1 00:00:02,718 --> 00:00:05,721 ♪ adventurous music playing ♪ 2 00:00:21,820 --> 00:00:25,156 - Sorry to keep you all waiting, but trust me, this is gonna be worth it. 3 00:00:25,156 --> 00:00:26,658 - We're getting a pool table in the mess hall. 4 00:00:26,658 --> 00:00:27,826 - No. 5 00:00:27,826 --> 00:00:31,538 We've been assigned to pick up Vice Admiral Christie from Outpost 35 6 00:00:31,538 --> 00:00:34,499 and then transport him to rendezvous with a Krill vessel. 7 00:00:34,499 --> 00:00:37,002 Once there, the Admiral will begin negotiations 8 00:00:37,002 --> 00:00:39,838 to allow Union access to the Naklav Sector. 9 00:00:39,838 --> 00:00:41,882 - That's on the other side of Krill space. 10 00:00:41,882 --> 00:00:44,635 - Correct. Union ships have never had a conduit. 11 00:00:44,635 --> 00:00:46,052 Until now. 12 00:00:46,052 --> 00:00:49,681 - Early indications are that, with treaty negotiations going smoothly, 13 00:00:49,681 --> 00:00:53,101 the Krill may be willing to permit passage, which means... 14 00:00:53,101 --> 00:00:56,647 entire regions of unexplored space are gonna be wide open. 15 00:00:56,647 --> 00:00:58,732 - Does he believe we can trust them? 16 00:00:58,732 --> 00:01:02,068 - That's the word. Christie's one of the top Union diplomats. 17 00:01:02,068 --> 00:01:05,155 He was the guy who negotiated the Din'jon Accords. 18 00:01:05,155 --> 00:01:07,699 - So if this all goes through, will we be able to get in on it? 19 00:01:07,699 --> 00:01:10,661 - Well, we were the ones who shepherded the Lock Vai pact, 20 00:01:10,661 --> 00:01:14,498 and we are an exploration vessel, so I would say our odds are pretty good. 21 00:01:15,332 --> 00:01:16,542 - Doctor. 22 00:01:17,083 --> 00:01:18,168 You okay? 23 00:01:18,168 --> 00:01:20,462 - Oh, I-- I'm fine. 24 00:01:20,462 --> 00:01:22,381 I just didn't sleep well last night. 25 00:01:23,507 --> 00:01:25,051 - Any questions? 26 00:01:25,051 --> 00:01:26,635 Gordon, set a course. 27 00:01:26,635 --> 00:01:28,012 - Aye, sir. 28 00:01:34,060 --> 00:01:37,063 ♪ adventurous music playing ♪ 29 00:02:11,304 --> 00:02:13,099 ADMIRAL CHRISTIE: Dr. Finn? 30 00:02:15,475 --> 00:02:16,810 - Admiral. 31 00:02:16,810 --> 00:02:20,230 - Whoa, at ease. What's with the formality? 32 00:02:20,230 --> 00:02:23,943 - Standing at attention in the presence of an admiral is Protocol 101. 33 00:02:23,943 --> 00:02:26,862 - Well, can I come in, or do I need to make an appointment? 34 00:02:27,487 --> 00:02:28,864 - No appointment necessary. 35 00:02:30,282 --> 00:02:32,325 It's been a long time. 36 00:02:32,325 --> 00:02:33,786 - It really has. 37 00:02:35,121 --> 00:02:36,580 It's amazing to see you. 38 00:02:37,539 --> 00:02:40,333 And this... your own sickbay. 39 00:02:40,333 --> 00:02:41,835 I always knew you'd be successful, 40 00:02:41,835 --> 00:02:45,005 but Chief Medical Officer on a Union starship? 41 00:02:45,005 --> 00:02:48,425 Boy, you must've had some top-notch professors. 42 00:02:48,425 --> 00:02:49,760 - One or two. 43 00:02:49,760 --> 00:02:52,138 - Well, this one is very proud of you. 44 00:02:52,138 --> 00:02:53,639 - Thank you, sir. 45 00:02:53,639 --> 00:02:55,641 - Please, it's Paul. 46 00:02:55,641 --> 00:02:57,517 - Admiral Paul. 47 00:02:57,517 --> 00:02:59,478 - Well, I'm as shocked about that as you are. 48 00:02:59,478 --> 00:03:04,150 - Oh, I'm not shocked at all. You always had the heart of an explorer. 49 00:03:04,150 --> 00:03:07,611 It was only a matter of time before you left the university for the universe. 50 00:03:07,611 --> 00:03:09,780 - Well, most of my time now is spent behind a desk, 51 00:03:09,780 --> 00:03:13,993 so whenever a mission like this comes along, I jump at the chance. 52 00:03:14,827 --> 00:03:18,705 And I must admit, seeing your name on the crew manifest 53 00:03:18,705 --> 00:03:21,207 gave me a little extra incentive. 54 00:03:21,207 --> 00:03:24,753 - Well, you look healthy. Time's been good to you. 55 00:03:25,378 --> 00:03:27,006 - Maybe on the outside. 56 00:03:27,006 --> 00:03:28,799 But you know what they say: 57 00:03:28,799 --> 00:03:31,969 unmarried men look younger, feel older. 58 00:03:34,304 --> 00:03:35,639 You're as beautiful as ever. 59 00:03:36,264 --> 00:03:38,142 - Save your charm for the Krill. 60 00:03:38,142 --> 00:03:39,977 - You're gonna need it. [Christie chuckles] 61 00:03:39,977 --> 00:03:41,187 - Speaking of which, 62 00:03:41,187 --> 00:03:44,272 I'm scheduled to brief your Captain on tomorrow's negotiations. 63 00:03:44,272 --> 00:03:46,150 How about we get some dinner afterward? 64 00:03:46,150 --> 00:03:47,860 Got a lot of years to catch up on. 65 00:03:47,860 --> 00:03:51,071 - Actually, I promised my kids I'd stay home tonight 66 00:03:51,071 --> 00:03:52,405 and watch a movie with them. 67 00:03:54,240 --> 00:03:56,326 - You, uh... 68 00:03:56,326 --> 00:03:57,577 you have kids? 69 00:03:57,577 --> 00:03:59,038 - Two boys. 70 00:03:59,038 --> 00:04:00,622 - Um... 71 00:04:00,622 --> 00:04:02,041 I'd love to meet them. 72 00:04:03,249 --> 00:04:07,087 - Maybe it's best if we just stay focused on the job at hand. 73 00:04:07,087 --> 00:04:08,881 There's a lot at stake here, 74 00:04:08,881 --> 00:04:12,425 and I don't think either of us need any distractions. 75 00:04:12,425 --> 00:04:14,344 - Right. I didn't mean to push. 76 00:04:14,344 --> 00:04:17,681 I was just excited to see you again. 77 00:04:19,141 --> 00:04:20,392 Um... 78 00:04:21,143 --> 00:04:22,435 for what it's worth... 79 00:04:23,729 --> 00:04:27,191 it may be 25 years too late, but... 80 00:04:28,567 --> 00:04:29,735 I'm sorry. 81 00:04:30,777 --> 00:04:33,155 - I don't want to keep you from your briefing. 82 00:04:33,155 --> 00:04:34,698 - Right. 83 00:04:34,698 --> 00:04:36,533 No distractions. 84 00:04:48,962 --> 00:04:51,965 ♪ theme song playing ♪ 85 00:06:23,807 --> 00:06:25,726 ♪ dramatic music playing ♪ 86 00:06:33,942 --> 00:06:35,777 [indistinct chatter] 87 00:06:35,777 --> 00:06:37,571 ♪ soft jazz playing ♪ 88 00:06:41,742 --> 00:06:45,287 - I fail to see the purpose of this gathering. 89 00:06:45,287 --> 00:06:48,415 - Well, diplomatic receptions are an old Earth custom. 90 00:06:48,415 --> 00:06:52,502 Think of it as a way for us to get to know each other before the real work begins. 91 00:06:52,502 --> 00:06:55,089 - I think I speak for everyone here when I say 92 00:06:55,089 --> 00:06:58,217 we very much hope that this temporary alliance 93 00:06:58,217 --> 00:06:59,301 will become permanent. 94 00:06:59,301 --> 00:07:01,678 - Do not "hope" too fervently. 95 00:07:01,678 --> 00:07:05,099 Once the Kaylon are crushed, the alliance will be dissolved. 96 00:07:05,099 --> 00:07:07,017 Only then will we celebrate. 97 00:07:08,352 --> 00:07:09,895 - Well, still... 98 00:07:18,653 --> 00:07:20,406 [utensil tapping glass] 99 00:07:20,406 --> 00:07:22,283 - Ladies and gentlemen, a toast. 100 00:07:22,283 --> 00:07:23,700 [music stops] 101 00:07:25,619 --> 00:07:28,997 It's not every day one gets a chance to be part of history. 102 00:07:28,997 --> 00:07:32,334 But tonight, history is being made in this room. 103 00:07:32,334 --> 00:07:37,381 As we prepare to begin an epic journey into unexplored realms, 104 00:07:37,381 --> 00:07:41,676 we also take the next step toward healing the wounds of the past 105 00:07:41,676 --> 00:07:45,306 and forging a new path toward lasting friendship. 106 00:07:45,889 --> 00:07:48,183 Here's to a better future. 107 00:07:56,733 --> 00:07:58,485 ♪ soft jazz playing ♪ 108 00:08:05,784 --> 00:08:09,204 - Hey. I'm gonna take this bottle somewhere else. 109 00:08:09,204 --> 00:08:10,331 You wanna join me? 110 00:08:10,331 --> 00:08:11,832 - God, yes. 111 00:08:11,832 --> 00:08:14,335 Can you handle this alone? I'll owe you one. 112 00:08:14,335 --> 00:08:18,046 - Yeah, I'll just stay here and give myself cirrhosis. 113 00:08:28,974 --> 00:08:31,185 - I feel like we should make this a weekly ritual. 114 00:08:31,185 --> 00:08:32,853 - You and me, draining a bottle? 115 00:08:32,853 --> 00:08:35,314 - Why not? - No argument here. 116 00:08:35,314 --> 00:08:37,232 [chuckles] 117 00:08:39,067 --> 00:08:40,486 You know, 118 00:08:40,486 --> 00:08:44,156 there's a line from a very old book I once read: 119 00:08:44,156 --> 00:08:46,533 "It is only with greatest care 120 00:08:46,533 --> 00:08:51,246 that memory can be kept from becoming a prison or a gallows." 121 00:08:51,246 --> 00:08:52,956 - I'll go along with that. 122 00:08:53,540 --> 00:08:56,001 - You know, I was married once. 123 00:08:58,128 --> 00:08:59,880 - What? - Mm-hmm. 124 00:09:00,755 --> 00:09:02,632 - You were married? - Yup. 125 00:09:03,884 --> 00:09:05,886 - How come you've never told me this? 126 00:09:05,886 --> 00:09:08,514 - Uh, I don't talk about it often. 127 00:09:08,514 --> 00:09:09,890 - Who was the guy? 128 00:09:12,518 --> 00:09:13,560 Wait... 129 00:09:14,186 --> 00:09:16,063 No. - Yeah. 130 00:09:16,063 --> 00:09:19,483 - Admiral Christie? Are you serious? You were married to Admiral Christie? 131 00:09:19,483 --> 00:09:21,235 - It was a long time ago. 132 00:09:21,235 --> 00:09:24,988 I was a medical student at Union Point. He was one of my professors. 133 00:09:24,988 --> 00:09:28,783 We started seeing each other at the beginning of my final year. 134 00:09:28,783 --> 00:09:31,078 Kept it a secret until I graduated. 135 00:09:31,078 --> 00:09:33,747 Then, six months later, we got married. 136 00:09:33,747 --> 00:09:37,418 The official story was that we'd only been together a short time 137 00:09:37,418 --> 00:09:40,837 and then rushed to the altar, but I don't think anyone was fooled. 138 00:09:40,837 --> 00:09:42,965 - Never in a billion years would I have pegged you 139 00:09:42,965 --> 00:09:44,800 as someone who'd hook up with your professor. 140 00:09:44,800 --> 00:09:47,928 - Everything forbidden is sweet. 141 00:09:47,928 --> 00:09:49,346 - So what happened? 142 00:09:49,346 --> 00:09:53,016 - Long story short: I don't think he really wanted a wife. 143 00:09:53,016 --> 00:09:56,520 He wanted someone young and smiling 144 00:09:56,520 --> 00:10:00,232 to come home to at the end of the night after a long day's work. 145 00:10:00,232 --> 00:10:03,235 Which was sort of how it was when I was still in school, 146 00:10:03,235 --> 00:10:08,407 but once the ranks were dropped, I was looking for a partner. 147 00:10:08,407 --> 00:10:09,908 He was looking for a bed-warmer. 148 00:10:09,908 --> 00:10:12,161 I gave him an ultimatum, and... 149 00:10:13,036 --> 00:10:14,330 he walked away. 150 00:10:14,330 --> 00:10:15,747 - Were you devastated? 151 00:10:15,747 --> 00:10:18,375 - At the time, I was crushed, yeah. 152 00:10:18,375 --> 00:10:20,919 I questioned everything about myself. 153 00:10:20,919 --> 00:10:23,839 Every way I turned it over in my head, 154 00:10:23,839 --> 00:10:27,343 I kept feeling like I was the one at fault, 155 00:10:27,343 --> 00:10:29,345 like I made a huge mistake. 156 00:10:29,345 --> 00:10:32,764 But when I remember it now, it's like... 157 00:10:32,764 --> 00:10:35,476 I'm watching someone else's daughter. 158 00:10:35,476 --> 00:10:40,230 I'm sad for her, but I know she needs to learn her own lessons. 159 00:10:41,648 --> 00:10:43,484 - It must've been really hard seeing him again. 160 00:10:43,484 --> 00:10:47,321 - Oh, in a weird way, I think it was harder for him. 161 00:10:47,321 --> 00:10:49,781 - Well, yeah, I get that. 162 00:10:49,781 --> 00:10:51,950 The pain can be worse when you're the one ending things. 163 00:10:51,950 --> 00:10:55,745 - Personally, I'd always rather be dumped than be the dumper. 164 00:10:55,745 --> 00:10:57,122 - Same. 165 00:10:57,122 --> 00:11:00,209 - Anyway, different lifetime. On to the future. 166 00:11:00,792 --> 00:11:03,337 - Well, maybe one of the Krill is single. 167 00:11:03,337 --> 00:11:05,381 - [laughs] That's a thought. 168 00:11:05,381 --> 00:11:07,216 And, hey, there's two of them. 169 00:11:07,216 --> 00:11:09,593 [laughing] 170 00:11:09,593 --> 00:11:12,221 - I can't date anyone who dresses more glam than I do. 171 00:11:12,221 --> 00:11:13,597 - Okay, fair enough. 172 00:11:13,597 --> 00:11:15,474 [Kelly laughs] 173 00:11:21,938 --> 00:11:25,775 - We have considered your request for passage through our territory, 174 00:11:25,775 --> 00:11:27,403 and we are prepared to grant it. 175 00:11:27,403 --> 00:11:29,779 But there are certain conditions. 176 00:11:29,779 --> 00:11:31,448 - We're listening. 177 00:11:31,448 --> 00:11:35,035 - There is an uninhabited planet in Union space 178 00:11:35,035 --> 00:11:36,537 that is rich in harcarium. 179 00:11:36,537 --> 00:11:38,914 We use it in our propulsion systems. 180 00:11:38,914 --> 00:11:41,291 We wish to secure extraction rights. 181 00:11:41,291 --> 00:11:45,003 - Where? - The third planet in the Obrall system. 182 00:11:45,003 --> 00:11:46,796 - Well, I think that can be arranged. 183 00:11:46,796 --> 00:11:49,799 I'll need to get approval from the Union Council, of course. 184 00:11:49,799 --> 00:11:52,469 - Passage will be allowed for one vessel alone. 185 00:11:52,469 --> 00:11:53,803 If there are no... 186 00:11:53,803 --> 00:11:57,307 incidents, we will consider further allowances. 187 00:11:57,307 --> 00:12:00,936 - Well, I don't think anyone here would object to getting the first solo crack 188 00:12:00,936 --> 00:12:02,563 at unexplored space. 189 00:12:02,563 --> 00:12:04,607 - No, sir, we would not. 190 00:12:04,607 --> 00:12:10,362 - While in our space, your vessel will follow this course to the Naklav Sector. 191 00:12:10,362 --> 00:12:12,948 Any deviation will be forbidden to you. 192 00:12:12,948 --> 00:12:15,825 - Not exactly the quickest way to get there, 193 00:12:15,825 --> 00:12:17,494 but it shouldn't be a problem. 194 00:12:17,494 --> 00:12:18,537 Anything else? 195 00:12:18,537 --> 00:12:20,497 - Upon entry into our territory, 196 00:12:20,497 --> 00:12:22,999 a tracking beacon will be installed on your ship 197 00:12:22,999 --> 00:12:26,086 so we can monitor your coordinates at all times. 198 00:12:26,086 --> 00:12:28,714 - That would be a violation of our security protocols. 199 00:12:28,714 --> 00:12:32,175 - I think it's all right, Commander. We really don't have anything to hide. 200 00:12:32,175 --> 00:12:33,636 Captain? 201 00:12:34,261 --> 00:12:37,640 - I'm sure we can find a way to accommodate. 202 00:12:37,640 --> 00:12:41,017 - We have little to no information about the regions beyond your space 203 00:12:41,017 --> 00:12:42,686 that we intend to explore. 204 00:12:42,686 --> 00:12:46,732 Anything your cartographers could share with us would be greatly appreciated, 205 00:12:46,732 --> 00:12:49,443 especially concerning the Kalarr Expanse. 206 00:12:51,236 --> 00:12:52,571 - You... 207 00:12:52,571 --> 00:12:55,782 do not intend to enter the Expanse? 208 00:12:55,782 --> 00:12:56,950 - Why wouldn't we? 209 00:12:56,950 --> 00:12:58,827 - It is a domain of evil. 210 00:12:59,495 --> 00:13:01,455 - What do you mean? 211 00:13:01,455 --> 00:13:04,667 - Demons dwell within the Expanse. 212 00:13:04,667 --> 00:13:06,543 - Could you be a little more specific? 213 00:13:06,543 --> 00:13:10,380 - The Anhkana warns of Shadow Realms. 214 00:13:10,380 --> 00:13:12,675 Gateways to the depths of the underworld, 215 00:13:12,675 --> 00:13:14,259 where demons lie in wait 216 00:13:14,259 --> 00:13:18,972 to possess the souls of those who dare to stray within their reach. 217 00:13:19,556 --> 00:13:21,600 They corrupt all that is holy. 218 00:13:21,600 --> 00:13:24,520 Within their grasp, even the most righteous 219 00:13:24,520 --> 00:13:29,316 can be forced to commit unspeakable acts of depravity. 220 00:13:29,316 --> 00:13:34,070 - Do you have any direct evidence that these "demons" really exist? 221 00:13:34,070 --> 00:13:38,116 - It is written in the Anhkana. That is all the evidence we need. 222 00:13:38,116 --> 00:13:41,995 - We appreciate the warning, and we'll take every precaution, 223 00:13:41,995 --> 00:13:45,207 but that area covers more than half the sector. 224 00:13:45,207 --> 00:13:47,042 We are explorers. 225 00:13:47,042 --> 00:13:52,047 So if it's all the same to you, we'd like to see for ourselves what's out there. 226 00:13:54,633 --> 00:13:56,427 - We will not stop you. 227 00:13:56,427 --> 00:13:59,597 But do not expect us to save you. 228 00:14:15,987 --> 00:14:18,031 - Consul, Ambassador. 229 00:14:18,031 --> 00:14:22,077 We wish you safe travels, and we want to thank you again for your generosity. 230 00:14:22,077 --> 00:14:24,329 I know I speak for the entire Union 231 00:14:24,329 --> 00:14:28,459 when I say there is no greater gift than the promise of new knowledge. 232 00:14:28,459 --> 00:14:31,920 - Sala tallo ka vaspa ko loy. 233 00:14:32,504 --> 00:14:34,089 - What does that mean? 234 00:14:34,089 --> 00:14:35,633 - It is a prayer. 235 00:14:35,633 --> 00:14:38,093 For those who are about to die. 236 00:14:46,184 --> 00:14:48,395 [gears whirring] 237 00:14:48,395 --> 00:14:50,397 [power humming] 238 00:15:09,625 --> 00:15:13,003 - The question is, do we take their warning seriously? 239 00:15:13,003 --> 00:15:14,839 - Tom, you're kidding, right? 240 00:15:14,839 --> 00:15:16,256 I mean, consider the source. 241 00:15:16,256 --> 00:15:19,343 HALSEY: I'm just suggesting the possibility that their claim, 242 00:15:19,343 --> 00:15:21,011 absurd though it may be, 243 00:15:21,011 --> 00:15:23,263 could indicate the presence of some real threat. 244 00:15:23,263 --> 00:15:26,517 And because they're Krill, they process it through the lens of their religion. 245 00:15:26,517 --> 00:15:28,686 - Which still doesn't give us much of a road map. 246 00:15:28,686 --> 00:15:30,312 I mean, their religion is... 247 00:15:30,312 --> 00:15:32,147 confusing, to say the least. 248 00:15:32,147 --> 00:15:33,774 - All religions are confusing. 249 00:15:33,774 --> 00:15:35,901 How do you think the priests stay in business? 250 00:15:35,901 --> 00:15:39,237 - Did they offer any concrete evidence to support their claims? 251 00:15:39,237 --> 00:15:41,239 - No. In fact, from what we gather, 252 00:15:41,239 --> 00:15:44,869 none of their ships have ventured into the Expanse in more than a century. 253 00:15:44,869 --> 00:15:47,496 - The copy of the Anhkana we have in our database 254 00:15:47,496 --> 00:15:50,207 has a few passages about "Shadow Realms." 255 00:15:50,207 --> 00:15:53,836 Lots of colorful language about soul-sucking demons 256 00:15:53,836 --> 00:15:55,671 with eight eyes and huge fangs. 257 00:15:55,671 --> 00:15:57,130 Horror movie stuff. 258 00:15:57,130 --> 00:15:59,758 - And if this were a horror movie, I'd say don't go into the house. 259 00:15:59,758 --> 00:16:02,928 But obviously their religion has a powerful influence 260 00:16:02,928 --> 00:16:04,513 over their perception of reality. 261 00:16:04,513 --> 00:16:08,392 - Agreed. But it should not stand in the way of Union exploration. 262 00:16:08,392 --> 00:16:10,895 We need to seize the opportunity while we can. 263 00:16:10,895 --> 00:16:12,563 - Ed? What do you think? 264 00:16:12,563 --> 00:16:16,233 - Visions of horror always have mortal origins. 265 00:16:16,233 --> 00:16:18,610 If there is something out there, it's not supernatural. 266 00:16:18,610 --> 00:16:22,280 - Could still be dangerous. - Exploration always carries risk. 267 00:16:22,280 --> 00:16:23,782 I say we risk it. 268 00:16:24,324 --> 00:16:25,576 - Very well. 269 00:16:25,576 --> 00:16:27,160 I look forward to your reports. 270 00:16:29,454 --> 00:16:31,749 ♪ romantic piano music playing ♪ 271 00:16:48,891 --> 00:16:50,183 - Hello there. 272 00:16:50,183 --> 00:16:51,476 - Hi. 273 00:16:51,476 --> 00:16:52,853 Uh... 274 00:16:53,645 --> 00:16:55,981 I hear congratulations are in order. 275 00:16:55,981 --> 00:16:58,316 - Word travels fast on this ship, huh? 276 00:16:59,818 --> 00:17:00,903 May I sit? 277 00:17:06,867 --> 00:17:08,285 Cozy place. 278 00:17:08,285 --> 00:17:11,663 - I come here to work whenever I get tired of the office, 279 00:17:11,663 --> 00:17:13,958 or when my kids are driving me crazy. 280 00:17:13,958 --> 00:17:16,126 - [chuckles] You know what it reminds me of, 281 00:17:16,126 --> 00:17:19,045 that little bistro we used to go to on King Street. 282 00:17:19,045 --> 00:17:20,338 What was it called? 283 00:17:20,338 --> 00:17:22,173 - Cafe Noir. - Yes. 284 00:17:22,173 --> 00:17:23,550 Some fun times there. 285 00:17:24,802 --> 00:17:28,221 - So, when do you leave for Outpost 55? 286 00:17:29,014 --> 00:17:30,432 - I'm not leaving. 287 00:17:30,432 --> 00:17:33,310 I'm coming with you to explore the Naklav Sector. 288 00:17:33,310 --> 00:17:36,354 - Isn't that a little unusual for an admiral? 289 00:17:36,354 --> 00:17:38,649 - Oh, yeah. They love keeping us behind desks, 290 00:17:38,649 --> 00:17:41,902 but, uh, this is too big to pass up. 291 00:17:42,653 --> 00:17:45,322 - I hope your decision didn't have anything to do with me. 292 00:17:45,322 --> 00:17:46,364 - No. 293 00:17:49,034 --> 00:17:50,410 Not entirely. 294 00:17:52,037 --> 00:17:54,999 But... you have been on my mind recently. 295 00:17:56,583 --> 00:17:58,126 - Is that... 296 00:18:00,880 --> 00:18:03,215 - I take it with me whenever I travel. 297 00:18:03,215 --> 00:18:05,009 Brings me good luck. 298 00:18:05,676 --> 00:18:07,970 DR. CLAIRE FINN: You kept it all these years...? 299 00:18:07,970 --> 00:18:09,596 - Selayan sunstone... 300 00:18:09,596 --> 00:18:12,224 not the kind of thing you just toss away. 301 00:18:13,433 --> 00:18:16,353 It's too rare, it's too special. 302 00:18:18,313 --> 00:18:19,732 Do you still have yours? 303 00:18:22,902 --> 00:18:24,277 - Paul, uh... 304 00:18:25,278 --> 00:18:29,157 I'm happy to talk about the mission with you, but I... 305 00:18:30,868 --> 00:18:33,245 I don't want to dredge up any more of this. 306 00:18:33,787 --> 00:18:36,582 The hurt ran really deep for me, 307 00:18:36,582 --> 00:18:40,002 and I had to work very hard to dig it all out. 308 00:18:40,002 --> 00:18:41,754 - But there's no... 309 00:18:42,713 --> 00:18:48,510 vestige, no small wisp of feeling still there? 310 00:18:49,469 --> 00:18:50,971 - I'm sorry. 311 00:18:58,687 --> 00:19:00,439 - Just for luck then, okay? 312 00:19:16,914 --> 00:19:18,916 ♪ intense music playing ♪ 313 00:19:22,168 --> 00:19:24,588 - All departments report ready, sir. 314 00:19:24,588 --> 00:19:27,215 - The Krill have given us final clearance. We're good to go. 315 00:19:27,215 --> 00:19:29,843 - Okay. Gordon-- - Aren't you forgetting something? 316 00:19:31,261 --> 00:19:32,512 - Right. 317 00:19:32,512 --> 00:19:34,180 I didn't prepare anything. 318 00:19:34,180 --> 00:19:35,682 - What's-a-matter? 319 00:19:35,682 --> 00:19:37,851 - It's traditional for the Captain to give a ship-wide announcement 320 00:19:37,851 --> 00:19:40,146 at the beginning of a new voyage, you know, like a little pep talk. 321 00:19:40,146 --> 00:19:43,023 - I was gonna write something last night, but I was just too wiped. 322 00:19:43,023 --> 00:19:45,567 - Just speak from your heart. That's all the crew wants. 323 00:19:49,571 --> 00:19:51,740 - All hands, this is the Captain. 324 00:19:51,740 --> 00:19:54,701 We're about to enter unexplored space. 325 00:19:54,701 --> 00:19:57,329 I know you're all just as excited as I am, 326 00:19:57,329 --> 00:20:01,500 and I know you're all going to do your best, so... 327 00:20:01,500 --> 00:20:03,961 let's give this everything we got, 328 00:20:03,961 --> 00:20:05,504 and... 329 00:20:05,504 --> 00:20:07,714 may the force be with you. 330 00:20:07,714 --> 00:20:10,050 How was that? - Perfect. 331 00:20:12,761 --> 00:20:15,722 - Set course and engage quantum drive. 332 00:20:26,566 --> 00:20:27,818 - Isaac. 333 00:20:27,818 --> 00:20:29,736 ISAAC: That is correct. 334 00:20:29,736 --> 00:20:32,865 - We haven't been formally introduced. I'm Admiral Christie. 335 00:20:32,865 --> 00:20:34,908 - I am pleased to meet you, Admiral. 336 00:20:34,908 --> 00:20:36,952 - Am I interrupting anything important? 337 00:20:36,952 --> 00:20:38,204 - Yes. 338 00:20:38,204 --> 00:20:40,080 - Oh. 339 00:20:40,080 --> 00:20:42,875 - I am upgrading the scanner array for our journey. 340 00:20:42,875 --> 00:20:46,003 - Well, I won't take too much of your time. 341 00:20:46,003 --> 00:20:49,173 I must admit I was a little dubious about meeting you. 342 00:20:49,173 --> 00:20:52,342 A Kaylon serving on a Union ship. 343 00:20:52,342 --> 00:20:53,677 After what happened. 344 00:20:54,344 --> 00:20:57,056 But I read the after-action battle report. 345 00:20:57,056 --> 00:20:59,975 I see that you saved a lot of lives. I commend you for that. 346 00:20:59,975 --> 00:21:01,768 - Thank you, sir. 347 00:21:01,768 --> 00:21:04,730 - I was wondering if I could ask you a few questions. 348 00:21:04,730 --> 00:21:08,817 - The entirety of my official report is available in the ship's computer. 349 00:21:08,817 --> 00:21:11,070 - No, not about the battle. 350 00:21:11,070 --> 00:21:12,696 About Dr. Finn. 351 00:21:15,074 --> 00:21:18,368 I've heard from a few folks on board that you two were... 352 00:21:18,368 --> 00:21:19,619 involved. 353 00:21:19,619 --> 00:21:21,371 - That is accurate. 354 00:21:21,371 --> 00:21:25,084 - Well, you know, I was with Claire, too, a long time ago. 355 00:21:25,584 --> 00:21:27,586 - Then we share a common experience. 356 00:21:27,586 --> 00:21:29,755 - After all this time... 357 00:21:30,256 --> 00:21:33,884 she's moved on, but I'm afraid that I haven't. 358 00:21:35,552 --> 00:21:37,554 I hope you don't mind me telling you this. 359 00:21:37,554 --> 00:21:38,805 - No, sir. 360 00:21:38,805 --> 00:21:42,726 I have observed many such paradoxes in human relationships. 361 00:21:42,726 --> 00:21:44,310 - Well, to be blunt... 362 00:21:45,062 --> 00:21:47,647 I was hoping you could give me some insight 363 00:21:47,647 --> 00:21:50,150 into what makes Claire happy these days. 364 00:21:51,110 --> 00:21:54,280 - Dr. Finn values her children above all else. 365 00:21:54,280 --> 00:21:57,991 She has often stated that she would sacrifice her own life for them. 366 00:21:59,868 --> 00:22:00,827 - Go on. 367 00:22:00,827 --> 00:22:05,958 - Her career as a Union medical officer is also a crucial part of her identity. 368 00:22:05,958 --> 00:22:09,920 She is highly empathetic and takes great satisfaction in helping others. 369 00:22:09,920 --> 00:22:11,672 - She always has. 370 00:22:11,672 --> 00:22:16,218 - Her recreational interests include music, dancing, fine dining, 371 00:22:16,218 --> 00:22:18,637 rain showers and sexual relations. 372 00:22:18,637 --> 00:22:20,681 Her preferred mating positions include-- 373 00:22:20,681 --> 00:22:24,685 - Whoa, whoa, whoa. That's... plenty helpful, Isaac. 374 00:22:24,685 --> 00:22:25,936 Thank you. 375 00:22:25,936 --> 00:22:29,106 - Am I to understand that you find it 376 00:22:29,106 --> 00:22:32,234 a challenge to process her daily absence? 377 00:22:32,776 --> 00:22:35,821 - Yes, you could say that. 378 00:22:35,821 --> 00:22:39,158 - It is another common experience we share. 379 00:22:41,952 --> 00:22:43,912 [ship whooshes] 380 00:22:43,912 --> 00:22:45,831 ♪ peaceful music playing ♪ 381 00:22:52,504 --> 00:22:55,465 - Passing the outer border of Krill space. 382 00:22:55,465 --> 00:22:58,927 - Folks, welcome to the Naklav Sector. 383 00:22:58,927 --> 00:23:01,930 - First Union ship ever to come this far. 384 00:23:01,930 --> 00:23:03,557 - Check it off the career bucket list. 385 00:23:03,557 --> 00:23:06,518 - Isaac. Analysis of that star cluster. 386 00:23:06,518 --> 00:23:10,522 ISAAC: An O-B association, approximately two million years old. 387 00:23:10,522 --> 00:23:12,649 78 blue giant stars, 388 00:23:12,649 --> 00:23:17,279 along with several dozen F, G, and K stars in later stages of evolution. 389 00:23:17,279 --> 00:23:18,613 - Reminds me of Vegas. 390 00:23:18,613 --> 00:23:19,990 - Any life signs? 391 00:23:19,990 --> 00:23:23,285 - I am detecting 347 habitable planets, 392 00:23:23,285 --> 00:23:26,413 but so far no indications of intelligent life. 393 00:23:26,413 --> 00:23:28,207 - Wow, it really is Vegas. 394 00:23:28,207 --> 00:23:31,293 - Captain, I'm picking up what looks like a distress signal. 395 00:23:31,293 --> 00:23:32,836 - Location? 396 00:23:32,836 --> 00:23:34,671 - Bearing zero-zero-one mark twelve. 397 00:23:34,671 --> 00:23:36,631 Distance: 16.4 light-years. 398 00:23:36,631 --> 00:23:39,134 - That is inside the Kalarr Expanse. 399 00:23:39,134 --> 00:23:40,677 - I'm assuming it's no one we know. 400 00:23:40,677 --> 00:23:42,054 - Negative, sir. 401 00:23:42,054 --> 00:23:43,680 - What about long-range scans? 402 00:23:43,680 --> 00:23:47,268 ISAAC: The Expanse appears to be almost entirely empty space. 403 00:23:47,268 --> 00:23:50,645 There is one star system approximately 30.6 light-years 404 00:23:50,645 --> 00:23:53,481 from the coordinates of the distress signal. 405 00:23:54,983 --> 00:23:56,318 - Afraid to go in? 406 00:24:00,281 --> 00:24:02,074 - Burke, set a course. 407 00:24:02,074 --> 00:24:03,658 - Aye, sir. 408 00:24:05,869 --> 00:24:08,455 [power sparking] 409 00:24:08,455 --> 00:24:10,457 [whooshing] 410 00:24:25,722 --> 00:24:27,808 LT. GORDON MALLOY: Approaching the edge of the Expanse. 411 00:24:28,892 --> 00:24:30,352 - There are no stars. 412 00:24:32,479 --> 00:24:34,231 - How far does it extend? 413 00:24:34,231 --> 00:24:37,609 ISAAC: Scans indicate at least 800 parsecs. 414 00:24:39,736 --> 00:24:40,821 - Take us in. 415 00:24:41,780 --> 00:24:43,824 - Entering haunted house. 416 00:25:04,011 --> 00:25:06,138 - We're approaching the coordinates. 417 00:25:06,763 --> 00:25:09,183 - What the hell is that? 418 00:25:20,486 --> 00:25:22,321 ♪ ominous music playing ♪ 419 00:25:32,580 --> 00:25:36,460 - I am detecting no propulsion systems and only minimal power. 420 00:25:36,460 --> 00:25:39,254 It appears to be a space station. 421 00:25:39,254 --> 00:25:40,964 - Send a hail. 422 00:25:43,133 --> 00:25:44,343 - No response. 423 00:25:44,343 --> 00:25:47,095 - Maybe whoever it is can't respond. They could be injured. 424 00:25:47,095 --> 00:25:49,181 ISAAC: The interior is pressurized, 425 00:25:49,181 --> 00:25:51,183 and there is a breathable atmosphere. 426 00:25:52,142 --> 00:25:53,852 - Admiral, what do you say? 427 00:25:53,852 --> 00:25:55,812 - I wouldn't miss it for anything. 428 00:25:57,064 --> 00:25:59,816 - Talla, you're with Kelly and I. Bortus, you have the comm. 429 00:25:59,816 --> 00:26:02,319 Tell Dr. Finn and Chief Lamarr to meet us in the shuttle bay. 430 00:26:02,319 --> 00:26:03,611 - Aye, sir. 431 00:26:08,283 --> 00:26:10,285 ♪ ♪ 432 00:26:29,472 --> 00:26:31,348 - Anything resembling a docking port? 433 00:26:32,141 --> 00:26:35,394 - There's a large module toward the middle of the structure, 434 00:26:35,394 --> 00:26:36,520 seems to be mostly empty. 435 00:26:36,520 --> 00:26:37,813 Could be a shuttle bay. 436 00:26:38,647 --> 00:26:39,856 - Take us in closer. 437 00:26:57,249 --> 00:26:59,084 [gears clang] 438 00:27:04,548 --> 00:27:06,133 - Looks like they know we're coming. 439 00:27:07,926 --> 00:27:09,553 - Ahead slow. 440 00:27:09,553 --> 00:27:10,887 - Really? 441 00:27:10,887 --> 00:27:13,015 - Either that or we turn around. 442 00:27:20,147 --> 00:27:22,149 ♪ ominous music playing ♪ 443 00:27:31,492 --> 00:27:33,118 [portal clanging] 444 00:27:58,352 --> 00:27:59,645 - Look at the walls. 445 00:28:02,814 --> 00:28:03,940 - John? 446 00:28:03,940 --> 00:28:07,777 - It's an alloy of some kind, but it doesn't match anything on record. 447 00:28:08,487 --> 00:28:11,240 - It's almost like it's organic. 448 00:28:12,699 --> 00:28:14,368 - Let's keep moving. 449 00:28:42,979 --> 00:28:45,441 - Life signs? - Nothing. 450 00:28:59,829 --> 00:29:02,625 - All right, fan out, but don't go far. 451 00:29:02,625 --> 00:29:04,334 Let's search the immediate area. 452 00:29:31,695 --> 00:29:33,113 - Better not touch anything. 453 00:29:34,239 --> 00:29:35,449 - Sorry. 454 00:29:55,051 --> 00:29:57,346 - I think I found the source of the distress signal. 455 00:30:00,307 --> 00:30:02,267 Some kind of automated beacon. 456 00:30:02,267 --> 00:30:05,395 - Maybe they got the help they needed and forgot to turn it off. 457 00:30:06,772 --> 00:30:07,773 - Maybe. 458 00:30:09,608 --> 00:30:10,942 - Captain, look at this. 459 00:30:23,622 --> 00:30:26,082 - There's energy flowing through them. 460 00:30:27,543 --> 00:30:29,628 Could be some kind of power relays. 461 00:30:37,094 --> 00:30:38,970 [object crinkling] 462 00:30:40,013 --> 00:30:42,099 [hisses] - Whoa. 463 00:30:44,142 --> 00:30:46,895 - What happened? - I don't know. It moved. 464 00:30:46,895 --> 00:30:48,397 - Moved? How? 465 00:30:48,397 --> 00:30:52,276 - It opened up. Expanded for a moment. 466 00:30:56,488 --> 00:31:00,075 - Might be safer to analyze the data we have before we go any further. 467 00:31:02,369 --> 00:31:05,790 Mercer to Grayson. Doesn't look like anybody's here. 468 00:31:05,790 --> 00:31:07,666 Let's head back to the shuttle. 469 00:31:07,666 --> 00:31:09,209 KELLY GRAYSON: Acknowledged. 470 00:31:22,556 --> 00:31:25,892 - Isaac and I have gone through these readings a dozen times. 471 00:31:25,892 --> 00:31:28,312 All we can tell you is that the station is made out of some kind 472 00:31:28,312 --> 00:31:30,397 of highly advanced bio-technology. 473 00:31:30,397 --> 00:31:33,484 How it works or why it's there, you got me. 474 00:31:33,484 --> 00:31:34,735 - Do you think it's abandoned? 475 00:31:34,735 --> 00:31:36,153 ISAAC: According to scans, 476 00:31:36,153 --> 00:31:38,781 there are no lifeforms currently on board. 477 00:31:38,781 --> 00:31:40,825 - At least not life as we know it. 478 00:31:40,825 --> 00:31:42,159 - What do you mean? 479 00:31:42,159 --> 00:31:44,578 - It's possible there are some lifeforms 480 00:31:44,578 --> 00:31:47,205 that are so different, our scans can't even recognize them. 481 00:31:47,205 --> 00:31:48,624 - It's a valid point. 482 00:31:48,624 --> 00:31:53,003 One of the fundamental questions in astrobiology is: what comprises life? 483 00:31:53,003 --> 00:31:56,340 For all we know, the outpost itself is a lifeform. 484 00:31:56,340 --> 00:31:58,175 - Sounds like kind of a stretch. 485 00:31:58,175 --> 00:32:01,345 - There are creatures on Talarius Seven that look like rocks. 486 00:32:01,345 --> 00:32:03,388 However, they are living organisms. 487 00:32:03,388 --> 00:32:04,473 - So what do we do? 488 00:32:04,473 --> 00:32:06,725 CHRISTIE: We'll continue to explore the region. 489 00:32:06,725 --> 00:32:10,061 If we get lucky, maybe we find something or someone 490 00:32:10,061 --> 00:32:11,480 who can shed some light on-- 491 00:32:11,480 --> 00:32:12,690 [groans] 492 00:32:12,690 --> 00:32:14,107 - Admiral? What's wrong? 493 00:32:14,107 --> 00:32:15,651 [Christie shrieking] Paul! 494 00:32:16,694 --> 00:32:19,279 He's having some kind of seizure! Help me turn him over! 495 00:32:22,949 --> 00:32:24,368 Oh, my God... 496 00:32:24,368 --> 00:32:26,328 [Christie groaning] 497 00:32:37,756 --> 00:32:39,758 ♪ contemplative music playing ♪ 498 00:32:45,972 --> 00:32:47,808 - Twenty milligrams of diomine. 499 00:32:53,271 --> 00:32:55,982 [breathing hoarsely] 500 00:32:55,982 --> 00:32:57,401 All right. 501 00:32:57,401 --> 00:32:59,403 He's stabilized for now. 502 00:32:59,403 --> 00:33:01,321 - Doctor, what the hell is wrong with him? 503 00:33:01,321 --> 00:33:06,535 - Something is re-writing his DNA, and it's happening at an alarming rate. 504 00:33:06,535 --> 00:33:11,081 This growth... it contains photoreceptors and a retinal nerve. 505 00:33:11,081 --> 00:33:14,543 It's almost like it's a partially formed eye. 506 00:33:14,543 --> 00:33:16,545 - Can you reverse it? 507 00:33:16,545 --> 00:33:21,049 - I may be able to slow it down, but I don't know if I can stop it. 508 00:33:22,300 --> 00:33:27,222 - Whatever happened to him over there, it's something our bioscanners missed. 509 00:33:27,222 --> 00:33:30,141 - I need more information, and I need it now. 510 00:33:30,726 --> 00:33:32,436 [portal clanging] 511 00:34:20,985 --> 00:34:22,360 - This is it. 512 00:34:39,503 --> 00:34:40,587 - Anything? 513 00:34:40,587 --> 00:34:43,549 - Some micro-particulates of some kind... 514 00:34:43,549 --> 00:34:45,051 JOHN LAMARR: Lamarr to Captain. 515 00:34:45,051 --> 00:34:46,468 - Go ahead. 516 00:34:46,468 --> 00:34:48,220 LAMARR: There's something going on over here. 517 00:34:48,220 --> 00:34:49,262 ED MERCER: What is it? 518 00:34:49,262 --> 00:34:52,307 - The distress beacon we found is broadcasting a new signal. 519 00:34:52,307 --> 00:34:53,600 LT. TALLA KEYALI: What kind of signal? 520 00:34:53,600 --> 00:34:56,144 - The coordinates of this outpost. 521 00:34:59,231 --> 00:35:00,482 - Let's get back to the ship. 522 00:35:08,114 --> 00:35:10,158 [monitors beeping] 523 00:35:12,411 --> 00:35:14,454 [Christie breathing hoarsely] 524 00:35:25,091 --> 00:35:26,466 - Doctor. 525 00:35:32,180 --> 00:35:33,432 - Claire... 526 00:35:33,432 --> 00:35:36,769 - Take it easy, Paul. You're in sickbay. 527 00:35:36,769 --> 00:35:38,812 - What's happening to me? 528 00:35:38,812 --> 00:35:41,607 - You were exposed to something on the station. 529 00:35:41,607 --> 00:35:42,983 We're trying to figure it out. 530 00:35:45,819 --> 00:35:47,821 - I feel so strange. 531 00:35:47,821 --> 00:35:49,990 - Are you in pain? 532 00:35:50,490 --> 00:35:52,118 - No, I... 533 00:35:53,827 --> 00:35:55,161 I'm just... 534 00:35:57,372 --> 00:35:58,540 scared. 535 00:35:59,125 --> 00:36:01,418 - Nurse, would you give us a moment? 536 00:36:01,418 --> 00:36:02,628 - Of course. 537 00:36:05,881 --> 00:36:09,802 - Paul. I'm gonna find out what's causing this. 538 00:36:10,636 --> 00:36:12,763 And I'll make a deal with you. 539 00:36:12,763 --> 00:36:14,347 You get better, 540 00:36:15,265 --> 00:36:18,518 and I'll make you some of that chocolate soufflé you used to love. 541 00:36:18,518 --> 00:36:21,814 - [chuckles] Oh. 542 00:36:21,814 --> 00:36:23,732 I hated that soufflé. 543 00:36:23,732 --> 00:36:25,484 - [laughs] You did? 544 00:36:25,484 --> 00:36:26,986 - Yeah. 545 00:36:26,986 --> 00:36:29,155 - Well, you used to eat it all the time. 546 00:36:29,155 --> 00:36:32,032 - You were so proud of it, I... 547 00:36:32,741 --> 00:36:35,327 I didn't have the heart to tell you. 548 00:36:36,411 --> 00:36:39,372 It tasted like dried leaves. 549 00:36:40,124 --> 00:36:42,751 - Well then, either you get better, 550 00:36:42,751 --> 00:36:46,379 or I'll serve it to you for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. 551 00:36:47,422 --> 00:36:49,049 - The ring. 552 00:36:49,716 --> 00:36:51,093 It's in my pocket. 553 00:36:53,345 --> 00:36:55,263 If I die, I want it with me. 554 00:36:55,263 --> 00:36:57,099 - You're not going to die, Paul. 555 00:36:57,099 --> 00:36:58,725 - Please! 556 00:37:15,868 --> 00:37:17,828 Thank you... 557 00:37:19,746 --> 00:37:21,456 - I'm going to save you. 558 00:37:22,582 --> 00:37:24,210 I promise. 559 00:37:25,502 --> 00:37:28,755 MERCER: Shuttle to Dr. Finn. We found something. 560 00:37:31,299 --> 00:37:32,968 [gears clang] 561 00:37:33,760 --> 00:37:35,470 We'll need your eyes on this, 562 00:37:35,470 --> 00:37:38,974 but it looks like the Admiral was exposed to a bacterial spore of some kind. 563 00:37:38,974 --> 00:37:40,809 Doesn't match anything in our database. 564 00:37:40,809 --> 00:37:42,769 KEYALI: We're bringing it to you for analysis. 565 00:37:42,769 --> 00:37:45,271 Recommend decontamination upon arrival, just to be safe. 566 00:37:45,271 --> 00:37:46,732 - Acknowledged. 567 00:37:54,531 --> 00:37:55,699 Paul?! 568 00:38:02,248 --> 00:38:03,207 Finn to bridge. 569 00:38:03,207 --> 00:38:04,791 Admiral Christie is gone. 570 00:38:04,791 --> 00:38:06,126 - What do you mean gone? 571 00:38:06,126 --> 00:38:07,836 DR. FINN: I mean he's not in sickbay. 572 00:38:07,836 --> 00:38:09,462 - Bortus, alert security. 573 00:38:09,462 --> 00:38:10,923 [console buzzing] 574 00:38:10,923 --> 00:38:13,926 - Commander, someone is accessing main power. 575 00:38:13,926 --> 00:38:15,427 - Who? BORTUS: Unknown. 576 00:38:15,427 --> 00:38:18,138 They are initializing a dampening field. - Override! 577 00:38:18,138 --> 00:38:20,557 - I cannot. They are using level 9 command codes. 578 00:38:20,557 --> 00:38:21,683 - The Admiral? 579 00:38:21,683 --> 00:38:23,309 - I am locked out! 580 00:38:23,309 --> 00:38:25,645 [electronic chirping, rattling] 581 00:38:29,066 --> 00:38:31,110 - Captain. Look. 582 00:38:31,610 --> 00:38:33,486 [circuits clanging] 583 00:38:39,534 --> 00:38:40,702 - Bridge to Engineering. 584 00:38:40,702 --> 00:38:43,205 ISAAC: All systems are inoperative, Commander. 585 00:38:43,205 --> 00:38:44,539 - Engines, too. You can hear it. 586 00:38:46,167 --> 00:38:47,918 - Can you tap into auxiliary power? 587 00:38:47,918 --> 00:38:50,921 - Not from the bridge. I will need to go to Engineering. 588 00:38:50,921 --> 00:38:52,756 - Isaac, go with him. 589 00:39:02,099 --> 00:39:03,976 - It's no use. We've lost main power. 590 00:39:07,938 --> 00:39:10,065 - I'm gonna go check on my kids. 591 00:39:10,065 --> 00:39:11,608 Keep an eye on sickbay. 592 00:39:11,608 --> 00:39:12,818 NURSE: Yes, Doctor. 593 00:39:27,791 --> 00:39:28,959 Doctor? 594 00:39:29,417 --> 00:39:31,170 [thudding noise] 595 00:39:31,170 --> 00:39:32,713 Hello? 596 00:39:41,722 --> 00:39:43,724 ♪ ominous music playing ♪ 597 00:39:49,855 --> 00:39:51,065 Doctor? 598 00:39:55,485 --> 00:39:56,695 [thud] 599 00:40:51,541 --> 00:40:52,834 [hissing] 600 00:40:54,378 --> 00:40:57,005 MERCER: Mercer to Orville. Mercer to Orville. 601 00:40:57,005 --> 00:40:58,132 Kelly, can you hear me? 602 00:40:58,132 --> 00:41:01,343 - She can't. Looks like all systems are offline. 603 00:41:01,343 --> 00:41:03,220 There's a ship-wide dampening field in use. 604 00:41:03,220 --> 00:41:05,889 - What's causing it? - No idea, but once we're on board, 605 00:41:05,889 --> 00:41:07,933 comscanners and weapons are gonna be useless. 606 00:41:07,933 --> 00:41:10,102 - We're gonna have to dock manually. 607 00:41:16,691 --> 00:41:19,027 ♪ ♪ 608 00:41:32,416 --> 00:41:34,542 [energy pulsing] 609 00:41:38,088 --> 00:41:39,589 [lever rattles, clangs] 610 00:41:39,589 --> 00:41:41,342 [hydraulics hiss] 611 00:41:41,342 --> 00:41:43,344 ♪ suspenseful music playing ♪ 612 00:41:54,480 --> 00:41:57,899 - I'm gonna go to Engineering, see what I can find out. 613 00:41:57,899 --> 00:41:59,109 - All right, be careful. 614 00:42:18,379 --> 00:42:20,381 ♪ suspenseful music playing ♪ 615 00:42:24,468 --> 00:42:27,095 - Boys? Are you here? 616 00:42:28,180 --> 00:42:29,056 Ty? 617 00:42:34,353 --> 00:42:35,603 Marcus? 618 00:42:43,028 --> 00:42:44,238 MARCUS: Mom! 619 00:42:47,074 --> 00:42:48,200 Mom! 620 00:42:52,079 --> 00:42:53,872 - We should go back. 621 00:42:53,872 --> 00:42:57,626 Mom always says if there's an emergency, we should wait in our quarters. 622 00:42:57,626 --> 00:42:59,503 - Look, I don't want to sit in my room 623 00:42:59,503 --> 00:43:01,755 starin' out the window at all that darkness. 624 00:43:01,755 --> 00:43:03,048 Gives me the creeps. 625 00:43:03,048 --> 00:43:05,092 Come on, we gotta find her. 626 00:43:10,306 --> 00:43:12,391 ♪ dramatic flourish plays ♪ 627 00:43:15,436 --> 00:43:17,729 - You got that power cell out yet? 628 00:43:17,729 --> 00:43:19,982 - No. They really jam these things in here. 629 00:43:19,982 --> 00:43:21,858 - Try twisting it. - I did. 630 00:43:21,858 --> 00:43:24,570 - Usually if it doesn't pop right out, it means you're doing it wrong. 631 00:43:24,570 --> 00:43:26,738 - Thanks, you're a huge help. 632 00:43:26,738 --> 00:43:28,657 - Kelly, what's going on? 633 00:43:28,657 --> 00:43:30,242 - Somebody's shut down all power. 634 00:43:30,242 --> 00:43:31,868 We think it may have been Admiral Christie. 635 00:43:31,868 --> 00:43:33,745 - Commander, there's something else. 636 00:43:33,745 --> 00:43:36,248 That outpost is transmitting a homing signal. 637 00:43:36,248 --> 00:43:37,291 - To where? 638 00:43:37,291 --> 00:43:39,585 - We don't know. It's a wide-range broadcast. 639 00:43:39,585 --> 00:43:40,877 - I don't like the sound of that. 640 00:43:42,379 --> 00:43:43,422 - What are you doing? 641 00:43:43,422 --> 00:43:46,133 - Trying to pull the power cell so we can check internal scanners. 642 00:43:46,133 --> 00:43:47,134 Won't budge. 643 00:43:47,134 --> 00:43:49,886 - Well, if it doesn't pop right out, it means you're doing it wrong. 644 00:43:51,096 --> 00:43:52,348 - What? 645 00:43:57,978 --> 00:44:00,105 - I'm pretty sure I can restore auxiliary power 646 00:44:00,105 --> 00:44:02,149 if I can find the source of the dampening field. 647 00:44:02,149 --> 00:44:04,901 - How can we accomplish that without internal scans? 648 00:44:04,901 --> 00:44:08,280 - I'll use the only scanners I got right now-- my eyes. 649 00:44:08,280 --> 00:44:11,534 It's gotta be in one of the engineering conduits, I just need to find it. 650 00:44:11,534 --> 00:44:15,371 - There are 132 engineering conduits on this ship. 651 00:44:15,371 --> 00:44:16,788 - Then I'd better get started. 652 00:44:16,788 --> 00:44:18,499 ISAAC: I will assist you, Commander. 653 00:44:19,833 --> 00:44:21,251 - Can you notify the bridge? 654 00:44:28,592 --> 00:44:29,718 TY: Mom! 655 00:44:30,553 --> 00:44:32,012 MARCUS: Mom! 656 00:44:32,762 --> 00:44:33,889 TY: Mom! 657 00:44:35,057 --> 00:44:36,141 MARCUS: Mom! 658 00:44:43,732 --> 00:44:46,735 - Maybe she went home. I'm going back to our quarters. 659 00:44:46,735 --> 00:44:47,944 - Fine. 660 00:44:48,487 --> 00:44:51,323 - Come with me? - I already told you that I'm not-- 661 00:44:51,323 --> 00:44:55,369 [soft rumbling, snarling] 662 00:45:03,085 --> 00:45:05,045 ♪ suspenseful music playing ♪ 663 00:45:06,380 --> 00:45:08,549 [creature snarls] 664 00:45:08,549 --> 00:45:09,841 [roars] 665 00:45:26,275 --> 00:45:28,068 [creature shrieking] 666 00:45:36,993 --> 00:45:39,371 [snarling] 667 00:45:47,796 --> 00:45:49,839 - What is that thing? - I don't know. 668 00:46:03,687 --> 00:46:06,022 - Marcus! What are you doing back here? 669 00:46:06,856 --> 00:46:08,651 - Did you see it?! - See what? 670 00:46:08,651 --> 00:46:10,193 - The monster! 671 00:46:10,193 --> 00:46:12,613 - I don't know what you guys mean, but there's no one else here. 672 00:46:13,196 --> 00:46:14,864 Come on out. 673 00:46:14,864 --> 00:46:16,617 Come on. 674 00:46:16,617 --> 00:46:20,203 - There was something else here. We both saw it. 675 00:46:20,203 --> 00:46:21,622 - What did it look like? 676 00:46:21,622 --> 00:46:23,624 - I don't know... like a spider. 677 00:46:23,624 --> 00:46:25,875 But big, like as big as you. 678 00:46:25,875 --> 00:46:28,587 - Well, there's nothing here now. 679 00:46:28,587 --> 00:46:30,255 - Why did the lights go off? 680 00:46:30,255 --> 00:46:32,341 - We're working on figuring that out. 681 00:46:32,341 --> 00:46:33,967 - Can you help us find our mom? 682 00:46:33,967 --> 00:46:35,594 - Of course. 683 00:46:35,594 --> 00:46:37,763 You guys stick with me, and we'll look for her together. 684 00:46:37,763 --> 00:46:39,431 [creature snarling softly] 685 00:46:42,392 --> 00:46:44,561 [growling] 686 00:46:46,772 --> 00:46:49,692 [screaming] 687 00:47:04,790 --> 00:47:06,417 [roaring] 688 00:47:06,417 --> 00:47:08,419 ♪ intense music playing ♪ 689 00:47:13,131 --> 00:47:16,051 [boys scream] - Oh, Ty! Marcus! 690 00:47:16,051 --> 00:47:18,262 - Mom! - Oh, thank God. 691 00:47:18,262 --> 00:47:19,764 Are you okay? 692 00:47:19,764 --> 00:47:22,224 What did we talk about when there's an emergency? 693 00:47:22,224 --> 00:47:24,017 You're supposed to wait in our quarters! 694 00:47:24,017 --> 00:47:26,019 - But there's a monster! - What? 695 00:47:26,019 --> 00:47:27,938 - There's something on board. 696 00:47:27,938 --> 00:47:30,649 Some kind of creature. It got Lieutenant Woodson. 697 00:47:30,649 --> 00:47:31,692 - We have to hide! 698 00:47:31,692 --> 00:47:33,736 - Let's get to the bridge. 699 00:47:35,446 --> 00:47:37,364 ♪ suspenseful music playing ♪ 700 00:47:40,284 --> 00:47:42,119 - And then what happened? 701 00:47:42,119 --> 00:47:44,079 - It sprayed him with something. 702 00:47:44,079 --> 00:47:46,248 And that's when he started to change. 703 00:47:46,248 --> 00:47:47,541 - Can you describe it? 704 00:47:47,541 --> 00:47:49,460 - His face... 705 00:47:49,460 --> 00:47:52,879 There were big black shiny eyes. 706 00:47:52,879 --> 00:47:54,423 And his skin was... 707 00:47:55,549 --> 00:47:57,926 it was like it went all rotten. 708 00:47:57,926 --> 00:48:00,053 - That sounds like what happened to Admiral Christie. 709 00:48:00,053 --> 00:48:02,848 - Demonic possession. - Huh? 710 00:48:02,848 --> 00:48:07,227 - The Krill warned us that this part of space was inhabited by... 711 00:48:07,227 --> 00:48:10,689 demons who would take possession of your soul. 712 00:48:10,689 --> 00:48:12,608 Something like this-- 713 00:48:12,608 --> 00:48:14,777 it's exactly how they would interpret it. 714 00:48:14,777 --> 00:48:18,113 - The microbes that Paul was exposed to on that outpost 715 00:48:18,113 --> 00:48:21,325 almost immediately started rewriting his DNA, 716 00:48:21,325 --> 00:48:23,368 turning his cells into... 717 00:48:23,368 --> 00:48:24,703 - Another species. 718 00:48:24,703 --> 00:48:29,416 - When the Admiral escaped sickbay, his transmutation was accelerating. 719 00:48:29,416 --> 00:48:31,293 He must have infected others. 720 00:48:31,293 --> 00:48:36,006 What Marcus described is most likely a more potent version of the microbes. 721 00:48:36,006 --> 00:48:37,508 - Reproduction. 722 00:48:37,508 --> 00:48:38,759 - That's my guess. 723 00:48:38,759 --> 00:48:42,513 It may be that their natural means of procreation 724 00:48:42,513 --> 00:48:45,557 is to hijack the bodies of other lifeforms. 725 00:48:45,557 --> 00:48:48,226 Like a parasite, only much more aggressive. 726 00:48:48,226 --> 00:48:50,855 - Then the distress call we received... 727 00:48:50,855 --> 00:48:52,314 - It was a mating call. 728 00:48:52,314 --> 00:48:53,774 - Oh, man... 729 00:48:53,774 --> 00:48:56,694 - There's no telling how many of our people have been infected. 730 00:48:56,694 --> 00:48:59,738 We need to contain the spread as quickly as possible. 731 00:48:59,738 --> 00:49:02,282 - Commander Lamarr was attempting to restore power 732 00:49:02,282 --> 00:49:04,368 from within the engineering conduits. 733 00:49:04,368 --> 00:49:06,829 He is likely unaware of the alien threat. 734 00:49:06,829 --> 00:49:07,746 - I'll find him. 735 00:49:41,780 --> 00:49:43,824 - Isaac, I think I found something! 736 00:49:43,824 --> 00:49:45,951 ISAAC: Do you require assistance? 737 00:49:45,951 --> 00:49:48,412 - I can't override the Admiral's command codes, 738 00:49:48,412 --> 00:49:51,707 but I might be able to rig a workaround and get auxiliary power back online. 739 00:49:51,707 --> 00:49:53,124 Stand by. 740 00:49:57,003 --> 00:49:59,256 [energy pulsing] 741 00:49:59,256 --> 00:50:01,132 Boom. There it is. 742 00:50:01,132 --> 00:50:04,219 [power surging, circuits clanging] 743 00:50:04,219 --> 00:50:07,097 No communications yet, but we got life support, 744 00:50:07,097 --> 00:50:09,015 interior illumination, and backup systems. 745 00:50:09,015 --> 00:50:10,851 Anything more is gonna take some time. 746 00:50:10,851 --> 00:50:13,228 ISAAC: I will alert the bridge. 747 00:50:13,228 --> 00:50:15,188 - Captain, we have minimal power. 748 00:50:15,188 --> 00:50:16,690 - It's about time. 749 00:50:18,400 --> 00:50:20,569 - Sir, I have to get to sickbay. 750 00:50:20,569 --> 00:50:23,530 If there's a counteragent, I need to find it, and fast. 751 00:50:23,530 --> 00:50:24,990 - Bortus, go with her. 752 00:50:24,990 --> 00:50:27,534 And see if you can gather a security detail to man the perimeter. 753 00:50:27,534 --> 00:50:28,994 - Aye, sir. 754 00:50:30,829 --> 00:50:32,163 - Stay here, kids. 755 00:50:39,838 --> 00:50:41,715 [metallic clatter] 756 00:50:58,816 --> 00:51:00,985 [hissing] 757 00:51:00,985 --> 00:51:03,821 [roaring, snarling] 758 00:51:19,795 --> 00:51:22,048 [gas hissing] 759 00:51:26,218 --> 00:51:28,512 [distorted voices snarling] 760 00:51:49,533 --> 00:51:51,911 [snarling, shrieking] 761 00:51:57,666 --> 00:51:59,167 - Hey! [roars] 762 00:51:59,167 --> 00:52:00,627 Come and get me, assholes! 763 00:52:13,099 --> 00:52:14,641 [footsteps stomping] 764 00:52:16,351 --> 00:52:18,144 [stomping] 765 00:52:31,784 --> 00:52:33,702 [roaring, shrieking] 766 00:52:34,703 --> 00:52:36,705 [roaring] 767 00:52:41,001 --> 00:52:42,878 [shrieks] 768 00:52:44,504 --> 00:52:47,257 [liquid-like crackling] 769 00:52:48,759 --> 00:52:50,469 [roaring] 770 00:52:53,973 --> 00:52:55,682 [shrieks] 771 00:53:00,146 --> 00:53:03,023 [roaring] 772 00:53:04,984 --> 00:53:07,111 [body crackling] 773 00:53:08,154 --> 00:53:09,696 [shrieking] 774 00:53:19,832 --> 00:53:21,249 [shrieks] 775 00:53:37,557 --> 00:53:39,559 ♪ intense music playing ♪ 776 00:53:42,021 --> 00:53:43,772 [creature roaring] 777 00:53:43,772 --> 00:53:45,816 [snarling] 778 00:53:51,237 --> 00:53:53,782 [creature hissing] 779 00:54:03,583 --> 00:54:06,419 JOHN: Hey! Can anybody hear me?! I need help! 780 00:54:06,419 --> 00:54:07,921 Hey, somebody! 781 00:54:10,465 --> 00:54:12,218 Isaac! Thank God. You gotta get me outta here! 782 00:54:12,218 --> 00:54:14,720 ISAAC: Commander, why are you in the brig? 783 00:54:14,720 --> 00:54:16,680 - Just get me out of here, we gotta get to the bridge! 784 00:54:21,476 --> 00:54:22,686 Come on! 785 00:54:28,984 --> 00:54:31,277 Okay, boom. Communications are back online. 786 00:54:31,277 --> 00:54:35,115 I had to divert power from life support, so nobody breathe too heavy. 787 00:54:35,115 --> 00:54:36,658 - Mercer to Finn. 788 00:54:36,658 --> 00:54:39,536 - Finn here, Captain. I'm in sickbay. 789 00:54:39,536 --> 00:54:41,080 - Were you able to find anything? 790 00:54:41,080 --> 00:54:42,497 DR. FINN: It's slow going here, sir. 791 00:54:42,497 --> 00:54:45,000 At least until you can get full power back up and running. 792 00:54:45,000 --> 00:54:46,168 GRAYSON: We're working on it. 793 00:54:46,168 --> 00:54:47,669 Is there any other way we can help? 794 00:54:47,669 --> 00:54:50,756 - Not unless you can get one of those creatures to agree to a physical. 795 00:54:52,091 --> 00:54:54,342 - Hi, doc. I thought you could use this. 796 00:54:55,677 --> 00:54:58,972 - Scratch that, Captain. We have a patient. 797 00:55:03,727 --> 00:55:06,980 - Sir. Long-range scanners are detecting a vessel. 798 00:55:06,980 --> 00:55:09,149 Ten million kilometers and closing. 799 00:55:09,149 --> 00:55:10,943 - Let's see it. 800 00:55:14,905 --> 00:55:16,073 - Magnify. 801 00:55:19,618 --> 00:55:22,746 - Oh, boy, that can't be good news. 802 00:55:22,746 --> 00:55:24,873 - John, how soon will we have quantum drive? 803 00:55:24,873 --> 00:55:26,416 - Not soon enough. 804 00:55:32,923 --> 00:55:34,842 DR. FINN: There's no recognizable DNA. 805 00:55:34,842 --> 00:55:38,971 Whoever this is, his genome has been completely transformed. 806 00:55:38,971 --> 00:55:40,931 I can't even tell what species he was. 807 00:55:40,931 --> 00:55:42,516 - Is there anything you can do? 808 00:55:42,516 --> 00:55:45,978 - If there was a fragment of his original genetic template, maybe... 809 00:55:45,978 --> 00:55:47,271 - I'll assemble a security detail. 810 00:55:47,271 --> 00:55:49,315 We'll go after them one by one if that's what it takes. 811 00:55:49,315 --> 00:55:52,276 - Wait a minute. I'm reading white blood cells. 812 00:55:53,360 --> 00:55:54,695 He was human. 813 00:55:55,403 --> 00:55:58,907 The cell count is low. Really low. 814 00:55:58,907 --> 00:56:00,326 - What does that mean? 815 00:56:00,326 --> 00:56:04,038 - It means the transformative process takes an enormous toll on the body. 816 00:56:04,038 --> 00:56:06,623 Based on the scan, it must be at least a couple of weeks 817 00:56:06,623 --> 00:56:09,543 before their immune systems are back up to full strength. 818 00:56:09,543 --> 00:56:10,836 - Then they have a weakness. 819 00:56:12,171 --> 00:56:14,298 - I could create a synthetic virus. 820 00:56:16,717 --> 00:56:19,427 It wouldn't have to be any stronger than the common cold, 821 00:56:19,427 --> 00:56:21,513 and it'd probably be fatal to them. 822 00:56:21,513 --> 00:56:24,308 We could disperse it in aerosolized form throughout the ship. 823 00:56:24,308 --> 00:56:25,642 They'd have no immunity. 824 00:56:25,642 --> 00:56:26,935 - What about us? 825 00:56:28,103 --> 00:56:29,855 - You might get the sniffles. 826 00:56:30,522 --> 00:56:31,815 - I am prepared. 827 00:56:36,862 --> 00:56:38,947 - Claire, even if this works... 828 00:56:38,947 --> 00:56:41,116 these are our shipmates we're talking about. 829 00:56:41,116 --> 00:56:43,202 They didn't ask for what happened to them. 830 00:56:43,202 --> 00:56:45,079 - Are they still our shipmates? 831 00:56:45,079 --> 00:56:46,038 You heard her. 832 00:56:46,038 --> 00:56:47,956 They're a completely different species now. 833 00:56:47,956 --> 00:56:50,251 We don't even know if there's anything left of what they were. 834 00:56:50,251 --> 00:56:53,921 - More importantly, it's us versus them. I vote for us. 835 00:56:53,921 --> 00:56:57,091 - If there was some way we could communicate with them, 836 00:56:57,091 --> 00:56:58,926 to give them a warning. 837 00:56:58,926 --> 00:57:00,552 - A chance to leave peacefully. 838 00:57:00,552 --> 00:57:02,554 - Maybe there's a way. 839 00:57:02,554 --> 00:57:04,681 Scan the ship for Selayan sunstone. 840 00:57:04,681 --> 00:57:07,059 - What for? - Just do it, please. 841 00:57:08,936 --> 00:57:10,687 It's a rare mineral. 842 00:57:10,687 --> 00:57:12,273 Our... 843 00:57:12,273 --> 00:57:14,108 wedding rings were made from it. 844 00:57:14,108 --> 00:57:15,776 Paul was wearing his. 845 00:57:15,776 --> 00:57:19,405 If he still has it, we may be able to locate him. 846 00:57:19,405 --> 00:57:20,364 - And then what? 847 00:57:20,364 --> 00:57:24,701 - If any small part of him still exists... maybe I can reach him. 848 00:57:24,701 --> 00:57:26,370 MERCER: Doctor, you can't be serious. 849 00:57:26,370 --> 00:57:30,457 If he comes after you, there's no way-- - I know. I know the risks. 850 00:57:30,457 --> 00:57:33,294 Please, Captain. I need to try. 851 00:57:35,379 --> 00:57:38,882 - I found a trace of something that could be sunstone. 852 00:57:38,882 --> 00:57:40,259 It's in Engineering. 853 00:57:42,970 --> 00:57:44,888 ♪ suspenseful music playing ♪ 854 00:57:54,940 --> 00:57:57,025 [roaring] 855 00:57:59,611 --> 00:58:01,738 [hissing] 856 00:58:03,782 --> 00:58:05,659 [creature yelping] 857 00:58:38,775 --> 00:58:40,027 - Paul? 858 00:58:41,153 --> 00:58:42,821 It's me, Claire. 859 00:58:44,448 --> 00:58:46,241 I have to talk to you. 860 00:58:47,575 --> 00:58:50,120 You need to hear what I have to say. 861 00:58:50,120 --> 00:58:52,498 Your life depends on it. 862 00:58:52,498 --> 00:58:53,874 [ship rattling] 863 00:58:53,874 --> 00:58:55,959 [scurrying, soft snarling] 864 00:59:15,437 --> 00:59:18,232 We've found a weakness in your biology. 865 00:59:18,232 --> 00:59:20,484 I've created a virus. 866 00:59:20,484 --> 00:59:23,278 You won't survive, any of you. 867 00:59:23,278 --> 00:59:28,200 We're prepared to use it if you don't leave the Orville immediately. 868 00:59:31,370 --> 00:59:34,831 There's a ship headed our way. We know it's one of yours. 869 00:59:34,831 --> 00:59:37,418 Take your people and go. 870 00:59:38,502 --> 00:59:39,669 [quiet snarling] 871 00:59:45,301 --> 00:59:47,219 [loud, unsteady breathing] 872 00:59:51,307 --> 00:59:52,391 Paul... 873 00:59:53,767 --> 00:59:57,687 If any small part of you is still in there... 874 00:59:59,815 --> 01:00:02,609 I want you to try to remember... 875 01:00:02,609 --> 01:00:03,569 when we were together. 876 01:00:04,570 --> 01:00:07,197 Remember how stubborn I was? 877 01:00:07,197 --> 01:00:09,492 Well, that hasn't changed. 878 01:00:11,201 --> 01:00:14,121 Take your people and go... 879 01:00:15,747 --> 01:00:19,793 or I swear we'll destroy every last one of you. 880 01:00:21,128 --> 01:00:23,755 - [gruffly] Not Paul. 881 01:00:24,840 --> 01:00:26,300 More. 882 01:00:27,968 --> 01:00:32,222 You... will... see. 883 01:00:32,222 --> 01:00:34,057 - See what? 884 01:00:34,057 --> 01:00:37,353 - You will be... 885 01:00:37,353 --> 01:00:40,481 of us. 886 01:00:42,316 --> 01:00:43,733 - Finn to bridge. 887 01:00:43,733 --> 01:00:45,027 MERCER: Mercer here. 888 01:00:45,027 --> 01:00:47,029 DR. FINN: Prepare to release the toxin. 889 01:00:48,697 --> 01:00:51,158 Start with the engineering deck. 890 01:00:51,158 --> 01:00:52,493 MERCER: Understood. 891 01:00:54,744 --> 01:00:57,581 [creature shrieking] 892 01:00:58,915 --> 01:01:00,543 [electronics buzzing] 893 01:01:02,378 --> 01:01:04,254 [shrieking continues] 894 01:01:05,631 --> 01:01:08,675 [creatures wailing] 895 01:01:12,929 --> 01:01:14,848 [wailing fades] 896 01:01:15,724 --> 01:01:18,310 - We go. 897 01:01:19,436 --> 01:01:20,604 - Thank you. 898 01:01:21,771 --> 01:01:26,151 - Not forever. 899 01:01:27,819 --> 01:01:30,780 ♪ intense music playing ♪ 900 01:01:30,780 --> 01:01:32,658 [feet scampering] 901 01:01:32,658 --> 01:01:34,826 [portals thudding] 902 01:01:55,556 --> 01:01:57,516 ♪ romantic piano music playing ♪ 903 01:02:09,528 --> 01:02:11,113 ISAAC: Good evening, Dr. Finn. 904 01:02:11,113 --> 01:02:12,573 - Isaac. 905 01:02:13,574 --> 01:02:15,200 What are you doing here? 906 01:02:15,200 --> 01:02:17,160 - I am checking on you. 907 01:02:17,994 --> 01:02:18,995 - Excuse me? 908 01:02:18,995 --> 01:02:22,207 - I have observed that when a crew member aboard the Orville 909 01:02:22,207 --> 01:02:24,167 endures a traumatic occurrence, 910 01:02:24,167 --> 01:02:26,670 other members of their immediate social construct 911 01:02:26,670 --> 01:02:28,922 inquire how they are doing. 912 01:02:29,965 --> 01:02:31,007 - That's true. 913 01:02:31,007 --> 01:02:32,884 - How are you doing? 914 01:02:34,219 --> 01:02:36,555 - I'm okay. - Very well. 915 01:02:38,140 --> 01:02:39,182 - Wait. 916 01:02:44,438 --> 01:02:47,857 I hear the Admiralty's suspended 917 01:02:47,857 --> 01:02:51,194 further exploration of the Naklav Sector for the moment. 918 01:02:51,194 --> 01:02:52,738 - That is correct. 919 01:02:52,738 --> 01:02:54,114 - Probably for the best. 920 01:02:55,240 --> 01:02:56,575 - I... 921 01:02:56,575 --> 01:02:59,620 wish to offer my condolences 922 01:02:59,620 --> 01:03:01,622 on the loss of your friend. 923 01:03:02,372 --> 01:03:04,082 - Well, that's very kind of you. 924 01:03:05,125 --> 01:03:07,127 Paul was a special person. 925 01:03:07,877 --> 01:03:11,507 I'm just glad I got to see him one last time. 926 01:03:11,507 --> 01:03:14,092 - He spoke favorably of you as well. 927 01:03:14,092 --> 01:03:17,596 - You... talked about me? With Paul? 928 01:03:17,596 --> 01:03:21,475 - Our shared history of social and sexual intimacy with you 929 01:03:21,475 --> 01:03:23,644 provided a common frame of reference. 930 01:03:23,644 --> 01:03:25,228 [laughs] 931 01:03:28,691 --> 01:03:30,693 - Do you know, I have missed you. 932 01:03:30,693 --> 01:03:32,277 - Thank you, Doctor. 933 01:03:34,363 --> 01:03:35,656 - Do you want to sit down? 934 01:03:38,116 --> 01:03:40,118 ♪ romantic piano music playing ♪ 935 01:03:58,053 --> 01:04:00,639 ♪ theme music playing ♪ 936 01:05:01,742 --> 01:05:04,745 ♪ fanfare playing ♪