1 00:00:00,896 --> 00:00:07,196 {\an8}Namu Amida Butsu 2 00:00:02,116 --> 00:00:07,576 Believe it or not, the world is filled with strange phenomena 3 00:00:07,576 --> 00:00:09,406 that science is yet to explain. 4 00:00:09,986 --> 00:00:12,536 And when people come face to face with them, 5 00:00:12,536 --> 00:00:17,206 they are helplessly thrown into the dark depths of fear. 6 00:00:17,206 --> 00:00:22,336 But there are those who fight every day 7 00:00:22,336 --> 00:00:25,336 to shine a ray of hope into that chaotic darkness. 8 00:00:25,336 --> 00:00:27,716 People call them... 9 00:00:27,716 --> 00:00:30,306 Yokai hunters! 10 00:00:27,716 --> 00:00:31,136 {\an8}Yokai Hunters 11 00:00:32,596 --> 00:00:34,476 This is the city... 12 00:00:34,476 --> 00:00:40,186 The city with the Divine Tree that was featured on that talk show. 13 00:00:40,186 --> 00:00:41,396 Now, then... 14 00:00:42,316 --> 00:00:45,816 Who knows what monstrosities await? 15 00:02:05,936 --> 00:02:11,736 {\an8}Mob Psycho 16 00:02:16,996 --> 00:02:21,456 Yokai Hunter Amakusa Haruaki Appears! ~The Threat of a Hundred Demons!!~ 17 00:02:21,496 --> 00:02:25,126 {\an8}Cultural Fair Haunted House Job List 18 00:02:21,496 --> 00:02:25,126 {\an8}Props | Music | Shopping Costumes | Backgrounds | Signs 19 00:02:22,126 --> 00:02:25,086 Who doesn't have a job yet? 20 00:02:25,956 --> 00:02:27,586 Well, if you don't have any preferences... 21 00:02:27,586 --> 00:02:31,426 Niido-kun, Sagure-kun, Kageyama-kun, and Inukawa-kun, 22 00:02:31,426 --> 00:02:33,426 you'll be in charge of the costumes. 23 00:02:33,426 --> 00:02:35,136 That sucks! 24 00:02:35,136 --> 00:02:38,596 {\an8}Niido | Sagure | Kageyama | Inukawa | Costumes 25 00:02:35,596 --> 00:02:38,596 The costumes will be the key to success with this haunted house, 26 00:02:38,596 --> 00:02:40,556 so make sure you give it your all. 27 00:02:41,686 --> 00:02:43,396 Can't we just use sheets? 28 00:02:43,766 --> 00:02:48,186 Can't we just put white sheets over our heads and go, "We're spooky ghosts"? 29 00:02:48,186 --> 00:02:51,776 Yeah! Then we don't have to bother making anything. 30 00:02:52,406 --> 00:02:56,946 Niido... You're just... 31 00:02:57,946 --> 00:03:00,496 an absolute genius! 32 00:03:00,826 --> 00:03:05,086 Isn't this great, Mob? We won't be stuck in sewing hell now! 33 00:03:05,086 --> 00:03:07,706 Er, is that really okay, though? 34 00:03:08,086 --> 00:03:11,676 We're just going to give the people playing ghosts white cloths? 35 00:03:12,216 --> 00:03:16,716 Since we're in charge of costumes, shouldn't we be doing a little bit more? 36 00:03:16,716 --> 00:03:18,516 What the hell, Kageyama? 37 00:03:18,516 --> 00:03:22,806 Then are you able to make anything or come up with any ideas? 38 00:03:23,596 --> 00:03:26,016 If you can, then tell us. 39 00:03:29,736 --> 00:03:31,356 Buh, buh, buh, buh... 40 00:03:29,736 --> 00:03:34,566 {\an8}Buh buh buh buh 41 00:03:32,446 --> 00:03:34,276 I don't hear anything, do you? 42 00:03:34,566 --> 00:03:34,986 {\an8}Progress Toward 43 00:03:34,986 --> 00:03:35,316 {\an8}Mob's Explosion 44 00:03:35,316 --> 00:03:37,576 {\an8}Progress Toward Mob's Explosion: 22% 45 00:03:35,316 --> 00:03:37,576 {\an8}Costume Idea Sheets it is 46 00:03:37,576 --> 00:03:39,076 Student Council Office 47 00:03:39,406 --> 00:03:43,866 Anyone handling food at the cultural fair will need a fecal exam done, 48 00:03:43,866 --> 00:03:46,286 so make sure you let the class reps know that. 49 00:03:46,536 --> 00:03:47,626 Sir. 50 00:03:48,296 --> 00:03:50,256 What is it, Kageyama-kun? 51 00:03:50,256 --> 00:03:54,086 I think the things we're doing this year are a bit extreme. 52 00:03:54,086 --> 00:04:00,806 {\an7}Salt Middle School Booth or Event by Class Class | Booth or Event 1-1 | Takoyaki Booth 1-2 | Concert Venue 1-3 | Cross-dressing Café 1-4 |Mosaic Art 2-1 | Haunted House 2-2 | Play"Romeo and Princess Kaguya" 2-3 | Pancakes Booth 2-4 | Stained Glass Exhibit 3-1 | Dance 3-2 | Balloon Art 3-3 | Okonomiyaki Booth 3-4 | Chocolate Bananas Booth 53 00:03:54,926 --> 00:03:59,426 The concert venue is definitely going to cause a noise issue with the neighborhood. 54 00:03:59,426 --> 00:04:00,806 Not to mention... 55 00:04:00,806 --> 00:04:03,096 A cross-dressing café?! 56 00:04:00,806 --> 00:04:06,556 Student Council 57 00:04:03,096 --> 00:04:06,556 This is the cultural fair, so we should have everyone dress more conservatively! 58 00:04:06,556 --> 00:04:10,396 {\an7}Confirmation of after-school activities forms Confirm with each club 59 00:04:06,556 --> 00:04:10,396 {\an7}O/X Student Council Meeting 60 00:04:06,856 --> 00:04:10,396 I think that's fine, as long as everyone's safe. 61 00:04:10,726 --> 00:04:11,646 Wha— 62 00:04:11,646 --> 00:04:17,026 I agree, but just in case, let's remind everyone again. 63 00:04:17,026 --> 00:04:18,776 Is everyone okay with that? 64 00:04:20,576 --> 00:04:21,446 Yes... 65 00:04:23,156 --> 00:04:26,416 And so time passed, 66 00:04:24,456 --> 00:04:26,416 Psycho Helmet Religion 67 00:04:24,456 --> 00:04:26,416 {\an8}Newspaper 68 00:04:26,416 --> 00:04:30,336 and right about when there were only two weeks until the cultural fair... 69 00:04:30,666 --> 00:04:33,296 Preparations have been going smoothly... 70 00:04:34,166 --> 00:04:36,506 and at this rate, that's not good. 71 00:04:37,886 --> 00:04:42,386 {\an8}Spirits and Such Consultation Office 72 00:04:37,886 --> 00:04:42,386 {\an8}The star psychic of the 21st century and Seasoning City's Big Bro!! 73 00:04:37,886 --> 00:04:42,386 Welcome to Reigen Arataka's homepage!! 74 00:04:38,136 --> 00:04:42,386 This isn't good. I need to think of some promotion. 75 00:04:42,676 --> 00:04:44,596 The visitors to the site have been... 76 00:04:44,596 --> 00:04:45,846 Here you go. 77 00:04:45,846 --> 00:04:50,066 {\an8}If you have 3 evil spirits, the exorcism fee on 1 of them will be on the house!! \h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\hThis Month Only 78 00:04:46,056 --> 00:04:50,066 Oh, thanks. So what did you want to talk about? 79 00:04:50,316 --> 00:04:51,776 Well... 80 00:04:52,276 --> 00:04:55,236 {\an5}Seasoning City, Marinated Egg Prefecture 81 00:04:52,276 --> 00:04:55,236 {\an5}Evening Middle School 82 00:04:52,276 --> 00:04:55,236 {\an5}Why don't you try out our classes? 83 00:04:52,276 --> 00:04:55,236 {\an5}I want to learn while studying 84 00:04:52,276 --> 00:04:55,236 {\an5}I want to move on to high school 85 00:04:52,276 --> 00:04:55,236 {\an5}I want to redo my education 86 00:04:52,276 --> 00:04:55,236 {\an5}"We'll support everyone's dreams!" We customize everyone's lesson plans 87 00:04:52,276 --> 00:04:55,236 88 00:04:52,276 --> 00:04:55,236 1st session O/X 18:00~ 89 00:04:52,276 --> 00:04:55,236 2nd session O/X 18:00~ 90 00:04:52,276 --> 00:04:55,236 Venue Seasoning City Hall 91 00:04:53,986 --> 00:04:55,236 I see. 92 00:04:55,606 --> 00:04:59,446 So you want to go here? That seems sudden. 93 00:04:59,776 --> 00:05:02,576 I'm thinking about redoing my compulsory education. 94 00:05:02,906 --> 00:05:08,286 It's a night school, so I'll have to be off by 4 PM... 95 00:05:08,286 --> 00:05:10,206 He's trying to improve himself, huh? 96 00:05:10,586 --> 00:05:11,876 Sounds good. 97 00:05:12,336 --> 00:05:13,416 Why don't you give it a try? 98 00:05:13,416 --> 00:05:15,626 Th-Thank you very much! 99 00:05:15,626 --> 00:05:19,136 Well, I've got Mob, so we'll figure it out. 100 00:05:16,626 --> 00:05:19,596 {\an8}If you have 3 evil spirits, the exorcism fee on 1 of them will be on the house!! \h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\hThis Month Only 101 00:05:16,626 --> 00:05:19,596 Reception 102 00:05:19,886 --> 00:05:22,806 As for Dimple... I haven't seen him around lately. 103 00:05:22,806 --> 00:05:26,636 {\an8}Spirits and Such Consultation Office 104 00:05:23,306 --> 00:05:25,976 I should've put a leash on him. 105 00:05:29,646 --> 00:05:34,816 Hullo! I am the yokai hunter Amakusa Haruaki! 106 00:05:31,976 --> 00:05:34,816 {\an4}Yokai Hunter 107 00:05:31,976 --> 00:05:34,816 {\an4}Amakusa Haruaki 108 00:05:34,816 --> 00:05:36,696 {\an8}Mama, look at that guy. 109 00:05:35,856 --> 00:05:38,236 That's what I'll say as I go in. 110 00:05:36,696 --> 00:05:37,696 {\an8}Stop staring. 111 00:05:37,696 --> 00:05:38,566 {\an8}Why? 112 00:05:39,276 --> 00:05:42,236 Hullo! I am... 113 00:05:42,866 --> 00:05:47,826 Hullo! My name is Amakusa... 114 00:05:47,826 --> 00:05:49,036 Okay! 115 00:05:49,036 --> 00:05:50,326 Huwwo! 116 00:05:52,956 --> 00:05:58,046 H-Hullo! My nyame is Amakusa Haruaki! 117 00:05:59,086 --> 00:06:00,756 Can I help you? 118 00:06:01,846 --> 00:06:06,226 My mission is... Oh, right, since I'm here... 119 00:06:07,346 --> 00:06:11,306 I can say that I hunt those who writhe in the shadows... 120 00:06:11,516 --> 00:06:17,066 The reason I came to this city is to stop "the incident" before it can start. 121 00:06:17,696 --> 00:06:20,776 I didn't understand 90% of what he just said. 122 00:06:21,316 --> 00:06:25,236 I'm terribly sorry, but I have an appointment with a client who's ordered an exorcism. 123 00:06:25,576 --> 00:06:27,866 Would you mind waiting outside? 124 00:06:31,996 --> 00:06:36,086 I'm probably the last person who should say this, but he sure was unique... 125 00:06:38,546 --> 00:06:40,426 He's being questioned by the police. 126 00:06:40,426 --> 00:06:42,296 Yeah, he's gonna get taken to the station. 127 00:06:43,796 --> 00:06:45,756 {\an8}Spirits and Such Consultation Office 128 00:06:43,796 --> 00:06:45,756 {\an4}3 hours later 129 00:06:44,596 --> 00:06:48,266 Sensei! Thank you so much! 130 00:06:51,226 --> 00:06:52,856 Let's go ahead and take a break. 131 00:06:52,856 --> 00:06:54,056 Oh, sure. 132 00:06:55,816 --> 00:06:57,856 Are you free now? 133 00:06:58,236 --> 00:07:00,396 It's me, Amakusa Haruaki. 134 00:07:00,736 --> 00:07:02,906 So they didn't take him away... 135 00:07:04,156 --> 00:07:05,276 Now, then... 136 00:07:05,276 --> 00:07:09,116 Let us discuss the... dark army. 137 00:07:09,406 --> 00:07:12,326 So not those who writhe in the shadows? 138 00:07:13,706 --> 00:07:16,996 They have more than one name. 139 00:07:16,996 --> 00:07:20,296 You should also not mention them so casually. 140 00:07:20,296 --> 00:07:22,256 You will fall prey. 141 00:07:22,256 --> 00:07:25,926 The vortex of madness is definitely spreading. 142 00:07:25,926 --> 00:07:29,516 In order for us to break free from this cycle of sadness, 143 00:07:29,516 --> 00:07:31,476 I implore that you assist me. 144 00:07:31,806 --> 00:07:35,976 Um... I'm sorry. You may be a client, but I don't quite understand... 145 00:07:35,976 --> 00:07:37,896 I am not a client. 146 00:07:37,896 --> 00:07:38,316 Huh? 147 00:07:38,856 --> 00:07:43,066 I am the one who, er... hide in the... darkness... 148 00:07:43,316 --> 00:07:44,486 Um... 149 00:07:45,986 --> 00:07:49,196 I am the one who hunts the evil that hides in the darkness! 150 00:07:49,826 --> 00:07:53,036 I am the yokai hunter Amakusa Haruaki! 151 00:07:53,036 --> 00:07:54,746 Shut up! 152 00:07:54,746 --> 00:08:00,006 It's annoying as hell trying to hear you fit in all of these buzz words! 153 00:08:00,006 --> 00:08:01,966 B-But I'm not... 154 00:08:02,256 --> 00:08:06,346 Stop finding gratification from picking the most confusing phrasing each time, you dumbass! 155 00:08:06,346 --> 00:08:09,136 I don't have time to listen to your nonsense! 156 00:08:09,136 --> 00:08:11,926 If you don't hurry up and tell me what you want or leave, 157 00:08:11,926 --> 00:08:14,346 I'm gonna rip off them side buns in your hair! 158 00:08:14,346 --> 00:08:16,226 A-All right... 159 00:08:18,766 --> 00:08:27,116 In this world, there abound evil yokai who threaten the peaceful lives of the masses. 160 00:08:27,116 --> 00:08:32,996 I, Amakusa Haruaki, am a yokai hunter 161 00:08:32,996 --> 00:08:37,036 who rends these yokai forevermore. 162 00:08:37,036 --> 00:08:41,626 I traveled to Seasoning City for I sensed the presence of yokai here. 163 00:08:43,086 --> 00:08:46,676 I am currently after the evil yokai horde, the Hundred Demons. 164 00:08:46,676 --> 00:08:49,716 Their goal is the resurrection of the Great Yokai King, 165 00:08:49,716 --> 00:08:55,056 so they are preparing to steal away as much energy as possible. 166 00:08:56,806 --> 00:08:59,856 At some point, he just started speaking normally. 167 00:08:59,856 --> 00:09:01,976 It was probably too difficult. 168 00:09:02,356 --> 00:09:07,696 This ominous presence grows greater by the day, and I am panicking. 169 00:09:07,986 --> 00:09:10,276 Why not talk to the police about this? 170 00:09:10,276 --> 00:09:12,326 The police are bad news. 171 00:09:12,326 --> 00:09:14,496 They will immediately try to use 172 00:09:14,706 --> 00:09:21,206 the Firearms and Swords Control Act against me and try to capture me! 173 00:09:17,326 --> 00:09:21,206 {\an8}The Firearms and Swords Control Act 174 00:09:17,326 --> 00:09:21,206 {\an8}Violation 175 00:09:21,206 --> 00:09:22,546 Well, of course they will. 176 00:09:22,546 --> 00:09:25,216 A-Anyway, I would like for your aid in slaying the Hundred— 177 00:09:24,586 --> 00:09:26,046 {\an8}You can't be serious! 178 00:09:26,336 --> 00:09:29,006 I don't have time for any more of your games. 179 00:09:29,006 --> 00:09:31,006 I'm trying to run a business here! 180 00:09:31,006 --> 00:09:32,596 Go on, scram already. 181 00:09:32,596 --> 00:09:35,976 Oh, will you help me if I pay you a consultation fee? 182 00:09:39,516 --> 00:09:41,646 Will a million yen be enough? 183 00:09:43,646 --> 00:09:47,486 You really think you can fool me with this writing pad? 184 00:09:48,526 --> 00:09:49,526 Ten Thousand Yen 185 00:09:50,866 --> 00:09:53,946 Th-They're real?! 186 00:09:54,196 --> 00:09:58,916 My parents are rather wealthy and support my lifestyle. 187 00:09:59,166 --> 00:10:01,246 All right, Serizawa. Let's go! 188 00:10:01,246 --> 00:10:01,916 Huh? 189 00:10:01,916 --> 00:10:03,876 We're goin' Hundred Demons hunting! 190 00:10:03,876 --> 00:10:09,006 If the Great Yokai King is resurrected, this world will fall into darkness! 191 00:10:08,586 --> 00:10:11,546 {\an8}Madness 192 00:10:09,006 --> 00:10:11,386 We must vanquish the vortex of madness... 193 00:10:12,636 --> 00:10:15,386 And break free from this cycle of sadness! 194 00:10:15,386 --> 00:10:16,806 Y-Yes, sir! 195 00:10:17,136 --> 00:10:21,016 Wow, I'm so happy... I've made friend. 196 00:10:21,556 --> 00:10:24,146 Yokai hunters are forever alone. 197 00:10:24,146 --> 00:10:27,026 I have been fighting solo this whole time. 198 00:10:27,026 --> 00:10:30,656 This is the first time I've experienced kindness from another in a very long while. 199 00:10:30,656 --> 00:10:32,066 I thank you. 200 00:10:34,276 --> 00:10:36,616 Hey, Mob. What's up? 201 00:10:36,616 --> 00:10:39,826 Oh, pardon me. I was hoping I could talk to you, Master. 202 00:10:39,826 --> 00:10:43,626 Sure, right after we finish this job. 203 00:10:43,626 --> 00:10:45,166 You're coming with us. 204 00:10:45,166 --> 00:10:46,296 What are we doing? 205 00:10:46,836 --> 00:10:48,626 We're slaying yokai! 206 00:10:49,836 --> 00:10:52,756 We're gonna break free from this cycle of sadness. 207 00:10:53,096 --> 00:10:54,216 Right... 208 00:10:54,216 --> 00:10:59,056 My apologies, boy. This is an emergency. 209 00:10:59,056 --> 00:11:01,306 Women and children should stay behind. 210 00:11:01,306 --> 00:11:05,226 {\an8}Spirits and Such Consultation Office 211 00:11:01,646 --> 00:11:04,766 Don't worry. Mob will be fine. 212 00:11:13,696 --> 00:11:15,696 Another dud. 213 00:11:15,696 --> 00:11:19,786 This guy better not just be some random cosplayer. 214 00:11:20,116 --> 00:11:22,666 Though I guess I don't care as long as I get paid. 215 00:11:24,496 --> 00:11:25,416 There! 216 00:11:25,416 --> 00:11:28,126 I sense a very faint presence of a demonic aura from there! 217 00:11:28,546 --> 00:11:31,676 Hey, we had a job to exorcise an evil spirit from this abandoned building before. 218 00:11:29,546 --> 00:11:32,046 {\an8}We've still got a lot to prepare... 219 00:11:31,676 --> 00:11:35,096 The evil spirit did disappear, didn't it? 220 00:11:33,046 --> 00:11:35,096 {\an8}We don't have much time. 221 00:11:35,466 --> 00:11:37,426 {\an8}There's only two weeks left... 222 00:11:37,926 --> 00:11:40,386 {\an8}for the costumes and sewing... 223 00:11:38,386 --> 00:11:42,386 I do actually sense some weird energy from there. 224 00:11:42,386 --> 00:11:43,436 I see. 225 00:11:43,806 --> 00:11:45,476 Welp, let's go. 226 00:11:45,976 --> 00:11:49,896 Come to think of it, what is our costume making budget? 227 00:11:53,316 --> 00:11:56,486 This is the place... There's no doubt about it! 228 00:11:56,986 --> 00:11:59,496 {\an8}Progress Toward Mob's Explosion: 31% 229 00:11:59,496 --> 00:12:02,996 {\an8}Mob Psycho 230 00:12:02,996 --> 00:12:06,496 {\an8}Mob Psycho 231 00:12:07,536 --> 00:12:10,126 The atmosphere in here has transformed. 232 00:12:10,126 --> 00:12:12,466 The yokai must be behind this. 233 00:12:12,756 --> 00:12:17,046 Curse you, Hundred Demons. They must be plotting to make this their lair. 234 00:12:17,426 --> 00:12:19,346 Are there really yokai here? 235 00:12:19,716 --> 00:12:23,306 Was this guy not just some cosplayer? 236 00:12:25,266 --> 00:12:27,056 The roots of some plant? 237 00:12:37,366 --> 00:12:40,446 What's wrong, Amakusa? You're sweating bullets. 238 00:12:42,196 --> 00:12:43,406 Well, you see... 239 00:12:43,826 --> 00:12:48,626 I only have experience fighting yokai one-on-one. 240 00:12:48,916 --> 00:12:51,836 And every time, it's a life-and-death situation. 241 00:12:51,836 --> 00:12:55,836 Even against solo yokai, I made sure to prepare as much as possible, 242 00:12:56,176 --> 00:13:00,676 and was able to slay them... after three days and three nights. 243 00:13:00,676 --> 00:13:02,016 But this time... 244 00:13:02,306 --> 00:13:07,516 We are in the lair of the Hundred Demons yokai horde, which means... 245 00:13:07,766 --> 00:13:08,806 What's wrong?! 246 00:13:09,056 --> 00:13:11,976 This wall's all slimy! 247 00:13:12,776 --> 00:13:16,156 Maybe if we hang some konjac up, it'll scare people! 248 00:13:16,406 --> 00:13:17,356 Wha— 249 00:13:16,606 --> 00:13:17,736 What's wrong?! 250 00:13:18,026 --> 00:13:20,406 The path we came from is— 251 00:13:20,406 --> 00:13:21,286 It's been closed off. 252 00:13:21,906 --> 00:13:25,536 I guess we'll have to take down whatever's messing up this area. 253 00:13:25,866 --> 00:13:28,036 You seem calm about this, Serizawa. 254 00:13:28,036 --> 00:13:32,046 Oh, I tend to feel more relaxed in dark, confined spaces. 255 00:13:31,496 --> 00:13:34,046 {\an8}We can use cardboard and duct tape... 256 00:13:34,046 --> 00:13:36,626 {\an8}We'll have to measure the height of the people playing the ghosts. 257 00:13:35,836 --> 00:13:38,466 Anyway, we'll just have to keep moving forward. 258 00:13:38,466 --> 00:13:41,636 Hope you're prepared, yokai hunter. 259 00:13:42,716 --> 00:13:45,176 My stomach feels all stabby... 260 00:13:55,986 --> 00:13:57,316 Reigen, behind you! 261 00:13:59,906 --> 00:14:02,076 So you've shown yourself, yokai! 262 00:14:03,366 --> 00:14:07,666 Something or other, something or other, O some kind of spirit! 263 00:14:08,916 --> 00:14:11,286 {\an7}Holy Blade Kusanagi-no-Dai-Hannya-Kagemitsu 264 00:14:08,916 --> 00:14:11,286 (Tax Included) 265 00:14:09,416 --> 00:14:11,286 Give me strength! 266 00:14:11,996 --> 00:14:17,626 {\an8}Holy Blade! Kusanagi-no-Dai- Hannya-Kagemitsu 267 00:14:12,496 --> 00:14:17,626 Holy Blade! Kusanagi-no-Dai-Hannya-Kagemitsu! 268 00:14:21,546 --> 00:14:24,256 My holy blade! 269 00:14:30,646 --> 00:14:34,776 Ah... so it's basically like a normal exorcism. 270 00:14:35,276 --> 00:14:37,486 What on earth is that power? 271 00:14:38,566 --> 00:14:40,026 Now there're tons of them! 272 00:14:40,356 --> 00:14:41,736 They're all coming at once! 273 00:14:41,736 --> 00:14:45,036 We're in so much danger that my brain has stopped functioning... 274 00:14:45,406 --> 00:14:47,996 I'm going to use salt to weaken them. 275 00:14:47,996 --> 00:14:50,826 The rest is up to you, Serizawa and Mob! 276 00:14:50,826 --> 00:14:51,536 Yes, sir! 277 00:14:52,576 --> 00:14:53,956 Take this! 278 00:14:53,956 --> 00:14:56,756 Salt Splash! 279 00:14:56,756 --> 00:15:00,876 Oh, maybe we could use purified salt for something fun. 280 00:15:03,716 --> 00:15:05,216 I see... 281 00:15:05,216 --> 00:15:08,886 If we can defeat the ghosts, the kids might enjoy that. 282 00:15:19,986 --> 00:15:21,696 Th-That's... 283 00:15:22,606 --> 00:15:25,156 The four generals of the Hundred Demons! 284 00:15:25,656 --> 00:15:31,576 And behind them... is the Great Yokai King! 285 00:15:31,576 --> 00:15:35,286 He's already been brought back to this realm?! 286 00:15:35,286 --> 00:15:37,126 Foolish humans... 287 00:15:37,456 --> 00:15:40,966 They are the four generals of the Hundred Demons. 288 00:15:40,966 --> 00:15:45,386 They will cast you all into the deepest depths of despair. 289 00:15:45,386 --> 00:15:47,056 W-We're done for... 290 00:15:47,056 --> 00:15:47,766 Huh? 291 00:15:47,766 --> 00:15:49,636 I'm sorry for dragging you into this... 292 00:15:49,636 --> 00:15:52,846 Well, if we're in that much trouble, let's make a break for it. 293 00:15:53,306 --> 00:15:54,556 I don't think that's possible, actually. 294 00:15:54,806 --> 00:15:58,526 True. I don't think I have enough creativity to design that... 295 00:16:31,176 --> 00:16:35,646 They took two down instantly? Just who are those two? 296 00:16:36,306 --> 00:16:38,106 They're psychics. 297 00:16:38,936 --> 00:16:42,986 Incredible power like that exists in this world...? 298 00:16:43,446 --> 00:16:45,106 I'm so envious. 299 00:16:48,446 --> 00:16:50,366 You'd think it's worth being envious of, right? 300 00:16:50,366 --> 00:16:54,706 But to them, apparently, it's not incredible at all. 301 00:16:59,546 --> 00:17:01,876 Not only have you defeated my Hundred Demons, 302 00:17:01,876 --> 00:17:04,216 you've defeated my four generals... 303 00:17:04,216 --> 00:17:06,506 Not bad, humans... 304 00:17:07,336 --> 00:17:09,716 But... 305 00:17:13,846 --> 00:17:16,306 don't believe for a second... 306 00:17:16,646 --> 00:17:19,606 that you can defeat the Great Yokai King! 307 00:17:21,106 --> 00:17:24,186 Y-You two are so powerful... 308 00:17:24,526 --> 00:17:27,606 Any interest in becoming yokai hunters? 309 00:17:27,986 --> 00:17:30,866 Of course, I'll make sure you're paid every month. 310 00:17:30,866 --> 00:17:32,946 What?! Hey, you two— 311 00:17:32,946 --> 00:17:36,246 Yeah, I don't think so. I want to study. 312 00:17:36,246 --> 00:17:37,326 I'm sorry. 313 00:17:37,326 --> 00:17:40,166 My head is currently full of thoughts concerning the cultural fair. 314 00:17:40,536 --> 00:17:42,086 Cultural fair...? 315 00:17:42,086 --> 00:17:44,796 Heh. Too bad for you. 316 00:17:44,796 --> 00:17:47,756 They're too busy trying to live their daily lives. 317 00:17:48,006 --> 00:17:49,136 Amakusa... 318 00:17:49,136 --> 00:17:52,006 If you think you can use your money to win over everyone, 319 00:17:52,806 --> 00:17:54,386 you're gravely mistaken! 320 00:17:56,096 --> 00:17:57,686 Reigen, my apologies! 321 00:17:57,686 --> 00:18:02,016 You believed what I had to say as a friend, 322 00:18:02,016 --> 00:18:05,186 and yet, I tried to buy your help with money! 323 00:18:05,186 --> 00:18:08,026 Please forgive my foolishness! 324 00:18:08,026 --> 00:18:09,276 Er, hey, wait! 325 00:18:09,276 --> 00:18:12,116 I'm absolutely okay with getting a consultation fee— 326 00:18:14,906 --> 00:18:18,496 I see. I'm glad you understand. 327 00:18:18,916 --> 00:18:22,246 Reigen... I thank you from the bottom of my heart. 328 00:18:23,456 --> 00:18:26,666 You know, this is a rather freaky design. 329 00:18:27,126 --> 00:18:30,176 I wonder if I could stuff this and sell it... 330 00:18:31,046 --> 00:18:31,716 Huh? 331 00:18:32,176 --> 00:18:34,136 Well, it is an ayakashi. 332 00:18:34,596 --> 00:18:37,136 It will eventually turn into ash. 333 00:18:37,136 --> 00:18:38,476 Oh, really. 334 00:18:40,226 --> 00:18:41,396 That's it! 335 00:18:43,106 --> 00:18:47,436 That guy was a real yokai hunter, huh? 336 00:18:47,776 --> 00:18:50,196 I guess there are all kinds of jobs in the world. 337 00:18:50,606 --> 00:18:52,406 Why don't we grab some ramen and head home? 338 00:18:52,736 --> 00:18:55,236 Oh, I actually have something to do. 339 00:18:55,486 --> 00:18:58,786 Hm? Wait, what did you want to talk about? 340 00:18:59,116 --> 00:19:02,246 It's okay. I figured it out. 341 00:19:02,246 --> 00:19:03,786 Please excuse me. 342 00:19:06,006 --> 00:19:09,586 Mob solved something on his own... 343 00:19:12,336 --> 00:19:13,256 Inukawa-kun. 344 00:19:13,716 --> 00:19:16,386 I got an idea for the costumes, 345 00:19:16,386 --> 00:19:19,226 so could you come to class early tomorrow morning? 346 00:19:19,226 --> 00:19:22,856 Huh?! Didn't we decide on the white sheets? 347 00:19:23,266 --> 00:19:25,936 No. We need to do everything we can. 348 00:19:25,936 --> 00:19:30,896 {\an8}Great Yokai King 349 00:19:26,476 --> 00:19:29,736 Everyone else is doing their own job, too. 350 00:19:35,116 --> 00:19:36,826 {\an8}Great Yokai King 351 00:19:42,746 --> 00:19:45,706 {\an8}Just xx days until the fair! 352 00:19:42,746 --> 00:19:45,706 {\an8}Let's do our best!! 353 00:19:42,746 --> 00:19:45,706 {\an8}Yay!! 354 00:19:45,706 --> 00:19:48,876 {\an9}Great Yokai King\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h Design by: Kageyama Shigeo Inukawa Mameta Niido Sakure 355 00:19:45,706 --> 00:19:48,876 Front 356 00:19:45,706 --> 00:19:48,876 Tape 357 00:19:45,706 --> 00:19:48,876 Holes 358 00:19:45,706 --> 00:19:48,876 Side view 359 00:19:56,056 --> 00:20:01,846 {\an8}Salt Middle School Cultural Fair 360 00:19:57,716 --> 00:20:01,516 And then, on the day of the cultural fair... 361 00:20:04,516 --> 00:20:07,106 Reception 362 00:20:04,896 --> 00:20:10,936 The costume that Mob and Inukawa created got a lackluster response, 363 00:20:10,936 --> 00:20:13,816 but no one complained about it, either. 364 00:20:15,656 --> 00:20:20,576 {\an8}Haunted House 365 00:20:15,656 --> 00:20:20,576 {\an8}Entrance to Hell 366 00:20:15,656 --> 00:20:20,576 Use salt on the ghosts to defeat them 367 00:20:16,236 --> 00:20:19,786 As for what the customers thought... 368 00:20:20,826 --> 00:20:25,036 I see... This is pretty fancy for a middle school fair. 369 00:20:25,036 --> 00:20:27,206 Ancestral Grave 370 00:20:25,036 --> 00:20:27,206 Route 371 00:20:33,256 --> 00:20:36,136 That sure is a freaky design... 372 00:20:39,056 --> 00:20:40,676 I'm glad we did this. 373 00:20:40,676 --> 00:20:41,926 Yeah. 374 00:20:41,926 --> 00:20:43,636 I'm exhausted, though. 375 00:20:44,186 --> 00:20:46,766 Yeah, this was great. 376 00:20:48,016 --> 00:20:51,186 {\an8}Today's Maids 377 00:20:48,016 --> 00:20:51,186 Just look at this figure 378 00:20:48,016 --> 00:20:51,186 I'm Ryo-chan 379 00:20:48,016 --> 00:20:51,186 Lovely 380 00:20:48,016 --> 00:20:51,186 Yu-kun 381 00:20:48,016 --> 00:20:51,186 Tosshi 382 00:20:48,016 --> 00:20:51,186 Those glasses will make your heart skip a beat 383 00:20:49,356 --> 00:20:50,816 Thanks for waiting. 384 00:20:52,186 --> 00:20:54,406 Here is your Mr. Bear's Very Beary Soda, 385 00:20:55,196 --> 00:20:57,946 and your Daydreaming Bunny Wunny's Hippity Hop Cola. 386 00:20:57,946 --> 00:21:02,746 Oh, this is so cute! All the boys are maids! 387 00:21:02,746 --> 00:21:04,366 I'm gonna take a picture! 388 00:21:04,916 --> 00:21:06,956 Enjoy your stay. 389 00:21:06,956 --> 00:21:09,836 Party of one coming in! 390 00:21:09,836 --> 00:21:11,666 Yo, Ritsu... 391 00:21:12,626 --> 00:21:15,796 Th-That's one hell of a getup. 392 00:21:15,796 --> 00:21:18,506 Though it looks pretty good on you. 393 00:21:24,806 --> 00:21:27,056 {\an8}Spirits and Such Consultation Office 394 00:21:30,316 --> 00:21:32,526 All right. That should do it. 395 00:21:32,526 --> 00:21:36,566 {\an8}Spirits and Such Consultation Office 396 00:21:32,526 --> 00:21:36,566 {\an8}The star psychic of the 21st century who defeated The Great Yokai King!! 397 00:21:32,526 --> 00:21:36,566 Welcome to Reigen Arataka's homepage!! 398 00:21:32,856 --> 00:21:35,606 That should hike up those page views. 399 00:21:35,446 --> 00:21:39,026 The Great Yokai King 400 00:21:35,446 --> 00:21:39,026 The leader of the evil yokai horde known as the "Hundred Demons". It has red eyes and sharp fangs. 401 00:21:39,026 --> 00:21:43,526 402 00:23:26,216 --> 00:23:28,346 {\an8}What? Mob's time has finally arrived? 403 00:23:28,346 --> 00:23:30,156 {\an8}He's so popular with girls, he doesn't know what he's gonna do 404 00:23:30,156 --> 00:23:31,136 {\an8}and he's gonna become the founder? 405 00:23:31,136 --> 00:23:32,806 {\an8}Go forth, Mob! 406 00:23:32,976 --> 00:23:35,146 {\an8}Next time on Mob Psycho 100 III Episode 3: 407 00:23:35,146 --> 00:23:36,966 {\an8}"Getting Carried Away ~100%~" 408 00:23:36,966 --> 00:23:39,576 {\an8}Recording it? That's also a wise decision. 409 00:23:37,726 --> 00:23:40,026 Getting Carried Away ~100%~