1 00:00:11,625 --> 00:00:14,875 THE DISTINCTION BETWEEN PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE 2 00:00:15,000 --> 00:00:17,917 IS ONLY A STUBBORNLY PERSISTENT ILLUSION. ALBERT EINSTEIN 3 00:00:24,708 --> 00:00:30,417 We trust that time is linear. 4 00:00:33,417 --> 00:00:38,125 That it proceeds eternally, uniformly. 5 00:00:39,083 --> 00:00:40,500 Into infinity. 6 00:00:44,542 --> 00:00:49,833 But the distinction between past, present 7 00:00:49,917 --> 00:00:51,667 and future 8 00:00:52,208 --> 00:00:54,833 is nothing but an illusion. 9 00:00:57,042 --> 00:01:02,792 Yesterday, today and tomorrow are not consecutive, 10 00:01:03,667 --> 00:01:09,125 they are connected in a never-ending circle. 11 00:01:10,625 --> 00:01:14,708 Everything is connected. 12 00:01:23,708 --> 00:01:26,750 JUNE 21, 2019 13 00:02:26,125 --> 00:02:28,833 DO NOT OPEN BEFORE NOVEMBER 4, 10:13 P.M. 14 00:04:39,667 --> 00:04:44,333 SECRETS 15 00:04:45,583 --> 00:04:49,375 NOVEMBER 4, 2019 16 00:05:13,000 --> 00:05:14,033 Fuck. 17 00:05:15,000 --> 00:05:16,417 Mom. 18 00:05:19,083 --> 00:05:20,142 Mom! 19 00:05:22,333 --> 00:05:25,125 You'd think by 16, they'd know how to make toast. 20 00:05:27,042 --> 00:05:28,167 Mom! 21 00:05:28,250 --> 00:05:30,083 The power's out again. 22 00:05:31,542 --> 00:05:32,583 Mom! 23 00:05:36,625 --> 00:05:38,375 Thanks for breakfast. 24 00:05:49,167 --> 00:05:50,917 Coming to the meeting tonight? 25 00:05:52,542 --> 00:05:53,833 I don't know. 26 00:05:54,375 --> 00:05:56,917 - Katharina will be there. - And I'll be there. 27 00:05:57,833 --> 00:05:59,667 Yes, you'll be there. 28 00:05:59,750 --> 00:06:01,208 That's right. 29 00:06:10,792 --> 00:06:11,833 Ulrich. 30 00:06:12,500 --> 00:06:13,750 I love you. 31 00:06:26,208 --> 00:06:27,583 You're beautiful. 32 00:07:37,042 --> 00:07:38,792 MISSING 33 00:07:56,000 --> 00:07:59,125 WINDEN CAVES 0.6 MILES 34 00:08:16,875 --> 00:08:17,875 How was it? 35 00:08:19,000 --> 00:08:21,250 How have you been these last two months? 36 00:08:27,042 --> 00:08:29,917 You don't have to talk about it if you don't want. 37 00:08:31,083 --> 00:08:33,667 I read the notes from your therapy sessions. 38 00:08:34,375 --> 00:08:37,500 You did pretty good, especially in the group sessions. 39 00:08:39,458 --> 00:08:40,458 I still see him. 40 00:08:43,042 --> 00:08:44,042 In your dreams? 41 00:08:47,458 --> 00:08:48,875 Why do you think you see him? 42 00:08:50,625 --> 00:08:52,958 As my therapist, shouldn't you tell me? 43 00:08:54,042 --> 00:08:55,542 Are you taking your meds? 44 00:09:00,792 --> 00:09:02,792 I think he's trying to tell me something. 45 00:09:03,792 --> 00:09:06,500 Or maybe I just want him to tell me something. 46 00:09:06,583 --> 00:09:08,292 What do you think that might be? 47 00:09:15,208 --> 00:09:16,875 What do I think it might be? 48 00:09:17,708 --> 00:09:18,708 Why? 49 00:09:19,542 --> 00:09:20,833 Why he left? 50 00:09:21,458 --> 00:09:23,083 Why like that? 51 00:09:23,708 --> 00:09:26,167 Why he fucking hanged himself? 52 00:09:26,250 --> 00:09:28,333 And why he didn't leave a word? 53 00:09:28,417 --> 00:09:30,583 Nothing to explain this fucking crap! 54 00:09:42,583 --> 00:09:45,333 DO NOT OPEN BEFORE NOVEMBER 4, 10:13 P.M. 55 00:09:56,042 --> 00:09:59,542 The Winden nuclear power plant has a long history. 56 00:09:59,625 --> 00:10:04,625 Plans to erect the nuclear power plant go back as far as 1953. 57 00:10:04,708 --> 00:10:06,951 Construction was first authorized in 1960 58 00:10:06,952 --> 00:10:09,333 after the Atomic Energy Act was passed. 59 00:10:09,417 --> 00:10:11,490 As part of the government's staggered plan 60 00:10:11,491 --> 00:10:13,875 to phase out nuclear energy, 61 00:10:13,958 --> 00:10:18,000 the Winden power plant will be taken off the grid in 2020, 62 00:10:18,083 --> 00:10:20,314 making it one of Germany's power plants 63 00:10:20,315 --> 00:10:22,958 with the longest failure-free operation. 64 00:10:28,958 --> 00:10:31,250 Mikkel, you're not going to school like that. 65 00:10:31,333 --> 00:10:33,500 A good magician needs a distinctive style. 66 00:10:33,583 --> 00:10:35,583 Change your clothes. Thank you. 67 00:10:35,667 --> 00:10:37,458 These are my work clothes. 68 00:10:37,917 --> 00:10:39,500 And school sucks! 69 00:10:39,583 --> 00:10:41,792 I'm sure the great Hodini went to school. 70 00:10:41,875 --> 00:10:44,375 - Houdini! It's not that hard! - Come have breakfast. 71 00:10:44,458 --> 00:10:47,458 - The greatest magician ever. - Are you sure he's not adopted? 72 00:10:47,542 --> 00:10:50,333 - And his name is Houdini! - Same crap every morning. 73 00:10:51,417 --> 00:10:53,250 Mom, where's my black hoodie? 74 00:10:53,333 --> 00:10:55,208 I don't know. Maybe with the jackets. 75 00:10:55,292 --> 00:10:57,167 Magnus, stop trampling like that! 76 00:10:57,250 --> 00:10:59,083 - Morning, Mikkel. - Good morning. 77 00:10:59,167 --> 00:11:01,333 Ulrich! Why did it take so long? 78 00:11:01,417 --> 00:11:04,458 First day of school. A huge line at the bakery. 79 00:11:04,667 --> 00:11:07,333 The Apocalypse is upon us. You coming to eat? 80 00:11:07,417 --> 00:11:09,042 It's not with the jackets. 81 00:11:09,125 --> 00:11:10,292 Ouch! 82 00:11:10,375 --> 00:11:14,375 - Then maybe it's in your gym bag. - What's going on here now? Magnus? 83 00:11:15,542 --> 00:11:18,125 - Breakfast. - Mom, I'm on hunger strike. 84 00:11:18,208 --> 00:11:19,710 I won't stuff my face as long as 85 00:11:19,711 --> 00:11:21,917 a child starves to death every ten seconds. 86 00:11:22,042 --> 00:11:23,167 I will. 87 00:11:23,792 --> 00:11:25,750 The damn hoodie isn't in the bag. 88 00:11:28,458 --> 00:11:30,542 - Did you steal my hoodie? - No, I did not! 89 00:11:30,625 --> 00:11:34,208 - Can't you stop arguing for once? - Mom, I didn't do anything. 90 00:11:34,583 --> 00:11:37,625 - Where can it be? - Can I please have my lines back? 91 00:11:38,833 --> 00:11:41,292 Magnus, maybe it's up in the laundry. 92 00:11:41,375 --> 00:11:43,458 Martha, starving won't help anyone. 93 00:11:43,542 --> 00:11:46,167 Mikkel, get changed now. Last warning! 94 00:11:46,250 --> 00:11:48,667 - Or we'll be late. - Whose idea was it to have kids? 95 00:11:48,750 --> 00:11:51,500 - Can you please open this? - You're in the way! 96 00:11:52,792 --> 00:11:54,292 Did you understand me? 97 00:11:55,583 --> 00:11:57,167 All right then, Houdini. 98 00:11:59,833 --> 00:12:01,917 One last trick, then off to school. 99 00:12:02,042 --> 00:12:04,583 Fine, then everyone can do as they wish. 100 00:12:06,458 --> 00:12:07,458 Found it! 101 00:12:13,042 --> 00:12:14,042 Okay. 102 00:12:14,875 --> 00:12:15,875 There... 103 00:12:16,500 --> 00:12:17,500 and there. 104 00:12:30,292 --> 00:12:32,667 Amazing! How did you do that? 105 00:12:33,250 --> 00:12:35,083 Dad, the question isn't how, 106 00:12:35,583 --> 00:12:37,208 the question is when. 107 00:12:51,750 --> 00:12:52,750 Hey! 108 00:12:53,958 --> 00:12:55,667 Welcome back to the madhouse. 109 00:12:55,750 --> 00:12:57,583 It was damn boring without you here. 110 00:13:00,750 --> 00:13:04,000 - Hey, what the hell are you staring at? - What a freak. 111 00:13:04,500 --> 00:13:05,833 What idiots. 112 00:13:06,750 --> 00:13:08,000 Did you tell anyone? 113 00:13:09,458 --> 00:13:12,833 I told everyone you were on a two-month school exchange in France, 114 00:13:12,917 --> 00:13:15,083 playing hide-the-baguette. 115 00:13:23,250 --> 00:13:25,167 Relax. Come on. 116 00:13:25,250 --> 00:13:27,292 It'll be fine. Let's go. 117 00:13:28,125 --> 00:13:29,208 Come on. 118 00:13:30,042 --> 00:13:32,625 - What about here? - You didn't miss much. 119 00:13:32,708 --> 00:13:34,542 Except for the thing with Erik. 120 00:13:42,125 --> 00:13:43,667 You don't give a shit! 121 00:13:43,750 --> 00:13:47,042 Why is nobody doing anything? Where is our son? Where is Erik? 122 00:13:47,583 --> 00:13:48,792 Mr. Obendorf. 123 00:13:49,250 --> 00:13:52,875 No one is unimportant to us here. We've done 172 interviews. 124 00:13:52,958 --> 00:13:56,500 We've questioned neighbors and friends, combed the entire forest, 125 00:13:56,583 --> 00:13:59,375 searched the houses and basements of nearby residents. 126 00:13:59,458 --> 00:14:02,583 23 officers and over 50 volunteers 127 00:14:02,667 --> 00:14:04,625 have been searching for your son for days. 128 00:14:04,708 --> 00:14:07,792 We're doing our job. And we'll do it better if you calm down. 129 00:14:07,875 --> 00:14:10,167 - You're not doing shit! - Hey! 130 00:14:11,208 --> 00:14:13,292 Calm down! Stop. Calm down now. 131 00:14:13,375 --> 00:14:14,875 Hey! Come now. 132 00:14:15,583 --> 00:14:16,792 Listen. 133 00:14:17,250 --> 00:14:20,542 We can't rule out the possibility that no crime has been committed. 134 00:14:20,625 --> 00:14:23,917 - What's that supposed to mean? - Maybe Erik left voluntarily. 135 00:14:24,042 --> 00:14:25,250 He's done it before. 136 00:14:25,333 --> 00:14:28,417 But when he ran away, he always came back after two days. 137 00:14:28,500 --> 00:14:32,000 - He'd sleep in the basement or wherever. - It's been 13 days. 138 00:14:33,417 --> 00:14:35,875 It's been 13 days now. 139 00:14:39,708 --> 00:14:41,208 We'll find your son, I promise. 140 00:14:42,708 --> 00:14:44,833 Now go home. Okay? 141 00:14:45,417 --> 00:14:46,625 Go home. 142 00:15:39,458 --> 00:15:40,458 Franziska. 143 00:15:41,000 --> 00:15:42,083 Magnus. 144 00:15:42,833 --> 00:15:44,375 Shouldn't you be with the geeks? 145 00:15:44,833 --> 00:15:48,542 Should the principal's son be smoking a joint on school grounds? 146 00:15:56,750 --> 00:15:58,083 Especially such bad weed. 147 00:16:11,708 --> 00:16:15,750 Assemblies like this are for idiots. They need to get rid of them. 148 00:16:34,833 --> 00:16:37,292 Maybe you did miss something. 149 00:16:43,292 --> 00:16:44,292 Hey. 150 00:16:45,208 --> 00:16:46,208 Hey. 151 00:16:48,750 --> 00:16:49,792 How was France? 152 00:16:51,500 --> 00:16:53,208 French. How else? 153 00:17:02,708 --> 00:17:04,917 What a nice welcome. Thank you. 154 00:17:06,167 --> 00:17:09,375 The reason I've asked you to assemble here before class 155 00:17:09,458 --> 00:17:13,042 is because I wanted to talk to you about something important. 156 00:17:13,500 --> 00:17:14,917 About Erik Obendorf. 157 00:17:16,583 --> 00:17:19,750 You all know Erik has been missing for almost two weeks now. 158 00:17:20,417 --> 00:17:23,583 I want to tell you that if you need to talk to someone, 159 00:17:23,667 --> 00:17:27,667 if you have questions or if you know anything about Erik's disappearance, 160 00:17:27,750 --> 00:17:30,417 you can come to us at any time. 161 00:17:30,500 --> 00:17:32,375 Come to us, talk to us. 162 00:17:32,458 --> 00:17:34,792 There can be no secrets in this matter. 163 00:17:35,625 --> 00:17:36,875 Okay? 164 00:17:38,333 --> 00:17:41,417 No one saw him after practice. Not a trace, nothing. 165 00:17:41,792 --> 00:17:45,167 - As if he vanished into thin air. - Maybe he just doesn't want to be found. 166 00:17:45,250 --> 00:17:47,303 The money under the bed? His phone? 167 00:17:47,304 --> 00:17:48,625 You'd take that if you were running away. 168 00:17:49,542 --> 00:17:51,102 Sometimes people just want to get away. 169 00:17:55,042 --> 00:17:58,417 49 tire tracks on the road between the school and the residential area. 170 00:17:58,500 --> 00:18:00,708 Two of them are from trucks. 171 00:18:00,792 --> 00:18:04,875 There are 21,312 vehicles registered in the district of Winden alone. 172 00:18:06,042 --> 00:18:08,958 - That's all we have. - So we've got nothing at all. 173 00:18:10,083 --> 00:18:11,833 Erik's father drives a van. 174 00:18:12,333 --> 00:18:14,125 You don't think he's involved. 175 00:18:15,333 --> 00:18:18,083 Why are you so certain Erik ran away? 176 00:18:18,417 --> 00:18:20,125 This is Winden. 177 00:18:20,208 --> 00:18:23,792 - Nothing ever happens here. - But that hasn't always been the case. 178 00:18:25,583 --> 00:18:29,000 This has nothing to do with my brother. 179 00:18:29,792 --> 00:18:31,333 Not a thing. 180 00:18:38,667 --> 00:18:41,542 Oh, your mother called the emergency number again this morning. 181 00:18:42,042 --> 00:18:43,958 Maybe you should pay her a visit. 182 00:18:45,208 --> 00:18:48,167 Do you ever wonder where you took a wrong turn? 183 00:18:48,708 --> 00:18:50,650 Where your life became the exact opposite 184 00:18:50,651 --> 00:18:52,625 of what you always wanted it to be? 185 00:19:07,333 --> 00:19:09,792 FOREST HOTEL WINDEN 186 00:19:30,250 --> 00:19:33,917 Hotel Winden. Regina Tiedemann speaking. How can I help you? 187 00:19:44,042 --> 00:19:47,292 I see, but surely there's something we can do. 188 00:19:47,375 --> 00:19:50,250 Temporarily suspend the loan repayments, for example. 189 00:19:55,667 --> 00:19:57,814 Just a slight deferment of payments 190 00:19:57,815 --> 00:19:59,875 until things have calmed down again here. 191 00:20:01,125 --> 00:20:04,917 I have not miscalculated. Are you even listening to me? 192 00:20:05,000 --> 00:20:08,792 Who wants to go on vacation in a town where a child has disappeared? 193 00:20:08,875 --> 00:20:10,375 Would you want that? 194 00:20:10,458 --> 00:20:12,833 I have a family suite available. 195 00:20:12,917 --> 00:20:16,083 A weekend with the little ones? They'd love it, wouldn't they? 196 00:20:16,167 --> 00:20:19,667 You bankers sit on your piles of money and think you can bully people. 197 00:20:20,250 --> 00:20:22,875 I've built up a business here. By myself. Without any help. 198 00:20:22,958 --> 00:20:25,667 My husband and I have been customers of your bank for 20 years! 199 00:20:25,750 --> 00:20:27,958 And now you're pulling this? You stupid asshole! 200 00:20:28,042 --> 00:20:30,125 I want to speak to your supervisor. 201 00:20:31,375 --> 00:20:32,458 Hello? 202 00:20:32,583 --> 00:20:33,583 Hello? 203 00:20:35,208 --> 00:20:36,583 Shit, shit, shit! 204 00:20:44,083 --> 00:20:45,875 A black hole forms 205 00:20:45,958 --> 00:20:47,718 when the center of a star collapses 206 00:20:47,719 --> 00:20:49,917 into itself after a supernova explosion. 207 00:20:50,042 --> 00:20:52,792 Even new neutron matter cannot prevent the collapse. 208 00:20:52,875 --> 00:20:55,375 You know what I've been wondering for days? 209 00:20:55,458 --> 00:20:59,167 If the blackest hole of all is parked in Franziska Doppler's ass. 210 00:21:05,208 --> 00:21:08,125 But, seriously, what I really wonder is this: 211 00:21:08,208 --> 00:21:12,208 If Erik didn't run away, but got snuffed out or something instead, 212 00:21:12,292 --> 00:21:14,458 then all his dope is still in the caves. 213 00:21:16,958 --> 00:21:18,833 He kept his entire stash there. 214 00:21:20,042 --> 00:21:21,792 - So? - Oh, man! 215 00:21:21,875 --> 00:21:24,333 We go in there and... bingo! 216 00:21:26,042 --> 00:21:28,042 - That's bullshit. - It's awesome. 217 00:21:34,292 --> 00:21:36,292 You haven't been here in a long time. 218 00:21:37,417 --> 00:21:38,417 Where's Dad? 219 00:21:39,625 --> 00:21:41,625 You could come by more often. 220 00:21:42,458 --> 00:21:46,458 Mom, if you want me to stop by then call me, not the emergency number. 221 00:21:48,208 --> 00:21:49,958 I saw something in the forest again. 222 00:21:51,042 --> 00:21:53,000 This time very clearly. 223 00:21:53,083 --> 00:21:56,000 A dark figure with a gigantic head. 224 00:21:57,833 --> 00:21:58,833 Mom. 225 00:21:59,458 --> 00:22:01,208 You don't believe me. 226 00:22:02,167 --> 00:22:05,333 There are things out there that our little minds 227 00:22:06,250 --> 00:22:07,583 will never comprehend. 228 00:22:17,792 --> 00:22:20,458 And I found this in the forest. 229 00:22:23,458 --> 00:22:25,208 Mads loved those. 230 00:22:29,375 --> 00:22:31,875 This business with that missing Erik... 231 00:22:31,958 --> 00:22:32,958 FOR MOTHER'S DAY 1986 232 00:22:33,000 --> 00:22:35,042 ... like with your brother, back then. 233 00:22:35,125 --> 00:22:36,750 Everything's repeating itself. 234 00:22:38,250 --> 00:22:40,792 Everything is just like it was 33 years ago. 235 00:22:46,792 --> 00:22:48,792 REST HOME WINDEN 236 00:22:51,292 --> 00:22:52,667 It's going to happen again. 237 00:22:54,458 --> 00:22:56,000 It's going to happen again. 238 00:22:57,458 --> 00:22:59,208 It's going to happen again. 239 00:23:45,500 --> 00:23:47,833 Bullshit. Then you'll go around selling it or what? 240 00:23:47,917 --> 00:23:50,000 No, dude. We'll smoke half of it ourselves. 241 00:23:50,083 --> 00:23:53,333 And if there are capacities on the market, you don't hesitate. 242 00:23:53,417 --> 00:23:55,500 We'll go there and get the stuff. 243 00:23:55,583 --> 00:23:57,042 Easy peasy. 244 00:23:57,500 --> 00:23:59,042 Who's getting what stuff? 245 00:23:59,125 --> 00:24:01,083 We're going to the caves tonight. 246 00:24:02,333 --> 00:24:05,792 - You turning into boy scouts? - Bartosz thinks Erik's dope is there. 247 00:24:06,833 --> 00:24:10,125 Fanny told me they once found a dead squirrel with five legs there. 248 00:24:10,208 --> 00:24:12,042 You'll believe any old crap. 249 00:24:12,667 --> 00:24:14,708 Just because you can't see past your nose 250 00:24:14,792 --> 00:24:17,667 doesn't mean there aren't things going on out there 251 00:24:17,750 --> 00:24:20,917 that the nuclear power mafia keeps secret from the public. 252 00:24:21,042 --> 00:24:22,625 Don't forget to breathe. 253 00:24:24,708 --> 00:24:25,708 Franziska. 254 00:24:26,333 --> 00:24:27,333 Magnus. 255 00:24:29,167 --> 00:24:31,417 - You got a crush on her now or what? - Shut up. 256 00:24:31,500 --> 00:24:33,917 - Hey, idiot. - Okay, what the hell. 257 00:24:34,042 --> 00:24:36,792 - Let's go to the caves tonight and look. - Yeah, dude! 258 00:24:37,708 --> 00:24:38,708 Come on. 259 00:24:52,083 --> 00:24:53,667 Can't even hold out half a day? 260 00:24:54,042 --> 00:24:55,667 Impossible. I'm dying. 261 00:24:57,292 --> 00:24:58,458 You coming later? 262 00:24:59,417 --> 00:25:00,708 I don't know. 263 00:25:02,292 --> 00:25:03,625 Everyone will be there. 264 00:25:03,708 --> 00:25:05,125 Gawking at me. 265 00:25:06,250 --> 00:25:09,958 I'll be in Frankfurt this weekend for training, staying in a hotel. 266 00:25:10,042 --> 00:25:11,625 And... 267 00:25:12,000 --> 00:25:15,042 - Um... Yeah, I thought... - You thought? 268 00:25:17,250 --> 00:25:18,500 Don't think too long, 269 00:25:18,583 --> 00:25:20,208 I have various candidates. 270 00:25:22,625 --> 00:25:24,750 - See you later. - Maybe. 271 00:26:23,500 --> 00:26:24,500 Yes, right there. 272 00:26:25,333 --> 00:26:27,000 It's totally knotted up. 273 00:26:29,208 --> 00:26:30,667 It's supposed to rain later. 274 00:26:31,542 --> 00:26:33,000 Scars sense that. 275 00:26:33,167 --> 00:26:35,625 They can see into the future, so to speak. 276 00:26:36,167 --> 00:26:38,042 The tissue hardens 277 00:26:38,625 --> 00:26:40,292 and cramps up. 278 00:26:41,833 --> 00:26:42,833 Thanks. 279 00:26:50,667 --> 00:26:53,875 Maybe the whole thing is getting to me more than I thought. 280 00:26:58,292 --> 00:27:01,250 In a year, everything here is meant to come to an end. 281 00:27:05,875 --> 00:27:09,833 Nearly 33 years ago to the day when I came to Winden. 282 00:27:10,250 --> 00:27:12,708 I never thought it would end like this. 283 00:27:13,500 --> 00:27:16,333 But there's a time for everything. 284 00:27:16,708 --> 00:27:17,917 Yes. 285 00:27:18,500 --> 00:27:20,292 There's a time for everything. 286 00:27:24,833 --> 00:27:27,625 I'm sorry. About the thing with Michael. 287 00:27:28,500 --> 00:27:31,167 How are you doing? How's Jonas? 288 00:27:34,917 --> 00:27:36,042 Good. 289 00:27:37,083 --> 00:27:38,500 We're good. 290 00:27:42,083 --> 00:27:44,583 It's Hannah here. The power's out again. 291 00:27:44,667 --> 00:27:48,083 I mean, if you want us out of the house, then just say so. 292 00:27:48,167 --> 00:27:50,375 Your grandson hasn't seen you in over three months. 293 00:27:50,458 --> 00:27:52,083 Do you think Michael wanted that? 294 00:27:52,167 --> 00:27:53,542 That's sick. 295 00:27:54,625 --> 00:27:56,042 You're sick. 296 00:28:19,292 --> 00:28:24,083 DO NOT OPEN BEFORE NOVEMBER 4, 10:13 P.M. 297 00:28:55,250 --> 00:28:56,417 Hannah! 298 00:28:56,500 --> 00:28:58,000 How nice. 299 00:28:58,875 --> 00:29:01,042 We haven't seen each other for ages. 300 00:29:03,292 --> 00:29:04,875 How are you? 301 00:29:05,417 --> 00:29:06,500 Okay. 302 00:29:07,458 --> 00:29:10,333 Yeah, well, you know... I'm okay. 303 00:29:11,542 --> 00:29:12,667 Good. 304 00:29:13,375 --> 00:29:15,375 Go inside. I'll be right in, okay? 305 00:30:08,083 --> 00:30:09,333 Hi. 306 00:30:10,042 --> 00:30:11,083 Hi. 307 00:30:17,542 --> 00:30:19,500 Where are Bartosz and the others? 308 00:30:20,833 --> 00:30:22,625 Late. As always. 309 00:30:24,542 --> 00:30:27,875 - The thing with Bartosz... - It's okay. You don't need to explain. 310 00:30:29,458 --> 00:30:30,875 But I want to. 311 00:30:33,542 --> 00:30:36,083 I wrote you a text while you were away. 312 00:30:36,167 --> 00:30:37,667 Not just one. 313 00:30:38,458 --> 00:30:40,250 But I never sent them. 314 00:30:41,042 --> 00:30:43,000 It all sounded wrong somehow. 315 00:30:43,542 --> 00:30:46,000 What happened between us last summer... 316 00:30:47,167 --> 00:30:49,167 - I... - It's really okay. 317 00:30:52,917 --> 00:30:53,917 Something up? 318 00:30:56,375 --> 00:30:57,917 I think I'm having déjà vu. 319 00:30:59,000 --> 00:31:01,167 The light, the forest. 320 00:31:02,125 --> 00:31:04,500 As if all of this has already happened before. 321 00:31:07,750 --> 00:31:09,000 A glitch in the matrix. 322 00:31:10,417 --> 00:31:11,500 What? 323 00:31:11,583 --> 00:31:15,083 If the world is a simulation, déjà vu is a glitch in the matrix. 324 00:31:15,708 --> 00:31:17,792 Or a message from the other side. 325 00:31:19,750 --> 00:31:20,958 I read that somewhere. 326 00:31:25,542 --> 00:31:27,083 I'm glad you're back. 327 00:31:31,917 --> 00:31:34,667 - Hey, what the hell? - Parents' meeting. 328 00:31:35,167 --> 00:31:37,292 Heide's got a stomach bug. I'm stuck with him. 329 00:31:37,375 --> 00:31:39,458 Hi, Jonas. Ultimate fist bump? 330 00:31:39,542 --> 00:31:41,292 Take him back now. 331 00:31:41,375 --> 00:31:44,250 - You take him back. - Relax, guys. 332 00:31:44,333 --> 00:31:46,500 I'm not a baby anymore. 333 00:31:48,208 --> 00:31:49,750 What's the idiot doing here? 334 00:31:51,417 --> 00:31:52,917 Only I can do that, okay? 335 00:31:53,500 --> 00:31:54,875 Ouch! 336 00:31:55,625 --> 00:31:57,250 Well, let's go! 337 00:32:08,625 --> 00:32:10,375 It's going to happen again. 338 00:32:11,542 --> 00:32:13,375 It's going to happen again. 339 00:32:15,667 --> 00:32:17,333 It's going to happen again. 340 00:32:20,708 --> 00:32:23,792 You all know that Erik has been missing for 14 days now. 341 00:32:24,833 --> 00:32:28,250 At this point, we have no new findings to report. 342 00:32:29,375 --> 00:32:32,333 We're also considering that he may have simply run away. 343 00:32:33,625 --> 00:32:38,458 If any of your children say anything about Erik or know anything, 344 00:32:39,417 --> 00:32:40,833 please inform us. 345 00:32:40,917 --> 00:32:43,333 - Thank you, Charlotte. - How long do you want to wait? 346 00:32:43,417 --> 00:32:46,292 I'd like to talk about how we interact at school. 347 00:32:47,500 --> 00:32:50,042 And about which measures we can take to boost security. 348 00:32:50,125 --> 00:32:52,042 What kind of measures? 349 00:32:52,125 --> 00:32:55,042 You heard her say it's not clear that anything even happened. 350 00:32:56,250 --> 00:32:59,333 But we can't rule anything out, including that Erik didn't run away. 351 00:32:59,417 --> 00:33:01,083 WILL BE OUTSIDE IN 5 MINUTES 352 00:33:01,167 --> 00:33:02,917 This alarmist talk is absurd. 353 00:33:03,042 --> 00:33:05,500 Charlotte, correct me if I'm wrong, but in the region, 354 00:33:05,583 --> 00:33:08,167 Winden has the lowest crime rate. 355 00:33:08,250 --> 00:33:10,583 There are no murderers running around here. 356 00:33:10,667 --> 00:33:14,375 - Statistics only give... - But we can't just sit and do nothing. 357 00:33:14,458 --> 00:33:17,667 And just wait around until Erik is found dead somewhere. 358 00:33:25,208 --> 00:33:27,583 What do you guys think happened to Erik? 359 00:33:27,667 --> 00:33:30,750 Kids in our class are saying someone kidnapped him, 360 00:33:30,833 --> 00:33:33,250 and has him locked up in a basement. 361 00:33:33,333 --> 00:33:35,208 Oh, shut up. He just ran away. 362 00:33:35,667 --> 00:33:40,042 But it could be that he's locked up somewhere and can't get out. 363 00:33:40,667 --> 00:33:43,833 Why would someone do that? Lock someone else up? 364 00:33:43,917 --> 00:33:46,208 It's like the witch in Hansel and Gretel. 365 00:33:46,292 --> 00:33:48,500 When she gets hungry, she has something to eat. 366 00:33:49,833 --> 00:33:53,750 No. Even if Mom and Dad tell you that most people are nice, 367 00:33:53,833 --> 00:33:56,667 there are people out there who are anything but nice. 368 00:33:56,750 --> 00:33:59,000 - Like your sister. - You idiot. 369 00:33:59,083 --> 00:34:01,833 My father said good and evil are a question of perspective. 370 00:34:04,792 --> 00:34:06,375 Dead father, bad topic? 371 00:34:08,292 --> 00:34:10,292 And if Erik is no longer alive? 372 00:34:10,375 --> 00:34:12,792 If he's lying dead somewhere and no one finds him? 373 00:34:13,333 --> 00:34:15,042 That would be the worst. 374 00:34:15,125 --> 00:34:17,542 Even if you're dead, you want to be found. 375 00:34:17,625 --> 00:34:20,417 No one is dead, and no one won't be found, okay? 376 00:34:21,583 --> 00:34:23,542 Can we please change the topic now? 377 00:34:24,208 --> 00:34:26,875 The most important thing is that we stick together. 378 00:34:26,958 --> 00:34:28,542 That we pull together. 379 00:34:28,625 --> 00:34:31,542 The most important thing is not to blow this out of proportion, 380 00:34:31,625 --> 00:34:33,958 or we'll have the press in town in a few days. 381 00:34:34,042 --> 00:34:37,083 We know that doesn't quite fit in with your plans, Regina. 382 00:34:37,167 --> 00:34:39,583 If you mean my hotel, this isn't about that at all. 383 00:34:39,667 --> 00:34:42,667 - No? What is it about then? - It's about our town. 384 00:34:43,875 --> 00:34:46,750 Wrong. This is about a missing child. 385 00:34:46,833 --> 00:34:49,917 Who probably just ran away. You just heard it yourself. 386 00:34:50,042 --> 00:34:52,792 Maybe you should just worry about your own problems. 387 00:34:55,292 --> 00:34:57,500 I have no idea what you're talking about. 388 00:35:06,167 --> 00:35:07,583 It's going to happen again. 389 00:35:08,625 --> 00:35:09,958 Helge! 390 00:35:10,042 --> 00:35:12,708 - What are you doing here? - Is it already too late? 391 00:35:14,083 --> 00:35:15,083 Helge. 392 00:35:15,625 --> 00:35:16,750 It's me, Charlotte. 393 00:35:17,417 --> 00:35:19,167 I'll take you back now, okay? 394 00:35:24,000 --> 00:35:25,833 It's going to happen again! 395 00:35:40,583 --> 00:35:42,250 I'm bored. 396 00:35:42,375 --> 00:35:45,542 - Can we please go home now? - Nonsense, we're nearly there. 397 00:35:54,167 --> 00:35:55,167 Jonas! 398 00:35:57,292 --> 00:35:58,292 Come on! 399 00:36:01,000 --> 00:36:02,000 ATTENTION! 400 00:37:28,250 --> 00:37:29,792 Over there. 401 00:37:29,875 --> 00:37:31,458 In the armchair. 402 00:37:46,500 --> 00:37:48,583 - And? - Fuck, dude. 403 00:37:49,208 --> 00:37:50,792 - It was here! - Looking for this? 404 00:37:53,167 --> 00:37:55,792 - What's she doing here? - That's mine. 405 00:37:56,917 --> 00:37:58,750 The definition of ownership says 406 00:37:58,833 --> 00:38:02,208 that possession is nine-tenths of the law, so it's mine for now. 407 00:38:02,792 --> 00:38:05,458 But I'm selling. What'll you give me for it? 408 00:38:05,542 --> 00:38:06,542 A kick in the ass. 409 00:38:08,500 --> 00:38:10,500 What's in here is easily worth 500. 410 00:38:10,583 --> 00:38:13,625 It's yours for 200. Daddy's got plenty of money. 411 00:38:13,708 --> 00:38:15,500 Stop the bullshit. 412 00:38:15,583 --> 00:38:17,000 Just give it to me. 413 00:38:20,042 --> 00:38:21,458 Jackpot! 414 00:38:26,375 --> 00:38:27,417 What's that? 415 00:38:31,292 --> 00:38:32,458 Someone's there. 416 00:38:32,542 --> 00:38:34,000 Oh, shit! 417 00:38:35,583 --> 00:38:37,417 Holy shit! 418 00:38:41,625 --> 00:38:42,625 Shit. 419 00:38:43,208 --> 00:38:44,958 - Damn flashlight! - What is this? 420 00:38:45,667 --> 00:38:47,250 What's that? 421 00:38:47,333 --> 00:38:48,625 - Run! - Move! 422 00:38:48,708 --> 00:38:50,375 - Run! - Go! 423 00:38:51,375 --> 00:38:52,583 Come on. 424 00:39:16,333 --> 00:39:17,417 Mikkel? 425 00:39:18,500 --> 00:39:19,542 Mikkel! 426 00:39:28,208 --> 00:39:29,417 Jonas. 427 00:40:15,542 --> 00:40:17,667 What the fuck, man! What was that? 428 00:40:17,750 --> 00:40:19,625 No idea. Shit! 429 00:40:20,125 --> 00:40:21,917 Man, what was that? 430 00:40:22,042 --> 00:40:23,792 Where are Jonas and Mikkel? 431 00:40:30,625 --> 00:40:32,208 Where is Mikkel? 432 00:40:33,875 --> 00:40:35,458 Where is Mikkel? 433 00:40:36,042 --> 00:40:37,792 Why isn't he with you? 434 00:40:37,875 --> 00:40:39,417 He was with you! 435 00:40:40,833 --> 00:40:42,750 Shit! Mikkel! 436 00:40:44,000 --> 00:40:45,250 Mikkel! 437 00:41:02,917 --> 00:41:04,542 Too late. 438 00:41:04,625 --> 00:41:06,208 We're too late. 439 00:42:36,125 --> 00:42:37,125 Mikkel! 440 00:42:38,458 --> 00:42:39,500 Mikkel! 441 00:42:45,208 --> 00:42:46,292 Mikkel! 442 00:42:49,208 --> 00:42:50,292 Mikkel! 443 00:42:53,208 --> 00:42:54,625 Mikkel! 444 00:42:58,875 --> 00:43:00,042 Mikkel? 445 00:43:01,792 --> 00:43:02,875 Mikkel! 446 00:43:05,750 --> 00:43:06,833 Mikkel! 447 00:44:14,875 --> 00:44:16,458 Do you have anything? 448 00:44:17,875 --> 00:44:18,917 Okay. 449 00:44:22,875 --> 00:44:23,875 Yes? 450 00:44:25,042 --> 00:44:27,292 - Have you found him? - Nothing. 451 00:44:28,292 --> 00:44:29,917 No trace of Mikkel. 452 00:44:32,875 --> 00:44:35,417 - How's Franziska? - Sleeping. 453 00:44:36,667 --> 00:44:38,042 Charlotte, I... 454 00:44:40,625 --> 00:44:41,917 Can we... 455 00:44:43,292 --> 00:44:45,125 I have to tell you... 456 00:44:46,625 --> 00:44:47,625 Charlotte? 457 00:44:47,625 --> 00:44:48,833 I have to go. 458 00:44:49,375 --> 00:44:50,458 Okay. 459 00:44:51,250 --> 00:44:52,333 Okay. 460 00:45:00,542 --> 00:45:04,167 God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, 461 00:45:04,250 --> 00:45:06,486 the courage to change the things I can, 462 00:45:06,487 --> 00:45:08,292 and the wisdom to know the difference. 463 00:45:09,208 --> 00:45:12,000 God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, 464 00:45:12,083 --> 00:45:14,515 the courage to change the things I can, 465 00:45:14,516 --> 00:45:16,042 and the wisdom to know the difference. 466 00:45:30,708 --> 00:45:33,292 Calling all units. At the forest edge at Neuweiher, 467 00:45:33,375 --> 00:45:37,375 elevation F026, two-mile marker, a child's body has been found. 468 00:45:37,458 --> 00:45:40,125 I repeat, a child's body has been found. 469 00:46:19,958 --> 00:46:21,042 I'm sorry. 470 00:47:26,042 --> 00:47:27,167 That's not Mikkel. 471 00:47:32,417 --> 00:47:33,500 That's not Mikkel. 472 00:47:42,583 --> 00:47:47,958 We fall through the time stream ♪ ♪ Then awaken from a dream ♪ 473 00:47:52,125 --> 00:47:56,542 ♪ But a brief blink of an eye ♪ ♪ And then returns the night ♪ 474 00:48:01,625 --> 00:48:06,167 ♪ Somehow the future starts somewhere ♪ ♪ Sometime ♪ 475 00:48:06,250 --> 00:48:08,583 ♪ I won't wait for long ♪ 476 00:48:10,708 --> 00:48:14,208 ♪ Love is created through bravery ♪ ♪ So don't think about it twice ♪ 477 00:48:14,292 --> 00:48:18,917 ♪ We ride on fiery wheels ♪ ♪ Towards the future through the night ♪ 478 00:51:05,542 --> 00:51:10,542 - Synced and corrected by chamallow - - www.addic7ed.com - 479 00:51:10,543 --> 00:51:14,543 Subtitle translation by Nathan Fritz, Peter Rigney