1 00:00:02,086 --> 00:00:04,088 The world has become a superhuman society, 2 00:00:04,297 --> 00:00:08,050 and about 80% of the world's population now has some kind of special trait. 3 00:00:08,259 --> 00:00:09,844 In this world swirling with chaos, 4 00:00:10,052 --> 00:00:12,305 the profession that everyone once dreamed about and admired 5 00:00:12,513 --> 00:00:15,349 came into the limelight. 6 00:00:15,558 --> 00:00:20,563 Heroes of justice fighting villains and saving people from distress. 7 00:00:20,771 --> 00:00:26,527 Yes, this is the story of how I became the greatest hero. 8 00:00:47,256 --> 00:00:51,886 That plane flew over our heads so close 9 00:00:52,094 --> 00:00:56,682 I don't know why I remember that so brightly 10 00:00:56,891 --> 00:00:59,060 The night I cried so helplessly 11 00:00:59,268 --> 00:01:01,354 I longed for strength and 12 00:01:01,562 --> 00:01:06,192 I was looking for the courage I needed 13 00:01:06,400 --> 00:01:10,655 If this cruel fate is decided and 14 00:01:10,863 --> 00:01:15,952 It confronts me someday 15 00:01:16,160 --> 00:01:20,414 Right now, just right now I can only breathe 16 00:01:20,623 --> 00:01:27,380 Nothing matters, my heart says 17 00:01:27,588 --> 00:01:30,549 Once more go further and further 18 00:01:30,758 --> 00:01:33,052 Someone in me singing 19 00:01:33,261 --> 00:01:36,889 No matter what happens 20 00:01:37,098 --> 00:01:39,642 It's for you, always shedding the tears 21 00:01:39,850 --> 00:01:42,603 Never to be sad and smile 22 00:01:42,812 --> 00:01:47,108 This is the song to be a HERO 23 00:01:47,316 --> 00:01:49,568 Farewell and put up your peace sign 24 00:01:49,777 --> 00:01:52,238 Keep rollin' our never ending story 25 00:01:59,453 --> 00:02:02,581 The first match of the first round of the finals tournament. 26 00:02:02,790 --> 00:02:05,501 From the hero course, it's Izuku Midoriya! 27 00:02:05,710 --> 00:02:06,877 Versus-- 28 00:02:07,086 --> 00:02:10,381 From general studies, it's Hitoshi Shinso! 29 00:02:10,589 --> 00:02:11,882 The rules are simple. 30 00:02:12,091 --> 00:02:15,136 Force your opponent out of bounds, or immobilize them! 31 00:02:15,344 --> 00:02:19,432 You can also win by making your opponent say, "I give up!" 32 00:02:21,475 --> 00:02:23,644 "I give up," huh? 33 00:02:25,021 --> 00:02:28,691 This is a fight to test the strength of your spirit. 34 00:02:28,899 --> 00:02:33,237 If you know what you want for your future, then you can't worry about appearances. 35 00:02:33,446 --> 00:02:34,530 Ready? 36 00:02:34,739 --> 00:02:37,867 That monkey was going on about his pride... 37 00:02:38,075 --> 00:02:39,076 Start! 38 00:02:39,285 --> 00:02:42,913 ...but don't you think he was dumb for throwing away his chance? 39 00:02:46,625 --> 00:02:49,337 What did you say?! 40 00:02:52,923 --> 00:02:54,675 I win. 41 00:02:54,884 --> 00:02:58,095 I went through the trouble of warning him, too! 42 00:02:58,929 --> 00:03:00,765 Hey, hey, what's the matter? 43 00:03:00,973 --> 00:03:02,350 --Deku?! --It's the important first match! Liven things up! 44 00:03:02,350 --> 00:03:04,477 --What in the world is going on? --It's the important first match! Liven things up! 45 00:03:09,565 --> 00:03:11,650 Midoriya! The match just started... 46 00:03:11,859 --> 00:03:14,737 ...and he's completely frozen?! 47 00:03:14,945 --> 00:03:17,406 He's got a blank look on his face and isn't moving a muscle! 48 00:03:17,615 --> 00:03:19,867 Is this Shinso's Quirk?! 49 00:03:20,076 --> 00:03:25,831 He didn't stand out at all, but could he actually be someone amazing? 50 00:03:25,915 --> 00:03:29,919 "Victory or Defeat" 51 00:03:30,669 --> 00:03:32,046 Hitoshi Shinso from general studies 52 00:03:32,254 --> 00:03:35,466 has gotten the better of Izuku Midoriya from the hero course! 53 00:03:35,674 --> 00:03:37,843 Who would've imagined this?! 54 00:03:38,052 --> 00:03:40,096 Will the bottom really overthrow the top? 55 00:03:40,304 --> 00:03:43,599 That's why I said the entrance exam wasn't rational. 56 00:03:43,808 --> 00:03:44,767 Huh? 57 00:03:44,975 --> 00:03:45,810 What? 58 00:03:46,018 --> 00:03:48,062 Here's some basic data on the two of them. 59 00:03:48,270 --> 00:03:51,315 Since it's individual matches from here on out, I had someone compile it for me. 60 00:03:51,315 --> 00:03:55,528 "Izuku Midoriya "Hitoshi Shinso Hero Course General Studies Aldera" Class 1-C Nabooh Middle School" 61 00:03:55,653 --> 00:04:00,074 Since he also applied for general studies, he probably knew that would happen. 62 00:04:00,282 --> 00:04:06,330 His Quirk is very powerful, but the practical exam consisted of fighting faux villains. 63 00:04:06,539 --> 00:04:11,127 That gave an advantage to those with physical attack Quirks. 64 00:04:13,629 --> 00:04:18,717 Shinso wouldn't have been able to rack up any points with his Quirk. 65 00:04:19,510 --> 00:04:25,558 You're lucky that you've been blessed, Izuku Midoriya. 66 00:04:27,852 --> 00:04:31,522 Turn around and walk out of bounds. 67 00:04:37,695 --> 00:04:39,029 Huh? 68 00:04:39,238 --> 00:04:40,239 What?! 69 00:04:40,448 --> 00:04:43,075 Midoriya's being so obedient! 70 00:04:43,284 --> 00:04:44,785 Deku, why? 71 00:04:44,994 --> 00:04:48,914 If you go out of bounds, then you'll lose the match! 72 00:04:51,167 --> 00:04:53,294 That Quirk is... 73 00:04:53,294 --> 00:04:56,714 "Hitoshi Shinso" "Quirk: Brainwashing" 74 00:04:56,714 --> 00:04:57,089 Hitoshi Shinso. Quirk: Brainwashing! 75 00:04:57,298 --> 00:05:00,426 Answering his question turns on a brainwashing switch in his opponent's brain, 76 00:05:00,634 --> 00:05:02,553 forcing them to do what he says. 77 00:05:02,761 --> 00:05:07,016 If he doesn't want the brainwashing switch to turn on, it won't! 78 00:05:07,224 --> 00:05:10,811 In the fitness test on the first day of school, 79 00:05:11,020 --> 00:05:14,523 Midoriya scored pretty low for the hero course, 80 00:05:14,732 --> 00:05:17,067 but even in tests where he didn't use his Quirk, 81 00:05:17,276 --> 00:05:19,612 he did better than Shinso. 82 00:05:19,820 --> 00:05:23,824 So if they fight normally, then Midoriya would win. 83 00:05:26,452 --> 00:05:30,498 If he can just overcome Shinso's Brainwashing... 84 00:05:31,290 --> 00:05:34,835 Well, either way, this'll end quickly. 85 00:05:37,880 --> 00:05:39,381 Young Midoriya! 86 00:05:39,381 --> 00:05:41,550 "panic panic panic" 87 00:05:41,550 --> 00:05:41,800 You can't come here! 88 00:05:46,805 --> 00:05:50,809 No! My body's moving on its own... 89 00:05:51,435 --> 00:05:54,396 It's like... my head's filled with fog... 90 00:05:54,605 --> 00:05:56,148 No! 91 00:05:56,357 --> 00:05:59,109 Damn it! Stop! 92 00:05:59,318 --> 00:06:01,153 Stop! 93 00:06:01,362 --> 00:06:07,159 Even though... Even though Ojiro warned me... 94 00:06:07,368 --> 00:06:08,827 Crap! 95 00:06:08,827 --> 00:06:11,872 "Waiting Room" 96 00:06:13,207 --> 00:06:15,709 A Quirk that can control people, huh? 97 00:06:15,918 --> 00:06:17,419 Isn't that too strong to beat? 98 00:06:17,628 --> 00:06:20,631 Yeah, but you can probably avoid it if you know about it. 99 00:06:20,839 --> 00:06:24,802 I don't remember much after I answered his question. 100 00:06:25,010 --> 00:06:27,388 I think that's how it works. 101 00:06:27,596 --> 00:06:30,266 So if I answer without thinking, then I'll lose right away. 102 00:06:30,474 --> 00:06:34,144 No, but it's not completely impenetrable. 103 00:06:34,353 --> 00:06:39,066 I said I didn't remember anything until almost the end, right? 104 00:06:40,484 --> 00:06:44,488 When we were running away after Shinso stole Tetsutetsu's headband, 105 00:06:44,697 --> 00:06:49,285 it looks like I ran into one of the horses on Team Tetsutetsu. 106 00:06:49,493 --> 00:06:51,328 That's when I snapped out of it. 107 00:06:51,537 --> 00:06:54,873 I remember what happened clearly after that. 108 00:06:55,082 --> 00:06:56,792 So receiving a shock can get rid of it? 109 00:06:57,001 --> 00:06:59,336 It's very likely. 110 00:07:00,462 --> 00:07:03,966 Even so, I don't know what level of shock you need, 111 00:07:04,174 --> 00:07:08,721 and in a one-on-one match, you can't count on outside forces like that. 112 00:07:09,263 --> 00:07:11,974 Anyway, that's about all I can tell you. 113 00:07:12,182 --> 00:07:13,225 Thanks! 114 00:07:13,434 --> 00:07:15,144 That was amazing! 115 00:07:16,020 --> 00:07:18,939 I'm going to say something selfish... 116 00:07:20,399 --> 00:07:23,027 ...but please do your best for me, too. 117 00:07:23,235 --> 00:07:24,695 Ojiro... 118 00:07:27,656 --> 00:07:30,367 Damn it... 119 00:07:33,162 --> 00:07:34,788 This... 120 00:07:35,122 --> 00:07:36,540 ...quickly! 121 00:07:38,834 --> 00:07:39,960 Even though... 122 00:07:40,169 --> 00:07:43,088 ...everyone is counting on me! 123 00:07:44,423 --> 00:07:46,717 In a place like this... 124 00:07:47,259 --> 00:07:49,094 Like this...! 125 00:08:01,315 --> 00:08:04,151 What... is... this?! 126 00:08:09,615 --> 00:08:11,200 Mov... 127 00:08:13,077 --> 00:08:15,287 You probably don't understand, 128 00:08:15,496 --> 00:08:19,792 but even with a Quirk like this, I have my own dream. 129 00:08:20,584 --> 00:08:23,170 Now, lose for me. 130 00:08:36,517 --> 00:08:37,434 Th-This is...! 131 00:08:37,643 --> 00:08:40,020 Midoriya's stopped! 132 00:08:41,522 --> 00:08:43,065 Midoriya! 133 00:08:43,273 --> 00:08:45,651 I'm... I'm so glad! 134 00:08:46,944 --> 00:08:48,779 His fingers are... 135 00:08:48,987 --> 00:08:51,699 Did he remove the brainwashing by making them explode? 136 00:08:53,951 --> 00:08:56,578 That's crazy... 137 00:08:57,663 --> 00:08:59,081 Why? 138 00:09:00,582 --> 00:09:02,418 You shouldn't be able to move freely! 139 00:09:02,626 --> 00:09:04,253 What did you do? 140 00:09:05,003 --> 00:09:07,005 I'm the one who discharged my fingers. 141 00:09:07,214 --> 00:09:09,133 But I wasn't the one who moved them. 142 00:09:09,341 --> 00:09:10,426 What happened? 143 00:09:10,634 --> 00:09:12,428 People I didn't know came to mind, 144 00:09:12,636 --> 00:09:15,222 and for a second, my mind was clear! 145 00:09:15,431 --> 00:09:16,890 That was... 146 00:09:17,099 --> 00:09:18,726 One For All. 147 00:09:18,934 --> 00:09:21,895 Passed on to me like a sacred torch. 148 00:09:22,312 --> 00:09:23,397 The people... 149 00:09:23,605 --> 00:09:27,109 The presence of the people who spun together this power... 150 00:09:27,317 --> 00:09:31,155 Did they save me? ls that even possible? 151 00:09:31,363 --> 00:09:32,990 What did you do?! 152 00:09:33,449 --> 00:09:35,325 Even if I think about it now, I won't find the answer. 153 00:09:35,534 --> 00:09:38,454 Later... Thinking can come later! 154 00:09:39,997 --> 00:09:42,833 He won't answer... Did he figure out my secret? 155 00:09:43,041 --> 00:09:48,172 No, he should've heard from that monkey from the beginning. 156 00:09:48,380 --> 00:09:50,674 All I can do is make him talk again... 157 00:09:52,885 --> 00:09:55,679 Say something. 158 00:09:58,515 --> 00:10:01,185 You can produce that much power just by moving your fingers? 159 00:10:01,393 --> 00:10:02,811 I'm jealous. 160 00:10:03,020 --> 00:10:05,856 I felt the same way in the past. 161 00:10:06,064 --> 00:10:09,902 Thanks to my Quirk, I've been behind from the start. 162 00:10:10,110 --> 00:10:12,196 Someone who's been blessed like you can't understand, can you? 163 00:10:12,404 --> 00:10:13,363 I do understand. 164 00:10:13,572 --> 00:10:16,658 But, it's true... I've been blessed. 165 00:10:16,867 --> 00:10:18,702 Someone like you who was born with the ideal Quirk! 166 00:10:18,911 --> 00:10:21,580 Someone who can reach your goal! 167 00:10:21,789 --> 00:10:23,874 I've been blessed by others! 168 00:10:24,082 --> 00:10:26,126 That's why! 169 00:10:28,086 --> 00:10:29,630 Say something! 170 00:10:31,256 --> 00:10:33,300 I can't... 171 00:10:34,635 --> 00:10:36,678 ...lose, either! 172 00:10:37,763 --> 00:10:41,058 Is he trying to push me out? 173 00:10:41,266 --> 00:10:43,143 You've got to be kidding! 174 00:10:43,352 --> 00:10:46,021 You get out! 175 00:10:50,651 --> 00:10:54,822 I can't lose...! 176 00:11:05,624 --> 00:11:07,501 Shinso is out of bounds! 177 00:11:07,709 --> 00:11:10,379 Midoriya advances to round two! 178 00:11:23,475 --> 00:11:26,103 "Three Years Ago" 179 00:11:26,478 --> 00:11:29,106 "Nabooh City Middle School" 180 00:11:29,273 --> 00:11:32,985 Wow, Shinso, your Quirk is Brainwashing? 181 00:11:33,193 --> 00:11:33,735 Seriously? 182 00:11:33,944 --> 00:11:35,946 That's amazing! I've never heard of that before! 183 00:11:36,154 --> 00:11:37,948 I'm so jealous... 184 00:11:38,156 --> 00:11:40,868 I can't believe you can control anyone! 185 00:11:41,076 --> 00:11:43,412 You can do as much bad stuff as you want! 186 00:11:43,620 --> 00:11:46,331 No one'd know it was you. 187 00:11:46,540 --> 00:11:49,918 Don't control us, okay? 188 00:11:53,130 --> 00:11:55,299 Everyone says that. 189 00:11:56,091 --> 00:12:01,430 Of course, if someone else had it, the first thing I'd think is that they'd use it for evil, too. 190 00:12:01,638 --> 00:12:03,473 "Criminal"... 191 00:12:03,682 --> 00:12:09,521 "It's good for being a villain, huh?" I'm used to people insinuating that about me. 192 00:12:09,730 --> 00:12:12,816 That's just what the world is like. 193 00:12:16,862 --> 00:12:18,196 But you know... 194 00:12:19,698 --> 00:12:21,199 But... 195 00:12:26,788 --> 00:12:30,918 In the finals, the first person to advance to the second round 196 00:12:31,126 --> 00:12:34,630 is Izuku Midoriya from Class A! 197 00:12:37,090 --> 00:12:38,592 I was so nervous! 198 00:12:38,800 --> 00:12:40,886 Turning the tables at the last moment! 199 00:12:41,094 --> 00:12:43,013 As expected of Midoriya! 200 00:12:43,221 --> 00:12:45,098 He did that shoulder toss on you before, too, didn't he? 201 00:12:45,307 --> 00:12:47,142 Shut up, Dunce Face. 202 00:12:48,185 --> 00:12:50,354 That damn... 203 00:12:50,562 --> 00:12:52,898 He was definitely aiming for it! 204 00:12:53,857 --> 00:12:56,985 He led him right into it! 205 00:12:58,028 --> 00:13:00,113 Using his power on part of his body like at the fitness test 206 00:13:00,322 --> 00:13:02,658 and the throw from the combat training... 207 00:13:02,866 --> 00:13:04,826 Rather than calling it the best use of his experience, 208 00:13:05,035 --> 00:13:09,122 it's like he's using any experience he can to force the flow to change in his favor. 209 00:13:09,122 --> 00:13:09,331 "Izuku Midoriya" 210 00:13:09,623 --> 00:13:10,916 Yahoo! 211 00:13:11,124 --> 00:13:13,543 That was kind of a boring first match, 212 00:13:13,752 --> 00:13:16,046 but we should praise them both for a bravely fought match. 213 00:13:16,254 --> 00:13:18,131 Clap your hands! 214 00:13:19,049 --> 00:13:21,885 Someone who's been blessed like you can't understand, can you? 215 00:13:22,719 --> 00:13:25,472 Someone who can reach your goal! 216 00:13:27,933 --> 00:13:31,728 Shinso, why do you want to be a hero? 217 00:13:34,106 --> 00:13:36,108 But you know... 218 00:13:37,776 --> 00:13:40,821 You can't help the things you long for. 219 00:13:42,781 --> 00:13:48,286 I felt the same way before I inherited One For All. 220 00:13:51,540 --> 00:13:53,417 But... 221 00:13:53,625 --> 00:13:56,420 No matter what I say right now... 222 00:14:02,551 --> 00:14:05,095 You were really cool, Shinso! 223 00:14:07,597 --> 00:14:08,724 Good job! 224 00:14:08,932 --> 00:14:10,392 I was really surprised! 225 00:14:10,600 --> 00:14:12,436 You're the star of general studies! 226 00:14:12,644 --> 00:14:17,274 You put up a great fight against the guy who placed first in the obstacle course! 227 00:14:17,774 --> 00:14:19,943 Besides-- 228 00:14:20,152 --> 00:14:25,115 That Quirk would work quite well against villains. I wish I had it. 229 00:14:25,323 --> 00:14:28,702 U.A.'s not very smart if he's in general studies. 230 00:14:28,910 --> 00:14:33,290 Well, they've got a ton of people applying, so some things just can't be helped. 231 00:14:33,498 --> 00:14:35,625 It was the difference in combat experience, huh? 232 00:14:35,834 --> 00:14:37,961 Yeah, it ends up making a big difference. 233 00:14:38,170 --> 00:14:40,130 What a waste. 234 00:14:40,338 --> 00:14:42,716 You hear that, Shinso? 235 00:14:42,924 --> 00:14:45,343 You're amazing! 236 00:14:52,017 --> 00:14:56,980 Depending on the results, they'll consider our transfer into the hero course. 237 00:14:57,189 --> 00:14:58,690 Remember that. 238 00:14:59,524 --> 00:15:03,820 Even if it didn't work this time, I definitely won't give up. 239 00:15:04,029 --> 00:15:07,199 I'll get into the hero course, get certified, 240 00:15:07,407 --> 00:15:12,037 and I'll definitely become a better hero than you guys! 241 00:15:14,289 --> 00:15:15,791 Yeah! 242 00:15:16,541 --> 00:15:17,751 He got me! 243 00:15:17,959 --> 00:15:20,670 Even though the match is over, what's he...? 244 00:15:22,839 --> 00:15:26,760 People are usually wary when they talk to me, though... 245 00:15:28,011 --> 00:15:30,889 At this rate, someone'll trip you up in no time. 246 00:15:31,098 --> 00:15:33,016 At least... 247 00:15:33,225 --> 00:15:36,853 ...don't lose in an unseemly way. 248 00:15:37,479 --> 00:15:39,773 Shinso... 249 00:15:39,981 --> 00:15:42,067 I won't! 250 00:15:46,905 --> 00:15:48,907 "Recovery Girl's Temporary Nurse's Office" 251 00:15:49,241 --> 00:15:51,284 That should do it. 252 00:15:51,743 --> 00:15:55,664 In the match with Shinso, I couldn't smile at all. 253 00:15:57,124 --> 00:16:02,546 Well, his cries hit close to home for you, huh? 254 00:16:02,754 --> 00:16:05,924 But that didn't mean that I could lose. 255 00:16:06,133 --> 00:16:10,220 That's what it means to aim for number one, right? 256 00:16:11,138 --> 00:16:13,348 Poor thing. 257 00:16:13,557 --> 00:16:16,935 You put some weird pressure on him again, didn't you? 258 00:16:17,144 --> 00:16:20,063 It was necessary! Ouch. 259 00:16:20,272 --> 00:16:22,190 Oh yeah, All Might. 260 00:16:22,399 --> 00:16:25,068 I had a vision... 261 00:16:25,569 --> 00:16:30,407 There were eight or nine people... I'm not sure exactly how many... 262 00:16:31,533 --> 00:16:35,620 But when it felt like my mind was filled with fog from the brainwashing, 263 00:16:35,829 --> 00:16:39,082 the vision appeared, as if to drive away the fog. 264 00:16:39,291 --> 00:16:43,336 It was like I was barely able to move just my fingertips for a moment... 265 00:16:44,963 --> 00:16:48,049 There was someone with eyes like you, too, All Might. 266 00:16:48,717 --> 00:16:55,724 Was it... the people who had inherited One For All who did it? 267 00:16:55,932 --> 00:16:57,434 Scary... What the heck? 268 00:16:57,642 --> 00:16:59,436 What? I thought you'd know about it! 269 00:16:59,644 --> 00:17:04,608 No, I also saw it before, in my younger days. 270 00:17:04,816 --> 00:17:08,904 It's a clear sign that you've got a better grasp on One For All. 271 00:17:09,112 --> 00:17:10,197 What does that mean? 272 00:17:10,405 --> 00:17:15,493 I think it's like a trace of something they left behind in One For All. 273 00:17:15,702 --> 00:17:18,246 It's not something with intent that can interfere with you, 274 00:17:18,455 --> 00:17:21,082 and you can't interfere with them. 275 00:17:21,291 --> 00:17:25,295 In other words, that vision isn't what got rid of the brainwashing. 276 00:17:25,587 --> 00:17:26,963 It was that when you saw the vision, 277 00:17:27,172 --> 00:17:30,717 your strong emotions allowed you to overcome Young Shinso's Brainwashing 278 00:17:30,926 --> 00:17:35,597 for just long enough to move your fingertips, I think. 279 00:17:38,099 --> 00:17:40,060 That explanation's not satisfying at all, though... 280 00:17:40,268 --> 00:17:41,603 Don't get too hung up about it! 281 00:17:41,811 --> 00:17:44,856 More importantly, don't you need to go see who you'll fight next? 282 00:17:45,398 --> 00:17:50,695 "Recovery Girl's Temporary Nurse's Office" 283 00:17:50,695 --> 00:17:51,238 Goodbye! 284 00:17:54,032 --> 00:17:57,494 You... were there, too, he said. 285 00:17:57,911 --> 00:17:59,788 That's a good thing. 286 00:17:59,955 --> 00:18:03,416 "Player Waiting Room 2" 287 00:18:04,501 --> 00:18:06,628 Midoriya won, huh? 288 00:18:11,299 --> 00:18:12,968 You're in my way. 289 00:18:14,803 --> 00:18:17,847 You're acting disgracefully, Shoto. 290 00:18:20,350 --> 00:18:22,560 If you used the power in your left side, 291 00:18:22,769 --> 00:18:26,690 you would've had an overwhelming victory in the obstacle course and the cavalry battle. 292 00:18:28,525 --> 00:18:31,236 Stop this childish rebellion already. 293 00:18:31,444 --> 00:18:35,699 You have a duty to surpass All Might. 294 00:18:36,825 --> 00:18:38,994 Do you understand? 295 00:18:39,202 --> 00:18:40,495 You're different from your siblings. 296 00:18:40,704 --> 00:18:43,331 You are the greatest masterpiece! 297 00:18:44,749 --> 00:18:48,461 Is that all you can say, bastard? 298 00:18:48,670 --> 00:18:51,423 I will win and advance with just Mom's power. 299 00:18:51,631 --> 00:18:54,759 I won't use your power when I fight. 300 00:18:57,053 --> 00:18:59,347 Even if that works for now, 301 00:18:59,556 --> 00:19:02,309 you'll soon reach the limits of that power. 302 00:19:09,733 --> 00:19:11,651 Oh, Deku! 303 00:19:11,860 --> 00:19:12,986 Good work! 304 00:19:13,194 --> 00:19:15,322 We saved a seat for you! 305 00:19:15,530 --> 00:19:17,032 Thanks. 306 00:19:23,997 --> 00:19:25,832 Thanks for waiting! 307 00:19:26,041 --> 00:19:29,169 Next up is... these guys! 308 00:19:29,544 --> 00:19:31,046 "Shoto Todoroki" "Hanta Sero" 309 00:19:31,046 --> 00:19:35,675 He's good! He's good, but what's with that plainness he just can't get rid of? 310 00:19:35,884 --> 00:19:38,178 From the hero course, it's Hanta Sero! 311 00:19:38,386 --> 00:19:39,471 That's mean. 312 00:19:39,679 --> 00:19:40,764 Versus-- 313 00:19:40,972 --> 00:19:44,017 Taking second, then first in the prelims! You're way too strong, kid! 314 00:19:44,225 --> 00:19:47,145 He wasn't recommended for admission for nothing! 315 00:19:47,354 --> 00:19:51,149 Also from the hero course, it's Shoto Todoroki! 316 00:19:53,026 --> 00:19:56,196 And now, for the second match of the finals-- 317 00:19:56,404 --> 00:20:00,033 --Ready... Start! --Well, I don't feel like I can win... 318 00:20:01,493 --> 00:20:04,287 ...but I don't feel like losing, either! 319 00:20:05,622 --> 00:20:07,457 A surprise attack aimed to push his opponent out of bounds! 320 00:20:07,665 --> 00:20:10,335 Don't you think that was the best choice for this situation?! 321 00:20:10,543 --> 00:20:13,296 Seriously, get him, Sero! 322 00:20:14,339 --> 00:20:15,840 Sorry. 323 00:20:21,930 --> 00:20:22,847 Wh-What was that? 324 00:20:23,056 --> 00:20:25,016 What's this vibration? 325 00:20:32,023 --> 00:20:33,733 What's that? 326 00:20:46,538 --> 00:20:47,872 Don't... 327 00:20:48,081 --> 00:20:50,625 Don't you think that's a bit much? 328 00:20:51,751 --> 00:20:54,671 Sero, can you move? 329 00:20:54,879 --> 00:20:57,549 O-Of course not... 330 00:20:57,757 --> 00:20:59,259 Ow... 331 00:20:59,467 --> 00:21:01,678 Sero is immobilized! 332 00:21:01,886 --> 00:21:04,722 Todoroki advances to the second round! 333 00:21:10,603 --> 00:21:12,355 D-Don't worry about it... 334 00:21:12,564 --> 00:21:14,315 Don't worry about it! 335 00:21:14,524 --> 00:21:18,319 --Don't worry about it! --Don't worry about it! 336 00:21:18,528 --> 00:21:21,030 Don't worry about it! 337 00:21:21,239 --> 00:21:24,325 Sorry, I went overboard. 338 00:21:28,413 --> 00:21:29,956 I was angry. 339 00:21:33,334 --> 00:21:36,880 Under the eyes of the crowd that started shouting "Don't worry about it" unprompted 340 00:21:37,088 --> 00:21:41,926 was Todoroki, melting what he'd frozen himself with his left hand. 341 00:21:42,135 --> 00:21:43,803 For some reason... 342 00:21:44,012 --> 00:21:47,640 ...he looked very sad to me. 343 00:22:07,327 --> 00:22:12,332 Always fighting headwinds, why am I the only one? 344 00:22:12,540 --> 00:22:17,712 Never did like lip service 345 00:22:17,921 --> 00:22:23,134 Everything connects right now in this instant 346 00:22:23,343 --> 00:22:28,890 I have to keep running to get closer to my dream 347 00:22:29,641 --> 00:22:40,193 I won't find the answer just by looking up at the sky 348 00:22:40,401 --> 00:22:49,077 Now is the time for us to prove that we are here 349 00:22:49,285 --> 00:22:52,372 Another day of crying, more crying 350 00:22:52,580 --> 00:22:59,837 We'll get through this, every time, I'll hold your hand (it'll be fine) 351 00:23:00,046 --> 00:23:03,174 You're not alone! Not alone! 352 00:23:03,383 --> 00:23:10,390 Shout out for the heart you will never give up 353 00:23:13,226 --> 00:23:14,602 I won't run anymore 354 00:23:21,067 --> 00:23:23,069 "Preview" 355 00:23:23,069 --> 00:23:23,319 The preview is here! 356 00:23:23,528 --> 00:23:25,572 The U.A. sports festival finals tournament! 357 00:23:25,780 --> 00:23:29,325 The sixteen players in it clash with their Quirks and their pride! 358 00:23:29,534 --> 00:23:31,035 There's only a slight difference between winning and losing! 359 00:23:31,244 --> 00:23:31,828 Even so-- 360 00:23:32,036 --> 00:23:33,746 The only ones who can win 361 00:23:33,955 --> 00:23:35,957 are those who train diligently every day 362 00:23:36,165 --> 00:23:39,085 and hang on to their dream of becoming a hero! 363 00:23:39,294 --> 00:23:41,462 Do your best, you zygotes! 364 00:23:41,671 --> 00:23:43,506 Next time, "Battle on, Challengers!" 365 00:23:43,715 --> 00:23:46,884 Young Iida is manipulated by a girl and is completely humiliated! 366 00:23:47,051 --> 00:23:50,847 "Next time: Battle on, Challengers!"