1 00:00:47,256 --> 00:00:51,886 That plane flew over our heads so close 2 00:00:52,094 --> 00:00:56,682 I don't know why I remember that so brightly 3 00:00:56,891 --> 00:00:59,060 The night I cried so helplessly 4 00:00:59,268 --> 00:01:01,354 I longed for strength and 5 00:01:01,562 --> 00:01:06,192 I was looking for the courage I needed 6 00:01:06,400 --> 00:01:10,655 If this cruel fate is decided and 7 00:01:10,863 --> 00:01:15,952 It confronts me someday 8 00:01:16,160 --> 00:01:20,414 Right now, just right now I can only breathe 9 00:01:20,623 --> 00:01:27,380 Nothing matters, my heart says 10 00:01:27,588 --> 00:01:30,549 Once more go further and further 11 00:01:30,758 --> 00:01:33,052 Someone in me singing 12 00:01:33,261 --> 00:01:36,889 No matter what happens 13 00:01:37,098 --> 00:01:39,642 It's for you, always shedding the tears 14 00:01:39,850 --> 00:01:42,603 Never to be sad and smile 15 00:01:42,812 --> 00:01:47,108 This is the song to be a HERO 16 00:01:47,316 --> 00:01:49,568 Farewell and put up your peace sign 17 00:01:49,777 --> 00:01:52,238 Keep rollin' our never ending story 18 00:02:24,854 --> 00:02:28,858 "The Boy Born with Everything" 19 00:02:33,946 --> 00:02:37,700 "I'm hungry." 20 00:02:39,410 --> 00:02:42,705 "Faculty and Student Entrance" 21 00:11:06,375 --> 00:11:07,751 "U.A. Sports Festival - Lunchtime" 22 00:17:13,950 --> 00:17:17,287 "Bag" 23 00:17:17,495 --> 00:17:17,954 "Cat" 24 00:17:18,163 --> 00:17:18,914 "Textbook" 25 00:17:21,583 --> 00:17:22,667 "Back Fat" 26 00:17:37,849 --> 00:17:39,476 "Perverse Person" 27 00:20:15,423 --> 00:20:16,299 "Hitoshi Shinso" "Izuku Midoriya" 28 00:22:07,368 --> 00:22:12,373 Always fighting headwinds, why am I the only one? 29 00:22:12,582 --> 00:22:17,754 Never did like lip service 30 00:22:17,962 --> 00:22:23,176 Everything connects right now in this instant 31 00:22:23,384 --> 00:22:28,932 I have to keep running to get closer to my dream 32 00:22:29,682 --> 00:22:40,235 I won't find the answer just by looking up at the sky 33 00:22:40,443 --> 00:22:49,118 Now is the time for us to prove that we are here 34 00:22:49,327 --> 00:22:52,413 Another day of crying, more crying 35 00:22:52,622 --> 00:22:59,879 We'll get through this, every time, I'll hold your hand (it'll be fine) 36 00:23:00,088 --> 00:23:03,216 You're not alone! Not alone! 37 00:23:03,424 --> 00:23:10,431 Shout out for the heart you will never give up 38 00:23:13,268 --> 00:23:14,644 I won't run anymore 39 00:23:21,109 --> 00:23:23,111 "Preview" 40 00:23:47,093 --> 00:23:50,888 "Next time: Victory or Defeat"