1 00:00:02,128 --> 00:00:04,088 The world has become a superhuman society, 2 00:00:04,297 --> 00:00:08,009 and about 80% of the world's population now has some kind of special trait. 3 00:00:08,217 --> 00:00:09,802 In this world swirling with chaos, 4 00:00:10,011 --> 00:00:13,472 the profession that everyone once dreamed about and admired 5 00:00:13,681 --> 00:00:15,391 came into the limelight. 6 00:00:15,600 --> 00:00:20,605 Heroes of justice fighting villains and saving people from distress. 7 00:00:20,813 --> 00:00:26,777 Yes, this is the story of how I became the greatest hero. 8 00:00:47,256 --> 00:00:51,886 That plane flew over our heads so close 9 00:00:52,094 --> 00:00:56,682 I don't know why I remember that so brightly 10 00:00:56,891 --> 00:00:59,060 The night I cried so helplessly 11 00:00:59,268 --> 00:01:01,354 I longed for strength and 12 00:01:01,562 --> 00:01:06,192 I was looking for the courage I needed 13 00:01:06,400 --> 00:01:10,655 If this cruel fate is decided and 14 00:01:10,863 --> 00:01:15,952 It confronts me someday 15 00:01:16,160 --> 00:01:20,414 Right now, just right now I can only breathe 16 00:01:20,623 --> 00:01:27,380 Nothing matters, my heart says 17 00:01:27,588 --> 00:01:30,549 Once more go further and further 18 00:01:30,758 --> 00:01:33,052 Someone in me singing 19 00:01:33,261 --> 00:01:36,889 No matter what happens 20 00:01:37,098 --> 00:01:39,642 It's for you, always shedding the tears 21 00:01:39,850 --> 00:01:42,603 Never to be sad and smile 22 00:01:42,812 --> 00:01:47,108 This is the song to be a HERO 23 00:01:47,316 --> 00:01:49,568 Farewell and put up your peace sign 24 00:01:49,777 --> 00:01:52,238 Keep rollin' our never ending story 25 00:01:58,869 --> 00:02:03,040 I'll definitely become a hero and make money 26 00:02:03,249 --> 00:02:06,210 and let my parents take it easy. 27 00:02:07,003 --> 00:02:08,504 You're amazing, Deku. 28 00:02:08,713 --> 00:02:10,965 I keep seeing more and more amazing sides to you. 29 00:02:11,173 --> 00:02:16,053 During the cavalry battle, I thought it'd be easier to team up with friends, 30 00:02:16,262 --> 00:02:20,433 but now that I think about it, I might've been trying to rely on you. 31 00:02:20,641 --> 00:02:24,478 That's why, when Iida said he'd challenge you, 32 00:02:24,687 --> 00:02:27,940 it actually made me feel a little embarrassed. 33 00:02:28,607 --> 00:02:29,942 Uraraka... 34 00:02:31,777 --> 00:02:35,531 Everyone's facing the future and trying their hardest. 35 00:02:35,740 --> 00:02:39,577 That means we're all rivals, right? 36 00:02:40,161 --> 00:02:42,913 That's why... 37 00:02:43,122 --> 00:02:45,166 Let's meet in the finals! 38 00:02:45,583 --> 00:02:49,587 "Bakugo vs. Uraraka" 39 00:02:49,754 --> 00:02:52,757 The eighth and last match of the first round! 40 00:02:52,965 --> 00:02:55,301 He was kind of famous in middle school! 41 00:02:55,509 --> 00:02:57,178 This isn't the face of a regular person! 42 00:02:57,386 --> 00:03:00,056 From the hero course, it's Katsuki Bakugo! 43 00:03:00,264 --> 00:03:01,390 Versus-- 44 00:03:01,599 --> 00:03:03,267 She's the one I'm rooting for! 45 00:03:03,476 --> 00:03:06,729 From the hero course, it's Ochaco Uraraka! 46 00:03:09,190 --> 00:03:12,568 You're the one that makes things float, right, Round Face? 47 00:03:12,777 --> 00:03:13,861 Round...? 48 00:03:14,070 --> 00:03:15,988 If you're gonna withdraw, do it now. 49 00:03:16,197 --> 00:03:18,616 You won't get off with just an "ouch." 50 00:03:23,704 --> 00:03:25,373 Midoriya. 51 00:03:25,581 --> 00:03:30,628 What was the strategy you were going to tell Uraraka earlier for her to use against Bakugo? 52 00:03:30,836 --> 00:03:33,464 It wasn't much, really. 53 00:03:33,464 --> 00:03:35,674 "Hero Analysis for the Future" 54 00:03:35,674 --> 00:03:35,800 Kacchan's strong. 55 00:03:36,008 --> 00:03:39,220 In a real close combat fight, he has almost no openings, 56 00:03:39,428 --> 00:03:44,475 and the more he moves, the more he sweats, making his Explosion Quirk stronger. 57 00:03:44,683 --> 00:03:49,021 He can use the blasts from his explosions to move around in the air, 58 00:03:49,230 --> 00:03:54,026 but if Uraraka touches Kacchan and uses her Quirk to make him float, 59 00:03:54,235 --> 00:03:56,237 then she would have the upper hand. 60 00:03:57,530 --> 00:03:58,614 That's why... 61 00:03:58,823 --> 00:04:02,076 ...the first thing Uraraka should do is... 62 00:04:04,120 --> 00:04:06,872 Eighth match, start! 63 00:04:07,331 --> 00:04:08,541 ...a swift attack! 64 00:04:08,749 --> 00:04:10,751 Withdrawing isn't a choice! 65 00:04:10,960 --> 00:04:12,086 All right! That's good. 66 00:04:12,294 --> 00:04:15,131 Even if it's an accident, as long as she can touch him, she can make him float! 67 00:04:15,339 --> 00:04:19,343 Bakugo won't want Uraraka to get close to him. 68 00:04:19,552 --> 00:04:24,056 That's why Kacchan won't want to evade. He'll want to counterattack! 69 00:04:24,265 --> 00:04:26,434 Then, die! 70 00:04:26,976 --> 00:04:27,977 Kacchan... 71 00:04:28,185 --> 00:04:31,439 You usually start with a big right swing. 72 00:04:35,776 --> 00:04:37,361 Here! 73 00:04:38,404 --> 00:04:40,489 Here...! 74 00:04:41,740 --> 00:04:43,242 If I dodge here...! 75 00:04:47,246 --> 00:04:48,622 Uraraka! 76 00:04:49,123 --> 00:04:50,166 Did he blast her? 77 00:04:50,374 --> 00:04:54,044 Even though you're fighting a girl, you have no mercy, do you, Bakugo? 78 00:04:54,879 --> 00:04:55,838 This is no good. 79 00:04:56,046 --> 00:04:59,008 Even if I knew about it, I couldn't react in time. 80 00:05:00,426 --> 00:05:02,887 I'll take care of you. 81 00:05:04,722 --> 00:05:07,933 Don't underestimate me! 82 00:05:11,604 --> 00:05:14,523 Oh, she made her jacket float and sent it over there?! 83 00:05:14,732 --> 00:05:16,901 She did it in an instant, too! 84 00:05:17,568 --> 00:05:19,737 If I make him float now-- 85 00:05:25,159 --> 00:05:26,452 He moved after he saw her? 86 00:05:26,660 --> 00:05:30,289 With that reaction time, it doesn't matter if there's a smokescreen. 87 00:05:30,498 --> 00:05:33,375 With Uraraka not being able to activate her Quirk unless she touches him, 88 00:05:33,584 --> 00:05:36,837 she's at a disadvantage with Bakugo's reflexes. 89 00:05:39,298 --> 00:05:40,758 Too slow! 90 00:05:48,224 --> 00:05:50,434 Take this! 91 00:05:52,895 --> 00:05:53,896 Ochaco... 92 00:05:54,104 --> 00:05:56,106 I can't watch! 93 00:05:56,398 --> 00:06:00,236 Bakugo, don't tell me... your tastes run in that direction... 94 00:06:04,698 --> 00:06:06,909 Not yet! 95 00:06:14,708 --> 00:06:20,005 Uraraka keeps attacking without rest, but... this is... 96 00:06:22,883 --> 00:06:24,802 Uraraka... 97 00:06:25,678 --> 00:06:29,598 Her substitution earlier didn't work, so she's getting desperate. 98 00:06:29,807 --> 00:06:32,893 What an idiot. 99 00:06:36,313 --> 00:06:37,731 Hey, shouldn't you stop this? 100 00:06:37,940 --> 00:06:39,483 Isn't he going too far? 101 00:06:44,488 --> 00:06:45,489 I can't watch... 102 00:06:45,698 --> 00:06:47,783 Hey! How can you say you want to be a hero like that?! 103 00:06:47,992 --> 00:06:49,743 If there's such a huge difference in your abilities, 104 00:06:49,952 --> 00:06:52,705 then hurry up and send her out of bounds! 105 00:06:54,665 --> 00:06:56,834 Stop bullying and playing with the poor girl! 106 00:06:57,042 --> 00:06:58,877 Yeah! Yeah! 107 00:07:00,337 --> 00:07:02,798 There's booing from part of the crowd... 108 00:07:03,007 --> 00:07:05,634 But honestly, I also feel the sa-- 109 00:07:05,843 --> 00:07:07,845 An elbow?! What're ya doin'?! 110 00:07:08,053 --> 00:07:10,514 Was that a pro saying he's playing around? 111 00:07:10,723 --> 00:07:11,557 How many years have you been a pro? 112 00:07:11,765 --> 00:07:12,891 Huh? 113 00:07:13,100 --> 00:07:14,560 If you're saying that with a straight face, 114 00:07:14,768 --> 00:07:16,729 there's no point in you watching anymore, so go home! 115 00:07:16,937 --> 00:07:20,774 Go home, and look into changing careers! 116 00:07:20,983 --> 00:07:22,735 Mr. Aizawa...? 117 00:07:24,028 --> 00:07:27,906 Bakugo is being careful because he's acknowledged the strength of his opponent 118 00:07:28,115 --> 00:07:29,950 who has made it this far. 119 00:07:30,159 --> 00:07:32,244 It's because he's doing everything he can to win 120 00:07:32,453 --> 00:07:35,122 that he can't go easy on her or let his guard down. 121 00:07:38,417 --> 00:07:39,710 Not yet... 122 00:07:39,918 --> 00:07:41,378 She's still... 123 00:07:42,504 --> 00:07:44,214 ...not dead! 124 00:07:45,549 --> 00:07:48,469 It's about time... I think... 125 00:07:49,803 --> 00:07:52,389 Thanks, Bakugo... 126 00:07:54,141 --> 00:07:56,727 ...for not letting your guard down... 127 00:07:56,935 --> 00:07:57,853 Huh? 128 00:07:58,062 --> 00:08:00,356 It can't be helped from where Bakugo is, 129 00:08:00,564 --> 00:08:05,569 but it's embarrassing for a pro in the stands to start booing without noticing. 130 00:08:05,778 --> 00:08:10,324 She kept her body low as she advanced, concentrating Bakugo's attacks on the ground, 131 00:08:10,532 --> 00:08:12,618 storing up weapons. 132 00:08:12,826 --> 00:08:17,623 And then, she narrowed his field of vision with relentless attacks 133 00:08:17,831 --> 00:08:20,250 to keep him from noticing. 134 00:08:23,462 --> 00:08:26,423 I'm gonna win! 135 00:08:32,763 --> 00:08:33,889 A meteor shower? 136 00:08:34,098 --> 00:08:35,099 You should've noticed. 137 00:08:35,307 --> 00:08:37,726 She had a desperate plan like that up her sleeve? 138 00:08:40,354 --> 00:08:42,064 With this much debris, 139 00:08:42,272 --> 00:08:43,816 whether he's evading or counterattacking, 140 00:08:44,024 --> 00:08:46,235 there will definitely be an opening! 141 00:08:47,403 --> 00:08:50,823 In that moment, I'll get close to him with my secret move! 142 00:08:53,367 --> 00:08:57,788 I'll win! I'll win and be like Deku, too! 143 00:09:25,566 --> 00:09:29,403 Since you're friends with Deku, 144 00:09:29,611 --> 00:09:33,574 I thought you'd be up to something... 145 00:09:34,324 --> 00:09:36,410 In one shot... 146 00:09:36,618 --> 00:09:40,664 B-Bakugo delivers a satisfying explosion! 147 00:09:40,873 --> 00:09:45,586 He blasts boldly through Uraraka's secret plan! 148 00:09:48,964 --> 00:09:50,966 That was close... 149 00:09:52,092 --> 00:09:55,304 I did as much as I could...! 150 00:09:55,512 --> 00:09:58,098 But he wasn't fazed at all... 151 00:09:58,724 --> 00:10:01,351 Uraraka... 152 00:10:03,228 --> 00:10:05,189 Even so... 153 00:10:06,482 --> 00:10:11,653 All right, let's get serious then, Uraraka! 154 00:10:13,113 --> 00:10:15,491 If it were Deku... 155 00:10:15,908 --> 00:10:18,410 ...he wouldn't give up-- 156 00:10:27,377 --> 00:10:29,463 Uraraka's down! 157 00:10:30,005 --> 00:10:37,513 My... body... won't do... what I want... 158 00:10:37,721 --> 00:10:38,680 Uraraka... 159 00:10:38,889 --> 00:10:42,434 She passed her limit a long time ago... 160 00:10:44,978 --> 00:10:47,189 I-I also... 161 00:10:48,023 --> 00:10:49,858 ...also... 162 00:10:51,610 --> 00:10:53,946 ...can still...! 163 00:10:54,947 --> 00:10:59,660 When I get big, I'll help you and Mommy! 164 00:11:01,078 --> 00:11:03,789 I appreciate the thought, Ochaco. 165 00:11:03,997 --> 00:11:08,710 But as your dad, I'd be even happier if you could achieve your dream. 166 00:11:08,919 --> 00:11:12,214 When that happens, you can take us to Hawaii! 167 00:11:14,967 --> 00:11:18,554 I'll become... a hero...! 168 00:11:23,934 --> 00:11:25,602 Daddy... 169 00:11:28,230 --> 00:11:30,732 Uraraka's out of commission. 170 00:11:30,941 --> 00:11:33,151 Bakugo advances to the second round! 171 00:11:46,123 --> 00:11:49,001 "Katsuki Bakugo" 172 00:11:49,459 --> 00:11:51,461 Take her to Recovery Girl. 173 00:11:51,670 --> 00:11:53,297 I know. 174 00:11:57,426 --> 00:11:59,636 The eighth match of the first round... 175 00:11:59,845 --> 00:12:02,389 Oh, Uraraka... 176 00:12:02,598 --> 00:12:04,600 Oh yeah, Bakugo advances to the second round. 177 00:12:04,808 --> 00:12:06,518 If you're gonna do it, do it properly. 178 00:12:06,727 --> 00:12:09,062 Now, let's pull ourselves together-- 179 00:12:09,271 --> 00:12:10,063 You're really letting your personal feelings take over... 180 00:12:10,272 --> 00:12:12,608 The first round is all done! 181 00:12:12,816 --> 00:12:16,361 Let's move on to the next round quickly after a short break! 182 00:12:17,613 --> 00:12:19,740 "Player Waiting Room 2" 183 00:12:22,784 --> 00:12:24,953 Let's meet in the finals! 184 00:12:26,330 --> 00:12:28,206 Uraraka... 185 00:12:32,127 --> 00:12:33,420 Whoa, Kacchan? 186 00:12:33,629 --> 00:12:35,380 What the--?! What the hell do you want?! Die, scum! 187 00:12:35,589 --> 00:12:37,674 Oh, well, I'm next, so... 188 00:12:37,883 --> 00:12:39,635 I was going to get ready in the waiting room... 189 00:12:39,843 --> 00:12:42,512 Also, congrats on winning the first round... 190 00:12:42,721 --> 00:12:44,556 Later... 191 00:12:44,765 --> 00:12:49,561 That was your idea, wasn't it? That damned desperate plan. 192 00:12:49,770 --> 00:12:52,397 You just have to be annoying, don't you? What the hell-- 193 00:12:52,606 --> 00:12:54,024 It wasn't. 194 00:12:55,067 --> 00:12:56,109 All of it... 195 00:12:56,318 --> 00:13:00,113 Uraraka planned it all thinking about how she could beat you. 196 00:13:00,322 --> 00:13:03,367 If you thought that was annoying, that was because... 197 00:13:03,575 --> 00:13:06,286 ...Uraraka was leading you around by the nose! 198 00:13:11,625 --> 00:13:12,834 Hey, Bakugo! 199 00:13:13,043 --> 00:13:15,754 That was tough, huh? Playing the bad guy. 200 00:13:15,963 --> 00:13:20,634 Even if it was because of the match-up, you played an amazing villain, Bakugo. 201 00:13:20,842 --> 00:13:23,095 Shut up! Be quiet! 202 00:13:23,303 --> 00:13:28,308 But man, I can't believe you were able to aim such a huge blast at a frail girl. 203 00:13:28,517 --> 00:13:30,811 I couldn't help but hold back. 204 00:13:31,019 --> 00:13:34,106 She completely sealed you off, Kaminari. 205 00:13:34,314 --> 00:13:35,941 Y-You know what, Tsu... 206 00:13:38,360 --> 00:13:41,238 What part of her was frail? 207 00:13:44,032 --> 00:13:46,284 "Player Waiting Room 2" 208 00:13:46,410 --> 00:13:50,163 Man, I lost... 209 00:13:50,372 --> 00:13:52,416 Huh...? 210 00:13:52,624 --> 00:13:57,546 I got carried away at the end thinking I could do it, dang it. 211 00:13:57,754 --> 00:14:00,799 Uraraka, what about your injuries? Are you okay? 212 00:14:01,008 --> 00:14:03,385 Yeah, Recovery Girl took care of me! 213 00:14:03,593 --> 00:14:06,013 It was only moderate healing so it wouldn't drain my stamina, 214 00:14:06,221 --> 00:14:08,598 so I've still got scratches and stuff, though. 215 00:14:08,807 --> 00:14:12,102 Man, but that Bakugo was really strong! 216 00:14:12,102 --> 00:14:17,065 "Frustrated" 217 00:14:20,027 --> 00:14:21,445 Are you... all right? 218 00:14:21,653 --> 00:14:24,406 I'm fine! Better than expected! 219 00:14:24,406 --> 00:14:25,449 "Daddy" 220 00:14:26,241 --> 00:14:29,828 I mean, you immediately started looking ahead, Deku, 221 00:14:30,037 --> 00:14:32,080 and just because I lost doesn't mean I can lose. 222 00:14:32,289 --> 00:14:33,665 That's... 223 00:14:35,083 --> 00:14:40,589 The draw from the seventh match of the first round, Kirishima and Tetsutetsu! 224 00:14:40,797 --> 00:14:45,719 The winner of their arm wrestling match to decide who advances to the second round is... 225 00:14:52,017 --> 00:14:53,560 Winner, Kirishima! 226 00:14:53,769 --> 00:14:55,103 He advances to the second round! 227 00:14:55,312 --> 00:14:59,566 --Yes...! --The one who won his ticket was Kirishima! 228 00:14:59,775 --> 00:15:01,443 My metal fatigue... 229 00:15:01,651 --> 00:15:04,571 I should've eaten more iron...! 230 00:15:06,531 --> 00:15:09,242 It... was a good match. 231 00:15:12,120 --> 00:15:13,580 S-So youthful! 232 00:15:13,789 --> 00:15:17,542 Now we've got everyone who's advancing to the second round! 233 00:15:17,751 --> 00:15:20,504 So, let's get started! 234 00:15:20,712 --> 00:15:22,798 Already? 235 00:15:23,006 --> 00:15:23,715 Later... 236 00:15:23,924 --> 00:15:25,634 Oh, sorry Deku! 237 00:15:25,842 --> 00:15:27,844 You weren't able to prepare at all since I was here... 238 00:15:28,053 --> 00:15:30,347 No, I'm fine. 239 00:15:31,723 --> 00:15:35,018 I'll be watching, 'kay? Good luck. 240 00:15:35,227 --> 00:15:37,521 Thanks. 241 00:15:48,865 --> 00:15:51,451 Sorry about not picking up earlier, Daddy. 242 00:15:51,660 --> 00:15:54,621 It's fine, sorry for calling when you're busy. 243 00:15:54,830 --> 00:15:57,249 Your mom and I watched you on TV. 244 00:15:57,457 --> 00:15:58,500 You were so close! 245 00:15:58,708 --> 00:16:00,460 But you were amazing! 246 00:16:00,669 --> 00:16:02,129 It wasn't that close. 247 00:16:02,337 --> 00:16:03,755 And I wasn't amazing. 248 00:16:03,964 --> 00:16:06,258 I rushed too much in the end, too. 249 00:16:06,466 --> 00:16:12,764 I didn't have a plan for what to do after that, either. 250 00:16:12,973 --> 00:16:14,516 I was completely beaten. 251 00:16:14,724 --> 00:16:16,101 Is that so? 252 00:16:16,309 --> 00:16:18,478 I don't understand complicated things, 253 00:16:18,687 --> 00:16:22,607 but just because you lost doesn't mean your path's been closed off, right? 254 00:16:22,816 --> 00:16:25,193 There's always next year, right? 255 00:16:25,402 --> 00:16:30,782 The further you advance, the more you can show how well you do against different types. 256 00:16:30,991 --> 00:16:34,119 The scouts can't tell with just one match. 257 00:16:34,327 --> 00:16:36,454 What're you in such a hurry for? 258 00:16:38,165 --> 00:16:39,708 I mean... 259 00:16:39,916 --> 00:16:43,253 I want to hurry and help you guys... 260 00:16:44,671 --> 00:16:48,717 Ochaco, it's fine even if you don't rush. 261 00:16:52,053 --> 00:16:54,431 You feeling that way shows you're kind, 262 00:16:54,639 --> 00:16:58,268 so I know you'll be a great hero. 263 00:17:07,360 --> 00:17:11,907 Isn't it obvious? There's no way she's not frustrated. 264 00:17:12,115 --> 00:17:14,868 Even so, I can't believe I said that I could help... 265 00:17:15,076 --> 00:17:18,288 I couldn't do anything for her... 266 00:17:18,496 --> 00:17:20,415 Instead... 267 00:17:20,624 --> 00:17:24,753 I'll be watching, 'kay? Good luck. 268 00:17:24,961 --> 00:17:27,839 ...she encouraged me again... 269 00:17:36,973 --> 00:17:38,308 Endeavor?! 270 00:17:38,516 --> 00:17:40,268 Oh, there you are. 271 00:17:40,477 --> 00:17:44,814 Endeavor... What are you doing here...? 272 00:17:45,023 --> 00:17:47,609 I watched your fight. 273 00:17:47,817 --> 00:17:50,028 You have a wonderful Quirk. 274 00:17:50,237 --> 00:17:53,531 You created so much wind pressure just by flicking your fingers. 275 00:17:53,740 --> 00:17:56,034 If we're talking about power alone, 276 00:17:56,243 --> 00:17:58,995 yours is comparable to All Might's. 277 00:17:59,204 --> 00:18:01,873 Wh-What are you... 278 00:18:02,082 --> 00:18:04,376 What are you trying to say? 279 00:18:04,584 --> 00:18:06,294 I must go. 280 00:18:07,087 --> 00:18:10,382 Endeavor knows about One For All? 281 00:18:10,590 --> 00:18:13,426 No, from the way he talked, he doesn't know. 282 00:18:13,635 --> 00:18:16,346 Anyway, this is the one person I can't let find out. 283 00:18:16,554 --> 00:18:20,976 It is my Shoto's duty to surpass All Might. 284 00:18:22,352 --> 00:18:28,191 His match with you will be a very instructive test bed. 285 00:18:28,400 --> 00:18:33,363 Please don't disgrace yourself in it. 286 00:18:34,656 --> 00:18:38,034 Without using my damn old man's Quirk... 287 00:18:38,243 --> 00:18:39,869 No... 288 00:18:40,078 --> 00:18:46,084 I'll reject him completely by winning first place without using it. 289 00:18:46,293 --> 00:18:48,169 That was all I wanted to say. 290 00:18:48,378 --> 00:18:50,547 I apologize for bothering you right before the match. 291 00:18:52,257 --> 00:18:53,717 I... 292 00:18:53,925 --> 00:18:55,844 ...am not All Might. 293 00:18:56,052 --> 00:18:57,095 That's obviou-- 294 00:18:57,304 --> 00:19:00,390 That's obvious, right? 295 00:19:00,598 --> 00:19:03,977 Todoroki isn't you, either. 296 00:19:13,361 --> 00:19:17,490 All Might has his eye on you, doesn't he? 297 00:19:18,825 --> 00:19:21,244 Todoroki... 298 00:19:22,245 --> 00:19:27,500 It is my Shoto's duty to surpass All Might. 299 00:19:27,709 --> 00:19:30,462 Midoriya... 300 00:19:30,670 --> 00:19:33,131 Just remember this-- 301 00:19:33,340 --> 00:19:38,887 I will make that into a hero that will surpass you one day. 302 00:19:43,808 --> 00:19:46,061 Those two haven't started yet? 303 00:19:48,480 --> 00:19:49,397 I've gotta watch. 304 00:19:49,606 --> 00:19:50,690 Were your eyes hurt? 305 00:19:50,899 --> 00:19:52,692 You must hurry to Recovery Girl-- 306 00:19:52,901 --> 00:19:54,194 I already went. 307 00:19:54,402 --> 00:19:56,112 This is, you know... It's different. 308 00:19:56,321 --> 00:19:58,573 It's different? 309 00:19:58,782 --> 00:20:01,701 If that's the case, then you must've been really frustrated earlier. 310 00:20:01,910 --> 00:20:03,495 Rather than feeling regretful right now, 311 00:20:03,703 --> 00:20:05,747 you should use this next match as a source of encouragement. 312 00:20:05,955 --> 00:20:07,165 Yeah. 313 00:20:07,374 --> 00:20:08,917 That's true. 314 00:20:10,627 --> 00:20:12,921 Thanks for waiting, everybody! 315 00:20:13,129 --> 00:20:17,175 The first match of the second round is a big match! 316 00:20:17,384 --> 00:20:21,429 The man who won a huge victory in the first round and literally left the audience frozen-- 317 00:20:21,638 --> 00:20:24,516 From the hero course, it's Shoto Todoroki! 318 00:20:24,724 --> 00:20:27,852 On the other hand, this guy barely made it past the first round! 319 00:20:28,061 --> 00:20:30,897 What kind of fight will he show us this time? 320 00:20:31,106 --> 00:20:34,317 From the hero course, it's Izuku Midoriya! 321 00:20:37,654 --> 00:20:38,822 So you're here. 322 00:20:39,948 --> 00:20:41,408 Todoroki... 323 00:20:45,412 --> 00:20:48,081 Tokoyami, what do you think of this match? 324 00:20:48,289 --> 00:20:51,584 It depends on whether or not Midoriya jumps in close to Todoroki. 325 00:20:51,793 --> 00:20:56,297 Yeah. What is Deku going to do about that ice? 326 00:20:59,801 --> 00:21:03,221 Watch carefully and prepare, Tomura Shigaraki. 327 00:21:03,430 --> 00:21:07,308 They may become obstacles to you one day. 328 00:21:08,643 --> 00:21:11,312 That's a load of crap. 329 00:21:14,691 --> 00:21:16,901 Izuku... 330 00:21:18,736 --> 00:21:21,531 "Authorized Personnel Only" 331 00:21:21,531 --> 00:21:25,118 Those two both tried to save you, didn't they? 332 00:21:25,326 --> 00:21:27,120 Yeah. 333 00:21:27,328 --> 00:21:30,123 It's just a feeling, but I think those two... 334 00:21:30,331 --> 00:21:32,876 ...give off the same vibe. 335 00:21:34,669 --> 00:21:36,045 At this year's sports festival, 336 00:21:36,254 --> 00:21:38,339 both have shown top class performances! 337 00:21:38,548 --> 00:21:42,427 It's like two great rivals fighting against each other! 338 00:21:42,635 --> 00:21:43,261 Now-- 339 00:21:43,470 --> 00:21:46,890 Midoriya versus Todoroki! 340 00:21:49,184 --> 00:21:51,144 Start! 341 00:22:07,410 --> 00:22:12,415 Always fighting headwinds, why am I the only one? 342 00:22:12,624 --> 00:22:17,795 Never did like lip service 343 00:22:18,004 --> 00:22:23,218 Everything connects right now in this instant 344 00:22:23,426 --> 00:22:28,973 I have to keep running to get closer to my dream 345 00:22:29,724 --> 00:22:40,276 I won't find the answer just by looking up at the sky 346 00:22:40,485 --> 00:22:49,160 Now is the time for us to prove that we are here 347 00:22:49,369 --> 00:22:52,455 Another day of crying, more crying 348 00:22:52,664 --> 00:22:59,921 We'll get through this, every time, I'll hold your hand (it'll be fine) 349 00:23:00,129 --> 00:23:03,258 You're not alone! Not alone! 350 00:23:03,466 --> 00:23:10,473 Shout out for the heart you will never give up 351 00:23:13,309 --> 00:23:14,686 I won't run anymore 352 00:23:21,150 --> 00:23:23,152 "Preview" 353 00:23:23,152 --> 00:23:26,406 The battle between Todoroki and me is finally starting. 354 00:23:26,614 --> 00:23:28,032 I'll end this quickly. 355 00:23:28,241 --> 00:23:31,536 It's true that just Todoroki's ice from his right side is strong-- 356 00:23:31,744 --> 00:23:37,792 I told you. I will win without using that man's Quirk and reject him completely. 357 00:23:38,001 --> 00:23:40,086 I am your opponent! 358 00:23:40,295 --> 00:23:41,129 What? 359 00:23:41,337 --> 00:23:43,798 Next time, "Shoto Todoroki: Origin." 360 00:23:44,007 --> 00:23:47,010 He remembers words that he had forgotten once before. 361 00:23:47,135 --> 00:23:50,930 "Next time: Shoto Todoroki: Origin"