1 00:00:02,086 --> 00:00:04,172 The world has become a superhuman society, 2 00:00:04,380 --> 00:00:08,009 and about 80% of the world's population now has some kind of special trait. 3 00:00:08,217 --> 00:00:09,760 In this world swirling with chaos, 4 00:00:09,969 --> 00:00:13,681 the profession that everyone once dreamed about and admired 5 00:00:13,890 --> 00:00:15,349 came into the limelight. 6 00:00:15,558 --> 00:00:19,854 Heroes of justice fighting villains and saving people from distress. 7 00:00:20,938 --> 00:00:26,694 Yes, this is the story of how I became the greatest hero. 8 00:00:47,256 --> 00:00:51,886 That plane flew over our heads so close 9 00:00:52,094 --> 00:00:56,682 I don't know why I remember that so brightly 10 00:00:56,891 --> 00:00:59,060 The night I cried so helplessly 11 00:00:59,268 --> 00:01:01,354 I longed for strength and 12 00:01:01,562 --> 00:01:06,192 I was looking for the courage I needed 13 00:01:06,400 --> 00:01:10,655 If this cruel fate is decided and 14 00:01:10,863 --> 00:01:15,952 It confronts me someday 15 00:01:16,160 --> 00:01:20,414 Right now, just right now I can only breathe 16 00:01:20,623 --> 00:01:27,380 Nothing matters, my heart says 17 00:01:27,588 --> 00:01:30,549 Once more go further and further 18 00:01:30,758 --> 00:01:33,052 Someone in me singing 19 00:01:33,261 --> 00:01:36,889 No matter what happens 20 00:01:37,098 --> 00:01:39,642 It's for you, always shedding the tears 21 00:01:39,850 --> 00:01:42,603 Never to be sad and smile 22 00:01:42,812 --> 00:01:47,108 This is the song to be a HERO 23 00:01:47,316 --> 00:01:49,568 Farewell and put up your peace sign 24 00:01:49,777 --> 00:01:52,238 Keep rollin' our never ending story 25 00:02:00,246 --> 00:02:04,083 Everybody, sorry for the long wait! 26 00:02:04,292 --> 00:02:09,672 The stage that was frozen in the second match is finally dry, so on to the next match! 27 00:02:11,382 --> 00:02:12,800 The assassin from Class B! 28 00:02:13,009 --> 00:02:15,511 Pretty things have thorns, you know! 29 00:02:15,720 --> 00:02:18,431 From the hero course, it's Ibara Shiozaki! 30 00:02:18,639 --> 00:02:19,640 Versus-- 31 00:02:19,849 --> 00:02:21,809 Sparking Killing Boy! 32 00:02:22,018 --> 00:02:25,354 From the hero course, it's Denki Kaminari! 33 00:02:25,354 --> 00:02:29,191 "Battle on, Challengers!" 34 00:02:31,235 --> 00:02:35,573 Now, we'll have a super flashy battle this time too-- 35 00:02:35,781 --> 00:02:36,907 Um... 36 00:02:37,116 --> 00:02:39,160 Please excuse the interruption. 37 00:02:39,368 --> 00:02:41,662 What do you mean by "assassin"? 38 00:02:41,871 --> 00:02:49,003 I have only come to find victory, not to take my opponent's life. 39 00:02:49,211 --> 00:02:50,421 I-I'm sorry! 40 00:02:50,629 --> 00:02:56,844 In the first place, I wished to enter U.A. High School not for wicked reasons, 41 00:02:57,053 --> 00:03:00,056 but for the salvation of others... 42 00:03:00,264 --> 00:03:01,557 I said, I'm sorry! 43 00:03:01,766 --> 00:03:04,393 My bad, okay?! 44 00:03:04,602 --> 00:03:07,521 I thank you for your understanding. 45 00:03:08,773 --> 00:03:12,109 Class B has people like this in it, too, huh? 46 00:03:12,693 --> 00:03:15,321 She's got big eyes and a pretty face, 47 00:03:15,529 --> 00:03:17,907 but it looks like she's really strong. 48 00:03:18,115 --> 00:03:21,660 I've gotta discharge all my electricity here, huh? 49 00:03:21,869 --> 00:03:27,375 Actually, she's pretty, but she's also kinda cute... 50 00:03:27,583 --> 00:03:30,669 I've gotta ask her out sometime, huh? 51 00:03:30,878 --> 00:03:32,922 All right...! 52 00:03:33,130 --> 00:03:35,674 A-Anyway, start! 53 00:03:35,883 --> 00:03:38,010 When this is over, wanna grab a bite to eat? 54 00:03:38,219 --> 00:03:41,097 I'll comfort you if you'll have me. 55 00:03:41,305 --> 00:03:46,060 'Cause this match'll probably be over in a second! 56 00:03:50,648 --> 00:03:52,274 Indiscriminate Shock... 57 00:03:52,483 --> 00:03:55,444 1.3 Million Volts! 58 00:04:10,584 --> 00:04:15,423 It was decided in an instant! I'll say it once more! An instant! 59 00:04:15,631 --> 00:04:18,759 Shiozaki advances to the second round! 60 00:04:21,262 --> 00:04:27,143 Oh, I was able to make the most of the opportunity I was given. 61 00:04:27,601 --> 00:04:32,982 "Ibara Shiozaki" "Quirk: Vines" 62 00:04:32,982 --> 00:04:33,232 The vines on her head are extendable! 63 00:04:33,441 --> 00:04:35,276 They're detachable, too! 64 00:04:35,484 --> 00:04:37,486 As long as she makes sure to get plenty of water and sunlight, 65 00:04:37,695 --> 00:04:39,029 they'll grow in almost immediately. 66 00:04:39,238 --> 00:04:40,948 In other words, she won't go bald! 67 00:04:41,157 --> 00:04:42,324 All right! 68 00:04:42,533 --> 00:04:44,577 Good job, Shiozaki! 69 00:04:44,785 --> 00:04:46,328 Man... 70 00:04:46,537 --> 00:04:50,040 What's that? Didn't he say he'd settle this in a second? 71 00:04:50,249 --> 00:04:53,252 That's strange, he was defeated in a second, wasn't he? 72 00:04:53,461 --> 00:04:57,631 Class A is supposed to be better than Class B, so isn't that weird? 73 00:05:01,385 --> 00:05:02,928 Sorry! 74 00:05:03,721 --> 00:05:05,639 What was that just now? 75 00:05:06,056 --> 00:05:08,684 Kamui, Kamui! 76 00:05:08,893 --> 00:05:12,688 Wouldn't she be good as a sidekick? 77 00:05:12,897 --> 00:05:15,399 Yeah. I wish I could've gotten a better look. 78 00:05:15,608 --> 00:05:18,235 She seems straight-laced, but she's cute! 79 00:05:18,444 --> 00:05:20,488 Hey, get back to work. 80 00:05:20,696 --> 00:05:24,867 It was hard to deal with Shiozaki's ability to detach her vines, huh? 81 00:05:25,075 --> 00:05:27,870 The vines were able not only to defend but also to act as an electrical ground. 82 00:05:28,078 --> 00:05:29,914 There was no way he'd shock her with that. 83 00:05:30,122 --> 00:05:32,875 And then she extended her vines to bind him. 84 00:05:33,083 --> 00:05:35,169 Kaminari's Quirk was completely blocked. 85 00:05:35,377 --> 00:05:36,921 Some Quirks don't work well against others, 86 00:05:37,129 --> 00:05:41,133 but it would've been better if he'd been able to deal with it... 87 00:05:42,885 --> 00:05:45,179 Kaminari's Quirk is supposed to be strong, 88 00:05:45,346 --> 00:05:47,848 "mutter mutter mutter" 89 00:05:47,848 --> 00:05:50,976 Vines, huh? I wonder if it's like Kamui Woods's Quirk. 90 00:05:51,185 --> 00:05:54,980 Binding types really are strong. I hardly ever see anyone break out. 91 00:05:55,189 --> 00:05:58,067 It'd be impossible to get close while avoiding all those vines, 92 00:05:58,275 --> 00:06:01,487 so you'd either have to tear them off or get through with brute force... 93 00:06:01,695 --> 00:06:05,282 Oh, but in order to keep you from doing that, she'd go after your hands first... 94 00:06:05,491 --> 00:06:06,408 Umm... 95 00:06:06,408 --> 00:06:10,246 "mutter mutter mutter" 96 00:06:10,246 --> 00:06:10,538 You just finished, but you're already thinking about countermeasures, huh? 97 00:06:10,746 --> 00:06:14,667 Oh, no! It's just, I mean, this is pretty much my hobby... 98 00:06:14,875 --> 00:06:18,420 It's not every day I get a chance to see amazing Quirks outside of those in our class... 99 00:06:20,089 --> 00:06:24,426 Oh, right! I've been putting these together for everyone in Class A, too. 100 00:06:24,635 --> 00:06:27,012 For your Zero Gravity, too! 101 00:06:29,139 --> 00:06:31,517 Deku, you've been amazing since I met you, 102 00:06:31,725 --> 00:06:36,897 but the sports festival is making me think that you're amazing all over again. 103 00:06:38,232 --> 00:06:40,651 Now, it's time for the fourth match! 104 00:06:40,859 --> 00:06:42,570 We're just gonna keep rolling along! 105 00:06:42,778 --> 00:06:45,781 Rush headlong toward the top! 106 00:06:47,616 --> 00:06:49,493 It's like he's the epitome of the middle of the pack! 107 00:06:49,702 --> 00:06:51,620 From the hero course, it's Tenya Iida! 108 00:06:51,829 --> 00:06:52,621 Versus-- 109 00:06:52,830 --> 00:06:54,790 Fully-equipped with support items! 110 00:06:54,999 --> 00:06:57,459 From the support course, it's Mei Hatsume! 111 00:06:58,127 --> 00:06:59,962 He's up against the support course, huh? 112 00:07:00,170 --> 00:07:02,298 I wonder what kind of fight it'll be? 113 00:07:02,506 --> 00:07:04,925 I mean, what is that? 114 00:07:06,677 --> 00:07:09,597 Iida's also fully-equipped with support items! 115 00:07:10,097 --> 00:07:13,267 That's generally against the rules for those in the hero course. 116 00:07:13,475 --> 00:07:16,895 Those who must use equipment needed to petition beforehand. 117 00:07:17,104 --> 00:07:18,439 I forgot about that! 118 00:07:18,647 --> 00:07:21,734 Aoyama also wore a belt, so I thought it was fine! 119 00:07:21,942 --> 00:07:24,236 He submitted a petition. 120 00:07:24,445 --> 00:07:26,655 I humbly apologize! 121 00:07:26,864 --> 00:07:31,535 However, my heart was moved by my opponent's sportsmanship. 122 00:07:31,744 --> 00:07:33,996 Even though she is from the support course, 123 00:07:34,204 --> 00:07:36,290 she said she wanted an even match since she made it this far. 124 00:07:36,498 --> 00:07:38,459 She said she wanted to fight fairly. 125 00:07:38,667 --> 00:07:41,712 So, she gave me this equipment! 126 00:07:42,421 --> 00:07:47,426 I did not think I could ignore her fighting spirit! 127 00:07:47,635 --> 00:07:49,094 Oh, youth! 128 00:07:51,180 --> 00:07:52,348 I'll allow it! 129 00:07:52,556 --> 00:07:53,599 So it's fine? 130 00:07:53,807 --> 00:07:59,188 Well, if they both agree on it, then it's within regulations... I guess? 131 00:07:59,188 --> 00:08:02,149 "Hero Analysis for the Future" 132 00:08:02,149 --> 00:08:02,441 Is Hatsume someone who'd say that? 133 00:08:02,650 --> 00:08:04,443 Could it be...? 134 00:08:06,320 --> 00:08:11,158 Well, since permission's been granted, let's start the fourth match! 135 00:08:17,289 --> 00:08:21,085 Isn't that acceleration wonderful, Iida? 136 00:08:22,169 --> 00:08:23,003 A mic? 137 00:08:23,212 --> 00:08:23,921 Why? 138 00:08:24,129 --> 00:08:26,131 She's wearing speakers? 139 00:08:26,799 --> 00:08:28,801 Don't your legs feel lighter than usual? 140 00:08:29,009 --> 00:08:30,386 That's only to be expected! 141 00:08:30,594 --> 00:08:35,057 Those leg parts are helping the wearer's movements along! 142 00:08:35,265 --> 00:08:36,684 And I... 143 00:08:37,518 --> 00:08:41,146 ...can evade easily with my hydraulic attachments! 144 00:08:43,232 --> 00:08:45,526 The support companies are sitting... 145 00:08:45,734 --> 00:08:49,988 Oh, they're biting! I've got 'em! 146 00:08:49,988 --> 00:08:55,452 "Mei Hatsume" "Quirk: Zoom" 147 00:08:55,452 --> 00:08:55,536 If she gets serious, she can see clearly up to five kilometer's away! 148 00:08:57,955 --> 00:09:02,793 Since I've got sensors in every direction, I can even deal with attacks from behind! 149 00:09:10,259 --> 00:09:11,385 What are you planning? 150 00:09:11,593 --> 00:09:14,304 Iida changed course adeptly! 151 00:09:14,513 --> 00:09:18,392 It's thanks to the auto-balancer that I made! 152 00:09:18,600 --> 00:09:20,060 --What is this...? --The leg parts detect the wearer's brainwaves to predict their movements, 153 00:09:20,060 --> 00:09:22,438 --She's very good at hard selling... --The leg parts detect the wearer's brainwaves to predict their movements, 154 00:09:22,646 --> 00:09:25,357 so there's no need to worry about time lag! 155 00:09:26,525 --> 00:09:30,237 The auto-balancer is equipped with a 32-axis gyro sensor! 156 00:09:31,321 --> 00:09:34,992 It will be sure to keep the wearer from falling unless the wearer wants to! 157 00:09:36,910 --> 00:09:40,038 Weren't you going to fight fairly?! 158 00:09:45,544 --> 00:09:48,380 What do you think of this lightness?! 159 00:09:48,589 --> 00:09:51,592 These electro shoes use electromagnetic induction on both feet 160 00:09:51,800 --> 00:09:55,179 to allow for instant evasive action! 161 00:09:57,556 --> 00:09:59,516 I'll get her when she lands! 162 00:10:04,980 --> 00:10:06,190 Wh-What's this? 163 00:10:06,398 --> 00:10:08,984 A capture gun to use against villains. 164 00:10:09,193 --> 00:10:14,198 The capture nets are in cartridges, and you can fire up to five before reloading! 165 00:10:14,406 --> 00:10:17,159 Who developed all of these items? 166 00:10:17,367 --> 00:10:20,454 It was me, Mei Hatsume! 167 00:10:20,662 --> 00:10:22,539 Everyone from the support companies, 168 00:10:22,748 --> 00:10:28,962 the choice is clear--Mei Hatsume, Mei Hatsume, Mei Hatsume! 169 00:10:29,671 --> 00:10:30,714 What is she, a politician? 170 00:10:30,923 --> 00:10:33,759 And now, I will talk about the next support item! 171 00:10:33,967 --> 00:10:35,928 There's still more? 172 00:10:36,094 --> 00:10:38,096 "Ten Minutes Later" 173 00:10:42,684 --> 00:10:46,188 I've presented each and every last one of them. 174 00:10:46,396 --> 00:10:49,525 I have nothing left to say! 175 00:10:49,525 --> 00:10:51,777 "The End" 176 00:10:52,402 --> 00:10:54,112 H-Hatsume is out of bounds. 177 00:10:54,321 --> 00:10:56,615 Iida advances to the second round! 178 00:10:56,824 --> 00:11:00,661 You tricked me...! 179 00:11:01,745 --> 00:11:04,832 I'm sorry. I used you. 180 00:11:05,040 --> 00:11:06,708 I hate you! 181 00:11:06,917 --> 00:11:11,672 Iida's earnest, so she probably said some things that sounded good to get him on board. 182 00:11:11,880 --> 00:11:14,132 Hatsume's not just honest, 183 00:11:14,341 --> 00:11:17,261 she will also use any means to reach her goal. 184 00:11:17,469 --> 00:11:19,263 Amazing... 185 00:11:33,277 --> 00:11:35,946 We're gonna keep right on going with the fifth match! 186 00:11:36,154 --> 00:11:38,907 Even though he's wearing a belt, he won't transform! 187 00:11:39,116 --> 00:11:41,743 From the hero course, it's Yuga Aoyama! 188 00:11:41,952 --> 00:11:42,870 Bonjour. 189 00:11:43,078 --> 00:11:44,162 Versus-- 190 00:11:44,371 --> 00:11:46,999 Is something going to come out of those horns? Well? 191 00:11:47,207 --> 00:11:49,543 From the hero course, it's Mina Ashido! 192 00:11:51,044 --> 00:11:53,297 My first match is a piece of cake! 193 00:11:53,505 --> 00:11:56,341 I'll return those words right back at you. 194 00:11:56,550 --> 00:11:58,385 Mina, you can do it! 195 00:11:58,594 --> 00:12:00,762 Aoyama, get her! 196 00:12:00,971 --> 00:12:04,474 Beat her like in those fighting games where their clothes get ripped off! 197 00:12:04,683 --> 00:12:06,268 What are you, scum? 198 00:12:06,476 --> 00:12:08,604 A match between Aoyama and Ashido. 199 00:12:08,812 --> 00:12:11,106 Considering their Quirks... 200 00:12:11,315 --> 00:12:15,611 Aoyama will probably attack from a distance with his laser. 201 00:12:15,819 --> 00:12:18,280 So the match will be decided by how well Ashido can slip through Aoyama's attacks 202 00:12:18,488 --> 00:12:21,909 and turn it into a close combat match. 203 00:12:22,117 --> 00:12:24,953 But there's nothing to use as cover on the stage, 204 00:12:25,162 --> 00:12:27,122 so Ashido might be at a slight disadvantage. 205 00:12:27,331 --> 00:12:29,458 Now, why don't we get moving? 206 00:12:29,666 --> 00:12:32,002 Fifth match, start! 207 00:12:32,586 --> 00:12:34,087 The early bird gets the worm! 208 00:12:34,296 --> 00:12:35,964 Whoops! 209 00:12:37,341 --> 00:12:39,801 Since we were on the same team for combat training, 210 00:12:40,010 --> 00:12:42,429 I know all about your Quirk! 211 00:12:42,638 --> 00:12:44,640 Same goes for me! 212 00:12:44,848 --> 00:12:46,850 There's just one thing that's different. 213 00:12:47,059 --> 00:12:49,102 At the fitness test-- 214 00:12:49,978 --> 00:12:53,315 If I shoot for more than a second, I get a stomachache. 215 00:12:53,523 --> 00:12:55,275 That's what you said! 216 00:13:02,950 --> 00:13:03,951 You're... 217 00:13:04,159 --> 00:13:05,494 ...persistent! 218 00:13:09,790 --> 00:13:11,625 My... My stomach... 219 00:13:11,833 --> 00:13:13,085 Now! 220 00:13:15,796 --> 00:13:18,548 Oh no, my precious belt! 221 00:13:19,299 --> 00:13:20,676 And my pants! 222 00:13:22,010 --> 00:13:23,929 I'll finish it... 223 00:13:24,137 --> 00:13:26,014 ...with this! 224 00:13:34,940 --> 00:13:36,650 Aoyama has fainted! 225 00:13:36,858 --> 00:13:40,028 Ashido advances to the second round! 226 00:13:42,114 --> 00:13:44,574 Aoyama's knocked out! 227 00:13:44,783 --> 00:13:48,578 Ashido's easy victory is indisputable! 228 00:13:48,787 --> 00:13:51,289 Mina's amazing! 229 00:13:54,042 --> 00:13:56,712 If only Aoyama and Ashido's Quirks were switched...! 230 00:13:56,920 --> 00:13:58,422 You're too much of a scumbag. 231 00:14:02,384 --> 00:14:07,639 The match unfolded as I expected, but I misjudged Ashido's physical strength. 232 00:14:07,848 --> 00:14:10,642 Even during the Quirk assessment test, she placed ninth out of everyone, 233 00:14:10,851 --> 00:14:12,185 including the boys. 234 00:14:12,394 --> 00:14:15,981 It wasn't because of her Quirk-she's got excellent physical abilities. 235 00:14:16,189 --> 00:14:19,901 Now, we've got no time to lose! Let's move on to the sixth match! 236 00:14:20,110 --> 00:14:22,404 Hey, I said get back to work! 237 00:14:22,946 --> 00:14:23,697 Offense and defense in one body! 238 00:14:23,905 --> 00:14:26,491 The dark samurai accompanied by Dark Shadow! 239 00:14:26,700 --> 00:14:29,202 From the hero course, it's Fumikage Tokoyami! 240 00:14:29,411 --> 00:14:30,746 Versus-- 241 00:14:30,954 --> 00:14:32,622 All-purpose Creation! 242 00:14:32,831 --> 00:14:36,001 She was admitted through recommendations, so her abilities are certified! 243 00:14:36,209 --> 00:14:39,588 From the hero course, it's Momo Yaoyorozu! 244 00:14:39,796 --> 00:14:42,382 Midoriya, what do you think of this match? 245 00:14:42,591 --> 00:14:44,593 I think time will be the key. 246 00:14:44,801 --> 00:14:46,094 Time? 247 00:14:46,303 --> 00:14:48,847 It's just as Mr. Present Mic says. 248 00:14:49,056 --> 00:14:52,517 I'm up against Tokoyami with Dark Shadow, offense and defense in one body. 249 00:14:52,726 --> 00:14:57,481 In addition, Tokoyami can bring out Dark Shadow with no time lag, 250 00:14:57,689 --> 00:15:01,151 so there is no doubt he will start with a preemptive strike. 251 00:15:01,359 --> 00:15:06,531 If I create a simple shield that doesn't take much time and block Tokoyami's attack... 252 00:15:06,740 --> 00:15:08,784 If I just give myself enough time to make a weapon-- 253 00:15:08,992 --> 00:15:10,952 Sixth match, start! 254 00:15:11,161 --> 00:15:12,788 Go, Dark Shadow! 255 00:15:12,996 --> 00:15:14,164 Got it! 256 00:15:14,372 --> 00:15:15,957 Quickly create a shield-- 257 00:15:18,085 --> 00:15:19,836 Next, a weapon-- 258 00:15:22,547 --> 00:15:24,216 I can't collect my thoughts! 259 00:15:36,728 --> 00:15:38,647 His attacks have stopped? 260 00:15:38,855 --> 00:15:40,357 Now! 261 00:15:40,565 --> 00:15:42,192 Yaoyorozu! 262 00:15:42,400 --> 00:15:43,819 Out of bounds! 263 00:15:48,073 --> 00:15:51,034 Tokoyami advances to the second round! 264 00:15:54,121 --> 00:15:55,163 An overwhelming victory! 265 00:15:55,372 --> 00:15:56,998 A completely overwhelming victory! 266 00:15:57,207 --> 00:16:02,921 Tokoyami's Dark Shadow! Could it be the greatest Quirk ever? 267 00:16:03,130 --> 00:16:05,507 No... 268 00:16:05,715 --> 00:16:08,135 I couldn't do anything... 269 00:16:08,343 --> 00:16:09,886 Nothing... 270 00:16:11,179 --> 00:16:13,473 Tokoyami's too amazing. 271 00:16:13,682 --> 00:16:15,225 I can't believe he forced her out of bounds 272 00:16:15,433 --> 00:16:19,187 just by focusing his attacks on the shield Yaoyozoru made. 273 00:16:19,396 --> 00:16:22,357 He was trying not to hurt her? 274 00:16:23,108 --> 00:16:26,486 That's how easy it was for him, huh? 275 00:16:26,695 --> 00:16:29,072 She must feel really frustrated... 276 00:16:33,368 --> 00:16:37,038 Okay, let's move on! Next up-- 277 00:16:38,623 --> 00:16:42,210 The seventh match is a match-up between redundant Quirks! 278 00:16:42,419 --> 00:16:45,213 Manly and passionate steel! 279 00:16:45,422 --> 00:16:47,549 From the hero course, it's Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu! 280 00:16:47,757 --> 00:16:49,134 All right! 281 00:16:49,342 --> 00:16:50,343 Versus-- 282 00:16:50,552 --> 00:16:53,013 Manly and passionate hardening! 283 00:16:53,221 --> 00:16:55,515 From the hero course, it's Eijiro Kirishima! 284 00:16:55,724 --> 00:16:58,310 Even our intros are the same?! 285 00:16:58,518 --> 00:17:00,020 Go, Tetsutetsu! 286 00:17:00,228 --> 00:17:02,147 Win like Ibara did! 287 00:17:04,232 --> 00:17:06,568 Get a hold of yourself. 288 00:17:07,527 --> 00:17:10,655 Let's start this passionate seventh match! 289 00:17:20,207 --> 00:17:24,169 "Player Waiting Room 2" 290 00:17:25,837 --> 00:17:27,422 Good work, Iida. 291 00:17:27,631 --> 00:17:29,090 Oh, Urarak-- 292 00:17:29,299 --> 00:17:31,760 You're not like yourself at all! Your brow's all wrinkled! 293 00:17:31,968 --> 00:17:33,511 My brow? 294 00:17:33,720 --> 00:17:38,683 Oh, it's just my nerves... Must've reached my brow. 295 00:17:38,892 --> 00:17:39,768 I see... 296 00:17:39,976 --> 00:17:43,647 You're up against that Bakugo, after all... 297 00:17:43,855 --> 00:17:46,691 Yeah, I'm really scared. 298 00:17:46,900 --> 00:17:50,570 But you know, after seeing a match like yours, Iida... 299 00:17:50,779 --> 00:17:52,489 Like mine? 300 00:17:53,490 --> 00:17:54,991 Uraraka! 301 00:17:55,200 --> 00:17:56,368 Deku! 302 00:17:56,576 --> 00:17:59,704 Huh? You don't want to watch the others' matches? 303 00:17:59,913 --> 00:18:06,419 Most ended quickly, and now Kirishima is up against someone from Class B. 304 00:18:12,300 --> 00:18:14,386 That didn't hurt at all! 305 00:18:19,099 --> 00:18:21,726 That didn't hurt, either! 306 00:18:23,520 --> 00:18:28,775 Then, next... soon... 307 00:18:28,984 --> 00:18:33,488 But, well, I don't think even Bakugo would use a full-strength explosion on a girl... 308 00:18:33,697 --> 00:18:35,073 He would. 309 00:18:36,032 --> 00:18:40,829 Everyone's trying to become number one to make their dreams come true. 310 00:18:41,037 --> 00:18:45,292 Even if it's not Kacchan, no one would think about holding back. 311 00:18:45,875 --> 00:18:49,296 You've helped me so much, Uraraka. 312 00:18:49,504 --> 00:18:52,632 That's why I thought maybe I could help you a little. 313 00:18:54,259 --> 00:18:57,262 A plan to use your Quirk against Kacchan-- 314 00:18:57,470 --> 00:18:59,723 It's rough, but I came up with something. 315 00:18:59,931 --> 00:19:03,310 Oh, isn't that great, Uraraka? 316 00:19:03,643 --> 00:19:05,270 Thanks, Deku. 317 00:19:07,188 --> 00:19:09,441 But, it's fine. 318 00:19:10,900 --> 00:19:12,652 You're amazing, Deku. 319 00:19:12,861 --> 00:19:15,447 I keep seeing more and more amazing sides to you. 320 00:19:15,655 --> 00:19:20,452 During the cavalry battle, I thought it'd be easier to team up with friends, 321 00:19:20,660 --> 00:19:24,956 but now that I think about it, I might've been trying to rely on you. 322 00:19:25,165 --> 00:19:29,044 That's why, when Iida said he'd challenge you, 323 00:19:29,252 --> 00:19:31,838 it actually made me feel a little embarrassed. 324 00:19:33,048 --> 00:19:35,342 Uraraka... 325 00:19:36,509 --> 00:19:39,471 That's why it's fine. 326 00:19:42,015 --> 00:19:45,769 Everyone's facing the future and trying their hardest. 327 00:19:45,977 --> 00:19:49,731 That means we're all rivals, right? 328 00:19:50,398 --> 00:19:53,610 That's why... 329 00:19:53,818 --> 00:19:56,112 Let's meet in the finals! 330 00:20:14,089 --> 00:20:17,717 The two guys with the same Quirks! Tetsutetsu versus Kirishima! 331 00:20:17,926 --> 00:20:23,890 A head-to-head fistfight! The winner is-- 332 00:20:25,850 --> 00:20:29,270 Both contestants down! It's a draw! 333 00:20:29,479 --> 00:20:32,023 In the case of a draw, after they recover, 334 00:20:32,232 --> 00:20:34,943 the winner will be determined by a simple contest, like arm wrestling. 335 00:20:35,151 --> 00:20:37,695 Their ability was the same, too? 336 00:20:37,904 --> 00:20:40,407 I like passionate guys like that. 337 00:20:40,615 --> 00:20:43,618 They're inspiring. I'd like a sidekick like that. 338 00:20:44,536 --> 00:20:46,579 While we wait for Tetsutetsu and Kirishima to recover, 339 00:20:46,788 --> 00:20:48,998 we'll start the next match! 340 00:20:50,208 --> 00:20:51,626 "Katsuki Bakugo" "Ochaco Uraraka" 341 00:20:57,298 --> 00:21:00,135 Next might be the most disturbing match-up. 342 00:21:00,343 --> 00:21:03,263 I almost don't want to watch... 343 00:21:07,976 --> 00:21:11,771 Uraraka... Do your best! 344 00:21:14,566 --> 00:21:17,819 The eighth and last match of the first round! 345 00:21:18,027 --> 00:21:20,488 He was kind of famous in middle school! 346 00:21:20,697 --> 00:21:22,323 This isn't the face of a regular person! 347 00:21:22,532 --> 00:21:25,326 From the hero course, it's Katsuki Bakugo! 348 00:21:26,035 --> 00:21:27,120 Versus-- 349 00:21:27,328 --> 00:21:28,997 She's the one I'm rooting for! 350 00:21:29,205 --> 00:21:32,667 From the hero course, it's Ochaco Uraraka! 351 00:21:44,929 --> 00:21:48,850 Eighth match, start! 352 00:22:07,410 --> 00:22:12,415 Always fighting headwinds, why am I the only one? 353 00:22:12,624 --> 00:22:17,795 Never did like lip service 354 00:22:18,004 --> 00:22:23,218 Everything connects right now in this instant 355 00:22:23,426 --> 00:22:28,973 I have to keep running to get closer to my dream 356 00:22:29,724 --> 00:22:40,276 I won't find the answer just by looking up at the sky 357 00:22:40,485 --> 00:22:49,160 Now is the time for us to prove that we are here 358 00:22:49,369 --> 00:22:52,455 Another day of crying, more crying 359 00:22:52,664 --> 00:22:59,921 We'll get through this, every time, I'll hold your hand (it'll be fine) 360 00:23:00,129 --> 00:23:03,258 You're not alone! Not alone! 361 00:23:03,466 --> 00:23:10,473 Shout out for the heart you will never give up 362 00:23:13,309 --> 00:23:14,686 I won't run anymore 363 00:23:21,150 --> 00:23:23,152 "Preview" 364 00:23:23,152 --> 00:23:25,446 Oh, this is, you know, the preview... 365 00:23:25,655 --> 00:23:27,824 Uraraka, there's no spirit in your words. 366 00:23:28,032 --> 00:23:30,201 But I guess that makes sense, since your first match is against Kacchan. 367 00:23:30,410 --> 00:23:31,744 But I'll do it. 368 00:23:31,953 --> 00:23:35,707 In order to become a hero and let my parents take it easy! 369 00:23:35,915 --> 00:23:38,126 Deku, let's meet in the finals! 370 00:23:38,334 --> 00:23:40,295 Yeah, good luck, Uraraka! 371 00:23:40,503 --> 00:23:42,714 Next time, "Bakugo vs. Uraraka"! 372 00:23:42,922 --> 00:23:46,342 The meteor shower falling from the sky will be the path to victory! 373 00:23:46,551 --> 00:23:48,011 Go beyond! 374 00:23:48,011 --> 00:23:50,930 "Next time: Bakugo vs. Uraraka"