1 00:00:18,060 --> 00:00:20,938 - I was born in a time of dreams. 2 00:00:21,522 --> 00:00:25,400 We were pure of spirit and devout in our beliefs. 3 00:00:25,400 --> 00:00:28,862 The blessings of Avis were showered upon us 4 00:00:28,862 --> 00:00:31,907 and brought our greatest hopes to life. 5 00:00:31,907 --> 00:00:36,495 But now we face a looming nightmare. 6 00:00:38,038 --> 00:00:40,832 We brought this nightmare upon ourselves 7 00:00:40,832 --> 00:00:45,170 when we placed our fate into the hands of a false prophet. 8 00:00:45,170 --> 00:00:47,422 [clamoring and jeering] 9 00:00:49,091 --> 00:00:51,718 Supreme Chancellor Korin 10 00:00:51,718 --> 00:00:55,347 has turned his back on everything we hold sacred. 11 00:00:55,347 --> 00:00:57,015 [jeering] 12 00:00:58,809 --> 00:01:00,727 At this very moment, 13 00:01:00,727 --> 00:01:04,106 he consorts with our enemies a thousand light-years away, 14 00:01:04,106 --> 00:01:08,694 negotiating a treaty with the Planetary Union, 15 00:01:08,694 --> 00:01:13,282 a treaty that will imperil our civilization. 16 00:01:17,661 --> 00:01:22,207 The Chancellor would have you believe that this treaty protects us. 17 00:01:22,791 --> 00:01:26,753 But in truth, it weakens us. 18 00:01:27,337 --> 00:01:32,009 It demands we surrender our divine right to expand our territory. 19 00:01:35,220 --> 00:01:39,391 It forces us to protect other worlds at the risk of our own... 20 00:01:42,603 --> 00:01:44,730 to spill our blood, 21 00:01:45,314 --> 00:01:49,443 to expend our resources for their benefit! 22 00:01:53,697 --> 00:01:58,911 If this treaty is ratified, what will they demand next? 23 00:02:00,037 --> 00:02:02,998 More of their ships in our space? 24 00:02:05,083 --> 00:02:08,420 Their politicians interfering in our affairs? 25 00:02:10,214 --> 00:02:14,676 The inevitable erosion of our ideals and our identity? 26 00:02:16,512 --> 00:02:19,890 Where will it end? 27 00:02:26,396 --> 00:02:28,398 When you go home to your children, 28 00:02:28,398 --> 00:02:31,735 will you tell them you chose to destroy our future? 29 00:02:33,612 --> 00:02:39,326 Or will you tell them you have reclaimed our dreams 30 00:02:39,326 --> 00:02:43,205 and placed your trust in the word of Avis? 31 00:02:45,123 --> 00:02:47,042 A word which declares... 32 00:02:47,042 --> 00:02:49,336 that Krill comes first! 33 00:02:58,303 --> 00:03:02,599 Place your faith in me as your Supreme Chancellor, 34 00:03:02,599 --> 00:03:06,019 and I will end this madness! 35 00:03:07,271 --> 00:03:12,860 And those responsible will pay for their treason! 36 00:03:12,860 --> 00:03:15,571 [crowd jeering] 37 00:03:15,571 --> 00:03:18,115 [chanting "Teleya!"] 38 00:03:23,036 --> 00:03:25,122 ♪ dramatic music playing ♪ 39 00:03:30,961 --> 00:03:32,963 ♪ theme song playing ♪ 40 00:05:04,763 --> 00:05:06,723 ♪ orchestra playing show tune ♪ 41 00:05:11,144 --> 00:05:14,815 - ♪ The sun will come out tomorrow ♪ 42 00:05:14,815 --> 00:05:19,486 ♪ So you gotta hang on till tomorrow ♪ 43 00:05:19,486 --> 00:05:22,865 ♪ Come what may ♪ 44 00:05:22,865 --> 00:05:25,909 ♪ Tomorrow, tomorrow ♪ 45 00:05:25,909 --> 00:05:28,787 ♪ I love ya tomorrow ♪ 46 00:05:28,787 --> 00:05:33,458 ♪ You're only a day away ♪ 47 00:05:33,458 --> 00:05:37,629 ♪ Tomorrow, tomorrow ♪ 48 00:05:37,629 --> 00:05:40,424 ♪ I love ya tomorrow ♪ 49 00:05:40,424 --> 00:05:45,345 ♪ You're only a day ♪ 50 00:05:45,345 --> 00:05:48,348 ♪ A... ♪ 51 00:05:48,348 --> 00:05:54,188 ♪ Way... ♪ 52 00:05:57,816 --> 00:05:59,860 [cheering] 53 00:06:18,045 --> 00:06:21,089 - Did you enjoy your evening on Broadway, Chancellor? 54 00:06:21,089 --> 00:06:22,549 - Indeed. 55 00:06:22,549 --> 00:06:27,596 However, the repeated prophecy of the orphan child was quite haunting. 56 00:06:28,388 --> 00:06:32,267 "The sun will come out... tomorrow." 57 00:06:32,267 --> 00:06:36,313 - In our culture, the sun is a symbol of suffering and death. 58 00:06:36,313 --> 00:06:40,108 - Yes, in retrospect, "Oklahoma!" might've been a better choice. 59 00:06:40,108 --> 00:06:43,612 - The performance depicted a time of tremendous hardship in your history. 60 00:06:43,612 --> 00:06:46,865 For how long did your world endure this catastrophe? 61 00:06:46,865 --> 00:06:49,910 - The Great Depression. It lasted over a decade. 62 00:06:49,910 --> 00:06:53,705 - Sadly, those kinds of societal collapses used to be pretty common. 63 00:06:53,705 --> 00:06:57,543 - It wasn't until we advanced beyond the need to buy and sell things 64 00:06:57,543 --> 00:06:59,837 that our world became a more stable place. 65 00:06:59,837 --> 00:07:03,048 - The Merchant Class is the backbone of our civilization. 66 00:07:03,048 --> 00:07:07,344 And our society has been stable for tens of thousands of years. 67 00:07:07,344 --> 00:07:10,722 What you lack is divine guidance. 68 00:07:10,722 --> 00:07:14,142 - All things considered, I'd say we're doing pretty well these days. 69 00:07:14,142 --> 00:07:16,270 - And yet, in the face of the Kaylon threat, 70 00:07:16,270 --> 00:07:18,605 you come to us begging for salvation. 71 00:07:18,605 --> 00:07:19,773 - Pakor! 72 00:07:19,773 --> 00:07:23,068 - Well, with all due respect, I wouldn't exactly call it begging. 73 00:07:23,068 --> 00:07:26,446 There's a clear and obvious mutual advantage here. 74 00:07:26,446 --> 00:07:28,824 - The treaty is not just for our advantage, 75 00:07:28,824 --> 00:07:30,450 but for yours as well. 76 00:07:30,450 --> 00:07:31,535 The Kaylon threat-- 77 00:07:31,535 --> 00:07:33,370 - The Kaylon will be defeated. 78 00:07:33,370 --> 00:07:35,831 Our fighting forces are unequaled. 79 00:07:35,831 --> 00:07:40,294 - But... our combined forces will ensure success. 80 00:07:40,878 --> 00:07:46,550 When the threat is existential, one cannot afford a margin for error. 81 00:07:46,550 --> 00:07:47,759 - A toast. 82 00:07:49,261 --> 00:07:54,183 To our combined forces and the salvation of all our worlds. 83 00:07:58,812 --> 00:08:00,689 - It's been a pleasure hosting you, Chancellor. 84 00:08:00,689 --> 00:08:04,484 Perhaps one day a Union delegation can visit Krill. 85 00:08:04,484 --> 00:08:08,363 - We would be most pleased to return your generosity. 86 00:08:08,363 --> 00:08:10,699 Once the details are finalized, 87 00:08:10,699 --> 00:08:16,538 I propose we sign the treaty in our glorious capital city of Dalakos. 88 00:08:16,538 --> 00:08:21,919 And we will celebrate my re-instatement as Supreme Chancellor. 89 00:08:21,919 --> 00:08:23,962 - It would be our great honor. 90 00:08:23,962 --> 00:08:27,424 OZAWA: I've... been meaning to ask about that, if I may. 91 00:08:27,424 --> 00:08:30,469 You seem very certain of your victory. 92 00:08:31,053 --> 00:08:34,181 - My opponent is a divisive figure 93 00:08:34,181 --> 00:08:36,350 who exploits fear and ignorance. 94 00:08:37,059 --> 00:08:41,396 She has a devout following, but it is insignificant. 95 00:08:41,396 --> 00:08:45,567 - Our projections show that Chancellor Korin will prevail. 96 00:08:45,567 --> 00:08:49,613 - Once the people of Krill see you for themselves, as I have, 97 00:08:49,613 --> 00:08:55,118 they will understand you are not the soulless monsters 98 00:08:55,118 --> 00:08:57,788 my opponent would have them believe. 99 00:08:57,788 --> 00:09:01,250 - Well, at the risk of getting us all drunk on toasts, 100 00:09:01,250 --> 00:09:04,545 here's to your victory, Chancellor. 101 00:09:04,545 --> 00:09:07,381 And to a new era of long-lasting peace. 102 00:09:07,381 --> 00:09:08,298 - Hear, hear! 103 00:09:09,800 --> 00:09:13,512 ♪ saloon piano playing "The Yellow Rose of Texas" ♪ 104 00:09:18,976 --> 00:09:21,770 - Aww, man, y'know, that makes me miss your moustache. 105 00:09:21,770 --> 00:09:23,939 - [laughs] Oh, my God, you had a moustache? 106 00:09:23,939 --> 00:09:25,524 - Oh, yeah, it was amazing. 107 00:09:25,524 --> 00:09:27,776 - I thought Moclans didn't grow facial hair. 108 00:09:27,776 --> 00:09:30,946 - Doctor Finn was able to stimulate growth. 109 00:09:30,946 --> 00:09:33,657 - What about the Hippocratic Oath, "First do no harm"? 110 00:09:33,657 --> 00:09:35,158 - Wait a minute, how is that harm? 111 00:09:35,158 --> 00:09:36,451 - It's a moustache. 112 00:09:36,451 --> 00:09:39,162 - [chuckles] She's got us there. 113 00:09:39,705 --> 00:09:43,584 - Whoa! Commander, you might wanna pace yourself, we're only in the 1800s. 114 00:09:43,584 --> 00:09:45,335 - Eh, don't worry about me, I'll make it. 115 00:09:45,335 --> 00:09:47,379 - Have you been through the whole simulation? 116 00:09:47,379 --> 00:09:50,549 - Almost. The pub crawl through history is a classic in my family. 117 00:09:50,549 --> 00:09:54,636 My dad once made it from ancient Greece all the way to the Water Wars. 118 00:09:54,636 --> 00:09:57,306 - I've gotta say, I've never understood the "pub crawl." 119 00:09:57,306 --> 00:09:58,515 We're here, we're drinking. 120 00:09:58,515 --> 00:10:01,226 The booze is gonna be exactly the same at the next place. 121 00:10:01,226 --> 00:10:03,854 Let's just stay here, we're enjoying ourselves. 122 00:10:03,854 --> 00:10:07,608 - Hey. Here's to your promotion. Lieutenant Commander Keyali. 123 00:10:08,317 --> 00:10:10,235 It's got a nice ring to it. - Thanks, John. 124 00:10:10,235 --> 00:10:12,654 Best part is, I don't have to call you "sir" anymore. 125 00:10:12,654 --> 00:10:15,324 - That's fine by me. Kinda like hearing you use my name. 126 00:10:15,324 --> 00:10:17,284 - Oh, yeah? - Yeah. 127 00:10:17,284 --> 00:10:19,077 Wouldn't mind hearing it more often, actually. 128 00:10:19,745 --> 00:10:21,246 - Are you trying to tell me something? 129 00:10:22,831 --> 00:10:24,082 - Oh, my God. 130 00:10:27,085 --> 00:10:28,837 ISAAC: This town will not accommodate 131 00:10:28,837 --> 00:10:32,299 the numerical totality of our combined mass. 132 00:10:32,299 --> 00:10:34,676 - Well, it was fun while it lasted. 133 00:10:34,676 --> 00:10:36,553 - [comm beeps] MAN: Bridge to Captain. 134 00:10:36,553 --> 00:10:37,679 - Go ahead. 135 00:10:37,679 --> 00:10:40,057 MAN: I have Admiral Halsey on a priority-one channel 136 00:10:40,057 --> 00:10:41,767 for you and Commander Grayson. 137 00:10:41,767 --> 00:10:42,976 - We're on our way. 138 00:10:48,774 --> 00:10:51,527 - So this is actually happening? Like it's a done deal? 139 00:10:51,527 --> 00:10:53,070 - Everything but the ink. 140 00:10:53,070 --> 00:10:56,323 The last few outstanding points were finalized about an hour ago. 141 00:10:56,323 --> 00:10:59,326 - Admiral, I gotta say, congratulations to all of you. 142 00:10:59,326 --> 00:11:01,411 This... This is huge. 143 00:11:01,411 --> 00:11:04,081 - Well, you and your crew should congratulate yourselves as well. 144 00:11:04,081 --> 00:11:07,251 The Orville played a critical role leading up to this achievement. 145 00:11:07,251 --> 00:11:08,585 I'm proud of you. 146 00:11:08,585 --> 00:11:09,920 - Thank you, sir. 147 00:11:09,920 --> 00:11:13,549 - The treaty signing will take place in Dalakos in one week. 148 00:11:13,549 --> 00:11:15,008 - Dalakos? 149 00:11:15,008 --> 00:11:16,134 On Krill? 150 00:11:16,134 --> 00:11:21,098 - President Alcuzan has been invited, along with Senator Balask and myself. 151 00:11:21,098 --> 00:11:24,685 And I've requested The Orville for transport duty. 152 00:11:25,561 --> 00:11:28,313 - Really? - You'll be among the first Union officers 153 00:11:28,313 --> 00:11:30,190 ever to set foot on Krill. 154 00:11:30,190 --> 00:11:33,527 - Sir, this is... this is amazing. 155 00:11:33,527 --> 00:11:34,945 We're so grateful. 156 00:11:34,945 --> 00:11:36,738 - Don't be, you've earned it. 157 00:11:36,738 --> 00:11:39,992 You'll head back to Earth immediately to pick up the delegation. 158 00:11:39,992 --> 00:11:42,452 Saddle up, you've got a long ride. 159 00:11:42,452 --> 00:11:44,288 Halsey out. 160 00:11:44,872 --> 00:11:47,499 - Oh, my God. - This is unbelievable. 161 00:11:48,500 --> 00:11:50,544 - You know what the best part is? - What? 162 00:11:50,544 --> 00:11:52,337 - He had no idea we'd been drinking. 163 00:11:52,337 --> 00:11:55,090 - This is a good day. - It is a good day. 164 00:11:55,090 --> 00:11:56,508 [chuckles] 165 00:11:56,508 --> 00:11:58,385 ♪ tranquil music playing ♪ 166 00:12:19,281 --> 00:12:21,033 [hatch whirring] 167 00:12:27,039 --> 00:12:30,292 - Ah! Captain Mercer. It's so good to finally meet you. 168 00:12:30,292 --> 00:12:32,836 - The privilege is all mine, Mr. President. 169 00:12:34,087 --> 00:12:36,548 - And you must be Commander Grayson. 170 00:12:36,548 --> 00:12:39,218 I've heard great things from Admiral Halsey. 171 00:12:39,218 --> 00:12:41,386 We both admired your father very much. 172 00:12:41,386 --> 00:12:43,680 - Thank you, Mr. President. I know he felt the same. 173 00:12:44,640 --> 00:12:46,808 - Well, I appreciate the honor guard, 174 00:12:46,808 --> 00:12:48,602 but, uh, you didn't have to go to the trouble. 175 00:12:48,602 --> 00:12:50,270 - It's no trouble, sir. 176 00:12:50,270 --> 00:12:53,065 This is my Chief of Security, Commander Talla Keyali. 177 00:12:53,065 --> 00:12:54,816 - Your team is impressive, Commander. 178 00:12:54,816 --> 00:12:56,068 - Thank you, sir. 179 00:12:56,068 --> 00:12:58,779 It's not every day I get to show them off for a group like this. 180 00:12:58,779 --> 00:13:00,989 - If you're ready to get settled, we'll show you to your quarters. 181 00:13:00,989 --> 00:13:02,241 - Ah, wonderful. 182 00:13:03,951 --> 00:13:05,285 - Ed. 183 00:13:05,285 --> 00:13:07,913 Before we get underway, there's something you should know. 184 00:13:08,622 --> 00:13:09,540 About the election. 185 00:13:09,540 --> 00:13:11,500 - What is it? 186 00:13:11,500 --> 00:13:17,172 - What they call a treaty, I call a capitulation of cowards! 187 00:13:17,172 --> 00:13:19,258 [jeering] 188 00:13:22,052 --> 00:13:26,723 Their Union is a patchwork alliance of hundreds of species 189 00:13:26,723 --> 00:13:30,894 that long ago surrendered their identities to this... 190 00:13:30,894 --> 00:13:34,898 this social collective that rapes them of their purity. 191 00:13:34,898 --> 00:13:37,651 [crowd jeering] 192 00:13:37,651 --> 00:13:39,987 Would you let them do the same to us? 193 00:13:39,987 --> 00:13:42,281 ALL: [jeering] No! 194 00:13:42,281 --> 00:13:44,491 - Make no mistake. 195 00:13:45,075 --> 00:13:47,703 The outstretched hand of welcome 196 00:13:47,703 --> 00:13:50,914 will quickly become the fist of oppression. 197 00:13:50,914 --> 00:13:51,915 [jeering] 198 00:13:51,915 --> 00:13:57,129 We must kill this treaty and reclaim our rightful place 199 00:13:57,129 --> 00:14:00,591 as the dominant force in this galaxy. 200 00:14:00,591 --> 00:14:02,301 [crowd chanting "Teleya!"] 201 00:14:05,345 --> 00:14:06,722 [screen chimes] 202 00:14:08,515 --> 00:14:12,144 - After you released Teleya to the Krill, she quit the military. 203 00:14:12,144 --> 00:14:13,937 Several months later, she reemerged 204 00:14:13,937 --> 00:14:17,441 as part of a small but vocal opposition to the Krill establishment. 205 00:14:17,900 --> 00:14:20,694 It didn't really gain traction until the Krill started talking 206 00:14:20,694 --> 00:14:22,029 about a treaty with the Union. 207 00:14:22,029 --> 00:14:24,573 That's when Teleya's rhetoric started to resonate. 208 00:14:24,573 --> 00:14:27,075 More and more people began to take her seriously. 209 00:14:27,075 --> 00:14:28,744 Her personal story, 210 00:14:28,744 --> 00:14:31,580 the so-called massacre of her brother and crew, 211 00:14:31,580 --> 00:14:34,833 helped her reinvent herself as a sort of folk hero. 212 00:14:34,833 --> 00:14:36,585 She's been gaining popularity ever since. 213 00:14:36,585 --> 00:14:38,420 - Does she have a chance in the election? 214 00:14:38,420 --> 00:14:40,589 - It's our understanding that Chancellor Korin 215 00:14:40,589 --> 00:14:41,798 maintains a wide lead. 216 00:14:41,798 --> 00:14:44,676 But for some, his embrace of the treaty makes him look soft. 217 00:14:44,676 --> 00:14:46,428 To the more radical demographics, 218 00:14:46,428 --> 00:14:50,224 his comparatively moderate administration seems out of touch. 219 00:14:50,224 --> 00:14:53,352 So what you've got is a political vacuum. 220 00:14:53,352 --> 00:14:56,730 - A political vacuum is a dangerous thing. - Always. 221 00:14:56,730 --> 00:14:59,525 If no one fills it with hope, someone will fill it with fear. 222 00:14:59,525 --> 00:15:02,152 Regardless of the outcome, we have to assume Teleya 223 00:15:02,152 --> 00:15:05,155 will do everything in her power to undermine the alliance. 224 00:15:05,155 --> 00:15:07,366 - I thought we'd made progress... 225 00:15:07,366 --> 00:15:09,868 - Ed, you know her better than any of us. 226 00:15:10,619 --> 00:15:13,580 If there are any insights you could provide as far as her thinking, 227 00:15:13,580 --> 00:15:17,167 her vulnerabilities, it would be very helpful. 228 00:15:26,385 --> 00:15:31,265 - I promise you, you will achieve nothing by this demonstration. 229 00:15:31,265 --> 00:15:32,516 [jeering] 230 00:15:33,725 --> 00:15:37,938 There will be no additional funding for the Uvok Province! 231 00:15:37,938 --> 00:15:39,439 [door chirps] 232 00:15:41,024 --> 00:15:42,192 - Come in. 233 00:15:45,654 --> 00:15:47,656 Hey. - Hey. 234 00:15:48,949 --> 00:15:51,410 I was just checking to see how you're holding up. 235 00:15:52,578 --> 00:15:54,830 - I owe you an apology. 236 00:15:55,414 --> 00:15:56,498 - For what? 237 00:15:57,040 --> 00:16:02,546 - You objected to my releasing Teleya, and I ignored you. 238 00:16:05,883 --> 00:16:07,134 I just... 239 00:16:07,843 --> 00:16:11,597 wanted to believe that I had reached her on some level. 240 00:16:11,597 --> 00:16:14,183 - You can't blame yourself for what Teleya believes. 241 00:16:17,561 --> 00:16:18,520 - Look at this. 242 00:16:21,857 --> 00:16:26,403 Chancellor Korin gave us limited access to the Krill informational network. 243 00:16:26,403 --> 00:16:29,489 [crowd jeering] - The people of the Uvok Province 244 00:16:29,489 --> 00:16:31,366 have repeatedly shown themselves 245 00:16:31,366 --> 00:16:35,996 to be blasphemous degenerates, unworthy of our aid! 246 00:16:35,996 --> 00:16:38,457 By assembling in this place, 247 00:16:38,457 --> 00:16:43,378 you show yourselves to be as disloyal as they are! 248 00:16:43,378 --> 00:16:47,716 You will regret what you do here today! 249 00:16:47,716 --> 00:16:49,009 [computer chirps] 250 00:16:49,009 --> 00:16:53,055 - A few minutes after this, the protestors were gassed with helocine. 251 00:16:53,055 --> 00:16:54,640 Eleven people died. 252 00:16:54,640 --> 00:16:56,183 - My God. 253 00:16:56,183 --> 00:16:57,893 This is the guy we want to sign a treaty with? 254 00:16:57,893 --> 00:17:00,771 - You know what the real problem with this event is? 255 00:17:00,771 --> 00:17:02,189 It never happened. 256 00:17:03,440 --> 00:17:05,442 It's completely fictitious. 257 00:17:06,276 --> 00:17:09,613 And there are countless other files that show all kinds of scenarios 258 00:17:09,613 --> 00:17:12,157 where Chancellor Korin oppresses his people. 259 00:17:12,157 --> 00:17:15,244 There are even some from the other side designed to discredit Teleya, 260 00:17:15,244 --> 00:17:17,788 although they're not that different from her actual speeches. 261 00:17:17,788 --> 00:17:19,289 - How can you tell the difference? 262 00:17:19,289 --> 00:17:20,874 - Sometimes I can't. 263 00:17:21,458 --> 00:17:25,170 I asked the Chancellor, and he said they call it "influence operations." 264 00:17:25,170 --> 00:17:26,797 They have computers 265 00:17:26,797 --> 00:17:31,093 generating thousands of these things every second, trying to stoke outrage. 266 00:17:31,093 --> 00:17:33,011 Even the angry crowds are phony. 267 00:17:33,011 --> 00:17:35,764 - What do you make of it? As far as the election goes? 268 00:17:35,764 --> 00:17:37,182 - I don't know. 269 00:17:38,392 --> 00:17:41,103 Teleya is inexperienced. 270 00:17:41,103 --> 00:17:43,814 She's a populist, not a politician. 271 00:17:44,481 --> 00:17:46,316 She's running on rhetoric and fire. 272 00:17:46,316 --> 00:17:49,486 So the Chancellor thinks that he's still a lock. 273 00:17:49,486 --> 00:17:52,489 He says he trusts his people to follow the will of Avis. 274 00:17:54,408 --> 00:17:56,952 - You never want to underestimate a populist movement. 275 00:17:57,870 --> 00:18:00,289 Emotions can be more persuasive than thoughts. 276 00:18:02,499 --> 00:18:04,501 You think any of this will affect the treaty? 277 00:18:05,127 --> 00:18:08,380 - Battle plans are only perfect until the fighting starts. 278 00:18:09,214 --> 00:18:14,178 I gotta believe that some version of that holds true for peace treaties. 279 00:18:24,688 --> 00:18:26,690 ♪ intense music playing ♪ 280 00:18:30,652 --> 00:18:32,237 - We're approaching Krill space, Captain. 281 00:18:32,237 --> 00:18:33,614 - Drop to sublight. 282 00:18:33,614 --> 00:18:34,865 - Aye, sir. 283 00:18:41,997 --> 00:18:44,625 - Three Krill battlecruisers are closing on our position. 284 00:18:57,471 --> 00:18:59,306 - They're signaling us to follow them. 285 00:18:59,306 --> 00:19:00,390 - Gordon. 286 00:19:00,390 --> 00:19:02,142 - Matching speed and heading. 287 00:19:13,820 --> 00:19:15,072 ISAAC: The planet is enveloped 288 00:19:15,072 --> 00:19:17,866 by cirrostratus and cumulonimbus cloud layers. 289 00:19:17,866 --> 00:19:21,078 Average surface temperature is five degrees above freezing. 290 00:19:21,078 --> 00:19:23,372 SENATOR BALASK: That's going to be a bumpy entry. 291 00:19:23,372 --> 00:19:25,374 Your navigator will have to be alert. 292 00:19:25,374 --> 00:19:29,127 - I think you'll find Ensign Burke is pretty quick on the draw. 293 00:19:29,127 --> 00:19:31,630 - I promise I'll get you there in one piece, Senator. 294 00:19:31,630 --> 00:19:33,882 - Captain, the shuttle has been cleared for departure. 295 00:19:35,926 --> 00:19:37,386 - We'll see you soon. 296 00:19:37,386 --> 00:19:38,929 - Go make some history. 297 00:20:08,083 --> 00:20:10,085 - Approaching ionosphere. 298 00:20:10,085 --> 00:20:12,629 - Sir, I'm gonna be feeding you the course corrections pretty quickly. 299 00:20:12,629 --> 00:20:14,548 This atmosphere is gonna kick our butts a little, 300 00:20:14,548 --> 00:20:16,341 but I'll try to keep us out of the roughest air. 301 00:20:16,341 --> 00:20:17,801 - Very good, Ensign. 302 00:20:17,801 --> 00:20:20,387 - Sir, I'm happy to take the helm if you want. 303 00:20:20,387 --> 00:20:23,056 - You're asking if I'm as sharp as I used to be? 304 00:20:23,056 --> 00:20:25,267 - No, sir, not at all. 305 00:20:25,893 --> 00:20:29,688 - When I called you from Earth, I knew you and Kelly were drunk. 306 00:20:31,899 --> 00:20:33,442 - Point made, sir. 307 00:20:33,442 --> 00:20:34,902 Shuttle's yours. 308 00:20:34,902 --> 00:20:36,403 - Brace for entry. 309 00:20:44,369 --> 00:20:48,207 - "Night falls fast, today is in the past." 310 00:20:48,832 --> 00:20:50,125 - What is that, sir? 311 00:20:50,626 --> 00:20:52,169 - It's from a poem. 312 00:20:52,169 --> 00:20:54,922 - Okay, here we go. It's about to get bumpy, folks. 313 00:20:54,922 --> 00:20:56,882 - How dense is the full cloud cover? 314 00:20:56,882 --> 00:20:58,383 - About 80 kilometers. 315 00:21:05,641 --> 00:21:07,434 We've lost sight of our escorts. 316 00:21:07,434 --> 00:21:10,145 - I have 'em on lateral scans. They're on us like glue. 317 00:21:14,942 --> 00:21:15,943 - Look... 318 00:21:17,069 --> 00:21:19,947 ♪ dramatic music playing ♪ 319 00:22:19,214 --> 00:22:20,757 - All right, this is it. 320 00:22:20,757 --> 00:22:21,842 - We'll see you soon. 321 00:22:21,842 --> 00:22:23,594 - Yes, sir. I'll be here. 322 00:22:24,303 --> 00:22:27,890 - You know, Ensign... this is history in the making. 323 00:22:27,890 --> 00:22:30,434 Perhaps you'd like to join us as an observer. 324 00:22:30,434 --> 00:22:32,686 If your Captain has no objections. 325 00:22:32,686 --> 00:22:34,021 - None, Admiral. 326 00:22:34,021 --> 00:22:36,190 - Very well. Come on. 327 00:23:04,843 --> 00:23:06,303 - Who's this guy? 328 00:23:06,303 --> 00:23:09,348 - That's Avis, the Krill deity. 329 00:23:10,390 --> 00:23:12,518 - Looks like a lotta laughs. 330 00:23:30,536 --> 00:23:33,121 - President Alcuzan. Welcome. 331 00:23:33,121 --> 00:23:36,041 This is truly an historic occasion. 332 00:23:36,041 --> 00:23:38,585 - Your gracious invitation honors us, Chancellor. 333 00:23:38,585 --> 00:23:42,422 - Please, join us for some Kahspid cider. 334 00:23:42,422 --> 00:23:43,757 A Krill delicacy. 335 00:23:43,757 --> 00:23:45,175 - Alien delicacies. 336 00:23:45,175 --> 00:23:46,718 - Always a crap shoot. 337 00:23:49,888 --> 00:23:52,182 - Wow! - Mm. That's fantastic. 338 00:23:52,182 --> 00:23:54,017 - My God, could we get a case of this? 339 00:23:54,017 --> 00:23:57,688 - We take great pride in our Kahspid crops. 340 00:23:57,688 --> 00:23:59,773 I will have some sent to your ship. 341 00:23:59,773 --> 00:24:01,275 Your timing is excellent. 342 00:24:01,275 --> 00:24:05,737 Several districts have yet to be counted, but we remain confident. 343 00:24:05,737 --> 00:24:09,366 Tonight, we will all have reason to celebrate. 344 00:24:09,366 --> 00:24:10,701 Come, please. 345 00:24:15,122 --> 00:24:17,541 - What is your opinion of our city, Ensign? 346 00:24:17,541 --> 00:24:19,042 - It's amazing. 347 00:24:19,042 --> 00:24:21,128 The view was incredible from the shuttle. 348 00:24:21,128 --> 00:24:23,213 I hope we get to see more of it. 349 00:24:30,971 --> 00:24:33,932 - If I may propose a toast, Chancellor... 350 00:24:33,932 --> 00:24:35,100 To the treaty. 351 00:24:35,100 --> 00:24:36,643 - And to the future. 352 00:24:36,643 --> 00:24:37,644 [glasses clink] 353 00:24:42,482 --> 00:24:44,318 - What's that cluster of lights? 354 00:24:44,318 --> 00:24:48,030 - The Grand Marketplace, our center of commerce. 355 00:24:48,030 --> 00:24:51,408 Merchants from every corner of the planet can be found there. 356 00:24:52,534 --> 00:24:54,828 - Chancellor, I am sorry to interrupt, 357 00:24:54,828 --> 00:24:57,664 but the final districts are reporting their outcomes. 358 00:24:57,664 --> 00:24:58,957 - And? 359 00:24:58,957 --> 00:25:01,460 - The situation has changed. 360 00:25:03,337 --> 00:25:05,380 [overlapping voices on screens] 361 00:25:09,426 --> 00:25:10,844 - What's going on? 362 00:25:10,844 --> 00:25:14,139 - Teleya. She has prevailed in the last seven districts. 363 00:25:14,681 --> 00:25:15,974 - But you're still ahead, right? 364 00:25:21,563 --> 00:25:22,856 - What's happening? 365 00:25:22,856 --> 00:25:25,442 - The final districts are being counted now. 366 00:25:25,442 --> 00:25:28,820 The Chancellor is winning, but only by a small margin. 367 00:25:32,783 --> 00:25:34,409 - No. 368 00:25:34,409 --> 00:25:36,119 This is... 369 00:25:36,119 --> 00:25:37,246 not possible. 370 00:25:37,246 --> 00:25:39,498 - We have lost the Katal District. 371 00:25:39,498 --> 00:25:41,542 And the Garathon is turning as well. 372 00:25:41,542 --> 00:25:43,585 Chancellor, we cannot win without them! 373 00:25:43,585 --> 00:25:44,670 [screen chirps] 374 00:25:44,670 --> 00:25:46,755 - Several districts have yet to report, 375 00:25:46,755 --> 00:25:49,424 but they will have no bearing on the final outcome. 376 00:25:49,424 --> 00:25:52,302 The Circle of Clerics have conferred, 377 00:25:52,302 --> 00:25:58,016 and they are prepared to sanctify Teleya as the Supreme Chancellor of Krill. 378 00:25:59,810 --> 00:26:02,354 When sanctification is ratified, 379 00:26:02,354 --> 00:26:06,066 the anointing ceremony will commence, and all citizens-- 380 00:26:06,066 --> 00:26:08,318 - Notify the Circle of Clerics 381 00:26:08,318 --> 00:26:11,488 that they must suspend their judgment immediately. 382 00:26:11,488 --> 00:26:13,574 We intend to challenge this result. 383 00:26:13,574 --> 00:26:15,409 - They are unlikely to reconsider. 384 00:26:15,409 --> 00:26:21,373 - They will do as I say as long as I am still Supreme Chancellor. 385 00:26:23,375 --> 00:26:25,878 Clearly, our projections were flawed. 386 00:26:25,878 --> 00:26:28,547 But close elections are not unprecedented. 387 00:26:28,547 --> 00:26:33,177 When the margin of victory is this narrow, a challenge is always honored. 388 00:26:33,177 --> 00:26:34,803 And I am certain that once-- 389 00:26:36,972 --> 00:26:37,973 - Korin! 390 00:26:39,016 --> 00:26:40,684 You will come with us. 391 00:26:40,684 --> 00:26:42,728 - What is the meaning of this?! 392 00:26:42,728 --> 00:26:44,646 - We have orders for your arrest. 393 00:26:44,646 --> 00:26:47,024 - Arrest? For what? 394 00:26:47,024 --> 00:26:48,275 - Treason. 395 00:26:48,275 --> 00:26:50,068 - Whose orders? 396 00:26:50,068 --> 00:26:52,112 - Supreme Chancellor Teleya. 397 00:26:52,821 --> 00:26:55,449 You will come with us. Now. 398 00:26:56,325 --> 00:26:58,869 - This is heresy! Teleya has not sworn her oath! 399 00:26:58,869 --> 00:27:02,372 She has no authority! I am Supreme Chancellor! 400 00:27:02,372 --> 00:27:04,917 This is not an election, it is a coup! 401 00:27:04,917 --> 00:27:06,960 Pakor, contact the Circle of Clerics! 402 00:27:06,960 --> 00:27:09,838 - Our fate belongs to Avis now. 403 00:27:09,838 --> 00:27:12,966 - [groaning] Let me go, you fools! The people have... 404 00:27:12,966 --> 00:27:16,637 - We are observers here. You have no right to detain us. 405 00:27:17,179 --> 00:27:19,056 - Mr. President! - Are you all right? 406 00:27:19,056 --> 00:27:20,140 - Help him! 407 00:27:20,140 --> 00:27:21,266 - Take them. 408 00:27:34,696 --> 00:27:39,034 - Commander. One of the Krill vessels is locking onto us with a tractor beam. 409 00:27:42,913 --> 00:27:45,123 - Hail them. - They're already hailing us. 410 00:27:45,123 --> 00:27:46,124 - Put them through. 411 00:27:47,167 --> 00:27:49,795 This is Commander Kelly Grayson. What the hell are you doing? 412 00:27:49,795 --> 00:27:51,964 - The treaty has been nullified. 413 00:27:51,964 --> 00:27:54,967 Supreme Chancellor Teleya has called for your imprisonment. 414 00:27:54,967 --> 00:27:56,301 - I'm sorry, what? 415 00:27:56,301 --> 00:27:58,846 - Surrender your vessel and prepare to be boarded. 416 00:27:58,846 --> 00:28:00,639 - Contact the landing party. 417 00:28:00,639 --> 00:28:02,140 - I'm trying. No response. 418 00:28:02,140 --> 00:28:04,142 - I demand to speak with Captain Mercer. 419 00:28:04,142 --> 00:28:07,312 - Surrender now. You will not be warned again. 420 00:28:08,230 --> 00:28:10,232 - Any word? - Nothing. 421 00:28:11,191 --> 00:28:13,610 - Bortus, I want you to lock onto their tractor emitters. 422 00:28:13,610 --> 00:28:16,405 Stand by to fire on my command. - Aye, sir. 423 00:28:16,905 --> 00:28:19,199 - Bridge to Engineering. - Lamarr here. 424 00:28:19,199 --> 00:28:22,244 KELLY GRAYSON: John, execute Directive 21. 425 00:28:22,244 --> 00:28:24,872 - Sir, please confirm. Did you say 21? 426 00:28:24,872 --> 00:28:26,415 GRAYSON: Yes. Have Dr. Finn assist you. 427 00:28:26,415 --> 00:28:27,499 Do it now. 428 00:28:27,499 --> 00:28:28,917 - Understood. 429 00:28:30,752 --> 00:28:31,837 - Go to red alert. 430 00:28:33,046 --> 00:28:35,799 - Targeting scanners are locked. Weapons standing by. 431 00:28:35,799 --> 00:28:37,551 - Gordon, get ready to haul ass. 432 00:28:37,551 --> 00:28:38,510 - You got it. 433 00:28:38,510 --> 00:28:40,637 ISAAC: They have activated their docking clamps. 434 00:28:40,637 --> 00:28:42,055 - Fire. 435 00:28:42,055 --> 00:28:43,682 [lasers firing] 436 00:28:44,516 --> 00:28:46,310 - We're clear! - Evasive maneuvers! 437 00:28:46,310 --> 00:28:47,561 Full power to the deflectors! 438 00:28:52,316 --> 00:28:53,775 Hard about, return fire! 439 00:29:06,997 --> 00:29:09,958 - Port deflectors are failing! Torpedo launchers are off-line! 440 00:29:09,958 --> 00:29:11,418 - John, what's your status? 441 00:29:11,418 --> 00:29:13,045 JOHN LAMARR: Almost ready, Commander! 442 00:29:14,129 --> 00:29:16,048 - How close is "almost"? LAMARR: Two minutes! 443 00:29:16,048 --> 00:29:17,674 - I can't shake 'em! 444 00:29:21,386 --> 00:29:23,972 Sir, what if we tried an expanding helix maneuver? 445 00:29:23,972 --> 00:29:26,266 - Never heard of it. - That's because I just made it up. 446 00:29:26,266 --> 00:29:28,769 - Do it. [ship rumbles] 447 00:29:40,948 --> 00:29:42,407 - Krill fighters in pursuit. 448 00:29:50,165 --> 00:29:52,459 - John, we're about to lose deflectors. It's now or never. 449 00:29:52,459 --> 00:29:55,629 LAMARR: Directive 21 clear, Commander. - Gordon, take us to quantum. 450 00:30:01,677 --> 00:30:05,180 [crowd roaring] 451 00:30:05,180 --> 00:30:07,641 [chanting "Teleya!"] 452 00:30:15,899 --> 00:30:18,735 - Hail Avis! - Hail Teleya! 453 00:30:18,735 --> 00:30:20,571 [shouting continues] 454 00:30:31,331 --> 00:30:35,252 - The Anhkana teaches us that a battle is not won 455 00:30:35,252 --> 00:30:38,255 until the last enemy is vanquished. 456 00:30:38,255 --> 00:30:41,550 We have achieved a great victory today, 457 00:30:42,593 --> 00:30:45,470 but an enemy remains in our midst. 458 00:30:45,470 --> 00:30:49,641 [crowd roaring, jeering] 459 00:30:55,731 --> 00:30:58,775 Look into the eyes of the people you have betrayed! 460 00:31:03,030 --> 00:31:07,534 You are a traitor to your world and a heretic in the eyes of Avis. 461 00:31:09,077 --> 00:31:11,705 Do you wish to beg for mercy? 462 00:31:13,207 --> 00:31:15,417 [speaking Krill] 463 00:31:22,341 --> 00:31:25,385 - Then it is my duty as Supreme Chancellor 464 00:31:25,385 --> 00:31:28,514 to see that justice is done. 465 00:31:28,514 --> 00:31:30,807 [jeering] 466 00:31:35,979 --> 00:31:37,564 [grunts] 467 00:31:37,564 --> 00:31:39,566 [crowd whooping and jeering] 468 00:31:45,989 --> 00:31:50,077 [crowd chanting "Teleya!"] 469 00:31:53,872 --> 00:31:56,542 - He is not the last of our enemies. 470 00:31:57,167 --> 00:32:00,254 I have learned that the President of the Planetary Union 471 00:32:00,254 --> 00:32:02,965 and his delegation have been apprehended. 472 00:32:02,965 --> 00:32:06,760 [cheering] They too shall face justice! 473 00:32:06,760 --> 00:32:08,345 [crowd roaring] 474 00:32:18,522 --> 00:32:21,275 - We need to speak with Chancellor Teleya. 475 00:32:21,275 --> 00:32:23,193 Or whoever the hell is in charge. 476 00:32:23,193 --> 00:32:26,071 You can't just hold us here indefinitely. 477 00:32:26,071 --> 00:32:28,699 At least let us contact The Orville. 478 00:32:29,575 --> 00:32:32,744 You've got the President of the Planetary Union in here. 479 00:32:32,744 --> 00:32:35,664 Do you want to be held responsible for starting a war? 480 00:32:36,290 --> 00:32:37,833 - How about a cup of coffee? 481 00:32:38,542 --> 00:32:41,670 - Commander Grayson must be aware of our situation by now. 482 00:32:41,670 --> 00:32:43,005 She'll contact the Union. 483 00:32:43,005 --> 00:32:45,174 - Assuming The Orville hasn't been captured. 484 00:32:46,258 --> 00:32:48,927 - I'm sorry, Ensign, we never should've brought you along. 485 00:32:48,927 --> 00:32:52,014 - Captain, there's no way this doesn't mean a declaration of war with the Krill. 486 00:32:52,014 --> 00:32:53,182 Right? 487 00:32:53,182 --> 00:32:55,726 - They've abducted the President. There's your answer. 488 00:32:55,726 --> 00:32:58,020 - If there's a drawn-out conflict, it'll weaken our resources. 489 00:32:58,020 --> 00:33:00,647 We can bet the Kaylon will seize the opportunity to attack. 490 00:33:01,148 --> 00:33:02,608 What then? 491 00:33:02,608 --> 00:33:05,110 - We'll find ourselves fighting a two-front war. 492 00:33:06,195 --> 00:33:07,404 Of course, so will the Krill. 493 00:33:07,404 --> 00:33:10,699 - We need each other, whether they understand it or not. 494 00:33:10,699 --> 00:33:12,117 We have to get them to see that. 495 00:33:12,868 --> 00:33:14,161 - It's too late. 496 00:33:16,246 --> 00:33:17,539 [door opens] 497 00:33:18,457 --> 00:33:19,541 - Captain Mercer. 498 00:33:22,085 --> 00:33:23,420 You will come with us. 499 00:33:23,420 --> 00:33:24,796 - What about them? 500 00:33:24,796 --> 00:33:26,048 - Just you. 501 00:33:27,633 --> 00:33:30,093 - Go with them. We can't do anything from in here. 502 00:34:07,548 --> 00:34:08,632 - You may go. 503 00:34:18,475 --> 00:34:19,893 So silent. 504 00:34:20,853 --> 00:34:22,938 Nothing to say, Captain? 505 00:34:22,938 --> 00:34:25,524 - Looks like you're an uptown girl now. 506 00:34:27,192 --> 00:34:28,527 Billy Joel. 507 00:34:34,366 --> 00:34:35,742 I guess... 508 00:34:35,742 --> 00:34:37,744 congratulations are in order. 509 00:34:38,328 --> 00:34:39,454 - Thank you. 510 00:34:40,998 --> 00:34:43,500 - Captivity notwithstanding... 511 00:34:43,500 --> 00:34:46,003 it's nice to see your face. 512 00:34:46,003 --> 00:34:48,130 - You should feel validated. 513 00:34:48,130 --> 00:34:51,049 Your faith in me has made this victory possible. 514 00:34:51,049 --> 00:34:52,467 - How so? 515 00:34:52,467 --> 00:34:56,722 - If you had not released me, I would still be in Union custody. 516 00:34:56,722 --> 00:35:01,310 - I let you go because I believed we'd found some common ground, 517 00:35:01,310 --> 00:35:04,146 not so you could drive a deeper wedge between our two peoples. 518 00:35:04,146 --> 00:35:06,315 - There was never a common ground. 519 00:35:06,940 --> 00:35:10,319 You were merely too stupid to resist a false seduction. 520 00:35:10,319 --> 00:35:13,780 - Well, movie night was fun, but that's not what I'm talking about. 521 00:35:14,531 --> 00:35:18,243 Teleya, we share a common enemy. 522 00:35:18,243 --> 00:35:20,037 And my ensign is right: 523 00:35:20,037 --> 00:35:22,623 if the Kaylon attack us again, we're gonna need each other. 524 00:35:22,623 --> 00:35:26,960 - Our military has developed new and more powerful weapons. 525 00:35:26,960 --> 00:35:29,254 Our fleet is stronger than ever before. 526 00:35:30,589 --> 00:35:33,592 An alliance with outsiders is no longer necessary. 527 00:35:33,592 --> 00:35:37,137 - About half your population disagrees. Korin had a lot of support. 528 00:35:37,137 --> 00:35:39,848 - Korin's influence has diminished considerably. 529 00:35:40,432 --> 00:35:42,226 Ask him yourself if you would like. 530 00:35:42,226 --> 00:35:45,354 You will find him in the center of the Capitol Square. 531 00:35:45,354 --> 00:35:47,397 Or at least his head. 532 00:35:48,524 --> 00:35:49,775 - You killed him. 533 00:35:49,775 --> 00:35:53,111 - Most men who lose their heads tend to die, yes. 534 00:35:53,111 --> 00:35:54,780 - How could you do that? 535 00:35:55,781 --> 00:35:57,282 Teleya, that's not who you are. 536 00:35:57,282 --> 00:36:00,786 - A year later, you still cling to an illusion I created. 537 00:36:00,786 --> 00:36:03,330 Captain, you really must find yourself a... 538 00:36:04,206 --> 00:36:06,041 what is your word for it? 539 00:36:06,041 --> 00:36:07,125 A girlfriend. 540 00:36:07,125 --> 00:36:10,712 - You murdered a man. - I purified the soul of our world. 541 00:36:10,712 --> 00:36:12,923 - Well, if that's the way you see it... 542 00:36:14,299 --> 00:36:15,801 then I guess you're right. 543 00:36:16,468 --> 00:36:17,803 I was too stupid. 544 00:36:17,803 --> 00:36:21,056 - Praise Avis, his eyes are finally open. 545 00:36:21,056 --> 00:36:22,724 - So, is that why you brought me here? 546 00:36:24,059 --> 00:36:26,812 To remind me what an idiot I was? 547 00:36:27,396 --> 00:36:29,857 - I brought you here to see for myself. 548 00:36:31,024 --> 00:36:32,526 To be sure it was really you. 549 00:36:32,526 --> 00:36:33,569 - Why? 550 00:36:34,736 --> 00:36:37,990 - I promised my people the blood of the Union contingent. 551 00:36:40,367 --> 00:36:41,702 - What are you saying? 552 00:36:41,702 --> 00:36:44,746 - You and your colleagues are to be executed in the morning. 553 00:36:46,081 --> 00:36:47,958 - So you want me dead too? 554 00:36:48,917 --> 00:36:51,170 - I did not know you were part of the delegation. 555 00:36:52,004 --> 00:36:55,382 - Teleya. I let you go. 556 00:36:55,382 --> 00:36:58,302 I'm asking you to do the same for us. 557 00:36:58,302 --> 00:36:59,428 Now, you may not want a treaty, 558 00:36:59,428 --> 00:37:01,513 but do you really want to start a war with the Union? 559 00:37:04,433 --> 00:37:07,269 - Take a look around you, Captain. 560 00:37:07,269 --> 00:37:09,521 I now command the full might of Krill. 561 00:37:10,147 --> 00:37:13,400 It is you who should be asking yourself, 562 00:37:13,400 --> 00:37:15,986 is the Union prepared for war with us? 563 00:37:18,822 --> 00:37:23,952 - There's an old Earth verse that describes a traveler 564 00:37:23,952 --> 00:37:27,414 who comes upon the ancient ruined statue of an Emperor, 565 00:37:27,414 --> 00:37:32,336 inscribed with the words, "My name is Ozymandias, king of kings. 566 00:37:32,336 --> 00:37:35,714 Look upon my works, ye mighty, and despair!" 567 00:37:37,508 --> 00:37:41,678 Only there's nothing left beside it except empty desert. 568 00:37:43,388 --> 00:37:46,308 Hubris has a way of coming back to bite you in the ass. 569 00:37:46,892 --> 00:37:51,855 - Our time in this realm is finite, Captain, as you will soon learn. 570 00:37:52,564 --> 00:37:57,778 One can live it in the light of command or in the darkness of servitude. 571 00:37:59,071 --> 00:38:01,740 I choose the way of Ozymandias. 572 00:38:03,492 --> 00:38:04,535 Cha-FAJ! 573 00:38:06,537 --> 00:38:08,413 Take him back to his cell. 574 00:38:08,413 --> 00:38:10,999 The execution will proceed as planned. 575 00:38:10,999 --> 00:38:12,793 - Teleya, listen to me! You can't-- - Goodbye, Ed. 576 00:38:13,585 --> 00:38:16,380 I am glad we had the chance to talk one last time. 577 00:38:17,172 --> 00:38:20,092 What do you call it-- "closure"? 578 00:38:23,470 --> 00:38:25,222 [door whirring open] 579 00:38:41,238 --> 00:38:42,781 - Put this on. 580 00:38:43,657 --> 00:38:47,870 - What for? - Do as you are told. 581 00:38:55,878 --> 00:38:56,795 Move. 582 00:39:00,507 --> 00:39:02,384 ♪ dramatic music playing ♪ 583 00:39:05,179 --> 00:39:07,264 - Commander, I'm getting a response to our hails. 584 00:39:07,264 --> 00:39:09,224 - About time. Put it through. 585 00:39:10,392 --> 00:39:12,186 - Hello, Commander Grayson. 586 00:39:13,353 --> 00:39:14,479 - Teleya... 587 00:39:14,479 --> 00:39:17,608 - I apologize for the delay in contacting you. 588 00:39:17,608 --> 00:39:20,235 As you can imagine, I have been quite busy. 589 00:39:20,235 --> 00:39:21,528 - Where are my people? 590 00:39:21,528 --> 00:39:22,905 - Your people? 591 00:39:22,905 --> 00:39:25,782 They are my people now, Commander, 592 00:39:25,782 --> 00:39:29,786 prisoners charged with conspiracy to subvert the government of Krill. 593 00:39:29,786 --> 00:39:31,538 - We both know that's a lie. 594 00:39:31,538 --> 00:39:34,082 Let them go before you make a bad situation worse. 595 00:39:34,082 --> 00:39:37,169 - Or what? You will take them by force? 596 00:39:37,169 --> 00:39:38,962 That would end badly for you. 597 00:39:38,962 --> 00:39:41,507 Return to Earth while you still can. 598 00:39:41,507 --> 00:39:44,176 - You know goddamn well I'm not leaving without that delegation! 599 00:39:44,176 --> 00:39:46,929 - You are becoming emotional, Commander. 600 00:39:46,929 --> 00:39:49,389 But then that was always the concern, was it not? 601 00:39:49,389 --> 00:39:51,600 That your feelings for Ed 602 00:39:51,600 --> 00:39:54,353 would impair your ability to make the proper command decisions? 603 00:39:54,353 --> 00:39:56,355 - And what would you know about that? 604 00:39:56,355 --> 00:39:58,148 TELEYA: More than you realize. 605 00:39:58,148 --> 00:40:00,526 He told me many things about you. 606 00:40:00,526 --> 00:40:02,819 - Then you also know I don't back down from a fight. 607 00:40:02,819 --> 00:40:05,614 TELEYA: Ed is gone, Commander. 608 00:40:05,614 --> 00:40:08,867 Perhaps you should do what you've done before when this happens: 609 00:40:08,867 --> 00:40:11,036 run to the arms of another. 610 00:40:11,912 --> 00:40:13,413 Leave. Now. 611 00:40:13,413 --> 00:40:19,378 And if you re-enter our space, I promise you will never see home again. 612 00:40:21,046 --> 00:40:23,090 - Gordon. Back us off toward the border. 613 00:40:23,799 --> 00:40:25,425 - But, Commander-- - Do it. 614 00:40:26,802 --> 00:40:28,053 - Aye, sir. 615 00:40:28,053 --> 00:40:30,264 - Talla. Get me Union Central. 616 00:40:35,519 --> 00:40:37,396 - We've got the fleet on high alert, 617 00:40:37,396 --> 00:40:39,189 and we're sending every available ship. 618 00:40:39,189 --> 00:40:42,776 - Sir, has the Union acknowledged a formal state of war? 619 00:40:42,776 --> 00:40:44,361 - Yes, it has. 620 00:40:44,361 --> 00:40:47,197 Commander, what's the status of Directive 21? 621 00:40:47,197 --> 00:40:49,741 - Still in progress, sir. It's gonna need more time. 622 00:40:49,741 --> 00:40:51,326 I wouldn't put all our chips on it. 623 00:40:51,326 --> 00:40:54,705 - Then our best option right now is to mount a military rescue, 624 00:40:54,705 --> 00:40:57,958 extract the delegation, and withdraw as quickly as possible. 625 00:40:57,958 --> 00:40:59,668 - How soon can help get here? 626 00:40:59,668 --> 00:41:02,546 - The first contingent of ships should arrive at the Krill border 627 00:41:02,546 --> 00:41:03,881 in under two hours. 628 00:41:03,881 --> 00:41:06,800 I know we were all counting on this treaty. 629 00:41:06,800 --> 00:41:10,137 But for now, let's just stay focused on getting our people home. 630 00:41:10,137 --> 00:41:11,555 Perry out. 631 00:41:16,643 --> 00:41:19,396 [crowd clamoring] 632 00:41:25,569 --> 00:41:27,571 ♪ dramatic music playing ♪ 633 00:41:34,328 --> 00:41:35,662 - Where are we going? 634 00:41:46,215 --> 00:41:48,217 ♪ dramatic music rising ♪ 635 00:42:01,063 --> 00:42:02,981 [locals speaking Krill] 636 00:42:12,241 --> 00:42:15,118 ♪ sensual music playing ♪ 637 00:42:17,412 --> 00:42:19,581 [women moaning] 638 00:42:20,874 --> 00:42:23,836 [speaking Krill] - Move. 639 00:42:23,836 --> 00:42:26,171 Do'maflach! Do'maflach! 640 00:42:27,130 --> 00:42:28,507 Do'maflach! 641 00:42:30,259 --> 00:42:32,594 - Do'maflach! [beggar speaking Krill] 642 00:42:32,594 --> 00:42:34,137 Do'maflach! 643 00:42:34,137 --> 00:42:35,973 - What does he want? - Keep moving. 644 00:42:36,807 --> 00:42:37,808 - Do'maflach! 645 00:42:38,267 --> 00:42:39,643 - Maybe you should just buy some meat. 646 00:42:39,643 --> 00:42:41,895 - Do not speak! - Ehh! 647 00:42:44,982 --> 00:42:46,775 ♪ intense music playing ♪ 648 00:42:49,820 --> 00:42:50,779 - Uggh! 649 00:42:57,035 --> 00:43:00,038 - You will come with us. - Who are you? 650 00:43:00,038 --> 00:43:01,957 - All will be explained. 651 00:43:01,957 --> 00:43:03,166 Now move! 652 00:43:07,671 --> 00:43:09,464 ♪ intense music playing ♪ 653 00:43:23,520 --> 00:43:25,230 [crowd speaking Krill] 654 00:43:33,697 --> 00:43:35,157 [panel beeping] 655 00:43:49,379 --> 00:43:50,380 - Where is she? 656 00:43:53,342 --> 00:43:54,635 [beeping] 657 00:44:06,188 --> 00:44:09,316 What's going on? What is this all about? 658 00:44:09,983 --> 00:44:11,443 - She is yours. 659 00:44:11,944 --> 00:44:15,197 - What do you mean? - She is your daughter. 660 00:44:20,661 --> 00:44:23,163 - What? - You had... 661 00:44:23,956 --> 00:44:26,500 an intimate relationship with Teleya. 662 00:44:27,543 --> 00:44:29,169 - Yes, I did, but... 663 00:44:29,169 --> 00:44:31,338 - You are her father. 664 00:44:40,389 --> 00:44:43,642 - That's... Teleya's daughter? 665 00:44:48,063 --> 00:44:49,356 Why is she here? 666 00:44:49,356 --> 00:44:52,609 - Teleya feared that if anyone learned of the child's existence, 667 00:44:52,609 --> 00:44:56,488 it would lead to scandal and destroy her political ambitions. 668 00:44:56,488 --> 00:45:00,534 - She provides for the girl's needs but has no contact with her. 669 00:45:00,534 --> 00:45:04,580 I have been the child's caretaker since the day she was born. 670 00:45:04,580 --> 00:45:07,916 - You can see... she is half human. 671 00:45:10,294 --> 00:45:11,837 - Does she know about me? 672 00:45:11,837 --> 00:45:13,589 - She does not. 673 00:45:13,589 --> 00:45:15,340 It is best that way. 674 00:45:18,802 --> 00:45:20,012 - Can I talk to her? 675 00:45:30,480 --> 00:45:31,648 Hi there. 676 00:45:32,274 --> 00:45:33,567 - Hello. 677 00:45:34,735 --> 00:45:35,944 - What's your name? 678 00:45:35,944 --> 00:45:37,529 - Anaya. 679 00:45:37,529 --> 00:45:39,031 - That's a pretty name. 680 00:45:39,031 --> 00:45:40,282 - What's yours? 681 00:45:40,282 --> 00:45:41,867 - I'm Ed. 682 00:45:41,867 --> 00:45:43,744 - That's a funny name. 683 00:45:43,744 --> 00:45:45,162 You look funny. 684 00:45:46,079 --> 00:45:47,831 - Thanks. I get that a lot. 685 00:45:50,834 --> 00:45:52,419 You have a nice house. 686 00:45:52,419 --> 00:45:54,171 - Thank you. 687 00:45:55,214 --> 00:45:57,382 - Do you like it here? - Yes. 688 00:45:58,133 --> 00:45:59,801 - Do they take good care of you? 689 00:45:59,801 --> 00:46:01,428 - I have my own room. 690 00:46:01,428 --> 00:46:05,182 I have lots of toys and I get to eat whatever I want. 691 00:46:05,182 --> 00:46:06,767 - Sounds pretty good. 692 00:46:10,854 --> 00:46:12,272 I don't know how. 693 00:46:12,272 --> 00:46:14,316 - It's easy. I'll show you. 694 00:46:20,864 --> 00:46:22,115 - Wow. 695 00:46:22,115 --> 00:46:23,909 You know, you're really smart. 696 00:46:23,909 --> 00:46:25,869 - She is quite extraordinary. 697 00:46:27,412 --> 00:46:28,872 - Yeah. 698 00:46:29,581 --> 00:46:30,749 Yeah, she is. 699 00:46:30,749 --> 00:46:32,209 - Do you feel shame? 700 00:46:33,377 --> 00:46:37,631 - No. No, why would I? 701 00:46:37,631 --> 00:46:40,592 - Some would look at Anaya and see an abomination. 702 00:46:40,592 --> 00:46:43,345 I see a beautiful child. 703 00:46:43,345 --> 00:46:46,682 And something much more: hope. 704 00:46:47,307 --> 00:46:49,810 - We are part of a coalition that believes 705 00:46:49,810 --> 00:46:52,604 that a treaty with the Union is still possible. 706 00:46:52,604 --> 00:46:53,981 Given the outcome of the election, 707 00:46:53,981 --> 00:46:56,400 it would take a miracle to make it happen now. 708 00:46:56,400 --> 00:46:58,235 - Anaya could be that miracle. 709 00:46:59,194 --> 00:47:00,237 - What do you mean? 710 00:47:00,237 --> 00:47:03,657 - You must show the child to all of Krill. 711 00:47:03,657 --> 00:47:07,369 Her mother will no longer be able to deny her existence. 712 00:47:08,829 --> 00:47:10,581 - You want me to... 713 00:47:10,581 --> 00:47:14,334 embarrass Teleya in order to bring down her government, is that it? 714 00:47:14,334 --> 00:47:16,795 - No. That would accomplish nothing. 715 00:47:16,795 --> 00:47:19,339 Someone else like her would eventually take her place. 716 00:47:19,339 --> 00:47:22,426 There is always another Teleya. 717 00:47:22,426 --> 00:47:27,973 - You must persuade her to stand up with you and acknowledge the child. 718 00:47:28,682 --> 00:47:31,435 Some of her supporters will feel betrayed, 719 00:47:31,435 --> 00:47:36,064 but others may reconsider their hostility toward the Union. 720 00:47:36,064 --> 00:47:40,861 Anaya could become a powerful symbol of coexistence. 721 00:47:40,861 --> 00:47:43,822 She might turn the tide toward peace. 722 00:47:46,742 --> 00:47:51,205 - First off, Teleya and I are not exactly on the best of terms right now. 723 00:47:51,205 --> 00:47:53,790 - Did you know she decided to let you live? 724 00:47:55,042 --> 00:47:57,586 - What? - That is why she released you. 725 00:47:57,586 --> 00:48:00,631 We have an informant in her security detail. 726 00:48:00,631 --> 00:48:03,800 The guards had orders to take you back to your ship. 727 00:48:03,800 --> 00:48:07,262 - Evidently, Captain, she still cares about you. 728 00:48:12,935 --> 00:48:15,229 - I'm gonna need a ride back to the capital. 729 00:48:27,199 --> 00:48:28,867 Goodbye, Anaya. 730 00:48:29,743 --> 00:48:31,870 It was very nice to meet you. 731 00:48:41,421 --> 00:48:43,423 ♪ intense music playing ♪ 732 00:48:52,516 --> 00:48:54,226 - Admiral Ozawa is hailing. 733 00:48:54,226 --> 00:48:55,477 - Put her through. 734 00:48:56,061 --> 00:48:58,605 - Status report, Commander. - No change, sir. 735 00:48:58,605 --> 00:49:00,148 - Then we prepare to go in. 736 00:49:00,148 --> 00:49:02,359 We'll avoid a firefight if we can, 737 00:49:02,359 --> 00:49:04,778 but if the Krill refuse to release our people... 738 00:49:04,778 --> 00:49:06,154 - Understood. 739 00:49:06,154 --> 00:49:08,490 - Set a course for Krill, maximum speed. 740 00:49:08,490 --> 00:49:10,325 - With pleasure. 741 00:49:29,469 --> 00:49:30,512 - Leave us. 742 00:49:37,060 --> 00:49:39,062 Explain yourself! 743 00:49:39,730 --> 00:49:40,981 - You were gonna let me go. 744 00:49:41,690 --> 00:49:45,986 - You stupid fool! Why did you come back here? 745 00:49:45,986 --> 00:49:48,071 - Why did you set me free? 746 00:49:48,071 --> 00:49:49,823 - You freed me once. 747 00:49:49,823 --> 00:49:51,909 I was simply repaying the debt. 748 00:49:53,368 --> 00:49:55,829 I do not wish to kill you. 749 00:49:56,455 --> 00:49:57,915 - I've seen Anaya. 750 00:49:59,583 --> 00:50:00,792 - What? 751 00:50:01,543 --> 00:50:02,920 - Our daughter. 752 00:50:04,296 --> 00:50:05,797 I've seen her. 753 00:50:06,465 --> 00:50:08,675 I've talked to her. - You have been deceived. 754 00:50:08,675 --> 00:50:10,385 - Oh, I don't think so. 755 00:50:12,095 --> 00:50:13,388 She's... 756 00:50:13,972 --> 00:50:15,432 she's amazing. 757 00:50:17,392 --> 00:50:18,685 She even looks like you. 758 00:50:21,104 --> 00:50:24,066 I can't even imagine how difficult it must've been to give her up. 759 00:50:24,066 --> 00:50:26,985 - The child is not of pure blood. 760 00:50:26,985 --> 00:50:30,656 She will have a better life away from the scornful eyes of the public. 761 00:50:33,075 --> 00:50:35,244 - What is it the Anhkana teaches? 762 00:50:35,244 --> 00:50:38,413 "With every child, a new world is born." 763 00:50:40,165 --> 00:50:42,376 - "Gently Falling Rain." 764 00:50:42,376 --> 00:50:43,877 - What? 765 00:50:43,877 --> 00:50:48,090 - That is what it means-- "Anaya." 766 00:50:49,508 --> 00:50:51,426 The name I gave to her. 767 00:50:51,426 --> 00:50:52,845 - It's beautiful. 768 00:50:57,766 --> 00:50:59,852 We should be celebrating her. 769 00:50:59,852 --> 00:51:02,020 We should be standing with her, side by side... 770 00:51:02,020 --> 00:51:04,231 - No. - ...showing the entire galaxy 771 00:51:04,231 --> 00:51:05,774 that we can all coexist. - No. 772 00:51:05,774 --> 00:51:07,192 - She is living proof of that. - No. 773 00:51:07,192 --> 00:51:09,528 - We created a life together, Teleya! - No, no, no! 774 00:51:09,528 --> 00:51:11,154 - Then what did you have her for? 775 00:51:11,738 --> 00:51:12,990 What did you have her for, 776 00:51:12,990 --> 00:51:15,325 if you were just gonna keep her locked away like some kind of criminal? 777 00:51:15,325 --> 00:51:16,410 - Oh! 778 00:51:16,410 --> 00:51:19,621 How human of you to ask that question. 779 00:51:19,621 --> 00:51:22,958 But then you terminate life with abandon, do you not? 780 00:51:22,958 --> 00:51:24,543 Would you like to see what happens 781 00:51:24,543 --> 00:51:27,504 to those who commit such murderous acts on Krill? 782 00:51:35,637 --> 00:51:38,849 - Supreme Chancellor! - No, please. Continue with your work. 783 00:51:38,849 --> 00:51:40,893 - With gratitude, Chancellor. 784 00:52:01,121 --> 00:52:02,497 - Who are they? 785 00:52:02,497 --> 00:52:05,167 - Parents to a child who will never be. 786 00:52:05,751 --> 00:52:08,795 They were caught after terminating a life in the womb. 787 00:52:08,795 --> 00:52:11,965 Those who do so are brought to a facility like this one. 788 00:52:11,965 --> 00:52:15,677 Their DNA is extracted, and a genetic profile is used 789 00:52:15,677 --> 00:52:18,388 to create a simulation of the child that could have been. 790 00:52:19,306 --> 00:52:22,059 So they may see the life they have destroyed. 791 00:52:22,059 --> 00:52:23,727 [breathing unsteadily] 792 00:52:26,980 --> 00:52:28,232 - Are you my mother? 793 00:52:30,484 --> 00:52:33,153 I would have loved so much to be with you. 794 00:52:33,153 --> 00:52:35,197 I wish you had not sent me away. 795 00:52:35,197 --> 00:52:36,740 [sobbing] 796 00:52:43,205 --> 00:52:45,374 - Jesus Christ, Teleya. 797 00:52:45,374 --> 00:52:48,544 Is this the kind of world you want your daughter to grow up in? 798 00:52:49,378 --> 00:52:50,379 Our daughter? 799 00:52:51,672 --> 00:52:53,632 - Take Captain Mercer back to his cell. 800 00:53:18,198 --> 00:53:23,245 [crowd roaring, jeering] 801 00:53:23,245 --> 00:53:25,497 ♪ dramatic music playing ♪ 802 00:53:36,466 --> 00:53:38,677 [chanting "Teleya!"] 803 00:53:42,389 --> 00:53:46,310 - I have promised you the blood of our enemies, 804 00:53:46,310 --> 00:53:48,270 and you shall have it! 805 00:53:48,270 --> 00:53:50,022 [crowd roaring] 806 00:53:54,568 --> 00:53:58,322 These are the co-conspirators to whom Korin the traitor 807 00:53:58,322 --> 00:54:01,658 was prepared to relinquish our sovereignty! 808 00:54:02,743 --> 00:54:04,494 [jeering] 809 00:54:06,163 --> 00:54:08,999 Liars and demons all. 810 00:54:08,999 --> 00:54:10,834 Enemies of Avis. 811 00:54:12,127 --> 00:54:16,089 Today, they will know justice! 812 00:54:23,764 --> 00:54:25,724 ♪ dramatic music playing ♪ 813 00:54:29,353 --> 00:54:31,355 ♪ intense music playing ♪ 814 00:54:39,404 --> 00:54:41,698 - Talla, open a channel to Krill. 815 00:54:41,698 --> 00:54:44,243 - Anyone in particular? - General frequency. 816 00:54:44,243 --> 00:54:45,911 See if anyone answers the phone. 817 00:54:45,911 --> 00:54:47,621 [monitor beeps] - You're on, sir. 818 00:54:47,621 --> 00:54:50,707 - This is Commander Kelly Grayson of the starship Orville. 819 00:54:50,707 --> 00:54:53,710 As you can see, I'm back, and I've brought a few friends. 820 00:54:53,710 --> 00:54:55,671 So I'm only going to tell you once: 821 00:54:55,671 --> 00:54:58,215 release our people, and we will leave peacefully. 822 00:54:59,216 --> 00:55:01,093 What is your response? 823 00:55:01,593 --> 00:55:03,887 - Which of these creatures 824 00:55:03,887 --> 00:55:07,599 shall be the first to taste the blade? 825 00:55:07,599 --> 00:55:09,393 [crowd roaring] 826 00:55:10,143 --> 00:55:11,353 [whispers] 827 00:55:12,312 --> 00:55:15,524 - Launch all forces to intercept. Obliterate them. 828 00:55:17,109 --> 00:55:19,611 - Their planetary defense system has been activated. 829 00:55:19,611 --> 00:55:21,947 Multiple Krill vessels are closing on our position. 830 00:55:21,947 --> 00:55:24,950 - That's our answer. Go to red alert. Battle stations. 831 00:55:33,250 --> 00:55:35,502 [crowd chanting "Teleya!"] 832 00:55:36,086 --> 00:55:39,089 - Teleya. It's not too late to stop this. 833 00:55:41,842 --> 00:55:43,427 - My dear Captain... 834 00:55:43,969 --> 00:55:46,555 I am just getting started. 835 00:55:46,555 --> 00:55:48,390 [crowd chanting "Teleya!"] 836 00:55:53,353 --> 00:55:54,771 - This one! 837 00:55:54,771 --> 00:55:56,440 [crowd roaring] 838 00:56:01,945 --> 00:56:03,655 Ugggh! [crowd cheering] 839 00:56:10,120 --> 00:56:12,414 [groaning] [grenades sparking] 840 00:56:14,374 --> 00:56:16,251 [alarm sounding] 841 00:56:25,302 --> 00:56:26,845 [hovercar humming] 842 00:56:30,098 --> 00:56:31,642 [Alcuzan groaning] 843 00:56:31,642 --> 00:56:33,227 - What's going on? Who are you? 844 00:56:33,227 --> 00:56:34,895 - Reporting for duty, sir. 845 00:56:34,895 --> 00:56:36,522 - Commander Lamarr? - At your service. 846 00:56:36,522 --> 00:56:38,607 - Directive 21. - You know it. 847 00:56:38,607 --> 00:56:40,526 - You've lost some blood, but you're gonna be okay. 848 00:56:40,526 --> 00:56:41,860 Claire! 849 00:56:42,444 --> 00:56:43,946 - Microdermal makeover. 850 00:56:43,946 --> 00:56:46,615 Trust me, Mr. President, I'm much better-looking in person. 851 00:56:46,615 --> 00:56:48,617 - You're a welcome sight to me, Doctor. 852 00:56:48,617 --> 00:56:50,744 - Everybody hang on, we're not out of this yet. 853 00:56:50,744 --> 00:56:52,829 ♪ dramatic music playing ♪ 854 00:57:16,019 --> 00:57:17,187 - Isaac, anything? 855 00:57:17,187 --> 00:57:19,731 ISAAC: Commander Lamarr has activated his transponder. 856 00:57:19,731 --> 00:57:21,567 They are moving away from the capital. 857 00:57:40,627 --> 00:57:43,672 - Where's your shuttle? - Bearing 3-7-5 mark one. 858 00:57:48,218 --> 00:57:50,137 [alarm pinging] Uh-oh. 859 00:57:50,137 --> 00:57:52,514 - What's wrong? - The nav system just went out. 860 00:58:02,065 --> 00:58:04,318 - You do know where you're going, right? 861 00:58:04,318 --> 00:58:06,820 - I mean, this kind of looks familiar. - Oh, boy. 862 00:58:06,820 --> 00:58:08,405 - It's okay, we got a navigator right here. 863 00:58:08,405 --> 00:58:09,406 Help me out, Charly. 864 00:58:09,406 --> 00:58:11,158 - There! Make a right! - You sure? 865 00:58:11,158 --> 00:58:12,201 - Nope. 866 00:58:20,792 --> 00:58:22,377 - Ow! - Easy, John! 867 00:58:22,377 --> 00:58:23,253 - Sorry! 868 00:58:33,555 --> 00:58:35,474 [ships clang] 869 00:58:47,736 --> 00:58:49,571 Okay. Okay, yeah, that's it. 870 00:59:07,339 --> 00:59:08,298 [clangs] 871 00:59:19,935 --> 00:59:23,021 - Commander, I am tracking the shuttle, 400 kilometers and closing. 872 00:59:31,029 --> 00:59:32,364 - Well, that doesn't look good. 873 00:59:44,168 --> 00:59:46,336 ISAAC: The shuttle has sustained heavy damage. 874 00:59:46,336 --> 00:59:49,464 - What's their position? - Bearing 121 mark six. 875 00:59:51,258 --> 00:59:53,427 - Lay down fire and get us into docking range. 876 01:00:04,438 --> 01:00:06,148 Open the bay doors. 877 01:00:17,159 --> 01:00:18,452 - They're secure! 878 01:00:20,078 --> 01:00:22,080 - Grayson to Ozawa. We have the delegation. 879 01:00:22,080 --> 01:00:23,540 I suggest we get the hell outta here. 880 01:00:23,540 --> 01:00:24,666 OZAWA: Acknowledged. 881 01:00:24,666 --> 01:00:27,127 Ozawa to all ships: disengage and retreat. 882 01:00:27,127 --> 01:00:29,338 - Set a course for Earth. - Aye, sir! 883 01:00:56,490 --> 01:00:58,825 - I'm pleased to report that President Alcuzan 884 01:00:58,825 --> 01:01:00,160 is going to make a full recovery. 885 01:01:00,160 --> 01:01:02,955 He plans to address the Union Council later today. 886 01:01:02,955 --> 01:01:05,666 - It was all looking so hopeful just a few days ago. 887 01:01:05,666 --> 01:01:09,336 - There is... one card left to play. If we want to. 888 01:01:11,880 --> 01:01:13,006 - Anaya. 889 01:01:13,006 --> 01:01:16,009 - Revealing her could force Teleya's hand. 890 01:01:16,009 --> 01:01:17,219 - Admiral... 891 01:01:17,219 --> 01:01:20,764 she didn't ask to be born into the eye of a storm. 892 01:01:21,348 --> 01:01:24,977 And I gotta be honest, I'm not so sure Teleya wouldn't make her disappear 893 01:01:24,977 --> 01:01:26,436 just to protect the regime. 894 01:01:26,436 --> 01:01:28,856 - You really think she'd be capable of that? 895 01:01:28,856 --> 01:01:30,065 - I thought I knew her. 896 01:01:30,899 --> 01:01:31,859 I don't. 897 01:01:32,526 --> 01:01:33,735 - She's your daughter. 898 01:01:34,361 --> 01:01:36,446 The President is leaving it up to you. 899 01:01:37,656 --> 01:01:38,991 - Tell him thank you. 900 01:01:52,504 --> 01:01:56,675 It's very possible that I'll never see her again. 901 01:01:58,135 --> 01:02:00,095 - Well, that'd be a shame. 902 01:02:01,180 --> 01:02:03,265 I always thought you'd make a terrific father. 903 01:02:03,974 --> 01:02:05,058 I'm... 904 01:02:05,934 --> 01:02:07,895 sad we never got that far. 905 01:02:09,479 --> 01:02:10,689 - Me too. 906 01:02:13,108 --> 01:02:15,444 - It's almost like yesterday was one life 907 01:02:15,444 --> 01:02:16,904 and today is another. 908 01:02:18,197 --> 01:02:20,824 And everything's different on this side of time. 909 01:02:21,408 --> 01:02:23,285 - Yeah, it is. 910 01:02:25,370 --> 01:02:29,041 - At least you know she's in a safe place and well cared for. 911 01:02:31,043 --> 01:02:32,419 - I miss her. 912 01:02:33,795 --> 01:02:35,464 Is that weird to say? 913 01:02:36,840 --> 01:02:39,134 I only met her once. 914 01:02:39,134 --> 01:02:40,677 I don't even know her. 915 01:02:41,595 --> 01:02:42,638 And I miss her. 916 01:02:46,558 --> 01:02:48,018 The treaty is dead. 917 01:02:49,269 --> 01:02:53,190 But we have to find a way to preserve some kind of peace. 918 01:02:55,150 --> 01:02:56,318 For Anaya. 919 01:03:03,992 --> 01:03:05,327 - You wanna have breakfast with me? 920 01:03:26,849 --> 01:03:29,476 ♪ contemplative music playing ♪ 921 01:04:06,722 --> 01:04:08,640 ♪ theme song playing ♪ 922 01:05:11,286 --> 01:05:13,121 ♪ fanfare playing ♪