1 00:00:02,606 --> 00:00:04,900 All right. It's report card day. 2 00:00:04,984 --> 00:00:08,404 The least fun day when I was your age, but the most fun day now. 3 00:00:08,487 --> 00:00:10,614 [chuckles] Hand 'em over. 4 00:00:11,991 --> 00:00:13,492 I think you'll be pleased. 5 00:00:13,576 --> 00:00:18,080 Ooh, A, B, B, A. ABBA. [laughs] 6 00:00:18,664 --> 00:00:21,083 My favorite band and my favorite grades. 7 00:00:21,167 --> 00:00:23,586 Wow. Nice report card, Katie. 8 00:00:23,669 --> 00:00:26,130 Is it good enough to go to Harvard? No. 9 00:00:26,213 --> 00:00:29,925 Can we afford Harvard? No. Right in the sweet spot. 10 00:00:31,886 --> 00:00:35,181 I remember what you said, Dad: any college that ends in "State." 11 00:00:39,393 --> 00:00:42,062 Wow, all smiley faces. 12 00:00:42,146 --> 00:00:44,607 What can I say? People love me. 13 00:00:46,192 --> 00:00:48,903 Okay, girls, great work. Keep those grades up. 14 00:00:48,986 --> 00:00:51,530 Excellent job, ladies. Let's get out of here. 15 00:00:51,614 --> 00:00:52,865 [Teddy chuckles] 16 00:00:54,283 --> 00:00:55,409 Teddy. 17 00:00:57,119 --> 00:00:58,496 Yes, Father? 18 00:00:59,246 --> 00:01:00,498 Where's your report card? 19 00:01:01,082 --> 00:01:04,210 Oh, my school's not doing grades anymore. 20 00:01:04,293 --> 00:01:08,005 It's just based on how we feel, and I feel great. 21 00:01:09,131 --> 00:01:11,133 I saw you shove it in your pocket. Hand it over. 22 00:01:13,010 --> 00:01:14,386 Come on, tight pants. 23 00:01:18,974 --> 00:01:20,768 Good God, a Z? 24 00:01:21,477 --> 00:01:25,481 I tried to change a D to a B on the bus. It was bumpy. 25 00:01:26,607 --> 00:01:28,609 Your teachers say you're not doing your homework. 26 00:01:28,692 --> 00:01:32,696 Your grades don't have to be perfect. We just expect you to try your best. 27 00:01:32,780 --> 00:01:34,615 But this looks like you're not trying at all. 28 00:01:34,698 --> 00:01:36,492 Explain yourself, mister. 29 00:01:37,284 --> 00:01:39,245 I'm just looking for a different lifestyle. 30 00:01:40,621 --> 00:01:42,248 A different lifestyle? 31 00:01:42,331 --> 00:01:45,292 Look, date who you want, but do your homework. 32 00:01:46,210 --> 00:01:48,504 Homework's a bummer, man. I want to be free. 33 00:01:49,922 --> 00:01:52,466 -Teddy, go to your room. -[stammers] That's right. 34 00:01:52,550 --> 00:01:54,718 We need some privacy to talk about your punishment. 35 00:01:54,802 --> 00:01:57,555 And I'll just say this: Everything is on the table. 36 00:02:02,184 --> 00:02:05,312 That was good. "Everything's on the table." Scary. 37 00:02:06,021 --> 00:02:07,773 It's from a Liam Neeson movie. 38 00:02:08,732 --> 00:02:11,735 Did he think we were gonna buy that "lifestyle" stuff? 39 00:02:11,819 --> 00:02:15,114 If you blow off your homework, you say you lost it or the dog ate it. 40 00:02:15,197 --> 00:02:16,782 They're classics for a reason. 41 00:02:16,866 --> 00:02:18,784 Well, we learned with Katie, 42 00:02:18,868 --> 00:02:20,995 at some point, kids stop doing their homework. 43 00:02:21,078 --> 00:02:24,498 So we're gonna threaten to send Teddy where we threatened to send her. 44 00:02:25,124 --> 00:02:27,042 [both] Military school. 45 00:02:27,126 --> 00:02:29,420 -It's a bluff, but he doesn't know that. -Hmm-mm. 46 00:02:29,503 --> 00:02:32,590 Remember, as soon as Katie heard the words "military school," 47 00:02:32,673 --> 00:02:34,258 her eyes got big and her lip trembled. 48 00:02:34,884 --> 00:02:36,719 That's when we knew we had her. 49 00:02:36,802 --> 00:02:39,221 -We should write parenting books. -Yeah. 50 00:02:39,305 --> 00:02:42,516 You know, someday they're gonna be too old to scare. 51 00:02:43,100 --> 00:02:44,727 Let's enjoy it while we can. 52 00:02:46,478 --> 00:02:49,857 Your father and I have discussed the consequences of your report card. 53 00:02:49,940 --> 00:02:52,192 And we've decided what needs to be done. 54 00:02:52,276 --> 00:02:56,322 This is very hard for a mother, so forgive me if I get emotional. 55 00:02:56,405 --> 00:02:59,450 It's just, I'm gonna miss you so much. 56 00:02:59,533 --> 00:03:02,661 Get a hold of yourself, Andi. It's for his own good. 57 00:03:02,745 --> 00:03:06,123 Teddy, if you don't start doing homework, we're gonna send you to military school. 58 00:03:06,749 --> 00:03:08,208 -What? -That's right. 59 00:03:09,877 --> 00:03:11,795 Runcrest Military Academy. 60 00:03:11,879 --> 00:03:15,883 They call it Runcrest because they make you run to a crest. 61 00:03:16,634 --> 00:03:18,093 That's a hill. 62 00:03:20,262 --> 00:03:24,808 Just thinking about my baby running up that scorpion-infested hill, 63 00:03:24,892 --> 00:03:27,019 it just-- it breaks my heart. 64 00:03:27,728 --> 00:03:32,483 So what's it gonna be, Teddy? Huh? Homework or military school? 65 00:03:32,566 --> 00:03:33,901 Well, that's easy. 66 00:03:33,984 --> 00:03:35,736 -Hmm. -Military school. 67 00:03:36,987 --> 00:03:38,822 -Come again? -What's that now? 68 00:03:39,698 --> 00:03:41,742 I could use the structure. When do I ship out? 69 00:03:45,371 --> 00:03:47,289 Teddy, go to your room. 70 00:03:48,165 --> 00:03:49,458 This is my room. 71 00:03:50,084 --> 00:03:52,044 Then go to a different part of your room. 72 00:03:52,670 --> 00:03:54,213 You heard your father. 73 00:03:54,296 --> 00:03:56,674 There, in the dusty corner where the vacuum can't reach. 74 00:04:10,938 --> 00:04:12,982 "Go to a different part of your room"? 75 00:04:13,565 --> 00:04:14,858 I actually said that. 76 00:04:15,609 --> 00:04:19,321 It's like a dragon opened its mouth, and jelly beans shot out. 77 00:04:20,572 --> 00:04:22,825 Don't blame yourself. We were in shock. 78 00:04:22,908 --> 00:04:26,745 [stammers] What kind of kid wants to go to military school? 79 00:04:26,829 --> 00:04:29,415 That trick used to work so well on Katie. 80 00:04:29,498 --> 00:04:31,959 Yeah, but Teddy didn't give us the big-eye lip tremble. 81 00:04:33,002 --> 00:04:36,755 I want our child sad and scared, so we know we're good parents. 82 00:04:36,839 --> 00:04:39,091 Sad and Scared. That's a good title for our book. 83 00:04:40,718 --> 00:04:42,720 Well, he called our bluff. 84 00:04:42,803 --> 00:04:44,763 Yeah, if the kids know we're bluffing, 85 00:04:44,847 --> 00:04:47,182 the wheels come off this whole family, Andi. 86 00:04:47,266 --> 00:04:49,143 So there's only one thing left to do. 87 00:04:49,226 --> 00:04:50,936 We're gonna actually send him to military school. 88 00:04:51,020 --> 00:04:54,106 Okay, Runcrest Military Academy. 89 00:04:54,189 --> 00:04:56,442 Whoa, whoa, what? What about Scorpion Hill? 90 00:04:56,525 --> 00:04:57,901 You made that up. 91 00:04:58,569 --> 00:05:00,362 Oh, it's so real to me now. 92 00:05:01,739 --> 00:05:06,035 Okay, look. Tuition: $300. We can swing that. 93 00:05:06,118 --> 00:05:09,038 That's the application fee. This is the tuition. 94 00:05:09,580 --> 00:05:10,873 Oh. 95 00:05:12,249 --> 00:05:14,793 He's gonna flunk out of school and live with us forever. 96 00:05:15,753 --> 00:05:18,088 I don't want to be that lady walking around Target 97 00:05:18,172 --> 00:05:20,341 with her giant son begging her for hot dog money. 98 00:05:21,592 --> 00:05:23,135 I can't do it, Adam. 99 00:05:23,802 --> 00:05:26,680 Oh, sorry, Andi. Didn't you hear? He wants a different lifestyle. 100 00:05:27,348 --> 00:05:29,850 Well, he's got to learn that there is only one lifestyle: 101 00:05:29,933 --> 00:05:31,685 work hard, then die. 102 00:05:31,769 --> 00:05:33,228 It's the American dream. 103 00:05:33,812 --> 00:05:37,107 Look, we can fix this, okay? We're still in charge here. 104 00:05:37,816 --> 00:05:39,526 Okay. Yeah, you're right. 105 00:05:39,610 --> 00:05:42,488 We'll, uh... We'll just give Teddy a preview 106 00:05:42,571 --> 00:05:45,157 of what happens to kids who don't do their homework. 107 00:05:45,240 --> 00:05:47,785 -Yeah, and we'll make it look real bad. -Yes. 108 00:05:49,078 --> 00:05:51,872 He can't be that hard to outsmart. We saw his report card. 109 00:05:51,955 --> 00:05:53,624 Yeah, yeah, and the best part is, 110 00:05:53,707 --> 00:05:56,251 there's two of us and there's only one of him. 111 00:05:56,335 --> 00:05:58,796 You can never tell Mom and Dad I'm helping you. 112 00:05:59,630 --> 00:06:01,840 I won't. You're getting me out of homework. I owe you. 113 00:06:02,424 --> 00:06:05,886 I got to know, what happened when you said you wanted to go to military school? 114 00:06:06,720 --> 00:06:09,014 Dad's eyes got big, and Mom's lip trembled. 115 00:06:10,182 --> 00:06:12,226 [chuckles] This is so great. 116 00:06:12,309 --> 00:06:15,270 I fell for all their tricks, and now I get payback. 117 00:06:15,979 --> 00:06:16,980 So what's next? 118 00:06:17,064 --> 00:06:20,109 Nothing. We just blew up their biggest move. 119 00:06:20,192 --> 00:06:23,445 They might try one or two other things, but it won't last. 120 00:06:23,529 --> 00:06:26,323 Every day they get a little older and a little tireder. 121 00:06:28,450 --> 00:06:30,619 All right, smart guy, military school's off. 122 00:06:31,203 --> 00:06:33,247 They weren't as strict as I wanted them to be. 123 00:06:33,330 --> 00:06:34,832 They started letting people smile. 124 00:06:35,833 --> 00:06:37,251 But I can straighten you out right here. 125 00:06:37,334 --> 00:06:38,877 You won't do homework, you'll do work-work. 126 00:06:38,961 --> 00:06:41,880 Meet me in the driveway, and get ready to sweat. Hi, honey. 127 00:06:44,758 --> 00:06:47,636 Work? These are video-game hands, not real-life hands. 128 00:06:48,512 --> 00:06:51,932 -Relax. I know how to deal with this. -How'd he look? 129 00:06:52,015 --> 00:06:53,934 Remember when he was going down the hill on his bicycle, 130 00:06:54,017 --> 00:06:55,269 and the handlebars came off? 131 00:06:55,352 --> 00:06:57,187 -He looked like that. -[chuckles] 132 00:06:57,896 --> 00:07:00,941 Okay, your job is to take this messy pile of bricks over here 133 00:07:01,024 --> 00:07:04,111 and turn it into a neat stack of bricks on the pallet over there. 134 00:07:04,194 --> 00:07:06,113 -That sounds hard. -Because it is. 135 00:07:06,989 --> 00:07:08,824 If you can't be bothered to do homework, 136 00:07:08,907 --> 00:07:11,618 the only thing people are gonna trust you with is grunt work. 137 00:07:11,702 --> 00:07:14,705 And the kids who did homework will get nice, cushy office jobs 138 00:07:14,788 --> 00:07:15,956 with free muffins. 139 00:07:16,039 --> 00:07:19,251 Free muffins, Teddy. You think about what you're giving up. 140 00:07:20,919 --> 00:07:23,714 -So I'm gonna be a bricklayer? -No, no, my friend. 141 00:07:23,797 --> 00:07:27,384 You're a brick mover. You're one step above the brick. 142 00:07:27,468 --> 00:07:30,012 If the brick had legs, it wouldn't need you. Get cracking. 143 00:07:34,725 --> 00:07:37,853 Look at him out there in the sun, full of sweat and regret. 144 00:07:37,936 --> 00:07:39,104 -[chuckles] -[brick clatters] 145 00:07:39,188 --> 00:07:41,857 Ooh! He just dropped a brick on his foot. 146 00:07:41,940 --> 00:07:43,567 -This is going great. -Yeah. 147 00:07:44,526 --> 00:07:47,613 He's really... not doing that right! 148 00:07:47,696 --> 00:07:48,697 What? 149 00:07:48,780 --> 00:07:52,409 -There's gaps, Andi. Gaps in the stack. -He's just getting started. 150 00:07:52,493 --> 00:07:54,495 Yeah, but the beginning is where you have to be perfect, 151 00:07:54,578 --> 00:07:56,121 or everything else is out of whack. 152 00:07:56,205 --> 00:07:59,082 Look at his edges. They're all catawampus. 153 00:07:59,875 --> 00:08:03,504 Hey. That's-That's not how you do it. 154 00:08:03,587 --> 00:08:05,672 If you got gaps, your corners aren't square. 155 00:08:05,756 --> 00:08:08,592 Have you never paid attention to me when I talk about bricks? 156 00:08:09,426 --> 00:08:11,595 We just have to start this whole thing over. 157 00:08:15,140 --> 00:08:17,142 -Hmm? -That looks good, Dad. 158 00:08:17,226 --> 00:08:19,728 Oh, you think it looks good now, you just wait till I'm done. 159 00:08:27,027 --> 00:08:29,988 You were right. I messed the first few up, and he just took over. 160 00:08:31,156 --> 00:08:32,449 Yep. I'm good. 161 00:08:32,533 --> 00:08:35,035 If they gave grades for this, I would get into Harvard. 162 00:08:40,541 --> 00:08:43,627 Look at that perfect stack of bricks. 163 00:08:43,710 --> 00:08:46,171 Now we accomplished something today. 164 00:08:46,255 --> 00:08:49,258 Did we? 'Cause Teddy's not even here anymore. 165 00:08:49,341 --> 00:08:50,842 Good. He was slowing me down. 166 00:08:51,843 --> 00:08:54,054 Adam, we were supposed to be teaching him a lesson, 167 00:08:54,137 --> 00:08:56,014 but instead, you did all the work. 168 00:08:56,098 --> 00:08:59,059 -It's like he taught us a lesson. -But you saw it. He had gaps. 169 00:08:59,142 --> 00:09:01,478 When Teddy sees this, he will know. 170 00:09:01,562 --> 00:09:05,023 The only thing he'll know is how to get out of stacking bricks. 171 00:09:05,607 --> 00:09:07,025 Wait a minute. 172 00:09:07,109 --> 00:09:09,653 Do you think he messed up on purpose, knowing I would take over? 173 00:09:10,320 --> 00:09:12,823 Ah, that would require Teddy taking one thought, 174 00:09:12,906 --> 00:09:15,867 putting it together with another thought, and making a new thought. 175 00:09:15,951 --> 00:09:17,536 [gasps] Can he do that? 176 00:09:18,954 --> 00:09:22,249 I would've said no, but I'm the chump out here covered in brick dust. 177 00:09:25,210 --> 00:09:27,713 Getting kids to do homework is a never-ending struggle. 178 00:09:27,796 --> 00:09:29,673 My girls are in their fifth year of Chinese, 179 00:09:29,756 --> 00:09:31,675 but they still speak like fourth-years, 180 00:09:31,758 --> 00:09:34,177 so I punish them by taking away their cellos. 181 00:09:35,637 --> 00:09:37,889 Our kids are gonna be working for his kids. 182 00:09:38,473 --> 00:09:41,351 Joke's on them. Our kids will be terrible employees. 183 00:09:42,060 --> 00:09:43,770 If Teddy doesn't get his act together, 184 00:09:43,854 --> 00:09:45,689 he's gonna wind up in summer school like I did. 185 00:09:46,315 --> 00:09:48,692 Hey, that's right. 186 00:09:48,775 --> 00:09:51,236 Don, maybe you could talk some sense into Teddy, huh? 187 00:09:51,320 --> 00:09:52,404 You learned your lesson. 188 00:09:52,487 --> 00:09:55,282 [sighs] That summer, all my friends went to camp, 189 00:09:55,365 --> 00:09:57,951 and I had to sit in the library with Mrs. Branch, 190 00:09:58,035 --> 00:10:00,871 a lady so boring she was named after a tree. 191 00:10:02,789 --> 00:10:04,416 That could work on Teddy. 192 00:10:04,499 --> 00:10:06,293 He'd hate the idea of summer school. 193 00:10:06,376 --> 00:10:07,711 Yeah. Take him to lunch, Don. 194 00:10:07,794 --> 00:10:10,589 Tell him what happened when you didn't do your homework. He'll listen to you. 195 00:10:10,672 --> 00:10:13,216 -He thinks you're cool for some reason. -I am cool. 196 00:10:13,300 --> 00:10:15,719 I hate to break it to you, but you got old and I didn't. 197 00:10:17,429 --> 00:10:19,848 Then take my girls to lunch. Maybe you can find out 198 00:10:19,931 --> 00:10:22,351 why they've fallen behind in their Russian literature book club. 199 00:10:24,061 --> 00:10:26,271 You know what, Lowell? Just go home for the day. 200 00:10:29,316 --> 00:10:32,235 A woman so boring she was named after a tree. 201 00:10:34,112 --> 00:10:35,822 Mrs. Branch. 202 00:10:37,407 --> 00:10:38,825 Nothing? 203 00:10:39,451 --> 00:10:40,994 Anyway, that's what can happen to you. 204 00:10:41,620 --> 00:10:44,956 See, the thing is, Uncle Don, Teddy wants a different lifestyle. 205 00:10:45,040 --> 00:10:48,293 Yeah. I'm not climbing the corporate ladder just 'cause the man wants me to. 206 00:10:48,877 --> 00:10:51,004 The man. I hate that guy. 207 00:10:52,881 --> 00:10:55,842 But you work for the man. You're his stooge. 208 00:10:56,718 --> 00:10:57,803 You take that back. 209 00:10:59,554 --> 00:11:01,932 If you know a way off this hamster wheel, I'm listening. 210 00:11:05,560 --> 00:11:07,270 So, did you get through to Teddy? 211 00:11:07,354 --> 00:11:09,398 No, but Teddy got through to me. 212 00:11:09,481 --> 00:11:12,150 He's really zigging where the rest of us zag. 213 00:11:13,068 --> 00:11:14,820 What? What does that mean? 214 00:11:14,903 --> 00:11:18,240 Well, it means that Kate and Teddy's philosophy really spoke to me. 215 00:11:18,323 --> 00:11:20,450 So I'm gonna zag on home and take a nap. 216 00:11:21,701 --> 00:11:23,453 Wait. Kate was there? 217 00:11:23,537 --> 00:11:26,373 Yeah. When I went to pick up Teddy, she hopped in the car. 218 00:11:26,456 --> 00:11:29,835 She said lunch was on her, so I stopped asking questions. 219 00:11:32,379 --> 00:11:34,256 Teddy and Katie never hang out together. 220 00:11:34,339 --> 00:11:36,007 Why would she be at that lunch? 221 00:11:36,091 --> 00:11:37,467 Good question. 222 00:11:38,593 --> 00:11:40,095 -And you know something else? -Huh? 223 00:11:40,178 --> 00:11:43,056 She was in his room yesterday. She hasn't been in there 224 00:11:43,140 --> 00:11:46,226 since she caught him trying to twerk in front of his mirror. 225 00:11:46,309 --> 00:11:47,769 Something's up. 226 00:11:50,021 --> 00:11:51,523 You don't think... 227 00:11:51,606 --> 00:11:53,191 [both gasp] 228 00:11:54,192 --> 00:11:57,487 -She's helping him. -Why do I feel so scared right now? 229 00:11:58,113 --> 00:12:00,323 Because this is Jurassic Park, 230 00:12:00,407 --> 00:12:02,659 and we just found out they learned how to work in packs. 231 00:12:08,498 --> 00:12:10,792 So Teddy and Kate formed a criminal conspiracy. 232 00:12:10,876 --> 00:12:12,002 [seethes] 233 00:12:12,794 --> 00:12:14,796 It is nice they're spending time together, though. 234 00:12:16,047 --> 00:12:18,467 Snap out of it, Andi. I'm gonna put an end to this. 235 00:12:18,550 --> 00:12:21,303 -Wait, wait, wait. Stop. -Why? I'm all fired up! 236 00:12:23,054 --> 00:12:25,223 What happens if you go up there and yell at 'em? 237 00:12:25,307 --> 00:12:27,851 I feel better. And then I watch TV. 238 00:12:28,477 --> 00:12:30,937 Yeah, but that won't get Teddy to do his homework, 239 00:12:31,021 --> 00:12:32,772 and it won't stop Kate from helping him. 240 00:12:32,856 --> 00:12:35,442 Look, our only advantage is that they don't know we know, 241 00:12:35,525 --> 00:12:37,777 and we have to use that to take back control. 242 00:12:39,196 --> 00:12:42,532 I want control. Why did I have kids if I can't tell 'em what to do? 243 00:12:42,616 --> 00:12:43,950 Yeah. 244 00:12:44,034 --> 00:12:49,080 Everything flows from problem number one: How do we get Teddy to do his homework? 245 00:12:50,415 --> 00:12:52,417 -Hey, Dad. -"Hey, Dad"? 246 00:12:53,585 --> 00:12:56,171 Why did you leave a stack of bricks in your driveway? 247 00:12:56,254 --> 00:12:58,381 Are you trying to tell the neighborhood you've given up? 248 00:12:58,465 --> 00:13:01,218 I-- I was teaching Teddy a lesson. 249 00:13:01,301 --> 00:13:03,845 The only lesson he learned is his father gives up. 250 00:13:05,138 --> 00:13:07,140 -Did you hear that? -I certainly did. 251 00:13:07,224 --> 00:13:09,434 My dad can get Teddy into shape. 252 00:13:09,518 --> 00:13:11,728 Just like he did with me when I got bad grades. 253 00:13:11,811 --> 00:13:13,104 He was a terrible student. 254 00:13:13,188 --> 00:13:15,232 All he wanted to do was sit in his teacher's lap. 255 00:13:15,315 --> 00:13:17,359 -Aw. -He was 13. 256 00:13:18,568 --> 00:13:19,819 Oh. 257 00:13:20,612 --> 00:13:23,823 Yep. There was no estrogen in the chicken back then. 258 00:13:23,907 --> 00:13:25,450 I was a full man in middle school. 259 00:13:27,077 --> 00:13:28,662 When Dad heard about that, 260 00:13:28,745 --> 00:13:31,957 he made me water the whole front yard with a tiny Dixie cup. 261 00:13:32,040 --> 00:13:35,794 Yeah, it's the slowest, most painful way to water a lawn, 262 00:13:35,877 --> 00:13:37,587 but delightful to watch. 263 00:13:38,964 --> 00:13:41,675 Joe, we've got homework problems with Teddy. 264 00:13:41,758 --> 00:13:43,385 Can you take him to your place and fix him up? 265 00:13:43,468 --> 00:13:44,844 -Sure. -That's good, yeah. 266 00:13:44,928 --> 00:13:48,098 He'll be separated from Katie. She's the brains of the operation. 267 00:13:48,181 --> 00:13:50,475 Sounds like a job for Old Tough Nuts. 268 00:13:51,768 --> 00:13:54,104 That's what he used to call himself when I was in trouble. 269 00:13:54,187 --> 00:13:57,649 And I was in trouble a lot. I had a full mustache in fifth grade. 270 00:13:58,441 --> 00:13:59,901 He looked like Sonny Bono. 271 00:14:04,364 --> 00:14:06,283 Since we can't get you to do your homework, 272 00:14:06,366 --> 00:14:08,201 we're turning you over to your grandfather. 273 00:14:08,285 --> 00:14:09,828 We're sorry it's come to this. 274 00:14:10,412 --> 00:14:11,871 That's okay. I like Grandpa. 275 00:14:12,497 --> 00:14:14,749 Our relationship has changed. 276 00:14:18,211 --> 00:14:21,339 So, I have to water the lawn with this or do my homework? 277 00:14:21,423 --> 00:14:24,551 No, homework's out. This is just your life now. 278 00:14:26,219 --> 00:14:27,387 Can I talk to Grandma? 279 00:14:29,180 --> 00:14:32,058 I sent her to Atlantic City with a coffee can full of quarters. 280 00:14:32,142 --> 00:14:33,518 No one can save you now. 281 00:14:37,105 --> 00:14:38,732 [sighs] All right. 282 00:14:39,774 --> 00:14:41,526 The lawn is watered. 283 00:14:42,485 --> 00:14:43,737 Where's my Dixie cup? 284 00:14:43,820 --> 00:14:45,906 It fell apart. I was out there for hours. 285 00:14:46,489 --> 00:14:47,991 That was my favorite cup! 286 00:14:49,534 --> 00:14:51,912 All right, you can pay me back with some elbow grease. 287 00:14:51,995 --> 00:14:53,496 You see those shoes? 288 00:14:53,580 --> 00:14:57,083 Make 'em shiny so I can see my beautiful face. 289 00:15:01,171 --> 00:15:02,631 Dinnertime, grunt. 290 00:15:04,633 --> 00:15:06,092 A can of shrimp? 291 00:15:07,719 --> 00:15:09,346 If you can open it, you can eat it. 292 00:15:11,806 --> 00:15:15,477 [sighs] Finally done with the dishes. Can we watch TV now? 293 00:15:16,186 --> 00:15:17,604 Bedtime. 294 00:15:19,022 --> 00:15:20,357 But it's only 6:30. 295 00:15:20,440 --> 00:15:22,692 You're gonna need that sleep. 296 00:15:22,776 --> 00:15:25,236 Tomorrow you're digging holes in the backyard. 297 00:15:25,987 --> 00:15:28,657 -For what? -To have a place to put your questions. 298 00:15:32,410 --> 00:15:34,329 [air horn blows] 299 00:15:35,497 --> 00:15:37,457 Rise and shine, cadet. 300 00:15:38,875 --> 00:15:40,293 It's 4:00 in the morning. 301 00:15:40,377 --> 00:15:42,963 I let you sleep in because I'm a softy. 302 00:15:45,298 --> 00:15:47,342 [air horn blows] 303 00:15:52,055 --> 00:15:53,223 Morning, fellas. 304 00:15:53,306 --> 00:15:56,893 Oh. He's got you counting toothpicks, huh? 305 00:15:58,269 --> 00:15:59,562 There's supposed to be a thousand, 306 00:15:59,646 --> 00:16:01,815 but Grandpa says they always short him a couple. 307 00:16:01,898 --> 00:16:03,608 Yeah. He made me do that 308 00:16:03,692 --> 00:16:06,361 after I asked the school nurse to the eighth-grade formal. 309 00:16:08,113 --> 00:16:10,657 All right. Keep an eye on him. 310 00:16:10,740 --> 00:16:14,285 I'm going out back to string some barbed wire for the obstacle course. 311 00:16:15,453 --> 00:16:17,706 If he makes it through, he earns a can opener. 312 00:16:22,460 --> 00:16:24,671 You've gotta get me out of here. I'll do anything. 313 00:16:24,754 --> 00:16:26,506 -Even your homework? -I promise. 314 00:16:27,215 --> 00:16:30,885 Mm, I don't know. Maybe you should still try the obstacle course. 315 00:16:30,969 --> 00:16:33,638 Grandpa went all the way across town to get that barbed wire. 316 00:16:34,264 --> 00:16:37,350 No. I'll do all my homework forever. I swear. 317 00:16:38,601 --> 00:16:39,686 Okay. Deal. 318 00:16:41,187 --> 00:16:44,399 You will thank me for this when you're in your cushy office eating free muffins. 319 00:16:44,482 --> 00:16:46,609 I know. Can we please leave before he comes back? 320 00:16:47,277 --> 00:16:48,820 Sure. 321 00:16:48,903 --> 00:16:50,780 Now we're both graduates of Camp Tough Nuts. 322 00:16:50,864 --> 00:16:52,907 Did he give you a can of shrimp and no way to open it? 323 00:16:52,991 --> 00:16:55,869 -Yep. -Ugh, he's been doing that since the '70s. 324 00:16:56,536 --> 00:16:58,079 Might even be the same can of shrimp. 325 00:17:06,421 --> 00:17:08,298 Okay. It's time, Teddy. 326 00:17:09,132 --> 00:17:11,092 You need to give up your accomplice. 327 00:17:11,176 --> 00:17:12,969 Who was helping you? 328 00:17:13,053 --> 00:17:15,388 You're the body of the snake. We want the head. 329 00:17:16,723 --> 00:17:19,684 We already have a suspect, so you might as well come clean. 330 00:17:20,769 --> 00:17:22,645 I don't know what you're talking about. 331 00:17:23,480 --> 00:17:27,150 Maybe you can't remember because you're so hungry from Grandpa's house. 332 00:17:28,568 --> 00:17:31,529 -I am. -Then let us jog your memory. 333 00:17:31,613 --> 00:17:32,989 Do it, Andi. 334 00:17:35,033 --> 00:17:37,911 It was all Kate. I never wanted to lie. I love you, Mommy and Daddy. 335 00:17:44,084 --> 00:17:45,835 You're back. What happened? Are you in trouble? 336 00:17:45,919 --> 00:17:47,378 I'm not. 337 00:17:48,755 --> 00:17:51,382 -[door closes] -What do you mean? Hey, Teddy? 338 00:17:52,425 --> 00:17:56,179 Teddy! Teddy, what happened? Teddy, open the door! 339 00:17:57,180 --> 00:17:58,640 He's not gonna answer, Kate. 340 00:17:59,557 --> 00:18:00,767 Oh, no. 341 00:18:01,476 --> 00:18:04,687 Oh, look. We finally got our big-eyed lip tremble. 342 00:18:04,771 --> 00:18:07,524 -Hmm. -Ooh. She added a knee wobble. 343 00:18:07,607 --> 00:18:09,734 Oh, that's new. [chuckles] I like it. 344 00:18:10,401 --> 00:18:13,696 Sad and scared. Now we know we're good parents. 345 00:18:16,533 --> 00:18:17,742 I'm really sorry. 346 00:18:17,826 --> 00:18:21,162 But isn't the guilt I'm feeling punishment enough? I think so. 347 00:18:23,164 --> 00:18:24,541 Is it enough for you, Adam? 348 00:18:24,624 --> 00:18:26,543 Your punishment isn't up to us. 349 00:18:27,127 --> 00:18:28,586 What do you mean? 350 00:18:28,670 --> 00:18:30,630 [air horn blows] 351 00:18:31,840 --> 00:18:32,841 Grandpa? 352 00:18:32,924 --> 00:18:35,218 Our relationship has changed. 353 00:18:36,594 --> 00:18:40,056 Start running. I've got a Dixie cup at home with your name on it. 354 00:18:40,807 --> 00:18:43,143 [air horn blows] 355 00:18:44,644 --> 00:18:47,689 -If the kids can work in packs, so can we. -That's right. 356 00:18:47,772 --> 00:18:50,900 And our pack is scarier 'cause we got the T. rex. 357 00:18:55,697 --> 00:18:56,698 There you are. 358 00:18:56,781 --> 00:18:59,492 Are you not coming to work anymore? It's been two days. 359 00:19:00,201 --> 00:19:03,163 Well, some people are worker bees, some people are butterflies. 360 00:19:03,246 --> 00:19:04,455 Me and Teddy are butterflies. 361 00:19:05,748 --> 00:19:07,208 You have to make up those hours. 362 00:19:07,292 --> 00:19:09,836 And I found just the right person to make sure you do. 363 00:19:14,883 --> 00:19:16,259 Mrs. Branch? 364 00:19:17,093 --> 00:19:19,721 Mm-hmm. Still working at the library. 365 00:19:19,804 --> 00:19:21,389 Here. Have a seat. 366 00:19:24,893 --> 00:19:25,977 Have a good summer, Don.