1 00:00:01,000 --> 00:00:02,999 The Druids say she's the chosen one. 2 00:00:03,000 --> 00:00:05,999 And she is going to drive the Romans back into the sea. 3 00:00:06,000 --> 00:00:08,999 The Dead Man and Lokka have joined forces. 4 00:00:09,000 --> 00:00:11,000 You want the Druid. I want the maiden. 5 00:00:12,000 --> 00:00:16,999 The time has come for the Druids to fight. 6 00:00:17,000 --> 00:00:21,000 If the Dead Man wins, our time is over. 7 00:00:22,000 --> 00:00:27,000 If you really want to destroy something, you don't use a sword, you use love. 8 00:00:28,000 --> 00:00:29,999 There was a path set for all of us. 9 00:00:30,000 --> 00:00:32,000 - Who sent you here? - The Dead Man. 10 00:00:33,000 --> 00:00:35,999 - You will destroy the Chosen One. - We need to go! 11 00:00:36,000 --> 00:00:37,999 - Wait. - We don't need this. 12 00:00:38,000 --> 00:00:40,999 The maiden is under the Dead Man's spell. 13 00:00:41,000 --> 00:00:45,999 And if that little twerp was powerful enough to trick me, 14 00:00:46,000 --> 00:00:48,999 it's possible he's taking her to the Lake of Tears, 15 00:00:49,000 --> 00:00:53,000 which, as you rightfully point out, is a disaster. 16 00:00:54,000 --> 00:00:55,999 I'm the Keeper of the Lake. 17 00:00:56,000 --> 00:00:59,999 The Gods chose you, Andra. Just as they chose me. 18 00:01:00,000 --> 00:01:03,999 Let me tell you something about your sister. She is not your sister. 19 00:01:04,000 --> 00:01:06,999 No! No! 20 00:01:07,000 --> 00:01:09,000 I came to mess things up. 21 00:01:11,000 --> 00:01:12,999 - It's all right. - Thank you. 22 00:01:13,000 --> 00:01:16,000 The gods have a fate for us all. 23 00:01:17,000 --> 00:01:19,000 The time has come, Brother. 24 00:01:20,000 --> 00:01:21,999 Make your play. 25 00:01:22,000 --> 00:01:24,999 Veran gave you one last chance. 26 00:01:25,000 --> 00:01:28,000 - And you failed. - Oh, shit. 27 00:01:51,000 --> 00:01:54,000 There should be ten thousand voices... 28 00:01:55,000 --> 00:01:57,000 Singing your name. 29 00:01:59,000 --> 00:02:01,000 And a river of tears. 30 00:02:03,000 --> 00:02:04,000 But it's just me. 31 00:02:08,000 --> 00:02:10,000 I loved you more than anyone. 32 00:02:11,000 --> 00:02:13,000 I followed your light. 33 00:02:15,000 --> 00:02:17,000 I doubted you. 34 00:02:19,000 --> 00:02:21,000 In the end, you saved me. 35 00:02:41,000 --> 00:02:43,999 What have you done, 36 00:02:44,000 --> 00:02:46,999 Phelan of the Cantii? 37 00:02:47,000 --> 00:02:49,000 Atoned? 38 00:02:53,000 --> 00:02:55,000 Oh, fuck. 39 00:03:11,000 --> 00:03:14,000 When I look out my window 40 00:03:16,000 --> 00:03:19,000 Many sights to see 41 00:03:21,000 --> 00:03:24,000 And when I look in my window 42 00:03:26,000 --> 00:03:29,000 So many different people to be 43 00:03:30,000 --> 00:03:36,000 Oh no Must be the season of the witch 44 00:03:37,000 --> 00:03:41,999 Must be the season of the witch Yeah 45 00:03:42,000 --> 00:03:45,000 Must be the season of the witch 46 00:03:49,000 --> 00:03:52,999 You've got to pick up every stitch 47 00:03:53,000 --> 00:03:57,000 The rabbits running in the ditch 48 00:03:58,000 --> 00:04:02,000 Beatniks out to make it rich 49 00:06:50,000 --> 00:06:51,999 The Dead Man is a trickster. 50 00:06:52,000 --> 00:06:55,999 Even after you are free, you cannot truly know 51 00:06:56,000 --> 00:06:59,000 if your will is your own. 52 00:07:02,000 --> 00:07:06,000 To be free of his web, you need the strength of the gods in you. 53 00:07:10,000 --> 00:07:12,000 Will you do me a favor? 54 00:07:21,000 --> 00:07:25,000 Could you just stick that in me? Yeah? Here. Just... 55 00:07:27,000 --> 00:07:29,000 Just here, please. Yeah. 56 00:07:32,000 --> 00:07:34,000 In your own time. 57 00:07:35,000 --> 00:07:37,000 You have suffered much. 58 00:07:39,000 --> 00:07:42,999 No, I haven't. I haven't suffered "much". 59 00:07:43,000 --> 00:07:44,000 I've suffered too much. 60 00:07:45,000 --> 00:07:47,999 I've suffered more than anyone has ever suffered. 61 00:07:48,000 --> 00:07:50,999 All those who are called by the gods suffer. 62 00:07:51,000 --> 00:07:54,999 Bollocks. Not one of them has suffered as much as me. 63 00:07:55,000 --> 00:07:56,000 Wait here. 64 00:07:58,000 --> 00:08:01,000 - What are you doing? - Hang about. 65 00:08:06,000 --> 00:08:08,999 - I don't have time for this. - Wait there. Do not move. 66 00:08:09,000 --> 00:08:11,000 You bastards owe me this. 67 00:08:16,000 --> 00:08:19,999 - What does that say? - It will do no good. 68 00:08:20,000 --> 00:08:23,000 What does it fucking say, Druid? Read it. 69 00:08:24,000 --> 00:08:28,999 It says, "Your brother will carry the flame you kindle." 70 00:08:29,000 --> 00:08:31,000 Beloved brother. 71 00:08:36,000 --> 00:08:39,000 - Possibly. - Yeah. When? 72 00:08:40,000 --> 00:08:43,000 Because, and forgive me, I don't feel like I've been doing... 73 00:08:51,000 --> 00:08:53,000 I don't feel... 74 00:08:54,000 --> 00:09:00,000 like I've been doing a whole bunch of fucking flame-carrying. 75 00:09:12,000 --> 00:09:14,000 I would like to go home now. 76 00:09:16,000 --> 00:09:19,999 Once there were words written here. 77 00:09:20,000 --> 00:09:24,000 I was there when Veran inscribed them. 78 00:09:25,000 --> 00:09:28,999 On a young prince. Many moons ago. 79 00:09:29,000 --> 00:09:32,999 Wait, I've got it. I've got it. "Fucking idiot"? 80 00:09:33,000 --> 00:09:38,000 It said "The Flame Carrier. Forged in fire." 81 00:09:41,000 --> 00:09:43,999 Well, it's not there anymore. 82 00:09:44,000 --> 00:09:45,999 The words of the gods cannot be erased. 83 00:09:46,000 --> 00:09:49,000 Has your journey not shown you that, at least? 84 00:09:53,000 --> 00:09:54,000 Help me up. 85 00:10:02,000 --> 00:10:04,000 My stick. 86 00:10:09,000 --> 00:10:10,000 My pack. 87 00:10:19,000 --> 00:10:21,000 Quane... 88 00:10:23,000 --> 00:10:24,999 My journey is over. 89 00:10:25,000 --> 00:10:27,000 Your journey isn't over. 90 00:10:28,000 --> 00:10:32,000 Your journey has barely begun. 91 00:11:37,000 --> 00:11:40,999 What do you command? Do we attack their patrols? 92 00:11:41,000 --> 00:11:43,000 If we can capture artillery, then maybe... 93 00:11:57,000 --> 00:11:59,000 Take this to my brother. 94 00:12:04,000 --> 00:12:07,000 - It is you who must be challenged. - Do as I say, child. 95 00:12:08,000 --> 00:12:10,999 Tell him I'll be waiting. 96 00:12:11,000 --> 00:12:13,000 He'll know where. 97 00:12:36,000 --> 00:12:38,000 Looks like we missed all the fun. 98 00:12:53,000 --> 00:12:54,999 Well, this should do for me. 99 00:12:55,000 --> 00:12:57,999 Lead a patrol to secure the perimeter. 100 00:12:58,000 --> 00:12:59,999 Garrison the cohorts in the lower fort. 101 00:13:00,000 --> 00:13:03,000 - Command post up here. - Welcome, General. 102 00:14:04,000 --> 00:14:06,999 - You've done well for a traitor. - I am no traitor. 103 00:14:07,000 --> 00:14:09,000 Spare me. 104 00:14:15,000 --> 00:14:16,999 What do you want me do to her, Master? 105 00:14:17,000 --> 00:14:22,000 When the challenge is won, I will deal with her. 106 00:14:58,000 --> 00:15:01,999 Oh, I saw what happened. You're a dark little lot, aren't you? 107 00:15:02,000 --> 00:15:05,000 Burning yourselves alive. How was all that? 108 00:15:06,000 --> 00:15:09,999 I'm not going to lie. It was very difficult. 109 00:15:10,000 --> 00:15:11,999 At times, heartbreaking. 110 00:15:12,000 --> 00:15:13,999 Families? 111 00:15:14,000 --> 00:15:17,999 They all have their nasty little secrets. 112 00:15:18,000 --> 00:15:21,000 - What's this? - My sister. 113 00:15:22,000 --> 00:15:25,000 Andra? Of course. Awful. 114 00:15:27,000 --> 00:15:29,000 Sisters? 115 00:15:32,000 --> 00:15:35,000 Nothing quite matches that bond, does it? 116 00:15:37,000 --> 00:15:39,000 Indeed. 117 00:15:41,000 --> 00:15:44,000 And... Mom? 118 00:15:45,000 --> 00:15:47,999 Mother was quite mad. 119 00:15:48,000 --> 00:15:49,999 We barely spoke. There was little point. 120 00:15:50,000 --> 00:15:53,000 Well, Father must be turning in his grave. 121 00:15:54,000 --> 00:15:55,999 What a waste, eh? 122 00:15:56,000 --> 00:15:58,999 - If only they'd seen sense. - My feelings, exactly. 123 00:15:59,000 --> 00:16:01,999 Well, you mustn't blame yourself. 124 00:16:02,000 --> 00:16:04,000 No, I don't. 125 00:16:10,000 --> 00:16:12,000 Well, you must hate me. 126 00:16:14,000 --> 00:16:16,000 I tried. 127 00:16:23,000 --> 00:16:25,000 Well... 128 00:16:31,000 --> 00:16:34,000 This apple fell far from the tree, didn't it? 129 00:16:36,000 --> 00:16:37,000 Thank you. 130 00:16:39,000 --> 00:16:41,000 But most of all, I realized... 131 00:16:43,000 --> 00:16:45,000 it's you that I want. 132 00:16:46,000 --> 00:16:48,000 You, I must serve. 133 00:16:51,000 --> 00:16:53,000 Come here. 134 00:17:03,000 --> 00:17:05,000 There we go. 135 00:18:25,000 --> 00:18:27,000 This piece of shit's older than me. 136 00:18:34,000 --> 00:18:36,000 I was going home. 137 00:18:38,000 --> 00:18:40,999 - Home's Rome. - Home's my river. 138 00:18:41,000 --> 00:18:43,999 North. Past the water lands. 139 00:18:44,000 --> 00:18:45,999 You're a long way off track. 140 00:18:46,000 --> 00:18:48,000 Got a bit lost. 141 00:18:53,000 --> 00:18:55,000 How are you finding promotion, Praefectus? 142 00:18:57,000 --> 00:19:01,000 Puts a lot on your shoulders. Not all of us are cut out for it. 143 00:19:03,000 --> 00:19:08,000 How is the General? Did he find what he was here for? 144 00:19:12,000 --> 00:19:14,000 I like to keep things simple. 145 00:19:16,000 --> 00:19:18,000 My motto... 146 00:19:20,000 --> 00:19:22,000 Stick to what you're good at. 147 00:19:24,000 --> 00:19:26,000 You know one of the things I was really good at? 148 00:19:27,000 --> 00:19:29,000 Running down a deserter. 149 00:19:30,000 --> 00:19:31,999 I hated those fuckers. 150 00:19:32,000 --> 00:19:33,999 And I really made sure they knew it. 151 00:19:34,000 --> 00:19:35,999 Chopped all their fingers off. 152 00:19:36,000 --> 00:19:38,000 Made them wear them as a necklace. 153 00:19:40,000 --> 00:19:42,000 And that was me just getting going. 154 00:19:46,000 --> 00:19:50,000 - Can I give you a word of advice? - Sure. 155 00:19:51,000 --> 00:19:54,000 Biggest thing I learnt, when I was in your shoes. 156 00:19:55,000 --> 00:19:57,000 It's the little details. 157 00:20:01,000 --> 00:20:04,000 People you come across, things that happen by chance. 158 00:20:05,000 --> 00:20:07,000 Things they don't train you for. 159 00:20:08,000 --> 00:20:10,000 It all means something. 160 00:20:14,000 --> 00:20:18,000 You got to keep your eyes peeled. Look out for them. 161 00:20:26,000 --> 00:20:28,000 Do you get me? 162 00:20:35,000 --> 00:20:37,000 Don't know what you're talking about. 163 00:20:40,000 --> 00:20:42,000 Because you were never here. 164 00:20:50,000 --> 00:20:52,000 But if I do run into you again... 165 00:21:05,000 --> 00:21:06,999 Are we crowding you out? 166 00:21:07,000 --> 00:21:10,999 I've been stuck in here for days. Need to feel the air. 167 00:21:11,000 --> 00:21:12,999 Yeah, I don't blame you. 168 00:21:13,000 --> 00:21:15,000 Don't worry, I'll be back before nightfall. 169 00:22:10,000 --> 00:22:11,999 Get away from here. 170 00:22:12,000 --> 00:22:15,000 For this boy to travel to the Underworld, 171 00:22:16,000 --> 00:22:19,999 the gods must be acknowledged, or his soul will never be at rest. 172 00:22:20,000 --> 00:22:22,000 I don't trust you. 173 00:22:24,000 --> 00:22:26,000 It is your choice. 174 00:22:29,000 --> 00:22:32,999 - Do you wish him peace? - I don't believe any of your lies. 175 00:22:33,000 --> 00:22:35,000 Do you wish him peace? 176 00:23:37,000 --> 00:23:39,000 I see a ghost. 177 00:23:43,000 --> 00:23:48,000 - You were sworn to protect them! - I had no choice. 178 00:23:49,000 --> 00:23:50,000 You understand that. 179 00:23:52,000 --> 00:23:56,000 You sucked Rome's cock to be a queen. 180 00:23:57,000 --> 00:24:00,000 But in the end, you were just a key to Isca's doors. 181 00:24:02,000 --> 00:24:06,000 It's all right. What else could you do? 182 00:24:08,000 --> 00:24:10,000 His power's infinite. 183 00:24:13,000 --> 00:24:16,000 I loved Veran, but even Veran doesn't know what he faces. 184 00:24:18,000 --> 00:24:21,000 Cheer up. You never loved the Druids. 185 00:24:23,000 --> 00:24:25,000 What you've done will destroy them. 186 00:24:27,000 --> 00:24:30,000 Your bastard's blood was a small price to pay. 187 00:24:33,000 --> 00:24:35,000 You've made your choice. 188 00:24:36,000 --> 00:24:39,000 We're both ghosts. You and I. 189 00:24:40,000 --> 00:24:43,000 So if it's revenge you want... 190 00:24:44,000 --> 00:24:46,000 maybe the dead should stick together. 191 00:25:15,000 --> 00:25:16,000 So how did I do? 192 00:25:20,000 --> 00:25:23,000 What do they say? Dream it, and it'll come true. 193 00:25:24,000 --> 00:25:27,999 Very impressive, what you've done here. Very thorough. 194 00:25:28,000 --> 00:25:30,000 I couldn't have done it without you. 195 00:25:31,000 --> 00:25:34,999 And how about the ashes of Veran, are they here too? 196 00:25:35,000 --> 00:25:36,999 Did you settle that little beef? 197 00:25:37,000 --> 00:25:40,000 - One thing at a time. - Quite right. 198 00:25:41,000 --> 00:25:45,000 Well, partner, seems like we're halfway there. 199 00:25:46,000 --> 00:25:48,000 We're talking about the girl? 200 00:25:51,000 --> 00:25:52,999 When do I have her? 201 00:25:53,000 --> 00:25:58,000 One thing you learn, being dead ten thousand years... 202 00:26:02,000 --> 00:26:04,000 Patience. 203 00:26:07,000 --> 00:26:08,000 Priceless. 204 00:26:11,000 --> 00:26:12,000 So, we have a deal? 205 00:26:13,000 --> 00:26:16,999 Doesn't always go this smoothly, I can assure you. 206 00:26:17,000 --> 00:26:19,999 I remember this one time, we were having a crack at the Gaul. 207 00:26:20,000 --> 00:26:23,999 Came across this holy man. Breathing fire, floating in the air. 208 00:26:24,000 --> 00:26:26,000 Turns out he wasn't a man of his word. 209 00:26:27,000 --> 00:26:30,000 Just some funny-looking fellow who talked a lot. 210 00:26:31,000 --> 00:26:35,000 - Don't need that. - No. I caught up with him, though. 211 00:26:36,000 --> 00:26:39,000 Flayed him for three days, then put his head on a spike. 212 00:26:40,000 --> 00:26:42,000 He wasn't talking so much after. 213 00:26:45,000 --> 00:26:49,000 I'll bet. Well, partner... 214 00:26:50,000 --> 00:26:54,000 Happily, our story has a rather different ending. 215 00:26:55,000 --> 00:26:57,000 Wait and see. 216 00:26:59,000 --> 00:27:01,000 It's very good. 217 00:27:16,000 --> 00:27:19,000 The path of the chosen is strewn with loss. 218 00:27:20,000 --> 00:27:22,000 It was always so. 219 00:27:23,000 --> 00:27:26,000 Go back to Veran and tell him it's over. 220 00:27:27,000 --> 00:27:29,000 I've had enough. 221 00:27:30,000 --> 00:27:32,999 Tell him if he waits another ten thousand years, 222 00:27:33,000 --> 00:27:35,000 I'll never obey him. 223 00:27:37,000 --> 00:27:38,200 Tell him to find someone else. 224 00:27:42,000 --> 00:27:43,999 Ten thousand years. 225 00:27:44,000 --> 00:27:47,000 Which is the first lie. Nobody lives that long. 226 00:27:50,000 --> 00:27:53,000 The Veran is ten thousand years old. 227 00:27:54,000 --> 00:27:55,999 But not the man you met. 228 00:27:56,000 --> 00:28:01,000 The man you met was called Hallam. 229 00:28:03,000 --> 00:28:08,999 He lived in the forest with his mother, his father, and his brother. 230 00:28:09,000 --> 00:28:12,000 His brother's name was Elwin. 231 00:28:15,000 --> 00:28:17,999 The boys were taken away by the Druids 232 00:28:18,000 --> 00:28:20,000 and introduced to the gods. 233 00:28:21,000 --> 00:28:28,000 The older brother, Elwin, became Harka, abandoned to the woods. 234 00:28:29,000 --> 00:28:33,000 Young Hallam, he became the Veran. 235 00:28:38,000 --> 00:28:43,000 There have been hundreds of First Men, and hundreds of Second Men. 236 00:28:45,000 --> 00:28:48,000 These boys were chosen. 237 00:28:49,000 --> 00:28:51,999 Just as this boy was chosen. 238 00:28:52,000 --> 00:28:54,000 As were you. 239 00:28:56,000 --> 00:28:59,000 Is it a curse? A blessing? 240 00:29:01,000 --> 00:29:05,000 Either way, all must play their part. 241 00:29:06,000 --> 00:29:08,000 And perish. 242 00:29:11,000 --> 00:29:15,000 Or transcend. Cross over. 243 00:29:16,000 --> 00:29:19,999 It is the way the gods have made us. 244 00:29:20,000 --> 00:29:22,000 Nothing's real. 245 00:29:25,000 --> 00:29:29,999 - Nothing's real. - On the contrary. Everything is real. 246 00:29:30,000 --> 00:29:34,000 If you believe it, if you are strong enough, 247 00:29:35,000 --> 00:29:40,000 there will come a time when you will forget everything. 248 00:29:41,000 --> 00:29:45,000 You will become pure spirit then. 249 00:29:46,000 --> 00:29:48,000 It's your destiny. 250 00:29:50,000 --> 00:29:52,000 Do you accept it? 251 00:32:20,000 --> 00:32:21,999 Hello, little brother. 252 00:32:22,000 --> 00:32:24,000 Harka. 253 00:32:39,000 --> 00:32:41,000 So many years... 254 00:33:00,000 --> 00:33:04,000 The challenge is mine, so the choice is yours. 255 00:33:12,000 --> 00:33:14,000 Harka chooses the oak. 256 00:33:16,000 --> 00:33:17,000 Then Veran is the river. 257 00:33:20,000 --> 00:33:23,000 Your prophecy. The maiden... 258 00:33:24,000 --> 00:33:25,999 she is lost to you. 259 00:33:26,000 --> 00:33:28,999 I sent her Love, Veran. 260 00:33:29,000 --> 00:33:32,000 Do you understand what I have done? 261 00:33:34,000 --> 00:33:36,000 Only the gods can speak now. 262 00:33:51,000 --> 00:33:53,000 The oak. 263 00:33:58,000 --> 00:34:00,000 Kneel, brother. 264 00:34:02,000 --> 00:34:05,000 Kneel! 265 00:34:06,000 --> 00:34:07,999 The Veran! 266 00:34:08,000 --> 00:34:09,999 Once, you betrayed me. 267 00:34:10,000 --> 00:34:13,000 Now, the gods abandon you! 268 00:34:14,000 --> 00:34:15,999 Ten thousand years, 269 00:34:16,000 --> 00:34:18,999 I lay on the Dead Man's bed. 270 00:34:19,000 --> 00:34:24,000 Here, now, with one stroke, I am avenged. 271 00:34:26,000 --> 00:34:29,000 See the gods' story now. 272 00:34:30,000 --> 00:34:32,000 See how it ends. 273 00:35:00,000 --> 00:35:02,000 Hallam... 274 00:35:06,000 --> 00:35:08,000 Elwin. 275 00:35:24,000 --> 00:35:26,000 Hello? 276 00:35:29,000 --> 00:35:31,000 Veran? 277 00:35:35,000 --> 00:35:39,000 You all right? This guy was going to kill you, right? 278 00:35:41,000 --> 00:35:44,999 It's funny, I was on the track, bit lost. 279 00:35:45,000 --> 00:35:49,000 Heard voices when suddenly, fuck me, that's Veran getting robbed. 280 00:35:50,000 --> 00:35:52,000 Or something... 281 00:35:58,000 --> 00:36:01,000 Is... Is... 282 00:36:03,000 --> 00:36:05,000 Oh. 283 00:36:08,000 --> 00:36:10,000 You're telling me this dead guy... 284 00:36:12,000 --> 00:36:15,000 Only the Veran can kill the Dead Man. 285 00:36:16,000 --> 00:36:18,000 Right? 286 00:36:19,000 --> 00:36:22,999 I am so... Oh, fuck me! 287 00:36:23,000 --> 00:36:24,999 Listen. No, no, no... listen.. 288 00:36:25,000 --> 00:36:30,000 - Listen. - You... have so much yet to learn. 289 00:36:31,000 --> 00:36:34,000 No, no... 290 00:37:02,000 --> 00:37:04,000 Good. Good. 291 00:37:08,000 --> 00:37:10,000 You... 292 00:37:11,000 --> 00:37:13,000 You are Veran's arrow. 293 00:37:22,000 --> 00:37:25,000 Got it. Thank you. 294 00:37:35,000 --> 00:37:37,000 I thought I was the Guardian. 295 00:37:44,000 --> 00:37:47,000 The ways of the gods are mysterious. 296 00:37:50,000 --> 00:37:53,999 We all walk our own path, blindly through the dark. 297 00:37:54,000 --> 00:38:00,000 Hoping one day to hear their voice, to receive their guidance. 298 00:38:03,000 --> 00:38:05,000 Sometimes, the path is lost... 299 00:38:07,000 --> 00:38:10,000 sometimes, it doubles back. 300 00:38:30,000 --> 00:38:31,000 What happened? 301 00:38:33,000 --> 00:38:35,000 What happened to us? 302 00:38:47,000 --> 00:38:51,000 All we can do is keep walking in hope... 303 00:38:54,000 --> 00:39:00,000 Blind faith, step by step. 304 00:39:04,000 --> 00:39:06,999 As they watch in silence. 305 00:39:07,000 --> 00:39:08,999 Behold... 306 00:39:09,000 --> 00:39:12,000 The will of the gods! 307 00:39:14,000 --> 00:39:17,000 Watch your struggles please them... 308 00:39:28,000 --> 00:39:31,000 To receive their light... 309 00:39:48,000 --> 00:39:51,000 All of the chosen suffer. 310 00:39:56,000 --> 00:39:58,000 Everyone. 311 00:40:51,000 --> 00:40:54,000 Their pain is the gods' joy. 312 00:40:57,000 --> 00:41:00,000 Their tears, the gods' laughter... 313 00:41:04,000 --> 00:41:09,000 For only through them, can the gods' voice be heard. 314 00:41:11,000 --> 00:41:14,000 We can never know the wonder. 315 00:41:17,000 --> 00:41:22,000 And only the gods know how many times the path has been traveled before. 316 00:41:40,000 --> 00:41:43,000 This lake is the Tears of the Chosen. 317 00:41:48,000 --> 00:41:51,000 Wherever you are, be strong. 318 00:41:53,000 --> 00:41:57,999 Because when the gods choose, they choose the lost. 319 00:41:58,000 --> 00:42:00,999 They choose the desperate. 320 00:42:01,000 --> 00:42:05,999 The forsaken, the forgotten... 321 00:42:06,000 --> 00:42:07,999 - The nameless. - The nameless. 322 00:42:08,000 --> 00:42:11,999 Because only those will know the true path. 323 00:42:12,000 --> 00:42:14,000 The path to the beyond. 324 00:42:15,000 --> 00:42:19,000 Only they will be able to see the real future... 325 00:42:22,000 --> 00:42:24,000 the real horizon. 326 00:42:33,000 --> 00:42:37,000 Well, fuck all of that. I'm coming for you. 327 00:42:39,000 --> 00:42:40,999 Oh, this is good. 328 00:42:41,000 --> 00:42:44,999 I'm so tired of playing 329 00:42:45,000 --> 00:42:48,999 Playing with this bow and arrow 330 00:42:49,000 --> 00:42:50,999 Gonna give my heart away 331 00:42:51,000 --> 00:42:56,000 Leave it to the other girls to play 332 00:42:58,000 --> 00:43:02,000 For I've been a temptress too long 333 00:43:04,000 --> 00:43:11,000 Just give me a reason to love you 334 00:43:14,000 --> 00:43:20,000 Give me a reason to be 335 00:43:21,000 --> 00:43:24,000 A woman 336 00:43:27,000 --> 00:43:31,000 I just want to be a woman 337 00:43:37,000 --> 00:43:39,000 From this time...