1 00:00:02,254 --> 00:00:04,091 [June] Previously on The Handmaid's Tale... 2 00:00:04,217 --> 00:00:05,637 [Esther] I don't care what they do to me. 3 00:00:06,304 --> 00:00:07,807 [Janine] They're not going to let you die. 4 00:00:08,183 --> 00:00:11,774 They will keep hurting you, again and again, 5 00:00:11,857 --> 00:00:14,153 until you do what they say! That is their job! 6 00:00:14,487 --> 00:00:18,871 Twenty-two of these women worked with the Resistance. 7 00:00:19,455 --> 00:00:20,625 And you can save them. 8 00:00:20,917 --> 00:00:23,673 A prisoner exchange? You can't. 9 00:00:24,508 --> 00:00:25,593 [Rose] Did you see her? 10 00:00:26,637 --> 00:00:27,514 Yeah. 11 00:00:27,806 --> 00:00:29,935 And what she needed to do was done? 12 00:00:30,895 --> 00:00:31,939 Yes. 13 00:00:32,691 --> 00:00:33,859 It's his wedding ring. 14 00:00:34,277 --> 00:00:39,245 They also sent a finger. A severed finger. 15 00:00:39,746 --> 00:00:41,124 [Serena] You don't know what she is. 16 00:00:42,001 --> 00:00:44,130 I'm taking my husband home to bury him. 17 00:00:44,923 --> 00:00:48,471 The Waterford name has power, and that will be respected. 18 00:00:50,100 --> 00:00:51,269 [June] I killed him. 19 00:00:51,436 --> 00:00:53,691 [prosecutor] These events did not occur in Canada. 20 00:00:54,150 --> 00:00:55,903 It is not a concern of the Crown. 21 00:00:56,947 --> 00:00:59,201 There can't just be no punishment. 22 00:01:00,120 --> 00:01:01,289 [prosecutor] That is between 23 00:01:01,372 --> 00:01:04,086 you and your deity of choice, Ms. Osborn. 24 00:01:04,880 --> 00:01:05,757 It's okay. 25 00:01:06,215 --> 00:01:08,178 [prosecutor] But the Crown has no quarrel with you. 26 00:01:10,307 --> 00:01:11,518 You're free to go. 27 00:01:12,771 --> 00:01:14,524 I thought I'd be in jail. 28 00:01:15,484 --> 00:01:16,486 But you're not. 29 00:01:19,534 --> 00:01:20,369 No. 30 00:01:22,957 --> 00:01:24,043 I'm not. 31 00:02:04,373 --> 00:02:05,250 [imperceptible] 32 00:02:09,926 --> 00:02:10,845 [imperceptible] 33 00:03:44,156 --> 00:03:45,576 [machinery whirring] 34 00:03:46,995 --> 00:03:48,331 [beeping] 35 00:03:51,797 --> 00:03:52,799 [Mark] Okay. 36 00:03:54,051 --> 00:03:55,721 We're ready for you, Mrs. Waterford. 37 00:03:57,474 --> 00:04:00,564 Your accommodations have been arranged and vetted. 38 00:04:02,234 --> 00:04:05,323 Our security detail will be with you at all times. 39 00:04:06,827 --> 00:04:10,041 And of course I'll be by your side every step of the way. 40 00:04:10,960 --> 00:04:12,337 Just like you protected Fred. 41 00:04:15,928 --> 00:04:17,472 A lot went into arranging this. 42 00:04:20,730 --> 00:04:21,773 [door opens] 43 00:04:24,153 --> 00:04:27,451 When God calls us, all we can do is heed him. 44 00:05:20,265 --> 00:05:21,685 Blessed day, Commanders. 45 00:05:22,937 --> 00:05:24,148 Welcome home. 46 00:05:25,191 --> 00:05:28,239 We thought we'd roll out the red carpet. [chuckles] 47 00:05:32,164 --> 00:05:34,961 Thank you for allowing me to bring Fred home, 48 00:05:35,253 --> 00:05:36,463 where he belongs. 49 00:05:37,340 --> 00:05:40,388 We'd never leave a brother out in the cold. 50 00:05:41,516 --> 00:05:43,604 My condolences for your loss, Mrs. Waterford. 51 00:05:48,112 --> 00:05:49,616 Your friends the Putnams 52 00:05:49,699 --> 00:05:51,828 have offered their home for Fred's wake. 53 00:05:53,749 --> 00:05:54,876 How nice of them. 54 00:06:13,371 --> 00:06:15,501 Fred always saw so much promise in you. 55 00:06:16,753 --> 00:06:17,713 Like a father. 56 00:06:19,634 --> 00:06:22,264 If he could see you now, all settled, 57 00:06:23,684 --> 00:06:25,103 on a more fruitful path. 58 00:06:28,276 --> 00:06:31,281 June really did bring so much suffering to all of us. 59 00:06:31,866 --> 00:06:33,160 Well, the Lord has blessed me. 60 00:06:35,164 --> 00:06:36,083 And you. 61 00:06:39,047 --> 00:06:40,509 Oh, look at us all, 62 00:06:41,343 --> 00:06:44,391 getting along like friendly diplomats, 63 00:06:44,474 --> 00:06:45,686 trying to bury the hatchet. 64 00:06:46,688 --> 00:06:47,940 We'll see, hmm? 65 00:06:49,736 --> 00:06:50,696 We, uh... 66 00:06:52,198 --> 00:06:55,789 thought we would escort you to your hotel. 67 00:06:55,914 --> 00:06:58,587 We thought you might want to freshen up. 68 00:06:59,004 --> 00:07:01,091 I'd like to see the church that you've selected 69 00:07:01,175 --> 00:07:03,179 for Fred's service if it's not too much trouble. 70 00:07:05,099 --> 00:07:06,686 I think we can accommodate that. 71 00:07:31,986 --> 00:07:33,907 Not a popular church, I take it. 72 00:07:35,326 --> 00:07:36,621 Out of respect for you, 73 00:07:36,704 --> 00:07:38,457 we thought we'd make Fred's funeral 74 00:07:38,667 --> 00:07:41,171 as quick and simple as possible. 75 00:07:42,925 --> 00:07:47,016 He will be laid to rest at Granary Burial 76 00:07:47,100 --> 00:07:49,730 with other revolutionaries. 77 00:07:51,150 --> 00:07:51,985 Nice touch. 78 00:07:54,406 --> 00:07:57,162 We figured you'd want to get back to Canada, 79 00:07:58,038 --> 00:07:59,416 move on with your life. 80 00:08:00,711 --> 00:08:02,255 Take in a Leafs game. 81 00:08:02,965 --> 00:08:04,969 I hear this might finally be their year. 82 00:08:06,096 --> 00:08:07,641 I'm not much of a hockey fan. 83 00:08:07,850 --> 00:08:10,856 You'd love it. It's elegant yet brutal. 84 00:08:17,327 --> 00:08:18,245 Hardly the farewell 85 00:08:18,329 --> 00:08:20,876 befitting one of the Founding Fathers of Gilead. 86 00:08:21,920 --> 00:08:23,757 It's tasteful. 87 00:08:26,178 --> 00:08:28,725 It looked like a pack of wolves tore into Fred. 88 00:08:30,353 --> 00:08:31,898 Not really the work of the Eyes. 89 00:08:33,735 --> 00:08:35,989 It made me wonder what really happened to Fred. 90 00:08:37,325 --> 00:08:38,452 [Lawrence] I can't even imagine. 91 00:08:39,872 --> 00:08:41,208 We can't control what the Americans do 92 00:08:41,291 --> 00:08:42,670 along the border, Mrs. Waterford. 93 00:08:48,222 --> 00:08:51,395 There's only one person who could express that kind of rage. 94 00:08:52,480 --> 00:08:53,315 And there's no way 95 00:08:53,399 --> 00:08:54,860 that she could've gotten to Fred on her own. 96 00:09:00,664 --> 00:09:01,916 Could you imagine 97 00:09:02,918 --> 00:09:04,755 what the other Commanders would do 98 00:09:05,841 --> 00:09:07,135 if they knew that 99 00:09:07,803 --> 00:09:10,726 you had helped a Handmaid kill her Commander? 100 00:09:13,523 --> 00:09:14,609 Bold accusation. 101 00:09:16,821 --> 00:09:20,077 I encourage you to give Fred a proper funeral. 102 00:09:21,496 --> 00:09:22,875 One that he deserves. 103 00:09:23,668 --> 00:09:26,089 I'm just one Commander. 104 00:09:28,135 --> 00:09:29,304 Nick's on the rise, 105 00:09:31,058 --> 00:09:33,521 but he's still a puppy. There's only so much we can do. 106 00:09:34,272 --> 00:09:35,274 You'll figure it out. 107 00:09:37,111 --> 00:09:38,865 You're nothing if not resourceful. 108 00:09:48,467 --> 00:09:50,221 [Aunt Lydia] Even through the tragedy 109 00:09:50,555 --> 00:09:52,225 of Commander Waterford's death, 110 00:09:52,601 --> 00:09:58,445 our good Lord has found a way to grace us with opportunity. 111 00:09:59,907 --> 00:10:01,994 This is your moment to shine 112 00:10:02,078 --> 00:10:04,750 in the sunlight of the Spirit, girls! 113 00:10:05,627 --> 00:10:09,467 A chance to impress prospective Commanders. 114 00:10:10,219 --> 00:10:15,062 To do his good works and to make yourselves truly worthy. 115 00:10:16,733 --> 00:10:20,574 Oh, blessed be this day! 116 00:10:24,497 --> 00:10:25,917 I wish you were coming with me. 117 00:10:27,170 --> 00:10:30,468 Well, be good and you'll be safe. 118 00:10:32,221 --> 00:10:34,100 Blessed be the stupid fruit. 119 00:10:35,937 --> 00:10:37,524 You're gonna get us in trouble. 120 00:10:44,914 --> 00:10:46,374 Don't you look lovely, dear. 121 00:10:47,544 --> 00:10:48,797 Blessed day, Aunt Lydia. 122 00:10:49,632 --> 00:10:51,218 May the Lord make me worthy. 123 00:10:52,428 --> 00:10:54,474 Be obedient and He will. 124 00:10:56,019 --> 00:10:57,063 Go along. 125 00:11:02,574 --> 00:11:03,618 Nice work, dear. 126 00:11:04,745 --> 00:11:05,705 Thank you. 127 00:11:05,789 --> 00:11:08,210 Since you have been such a help to Esther, 128 00:11:08,628 --> 00:11:12,051 I will allow you to accompany her as her minder. 129 00:11:13,136 --> 00:11:14,264 Thank you, Aunt Lydia! 130 00:11:14,849 --> 00:11:17,646 Now, the Putnams have expressed interest 131 00:11:17,980 --> 00:11:19,525 in a new Handmaid. 132 00:11:20,150 --> 00:11:22,948 Esther is young and fertile. 133 00:11:24,242 --> 00:11:26,581 And, perhaps, under your tutelage, 134 00:11:27,039 --> 00:11:28,375 she might impress them. 135 00:11:29,587 --> 00:11:30,881 She's come a long way. 136 00:11:33,093 --> 00:11:34,095 I hope she's ready. 137 00:11:34,972 --> 00:11:37,018 You both have come so far. 138 00:11:39,147 --> 00:11:42,529 It is my hope this time that we can all shine together. 139 00:11:43,823 --> 00:11:44,783 Get yourself dressed. 140 00:11:44,867 --> 00:11:45,952 Oh, Aunt Lydia, 141 00:11:46,996 --> 00:11:48,875 do you think if the Putnams choose Esther, 142 00:11:48,958 --> 00:11:51,296 that maybe I can visit her? 143 00:11:52,340 --> 00:11:54,720 Honey, don't get ahead of yourself. 144 00:11:55,346 --> 00:11:56,557 -Okay. Yeah. -Go get ready now. 145 00:11:57,809 --> 00:11:58,686 All right. 146 00:12:04,573 --> 00:12:06,076 [people chattering indistinctly] 147 00:12:26,659 --> 00:12:28,705 [indistinct chatter continues] 148 00:12:43,233 --> 00:12:44,653 Blessed day, Mrs. Waterford. 149 00:12:44,945 --> 00:12:45,905 Blessed day. 150 00:12:52,586 --> 00:12:53,504 Serena. 151 00:12:54,422 --> 00:12:56,259 Safe and sound. Praise be. 152 00:12:56,426 --> 00:12:57,470 Praise be. 153 00:13:05,695 --> 00:13:08,659 If only we were meeting on a less sorrowful occasion. 154 00:13:09,912 --> 00:13:11,498 Fred was like a brother to me. 155 00:13:12,291 --> 00:13:13,293 Yes. 156 00:13:14,170 --> 00:13:16,884 The Lord always meets us in our time of need. 157 00:13:17,051 --> 00:13:18,136 Mmm. 158 00:13:19,973 --> 00:13:20,975 Indeed. 159 00:13:22,269 --> 00:13:24,148 Come. We're so happy you're here. 160 00:13:30,410 --> 00:13:31,371 [Commander Putnam] Mr. Tuello. 161 00:13:32,666 --> 00:13:33,835 Commander Putnam. 162 00:13:33,960 --> 00:13:35,462 Congratulations on your promotion. 163 00:13:35,547 --> 00:13:37,592 I look forward to future negotiations. 164 00:13:37,717 --> 00:13:40,807 Thank you. This is as far as you go, Mr. Tuello. 165 00:13:41,349 --> 00:13:42,602 I'm sure you understand. 166 00:13:42,769 --> 00:13:46,109 According to our agreement, I'm to accompany Mrs. Waterford. 167 00:13:47,236 --> 00:13:48,196 Relax, Mark. 168 00:13:48,948 --> 00:13:50,743 Serena is among friends. 169 00:13:57,841 --> 00:13:59,511 [Grace] Ah, you're so far along. 170 00:14:00,178 --> 00:14:02,057 Yes. Just a few more months. 171 00:14:02,349 --> 00:14:04,353 You're so-- Missed so much already. 172 00:14:04,437 --> 00:14:06,817 I wish you could stay in Gilead, 173 00:14:07,276 --> 00:14:08,529 and we could make up for lost time. 174 00:14:08,613 --> 00:14:09,573 If He wills it. 175 00:14:10,533 --> 00:14:12,202 May the Lord guide all of our paths. 176 00:14:12,829 --> 00:14:14,290 -Amen. -Amen. 177 00:14:15,375 --> 00:14:16,461 Excuse me. 178 00:14:16,712 --> 00:14:18,966 I have some last-minute funeral details to attend to. 179 00:14:19,091 --> 00:14:20,135 [Naomi] Of course. 180 00:14:24,561 --> 00:14:25,479 Well? 181 00:14:26,356 --> 00:14:29,236 The Council believes that their current plan 182 00:14:29,320 --> 00:14:31,074 for the funeral is more than adequate. 183 00:14:32,577 --> 00:14:33,913 You didn't ask, did you? 184 00:14:34,080 --> 00:14:36,292 We both know how it works here. 185 00:14:36,376 --> 00:14:38,463 A woman's word never trumps a man. 186 00:14:40,092 --> 00:14:41,512 There seems to be a lingering feeling that, 187 00:14:41,595 --> 00:14:43,766 for all Fred's admirable qualities, 188 00:14:44,559 --> 00:14:47,481 he was somewhat of a traitor. 189 00:14:49,318 --> 00:14:51,072 Blessed day, Mrs. Waterford. 190 00:15:11,237 --> 00:15:12,322 [sighs] 191 00:15:25,516 --> 00:15:26,434 [Rita] Where's June? 192 00:15:26,518 --> 00:15:28,146 [Moira] She's gardening in the winter. 193 00:15:30,484 --> 00:15:33,824 [Rita] I, uh, did see this flyer for real estate classes? 194 00:15:33,949 --> 00:15:34,868 [Moira] Mmm! 195 00:15:34,951 --> 00:15:37,498 Yes! A hundred... No, I totally, I can see that on you. 196 00:15:37,582 --> 00:15:38,458 A hundred percent. 197 00:15:38,542 --> 00:15:40,170 -Real estate mogul! -[Rita] Stop. 198 00:15:40,295 --> 00:15:41,590 [Rita and Moira laughing] 199 00:15:42,132 --> 00:15:43,093 -Hey, sorry. -Hey, June. 200 00:15:43,176 --> 00:15:44,053 [Rita] Hey. 201 00:15:44,513 --> 00:15:47,184 I got caught up on the gardening thing. 202 00:15:47,977 --> 00:15:49,564 [Rita] It's okay. It's nice to see you. 203 00:15:49,689 --> 00:15:52,111 All right, who's ready to party hard? 204 00:15:52,194 --> 00:15:53,488 I call Twister. 205 00:15:53,572 --> 00:15:55,785 [Moira] Tw... [scoffs] Stop playin'. 206 00:15:55,868 --> 00:15:57,496 [Rita] Ooh, Monopoly! 207 00:15:57,789 --> 00:15:59,835 -[Moira] You cannot do that! -[Rita] 'Kay. 208 00:16:02,674 --> 00:16:05,220 [Luke] No, we're not playing Monopoly. 209 00:16:05,303 --> 00:16:06,222 [Moira] Why? 210 00:16:06,305 --> 00:16:10,021 [Luke] Because you always get upset when we play Monopoly. 211 00:16:10,147 --> 00:16:12,401 [Moira] See, now, see that is step-- No. 212 00:16:12,527 --> 00:16:14,280 [Luke] You do. You take it too far. 213 00:16:14,488 --> 00:16:16,869 And I just want a nice, a nice evening so... 214 00:16:21,169 --> 00:16:23,214 [Moira] How 'bout I roll the dice? 215 00:16:23,298 --> 00:16:24,676 See who goes first? 216 00:16:24,759 --> 00:16:26,429 [Rita] Like a Monopoly-style race. 217 00:16:35,197 --> 00:16:37,451 -You okay? -Yeah. 218 00:16:39,413 --> 00:16:41,627 [Moira] Oh, look. You can, uh, wear this top hat 219 00:16:41,710 --> 00:16:43,338 when you go to the ballet. 220 00:16:43,421 --> 00:16:44,298 -Okay. -[bell dings] 221 00:16:44,381 --> 00:16:46,052 Oh, that's the bread. I'll be right back. 222 00:16:46,135 --> 00:16:47,221 -Quick, quick. -Don't touch my money. 223 00:16:47,304 --> 00:16:48,139 [Moira] I got a one. 224 00:16:48,223 --> 00:16:50,770 It's when you roll the one, it means you're number one. 225 00:16:50,853 --> 00:16:52,565 [Luke] You don't get to just make up the rules. 226 00:16:52,649 --> 00:16:54,903 [Moira] I'm not making up the rules. You just said... 227 00:16:55,655 --> 00:16:57,407 Like, I'm not making up the rules. 228 00:16:57,617 --> 00:17:00,080 [Luke] All right. That's what I gotta beat, a one? 229 00:17:00,163 --> 00:17:01,708 [Rita] It needs a few minutes to cool. 230 00:17:01,792 --> 00:17:03,169 [June] No worries. Hey. 231 00:17:05,257 --> 00:17:06,760 You know she went back to Gilead, right? 232 00:17:07,386 --> 00:17:08,388 Serena? 233 00:17:10,267 --> 00:17:12,354 -What's her plan? -I don't know. 234 00:17:14,149 --> 00:17:17,532 She can't waltz back and forth between Canada and Gilead 235 00:17:17,615 --> 00:17:20,203 like she's, what, a fuckin' queen or something? 236 00:17:22,374 --> 00:17:23,334 Yeah. 237 00:17:24,420 --> 00:17:26,675 When is she going to get what she deserves? 238 00:17:29,806 --> 00:17:31,225 Maybe they'll put her on the Wall. 239 00:17:35,233 --> 00:17:39,283 Maybe they'll take her baby away and make her a Handmaid 240 00:17:42,039 --> 00:17:43,374 and then put her on the Wall. 241 00:17:51,140 --> 00:17:52,769 You remember when she slapped you? 242 00:17:53,102 --> 00:17:54,146 Jesus, June! 243 00:17:54,271 --> 00:17:56,442 Look it! I don't want to talk about Serena. 244 00:17:56,943 --> 00:17:57,987 [June] But you remember, right? 245 00:17:58,071 --> 00:17:58,906 [Moira] June. 246 00:17:58,989 --> 00:18:00,534 After that fucked-up baby shower. 247 00:18:00,701 --> 00:18:02,120 June, shut the fuck up! 248 00:18:03,206 --> 00:18:04,626 She was pissed at me 249 00:18:05,670 --> 00:18:06,797 but I was pregnant 250 00:18:07,632 --> 00:18:10,846 and so she went and she hauled off on you. 251 00:18:10,971 --> 00:18:13,476 Shut up. Sh-fuck! 252 00:18:15,313 --> 00:18:16,315 Stop it. 253 00:18:19,196 --> 00:18:21,618 I may not have been a Handmaid but I struggle too. 254 00:18:24,248 --> 00:18:25,333 I struggle every day. 255 00:18:26,377 --> 00:18:28,256 Every fucking day. 256 00:18:35,813 --> 00:18:36,773 Rita, I'm sorry. 257 00:18:37,775 --> 00:18:38,694 Good. 258 00:18:40,865 --> 00:18:42,033 What the fuck is wrong with you? 259 00:18:51,093 --> 00:18:52,137 [breathing unsteadily] 260 00:18:57,732 --> 00:18:59,443 [chattering indistinctly] 261 00:19:15,768 --> 00:19:16,603 [door opens] 262 00:19:23,115 --> 00:19:24,076 Commander Blaine. 263 00:19:30,421 --> 00:19:31,298 [Mark] Hello. 264 00:19:32,467 --> 00:19:33,344 Blessed day. 265 00:19:34,179 --> 00:19:35,975 Blessed day, Aunt... 266 00:19:37,728 --> 00:19:38,647 Lydia. 267 00:19:39,439 --> 00:19:40,441 Praise be. 268 00:19:45,828 --> 00:19:46,871 Go on now. 269 00:19:47,790 --> 00:19:49,042 Keep a sharp eye. 270 00:19:58,729 --> 00:19:59,647 [exhales] 271 00:20:00,315 --> 00:20:03,947 The Lord's light shines through the most righteous. 272 00:20:05,826 --> 00:20:07,622 Blessed day, Mrs. Putnam. 273 00:20:09,626 --> 00:20:10,669 Mrs. Waterford. 274 00:20:11,588 --> 00:20:13,341 I am so sorry for your loss. 275 00:20:14,343 --> 00:20:15,303 Thank you. 276 00:20:17,600 --> 00:20:22,067 And yet, the Lord has made His countenance shine upon you. 277 00:20:24,697 --> 00:20:27,077 I'm just grateful to be an instrument in His plan. 278 00:20:28,412 --> 00:20:29,331 Ah. 279 00:20:29,874 --> 00:20:31,753 Well, you are a... 280 00:20:34,216 --> 00:20:35,970 marvel, Mrs. Waterford. 281 00:20:37,472 --> 00:20:39,434 Mrs. Putnam, please follow me. 282 00:20:45,446 --> 00:20:48,369 -[girl crying] -[Martha] Angela! Come here! 283 00:20:50,582 --> 00:20:52,168 We're finally out of that stupid gym 284 00:20:52,252 --> 00:20:53,337 and we're just standing around. 285 00:20:55,216 --> 00:20:56,343 We have to do something. 286 00:20:56,720 --> 00:20:58,640 Anyone who does something ends up dead. 287 00:20:59,349 --> 00:21:00,309 Or worse. 288 00:21:01,311 --> 00:21:02,732 The smartest thing to do is just... 289 00:21:04,151 --> 00:21:06,155 Just follow the rules and stay alive. 290 00:21:06,488 --> 00:21:08,660 Trust me. Here we go. 291 00:21:13,503 --> 00:21:16,050 Mrs. Putnam, this is Esther. 292 00:21:27,823 --> 00:21:28,867 She's so young. 293 00:21:31,455 --> 00:21:32,958 And I heard she used to be a Wife. 294 00:21:34,879 --> 00:21:39,847 Which means she understands the respect you deserve. 295 00:21:42,978 --> 00:21:45,526 You have come so far, haven't you, dear? 296 00:21:47,195 --> 00:21:48,114 Yes, Aunt Lydia. 297 00:21:49,074 --> 00:21:49,909 By His Grace. 298 00:21:55,169 --> 00:21:56,421 -Fine. -Ah! 299 00:21:57,758 --> 00:21:58,885 Come along, dear. 300 00:22:01,348 --> 00:22:05,106 Remember, mind your manners and all will be well. 301 00:22:06,233 --> 00:22:07,318 [clears throat] 302 00:22:09,155 --> 00:22:10,199 [exhales] 303 00:22:11,828 --> 00:22:13,080 [Martha] Angela, come back here! 304 00:22:14,124 --> 00:22:15,836 -[Naomi] Angela, sweetie! -Hi! 305 00:22:16,128 --> 00:22:18,007 -[Angela] Blessed day. -Hi, sweet girl. 306 00:22:18,508 --> 00:22:19,552 Can I give you a hug? 307 00:22:19,635 --> 00:22:20,762 [Angela murmurs indistinctly] 308 00:22:20,846 --> 00:22:22,098 Okay. Okay. 309 00:22:24,520 --> 00:22:25,689 Okay. 310 00:22:26,023 --> 00:22:27,025 Thank you. 311 00:22:28,444 --> 00:22:29,572 Have you been having fun, huh? 312 00:22:30,156 --> 00:22:31,158 [Naomi clears throat] 313 00:22:31,659 --> 00:22:32,828 That's enough, please. 314 00:22:33,914 --> 00:22:36,001 Cecelia, come and get Angela, please. 315 00:22:36,084 --> 00:22:37,211 Okay, okay. Here we go. 316 00:22:37,504 --> 00:22:39,257 Ready? Okay, go ahead, baby. 317 00:22:39,341 --> 00:22:40,343 -[Angela] Okay. -Go ahead. 318 00:22:48,860 --> 00:22:51,073 You have a beautiful daughter, Mrs. Putnam. 319 00:22:54,997 --> 00:22:56,584 I thank God for her every day. 320 00:23:02,387 --> 00:23:04,266 And for those who brought her to me. 321 00:23:25,809 --> 00:23:26,644 Okay. 322 00:23:32,322 --> 00:23:33,240 Gentlemen, 323 00:23:34,159 --> 00:23:35,077 Praise be. 324 00:23:36,914 --> 00:23:38,083 Blessed be the fruit. 325 00:23:39,837 --> 00:23:40,922 May the Lord open. 326 00:23:43,762 --> 00:23:46,517 Aunt Lydia has told me a lot about you. 327 00:23:49,314 --> 00:23:51,193 May God make me truly worthy. 328 00:23:51,944 --> 00:23:53,238 [Commander Putnam] I am sure you will be. 329 00:23:53,322 --> 00:23:54,157 [Aunt Lydia chuckles] 330 00:23:55,577 --> 00:23:57,413 [Commander Putnam] Will you excuse us a moment, Gentlemen? 331 00:23:59,502 --> 00:24:01,046 I'll join you in the pool house. 332 00:24:07,100 --> 00:24:08,310 You too, Aunt Lydia. 333 00:24:10,774 --> 00:24:11,651 I'm sorry? 334 00:24:14,030 --> 00:24:15,491 [Commander Putnam] Blessed day, Aunt Lydia. 335 00:24:17,453 --> 00:24:18,372 Oh. 336 00:24:19,917 --> 00:24:21,587 Mmm. Mmm-hmm. 337 00:24:27,431 --> 00:24:28,392 Good. 338 00:24:33,318 --> 00:24:34,864 [breathing unsteadily] 339 00:24:42,880 --> 00:24:43,840 [door closes] 340 00:24:49,184 --> 00:24:50,478 You don't have to be scared. 341 00:24:52,941 --> 00:24:55,321 God sees your heart. 342 00:24:57,951 --> 00:25:01,458 Allow the gifts God blessed you with 343 00:25:02,460 --> 00:25:04,715 to be seen by all others. 344 00:25:08,515 --> 00:25:09,558 [chuckles] 345 00:25:09,975 --> 00:25:12,648 That just means I want to get to know you a little better. 346 00:25:15,069 --> 00:25:16,196 [chuckles softly] 347 00:25:17,574 --> 00:25:18,576 Praise be. 348 00:25:22,083 --> 00:25:23,586 You care for a chocolate? 349 00:25:38,282 --> 00:25:39,367 [imitates motor noises] 350 00:25:52,435 --> 00:25:53,437 Mmm-mmm-mmm. 351 00:25:58,113 --> 00:25:59,658 [making urging noises] 352 00:26:04,752 --> 00:26:05,712 [makes urging noises] 353 00:26:15,523 --> 00:26:17,652 [humming teasingly] 354 00:26:31,471 --> 00:26:32,306 You all right? 355 00:26:37,609 --> 00:26:38,569 Um... 356 00:26:40,990 --> 00:26:41,992 Yeah. 357 00:26:42,828 --> 00:26:43,996 I gotta tell you something. 358 00:26:53,516 --> 00:26:56,062 Serena knows I killed Fred. 359 00:26:59,110 --> 00:27:00,237 How could she know that? 360 00:27:01,281 --> 00:27:03,661 I did something. 361 00:27:06,917 --> 00:27:08,671 I sent her a finger. 362 00:27:12,637 --> 00:27:14,015 It was Fred's finger. 363 00:27:15,434 --> 00:27:16,269 What? 364 00:27:18,983 --> 00:27:20,319 I cut it off of him. 365 00:27:24,202 --> 00:27:25,120 [chuckles] 366 00:27:31,800 --> 00:27:33,679 'Cause I wanted her to know it was me. 367 00:27:35,642 --> 00:27:39,065 Do you want her to come after us and our family? 368 00:27:39,148 --> 00:27:40,150 No. 369 00:27:40,234 --> 00:27:43,908 But I know her and I know what she's capable of. 370 00:27:43,991 --> 00:27:45,327 And I know she has a plan. 371 00:27:45,410 --> 00:27:47,164 -This is what she's doing-- -Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! 372 00:27:47,248 --> 00:27:49,043 You're obsessing over her! 373 00:27:50,045 --> 00:27:52,341 You... You sent her a finger! 374 00:27:53,636 --> 00:27:55,723 How is that gonna help our family? 375 00:27:55,807 --> 00:27:57,226 How is that gonna help you? 376 00:27:58,353 --> 00:28:00,357 That is not gonna get Hannah back. 377 00:28:04,323 --> 00:28:05,242 I know! 378 00:28:10,503 --> 00:28:12,006 You don't think I know that? 379 00:28:14,468 --> 00:28:15,680 I know that. 380 00:28:29,875 --> 00:28:31,795 -June? -What? 381 00:28:32,797 --> 00:28:35,637 You gotta be here. You gotta be right here. 382 00:28:36,387 --> 00:28:38,224 All right? Because I need you here 383 00:28:38,308 --> 00:28:41,774 and Nichole needs you here. 384 00:28:43,653 --> 00:28:45,489 Your family needs you... 385 00:28:46,366 --> 00:28:47,201 here. 386 00:28:47,284 --> 00:28:48,203 And if you're not, 387 00:28:48,286 --> 00:28:49,956 I don't know what's gonna happen, June... 388 00:28:51,835 --> 00:28:52,921 to us. 389 00:29:01,479 --> 00:29:02,439 I'm sorry. 390 00:29:04,736 --> 00:29:05,738 It... 391 00:29:08,619 --> 00:29:09,871 Fuck. I'm sorry. 392 00:29:13,128 --> 00:29:17,052 She's gone, all right? 393 00:29:17,971 --> 00:29:19,725 She's probably terrified of you. 394 00:29:21,144 --> 00:29:22,146 -Yeah. -Right? 395 00:29:22,479 --> 00:29:24,860 You know? 'Cause you won, you're here. 396 00:29:26,446 --> 00:29:27,866 She can't get to you. 397 00:29:29,493 --> 00:29:30,872 -Yeah. -All right? 398 00:29:30,955 --> 00:29:34,378 So, you gotta let go of her. 399 00:29:34,755 --> 00:29:36,424 Forget about her. Fuck her. 400 00:29:37,301 --> 00:29:38,386 Yeah. 401 00:29:40,933 --> 00:29:41,852 Okay. 402 00:29:42,854 --> 00:29:43,898 Fuck her. 403 00:29:47,697 --> 00:29:48,616 Fuck her. 404 00:30:00,263 --> 00:30:01,265 Fuck her. 405 00:30:10,450 --> 00:30:11,537 [exhales] 406 00:30:18,216 --> 00:30:20,095 [people chattering indistinctly] 407 00:30:26,148 --> 00:30:27,359 [breathing unsteadily] 408 00:30:33,204 --> 00:30:34,331 [Calhoun] Mrs. Waterford. 409 00:30:35,543 --> 00:30:36,670 What a surprise. 410 00:30:38,966 --> 00:30:40,093 Commander Calhoun. 411 00:30:41,220 --> 00:30:42,849 I'm so sorry to interrupt. 412 00:30:43,057 --> 00:30:43,976 [door opening] 413 00:30:52,451 --> 00:30:54,581 [Calhoun] Is there something we can help you with? 414 00:30:57,670 --> 00:31:00,467 I was hoping to speak with you on behalf of my husband. 415 00:31:09,485 --> 00:31:13,159 Fred dedicated his life to this great nation. 416 00:31:15,288 --> 00:31:17,376 Thank you for honoring his legacy. 417 00:31:18,754 --> 00:31:20,465 You're welcome, Mrs. Waterford. 418 00:31:24,014 --> 00:31:27,522 I would like for my unborn son to be proud of his father. 419 00:31:28,314 --> 00:31:29,651 And for people to see 420 00:31:30,235 --> 00:31:32,364 what you gentlemen here have created, 421 00:31:34,118 --> 00:31:35,495 God's Kingdom on Earth. 422 00:31:39,211 --> 00:31:42,217 Perhaps it's time that we show Gilead to the world. 423 00:31:44,764 --> 00:31:45,850 Now, I've been to Canada. 424 00:31:45,933 --> 00:31:47,310 I know what they think of us. 425 00:31:48,396 --> 00:31:50,358 If we are to be respected, 426 00:31:50,483 --> 00:31:52,070 I think we need to show them 427 00:31:52,154 --> 00:31:55,035 that we grieve just like they do. 428 00:31:55,953 --> 00:31:59,501 I think we need to make Fred's funeral an international event, 429 00:31:59,961 --> 00:32:01,548 broadcast across the globe. 430 00:32:03,844 --> 00:32:07,392 Mrs. Waterford, the, uh, stress you've been under 431 00:32:07,476 --> 00:32:10,482 would unmoor anyone, 432 00:32:11,735 --> 00:32:13,071 especially in your condition. 433 00:32:13,488 --> 00:32:15,743 [Lawrence] We've shown the world our fist. 434 00:32:16,787 --> 00:32:19,584 It's time to show them our humanity. 435 00:32:20,293 --> 00:32:21,755 [Commander Putnam] Why should we listen to you? 436 00:32:22,255 --> 00:32:24,301 You don't even adhere to our way of life. 437 00:32:25,386 --> 00:32:28,894 You have no wife, no child, no family. 438 00:32:30,606 --> 00:32:31,650 Thank you, uh, 439 00:32:32,275 --> 00:32:34,404 Commander Putnam, for reminding me 440 00:32:34,488 --> 00:32:37,410 of the untimely passing of my wife. 441 00:32:38,831 --> 00:32:40,291 Let's not be hasty, Warren. 442 00:32:41,878 --> 00:32:43,799 Doesn't hurt to hear all the details. 443 00:32:46,555 --> 00:32:47,974 I've watched you gentlemen 444 00:32:48,266 --> 00:32:51,147 squander one opportunity after another 445 00:32:51,438 --> 00:32:54,403 that could've led to more prosperity. 446 00:32:54,486 --> 00:32:58,244 The public mourning of one of our peers 447 00:32:58,369 --> 00:33:01,000 is an opportunity we cannot waste. 448 00:33:01,417 --> 00:33:03,045 But a traitor's funeral 449 00:33:04,214 --> 00:33:05,843 for all the world to see? 450 00:33:06,343 --> 00:33:07,513 How will that make us look? 451 00:33:08,932 --> 00:33:09,809 [Nick] Merciful. 452 00:33:11,646 --> 00:33:13,024 We'll look merciful. 453 00:33:16,990 --> 00:33:18,994 I served Commander Waterford for many years. 454 00:33:21,625 --> 00:33:22,710 He wasn't perfect. 455 00:33:26,593 --> 00:33:28,429 But the least we can do is honor the sacrifices 456 00:33:28,513 --> 00:33:29,724 he made to our nation. 457 00:33:31,978 --> 00:33:33,899 Sacrifices that yielded a miracle. 458 00:33:36,529 --> 00:33:39,076 Barren woman made fruitful by His grace. 459 00:33:40,286 --> 00:33:44,378 And a symbol that could accelerate 460 00:33:44,629 --> 00:33:46,841 the international acceptance of Gilead 461 00:33:48,135 --> 00:33:51,100 so that we can finally take our rightful place 462 00:33:51,643 --> 00:33:53,271 among the nations of the world. 463 00:33:54,899 --> 00:33:57,863 Well, if you will excuse us, Mrs. Waterford, 464 00:33:57,947 --> 00:34:00,911 we have official business to discuss. 465 00:34:22,037 --> 00:34:23,497 [murmuring indistinctly] 466 00:34:34,771 --> 00:34:36,148 I don't want to get posted. 467 00:34:37,025 --> 00:34:38,194 [exhales] 468 00:34:39,572 --> 00:34:42,494 Get your Commander to like you, you'll get pregnant faster. 469 00:34:45,876 --> 00:34:48,255 Do you really think that being pregnant is gonna protect me? 470 00:34:48,799 --> 00:34:50,426 It's your only protection. 471 00:35:06,500 --> 00:35:07,460 Sure. 472 00:35:17,732 --> 00:35:18,900 [Mark exhales] 473 00:35:19,861 --> 00:35:21,321 Least you can say you tried. 474 00:35:25,079 --> 00:35:27,250 The worst they can do is say no. 475 00:35:33,387 --> 00:35:35,183 [sighs] Have you got a cigarette? 476 00:35:47,625 --> 00:35:48,919 [knocking at door] 477 00:36:02,403 --> 00:36:04,282 I got them to say yes. 478 00:36:07,413 --> 00:36:10,086 -How? -By not being a woman. 479 00:36:22,778 --> 00:36:24,824 -I'll leave you both to it. -Great. 480 00:36:28,330 --> 00:36:30,167 Well, I'd like to immediately 481 00:36:30,251 --> 00:36:31,504 start talking about the guest list. 482 00:36:32,005 --> 00:36:32,881 Why not? 483 00:36:33,257 --> 00:36:35,679 I think it's important that we invite 484 00:36:35,762 --> 00:36:36,889 Commanders from out of town. 485 00:36:38,434 --> 00:36:40,187 -Any in particular? -Yes. 486 00:36:40,897 --> 00:36:42,442 -Commander Johnson. -Mmm-hmm. 487 00:36:43,444 --> 00:36:44,446 Davidson, 488 00:36:45,156 --> 00:36:46,576 uh, Commander Scott. 489 00:37:12,210 --> 00:37:13,253 [car door opens] 490 00:37:29,077 --> 00:37:30,079 I'll take it from here. 491 00:37:30,204 --> 00:37:31,248 Yes, Sir. 492 00:37:35,131 --> 00:37:36,968 I was wondering if we'd get to talk. 493 00:37:39,222 --> 00:37:40,266 How is she? 494 00:37:42,478 --> 00:37:44,775 That file you pulled together for her was good. 495 00:37:47,948 --> 00:37:48,867 And Nichole? 496 00:37:50,161 --> 00:37:51,413 She's well cared for. 497 00:37:56,924 --> 00:37:58,093 You've risen fast, 498 00:37:58,720 --> 00:38:00,849 while somehow managing to help June. 499 00:38:03,646 --> 00:38:04,857 That takes talent. 500 00:38:05,191 --> 00:38:06,819 To fly under the radar like that. 501 00:38:08,823 --> 00:38:11,286 Just trying to stay out of trouble. 502 00:38:16,213 --> 00:38:18,050 Wouldn't you like to see your daughter in person 503 00:38:18,133 --> 00:38:19,595 rather than asking about her? 504 00:38:21,306 --> 00:38:22,475 That's a pipe dream. 505 00:38:23,561 --> 00:38:25,231 I know you got a complicated past. 506 00:38:27,694 --> 00:38:30,032 But America can be a very forgiving place. 507 00:38:32,286 --> 00:38:33,581 If you make amends, 508 00:38:34,792 --> 00:38:36,336 gain us some visibility, 509 00:38:37,255 --> 00:38:38,800 play your part for a while. 510 00:38:41,681 --> 00:38:44,728 I'd like to help you and your daughter. 511 00:38:45,981 --> 00:38:47,066 If you'll let me. 512 00:38:49,362 --> 00:38:50,532 We could help each other. 513 00:38:55,917 --> 00:38:56,836 I'll remember that. 514 00:39:02,890 --> 00:39:04,142 [radio chattering indistinctly] 515 00:40:42,756 --> 00:40:43,716 I don't know. 516 00:40:47,641 --> 00:40:48,810 It must be hard... 517 00:40:51,439 --> 00:40:52,526 seeing your daughter 518 00:40:54,404 --> 00:40:55,782 and having to leave her behind. 519 00:40:59,706 --> 00:41:00,750 You get used to it. 520 00:41:02,336 --> 00:41:03,380 Unfortunately. 521 00:41:10,770 --> 00:41:12,440 I stole some from the Putnam house. 522 00:41:14,695 --> 00:41:15,572 I mean, 523 00:41:16,448 --> 00:41:18,410 one little rebellion won't hurt. 524 00:41:20,874 --> 00:41:22,418 We'll keep it between us. 525 00:41:24,255 --> 00:41:25,257 [gasps excitedly] 526 00:41:38,868 --> 00:41:40,329 I know it's weird, 527 00:41:42,082 --> 00:41:43,126 but having a baby... 528 00:41:44,505 --> 00:41:46,216 it's the most incredible thing. 529 00:41:47,468 --> 00:41:50,808 Tiny feet and hands grew inside me. 530 00:41:52,019 --> 00:41:53,188 It's wild! It's... 531 00:41:58,991 --> 00:42:02,331 it's the most complete love you'll ever know. 532 00:42:09,596 --> 00:42:11,642 Even if someone else is raising her. 533 00:42:23,415 --> 00:42:25,419 They treat you the best when you're pregnant. 534 00:42:26,296 --> 00:42:27,549 It's like a princess. 535 00:42:31,097 --> 00:42:31,932 Yeah. 536 00:42:33,602 --> 00:42:34,688 No. I bet they do. 537 00:42:39,906 --> 00:42:40,867 I'm gonna miss you. 538 00:42:43,789 --> 00:42:46,085 Maybe Aunt Lydia will let us be walking partners. 539 00:42:49,676 --> 00:42:50,637 Maybe. 540 00:43:00,531 --> 00:43:01,407 You know, 541 00:43:03,579 --> 00:43:05,833 I really didn't like you when we first met. 542 00:43:08,798 --> 00:43:10,050 [laughs] Yeah. 543 00:43:16,522 --> 00:43:17,941 And I was right the first time. 544 00:43:21,447 --> 00:43:22,449 [Janine] What? 545 00:43:23,869 --> 00:43:24,788 Why? 546 00:43:27,209 --> 00:43:28,128 You... 547 00:43:31,552 --> 00:43:32,804 You don't care about me. 548 00:43:36,729 --> 00:43:38,649 You just wanted to see your daughter, right? 549 00:43:40,110 --> 00:43:41,154 [Janine exhales] 550 00:43:41,404 --> 00:43:42,741 No, you lied to me. 551 00:43:46,205 --> 00:43:47,207 You used me. 552 00:43:48,418 --> 00:43:49,420 Like Aunt Lydia. 553 00:43:52,092 --> 00:43:53,094 Like they all do. 554 00:43:56,142 --> 00:43:57,227 And you're one of them. 555 00:43:58,480 --> 00:44:00,693 Esther, I was trying to help you survive. 556 00:44:01,444 --> 00:44:02,864 Like June helped me. 557 00:44:04,116 --> 00:44:05,118 You're not June. 558 00:44:06,454 --> 00:44:07,790 You know, you're a disgrace. 559 00:44:10,420 --> 00:44:13,218 And I fucking hate you. 560 00:44:15,765 --> 00:44:16,683 [Esther gasps] 561 00:44:18,687 --> 00:44:20,440 [coughing] 562 00:44:21,902 --> 00:44:23,238 [Janine] Oh, my God, Esther. 563 00:44:24,616 --> 00:44:25,660 [coughing] 564 00:44:26,494 --> 00:44:28,331 Now we're gonna make June proud. 565 00:44:30,545 --> 00:44:32,172 [coughing] 566 00:44:32,924 --> 00:44:34,051 Esther? What happened? 567 00:44:35,178 --> 00:44:37,224 Help! Help! 568 00:44:40,773 --> 00:44:41,984 [retching] 569 00:44:44,280 --> 00:44:46,702 -What did you do? -[both coughing] 570 00:44:48,747 --> 00:44:50,835 What did you do? Help, someone! 571 00:44:52,129 --> 00:44:54,634 -[both coughing] -Somebody, help! 572 00:44:55,176 --> 00:44:56,220 [Aunt Lydia] What happened? 573 00:44:56,470 --> 00:44:57,515 [both coughing] 574 00:44:57,599 --> 00:44:59,393 What happened? No! 575 00:44:59,811 --> 00:45:02,107 Janine! Janine, what happened? 576 00:45:02,190 --> 00:45:03,401 No, no! No! 577 00:45:03,527 --> 00:45:04,905 Oh, God! No! 578 00:45:05,488 --> 00:45:08,244 No, darling, come here. No, no, no! Janine! 579 00:45:08,746 --> 00:45:10,415 Janine, no, no! Look at me, dear. 580 00:45:10,498 --> 00:45:13,881 No! Help us! Someone! Sit 'em up. 581 00:45:13,964 --> 00:45:16,093 No, sweetheart, no, no, no. 582 00:45:16,177 --> 00:45:20,435 No, no, honey! No! Help us! Oh, God, no! 583 00:45:46,571 --> 00:45:47,532 [sniffles] 584 00:45:54,086 --> 00:45:55,130 [sobbing] 585 00:46:21,558 --> 00:46:22,560 [door opens] 586 00:46:39,886 --> 00:46:42,349 Take as much time as you need. They can wait. 587 00:46:43,309 --> 00:46:44,269 [Serena] I'm ready. 588 00:47:08,569 --> 00:47:09,444 [church bell tolling] 589 00:47:10,739 --> 00:47:12,743 [classical music playing] 590 00:48:15,536 --> 00:48:16,955 [music flourishes] 591 00:48:28,729 --> 00:48:29,981 [church bell tolling] 592 00:48:48,100 --> 00:48:50,104 [classical music continues playing] 593 00:49:11,648 --> 00:49:13,652 [classical music continues playing] 594 00:49:58,575 --> 00:50:00,579 [classical music continues playing] 595 00:50:46,796 --> 00:50:48,758 [classical music continues playing] 596 00:52:09,545 --> 00:52:10,379 [music stops] 597 00:52:10,463 --> 00:52:11,966 [people chattering indistinctly] 598 00:52:13,260 --> 00:52:14,930 So, uh... 599 00:52:16,266 --> 00:52:18,479 what do you think the chances are of having a second date? 600 00:52:18,563 --> 00:52:20,650 [chuckles] Whoa, back off! 601 00:52:20,859 --> 00:52:23,155 Yeah, yeah. I'm always a bit forward, right? 602 00:52:23,238 --> 00:52:25,075 -Yeah, just a little fast. -[laughs] 603 00:52:26,411 --> 00:52:28,081 Mmm. Take you home? 604 00:52:28,165 --> 00:52:29,292 Yeah. We should go. 605 00:52:31,547 --> 00:52:32,925 -Ready? -Ready. 606 00:52:34,637 --> 00:52:35,639 [June] ...more than anything. 607 00:52:35,722 --> 00:52:37,391 -[Luke] One-track mind. -[June laughs] 608 00:53:23,233 --> 00:53:24,360 What the fuck?