1 00:00:01,717 --> 00:00:03,635 ♪ tranquil music playing ♪ 2 00:00:14,939 --> 00:00:16,732 [indistinct chatter] 3 00:00:33,081 --> 00:00:35,751 - I am sorry to be late. 4 00:00:35,751 --> 00:00:38,629 - No worries. Here. Your Opsadda. 5 00:00:38,629 --> 00:00:39,713 - Thank you. 6 00:00:51,850 --> 00:00:53,310 [sighs] 7 00:00:53,978 --> 00:00:55,145 - Everything all right? 8 00:00:55,145 --> 00:00:59,733 - There are days when I would rather confront a fleet of Krill battle cruisers 9 00:00:59,733 --> 00:01:01,318 than parent a child. 10 00:01:01,986 --> 00:01:02,987 - What's going on? 11 00:01:04,738 --> 00:01:08,158 - I believe Topa is infatuated with a male. 12 00:01:08,158 --> 00:01:10,828 - Ahh, she's got a crush on a boy. 13 00:01:10,828 --> 00:01:11,996 - Yes. 14 00:01:11,996 --> 00:01:15,749 I have questioned her, but she refuses to discuss the details of the matter. 15 00:01:15,749 --> 00:01:20,046 She frequently locks herself in her room and does not emerge for hours. 16 00:01:20,046 --> 00:01:22,548 - Girls can be shy about this kind of thing, Bortus, 17 00:01:22,548 --> 00:01:23,966 especially with their fathers. 18 00:01:23,966 --> 00:01:25,676 - Why? 19 00:01:25,676 --> 00:01:28,387 - Well, it can feel a little embarrassing at times. 20 00:01:28,387 --> 00:01:29,722 Or at least very personal. 21 00:01:30,389 --> 00:01:35,978 - Klyden was more adept at speaking with Topa regarding personal matters. 22 00:01:35,978 --> 00:01:38,856 It has been difficult now that he is gone. 23 00:01:39,690 --> 00:01:42,401 - Maybe Topa would be more comfortable talking with another female. 24 00:01:42,401 --> 00:01:45,111 - Then you will speak to her. Thank you. 25 00:01:45,988 --> 00:01:47,489 - Wait, wait, wait, hold on! 26 00:01:48,281 --> 00:01:49,449 Me? 27 00:01:50,076 --> 00:01:53,328 - Topa holds you in the highest regard, Commander. 28 00:01:53,328 --> 00:01:55,622 She considers you a mentor. 29 00:01:57,416 --> 00:01:59,125 - I'll see what I can do. 30 00:02:11,263 --> 00:02:12,305 [door chimes] 31 00:02:12,305 --> 00:02:14,016 - Not now, Papa! 32 00:02:16,476 --> 00:02:18,520 [door chimes] What? 33 00:02:21,356 --> 00:02:22,441 Commander Grayson. 34 00:02:22,441 --> 00:02:24,401 - It's okay, you don't have to get up. 35 00:02:25,402 --> 00:02:26,570 Can I come in? 36 00:02:26,570 --> 00:02:28,655 - Yes, of course. 37 00:02:30,074 --> 00:02:32,367 - I'm running a new tactical simulation tomorrow. 38 00:02:32,367 --> 00:02:33,619 Atmospheric Combat. 39 00:02:33,619 --> 00:02:35,662 And I thought you might like to come along, 40 00:02:35,662 --> 00:02:37,247 maybe even make a jump or two. 41 00:02:38,124 --> 00:02:41,919 - That... would be very exciting, sir. Thank you. 42 00:02:41,919 --> 00:02:45,213 - Simulator two, 1800 hours. - I will be there. 43 00:02:53,097 --> 00:02:55,474 - You know, Topa... 44 00:02:56,683 --> 00:02:59,061 it's been a really overwhelming year for you. 45 00:02:59,812 --> 00:03:02,481 And you have handled it all 46 00:03:02,481 --> 00:03:05,692 with a poise and a hardiness 47 00:03:05,692 --> 00:03:08,361 that some people twice your age wouldn't. 48 00:03:09,446 --> 00:03:12,074 But I want you to know... 49 00:03:12,074 --> 00:03:14,118 you don't have to do it alone. 50 00:03:15,243 --> 00:03:18,497 You can always talk to me about anything that's on your mind. 51 00:03:19,039 --> 00:03:21,541 Life... school... 52 00:03:21,541 --> 00:03:22,918 boys... girls... 53 00:03:30,009 --> 00:03:32,260 - How do you know if a boy likes you? 54 00:03:38,017 --> 00:03:39,101 - Well... 55 00:03:40,019 --> 00:03:41,895 sometimes it's not so easy to tell. 56 00:03:41,895 --> 00:03:44,106 Guys don't always express their feelings. 57 00:03:45,107 --> 00:03:46,608 Is there someone that you like? 58 00:03:46,608 --> 00:03:48,152 - Yes. 59 00:03:48,152 --> 00:03:50,278 - And have you told this person how you feel? 60 00:03:50,278 --> 00:03:51,655 - I have not. 61 00:03:51,655 --> 00:03:52,865 - Why? 62 00:03:54,574 --> 00:03:56,869 - What if he does not like me in return? 63 00:03:56,869 --> 00:03:59,705 - Hmm. That's always a possibility. 64 00:04:00,789 --> 00:04:02,124 What is it you like about him? 65 00:04:03,542 --> 00:04:05,085 - He is funny. 66 00:04:05,085 --> 00:04:06,628 He is warm. 67 00:04:06,628 --> 00:04:08,338 We share many interests. 68 00:04:09,255 --> 00:04:13,135 - Well, then I'd say there's a pretty good chance he might like you back. 69 00:04:13,135 --> 00:04:15,679 You're a very special girl. 70 00:04:15,679 --> 00:04:19,349 If I were you, I'd tell him how you feel. 71 00:04:25,438 --> 00:04:28,192 ♪ tranquil music playing ♪ 72 00:04:33,906 --> 00:04:36,575 - My mom's like, "Why don't you get him a job on the Orville?" 73 00:04:36,575 --> 00:04:39,327 And I'm like, "Why should I go out on a limb for this guy just because 74 00:04:39,327 --> 00:04:40,996 you dropped the ball when we were kids?" 75 00:04:40,996 --> 00:04:44,124 - I mean, he is your brother. - Yeah, but he's a drunken screw-up. 76 00:04:44,124 --> 00:04:45,709 And I don't wanna put my ass on the line 77 00:04:45,709 --> 00:04:47,335 if he's gonna make me look like a schmuck. 78 00:04:47,335 --> 00:04:48,545 - Oh, hey, Topa. 79 00:04:48,545 --> 00:04:50,964 - Oh, hey, Topa, how are ya? 80 00:04:50,964 --> 00:04:52,382 - Good. How are you? 81 00:04:52,382 --> 00:04:54,134 - No complaints. What's goin' on? 82 00:04:54,843 --> 00:04:56,803 - I would like to... 83 00:04:56,803 --> 00:05:00,224 I would like to ask you if perhaps 84 00:05:00,224 --> 00:05:02,059 we could eat a meal together. 85 00:05:04,937 --> 00:05:07,147 Sometime. 86 00:05:07,147 --> 00:05:10,650 - Oh, sure. What's up? You need advice on something? 87 00:05:10,650 --> 00:05:12,485 - No. I... 88 00:05:13,237 --> 00:05:14,613 - Is everything okay? 89 00:05:15,447 --> 00:05:17,532 - I think of you often. 90 00:05:17,532 --> 00:05:18,825 I like you. 91 00:05:18,825 --> 00:05:20,994 - Well, I like you too. 92 00:05:20,994 --> 00:05:23,205 - You do? - Sure, why wouldn't I? 93 00:05:23,205 --> 00:05:25,582 TOPA: I enjoy spending time with you. 94 00:05:25,582 --> 00:05:28,961 You are a male, and yet you possess many prominent female traits, 95 00:05:28,961 --> 00:05:30,296 which I find appealing. 96 00:05:30,296 --> 00:05:31,964 - Oh. 97 00:05:31,964 --> 00:05:34,716 - Could we... have dinner? 98 00:05:36,593 --> 00:05:38,762 Ohhhhh. - Yeah, there ya go, Sherlock. 99 00:05:40,764 --> 00:05:42,683 - You know, um... 100 00:05:42,683 --> 00:05:45,602 Topa, I think you're an amazing person. 101 00:05:45,602 --> 00:05:46,854 And, um... 102 00:05:46,854 --> 00:05:49,439 You're like... you're like the little sister I never had. 103 00:05:50,816 --> 00:05:51,817 - Sister? 104 00:05:51,817 --> 00:05:54,278 - Yeah. Like family. 105 00:05:54,278 --> 00:05:57,239 I'm always here for you, and if you ever have a problem 106 00:05:57,239 --> 00:06:01,285 or something doesn't go your way, you know that I'll always have your back. 107 00:06:01,910 --> 00:06:03,162 - Thank you. 108 00:06:03,162 --> 00:06:06,957 I... should go now or I will be late for school. 109 00:06:06,957 --> 00:06:09,459 - Good, good. No, school's important. 110 00:06:09,459 --> 00:06:11,212 Learn-- Learn a lot! 111 00:06:15,382 --> 00:06:18,510 - Hey, you know she's way too mature for you, right? 112 00:06:18,510 --> 00:06:20,054 - Not listening, not laughing. 113 00:06:20,054 --> 00:06:23,224 - I think it's cute. You're an attractive guy, she sees it. 114 00:06:23,224 --> 00:06:25,267 - End of conversation, later. 115 00:06:27,644 --> 00:06:28,979 - He's attractive, right? 116 00:06:30,397 --> 00:06:33,567 - Eh, looks better goin' than comin'. 117 00:06:33,567 --> 00:06:37,863 - It's been almost a year since the Union granted protective status to Heveena 118 00:06:37,863 --> 00:06:39,865 and her colony of Moclan refugees. 119 00:06:39,865 --> 00:06:43,077 Per the agreement, the Union Council and the Moclan government 120 00:06:43,077 --> 00:06:46,872 are each entitled to conduct an annual inspection of the colony 121 00:06:46,872 --> 00:06:49,917 to make sure both sides are abiding by its terms. 122 00:06:49,917 --> 00:06:53,379 Due to the Orville's history and familiarity with the colony, 123 00:06:53,379 --> 00:06:57,591 I've assigned Commanders Grayson and Bortus to represent the Union. 124 00:06:57,591 --> 00:06:59,093 - What are we looking for exactly? 125 00:06:59,093 --> 00:07:01,762 - Any sign of interference from the Moclan authorities-- 126 00:07:01,762 --> 00:07:04,014 threats, harassment, surveillance, 127 00:07:04,014 --> 00:07:06,350 any act of aggression, no matter how small, 128 00:07:06,350 --> 00:07:07,976 that would violate the agreement. 129 00:07:07,976 --> 00:07:11,563 - And if I may ask, who are the Moclans sending? 130 00:07:11,563 --> 00:07:15,067 - Their inspection team will be led by a high-ranking intelligence officer, 131 00:07:15,067 --> 00:07:16,402 Commander Kodon. 132 00:07:16,402 --> 00:07:20,072 Keep in mind they still regard Heveena with a great deal of suspicion. 133 00:07:20,072 --> 00:07:22,824 They'll be looking for any indication that she's broken her word 134 00:07:22,824 --> 00:07:25,786 to stop smuggling newborn females off Moclus. 135 00:07:25,786 --> 00:07:27,454 - When are we expected? 136 00:07:27,454 --> 00:07:28,914 - In two days. You'll take a shuttle, 137 00:07:28,914 --> 00:07:31,750 which will rendezvous with one of their shuttles in orbit of the colony. 138 00:07:31,750 --> 00:07:33,168 - Understood. 139 00:07:33,168 --> 00:07:35,503 - Captain, you're aware of the tension that exists 140 00:07:35,503 --> 00:07:38,299 between Moclus and the rest of the Union right now. 141 00:07:38,299 --> 00:07:41,427 They're our strongest ally against the Kaylon threat, 142 00:07:41,427 --> 00:07:45,889 so we can't afford to do anything that might make things worse. 143 00:07:45,889 --> 00:07:47,641 Do I make myself clear? 144 00:07:47,641 --> 00:07:49,601 - We'll be very careful, sir. 145 00:07:49,601 --> 00:07:52,479 - Report back as soon as you've completed your inspection. 146 00:07:52,479 --> 00:07:53,814 Halsey out. 147 00:07:57,985 --> 00:07:59,987 ♪ 148 00:08:08,329 --> 00:08:10,456 - You know this is a diplomatic mission, right? 149 00:08:10,456 --> 00:08:12,958 - The Moclans will no doubt bring weapons. 150 00:08:12,958 --> 00:08:16,420 - I've reviewed the inspection protocols. Sidearms only. 151 00:08:16,420 --> 00:08:18,839 - Papa, is it true? 152 00:08:18,839 --> 00:08:21,549 Are you going to visit the sanctuary where Heveena lives? 153 00:08:21,549 --> 00:08:22,634 - Yes. 154 00:08:22,634 --> 00:08:26,638 - May I please go with you? I would love to meet her. 155 00:08:26,638 --> 00:08:30,600 - Commander Grayson and I have important duties to perform. 156 00:08:30,600 --> 00:08:32,311 It would not be appropriate. 157 00:08:32,311 --> 00:08:34,104 - Please, Papa. 158 00:08:35,939 --> 00:08:37,232 - Topa... 159 00:08:37,232 --> 00:08:42,112 there will be Moclans present who are hostile to all females. 160 00:08:42,112 --> 00:08:45,324 I will not subject you to their ignorance and ridicule. 161 00:08:45,324 --> 00:08:49,870 - Y'know, Bortus, she's never had a chance to meet any other Moclan females. 162 00:08:49,870 --> 00:08:52,122 This could be a life-altering experience for her. 163 00:08:52,122 --> 00:08:54,041 - I... do not know. 164 00:08:54,041 --> 00:08:55,959 - We'll look after her. She'll be fine. 165 00:08:55,959 --> 00:08:59,880 - You do not need to look after me. I can take care of myself. 166 00:09:00,964 --> 00:09:05,260 - If the captain approves, you may join us. 167 00:09:05,969 --> 00:09:07,262 - Thank you, Papa! 168 00:09:07,262 --> 00:09:08,763 I love you! 169 00:09:09,890 --> 00:09:13,852 - But you must be on your best behavior and follow my instructions. 170 00:09:13,852 --> 00:09:14,978 - I will. 171 00:09:15,729 --> 00:09:17,772 I am going to go pack! 172 00:09:28,742 --> 00:09:30,744 ♪ theme song playing ♪ 173 00:11:02,503 --> 00:11:05,088 ♪ dramatic music playing ♪ 174 00:11:17,393 --> 00:11:19,436 - It is so beautiful. 175 00:11:19,436 --> 00:11:22,439 - Scans show the Moclan shuttle on the surface. 176 00:11:22,439 --> 00:11:24,525 - They were supposed to meet us in orbit. 177 00:11:26,151 --> 00:11:28,153 ♪ 178 00:12:09,236 --> 00:12:11,071 - Remain here for the moment. 179 00:12:23,833 --> 00:12:25,001 - Commander Kodon. 180 00:12:25,001 --> 00:12:26,670 - That is correct. 181 00:12:26,670 --> 00:12:29,465 - I'm Commander Kelly Grayson, and this is Lieutenant Commander Bortus. 182 00:12:29,465 --> 00:12:33,218 It was my understanding that we were conducting this inspection together. 183 00:12:33,218 --> 00:12:35,804 - We arrived earlier than expected. 184 00:12:35,804 --> 00:12:39,891 Rather than waste time, we decided to proceed with our survey. 185 00:12:39,891 --> 00:12:43,604 It appears the colonists are in compliance with the agreement. 186 00:12:43,604 --> 00:12:45,981 You may begin your inspection. 187 00:12:45,981 --> 00:12:49,109 - Well, thank you so much for your permission. 188 00:12:49,109 --> 00:12:50,444 Have a safe trip home. 189 00:12:50,444 --> 00:12:55,616 - We will remain here to ensure the Union does not violate the agreement. 190 00:12:57,033 --> 00:12:58,118 - Fine. 191 00:12:58,118 --> 00:12:59,620 But stay out of our way. 192 00:12:59,620 --> 00:13:00,912 - Who is this? 193 00:13:05,292 --> 00:13:06,876 - My daughter. 194 00:13:06,876 --> 00:13:09,254 - No new females are permitted in the colony! 195 00:13:09,254 --> 00:13:10,422 It is a violation! 196 00:13:10,422 --> 00:13:12,257 - She is an observer. 197 00:13:12,257 --> 00:13:14,677 She will return to the Orville with us. 198 00:13:14,677 --> 00:13:17,638 - The agreement allows females to be part of the survey team. 199 00:13:17,638 --> 00:13:19,640 It doesn't specify the species. 200 00:13:19,640 --> 00:13:22,309 - Disgusting creature. 201 00:13:23,644 --> 00:13:25,061 - Bortus. 202 00:13:25,895 --> 00:13:27,523 Let's go. 203 00:13:46,958 --> 00:13:49,044 [children laughing] 204 00:14:02,015 --> 00:14:04,184 [speaking Moclan language] 205 00:14:14,861 --> 00:14:19,908 - Commander Grayson, Bortus, we are pleased you have finally arrived. 206 00:14:19,908 --> 00:14:21,910 - Osaia. It's good to see you. 207 00:14:21,910 --> 00:14:24,789 I hope Commander Kodon behaved himself in our absence. 208 00:14:24,789 --> 00:14:27,874 - It is wise to behave oneself when one is outnumbered. 209 00:14:27,874 --> 00:14:29,042 He did so. 210 00:14:29,876 --> 00:14:31,837 And this must be Topa. 211 00:14:31,837 --> 00:14:33,130 - Hello. 212 00:14:33,130 --> 00:14:35,048 - It is a pleasure to meet you. 213 00:14:35,048 --> 00:14:37,676 Come. Heveena is waiting for you. 214 00:15:15,547 --> 00:15:17,466 ♪ Dolly Parton singing 9 to 5 ♪ 215 00:15:17,466 --> 00:15:21,219 Heveena. Our visitors from the Union have arrived. 216 00:15:22,971 --> 00:15:24,055 - Heveena. 217 00:15:24,055 --> 00:15:26,057 - Commander Grayson. 218 00:15:26,057 --> 00:15:27,601 - It's so good to see you again. 219 00:15:27,601 --> 00:15:29,227 - You too. 220 00:15:29,227 --> 00:15:31,480 Commander Bortus. 221 00:15:31,480 --> 00:15:33,023 Welcome. 222 00:15:33,023 --> 00:15:35,567 Please forgive me. [laughs] 223 00:15:35,567 --> 00:15:40,656 The voice of Dolly Parton inspires me while I am writing. 224 00:15:40,656 --> 00:15:41,824 [laughs] 225 00:15:41,824 --> 00:15:43,784 [sighs] ♪ music stops ♪ 226 00:15:43,784 --> 00:15:46,745 What a joy it is to see your faces again. 227 00:15:46,745 --> 00:15:48,121 - You seem well. 228 00:15:48,121 --> 00:15:52,000 - All things considered, we have no complaints. 229 00:15:52,000 --> 00:15:55,462 Our community is healthy and safe. 230 00:15:56,588 --> 00:15:59,842 - This is my daughter, Topa. 231 00:16:01,134 --> 00:16:03,929 - I have read every one of your books. 232 00:16:03,929 --> 00:16:06,431 My favorite is Mountain of Solitude. 233 00:16:06,431 --> 00:16:08,517 It is an honor to be in your presence. 234 00:16:08,517 --> 00:16:12,229 - I promise you, Topa, the honor is mine. 235 00:16:12,897 --> 00:16:16,441 Your story is an inspiration to all. 236 00:16:16,441 --> 00:16:20,111 You soldiered through the storm of a repressive system 237 00:16:20,111 --> 00:16:21,988 that smothered your identity... 238 00:16:22,740 --> 00:16:27,077 and emerged into the sunlight as the woman you were meant to be. 239 00:16:27,077 --> 00:16:29,830 - I have seen you in simulations, but... 240 00:16:29,830 --> 00:16:32,165 I always wanted to meet you in person. 241 00:16:32,165 --> 00:16:36,378 - Well, I hope the real me won't disappoint you. 242 00:16:37,546 --> 00:16:40,549 You have chosen a fine time to arrive. 243 00:16:40,549 --> 00:16:43,552 Tonight, there will be a double full moon, 244 00:16:43,552 --> 00:16:46,137 which means the luminites will be swarming. 245 00:16:46,137 --> 00:16:47,639 - Luminites? 246 00:16:47,639 --> 00:16:52,352 - After your survey is complete, please join us for the evening meal. 247 00:16:52,352 --> 00:16:54,187 And you can see them for yourselves. 248 00:16:55,272 --> 00:16:56,440 - Can we, Papa? 249 00:16:57,983 --> 00:16:59,234 - We look forward to it. 250 00:17:00,193 --> 00:17:02,947 - With your permission, we'd like to tour the grounds, 251 00:17:02,947 --> 00:17:05,532 run some scans, speak to some of the colonists. 252 00:17:05,532 --> 00:17:08,159 - Our community is open to you. 253 00:17:08,159 --> 00:17:12,957 And if Topa wishes, she is welcome to spend the afternoon with me. 254 00:17:12,957 --> 00:17:15,417 I am sure we have much to talk about. 255 00:17:15,417 --> 00:17:17,419 - That is most generous. 256 00:17:17,419 --> 00:17:18,670 - We'll see you soon. 257 00:17:19,504 --> 00:17:20,881 - Yes, Commander. 258 00:17:20,881 --> 00:17:22,215 - Osaia, please. 259 00:17:23,634 --> 00:17:27,763 Come. Join me in my writing nook. 260 00:17:27,763 --> 00:17:30,474 I imagine you have many questions. 261 00:17:37,564 --> 00:17:40,776 - That is... Dolly Parton. 262 00:17:40,776 --> 00:17:41,944 HEVEENA: Yes. 263 00:17:41,944 --> 00:17:45,781 Your captain opened my eyes to her greatness. 264 00:17:45,781 --> 00:17:48,116 She is a visionary. 265 00:17:48,116 --> 00:17:51,829 Everyone in this colony derives strength from her example. 266 00:17:53,163 --> 00:17:55,582 - I learned of her from your newest book. 267 00:17:57,083 --> 00:18:01,005 - We think of her as the voice of the revolution. 268 00:18:01,547 --> 00:18:04,675 - I want to know everything about your revolution. 269 00:18:05,217 --> 00:18:07,594 - Our revolution. 270 00:18:08,804 --> 00:18:11,264 And I'm pleased to hear that. 271 00:18:11,264 --> 00:18:13,225 - I would also... 272 00:18:13,976 --> 00:18:15,435 like to thank you. 273 00:18:15,978 --> 00:18:17,479 - For what? 274 00:18:17,479 --> 00:18:20,148 - For speaking on my behalf at the tribunal, 275 00:18:20,148 --> 00:18:22,735 when I was too young to have a voice of my own. 276 00:18:22,735 --> 00:18:24,194 - Ah. 277 00:18:24,194 --> 00:18:27,155 Your gratitude is misplaced. 278 00:18:27,155 --> 00:18:29,075 I failed you. 279 00:18:29,992 --> 00:18:31,284 - No. 280 00:18:31,869 --> 00:18:33,286 It just... 281 00:18:33,954 --> 00:18:35,998 took a little longer. 282 00:18:38,876 --> 00:18:42,755 ♪ soulful Moclan music playing ♪ 283 00:19:16,413 --> 00:19:19,332 - Those are our visitors from the Orville. 284 00:19:23,211 --> 00:19:25,338 - So, what do you think so far? 285 00:19:25,338 --> 00:19:28,092 - It is even more wonderful than I imagined. 286 00:19:28,092 --> 00:19:29,802 Can we stay longer? 287 00:19:29,802 --> 00:19:32,679 - The Orville is expecting us in the morning. 288 00:19:34,431 --> 00:19:36,224 But... 289 00:19:36,224 --> 00:19:38,769 we will return someday. 290 00:19:39,728 --> 00:19:42,606 - Anyone seen our cheery counterparts? 291 00:19:42,606 --> 00:19:45,442 - I believe they returned to their shuttle this afternoon. 292 00:19:45,442 --> 00:19:47,945 - Well, that's some good news. 293 00:19:47,945 --> 00:19:49,446 Could you pass the hot sauce? 294 00:19:49,446 --> 00:19:51,448 - You have the palate of a Moclan. 295 00:19:51,448 --> 00:19:53,492 - Ha, side effect of hanging with this guy. 296 00:19:53,492 --> 00:19:55,744 - Are you... mates? 297 00:19:56,745 --> 00:19:58,330 - What? 298 00:19:58,330 --> 00:20:01,583 No, Bortus and I are just friends. Colleagues. 299 00:20:01,583 --> 00:20:04,336 - We work together. 300 00:20:15,097 --> 00:20:19,309 - Papa, I want to go watch the luminites. 301 00:20:23,355 --> 00:20:24,356 - Very well. 302 00:20:32,198 --> 00:20:36,785 ♪ 303 00:20:47,713 --> 00:20:50,841 ♪ ethereal music ♪ 304 00:21:25,834 --> 00:21:28,378 - They're quite beautiful, aren't they? 305 00:21:30,923 --> 00:21:33,383 - Yes, very. 306 00:21:34,051 --> 00:21:38,304 - They are red, yellow, green, pink, 307 00:21:38,304 --> 00:21:40,557 orange, and white. 308 00:21:40,557 --> 00:21:45,145 And every now and then, you will see a blue one. 309 00:21:45,896 --> 00:21:48,941 They are extremely rare, 310 00:21:49,566 --> 00:21:52,778 but they bring very good fortune. 311 00:21:57,407 --> 00:21:58,575 Here. 312 00:22:02,204 --> 00:22:03,663 - What is it? 313 00:22:03,663 --> 00:22:06,416 - A gift for you. 314 00:22:07,042 --> 00:22:09,795 We collect lava stones from the beaches. 315 00:22:09,795 --> 00:22:12,631 Over thousands of years, 316 00:22:12,631 --> 00:22:16,343 the ocean waves polish them smooth. 317 00:22:16,927 --> 00:22:22,141 A clash of fire and water, given time, 318 00:22:22,141 --> 00:22:26,561 can produce great beauty. 319 00:22:29,190 --> 00:22:31,984 [indistinct conversation] 320 00:22:38,866 --> 00:22:42,036 You said that you wanted to know more 321 00:22:42,036 --> 00:22:44,997 about the story of our revolution. 322 00:22:45,956 --> 00:22:48,167 What if I told you... 323 00:22:48,167 --> 00:22:50,211 that you could play 324 00:22:50,211 --> 00:22:54,381 a very important role in that story? 325 00:22:55,174 --> 00:22:56,633 - What do you mean? 326 00:22:57,843 --> 00:23:00,762 - Like the blue luminite, 327 00:23:00,762 --> 00:23:04,432 you are also extremely rare, Topa. 328 00:23:05,226 --> 00:23:08,979 And you are in a very unique position 329 00:23:08,979 --> 00:23:11,273 to help our cause. 330 00:23:11,273 --> 00:23:12,607 - How? 331 00:23:13,608 --> 00:23:17,654 - What I am about to tell you must remain between us. 332 00:23:17,654 --> 00:23:20,115 You cannot tell your father, 333 00:23:20,115 --> 00:23:23,952 or Commander Grayson, or anyone else. 334 00:23:23,952 --> 00:23:29,166 If that makes you uncomfortable, I understand. 335 00:23:29,166 --> 00:23:34,004 We will say goodnight now and always remain friends. 336 00:23:35,463 --> 00:23:36,965 - I want to help. 337 00:23:37,716 --> 00:23:39,260 I will tell no one. 338 00:23:40,635 --> 00:23:42,263 What is it? 339 00:23:43,722 --> 00:23:47,268 - We have reestablished our underground network 340 00:23:47,268 --> 00:23:52,981 to rescue female infants from Moclus and bring them here to safety. 341 00:23:52,981 --> 00:23:56,902 - But... does that not violate the agreement? 342 00:23:56,902 --> 00:23:59,029 - It does. 343 00:23:59,029 --> 00:24:02,866 - But... if Moclus found out... 344 00:24:02,866 --> 00:24:05,202 - They would destroy this colony. 345 00:24:05,202 --> 00:24:10,665 Which is why our efforts here and on Moclus must be tightly coordinated. 346 00:24:10,665 --> 00:24:15,670 We have no reliable way of communicating outside the nebula, 347 00:24:15,670 --> 00:24:20,342 so all contact from those wishing to flee Moclus 348 00:24:20,342 --> 00:24:22,719 is being done by messengers. 349 00:24:22,719 --> 00:24:25,889 It is slow and very inefficient. 350 00:24:26,723 --> 00:24:30,518 If we had access to a Union starship, 351 00:24:30,518 --> 00:24:34,064 one with an advanced communications array... 352 00:24:36,108 --> 00:24:41,029 we could save so many more females, with greater speed. 353 00:24:41,029 --> 00:24:44,199 But we would need someone on board 354 00:24:44,199 --> 00:24:46,952 who is loyal to our cause. 355 00:24:47,869 --> 00:24:50,372 Someone like you, Topa. 356 00:24:51,748 --> 00:24:53,708 - What would I have to do? 357 00:24:53,708 --> 00:24:55,543 - It is very simple. 358 00:24:55,543 --> 00:24:59,840 From time to time, you will receive an encrypted message. 359 00:24:59,840 --> 00:25:04,428 You will relay that message to our contact on Moclus. 360 00:25:04,428 --> 00:25:08,849 These messages will be transmitted on quantum frequencies 361 00:25:08,849 --> 00:25:12,936 known only to you and the others involved. 362 00:25:13,687 --> 00:25:16,564 You would be protecting the lives 363 00:25:16,564 --> 00:25:20,861 of countless innocent females, helpless infants, 364 00:25:20,861 --> 00:25:23,071 as you once were. 365 00:25:23,071 --> 00:25:26,450 Their story is your story. 366 00:25:28,202 --> 00:25:29,786 - I will help. 367 00:25:31,497 --> 00:25:37,461 - History will remember you as a hero to your people. 368 00:25:38,586 --> 00:25:40,714 - Who must I contact? 369 00:25:40,714 --> 00:25:43,967 ♪ cheery Moclan music playing ♪ 370 00:25:43,967 --> 00:25:47,513 [indistinct conversation] 371 00:25:50,640 --> 00:25:53,643 - I have never believed in fate, 372 00:25:53,643 --> 00:25:58,065 but I do believe we can forge a common destiny. 373 00:25:58,690 --> 00:26:03,362 Together, we will accomplish great things. 374 00:26:04,488 --> 00:26:06,407 - I will not disappoint you. 375 00:26:08,242 --> 00:26:09,617 - Thank you. 376 00:27:48,800 --> 00:27:50,927 [branch crackles] 377 00:28:07,861 --> 00:28:09,572 [branch crackles] 378 00:28:30,634 --> 00:28:34,054 ♪ ominous music playing ♪ [birds screeching] 379 00:28:36,056 --> 00:28:39,976 [Topa screaming] 380 00:28:39,976 --> 00:28:41,144 - Let me go! 381 00:28:41,144 --> 00:28:43,897 [screaming] 382 00:28:43,897 --> 00:28:45,566 Let me go! 383 00:28:45,566 --> 00:28:47,484 No! 384 00:28:52,030 --> 00:28:53,323 - It is done. 385 00:29:00,456 --> 00:29:02,791 [electronic whirring] 386 00:29:02,791 --> 00:29:05,085 [energy pulsing] 387 00:29:17,723 --> 00:29:20,934 - The book is a fictionalized account 388 00:29:20,934 --> 00:29:23,520 of the rise of Beldus, 389 00:29:23,520 --> 00:29:28,233 the ruler of the Movav continent in the Seventh Age. 390 00:29:28,233 --> 00:29:33,113 The characters are my own, but the historical events are real. 391 00:29:33,113 --> 00:29:35,491 - It sounds very interesting. 392 00:29:36,742 --> 00:29:39,495 - Well, honestly, I could listen to your stories all night, 393 00:29:39,495 --> 00:29:41,830 but we should probably get back to the Orville. 394 00:29:41,830 --> 00:29:44,583 - Oh, of course. I understand. 395 00:29:48,295 --> 00:29:50,673 - Where is Topa? 396 00:29:51,298 --> 00:29:55,010 - Well, she was just... watching the luminites. 397 00:29:57,179 --> 00:30:00,140 - Perhaps she returned to my writing nook. 398 00:30:02,518 --> 00:30:05,895 ♪ 399 00:30:05,895 --> 00:30:07,606 MOCLAN: No, nothing yet. 400 00:30:07,606 --> 00:30:09,441 KELLY GRAYSON: Anything? - No. 401 00:30:09,441 --> 00:30:13,320 I have walked the entire perimeter and checked the main hall. 402 00:30:13,320 --> 00:30:15,155 - Could she have wandered off into the jungle? 403 00:30:15,155 --> 00:30:18,534 - She knows better than to venture off on her own in a strange place. 404 00:30:19,284 --> 00:30:23,079 [searchers shouting "Topa!"] 405 00:30:32,256 --> 00:30:33,674 - Topa! 406 00:30:46,019 --> 00:30:46,978 - Bortus! 407 00:30:51,024 --> 00:30:52,401 Topa was wearing this. 408 00:30:56,822 --> 00:30:59,324 ♪ dramatic music rising ♪ 409 00:30:59,324 --> 00:31:02,828 - We have searched everywhere. Topa is no longer on the island. 410 00:31:02,828 --> 00:31:05,914 - The Moclan shuttle is gone. They must have taken her. 411 00:31:05,914 --> 00:31:07,249 - Why would they take Topa? 412 00:31:07,249 --> 00:31:09,668 - I do not know. There can be no other explanation. 413 00:31:09,668 --> 00:31:11,920 GRAYSON: Heveena, you were the last one to see her. 414 00:31:11,920 --> 00:31:14,339 Did she say anything at all that might give us some answers? 415 00:31:15,299 --> 00:31:17,008 - Not that I can remember. 416 00:31:17,008 --> 00:31:19,261 Uh... We talked. 417 00:31:19,261 --> 00:31:21,764 I gave her the necklace... 418 00:31:22,347 --> 00:31:23,474 That was it. 419 00:31:23,474 --> 00:31:25,643 - We need to contact the Orville. 420 00:31:25,643 --> 00:31:27,853 ♪ intense music playing ♪ 421 00:31:39,990 --> 00:31:41,575 [electronics chirping] 422 00:31:41,575 --> 00:31:44,286 What the hell... Launch thrusters won't power up. 423 00:31:44,286 --> 00:31:46,371 - Someone has severed the plasma injectors. 424 00:31:46,371 --> 00:31:48,373 And the communications array has been disabled. 425 00:31:48,373 --> 00:31:49,374 - Son of a bitch. 426 00:31:49,374 --> 00:31:52,377 I'm gonna reconfigure the launch controls to take off using the main engine. 427 00:31:52,377 --> 00:31:54,171 This could be a little rough. 428 00:31:54,171 --> 00:31:55,881 [energy pulsing] 429 00:32:28,747 --> 00:32:30,457 - The array has been depolarized. 430 00:32:30,457 --> 00:32:32,584 It will take several days to repair the damage. 431 00:32:32,584 --> 00:32:34,920 - Topa may not have several days. 432 00:32:40,634 --> 00:32:42,887 I'm tracking the ion trail from the Moclan shuttle. 433 00:32:42,887 --> 00:32:45,723 It's dispersing fast, but there's still enough to follow. 434 00:32:45,723 --> 00:32:47,432 We've got a choice: 435 00:32:47,933 --> 00:32:51,436 head back to the Orville, or try to find Topa ourselves. 436 00:32:53,230 --> 00:32:54,815 All right. 437 00:32:54,815 --> 00:32:56,149 Let's do it. 438 00:32:57,860 --> 00:32:59,570 ♪ dramatic music playing ♪ 439 00:33:16,587 --> 00:33:18,589 - Where are you taking me? 440 00:33:19,590 --> 00:33:21,007 Why am I here? 441 00:33:21,759 --> 00:33:23,343 I don't understand. 442 00:33:25,679 --> 00:33:27,932 My father will be worried. 443 00:33:27,932 --> 00:33:30,475 Please let me contact him. 444 00:33:30,475 --> 00:33:33,353 - Do females always talk this much? 445 00:33:33,353 --> 00:33:38,817 - You have no right to keep me here. I have done nothing wrong. 446 00:33:38,817 --> 00:33:41,445 - Listen to her mighty roar! 447 00:33:42,738 --> 00:33:46,324 Shall we let her go before she grows truly angry? 448 00:33:46,324 --> 00:33:48,577 - I want to talk to my father. 449 00:33:49,620 --> 00:33:50,996 I want to go home. 450 00:33:50,996 --> 00:33:52,915 - [mocking] "I want to go home!" 451 00:33:54,416 --> 00:33:56,209 Tell me, little worm, 452 00:33:56,209 --> 00:33:59,129 were you this impotent before they cut off your kla'fash? 453 00:34:03,801 --> 00:34:08,179 Speak again and the next thing you lose will be your tongue. 454 00:34:17,689 --> 00:34:19,691 ♪ epic music playing ♪ 455 00:34:27,616 --> 00:34:28,700 - Any word? 456 00:34:28,700 --> 00:34:31,745 - We've hailed the shuttle on multiple frequencies, sir. No response. 457 00:34:31,745 --> 00:34:33,914 - Could the nebula be deflecting our signals? 458 00:34:33,914 --> 00:34:37,043 ISAAC: I have compensated for all sources of interference. 459 00:34:38,168 --> 00:34:41,296 - Charly, set a course for the colony. 460 00:34:44,341 --> 00:34:47,093 - Sir, if we go in there, we'll be violating the agreement. 461 00:34:47,093 --> 00:34:49,137 - I'm aware of that, Ensign. 462 00:34:49,137 --> 00:34:50,848 Lay in the course. 463 00:34:50,848 --> 00:34:52,016 - Aye, sir. 464 00:35:20,502 --> 00:35:24,297 - Do you have any idea where they might have taken Topa, and why? 465 00:35:25,549 --> 00:35:27,259 - I wish I could tell you, Captain. 466 00:35:27,259 --> 00:35:32,472 - Did they say or do anything suspicious before Kelly and Bortus arrived? 467 00:35:32,472 --> 00:35:35,935 - Other than act extremely rude, no. 468 00:35:35,935 --> 00:35:39,646 - I'd like permission to take a security team down to the colony to investigate. 469 00:35:39,646 --> 00:35:41,440 We should also run some DNA scans on that necklace, 470 00:35:41,440 --> 00:35:43,483 see if we can find out exactly who took her. 471 00:35:43,483 --> 00:35:45,778 - Do it. And keep trying to raise Kelly and Bortus. 472 00:35:45,778 --> 00:35:46,946 - Aye, sir. 473 00:35:57,998 --> 00:36:00,333 - As captain of this ship, 474 00:36:01,460 --> 00:36:05,631 it's my responsibility to know about everything that happens on board. 475 00:36:06,590 --> 00:36:09,342 It's a rare day when something unexpected occurs 476 00:36:09,342 --> 00:36:12,138 and I don't have a clue to the reason... 477 00:36:12,138 --> 00:36:17,143 especially when it concerns the safety of my crew and their families. 478 00:36:17,143 --> 00:36:21,271 As the leader of your colony, I would expect that you feel the same way. 479 00:36:22,397 --> 00:36:23,607 - Of course. 480 00:36:24,190 --> 00:36:29,696 - So you can understand why I find it just a little hard to believe 481 00:36:29,696 --> 00:36:33,325 that you have no inkling about what happened to Topa. 482 00:36:34,326 --> 00:36:37,287 No theory, no suspicion? 483 00:36:37,287 --> 00:36:39,123 Not even a guess? 484 00:36:42,501 --> 00:36:46,505 If we have any hope of finding her, we need to understand why she was taken. 485 00:36:46,505 --> 00:36:51,802 Now, I could be wrong, Heveena, but I think you're holding back. 486 00:36:51,802 --> 00:36:56,431 And if I'm right, I need to know because Topa's life may depend on it. 487 00:36:58,809 --> 00:37:02,437 - There is more than one life at stake here, Captain. 488 00:37:03,229 --> 00:37:06,483 Thousands of lives hang in the balance. 489 00:37:06,483 --> 00:37:07,943 - What do you mean? 490 00:37:09,528 --> 00:37:10,821 [sighs] 491 00:37:12,156 --> 00:37:15,742 - I violated the terms of the agreement. 492 00:37:15,742 --> 00:37:20,998 Newborn females are once again being relocated from Moclus. 493 00:37:20,998 --> 00:37:26,003 I asked Topa to help in our efforts and she agreed. 494 00:37:26,003 --> 00:37:27,253 - Help how? 495 00:37:27,253 --> 00:37:31,967 - By acting as a link within our communications network. 496 00:37:31,967 --> 00:37:34,845 I shared critical information with her. 497 00:37:35,888 --> 00:37:38,891 Somehow, Commander Kodon must have discovered this 498 00:37:38,891 --> 00:37:40,767 and taken her for questioning. 499 00:37:40,767 --> 00:37:43,103 - What exactly does Topa know? 500 00:37:43,103 --> 00:37:46,481 - The name of our primary contact on Moclus 501 00:37:46,481 --> 00:37:50,402 and the quantum frequencies that we use to encrypt messages. 502 00:38:00,412 --> 00:38:02,122 - What the hell were you thinking? 503 00:38:02,122 --> 00:38:03,665 - I beg your pardon? 504 00:38:03,665 --> 00:38:05,918 - How could you put her in that position? She's a child! 505 00:38:07,586 --> 00:38:11,257 - She is also a victim of Moclan bigotry! 506 00:38:11,257 --> 00:38:13,592 I gave Topa the opportunity 507 00:38:13,592 --> 00:38:17,263 to protect her own life as a female, 508 00:38:17,263 --> 00:38:19,806 and to protect the lives of all the others! 509 00:38:19,806 --> 00:38:20,974 It was her choice! 510 00:38:20,974 --> 00:38:24,144 - Oh, Jesus Christ, Heveena, what the hell did you expect her to say?! 511 00:38:24,144 --> 00:38:25,104 She worships you! 512 00:38:25,104 --> 00:38:27,647 She would do anything to please you, of course she's gonna say yes! 513 00:38:27,647 --> 00:38:31,068 - I am as concerned about Topa as you are, Captain. 514 00:38:31,068 --> 00:38:34,113 But I do not regret enlisting her help. 515 00:38:34,113 --> 00:38:39,159 Our struggle for equality has always demanded risk 516 00:38:39,159 --> 00:38:42,079 and, if necessary, sacrifice! 517 00:38:43,455 --> 00:38:45,582 - I respect your struggle. 518 00:38:45,582 --> 00:38:46,917 I really do. 519 00:38:46,917 --> 00:38:50,337 But don't advertise tactical opportunism as pious morality, 520 00:38:50,337 --> 00:38:52,047 because that's when you lose me. 521 00:38:54,091 --> 00:38:56,218 [comscanner chirps] Mercer to bridge. 522 00:38:56,218 --> 00:38:57,928 Get me Admiral Halsey. 523 00:39:03,851 --> 00:39:05,894 ♪ contemplative music playing ♪ 524 00:39:12,234 --> 00:39:14,236 - The Moclan government is denying any knowledge 525 00:39:14,236 --> 00:39:16,404 of Topa's abduction or her whereabouts. 526 00:39:16,404 --> 00:39:18,282 - We found traces of her blood on the necklace, 527 00:39:18,282 --> 00:39:19,992 along with DNA from a Moclan male, 528 00:39:19,992 --> 00:39:22,911 and it didn't come from Commander Bortus or anyone in the colony. 529 00:39:22,911 --> 00:39:24,621 - I'm afraid that's all circumstantial. 530 00:39:24,621 --> 00:39:26,915 - I'd like to question Commander Kodon and his inspection team 531 00:39:26,915 --> 00:39:29,251 and take samples of their DNA. 532 00:39:29,251 --> 00:39:32,004 - You know we can't do that without probable cause. 533 00:39:32,004 --> 00:39:34,298 We're on shaky ground with their government as it is. 534 00:39:34,298 --> 00:39:36,133 - Yeah, you know, it seems like 535 00:39:36,133 --> 00:39:38,260 we're always on shaky ground with them, doesn't it? 536 00:39:38,260 --> 00:39:41,388 Always bending over backwards to accommodate their bullshit. 537 00:39:41,388 --> 00:39:42,973 - Mind your tone, Captain. 538 00:39:42,973 --> 00:39:45,226 - I'm sorry, sir. 539 00:39:46,185 --> 00:39:47,353 What do you suggest? 540 00:39:47,353 --> 00:39:51,523 - The best option is for Heveena to testify before the Union Council. 541 00:39:51,523 --> 00:39:54,818 She would have to admit she's been violating the agreement 542 00:39:54,818 --> 00:39:59,365 and that she enlisted Topa to help them continue their illegal operations. 543 00:39:59,365 --> 00:40:02,784 That would demonstrate a clear motive for the Moclans to abduct Topa, 544 00:40:02,784 --> 00:40:05,620 and we'd have cause to launch a formal investigation 545 00:40:05,620 --> 00:40:08,207 with all the power of Union law behind us. 546 00:40:08,207 --> 00:40:11,459 - If I do as you ask, 547 00:40:11,459 --> 00:40:14,755 the Moclan government would not hesitate 548 00:40:14,755 --> 00:40:18,092 to invade our colony and arrest everyone in it. 549 00:40:18,092 --> 00:40:21,178 - We would do everything possible to prevent that from happening. 550 00:40:21,178 --> 00:40:24,390 - I am very sorry, Admiral. 551 00:40:24,390 --> 00:40:27,142 But my answer is no. 552 00:40:27,142 --> 00:40:29,770 - Heveena-- - You will not change my mind, Captain. 553 00:40:31,021 --> 00:40:34,816 And if you do take this matter before the Council, 554 00:40:34,816 --> 00:40:37,444 I will deny everything. 555 00:40:39,821 --> 00:40:43,992 - It goes without saying that I am profoundly disappointed in your decision. 556 00:40:43,992 --> 00:40:46,494 I'll continue to work the diplomatic channels. 557 00:40:46,494 --> 00:40:49,957 If you hear from Commander Grayson, let me know immediately. 558 00:40:49,957 --> 00:40:51,499 - Yes, sir. 559 00:40:56,546 --> 00:40:58,548 ♪ contemplative music playing ♪ 560 00:41:10,644 --> 00:41:12,604 - I'd like you to stay on board the Orville 561 00:41:12,604 --> 00:41:15,357 until Commander Keyali completes her investigation. 562 00:41:16,483 --> 00:41:18,193 In case we have any more questions. 563 00:41:18,193 --> 00:41:20,737 - If you insist. 564 00:41:38,339 --> 00:41:40,341 ♪ dramatic music playing ♪ 565 00:41:43,969 --> 00:41:45,679 - The ion trail is dissipating. 566 00:41:45,679 --> 00:41:48,265 I am extrapolating their trajectory. 567 00:41:50,434 --> 00:41:52,811 They appear to be on course for the Zonari System, 568 00:41:52,811 --> 00:41:53,979 six light-years away. 569 00:41:53,979 --> 00:41:57,232 According to the database, there is only one planet in that system. 570 00:41:57,232 --> 00:41:58,317 Uninhabited. 571 00:41:58,317 --> 00:41:59,609 - Then that's where we're headed. 572 00:42:27,762 --> 00:42:28,930 [door chimes] 573 00:42:30,057 --> 00:42:31,225 - Yes? 574 00:42:37,272 --> 00:42:38,690 Commander. 575 00:42:39,483 --> 00:42:41,360 What can I do for you? 576 00:42:41,360 --> 00:42:44,321 - The Captain has asked me to escort you to Simulator One. 577 00:42:45,447 --> 00:42:47,157 - For what reason? 578 00:42:47,157 --> 00:42:49,243 - There's someone he wants you to meet. 579 00:43:09,138 --> 00:43:11,348 If you need anything, I'll be right outside. 580 00:43:38,125 --> 00:43:40,710 - What is this place? 581 00:43:43,547 --> 00:43:46,425 - Oh, there you are! Welcome! 582 00:43:46,425 --> 00:43:48,511 Come on in, don't be shy. 583 00:43:48,511 --> 00:43:50,220 - By the gods! 584 00:43:50,220 --> 00:43:54,641 - Oh, come on, don't you bow to me. I'm not all that. 585 00:43:54,641 --> 00:43:56,560 I'm not even sure I'm all there. 586 00:43:58,061 --> 00:44:01,940 I am so glad to finally meet you, Heveena. 587 00:44:01,940 --> 00:44:04,360 I have heard so many good things about you. 588 00:44:04,360 --> 00:44:07,029 - No. You are not real. 589 00:44:07,029 --> 00:44:08,989 This is an illusion. 590 00:44:08,989 --> 00:44:12,075 And I know what Captain Mercer is trying to do. 591 00:44:12,075 --> 00:44:13,952 - Well, I have been programmed 592 00:44:13,952 --> 00:44:16,913 from a whole mess of historical records and data. 593 00:44:16,913 --> 00:44:20,959 And I might not be real, but I'm still all Dolly. 594 00:44:22,669 --> 00:44:25,506 Oh, come on, sit, take a load off. 595 00:44:26,632 --> 00:44:29,801 I have been hearing that you have just got 596 00:44:29,801 --> 00:44:32,471 the weight of the world on your shoulders, girl. 597 00:44:32,471 --> 00:44:33,847 You wanna talk about it? 598 00:44:33,847 --> 00:44:37,393 Because they tell me that I'm a pretty good listener. 599 00:44:38,602 --> 00:44:40,312 - It is complicated. 600 00:44:40,312 --> 00:44:42,898 - Oh, what's gnawin' at you? 601 00:44:47,403 --> 00:44:51,240 - I put a young girl's life in danger 602 00:44:51,240 --> 00:44:53,617 to achieve a greater good. 603 00:44:53,617 --> 00:44:57,037 I have been given a chance to save her, 604 00:44:57,037 --> 00:44:59,748 but to do so would put 605 00:44:59,748 --> 00:45:03,419 many more female lives at risk. 606 00:45:03,419 --> 00:45:05,087 - Well, mmm... 607 00:45:05,087 --> 00:45:07,256 that is complicated. 608 00:45:12,511 --> 00:45:14,221 Do you know where you are right now? 609 00:45:15,514 --> 00:45:16,515 - No. 610 00:45:16,515 --> 00:45:19,685 - You're in the Smoky Mountains of Tennessee. 611 00:45:19,685 --> 00:45:22,896 I was born and raised in a cabin pretty much like this one. 612 00:45:22,896 --> 00:45:26,692 As a matter of fact, your computer didn't do a half-bad job. 613 00:45:26,692 --> 00:45:27,610 [laughs] 614 00:45:27,610 --> 00:45:31,447 I like to come out to this neck of the woods every now and again 615 00:45:31,447 --> 00:45:35,325 to kinda clear my head and do some hard thinkin'. 616 00:45:36,034 --> 00:45:38,787 - I was also raised in the mountains. 617 00:45:38,787 --> 00:45:40,956 - Another mountain girl! 618 00:45:40,956 --> 00:45:44,501 I knew there was some reason I liked you. 619 00:45:44,501 --> 00:45:47,921 - I lived there for most of my life. 620 00:45:47,921 --> 00:45:51,174 There are days when I miss the solitude. 621 00:45:52,301 --> 00:45:56,722 - You know, when I was a little girl, maybe six or seven years old, 622 00:45:56,722 --> 00:46:02,269 I accidentally cut three of my toes on a broken mason jar. 623 00:46:02,269 --> 00:46:05,855 I mean, they were cut bad, almost falling off. 624 00:46:05,855 --> 00:46:08,233 Course we lived miles from the nearest doctor, 625 00:46:08,233 --> 00:46:11,987 and we were real poor, so my mama had to be very resourceful. 626 00:46:11,987 --> 00:46:13,863 So you know what she did? 627 00:46:13,863 --> 00:46:16,866 She used cornmeal to stop the bleeding, 628 00:46:16,866 --> 00:46:20,120 and she used kerosene for antiseptic, 629 00:46:20,120 --> 00:46:23,123 and she took her sewing needles, 630 00:46:23,123 --> 00:46:26,084 and she sewed my little toes back together. 631 00:46:26,084 --> 00:46:27,294 [laughs] 632 00:46:27,294 --> 00:46:30,088 Course my daddy and my brothers all had to hold me down. 633 00:46:30,088 --> 00:46:32,382 But it worked, they healed, 634 00:46:32,382 --> 00:46:36,011 and I'm still walking around today, on my little tippy toes. 635 00:46:36,011 --> 00:46:37,721 [laughs] 636 00:46:37,721 --> 00:46:41,517 - I fail to grasp the meaning of this parable. 637 00:46:41,517 --> 00:46:44,102 - Oh, it don't mean nothin'. It's just a story. 638 00:46:44,687 --> 00:46:46,396 I'll tell you one thing, though. 639 00:46:46,396 --> 00:46:50,108 My mama knew somethin' needed to be done right then and there. 640 00:46:50,108 --> 00:46:53,779 If you do the right thing in the here and now, 641 00:46:53,779 --> 00:46:57,700 the future has a way of taking care of itself. 642 00:46:57,700 --> 00:46:59,284 [laughs] 643 00:46:59,284 --> 00:47:02,329 Well, at least that's what my mama taught me. 644 00:47:02,329 --> 00:47:04,039 [laughs] 645 00:47:05,332 --> 00:47:09,169 Do you mind if I, uh, play a little bit? 646 00:47:09,169 --> 00:47:11,672 - I would be honored. 647 00:47:11,672 --> 00:47:15,217 I am a great admirer of your poetry. 648 00:47:15,217 --> 00:47:17,844 - Oh, I'm not sure I'd call it poetry. 649 00:47:17,844 --> 00:47:21,973 It's just some songs, but I like doing it. 650 00:47:24,268 --> 00:47:26,270 ♪ playing intro on guitar ♪ 651 00:47:30,023 --> 00:47:32,568 ♪ I've chased after rainbows ♪ 652 00:47:32,568 --> 00:47:35,446 ♪ I've captured one or two ♪ 653 00:47:36,071 --> 00:47:38,824 ♪ I've reached for the stars ♪ 654 00:47:38,824 --> 00:47:41,201 ♪ I've even held a few ♪ 655 00:47:41,910 --> 00:47:44,413 ♪ I've walked that lonesome valley ♪ 656 00:47:44,413 --> 00:47:46,290 ♪ Topped the mountain ♪ 657 00:47:46,290 --> 00:47:47,999 ♪ Soared the sky ♪ 658 00:47:47,999 --> 00:47:50,628 ♪ I've laughed and I have cried ♪ 659 00:47:50,628 --> 00:47:54,298 ♪ But I have always tried ♪ 660 00:47:54,298 --> 00:47:57,635 ♪ I've always been a dreamer ♪ 661 00:47:57,635 --> 00:48:00,512 ♪ And dreams are special things ♪ 662 00:48:00,512 --> 00:48:03,474 ♪ But dreams are of no value ♪ 663 00:48:03,474 --> 00:48:06,518 ♪ If they're not equipped with wings ♪ 664 00:48:06,518 --> 00:48:09,772 ♪ So secure yourself for climbing ♪ 665 00:48:09,772 --> 00:48:12,232 ♪ Make ready for the flight... ♪ 666 00:48:12,232 --> 00:48:15,152 - I will give my testimony to the Council. 667 00:48:15,152 --> 00:48:18,697 ♪ You'll make it if you try ♪ 668 00:48:18,697 --> 00:48:21,826 ♪ So try to be the first one ♪ 669 00:48:21,826 --> 00:48:25,120 ♪ Up the mountain ♪ 670 00:48:25,120 --> 00:48:27,623 ♪ And try to be the first ♪ 671 00:48:27,623 --> 00:48:29,625 ♪ To touch the sky ♪ 672 00:48:29,625 --> 00:48:31,293 - Set course for Earth. 673 00:48:31,293 --> 00:48:37,132 ♪ And try to be the one to make a difference ♪ 674 00:48:37,883 --> 00:48:42,596 ♪ Try to put your fear and doubt aside ♪ 675 00:48:43,430 --> 00:48:48,853 ♪ And try to make the most of every moment ♪ 676 00:48:50,020 --> 00:48:54,733 ♪ 'Cause if you never try you never win ♪ 677 00:48:55,984 --> 00:49:01,114 ♪ So try each day to try a little harder ♪ 678 00:49:02,282 --> 00:49:06,578 ♪ And if you fall get up and try again ♪ 679 00:49:06,578 --> 00:49:09,456 ♪ Try and try and try... ♪ 680 00:49:09,456 --> 00:49:11,458 [energy pulsing] 681 00:49:17,840 --> 00:49:19,842 ♪ ominous music playing ♪ 682 00:49:55,711 --> 00:49:57,755 ♪ 683 00:50:25,323 --> 00:50:26,575 [keypad beeps] 684 00:50:30,829 --> 00:50:33,874 - Do as you are told and you might live. 685 00:50:48,096 --> 00:50:50,933 DEEP MALE VOICE: You must be exhausted. 686 00:50:52,726 --> 00:50:56,939 Please sit down. 687 00:51:08,659 --> 00:51:10,452 Are you thirsty? 688 00:51:12,537 --> 00:51:16,000 Drink. It is only water. 689 00:51:35,143 --> 00:51:36,645 - Where am I? 690 00:51:38,522 --> 00:51:41,608 - I will be the one asking questions today. 691 00:51:42,693 --> 00:51:45,946 And my first question is this: 692 00:51:45,946 --> 00:51:49,491 Why do you think you are here? 693 00:51:50,242 --> 00:51:51,660 - I do not know. 694 00:51:53,746 --> 00:51:55,330 - I believe you. 695 00:51:56,665 --> 00:51:58,667 And I can see that you are frightened. 696 00:51:59,418 --> 00:52:03,714 This must all be very confusing for you. 697 00:52:05,925 --> 00:52:09,177 So I will tell you why you are here. 698 00:52:09,177 --> 00:52:12,138 And then you will answer my questions. 699 00:52:12,138 --> 00:52:15,642 And when we are finished, you will be taken home. 700 00:52:18,104 --> 00:52:20,188 You are a female outcast, 701 00:52:20,188 --> 00:52:22,232 conspiring with other females 702 00:52:22,232 --> 00:52:26,737 to undermine the moral foundations of Moclan society. 703 00:52:26,737 --> 00:52:28,781 Your leader, Heveena, 704 00:52:28,781 --> 00:52:34,286 has been secretly communicating with a traitor on Moclus. 705 00:52:34,286 --> 00:52:39,083 We have reason to believe that you know his identity. 706 00:52:39,792 --> 00:52:41,961 Is this true? 707 00:52:42,920 --> 00:52:45,547 - I do not know what you are talking about. 708 00:52:48,926 --> 00:52:53,097 - I will ask you once more. 709 00:52:54,389 --> 00:52:57,601 - What is the traitor's name? 710 00:53:00,562 --> 00:53:01,814 [groans] 711 00:53:07,193 --> 00:53:09,488 I prefer not to harm you. 712 00:53:10,196 --> 00:53:11,740 But I will. 713 00:53:12,783 --> 00:53:16,453 Now, tell me his name. 714 00:53:27,840 --> 00:53:29,883 ♪ epic music playing ♪ 715 00:53:36,932 --> 00:53:39,309 BORTUS: This world is desolate. 716 00:53:39,852 --> 00:53:42,312 Except... wait. 717 00:53:42,312 --> 00:53:45,273 There are several structures inside a large canyon. 718 00:53:45,273 --> 00:53:49,235 I am detecting multiple life signs, all Moclan. 719 00:53:49,235 --> 00:53:50,904 - Let's get a closer look. 720 00:53:50,904 --> 00:53:52,614 Engage cloak. 721 00:54:03,750 --> 00:54:06,712 There's no record of this outpost in the Union database. 722 00:54:06,712 --> 00:54:08,588 I'm taking us down. 723 00:54:11,091 --> 00:54:13,093 ♪ 724 00:54:49,088 --> 00:54:51,423 You know you disobeyed orders by bringing these weapons. 725 00:54:53,092 --> 00:54:54,384 - Yes. 726 00:54:55,135 --> 00:54:56,636 - Well done. 727 00:55:14,113 --> 00:55:19,118 ♪ 728 00:55:28,585 --> 00:55:31,255 - Priority-one message from Admiral Halsey: 729 00:55:31,255 --> 00:55:33,590 the Council has convened and they're awaiting your arrival. 730 00:55:33,590 --> 00:55:36,260 - Tell them we're on our way. You have the bridge. 731 00:55:36,260 --> 00:55:37,970 - Permission to join you, Captain? 732 00:55:38,762 --> 00:55:40,931 - What for? - Topa's... 733 00:55:41,556 --> 00:55:43,225 kinda like a little sister. 734 00:55:43,225 --> 00:55:45,769 I have a personal investment in her safety. 735 00:55:47,021 --> 00:55:48,730 - All right, come on. 736 00:55:57,531 --> 00:55:59,533 ♪ 737 00:56:16,300 --> 00:56:19,136 HEVEENA: I make this confession 738 00:56:19,136 --> 00:56:23,891 not because I believe what I have done is wrong, 739 00:56:23,891 --> 00:56:28,729 but because a child has gone missing. 740 00:56:28,729 --> 00:56:33,441 I am doing what must be done here and now, 741 00:56:34,235 --> 00:56:37,196 no matter what the future may hold, 742 00:56:37,196 --> 00:56:40,324 and I stand ready to accept 743 00:56:40,324 --> 00:56:44,494 whatever judgment this Council renders. 744 00:56:45,996 --> 00:56:50,792 I offer my confession with the hope and expectation that this Council 745 00:56:50,792 --> 00:56:54,838 will launch an immediate investigation 746 00:56:54,838 --> 00:56:57,091 into the whereabouts of Topa 747 00:56:57,091 --> 00:57:02,470 and work to secure her safe return. 748 00:57:02,470 --> 00:57:04,639 [delegates murmuring] 749 00:57:20,739 --> 00:57:23,450 - Based on Heveena's testimony, 750 00:57:23,450 --> 00:57:27,413 and the physical evidence provided by the Orville's Chief of Security, 751 00:57:27,413 --> 00:57:30,665 this Council believes there is sufficient basis 752 00:57:30,665 --> 00:57:33,668 to begin a formal investigation. 753 00:57:34,502 --> 00:57:39,300 We request that Commander Kodon and his inspection team 754 00:57:39,300 --> 00:57:42,010 appear before the Council with all due haste. 755 00:57:42,010 --> 00:57:43,720 - And what of her crimes? 756 00:57:43,720 --> 00:57:46,514 She is the one who should be investigated! 757 00:57:46,514 --> 00:57:49,893 She makes the outrageous claim that we have abducted a child 758 00:57:49,893 --> 00:57:55,065 when, in fact, she admits to stealing infants and smuggling them as contraband! 759 00:57:55,065 --> 00:57:58,526 - We have every intention of addressing Heveena's actions, 760 00:57:58,526 --> 00:58:00,070 but at the moment our priority 761 00:58:00,070 --> 00:58:03,324 is the safe return of the missing child and her guardians. 762 00:58:03,324 --> 00:58:07,494 - This Council has no valid reason to conduct an investigation 763 00:58:07,494 --> 00:58:09,955 of my government or any of my people! 764 00:58:09,955 --> 00:58:12,666 You have no facts and no evidence! 765 00:58:12,666 --> 00:58:15,377 Only the word of an admitted criminal. 766 00:58:15,377 --> 00:58:17,879 The only fact presented here today 767 00:58:17,879 --> 00:58:20,799 is that she violated the agreement. 768 00:58:20,799 --> 00:58:22,550 Arrest her! 769 00:58:22,550 --> 00:58:26,472 Or you are all complicit in her crimes! 770 00:58:26,472 --> 00:58:28,807 [delegates murmuring] 771 00:58:43,530 --> 00:58:45,532 ♪ martial music playing ♪ 772 00:59:07,762 --> 00:59:09,556 [comscanner chirps] 773 00:59:09,556 --> 00:59:12,642 - There is an entry point 2,000 meters ahead. 774 00:59:12,642 --> 00:59:16,021 If we stay within the canyon, we will remain out of sight until we reach it. 775 00:59:29,410 --> 00:59:31,953 ♪ 776 00:59:53,225 --> 00:59:54,435 Commander! 777 00:59:54,435 --> 00:59:57,187 [Kelly groaning] 778 01:00:08,365 --> 01:00:11,243 - That was stupid. - Are you injured? 779 01:00:11,243 --> 01:00:12,744 - My shoulder. 780 01:00:12,744 --> 01:00:14,330 [comscanner chirping] 781 01:00:17,040 --> 01:00:18,334 - You have torn a ligament. 782 01:00:26,425 --> 01:00:28,260 It will heal shortly. 783 01:00:30,971 --> 01:00:32,348 I'm sorry, Bortus. 784 01:00:32,348 --> 01:00:33,765 - It was an accident. 785 01:00:33,765 --> 01:00:35,559 - That's not what I mean. 786 01:00:36,393 --> 01:00:37,853 This is my fault. 787 01:00:38,437 --> 01:00:41,023 I talked you into taking Topa with us. 788 01:00:41,023 --> 01:00:43,275 You knew it was a risk, and I pushed you. 789 01:00:43,275 --> 01:00:46,362 - You cannot blame yourself for what has happened. 790 01:00:47,029 --> 01:00:49,781 - Should've just minded my own goddamn business. 791 01:00:53,076 --> 01:00:55,496 - I have never told you how much 792 01:00:55,496 --> 01:00:59,082 I value your presence in Topa's life. 793 01:01:02,711 --> 01:01:06,673 It has been difficult for me since Klyden left us. 794 01:01:07,633 --> 01:01:12,971 And I do not believe I would have succeeded without your assistance. 795 01:01:15,849 --> 01:01:17,643 You are... 796 01:01:18,477 --> 01:01:20,770 a part of our family. 797 01:01:22,814 --> 01:01:24,983 - Topa is very special to me. 798 01:01:26,318 --> 01:01:29,530 - And you to us. 799 01:01:36,453 --> 01:01:38,372 [medical device beeps] 800 01:01:40,165 --> 01:01:41,958 The ligament has healed. 801 01:01:43,960 --> 01:01:45,045 - All right. 802 01:01:45,546 --> 01:01:46,713 Let's go get her. 803 01:01:59,643 --> 01:02:01,270 - Please stop! 804 01:02:01,270 --> 01:02:03,063 I don't know anything! 805 01:02:03,063 --> 01:02:06,733 - The wound is the place where the light enters you. 806 01:02:06,733 --> 01:02:09,986 Let it illuminate your path to the truth. 807 01:02:09,986 --> 01:02:13,282 - I'm telling the truth, I swear! 808 01:02:13,282 --> 01:02:16,076 - You have been brave, Topa. 809 01:02:16,952 --> 01:02:19,580 Foolish, but brave. 810 01:02:36,012 --> 01:02:38,432 Do you know what this is? 811 01:02:38,432 --> 01:02:42,018 It's a Krill instrument of persuasion. 812 01:02:42,645 --> 01:02:46,356 I spent many years trying to acquire one. 813 01:02:46,356 --> 01:02:48,233 Depending on the setting, 814 01:02:48,233 --> 01:02:53,739 it can cause either minor discomfort or unbearable agony. 815 01:02:53,739 --> 01:02:56,325 And in extreme cases, 816 01:02:56,325 --> 01:02:58,744 permanent neurological damage. 817 01:02:58,744 --> 01:03:00,870 [electronic sparking] - Please! 818 01:03:05,000 --> 01:03:06,293 - The name. 819 01:03:06,752 --> 01:03:09,588 While your mind still functions. 820 01:03:22,392 --> 01:03:24,144 ♪ dramatic music playing ♪ 821 01:04:01,682 --> 01:04:05,060 ♪ 822 01:04:25,664 --> 01:04:27,541 [Topa shrieking] [baton sparking] 823 01:04:29,752 --> 01:04:31,462 The name! 824 01:04:34,840 --> 01:04:36,007 [electronics whirring] 825 01:04:38,885 --> 01:04:40,763 - Bortus! Biosigns. 826 01:04:40,763 --> 01:04:42,306 Female. 827 01:04:42,306 --> 01:04:43,682 - This way. 828 01:04:49,104 --> 01:04:51,732 ♪ intense music ♪ 829 01:05:43,701 --> 01:05:45,202 - No! 830 01:05:45,202 --> 01:05:47,954 Please! Please, I'll tell you! 831 01:05:47,954 --> 01:05:50,207 - I am listening. 832 01:06:05,472 --> 01:06:07,057 She has given the name. 833 01:06:07,057 --> 01:06:08,308 - And the encryption frequencies? 834 01:06:08,308 --> 01:06:11,102 - Yes. We are finished here. 835 01:06:11,102 --> 01:06:12,813 - Kill her. 836 01:06:13,480 --> 01:06:15,106 Dump her body in Sha'var Canyon. 837 01:06:16,441 --> 01:06:18,068 - Touch her and you're dead! 838 01:06:18,068 --> 01:06:19,778 - Papa! 839 01:06:22,280 --> 01:06:24,115 - It is all right, Topa. 840 01:06:24,115 --> 01:06:25,826 We are here. 841 01:06:26,368 --> 01:06:28,954 You are safe. 842 01:06:28,954 --> 01:06:30,831 [sobbing] 843 01:06:35,126 --> 01:06:38,756 Did you do this to her? 844 01:06:39,381 --> 01:06:41,383 - Come on, we gotta get her back to the shuttle. 845 01:06:54,438 --> 01:06:55,773 Bortus! 846 01:06:59,818 --> 01:07:01,236 Commander, stand down! 847 01:07:08,285 --> 01:07:09,954 Stand down, that's an order, now! 848 01:07:13,457 --> 01:07:14,708 Let's go. 849 01:07:39,858 --> 01:07:43,194 ♪ 850 01:07:49,952 --> 01:07:51,453 Launch thrusters are still down. 851 01:07:51,453 --> 01:07:53,914 - Topa. You will need to hold on. 852 01:07:57,793 --> 01:07:59,127 - Here we go. 853 01:07:59,127 --> 01:08:01,129 ♪ intense music ♪ 854 01:08:01,129 --> 01:08:03,549 ♪ 855 01:08:25,863 --> 01:08:27,197 - We are taking fire! 856 01:09:03,567 --> 01:09:05,986 - They're hitting us from above! I can't gain altitude! 857 01:09:28,092 --> 01:09:30,343 We can't outrun 'em. We're going to have to engage. 858 01:09:30,343 --> 01:09:31,845 - Those are O'kta class fighters. 859 01:09:31,845 --> 01:09:34,306 Highly maneuverable, but they have a weakness. 860 01:09:34,306 --> 01:09:37,017 Drop behind them and target their exhaust ports. 861 01:10:00,124 --> 01:10:01,083 [groans] 862 01:10:08,882 --> 01:10:10,383 [groans] 863 01:10:14,763 --> 01:10:16,306 - We're clear. 864 01:10:37,661 --> 01:10:40,747 - We have no intention of cooperating 865 01:10:40,747 --> 01:10:43,416 with this fraudulent and reckless investigation! 866 01:10:43,416 --> 01:10:45,335 - The Council has made its decision. 867 01:10:45,335 --> 01:10:47,504 - We reject that decision. 868 01:10:47,504 --> 01:10:49,339 - I'm afraid that's not how it works. 869 01:10:49,339 --> 01:10:54,178 - With respect, Ambassador, every member of the Union must abide by its rulings. 870 01:10:54,178 --> 01:10:55,345 AMBASSADOR: Respect? 871 01:10:55,345 --> 01:10:59,766 Since when has any member of this Council shown us the slightest respect? 872 01:10:59,766 --> 01:11:03,436 You chastise and demean our culture at every opportunity! 873 01:11:03,436 --> 01:11:05,564 - This is not a referendum on your culture. 874 01:11:05,564 --> 01:11:07,941 We're simply trying to find a missing child. 875 01:11:07,941 --> 01:11:11,277 - Then investigate your Moclan female accomplice! 876 01:11:11,277 --> 01:11:13,363 She was the last one to see the girl. 877 01:11:13,363 --> 01:11:16,408 How do we know she's telling the truth about her disappearance? 878 01:11:16,408 --> 01:11:18,118 - There is the physical evidence. 879 01:11:18,118 --> 01:11:19,745 - It proves nothing! 880 01:11:19,745 --> 01:11:22,414 You are grasping for reasons to blame Moclus! 881 01:11:22,414 --> 01:11:24,750 - Ambassador, look at the circumstances. 882 01:11:24,750 --> 01:11:28,420 If our positions were reversed, you'd be demanding answers too. 883 01:11:28,420 --> 01:11:31,464 - These are difficult times for the Union, Senator. 884 01:11:31,464 --> 01:11:34,467 Do you really want to provoke your most important ally? 885 01:11:34,467 --> 01:11:36,428 Think of the consequences. 886 01:11:36,428 --> 01:11:39,098 Could the Union survive a full-scale Kaylon attack 887 01:11:39,098 --> 01:11:42,059 if its weapons supply chain was suddenly interrupted? 888 01:11:42,059 --> 01:11:43,643 [scoffs] 889 01:11:45,854 --> 01:11:47,773 Do you have something to say, human? 890 01:11:51,359 --> 01:11:53,070 - Look, I know I'm not supposed to talk here, 891 01:11:53,070 --> 01:11:54,988 and I'm probably gonna get court-martialed, 892 01:11:54,988 --> 01:11:56,823 but somebody's gotta call out these assholes! 893 01:11:56,823 --> 01:11:59,325 - Gordon, don't-- - Every time they cross a line, 894 01:11:59,325 --> 01:12:02,079 we let it go because we're scared to fight the Kaylon without them. 895 01:12:02,079 --> 01:12:03,997 And every time we compromise, 896 01:12:03,997 --> 01:12:06,125 they still act like they're the ones gettin' the shaft! 897 01:12:06,125 --> 01:12:07,168 - That's enough, Lieutenant! 898 01:12:07,168 --> 01:12:10,254 - You treat people like garbage, and then when you get called on it, 899 01:12:10,254 --> 01:12:13,257 you bitch and you moan that we're not respecting your "beliefs"! 900 01:12:13,257 --> 01:12:14,967 Well, screw you and your-- - Gordon! 901 01:12:19,972 --> 01:12:21,348 - Sorry. 902 01:12:23,558 --> 01:12:27,271 - It is time to put an end to this farce. 903 01:12:27,271 --> 01:12:29,273 We will address the assembly. 904 01:12:42,161 --> 01:12:44,746 I have conferred with my government. 905 01:12:44,746 --> 01:12:47,791 And we will no longer abide by the terms 906 01:12:47,791 --> 01:12:49,501 of our previous agreement. 907 01:12:50,044 --> 01:12:54,340 Heveena's illegal actions have annulled all restrictions. 908 01:12:54,340 --> 01:12:58,177 Furthermore, we demand a formal apology 909 01:12:58,177 --> 01:13:02,931 by this Council for allowing this travesty in the first place. 910 01:13:02,931 --> 01:13:04,808 [angry murmuring] 911 01:13:09,980 --> 01:13:14,360 You proposed this compromise, Admiral Halsey. 912 01:13:15,027 --> 01:13:16,737 We have abided by it. 913 01:13:16,737 --> 01:13:18,655 Heveena has not. 914 01:13:20,366 --> 01:13:25,913 If anyone in this chamber can credibly dispute the legality of our position, 915 01:13:25,913 --> 01:13:28,832 let him stand now! 916 01:13:28,832 --> 01:13:30,667 [angry murmuring] 917 01:13:38,717 --> 01:13:40,427 [doors clang open] 918 01:13:45,391 --> 01:13:47,017 - Oh, my god. 919 01:14:03,533 --> 01:14:07,871 - We rescued Topa from a secret military installation in the Zonari System. 920 01:14:07,871 --> 01:14:10,082 It's a Moclan black site. 921 01:14:10,082 --> 01:14:13,001 She was taken there and tortured for information. 922 01:14:13,001 --> 01:14:14,253 - There is no such place! 923 01:14:14,253 --> 01:14:16,755 - We have scans of the entire facility, Ambassador. 924 01:14:16,755 --> 01:14:19,091 She refused medical treatment so that everyone here 925 01:14:19,091 --> 01:14:21,969 could see for themselves what the Moclans did to her. 926 01:14:27,599 --> 01:14:31,186 [muted gasping] 927 01:14:31,186 --> 01:14:34,648 - My daughter is fortunate 928 01:14:34,648 --> 01:14:37,776 to be alive. 929 01:14:40,695 --> 01:14:44,992 They planned to murder her. 930 01:14:46,493 --> 01:14:50,705 Members of this Union 931 01:14:50,705 --> 01:14:54,876 planned to kill my child. 932 01:14:58,672 --> 01:15:00,382 You are liars. 933 01:15:00,382 --> 01:15:03,802 And you are butchers. 934 01:15:03,802 --> 01:15:07,722 And you must answer for your crimes! 935 01:15:13,770 --> 01:15:15,563 [seats clatter] 936 01:15:23,780 --> 01:15:26,533 ♪ 937 01:16:33,725 --> 01:16:34,851 - Here. 938 01:16:34,851 --> 01:16:36,061 Coffee. 939 01:16:36,061 --> 01:16:37,104 - Thanks. 940 01:16:40,983 --> 01:16:42,568 Hm? 941 01:16:42,568 --> 01:16:44,236 90-proof blend? 942 01:16:44,236 --> 01:16:46,071 - I thought you might need it. - You're the best. 943 01:16:46,071 --> 01:16:48,324 - Just don't breathe on the Admirals. 944 01:16:59,626 --> 01:17:00,919 - Bortus... 945 01:17:02,671 --> 01:17:05,799 I am truly sorry. 946 01:17:07,301 --> 01:17:10,387 I do not expect you to forgive me. 947 01:17:10,387 --> 01:17:12,515 - That is a reasonable expectation. 948 01:17:21,440 --> 01:17:23,526 - The Council has taken a provisional vote. 949 01:17:23,526 --> 01:17:25,652 It was unanimous. 950 01:17:25,652 --> 01:17:28,071 Moclus has been expelled from the Union. 951 01:17:31,492 --> 01:17:33,202 - So what's next? 952 01:17:33,202 --> 01:17:35,496 - The vote still has to be ratified, but... 953 01:17:35,496 --> 01:17:38,081 when it is, it'll be a messy divorce. 954 01:17:38,081 --> 01:17:41,544 Ship deployments, crew reassignments, shared military assets, 955 01:17:41,544 --> 01:17:44,671 and at least a dozen battle groups under joint command. 956 01:17:44,671 --> 01:17:46,923 A lot of ties to sever. 957 01:17:46,923 --> 01:17:50,886 And it goes without saying this will be a major blow to our defensive posture. 958 01:17:50,886 --> 01:17:53,055 We're now much more vulnerable to the Kaylon. 959 01:17:53,055 --> 01:17:54,473 - What about the colony? 960 01:17:55,599 --> 01:17:58,685 - The Union has voted to recognize it as a sovereign state 961 01:17:58,685 --> 01:18:01,438 and to place it under our protection. 962 01:18:01,438 --> 01:18:03,148 Effective immediately. 963 01:18:16,078 --> 01:18:18,038 ♪ contemplative music playing ♪ 964 01:18:48,944 --> 01:18:51,405 - Physically she's going to be fine, 965 01:18:51,405 --> 01:18:55,825 but she's been through a terrible trauma, especially for someone so young. 966 01:18:55,825 --> 01:18:57,786 She'll need counseling. 967 01:18:57,786 --> 01:18:59,371 - I understand. 968 01:19:00,914 --> 01:19:03,083 When may I take her home? 969 01:19:03,584 --> 01:19:07,963 - I want to run a few more tests, and then she's all yours. 970 01:19:10,924 --> 01:19:12,050 - Commander... 971 01:19:13,093 --> 01:19:14,970 There's someone here to see you. 972 01:19:27,566 --> 01:19:29,276 - Klyden... 973 01:19:29,276 --> 01:19:31,987 - When the Captain told me what happened, 974 01:19:31,987 --> 01:19:34,948 I boarded the first transport I could find. 975 01:19:51,047 --> 01:19:53,467 May I speak with her? 976 01:20:09,024 --> 01:20:10,233 - Papa... 977 01:20:11,527 --> 01:20:13,111 - Lie still, Topa. 978 01:20:13,737 --> 01:20:15,572 You need to rest. 979 01:20:16,156 --> 01:20:17,741 - Papa... 980 01:20:18,784 --> 01:20:20,494 you came back. 981 01:20:22,746 --> 01:20:24,456 - How are you feeling? 982 01:20:24,956 --> 01:20:27,668 - Better now that you are here. 983 01:20:29,836 --> 01:20:31,547 I missed you. 984 01:20:32,423 --> 01:20:34,174 - I missed you too. 985 01:20:39,638 --> 01:20:41,348 Topa. 986 01:20:42,266 --> 01:20:47,854 The last time I saw you, I said some very hurtful things. 987 01:20:49,189 --> 01:20:50,899 I regret my words. 988 01:20:51,900 --> 01:20:53,819 - I understand, Papa. 989 01:20:54,403 --> 01:20:55,529 It's okay. 990 01:20:56,655 --> 01:20:57,989 - No. 991 01:20:57,989 --> 01:20:59,742 It is not. 992 01:21:00,409 --> 01:21:01,827 You... 993 01:21:01,827 --> 01:21:04,371 were almost lost. 994 01:21:04,371 --> 01:21:07,708 Because of people who believed as I did. 995 01:21:09,501 --> 01:21:10,753 I... 996 01:21:11,253 --> 01:21:14,548 I... I thought I hated you. 997 01:21:15,758 --> 01:21:19,219 But even then, I never wished you harm. 998 01:21:21,054 --> 01:21:22,640 I simply... 999 01:21:23,599 --> 01:21:27,227 did not know how to live with you. 1000 01:21:27,227 --> 01:21:32,065 [sobbing] I allowed a lifetime of prejudice 1001 01:21:32,065 --> 01:21:34,192 to cloud my judgment. 1002 01:21:35,527 --> 01:21:37,237 That must change. 1003 01:21:38,238 --> 01:21:40,741 I must change. 1004 01:21:42,409 --> 01:21:47,623 I want you to know that I accept you, Topa, 1005 01:21:48,332 --> 01:21:51,001 exactly as you are. 1006 01:21:52,002 --> 01:21:54,171 And I am proud... 1007 01:21:54,880 --> 01:21:57,341 to call you my daughter. 1008 01:22:01,428 --> 01:22:03,639 - I love you, Papa. 1009 01:22:03,639 --> 01:22:06,099 - I love you too. 1010 01:22:25,661 --> 01:22:27,663 ♪ contemplative music playing ♪ 1011 01:22:48,809 --> 01:22:50,519 How is your teepok? 1012 01:22:50,519 --> 01:22:52,730 - It's as delicious as I remember. 1013 01:22:52,730 --> 01:22:54,523 - I am pleased. 1014 01:22:54,523 --> 01:22:57,108 I will prepare it for you whenever you like. 1015 01:22:58,569 --> 01:23:00,111 [door chimes] 1016 01:23:01,572 --> 01:23:02,907 - Come in. 1017 01:23:04,616 --> 01:23:07,035 - Hey. Sorry to interrupt. 1018 01:23:07,035 --> 01:23:09,371 Just wanted to let you know we'll be leaving orbit soon. 1019 01:23:10,080 --> 01:23:12,875 And I also wanted to say... 1020 01:23:13,834 --> 01:23:15,377 welcome back, Klyden. 1021 01:23:17,629 --> 01:23:19,047 - Thank you, Commander. 1022 01:23:20,173 --> 01:23:22,217 - I take it you've decided to stay? 1023 01:23:22,217 --> 01:23:26,304 - We have renounced our Moclan citizenship. 1024 01:23:26,304 --> 01:23:29,683 Our home is here, now. 1025 01:23:29,683 --> 01:23:33,562 - Bortus has told me of your heroic actions. 1026 01:23:33,562 --> 01:23:36,774 Thank you for saving my daughter's life. 1027 01:23:38,442 --> 01:23:40,151 - Bortus and I make a pretty good team. 1028 01:23:44,114 --> 01:23:45,866 Well, I'll let you get back to your meal. 1029 01:23:47,576 --> 01:23:48,911 - Commander. 1030 01:23:52,623 --> 01:23:55,751 Would you like to have dinner with us? 1031 01:23:58,796 --> 01:24:00,631 - He made teepok soup. 1032 01:24:00,631 --> 01:24:01,799 It's spicy. 1033 01:24:03,467 --> 01:24:05,176 - I do like spicy. 1034 01:24:05,176 --> 01:24:07,220 - Then please. 1035 01:24:07,220 --> 01:24:09,431 Sit with us. 1036 01:24:51,139 --> 01:24:53,141 ♪ tranquil music rising ♪ 1037 01:25:21,461 --> 01:25:23,589 ♪ theme song playing ♪ 1038 01:26:26,026 --> 01:26:27,861 ♪ fanfare playing ♪