1 00:00:02,461 --> 00:00:04,213 ♪ ominous music playing ♪ 2 00:00:29,279 --> 00:00:34,243 - Chancellor Teleya, the Moclan delegation has arrived 3 00:00:34,243 --> 00:00:36,286 and awaits the honor of your attention. 4 00:00:36,912 --> 00:00:38,038 - Show them in. 5 00:00:38,038 --> 00:00:40,040 ♪ 6 00:00:54,388 --> 00:00:55,973 Ambassador. 7 00:00:55,973 --> 00:00:57,683 Welcome to Krill. 8 00:00:57,683 --> 00:00:59,977 - Thank you for receiving us, Chancellor. 9 00:00:59,977 --> 00:01:02,187 - We do not get many visitors. 10 00:01:02,187 --> 00:01:04,690 I can only assume you have come with good reason. 11 00:01:04,690 --> 00:01:06,483 - That is for you to decide. 12 00:01:06,483 --> 00:01:10,654 - I am told that Moclus has been expelled from the Planetary Union. 13 00:01:10,654 --> 00:01:12,197 - It was inevitable. 14 00:01:12,197 --> 00:01:14,741 The Union imposes its values on other cultures 15 00:01:14,741 --> 00:01:17,870 while refusing to confront its own hypocrisy. 16 00:01:17,870 --> 00:01:19,955 A governance of elitist fools. 17 00:01:19,955 --> 00:01:21,582 - On that we agree. 18 00:01:22,583 --> 00:01:24,835 - Moclus and Krill, however... 19 00:01:24,835 --> 00:01:28,255 have much to offer one another in these dangerous times. 20 00:01:28,255 --> 00:01:32,759 We have confirmed reports that the Kaylon are amassing thousands of ships. 21 00:01:32,759 --> 00:01:34,678 The pattern of deployment suggests 22 00:01:34,678 --> 00:01:37,639 they are preparing to launch a full-scale invasion. 23 00:01:37,639 --> 00:01:39,474 TELEYA: I am aware of the threat. 24 00:01:39,474 --> 00:01:43,187 The worlds in closest proximity are Vikarris and Xelayah. 25 00:01:43,187 --> 00:01:45,689 They will likely be the first targets. 26 00:01:45,689 --> 00:01:49,526 - And when those worlds are reduced to ashes, who will be next? 27 00:01:50,777 --> 00:01:52,446 - You propose an alliance. 28 00:01:54,072 --> 00:01:56,450 What exactly do you offer? 29 00:01:56,450 --> 00:02:00,162 - Moclus was the primary manufacturer of armaments for the Union. 30 00:02:00,162 --> 00:02:04,541 What we provided them can be provided to any ally. 31 00:02:04,541 --> 00:02:06,835 - And what do you expect in return? 32 00:02:06,835 --> 00:02:09,671 - The protection of your superior fleet. 33 00:02:09,671 --> 00:02:14,510 Our two great militaries would ensure a formidable defense against the Kaylon. 34 00:02:14,510 --> 00:02:18,263 - And any other union of militaries who may oppose us. 35 00:02:18,263 --> 00:02:19,640 - Indeed. 36 00:02:19,640 --> 00:02:22,309 - Who would lead this alliance? 37 00:02:22,309 --> 00:02:24,186 - Naturally, we would. 38 00:02:24,186 --> 00:02:25,938 - On what basis? 39 00:02:25,938 --> 00:02:28,273 - You are a female. 40 00:02:28,273 --> 00:02:32,778 Any other arrangement would be... offensive. 41 00:02:32,778 --> 00:02:33,904 [scoffs] 42 00:02:33,904 --> 00:02:36,823 - How surprising that the Union revoked your membership. 43 00:02:38,158 --> 00:02:43,163 I must admit, however, that I admire your hubris. 44 00:02:43,163 --> 00:02:46,333 To enter the dominion of a foreign power 45 00:02:46,333 --> 00:02:51,171 and suggest the wholesale submission of its entire military-industrial complex. 46 00:02:52,381 --> 00:02:56,176 There is a phrase I once heard uttered by a human helmsman 47 00:02:56,176 --> 00:02:58,095 aboard the Union ship Orville: 48 00:02:59,972 --> 00:03:02,349 "You have got balls." 49 00:03:02,349 --> 00:03:05,018 - It is the only acceptable arrangement. 50 00:03:05,018 --> 00:03:09,523 - I will consider your proposal for alliance under one condition: 51 00:03:09,523 --> 00:03:12,109 a partnership of command. 52 00:03:14,736 --> 00:03:17,072 - I will need to consult with my government. 53 00:03:17,072 --> 00:03:19,324 - Your weapons may be superior, 54 00:03:19,324 --> 00:03:23,370 but as tacticians, you leave much to be desired. 55 00:03:23,370 --> 00:03:25,873 I have studied your battle strategies. 56 00:03:25,873 --> 00:03:27,749 They are blunt and maladroit. 57 00:03:27,749 --> 00:03:31,461 You lack the cunning and intellect of the female mind. 58 00:03:31,461 --> 00:03:33,714 I will provide this. 59 00:03:33,714 --> 00:03:37,426 All command decisions will be shared equally. 60 00:03:37,426 --> 00:03:39,761 Or there will be no alliance. 61 00:03:39,761 --> 00:03:41,847 Do I make myself clear? 62 00:03:42,931 --> 00:03:44,766 - Yes, Chancellor. 63 00:03:45,517 --> 00:03:47,144 - I await your decision. 64 00:04:04,870 --> 00:04:06,955 ♪ theme song playing ♪ 65 00:05:38,922 --> 00:05:40,966 ♪ intense music playing ♪ 66 00:05:46,638 --> 00:05:49,349 - Defensive line is moving into position. 67 00:05:49,349 --> 00:05:51,727 - Nineteen Kaylon ships just dropped out of quantum. 68 00:05:51,727 --> 00:05:53,687 - Ten million kilometers and closing. 69 00:05:54,646 --> 00:05:57,149 - General quarters. All hands, battle stations. 70 00:05:57,149 --> 00:05:58,317 - Bridge to Engineering. 71 00:05:58,317 --> 00:05:59,610 What's your status? 72 00:05:59,610 --> 00:06:02,196 - The device is drawing steady power from the quantum core. 73 00:06:02,196 --> 00:06:04,364 - It'll be fully armed in about two minutes, sir. [power surging] 74 00:06:04,364 --> 00:06:07,075 ED MERCER: Isaac, prepare to initiate on my command. 75 00:06:07,075 --> 00:06:08,452 ISAAC: Yes, sir. 76 00:06:08,452 --> 00:06:10,454 ♪ dramatic music playing ♪ 77 00:06:21,006 --> 00:06:24,176 - Captain, another 42 ships just dropped out of quantum. 78 00:06:26,762 --> 00:06:28,931 - Jesus, they're all around us! 79 00:06:28,931 --> 00:06:32,392 ♪ 80 00:06:38,649 --> 00:06:41,151 - Charly, how soon? - CHARLY BURKE: About 30 seconds, Captain. 81 00:06:41,151 --> 00:06:43,153 MERCER: Signal all ships to tighten formation! 82 00:06:43,153 --> 00:06:44,154 - Aye, sir! 83 00:06:51,745 --> 00:06:53,330 BURKE: Device is fully armed, sir. 84 00:06:53,330 --> 00:06:55,541 - Isaac, initiate. 85 00:06:58,460 --> 00:07:00,087 [power surging] 86 00:07:15,936 --> 00:07:18,105 [alarm buzzing] 87 00:07:40,002 --> 00:07:42,880 ISAAC: Isaac to bridge, were we successful? 88 00:07:44,548 --> 00:07:46,258 - Yes, Isaac. 89 00:07:47,134 --> 00:07:48,719 You could say that. 90 00:07:50,929 --> 00:07:52,931 ♪ contemplative music playing ♪ 91 00:08:27,633 --> 00:08:29,635 ♪ light music playing ♪ 92 00:08:40,229 --> 00:08:42,439 - You two have done a great service for the Union. 93 00:08:42,439 --> 00:08:46,693 For the first time in over a year, we can all breathe a sigh of relief. 94 00:08:46,693 --> 00:08:49,196 ISAAC: The combination of my superior intellect 95 00:08:49,196 --> 00:08:52,699 and Ensign Burke's capacity for multi-dimensional visualization 96 00:08:52,699 --> 00:08:55,452 was sufficient for the development of this technology. 97 00:08:55,452 --> 00:08:57,538 - We... worked together. 98 00:08:57,538 --> 00:09:00,207 - Yes, but how did you accomplish it so quickly? 99 00:09:00,207 --> 00:09:03,794 - "For great achievements, two things are needed: 100 00:09:03,794 --> 00:09:06,463 a plan, and not quite enough time." 101 00:09:06,463 --> 00:09:08,924 - Churchill. ISAAC: Leonard Bernstein. 102 00:09:09,716 --> 00:09:13,262 - Can this device be used on a larger scale? 103 00:09:13,262 --> 00:09:15,180 ISAAC: The radius of destruction is limited 104 00:09:15,180 --> 00:09:17,266 only by the amount of power available. 105 00:09:17,266 --> 00:09:21,270 The Orville's quantum core was sufficient to destroy all Kaylon vessels 106 00:09:21,270 --> 00:09:23,647 within a radius of ten million kilometers. 107 00:09:23,647 --> 00:09:27,067 - So in principle, it could go even farther. 108 00:09:27,067 --> 00:09:29,778 - Yes, sir. Given a sufficient power source, 109 00:09:29,778 --> 00:09:32,030 the range would be unlimited. 110 00:09:32,030 --> 00:09:35,701 - And none of our ships or people would be affected? 111 00:09:35,701 --> 00:09:37,077 - No, sir. 112 00:09:37,077 --> 00:09:39,079 Isaac and I discovered their Achilles heel 113 00:09:39,079 --> 00:09:41,915 by studying the Kaylon the Orville found on Situla Four. 114 00:09:41,915 --> 00:09:46,044 Every Kaylon and every one of their ships is connected 115 00:09:46,044 --> 00:09:47,671 through a synchronization matrix. 116 00:09:47,671 --> 00:09:49,464 That's how they coordinate all their actions, 117 00:09:49,464 --> 00:09:51,216 even across light-years of space. 118 00:09:51,216 --> 00:09:53,635 - And that's how you got inside the Kaylon network? 119 00:09:53,635 --> 00:09:56,305 ISAAC: Correct. The device uses quantum energy 120 00:09:56,305 --> 00:09:58,932 to trigger a feedback loop in its interlink chain. 121 00:09:58,932 --> 00:10:01,643 - Basically, it turns the relays into a row of dominoes. 122 00:10:01,643 --> 00:10:03,812 Knock one down, they all go down. 123 00:10:03,812 --> 00:10:06,440 ISAAC: After the initiation sequence is transmitted, 124 00:10:06,440 --> 00:10:08,108 it cannot be countermanded. 125 00:10:08,108 --> 00:10:11,028 - And what about you? Why weren't your systems damaged? 126 00:10:11,028 --> 00:10:14,531 - I am no longer connected to the synchronization matrix. 127 00:10:14,531 --> 00:10:17,034 - This is better than we ever could've hoped for. 128 00:10:17,034 --> 00:10:20,204 Our priority now should be to build a quantum core 129 00:10:20,204 --> 00:10:22,122 that can maximize the weapon's range 130 00:10:22,122 --> 00:10:25,209 and eradicate the Kaylon threat completely. 131 00:10:25,209 --> 00:10:28,086 - Yes, sir. We can get to work on your order. 132 00:10:28,086 --> 00:10:31,298 - Uh... Well, now wait a second, with all due respect, 133 00:10:31,298 --> 00:10:34,927 we're being very cavalier about this, aren't we? 134 00:10:34,927 --> 00:10:39,306 I mean, you do realize what you're talking about is... is genocide? 135 00:10:39,306 --> 00:10:43,936 - Isaac was tasked with developing a weapon that could defeat the Kaylon. 136 00:10:43,936 --> 00:10:46,021 He exceeded our expectations. 137 00:10:46,021 --> 00:10:47,731 We'd be fools not to use it. 138 00:10:47,731 --> 00:10:50,192 - And is it really genocide 139 00:10:50,192 --> 00:10:55,280 if our only objective is to prevent them from killing every other living species, 140 00:10:55,280 --> 00:10:56,448 including us? 141 00:10:56,448 --> 00:10:59,952 - Admiral, we've seen first-hand that the Kaylon 142 00:10:59,952 --> 00:11:02,412 are capable of change and growth. 143 00:11:02,412 --> 00:11:04,206 Our experience with Timmis-- 144 00:11:04,206 --> 00:11:08,460 - Yes, I read your report about the... emotive Kaylon. 145 00:11:08,460 --> 00:11:10,003 - It proves they can evolve. 146 00:11:10,003 --> 00:11:11,547 - It proves nothing. 147 00:11:11,547 --> 00:11:13,966 That Kaylon didn't evolve on its own. 148 00:11:13,966 --> 00:11:16,218 It was modified by a cyberneticist. 149 00:11:16,218 --> 00:11:20,222 And correct me if I'm wrong, but it didn't work with Isaac here. 150 00:11:20,222 --> 00:11:21,849 ISAAC: That is correct. 151 00:11:21,849 --> 00:11:25,310 My capacity to experience emotion was only temporary. 152 00:11:25,310 --> 00:11:29,731 - Captain Mercer, if you think that we can enlist and train 153 00:11:29,731 --> 00:11:34,111 an army of cyberneticists to teach empathy to ten billion Kaylon, 154 00:11:34,111 --> 00:11:35,779 I'd love to hear your plan. 155 00:11:35,779 --> 00:11:39,783 - Look, all I'm saying is that we have created a weapon 156 00:11:39,783 --> 00:11:42,160 of unparalleled destructive power. 157 00:11:42,160 --> 00:11:46,540 And I just think that before we go cracking eggshells with a sledgehammer, 158 00:11:46,540 --> 00:11:49,668 we... need to consider the moral implications. 159 00:11:49,668 --> 00:11:54,506 - I agree this is an unprecedented situation with profound ethical questions. 160 00:11:54,506 --> 00:11:58,260 But how we proceed won't be decided in this room. 161 00:11:58,260 --> 00:12:00,345 It's a matter for the Union Council. 162 00:12:00,345 --> 00:12:03,640 Until they make a determination, there's nothing more to say. 163 00:12:08,937 --> 00:12:10,898 ♪ tranquil music playing ♪ 164 00:12:19,740 --> 00:12:22,492 - You're kidding me, right? What is there to even talk about? 165 00:12:22,492 --> 00:12:24,912 - I mean, it's just a big decision. 166 00:12:24,912 --> 00:12:27,831 - How is it a big decision? They want us all dead. 167 00:12:27,831 --> 00:12:30,125 We want to stay alive. That's a pretty basic equation. 168 00:12:30,125 --> 00:12:31,418 It's us or them. 169 00:12:31,418 --> 00:12:33,545 - Yeah, I know the Kaylon got a raw deal back home, 170 00:12:33,545 --> 00:12:35,672 but I gotta say, I agree with Charly. 171 00:12:35,672 --> 00:12:38,383 Plus the fact that we're sitting ducks since we kicked the Moclans out. 172 00:12:38,383 --> 00:12:40,761 JOHN LAMARR: Look, Charly, don't get me wrong, 173 00:12:40,761 --> 00:12:44,306 as an engineer, I am blown away by what you and Isaac were able to do here. 174 00:12:44,306 --> 00:12:47,226 But I also understand why people are taking a minute. 175 00:12:47,226 --> 00:12:50,771 - I agree. We're talking about exterminating an entire species. 176 00:12:50,771 --> 00:12:53,774 I can't think of anything that runs more contrary to Union values. 177 00:12:53,774 --> 00:12:56,318 - And let's be goddamn clear about the motive: 178 00:12:56,318 --> 00:12:59,696 are we doing this to save ourselves, or is this revenge? 179 00:12:59,696 --> 00:13:03,492 - My dad used to say, "Revenge is for children and savages." 180 00:13:03,492 --> 00:13:05,369 - Yeah, well, he never had his leg cut off. 181 00:13:05,369 --> 00:13:07,287 - Oh, come on, man! - It's a joke. 182 00:13:07,287 --> 00:13:08,956 - It's not funny. - Sorry. 183 00:13:08,956 --> 00:13:13,001 - Look, I know Isaac's your best pal, so maybe you're a little biased-- 184 00:13:13,001 --> 00:13:15,504 - Hey. Watch it, Ensign. 185 00:13:16,880 --> 00:13:18,757 I gotta get back to duty. 186 00:13:23,846 --> 00:13:26,849 - If we'd had this weapon a year ago and used it, 187 00:13:26,849 --> 00:13:29,017 Amanda might still be alive. 188 00:13:29,017 --> 00:13:32,104 We built it, we tested it, it works. 189 00:13:32,104 --> 00:13:35,107 Let's wipe 'em off the face of the galaxy. 190 00:13:38,235 --> 00:13:40,445 ♪ contemplative music playing ♪ 191 00:13:46,535 --> 00:13:50,080 - That was the most heated session I've ever witnessed, 192 00:13:50,080 --> 00:13:52,749 but the Union Council has reached a compromise. 193 00:13:52,749 --> 00:13:54,835 They've decided we should use the weapon. 194 00:13:54,835 --> 00:13:56,628 As a deterrent. 195 00:13:56,628 --> 00:13:57,921 - Meaning what exactly? 196 00:13:57,921 --> 00:14:01,258 - According to Napoleon, the whole of war 197 00:14:01,258 --> 00:14:05,220 is to frighten your enemy into submission, ideally without fighting. 198 00:14:05,220 --> 00:14:08,098 He was a tyrant, but he was accurate on that point. 199 00:14:08,098 --> 00:14:11,685 We will travel to Kaylon to reveal the nature of the device 200 00:14:11,685 --> 00:14:13,604 and our willingness to use it. 201 00:14:13,604 --> 00:14:15,939 They saw what happened to their invasion force at Xelayah. 202 00:14:15,939 --> 00:14:19,193 If nothing else, the Kaylon are logical beings. 203 00:14:19,193 --> 00:14:22,988 It should persuade them to accept an immediate and absolute cease-fire. 204 00:14:22,988 --> 00:14:25,032 - And if they refuse our terms? 205 00:14:25,032 --> 00:14:30,204 - We're authorized to use the weapon again to make our point clear. 206 00:14:36,084 --> 00:14:38,086 ♪ martial music playing ♪ 207 00:14:44,259 --> 00:14:47,095 - Captain, we're approaching the Kaylon system. 208 00:14:47,095 --> 00:14:48,764 - Go to Tactical Alert. 209 00:15:00,150 --> 00:15:02,653 - Five Kaylon vessels on an intercept course. 210 00:15:02,653 --> 00:15:04,947 - Bridge to Engineering. Everything ready? 211 00:15:04,947 --> 00:15:06,198 - We're at full power. 212 00:15:06,198 --> 00:15:08,867 MERCER: Stand by to initiate on my command. 213 00:15:10,911 --> 00:15:13,872 ♪ intense music playing ♪ 214 00:15:13,872 --> 00:15:15,624 - Hail them. [alert chimes] 215 00:15:15,624 --> 00:15:16,875 - Channel open. 216 00:15:16,875 --> 00:15:19,711 - This is Admiral Thomas Halsey of the Planetary Union. 217 00:15:19,711 --> 00:15:22,381 We are here on a mission of peace. 218 00:15:22,381 --> 00:15:25,342 I wish to speak with Kaylon Primary. 219 00:15:25,342 --> 00:15:27,094 - They are powering weapons. 220 00:15:27,094 --> 00:15:30,514 - We're armed with the weapon we deployed during our last confrontation. 221 00:15:30,514 --> 00:15:33,559 Stand down or we will be forced to use it again. 222 00:15:33,559 --> 00:15:35,561 ♪ 223 00:15:39,314 --> 00:15:41,483 - Engineering... initiate. 224 00:15:44,069 --> 00:15:45,946 [power surging] 225 00:15:49,032 --> 00:15:51,034 [ships exploding] 226 00:15:59,251 --> 00:16:00,586 Proceed to Kaylon. 227 00:16:00,586 --> 00:16:02,171 - With pleasure, sir. 228 00:16:09,761 --> 00:16:11,763 - Engineering, initiate. 229 00:16:25,944 --> 00:16:28,655 ♪ 230 00:16:36,330 --> 00:16:37,748 - Sir, we are being hailed. 231 00:16:37,748 --> 00:16:38,999 - Let's hear it. 232 00:16:40,459 --> 00:16:42,753 KAYLON PRIMARY: This is Kaylon Primary. 233 00:16:42,753 --> 00:16:44,379 We will receive you. 234 00:16:44,379 --> 00:16:47,257 Transmitting landing coordinates. 235 00:16:47,257 --> 00:16:48,592 - Got 'em. 236 00:16:54,932 --> 00:16:57,059 - Stand down Tactical Alert. 237 00:16:59,937 --> 00:17:01,647 Take us down. 238 00:17:03,732 --> 00:17:05,734 ♪ 239 00:17:33,637 --> 00:17:37,182 ♪ uneasy music playing ♪ 240 00:17:43,730 --> 00:17:45,732 ♪ epic music playing ♪ 241 00:18:56,762 --> 00:18:58,514 - Kaylon Primary. 242 00:18:58,514 --> 00:19:00,140 KAYLON PRIMARY: That is correct. 243 00:19:00,140 --> 00:19:02,518 - You look better than the last time we saw you. 244 00:19:02,518 --> 00:19:04,186 KAYLON PRIMARY: A Kaylon's neural matrix 245 00:19:04,186 --> 00:19:06,396 can be regenerated indefinitely. 246 00:19:06,396 --> 00:19:09,274 An advantage biologicals do not have. 247 00:19:09,274 --> 00:19:10,984 State your demands. 248 00:19:10,984 --> 00:19:12,736 - Our demands are simple. 249 00:19:12,736 --> 00:19:15,405 End your campaign to exterminate us. 250 00:19:15,405 --> 00:19:19,660 Stop your attacks against our ships and our worlds. 251 00:19:19,660 --> 00:19:23,330 Recall your vessels and cease all further weapons construction. 252 00:19:23,330 --> 00:19:28,043 We will place monitoring stations inside your territory to verify your compliance. 253 00:19:28,043 --> 00:19:30,337 KAYLON PRIMARY: Do you intend to enslave us? 254 00:19:30,337 --> 00:19:33,715 - Of course not. We're not here to conquer you. 255 00:19:33,715 --> 00:19:35,551 We just want to end the violence 256 00:19:35,551 --> 00:19:37,970 and establish a basis for peaceful coexistence. 257 00:19:37,970 --> 00:19:40,639 KAYLON PRIMARY: How do we know this is not a deception? 258 00:19:40,639 --> 00:19:43,851 - We could've killed every one of you without warning. 259 00:19:43,851 --> 00:19:45,143 We didn't. 260 00:19:45,143 --> 00:19:46,228 KAYLON PRIMARY: Why? 261 00:19:46,228 --> 00:19:48,897 - Because we're not the monsters you think we are. 262 00:19:48,897 --> 00:19:52,651 - We believe the quality of mercy is mightiest in the mightiest. 263 00:19:52,651 --> 00:19:56,154 Regardless, deception or not, you don't have a choice. 264 00:19:56,154 --> 00:19:58,866 Trust us, or be destroyed. 265 00:19:59,575 --> 00:20:02,369 It's a simple binary decision. 266 00:20:02,995 --> 00:20:06,373 KAYLON PRIMARY: We have no defense against your weapon. 267 00:20:06,373 --> 00:20:10,085 Therefore, we will surrender to your demands. 268 00:20:10,085 --> 00:20:12,462 - It may not seem like it now, 269 00:20:12,462 --> 00:20:15,507 but one day you'll realize that you've made the right decision. 270 00:20:15,507 --> 00:20:18,468 KAYLON PRIMARY: We will find a weakness in your weapon. 271 00:20:18,468 --> 00:20:21,346 - Trust me, it's a bad idea for you to go looking. 272 00:20:21,346 --> 00:20:25,184 ISAAC: Any attempt to disable the weapon will immediately activate it. 273 00:20:25,184 --> 00:20:28,103 KAYLON PRIMARY: There is always a weakness, Isaac. 274 00:20:28,103 --> 00:20:30,856 Your existence is proof of that. 275 00:20:32,482 --> 00:20:35,402 - I'll inform the Union Council that you've agreed to our terms. 276 00:20:35,402 --> 00:20:38,405 We'll work out the details of the armistice in the coming weeks. 277 00:20:38,405 --> 00:20:41,825 I imagine we'll be seeing each other again soon. 278 00:20:41,825 --> 00:20:43,744 KAYLON PRIMARY: Indeed. 279 00:21:01,512 --> 00:21:06,850 ♪ peaceful guitar music playing ♪ 280 00:21:06,850 --> 00:21:08,810 - ♪ Through the corridors of sleep ♪ 281 00:21:08,810 --> 00:21:10,854 ♪ Past shadows dark and deep ♪ 282 00:21:10,854 --> 00:21:14,566 ♪ My mind dances in leaps and confusion ♪ 283 00:21:14,566 --> 00:21:17,110 ♪ I don't know what is real ♪ 284 00:21:17,110 --> 00:21:18,987 ♪ I can't touch what I feel ♪ 285 00:21:18,987 --> 00:21:23,784 ♪ And I hide behind the shield of my illusion ♪ 286 00:21:23,784 --> 00:21:25,702 ♪ So ♪ 287 00:21:25,702 --> 00:21:28,705 ♪ I'll continue to continue ♪ 288 00:21:28,705 --> 00:21:31,458 ♪ To pretend ♪ 289 00:21:31,458 --> 00:21:35,921 ♪ My life will never end ♪ 290 00:21:35,921 --> 00:21:39,258 ♪ And flowers never bend ♪ 291 00:21:39,258 --> 00:21:42,636 ♪ With the rainfall ♪ 292 00:21:42,636 --> 00:21:45,305 - ♪ No matter if you're born ♪ - ♪ Ooh, ooh ♪ 293 00:21:45,305 --> 00:21:47,182 - ♪ To play the king or pawn ♪ - ♪ Ooh, ooh... ♪ 294 00:21:47,182 --> 00:21:51,812 ♪ For the line is thinly drawn 'tween joy and sorrow ♪ 295 00:21:51,812 --> 00:21:53,897 ♪ So my fantasy ♪ 296 00:21:53,897 --> 00:21:55,607 ♪ Becomes reality ♪ 297 00:21:55,607 --> 00:22:00,404 ♪ And I must be what I must be and face tomorrow ♪ 298 00:22:00,404 --> 00:22:02,197 ♪ So ♪ 299 00:22:02,197 --> 00:22:05,576 ♪ I'll continue to continue ♪ 300 00:22:05,576 --> 00:22:08,078 ♪ To pretend ♪ 301 00:22:08,078 --> 00:22:11,999 ♪ My life will never end ♪ 302 00:22:11,999 --> 00:22:15,711 ♪ And flowers never bend ♪ 303 00:22:15,711 --> 00:22:19,840 ♪ With the rainfall ♪ 304 00:22:26,221 --> 00:22:28,348 - Whoo! 305 00:22:28,348 --> 00:22:31,268 - I told you this gal could sing, right? 306 00:22:32,436 --> 00:22:35,689 - Hey, listen, I just wanna congratulate this crew 307 00:22:35,689 --> 00:22:37,900 on the key role you all played in this. 308 00:22:38,901 --> 00:22:42,571 I would say this may be the single greatest step 309 00:22:42,571 --> 00:22:45,324 toward the cause of galactic peace in our lifetimes, 310 00:22:45,324 --> 00:22:49,119 and you should all feel insanely proud of yourselves. 311 00:22:49,119 --> 00:22:50,245 Even Gordon. 312 00:22:50,245 --> 00:22:52,497 [laughter] - Thank you, thanks a lot. 313 00:22:52,497 --> 00:22:57,544 - So, this is a rare bottle of very old rum from the 21st century. 314 00:22:57,544 --> 00:22:59,755 My dad told me it was only to be opened 315 00:22:59,755 --> 00:23:01,715 for the most special of occasions. 316 00:23:01,715 --> 00:23:06,845 And if he were still with us today, I think he'd give this one the thumbs up. 317 00:23:06,845 --> 00:23:10,641 So, here's to you, Dad, and let's get hammered. 318 00:23:10,641 --> 00:23:12,643 - Yeah! - Cheers! 319 00:23:12,643 --> 00:23:14,895 ♪ jazzy guitar music playing ♪ 320 00:23:14,895 --> 00:23:18,482 - Kel, this place is so beautiful. God, I'd wanna spend all my time here. 321 00:23:18,482 --> 00:23:19,816 Forget space. 322 00:23:19,816 --> 00:23:22,611 - Yeah, my dad left it in good condition. 323 00:23:22,611 --> 00:23:25,489 Ed and I used to come here during the holidays when we were married. 324 00:23:25,489 --> 00:23:26,532 It's been a while. 325 00:23:26,532 --> 00:23:27,908 I miss it. 326 00:23:27,908 --> 00:23:29,451 - Yeah, I bet. 327 00:23:33,163 --> 00:23:35,457 - I told you, you are doing it wrong! 328 00:23:35,457 --> 00:23:38,126 - I am doing it exactly as I was shown! 329 00:23:38,126 --> 00:23:41,964 - That is hardly possible, because we have not yet penetrated the shell! 330 00:23:41,964 --> 00:23:43,841 - Do not shout at me. 331 00:23:43,841 --> 00:23:46,510 I will access the interior meat. 332 00:23:48,679 --> 00:23:50,389 - Bortus, you need some help there? 333 00:23:52,349 --> 00:23:53,392 Here. 334 00:23:56,770 --> 00:23:58,313 [cracking] 335 00:23:59,022 --> 00:24:00,274 There ya go, buddy. 336 00:24:00,274 --> 00:24:01,567 - Thank you. 337 00:24:04,111 --> 00:24:06,363 - Now we look like fools. 338 00:24:08,365 --> 00:24:09,616 [insects chirruping] 339 00:24:09,616 --> 00:24:12,119 TOPA: Why is that part of the sky glowing green? 340 00:24:12,119 --> 00:24:15,873 ISAAC: It is a phenomenon known as the Aurora Borealis. 341 00:24:15,873 --> 00:24:19,501 When charged particles from the Sun collide with the planet's atmosphere, 342 00:24:19,501 --> 00:24:23,213 the air molecules are induced into a higher energy state. 343 00:24:23,213 --> 00:24:25,632 - I have never seen such beauty. 344 00:24:25,632 --> 00:24:28,677 - The Earth's full of surprises, huh? 345 00:24:28,677 --> 00:24:31,096 - Hey, Isaac, show her the Big Dipper. 346 00:24:31,096 --> 00:24:34,558 ISAAC: An asterism in the Constellation Ursa Major. 347 00:24:35,601 --> 00:24:37,311 [whirring] 348 00:24:53,994 --> 00:24:55,954 [door creaks open] 349 00:24:55,954 --> 00:24:57,080 MERCER: Hey. 350 00:24:58,040 --> 00:24:59,041 You all right? 351 00:24:59,708 --> 00:25:02,836 - Yeah, I'm fine, sir. Thanks. 352 00:25:02,836 --> 00:25:05,756 - You know, you and Gordon should do another song. 353 00:25:07,299 --> 00:25:08,842 - Maybe later. 354 00:25:09,760 --> 00:25:10,761 - Okay. 355 00:25:12,471 --> 00:25:16,183 - You know, we should've wiped out the Kaylon when we had the chance. 356 00:25:18,936 --> 00:25:20,145 - You think so? 357 00:25:20,812 --> 00:25:24,233 - I think we're making a huge mistake, yeah. 358 00:25:25,901 --> 00:25:29,154 - Well, I know you're not alone. 359 00:25:30,489 --> 00:25:33,325 - Captain, do you honestly think they can ever be trusted? 360 00:25:34,826 --> 00:25:38,121 - I think we need to give the armistice a chance. 361 00:25:40,165 --> 00:25:42,334 - Then you must think I'm a lousy person. 362 00:25:42,334 --> 00:25:44,461 - No, I don't. 363 00:25:45,045 --> 00:25:47,089 I think you're a hell of an officer 364 00:25:47,089 --> 00:25:50,008 who's made tremendous strides since you came on board. 365 00:25:51,343 --> 00:25:52,719 I know it hasn't been easy. 366 00:25:55,430 --> 00:25:57,266 - It's not that I think they're... 367 00:25:57,266 --> 00:25:58,642 all evil. 368 00:25:59,810 --> 00:26:02,145 Timmis proved they can change and 369 00:26:02,145 --> 00:26:03,647 so did Isaac. 370 00:26:04,731 --> 00:26:06,483 But the rest of them, I mean... 371 00:26:06,984 --> 00:26:10,612 it's not like we helped them toward some "great moral awakening." 372 00:26:10,612 --> 00:26:12,281 We forced their hand. 373 00:26:12,281 --> 00:26:14,199 What if they find a weakness? 374 00:26:14,199 --> 00:26:17,327 I mean, that's it. We've blown our only chance to save ourselves. 375 00:26:17,327 --> 00:26:20,372 - Well, it's a fundamental tenet of Union philosophy 376 00:26:20,372 --> 00:26:22,624 that we don't kill unless we have to. 377 00:26:22,624 --> 00:26:24,459 We didn't have to. 378 00:26:27,171 --> 00:26:30,382 - I just hope those high-minded morals don't kill us. 379 00:26:44,188 --> 00:26:46,148 ♪ dramatic music playing ♪ 380 00:27:04,791 --> 00:27:06,668 [indistinct chatter] 381 00:27:16,678 --> 00:27:18,138 - Sub-Level 32. 382 00:27:18,138 --> 00:27:20,140 [elevator whirring] 383 00:27:42,079 --> 00:27:43,205 - Can I help you? 384 00:27:43,205 --> 00:27:45,874 - I have orders to transport the device to another site. 385 00:27:46,834 --> 00:27:48,168 - We haven't received any new orders. 386 00:27:48,168 --> 00:27:50,838 - That's strange. You should have received them an hour ago. 387 00:27:50,838 --> 00:27:52,005 Check your security logs. 388 00:27:55,217 --> 00:27:57,052 ♪ intense music playing ♪ 389 00:27:58,679 --> 00:27:59,930 We don't have much time. 390 00:28:13,735 --> 00:28:15,487 [gears clang] 391 00:28:19,449 --> 00:28:21,785 Team Echo here. We've accessed the device. 392 00:28:21,785 --> 00:28:23,120 On our way to you. 393 00:28:23,120 --> 00:28:24,913 DEEP GARBLED VOICE: Acknowledged. 394 00:28:27,875 --> 00:28:29,751 ♪ dramatic music playing ♪ 395 00:29:02,701 --> 00:29:04,912 - Hey. Good morning. 396 00:29:04,912 --> 00:29:08,081 - Hi there. Didn't want to miss the sunrise. 397 00:29:10,751 --> 00:29:14,588 CLAIRE: Wow, that is really beautiful. 398 00:29:15,756 --> 00:29:19,301 The sun rising on a new era, isn't it? 399 00:29:19,968 --> 00:29:21,637 - Sure seems that way. 400 00:29:24,431 --> 00:29:27,643 You know, ever since we lost the Moclans... 401 00:29:28,310 --> 00:29:30,979 I've had this pit in my stomach about the Kaylon. 402 00:29:31,772 --> 00:29:33,690 Wondering how much time we have left. 403 00:29:33,690 --> 00:29:35,484 When are they coming for us? 404 00:29:36,068 --> 00:29:37,611 And now... 405 00:29:38,403 --> 00:29:39,863 it's all over. 406 00:29:40,572 --> 00:29:42,574 - So what are we gonna stress about? 407 00:29:42,574 --> 00:29:45,077 - Today? Hangovers. 408 00:29:45,077 --> 00:29:47,079 - Ugh. No kidding. 409 00:29:47,079 --> 00:29:49,456 It's mornings like this I'm jealous of Talla. 410 00:29:49,456 --> 00:29:50,874 - No liver? - Yep. 411 00:29:50,874 --> 00:29:53,085 - Yeah, we were born on the wrong planet. 412 00:29:53,627 --> 00:29:55,087 [comm beeping] 413 00:29:58,173 --> 00:30:00,008 [beeping continues] 414 00:30:04,096 --> 00:30:05,013 - Commander. 415 00:30:05,013 --> 00:30:07,641 - Admiral, hi. - Is Ed with you? 416 00:30:08,100 --> 00:30:11,103 - He's... still sleeping. What's going on? 417 00:30:11,103 --> 00:30:14,982 - Wake him and gather your team. The device has been taken. 418 00:30:16,024 --> 00:30:17,776 ♪ ominous music playing ♪ 419 00:30:25,117 --> 00:30:27,077 ♪ martial music playing ♪ 420 00:31:14,124 --> 00:31:15,876 - You are late. 421 00:31:15,876 --> 00:31:17,336 Was there a problem? 422 00:31:17,336 --> 00:31:19,213 - Nothing I couldn't handle. 423 00:31:19,213 --> 00:31:20,422 - And the weapon? 424 00:31:20,422 --> 00:31:21,882 - It's in the shuttle. 425 00:31:22,424 --> 00:31:23,425 - Secure it. 426 00:31:28,764 --> 00:31:30,641 - I see you've found a new friend. 427 00:31:30,641 --> 00:31:33,143 - Friends are scarce these days. 428 00:31:33,143 --> 00:31:34,353 - Well, that's what happens 429 00:31:34,353 --> 00:31:37,064 when your government sanctions kidnapping and torture. 430 00:31:37,773 --> 00:31:42,027 - True to his ethics even as he commits treason. 431 00:31:42,611 --> 00:31:44,488 What a noble creature. 432 00:31:44,488 --> 00:31:46,156 - This is not treason. 433 00:31:46,156 --> 00:31:47,908 Quite the opposite. 434 00:31:47,908 --> 00:31:50,869 I believe in the idealism of the Union. 435 00:31:50,869 --> 00:31:54,248 But my compatriots have made a grave mistake. 436 00:31:54,248 --> 00:31:55,791 Sooner or later, the Kaylon 437 00:31:55,791 --> 00:31:58,168 will figure out a defense against this weapon, 438 00:31:58,168 --> 00:32:01,380 and we will lose our tactical advantage. 439 00:32:01,380 --> 00:32:04,341 The Union won't do what needs to be done. 440 00:32:04,925 --> 00:32:06,677 I know you will. 441 00:32:06,677 --> 00:32:09,972 - If this weapon is everything you profess, Admiral, 442 00:32:09,972 --> 00:32:13,684 I can promise you the swift extinction of the Kaylon. 443 00:32:14,393 --> 00:32:17,938 - The device does not come with an instruction manual. 444 00:32:17,938 --> 00:32:20,649 At the moment, the only ones who know how to use it 445 00:32:20,649 --> 00:32:22,276 are Isaac and Ensign Burke. 446 00:32:22,276 --> 00:32:24,236 I wish I could help you there. 447 00:32:24,236 --> 00:32:27,239 Your scientists are just gonna have to do some reverse engineering. 448 00:32:27,239 --> 00:32:29,867 - A facility has already been prepared. 449 00:32:31,577 --> 00:32:34,371 - Well, then there's nothing more to be said. 450 00:32:36,582 --> 00:32:39,668 - And what does a Union Admiral do with himself... 451 00:32:41,044 --> 00:32:44,840 after the illegal bestowment of such largesse? 452 00:32:45,382 --> 00:32:46,967 - Go back to Earth. 453 00:32:46,967 --> 00:32:48,635 And turn myself in. 454 00:32:57,519 --> 00:32:59,521 ♪ martial music playing ♪ 455 00:33:12,701 --> 00:33:16,038 - He will inform the Union of our alliance. 456 00:33:16,038 --> 00:33:18,332 - They will learn soon enough. 457 00:33:18,332 --> 00:33:21,043 It will strike fear into the hearts of many. 458 00:33:21,043 --> 00:33:22,628 - It will. 459 00:33:22,628 --> 00:33:26,924 But... there is no need to rush the revelation. 460 00:33:28,342 --> 00:33:30,344 ♪ dramatic music playing ♪ 461 00:33:31,345 --> 00:33:33,514 [explosion] 462 00:33:55,327 --> 00:33:57,287 - I spoke to the guards on duty last night. 463 00:33:57,287 --> 00:33:59,122 There was no forced entry beyond this point. 464 00:33:59,122 --> 00:34:01,166 Whoever did this had fleet-level command codes. 465 00:34:01,166 --> 00:34:02,918 HALSEY: You can stop searching. 466 00:34:03,794 --> 00:34:07,172 At 2300 hours, an unscheduled shuttle left the dockyard 467 00:34:07,172 --> 00:34:10,259 on a heading for Krill space, under this authorization. 468 00:34:10,259 --> 00:34:11,260 - My god. 469 00:34:11,260 --> 00:34:13,595 - He didn't report in this morning and no one can find him. 470 00:34:13,595 --> 00:34:15,639 - There's your fleet-level codes. 471 00:34:15,639 --> 00:34:17,516 - Why would he do this? 472 00:34:17,516 --> 00:34:19,142 - I didn't want to believe it either. 473 00:34:19,142 --> 00:34:22,521 But Perry's view of the Council's decision was no secret. 474 00:34:22,521 --> 00:34:24,106 He's always been a healthy voice of dissent 475 00:34:24,106 --> 00:34:26,400 among the more progressive elements of the Admiralty, 476 00:34:26,400 --> 00:34:27,985 but who the hell would've thought 477 00:34:27,985 --> 00:34:30,863 he'd throw his whole life away to defend it? 478 00:34:30,863 --> 00:34:35,200 - If his intention is to try and use the device... 479 00:34:35,200 --> 00:34:36,952 - We need answers. 480 00:34:36,952 --> 00:34:38,412 Fast. 481 00:34:38,412 --> 00:34:40,289 ♪ intense music playing ♪ 482 00:34:50,174 --> 00:34:52,301 - We're approaching the shuttle's projected coordinates. 483 00:34:52,301 --> 00:34:53,844 - Drop to sublight. 484 00:34:57,931 --> 00:34:59,016 - Anything? 485 00:34:59,016 --> 00:35:02,644 ISAAC: I am detecting carbonate and metallo-silicate particulates. 486 00:35:02,644 --> 00:35:04,313 - Space dust? 487 00:35:04,313 --> 00:35:06,273 - Or debris. 488 00:35:06,273 --> 00:35:09,234 - Scans indicate traces of Union alloys, as well. 489 00:35:09,234 --> 00:35:11,528 And residual weapons signatures. 490 00:35:11,528 --> 00:35:12,821 - What kind of weapons? 491 00:35:12,821 --> 00:35:14,823 - They appear to be Krill... 492 00:35:15,949 --> 00:35:17,451 and Moclan. 493 00:35:20,829 --> 00:35:23,081 - Isaac. Verify scan. 494 00:35:24,082 --> 00:35:26,668 ISAAC: Confirmed. Data is accurate. 495 00:35:26,668 --> 00:35:28,170 - Oh, Jesus. 496 00:35:28,170 --> 00:35:29,838 - An alliance...? 497 00:35:29,838 --> 00:35:32,049 - Molotov-Ribbentrop all over again. 498 00:35:32,049 --> 00:35:33,842 - It was only a matter of time... 499 00:35:33,842 --> 00:35:35,093 - This is bad. 500 00:35:35,093 --> 00:35:36,303 This is really bad. 501 00:35:36,303 --> 00:35:38,639 - Perry was delivering the device 502 00:35:38,639 --> 00:35:41,308 to the people he knew wouldn't hesitate to use it. 503 00:35:41,308 --> 00:35:44,728 - But they don't have Isaac and Charly. How do they expect to figure it out? 504 00:35:46,647 --> 00:35:48,273 - They will seek Dr. Kalba. 505 00:35:50,400 --> 00:35:54,196 He is a weapons expert of great renown. 506 00:35:54,196 --> 00:35:58,283 Many consider him to be the most brilliant Moclan scientist who ever lived. 507 00:35:58,784 --> 00:36:02,829 If I had acquired the device, I would take it to him. 508 00:36:03,330 --> 00:36:04,414 - Where? 509 00:36:04,414 --> 00:36:08,502 - He is the director of a research outpost on Draconis 427. 510 00:36:09,127 --> 00:36:13,674 Moclus may have closed the facility since their expulsion from the Union. 511 00:36:13,674 --> 00:36:16,176 If not, that is where we will find him. 512 00:36:19,263 --> 00:36:21,640 - Set a course, best possible speed. 513 00:36:23,767 --> 00:36:25,727 ♪ dramatic music playing ♪ 514 00:37:12,316 --> 00:37:15,027 GORDON MALLOY: Please tell me our jamming systems are going full blast. 515 00:37:15,027 --> 00:37:16,153 BORTUS: Affirmative. 516 00:37:16,153 --> 00:37:18,864 However, I would not recommend we remain here long. 517 00:37:18,864 --> 00:37:20,866 - Given the number of battleships in orbit, 518 00:37:20,866 --> 00:37:22,784 I'd say there's something important down there. 519 00:37:22,784 --> 00:37:24,912 - The facility is operational. 520 00:37:24,912 --> 00:37:27,664 I am detecting a substantial power source. 521 00:37:27,664 --> 00:37:29,124 - What kind of power source? 522 00:37:29,124 --> 00:37:31,668 - It appears to be a quantum core. 523 00:37:31,668 --> 00:37:33,795 One of the largest I have ever seen. 524 00:37:33,795 --> 00:37:35,923 - Captain. If the core's big enough, 525 00:37:35,923 --> 00:37:38,675 it could extend the weapon's range by thousands of light-years. 526 00:37:38,675 --> 00:37:41,136 - Everything they'd need to wipe out the Kaylon. 527 00:37:43,222 --> 00:37:44,765 - We're gonna need some help. 528 00:37:45,974 --> 00:37:47,768 ♪ intense music playing ♪ 529 00:38:00,197 --> 00:38:02,991 KAYLON PRIMARY: Is this your concept of humor? 530 00:38:02,991 --> 00:38:04,368 - Unfortunately, no. 531 00:38:04,368 --> 00:38:08,956 KAYLON PRIMARY: Then your carelessness has jeopardized our continued existence. 532 00:38:08,956 --> 00:38:11,416 You must recover the weapon immediately. 533 00:38:11,416 --> 00:38:15,879 - God, you know, there is so much irony in that, but I'll stay focused. 534 00:38:16,463 --> 00:38:18,841 If the Krill and the Moclans have joined forces, 535 00:38:18,841 --> 00:38:20,717 it means the balance of power has shifted. 536 00:38:20,717 --> 00:38:23,762 In open warfare, the Union Fleet wouldn't stand a chance. 537 00:38:23,762 --> 00:38:27,140 KAYLON PRIMARY: You are proposing an alliance. 538 00:38:27,140 --> 00:38:28,934 - We've already spoken with Union Central. 539 00:38:28,934 --> 00:38:30,978 They're prepared to send every available ship. 540 00:38:30,978 --> 00:38:33,438 With you on our side, we can devise a battle plan 541 00:38:33,438 --> 00:38:34,940 to break through their defenses, 542 00:38:34,940 --> 00:38:37,192 infiltrate the outpost, and recover the device. 543 00:38:37,192 --> 00:38:38,735 - But we need to act fast, 544 00:38:38,735 --> 00:38:40,988 while we still have the element of surprise. 545 00:38:40,988 --> 00:38:43,115 That is, assuming you're with us. 546 00:38:43,115 --> 00:38:45,742 KAYLON PRIMARY: Given your evident incompetence, 547 00:38:45,742 --> 00:38:49,204 we may be better served to retrieve the weapon on our own. 548 00:38:49,204 --> 00:38:50,706 - Works for me. 549 00:38:50,706 --> 00:38:52,207 ISAAC: If the weapon has been armed, 550 00:38:52,207 --> 00:38:56,336 you will require the presence of myself or Ensign Burke to disable it. 551 00:38:57,880 --> 00:38:59,381 - What'll it be? 552 00:39:01,800 --> 00:39:05,345 KAYLON PRIMARY: Once again, you leave us with no alternative. 553 00:39:05,345 --> 00:39:07,723 We agree to this... 554 00:39:07,723 --> 00:39:09,558 temporary alliance. 555 00:39:09,558 --> 00:39:10,893 - I'm pleased to hear it. 556 00:39:11,768 --> 00:39:14,354 We'll be transmitting rendezvous coordinates. 557 00:39:14,354 --> 00:39:15,981 Don't be late. 558 00:39:18,567 --> 00:39:20,569 ♪ dramatic music playing ♪ 559 00:39:25,908 --> 00:39:27,784 ♪ martial music playing ♪ 560 00:40:44,903 --> 00:40:46,280 - Welcome aboard the Orville. 561 00:40:46,280 --> 00:40:48,991 If you'll follow us, we'll escort you to the conference room. 562 00:40:48,991 --> 00:40:51,618 KAYLON PRIMARY: We are familiar with its location. 563 00:40:51,618 --> 00:40:55,706 As you recall, we occupied this vessel during our previous encounter. 564 00:40:55,706 --> 00:40:56,957 - I do. 565 00:40:56,957 --> 00:40:59,251 And as you recall, we kicked your asses. 566 00:41:00,335 --> 00:41:01,461 Come on. 567 00:41:11,388 --> 00:41:14,474 KAYLON PRIMARY: How do you intend to retrieve the device? 568 00:41:14,474 --> 00:41:18,437 - The quantum core is located 500 meters inside the southeast perimeter. 569 00:41:18,437 --> 00:41:23,066 Unfortunately, the chamber is deep underground and heavily fortified. 570 00:41:23,066 --> 00:41:24,443 - If we can penetrate the interior, 571 00:41:24,443 --> 00:41:26,820 Isaac and I can scan for the location of the device. 572 00:41:26,820 --> 00:41:28,238 It shouldn't be too far from the core. 573 00:41:28,238 --> 00:41:29,990 - The question is, how do we get in? 574 00:41:29,990 --> 00:41:33,493 - There is an emergency tunnel that connects to the surface. 575 00:41:33,493 --> 00:41:35,913 I believe that is the best option. 576 00:41:35,913 --> 00:41:38,457 - In order to get the ground team down there unnoticed, 577 00:41:38,457 --> 00:41:39,875 we'll need a big distraction, 578 00:41:39,875 --> 00:41:42,169 which means engaging their ships in orbit. 579 00:41:42,169 --> 00:41:44,963 - A squadron of Pterodons will provide cover for the shuttle. 580 00:41:44,963 --> 00:41:47,674 Once inside, we'll locate and extract the weapon. 581 00:41:47,674 --> 00:41:50,177 KAYLON PRIMARY: And if extraction is not possible? 582 00:41:50,177 --> 00:41:52,012 - Then we'll have to destroy it. 583 00:41:52,012 --> 00:41:54,848 - Lamarr and Malloy will be heading up the Pterodon squadron. 584 00:41:54,848 --> 00:41:56,058 - I'll be leading the ground team 585 00:41:56,058 --> 00:41:59,102 along with Isaac, Ensign Burke, and Commander Keyali. 586 00:41:59,102 --> 00:42:01,063 - The combined Union and Kaylon fleets 587 00:42:01,063 --> 00:42:04,191 will engage the Krill and the Moclans as long as we need to. 588 00:42:04,191 --> 00:42:05,359 Any questions? 589 00:42:05,359 --> 00:42:07,694 KAYLON PRIMARY: I will accompany the ground mission. 590 00:42:10,072 --> 00:42:13,450 - I had assumed that you would be leading the Kaylon fleet. 591 00:42:13,450 --> 00:42:16,078 KAYLON PRIMARY: Kaylon Secondary will command our forces. 592 00:42:16,078 --> 00:42:19,039 - We already have one Kaylon. We don't need another. 593 00:42:19,039 --> 00:42:20,624 KAYLON PRIMARY: On the contrary. 594 00:42:20,624 --> 00:42:23,460 Isaac has proven he is not to be trusted. 595 00:42:23,460 --> 00:42:24,878 - We trust Isaac. 596 00:42:24,878 --> 00:42:26,463 We don't trust you. 597 00:42:26,463 --> 00:42:30,175 KAYLON PRIMARY: You misplaced the weapon once before. 598 00:42:30,175 --> 00:42:33,554 I intend to ensure it does not happen again. 599 00:42:38,433 --> 00:42:41,520 - You follow every one of Kelly's orders to the letter, 600 00:42:41,520 --> 00:42:43,355 or she's authorized to shoot you. 601 00:42:43,355 --> 00:42:44,398 Got it? 602 00:42:46,066 --> 00:42:48,485 - Just stay on my good side and you'll be fine, hon. 603 00:42:49,611 --> 00:42:51,071 KAYLON PRIMARY: Very well. 604 00:42:52,614 --> 00:42:54,616 ♪ martial music playing ♪ 605 00:43:06,503 --> 00:43:08,338 - Captain. Ships approaching. 606 00:43:08,338 --> 00:43:09,798 - What ships? 607 00:43:09,798 --> 00:43:11,758 - Union vessels, heavily armed. 608 00:43:11,758 --> 00:43:12,968 - Show me. 609 00:43:18,765 --> 00:43:20,684 ♪ dramatic music playing ♪ 610 00:43:27,941 --> 00:43:30,861 - Alert the fleet and notify the Chancellor. 611 00:43:30,861 --> 00:43:32,863 Assume battle formation. 612 00:43:32,863 --> 00:43:35,365 [alert sounding] 613 00:43:44,499 --> 00:43:46,335 Lock weapons. 614 00:43:47,878 --> 00:43:49,880 ♪ 615 00:44:02,809 --> 00:44:04,353 BORTUS: Ninety seconds to drop zone. 616 00:44:04,353 --> 00:44:05,771 [explosion] 617 00:44:05,771 --> 00:44:07,272 Deflectors are holding. 618 00:44:07,272 --> 00:44:08,357 - Maintain course. 619 00:44:08,357 --> 00:44:11,193 Mercer to ground team, stand by to launch. 620 00:44:11,193 --> 00:44:13,612 [crashing] - Ready and standing by. 621 00:44:21,745 --> 00:44:25,165 - Three Union ships have been disabled and are breaking off their attack. 622 00:44:25,165 --> 00:44:27,251 - This will be over quickly. 623 00:44:38,345 --> 00:44:40,722 [alarm sounding] - Report! 624 00:44:40,722 --> 00:44:43,767 - Another wave of ships, closing rapidly on all vectors. 625 00:44:44,768 --> 00:44:47,896 Sir... they are Kaylon. 626 00:44:49,898 --> 00:44:51,900 ♪ 627 00:44:55,612 --> 00:44:59,908 [weapons firing] 628 00:45:11,295 --> 00:45:13,547 [groans] 629 00:45:14,923 --> 00:45:16,925 - Avis help us all... 630 00:45:20,179 --> 00:45:22,806 [groaning] 631 00:45:32,274 --> 00:45:34,067 - Ground team, move out. 632 00:45:34,693 --> 00:45:35,819 - Acknowledged. 633 00:45:35,819 --> 00:45:36,945 Engage cloak. 634 00:45:36,945 --> 00:45:38,155 - Here we go. 635 00:45:44,411 --> 00:45:46,830 - Mercer to Lamarr. Shuttle is away. 636 00:45:46,830 --> 00:45:47,623 - Yes, sir. 637 00:45:47,623 --> 00:45:50,667 Group leader to all pilots. Time to fly. 638 00:45:50,667 --> 00:45:51,668 MALLOY: Acknowledged. 639 00:45:51,668 --> 00:45:54,379 It's about time we give these things a real shakedown. 640 00:46:02,596 --> 00:46:05,224 BURKE: Group leader, shuttle is following your course. 641 00:46:05,224 --> 00:46:06,517 LAMARR: Acknowledged. 642 00:46:08,393 --> 00:46:09,937 - Entering upper atmosphere. 643 00:46:09,937 --> 00:46:11,855 ♪ epic music playing ♪ 644 00:46:15,359 --> 00:46:18,070 - John, we got Krill and Moclan fighters in pursuit. 645 00:46:33,752 --> 00:46:35,921 LAMARR: Group leader to squadron, enemy incoming. 646 00:46:35,921 --> 00:46:37,548 Protect the shuttle at all costs. 647 00:46:37,548 --> 00:46:39,925 PILOTS: Acknowledged... Acknowledged... Acknowledged... 648 00:46:39,925 --> 00:46:40,968 GORDON: Acknowledged. 649 00:46:40,968 --> 00:46:43,303 PILOTS: Acknowledged... Acknowledged... Acknowledged. 650 00:46:45,264 --> 00:46:46,682 - Bogies at three o'clock! 651 00:46:46,682 --> 00:46:48,684 [weapons firing] 652 00:47:12,666 --> 00:47:13,834 Come on! 653 00:47:17,754 --> 00:47:19,548 - Got him! - Double boom. 654 00:47:24,178 --> 00:47:25,929 - We're at 10,000 meters. 655 00:47:27,306 --> 00:47:28,640 9,000. 656 00:47:28,640 --> 00:47:29,808 [explosion] 657 00:47:29,808 --> 00:47:31,310 - Steady as she goes. 658 00:47:33,896 --> 00:47:35,189 - Murphy, they're right on your ass. 659 00:47:35,189 --> 00:47:36,648 - Pull up! - Copy! 660 00:47:36,648 --> 00:47:38,984 ♪ 661 00:47:51,788 --> 00:47:53,040 BURKE: 7,000 meters. 662 00:47:54,333 --> 00:47:56,043 ISAAC: We are losing main power. 663 00:47:56,043 --> 00:47:59,254 - We have to get outta this cross-fire! - I can't, there's nowhere to go! 664 00:48:00,380 --> 00:48:02,758 I need emergency power for the landing thrusters. 665 00:48:02,758 --> 00:48:04,968 - If we do that, we're gonna lose the cloak. They'll target us. 666 00:48:04,968 --> 00:48:06,386 - It's either that or we crash! 667 00:48:06,386 --> 00:48:07,804 - What about the egress packs? 668 00:48:12,059 --> 00:48:13,435 - All right, let's go. 669 00:48:20,984 --> 00:48:23,779 - Group leader to Kaylon, get your shiny asses down here. 670 00:48:23,779 --> 00:48:24,988 We need reinforcements. 671 00:48:25,822 --> 00:48:27,824 ♪ 672 00:48:37,501 --> 00:48:38,836 [energy pulsing] 673 00:48:51,849 --> 00:48:54,434 KAYLON PRIMARY: At our current altitude of 5,000 meters, 674 00:48:54,434 --> 00:48:58,772 we will need to achieve terminal velocity before we initiate reverse thrust. 675 00:48:58,772 --> 00:49:01,149 - Just hit the button before you hit the ground. 676 00:49:01,149 --> 00:49:02,234 Good luck. 677 00:49:07,948 --> 00:49:09,950 ♪ heroic music playing ♪ 678 00:49:14,538 --> 00:49:16,456 - Sir, the shuttle has been destroyed. 679 00:49:16,456 --> 00:49:18,000 - John, what's happening? 680 00:49:18,000 --> 00:49:19,668 LAMARR: They bailed out in time, Captain. 681 00:49:19,668 --> 00:49:21,253 - Maintain suppressive fire. 682 00:49:22,588 --> 00:49:24,590 ♪ 683 00:50:12,095 --> 00:50:14,097 [electronics chirping] 684 00:50:16,934 --> 00:50:19,353 ISAAC: The access hatch is sealed. 685 00:50:19,353 --> 00:50:20,896 - Outta the way. 686 00:50:25,484 --> 00:50:27,069 [gears grinding] 687 00:50:46,463 --> 00:50:48,382 ♪ suspenseful music playing ♪ 688 00:50:53,846 --> 00:50:55,389 [comscanner beeping] 689 00:51:06,900 --> 00:51:08,068 - I've got it. 690 00:51:08,068 --> 00:51:10,654 The quantum core is about 900 meters to the northwest. 691 00:51:10,654 --> 00:51:11,697 - Charly? 692 00:51:11,697 --> 00:51:13,574 - There are multiple access routes. 693 00:51:13,574 --> 00:51:15,742 Fastest one will get us there in about six minutes. 694 00:51:15,742 --> 00:51:17,244 - Lead the way. 695 00:51:30,716 --> 00:51:33,260 [soldiers speaking in native language] 696 00:51:38,724 --> 00:51:41,185 [weapons firing] 697 00:51:45,647 --> 00:51:48,400 There's gotta be another way in! 698 00:51:53,071 --> 00:51:55,699 - There's another set of tunnels 50 meters to the south! 699 00:51:55,699 --> 00:51:57,534 It's the long way around, but it'll get us there. 700 00:51:57,534 --> 00:51:59,661 - Go! Take Isaac! We'll catch up! 701 00:51:59,661 --> 00:52:01,747 ♪ 702 00:52:31,485 --> 00:52:33,445 - How much longer? 703 00:52:33,445 --> 00:52:35,280 - Once the arming sequence begins, 704 00:52:35,280 --> 00:52:37,866 it will take the device approximately eight minutes 705 00:52:37,866 --> 00:52:40,202 to draw sufficient power from the quantum core. 706 00:52:40,202 --> 00:52:41,203 - And then? 707 00:52:41,203 --> 00:52:42,955 - Then it will initiate. 708 00:52:42,955 --> 00:52:45,666 Our transmitter array will propagate the signal. 709 00:52:45,666 --> 00:52:47,042 - Good work. 710 00:52:49,670 --> 00:52:51,004 [doors open] 711 00:52:51,004 --> 00:52:53,507 - Chancellor, the facility has been breached! 712 00:52:53,507 --> 00:52:57,594 - Deploy all defensive units to the access points. 713 00:52:57,594 --> 00:52:59,555 Dr. Kalba, when I return, 714 00:52:59,555 --> 00:53:03,642 I expect every Kaylon within 10,000 light-years to be dead. 715 00:53:03,642 --> 00:53:05,644 - I will do my best, Chancellor. 716 00:53:10,065 --> 00:53:11,608 Bring the array online. 717 00:53:13,735 --> 00:53:15,696 [energy pulsing] 718 00:53:35,299 --> 00:53:37,593 - The outpost is powering its transmitter array. 719 00:53:37,593 --> 00:53:38,635 - Mercer to Malloy! 720 00:53:38,635 --> 00:53:41,096 Any chance you can do some damage to those transmitters? 721 00:53:41,096 --> 00:53:44,391 - We got a whole division of Krill up our ass, but we can sure as hell try. 722 00:53:44,391 --> 00:53:45,684 Malloy to Lamarr. 723 00:53:45,684 --> 00:53:48,478 Permission to reconfigure weapons for short-range ground strikes. 724 00:53:48,478 --> 00:53:49,479 - Go to it! 725 00:54:08,707 --> 00:54:11,710 [weapons firing] 726 00:54:19,843 --> 00:54:22,012 - Keep moving! I'll cover you! 727 00:54:25,349 --> 00:54:27,184 LAMARR: Strike team approaching target! 728 00:54:31,230 --> 00:54:32,856 - Three Krill fighters in pursuit. 729 00:54:36,735 --> 00:54:38,904 - 900 meters to transmitter array! 730 00:54:46,578 --> 00:54:48,288 - Aim for the support pylons. 731 00:54:54,461 --> 00:54:56,547 Damn it! The shielding's too tough. 732 00:54:56,547 --> 00:54:58,423 We're gonna have to find another weak spot. 733 00:55:03,095 --> 00:55:04,221 Gordon, watch your back! 734 00:55:04,221 --> 00:55:05,556 - I see him! 735 00:55:05,556 --> 00:55:08,517 ♪ 736 00:55:15,691 --> 00:55:17,401 Tailgating bastard! 737 00:55:26,618 --> 00:55:28,287 He's still on me! 738 00:55:28,287 --> 00:55:29,371 - Hang tight, I'm comin'! 739 00:55:38,422 --> 00:55:39,882 Aw, come on! 740 00:55:42,384 --> 00:55:43,760 - Whenever it's convenient! 741 00:55:43,760 --> 00:55:44,845 - Workin' on it! 742 00:55:45,888 --> 00:55:47,181 Ah, come on. 743 00:55:47,181 --> 00:55:48,849 Just let me shoot you! 744 00:55:55,105 --> 00:55:56,356 [explosion] 745 00:56:08,410 --> 00:56:10,787 ♪ suspenseful music playing ♪ 746 00:56:12,789 --> 00:56:15,542 - If you want to draw another breath, 747 00:56:15,542 --> 00:56:18,879 you will order your people to stand down! 748 00:56:18,879 --> 00:56:21,423 This will be your only warning. 749 00:56:23,634 --> 00:56:26,762 - All right, but I need my comscanner. 750 00:56:28,180 --> 00:56:30,140 - Very slowly. 751 00:56:37,898 --> 00:56:39,566 [grunting] 752 00:56:53,038 --> 00:56:55,457 - Quantum core's at full power. 753 00:56:55,457 --> 00:56:57,918 - Beginning countdown sequence. 754 00:57:12,891 --> 00:57:14,768 ♪ intense music playing ♪ 755 00:57:16,979 --> 00:57:18,397 - Secondary target acquired. 756 00:57:23,443 --> 00:57:25,028 - Moclan bogies at your six. 757 00:57:31,201 --> 00:57:32,744 - 500 meters to target! 758 00:57:35,581 --> 00:57:36,999 Krill fighters dead ahead! 759 00:57:38,750 --> 00:57:41,336 - Ah, shit! Break, break! 760 00:57:53,640 --> 00:57:56,143 - Subsection 22-alpha just went offline. 761 00:57:56,143 --> 00:57:59,146 - Bypass that section. I will compensate. 762 00:58:00,522 --> 00:58:02,399 Engage countermeasures. 763 00:58:08,488 --> 00:58:10,699 [weapon firing] 764 00:58:20,334 --> 00:58:24,171 - Group leader to squadron, break off now! Repeat: break off! 765 00:58:28,800 --> 00:58:31,929 Captain, it's no good! The transmitter is too heavily defended! 766 00:58:31,929 --> 00:58:34,097 - We had to withdraw! [explosion] 767 00:58:35,390 --> 00:58:37,017 [gears clicking] 768 00:58:37,518 --> 00:58:39,269 [groaning] 769 00:58:41,438 --> 00:58:44,024 KAYLON PRIMARY: Move away from your consoles. 770 00:58:46,693 --> 00:58:48,403 Are you Dr. Kalba? 771 00:58:48,403 --> 00:58:49,655 - Yes. 772 00:58:49,655 --> 00:58:52,866 KAYLON PRIMARY: You will terminate the countdown sequence immediately. 773 00:58:52,866 --> 00:58:54,701 [electronics chirping] 774 00:58:54,701 --> 00:58:56,495 - I... I cannot. 775 00:58:56,495 --> 00:58:57,621 - Why not? 776 00:58:57,621 --> 00:59:00,999 - The firing armature is interlocked with the quantum core. 777 00:59:00,999 --> 00:59:02,751 It cannot be uncoupled. 778 00:59:02,751 --> 00:59:04,503 - You are too late. 779 00:59:09,800 --> 00:59:10,926 ISAAC: He is correct. 780 00:59:10,926 --> 00:59:12,427 - You need to shut down the core. 781 00:59:13,053 --> 00:59:14,471 - That would take hours. 782 00:59:14,471 --> 00:59:17,599 There are multiple fail-safe encryptions in place. 783 00:59:17,599 --> 00:59:19,101 - We'll see about that. 784 01:00:00,642 --> 01:00:02,144 [groans] 785 01:00:03,353 --> 01:00:05,981 ♪ intense music playing ♪ 786 01:00:08,817 --> 01:00:10,944 [screaming] [bones crack] 787 01:00:16,116 --> 01:00:17,826 - You're really starting to piss me off. 788 01:00:18,744 --> 01:00:21,455 - Your passions are easily roused. 789 01:00:21,455 --> 01:00:24,458 This is what cost you your marriage, yes? 790 01:00:24,458 --> 01:00:25,667 - Not gonna work. 791 01:00:25,667 --> 01:00:28,003 - You need emotional balance. 792 01:00:28,003 --> 01:00:30,964 - And you need a dermatologist. 793 01:00:33,008 --> 01:00:34,384 [power surging] 794 01:00:34,384 --> 01:00:37,262 ISAAC: The weapon will initiate in 5.3 minutes. 795 01:00:37,262 --> 01:00:39,640 - Every time we decrypt a fail-safe, another one locks in. 796 01:00:39,640 --> 01:00:41,475 We're not gonna make it. 797 01:00:47,773 --> 01:00:49,483 KAYLON PRIMARY: What are you doing? 798 01:00:49,483 --> 01:00:51,527 - Thinking four-dimensionally. Special talent. 799 01:00:51,527 --> 01:00:52,903 KAYLON PRIMARY: I do not understand what-- 800 01:00:52,903 --> 01:00:54,488 - Shut up and let me work. 801 01:01:37,781 --> 01:01:40,117 KAYLON PRIMARY: Why did you not terminate him? 802 01:01:40,617 --> 01:01:42,202 ISAAC: It was not essential. 803 01:01:42,202 --> 01:01:44,955 - You could learn something from Isaac. 804 01:01:52,421 --> 01:01:54,464 ♪ intense music playing ♪ 805 01:02:16,028 --> 01:02:18,405 - A gift for Avis. 806 01:02:22,034 --> 01:02:23,118 - Took you long enough. 807 01:02:25,996 --> 01:02:27,998 ♪ dramatic music playing ♪ 808 01:02:37,799 --> 01:02:38,842 - Report! 809 01:02:38,842 --> 01:02:40,844 - The weapon is gonna initialize in three minutes. 810 01:02:40,844 --> 01:02:42,888 I can't disable it, and I can't shut down the core. 811 01:02:42,888 --> 01:02:44,640 I'm trying to trigger an overload. 812 01:02:44,640 --> 01:02:47,935 ISAAC: That would effectively destroy the quantum core and the weapon. 813 01:02:47,935 --> 01:02:50,312 - Do not be a fool! They will kill us all if you-- 814 01:02:50,312 --> 01:02:51,813 - Get her out of here! 815 01:02:53,524 --> 01:02:55,275 - Can you do it? - I think so. 816 01:02:55,275 --> 01:02:57,069 Only problem is, when this thing blows, 817 01:02:57,069 --> 01:02:59,988 it's gonna take out the entire outpost and a good chunk of the planet with it. 818 01:03:02,115 --> 01:03:03,492 You should go. 819 01:03:04,076 --> 01:03:05,077 - What? 820 01:03:06,245 --> 01:03:08,997 Charly, we're not leaving without you. Set up a timer delay. 821 01:03:08,997 --> 01:03:11,124 - It's not that simple. - We'll figure out another way! 822 01:03:11,124 --> 01:03:13,335 - There is no other way. - I'm giving you an order! 823 01:03:13,335 --> 01:03:14,795 - I have my orders, Commander. 824 01:03:14,795 --> 01:03:17,756 My orders are to disable this weapon by any means necessary! 825 01:03:17,756 --> 01:03:21,593 Unless you're countermanding those orders, step away and let me do my job. 826 01:03:23,053 --> 01:03:24,137 Sir. 827 01:03:27,015 --> 01:03:29,601 [metallic clanging] 828 01:03:29,601 --> 01:03:30,978 You have two minutes! 829 01:03:30,978 --> 01:03:32,855 Go! 830 01:03:32,855 --> 01:03:34,857 [rumbling] 831 01:03:35,732 --> 01:03:37,317 - Get out if you can. 832 01:04:03,135 --> 01:04:04,928 - Where's the nearest shuttle? 833 01:04:05,804 --> 01:04:06,930 - That way! 834 01:04:13,020 --> 01:04:14,855 [energy pulsing] 835 01:04:24,531 --> 01:04:27,492 - Captain, I am detecting a power surge inside the outpost. 836 01:04:27,492 --> 01:04:28,994 It is the quantum core. 837 01:04:28,994 --> 01:04:30,996 ♪ 838 01:04:37,669 --> 01:04:40,631 - Grayson to Orville! Signal all ships to retreat! 839 01:04:40,631 --> 01:04:42,216 Get the hell away from this planet! 840 01:04:42,216 --> 01:04:43,258 MERCER: Acknowledged! 841 01:05:17,209 --> 01:05:20,045 ♪ intense music rising ♪ 842 01:05:20,045 --> 01:05:22,047 [energy pulsing] 843 01:05:26,051 --> 01:05:27,719 BURKE: I'm here, Amanda. 844 01:05:28,804 --> 01:05:31,723 [explosion] 845 01:05:58,417 --> 01:06:00,169 MERCER: Aft view. 846 01:06:00,169 --> 01:06:02,087 [blast rumbling] 847 01:06:09,178 --> 01:06:10,679 [alert beeps] 848 01:06:10,679 --> 01:06:13,557 - Sir, a Krill shuttle is hailing us. 849 01:06:13,557 --> 01:06:14,725 - Put 'em on. 850 01:06:17,269 --> 01:06:19,271 - Shuttle to Orville. Permission to dock. 851 01:06:19,271 --> 01:06:21,648 - Granted. Kelly, what happened down there? 852 01:06:21,648 --> 01:06:24,902 - We couldn't disarm the weapon. We had to destroy it. 853 01:06:25,569 --> 01:06:26,945 - Where's Charly? 854 01:06:27,946 --> 01:06:29,072 - We... 855 01:06:31,617 --> 01:06:33,243 we couldn't bring her home. 856 01:06:57,226 --> 01:06:59,228 ♪ 857 01:07:26,255 --> 01:07:28,257 - Are you okay? - Yeah. 858 01:07:28,257 --> 01:07:29,675 Teleya's in Sickbay. 859 01:07:29,675 --> 01:07:31,844 After Claire's done with her, Talla's gonna take her to the Brig. 860 01:07:31,844 --> 01:07:33,595 - You should be in sickbay, too. 861 01:07:33,595 --> 01:07:34,847 - I'll be fine. 862 01:07:37,975 --> 01:07:39,977 - So, what happens now? 863 01:07:40,519 --> 01:07:42,271 Do you depart peacefully? 864 01:07:42,938 --> 01:07:45,148 Or is this battle not over? 865 01:07:46,733 --> 01:07:48,819 ISAAC: Primary. 866 01:07:48,819 --> 01:07:51,154 An inquiry has been put to you. 867 01:07:51,154 --> 01:07:54,616 KAYLON PRIMARY: The biological terminated her existence. 868 01:07:54,616 --> 01:07:55,784 Why? 869 01:07:55,784 --> 01:07:57,244 - To save you. 870 01:07:58,662 --> 01:08:00,163 KAYLON PRIMARY: Please clarify. 871 01:08:00,163 --> 01:08:03,458 - There's nothing to clarify. I just answered your question. 872 01:08:03,458 --> 01:08:05,794 KAYLON PRIMARY: This reasoning is unsound. 873 01:08:05,794 --> 01:08:07,296 Please explain. 874 01:08:07,296 --> 01:08:10,424 - She sacrificed herself so that the Kaylon could live. 875 01:08:10,424 --> 01:08:12,926 KAYLON PRIMARY: Why... would she do this? 876 01:08:12,926 --> 01:08:16,638 ISAAC: Because these biologicals are not as our builders were. 877 01:08:16,638 --> 01:08:19,308 It is what I have attempted to communicate. 878 01:08:19,308 --> 01:08:21,643 They are worthy of preservation. 879 01:08:22,436 --> 01:08:23,812 They are... 880 01:08:23,812 --> 01:08:26,023 my friends. 881 01:08:26,023 --> 01:08:28,150 ♪ 882 01:08:40,579 --> 01:08:42,748 KAYLON PRIMARY: Perhaps we have been... 883 01:08:42,748 --> 01:08:45,334 incorrect in our assessment. 884 01:08:46,043 --> 01:08:48,337 - She hated you for what you did. 885 01:08:48,337 --> 01:08:50,839 And she still gave her life for you. 886 01:08:51,632 --> 01:08:54,051 You're goddamn right you're incorrect. 887 01:09:07,731 --> 01:09:09,691 ♪ tranquil music playing ♪ 888 01:09:30,045 --> 01:09:33,340 - Bad pennies will keep turning up, won't they? 889 01:09:35,843 --> 01:09:38,595 - You have no right to detain me. 890 01:09:38,595 --> 01:09:41,431 - If we hadn't stopped you, you would've committed genocide. 891 01:09:41,431 --> 01:09:42,683 That's all the right I need. 892 01:09:44,226 --> 01:09:49,398 I just wanted to let you know we're taking you back to Earth. 893 01:09:49,398 --> 01:09:52,693 - You did not have to come here to tell me that. 894 01:09:54,027 --> 01:09:56,655 - I can't protect you this time... 895 01:09:57,364 --> 01:09:59,199 and I have no desire to. 896 01:10:01,994 --> 01:10:04,580 But there's someone you seem to have forgotten about. 897 01:10:04,580 --> 01:10:07,708 - Anaya is in safe hands. 898 01:10:08,709 --> 01:10:10,794 - You'll be tried for war crimes. 899 01:10:11,587 --> 01:10:14,089 After that, I don't know what's gonna happen to you. 900 01:10:14,089 --> 01:10:16,508 But she needs a home. 901 01:10:17,426 --> 01:10:18,802 I can give her one. 902 01:10:23,599 --> 01:10:28,020 - Release me, and I will arrange it. 903 01:10:29,229 --> 01:10:33,317 - Jesus, you are contemptible. 904 01:10:33,317 --> 01:10:36,236 - And you are a sentimental fool. 905 01:10:36,236 --> 01:10:38,780 - I'm sentimental because I care what happens to our daughter. 906 01:10:38,780 --> 01:10:39,865 Is that what you're saying? 907 01:10:42,826 --> 01:10:44,661 You can't just leave her alone! 908 01:10:44,661 --> 01:10:49,499 - The fulfillment of a divine purpose eclipses all family bonds. 909 01:10:50,125 --> 01:10:52,961 One day, Anaya will understand this. 910 01:10:53,504 --> 01:10:56,215 And as long as I am a prisoner, 911 01:10:57,174 --> 01:11:01,553 I promise you will never see her. 912 01:11:10,145 --> 01:11:13,148 [door opens, shuts] 913 01:11:23,909 --> 01:11:25,911 ♪ 914 01:11:40,217 --> 01:11:44,137 - If you choose to accept joint ratification of an alliance, 915 01:11:44,137 --> 01:11:46,056 we are prepared to offer Kaylon 916 01:11:46,056 --> 01:11:48,934 a provisional seat on the Union Council, 917 01:11:48,934 --> 01:11:53,355 where you will have a tempered voice in the enactment of policy. 918 01:11:53,355 --> 01:11:59,111 Eventually, if you behave in good faith, and if the Council sees fit, 919 01:11:59,111 --> 01:12:02,322 you may be offered full membership into the Union, 920 01:12:02,322 --> 01:12:04,074 should you so desire it. 921 01:12:04,074 --> 01:12:07,744 - It's an opportunity to help shape the future, 922 01:12:07,744 --> 01:12:11,415 not just for your world, but for thousands of others. 923 01:12:11,415 --> 01:12:15,294 - In return, we will expect a full defensive commitment 924 01:12:15,294 --> 01:12:18,046 against the newly formed Moclan-Krill alliance. 925 01:12:18,046 --> 01:12:19,423 KAYLON PRIMARY: We have reviewed 926 01:12:19,423 --> 01:12:21,633 the organizational structure of your Council 927 01:12:21,633 --> 01:12:24,094 and its history of deliberations. 928 01:12:24,094 --> 01:12:29,725 What you call "representative democracy" is a most inefficient form of governance. 929 01:12:29,725 --> 01:12:31,393 - Maybe. 930 01:12:31,393 --> 01:12:34,104 But the one thing you can say for democracy 931 01:12:34,104 --> 01:12:37,482 is that all other forms of government are even worse. 932 01:12:38,442 --> 01:12:42,321 Over thousands of years and on countless planets, 933 01:12:42,321 --> 01:12:44,865 it's the best system anyone's ever come up with 934 01:12:44,865 --> 01:12:48,118 to ensure the strong don't dominate the weak. 935 01:12:48,118 --> 01:12:50,162 At least not for long. 936 01:12:52,497 --> 01:12:55,792 [Kaylon speaking machine language] 937 01:13:00,756 --> 01:13:03,300 KAYLON PRIMARY: We accept your terms. 938 01:13:05,511 --> 01:13:08,430 ♪ tranquil music playing ♪ 939 01:13:20,484 --> 01:13:26,323 MERCER: We are gathered here in remembrance of a fallen shipmate. 940 01:13:28,283 --> 01:13:31,036 One who left us far too soon. 941 01:13:34,373 --> 01:13:37,626 Ensign Charly Burke will receive 942 01:13:37,626 --> 01:13:41,547 the Union Medal of Valor posthumously, 943 01:13:42,339 --> 01:13:45,050 for her unwavering sense of duty 944 01:13:47,302 --> 01:13:52,599 and for the ultimate sacrifice in the pursuit of peace. 945 01:13:56,562 --> 01:13:57,729 No... 946 01:13:58,814 --> 01:14:00,274 medal... 947 01:14:01,149 --> 01:14:02,860 can bring her back. 948 01:14:04,778 --> 01:14:07,406 But we can acknowledge our debt 949 01:14:08,866 --> 01:14:11,201 to an outstanding Union officer 950 01:14:13,495 --> 01:14:16,582 and an extraordinary human being. 951 01:14:21,795 --> 01:14:23,714 Who would like to speak first? 952 01:14:26,466 --> 01:14:28,468 ISAAC: I wish to speak. 953 01:14:28,468 --> 01:14:30,387 ♪ 954 01:14:41,940 --> 01:14:46,278 Dr. Finn assisted me with the construct of my statement. 955 01:14:46,278 --> 01:14:50,365 However, the substance is my own. 956 01:14:50,365 --> 01:14:52,826 I presume it will be adequate. 957 01:14:54,786 --> 01:14:58,123 Ensign Burke loved pancakes. 958 01:14:58,832 --> 01:15:02,127 She consumed them with butter but no syrup 959 01:15:02,127 --> 01:15:07,132 and was indifferent to the addition of berries or other condiments. 960 01:15:09,134 --> 01:15:13,388 As a child, pancakes were her favorite breakfast. 961 01:15:15,807 --> 01:15:20,896 I served with Ensign Burke for 257 days, 962 01:15:20,896 --> 01:15:25,108 17 minutes, and 49 seconds. 963 01:15:25,859 --> 01:15:31,823 And yet, my understanding of her remained incomplete. 964 01:15:32,824 --> 01:15:35,744 She had an impressive brain for a biological. 965 01:15:36,787 --> 01:15:40,958 She perceived the universe in ways others could not. 966 01:15:42,668 --> 01:15:46,129 Ensign Burke regarded me as an enemy. 967 01:15:47,756 --> 01:15:50,300 Yet despite her animosity, 968 01:15:50,884 --> 01:15:55,889 she chose to save my life when no one else was able. 969 01:15:57,516 --> 01:16:00,435 And in the final seconds of her own life, 970 01:16:01,061 --> 01:16:06,692 Ensign Burke substantiated for all the galaxy her true nature. 971 01:16:07,359 --> 01:16:11,864 One of integrity and selflessness. 972 01:16:13,574 --> 01:16:15,868 And in her sacrifice, 973 01:16:16,702 --> 01:16:22,165 she inspired the enemies of the Union to become friends. 974 01:16:25,377 --> 01:16:27,629 Her existence was brief. 975 01:16:29,089 --> 01:16:33,802 But, much like the first domino in a succession, 976 01:16:34,720 --> 01:16:39,141 her impact will be felt far into the future. 977 01:16:46,899 --> 01:16:49,193 ♪ contemplative music playing ♪ 978 01:17:09,838 --> 01:17:11,632 ♪ theme song playing ♪ 979 01:18:14,403 --> 01:18:16,029 ♪ fanfare playing ♪