1 00:00:01,627 --> 00:00:03,504 ♪ epic music playing ♪ 2 00:00:28,737 --> 00:00:30,739 - They've finished scanning the fifth chamber, sir. 3 00:00:30,739 --> 00:00:32,449 Requesting permission to proceed. 4 00:00:32,449 --> 00:00:33,450 - Nothing yet, huh? 5 00:00:33,450 --> 00:00:36,161 TALLA KEYALI: Not even a stick figure. Just a whole lotta empty walls. 6 00:00:36,161 --> 00:00:37,538 Charly's mapping it all, but... 7 00:00:37,538 --> 00:00:39,039 - Buried treasure would be more fun. 8 00:00:39,039 --> 00:00:40,207 - Pretty much. 9 00:00:40,207 --> 00:00:42,459 - Well, tell them they're good to keep moving. 10 00:00:42,459 --> 00:00:43,335 - Will do. 11 00:00:49,383 --> 00:00:51,718 - What are you doing? - Hm? 12 00:00:51,718 --> 00:00:54,721 - I see you walking around all the time with that datapad lately. 13 00:00:54,721 --> 00:00:55,889 You writing a novel? 14 00:00:55,889 --> 00:00:58,016 - No, uh... 15 00:00:58,016 --> 00:00:59,560 it's for Anaya. 16 00:01:00,102 --> 00:01:01,061 - Anaya? 17 00:01:01,770 --> 00:01:03,689 - I've been writing letters to her. 18 00:01:03,689 --> 00:01:06,275 - To Krill? How the hell are you getting through? 19 00:01:06,859 --> 00:01:09,194 - Well, I don't actually send them. 20 00:01:09,194 --> 00:01:10,904 I just figure that... 21 00:01:10,904 --> 00:01:15,075 someday, if I do see her again, they might be something she'd wanna read. 22 00:01:15,576 --> 00:01:17,244 Since I'm missing her life now, 23 00:01:17,244 --> 00:01:21,123 she can go back in time and feel like I was there. 24 00:01:21,790 --> 00:01:23,166 - You know... 25 00:01:23,166 --> 00:01:27,337 after all these years, you're still able to surprise me. 26 00:01:28,463 --> 00:01:29,464 CHARLY BURKE: Commander! 27 00:01:30,632 --> 00:01:32,718 We've found something! 28 00:01:43,812 --> 00:01:46,648 - You've mapped all this, right? I'd hate to get lost. 29 00:01:46,648 --> 00:01:49,109 - Just follow the bread crumbs, you'll be fine, sir. 30 00:01:56,575 --> 00:01:58,619 - Lieutenant, what have you got? 31 00:01:58,619 --> 00:02:01,705 - Captain. We have detected a large chamber beyond this wall. 32 00:02:01,705 --> 00:02:04,917 Based on Ensign Burke's cartographic index of the chambers 33 00:02:04,917 --> 00:02:06,460 we have discovered thus far, 34 00:02:06,460 --> 00:02:09,338 it is possible we have found the primary burial vault. 35 00:02:09,338 --> 00:02:10,380 - Can we get inside? 36 00:02:10,380 --> 00:02:12,925 - Hemblicite tombs are notorious for booby traps. 37 00:02:12,925 --> 00:02:14,801 According to our scans, this thing is rigged 38 00:02:14,801 --> 00:02:16,178 to kill anyone who tries to open it. 39 00:02:16,178 --> 00:02:17,888 - Well, so how do we breach it? 40 00:02:19,389 --> 00:02:22,643 ISAAC: I would suggest you step back against the far wall. 41 00:02:33,570 --> 00:02:36,198 [stone rumbling] 42 00:02:36,198 --> 00:02:38,575 [projectiles pinging] 43 00:02:43,580 --> 00:02:45,958 It is now safe to proceed. 44 00:02:45,958 --> 00:02:46,959 [clangs] 45 00:02:46,959 --> 00:02:50,295 - You, uh, got a little something right there. 46 00:02:56,218 --> 00:02:58,011 [rocks clattering] 47 00:03:14,361 --> 00:03:15,404 - Jackpot. 48 00:03:20,534 --> 00:03:22,953 ♪ dramatic music swelling ♪ 49 00:03:40,804 --> 00:03:43,932 - Scan is complete. Uploading data for carbon analysis. 50 00:03:43,932 --> 00:03:45,184 ISAAC: Acknowledged. 51 00:03:45,184 --> 00:03:46,602 - How old is this stuff? 52 00:03:46,602 --> 00:03:49,813 - The oldest artifacts date back around 70,000 years. 53 00:03:49,813 --> 00:03:52,357 - My God. When did they die out? 54 00:03:52,357 --> 00:03:55,152 - The Hemblicite Empire fell about 50,000 years ago. 55 00:03:55,152 --> 00:03:57,863 They were kinda similar to the ancient Egyptians. 56 00:03:57,863 --> 00:04:01,074 They used to bury their kings with all kinds of tools and jewelry 57 00:04:01,074 --> 00:04:02,868 and things that they could use in the afterlife. 58 00:04:02,868 --> 00:04:03,911 Lucky for us. 59 00:04:03,911 --> 00:04:07,539 - Man, you said archaeology was a hobby. You sound like an expert. 60 00:04:07,539 --> 00:04:08,832 - It's interesting stuff. 61 00:04:08,832 --> 00:04:10,751 I don't do anything half-assed, Lieutenant. 62 00:04:10,751 --> 00:04:12,586 - I can see that. What's this thing? 63 00:04:12,586 --> 00:04:14,046 - It's called a jiktal. 64 00:04:14,046 --> 00:04:15,964 - It's a razor for facial grooming. 65 00:04:15,964 --> 00:04:18,675 - You still have to shave in the afterlife? That sucks. 66 00:04:18,675 --> 00:04:21,136 - Well, this is all undeniably fascinating, 67 00:04:21,136 --> 00:04:22,930 but I'm at the end of a 12-hour shift, 68 00:04:22,930 --> 00:04:25,057 so if you're good here, I'm gonna take off. 69 00:04:25,057 --> 00:04:27,100 - No problem, we'll see you in the morning. 70 00:04:35,442 --> 00:04:36,777 - Return fire! 71 00:04:39,655 --> 00:04:42,366 - Sir, the Kaylon have disabled our forward targeting scanners! 72 00:04:42,366 --> 00:04:44,660 - Implement source redirect from the navigational array! 73 00:04:44,660 --> 00:04:47,120 [explosions, sparking] 74 00:04:47,120 --> 00:04:48,497 Fire all torpedoes! 75 00:04:50,040 --> 00:04:52,501 Evasive maneuvers! Hard to port! 76 00:04:54,878 --> 00:04:56,296 - Kaylon are countering! 77 00:05:00,217 --> 00:05:01,468 Deflectors are gone! 78 00:05:01,468 --> 00:05:03,095 - Divert power from life support! 79 00:05:09,434 --> 00:05:11,562 [alert chiming] 80 00:05:27,744 --> 00:05:28,954 [roars] 81 00:05:28,954 --> 00:05:30,789 [circuits crackling] 82 00:05:35,711 --> 00:05:37,087 [door chimes] 83 00:05:39,506 --> 00:05:41,008 End simulation. 84 00:05:43,635 --> 00:05:44,761 Come in. 85 00:05:47,681 --> 00:05:49,600 Commander. - Topa. 86 00:05:49,600 --> 00:05:50,767 Am I interrupting? 87 00:05:50,767 --> 00:05:54,605 - No. I have exceeded my allotted time. I apologize. 88 00:05:54,605 --> 00:05:56,690 - It's all good, no big deal. 89 00:05:57,441 --> 00:05:59,151 Were you running the command program? 90 00:05:59,151 --> 00:06:01,695 - Yes. Is that not permitted? 91 00:06:01,695 --> 00:06:03,780 - No, it's fine, there are no restrictions. 92 00:06:03,780 --> 00:06:06,617 You just... don't usually see people your age using it. 93 00:06:06,617 --> 00:06:08,994 - I have yet to master its intricacies. 94 00:06:08,994 --> 00:06:11,330 - Well, it's not easy, that's the whole point. 95 00:06:11,330 --> 00:06:12,623 How far have you gotten? 96 00:06:12,623 --> 00:06:16,251 - The Kaylon destroy my ship seven minutes into the battle every time. 97 00:06:16,251 --> 00:06:18,879 - Believe it or not, that's a long time for a beginner. 98 00:06:19,463 --> 00:06:21,006 Is this just for fun? 99 00:06:22,216 --> 00:06:23,800 - I was thinking 100 00:06:23,800 --> 00:06:25,802 that when I am old enough... 101 00:06:27,095 --> 00:06:31,099 Commander, I am interested in taking the Union Point entrance examination. 102 00:06:31,099 --> 00:06:32,476 - You are? 103 00:06:32,476 --> 00:06:34,019 Topa, that's great. 104 00:06:34,019 --> 00:06:35,395 Have you told Bortus? 105 00:06:35,395 --> 00:06:37,773 - Yes. He has given his blessing, 106 00:06:37,773 --> 00:06:39,775 but he has warned me of the difficulty involved. 107 00:06:39,775 --> 00:06:42,110 - It's a mountain to climb for sure, 108 00:06:42,110 --> 00:06:44,571 but the fact that you're challenging yourself like this 109 00:06:44,571 --> 00:06:45,906 shows the right initiative. 110 00:06:47,407 --> 00:06:51,036 If you're serious about it and you want to get an early start, 111 00:06:51,036 --> 00:06:52,788 I'd be happy to give you some guidance. 112 00:06:53,497 --> 00:06:56,041 - That is very kind of you, Commander. 113 00:06:56,041 --> 00:06:58,377 - How about we find a couple of days this coming week, 114 00:06:58,377 --> 00:07:01,088 and as long as it's all general clearance, you can shadow me, 115 00:07:01,088 --> 00:07:03,215 get a sense of what service entails. 116 00:07:03,215 --> 00:07:04,550 - I would be very grateful. 117 00:07:04,550 --> 00:07:06,593 - Okay, we'll set it up. 118 00:07:06,593 --> 00:07:08,178 - Thank you, Commander. 119 00:07:11,932 --> 00:07:13,684 [door opens] 120 00:07:13,684 --> 00:07:14,893 [closes] 121 00:07:18,188 --> 00:07:20,107 ♪ theme song playing ♪ 122 00:09:00,332 --> 00:09:02,835 [door chimes] - Come in. 123 00:09:04,586 --> 00:09:06,213 Topa. You're early. 124 00:09:06,213 --> 00:09:07,881 - I apologize, Commander. 125 00:09:07,881 --> 00:09:10,926 - No, don't apologize, it's fine. We can get a jump on the day. 126 00:09:11,635 --> 00:09:13,095 Come on, let's go. 127 00:09:17,599 --> 00:09:19,810 First up on the schedule: daily rounds. 128 00:09:19,810 --> 00:09:21,061 They can be kind of boring, 129 00:09:21,061 --> 00:09:23,355 but a vessel this size has a lot of moving parts. 130 00:09:23,355 --> 00:09:25,482 Someone needs to make sure that the ship's left hand 131 00:09:25,482 --> 00:09:27,192 knows what the right hand is doing. 132 00:09:27,192 --> 00:09:31,029 That includes things like power allocation requests, status updates, 133 00:09:31,029 --> 00:09:33,532 and most importantly, basic morale. 134 00:09:33,532 --> 00:09:35,325 They like to know you're paying attention. 135 00:09:35,325 --> 00:09:36,618 - Good morning, Commander. 136 00:09:36,618 --> 00:09:37,828 - Good morning, Lieutenant. 137 00:09:37,828 --> 00:09:41,582 Also, with so many different species working on the same ship, 138 00:09:41,582 --> 00:09:43,917 the occasional culture clash is inevitable, 139 00:09:43,917 --> 00:09:48,088 and all those headaches fall under the purview of the First Officer. 140 00:09:50,716 --> 00:09:52,384 - All right, thanks. 141 00:09:52,384 --> 00:09:54,136 Commander. Thanks for coming by. 142 00:09:54,136 --> 00:09:57,514 - No problem, Biggins, what's up? - That. 143 00:10:01,768 --> 00:10:03,854 - Oh. Yeah. 144 00:10:03,854 --> 00:10:06,190 - I've never worked with a Belkarian officer, 145 00:10:06,190 --> 00:10:08,150 but Commander Keyali told us to be prepared. 146 00:10:08,150 --> 00:10:10,110 - Well, we wouldn't be the first to have to navigate it. 147 00:10:10,110 --> 00:10:11,195 Did you talk to him? 148 00:10:11,195 --> 00:10:13,197 - He insists he's within his rights. 149 00:10:14,031 --> 00:10:15,282 [sighs] 150 00:10:19,620 --> 00:10:21,955 - Hey. Lieutenant Bolobar? 151 00:10:21,955 --> 00:10:23,540 - Ensign Bolobar, sir. 152 00:10:23,540 --> 00:10:25,083 - Ensign, right. 153 00:10:25,083 --> 00:10:27,628 I couldn't remember without the, uh... shoulders. 154 00:10:27,628 --> 00:10:29,505 Which is a good segue, actually. 155 00:10:29,505 --> 00:10:32,132 I'm gonna have to ask you to put on a uniform. 156 00:10:32,132 --> 00:10:35,385 - In the Belkarian faith, to wear clothing on the first day of the month 157 00:10:35,385 --> 00:10:37,930 is considered an affront to the work of the Spirit Lord. 158 00:10:37,930 --> 00:10:40,098 I have explained this to Lieutenant Biggins. 159 00:10:40,098 --> 00:10:41,767 - Yeah, I heard. 160 00:10:41,767 --> 00:10:44,311 Ensign, you must know a uniform 161 00:10:44,311 --> 00:10:46,730 is a basic requirement for service in the fleet. 162 00:10:46,730 --> 00:10:48,732 - What about Lieutenant Unk in engineering? 163 00:10:48,732 --> 00:10:49,942 He does not wear a uniform. 164 00:10:49,942 --> 00:10:51,985 - Unk is half the size of a shuttlecraft. 165 00:10:51,985 --> 00:10:53,153 He'd have to wear a tent. 166 00:10:53,153 --> 00:10:56,365 - The Union is supposed to respect all cultural traditions. 167 00:10:56,365 --> 00:10:58,659 - True, but that works both ways. 168 00:10:59,117 --> 00:11:01,537 Look, I don't want to disrespect your religion, 169 00:11:01,537 --> 00:11:04,039 but maybe there's a sensible compromise 170 00:11:04,039 --> 00:11:06,291 between your faith and Union protocol 171 00:11:06,291 --> 00:11:08,502 that would satisfy everyone involved. 172 00:11:08,502 --> 00:11:10,003 - What do you suggest? 173 00:11:10,003 --> 00:11:11,922 - Put some pants on, and we'll call it a day. 174 00:11:14,883 --> 00:11:16,218 - Very well, Commander. 175 00:11:21,723 --> 00:11:24,059 - Hey, Commander, sir. Top of the morning. 176 00:11:24,059 --> 00:11:26,144 - Hi, Yaphit. - Commander, I'm glad you're here. 177 00:11:26,144 --> 00:11:29,147 We're gonna need clearance for an extra 15% power allocation 178 00:11:29,147 --> 00:11:32,109 to purge the neutron filters in the dysonium matrix this afternoon. 179 00:11:32,109 --> 00:11:33,318 - No problem. 180 00:11:33,318 --> 00:11:34,653 By the way, hope you don't mind, 181 00:11:34,653 --> 00:11:36,363 Topa's shadowing me for a couple days. 182 00:11:36,363 --> 00:11:39,074 Little pre-prep for the Union Point entrance exam. 183 00:11:39,074 --> 00:11:40,117 - Aw, for real? 184 00:11:40,117 --> 00:11:42,452 - Wow, Topa, that's really cool. 185 00:11:45,080 --> 00:11:49,710 - I believe I would like to do what Commander Grayson does. 186 00:11:49,710 --> 00:11:52,588 - I haven't told him how much day drinking that requires. 187 00:11:52,588 --> 00:11:54,840 - Ha, ha! Good one, Commander. 188 00:11:54,840 --> 00:11:57,926 Hey, I just want you to know we always enjoy your visits down here. 189 00:11:57,926 --> 00:11:59,094 - Thanks, Yaphit. 190 00:12:00,846 --> 00:12:04,558 Just for your own education, that's called ass kissing. 191 00:12:04,558 --> 00:12:05,851 - "Ass kissing." 192 00:12:05,851 --> 00:12:08,187 Will it be on the entrance exam? 193 00:12:08,187 --> 00:12:09,938 - [laughs] No, it won't be. 194 00:12:11,273 --> 00:12:13,108 I know a lot of this seems pretty dull, 195 00:12:13,108 --> 00:12:16,278 but Union service is as much about mundane busy work 196 00:12:16,278 --> 00:12:17,696 as it is about adventure. 197 00:12:17,696 --> 00:12:19,907 - No, it is not dull. 198 00:12:19,907 --> 00:12:21,491 I want to know everything. 199 00:12:21,491 --> 00:12:23,118 - Yeah, you say that now... 200 00:12:23,118 --> 00:12:25,204 - If I can ask, Commander, 201 00:12:25,204 --> 00:12:27,372 why did you choose to join the Fleet? 202 00:12:28,207 --> 00:12:32,169 - I was always someone who was comfortable with responsibility. 203 00:12:32,169 --> 00:12:36,423 I was usually the one who volunteered to watch the younger kids on a field trip, 204 00:12:36,423 --> 00:12:38,467 or captain the soccer team. 205 00:12:38,467 --> 00:12:41,637 And I liked the satisfaction 206 00:12:41,637 --> 00:12:44,348 of helping other people succeed at their jobs. 207 00:12:44,348 --> 00:12:46,475 I knew a command position in the Fleet 208 00:12:46,475 --> 00:12:49,228 would mean a long, slow climb through a system, 209 00:12:49,228 --> 00:12:51,939 but I also knew it would be worth it. 210 00:12:51,939 --> 00:12:54,358 What about you? Why do you want to join? 211 00:12:57,569 --> 00:13:00,113 - Ever since I was a young child, 212 00:13:00,113 --> 00:13:02,115 I have always felt... 213 00:13:02,824 --> 00:13:04,117 incomplete. 214 00:13:04,952 --> 00:13:09,456 As if the person I am today is a bookmark. 215 00:13:10,457 --> 00:13:13,961 A placeholder, until I discover who I am. 216 00:13:15,003 --> 00:13:19,633 I have not found the answer at home, so perhaps it is out among the stars. 217 00:13:20,759 --> 00:13:23,679 - You've... felt this way for some time? 218 00:13:23,679 --> 00:13:25,973 - I once heard Dr. Finn say that, 219 00:13:25,973 --> 00:13:28,350 "If you wake up in the middle of the night 220 00:13:28,350 --> 00:13:31,979 "and there is nothing to keep you from falling asleep again, 221 00:13:31,979 --> 00:13:33,939 it means you are happy." 222 00:13:36,900 --> 00:13:38,402 I think that maybe... 223 00:13:39,653 --> 00:13:41,446 I am not happy. 224 00:13:43,073 --> 00:13:44,825 - You don't sleep well? 225 00:13:45,951 --> 00:13:50,664 - I always feel as if... there is something wrong with me. 226 00:13:51,582 --> 00:13:53,208 But I cannot tell what. 227 00:13:53,917 --> 00:13:57,337 Lieutenant Malloy says many people my age feel this way. 228 00:13:58,338 --> 00:14:00,132 Perhaps it is normal. 229 00:14:05,637 --> 00:14:09,474 - Lieutenant Felina's doing much better after the neural regeneration therapy, 230 00:14:09,474 --> 00:14:11,935 so I'd say it's safe to put her back on limited duty. 231 00:14:11,935 --> 00:14:14,646 - All right, I'll have Kelly put her back on the roster. 232 00:14:14,646 --> 00:14:16,273 How's Isaac doing? 233 00:14:16,273 --> 00:14:19,067 - As far as I can see, remarkably well. 234 00:14:19,860 --> 00:14:23,989 Ever since the suicide attempt, the crew's softened a little toward him. 235 00:14:23,989 --> 00:14:25,699 The power of compassion. 236 00:14:25,699 --> 00:14:27,034 - Even Charly? 237 00:14:27,618 --> 00:14:29,578 [door chimes] - Come in. 238 00:14:30,537 --> 00:14:32,247 - Hi, Commander. - Hey. 239 00:14:33,081 --> 00:14:34,082 You guys busy? 240 00:14:34,082 --> 00:14:36,418 - No, we were just wrapping up. What's going on? 241 00:14:36,418 --> 00:14:37,711 - What's the latest with the dig? 242 00:14:37,711 --> 00:14:41,465 - Union Central is sending a science team to take over the excavation. 243 00:14:41,465 --> 00:14:43,175 - Aw, just when it was getting good. 244 00:14:43,175 --> 00:14:45,761 - Well, they'll be here in a week, so enjoy it while it lasts. 245 00:14:48,096 --> 00:14:49,806 - Have either of you... 246 00:14:49,806 --> 00:14:53,018 spent any time talking to Topa recently? 247 00:14:53,018 --> 00:14:54,186 - I haven't, no. 248 00:14:54,186 --> 00:14:55,312 - No. What's up? 249 00:14:56,146 --> 00:14:57,731 - I'm worried about him. 250 00:14:57,731 --> 00:14:59,066 - What's the matter? 251 00:15:01,443 --> 00:15:05,364 - I think that, at some point, possibly soon... 252 00:15:05,948 --> 00:15:09,618 the person he is and the person he was... 253 00:15:10,244 --> 00:15:12,037 are going to collide with each other. 254 00:15:12,538 --> 00:15:14,164 - Has he said something to you? 255 00:15:14,164 --> 00:15:16,416 - In a general sense, yes. 256 00:15:16,416 --> 00:15:19,545 He's struggling, emotionally. He's confused. 257 00:15:19,545 --> 00:15:20,671 He knows... 258 00:15:22,631 --> 00:15:25,133 He knows there's something different about him. 259 00:15:26,134 --> 00:15:27,427 - Oh, boy. 260 00:15:27,928 --> 00:15:30,389 - Why don't you have him drop by my office? 261 00:15:30,389 --> 00:15:31,723 He and I can have a talk, 262 00:15:31,723 --> 00:15:35,477 and it will allow me to do a casual evaluation. 263 00:15:35,477 --> 00:15:37,521 - It might be a little early for that. 264 00:15:38,689 --> 00:15:40,399 He confided in me and it's 265 00:15:40,399 --> 00:15:43,235 possible he could see that as a breach of trust at this point. 266 00:15:44,152 --> 00:15:45,445 I just... 267 00:15:48,115 --> 00:15:49,408 I need guidance. 268 00:15:50,367 --> 00:15:54,162 When he tells me this stuff, I feel like a horrible person. 269 00:15:54,162 --> 00:15:56,248 I feel like I'm lying to him with my silence. 270 00:15:56,248 --> 00:15:58,667 There are times-- there are times I want to scream it out loud, 271 00:15:58,667 --> 00:16:00,085 "You were born female. 272 00:16:00,085 --> 00:16:02,045 You were altered without your knowledge." 273 00:16:02,045 --> 00:16:03,380 And then just... 274 00:16:04,923 --> 00:16:07,885 let him decide for himself how he wants to handle it. 275 00:16:08,760 --> 00:16:10,179 - I think 276 00:16:10,179 --> 00:16:12,681 it may be time to talk to Bortus. 277 00:16:26,069 --> 00:16:28,780 [door chimes] - Yes? 278 00:16:30,574 --> 00:16:32,492 - Hey, guys. - Commander. 279 00:16:32,492 --> 00:16:35,454 - Please, sit. I don't mean to interrupt your dinner. 280 00:16:35,454 --> 00:16:37,831 - Have you seen Topa? He is late. 281 00:16:37,831 --> 00:16:39,541 - I have him helping Ensign Burke 282 00:16:39,541 --> 00:16:41,710 with the recalibration of the navigational array. 283 00:16:41,710 --> 00:16:42,920 Part of his exam prep. 284 00:16:42,920 --> 00:16:45,964 - We both appreciate the time you have spent with him. 285 00:16:45,964 --> 00:16:47,466 - It's my pleasure. 286 00:16:47,466 --> 00:16:49,176 - Please, join us. 287 00:16:53,055 --> 00:16:55,057 Have some Kolp. 288 00:16:55,057 --> 00:16:57,434 - Is that the-- - It is the green one. 289 00:16:57,434 --> 00:16:58,685 - Right. 290 00:17:01,271 --> 00:17:03,899 Listen, I have to confess, I had a... 291 00:17:07,736 --> 00:17:10,697 I had an ulterior motive for putting Topa to work at dinnertime. 292 00:17:11,532 --> 00:17:13,408 There's something I want to talk to you about. 293 00:17:13,408 --> 00:17:14,368 - What is it? 294 00:17:16,203 --> 00:17:18,872 - I understand that it's inappropriate within your culture 295 00:17:18,872 --> 00:17:21,208 for me to bring this up, but... 296 00:17:21,208 --> 00:17:23,961 have you two ever discussed telling Topa? 297 00:17:23,961 --> 00:17:25,128 About his origins? 298 00:17:25,128 --> 00:17:26,839 - You are correct, Commander. 299 00:17:26,839 --> 00:17:28,841 It is entirely inappropriate! 300 00:17:28,841 --> 00:17:31,051 How dare you enter our home and-- 301 00:17:31,051 --> 00:17:32,469 - Klyden! 302 00:17:35,681 --> 00:17:39,351 We have discussed the matter on several occasions, and we feel-- 303 00:17:39,351 --> 00:17:41,895 - We do not feel the time is right. 304 00:17:41,895 --> 00:17:46,567 - And that's your decision, of course, you're his parents, but 305 00:17:46,567 --> 00:17:50,612 if I can offer an outsider's perspective, 306 00:17:50,612 --> 00:17:52,906 I think there may be some residual damage 307 00:17:52,906 --> 00:17:55,450 that could have had a ripple effect down through the years. 308 00:17:55,450 --> 00:17:57,035 This kid is unhappy. 309 00:17:57,035 --> 00:18:00,038 - All children are unhappy. He will outgrow it. 310 00:18:01,290 --> 00:18:04,710 - I don't want to betray his confidence if he hasn't said anything to you, 311 00:18:04,710 --> 00:18:06,336 but he thinks there's something wrong with him. 312 00:18:06,336 --> 00:18:08,755 - What? - He doesn't know. 313 00:18:10,299 --> 00:18:14,219 Look, everyone at this table is aware that we're talking about someone 314 00:18:14,219 --> 00:18:16,638 who was surgically altered without their knowledge or consent-- 315 00:18:16,638 --> 00:18:19,474 - Commander, you have overstayed your welcome. 316 00:18:19,474 --> 00:18:20,934 You may go now. 317 00:18:28,233 --> 00:18:30,444 - Please. Talk to your son. 318 00:18:31,904 --> 00:18:34,406 I apologize for disturbing your evening. 319 00:18:39,661 --> 00:18:41,163 - Klyden. - No! 320 00:18:41,163 --> 00:18:42,873 - She could be correct. 321 00:18:42,873 --> 00:18:44,374 - She is a female! 322 00:18:44,374 --> 00:18:47,211 With no understanding of our culture! 323 00:18:47,211 --> 00:18:49,004 - If Topa is struggling-- 324 00:18:49,004 --> 00:18:53,634 - If he is struggling, it is insignificant compared to the struggle he would face 325 00:18:53,634 --> 00:18:55,511 if he were to learn the truth! 326 00:18:56,970 --> 00:18:58,805 - It occurs to me... 327 00:18:59,765 --> 00:19:04,895 that in all the time we have been together, 328 00:19:04,895 --> 00:19:08,690 I have never once known you to be uncertain. 329 00:19:08,690 --> 00:19:09,942 Of anything. 330 00:19:09,942 --> 00:19:11,652 Tell me, 331 00:19:11,652 --> 00:19:14,154 what is it like to be so wise? 332 00:19:14,154 --> 00:19:15,656 - You are mocking me. 333 00:19:15,656 --> 00:19:16,949 - You invite it. 334 00:19:16,949 --> 00:19:20,285 - Do you know how much pain I would have been spared 335 00:19:20,285 --> 00:19:24,164 had I not discovered that I was born female? 336 00:19:24,957 --> 00:19:29,670 I would never, ever force our son to endure such a life! 337 00:19:30,295 --> 00:19:33,382 I love him with all my heart! Do you? 338 00:19:33,382 --> 00:19:34,341 - Of course, I do! 339 00:19:34,341 --> 00:19:35,926 - Then listen to me! 340 00:19:36,927 --> 00:19:41,014 Bortus, I would give anything 341 00:19:41,014 --> 00:19:43,976 to be ignorant of my beginnings. 342 00:19:44,601 --> 00:19:46,812 Topa may never be happy... 343 00:19:48,063 --> 00:19:51,984 but unhappiness is better than despair. 344 00:19:58,448 --> 00:20:00,450 ♪ pensive music playing ♪ 345 00:20:08,834 --> 00:20:10,085 [door chimes] 346 00:20:10,085 --> 00:20:11,295 - Come in. 347 00:20:13,338 --> 00:20:16,133 Hey, there you are. We were scheduled for 1500. 348 00:20:16,133 --> 00:20:18,427 - I am sorry, Commander. 349 00:20:18,427 --> 00:20:19,636 - Punctuality. 350 00:20:19,636 --> 00:20:22,222 Requirement number one for a Union officer. 351 00:20:22,222 --> 00:20:23,724 - I... 352 00:20:23,724 --> 00:20:25,934 will not be able to continue the training. 353 00:20:26,727 --> 00:20:29,730 - Why not? - My father has forbidden it. 354 00:20:29,730 --> 00:20:34,026 He has told me that if I wish to resume, I can ask the captain. 355 00:20:34,026 --> 00:20:35,736 But not you. 356 00:20:36,987 --> 00:20:38,322 - Topa, I'm... 357 00:20:39,698 --> 00:20:40,866 I'm so sorry. 358 00:20:40,866 --> 00:20:43,869 - I have great respect for the captain. 359 00:20:43,869 --> 00:20:45,829 But it is not the same. 360 00:20:46,747 --> 00:20:48,081 I feel... 361 00:20:48,081 --> 00:20:50,542 a connection with you. 362 00:20:51,502 --> 00:20:54,046 Perhaps you could talk to my father and change his mind. 363 00:20:55,380 --> 00:20:58,175 - I don't know that talking to Klyden will do any good. 364 00:20:58,175 --> 00:20:59,426 - You could try. 365 00:20:59,426 --> 00:21:00,677 - Topa... 366 00:21:02,930 --> 00:21:05,599 this hurts me more than you can possibly imagine, 367 00:21:05,599 --> 00:21:09,269 but you have to believe me when I tell you that I am powerless here. 368 00:21:09,269 --> 00:21:10,938 As much as I hate him... 369 00:21:11,813 --> 00:21:13,857 as much as I hate his answer... 370 00:21:15,526 --> 00:21:16,985 he's your father. 371 00:21:17,528 --> 00:21:19,780 - I do not want to give up. 372 00:21:20,822 --> 00:21:23,408 If I could someday be like you... 373 00:21:24,451 --> 00:21:26,328 have a noble purpose, 374 00:21:26,328 --> 00:21:29,248 to inspire people to become their best selves... 375 00:21:29,998 --> 00:21:32,543 perhaps I would not feel so sad. 376 00:21:43,971 --> 00:21:45,514 [door opens] 377 00:21:49,518 --> 00:21:50,769 - Hey there, Topa. 378 00:21:50,769 --> 00:21:52,187 - Hello, sir. 379 00:21:52,187 --> 00:21:54,690 - Oh, you don't have to call me "sir" until you're wearing a uniform. 380 00:21:56,316 --> 00:21:57,734 You wanna see something cool? 381 00:21:59,361 --> 00:22:02,906 - We're using a combination of DNA fragments embedded in the artifacts, 382 00:22:02,906 --> 00:22:04,491 along with sculptural renderings, 383 00:22:04,491 --> 00:22:07,870 to reconstruct an approximation of the Hemblicites' appearance. 384 00:22:07,870 --> 00:22:09,830 - Up till now, nobody knew what they looked like. 385 00:22:09,830 --> 00:22:12,875 But thanks to modern science, we can make a good guess. 386 00:22:12,875 --> 00:22:14,168 You wanna see? 387 00:22:21,925 --> 00:22:24,178 Pretty amazing, isn't it? 388 00:22:24,178 --> 00:22:28,390 You're looking at a race that's been dead for tens of thousands of years. 389 00:22:34,646 --> 00:22:36,023 - Please excuse me. 390 00:22:47,034 --> 00:22:48,619 ISAAC: Hello, Topa. 391 00:22:48,619 --> 00:22:50,078 - Isaac... 392 00:22:51,246 --> 00:22:54,499 What is it like? To be dead? 393 00:22:54,499 --> 00:22:57,169 ISAAC: It is the opposite of being alive. 394 00:22:58,045 --> 00:23:01,089 - When you... deactivated yourself... 395 00:23:02,257 --> 00:23:04,301 what did it feel like? 396 00:23:04,301 --> 00:23:07,679 - I was deactivated. I felt nothing. 397 00:23:08,347 --> 00:23:10,015 - Were you... 398 00:23:10,015 --> 00:23:12,976 unhappy when they brought you back? 399 00:23:12,976 --> 00:23:16,146 ISAAC: I am incapable of happiness or misery. 400 00:23:16,146 --> 00:23:18,982 May I ask the purpose of your inquiry? 401 00:23:20,067 --> 00:23:21,485 - I was... 402 00:23:21,485 --> 00:23:23,111 just curious. 403 00:23:40,128 --> 00:23:42,673 [door chimes] - Come in! 404 00:23:44,758 --> 00:23:46,677 Isaac. Hi. 405 00:23:46,677 --> 00:23:49,680 ISAAC: Hello, Commander. I apologize for disturbing you. 406 00:23:49,680 --> 00:23:51,056 - No, it's fine. What's up? 407 00:23:51,056 --> 00:23:54,643 ISAAC: It is my understanding that a visit to a crew member's quarters 408 00:23:54,643 --> 00:23:58,397 during off-duty hours can invite speculation regarding intent. 409 00:23:58,397 --> 00:24:02,234 If you wish, I will send a ship-wide communique assuring the crew 410 00:24:02,234 --> 00:24:05,237 that this was not a romantic or sexual encounter. 411 00:24:05,237 --> 00:24:09,992 - I-- I would just not say anything, it's all good. 412 00:24:09,992 --> 00:24:11,285 What can I do for you? 413 00:24:11,285 --> 00:24:14,663 ISAAC: Topa came to the astrophysics lab to speak with me. 414 00:24:14,663 --> 00:24:19,459 He had many questions regarding my attempt to deactivate myself. 415 00:24:20,460 --> 00:24:21,712 - What kind of questions? 416 00:24:21,712 --> 00:24:24,423 ISAAC: He wished to know what it was like to be dead. 417 00:24:26,550 --> 00:24:27,551 - What else? 418 00:24:27,551 --> 00:24:31,180 ISAAC: He asked if I was... unhappy to be revived. 419 00:24:32,848 --> 00:24:34,183 - I see... 420 00:24:34,183 --> 00:24:36,685 ISAAC: I am aware that Union medical protocol 421 00:24:36,685 --> 00:24:40,898 recommends disclosure of this variety of information to a superior officer. 422 00:24:40,898 --> 00:24:43,650 - It does. Thank you for telling me. 423 00:24:43,650 --> 00:24:45,235 ISAAC: Good day, Commander. 424 00:25:02,377 --> 00:25:03,754 [indistinct chatter] 425 00:25:13,472 --> 00:25:14,431 - Topa. 426 00:25:15,390 --> 00:25:18,477 - Commander. I should not be speaking to you. 427 00:25:18,477 --> 00:25:21,021 - It's okay, we're not talking about work. 428 00:25:21,021 --> 00:25:23,232 You're still technically obeying your father. 429 00:25:24,191 --> 00:25:25,359 I just... 430 00:25:25,984 --> 00:25:27,444 wanted to see how you were doing. 431 00:25:27,444 --> 00:25:29,947 - I am fine. - Yeah? 432 00:25:29,947 --> 00:25:31,323 - Yes. 433 00:25:32,032 --> 00:25:35,702 - You know, if there's ever anything you needed to talk about... 434 00:25:35,702 --> 00:25:37,496 just as a friend... 435 00:25:37,496 --> 00:25:39,623 I'm here. Always. 436 00:25:39,623 --> 00:25:42,584 - Thank you, Commander. I will be all right. 437 00:25:56,765 --> 00:26:00,602 - Sometimes, when I'm feeling low, or just a little unsure of myself... 438 00:26:01,228 --> 00:26:02,646 I have a slice of Kimbok. 439 00:26:03,313 --> 00:26:04,606 - Moclan Opsadda cake. 440 00:26:04,606 --> 00:26:07,609 - Yeah. Usually makes me feel a whole lot better. 441 00:26:08,151 --> 00:26:09,611 - Perhaps I will have some later. 442 00:26:09,611 --> 00:26:13,282 - There are several different Kimbok recipes on file. 443 00:26:13,282 --> 00:26:17,369 You should search the database. I'm sure you can find one to your liking. 444 00:26:17,369 --> 00:26:18,912 If you look hard enough. 445 00:26:51,528 --> 00:26:52,696 - Papa? 446 00:27:01,455 --> 00:27:03,957 Inquiry. Show me "Kimbok." 447 00:27:07,503 --> 00:27:10,506 How many recipe patterns for Kimbok are on file? 448 00:27:10,506 --> 00:27:13,884 COMPUTER: There are 41 recipe patterns for Kimbok. 449 00:27:13,884 --> 00:27:17,221 They are available for replication at all food synthesizers. 450 00:27:17,721 --> 00:27:20,933 - Are there any other files containing the designation "Kimbok"? 451 00:27:22,851 --> 00:27:26,396 COMPUTER: There is one file. Designation Kimbok33. 452 00:27:26,396 --> 00:27:30,234 Dated Union Standard 735 2417. 453 00:27:30,234 --> 00:27:31,944 - May I see it? 454 00:27:31,944 --> 00:27:34,029 COMPUTER: The file is password protected. 455 00:27:42,371 --> 00:27:44,039 - One piece of Kimbok. 456 00:27:55,384 --> 00:27:57,803 [monitor chimes] COMPUTER: Incoming message. 457 00:28:13,193 --> 00:28:16,196 - Access file Kimbok33. 458 00:28:16,196 --> 00:28:19,741 Password Gomaskah 488. 459 00:28:20,534 --> 00:28:22,369 COMPUTER: Password verified. 460 00:28:29,918 --> 00:28:31,920 ♪ pensive music growing louder ♪ 461 00:28:46,393 --> 00:28:49,771 - It's your own fault. - I know that. 462 00:28:49,771 --> 00:28:51,064 I just-- 463 00:28:51,064 --> 00:28:54,234 he said he had another human friend who could tolerate it. 464 00:28:54,234 --> 00:28:57,654 - I've never met a single human who could eat a Baliddian tart 465 00:28:57,654 --> 00:29:00,532 without some kind of horrible allergic reaction. 466 00:29:00,532 --> 00:29:01,867 - Well, I won't do it again. 467 00:29:01,867 --> 00:29:04,536 - For God's sake, you're a grown man, you should know better. 468 00:29:04,536 --> 00:29:06,914 - It just looked super tasty. 469 00:29:06,914 --> 00:29:09,750 All those little green sprinkles and whatnot. 470 00:29:09,750 --> 00:29:12,461 - Doctor. I need to talk to you. 471 00:29:12,461 --> 00:29:13,587 - Sure. 472 00:29:14,505 --> 00:29:16,673 Run this over your face for three minutes. 473 00:29:21,386 --> 00:29:23,013 - What's wrong with him? 474 00:29:23,013 --> 00:29:25,140 - He's a child with no self-control. 475 00:29:25,140 --> 00:29:26,558 How can I help you? 476 00:29:28,227 --> 00:29:30,395 - I need to talk to you about Topa. 477 00:29:30,395 --> 00:29:31,647 And... 478 00:29:32,523 --> 00:29:34,650 I need you to tell me if I've done a bad thing. 479 00:29:43,951 --> 00:29:45,410 - Bortus. 480 00:29:45,410 --> 00:29:47,663 - Klyden. How was your game? 481 00:29:47,663 --> 00:29:50,666 - We did not play. Topa never arrived. 482 00:29:50,666 --> 00:29:51,834 - That is odd. 483 00:29:51,834 --> 00:29:55,003 - He has never missed a Grand Latchkum. 484 00:29:55,003 --> 00:29:58,507 [comm chirps] - Inquiry. What is Topa's location? 485 00:29:58,507 --> 00:30:01,760 COMPUTER: Topa is currently in crew quarters. 486 00:30:12,896 --> 00:30:15,399 - Topa. Where have you been? 487 00:30:15,399 --> 00:30:17,693 I waited for you in the simulator. 488 00:30:19,820 --> 00:30:21,655 - Are you all right? 489 00:30:24,241 --> 00:30:26,118 - Was I born female? 490 00:30:29,621 --> 00:30:31,623 - Topa... - Answer me. 491 00:30:32,499 --> 00:30:35,002 - How could you possibly ask such a thing? 492 00:30:35,002 --> 00:30:36,420 - Answer me. 493 00:30:37,171 --> 00:30:38,714 - Of course not! 494 00:30:45,220 --> 00:30:46,555 Where... 495 00:30:47,472 --> 00:30:48,974 where did you get that? 496 00:30:48,974 --> 00:30:50,601 - Does it matter? 497 00:30:51,226 --> 00:30:52,895 - Was it Commander Grayson? 498 00:30:52,895 --> 00:30:55,480 TOPA: Tell me the truth. 499 00:30:55,480 --> 00:30:57,816 Was I born female? 500 00:31:01,278 --> 00:31:02,404 - Yes. 501 00:31:11,121 --> 00:31:12,456 [computer chirps] 502 00:31:14,499 --> 00:31:16,376 - Why did you not tell me? 503 00:31:18,086 --> 00:31:20,255 - It was for your own well-being. 504 00:31:21,215 --> 00:31:23,175 We wanted to protect you. 505 00:31:23,759 --> 00:31:27,221 - Were you ever going to tell me? 506 00:31:31,391 --> 00:31:33,602 - We did not know. 507 00:31:33,602 --> 00:31:37,439 It did not appear to serve a purpose. 508 00:31:37,439 --> 00:31:39,316 - You have been lying to me. 509 00:31:39,983 --> 00:31:43,070 My entire life has been a lie. 510 00:31:43,070 --> 00:31:44,363 - No! 511 00:31:44,363 --> 00:31:48,909 Topa, you were born malformed, it is true, 512 00:31:48,909 --> 00:31:50,994 but the doctors made you well! 513 00:31:50,994 --> 00:31:53,789 You are male now! That is all that-- 514 00:31:53,789 --> 00:31:55,207 - I may appear to be male... 515 00:31:56,458 --> 00:31:59,378 but what is inside me still exists. 516 00:32:00,587 --> 00:32:04,174 It is why I have felt the way I have for so long. 517 00:32:05,342 --> 00:32:10,597 My body has been screaming to me that I am someone else. 518 00:32:13,058 --> 00:32:14,351 - I am... 519 00:32:16,019 --> 00:32:17,729 I am sorry. 520 00:32:17,729 --> 00:32:18,981 KLYDEN: Topa. 521 00:32:19,565 --> 00:32:22,526 To leave you as you were would have been-- 522 00:32:22,526 --> 00:32:24,361 - Unthinkable. 523 00:32:24,361 --> 00:32:25,487 Yes. 524 00:32:26,113 --> 00:32:28,115 Moclus has taught me, 525 00:32:29,032 --> 00:32:31,285 you have taught me, 526 00:32:31,285 --> 00:32:33,537 that to be female... 527 00:32:33,537 --> 00:32:35,873 is an aberration of nature. 528 00:32:37,457 --> 00:32:39,376 I have heard the lesson clearly. 529 00:32:39,376 --> 00:32:44,131 - Moclus is an imperfect society. What is taught-- 530 00:32:44,131 --> 00:32:46,842 - Bortus, you cannot-- - Klyden, you will be silent! 531 00:32:50,554 --> 00:32:51,930 We love you. 532 00:32:53,432 --> 00:32:56,935 For everything that you are. 533 00:32:56,935 --> 00:32:58,478 And were. 534 00:33:20,250 --> 00:33:22,044 [sighs] 535 00:33:25,255 --> 00:33:26,465 [banging on door] 536 00:33:27,591 --> 00:33:29,092 - Come in... 537 00:33:30,052 --> 00:33:32,012 - How dare you! 538 00:33:32,513 --> 00:33:34,264 - Is there something I can do for you, Klyden? 539 00:33:34,264 --> 00:33:39,394 - If we were on Moclus, I would be within my rights to break your little neck. 540 00:33:39,394 --> 00:33:43,232 - Well, we're not on Moclus, but you're welcome to try. 541 00:33:45,567 --> 00:33:49,029 No? Then I suggest you back the hell away from my desk. 542 00:33:51,156 --> 00:33:54,493 - My son is in emotional ruin because of you. 543 00:33:54,493 --> 00:33:56,620 - I told him to have a slice of Kimbok. That's all I said. 544 00:33:56,620 --> 00:33:59,623 - You gave him the password for the trial records! 545 00:33:59,623 --> 00:34:00,916 - No, I didn't. 546 00:34:00,916 --> 00:34:02,000 - You are a liar! 547 00:34:02,000 --> 00:34:04,169 - I pointed him in the right direction, yes, but-- 548 00:34:04,169 --> 00:34:06,964 - Who are you to decide what is best for my child?! 549 00:34:06,964 --> 00:34:09,258 - Somebody has to! - My son was content! 550 00:34:09,258 --> 00:34:11,051 - Your son was miserable! 551 00:34:11,593 --> 00:34:14,054 You wrecked that kid the second you walked into that courtroom, 552 00:34:14,054 --> 00:34:15,806 so do not try to pin this bullshit on me! 553 00:34:15,806 --> 00:34:19,309 - I remember when we were in the Kandar system. 554 00:34:19,309 --> 00:34:22,813 You were worshiped as a god by the planet's inhabitants. 555 00:34:22,813 --> 00:34:25,732 Perhaps you still believe it yourself. 556 00:34:25,732 --> 00:34:29,486 Perhaps that is why you chose to play god with my family. 557 00:34:29,486 --> 00:34:31,029 - I played god?! 558 00:34:31,029 --> 00:34:32,990 Klyden, that kid has been crying out for help, 559 00:34:32,990 --> 00:34:35,367 and you've been burying your fat head in the sand because the truth 560 00:34:35,367 --> 00:34:37,995 doesn't fit in with your backward worldview! 561 00:34:37,995 --> 00:34:39,705 Now, I may have overstepped, 562 00:34:39,705 --> 00:34:42,249 but somebody needed to start paying attention. 563 00:34:42,249 --> 00:34:44,168 Because that child is in trouble. 564 00:34:44,168 --> 00:34:47,087 And no matter how much it hurts you to know it, 565 00:34:47,087 --> 00:34:49,631 underneath that manufactured exterior, 566 00:34:49,631 --> 00:34:52,092 Topa is still female. 567 00:34:57,472 --> 00:35:00,559 I'm gonna use my imagination and pretend that didn't just happen. 568 00:35:00,559 --> 00:35:04,188 And then I'm gonna let go, and you're gonna get the hell out of my office. 569 00:35:04,188 --> 00:35:07,441 And if you ever try to strike an officer again, 570 00:35:07,441 --> 00:35:10,986 I'm gonna break your goddamn arm off and mount it on my wall. 571 00:35:10,986 --> 00:35:12,237 You hear me? 572 00:35:13,238 --> 00:35:14,281 Do you hear me? 573 00:35:14,281 --> 00:35:15,616 - Yes! 574 00:35:23,123 --> 00:35:24,791 [door opens] 575 00:35:26,335 --> 00:35:27,711 [closes] 576 00:35:34,510 --> 00:35:36,303 ♪ tranquil music playing ♪ 577 00:35:54,780 --> 00:35:55,906 [door chimes] 578 00:35:57,449 --> 00:35:58,700 - Come in. 579 00:36:01,370 --> 00:36:02,579 Bortus... 580 00:36:02,579 --> 00:36:04,623 - I am sorry to intrude, Commander. 581 00:36:05,207 --> 00:36:07,376 - No, please, come on in. 582 00:36:08,252 --> 00:36:10,128 - I require your help. 583 00:36:10,128 --> 00:36:11,296 - Of course. 584 00:36:12,422 --> 00:36:15,717 - Topa will not speak to Klyden, or to me. 585 00:36:17,511 --> 00:36:18,512 - I know. 586 00:36:20,305 --> 00:36:23,392 If it means anything, Claire's been able to talk to him. 587 00:36:24,434 --> 00:36:27,145 It's a good sign, at least he's opening up to someone. 588 00:36:28,605 --> 00:36:30,107 It may just take some time. 589 00:36:35,612 --> 00:36:36,947 Sit down, please. 590 00:36:47,124 --> 00:36:48,333 Bortus... 591 00:36:49,960 --> 00:36:52,045 I am so sorry I caused this. 592 00:36:53,463 --> 00:36:54,506 I... 593 00:36:56,008 --> 00:37:01,013 I just saw this kid in a place of such despair, and... 594 00:37:02,931 --> 00:37:04,850 I was only trying to help him. 595 00:37:06,560 --> 00:37:11,315 But the fact is, I was way out of line. 596 00:37:11,982 --> 00:37:13,233 It wasn't my place. 597 00:37:14,568 --> 00:37:16,570 - You are not responsible. 598 00:37:17,404 --> 00:37:20,073 - I was the one who led him to the Kimbok file. 599 00:37:20,073 --> 00:37:21,992 - I gave him the password. 600 00:37:24,870 --> 00:37:25,954 - What? 601 00:37:26,496 --> 00:37:28,123 - I was on the bridge. 602 00:37:28,123 --> 00:37:32,836 Commander Keyali was occupied, and I was monitoring the security station. 603 00:37:34,213 --> 00:37:38,592 There was an alert that someone was attempting to access a coded file. 604 00:37:39,635 --> 00:37:41,553 I saw that it was Topa. 605 00:37:41,553 --> 00:37:42,638 So... 606 00:37:44,515 --> 00:37:46,183 I sent it to him. 607 00:37:48,560 --> 00:37:50,687 - You wanted him to know. 608 00:37:54,191 --> 00:37:55,442 - It... 609 00:37:56,318 --> 00:37:57,778 happened in the moment. 610 00:37:57,778 --> 00:38:00,113 It was not premeditated. 611 00:38:01,281 --> 00:38:02,574 - Have you told him? 612 00:38:03,075 --> 00:38:04,826 - No, no. 613 00:38:07,538 --> 00:38:09,081 But I do not... 614 00:38:11,083 --> 00:38:13,085 I do not know how to help him! 615 00:38:29,601 --> 00:38:30,686 [gasps] 616 00:38:40,529 --> 00:38:42,531 ♪ 617 00:38:53,959 --> 00:38:55,210 - How's the patient? 618 00:38:55,210 --> 00:38:57,421 - Well, the good news is, 619 00:38:57,421 --> 00:38:59,590 I'm not worried about self-harm at the moment. 620 00:38:59,590 --> 00:39:03,302 Regardless of the psychological upheaval caused by this discovery, 621 00:39:03,302 --> 00:39:06,096 I genuinely believe you did the right thing. 622 00:39:06,805 --> 00:39:08,599 - I wish I had your confidence. 623 00:39:08,599 --> 00:39:10,058 It was a reckless move. 624 00:39:10,058 --> 00:39:15,063 - Well, that's why the most important thing we can do right now is listen. 625 00:39:15,898 --> 00:39:17,774 Topa is going to have to guide us. 626 00:39:18,525 --> 00:39:19,610 - Can I go in? 627 00:39:28,410 --> 00:39:29,369 Hi. 628 00:39:33,498 --> 00:39:35,125 - You knew. 629 00:39:35,125 --> 00:39:38,378 - I wanted to tell you a lot sooner. I just... 630 00:39:39,713 --> 00:39:41,256 They're your parents. 631 00:39:42,090 --> 00:39:43,675 I did as much as I dared. 632 00:39:46,220 --> 00:39:48,263 - I wish I did not know. 633 00:39:48,263 --> 00:39:50,390 - Oh, Topa... 634 00:39:51,517 --> 00:39:53,018 I'm so sorry. 635 00:39:53,602 --> 00:39:54,686 - No. 636 00:39:55,103 --> 00:39:57,147 No, I do not mean what I say. 637 00:39:58,273 --> 00:39:59,858 - I'm still here. 638 00:39:59,858 --> 00:40:02,569 If you need someone to talk to, day or night. 639 00:40:04,655 --> 00:40:06,281 - What do I do? 640 00:40:07,991 --> 00:40:10,035 - You're the only person who can answer that. 641 00:40:11,495 --> 00:40:15,249 But however you choose to process this... 642 00:40:15,249 --> 00:40:16,792 I'm on your side. 643 00:40:18,001 --> 00:40:21,046 - I know many females. 644 00:40:21,046 --> 00:40:24,174 But they are all from other worlds. 645 00:40:24,925 --> 00:40:27,761 You... Commander Keyali... 646 00:40:27,761 --> 00:40:29,513 Dr. Finn... 647 00:40:30,013 --> 00:40:31,682 but no Moclans. 648 00:40:32,975 --> 00:40:34,268 I wish... 649 00:40:35,018 --> 00:40:36,937 I could meet a Moclan female. 650 00:40:37,563 --> 00:40:40,148 But my father would never allow it. 651 00:40:42,901 --> 00:40:44,653 - Maybe he doesn't have to. 652 00:40:51,827 --> 00:40:52,828 [beeping] 653 00:40:52,828 --> 00:40:58,000 Access all audiovisual data pertaining to file designation Kimbok33. 654 00:40:58,000 --> 00:41:02,546 Reference logs beginning at time index 8490.5. 655 00:41:02,546 --> 00:41:04,965 Integrate, and create simulation. 656 00:41:06,008 --> 00:41:08,093 [chimes] COMPUTER: Simulation ready. 657 00:41:09,553 --> 00:41:11,597 - Begin simulation and hold. 658 00:41:17,477 --> 00:41:19,479 ♪ sentimental music playing ♪ 659 00:41:24,610 --> 00:41:26,195 - Is that... 660 00:41:26,195 --> 00:41:27,362 - Heveena. 661 00:41:27,362 --> 00:41:29,990 The writer the Moclans knew as Gondus Elden, 662 00:41:29,990 --> 00:41:31,950 before she revealed she was female. 663 00:41:32,743 --> 00:41:36,205 This is the courtroom where your fate was decided. 664 00:41:36,955 --> 00:41:39,958 ♪ 665 00:42:04,816 --> 00:42:07,110 - I read about her in the Kimbok file. 666 00:42:07,694 --> 00:42:10,280 But it did not describe her appearance. 667 00:42:10,864 --> 00:42:14,326 Her face appears so wise. 668 00:42:14,326 --> 00:42:16,662 - Wait till you hear her speak. 669 00:42:16,662 --> 00:42:18,789 Resume simulation. 670 00:42:20,499 --> 00:42:23,585 - When I was born, long ago, 671 00:42:23,585 --> 00:42:29,091 my parents made the choice to allow me to remain female. 672 00:42:29,800 --> 00:42:34,680 They believed that to have me altered would be an offense to nature. 673 00:42:35,430 --> 00:42:38,308 So they took me far up into the mountains 674 00:42:38,308 --> 00:42:42,563 and built our family a home in seclusion. 675 00:42:43,480 --> 00:42:45,566 They taught me to think. 676 00:42:45,566 --> 00:42:46,942 To read. 677 00:42:46,942 --> 00:42:48,569 To wonder. 678 00:42:48,569 --> 00:42:51,947 They taught me to love the person I was. 679 00:42:52,948 --> 00:42:57,077 When they passed, I remained. 680 00:42:57,077 --> 00:42:59,830 I had planned to die up there. 681 00:42:59,830 --> 00:43:01,999 Undiscovered. 682 00:43:03,125 --> 00:43:05,419 But that is no longer possible. 683 00:43:07,004 --> 00:43:10,382 The tribunal must not be allowed to take from this child 684 00:43:10,382 --> 00:43:12,759 the gift that I was given. 685 00:43:13,343 --> 00:43:16,138 So I present myself to you 686 00:43:16,138 --> 00:43:19,433 as a woman without regret. 687 00:43:20,434 --> 00:43:22,769 I am happy. 688 00:43:26,315 --> 00:43:28,066 ♪ dramatic music playing ♪ 689 00:43:35,866 --> 00:43:37,868 ♪ 690 00:43:49,713 --> 00:43:51,465 [door opens] 691 00:43:53,133 --> 00:43:54,510 - Doctor. 692 00:43:54,510 --> 00:43:56,094 - What is it? 693 00:43:59,097 --> 00:44:01,433 - I am female. 694 00:44:07,397 --> 00:44:09,024 - This is preposterous! 695 00:44:09,024 --> 00:44:12,152 Do you have any idea what you are suggesting?! 696 00:44:12,152 --> 00:44:13,695 - Look, this kid has been 697 00:44:13,695 --> 00:44:16,490 at the center of a cultural cyclone since the day she was born. 698 00:44:16,490 --> 00:44:19,409 It's about time that we all stop trying to decide who she is, 699 00:44:19,409 --> 00:44:21,703 shut the hell up, and let her tell us. 700 00:44:21,703 --> 00:44:24,456 - He does not understand what awaits him! 701 00:44:24,456 --> 00:44:27,209 - Really? You've been telling her since she was a young child 702 00:44:27,209 --> 00:44:28,418 that females are garbage. 703 00:44:28,418 --> 00:44:29,670 She's well aware, Klyden. 704 00:44:29,670 --> 00:44:30,963 - Stop using that word! 705 00:44:30,963 --> 00:44:32,965 - And she's still standing by her decision. 706 00:44:32,965 --> 00:44:34,967 Seems like she's pretty sure of what she wants. 707 00:44:34,967 --> 00:44:37,511 - Bortus. What do you think? 708 00:44:42,683 --> 00:44:44,059 - I believe... 709 00:44:45,936 --> 00:44:48,564 that Commander Grayson is correct. 710 00:44:49,273 --> 00:44:51,441 Topa has the right to decide. 711 00:44:51,441 --> 00:44:53,819 - Bortus, have you lost your mind?! 712 00:44:54,945 --> 00:44:58,282 - Claire, is this an issue of personal identity alone, 713 00:44:58,282 --> 00:44:59,366 or has Topa...? 714 00:44:59,366 --> 00:45:02,953 - Topa has asked me to reverse the procedure, yes. 715 00:45:02,953 --> 00:45:06,248 She wants her physical body to represent its origins. 716 00:45:06,248 --> 00:45:08,125 - And obviously that's possible. 717 00:45:08,125 --> 00:45:10,752 - It is possible, yes. And very simple. 718 00:45:10,752 --> 00:45:12,087 - You are a doctor! 719 00:45:12,087 --> 00:45:17,176 You must realize that Topa is too young to make this decision! 720 00:45:17,176 --> 00:45:18,802 - Are you hearing yourself? 721 00:45:18,802 --> 00:45:22,055 Seriously, are you completely oblivious to the hypocrisy of what you just said? 722 00:45:22,055 --> 00:45:23,182 - He is an adolescent! 723 00:45:23,182 --> 00:45:24,808 - She was a baby! - Doctor. 724 00:45:27,436 --> 00:45:30,272 Is there any psychological risk? 725 00:45:31,481 --> 00:45:35,110 - Under normal circumstances, I couldn't do what's being asked 726 00:45:35,110 --> 00:45:37,279 until the child reached adulthood, 727 00:45:37,279 --> 00:45:40,824 but, to be blunt, Topa's history makes it all a wash. 728 00:45:40,824 --> 00:45:42,951 It's impactful either way. 729 00:45:42,951 --> 00:45:45,871 So, in my professional opinion, the tipping factor 730 00:45:45,871 --> 00:45:47,789 should be the wishes of Topa herself. 731 00:45:47,789 --> 00:45:50,542 And there's a very reasonable argument 732 00:45:50,542 --> 00:45:53,170 that we'd simply be restoring what was taken from her. 733 00:45:53,170 --> 00:45:56,465 - It is immoral, and it is illegal! 734 00:45:56,465 --> 00:45:58,550 - On Moclus. We're not on Moclus. 735 00:45:58,550 --> 00:46:00,219 - I forbid it! - It's not up to you. 736 00:46:00,219 --> 00:46:02,971 - I am his father! - And so is Bortus. 737 00:46:05,641 --> 00:46:07,935 - Where medical issues are concerned, 738 00:46:07,935 --> 00:46:11,897 Union law states that if a child is not of legal age 739 00:46:11,897 --> 00:46:13,690 to make the decision on their own, 740 00:46:13,690 --> 00:46:18,028 it requires the consent of at least one parent or guardian. 741 00:46:18,028 --> 00:46:19,696 Doesn't require both. 742 00:46:22,074 --> 00:46:23,575 - Bortus? 743 00:46:30,624 --> 00:46:32,501 - If you do this... 744 00:46:33,168 --> 00:46:35,462 I will leave you. 745 00:46:35,462 --> 00:46:37,506 I swear it. 746 00:46:37,506 --> 00:46:42,386 And I will not even give you the dignity of the sword. 747 00:46:48,684 --> 00:46:49,893 - Captain. 748 00:46:50,519 --> 00:46:54,857 There is another factor that we have not discussed. 749 00:46:54,857 --> 00:46:56,108 - I know. 750 00:46:57,526 --> 00:47:03,031 Even with Bortus's consent, it may not be that simple. 751 00:47:05,742 --> 00:47:08,871 - You should know that this is not something we take lightly. 752 00:47:09,663 --> 00:47:11,832 The Union council conferred with the Admiralty 753 00:47:11,832 --> 00:47:14,501 for no less than nine hours on the subject. 754 00:47:14,501 --> 00:47:16,128 But it is abundantly clear 755 00:47:16,128 --> 00:47:19,590 that this would deeply imperil our relationship with the Moclans. 756 00:47:19,590 --> 00:47:23,385 With the Krill treaty in ruins and the Kaylon waiting at our doorstep, 757 00:47:23,385 --> 00:47:25,470 we just can't take the risk. 758 00:47:25,470 --> 00:47:28,390 Therefore, Dr. Finn, 759 00:47:28,390 --> 00:47:32,311 it is my unhappy duty to order you not to perform this procedure. 760 00:47:32,311 --> 00:47:33,353 - What? 761 00:47:33,353 --> 00:47:35,147 GRAYSON: Excuse me, sir. 762 00:47:35,147 --> 00:47:37,649 We have checked every legal box. 763 00:47:37,649 --> 00:47:40,444 Topa has requested it. Bortus has consented. 764 00:47:40,444 --> 00:47:42,696 Everyone involved is within their legal rights. 765 00:47:42,696 --> 00:47:45,115 - Civil law permits it, you are correct. 766 00:47:45,115 --> 00:47:47,492 But you're on a Fleet ship with a Fleet doctor. 767 00:47:47,492 --> 00:47:49,369 We can't allow it. 768 00:47:49,369 --> 00:47:53,123 - Sir, I understand the danger, but... 769 00:47:53,123 --> 00:47:56,043 how the hell much longer are we going to let this go on? 770 00:47:56,043 --> 00:47:58,003 I mean, you are basically allowing the Moclans 771 00:47:58,003 --> 00:48:00,464 to dictate human rights policy for the Union. 772 00:48:00,464 --> 00:48:03,383 - I don't want this to drag on any more than you do, Captain. 773 00:48:03,383 --> 00:48:05,594 You don't think I hate making this call? 774 00:48:05,594 --> 00:48:08,764 But we're desperately trying to save lives here. 775 00:48:08,764 --> 00:48:12,601 Without the Moclans, we become utterly vulnerable to the Kaylon. 776 00:48:12,601 --> 00:48:16,605 This procedure won't help Topa if she's dead. 777 00:48:16,605 --> 00:48:18,273 - Can we speak to Rechik? 778 00:48:18,273 --> 00:48:20,150 - Rechik wanted to be in this meeting 779 00:48:20,150 --> 00:48:22,277 along with the two other Moclan councilmen. 780 00:48:22,277 --> 00:48:25,531 I told him no. Trust me, I'm doing you a favor. 781 00:48:25,531 --> 00:48:28,700 This issue is a lightning rod for the Moclans. 782 00:48:28,700 --> 00:48:31,578 The trial was a defining moment that, to them, 783 00:48:31,578 --> 00:48:33,789 reinforced their cultural foundations. 784 00:48:33,789 --> 00:48:37,251 I'm telling you, I have been doing this job a long time. 785 00:48:37,251 --> 00:48:40,087 If we defy their custom and invalidate that verdict 786 00:48:40,087 --> 00:48:43,799 by allowing a Union medical officer to do this, 787 00:48:43,799 --> 00:48:45,676 the Moclans will be humiliated, 788 00:48:45,676 --> 00:48:50,055 and trust me, they will walk, and billions could die as a result. 789 00:48:50,055 --> 00:48:52,391 - Would the Moclans really want to cut ties 790 00:48:52,391 --> 00:48:53,725 and face the Kaylon alone? 791 00:48:53,725 --> 00:48:55,519 - Want is irrelevant. 792 00:48:55,519 --> 00:48:58,272 They'd have no way to save face if they didn't. 793 00:48:59,106 --> 00:49:02,693 - Admiral. You have children, don't you? 794 00:49:04,152 --> 00:49:05,153 - Yes. 795 00:49:05,737 --> 00:49:09,575 - If Topa was your child, how would you explain this to her? 796 00:49:09,575 --> 00:49:12,494 That we're forcing her to spend the rest of her days 797 00:49:12,494 --> 00:49:15,956 living a lie to protect the political status quo? 798 00:49:15,956 --> 00:49:20,002 - If Topa wants to leave the ship and have the procedure done elsewhere, 799 00:49:20,002 --> 00:49:21,628 we have no jurisdiction. 800 00:49:22,212 --> 00:49:23,672 - She would not succeed. 801 00:49:23,672 --> 00:49:26,383 - The Moclans would pounce on her without Union protection. 802 00:49:26,383 --> 00:49:29,261 She'd be captured and sent to prison in a heartbeat. 803 00:49:29,261 --> 00:49:32,306 - Captain, I empathize with all of you. 804 00:49:32,306 --> 00:49:34,224 Please believe me. 805 00:49:34,224 --> 00:49:36,476 But our hands are tied. 806 00:49:36,476 --> 00:49:38,520 I'm very sorry. 807 00:49:44,568 --> 00:49:46,069 - My God. 808 00:49:46,987 --> 00:49:48,822 How are we going to tell her? 809 00:49:50,240 --> 00:49:52,492 - I will speak to Topa. 810 00:49:55,287 --> 00:49:58,707 Commander, if it is not too difficult... 811 00:50:00,125 --> 00:50:01,585 - I'll come too. 812 00:50:05,422 --> 00:50:08,425 ♪ 813 00:50:16,600 --> 00:50:17,976 - It is not fair. 814 00:50:19,102 --> 00:50:21,355 - No. It is not. 815 00:50:23,398 --> 00:50:25,275 - Haven't they done enough? 816 00:50:25,859 --> 00:50:27,694 When does it stop? 817 00:50:27,694 --> 00:50:30,656 When do I get to decide how to live my own life? 818 00:50:32,324 --> 00:50:33,909 Never. 819 00:50:34,493 --> 00:50:37,037 It will always be decided for me. 820 00:50:37,037 --> 00:50:38,789 By other people. 821 00:50:39,706 --> 00:50:41,375 I hate this universe. 822 00:50:41,375 --> 00:50:44,837 - Topa. This isn't over. We're going to keep fighting it. 823 00:50:44,837 --> 00:50:47,089 - How? - We'll find a way. 824 00:50:47,589 --> 00:50:48,799 - Do not bother. 825 00:50:49,591 --> 00:50:53,887 If they insist that I am male, then that is what I will be. 826 00:50:53,887 --> 00:50:55,055 - Topa... 827 00:50:55,055 --> 00:50:56,223 - May I go now? 828 00:50:56,223 --> 00:50:58,600 - If there-- - May I go? 829 00:51:00,602 --> 00:51:01,603 - Of course. 830 00:51:18,787 --> 00:51:20,539 ♪ expansive music playing ♪ 831 00:51:31,466 --> 00:51:34,428 - Boy, you really did a number on yourself, didn't you? 832 00:51:34,428 --> 00:51:36,555 - Yeah, I was just careless. 833 00:51:36,555 --> 00:51:38,724 Good news is, we've covered the last of the catacombs. 834 00:51:43,562 --> 00:51:46,356 - Okay, try standing up slowly. 835 00:51:48,567 --> 00:51:50,402 - Thing of beauty. Thanks, Doc. 836 00:51:51,486 --> 00:51:53,530 Captain, we've hit the end of the line down there. 837 00:51:53,530 --> 00:51:55,199 It's all been mapped out for the science team, 838 00:51:55,199 --> 00:51:56,742 so there shouldn't be any surprises. 839 00:51:56,742 --> 00:51:59,077 I can have a detailed chart to you by the end of the day. 840 00:51:59,077 --> 00:52:01,288 - Good work. You can prep the shuttle for departure. 841 00:52:01,288 --> 00:52:02,414 - Aye, sir. 842 00:52:02,414 --> 00:52:04,374 - Talla. What's the latest? 843 00:52:04,374 --> 00:52:05,584 - All cleared, sir. 844 00:52:05,584 --> 00:52:07,794 We've de-fanged almost every booby trap in the place. 845 00:52:07,794 --> 00:52:10,130 There are a few we can't get to without damaging the architecture, 846 00:52:10,130 --> 00:52:12,174 but I'm working with Charly to place markers on the map. 847 00:52:12,174 --> 00:52:13,926 - All right, start rounding up the team. 848 00:52:14,676 --> 00:52:18,055 - Sir, if I can ask... how's Topa? 849 00:52:20,057 --> 00:52:21,266 - Not good. 850 00:52:21,266 --> 00:52:23,810 - Will you tell her that the entire crew is pulling for her? 851 00:52:25,020 --> 00:52:28,273 - Captain... I had a thought. 852 00:52:28,273 --> 00:52:29,525 - What is it? 853 00:52:29,525 --> 00:52:30,943 - What if... 854 00:52:31,902 --> 00:52:33,862 What if I resigned my commission? 855 00:52:34,738 --> 00:52:37,783 Admiral Howland says that a Fleet medical officer 856 00:52:37,783 --> 00:52:39,284 can't do the procedure. 857 00:52:39,284 --> 00:52:40,494 Fine. 858 00:52:40,494 --> 00:52:42,538 Then I won't be a Fleet officer. 859 00:52:42,538 --> 00:52:44,331 I'll be a civilian doctor. 860 00:52:45,165 --> 00:52:46,708 - Claire, that's... 861 00:52:46,708 --> 00:52:48,377 very noble. 862 00:52:48,377 --> 00:52:51,797 But you've dedicated your entire career to the Fleet. 863 00:52:51,797 --> 00:52:54,967 It's not like you can do that and just jump right back in. 864 00:52:54,967 --> 00:52:57,719 Your professional life as you know it would be over. 865 00:52:57,719 --> 00:53:00,472 - Not to mention, you'd probably become a target for the Moclans. 866 00:53:00,472 --> 00:53:03,684 - But it would give the Admirals plausible deniability. 867 00:53:03,684 --> 00:53:04,893 - Technically. 868 00:53:04,893 --> 00:53:08,021 - And the Moclans could remain in the Union and still save face. 869 00:53:08,021 --> 00:53:09,648 - Again, technically. 870 00:53:09,648 --> 00:53:11,275 - It may be enough. 871 00:53:12,860 --> 00:53:13,902 - Look... 872 00:53:13,902 --> 00:53:16,405 this would have to be entirely your decision. 873 00:53:16,405 --> 00:53:20,701 Every member of the crew would have to be able to claim honestly, under oath, 874 00:53:20,701 --> 00:53:23,620 that they did not aid or witness the procedure. 875 00:53:24,496 --> 00:53:27,958 - Claire. Are you sure you really want to do this? 876 00:53:27,958 --> 00:53:29,751 You'd be saying goodbye to the Orville. 877 00:53:29,751 --> 00:53:31,962 - We're talking about Topa's life. 878 00:53:31,962 --> 00:53:34,006 I think it's a fair trade. 879 00:53:34,006 --> 00:53:36,633 So I won't be a Union officer. 880 00:53:37,134 --> 00:53:38,552 I'll be okay. 881 00:53:38,552 --> 00:53:39,720 ISAAC: Excuse me, Doctor. 882 00:53:40,762 --> 00:53:43,015 I am not a Union officer. 883 00:53:43,724 --> 00:53:44,683 - What? 884 00:53:44,683 --> 00:53:46,643 ISAAC: I have never been commissioned. 885 00:53:46,643 --> 00:53:48,812 I came to the Orville as an emissary. 886 00:53:48,812 --> 00:53:51,273 That designation has never been altered. 887 00:53:51,273 --> 00:53:53,150 - What are you getting at? 888 00:53:53,150 --> 00:53:55,110 ISAAC: I could perform the procedure. 889 00:53:55,611 --> 00:53:56,570 - You? 890 00:53:56,570 --> 00:53:58,280 ISAAC: I am quite capable. 891 00:53:58,280 --> 00:54:01,825 All required medical data is available from the ship's computer. 892 00:54:01,825 --> 00:54:03,827 I could upload it to my core memory, 893 00:54:03,827 --> 00:54:07,331 along with any additional specifications you may wish to include. 894 00:54:07,915 --> 00:54:10,876 - Isaac, you're... not a doctor. 895 00:54:10,876 --> 00:54:12,794 ISAAC: I am an artificial life form 896 00:54:12,794 --> 00:54:15,380 capable of executing complex algorithms 897 00:54:15,380 --> 00:54:17,799 demanding extreme physical dexterity. 898 00:54:17,799 --> 00:54:21,094 For me, there is no difference between performing surgery, 899 00:54:21,094 --> 00:54:24,556 playing a piano concerto, or re-aligning a scanner array. 900 00:54:24,556 --> 00:54:28,852 In effect, I can indeed be... a doctor. 901 00:54:30,938 --> 00:54:31,897 - Claire? 902 00:54:33,398 --> 00:54:34,983 - He's right. 903 00:54:39,738 --> 00:54:41,114 - Isaac. 904 00:54:41,114 --> 00:54:44,034 I am officially ordering you not to interfere. 905 00:54:44,034 --> 00:54:47,955 Which means if you did this, you would be doing it on your own. 906 00:54:47,955 --> 00:54:49,540 Without my knowledge, 907 00:54:49,540 --> 00:54:52,668 and without the knowledge of any crew member aboard the Orville. 908 00:54:52,668 --> 00:54:54,711 ISAAC: I understand, sir. 909 00:54:54,711 --> 00:54:56,755 - It would be... 910 00:54:56,755 --> 00:54:59,383 unfortunate if a member of the crew visited sickbay 911 00:54:59,383 --> 00:55:01,635 during that hypothetical window. 912 00:55:02,427 --> 00:55:03,971 - I've got an idea. 913 00:55:05,097 --> 00:55:06,932 ♪ upbeat music playing ♪ 914 00:55:12,312 --> 00:55:15,065 [comm chirps] - All hands, this is the captain. 915 00:55:15,065 --> 00:55:18,777 I'm pleased to inform you there will be a very special performance this evening 916 00:55:18,777 --> 00:55:19,736 in the shuttle bay. 917 00:55:19,736 --> 00:55:23,657 As many of you are aware, our second officer, Commander Bortus, 918 00:55:23,657 --> 00:55:26,285 also happens to be a very gifted singer. 919 00:55:26,285 --> 00:55:29,329 He has not thus far graced us with his talents, 920 00:55:29,329 --> 00:55:31,498 but tonight at 2100 hours, 921 00:55:31,498 --> 00:55:34,835 he will be performing selections from the musical repertoires 922 00:55:34,835 --> 00:55:37,504 of 16 different Union planets. 923 00:55:37,504 --> 00:55:41,717 If you'd care to attend, please submit a notification to Commander Keyali. 924 00:55:47,681 --> 00:55:50,058 - Damn. You're a hot ticket, Bortus. 925 00:55:50,058 --> 00:55:52,519 - I will be sure to bring my, 926 00:55:52,519 --> 00:55:55,314 what does Lieutenant Malloy call it? 927 00:55:56,231 --> 00:55:57,399 My "A" game. 928 00:55:57,399 --> 00:55:58,734 - There ya go, buddy. 929 00:56:00,360 --> 00:56:02,821 - Looks to me like we may have a full house. 930 00:56:12,247 --> 00:56:14,249 ♪ upbeat music playing ♪ 931 00:56:15,542 --> 00:56:17,211 [indistinct chatter] 932 00:56:58,001 --> 00:56:59,336 ♪ music ends ♪ 933 00:56:59,336 --> 00:57:01,338 [crowd murmuring] 934 00:57:09,638 --> 00:57:11,640 [applause] 935 00:57:35,956 --> 00:57:37,124 - Thank you. 936 00:57:37,666 --> 00:57:41,044 This song was taught to me by Dr. Finn. 937 00:57:41,044 --> 00:57:44,756 She says it is one of her favorites. 938 00:57:46,842 --> 00:57:50,387 ♪ playing tranquil introduction ♪ 939 00:57:50,387 --> 00:57:52,806 That key is too high! 940 00:57:52,806 --> 00:57:54,433 - Sorry. 941 00:58:04,985 --> 00:58:09,114 - ♪ There was a boy ♪ 942 00:58:09,114 --> 00:58:14,203 ♪ A very strange enchanted boy ♪ 943 00:58:14,620 --> 00:58:19,458 ♪ They say he wandered very far ♪ 944 00:58:19,458 --> 00:58:22,002 ♪ Very far ♪ 945 00:58:22,002 --> 00:58:27,341 ♪ Over land and sea ♪ 946 00:58:27,341 --> 00:58:31,386 ♪ A little shy ♪ 947 00:58:32,304 --> 00:58:36,225 ♪ And sad of eye ♪ 948 00:58:37,059 --> 00:58:41,480 ♪ But very wise ♪ 949 00:58:42,272 --> 00:58:46,568 ♪ Was he ♪ 950 00:58:47,277 --> 00:58:50,822 ♪ And then one day ♪ 951 00:58:50,822 --> 00:58:56,286 ♪ A magic day he passed my way ♪ 952 00:58:56,286 --> 00:59:01,416 ♪ And while we spoke of many things ♪ 953 00:59:01,416 --> 00:59:03,377 ♪ Fools and kings... ♪ 954 00:59:29,611 --> 00:59:30,779 ISAAC: Topa. 955 00:59:32,072 --> 00:59:33,740 Please come with me. 956 00:59:34,241 --> 00:59:37,202 - Why? ISAAC: I am here to help. 957 00:59:53,635 --> 00:59:56,638 Please disrobe and recline on the medical bed. 958 01:00:01,143 --> 01:00:02,102 - I'm... 959 01:00:03,687 --> 01:00:05,314 ISAAC: Is there some difficulty? 960 01:00:05,981 --> 01:00:08,025 - Isaac, I'm... 961 01:00:09,651 --> 01:00:11,028 I'm afraid. 962 01:00:11,028 --> 01:00:13,447 ISAAC: Do you wish to abstain from the procedure? 963 01:00:13,447 --> 01:00:15,866 - No. I want it. 964 01:00:16,366 --> 01:00:17,868 But... 965 01:00:17,868 --> 01:00:20,162 are you sure I will be all right? 966 01:00:20,162 --> 01:00:21,914 ISAAC: I am quite certain. 967 01:00:21,914 --> 01:00:23,332 Our time is finite. 968 01:00:23,332 --> 01:00:24,958 Please disrobe. 969 01:00:26,043 --> 01:00:27,628 - I wish Dr. Finn was here. 970 01:00:27,628 --> 01:00:30,631 ISAAC: Dr. Finn is unable to perform the procedure. 971 01:00:31,507 --> 01:00:32,799 - Maybe... 972 01:00:33,634 --> 01:00:35,511 I would not be so nervous. 973 01:00:35,511 --> 01:00:39,932 ISAAC: You are referring to what Dr. Finn calls a "bedside manner." 974 01:00:44,269 --> 01:00:46,438 I will make sure that you are safe. 975 01:00:46,438 --> 01:00:49,399 You do not need to be afraid. 976 01:01:01,828 --> 01:01:03,747 - Topa! What are you doing?! 977 01:01:03,747 --> 01:01:06,542 - Papa... - You will come with me at once! 978 01:01:06,542 --> 01:01:08,168 Get out of my way, Kaylon. 979 01:01:08,168 --> 01:01:10,921 ISAAC: I am afraid that will not be possible. 980 01:01:10,921 --> 01:01:13,257 I will not permit you to disrupt the procedure. 981 01:01:13,257 --> 01:01:16,718 - I forbid you to do this! You will destroy him! 982 01:01:16,718 --> 01:01:18,178 ISAAC: That is inaccurate. 983 01:01:18,178 --> 01:01:19,680 He will be altered physically, 984 01:01:19,680 --> 01:01:22,808 but he will remain a fully functioning biological organism. 985 01:01:22,808 --> 01:01:25,143 - He will be a monstrosity! 986 01:01:25,143 --> 01:01:27,104 ISAAC: That is also inaccurate. 987 01:01:27,104 --> 01:01:29,731 I surmise your capacity to reason 988 01:01:29,731 --> 01:01:32,568 has been compromised by your cultural indoctrination. 989 01:01:32,568 --> 01:01:35,737 This is to be expected. Please depart. 990 01:01:39,283 --> 01:01:40,909 [Klyden straining] 991 01:01:46,081 --> 01:01:47,332 [grunts] 992 01:02:13,358 --> 01:02:15,319 Are you ready to begin? 993 01:02:26,205 --> 01:02:27,915 [console beeping] 994 01:02:52,147 --> 01:02:58,153 ♪ Walk on, walk on ♪ 995 01:02:58,153 --> 01:03:00,697 ♪ With hope ♪ 996 01:03:00,697 --> 01:03:03,242 ♪ In your heart ♪ 997 01:03:03,242 --> 01:03:07,412 ♪ And you'll never ♪ 998 01:03:07,412 --> 01:03:09,122 ♪ Walk ♪ 999 01:03:09,122 --> 01:03:14,127 ♪ Alone ♪ 1000 01:03:14,127 --> 01:03:19,508 ♪ You'll never ♪ 1001 01:03:19,508 --> 01:03:21,301 ♪ Walk ♪ 1002 01:03:21,301 --> 01:03:27,307 ♪ Alone ♪ 1003 01:04:02,676 --> 01:04:04,511 ♪ mystical music playing ♪ 1004 01:04:27,951 --> 01:04:29,870 ♪ serene music playing ♪ 1005 01:05:01,860 --> 01:05:03,862 ♪ 1006 01:05:38,856 --> 01:05:42,109 - The USS Newton has assumed synchronous orbit, Captain. 1007 01:05:42,109 --> 01:05:45,737 - Science teams are requesting permission to begin offloading the artifacts. 1008 01:05:45,737 --> 01:05:47,739 - Permission granted. [comm beeps] 1009 01:05:47,739 --> 01:05:50,450 - Captain, I'm receiving a message from Admiral Howland. 1010 01:05:50,450 --> 01:05:51,910 She's arrived aboard the Newton. 1011 01:05:51,910 --> 01:05:54,746 She'd like to meet with you and Commander Grayson in your office. 1012 01:06:02,629 --> 01:06:06,550 - Do you have difficulty understanding simple speech, Captain? 1013 01:06:07,259 --> 01:06:08,760 - No, sir. 1014 01:06:08,760 --> 01:06:11,180 - Do you, Commander? - No, sir. 1015 01:06:11,180 --> 01:06:13,891 - Yet, for some completely mystifying reason, 1016 01:06:13,891 --> 01:06:17,186 my crystal-clear orders were blatantly disobeyed. 1017 01:06:17,186 --> 01:06:18,812 - I take full responsibility-- 1018 01:06:18,812 --> 01:06:23,483 - You will speak when spoken to, Captain, do you understand me?! 1019 01:06:23,483 --> 01:06:25,360 - Yes, sir, Admiral. 1020 01:06:25,360 --> 01:06:28,155 - You seem to think that your personal judgment is more sound 1021 01:06:28,155 --> 01:06:30,782 than the judgment of the entire Union Council. 1022 01:06:30,782 --> 01:06:34,203 That is a staggeringly arrogant point of view, wouldn't you say? 1023 01:06:34,203 --> 01:06:35,871 - Yes, sir. - What's that? 1024 01:06:35,871 --> 01:06:36,830 - Yes, sir! 1025 01:06:37,831 --> 01:06:42,878 - You ignored a decision handed down by your superiors 1026 01:06:42,878 --> 01:06:45,506 and committed an act of outright disobedience, 1027 01:06:45,506 --> 01:06:47,424 thereby jeopardizing an alliance 1028 01:06:47,424 --> 01:06:49,593 that is one of our only barriers 1029 01:06:49,593 --> 01:06:53,138 against annihilation from an outside force! 1030 01:06:53,138 --> 01:06:57,851 - We were unaware the procedure was occurring, sir. 1031 01:06:58,727 --> 01:07:03,273 - Well, then that makes you insubordinate and incompetent, doesn't it? 1032 01:07:03,815 --> 01:07:05,567 - Yes, sir, it does. 1033 01:07:07,027 --> 01:07:10,489 - The Moclans are understandably furious 1034 01:07:10,489 --> 01:07:13,367 about this flagrant disregard for their culture. 1035 01:07:14,076 --> 01:07:17,538 However, they have decided that the time is not right 1036 01:07:17,538 --> 01:07:20,040 to withdraw their Union membership. 1037 01:07:20,874 --> 01:07:23,752 In addition, the fact that a Kaylon performed the procedure 1038 01:07:23,752 --> 01:07:26,463 has further heightened their resolve to restrain 1039 01:07:26,463 --> 01:07:29,049 and vanquish the Kaylon threat. 1040 01:07:30,133 --> 01:07:33,178 Some would say that makes your actions commendable. 1041 01:07:34,805 --> 01:07:39,226 Well, I say you just got lucky. 1042 01:07:39,977 --> 01:07:42,437 And if either of you ever again step out of line, 1043 01:07:42,437 --> 01:07:44,982 and I mean so much as a wrinkle in your uniform 1044 01:07:44,982 --> 01:07:48,235 or a blemish on your shoes, you are finished! 1045 01:07:49,236 --> 01:07:50,904 Do I make myself clear? 1046 01:07:50,904 --> 01:07:51,989 - Yes, sir. 1047 01:07:58,912 --> 01:08:03,458 - Please, extend my best wishes to the Moclan girl. 1048 01:08:22,978 --> 01:08:26,440 - Klyden. You do not have to do this. 1049 01:08:27,065 --> 01:08:30,194 - Papa. I had to. 1050 01:08:30,194 --> 01:08:33,030 I could not live my life the way you wanted me to. 1051 01:08:33,739 --> 01:08:35,073 It would have been a lie. 1052 01:08:37,743 --> 01:08:42,247 - Have you no room in your heart for tolerance? 1053 01:08:44,416 --> 01:08:47,377 What inner fulfillment are you enjoying 1054 01:08:47,377 --> 01:08:49,546 from this devotion to tradition 1055 01:08:50,255 --> 01:08:54,676 that is so potent it drives you from your family? 1056 01:09:00,974 --> 01:09:02,476 TOPA: Papa. 1057 01:09:02,476 --> 01:09:04,520 I love you. 1058 01:09:07,773 --> 01:09:10,442 - I wish you were never born. 1059 01:09:17,491 --> 01:09:19,409 [door opens] 1060 01:09:21,453 --> 01:09:23,121 [door closes] 1061 01:09:24,289 --> 01:09:26,416 - Listen very closely to me. 1062 01:09:28,043 --> 01:09:31,338 You are perfect. 1063 01:09:48,146 --> 01:09:50,566 - Hi. ISAAC: Hello, Doctor. 1064 01:09:51,316 --> 01:09:53,777 - You've been pretty reclusive lately. 1065 01:09:53,777 --> 01:09:57,197 ISAAC: Since the Hemblicite artifacts have been offloaded to the Newton, 1066 01:09:57,197 --> 01:09:58,407 I have had the opportunity 1067 01:09:58,407 --> 01:10:01,243 to analyze the accumulated data in more detail. 1068 01:10:01,243 --> 01:10:02,870 It is quite illuminating. 1069 01:10:05,747 --> 01:10:06,999 - You know... 1070 01:10:08,625 --> 01:10:11,420 you did a good thing, Isaac. 1071 01:10:11,420 --> 01:10:12,880 ISAAC: I am aware of that. 1072 01:10:13,589 --> 01:10:15,883 - Topa is very grateful. 1073 01:10:17,092 --> 01:10:19,553 Maybe that means something to you? 1074 01:10:19,553 --> 01:10:20,846 ISAAC: It does not. 1075 01:10:22,097 --> 01:10:23,098 - Of course. 1076 01:10:23,098 --> 01:10:26,310 ISAAC: I did not perform the procedure for Topa's benefit. 1077 01:10:26,310 --> 01:10:27,519 - You... 1078 01:10:28,645 --> 01:10:30,189 I-I don't understand. 1079 01:10:30,189 --> 01:10:32,900 ISAAC: We are both aware that my presence on the ship 1080 01:10:32,900 --> 01:10:34,776 is a disruptive element. 1081 01:10:34,776 --> 01:10:36,862 The crew is not fond of me. 1082 01:10:36,862 --> 01:10:38,405 This is understandable. 1083 01:10:38,405 --> 01:10:42,784 Given their affection for Topa, I reasoned that by assisting her, 1084 01:10:42,784 --> 01:10:45,412 I could improve my standing aboard the Orville. 1085 01:10:45,412 --> 01:10:47,331 This would increase crew efficiency 1086 01:10:47,331 --> 01:10:50,000 on occasions during which they must interact with me. 1087 01:10:51,084 --> 01:10:54,922 - And maybe they'd like you a little more. 1088 01:10:54,922 --> 01:10:56,757 ISAAC: That is also possible. 1089 01:10:57,591 --> 01:10:58,800 - Isaac... 1090 01:10:59,968 --> 01:11:02,804 you are the most honest man I know. 1091 01:11:13,106 --> 01:11:14,525 You want to have dinner? 1092 01:11:16,026 --> 01:11:17,528 ISAAC: Very well, Doctor. 1093 01:11:28,413 --> 01:11:30,415 ♪ inspirational music playing ♪ 1094 01:11:40,843 --> 01:11:43,011 [comm beeps] GRAYSON: Grayson to Topa. 1095 01:11:45,973 --> 01:11:47,975 [comm beeps] - Yes, Commander? 1096 01:11:47,975 --> 01:11:50,060 GRAYSON: We're about to leave orbit. 1097 01:11:50,060 --> 01:11:53,188 I was wondering if you'd like to sit in the command chair for departure. 1098 01:11:54,565 --> 01:11:57,526 - I... would like that, yes. 1099 01:11:57,526 --> 01:11:59,695 GRAYSON: Report to the bridge on the double. 1100 01:12:00,112 --> 01:12:01,488 - Yes, sir. 1101 01:12:07,202 --> 01:12:09,746 ♪ orchestra playing "You'll Never Walk Alone" ♪ 1102 01:12:41,445 --> 01:12:43,780 - Have a seat, Captain. 1103 01:13:03,133 --> 01:13:05,093 - All departments show green, sir. 1104 01:13:05,552 --> 01:13:08,680 - Course plotted and laid in. Ready for departure. 1105 01:13:08,680 --> 01:13:10,557 - On your order, sir. 1106 01:13:14,603 --> 01:13:16,855 - Engage quantum drive. 1107 01:13:21,527 --> 01:13:25,447 ♪ music swelling ♪ 1108 01:13:59,606 --> 01:14:01,608 ♪ theme song playing ♪ 1109 01:15:04,171 --> 01:15:05,881 ♪ fanfare playing ♪