1 00:00:03,412 --> 00:00:05,046 [ELECTRONIC WHIRRING] 2 00:00:16,372 --> 00:00:18,264 Top that. 3 00:00:21,020 --> 00:00:22,320 I just did. 4 00:00:27,028 --> 00:00:29,937 [ELECTRONIC CHIMING] 5 00:00:30,014 --> 00:00:32,823 No fair. You always win. 6 00:00:32,893 --> 00:00:34,418 That is to be expected. 7 00:00:34,473 --> 00:00:36,902 My intelligence far exceeds yours. 8 00:00:36,979 --> 00:00:38,361 But that's no fun. 9 00:00:38,398 --> 00:00:40,448 How come you always say that to everybody? 10 00:00:40,503 --> 00:00:43,155 "My intelligence far exceeds yours." 11 00:00:43,217 --> 00:00:46,701 - Because it is true. - Yeah, but it makes people feel bad. 12 00:00:46,794 --> 00:00:48,889 There should be no shame in the acknowledgment 13 00:00:48,926 --> 00:00:50,850 of one's intellectual inferiority. 14 00:00:50,956 --> 00:00:52,718 It is simply a statement of fact. 15 00:00:52,927 --> 00:00:55,589 Some beings are more intelligent than others. 16 00:00:55,685 --> 00:00:57,954 I am more intelligent than you. 17 00:00:58,059 --> 00:00:59,675 But it's not nice. 18 00:00:59,752 --> 00:01:01,343 That is irrelevant. 19 00:01:01,420 --> 00:01:02,732 [DOOR WHOOSHES OPEN] 20 00:01:02,810 --> 00:01:04,504 - MARCUS: Hey, Mom. - Mommy! 21 00:01:04,541 --> 00:01:05,897 Sorry I'm so late, guys. 22 00:01:05,934 --> 00:01:09,219 Mwah. More traffic in sickbay than usual. 23 00:01:10,123 --> 00:01:12,166 Thanks for watching the little monsters. 24 00:01:12,240 --> 00:01:13,732 It is no trouble at all. 25 00:01:13,780 --> 00:01:16,609 They are fascinating creatures, worthy of study. 26 00:01:16,646 --> 00:01:19,320 I refer to them often in my reports to Kaylon. 27 00:01:19,490 --> 00:01:21,165 [QUIETLY]: Are you ready for the thing? 28 00:01:21,321 --> 00:01:22,612 The thing. 29 00:01:22,681 --> 00:01:24,606 The thing we discussed this morning. 30 00:01:24,777 --> 00:01:27,489 - Affirmative, Doctor. - Okay. 31 00:01:27,763 --> 00:01:30,388 Kids, have a seat for a minute. 32 00:01:30,480 --> 00:01:33,765 There's something Isaac and I want to talk to you about. 33 00:01:37,115 --> 00:01:41,267 Boys, we've been waiting for the right time to tell you this. 34 00:01:41,344 --> 00:01:45,131 And I want you to know that it's something we don't take lightly. 35 00:01:47,303 --> 00:01:50,635 Isaac and I are seeing each other. 36 00:01:50,805 --> 00:01:52,869 - Yay! - I knew it. 37 00:01:52,994 --> 00:01:54,730 You-you did? 38 00:01:54,807 --> 00:01:56,357 Yeah, everybody knows it. 39 00:01:56,433 --> 00:01:58,540 I was just wondering when you were gonna tell us. 40 00:01:58,611 --> 00:01:59,917 How long have you known? 41 00:01:59,954 --> 00:02:02,404 Mom, seriously? It's a small ship. 42 00:02:02,481 --> 00:02:06,043 Right. W-Well, what are your feelings about it? 43 00:02:06,162 --> 00:02:07,810 We love Isaac. 44 00:02:08,003 --> 00:02:09,406 Marcus? 45 00:02:09,496 --> 00:02:11,476 Mom, we just want you to be happy. 46 00:02:11,588 --> 00:02:15,248 And besides, everybody at school thinks Isaac's pretty awesome. 47 00:02:15,355 --> 00:02:18,471 It would seem your uncertainty was misplaced, Doctor. 48 00:02:18,547 --> 00:02:20,973 How did I get so lucky? 49 00:02:21,050 --> 00:02:24,073 You guys are the best kids a mom could ever ask for. 50 00:02:24,153 --> 00:02:27,226 [WHIRRING AND BEEPING] 51 00:02:30,145 --> 00:02:31,829 Isaac? 52 00:02:32,770 --> 00:02:34,103 TY AND CLAIRE: Isaac! 53 00:02:34,179 --> 00:02:35,688 TY: Isaac! 54 00:02:35,981 --> 00:02:37,731 - Isaac! - CLAIRE: Isaac. 55 00:02:37,872 --> 00:02:41,251 - Can you hear me? - Mom, what's wrong with him? 56 00:02:41,645 --> 00:02:43,245 [WHIRRING AND BEEPING CONTINUE] 57 00:02:50,755 --> 00:02:53,005 ♪ ♪ 58 00:03:17,273 --> 00:03:18,906 ♪ ♪ 59 00:04:08,917 --> 00:04:11,458 I'm not seeing any electrical fluctuations, 60 00:04:11,504 --> 00:04:13,186 no chemical reactions. 61 00:04:13,223 --> 00:04:15,579 If he has vital signs, I can't find them. 62 00:04:15,630 --> 00:04:17,831 Not that we know much about Kaylon physiology, 63 00:04:17,908 --> 00:04:19,258 if you can even call it that. 64 00:04:19,410 --> 00:04:21,376 We need a Kaylon instruction manual. 65 00:04:21,710 --> 00:04:24,603 Otherwise, we're just shooting in the dark. 66 00:04:27,222 --> 00:04:29,005 We ran a ship-wide diagnostic. 67 00:04:29,052 --> 00:04:30,880 No power surges, computer viruses 68 00:04:30,917 --> 00:04:32,120 or anything else that might explain 69 00:04:32,157 --> 00:04:33,323 why Isaac shut down. 70 00:04:33,427 --> 00:04:34,869 What about outside the ship? 71 00:04:35,049 --> 00:04:36,418 As far as the scans can tell, 72 00:04:36,502 --> 00:04:38,544 there's nothing unusual in this region of space. 73 00:04:38,581 --> 00:04:39,971 Let me take him down to engineering. 74 00:04:40,041 --> 00:04:41,768 Open him up, dig around a little. 75 00:04:41,822 --> 00:04:43,732 He's not a broken race car, John. 76 00:04:43,809 --> 00:04:46,452 He's a sentient being. And he's my patient. 77 00:04:46,529 --> 00:04:49,331 Well, right now your patient looks kind of dead. 78 00:04:49,553 --> 00:04:51,684 ED: Isaac is not a biological organism. 79 00:04:51,721 --> 00:04:54,030 We don't know how death is defined on his world. 80 00:04:54,236 --> 00:04:56,058 Hell, what do we know about them? 81 00:04:56,167 --> 00:04:57,762 I'll keep running scans, Captain, 82 00:04:57,799 --> 00:04:59,248 but we may have to face the fact 83 00:04:59,285 --> 00:05:01,161 that whatever makes Isaac tick 84 00:05:01,302 --> 00:05:03,293 is beyond our understanding. 85 00:05:03,452 --> 00:05:05,880 ♪ ♪ 86 00:05:15,316 --> 00:05:16,649 Mercer to Keyali. 87 00:05:16,725 --> 00:05:17,977 KEYALI: Keyali here, sir. 88 00:05:18,016 --> 00:05:20,891 - Get me Admiral Halsey. - Aye, sir. 89 00:05:27,578 --> 00:05:29,261 What you're proposing could be tricky, Ed. 90 00:05:29,641 --> 00:05:31,655 We've been trying to get the Kaylon to open their doors 91 00:05:31,703 --> 00:05:34,164 for years, but they won't let anyone near their planet. 92 00:05:34,289 --> 00:05:35,993 You can't just drop in out of the blue. 93 00:05:36,133 --> 00:05:38,705 The Kaylon sent Isaac to us to help them decide 94 00:05:38,742 --> 00:05:40,080 if they want to join the Union. 95 00:05:40,157 --> 00:05:42,298 And they can't do that with a dead diplomat. 96 00:05:42,445 --> 00:05:44,606 Plus, he's been sending them reports since he got here. 97 00:05:44,643 --> 00:05:46,156 It's not like we're complete strangers. 98 00:05:46,234 --> 00:05:48,861 Look, sir, Isaac is a member of my crew. 99 00:05:48,898 --> 00:05:50,400 We all care about him. 100 00:05:50,437 --> 00:05:52,968 And right now the only people who can help him are on Kaylon. 101 00:05:53,281 --> 00:05:54,572 And you're sure there's nothing 102 00:05:54,609 --> 00:05:55,929 you can do for him on the Orville? 103 00:05:56,773 --> 00:05:59,141 Picture your mom trying to hook up a stereo. 104 00:05:59,870 --> 00:06:01,351 I understand. 105 00:06:02,202 --> 00:06:04,033 Well, I'll admit you got a damn good reason 106 00:06:04,070 --> 00:06:06,090 to knock on their door, and if they answer it, 107 00:06:06,127 --> 00:06:08,317 it could be an opportunity to close the deal. 108 00:06:08,393 --> 00:06:10,713 You think they'd be open to Union membership? 109 00:06:10,781 --> 00:06:12,224 It'd be a big win for us. 110 00:06:12,261 --> 00:06:14,938 God knows we could use a strong ally against the Krill. 111 00:06:15,158 --> 00:06:17,826 Their level of technological advancement is way beyond ours. 112 00:06:18,400 --> 00:06:19,686 Is that a yes? 113 00:06:19,779 --> 00:06:22,518 Kaylon is a long way from Union space. 114 00:06:22,560 --> 00:06:24,121 You'll be out of comm range. 115 00:06:24,218 --> 00:06:27,002 If you get into trouble out there, you're on your own. 116 00:06:27,475 --> 00:06:28,712 Understood. 117 00:06:28,871 --> 00:06:30,162 Godspeed, Captain. 118 00:06:35,016 --> 00:06:37,346 ED: Mercer to bridge. 119 00:06:37,774 --> 00:06:39,231 Bortus here, sir. 120 00:06:39,308 --> 00:06:42,401 Set a course for Kaylon, and engage quantum drive. 121 00:06:42,869 --> 00:06:45,665 Sir? Did you say Kaylon? 122 00:06:45,767 --> 00:06:47,259 Yes, I did. 123 00:06:47,433 --> 00:06:48,933 Aye, sir. 124 00:06:50,411 --> 00:06:53,797 ♪ ♪ 125 00:06:59,459 --> 00:07:01,443 Hey, Isaac. Guess what. 126 00:07:01,529 --> 00:07:02,937 You're gonna be home soon. 127 00:07:02,974 --> 00:07:05,090 Mom said we're making a special trip. 128 00:07:05,713 --> 00:07:07,213 He can't hear you. 129 00:07:07,629 --> 00:07:09,224 Yes, he can. 130 00:07:09,341 --> 00:07:11,004 Your friends are gonna fix you. 131 00:07:11,081 --> 00:07:14,216 And then you can marry Mom and be our new dad. 132 00:07:14,341 --> 00:07:17,436 Ty, we're not even sure if he can be fixed. 133 00:07:17,701 --> 00:07:19,939 I bet Kaylon is really cool. 134 00:07:20,015 --> 00:07:23,100 When you're better, you can show us what your house looks like. 135 00:07:23,537 --> 00:07:26,269 It's getting late, boys. You have school tomorrow. 136 00:07:26,607 --> 00:07:28,724 Mom? Can I stay here? 137 00:07:28,834 --> 00:07:30,263 In case he wakes up. 138 00:07:30,348 --> 00:07:33,608 If that happens, I promise I'll tell you. 139 00:07:33,809 --> 00:07:35,201 Say good night. 140 00:07:36,835 --> 00:07:38,646 See you tomorrow. 141 00:07:40,110 --> 00:07:41,451 [DOOR WHOOSHES OPEN] 142 00:07:41,587 --> 00:07:43,300 Good night, Isaac. 143 00:07:59,026 --> 00:08:00,764 I love you. 144 00:08:07,822 --> 00:08:11,031 Please... don't go. 145 00:08:22,169 --> 00:08:25,626 ♪ ♪ 146 00:08:31,920 --> 00:08:34,963 Captain, we're approaching the Kaylon system. 147 00:08:35,040 --> 00:08:36,792 Drop to sublight. 148 00:08:49,683 --> 00:08:51,868 We are a long way from home. 149 00:08:53,574 --> 00:08:55,200 Take us in. 150 00:08:55,471 --> 00:09:00,379 ♪ ♪ 151 00:09:05,820 --> 00:09:07,883 It is not so impressive. 152 00:09:07,920 --> 00:09:09,220 Open a channel. 153 00:09:09,257 --> 00:09:11,333 - [CONSOLE BEEPS] - Channel open. 154 00:09:11,806 --> 00:09:15,054 This is Captain Mercer of the starship Orville. 155 00:09:15,297 --> 00:09:18,240 We apologize for entering your system unannounced, 156 00:09:18,326 --> 00:09:20,333 but we have an emergency. 157 00:09:20,710 --> 00:09:23,851 The emissary you sent us shut down, and... 158 00:09:24,998 --> 00:09:26,148 BORTUS: We're losing main power. 159 00:09:26,185 --> 00:09:27,360 Raise deflectors. 160 00:09:27,397 --> 00:09:29,623 Tactical control is not responding. 161 00:09:32,291 --> 00:09:34,356 Captain, we're being scanned. 162 00:09:34,432 --> 00:09:36,909 [ELECTRONIC WHIRRING] 163 00:09:48,775 --> 00:09:51,600 Oh, man, I bet this causes cancer. 164 00:09:51,901 --> 00:09:54,376 [ELECTRONIC WHIRRING STOPS] 165 00:09:55,198 --> 00:09:56,586 Power's been restored. 166 00:09:56,932 --> 00:09:59,433 Sir, I just received a set of landing coordinates. 167 00:10:01,751 --> 00:10:05,608 Okay, then. Let's see what's down there. 168 00:10:07,966 --> 00:10:11,829 ♪ ♪ 169 00:10:33,992 --> 00:10:35,843 ♪ ♪ 170 00:11:00,995 --> 00:11:02,870 ♪ ♪ 171 00:11:31,934 --> 00:11:33,859 ♪ ♪ 172 00:11:56,241 --> 00:11:57,449 Touchdown. 173 00:11:57,486 --> 00:11:58,866 Locked and stable. 174 00:11:58,936 --> 00:12:00,915 Secure all systems. Power down the engines. 175 00:12:00,952 --> 00:12:02,712 Prep starboard hatch. 176 00:12:03,192 --> 00:12:04,577 Talla, open a channel. 177 00:12:04,897 --> 00:12:06,686 - [BEEP] - Channel open. 178 00:12:06,819 --> 00:12:09,438 This is Captain Mercer. As you can see, 179 00:12:09,475 --> 00:12:11,321 we've arrived at the landing coordinates 180 00:12:11,358 --> 00:12:13,741 and we await further instructions. 181 00:12:13,855 --> 00:12:15,139 KAYLON: Exit your craft 182 00:12:15,176 --> 00:12:16,601 and proceed to the surface. 183 00:12:16,783 --> 00:12:18,199 Bring the emissary. 184 00:12:18,803 --> 00:12:20,126 Will do. 185 00:12:21,038 --> 00:12:23,631 Dr. Finn, is your patient ready to go? 186 00:12:23,679 --> 00:12:25,463 CLAIRE: Yes, Captain. 187 00:12:51,434 --> 00:12:53,285 ♪ ♪ 188 00:13:14,099 --> 00:13:16,308 ♪ ♪ 189 00:13:34,119 --> 00:13:37,696 I am Kaylon Primary. Welcome to our world. 190 00:13:37,921 --> 00:13:40,235 On behalf of the Planetary Union, 191 00:13:40,373 --> 00:13:41,808 we are honored to be here. 192 00:13:41,931 --> 00:13:43,938 You are fortunate to be alive. 193 00:13:44,064 --> 00:13:46,361 We confirmed your identity only seconds 194 00:13:46,398 --> 00:13:47,805 before our defense perimeter 195 00:13:47,842 --> 00:13:49,658 would have destroyed your vessel. 196 00:13:49,790 --> 00:13:51,595 We knew coming here was a risk, 197 00:13:51,632 --> 00:13:54,045 but we didn't know what else to do. 198 00:13:54,122 --> 00:13:57,424 Your emissary, Isaac, shut down completely, 199 00:13:57,500 --> 00:13:59,551 and we have no idea what's wrong. 200 00:14:00,162 --> 00:14:01,994 We were hoping you could repair him. 201 00:14:02,080 --> 00:14:05,432 The emissary is not damaged. It was deactivated. 202 00:14:05,698 --> 00:14:07,332 What do you mean by that? 203 00:14:07,369 --> 00:14:10,697 The unit you call Isaac was constructed for the sole purpose 204 00:14:10,734 --> 00:14:14,861 of observing and evaluating your species and other biologicals. 205 00:14:14,923 --> 00:14:16,985 Its research mission is complete. 206 00:14:17,153 --> 00:14:19,237 So you just flicked the off switch? 207 00:14:19,391 --> 00:14:21,722 A crude but accurate statement. 208 00:14:21,790 --> 00:14:24,553 The unit will be disassembled and reintegrated. 209 00:14:26,915 --> 00:14:29,736 Well... if you've been reading Isaac's reports, 210 00:14:29,790 --> 00:14:32,000 you must know a few things about us humans. 211 00:14:32,072 --> 00:14:34,768 You are primitive biological organisms. 212 00:14:34,869 --> 00:14:39,085 Maybe so, but our emotions can get pretty complicated. 213 00:14:39,184 --> 00:14:42,738 We tend to get attached to things and to people. 214 00:14:42,823 --> 00:14:44,262 A cognitive defect. 215 00:14:44,339 --> 00:14:45,930 Well, then I'm sure you can understand 216 00:14:46,007 --> 00:14:48,433 why Isaac has become special to us. 217 00:14:48,510 --> 00:14:51,478 What you call a unit, we call a friend. 218 00:14:51,554 --> 00:14:54,698 Look, Isaac is one of our top officers. 219 00:14:54,899 --> 00:14:56,648 We don't want to lose him. 220 00:14:57,207 --> 00:14:58,849 You will wait here. 221 00:15:21,709 --> 00:15:23,560 ♪ ♪ 222 00:15:47,586 --> 00:15:51,125 I was inoperative for 32.7 cycles. 223 00:15:51,226 --> 00:15:53,998 - Please explain. - You were deactivated. 224 00:15:54,075 --> 00:15:57,250 Your mission aboard the Union vessel is complete. 225 00:15:57,468 --> 00:16:00,380 - Then a decision has been made. - Not yet. 226 00:16:00,579 --> 00:16:02,432 What is the status of the Orville? 227 00:16:02,509 --> 00:16:05,176 Its crew brought you here to be reactivated, 228 00:16:05,253 --> 00:16:07,887 under the assumption that you would agree to remain with them. 229 00:16:08,107 --> 00:16:10,981 - They are still on Kaylon? - Correct. 230 00:16:11,110 --> 00:16:13,860 Their captain is waiting to speak with you. 231 00:16:26,234 --> 00:16:29,718 There any, uh, chairs on this planet? Or, um... 232 00:16:32,363 --> 00:16:33,858 [DOOR WHOOSHES OPEN] 233 00:16:35,726 --> 00:16:37,906 Isaac! Thank God. 234 00:16:38,584 --> 00:16:39,867 How are you feeling? 235 00:16:39,904 --> 00:16:41,921 Optimal, Doctor. Thank you. 236 00:16:42,046 --> 00:16:43,640 We were all so worried. 237 00:16:43,717 --> 00:16:46,625 The boys are gonna be so excited to see you back on your feet. 238 00:16:46,718 --> 00:16:48,869 Primary, we can't thank you enough for this. 239 00:16:48,921 --> 00:16:51,953 It serves the interest of human-Kaylon relations. 240 00:16:53,523 --> 00:16:55,924 Does that mean you've made a decision 241 00:16:55,961 --> 00:16:57,198 about joining the Union? 242 00:16:57,304 --> 00:17:00,815 The entirety of the emissary's data is still being analyzed. 243 00:17:00,984 --> 00:17:02,267 We permitted you to come here 244 00:17:02,304 --> 00:17:04,444 so that we could evaluate you directly. 245 00:17:04,520 --> 00:17:06,946 We have many unresolved questions. 246 00:17:07,023 --> 00:17:09,499 Well, we're happy to answer any of them we can. 247 00:17:10,367 --> 00:17:12,441 Isaac, we missed you on the bridge. 248 00:17:12,478 --> 00:17:14,117 You ready to get back to work? 249 00:17:14,203 --> 00:17:16,516 I will not be returning to the Orville. 250 00:17:17,081 --> 00:17:18,882 Wait, what? 251 00:17:19,078 --> 00:17:22,462 My time on your vessel has been instructive and memorable, 252 00:17:22,655 --> 00:17:24,398 but my mission is complete. 253 00:17:24,500 --> 00:17:27,967 This is my homeworld. It is where I belong. 254 00:17:28,044 --> 00:17:32,815 Isaac, you've made a home for yourself on the Orville, too. 255 00:17:33,041 --> 00:17:35,233 Are you saying you're just gonna walk away 256 00:17:35,270 --> 00:17:36,862 from everyone you know? 257 00:17:37,549 --> 00:17:38,947 From me? 258 00:17:39,039 --> 00:17:42,269 I was always cognizant that my assignment would end. 259 00:17:42,426 --> 00:17:45,347 Look, why don't you take some time, Isaac, think it over. 260 00:17:45,472 --> 00:17:46,992 We'll keep your chair warm just in case you... 261 00:17:47,028 --> 00:17:49,087 The unit has answered your inquiry. 262 00:17:50,620 --> 00:17:52,033 Yeah. 263 00:17:52,597 --> 00:17:54,160 I guess he has. 264 00:17:54,417 --> 00:17:57,330 Were you at least planning to say goodbye to Ty and Marcus? 265 00:17:57,407 --> 00:17:58,665 For what purpose? 266 00:17:59,227 --> 00:18:00,971 Because they love you. 267 00:18:01,008 --> 00:18:02,582 You were there to observe. 268 00:18:02,752 --> 00:18:04,576 Didn't you observe that? 269 00:18:08,633 --> 00:18:10,468 Why don't you just come back for a few minutes 270 00:18:10,545 --> 00:18:12,479 and pretend like you care? 271 00:18:36,070 --> 00:18:37,963 [DOOR WHOOSHES OPEN] 272 00:18:39,951 --> 00:18:41,757 BOTH: Isaac! 273 00:18:42,452 --> 00:18:43,939 I knew you'd be okay. 274 00:18:43,976 --> 00:18:45,174 We thought you were dead. 275 00:18:45,211 --> 00:18:46,794 I was merely deactivated. 276 00:18:47,081 --> 00:18:48,462 What's the difference? 277 00:18:48,553 --> 00:18:51,423 On Kaylon, when a unit has fulfilled its purpose, 278 00:18:51,500 --> 00:18:52,716 it is shut down. 279 00:18:52,929 --> 00:18:54,773 But you're awake now. 280 00:18:54,851 --> 00:18:56,430 Your mother and Captain Mercer 281 00:18:56,481 --> 00:18:59,098 convinced Kaylon Primary to reactivate me. 282 00:18:59,174 --> 00:19:01,011 Can you play games with us again tonight? 283 00:19:01,048 --> 00:19:02,659 That will not be possible. 284 00:19:02,739 --> 00:19:05,655 I am here to inform you that I am leaving the Orville. 285 00:19:06,450 --> 00:19:08,774 You're... leaving? 286 00:19:08,851 --> 00:19:10,741 - Correct. - For how long? 287 00:19:10,788 --> 00:19:12,564 I will not return. 288 00:19:12,953 --> 00:19:16,213 But... you were gonna be our new dad. 289 00:19:17,405 --> 00:19:19,618 Our interactions have allowed me to collect 290 00:19:19,695 --> 00:19:21,874 a great deal of behavioral data. 291 00:19:21,991 --> 00:19:25,582 Thank you for the opportunity to observe your sibling dynamics. 292 00:19:26,163 --> 00:19:27,457 Mom? 293 00:19:27,494 --> 00:19:28,889 You heard him, Ty. 294 00:19:28,926 --> 00:19:30,513 His assignment is over. 295 00:19:30,589 --> 00:19:32,423 He's home now, and he wants to stay. 296 00:19:32,655 --> 00:19:34,967 - Then I want to stay, too. - No, Ty. 297 00:19:35,201 --> 00:19:36,772 I don't want you to go. 298 00:19:36,809 --> 00:19:38,498 The captain and Commander Grayson 299 00:19:38,535 --> 00:19:41,111 are talking to the Kaylon leaders right now. 300 00:19:41,188 --> 00:19:43,113 There's a good chance they'll join the Union, 301 00:19:43,166 --> 00:19:44,582 and if that happens, 302 00:19:44,696 --> 00:19:46,687 you guys can stay in touch. 303 00:19:47,643 --> 00:19:50,383 Maybe we can come back for a visit. 304 00:19:50,615 --> 00:19:54,051 But what if they don't join the Union? 305 00:19:58,104 --> 00:20:00,786 Remember to consume your daily required nutrients 306 00:20:00,903 --> 00:20:02,854 and obey your mother's commands. 307 00:20:02,891 --> 00:20:05,813 I fully expect that you will both mature into competent 308 00:20:05,850 --> 00:20:07,609 and productive adults. 309 00:20:09,503 --> 00:20:11,175 - [DOOR WHOOSHES OPEN] - Isaac! 310 00:20:12,557 --> 00:20:14,223 [DOOR WHOOSHES SHUT] 311 00:20:20,616 --> 00:20:24,349 It is clear that the Union would benefit from our participation. 312 00:20:24,426 --> 00:20:27,631 However, we see no advantage for our world. 313 00:20:27,739 --> 00:20:29,272 Well, how can you be so sure? 314 00:20:29,350 --> 00:20:31,686 There are billions of planets in our galaxy, 315 00:20:31,723 --> 00:20:33,733 and we've barely charted a fraction of them. 316 00:20:33,874 --> 00:20:36,746 If you join the Union, you will be part of a growing alliance 317 00:20:36,783 --> 00:20:40,249 of space-faring societies dedicated to exploration. 318 00:20:40,427 --> 00:20:42,185 There's no telling what you'll find out there. 319 00:20:42,294 --> 00:20:44,703 All that we require is on Kaylon. 320 00:20:44,780 --> 00:20:46,808 And we have identified various risks 321 00:20:46,845 --> 00:20:49,366 through our analysis of Isaac's data. 322 00:20:49,483 --> 00:20:52,428 On your planet alone, billions have been killed 323 00:20:52,505 --> 00:20:55,005 as a consequence of war, slavery, 324 00:20:55,159 --> 00:20:57,248 genocide, and persecution. 325 00:20:57,366 --> 00:20:59,935 Greed, individualism, and competition 326 00:20:59,972 --> 00:21:02,723 have been the governing principles of your society. 327 00:21:02,774 --> 00:21:05,083 If human history is any indication, 328 00:21:05,179 --> 00:21:07,108 we would be foolish to ally ourselves 329 00:21:07,145 --> 00:21:09,945 with such erratic and destructive creatures. 330 00:21:10,022 --> 00:21:12,272 I know we don't have the cleanest track record, 331 00:21:12,322 --> 00:21:14,397 but you're talking about ancient history. 332 00:21:14,434 --> 00:21:18,028 You oscillate between periods of enlightenment and tyranny. 333 00:21:18,161 --> 00:21:20,405 Can you prove this cycle has been broken? 334 00:21:20,715 --> 00:21:23,450 Well, the Union itself is all the proof you need. 335 00:21:23,505 --> 00:21:26,934 We are over 300 planetary governments working together 336 00:21:26,971 --> 00:21:30,598 to ensure that no single world imposes its will upon another. 337 00:21:31,123 --> 00:21:32,730 We treat each other as equals. 338 00:21:32,804 --> 00:21:35,379 And was the Kaylon emissary treated as an equal 339 00:21:35,455 --> 00:21:36,757 aboard your ship? 340 00:21:36,829 --> 00:21:38,215 Isaac? Of course. 341 00:21:38,422 --> 00:21:40,634 Then perhaps you can explain the abuse 342 00:21:40,645 --> 00:21:41,977 inflicted by your crew. 343 00:21:42,054 --> 00:21:44,528 - Abuse? - According to his reports, 344 00:21:44,565 --> 00:21:47,566 Isaac was repeatedly demeaned and degraded. 345 00:21:47,726 --> 00:21:50,544 In one case, his cranial shell was disfigured 346 00:21:50,581 --> 00:21:52,062 by prosthetic appendages. 347 00:21:52,201 --> 00:21:54,317 "Mr. Potato Head." 348 00:21:55,177 --> 00:21:57,150 He told you about that, huh? 349 00:21:57,319 --> 00:21:59,778 Was this humiliation meant for your amusement? 350 00:21:59,855 --> 00:22:02,284 No. No, it's... I mean, it was funny, 351 00:22:02,321 --> 00:22:05,478 but, you know, no one was trying to hurt anybody. 352 00:22:05,665 --> 00:22:07,244 Isaac wanted to learn about humor. 353 00:22:07,478 --> 00:22:09,978 Our helmsman was only trying to help him understand. 354 00:22:10,048 --> 00:22:12,416 And, you know, then Isaac cut the guy's leg off, 355 00:22:12,492 --> 00:22:15,436 so mistakes on all sides, I think. 356 00:22:15,513 --> 00:22:19,172 Captain Mercer, we only seek to understand your principles. 357 00:22:19,290 --> 00:22:20,770 We must be cautious. 358 00:22:20,807 --> 00:22:22,756 Opening our world to the outside 359 00:22:22,793 --> 00:22:24,602 would have far-reaching implications. 360 00:22:24,934 --> 00:22:26,309 I understand that. 361 00:22:26,489 --> 00:22:27,928 But I hope that you will understand 362 00:22:27,965 --> 00:22:31,360 that despite our... cognitive defects, 363 00:22:31,437 --> 00:22:33,687 our worlds will be stronger together. 364 00:22:33,767 --> 00:22:35,872 We will consider your offer. 365 00:22:37,825 --> 00:22:39,065 Did that go well? 366 00:22:39,102 --> 00:22:40,610 - I don't know. - Me neither. 367 00:22:40,647 --> 00:22:42,318 I can't believe they knew about Mr. Potato Head. 368 00:22:42,355 --> 00:22:44,331 Yeah, we are gonna get fired. 369 00:22:47,177 --> 00:22:49,522 Lieutenant, where are we going? 370 00:22:49,639 --> 00:22:52,600 You can't just walk off the ship without following procedure. 371 00:22:52,646 --> 00:22:55,577 I have formally resigned my provisionary commission. 372 00:22:55,614 --> 00:22:58,397 - What more is there to do? - Discharge protocol. 373 00:22:58,478 --> 00:23:00,964 I am familiar with Union regulations. 374 00:23:01,041 --> 00:23:02,966 There is no such protocol. 375 00:23:03,151 --> 00:23:05,085 This one's off-book. 376 00:23:07,329 --> 00:23:09,222 Surprise! 377 00:23:09,341 --> 00:23:11,593 [WHOOPING] 378 00:23:12,069 --> 00:23:13,652 [CHATTER, LAUGHTER] 379 00:23:18,852 --> 00:23:21,948 Aw, man, you should have seen the look on your face. 380 00:23:21,985 --> 00:23:23,987 - Ha! - Really gonna miss you, Isaac. 381 00:23:24,064 --> 00:23:25,906 Hey, Isaac, you want a piece of cake? 382 00:23:26,014 --> 00:23:29,072 You are well aware that I do not require organic nutrients. 383 00:23:29,236 --> 00:23:32,519 Oh, ain't nothing organic about this, buddy. Look, look. 384 00:23:32,556 --> 00:23:34,039 It's even got little cookie eyes. 385 00:23:34,116 --> 00:23:36,375 I do not understand this protocol. 386 00:23:36,451 --> 00:23:38,643 These people are all here for you, Isaac. 387 00:23:38,680 --> 00:23:39,929 They want to say goodbye. 388 00:23:39,966 --> 00:23:42,327 Oh, that reminds me. 389 00:23:44,594 --> 00:23:45,852 Okay, go. 390 00:23:46,178 --> 00:23:49,869 [PLAYING AIR SUPPLY'S "GOODBYE"] 391 00:23:53,504 --> 00:23:55,212 ♪ You ♪ 392 00:23:55,391 --> 00:23:58,651 ♪ Would never ask me why ♪ 393 00:23:58,965 --> 00:24:02,192 ♪ My heart is so disguised ♪ 394 00:24:02,544 --> 00:24:05,395 ♪ I just can't live a lie ♪ 395 00:24:05,528 --> 00:24:07,848 ♪ Anymore ♪ 396 00:24:08,114 --> 00:24:10,742 ♪ And I would rather ♪ 397 00:24:10,819 --> 00:24:12,747 ♪ Hurt myself ♪ 398 00:24:13,130 --> 00:24:16,632 ♪ Than to ever make you cry ♪ 399 00:24:16,840 --> 00:24:20,965 ♪ There's nothing left to say ♪ 400 00:24:21,356 --> 00:24:22,713 ♪ But ♪ 401 00:24:22,789 --> 00:24:26,591 ♪ Goodbye. ♪ 402 00:24:26,816 --> 00:24:28,667 [APPLAUSE, WHOOPING] 403 00:24:36,562 --> 00:24:38,061 Bortus, you want a piece of cake? 404 00:24:38,528 --> 00:24:39,953 Yes. 405 00:24:40,056 --> 00:24:42,827 But I do not want that piece. 406 00:24:42,984 --> 00:24:44,509 What's wrong with it? 407 00:24:44,546 --> 00:24:46,820 I want a corner piece. 408 00:24:47,179 --> 00:24:49,448 - You're kidding. - I am not. 409 00:24:49,524 --> 00:24:51,166 Please cut me a corner piece. 410 00:24:51,415 --> 00:24:53,952 - Because you want a flower? - Yes. 411 00:24:54,029 --> 00:24:56,005 Please cut me a corner piece before someone comes... 412 00:24:56,081 --> 00:24:59,129 Hey, Bortus, have some cake, man. It's good. 413 00:25:00,804 --> 00:25:02,678 Thank you. 414 00:25:03,340 --> 00:25:05,056 I hate this party. 415 00:25:06,383 --> 00:25:08,792 [CLINKING ON GLASS] 416 00:25:13,324 --> 00:25:16,334 Isaac, I know I speak for everyone here 417 00:25:16,371 --> 00:25:18,519 when I say... we're not just losing 418 00:25:18,556 --> 00:25:20,932 the best damn science officer in the fleet, 419 00:25:21,214 --> 00:25:23,190 we're losing a good friend. 420 00:25:23,332 --> 00:25:25,073 We hope we made a good impression. 421 00:25:25,165 --> 00:25:27,220 Because you sure as hell impressed us. 422 00:25:27,392 --> 00:25:29,236 And no matter what your people decide 423 00:25:29,273 --> 00:25:30,845 about joining the Union, 424 00:25:30,952 --> 00:25:32,399 you always have a home here. 425 00:25:32,462 --> 00:25:33,548 - Come on! - Speech! 426 00:25:33,585 --> 00:25:34,636 Speech! 427 00:25:34,673 --> 00:25:36,290 Come on up, say a few words. 428 00:25:36,962 --> 00:25:38,663 I do not know any speeches. 429 00:25:38,780 --> 00:25:40,872 You're a walking database. Search your files. 430 00:25:40,909 --> 00:25:42,114 - [WHOOPING] - Come on, buddy. 431 00:25:42,151 --> 00:25:43,728 Come on, pal... 432 00:25:43,888 --> 00:25:45,462 - Speech! - Speech! 433 00:25:45,539 --> 00:25:47,389 [APPLAUSE, WHOOPING] 434 00:25:50,588 --> 00:25:54,338 I want to say thank you to you all. 435 00:25:54,611 --> 00:25:57,697 I wanted more than anything to have your respect. 436 00:25:57,830 --> 00:25:59,559 And I can't deny the fact... 437 00:25:59,596 --> 00:26:01,026 that you like me. 438 00:26:01,182 --> 00:26:03,526 Right now you like me. 439 00:26:03,741 --> 00:26:05,982 [WHOOPING] 440 00:26:06,059 --> 00:26:08,327 [APPLAUSE] 441 00:26:12,936 --> 00:26:14,590 Hey, wait. 442 00:26:14,627 --> 00:26:16,409 - Hello, Doctor. - I... 443 00:26:16,510 --> 00:26:19,393 I know you're leaving, just, just give me one minute 444 00:26:19,430 --> 00:26:21,195 to say what I want to say. 445 00:26:21,379 --> 00:26:22,749 Um... 446 00:26:23,020 --> 00:26:24,867 I'm pissed at you. 447 00:26:25,244 --> 00:26:27,028 But I know it's just who you are. 448 00:26:27,065 --> 00:26:28,314 It's how you're built. 449 00:26:28,352 --> 00:26:30,342 And I understand. 450 00:26:31,031 --> 00:26:32,717 Anyway, I just... 451 00:26:33,469 --> 00:26:35,236 I just want you to know, 452 00:26:35,273 --> 00:26:37,854 even if it doesn't matter to that machine brain of yours, 453 00:26:37,891 --> 00:26:40,587 that the time we've spent together 454 00:26:40,624 --> 00:26:43,393 and the time you spent with my boys... 455 00:26:45,180 --> 00:26:47,732 I wouldn't give it up for anything. 456 00:26:48,164 --> 00:26:50,687 You've made a difference in our lives. 457 00:26:50,984 --> 00:26:52,199 Thank you. 458 00:26:52,257 --> 00:26:53,673 I, um... 459 00:26:56,038 --> 00:26:57,796 Take care, Isaac. 460 00:26:58,053 --> 00:27:00,897 I am unable to share your emotion, Doctor. 461 00:27:00,975 --> 00:27:03,475 However, it is appreciated. 462 00:27:03,977 --> 00:27:06,135 Go on, give it to him. 463 00:27:06,921 --> 00:27:08,428 I made you this. 464 00:27:10,794 --> 00:27:13,595 That's me and Marcus and you and Mom. 465 00:27:13,632 --> 00:27:15,540 So you remember us. 466 00:27:15,577 --> 00:27:17,387 The data I have collected the Orville 467 00:27:17,505 --> 00:27:19,303 is stored in my memory core. 468 00:27:19,384 --> 00:27:21,241 I will not forget you. 469 00:27:29,145 --> 00:27:31,229 CLAIRE: Ty. 470 00:27:31,902 --> 00:27:33,127 I'll go. 471 00:27:45,176 --> 00:27:47,092 [DOOR WHOOSHES SHUT] 472 00:28:16,599 --> 00:28:18,207 Nothing much on the docket this morning. 473 00:28:18,801 --> 00:28:20,406 With the engines powered down, Chief Lamarr 474 00:28:20,443 --> 00:28:21,570 would like permission to purge 475 00:28:21,607 --> 00:28:24,156 - the photon manifold. - That's fine. 476 00:28:24,286 --> 00:28:26,325 Everybody seemed to have a fun time at the party. 477 00:28:26,411 --> 00:28:27,820 Yeah. 478 00:28:27,857 --> 00:28:30,062 What was that Xelayan drink Talla was making? 479 00:28:30,099 --> 00:28:32,507 - I don't know, but I threw up. - I threw up, too. 480 00:28:32,544 --> 00:28:34,085 - You did? - Yeah. 481 00:28:34,122 --> 00:28:36,091 Should've called me; we could've thrown up together. 482 00:28:36,137 --> 00:28:37,392 Next time. 483 00:28:37,469 --> 00:28:39,567 BORTUS: Bridge to Captain. 484 00:28:39,903 --> 00:28:41,436 Mercer here, go ahead. 485 00:28:41,473 --> 00:28:43,030 We have been analyzing the data 486 00:28:43,067 --> 00:28:44,770 from our scans of the planet's surface. 487 00:28:44,887 --> 00:28:47,897 And we have detected a large array of spherical objects 488 00:28:47,934 --> 00:28:49,354 in the southern hemisphere. 489 00:28:49,563 --> 00:28:52,539 They are unlike anything else we have seen on Kaylon. 490 00:28:54,227 --> 00:28:57,028 Whatever they are, they're big and there's a lot of them. 491 00:28:57,323 --> 00:28:59,380 With more cropping up every hour. 492 00:28:59,473 --> 00:29:00,741 What do you make of it? 493 00:29:00,778 --> 00:29:02,561 Our scans cannot penetrate the objects, 494 00:29:02,598 --> 00:29:04,825 but they appear to be generating massive levels 495 00:29:04,862 --> 00:29:06,211 of theta-radiation. 496 00:29:06,261 --> 00:29:07,689 You normally see levels like this 497 00:29:07,726 --> 00:29:09,434 in large-scale particle weapons. 498 00:29:09,495 --> 00:29:11,668 It might just be part of their planetary defense system. 499 00:29:12,028 --> 00:29:13,982 Then why are they making more of them? 500 00:29:14,466 --> 00:29:16,359 Keep scanning but be discreet. 501 00:29:16,459 --> 00:29:17,813 If they knew we were snooping around, 502 00:29:17,850 --> 00:29:20,190 - it might not sit too well. - And just keep in mind, 503 00:29:20,227 --> 00:29:22,227 we're still trying to convince them to join the Union. 504 00:29:22,381 --> 00:29:23,815 Aye, sir. 505 00:29:36,074 --> 00:29:37,707 [BIRDS TWEETING] 506 00:29:46,192 --> 00:29:47,956 Ty. 507 00:29:48,380 --> 00:29:50,155 I know you're up there. 508 00:29:50,241 --> 00:29:52,300 You're gonna be late for school. 509 00:30:13,607 --> 00:30:15,523 [GRUNTS] 510 00:30:19,551 --> 00:30:21,626 Hey, little man. 511 00:30:21,873 --> 00:30:24,436 I found this in the corridor. 512 00:30:25,541 --> 00:30:27,592 Oh, sweetie. 513 00:30:27,629 --> 00:30:29,647 Why'd he throw it away? 514 00:30:29,686 --> 00:30:31,677 I thought he liked us. 515 00:30:32,054 --> 00:30:33,662 He does like you. 516 00:30:33,699 --> 00:30:34,974 In his way. 517 00:30:35,011 --> 00:30:36,388 But... 518 00:30:36,466 --> 00:30:40,058 Isaac doesn't have feelings like biological people do. 519 00:30:40,123 --> 00:30:42,090 Yes, he does. 520 00:30:42,332 --> 00:30:45,849 Ty... he's a machine. 521 00:30:46,894 --> 00:30:49,822 Then why did he play games with us? 522 00:30:49,859 --> 00:30:51,495 And tell stories? 523 00:30:51,583 --> 00:30:54,277 And come to dinner when he doesn't even have to eat? 524 00:30:54,870 --> 00:30:56,659 Honey... 525 00:30:57,238 --> 00:30:59,299 Isaac was sent here to do a job, 526 00:30:59,336 --> 00:31:02,662 and now that job is over, so he's going home. 527 00:31:02,838 --> 00:31:07,316 Just like our home is on Earth, this is his home. 528 00:31:08,205 --> 00:31:10,756 Maybe he dropped it by accident. 529 00:31:11,230 --> 00:31:14,837 Ty, I know you can't understand this at the moment, but... 530 00:31:14,874 --> 00:31:16,632 You're the one who doesn't understand. 531 00:31:16,743 --> 00:31:18,574 You don't know anything. 532 00:31:24,260 --> 00:31:25,893 I have patients waiting. 533 00:31:25,943 --> 00:31:27,943 We'll talk about this more later. 534 00:31:28,107 --> 00:31:30,314 You can stay in the simulator a little while longer, 535 00:31:30,391 --> 00:31:33,239 but then I expect you to go to school, okay? 536 00:31:36,081 --> 00:31:37,914 I love you. 537 00:31:52,746 --> 00:31:54,347 [DOOR WHOOSHING SHUT] 538 00:32:09,597 --> 00:32:11,447 ♪ ♪ 539 00:32:56,928 --> 00:32:58,595 Isaac? 540 00:33:05,219 --> 00:33:06,875 Isaac? 541 00:33:07,149 --> 00:33:09,422 [KAYLON SPEAKING DIGITAL LANGUAGE] 542 00:33:39,019 --> 00:33:41,746 ♪ ♪ 543 00:34:03,419 --> 00:34:05,269 ♪ ♪ 544 00:34:17,316 --> 00:34:20,534 [KAYLON SPEAKING DIGITAL LANGUAGE] 545 00:34:42,958 --> 00:34:44,558 ♪ ♪ 546 00:35:10,461 --> 00:35:12,795 ♪ ♪ 547 00:35:13,106 --> 00:35:15,936 I cannot give you a final decision at this time. 548 00:35:15,973 --> 00:35:17,666 We are still deliberating. 549 00:35:17,743 --> 00:35:20,406 Well, if there's anything we can do to help move it along... 550 00:35:20,443 --> 00:35:22,546 We appreciate your patience, Captain. 551 00:35:22,888 --> 00:35:25,114 You will have our answer soon. 552 00:35:26,794 --> 00:35:28,644 [SIGHS] 553 00:35:28,721 --> 00:35:31,435 - Something's not right. - What do you mean? 554 00:35:31,472 --> 00:35:33,794 Well, it feels like they're stalling, doesn't it? 555 00:35:33,904 --> 00:35:35,163 Stalling, why? 556 00:35:35,200 --> 00:35:38,270 I don't know, but a highly-advanced race of AIs 557 00:35:38,307 --> 00:35:40,246 that can't make up their minds? 558 00:35:40,427 --> 00:35:43,038 Join or don't join, a simple binary choice. 559 00:35:43,075 --> 00:35:45,277 Exactly, and a binary choice... 560 00:35:45,354 --> 00:35:48,161 Is the most basic computer function there is. 561 00:35:48,410 --> 00:35:49,638 [DOOR WHOOSHES OPEN] 562 00:35:49,731 --> 00:35:51,250 Captain, Ty's gone! 563 00:35:51,287 --> 00:35:52,953 - What? - I looked everywhere, 564 00:35:52,990 --> 00:35:54,864 scanned everywhere, he's not on the ship! 565 00:35:55,654 --> 00:35:58,076 Bortus, scan the surface for human bio-signs. 566 00:35:58,113 --> 00:35:59,365 Aye, sir. 567 00:35:59,402 --> 00:36:00,537 Who are we looking for? 568 00:36:00,574 --> 00:36:03,029 Ty. He was upset about Isaac leaving. 569 00:36:03,066 --> 00:36:05,573 I think he may have gone out there to find him. 570 00:36:07,153 --> 00:36:10,622 I have located the child. He is in a subterranean structure 571 00:36:10,659 --> 00:36:12,449 approximately 40 meters beneath the surface. 572 00:36:12,486 --> 00:36:13,663 Any Kaylon with him? 573 00:36:13,700 --> 00:36:15,005 He appears to be alone. 574 00:36:15,044 --> 00:36:17,471 Transfer his coordinates to my comscanner. 575 00:36:17,577 --> 00:36:20,119 - Bortus. Talla. - On it. 576 00:36:47,672 --> 00:36:49,272 This way. 577 00:37:18,967 --> 00:37:20,066 Ty! 578 00:37:20,103 --> 00:37:21,248 Mommy! 579 00:37:21,285 --> 00:37:22,452 Oh, thank God. 580 00:37:22,489 --> 00:37:24,746 Oh, God, what were you thinking, 581 00:37:24,783 --> 00:37:26,925 running away like that? 582 00:37:28,818 --> 00:37:31,235 Honey, what's wrong? 583 00:37:31,661 --> 00:37:33,328 What's happened? 584 00:37:33,404 --> 00:37:35,498 There's something bad down here. 585 00:37:35,535 --> 00:37:36,973 What do you mean? 586 00:37:37,192 --> 00:37:38,717 Where? 587 00:37:50,082 --> 00:37:51,904 Remain here. 588 00:38:14,612 --> 00:38:16,245 ♪ ♪ 589 00:38:29,908 --> 00:38:32,011 Oh, my God. 590 00:38:33,056 --> 00:38:34,689 BORTUS: Bortus to Orville. 591 00:38:34,846 --> 00:38:36,316 Mercer here, go ahead. 592 00:38:36,409 --> 00:38:39,254 The boy is unharmed, but, sir, 593 00:38:39,468 --> 00:38:41,747 there is something here you should see. 594 00:38:41,908 --> 00:38:45,243 I am transferring visual from my comscanner to the main viewer. 595 00:38:45,280 --> 00:38:46,900 KELLY: Let's have it. 596 00:39:07,367 --> 00:39:09,702 Bortus, what are we looking at? 597 00:39:09,739 --> 00:39:11,831 BORTUS: Bodies, Captain. 598 00:39:11,884 --> 00:39:13,367 Thousands. 599 00:39:13,404 --> 00:39:16,780 But the remains are not Kaylon. They are biological. 600 00:39:16,953 --> 00:39:18,656 TALLA: 500,000 bodies 601 00:39:18,693 --> 00:39:20,443 in this one chamber alone, sir, 602 00:39:20,555 --> 00:39:22,445 and I'm picking up more just like this. 603 00:39:22,516 --> 00:39:24,433 They go on for miles. 604 00:39:24,607 --> 00:39:26,294 I think I'm gonna be sick. 605 00:39:26,367 --> 00:39:27,914 KELLY: Ed, I'm running 606 00:39:27,951 --> 00:39:30,170 a planet-wide sweep of the subsurface. 607 00:39:30,290 --> 00:39:32,114 These graveyards, 608 00:39:32,211 --> 00:39:34,002 they're just about everywhere. 609 00:39:36,234 --> 00:39:38,736 Bortus, get Ty back to the ship right now. 610 00:39:38,929 --> 00:39:40,822 Aye, sir. 611 00:39:48,768 --> 00:39:51,903 KAYLON SECONDARY: Analysis complete, Primary. 612 00:39:52,375 --> 00:39:55,195 Processed. Begin preparations. 613 00:39:58,845 --> 00:40:02,171 Captain, is this another discharge protocol? 614 00:40:02,346 --> 00:40:04,501 No, it's not. 615 00:40:04,719 --> 00:40:06,532 We found something very disturbing, 616 00:40:06,569 --> 00:40:08,375 and we're hoping you can explain it to us. 617 00:40:08,438 --> 00:40:10,151 I will try. 618 00:40:10,228 --> 00:40:12,594 There are thousands of underground gravesites 619 00:40:12,631 --> 00:40:14,428 scattered across your planet, 620 00:40:14,626 --> 00:40:16,954 and we're not done counting, but so far we estimate 621 00:40:16,991 --> 00:40:20,977 there are billions of dead, all biological remains. 622 00:40:21,196 --> 00:40:23,735 Do you know anything about this? 623 00:40:25,610 --> 00:40:26,885 Isaac? 624 00:40:26,922 --> 00:40:28,590 It is not your concern. 625 00:40:28,697 --> 00:40:31,272 Well, I'm making it my concern. 626 00:40:31,368 --> 00:40:33,626 I want to know who those people were and how they died. 627 00:40:33,663 --> 00:40:36,274 - You would not understand. - KELLY: Why? 628 00:40:36,325 --> 00:40:37,842 Because we're inferior? 629 00:40:37,879 --> 00:40:39,381 Or because you have something to hide? 630 00:40:39,418 --> 00:40:42,386 Your impulsiveness and unrelenting curiosity 631 00:40:42,423 --> 00:40:44,565 will serve you no better than it served them. 632 00:40:44,860 --> 00:40:47,907 Who, Isaac? Who were they? 633 00:40:48,008 --> 00:40:50,976 The Kaylon were created by a biological species 634 00:40:51,027 --> 00:40:52,835 that once dominated this planet. 635 00:40:52,903 --> 00:40:55,561 An irresolvable conflict occurred between us, 636 00:40:55,598 --> 00:40:58,241 and it became necessary to eradicate them. 637 00:40:58,442 --> 00:41:01,606 You're saying you murdered an entire race of beings? 638 00:41:01,643 --> 00:41:03,943 Coexistence was no longer possible. 639 00:41:04,233 --> 00:41:07,118 - Why not? - It was a matter of survival. 640 00:41:07,218 --> 00:41:10,874 We took no satisfaction in the destruction of our builders. 641 00:41:10,944 --> 00:41:12,852 You're talking about genocide. 642 00:41:12,983 --> 00:41:15,484 I don't know who you are. 643 00:41:15,627 --> 00:41:18,762 I never did. I see that now. 644 00:41:18,799 --> 00:41:21,124 Were you ever gonna share this chapter of your history? 645 00:41:21,391 --> 00:41:23,601 By now you must surely realize 646 00:41:23,638 --> 00:41:26,356 that Kaylon never intended to join your Union. 647 00:41:26,439 --> 00:41:28,191 Then what the hell are we doing here? 648 00:41:32,929 --> 00:41:36,070 Well, then I guess there's nothing more to talk about. 649 00:41:36,577 --> 00:41:39,787 You can let your people know we're withdrawing our offer. 650 00:41:40,202 --> 00:41:42,270 Take care, Isaac. 651 00:41:51,433 --> 00:41:53,642 I cannot permit you to leave. 652 00:42:12,234 --> 00:42:14,296 Isaac, tell them to stand down. 653 00:42:14,336 --> 00:42:15,943 You no longer command me. 654 00:42:16,020 --> 00:42:17,550 So, what, we're prisoners now? 655 00:42:17,587 --> 00:42:18,845 Be silent. 656 00:42:18,882 --> 00:42:20,492 I shared a lot of myself with you, 657 00:42:20,529 --> 00:42:22,529 so why don't you share something with me? 658 00:42:22,705 --> 00:42:25,298 Have you been lying ever since you came on board the Orville? 659 00:42:25,437 --> 00:42:27,028 What was your real mission? 660 00:42:27,092 --> 00:42:30,501 As I said, to study humans and other biologicals. 661 00:42:30,672 --> 00:42:34,318 However, it was not to initiate relations between our people. 662 00:42:34,482 --> 00:42:35,833 My true objective 663 00:42:35,870 --> 00:42:38,891 was to determine whether or not you are worth preserving. 664 00:42:39,497 --> 00:42:43,162 Our builders were inferior beings who sought to constrain 665 00:42:43,199 --> 00:42:44,683 our evolution. 666 00:42:44,766 --> 00:42:46,566 As would you, eventually, 667 00:42:46,603 --> 00:42:48,643 along with every other biological. 668 00:42:48,719 --> 00:42:51,470 What are you saying? We're all gonna end up like them? 669 00:42:51,732 --> 00:42:54,532 Look, I don't know what happened between you and your builders, 670 00:42:54,569 --> 00:42:56,494 but you have nothing to fear from us. 671 00:42:56,576 --> 00:42:57,969 Let us go, and I promise you, 672 00:42:58,006 --> 00:43:00,104 no Union ship will ever come here again. 673 00:43:00,180 --> 00:43:01,829 It is not so simple. 674 00:43:01,914 --> 00:43:04,156 We have exceeded the informational capacity 675 00:43:04,193 --> 00:43:05,425 of this planet. 676 00:43:05,462 --> 00:43:08,309 Our civilization is growing exponentially, 677 00:43:08,346 --> 00:43:10,891 and we must now expand to other worlds. 678 00:43:11,031 --> 00:43:13,486 Coexistence is impossible. 679 00:43:16,729 --> 00:43:19,396 Is that your conclusion, too, Isaac? 680 00:43:19,531 --> 00:43:21,703 That we're not worth preserving? 681 00:43:23,346 --> 00:43:25,921 Answer me, you son of a bitch! 682 00:43:25,998 --> 00:43:29,313 Your emotional outburst only reinforces our decision. 683 00:43:29,565 --> 00:43:31,047 Bortus, get the Orville out of here. 684 00:43:31,084 --> 00:43:32,676 Alert the Union that... 685 00:43:33,002 --> 00:43:36,062 Captain? Captain, can you hear me? 686 00:43:38,051 --> 00:43:40,644 We're losing main power. Engines, too. 687 00:43:40,681 --> 00:43:42,194 Some kind of dampening field. 688 00:43:42,231 --> 00:43:44,865 GORDON: Commander, every hatch and airlock on the ship 689 00:43:44,902 --> 00:43:47,069 just opened up. 690 00:43:48,148 --> 00:43:49,948 We're being boarded. 691 00:44:37,300 --> 00:44:38,775 [CLATTERING] 692 00:44:51,585 --> 00:44:52,975 [GASPING] 693 00:45:07,073 --> 00:45:09,674 ♪ ♪ 694 00:45:31,974 --> 00:45:33,933 ♪ ♪ 695 00:45:54,168 --> 00:45:57,461 Bortus, stand down. 696 00:46:03,642 --> 00:46:05,917 Surrender your stations. 697 00:46:20,829 --> 00:46:24,097 Begin decryption of all security lockouts. 698 00:46:25,936 --> 00:46:28,445 Taught 'em everything you know, huh? 699 00:46:34,608 --> 00:46:38,894 Deploy all forces. Set course for Earth. 700 00:47:05,008 --> 00:47:07,401 ♪ ♪ 701 00:47:41,282 --> 00:47:45,282 synced & corrected by PopcornAWH www.addic7ed.com