1 00:01:47,850 --> 00:01:51,600 When I look around this room, I see the future, 2 00:01:51,600 --> 00:01:55,810 defined by strength, resilience, 3 00:01:55,810 --> 00:01:58,230 and the determination to work together. 4 00:01:58,230 --> 00:02:01,400 So, now, when we stood in the center of the Pettus Bridge... 5 00:02:01,400 --> 00:02:03,060 and that's Selma, Alabama... 6 00:02:03,060 --> 00:02:06,190 we looked and we saw these troopers at the other end, 7 00:02:06,190 --> 00:02:08,980 and their rifles in tow, and we were surprised, you know. 8 00:02:08,980 --> 00:02:11,440 But not one of our precious souls 9 00:02:11,440 --> 00:02:13,940 expressed an ounce of fear. 10 00:02:13,940 --> 00:02:15,100 Hmm? 11 00:02:15,100 --> 00:02:16,900 If you have anything worth fighting against, 12 00:02:16,900 --> 00:02:18,400 whether it's injustice 13 00:02:18,400 --> 00:02:19,900 or an out of control president... 14 00:02:23,400 --> 00:02:26,600 ...you stand in the face of opposition fearlessly. 15 00:02:26,600 --> 00:02:28,600 Now, that's what this firm represents. 16 00:02:28,600 --> 00:02:31,310 That's what you all are. You're all fighters. 17 00:02:31,310 --> 00:02:32,640 Each and every one of you. 18 00:02:32,640 --> 00:02:33,940 You're fighters. 19 00:02:33,940 --> 00:02:35,270 I'm done for the day. 20 00:02:41,640 --> 00:02:43,640 Okay, okay. 21 00:02:43,640 --> 00:02:45,400 We still have a firm to operate. 22 00:02:45,400 --> 00:02:46,600 Besides, we don't want to exhaust 23 00:02:46,600 --> 00:02:48,100 - our founding partner. - Well, 24 00:02:48,100 --> 00:02:49,270 That's all right, Barbara. All right, now. 25 00:02:49,270 --> 00:02:50,400 Back to work, y'all. 26 00:02:51,770 --> 00:02:54,440 Did you know he was coming? 27 00:02:54,440 --> 00:02:55,480 No. 28 00:02:55,480 --> 00:02:56,730 You know what he wants? 29 00:02:56,730 --> 00:02:58,310 To see how we're doing. 30 00:02:58,310 --> 00:03:01,730 Complain about how we're doing, more like. 31 00:03:01,730 --> 00:03:03,230 - Adrian. - Carl. 32 00:03:03,230 --> 00:03:04,770 - How you doing? - All right. How you doing? 33 00:03:04,770 --> 00:03:05,810 Good, good. 34 00:03:05,810 --> 00:03:08,690 - Hey, uh, you got a minute? - Yeah, yeah, go on in. 35 00:03:08,690 --> 00:03:10,060 - In here? Okay. - Yeah, go on. 36 00:03:10,060 --> 00:03:11,940 Barbara. 37 00:03:13,640 --> 00:03:15,440 Diane. 38 00:03:15,440 --> 00:03:16,480 Are you sure? 39 00:03:16,480 --> 00:03:18,060 I know Carl; he probably just wants 40 00:03:18,060 --> 00:03:20,060 to talk about the police brutality cases. 41 00:03:20,060 --> 00:03:21,060 Come on. 42 00:03:23,140 --> 00:03:27,140 Hey, um, maybe just the name partners? 43 00:03:27,140 --> 00:03:28,140 - You know, maybe... - Oh, of course. 44 00:03:28,140 --> 00:03:29,560 Well, wait, wait. 45 00:03:29,560 --> 00:03:30,980 Diane's on the executive committee, Carl. 46 00:03:30,980 --> 00:03:33,730 Probably a good idea that she be here. 47 00:03:38,810 --> 00:03:41,520 Hey, man, what the hell is going on here? 48 00:03:41,520 --> 00:03:43,900 I turn my back, and we're being indicted. 49 00:03:43,900 --> 00:03:45,190 We were not indicted, Carl. 50 00:03:45,190 --> 00:03:47,520 What, you got grand juries all over your butt, man. 51 00:03:47,520 --> 00:03:49,270 - That's because we're doing our jobs. - In the meantime, I have to 52 00:03:49,270 --> 00:03:51,140 Find out from the L.A. Times that you just signed 53 00:03:51,140 --> 00:03:52,900 with one of the whitest companies in Silicon Valley. 54 00:03:52,900 --> 00:03:54,980 You really complaining because we brought in a company 55 00:03:54,980 --> 00:03:56,730 worth $86 million a year? 56 00:03:56,730 --> 00:03:58,560 Yeah, two percent black employment. 57 00:03:58,560 --> 00:04:00,600 We don't have anything to do with that, Carl. 58 00:04:00,600 --> 00:04:02,310 We have to make a living, Carl. 59 00:04:02,310 --> 00:04:04,230 Now, in the meantime, I've been receiving these calls 60 00:04:04,230 --> 00:04:05,520 from these clients who are feeling 61 00:04:05,520 --> 00:04:07,310 - that they're being neglected. - Who? 62 00:04:07,310 --> 00:04:09,600 - Tell me, who? - Nigel. He says he can't get you on the phone. 63 00:04:09,600 --> 00:04:11,230 - Nigel Rogers? - Yeah. 64 00:04:11,230 --> 00:04:12,440 Nigel Rogers has not made money 65 00:04:12,440 --> 00:04:14,440 for this firm since 2009, Carl! 66 00:04:14,440 --> 00:04:17,690 Maybe because you have not returned his call. 67 00:04:17,690 --> 00:04:19,690 You all right? Sounds like a fight. 68 00:04:19,690 --> 00:04:21,770 Uh, no, just a friendly disagreement. 69 00:04:21,770 --> 00:04:23,190 What's up? 70 00:04:23,190 --> 00:04:25,770 I'm just checking to see if we're still on for tonight? 71 00:04:25,770 --> 00:04:27,020 Yeah. Same place, right? 72 00:04:27,021 --> 00:04:28,270 No, change of plans. 73 00:04:28,270 --> 00:04:30,350 - What? - Art gallery. 74 00:04:30,350 --> 00:04:32,100 No. Too many people. 75 00:04:32,100 --> 00:04:33,940 Ah, come on. There'll be, like, eight people there. 76 00:04:33,940 --> 00:04:36,400 No one will see us. I'll go down on you in the bathroom. 77 00:04:36,400 --> 00:04:38,600 You promised that last time. 78 00:04:38,600 --> 00:04:41,100 Yeah, well, this time, I double-dog swear. 79 00:04:41,100 --> 00:04:42,770 I'll text the deets. 80 00:04:42,770 --> 00:04:44,940 Don't say "deets." I hate it when you say "deets." 81 00:04:44,940 --> 00:04:47,270 Deet-deet-deet-deets. 82 00:04:47,270 --> 00:04:48,520 Well, where's your responsiveness to the community? 83 00:04:48,520 --> 00:04:50,850 I mean, where's your... Oh, come on, Carl. Seriously? 84 00:04:50,850 --> 00:04:52,440 Carl, wait, we are here, 85 00:04:52,440 --> 00:04:54,900 fighting the good fight. That's what we're doing. 86 00:04:54,900 --> 00:04:57,440 Um, if you'll excuse me, I have some calls to make. 87 00:04:57,440 --> 00:04:59,690 - It's so nice meeting you, sir. - That was not the point of this firm. 88 00:04:59,690 --> 00:05:01,770 - Now, what are we... - Are you serious, Carl? Come on, come on... 89 00:05:01,770 --> 00:05:03,270 Diane Lockhart. 90 00:05:03,271 --> 00:05:04,770 Pastor Jeremiah, how are you? 91 00:05:04,770 --> 00:05:06,100 It's so good to see you. 92 00:05:06,100 --> 00:05:07,440 You are looking well. 93 00:05:07,440 --> 00:05:09,140 Oh, thank you. As are you. 94 00:05:09,140 --> 00:05:10,600 You get younger looking. 95 00:05:10,600 --> 00:05:12,270 No, no, it's the times. 96 00:05:12,270 --> 00:05:14,440 It lights a fire in your belly. 97 00:05:14,440 --> 00:05:17,440 That and a stationary bike. Come on in. 98 00:05:17,440 --> 00:05:19,440 Hey, Carl, 99 00:05:19,440 --> 00:05:21,310 I didn't know Diane was working here. 100 00:05:21,310 --> 00:05:23,600 She performed amazing miracles 101 00:05:23,600 --> 00:05:25,440 in juvenile court, all pro bono. 102 00:05:25,440 --> 00:05:27,100 Oh, you're too kind. 103 00:05:27,100 --> 00:05:29,190 I imagine Carl has told you about my issue. 104 00:05:29,190 --> 00:05:30,520 Well, I haven't told them yet. 105 00:05:30,520 --> 00:05:32,690 You know, we were discussing other business. 106 00:05:32,690 --> 00:05:33,770 Then I'll come back. 107 00:05:33,770 --> 00:05:34,850 Oh, no, no, no, no. 108 00:05:34,850 --> 00:05:35,980 We're gonna go into the conference room 109 00:05:35,980 --> 00:05:37,100 and let my, uh, 110 00:05:37,100 --> 00:05:39,100 my partners discuss their work. 111 00:05:39,100 --> 00:05:41,270 And, uh, Diane, will you join us, please? 112 00:05:41,270 --> 00:05:44,520 Mm-hmm. Uh, certainly. 113 00:05:46,270 --> 00:05:50,980 Mm. He's here for two weeks and he's gone. 114 00:05:50,980 --> 00:05:52,270 Patience. 115 00:05:55,140 --> 00:05:58,440 It's a transitional house I run, as part of my outreach ministry. 116 00:05:58,440 --> 00:06:02,100 - Mm. - And Paul has started to use again. 117 00:06:02,100 --> 00:06:04,850 Uh, that's the young man I need to evict. 118 00:06:04,850 --> 00:06:08,230 Now, I asked him to leave, but he refused. 119 00:06:08,230 --> 00:06:10,480 And I have strict policies 120 00:06:10,480 --> 00:06:12,190 against abuse in the house. 121 00:06:12,190 --> 00:06:15,480 Yeah, we don't normally deliver eviction notices, Rev. 122 00:06:17,400 --> 00:06:19,980 I can handle it, Adrian. It won't take long. 123 00:06:19,980 --> 00:06:23,520 Well, take DiPersia and an associate with you, 124 00:06:23,520 --> 00:06:24,900 in case it needs more hours. 125 00:06:24,900 --> 00:06:26,690 I shall. It's good to see you, Pastor. 126 00:06:26,690 --> 00:06:29,645 - Oh, thank you, Diane. - Oh, yeah. Thank you. 127 00:06:29,646 --> 00:06:30,600 Mm-hmm. 128 00:06:34,600 --> 00:06:36,940 An eviction? Do we normally do that? 129 00:06:36,940 --> 00:06:38,350 It's a favor. 130 00:06:38,350 --> 00:06:39,980 Are we expecting trouble? 131 00:06:39,980 --> 00:06:41,810 I don't think so. 132 00:06:46,560 --> 00:06:48,440 Well, actually, he said that he would. 133 00:06:48,440 --> 00:06:51,560 - Maia? - Dad. 134 00:06:51,560 --> 00:06:54,520 - Hello, Henry. - Diane. 135 00:06:54,520 --> 00:06:56,520 Maia, do you have a second? 136 00:06:56,520 --> 00:07:00,850 Uh... No. No, I don't. I'm working. 137 00:07:00,850 --> 00:07:04,350 It's okay. Take a minute. 138 00:07:07,520 --> 00:07:10,310 What are you doing here? 139 00:07:10,310 --> 00:07:12,770 Well, you don't answer my calls. 140 00:07:12,770 --> 00:07:15,640 You should take that as a sign to stop calling, then, 141 00:07:15,640 --> 00:07:17,810 not as a sign to drop by my work. 142 00:07:17,810 --> 00:07:22,230 Please, Maia. Ma... 143 00:07:25,810 --> 00:07:29,770 - Are you all right? - Yes. 144 00:07:29,770 --> 00:07:32,770 I'm sorry you're going through this. 145 00:07:32,770 --> 00:07:35,060 Thank you. 146 00:07:48,100 --> 00:07:50,900 Drug test. 147 00:07:50,900 --> 00:07:53,060 - Do you carry a gun? - No. 148 00:07:53,060 --> 00:07:57,400 - You ever need one? - All the time. 149 00:07:58,480 --> 00:08:01,020 - Paul Johnson? - Yes? 150 00:08:01,021 --> 00:08:01,940 You're being evicted. 151 00:08:08,350 --> 00:08:12,400 - I'd pick that up. - Or? 152 00:08:12,400 --> 00:08:14,730 Or I'll ask you politely to pick it up. 153 00:08:19,640 --> 00:08:22,270 So, this is from Jerry, huh? 154 00:08:22,270 --> 00:08:23,690 What an asshole. 155 00:08:23,690 --> 00:08:25,230 Can't even do his own dirty work. 156 00:08:25,230 --> 00:08:26,900 We're Pastor Easton's attorney, 157 00:08:26,900 --> 00:08:28,980 - and we need you to know... - So, this is how you tell someone 158 00:08:28,980 --> 00:08:31,060 You don't want to suck their cock anymore? 159 00:08:31,060 --> 00:08:32,770 We need you to know, sir, 160 00:08:32,770 --> 00:08:34,640 that you have broken the rules of this establishment. 161 00:08:34,640 --> 00:08:37,140 Really? The rules that I have to fuck him whenever he wants? 162 00:08:37,140 --> 00:08:39,560 The only reason he's trying to kick me out 163 00:08:39,560 --> 00:08:40,900 is because I ended it... because I don't want 164 00:08:40,900 --> 00:08:42,100 a 70-year-old dick in my mouth. 165 00:08:42,100 --> 00:08:45,480 Shut up and listen. 166 00:08:45,480 --> 00:08:49,600 You have until noon tomorrow to vacate the premises. 167 00:08:49,600 --> 00:08:51,690 Do you need any help finding other accommodations? 168 00:08:51,690 --> 00:08:54,850 Tell Jerry he blew it. I wasn't gonna do anything. 169 00:08:54,850 --> 00:08:56,640 Now I am. 170 00:09:01,100 --> 00:09:03,100 Of course he'd say that. 171 00:09:03,100 --> 00:09:04,940 He says he's going to do something about it. 172 00:09:04,940 --> 00:09:06,730 What? Contact a lawyer? 173 00:09:08,770 --> 00:09:10,940 - Later, Sharise, please. - I think you may want to deal with this. 174 00:09:10,940 --> 00:09:13,770 A Gabriel Kovac says he represents Paul Johnson. 175 00:09:19,100 --> 00:09:21,270 Hello, Mr. Kovac. How are you? 176 00:09:21,270 --> 00:09:22,400 Okay. 177 00:09:22,400 --> 00:09:24,600 You need more chocolate and fewer mints. 178 00:09:24,600 --> 00:09:25,770 Okay. Note taken. 179 00:09:25,770 --> 00:09:27,520 Marissa is going to sit in on this 180 00:09:27,520 --> 00:09:28,770 and take notes, if you don't mind. 181 00:09:28,770 --> 00:09:29,850 More chocolate. Got it. 182 00:09:29,850 --> 00:09:31,520 Likewise and similarly, 183 00:09:31,520 --> 00:09:35,100 I have an iPhone here that I'm gonna record, 184 00:09:35,100 --> 00:09:37,690 if I can, uh, put record on. 185 00:09:37,690 --> 00:09:40,045 Some... Um, there. That button there. 186 00:09:40,046 --> 00:09:42,900 - Oh, great. - Thank you. Yeah. 187 00:09:45,440 --> 00:09:52,600 So, um... I represent Mr. Paul Johnson. 188 00:09:52,600 --> 00:09:54,770 He has been fucked over by your client. 189 00:09:54,770 --> 00:09:56,060 Is that a legal term? 190 00:09:56,060 --> 00:09:57,270 "Fucked over"? 191 00:09:57,270 --> 00:10:00,440 No. But it's accurate. 192 00:10:00,440 --> 00:10:06,020 Pastor Jeremiah placed his penis in two of my client's orifices. 193 00:10:06,020 --> 00:10:07,600 How's that? 194 00:10:07,600 --> 00:10:10,600 Hmm? Does that satisfy your Harvard education? 195 00:10:10,600 --> 00:10:12,350 I didn't go to Harvard. 196 00:10:12,350 --> 00:10:13,730 I didn't either. 197 00:10:13,730 --> 00:10:18,400 Uh, you do understand that by making this accusation, 198 00:10:18,400 --> 00:10:22,230 Mr. Kovac, that you are inviting a countersuit? 199 00:10:22,230 --> 00:10:25,600 In fact, a baseless accusation of this kind 200 00:10:25,600 --> 00:10:28,690 would be grounds to report you to 201 00:10:28,690 --> 00:10:31,440 the Attorney Registration & Disciplinary Commission. 202 00:10:31,440 --> 00:10:35,020 Ms. Lockhart, here's the thing. 203 00:10:35,020 --> 00:10:36,730 I'm not a great lawyer. 204 00:10:36,730 --> 00:10:38,940 Took me three tries to pass the bar. 205 00:10:38,940 --> 00:10:41,900 But I do know this. 206 00:10:41,900 --> 00:10:44,230 You were sent in here to intimidate me, 207 00:10:44,230 --> 00:10:46,440 'cause you're the token white lawyer, 208 00:10:46,440 --> 00:10:50,440 and use all kinds of words like, uh, "disciplinary action," 209 00:10:50,440 --> 00:10:52,440 uh, "court suits," 210 00:10:52,440 --> 00:10:54,770 um, things like that that are supposed to scare me off. 211 00:10:54,770 --> 00:10:57,060 I don't think you understand that this isn't about... 212 00:10:57,060 --> 00:10:58,730 I don't scare easy. 213 00:10:58,730 --> 00:11:00,440 And, uh, I'm not interested 214 00:11:00,440 --> 00:11:03,730 in getting into the right country club. 215 00:11:03,730 --> 00:11:06,690 All I know is Paul Johnson, 216 00:11:06,690 --> 00:11:10,140 when he was 17 years old, was raped by your client, 217 00:11:10,140 --> 00:11:12,270 a certified pastor. 218 00:11:12,270 --> 00:11:15,810 And the Illinois civil statute of limitations 219 00:11:15,810 --> 00:11:18,190 for statutory rape is 20 years. 220 00:11:18,190 --> 00:11:19,640 I looked that up. 221 00:11:20,770 --> 00:11:24,440 I also know that you don't want this to go to trial. 222 00:11:24,440 --> 00:11:27,100 Pastor Jeremiah is a pastor. 223 00:11:27,100 --> 00:11:30,270 I mean, that's, like, already two strikes against him. 224 00:11:30,270 --> 00:11:33,100 And the liberals, they're gonna look at him and think 225 00:11:33,100 --> 00:11:34,640 he rapes kids. 226 00:11:34,640 --> 00:11:36,270 Hey, why don't you have him wear 227 00:11:36,270 --> 00:11:38,600 his collar in court, and then he'd really be fucked. 228 00:11:38,600 --> 00:11:43,480 - What do you want, Mr. Kovac? - Money. And a lot of it. 229 00:11:43,480 --> 00:11:46,190 - We won't be blackmailed. - Yes, you will. 230 00:11:46,190 --> 00:11:47,770 We won't call it that. 231 00:11:47,770 --> 00:11:50,940 We'll call it a pretrial settlement. 232 00:11:50,940 --> 00:11:53,100 And for our purposes... 233 00:11:55,940 --> 00:11:59,980 I was just joking about the blackmail thing. 234 00:11:59,980 --> 00:12:02,140 We are merely having a discussion 235 00:12:02,140 --> 00:12:04,140 about a pretrial settlement. 236 00:12:06,270 --> 00:12:07,980 Nice to meet you. 237 00:12:14,270 --> 00:12:19,850 -Do you ever go on eHarmony? - No. - Too bad. 238 00:12:19,850 --> 00:12:21,480 You should try it. 239 00:12:31,480 --> 00:12:34,520 - Wow. - Yep. 240 00:12:34,520 --> 00:12:38,690 We need to arrange a meeting with the pastor. 241 00:13:00,730 --> 00:13:04,560 You ever fuck a stranger in an art gallery? 242 00:13:04,560 --> 00:13:07,810 Hmm. It's the only place I'd fuck a stranger. 243 00:13:07,810 --> 00:13:10,100 I thought you said there'd be eight people here. 244 00:13:10,100 --> 00:13:12,810 Yeah, there were. You're a little late. 245 00:13:12,810 --> 00:13:15,640 Okay. Where's the bathroom? 246 00:13:17,900 --> 00:13:20,560 - Wow. - Yeah. 247 00:13:20,560 --> 00:13:22,600 It's just something I found in my hamper. 248 00:13:22,600 --> 00:13:24,440 Oh, I want to live in your hamper. 249 00:13:24,440 --> 00:13:26,940 Quick, no one's looking. Kiss me. 250 00:13:28,770 --> 00:13:32,940 - Colin? - Mom? 251 00:13:32,940 --> 00:13:36,140 Yes, Mom. Here I am, in the flesh. 252 00:13:36,140 --> 00:13:38,310 Well, who's your friend? 253 00:13:38,310 --> 00:13:40,940 She's very sexy. 254 00:13:40,940 --> 00:13:42,940 This is my colleague, Lucca. 255 00:13:42,940 --> 00:13:46,270 Lucca... um... Quinn. 256 00:13:46,270 --> 00:13:47,440 - Quinn. Lucca Quinn. - Lucca Quinn. 257 00:13:47,440 --> 00:13:49,440 Francesca Lovatelli. 258 00:13:49,440 --> 00:13:51,100 Are you two sleeping with each other? 259 00:13:51,100 --> 00:13:53,270 - Uh, here we go. - I'm not in the habit of prying. 260 00:13:53,270 --> 00:13:54,810 It's just that Colin never tells me anything 261 00:13:54,810 --> 00:13:56,140 about his personal life. 262 00:13:56,140 --> 00:13:57,940 I wonder why. 263 00:13:57,940 --> 00:13:59,600 I thought you said under the green painting. 264 00:13:59,600 --> 00:14:05,100 - Yes, I did, my son. - Hey. - Hi, Clarence. 265 00:14:05,100 --> 00:14:08,480 - You two know each other? - Lucca, right? 266 00:14:08,480 --> 00:14:09,770 You didn't hire me. 267 00:14:09,770 --> 00:14:11,600 Sorry. 268 00:14:11,600 --> 00:14:14,690 Clarence, please, meet my son, Colin. 269 00:14:14,690 --> 00:14:17,100 - Colin, this is my new attorney. - Hey, man. How you doing? 270 00:14:17,100 --> 00:14:19,350 Mom, what are you doing? Gallery hopping with your lawyer? 271 00:14:19,350 --> 00:14:21,480 Hey. Did you see what Trump is doing? 272 00:14:21,480 --> 00:14:24,690 Oh, my God, this country. What happened? 273 00:14:24,690 --> 00:14:26,850 I heard they're thinking of tagging all Muslims. 274 00:14:26,850 --> 00:14:28,350 I know, microchips. 275 00:14:28,350 --> 00:14:30,600 I'm thinking of - becoming Muslim. - No. 276 00:14:30,600 --> 00:14:32,060 What do you think about that, Lucca? 277 00:14:32,060 --> 00:14:34,980 Ooh, are you Muslim? Maybe you are. 278 00:14:34,980 --> 00:14:36,440 Not a Muslim, Mom. 279 00:14:36,440 --> 00:14:38,310 Well, are you gonna come to the birthday party 280 00:14:38,310 --> 00:14:39,520 tomorrow night? 281 00:14:39,520 --> 00:14:40,940 I, uh... uh, what? 282 00:14:40,940 --> 00:14:42,190 Yeah, tomorrow night. 283 00:14:42,190 --> 00:14:43,940 - Oh. - Birthday party, tomorrow night. 284 00:14:43,940 --> 00:14:46,100 Huh. I guess someone forgot to mention it to me. 285 00:14:46,100 --> 00:14:47,810 Colin's 32 years old. 286 00:14:47,810 --> 00:14:51,190 Like Jesus, one year away from death. 287 00:14:51,190 --> 00:14:54,600 But he still looks like a baby. Look at that skin. 288 00:14:54,600 --> 00:14:56,980 Uh, I think Lucca's probably a little busy. I don't... 289 00:14:56,980 --> 00:14:59,230 No, no, no. No, I-I think I can break that date. 290 00:14:59,230 --> 00:15:00,270 Really? 291 00:15:00,271 --> 00:15:01,310 Thank you, Lucca. 292 00:15:01,310 --> 00:15:03,060 Isn't that just like my son? 293 00:15:03,060 --> 00:15:05,100 Always trying to push women away. 294 00:15:05,100 --> 00:15:07,270 I know. Isn't that true? 295 00:15:07,270 --> 00:15:08,770 I hate it. 296 00:15:08,770 --> 00:15:10,230 Did you see what Trump said 297 00:15:10,230 --> 00:15:11,940 about African-Americans? 298 00:15:11,940 --> 00:15:15,020 This lawyer has evidence 299 00:15:15,020 --> 00:15:18,600 of payments you made to Paul Johnson last year. 300 00:15:18,600 --> 00:15:21,850 Three payments, totaling $9,000. 301 00:15:21,850 --> 00:15:23,100 That's true. 302 00:15:25,100 --> 00:15:26,770 So you made these payments? 303 00:15:26,770 --> 00:15:28,440 Was it money to silence Paul? 304 00:15:28,440 --> 00:15:30,060 No. 305 00:15:30,060 --> 00:15:31,600 Well, then, what was it? 306 00:15:31,600 --> 00:15:34,520 There's scripture, tells of a traveler, 307 00:15:34,520 --> 00:15:36,270 beaten, robbed, 308 00:15:36,270 --> 00:15:38,020 left at the side of the road. 309 00:15:38,020 --> 00:15:41,850 The only man to offer help was a Samaritan, 310 00:15:41,850 --> 00:15:43,440 a rival ethnic group. 311 00:15:43,440 --> 00:15:47,400 Now, this Samaritan, he cared for this man. 312 00:15:47,400 --> 00:15:50,400 That's what I provided. 313 00:15:50,400 --> 00:15:53,940 Care for someone who needed help. 314 00:15:53,940 --> 00:15:58,770 And I will not let him turn that into something obscene. 315 00:15:58,770 --> 00:16:02,440 You didn't have a sexual relationship with him? 316 00:16:06,850 --> 00:16:09,940 No. 317 00:16:09,940 --> 00:16:14,140 All I ever did was help him get on his feet. 318 00:16:17,020 --> 00:16:19,980 I'm sorry. I don't believe him, Carl. 319 00:16:19,980 --> 00:16:22,480 And that's how I know we are not the right firm 320 00:16:22,480 --> 00:16:24,310 for this case. 321 00:16:24,310 --> 00:16:26,520 Well, you only defend people that you believe? 322 00:16:26,520 --> 00:16:28,690 When the other shoe drops, and more Pauls come forward, 323 00:16:28,690 --> 00:16:30,270 we're gonna wish we were nowhere near 324 00:16:30,270 --> 00:16:31,270 involved with this. 325 00:16:31,270 --> 00:16:32,810 We are gonna take this case. 326 00:16:32,810 --> 00:16:36,270 We cannot afford to be on the wrong side of this. 327 00:16:36,270 --> 00:16:37,520 Now, think about this: 328 00:16:37,520 --> 00:16:40,480 black pastor rapes 17-year-old child? 329 00:16:40,480 --> 00:16:42,690 Carl. 330 00:16:44,480 --> 00:16:47,980 - I'm invoking Article 4. - What? Excuse me? 331 00:16:47,980 --> 00:16:49,600 I'm demanding a full partnership vote 332 00:16:49,600 --> 00:16:51,600 on the leadership of this firm. 333 00:16:51,600 --> 00:16:53,770 We're going in another direction. 334 00:16:53,770 --> 00:16:55,190 Uh-huh. And you're the new direction. 335 00:16:55,190 --> 00:16:56,520 Is that it? Seriously? 336 00:16:56,520 --> 00:16:58,770 Yeah, I'm taking my firm back. 337 00:16:58,770 --> 00:17:01,270 You've driven it to the ground, and in this day and age, 338 00:17:01,270 --> 00:17:02,940 we can't afford to let it drift. 339 00:17:04,980 --> 00:17:08,600 You got old, Carl. 340 00:17:08,600 --> 00:17:10,640 And you're betraying me right now. 341 00:17:10,640 --> 00:17:13,850 But you know what? I still honor you. 342 00:17:13,850 --> 00:17:17,100 Everything you've done in the past. 343 00:17:17,100 --> 00:17:20,770 Truly. Now you need to go. 344 00:17:20,770 --> 00:17:22,190 You make those inspirational speeches, 345 00:17:22,190 --> 00:17:23,980 and you take every bit of that applause, 346 00:17:23,980 --> 00:17:26,190 'cause you have earned it. 347 00:17:26,190 --> 00:17:28,100 But as far as the future's concerned? 348 00:17:28,100 --> 00:17:30,600 You got to let us take it from here, Carl. 349 00:17:30,600 --> 00:17:34,600 You know, I've been called old for about 20 years now. 350 00:17:34,600 --> 00:17:38,900 Every time somebody says that to me... I smile. 351 00:17:38,900 --> 00:17:41,310 Because they are underestimating me. 352 00:17:41,310 --> 00:17:43,640 But you know what? 353 00:17:43,640 --> 00:17:46,020 You forgot the lessons I taught you. 354 00:17:46,020 --> 00:17:48,190 You forgot those lessons. 355 00:17:48,190 --> 00:17:50,230 Now you be careful. 356 00:17:50,230 --> 00:17:51,630 This old man may just kick your ass. 357 00:18:00,480 --> 00:18:02,770 Yeah, I guess you can understand what it feels like 358 00:18:02,770 --> 00:18:05,600 to, uh... have a firm that bears your name 359 00:18:05,600 --> 00:18:07,350 that lost your mission. 360 00:18:07,350 --> 00:18:09,440 - Mm. I've had my experience with that, yes. - Yeah. 361 00:18:09,440 --> 00:18:11,560 So maybe you can understand why I'm doing what I'm doing. 362 00:18:11,560 --> 00:18:13,900 Now, there's gonna be a full vote of the partners. 363 00:18:13,900 --> 00:18:17,190 And I need your help, so I can get my firm back. 364 00:18:17,190 --> 00:18:21,060 We once stood for something important, Barbara. 365 00:18:21,060 --> 00:18:23,560 And the only thing we stand for now is making money, 366 00:18:23,560 --> 00:18:26,900 and as far as I'm concerned, that means we stand for nothing. 367 00:18:26,900 --> 00:18:31,400 Vote with me, Barbara. Vote with me, please. 368 00:18:31,400 --> 00:18:33,900 Adrian, he'll have his input, 369 00:18:33,900 --> 00:18:35,940 but he's the head and you're the heart, 370 00:18:35,940 --> 00:18:37,770 as far as I'm concerned. 371 00:18:37,770 --> 00:18:39,900 Help me put the heart first. 372 00:18:43,060 --> 00:18:45,900 Now, you know, uh, we're having a vote. 373 00:18:45,900 --> 00:18:49,770 - Managing partner? - Yes, I heard. 374 00:18:49,770 --> 00:18:51,940 Why don't you check out the lay of the land for me, 375 00:18:51,940 --> 00:18:54,190 see who's voting for who. 376 00:18:54,190 --> 00:18:56,730 I... Look, I don't want to get in the middle of this. 377 00:18:56,730 --> 00:18:58,060 Uh, I hope you understand. 378 00:18:58,060 --> 00:18:59,900 Oh, I know, I know, I know. 379 00:18:59,900 --> 00:19:02,520 Why don't you, uh... 380 00:19:02,520 --> 00:19:05,560 put your ear to the ground. 381 00:19:05,560 --> 00:19:07,230 Mr. Reddick asked me to see what I could find out 382 00:19:07,230 --> 00:19:10,020 about this addict coming after Pastor Jeremiah. 383 00:19:10,020 --> 00:19:11,270 Go ahead and do it. 384 00:19:11,270 --> 00:19:13,100 But not too many billable hours. 385 00:19:13,100 --> 00:19:14,690 Understood. 386 00:19:14,690 --> 00:19:18,350 He did ask me about a likely head count 387 00:19:18,350 --> 00:19:20,770 for the vote on managing partner. 388 00:19:20,770 --> 00:19:23,100 Is that something you have a problem doing? 389 00:19:23,100 --> 00:19:25,350 Not at all. 390 00:19:25,350 --> 00:19:28,270 I just wanted to see how accurate you wanted me to be 391 00:19:28,270 --> 00:19:30,020 in what I report back to him. 392 00:19:41,060 --> 00:19:42,980 There but for the grace of God. 393 00:19:42,980 --> 00:19:44,230 Hmm. 394 00:19:48,520 --> 00:19:52,230 Ms. Lockhart, nice to see you. Welcome. 395 00:19:52,230 --> 00:19:53,940 And... you're not Marissa. 396 00:19:53,940 --> 00:19:55,400 Where is, uh, where is Marissa? 397 00:19:55,400 --> 00:19:56,640 Marissa's my assistant. 398 00:19:56,640 --> 00:19:59,640 - This is Maia. - Maia. Hello. 399 00:19:59,640 --> 00:20:00,900 Pretty red hair. 400 00:20:00,900 --> 00:20:02,640 I had a dog with red hair. 401 00:20:02,640 --> 00:20:04,350 Uh, please sit down, sit down. 402 00:20:04,350 --> 00:20:06,560 I am just finishing up a round of Candy Crush. 403 00:20:06,560 --> 00:20:08,100 And this is... 404 00:20:08,100 --> 00:20:10,350 I have to finish this; if I don't finish, 405 00:20:10,350 --> 00:20:12,730 I'm just gonna be a bit of a... 406 00:20:12,730 --> 00:20:15,230 Hold on a second. Sorry. 407 00:20:15,230 --> 00:20:19,560 Goddamn it! Not my day today. 408 00:20:19,560 --> 00:20:21,600 Mr. Kovac, 409 00:20:21,600 --> 00:20:23,560 we've looked into the payments you told us about, 410 00:20:23,560 --> 00:20:25,480 from Pastor Jeremiah to Paul, 411 00:20:25,480 --> 00:20:28,060 and we're satisfied that there is an innocent explanation. 412 00:20:28,060 --> 00:20:31,520 We're not gonna offer Mr. Johnson any money. 413 00:20:31,520 --> 00:20:34,270 - That's final. - Really? 414 00:20:34,270 --> 00:20:37,480 - And who are you again? - Maia. 415 00:20:37,480 --> 00:20:38,770 Hmm. 416 00:20:38,770 --> 00:20:41,690 You keep sending out white lawyers. 417 00:20:41,690 --> 00:20:42,460 Why is that? 418 00:20:42,461 --> 00:20:43,230 Yes, Mr. Kovac, 419 00:20:43,230 --> 00:20:44,980 we're very impressed with your street smarts. 420 00:20:44,980 --> 00:20:47,020 But at some point, you have to stop riding 421 00:20:47,020 --> 00:20:48,270 the anti-Ivy League thing. 422 00:20:48,270 --> 00:20:49,940 You either have the evidence or not. 423 00:21:03,940 --> 00:21:06,100 Okay, you'll have to explain this. 424 00:21:06,100 --> 00:21:10,640 This is the security footage from inside the halfway house. 425 00:21:10,640 --> 00:21:13,020 And take a look at that time stamp. 426 00:21:13,020 --> 00:21:17,810 Pastor Jeremiah goes into Paul's room at 11:00 at night. 427 00:21:17,810 --> 00:21:22,850 And he comes back out at... 11:30. 428 00:21:22,850 --> 00:21:25,690 That's a half hour. 429 00:21:25,690 --> 00:21:26,980 Hmm? 430 00:21:30,020 --> 00:21:31,230 Mm-hmm. 431 00:21:31,230 --> 00:21:34,230 Yeah, yeah, I may not be polite, 432 00:21:34,230 --> 00:21:36,730 but-but people are worse than you expect. 433 00:21:36,730 --> 00:21:39,640 Pastors rape little boys! 434 00:21:40,900 --> 00:21:42,640 Even clichés happen. 435 00:21:45,640 --> 00:21:47,730 It was a drug test. 436 00:21:47,730 --> 00:21:51,520 A drug test that only targeted Paul? 437 00:21:51,520 --> 00:21:54,060 You didn't go into anybody else's room that night. 438 00:21:54,060 --> 00:21:56,730 Well, there was a report that Paul, and only Paul, 439 00:21:56,730 --> 00:22:00,190 had a late-night visitor, perhaps a drug dealer. 440 00:22:00,190 --> 00:22:03,060 So I went into his room to give him a drug test. 441 00:22:03,060 --> 00:22:05,900 - This was standard procedure? - Yes. 442 00:22:05,900 --> 00:22:10,100 We have kits on-site that we use. 443 00:22:10,100 --> 00:22:13,440 I wasn't in his room for any other reason. 444 00:22:15,730 --> 00:22:17,770 - Can you play it again? - Sure. 445 00:22:21,640 --> 00:22:23,730 The reverend is the one who put this security video in. 446 00:22:23,730 --> 00:22:25,810 He wanted to make sure no one flaunted the rules. 447 00:22:25,810 --> 00:22:27,600 It's insane to think he'd go into somebody's room 448 00:22:27,600 --> 00:22:28,900 without a reason. 449 00:22:28,900 --> 00:22:30,770 Stop. There. 450 00:22:30,770 --> 00:22:32,230 Go back. 451 00:22:32,230 --> 00:22:33,730 There's a time jump. 452 00:22:33,730 --> 00:22:35,560 You're missing almost an hour of footage. 453 00:22:35,560 --> 00:22:37,060 No, th-that can't happen. 454 00:22:37,060 --> 00:22:41,230 But look, the time code, it jumps an hour. 455 00:22:44,230 --> 00:22:45,900 Jeremiah is a good man. 456 00:22:47,400 --> 00:22:49,140 He takes care of us. 457 00:22:49,140 --> 00:22:53,440 He even takes us for long walks every morning. 458 00:22:53,440 --> 00:22:56,640 It helps us clear our heads, keeps us in shape. 459 00:22:56,640 --> 00:22:58,140 Why are you saying that? 460 00:22:58,140 --> 00:23:00,140 I'm not saying any different. 461 00:23:00,140 --> 00:23:03,310 A lot of people want religious people brought down. 462 00:23:03,310 --> 00:23:05,560 They don't like God, or they don't like people 463 00:23:05,560 --> 00:23:07,600 who believe in God. 464 00:23:07,600 --> 00:23:13,900 - I just want to know the truth. - Then die. 465 00:23:13,900 --> 00:23:18,190 That's how you know the truth. Die. 466 00:23:18,190 --> 00:23:19,850 And God'll tell you. 467 00:23:22,600 --> 00:23:24,190 So there's an hour missing. 468 00:23:24,190 --> 00:23:25,165 What does that mean? 469 00:23:25,166 --> 00:23:26,140 I don't know. 470 00:23:26,140 --> 00:23:27,940 Now, either someone is covering for the reverend, 471 00:23:27,940 --> 00:23:30,310 or Paul Johnson and his lawyer don't want us to see 472 00:23:30,310 --> 00:23:32,310 - that his dealer entered the room. - Yeah. 473 00:23:33,310 --> 00:23:34,900 Wait, wait, freeze. 474 00:23:34,900 --> 00:23:36,810 It's a laptop; just press the space button. 475 00:23:40,440 --> 00:23:42,850 Do you want me to enhance? 476 00:23:42,850 --> 00:23:44,640 What? 477 00:23:44,640 --> 00:23:46,900 I was just thinking I'm pretty good at your job. 478 00:23:46,900 --> 00:23:49,020 I think I'll go for a detective license. 479 00:23:49,020 --> 00:23:50,440 Congratulations. 480 00:23:50,440 --> 00:23:51,900 What? 481 00:23:51,900 --> 00:23:54,400 Do you see this? It's a Fitbit. 482 00:23:54,400 --> 00:23:57,400 When you go on my website, you can find when I was asleep, 483 00:23:57,400 --> 00:24:00,560 when I was awake, when I was walking, how far I went. 484 00:24:00,560 --> 00:24:01,940 Look. 485 00:24:05,900 --> 00:24:07,480 Okay. 486 00:24:07,480 --> 00:24:09,850 I'll sponsor you for a detective's license. 487 00:24:09,850 --> 00:24:11,900 - Really? - Sure. 488 00:24:11,900 --> 00:24:14,400 Tell me when. 489 00:24:14,400 --> 00:24:16,230 I wasn't able to recover the deleted security footage, 490 00:24:16,230 --> 00:24:19,060 but Marissa noticed Paul was wearing 491 00:24:19,060 --> 00:24:20,400 a fitness tracker. 492 00:24:20,400 --> 00:24:22,060 - Hi, I'm Marissa. - Hi. 493 00:24:22,060 --> 00:24:23,520 Jeremiah gifted everyone at the halfway house one, 494 00:24:23,520 --> 00:24:25,600 putting an emphasis on healthy living. 495 00:24:25,600 --> 00:24:27,190 They monitor your heart rate, count your steps, 496 00:24:27,190 --> 00:24:28,900 things like that. I used to think they were stupid, 497 00:24:28,900 --> 00:24:30,440 but now I have one. See? 498 00:24:30,440 --> 00:24:32,060 Yeah, the reverend set up an activity group 499 00:24:32,060 --> 00:24:33,270 for the tenants to compete with each other. 500 00:24:33,270 --> 00:24:34,900 Which means... 501 00:24:34,900 --> 00:24:36,900 we have access to all of Paul's data. 502 00:24:38,270 --> 00:24:40,060 This is what Paul was doing? 503 00:24:40,060 --> 00:24:41,400 Oh, well, not everything, but some. 504 00:24:41,400 --> 00:24:43,060 And it looks like Paul was sleeping until... 505 00:24:43,060 --> 00:24:45,190 you see that spike there? 506 00:24:45,190 --> 00:24:46,690 That's when Jeremiah knocked on the door, waking him up. 507 00:24:46,690 --> 00:24:47,900 This still doesn't rule out sex. 508 00:24:47,900 --> 00:24:50,900 Not until you compare the data side-by-side. 509 00:24:50,900 --> 00:24:53,230 Paul's heart rate is slowly increasing. 510 00:24:53,230 --> 00:24:54,730 And Jeremiah's is decreasing. 511 00:24:54,730 --> 00:24:56,230 That's not two people having sex. 512 00:24:56,230 --> 00:24:57,770 Would you excuse me one second? 513 00:24:57,770 --> 00:25:00,350 Now, either Jeremiah somehow 514 00:25:00,350 --> 00:25:01,560 drugged himself and still managed 515 00:25:01,560 --> 00:25:02,940 to take advantage of Paul, or... 516 00:25:02,940 --> 00:25:05,400 Or Paul is lying. 517 00:25:05,400 --> 00:25:07,560 Amy, what's wrong? 518 00:25:07,560 --> 00:25:09,690 I don't know. Maybe nothing. I couldn't get ahold of you. 519 00:25:09,690 --> 00:25:11,640 Dad's been trying to call me, so I've been screening. 520 00:25:11,640 --> 00:25:14,770 Yeah, he called home. Three times. 521 00:25:14,770 --> 00:25:18,100 Every time I silenced it, he called back, so I had to answer. 522 00:25:18,100 --> 00:25:20,060 He told me he's always considered me family 523 00:25:20,060 --> 00:25:22,350 and then thanked me for being so good to you. 524 00:25:22,350 --> 00:25:23,435 He was sobbing. 525 00:25:23,436 --> 00:25:24,520 What? 526 00:25:24,520 --> 00:25:26,230 It sounded like good-bye. 527 00:25:26,230 --> 00:25:28,810 I think you should call him. 528 00:25:30,560 --> 00:25:31,810 Yeah. 529 00:25:39,440 --> 00:25:41,060 We're not home right now. 530 00:25:41,060 --> 00:25:42,310 Please leave a message af... 531 00:26:34,400 --> 00:26:37,730 Dad? Hello? 532 00:26:37,730 --> 00:26:40,690 Dad? 533 00:26:40,690 --> 00:26:42,350 I know what you're thinking, okay? 534 00:26:42,350 --> 00:26:44,310 I'm on my way to you right now. 535 00:26:44,310 --> 00:26:47,230 Just... let's talk. 536 00:26:48,810 --> 00:26:50,980 Dad, I love you, okay? 537 00:26:50,980 --> 00:26:52,230 I'm on my way. 538 00:26:52,230 --> 00:26:53,480 I'm gonna be there soon. 539 00:26:53,480 --> 00:26:56,190 Just... just don't hang up. 540 00:27:00,400 --> 00:27:02,060 Don't hang up, just... 541 00:27:02,060 --> 00:27:04,400 stay with me right n... 542 00:27:09,640 --> 00:27:10,980 Try my mom. 543 00:27:45,560 --> 00:27:47,480 She isn't answering. 544 00:27:49,440 --> 00:27:52,480 - Try her at Uncle Jax's. - Why? 545 00:27:52,480 --> 00:27:55,400 She might be there. 546 00:28:20,020 --> 00:28:21,020 Ouch. 547 00:28:31,350 --> 00:28:32,560 We really don't have to do this. 548 00:28:32,560 --> 00:28:34,810 Oh, afraid of what I might learn about you, Mr. Morrello? 549 00:28:37,640 --> 00:28:38,690 Colin! 550 00:28:41,100 --> 00:28:42,440 Mwah! 551 00:28:42,440 --> 00:28:43,810 Happy birthday, son. 552 00:28:43,810 --> 00:28:45,270 Thank you, Dad. This is Lucca. 553 00:28:45,270 --> 00:28:46,560 I know. 554 00:28:46,560 --> 00:28:49,640 Your mom's been talking about you. - Ah. 555 00:28:49,640 --> 00:28:51,230 Isn't Trump a nightmare? 556 00:28:51,230 --> 00:28:53,560 Oh. I mean, oh, my God, what he said 557 00:28:53,560 --> 00:28:56,730 about the Central Park Five. 558 00:28:56,730 --> 00:29:00,270 - Uh, this is Julie, my secretary. - Hi. 559 00:29:01,560 --> 00:29:03,560 Always hiring the best, Dad. 560 00:29:03,560 --> 00:29:05,690 What's that supposed to mean? 561 00:29:05,690 --> 00:29:07,100 Nothing. Where is Mom? 562 00:29:07,100 --> 00:29:09,020 Near the drinks. Where do you think? 563 00:29:09,020 --> 00:29:11,060 Hmm. 564 00:29:11,060 --> 00:29:12,850 Very nice to meet you, Lucca. 565 00:29:12,850 --> 00:29:14,900 Uh, you, too, Mr. Lovatelli. 566 00:29:14,900 --> 00:29:19,230 The Root is a great online magazine. 567 00:29:19,230 --> 00:29:21,230 I have it on Google Alert. 568 00:29:24,850 --> 00:29:27,480 Please don't judge me by this evening. 569 00:29:27,480 --> 00:29:29,060 - Too late. - Hmm. 570 00:29:29,060 --> 00:29:30,690 Lucca, hello. 571 00:29:30,690 --> 00:29:32,190 There you are! 572 00:29:32,191 --> 00:29:33,690 Okay. 573 00:29:35,190 --> 00:29:37,640 You have to settle a debate for me. 574 00:29:37,640 --> 00:29:39,520 Come on. 575 00:29:39,520 --> 00:29:42,060 Oh, Colin, hi. Happy birthday. 576 00:29:42,060 --> 00:29:43,190 Thank you, Mom. 577 00:29:43,190 --> 00:29:45,350 Hey, hey, who's that with Dad? 578 00:29:45,350 --> 00:29:46,400 Oh. 579 00:29:46,400 --> 00:29:48,020 That's his newest toy. 580 00:29:48,020 --> 00:29:50,400 I don't complain if it saves him from having a stroke. 581 00:29:50,400 --> 00:29:52,520 Now, Lucca, 582 00:29:52,520 --> 00:29:55,140 I Googled you, and you are something special. 583 00:29:55,140 --> 00:29:56,020 Am I? 584 00:29:56,021 --> 00:29:56,900 Yes, you are. 585 00:29:56,900 --> 00:29:59,520 I love your firm. I really do. 586 00:29:59,520 --> 00:30:01,140 I want you to talk to my son. 587 00:30:01,140 --> 00:30:03,060 He always sided with authority. 588 00:30:03,060 --> 00:30:05,020 I never sided with... Mm-hmm. 589 00:30:05,020 --> 00:30:07,520 Come here. Here we are, everybody. 590 00:30:07,520 --> 00:30:09,230 Finally, the debate. 591 00:30:09,230 --> 00:30:13,640 Now, African-Americans liked Bernie Sanders, am I right? 592 00:30:13,640 --> 00:30:15,730 Especially the young ones. 593 00:30:15,730 --> 00:30:17,190 And they would have out-voted Hillary 594 00:30:17,190 --> 00:30:18,810 if it weren't for the Southern states. 595 00:30:18,810 --> 00:30:19,850 Do you agree, Lucca? 596 00:30:19,850 --> 00:30:22,640 I don't really have an opinion. 597 00:30:22,640 --> 00:30:24,640 But that is not the question. The question is the arts. 598 00:30:24,640 --> 00:30:27,190 All else fails without the arts. 599 00:30:27,190 --> 00:30:28,810 Magdalena, please. 600 00:30:28,810 --> 00:30:30,140 Do you know Jay Z? 601 00:30:30,140 --> 00:30:32,690 Would you excuse me for a second? 602 00:30:32,690 --> 00:30:34,230 Do you need something, Lucca? 603 00:30:34,230 --> 00:30:35,640 No, just a drink. 604 00:30:35,640 --> 00:30:36,900 Let me get it for you. 605 00:30:36,900 --> 00:30:39,480 It's fine. It's fine. 606 00:30:39,480 --> 00:30:42,810 Oh, she's wonderful. 607 00:30:42,810 --> 00:30:44,020 Wonderful, Colin. 608 00:30:44,020 --> 00:30:46,690 If you don't marry her, I will. 609 00:30:46,690 --> 00:30:47,335 Mom. 610 00:30:47,336 --> 00:30:47,980 Hmm? 611 00:30:47,980 --> 00:30:49,640 Give her a little room, will you? 612 00:30:49,640 --> 00:30:50,640 Of course. 613 00:30:51,690 --> 00:30:55,520 Dad?! Dad! 614 00:30:55,520 --> 00:30:57,020 Henry? 615 00:30:57,020 --> 00:30:59,400 Dad? 616 00:30:59,400 --> 00:31:00,560 Henry? 617 00:31:00,560 --> 00:31:02,560 Dad?! 618 00:31:09,140 --> 00:31:10,520 Dad! 619 00:31:10,520 --> 00:31:11,770 Maia? 620 00:31:28,060 --> 00:31:29,480 Oh, my God. 621 00:31:29,480 --> 00:31:31,600 Dad?! 622 00:31:31,600 --> 00:31:32,640 Dad! 623 00:31:43,770 --> 00:31:46,520 What is that? 624 00:31:46,520 --> 00:31:49,810 "Maia, stay here, call the police. 625 00:31:49,810 --> 00:31:51,060 "Let them handle this. 626 00:31:51,060 --> 00:31:53,520 I don't want you to see this." 627 00:31:53,520 --> 00:31:55,310 Oh, Jesus Christ. 628 00:31:55,310 --> 00:31:58,020 Dad? 629 00:31:58,020 --> 00:31:59,600 Oh, my God! 630 00:32:01,520 --> 00:32:03,810 Oh, my God, what happened? What did you do? 631 00:32:03,810 --> 00:32:04,850 - Don't. Please don't call. - Hello. 632 00:32:04,850 --> 00:32:07,020 I'm at 9511 West Mangolini Road. 633 00:32:07,020 --> 00:32:08,190 We need an ambulance. 634 00:32:08,190 --> 00:32:09,440 Dad, don't ever do that, okay? 635 00:32:09,440 --> 00:32:10,230 Ever! 636 00:32:10,231 --> 00:32:11,020 Maia, 637 00:32:11,020 --> 00:32:13,600 if they think I tried to commit suicide, 638 00:32:13,600 --> 00:32:14,850 they'll revoke my bail. 639 00:32:14,850 --> 00:32:15,995 You tried to commit suicide? 640 00:32:15,996 --> 00:32:17,140 Shh. 641 00:32:17,140 --> 00:32:18,850 Maia, I need you to think with me. 642 00:32:18,850 --> 00:32:21,190 If they revoke my bail, they'll put me behind bars 643 00:32:21,190 --> 00:32:23,520 on suicide watch until the trial. 644 00:32:23,520 --> 00:32:26,690 Okay, so I just fell. 645 00:32:26,690 --> 00:32:27,415 You fell? 646 00:32:27,416 --> 00:32:28,140 Mm-hmm. 647 00:32:28,140 --> 00:32:29,690 You were checking the roof, and you fell. 648 00:32:29,690 --> 00:32:30,690 I fell. 649 00:32:30,690 --> 00:32:32,640 Yes. Yeah. 650 00:32:32,640 --> 00:32:34,640 They'll be here in a few minutes. 651 00:32:34,640 --> 00:32:37,440 Now, Maia, you have a few minutes. 652 00:32:37,440 --> 00:32:40,440 I need you to make this look right. 653 00:32:56,350 --> 00:32:59,440 Tell the paramedics he fell, okay? 654 00:33:09,520 --> 00:33:11,400 Perfect. 655 00:33:11,400 --> 00:33:13,690 Do you think it's all right that rap lyrics are homophobic, 656 00:33:13,690 --> 00:33:15,350 because it's cultural? 657 00:33:15,350 --> 00:33:16,900 I don't know, Clarence. 658 00:33:16,900 --> 00:33:19,190 Mm. Oh, by the way, congratulations. 659 00:33:19,190 --> 00:33:20,770 It'll be good for the firm. 660 00:33:20,770 --> 00:33:22,190 What'll be? 661 00:33:22,190 --> 00:33:24,350 Being on his arm as he runs for office. 662 00:33:24,350 --> 00:33:25,900 It's like de Blasio. 663 00:33:25,900 --> 00:33:28,020 Doesn't just work for him, it works for you. 664 00:33:28,020 --> 00:33:30,190 Okay, I don't understand a word you're saying. 665 00:33:30,190 --> 00:33:32,020 They're gonna run Colin for senator. 666 00:33:32,020 --> 00:33:34,400 That's why he's working as an AUSA. 667 00:33:34,400 --> 00:33:36,060 It's a stepping stone to office. 668 00:33:36,060 --> 00:33:38,190 So are you. 669 00:33:38,190 --> 00:33:42,190 The hot black girlfriend? It's a demographic dream. 670 00:33:42,190 --> 00:33:44,850 Ask de Blasio. 671 00:33:52,440 --> 00:33:55,020 Thanks. 672 00:33:55,020 --> 00:33:57,190 Lucca, what's going on? Where you going? 673 00:33:57,190 --> 00:33:58,770 Uh work. I got to go. 674 00:33:58,770 --> 00:34:00,060 An emergency. 675 00:34:00,060 --> 00:34:01,560 All right, well, I'll take you. 676 00:34:01,560 --> 00:34:04,020 No, it's fine. I called for a Lyft. 677 00:34:04,020 --> 00:34:05,270 Apologize to your parents for me. 678 00:34:05,270 --> 00:34:07,020 Work of a lawyer, right? 679 00:34:09,560 --> 00:34:11,230 Colin, come in here! 680 00:34:20,020 --> 00:34:23,140 I-I was thinking... Triage nurse to E.R. 681 00:34:23,140 --> 00:34:23,890 Oh, my God, Henry. 682 00:34:23,891 --> 00:34:24,640 Oh, my gosh. 683 00:34:24,640 --> 00:34:26,190 What were you doing? 684 00:34:26,190 --> 00:34:27,560 We have people to check the roof. 685 00:34:27,560 --> 00:34:29,350 Look... Oh, God. Look at you. 686 00:34:29,350 --> 00:34:31,020 I'm fine. It's nothing, really. It's-it's... 687 00:34:31,020 --> 00:34:31,710 It's nothing. 688 00:34:31,711 --> 00:34:32,400 It's your leg. 689 00:34:32,400 --> 00:34:34,350 And your back. I-It's everything. 690 00:34:34,350 --> 00:34:36,600 Oh, my God, if I lost you, 691 00:34:36,600 --> 00:34:38,100 I don't know what I'd do. 692 00:34:38,100 --> 00:34:39,900 Aw. 693 00:34:39,900 --> 00:34:41,270 And what were you doing there? 694 00:34:42,900 --> 00:34:45,100 I wanted... I wanted to see Dad. 695 00:34:45,100 --> 00:34:46,690 Oh, thank God. 696 00:34:46,690 --> 00:34:48,730 If he, if he had been lying there 697 00:34:48,730 --> 00:34:51,190 all night... 698 00:34:59,270 --> 00:35:02,520 You had Jax bring you here? 699 00:35:02,520 --> 00:35:05,440 I d... I didn't, I didn't want to wait for a cab. 700 00:35:05,440 --> 00:35:08,520 I was too upset to drive myself. 701 00:35:08,520 --> 00:35:10,980 You have to end it, Mom. 702 00:35:10,980 --> 00:35:13,520 What difference does it make if Jax drove me here? 703 00:35:13,520 --> 00:35:15,520 Did you hear what I just said? 704 00:35:15,520 --> 00:35:17,350 You have to end it. 705 00:35:17,350 --> 00:35:18,730 End what? 706 00:35:18,730 --> 00:35:20,310 Stop that. 707 00:35:20,310 --> 00:35:22,690 You know what I mean. 708 00:35:25,020 --> 00:35:27,230 Whatever you think you know about your uncle and I... 709 00:35:27,230 --> 00:35:29,400 It doesn't matter what I think. 710 00:35:29,400 --> 00:35:31,310 It's what my father thinks. 711 00:35:31,310 --> 00:35:34,190 How do you know what he thinks? 712 00:35:41,020 --> 00:35:43,850 What... 713 00:35:43,850 --> 00:35:47,310 "I don't write this out of feeling wronged, 714 00:35:47,310 --> 00:35:50,690 "that because my wife slept with my brother, 715 00:35:50,690 --> 00:35:52,520 "I'm owed something. 716 00:35:52,520 --> 00:35:56,520 "It's I who's cheated my wife... 717 00:35:56,520 --> 00:35:58,980 "out of what it feels like 718 00:35:58,980 --> 00:36:02,350 to be loved by someone you love in return." 719 00:36:04,350 --> 00:36:06,640 What is that? 720 00:36:06,640 --> 00:36:10,770 "Just like I've cheated my daughter of being able 721 00:36:10,770 --> 00:36:12,850 "to hold her head up 722 00:36:12,850 --> 00:36:16,520 "and not be held accountable for the mistakes... 723 00:36:16,520 --> 00:36:18,640 "the crimes... of her father. 724 00:36:18,640 --> 00:36:24,100 "I love these two people more than anyone in the world. 725 00:36:24,100 --> 00:36:26,270 "I just want them to be happy, 726 00:36:26,270 --> 00:36:30,350 "and the best chance of that happening is for me 727 00:36:30,350 --> 00:36:32,940 to clear out and let them." 728 00:36:35,640 --> 00:36:39,770 He made me swear I wouldn't tell you he tried to do it. 729 00:36:39,770 --> 00:36:41,770 You can't say anything. 730 00:36:57,810 --> 00:37:00,230 How's Henry? 731 00:37:00,230 --> 00:37:01,730 Go away. 732 00:37:01,730 --> 00:37:05,560 I just want to check... Go away. 733 00:37:07,480 --> 00:37:09,400 Look, with the vote six hours away, 734 00:37:09,400 --> 00:37:10,940 here's where we stand. 735 00:37:10,940 --> 00:37:15,190 Evelyn says her expense allowance is "stingy." 736 00:37:15,190 --> 00:37:16,500 Stingy. 737 00:37:16,501 --> 00:37:17,810 She'd like an increase. 738 00:37:17,810 --> 00:37:19,270 And Mark feels the firm has lost track 739 00:37:19,270 --> 00:37:20,600 of its civil rights roots. 740 00:37:20,600 --> 00:37:22,310 I love how Mr. Reddick talks. 741 00:37:22,310 --> 00:37:23,640 Truly. 742 00:37:23,640 --> 00:37:25,480 But we do more good in the world, 743 00:37:25,480 --> 00:37:27,270 we have the capital to do good. 744 00:37:27,270 --> 00:37:29,520 Trump's America sure ain't my America. Is it yours? 745 00:37:29,520 --> 00:37:31,480 No, we got to keep on fighting. 746 00:37:31,480 --> 00:37:34,020 So now that we're making more money, we don't have to be 747 00:37:34,020 --> 00:37:35,850 so stingy on the expense accounts. 748 00:37:35,850 --> 00:37:38,690 That's the way we felt like in, uh, Selma, you know? 749 00:37:38,690 --> 00:37:42,350 There's an easier way to live. 750 00:37:42,350 --> 00:37:44,440 Each one of us 751 00:37:44,440 --> 00:37:47,310 is not as strong as we are collectively. 752 00:37:47,310 --> 00:37:48,980 Right? 753 00:37:48,980 --> 00:37:51,190 Is that fair enough? That's not rocket science. 754 00:37:51,190 --> 00:37:53,020 Hi. 755 00:37:53,020 --> 00:37:55,020 Yeah, the gentleman behind me... 756 00:38:25,440 --> 00:38:26,850 Sorry. 757 00:38:37,940 --> 00:38:40,270 As you can see, Mr. Kovac, 758 00:38:40,270 --> 00:38:43,100 these are the readouts from the two fitness trackers... 759 00:38:43,100 --> 00:38:44,520 I hate this thing. 760 00:38:44,520 --> 00:38:46,400 ...and the breathing doesn't match. 761 00:38:46,400 --> 00:38:47,850 Your client's heart rate is increasing, 762 00:38:47,850 --> 00:38:51,230 and Pastor Jeremiah's is decreasing. 763 00:38:51,230 --> 00:38:54,020 That is not indicative of sexual relations. 764 00:38:54,020 --> 00:38:56,520 Oh, my God, you got me. 765 00:38:56,520 --> 00:38:58,770 If I were you, I would drop this suit, sir, 766 00:38:58,770 --> 00:39:01,350 or you'll be facing a devastating countersuit. 767 00:39:03,350 --> 00:39:06,230 You know the only problem you have, Diane? 768 00:39:06,230 --> 00:39:08,690 I can't wait. 769 00:39:08,690 --> 00:39:11,730 Paul can identify a distinguishing mark 770 00:39:11,730 --> 00:39:13,900 on the good pastor's dick. 771 00:39:13,900 --> 00:39:15,560 Now that 772 00:39:15,560 --> 00:39:18,640 is indicative of sexual relations. 773 00:39:18,640 --> 00:39:21,600 You still want to countersue and take this to open court? 774 00:39:21,600 --> 00:39:22,940 Hmm? 775 00:39:22,940 --> 00:39:23,940 You just let me know. 776 00:39:30,190 --> 00:39:32,940 I will not disrobe. 777 00:39:32,940 --> 00:39:36,060 It's the easiest way to prove him wrong, Rev. 778 00:39:36,060 --> 00:39:38,770 Now you don't have a birthmark on your penis? 779 00:39:38,770 --> 00:39:40,690 No, I don't. 780 00:39:40,690 --> 00:39:41,565 So he's lying? 781 00:39:41,566 --> 00:39:42,440 Yes. 782 00:39:42,440 --> 00:39:45,190 The difficulty is, Pastor, if you don't 783 00:39:45,190 --> 00:39:48,100 disrobe, this will make you look guilty. 784 00:39:48,100 --> 00:39:49,520 I understand that. 785 00:39:49,520 --> 00:39:50,940 I am not disrobing. 786 00:39:50,940 --> 00:39:53,850 You can take the camera 787 00:39:53,850 --> 00:39:56,480 and take a photo of yourself. 788 00:39:58,520 --> 00:40:01,980 I spent my whole life fighting, 789 00:40:01,980 --> 00:40:06,980 fighting for the dignity that was denied our forebears. 790 00:40:06,980 --> 00:40:08,600 They were treated like this. 791 00:40:08,600 --> 00:40:10,230 I will not be. 792 00:40:10,230 --> 00:40:11,770 That's what he's counting on, 793 00:40:11,770 --> 00:40:14,100 this little, uh... pissant. 794 00:40:14,100 --> 00:40:17,230 He is blackmailing you, and he's counting on the fact 795 00:40:17,230 --> 00:40:21,020 that you have too much pride to prove that he's a liar. 796 00:40:21,020 --> 00:40:24,310 Then he's smart, and accurate, 797 00:40:24,310 --> 00:40:25,980 because I won't. 798 00:40:25,980 --> 00:40:28,270 Then I think you should pay him. 799 00:40:28,270 --> 00:40:30,980 He's gonna ruin your reputation, Reverend. 800 00:40:30,980 --> 00:40:33,350 All that dignity that you fought for, 801 00:40:33,350 --> 00:40:35,140 it will disappear just like that. 802 00:40:35,140 --> 00:40:36,310 Do you believe him? 803 00:40:36,310 --> 00:40:37,600 It's not about what I believe, 804 00:40:37,600 --> 00:40:38,900 it's about what we can prove. 805 00:40:38,900 --> 00:40:41,480 That's not what I asked. 806 00:40:41,480 --> 00:40:44,270 Reverend... 807 00:40:44,270 --> 00:40:46,770 I have been around too long to know better than 808 00:40:46,770 --> 00:40:50,230 to expect anything from my heroes other than feet of clay. 809 00:40:52,810 --> 00:40:54,940 I don't care one way or the other. 810 00:40:54,940 --> 00:40:57,730 I just want to beat this son of a bitch. 811 00:40:57,730 --> 00:41:00,520 The fitness tracker links to an app 812 00:41:00,520 --> 00:41:01,850 which tracks your routes, like this. 813 00:41:01,850 --> 00:41:04,520 That's me, running around the office, 814 00:41:04,520 --> 00:41:06,440 talking to all of the assistants about who their bosses 815 00:41:06,440 --> 00:41:07,170 are voting for. 816 00:41:07,171 --> 00:41:07,900 And? 817 00:41:07,900 --> 00:41:09,770 I was able to pull up Paul Johnson's tracking data 818 00:41:09,770 --> 00:41:10,770 for the past two months. 819 00:41:14,400 --> 00:41:17,400 When Paul goes jogging, it's fairly random. 820 00:41:17,400 --> 00:41:19,400 No two routes appear to be the same. 821 00:41:19,400 --> 00:41:22,060 But about two weeks ago, a pattern started to emerge. 822 00:41:22,060 --> 00:41:24,100 Two or three times a week, Paul's routes included 823 00:41:24,100 --> 00:41:25,560 a pit stop at Kovac's office. 824 00:41:25,560 --> 00:41:27,400 Well, that makes sense; he's his lawyer. 825 00:41:27,400 --> 00:41:29,400 No. Paul didn't claim to have a lawyer 826 00:41:29,400 --> 00:41:31,850 until we served him the eviction notice. 827 00:41:31,850 --> 00:41:33,730 Good. 828 00:41:33,730 --> 00:41:35,770 We need to look deeper into Kovac. 829 00:41:35,770 --> 00:41:38,060 Any lawsuits, past crimes. 830 00:41:38,060 --> 00:41:40,060 See what you can find. 831 00:41:40,060 --> 00:41:41,310 Perfect timing. 832 00:41:41,311 --> 00:41:42,560 Yeah. 833 00:41:42,560 --> 00:41:43,560 Uh, Ms. Stanway? 834 00:41:43,560 --> 00:41:44,900 Yes? 835 00:41:44,900 --> 00:41:46,400 Hi. We're from the law firm Reddick/Boseman. 836 00:41:46,400 --> 00:41:47,770 We were wondering if we can ask you 837 00:41:47,770 --> 00:41:49,770 a few questions about Gabe Kovac. 838 00:41:49,770 --> 00:41:51,400 Records show you sued him for an assault a few years back. 839 00:41:51,400 --> 00:41:52,850 Yeah, we settled and I dropped the charges. 840 00:41:52,850 --> 00:41:54,400 Can you tell us what happened? 841 00:41:54,400 --> 00:41:56,190 I'm sorry. I signed a nondisclosure agreement. 842 00:41:56,190 --> 00:41:57,850 What if we promise not to tell? 843 00:41:57,850 --> 00:41:59,520 Hey, you never know. 844 00:41:59,520 --> 00:42:01,400 - Sorry. If you'll excuse me. - Uh, Why would Kovac 845 00:42:01,400 --> 00:42:03,350 - Have you sign an NDA? - He didn't. His lawyer did. 846 00:42:03,350 --> 00:42:04,900 And it wasn't with him. 847 00:42:04,900 --> 00:42:07,730 It was with his employer, First Charter Choice. 848 00:42:07,730 --> 00:42:09,400 - First Charter Choice. - What's that? 849 00:42:09,400 --> 00:42:11,190 It's an alt-right cause. 850 00:42:11,190 --> 00:42:13,100 Okay, am I missing something? 851 00:42:13,100 --> 00:42:15,020 No, but I was. 852 00:42:15,020 --> 00:42:15,730 Who you calling? 853 00:42:15,731 --> 00:42:16,440 Adrian. 854 00:42:16,440 --> 00:42:18,440 They're going into negotiations. Come on. 855 00:42:19,900 --> 00:42:21,690 Got it, Jay. 856 00:42:21,690 --> 00:42:22,560 Thanks. 857 00:42:22,560 --> 00:42:23,560 Good work. 858 00:42:23,560 --> 00:42:24,640 Anytime. 859 00:42:25,850 --> 00:42:27,480 Oh. Uh, come on in, gentlemen. 860 00:42:29,770 --> 00:42:33,600 So, I guess you finally came to your senses, 861 00:42:33,600 --> 00:42:34,900 and are ready to settle. 862 00:42:34,900 --> 00:42:36,190 Are you at all familiar 863 00:42:36,190 --> 00:42:37,980 with Rule 1.7 of the ARDC 864 00:42:37,980 --> 00:42:39,770 Code of Ethics, Mr. Kovac? 865 00:42:39,770 --> 00:42:42,600 It's been a while since I studied for the bar. 866 00:42:42,600 --> 00:42:45,560 Why don't, uh... why don't you sum it up for me. 867 00:42:45,560 --> 00:42:48,810 Conflicts of interest between attorneys and their clients 868 00:42:48,810 --> 00:42:50,690 may result in disbarment. 869 00:42:50,690 --> 00:42:54,730 Do I have a kind of conflict of interest with Paul? 870 00:42:54,730 --> 00:42:56,900 We're aware that you have done business with, uh, 871 00:42:56,900 --> 00:42:58,850 Mr. Selkirk's right-wing legal foundation, 872 00:42:58,850 --> 00:43:00,230 First Charter Choice. 873 00:43:00,230 --> 00:43:01,520 And we're also aware 874 00:43:01,520 --> 00:43:03,940 that Selkirk subsidized this "lawsuit," 875 00:43:03,940 --> 00:43:05,480 to embarrass the good reverend. 876 00:43:05,480 --> 00:43:07,350 You're taking money from the alt-right, Mr. Kovac, 877 00:43:07,350 --> 00:43:09,350 and you edited the drug dealer from that video. 878 00:43:09,350 --> 00:43:10,640 You know what? 879 00:43:10,640 --> 00:43:14,900 I think we're, uh... we're about done here. 880 00:43:14,900 --> 00:43:18,350 And we are prepared to file a civil suit against you 881 00:43:18,350 --> 00:43:21,140 and your client... for extortion! 882 00:43:21,140 --> 00:43:22,640 Have a good day, now! 883 00:43:37,020 --> 00:43:39,020 Why aren't you answering my calls? 884 00:43:39,020 --> 00:43:40,230 I've been busy. 885 00:43:40,230 --> 00:43:42,060 My family is insane. 886 00:43:42,060 --> 00:43:44,520 Why do you think I didn't introduce you to them earlier? 887 00:43:44,520 --> 00:43:46,560 This isn't about your family. 888 00:43:46,560 --> 00:43:49,020 It's about this relationship. It's run its course. 889 00:43:49,020 --> 00:43:50,640 I disagree. 890 00:43:50,640 --> 00:43:52,560 That's your right. 891 00:43:52,560 --> 00:43:55,900 I'm not sure what you're looking for, but I'm not her. 892 00:43:55,900 --> 00:43:58,810 I'm not an accessory, I'm not a... trophy. 893 00:43:58,810 --> 00:44:00,900 I'm sure as hell not a wife. 894 00:44:00,900 --> 00:44:03,190 And I never treated you that way. 895 00:44:03,190 --> 00:44:05,810 And if anyone ever does, they have no place in my life. 896 00:44:05,810 --> 00:44:08,850 You're making this a bigger deal than it needs to be. 897 00:44:10,730 --> 00:44:12,060 I don't like your tone. 898 00:44:12,060 --> 00:44:13,480 There is no tone. 899 00:44:13,480 --> 00:44:15,730 We had fun. 900 00:44:15,730 --> 00:44:18,230 Both knew it wasn't for life. 901 00:44:18,230 --> 00:44:20,140 We don't do "for life." 902 00:44:22,100 --> 00:44:23,560 I have to go. 903 00:44:52,730 --> 00:44:54,900 Imani's voting for Reddick, but you have 904 00:44:54,900 --> 00:44:57,140 Calvin Story, Eunice and Tommy Neville. 905 00:44:57,140 --> 00:44:59,770 By my count, you're up one. 906 00:44:59,770 --> 00:45:00,770 Good. Thank you. 907 00:45:00,770 --> 00:45:01,770 Julius. 908 00:45:01,770 --> 00:45:03,230 Saved you a seat. 909 00:45:03,230 --> 00:45:03,835 Fucking Julius? 910 00:45:03,836 --> 00:45:04,440 Thanks, Carl. 911 00:45:04,440 --> 00:45:06,230 Yeah. 912 00:45:06,230 --> 00:45:08,440 Carl. 913 00:45:08,440 --> 00:45:12,060 Julius Cain is leaving the firm. He is ineligible to vote. 914 00:45:12,060 --> 00:45:14,270 Article 12, Subsection D puts forth 915 00:45:14,270 --> 00:45:16,020 that full voting rights will remain in force 916 00:45:16,020 --> 00:45:18,980 through the last day of the partner's pay period, 917 00:45:18,980 --> 00:45:21,230 which I believe is Thursday. 918 00:45:21,230 --> 00:45:22,640 Well, then shall we commence, uh, 919 00:45:22,640 --> 00:45:24,100 casting the ballots? 920 00:45:33,560 --> 00:45:37,480 11 for Adrian and 12 for Carl. 921 00:45:37,480 --> 00:45:39,980 I want the room polled. 922 00:45:39,980 --> 00:45:42,690 For what reason? You lost. 923 00:45:42,690 --> 00:45:45,560 I want to vote for the removal of Adrian Boseman. 924 00:45:45,560 --> 00:45:46,940 Wait. 925 00:45:46,940 --> 00:45:49,060 I didn't vote. 926 00:45:49,060 --> 00:45:50,480 But I want to now. 927 00:45:50,480 --> 00:45:51,520 Eh, it's too late. 928 00:45:51,520 --> 00:45:53,190 No, it's not. 929 00:45:53,190 --> 00:45:57,060 Carl, you said this was a battle 930 00:45:57,060 --> 00:45:59,600 between the firm's heart and its head. 931 00:45:59,600 --> 00:46:01,400 But it's not. 932 00:46:01,400 --> 00:46:03,940 It's about the past or the future. 933 00:46:06,400 --> 00:46:09,100 Your past glories have a lot to teach us, 934 00:46:09,100 --> 00:46:13,060 but this... this is now. 935 00:46:13,060 --> 00:46:16,440 The fights are now, and Adrian knows how to fight them. 936 00:46:19,270 --> 00:46:21,770 I vote for Adrian. 937 00:46:25,560 --> 00:46:27,730 So here we are. 938 00:46:27,730 --> 00:46:29,350 We're split. 939 00:46:29,350 --> 00:46:30,560 Yep. 940 00:46:30,560 --> 00:46:32,520 50/50. 941 00:46:32,520 --> 00:46:34,900 This should be fun. 942 00:46:34,900 --> 00:46:37,690 Hmm. That's the problem with the world today, huh? 943 00:46:37,690 --> 00:46:39,270 You think the fights are different now. 944 00:46:39,270 --> 00:46:42,190 But you're wrong. 945 00:46:42,190 --> 00:46:44,560 They're exactly the same. 946 00:47:04,400 --> 00:47:05,600 May I? 947 00:47:23,850 --> 00:47:25,560 To idealism. 948 00:47:25,560 --> 00:47:27,190 Hmm. 949 00:47:27,190 --> 00:47:29,980 And pragmatism.