20,362 --> 00:29:22,987 (gasps, gurgling) 577 00:29:24,862 --> 00:29:26,237 Fuches! 578 00:29:26,320 --> 00:29:27,987 Fuches: Oh shit! Shit! 579 00:29:28,070 --> 00:29:29,987 -(gunshots echo) -Aw, fuck! 580 00:29:30,070 --> 00:29:32,320 (whimpering) 581 00:29:32,404 --> 00:29:34,362 Guys! Let me in! 582 00:29:36,487 --> 00:29:38,487 Ow! Yes! 583 00:29:40,070 --> 00:29:41,571 Help me! 584 00:29:42,945 --> 00:29:44,237 Oh! You, you. 585 00:29:44,320 --> 00:29:46,112 Hide me, he's trying to kill me. He's trying to kill me! 586 00:29:46,195 --> 00:29:47,821 I'll tell you what, I'll give you anything you want! 587 00:29:47,903 --> 00:29:51,028 -Just get me the fuck out of here! -Vlad, Barry's mentor. 588 00:29:51,112 --> 00:29:52,779 -His mentor? -Get me out. Get me out. 589 00:29:52,862 --> 00:29:55,945 (shouting in Chechen) 590 00:29:56,028 --> 00:29:58,529 Barry's mentor! (speaking Chechen) 591 00:29:59,779 --> 00:30:03,862 (speaking in Chechen) 592 00:30:03,945 --> 00:30:06,362 (panicked shouting) 593 00:30:08,821 --> 00:30:10,862 (speaking Spanish) 594 00:30:12,945 --> 00:30:14,903 (rapid gunfire) 595 00:30:15,571 --> 00:30:17,279 Barry: Hey! Hide him in there? 596 00:30:17,362 --> 00:30:19,320 Is he in there? Is he in there? Hey! 597 00:30:19,404 --> 00:30:21,487 Motherfuck... Motherfuckin' door! 598 00:30:21,571 --> 00:30:22,987 (grunts) 599 00:30:23,070 --> 00:30:25,487 -(gunshots) -Fucking... 600 00:30:25,571 --> 00:30:27,737 (Chechens shouting indistinctly) 601 00:30:31,862 --> 00:30:34,612 -Barry: Where is he? Where is he! -(shouting indistinctly) 602 00:30:35,279 --> 00:30:36,654 (gunshots) 603 00:30:36,737 --> 00:30:38,903 -(rapid gunfire) -(bullet casings clink) 604 00:30:40,070 --> 00:30:41,612 -(man mutters) -(gunshot) 605 00:30:42,237 --> 00:30:44,320 (thunder rumbling) 606 00:30:49,737 --> 00:30:50,987 Fuches! 607 00:30:51,070 --> 00:30:52,571 Fuches, you fuck! 608 00:30:52,654 --> 00:30:54,404 (cocks rifle) 609 00:30:57,195 --> 00:30:59,153 -(breathes deeply) -(thunder rumbling) 610 00:30:59,237 --> 00:31:00,737 Barry: Fuches! 611 00:31:10,112 --> 00:31:11,612 (panting) 612 00:31:14,696 --> 00:31:17,612 (gunshots) 613 00:31:17,696 --> 00:31:19,487 Fuches! 614 00:31:19,571 --> 00:31:21,654 (engine racing) 615 00:31:22,612 --> 00:31:25,112 (gunshots) 616 00:31:30,529 --> 00:31:31,987 Fuck! 617 00:31:32,070 --> 00:31:34,195 (rain pattering) 618 00:31:34,279 --> 00:31:37,362 (footsteps echoing) 619 00:32:18,195 --> 00:32:21,153 (thunder rumbling) 620 00:32:23,070 --> 00:32:24,654 NoHo Hank: Hey, Batir! 621 00:32:26,529 --> 00:32:28,028 Hey, man! 622 00:32:31,362 --> 00:32:32,945 (laughing) 623 00:32:33,028 --> 00:32:35,612 (both laughing) 624 00:33:04,279 --> 00:33:08,362 (lights buzzing) 625 00:33:15,320 --> 00:33:17,821 (rain pattering) 626 00:33:17,903 --> 00:33:21,862 (thunder rolling) 627 00:33:21,945 --> 00:33:24,070 (rain pattering) 628 00:33:27,195 --> 00:33:29,487 You, um, you want some tea, Dad? 629 00:33:31,945 --> 00:33:33,153 Um... (chuckles) 630 00:33:33,237 --> 00:33:35,404 (thunder rumbles) 631 00:33:50,612 --> 00:33:53,153 (rain pattering) 632 00:33:55,112 --> 00:33:58,112 (rain pattering) 633 00:33:59,612 --> 00:34:01,445 (rain pattering) 634 00:34:03,612 --> 00:34:06,945 (rain pattering) 635 00:34:09,195 --> 00:34:11,279 (rain pattering) 636 00:34:12,737 --> 00:34:13,862 (trunk creaks) 637 00:34:13,945 --> 00:34:16,028 (thunder rumbling) 638 00:34:18,487 --> 00:34:20,028 (birds singing) 639 00:34:20,112 --> 00:34:22,070 (rain pattering) 640 00:34:22,153 --> 00:34:23,195 (bird squawks) 641 00:34:23,279 --> 00:34:25,028 (rain pattering) 642 00:34:25,112 --> 00:34:26,362 (birds singing) 643 00:34:26,445 --> 00:34:27,945 (gasps) 644 00:34:28,696 --> 00:34:31,195 (whispers): Barry Berkman did this. 645 00:34:32,612 --> 00:34:34,529 (whispers): Oh, my God! 646 00:34:35,487 --> 00:34:37,571 (rain pattering) 647 00:34:50,487 --> 00:34:54,320 (thunder rumbling) 648 00:34:54,404 --> 00:34:56,487 (rain pattering) 649 00:35:13,153 --> 00:35:16,903 (distant thunder rolling) 650 00:35:16,987 --> 00:35:19,070 (rain pattering) 651 00:35:29,862 --> 00:35:32,279 (thunder rumbling) 652 00:35:40,028 --> 00:35:42,279 (rain pattering) 653 00:35:53,237 --> 00:35:54,571 -Hey, bud. -Fuck you. 654 00:35:54,654 --> 00:35:56,487 You could save your little acting teacher. 655 00:35:56,571 --> 00:35:57,487 You know that, right? 656 00:35:57,737 --> 00:35:59,571 I'm gonna fucking kill you, Fuches. 657 00:35:59,654 --> 00:36:00,779 Give it all up for him. 658 00:36:00,862 --> 00:36:03,362 Not so altruistic now, are you, motherfucker? 659 00:36:03,445 --> 00:36:05,612 Now who's out of moves? Buh-bye. 660 00:36:06,070 --> 00:36:07,779 ♪ (MUSIC PLAYS) ♪ 661 00:36:07,862 --> 00:36:10,153 The culmination of like everything that happened 662 00:36:10,237 --> 00:36:13,195 this season is kinda paying off, and Barry has that moment 663 00:36:13,279 --> 00:36:15,571 where he gets there, and he-- you know, does he chase Fuches, 664 00:36:15,862 --> 00:36:17,195 or does he help Cousineau? 665 00:36:17,279 --> 00:36:18,529 He chooses to help Cousineau, 666 00:36:18,612 --> 00:36:20,362 but his anger is at Fuches is so real. 667 00:36:20,571 --> 00:36:21,487 I'm coming for you. 668 00:36:21,903 --> 00:36:24,195 That's this kind of anger that he talks about all season. 669 00:36:24,445 --> 00:36:27,571 Can he control this demon, or is it just who he is? 670 00:36:29,279 --> 00:36:31,737 We wanted to get this feeling of Cousineau, 671 00:36:31,821 --> 00:36:33,862 he's gonna go to jail for her murder. 672 00:36:34,320 --> 00:36:35,571 Can I see Mr. Cousineau? 673 00:36:36,028 --> 00:36:37,487 Oh no, we think he killed his girlfriend, 674 00:36:37,571 --> 00:36:38,987 so he's staying here with us. 675 00:36:39,195 --> 00:36:42,320 The class is celebrating this thing of truth, 676 00:36:42,404 --> 00:36:44,654 and then, their leader is gonna go to jail 677 00:36:44,737 --> 00:36:46,945 because of Barry, so it's just good to be 678 00:36:47,028 --> 00:36:48,862 just ratcheting that tension up for Barry 679 00:36:48,945 --> 00:36:50,279 and the shame and the guilt 680 00:36:50,362 --> 00:36:51,821 and the anger, and just getting that all-- 681 00:36:52,112 --> 00:36:54,279 just him wound as tight as possible. 682 00:36:54,862 --> 00:36:55,779 (YELLING) Fuches! 683 00:36:56,195 --> 00:36:59,070 I think that Sarah Goldberg does a great job in this episode. 684 00:36:59,153 --> 00:37:01,237 I love the scene at the end of this episode 685 00:37:01,320 --> 00:37:03,696 with her and Jessie Hodges in the lobby 686 00:37:03,779 --> 00:37:05,320 when people are coming around them. 687 00:37:05,404 --> 00:37:07,195 Sally realizing that, like, 688 00:37:07,279 --> 00:37:09,737 "I've wanted to be an artist and I couldn't be an artist," 689 00:37:09,821 --> 00:37:11,529 and that the industry and the Mikes 690 00:37:11,612 --> 00:37:13,195 and these people she's trying to impress, they go, 691 00:37:13,279 --> 00:37:14,654 "No, that's not what we want." 692 00:37:14,737 --> 00:37:16,195 Well, and that'll be a question, I think, 693 00:37:16,279 --> 00:37:17,362 -going forward, right? -Yeah. 694 00:37:17,612 --> 00:37:20,112 Like how much is she gonna just give in to the success 695 00:37:20,195 --> 00:37:21,654 and much is she gonna fight it? 696 00:37:21,737 --> 00:37:23,779 That was breathtaking. 697 00:37:23,862 --> 00:37:25,571 We also love Henry in this episode. 698 00:37:25,821 --> 00:37:27,571 And then, him and Leo coming back together. 699 00:37:27,654 --> 00:37:29,445 He's trying to keep it together. 700 00:37:29,529 --> 00:37:30,903 Cousineau being with his real son, 701 00:37:30,987 --> 00:37:33,903 and I love that Leo and Barry talk to each other at the end, 702 00:37:33,987 --> 00:37:35,153 I think, is really nice. 703 00:37:35,487 --> 00:37:37,279 Can you-- Can you tell your dad something for me? 704 00:37:37,487 --> 00:37:39,070 Uh, sure. 705 00:37:39,153 --> 00:37:40,362 Can you tell him he's gonna be okay, 706 00:37:40,445 --> 00:37:41,779 and that, um, he was right. 707 00:37:41,862 --> 00:37:43,654 I'm pretty sure that people can change. 708 00:37:43,903 --> 00:37:47,862 Barry's whole question this season is, "Am I evil?" 709 00:37:47,945 --> 00:37:50,903 You feel like this is the purest expression of the show. 710 00:37:50,987 --> 00:37:52,862 They're setting up this rage that he has, 711 00:37:52,945 --> 00:37:54,571 and when it goes off, it would be good 712 00:37:54,654 --> 00:37:56,654 if it went off towards somebody. 713 00:37:56,737 --> 00:37:59,153 The Chechen bullet is this kind of device 714 00:37:59,237 --> 00:38:01,320 where in show one, 715 00:38:01,404 --> 00:38:03,279 Hank gets the bullet from the Chechens 716 00:38:03,362 --> 00:38:06,070 and in show two, Hank gives the bullet to Barry, 717 00:38:06,153 --> 00:38:08,445 and says, "I want you to use this bullet." 718 00:38:08,529 --> 00:38:10,445 So whoever gets it, it's gonna mean something, 719 00:38:10,529 --> 00:38:11,821 and the fact that it's Esther, 720 00:38:11,903 --> 00:38:13,571 the person it was supposed to go to, 721 00:38:13,654 --> 00:38:15,237 that was all kind of mapped out. 722 00:38:15,320 --> 00:38:17,153 The thing I like about this episode 723 00:38:17,237 --> 00:38:18,404 is if you remember in 201, 724 00:38:18,487 --> 00:38:20,945 the first time we see Barry, he comes out darkness, 725 00:38:21,028 --> 00:38:23,696 and this episode ends with him going back into darkness. 726 00:38:23,987 --> 00:38:26,487 I really love the ending of this episode. 727 00:38:26,737 --> 00:38:28,195 It's very stark and real. 728 00:38:28,279 --> 00:38:31,279 Kinda similar to one of our-- our season ender last year, 729 00:38:31,362 --> 00:38:33,279 where it just kind of poses a question 730 00:38:33,362 --> 00:38:35,320 and we'll see what happens next. 731 00:38:35,404 --> 00:38:37,696 ♪ (MUSIC CONCLUDES) ♪