1 00:00:12,167 --> 00:00:14,467 [female reporter] Do you know the mood within the compound? 2 00:00:14,767 --> 00:00:16,433 Well, our intel is saying 3 00:00:16,567 --> 00:00:19,733 that people are starting to question their loyalty to Koresh. 4 00:00:19,867 --> 00:00:21,033 [voices overlapping] 5 00:00:21,167 --> 00:00:22,400 How many people are still inside? 6 00:00:22,533 --> 00:00:24,633 -[camera shutter clicks] -We estimate 130. 7 00:00:24,767 --> 00:00:27,500 Is there any concern for the possibility of a mass suicide? 8 00:00:28,900 --> 00:00:31,000 All possibilities are a concern. 9 00:00:31,133 --> 00:00:35,033 Have you been talking to the White House about what's going on? 10 00:00:35,167 --> 00:00:38,000 Yes. They are apprised of the situation. 11 00:00:38,133 --> 00:00:40,600 Sir, what do think it will take for them to come out? 12 00:00:41,367 --> 00:00:45,067 [scoffs] Apparently, a sign from God. 13 00:00:45,200 --> 00:00:46,333 [reporters clamoring] 14 00:00:48,167 --> 00:00:50,200 [theme music playing] 15 00:01:22,733 --> 00:01:24,600 [Steve] I don't understand, Gary. 16 00:01:24,733 --> 00:01:27,533 -Why did you shut our power off? -Look, you gotta understand. 17 00:01:27,667 --> 00:01:30,867 The negotiators do not get 100% of the input, okay? 18 00:01:31,067 --> 00:01:33,300 The tactical side, they have a say in it, as well. 19 00:01:34,100 --> 00:01:35,800 Our position is moving forward. 20 00:01:36,567 --> 00:01:38,767 I thought we made a lot of progress yesterday 21 00:01:38,900 --> 00:01:40,567 delivering you that milk with Sheriff Harwell. 22 00:01:40,700 --> 00:01:42,867 [Steve] Me, too. Which is why I'm confused. 23 00:01:43,067 --> 00:01:45,567 I mean, you send in milk for the kids, then turn off the power 24 00:01:45,700 --> 00:01:48,700 so it goes bad. I mean, where's the sense in that? 25 00:01:53,100 --> 00:01:55,767 My bosses have it in their minds 26 00:01:55,900 --> 00:01:58,333 that this might become another Jonestown. 27 00:01:58,467 --> 00:02:01,667 Another Jonestown? Wait a second. 28 00:02:01,800 --> 00:02:04,667 Do you think that we are going to kill ourselves? 29 00:02:04,800 --> 00:02:07,133 Well, frankly, Steve, I don't know what you're thinking. 30 00:02:07,267 --> 00:02:10,633 Gary, do you honestly believe that I would spend 31 00:02:10,767 --> 00:02:13,367 this much time on the phone with you if that was our plan? 32 00:02:13,500 --> 00:02:15,367 We're trying to find a solution. 33 00:02:15,500 --> 00:02:17,833 A solution that will take us back to the life we had 34 00:02:17,967 --> 00:02:19,700 before you came in here and ruined it. 35 00:02:19,833 --> 00:02:21,067 I am, too. 36 00:02:21,133 --> 00:02:22,533 Now, what I'd really like to do 37 00:02:22,667 --> 00:02:24,733 is take advantage of the good stuff 38 00:02:24,867 --> 00:02:27,067 that happened yesterday and keep moving forward. 39 00:02:27,133 --> 00:02:30,067 -Do you think we can do that? -Look. What I want you to do 40 00:02:30,167 --> 00:02:32,567 is tell our bosses we are not going to kill ourselves. 41 00:02:32,700 --> 00:02:34,500 That is not what we're about. 42 00:02:34,633 --> 00:02:36,133 I will. 43 00:02:36,900 --> 00:02:38,600 Is David there? I'd like to talk to him. 44 00:02:38,733 --> 00:02:40,167 David's not gonna talk to you again 45 00:02:40,300 --> 00:02:42,867 until you turn our electricity back on. 46 00:02:45,667 --> 00:02:48,333 [Prince] Lack of electricity makes them less comfortable 47 00:02:48,467 --> 00:02:50,167 and more willing to compromise. 48 00:02:50,300 --> 00:02:52,100 Under normal circumstances, yes. 49 00:02:52,233 --> 00:02:53,133 But these people, they already know 50 00:02:53,267 --> 00:02:54,667 how to live with nothing. 51 00:02:55,600 --> 00:02:57,700 All you're doing is pissing 'em off. 52 00:02:59,633 --> 00:03:01,267 -Mitch feels differently. -You know, sir, 53 00:03:01,400 --> 00:03:03,700 with you talking to Mitch and I separately, 54 00:03:03,833 --> 00:03:06,433 it feels like we're operating at cross purposes here. 55 00:03:06,567 --> 00:03:08,733 It's been nine days. 56 00:03:08,867 --> 00:03:11,367 How much longer do I let this go on? 57 00:03:12,233 --> 00:03:13,533 As long as it takes. 58 00:03:13,667 --> 00:03:15,433 Do you know what this is costing taxpayers? 59 00:03:15,567 --> 00:03:17,667 God damn it, I'm not worried about taxpayers right now. 60 00:03:18,433 --> 00:03:21,200 Gary, we need to bring this to a resolution. 61 00:03:21,333 --> 00:03:23,433 Look... 62 00:03:24,700 --> 00:03:27,867 Koresh has been bullied his entire life. 63 00:03:28,067 --> 00:03:29,433 Here we go. 64 00:03:29,567 --> 00:03:31,567 The more you let HRT do what they did last night, 65 00:03:31,700 --> 00:03:33,333 the more he's gonna dig in. 66 00:03:33,467 --> 00:03:34,733 He's let people out. 67 00:03:34,867 --> 00:03:36,567 That shows he's willing to work with us. 68 00:03:36,700 --> 00:03:38,833 But we've gotta meet that with positive reinforcement, 69 00:03:38,967 --> 00:03:40,333 not punishment. 70 00:03:40,467 --> 00:03:42,433 You wanna train a dog to fetch your newspaper? 71 00:03:42,567 --> 00:03:43,833 Do you kick him in the balls 72 00:03:43,967 --> 00:03:45,967 every time he brings it back to ya? 73 00:03:46,100 --> 00:03:46,900 No. 74 00:03:47,067 --> 00:03:48,933 I'm sorry, Tony. 75 00:03:49,800 --> 00:03:53,500 We both want the same thing. You know that, right? 76 00:03:53,633 --> 00:03:56,867 But in order to get it, we gotta turn the power back on! 77 00:03:58,967 --> 00:04:00,800 Whew. 78 00:04:03,067 --> 00:04:04,433 [splashing] 79 00:04:06,267 --> 00:04:07,633 [sniffles] 80 00:04:10,733 --> 00:04:12,333 -[Brad] Morning. -Morning. 81 00:04:33,333 --> 00:04:36,633 Your mom... it's sweet what she did. 82 00:04:36,767 --> 00:04:38,867 Yeah, it was kind of embarrassing. 83 00:04:40,400 --> 00:04:42,433 I wish my mom did something like that. 84 00:04:45,667 --> 00:04:48,233 -Yeah, what happened to her? -She left. 85 00:04:49,067 --> 00:04:51,900 Right after I joined the House of David. 86 00:04:52,700 --> 00:04:54,800 She didn't like how that happened. 87 00:04:56,667 --> 00:04:58,367 What-- what's that like? 88 00:05:01,533 --> 00:05:03,433 Being married to David? 89 00:05:07,200 --> 00:05:08,567 [chuckles] 90 00:05:12,467 --> 00:05:13,600 It's... 91 00:05:14,367 --> 00:05:16,067 it's like... 92 00:05:16,200 --> 00:05:19,800 being married to the most special person in the world. 93 00:05:22,267 --> 00:05:24,367 But not being special yourself. 94 00:05:30,067 --> 00:05:31,833 You're special to me. 95 00:05:35,200 --> 00:05:37,067 You're special to me, too. 96 00:05:42,400 --> 00:05:44,967 [Steve] David wants you to try and get that generator working. 97 00:05:45,767 --> 00:05:47,067 That thing hasn't worked forever. 98 00:05:47,167 --> 00:05:49,733 I know, but you know, do what you... 99 00:05:52,467 --> 00:05:54,500 [happy murmuring] 100 00:05:56,333 --> 00:05:58,533 [Steve] Hey! I take that back. 101 00:05:58,667 --> 00:06:02,233 [claps] Hey, Thibs, will you turn that up for me? 102 00:06:02,367 --> 00:06:04,767 [TV news anchor] Still no sign of surrender. Robert... 103 00:06:04,900 --> 00:06:06,733 See what they're saying about us now. 104 00:06:06,867 --> 00:06:09,700 ...joins us now live with the latest. Robert? 105 00:06:09,833 --> 00:06:12,467 We've just learned that the Branch Davidians who left Mt. Carmel 106 00:06:12,600 --> 00:06:14,200 have been arrested. 107 00:06:14,333 --> 00:06:17,067 Also, a judge has declared those remaining inside 108 00:06:17,200 --> 00:06:18,567 to be unfit parents. 109 00:06:18,700 --> 00:06:20,067 Child Services has been brought in 110 00:06:20,200 --> 00:06:22,767 to handle the situation as it unfolds. 111 00:06:22,900 --> 00:06:25,567 [David] How dare you call us "unfit parents"? 112 00:06:25,700 --> 00:06:28,433 When was the last time you saw your kids, Gary? 113 00:06:28,567 --> 00:06:30,167 I see mine every day. 114 00:06:31,300 --> 00:06:34,100 The judge doesn't know you or your people, David. 115 00:06:35,067 --> 00:06:37,700 Which is why you need to come out and tell your side of things. 116 00:06:37,833 --> 00:06:39,833 Oh, I'd love to tell my side of things, Gary, 117 00:06:39,967 --> 00:06:41,833 but you won't let us speak to the press. 118 00:06:41,967 --> 00:06:44,067 Every time I turn that TV on, 119 00:06:44,167 --> 00:06:47,233 all I see is "David Koresh, the fanatic. 120 00:06:47,367 --> 00:06:48,700 David Koresh, the antagonist." 121 00:06:48,833 --> 00:06:50,167 Well, from what I can see, 122 00:06:50,300 --> 00:06:51,733 there's an awful lot of sympathy for you 123 00:06:51,867 --> 00:06:53,200 and a lot of anger towards the ATF 124 00:06:53,333 --> 00:06:54,500 in all parts of the country. 125 00:06:55,367 --> 00:07:00,067 It's in your interest to come out now, and not have that sentiment turn. 126 00:07:00,167 --> 00:07:03,200 You know, you sure like putting all the pressure on us to come out, 127 00:07:03,333 --> 00:07:06,200 when what you should be doing is just back off. 128 00:07:06,333 --> 00:07:07,567 Let time take its toll. 129 00:07:07,700 --> 00:07:09,200 Do you understand? 130 00:07:09,333 --> 00:07:10,900 It's not our desire to die in here, Gary. 131 00:07:11,067 --> 00:07:12,367 I understand, 132 00:07:12,500 --> 00:07:14,133 and I've been trying to buy time with my bosses, 133 00:07:14,267 --> 00:07:15,867 -but it's very difficult-- -Buy time for what? 134 00:07:16,067 --> 00:07:17,800 Before you come in here full force? 135 00:07:17,933 --> 00:07:21,067 [Gary] No. Buy the time... 136 00:07:21,133 --> 00:07:22,467 you need, you know, 137 00:07:22,600 --> 00:07:25,100 to pray and talk to your God. 138 00:07:29,067 --> 00:07:30,233 Tell me, Gary... 139 00:07:31,233 --> 00:07:32,767 who's your God? 140 00:07:33,567 --> 00:07:35,800 You do believe in God, don't ya? 141 00:07:38,567 --> 00:07:40,200 I don't know what I believe. 142 00:07:40,333 --> 00:07:42,833 [David] Well, how do you think all this started, Gary? 143 00:07:42,967 --> 00:07:45,400 Do you think i-it's all just random? 144 00:07:45,533 --> 00:07:47,467 It's all one big coincidence? 145 00:07:47,600 --> 00:07:52,067 That a proton collided with a neutron and that's how it all got started? 146 00:07:52,133 --> 00:07:56,400 Well, who created that proton, Gary? Who created that neutron? 147 00:07:57,433 --> 00:08:00,867 How did the universe get this possibility? 148 00:08:04,200 --> 00:08:07,400 The kids, David-- let's talk about sending more of 'em out. 149 00:08:07,533 --> 00:08:09,700 [David] Gary, I know. 150 00:08:09,833 --> 00:08:12,467 I know you don't like talking about religion. 151 00:08:12,600 --> 00:08:14,900 But religion is all I am. 152 00:08:15,067 --> 00:08:18,133 -Right, but the kids are what-- -Listen to me! 153 00:08:18,267 --> 00:08:22,467 Listen. Listen carefully. These kids in here are my children, 154 00:08:22,600 --> 00:08:24,833 and they ain't coming out! 155 00:08:24,967 --> 00:08:28,233 Especially to someone who doesn't even believe in God. 156 00:08:28,367 --> 00:08:29,300 [handset slams] 157 00:08:33,567 --> 00:08:35,267 [tapping in rhythm] 158 00:08:37,367 --> 00:08:38,867 [drumming] 159 00:08:39,800 --> 00:08:41,400 That's hard. 160 00:08:41,533 --> 00:08:44,267 Well, everything's hard until you practice it, right? 161 00:08:44,400 --> 00:08:46,100 -[faint whirring] -Trust me. 162 00:08:46,233 --> 00:08:48,433 By your birthday, I'm gonna have you playing like John Bonham. 163 00:08:48,567 --> 00:08:50,933 [whirring] 164 00:08:51,933 --> 00:08:54,200 [aircraft engine buzzing, fades] 165 00:08:56,733 --> 00:08:59,667 Are you gonna leave us, Thibodeau? 166 00:09:03,433 --> 00:09:04,433 Let's try again. 167 00:09:04,567 --> 00:09:06,633 [kids laughing and talking] 168 00:09:08,233 --> 00:09:10,900 Do these kids seem abused to you? 169 00:09:11,067 --> 00:09:13,200 -No, they sure don't. -Yeah. 170 00:09:13,333 --> 00:09:15,900 I've seen abused kids. They don't act like this. 171 00:09:17,533 --> 00:09:19,433 [Gary] These children are loved. 172 00:09:19,567 --> 00:09:22,167 Their parents must be suffering to be without 'em. 173 00:09:22,933 --> 00:09:24,633 But Koresh won't send out any more kids. 174 00:09:24,767 --> 00:09:27,233 We need to start working on the parents. 175 00:09:27,367 --> 00:09:29,100 Okay. How do we do that? 176 00:09:31,267 --> 00:09:32,967 Go get the camera. 177 00:09:33,100 --> 00:09:35,200 [kids chatting and laughing] 178 00:09:48,400 --> 00:09:50,100 What? 179 00:09:52,767 --> 00:09:54,867 [phone rings] 180 00:09:57,400 --> 00:09:59,200 [monitor beeps] 181 00:09:59,333 --> 00:10:01,967 -Hello. -[Kathy] You lied to me. 182 00:10:02,800 --> 00:10:05,033 -Who's this? -Kathy Schroeder. 183 00:10:05,167 --> 00:10:07,000 I saw that tape you sent. 184 00:10:07,133 --> 00:10:09,567 I gave my children over to you and you lied to me! 185 00:10:09,700 --> 00:10:11,733 -[clicks] -Get Gary! 186 00:10:13,200 --> 00:10:16,633 Uh, I'm sorry, Kathy. You have me at a bit of a disadvantage. 187 00:10:16,767 --> 00:10:18,233 I'm not sure what we're talking about here. 188 00:10:18,367 --> 00:10:20,900 Danny! I mean, where are his brothers? 189 00:10:21,033 --> 00:10:25,367 They're supposed to be together! Danny is only three and he's all alone! 190 00:10:25,500 --> 00:10:27,600 I don't know why your sons would be separated. 191 00:10:27,733 --> 00:10:29,300 Wait. 192 00:10:31,367 --> 00:10:33,800 The father took them. Now, why didn't he take Danny? 193 00:10:33,933 --> 00:10:36,000 Well, Danny's not his. 194 00:10:36,133 --> 00:10:39,167 He belongs to Mike. You know, my second husband... 195 00:10:39,300 --> 00:10:42,100 who you killed? 196 00:10:42,233 --> 00:10:43,433 [Walter] Oh. 197 00:10:43,567 --> 00:10:45,900 I need you to get Danny to his brothers. 198 00:10:46,033 --> 00:10:49,800 Okay? They'll look after him. I need you to make Dale understand. 199 00:10:49,933 --> 00:10:53,667 Kathy, your first husband has no legal right to Danny. 200 00:10:53,800 --> 00:10:56,200 Well, nobody told me that! You-- 201 00:10:56,967 --> 00:11:00,400 God, you guys are like--! I mean, first you killed Mike, 202 00:11:00,533 --> 00:11:02,400 and now Danny's just all alone! 203 00:11:02,533 --> 00:11:04,100 [sobs] This is not right. 204 00:11:04,233 --> 00:11:07,167 -[sobbing] This is not right. -Kathy... 205 00:11:07,300 --> 00:11:11,067 I'm so sorry. I can only imagine what you're going through. 206 00:11:12,133 --> 00:11:13,933 But sometimes when it comes to children, 207 00:11:14,067 --> 00:11:16,667 it's necessary to set aside what we need 208 00:11:16,800 --> 00:11:18,400 for their needs. 209 00:11:19,367 --> 00:11:21,400 And right now... 210 00:11:21,533 --> 00:11:23,067 you know what Danny needs most... 211 00:11:24,633 --> 00:11:26,133 is a hug from his mommy. 212 00:11:32,933 --> 00:11:34,700 [Kathy sobbing] 213 00:11:37,733 --> 00:11:40,233 -Shh... -[Kathy gasps, sniffles] 214 00:11:40,367 --> 00:11:42,400 [whimpers] God...! 215 00:11:47,433 --> 00:11:48,800 Okay. 216 00:11:51,433 --> 00:11:54,600 [Kathy sighs] Okay. 217 00:11:54,733 --> 00:11:56,433 I'm coming out. 218 00:11:59,267 --> 00:12:00,500 [handset clicks] 219 00:12:02,333 --> 00:12:03,900 Whew. [sniffles] 220 00:12:11,800 --> 00:12:14,067 [sobs] I'm sorry. 221 00:12:23,900 --> 00:12:25,667 [Ron Engelman] The ATF believe these guys 222 00:12:25,800 --> 00:12:29,800 were converting semiautomatic weapons into automatics. 223 00:12:29,933 --> 00:12:32,967 Now, in Texas, that's illegal. Unless... 224 00:12:33,100 --> 00:12:37,600 you purchase a $25 permit, in which case, it's fine. 225 00:12:37,733 --> 00:12:40,433 This is Ron Engelman, reminding you to pay your parking tickets, 226 00:12:40,567 --> 00:12:44,800 because the ATF is in town and they're hunting Americans. 227 00:12:49,433 --> 00:12:52,233 I noticed you've been sleeping in your car the last few nights. 228 00:12:53,300 --> 00:12:55,067 Yeah, well, there's a lot of press in town. 229 00:12:55,200 --> 00:12:57,133 I can't get a room at a decent rate. 230 00:12:57,267 --> 00:12:58,500 I got a room. 231 00:12:58,633 --> 00:13:00,267 With two beds in it, if you like. 232 00:13:01,067 --> 00:13:03,700 Thank you, but I... got myself a pillow 233 00:13:03,833 --> 00:13:05,067 and my seat folds all the way back. 234 00:13:05,133 --> 00:13:07,533 -So, I'm good. -Okay. Look. 235 00:13:07,667 --> 00:13:10,633 I know you blame me for everything that's happened. 236 00:13:10,767 --> 00:13:13,800 And I'll be the first to admit I was not the best mother. 237 00:13:15,200 --> 00:13:16,900 I had David when I was 14. 238 00:13:17,800 --> 00:13:22,100 It's no excuse, but what 14-year-old knows how to raise a child? 239 00:13:22,867 --> 00:13:26,100 We don't have the luxury to not like one another. 240 00:13:26,233 --> 00:13:30,967 We both want the same thing. We both want our boys to come out of there. 241 00:13:36,333 --> 00:13:38,900 Okay. Okay. 242 00:13:39,700 --> 00:13:42,067 I had my son when I was 16. 243 00:13:46,067 --> 00:13:48,167 I didn't have it figured out either. 244 00:13:50,333 --> 00:13:53,967 My offer stands if you change your mind. 245 00:13:54,900 --> 00:13:58,200 It's room 47. Okay? 246 00:14:01,533 --> 00:14:03,433 [sighs] 247 00:14:03,567 --> 00:14:04,900 [Thibodeau] Serenity mentioned it's her birthday next week. 248 00:14:05,067 --> 00:14:06,667 You planning anything? 249 00:14:06,800 --> 00:14:08,767 It's not really an appropriate time to celebrate. 250 00:14:09,700 --> 00:14:13,533 That's not how it works. Can't not have a party on your birthday. 251 00:14:16,667 --> 00:14:18,467 Everyone's spirit's down. 252 00:14:19,267 --> 00:14:20,867 All the more reason to lift it up. 253 00:14:21,067 --> 00:14:22,267 I can help you plan something-- 254 00:14:22,400 --> 00:14:24,533 Thanks, Thibs, but not now, okay? 255 00:14:26,067 --> 00:14:28,433 I'm sorry. Just not now. 256 00:14:30,533 --> 00:14:32,433 Uh... 257 00:14:36,067 --> 00:14:39,267 [David] Kathy, put your heart to wisdom. 258 00:14:40,167 --> 00:14:42,167 Think this through. 259 00:14:44,100 --> 00:14:46,233 These are the people that murdered your husband. 260 00:14:47,633 --> 00:14:49,067 I know. 261 00:14:49,200 --> 00:14:52,300 [Kathy sighs] It... it's not an easy decision, 262 00:14:52,433 --> 00:14:54,767 but Danny needs me. 263 00:14:55,533 --> 00:14:58,133 Well, if your desire is stronger than your loyalty to God, 264 00:14:58,267 --> 00:14:59,400 then we have our answer, don't we? 265 00:14:59,533 --> 00:15:00,600 David... 266 00:15:00,733 --> 00:15:02,833 I know God is here. I know that. 267 00:15:03,733 --> 00:15:06,667 -It's-- it's all coming true-- -If you're gonna go, go. 268 00:15:07,433 --> 00:15:11,233 If you're looking for my blessing, you ain't getting it. 269 00:15:14,467 --> 00:15:16,067 Go. 270 00:15:17,733 --> 00:15:19,067 -Go on. -[sighs] 271 00:15:29,467 --> 00:15:31,300 -Take Brad with you. -Me? 272 00:15:34,067 --> 00:15:37,333 I heard you were drinking. Is that the truth? 273 00:15:38,833 --> 00:15:40,567 [David] We are all one body here. 274 00:15:40,700 --> 00:15:44,167 And for that body to work properly, we all need to be in harmony. 275 00:15:44,300 --> 00:15:46,600 If one finger isn't working, 276 00:15:46,733 --> 00:15:48,667 or if someone decides to go out on their own-- 277 00:15:48,800 --> 00:15:51,600 -David-- -then we're all out of harmony. 278 00:15:51,733 --> 00:15:54,967 This is God's test, and you failed miserably. 279 00:15:55,100 --> 00:15:56,733 -[Rachel] Calm down. -Don't tell me to calm down. 280 00:15:56,867 --> 00:15:58,900 I'm protecting us. 281 00:16:03,467 --> 00:16:05,233 You're done here. 282 00:16:06,233 --> 00:16:08,433 Steve, let 'em out. 283 00:16:10,067 --> 00:16:11,900 [whispers] Kathy... 284 00:16:27,100 --> 00:16:28,967 Sir, do you copy? 285 00:16:29,100 --> 00:16:31,900 [sniper over radio] I have two targets in my view. Over. 286 00:16:32,067 --> 00:16:33,600 [radio transmission] 287 00:16:58,067 --> 00:17:01,933 [David's voice] Whoa, whoa, whoa! Everyone! Just calm down! 288 00:17:02,067 --> 00:17:05,133 [agent's voice] Keep your hands in the air and get on the ground, now! 289 00:17:05,267 --> 00:17:08,167 [footsteps approaching] 290 00:17:11,333 --> 00:17:13,500 I was right there. 291 00:17:16,733 --> 00:17:20,167 -I tried to stop it. -[Judy] I know you did. 292 00:17:26,833 --> 00:17:28,233 [soft chuckle] 293 00:17:32,100 --> 00:17:34,367 God's not speaking to me anymore. 294 00:17:37,067 --> 00:17:39,200 I have no idea what I'm gonna do. 295 00:17:44,067 --> 00:17:46,067 You know, you always say 296 00:17:47,367 --> 00:17:49,467 "To trust God in the light's easy, but... 297 00:17:49,600 --> 00:17:52,233 to trust Him in the dark, that's faith." 298 00:17:55,633 --> 00:17:57,067 [David sighs] 299 00:18:04,100 --> 00:18:06,500 [wind whistling] 300 00:18:09,233 --> 00:18:11,467 [rumbling] 301 00:18:12,667 --> 00:18:14,300 [crashes] 302 00:18:21,600 --> 00:18:24,100 -What's happening? -I don't know? 303 00:18:46,067 --> 00:18:48,400 [David] Everything you tell me is a lie, Gary. 304 00:18:48,533 --> 00:18:50,933 No, Everything I tell you is not a lie. 305 00:18:51,067 --> 00:18:53,867 I'm not the one who drove that vehicle onto your property, David. 306 00:18:54,067 --> 00:18:56,733 [David] I don't wanna hear it. We aren't afraid of the government. 307 00:18:56,867 --> 00:18:58,767 Big Brother wants to come in here and fight, 308 00:18:58,900 --> 00:19:00,567 we will fight back. 309 00:19:00,700 --> 00:19:02,900 I think we've proven that before. 310 00:19:03,067 --> 00:19:05,300 And as long as our flag is still flying, I'm gonna defend it. 311 00:19:05,433 --> 00:19:07,333 As an American citizen, 312 00:19:07,467 --> 00:19:09,633 anyone that steps on my property, 313 00:19:09,767 --> 00:19:12,200 anyone that destroys my property, is gonna get their ass whupped. 314 00:19:12,333 --> 00:19:15,533 Look, I would feel exactly the same way if I was in your position. 315 00:19:15,667 --> 00:19:19,067 But, the thing is, these guys are frustrated, too. 316 00:19:19,933 --> 00:19:22,867 And they don't wanna be here any more than you want them here. 317 00:19:23,067 --> 00:19:26,133 But try as I might, I cannot get them to understand 318 00:19:26,267 --> 00:19:28,467 somebody waiting for a sign from God. 319 00:19:28,600 --> 00:19:31,867 It's just not part of their worldview. 320 00:19:36,067 --> 00:19:37,633 I get that, Gary. 321 00:19:37,767 --> 00:19:39,867 But we can get through this if we work together, okay? 322 00:19:40,067 --> 00:19:44,200 Now I want you to sit tight. I'm gonna go talk to my bosses 323 00:19:44,333 --> 00:19:46,067 and try and get those tanks off your property. 324 00:19:46,200 --> 00:19:47,567 [Gary] Okay? 325 00:19:50,067 --> 00:19:52,767 Okay. All right. 326 00:19:53,733 --> 00:19:55,433 -[handset clicks] -[sighs] 327 00:19:55,567 --> 00:19:57,267 [Gary] Do you realize I'm getting all my information 328 00:19:57,400 --> 00:19:59,833 about what we're doing from the Branch Davidians? 329 00:20:01,667 --> 00:20:02,900 Maybe you should move in with them. 330 00:20:03,033 --> 00:20:04,400 God damn it! 331 00:20:06,233 --> 00:20:08,367 Why did you send that damn tank in there? 332 00:20:10,033 --> 00:20:12,267 Because when I went to pick up those people, 333 00:20:12,400 --> 00:20:17,400 I noticed several vantage points where they could hide and fire on our agents. 334 00:20:17,533 --> 00:20:19,767 I had to mitigate their strategic advantage. 335 00:20:19,900 --> 00:20:21,767 You didn't try to "mitigate their strategic advantage." 336 00:20:21,900 --> 00:20:25,433 You're trying to irritate them into coming out! 337 00:20:25,567 --> 00:20:27,600 It's not a winning strategy! 338 00:20:27,733 --> 00:20:30,867 What's not a winning strategy is "waiting for a sign from God." 339 00:20:32,100 --> 00:20:33,967 -Sir, I-- -[Prince] No. 340 00:20:34,100 --> 00:20:38,033 I'm tired of buying you time. You need to tell them to come out. 341 00:20:38,167 --> 00:20:40,467 [Prince] It's been 17 days, Gary. 342 00:20:40,600 --> 00:20:42,633 -I've been pushing 'em. -Not hard enough. 343 00:20:42,767 --> 00:20:45,867 I'm under an awful lot of pressure to get them out. 344 00:20:46,000 --> 00:20:49,467 I have the attorney general and every politician in Washington 345 00:20:49,600 --> 00:20:52,267 breathing down my neck! 346 00:20:52,400 --> 00:20:55,467 I want them outta there by tomorrow morning! 347 00:20:55,600 --> 00:20:58,300 I can't give 'em a deadline. I've tried that before. 348 00:20:58,433 --> 00:21:00,300 It doesn't work. Now, time is on our side-- 349 00:21:00,433 --> 00:21:03,467 Time is not on our side. Now, give them the deadline. Now. 350 00:21:08,200 --> 00:21:09,500 No. 351 00:21:12,067 --> 00:21:14,167 I won't do that. 352 00:21:20,900 --> 00:21:23,067 Get Koresh on the phone. 353 00:21:23,200 --> 00:21:25,200 Whoa, Tony. What are you doing? 354 00:21:25,333 --> 00:21:27,400 Hey... 355 00:21:27,533 --> 00:21:29,767 [phone ringing] 356 00:21:35,167 --> 00:21:36,200 Hello? 357 00:21:36,333 --> 00:21:38,067 -[Prince] David? -Yes? 358 00:21:38,200 --> 00:21:40,833 This is Tony Prince, Special Agent in Charge for the FBI. 359 00:21:42,400 --> 00:21:44,167 If you don't come out of there by morning... 360 00:21:44,300 --> 00:21:49,600 certain actions will be taken against you and your people. 361 00:21:51,567 --> 00:21:53,367 That's not a threat, it's a promise. 362 00:21:53,500 --> 00:21:54,267 [handset slams] 363 00:21:54,400 --> 00:21:56,167 [line hums] 364 00:22:07,067 --> 00:22:08,433 [music playing] 365 00:22:08,567 --> 00:22:10,767 [announcer] This is the CBS Evening News. 366 00:22:12,167 --> 00:22:13,600 Good evening, Dan Rather reporting. 367 00:22:13,733 --> 00:22:16,167 That heavily-armed cult in central Texas 368 00:22:16,300 --> 00:22:17,767 is showing no signs of surrender. 369 00:22:17,900 --> 00:22:20,400 Indeed, it shows all signs of defiance. 370 00:22:20,533 --> 00:22:23,933 Vicki Mabrey is on the scene covering for us near Waco, Texas. 371 00:22:24,067 --> 00:22:27,067 [Mabrey] The standoff outside the Branch Davidian compound 372 00:22:27,133 --> 00:22:29,067 has become a psychological power struggle 373 00:22:29,167 --> 00:22:32,467 between federal agents and cult leader David Koresh. 374 00:22:32,600 --> 00:22:35,167 The FBI is restocking its own arsenal, 375 00:22:35,300 --> 00:22:37,600 borrowing Abrams tanks from the defense department. 376 00:22:37,733 --> 00:22:39,967 Now, sources tell CBS News 377 00:22:40,100 --> 00:22:42,667 that federal agents don't plan to let this go on indefinitely. 378 00:22:42,800 --> 00:22:44,933 Their frustration level is very high 379 00:22:45,067 --> 00:22:47,500 and if negotiations are not more fruitful, 380 00:22:47,633 --> 00:22:50,167 they may take action by this weekend. 381 00:22:50,300 --> 00:22:53,533 I think we should probably just prepare everyone for another attack. 382 00:22:53,667 --> 00:22:55,600 We don't know they're going to do that. 383 00:22:55,733 --> 00:22:57,333 Yeah, but we don't know that they're not. 384 00:22:57,467 --> 00:22:59,067 Steve, what do you think that they are gonna do? 385 00:22:59,133 --> 00:23:00,900 We can just leave. 386 00:23:01,067 --> 00:23:03,900 The minute we walk out those doors, we're admitting guilt. 387 00:23:04,067 --> 00:23:06,400 I don't know, guilt versus death. Is there a decision? 388 00:23:06,533 --> 00:23:09,067 Yeah. Spending the rest of your life in jail, 389 00:23:09,133 --> 00:23:10,933 or death. Some decision. 390 00:23:11,067 --> 00:23:12,567 This is why we need a lawyer. 391 00:23:12,700 --> 00:23:14,867 -No offense, Wayne. -None taken. 392 00:23:15,067 --> 00:23:16,633 [Judy] Well, they barely gave us milk. 393 00:23:16,767 --> 00:23:18,700 Do you think they're gonna give us a lawyer? 394 00:23:18,833 --> 00:23:21,700 No, Judy's right. The chances of that are as good as them-- 395 00:23:21,833 --> 00:23:22,900 [door opening] 396 00:23:24,500 --> 00:23:26,300 Hey, David. 397 00:23:27,333 --> 00:23:28,667 What's going on? 398 00:23:29,500 --> 00:23:32,767 -We're just talking. -About...? 399 00:23:34,233 --> 00:23:37,600 -About our options. -Options? 400 00:23:37,733 --> 00:23:39,900 -Mm-hmm. -[David] Steven... 401 00:23:40,067 --> 00:23:42,933 you of all people know there's only one option. 402 00:23:46,167 --> 00:23:47,700 Wayne... 403 00:23:47,833 --> 00:23:50,233 you wanna go out there, be with your family? 404 00:23:50,367 --> 00:23:52,733 Or do you wanna feel the hand of God? 405 00:23:53,633 --> 00:23:54,633 You are my family, David. 406 00:23:57,200 --> 00:23:59,900 Judy, do you wanna stay or do you wanna leave? 407 00:24:00,733 --> 00:24:02,867 I don't wanna leave without you. 408 00:24:03,900 --> 00:24:05,067 Thibodeau? 409 00:24:06,233 --> 00:24:09,400 Go on. Take the easy way out. 410 00:24:11,633 --> 00:24:13,133 -I... -[Rachel] David. 411 00:24:13,267 --> 00:24:15,433 You owe it to us to tell us what you're thinking. 412 00:24:15,567 --> 00:24:18,900 No. I owe you nothing. 413 00:24:19,867 --> 00:24:21,400 [sighs] 414 00:24:22,767 --> 00:24:25,767 You are not the only one that's suffering here. 415 00:24:25,900 --> 00:24:30,500 -Don't you forget that. -Don't forget... why we're here. 416 00:24:30,633 --> 00:24:32,600 This is our "withering." 417 00:24:34,700 --> 00:24:37,067 Y'all wanna miss out on the miracle? 418 00:24:39,433 --> 00:24:41,067 Be my guest. 419 00:24:50,233 --> 00:24:52,400 Get outta my chapel. 420 00:24:58,700 --> 00:25:01,767 Sir, I apologize for my outburst, but I'd... 421 00:25:02,600 --> 00:25:06,067 I'd really appreciate if you'd reconsider your ultimatum. 422 00:25:08,433 --> 00:25:10,067 Gary, please sit down. 423 00:25:15,633 --> 00:25:17,800 [Prince] How many kids do you have? 424 00:25:18,967 --> 00:25:21,600 -Three. -I have two myself. 425 00:25:22,367 --> 00:25:26,800 Your wife, uh... she understands the job? 426 00:25:27,567 --> 00:25:31,667 Well, she was a secretary in the Bureau when we met, so she gets it. 427 00:25:31,800 --> 00:25:33,267 Oh. 428 00:25:33,400 --> 00:25:35,067 My wife, she... [chuckles] 429 00:25:35,133 --> 00:25:40,067 she pretends to get it. But she doesn't. 430 00:25:41,767 --> 00:25:44,733 -Where did you grow up? -Atlantic Beach, Florida. 431 00:25:44,867 --> 00:25:46,267 Now, uh, sir, I'd really like to-- 432 00:25:46,400 --> 00:25:47,533 What? 433 00:25:47,667 --> 00:25:50,433 Move this conversation along? 434 00:25:52,467 --> 00:25:54,600 What if I just wanna sit here and talk? 435 00:25:54,733 --> 00:25:57,933 [chuckles] For hours? 436 00:25:58,067 --> 00:26:01,167 What if we just talked and talked, but then, 437 00:26:01,300 --> 00:26:02,967 after all that, I decided 438 00:26:03,100 --> 00:26:06,533 not to give you the response you came in here looking for? 439 00:26:07,833 --> 00:26:10,067 That would be frustrating, wouldn't it? 440 00:26:11,067 --> 00:26:14,067 Sir, one of the main principles I try to teach my students 441 00:26:14,167 --> 00:26:18,500 who wanna be negotiators is to never, ever start a clock 442 00:26:18,633 --> 00:26:20,733 because it gives the person on the other end 443 00:26:20,867 --> 00:26:22,800 the opportunity to make the wrong decision. 444 00:26:22,933 --> 00:26:25,600 We're not in a classroom here, Gary. 445 00:26:25,733 --> 00:26:27,800 And the principles that you apply 446 00:26:27,933 --> 00:26:31,567 to hypothetical situations, well... 447 00:26:31,700 --> 00:26:33,667 they don't always work. 448 00:26:33,800 --> 00:26:36,067 We're at an impasse here. 449 00:26:36,133 --> 00:26:40,967 And your "trickle-flow-gush" theory-- albeit a good one-- 450 00:26:41,100 --> 00:26:45,200 well... that doesn't seem to be working either. 451 00:26:45,333 --> 00:26:47,200 So, what's your plan, then? 452 00:26:47,333 --> 00:26:49,367 It's time to apply pressure. 453 00:26:49,500 --> 00:26:53,467 Decker wants to start implementing psy-ops to get them out. 454 00:26:54,733 --> 00:26:56,367 You wanna psychologically torture them? 455 00:26:56,500 --> 00:26:58,100 It's not torture. 456 00:26:58,233 --> 00:27:00,267 It's a safe way to push them. 457 00:27:00,400 --> 00:27:02,633 This is not an FBI-sanctioned strategy. You do understand that, right? 458 00:27:02,767 --> 00:27:04,800 Don't think I haven't thought this through. 459 00:27:05,833 --> 00:27:07,767 I'm in a difficult position here, Gary. 460 00:27:07,900 --> 00:27:10,700 All right, so, uh, you know... 461 00:27:10,833 --> 00:27:12,800 just for shits and giggles, let me get this straight. 462 00:27:12,933 --> 00:27:17,667 You wanna take a guy that we're fairly certain is unstable to begin with... 463 00:27:18,767 --> 00:27:21,600 and you're gonna attempt to drive him crazy 464 00:27:21,733 --> 00:27:24,300 with psychological pressure, 465 00:27:24,433 --> 00:27:26,800 in hopes that somehow 466 00:27:26,933 --> 00:27:29,967 that will suddenly make him more reasonable? 467 00:27:31,967 --> 00:27:36,067 You've been requesting an open flow of communication since you got here. 468 00:27:38,333 --> 00:27:40,233 I just gave it to ya. 469 00:27:46,267 --> 00:27:47,900 [Gary] My commander, David, I spoke to him. 470 00:27:48,067 --> 00:27:50,167 He's not gonna back down on this ultimatum. 471 00:27:50,300 --> 00:27:53,867 [David] Yeah, well, we're not backing down either, Gary. 472 00:27:55,633 --> 00:27:57,067 David, I'm gonna try something here. 473 00:27:57,133 --> 00:27:59,067 I wanna talk to ya 474 00:27:59,133 --> 00:28:02,267 not like "Gary, the FBI agent," but... 475 00:28:02,400 --> 00:28:04,233 like I was your friend. 476 00:28:04,367 --> 00:28:07,333 And I want you to listen to what I'm gonna say. 477 00:28:08,267 --> 00:28:11,600 As if a friend was saying it to you. 478 00:28:14,300 --> 00:28:15,600 [Gary] Come out. 479 00:28:16,367 --> 00:28:19,067 Just come out before it gets any worse. 480 00:28:20,700 --> 00:28:23,433 That's my friendly advice. 481 00:28:23,567 --> 00:28:26,100 I appreciate that, Gary. 482 00:28:26,233 --> 00:28:29,100 And I want this to be over just as much as you do. 483 00:28:29,233 --> 00:28:31,600 You think I like being in this place like this? 484 00:28:31,733 --> 00:28:33,767 I don't. It's awful. 485 00:28:33,900 --> 00:28:37,433 [David] You have no idea what I'd give to have a hot shower right now. 486 00:28:37,567 --> 00:28:39,667 It can be over, David. 487 00:28:40,433 --> 00:28:43,633 You have the ability to make it be over. 488 00:28:43,767 --> 00:28:45,867 I'm trying. 489 00:28:46,067 --> 00:28:48,433 I'm trying to connect with God. 490 00:28:48,567 --> 00:28:51,167 And I'm not just giving you the runaround either, Gary. 491 00:28:51,300 --> 00:28:52,833 I know. 492 00:28:54,500 --> 00:28:59,300 Well, I just want you to know, whatever happens from here on out... 493 00:28:59,433 --> 00:29:01,733 I'm trying, too. 494 00:29:03,267 --> 00:29:04,833 I know you are. 495 00:29:05,633 --> 00:29:07,267 I know. 496 00:29:10,367 --> 00:29:12,233 [line clicks] 497 00:29:13,767 --> 00:29:15,133 [crickets chirping] 498 00:29:17,233 --> 00:29:19,067 [drumming] 499 00:29:20,200 --> 00:29:22,200 -[cymbal rings] -Okay, yeah. 500 00:29:23,067 --> 00:29:24,600 [Thibodeau] All right. It's almost bedtime. 501 00:29:24,733 --> 00:29:26,800 But before you go, I have something for you. 502 00:29:26,933 --> 00:29:28,600 [Serenity] What is it? 503 00:29:28,733 --> 00:29:30,533 Happy birthday. 504 00:29:30,667 --> 00:29:33,700 Go ahead, make a wish, and blow it out. 505 00:29:33,833 --> 00:29:35,133 [puffs] 506 00:29:35,267 --> 00:29:36,533 [Michelle] What's going on here? 507 00:29:37,300 --> 00:29:39,400 Uh, we're just having a little party. 508 00:29:39,533 --> 00:29:40,633 Because it's my birthday. 509 00:29:40,767 --> 00:29:43,667 I know it is. [chuckles] 510 00:29:43,800 --> 00:29:45,133 It's time to go to bed, all right? 511 00:29:45,267 --> 00:29:47,067 Wait. She has to open her present first. 512 00:29:50,767 --> 00:29:53,833 [Michelle gasps] Wow. It's so pretty. 513 00:29:53,967 --> 00:29:56,067 -What is it? -It's a drum key. 514 00:29:56,867 --> 00:29:58,133 If you're gonna be a rock star someday, 515 00:29:58,267 --> 00:30:00,667 gotta know how to tune a drum, right? 516 00:30:00,800 --> 00:30:03,900 -Hmm. -[Thibodeau] You like it? 517 00:30:04,033 --> 00:30:05,400 -Yeah. -[Michelle] What do you say? 518 00:30:05,533 --> 00:30:08,667 -Thank you, Thibodeau. -Aw, you're welcome. 519 00:30:09,933 --> 00:30:11,533 -[lights click] -[Michelle gasps] 520 00:30:11,667 --> 00:30:13,100 [Serenity] What's happening? 521 00:30:18,667 --> 00:30:19,833 Light 'em up, boys. 522 00:30:23,100 --> 00:30:25,167 [Thibodeau] It's okay. It's okay. 523 00:30:25,300 --> 00:30:27,333 It's okay. 524 00:30:29,267 --> 00:30:31,133 [loud screeching] 525 00:30:31,267 --> 00:30:33,967 [buzzing, whining] 526 00:30:34,767 --> 00:30:37,500 [distant rattling, honking] 527 00:30:37,633 --> 00:30:39,200 [voice screaming on recording] 528 00:30:40,433 --> 00:30:42,333 [honking] 529 00:30:44,500 --> 00:30:46,767 [recording continues] 530 00:30:50,867 --> 00:30:54,100 [varied screeching, wailing] 531 00:30:57,333 --> 00:31:00,600 [dolphin chatter playing] 532 00:31:00,733 --> 00:31:02,967 [screaming plays] 533 00:31:06,400 --> 00:31:08,433 [screaming plays] 534 00:31:14,667 --> 00:31:16,667 [recorded screaming continues] 535 00:31:21,533 --> 00:31:22,900 [wind whistling] 536 00:31:33,367 --> 00:31:35,667 [thunder rumbling] 537 00:31:38,800 --> 00:31:40,700 [thunder continues] 538 00:31:53,500 --> 00:31:56,367 [rain pattering] 539 00:31:57,267 --> 00:31:59,733 No, no, I'm sorry. Please don't put words in my mouth. 540 00:31:59,867 --> 00:32:02,967 The FBI has no comment at this time. Next question. 541 00:32:03,100 --> 00:32:05,500 Is there a consideration to use psychological warfare? 542 00:32:05,633 --> 00:32:07,067 Have you discussed it at all? 543 00:32:07,167 --> 00:32:09,067 I don't even know what psychological warfare is. 544 00:32:09,167 --> 00:32:11,267 Well, it was reported that you're playing loud music 545 00:32:11,400 --> 00:32:13,667 and shining bright lights on the compound all night 546 00:32:13,800 --> 00:32:15,333 to try to agitate the group. 547 00:32:15,467 --> 00:32:17,900 Yeah, I cannot discuss tactics of that sort, but I'd say 548 00:32:18,067 --> 00:32:20,400 there's minimal chance that we would get up to that sort of activity. 549 00:32:20,533 --> 00:32:22,900 When are you gonna allow the parents to intervene and talk to our children? 550 00:32:23,067 --> 00:32:25,600 Well, that is not something we're comfortable doing at the moment. 551 00:32:25,733 --> 00:32:28,733 Why? Why? How can it hurt for our voices to get in there? 552 00:32:28,867 --> 00:32:32,533 We know our children. We should be speaking to our children. 553 00:32:32,667 --> 00:32:34,967 -Ma'am, there's a protocol-- -[snaps] Screw your protocol! 554 00:32:35,100 --> 00:32:37,533 I want to talk to my son! 555 00:32:37,667 --> 00:32:38,833 -Ma'am-- -Everybody here, 556 00:32:38,967 --> 00:32:40,733 all of these families here, 557 00:32:40,867 --> 00:32:42,200 we don't wanna just stand around-- 558 00:32:42,333 --> 00:32:44,467 -Is there security? -and just figure out 559 00:32:44,600 --> 00:32:46,267 that we've waited too long? I don't want... 560 00:32:46,400 --> 00:32:48,333 -a dead son on my hands! -[Prince] Security, please! 561 00:32:48,467 --> 00:32:50,533 Let me talk to my son! Let us talk to our children! 562 00:32:50,667 --> 00:32:54,900 I think that's going to do it for today. Thank you. 563 00:32:55,733 --> 00:32:58,067 [thunder rumbling] 564 00:32:59,333 --> 00:33:01,433 [rain pattering] 565 00:33:03,400 --> 00:33:04,667 [faint knocking on door] 566 00:33:05,500 --> 00:33:09,167 I filled a bunch of glasses. I figured I'd bring one over for Serenity. 567 00:33:10,500 --> 00:33:11,800 Thank you. 568 00:33:11,933 --> 00:33:13,300 You're welcome. 569 00:33:16,667 --> 00:33:18,167 How you guys doing? 570 00:33:18,300 --> 00:33:20,333 It's freezing. 571 00:33:20,467 --> 00:33:22,800 I have an extra blanket. I'll run and grab it. 572 00:33:22,933 --> 00:33:24,267 Wait, Thibs. 573 00:33:28,700 --> 00:33:30,733 You're the best. 574 00:33:38,500 --> 00:33:40,067 Be right back. 575 00:33:44,700 --> 00:33:46,067 [clicking] 576 00:33:48,967 --> 00:33:51,067 -[sniffles] -[Steve] Wayne? 577 00:33:51,133 --> 00:33:53,100 Get that generator working yet? 578 00:33:53,967 --> 00:33:55,967 Looks like it's gonna be another cold one tonight. 579 00:33:56,733 --> 00:33:59,833 I've taken it apart and put it back together twice. 580 00:34:00,067 --> 00:34:02,100 I still can't figure out what's wrong with it. 581 00:34:02,233 --> 00:34:03,767 Do you mind if I have a look? 582 00:34:04,533 --> 00:34:06,200 I'll take all the help I can get. 583 00:34:13,333 --> 00:34:14,433 [raps] 584 00:34:18,567 --> 00:34:19,900 Come on in. 585 00:34:25,767 --> 00:34:28,167 [sighs] How you doing? 586 00:34:28,300 --> 00:34:30,067 Good. 587 00:34:30,200 --> 00:34:34,100 I was just checking in on you, see if you're okay. 588 00:34:35,800 --> 00:34:37,200 What's wrong? 589 00:34:38,967 --> 00:34:40,867 Um... 590 00:34:43,100 --> 00:34:45,133 I don't wanna die in here, David. 591 00:34:47,833 --> 00:34:50,067 I know I might. 592 00:34:50,833 --> 00:34:54,067 And-and maybe that's God's will, but... 593 00:34:55,067 --> 00:34:57,067 I don't want to. 594 00:34:59,067 --> 00:35:01,400 I wish I had three more years with you. 595 00:35:01,533 --> 00:35:04,100 Three more years to teach you the message. 596 00:35:04,233 --> 00:35:05,967 Who's to say you won't? 597 00:35:06,100 --> 00:35:08,933 The way things are going, I think it's clear. 598 00:35:09,067 --> 00:35:11,067 We're going home. 599 00:35:11,133 --> 00:35:13,267 One way or another, Thibs. 600 00:35:17,767 --> 00:35:19,133 Uh... 601 00:35:19,267 --> 00:35:20,867 Michelle and Serenity... 602 00:35:23,433 --> 00:35:25,233 What about 'em? 603 00:35:27,533 --> 00:35:29,567 If I decide to go... 604 00:35:30,867 --> 00:35:32,433 will you let them leave with me? 605 00:35:33,233 --> 00:35:35,300 [faint chuckle] 606 00:35:37,467 --> 00:35:39,467 Hm. 607 00:35:39,600 --> 00:35:41,067 [sighs] 608 00:35:43,067 --> 00:35:45,267 Your mother. 609 00:35:45,400 --> 00:35:48,400 She sure struck a nerve with you, didn't she? 610 00:35:49,767 --> 00:35:52,067 -Yeah. -Yeah. 611 00:35:53,433 --> 00:35:55,533 They have a way of doing that. 612 00:36:00,700 --> 00:36:02,800 And it would pain me, 613 00:36:02,933 --> 00:36:06,467 but I would not hold it against you if you wanted to go join her. 614 00:36:08,467 --> 00:36:10,967 But Michelle? 615 00:36:11,833 --> 00:36:13,233 And Serenity? 616 00:36:16,433 --> 00:36:20,467 That is my wife... and my daughter. 617 00:36:24,167 --> 00:36:27,300 They are mine... to protect. 618 00:36:28,567 --> 00:36:30,467 Not yours. 619 00:36:33,267 --> 00:36:35,333 You understand? 620 00:36:37,533 --> 00:36:39,433 [faintly] Mm-hmm. 621 00:36:55,700 --> 00:36:57,633 [TV reporter] Sources near the scene are reporting 622 00:36:57,767 --> 00:37:00,367 that the FBI's main concern right now is a mass suicide. 623 00:37:00,500 --> 00:37:04,067 Authorities feel Koresh has become unstable in the last few days 624 00:37:04,133 --> 00:37:06,300 and they worry about what he might do. 625 00:37:06,433 --> 00:37:07,800 [male reporter] A lightning storm-- 626 00:37:07,933 --> 00:37:09,500 [remote clicks] 627 00:37:10,367 --> 00:37:12,267 [knocking on door] 628 00:37:21,600 --> 00:37:25,933 I ran outta money for gas. My car is freezing. 629 00:37:26,067 --> 00:37:29,800 -May I come in? -Yes. Please. 630 00:37:29,933 --> 00:37:31,500 [thunder rumbles] 631 00:37:34,867 --> 00:37:36,267 [Steve] All right, Thibs. 632 00:37:37,200 --> 00:37:38,467 I'm ready when you are. 633 00:37:39,433 --> 00:37:41,233 [inhales] 634 00:37:42,133 --> 00:37:44,400 Hi, Mom. It's me. 635 00:37:45,233 --> 00:37:47,433 I saw you on the news the other night. 636 00:37:48,600 --> 00:37:51,533 I know this is hard on you. I'm sorry. 637 00:37:54,533 --> 00:37:56,500 I just want you to know I'm okay. 638 00:37:58,267 --> 00:38:00,567 I'm not being held against my will. 639 00:38:01,600 --> 00:38:05,833 I can come out whenever I want. But... 640 00:38:05,967 --> 00:38:10,633 this is something I-- I thought about a lot, and... 641 00:38:12,133 --> 00:38:14,367 I need to see this through. 642 00:38:15,567 --> 00:38:17,733 'Cause people here... 643 00:38:17,867 --> 00:38:19,633 they're counting on me. 644 00:38:20,400 --> 00:38:23,700 [Thibodeau] I can't leave them behind, so... 645 00:38:28,267 --> 00:38:30,367 [voice quavers] I hope you understand. 646 00:38:32,467 --> 00:38:34,500 I really love you, Mom. 647 00:38:36,067 --> 00:38:37,500 I hope-- [clears throat] 648 00:38:38,267 --> 00:38:40,200 hope to see you soon. 649 00:38:47,767 --> 00:38:49,667 [crickets chirping] 650 00:38:52,067 --> 00:38:54,467 [popping] 651 00:38:56,400 --> 00:38:59,167 -Hey, help me hang this blanket. -[Thibodeau] Yeah. 652 00:39:00,067 --> 00:39:02,133 [grunts] Can you get that side? 653 00:39:02,267 --> 00:39:05,167 -Hang this up. -[recording screeches] 654 00:39:08,333 --> 00:39:10,500 [recorded gunfire rattling, horns honking] 655 00:39:11,367 --> 00:39:13,433 [recorded screaming] 656 00:39:16,567 --> 00:39:19,500 [recorded screeching plays] 657 00:39:28,767 --> 00:39:31,267 [children crying] 658 00:39:46,200 --> 00:39:48,367 [whirring] 659 00:39:58,100 --> 00:39:59,267 [sighs] 660 00:40:07,400 --> 00:40:12,233 What's it gonna take to get you to start seeing them as people? 661 00:40:12,367 --> 00:40:14,167 I see 'em as people. 662 00:40:15,567 --> 00:40:17,533 Just not the kind I ever wanna be around again. 663 00:40:17,667 --> 00:40:19,167 Hm. 664 00:40:21,467 --> 00:40:24,900 Have you noticed... that not a single person has come out 665 00:40:25,033 --> 00:40:28,067 since you started screwing around with them? What does that tell ya? 666 00:40:28,200 --> 00:40:30,300 I don't know. 667 00:40:30,433 --> 00:40:32,533 That they're a bunch of stubborn sons of bitches? 668 00:40:32,667 --> 00:40:33,667 [Gary scoffs] 669 00:40:36,833 --> 00:40:40,233 History's not gonna be on your side with this one, Mitch. 670 00:40:43,533 --> 00:40:45,367 I'll take the other side of that bet. 671 00:40:45,500 --> 00:40:48,000 Just stand down, okay? For a few days. 672 00:40:48,133 --> 00:40:52,267 Turn the power back on. And give them... 673 00:40:53,033 --> 00:40:55,033 a moment to start thinking straight again. 674 00:40:55,167 --> 00:40:57,267 That's not my call. Talk to Prince. 675 00:40:57,400 --> 00:41:00,233 Prince isn't listening to me anymore, Mitch. 676 00:41:01,367 --> 00:41:03,800 He's listening to you. 677 00:41:10,767 --> 00:41:12,267 Five thousand to one. 678 00:41:12,400 --> 00:41:14,833 Those are the odds against us. 679 00:41:14,967 --> 00:41:18,467 Five thousand people to every one officer of the law. 680 00:41:21,200 --> 00:41:23,767 You know how we keep order with those odds? 681 00:41:23,900 --> 00:41:27,300 Because they believe we're more powerful than we are. 682 00:41:27,433 --> 00:41:29,100 We project strength. 683 00:41:29,233 --> 00:41:31,733 And the people believe in that strength. 684 00:41:35,400 --> 00:41:39,667 So when we sit outside a place like this, 685 00:41:39,800 --> 00:41:41,467 for weeks on end, 686 00:41:42,267 --> 00:41:44,567 waiting for them to tire... 687 00:41:45,767 --> 00:41:49,100 we look weak in front of the rest of the whole world. 688 00:41:49,233 --> 00:41:53,800 And every angry asshole with a bomb kit starts getting ideas. 689 00:41:54,667 --> 00:41:57,567 This is more than a situation now, Gary. 690 00:41:59,133 --> 00:42:00,667 This is a symbol. 691 00:42:03,567 --> 00:42:07,367 Are we the kind of agency that coddles cop killers? 692 00:42:09,500 --> 00:42:12,400 Or are we the goddamn FBI? 693 00:42:20,067 --> 00:42:22,700 [recording shrieks, squeals] 694 00:42:25,067 --> 00:42:26,900 -[sputters] -[sighs] 695 00:42:29,567 --> 00:42:30,600 Come on. 696 00:42:31,367 --> 00:42:34,200 -[sputters, whirrs] -Whoo! 697 00:42:34,333 --> 00:42:36,700 Yeah! 698 00:42:36,833 --> 00:42:39,467 [laughing] 699 00:42:41,067 --> 00:42:42,900 [David] You did it! 700 00:42:43,067 --> 00:42:45,633 I knew you would! Great job! 701 00:42:46,800 --> 00:42:48,400 How much gas do we have in there? 702 00:42:49,167 --> 00:42:51,733 -[Wayne] 10 minutes, tops. -[recorded honking playing] 703 00:42:53,167 --> 00:42:55,433 I know what I wanna do with it. 704 00:42:57,833 --> 00:43:00,533 [recorded screaming, honking continues] 705 00:43:08,167 --> 00:43:10,300 Oh, my God. 706 00:43:15,900 --> 00:43:18,267 [beeps] 707 00:43:26,367 --> 00:43:28,933 [keypad beeping] 708 00:43:33,133 --> 00:43:35,233 [line ringing] 709 00:43:39,300 --> 00:43:41,300 [woman] Hello? 710 00:43:42,200 --> 00:43:45,467 -Hi, sis. -Oh, my God, Steve! 711 00:43:45,600 --> 00:43:48,300 Where are you? Did you get out of there? 712 00:43:48,433 --> 00:43:50,600 No, I'm still inside. 713 00:43:51,367 --> 00:43:53,700 -I found a phone. And-- -[beeping] 714 00:43:53,833 --> 00:43:56,300 -[sister] Steve? -You know what? I-- 715 00:43:56,433 --> 00:43:59,267 Look, Sue, I don't have a lot of time. 716 00:43:59,400 --> 00:44:03,600 This thing's beeping at me, but... listen. 717 00:44:04,767 --> 00:44:07,900 I-- there's been a lot of talk on the news 718 00:44:08,067 --> 00:44:12,067 and, um, with the FBI, about us committing suicide in here. 719 00:44:12,200 --> 00:44:15,433 And I just want you to know, no matter what they tell you, 720 00:44:15,567 --> 00:44:19,267 that we would never kill ourselves. 721 00:44:19,400 --> 00:44:21,667 And so, 722 00:44:21,800 --> 00:44:25,900 if we somehow-- I don't know-- if we wind up dead, or-- 723 00:44:26,067 --> 00:44:27,900 [phone beeping] 724 00:44:28,833 --> 00:44:32,967 and-- and that's what they're telling people around the world, 725 00:44:33,100 --> 00:44:36,300 then I just want you to know that it's a lie. 726 00:44:38,067 --> 00:44:39,700 Okay? 727 00:44:41,300 --> 00:44:43,167 Sue...? 728 00:44:43,300 --> 00:44:45,800 -[beeping] -Can you hear what I'm-- 729 00:44:47,867 --> 00:44:49,967 -[faint thumping] -[sobbing] 730 00:44:53,733 --> 00:44:56,467 -[music playing] -[recorded screaming continues] 731 00:44:57,333 --> 00:45:00,533 -[music continues] -What is that? 732 00:45:01,433 --> 00:45:03,600 What's that sound? 733 00:45:03,733 --> 00:45:05,300 Hey, turn off the speakers. 734 00:45:05,433 --> 00:45:07,833 [distant drumming] 735 00:45:08,933 --> 00:45:10,833 [music continues] 736 00:45:12,100 --> 00:45:15,067 -I thought we cut the power off. -We did. 737 00:45:15,133 --> 00:45:17,933 [music continues] 738 00:45:23,067 --> 00:45:26,967 * I've been in a cave For 40 days * 739 00:45:27,733 --> 00:45:31,567 * Only a spark To light my way * 740 00:45:32,367 --> 00:45:33,967 * I want to give out * 741 00:45:34,767 --> 00:45:36,633 * I want to give in * 742 00:45:37,433 --> 00:45:39,400 * This is our crime * 743 00:45:39,533 --> 00:45:41,333 * This is our sin * 744 00:45:41,467 --> 00:45:43,833 * Oh, I still believe! * 745 00:45:47,933 --> 00:45:49,967 [music continues] 746 00:45:55,067 --> 00:45:57,067 [music continues] 747 00:46:06,700 --> 00:46:08,533 [music continues] 748 00:46:09,433 --> 00:46:10,700 If we were to go in... 749 00:46:10,833 --> 00:46:12,067 [David] * But I still believe... * 750 00:46:12,200 --> 00:46:14,267 What would that look like? 751 00:46:15,067 --> 00:46:17,900 [Mitch] I could have a plan on your desk by morning. 752 00:46:18,067 --> 00:46:21,733 -* Through the heartache... * -Get it to me. 753 00:46:22,500 --> 00:46:26,700 * Through the waiting, Through the years * 754 00:46:26,833 --> 00:46:28,800 * For people like us * 755 00:46:29,567 --> 00:46:31,667 * In places like this * 756 00:46:31,800 --> 00:46:36,300 * We need all the hope That we can get * 757 00:46:36,433 --> 00:46:38,667 * Oh, I still believe! * 758 00:46:53,300 --> 00:46:54,700 [music ends]