1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:01,778 [JEFFERSON] Previously on Black Lightning... 2 00:00:01,781 --> 00:00:05,000 You are the storm, so you can control the storm! 3 00:00:05,003 --> 00:00:06,736 Don't fear it. Own it. 4 00:00:09,050 --> 00:00:10,316 Need a ride? 5 00:00:10,318 --> 00:00:12,047 I do need you to contact your son. 6 00:00:12,047 --> 00:00:13,980 Boy knows a lot about my business. 7 00:00:13,982 --> 00:00:17,484 - He's not gonna stop until he kills me. - I got you. 8 00:00:18,566 --> 00:00:21,234 - What are you doing? - We're gonna need money on the run. 9 00:00:21,237 --> 00:00:23,737 - What up, Painkiller? - Here to collect. 10 00:00:26,895 --> 00:00:27,961 [JENNIFER GRUNTS] 11 00:00:29,698 --> 00:00:31,564 Go, go, go. 12 00:00:31,566 --> 00:00:33,333 [JENNIFER] What we need is a plan. 13 00:00:33,335 --> 00:00:35,368 My aunt, let's go to her house. 14 00:00:35,370 --> 00:00:37,604 Need to ask you a few questions about your nephew. 15 00:00:37,606 --> 00:00:39,985 You know damn well you ain't no detective. 16 00:00:39,988 --> 00:00:41,207 Why pretend? 17 00:00:41,209 --> 00:00:42,475 [SCREAMS] 18 00:00:45,347 --> 00:00:47,280 [BOTH GRUNTING] 19 00:00:53,352 --> 00:00:54,721 Come on. Come on. 20 00:00:54,723 --> 00:00:55,989 [PANTING] 21 00:00:58,493 --> 00:01:00,660 - Where'd they go? - Tell me you have him. 22 00:01:00,662 --> 00:01:03,963 Not yet. He's got a cut. They won't get far. 23 00:01:03,965 --> 00:01:05,365 [BOTH PANTING] 24 00:01:08,278 --> 00:01:13,658 _ 25 00:01:14,325 --> 00:01:17,175 _ 26 00:01:23,857 --> 00:01:26,191 [JENNIFER] That's it. Okay. 27 00:01:26,194 --> 00:01:28,194 Come on, come on. Khalil, come on. 28 00:01:29,176 --> 00:01:32,844 [KHALIL] One sec. Here. Right there. Come on. 29 00:01:32,847 --> 00:01:34,180 Okay. 30 00:01:35,853 --> 00:01:37,653 Okay, sit, sit, sit. 31 00:01:37,656 --> 00:01:39,089 [KHALIL GROANS] 32 00:01:39,935 --> 00:01:41,201 God. 33 00:01:42,537 --> 00:01:43,670 [PANTING] 34 00:01:45,807 --> 00:01:47,777 You're burning up. 35 00:01:47,780 --> 00:01:50,076 I thought the toxins they pumped you full of 36 00:01:50,078 --> 00:01:52,245 were supposed to heal from stuff like this. 37 00:01:52,981 --> 00:01:54,314 Yeah, J... 38 00:01:55,050 --> 00:01:56,683 Yeah. 39 00:01:56,685 --> 00:01:58,527 Look, we just need to... 40 00:01:58,530 --> 00:01:59,602 [GROANS] 41 00:01:59,605 --> 00:02:01,671 You about to fall on your ass. 42 00:02:03,959 --> 00:02:07,027 Too weak to travel. You're clammy. 43 00:02:07,030 --> 00:02:08,644 I'm not a doctor, 44 00:02:08,647 --> 00:02:12,340 but if that cut gave you a fever, it might be infected, Khalil. 45 00:02:12,343 --> 00:02:14,040 Look, we don't have any other choice. 46 00:02:14,043 --> 00:02:16,102 I'm gonna try and find you some antibiotics or something. 47 00:02:16,104 --> 00:02:17,971 Hey. Hey, no. 48 00:02:17,973 --> 00:02:19,449 Yo, yo, it's way too risky. 49 00:02:19,452 --> 00:02:21,344 We got people out there searching for us. 50 00:02:21,347 --> 00:02:24,244 Well, what do you want me to do? Sit here and watch you get worse? 51 00:02:24,261 --> 00:02:28,229 If it was me laying there, you'd do the exact same thing, wouldn't you? 52 00:02:29,017 --> 00:02:30,417 Huh? 53 00:02:31,853 --> 00:02:33,253 I'll be right back. 54 00:02:44,032 --> 00:02:45,532 [SIGHS] 55 00:02:49,004 --> 00:02:50,603 [LINE RINGING] 56 00:02:52,273 --> 00:02:54,907 Jeff, did you find her? 57 00:02:54,910 --> 00:02:58,090 Do you have her? Jeff, please just tell me she's safe. 58 00:02:58,093 --> 00:02:59,579 Babe, I wish I could tell you that. 59 00:02:59,581 --> 00:03:01,014 But the truth is, I don't know. 60 00:03:01,016 --> 00:03:02,315 Why? What happened? 61 00:03:02,317 --> 00:03:04,551 When we got to Khalil's aunt's house, 62 00:03:04,553 --> 00:03:07,187 there was this woman, highly skilled with knives, 63 00:03:07,189 --> 00:03:08,722 probably sent by Tobias. 64 00:03:08,724 --> 00:03:10,290 She was here before us. 65 00:03:10,292 --> 00:03:12,877 Is... is Jennifer okay? She wasn't hurt, was she? 66 00:03:12,880 --> 00:03:14,313 No, not that I could see. 67 00:03:14,316 --> 00:03:16,829 She and Khalil disappeared during the chaos. 68 00:03:16,832 --> 00:03:20,118 And then they somehow managed to take out one of Gambi's drones. 69 00:03:20,121 --> 00:03:22,376 So you don't even know which direction she went in? 70 00:03:22,379 --> 00:03:24,270 No, Lynn. We will find her. 71 00:03:24,272 --> 00:03:25,538 [SIGHS IN FRUSTRATION] 72 00:03:28,043 --> 00:03:29,309 Lynn? 73 00:03:30,525 --> 00:03:32,058 [THUNDER] So what happened? 74 00:03:32,061 --> 00:03:34,824 Bitch came to my house, looked like she was trick-or-treating. 75 00:03:34,827 --> 00:03:36,616 She must have hit me or something, 76 00:03:36,618 --> 00:03:40,186 because the next thing I knew, you all were standing over me. 77 00:03:40,188 --> 00:03:41,988 Looks like Khalil darted her. 78 00:03:41,990 --> 00:03:44,852 Gambi just gave her the antivenom to help speed up recovery. 79 00:03:44,855 --> 00:03:47,235 - How you feeling now? - How does it look like I'm feeling? 80 00:03:47,238 --> 00:03:49,765 I knew I shouldn't have let his ass stay here. 81 00:03:49,768 --> 00:03:51,968 Yeah, well, he probably just saved your life. 82 00:03:51,971 --> 00:03:54,034 Look, any idea where they're headed? 83 00:03:54,036 --> 00:03:58,938 They didn't tell me. And I don't think they wanted me to ask. 84 00:03:58,940 --> 00:04:00,820 [GAMBI] I might have an idea. 85 00:04:02,911 --> 00:04:04,377 [GLASS CRUNCHING] 86 00:04:07,254 --> 00:04:10,422 This blood splatter is consistent with castoff from a knife, 87 00:04:10,425 --> 00:04:13,555 our mystery woman's weapon of choice. And since none of us are cut... 88 00:04:13,558 --> 00:04:16,516 It was definitely Khalil's. She was on top of him when we came in. 89 00:04:16,519 --> 00:04:17,891 Jen could be hurt, too. 90 00:04:17,893 --> 00:04:20,274 Either way, they might seek medical attention. 91 00:04:20,277 --> 00:04:21,861 They'd never expose themselves. 92 00:04:21,863 --> 00:04:23,096 Yeah, probably not. 93 00:04:23,098 --> 00:04:24,860 But right now, it's the only lead we got. 94 00:04:24,863 --> 00:04:27,275 I'll tap into the local database, check out the doctors in the area. 95 00:04:27,277 --> 00:04:29,535 All right. And we'll check out the hospitals and the clinics. 96 00:04:29,537 --> 00:04:30,570 How do you wanna split 'em up? 97 00:04:30,572 --> 00:04:32,005 There's probably only a handful, 98 00:04:32,007 --> 00:04:35,108 so we should stick together in case there's trouble. 99 00:04:35,110 --> 00:04:38,269 Is this because you're worried, or you're trying to keep an eye on me? 100 00:04:38,272 --> 00:04:39,402 Both. 101 00:04:39,405 --> 00:04:41,782 Well, believe me, if anything happens to Jennifer, 102 00:04:41,785 --> 00:04:43,816 I'll be the one bringing the trouble to them. 103 00:04:44,869 --> 00:04:49,902 - Synced and corrected by VitoSilans - -- www.Addic7ed.com -- 104 00:04:56,801 --> 00:04:58,034 What happened? 105 00:04:58,037 --> 00:04:59,703 Nothing. 106 00:04:59,706 --> 00:05:03,408 I just... I don't know. I couldn't sit around doing nothing anymore. 107 00:05:04,642 --> 00:05:06,075 Come on in. 108 00:05:06,078 --> 00:05:08,946 At least we can be miserable together. 109 00:05:08,949 --> 00:05:10,281 Thank you. 110 00:05:12,547 --> 00:05:14,881 [LYNN] Can I see Khalil's room? 111 00:05:17,218 --> 00:05:19,952 It's pretty much how he left it. 112 00:05:19,961 --> 00:05:24,197 I'm not sure you'll find anything that'll do you any good, but... 113 00:05:26,095 --> 00:05:30,531 - You don't mind if I snoop around a bit? - Nope, have at it. 114 00:05:33,454 --> 00:05:36,488 Just being in here breaks my heart. 115 00:05:37,410 --> 00:05:41,479 I knew I had done everything right this time around. 116 00:05:42,876 --> 00:05:44,809 But when that bullet hit, 117 00:05:44,812 --> 00:05:48,380 I knew he was no better off than my other son. 118 00:05:50,213 --> 00:05:51,479 Khalil had a brother? 119 00:05:51,482 --> 00:05:55,384 Yeah. He was hardly 15 when he died. 120 00:05:55,387 --> 00:05:57,620 Running with that One Hundred gang. 121 00:05:57,623 --> 00:06:01,225 Got killed slinging mud on them corners. 122 00:06:01,228 --> 00:06:02,527 I'm so sorry. 123 00:06:02,530 --> 00:06:06,532 One son dead, one son on the run. 124 00:06:06,535 --> 00:06:09,634 Seems that motherhood was never meant to be my calling. 125 00:06:09,637 --> 00:06:12,071 No, don't say that. 126 00:06:12,073 --> 00:06:14,363 You still have a son, and he still needs you. 127 00:06:14,366 --> 00:06:15,899 Now more than ever. 128 00:06:16,925 --> 00:06:18,378 Is this Khalil's father? 129 00:06:20,014 --> 00:06:22,181 Seems pretty recent. Are they close? 130 00:06:22,183 --> 00:06:24,217 Do you think he knows how to contact him? 131 00:06:24,219 --> 00:06:25,769 I couldn't say. 132 00:06:25,772 --> 00:06:27,605 Here's what I know. 133 00:06:27,608 --> 00:06:31,390 That man ain't nothing and never will be. 134 00:06:31,393 --> 00:06:35,128 Far as I'm concerned, he can go to hell. 135 00:06:46,441 --> 00:06:47,907 [CAMERA CLICKS] 136 00:06:51,745 --> 00:06:54,146 Despite your many successes this past year, 137 00:06:54,149 --> 00:06:57,402 Todd, we've decided that the grant for advanced encryption 138 00:06:57,405 --> 00:06:59,154 is going to another candidate. 139 00:07:02,030 --> 00:07:05,464 Let me guess, Garett Tortolani? 140 00:07:05,467 --> 00:07:07,801 Actually, yes. 141 00:07:07,804 --> 00:07:10,633 The same Garett Tortolani whose rich white dad 142 00:07:10,636 --> 00:07:13,132 just donated a new wing to the research center? 143 00:07:13,134 --> 00:07:15,349 Quite frankly, I resent the implication, Mr. Green. 144 00:07:15,352 --> 00:07:16,847 Well, you can resent it all you want. 145 00:07:16,850 --> 00:07:18,233 That doesn't make it any less true. 146 00:07:18,235 --> 00:07:19,274 Good day, Mr. Green. 147 00:07:19,277 --> 00:07:21,633 The panel's decision has been made, and that decision is final. 148 00:07:21,635 --> 00:07:23,157 - Some straight bull! - Security! 149 00:07:23,160 --> 00:07:24,677 You can take that grant to hell, 150 00:07:24,679 --> 00:07:27,490 'cause that's where all of you corrupt, racist bastards are going! 151 00:07:27,493 --> 00:07:28,793 - Security. - Thank you, brother. 152 00:07:28,796 --> 00:07:31,096 Don't touch me. Don't... Look, don't touch me. 153 00:07:34,756 --> 00:07:36,155 Don't touch me. 154 00:08:13,662 --> 00:08:16,271 [WOMAN ON PA] Surgery, pick up line 24. 155 00:08:16,364 --> 00:08:18,531 Surgery, pick up line 24. 156 00:08:34,482 --> 00:08:36,249 [INDISTINCT ANNOUNCEMENT] 157 00:08:41,189 --> 00:08:42,855 [CURRENT BUZZING] 158 00:08:47,996 --> 00:08:49,729 [BUZZING INCREASES] 159 00:08:53,568 --> 00:08:56,002 [HIGH-PITCHED TONE] 160 00:09:04,713 --> 00:09:05,778 Okay. 161 00:09:27,434 --> 00:09:28,967 ...shoulder-length cut. 162 00:09:28,970 --> 00:09:32,338 Maybe a little bit longer than the shoulders, about till here. 163 00:09:32,340 --> 00:09:33,606 No? 164 00:09:51,041 --> 00:09:52,668 Another dead end. 165 00:09:52,671 --> 00:09:56,332 I mean, by now, who knows how far they could have gotten. 166 00:10:00,760 --> 00:10:02,726 Mom still not answering? 167 00:10:04,764 --> 00:10:06,897 Your mother's been through a lot. 168 00:10:08,027 --> 00:10:10,027 She probably just needs a minute. 169 00:10:11,163 --> 00:10:13,997 [MAN] Mary, we got a major power outage in here. 170 00:10:16,209 --> 00:10:17,708 Copy that. I'm on it. 171 00:10:18,614 --> 00:10:21,048 - [JEFFERSON] What? - Did you hear that? 172 00:10:21,073 --> 00:10:25,242 So this guy thinks some kind of power surge shorted out the machine. 173 00:10:25,244 --> 00:10:26,643 But what if... 174 00:10:26,645 --> 00:10:28,779 Wait, Dad. Come here. Look up top. 175 00:10:28,781 --> 00:10:31,615 That... There's a scorch mark. 176 00:10:31,617 --> 00:10:35,786 Yeah, it has to be her. But if she's willing to take this risk... 177 00:10:35,788 --> 00:10:38,355 Khalil must be in pretty bad shape. 178 00:10:38,357 --> 00:10:40,457 Gambi, I think we got something. 179 00:10:53,906 --> 00:10:55,472 Hey. Hey. 180 00:10:56,540 --> 00:10:57,872 You okay? 181 00:10:58,611 --> 00:11:00,244 Never better. 182 00:11:00,254 --> 00:11:01,786 Hopefully this will help. 183 00:11:02,581 --> 00:11:03,847 Let's see. 184 00:11:04,450 --> 00:11:06,316 [SIGHS] 185 00:11:06,318 --> 00:11:09,920 You wouldn't happen to have a secret heroin addiction? 186 00:11:09,922 --> 00:11:12,055 Or use some performance-enhancing drugs? 187 00:11:12,057 --> 00:11:13,290 [CHUCKLES] 188 00:11:13,292 --> 00:11:14,725 [COUGHS] 189 00:11:15,927 --> 00:11:20,129 No. No, but... But I wish I did. 190 00:11:20,132 --> 00:11:23,066 You imagine how fast I would have been? 191 00:11:23,068 --> 00:11:24,968 Yeah, and I still would have smoked your ass. 192 00:11:24,970 --> 00:11:28,574 Only because I would have liked the view after you did. 193 00:11:28,577 --> 00:11:30,110 Oh, it's like that? 194 00:11:30,113 --> 00:11:33,676 You better be nice, 'cause I'm about to stick you with this. 195 00:11:33,679 --> 00:11:36,446 If I can figure out how to do it. 196 00:11:37,566 --> 00:11:40,526 When I hacked into the hospital's CCTV, I found this. 197 00:11:45,323 --> 00:11:50,032 Okay. Can you delete this footage? At least keep her out of jail. 198 00:11:50,035 --> 00:11:52,435 Well, the good news is, Jennifer isn't hurt. 199 00:11:52,438 --> 00:11:55,579 Yeah, the bad news is, now both of my daughters are thieves. 200 00:11:55,582 --> 00:11:58,235 Sometimes you've gotta do the wrong thing for the right reasons. 201 00:11:58,237 --> 00:12:00,404 Okay. You see this? 202 00:12:00,406 --> 00:12:03,396 That means that she was here the same time you were. 203 00:12:03,399 --> 00:12:06,266 All right. Well, they couldn't have gone too far, then. 204 00:12:06,269 --> 00:12:09,379 With Khalil injured, they're probably holed up somewhere nearby. 205 00:12:09,381 --> 00:12:11,442 Can you tell which direction she was headed in? 206 00:12:11,445 --> 00:12:14,258 Well, when she pulled out of here, she was traveling east. 207 00:12:14,261 --> 00:12:17,221 Whoa. Wait. Freeze that, right there. In the mirror. 208 00:12:18,557 --> 00:12:20,791 Damn, who is this bitch? 209 00:12:23,562 --> 00:12:26,163 Now that we have a face, I can do some serious digging, 210 00:12:26,165 --> 00:12:27,907 find out exactly who we're dealing with. 211 00:12:27,910 --> 00:12:29,232 I'm going east. 212 00:12:29,234 --> 00:12:31,234 [GAMBI] What are you talking about? 213 00:12:31,878 --> 00:12:33,144 Jeff! 214 00:12:36,691 --> 00:12:38,157 What the hell are you doing? 215 00:12:38,160 --> 00:12:40,344 You're not going anywhere without your suit to protect you. 216 00:12:40,346 --> 00:12:41,645 We don't have time for that. 217 00:12:41,647 --> 00:12:43,485 I lost her twice, I'm not losing her again. 218 00:12:43,488 --> 00:12:45,882 Not without your suit, Jeff. You know how risky that is. 219 00:12:45,884 --> 00:12:47,951 Dad, come on. That's crazy. Are you insane? 220 00:12:47,953 --> 00:12:49,686 There is a killer on my daughter's tail, 221 00:12:49,689 --> 00:12:52,001 hired by Tobias, which means that she's... 222 00:12:52,004 --> 00:12:53,435 She's after Khalil. 223 00:12:53,438 --> 00:12:55,338 No, she will kill whoever's in her way. 224 00:12:55,341 --> 00:12:57,008 Look, finding Jennifer is our priority, 225 00:12:57,011 --> 00:13:00,063 but you flying around without your suit is just plain reckless, Jeff. 226 00:13:00,065 --> 00:13:02,466 You risk exposing yourself and your entire family. 227 00:13:02,468 --> 00:13:06,703 The only thing I care about in this moment is finding Jennifer. 228 00:13:06,705 --> 00:13:09,251 - Jeff, you're not listening. - Get off of me. 229 00:13:09,254 --> 00:13:11,742 Have you lost your damn mind? I raised you! 230 00:13:11,744 --> 00:13:13,710 Get off! 231 00:13:13,712 --> 00:13:16,580 Dad! This has gone too far, guys! 232 00:13:16,582 --> 00:13:20,250 Now, we all wanna find Jennifer, but it's not gonna happen like this. 233 00:13:25,039 --> 00:13:26,706 Jeff, I'm sorry. 234 00:13:26,709 --> 00:13:30,744 You've lost perspective. Please, don't lose your life. 235 00:13:40,305 --> 00:13:41,371 [JENNIFER SIGHS] 236 00:13:42,708 --> 00:13:45,788 [JENNIFER] The antibiotics should have kicked in by now. 237 00:13:46,979 --> 00:13:49,446 [KHALIL] Unless it's too late. 238 00:13:49,456 --> 00:13:50,922 Hey, don't even say that. 239 00:13:51,817 --> 00:13:53,350 Don't say stuff like that. 240 00:13:55,320 --> 00:13:56,853 [KHALIL] J... 241 00:13:56,855 --> 00:13:58,155 [SHIVERING] 242 00:13:58,164 --> 00:14:01,665 Whatever this is, it's getting worse. 243 00:14:03,896 --> 00:14:04,995 I'm on fire. 244 00:14:04,997 --> 00:14:06,722 I'm not hearing that right now. 245 00:14:06,733 --> 00:14:09,140 Stop it. Not after everything we've been through. 246 00:14:13,934 --> 00:14:16,335 I remember when I first saw you. 247 00:14:19,144 --> 00:14:21,645 Are you seriously getting all corny on me right now? 248 00:14:21,647 --> 00:14:25,315 [COUGHS] No. No. No, this... 249 00:14:27,419 --> 00:14:31,321 This is a memory I'll keep for myself. 250 00:14:33,225 --> 00:14:34,458 But... 251 00:14:34,460 --> 00:14:36,126 [BREATHING UNSTEADILY] 252 00:14:36,128 --> 00:14:40,931 I knew then that you were special. 253 00:14:47,272 --> 00:14:48,338 Well... 254 00:14:50,275 --> 00:14:53,310 I remember all the girls at Garfield going on and on 255 00:14:53,312 --> 00:14:55,463 about Khalil this and Khalil that. 256 00:14:55,466 --> 00:14:57,514 And I'm like, "What the hell is the big deal? 257 00:14:57,516 --> 00:14:58,715 Who is Khalil?" 258 00:15:00,252 --> 00:15:01,852 And, um, 259 00:15:01,854 --> 00:15:04,087 then I saw you standing at your locker. 260 00:15:05,624 --> 00:15:06,957 And I can't lie. 261 00:15:06,959 --> 00:15:09,226 First thing that popped into my head was... 262 00:15:10,529 --> 00:15:11,962 "Well, damn!" 263 00:15:11,964 --> 00:15:13,497 [BOTH CHUCKLE] 264 00:15:18,403 --> 00:15:19,569 You hear me? 265 00:15:36,811 --> 00:15:38,691 [RAP SONG PLAYING] 266 00:16:07,486 --> 00:16:11,721 Hold up. He invited me. He invited me. 267 00:16:11,723 --> 00:16:13,123 Let the man in. 268 00:16:14,266 --> 00:16:16,500 Don't you know this is our guest of honor? 269 00:16:19,865 --> 00:16:23,166 Todd Green. Born in Fort Valley. 270 00:16:23,168 --> 00:16:24,745 Graduated college at 17. 271 00:16:24,748 --> 00:16:28,905 Earned both your Masters and PhD by the time you were 21. 272 00:16:28,907 --> 00:16:31,074 It's kind of weird that you know all that. 273 00:16:32,010 --> 00:16:34,513 I've been monitoring you for a while now. 274 00:16:34,516 --> 00:16:36,701 When I heard you weren't gonna get that grant, 275 00:16:36,704 --> 00:16:38,985 well, I figured it was a good time to reach out, 276 00:16:40,619 --> 00:16:42,986 introduce myself. 277 00:16:42,988 --> 00:16:46,456 I mean, how did you know what they would decide before I even knew? 278 00:16:53,599 --> 00:16:55,432 This is really good. 279 00:16:55,435 --> 00:16:58,269 At $500 a bottle, it better be. 280 00:17:00,030 --> 00:17:01,730 Must be tough, 281 00:17:01,740 --> 00:17:07,577 smart kid like you, good family, good private schools, 282 00:17:07,579 --> 00:17:11,448 always getting passed over despite his superior talents. 283 00:17:11,450 --> 00:17:15,852 Why do you think that is, Todd, that you keep getting passed over? 284 00:17:19,258 --> 00:17:23,627 It's because it's the black man's burden to carry the weight of white privilege. 285 00:17:23,629 --> 00:17:27,898 Without the benefits of being rich or white, 286 00:17:27,900 --> 00:17:30,400 you'll never be better than second best. 287 00:17:31,336 --> 00:17:33,603 Well, unless of course you change the game. 288 00:17:33,605 --> 00:17:37,407 Here, I saved you the best seat in the house. 289 00:17:48,987 --> 00:17:50,587 Oh! Oh... 290 00:17:50,589 --> 00:17:53,571 Now, if these women aren't to your liking, I can get you others. 291 00:17:53,574 --> 00:17:55,158 Or if you'd prefer men... 292 00:17:55,161 --> 00:17:59,228 No. No, but... But thank you. I actually prefer to not be touched. 293 00:17:59,231 --> 00:18:01,698 That... That would be my preference. 294 00:18:01,700 --> 00:18:04,534 Ladies, you heard the man. Go. 295 00:18:10,475 --> 00:18:13,176 This is what they call the good life, Todd. 296 00:18:13,178 --> 00:18:14,477 And you'd better get used to it, 297 00:18:14,479 --> 00:18:17,147 because that old life just doesn't exist anymore. 298 00:18:17,149 --> 00:18:19,069 I don't even know why I'm here. 299 00:18:20,285 --> 00:18:22,085 I did some reading today. 300 00:18:22,087 --> 00:18:26,656 In fact, I probably read everything that's ever been written about you. 301 00:18:26,658 --> 00:18:30,256 Press doesn't really paint you in the most flattering light. 302 00:18:30,259 --> 00:18:32,128 I'd like to think that we're both worth 303 00:18:32,130 --> 00:18:35,098 more than the labels society put upon us. 304 00:18:35,100 --> 00:18:38,902 Just know this, I come to you as a friend, 305 00:18:38,904 --> 00:18:40,904 a friend with enormous resources 306 00:18:40,906 --> 00:18:43,173 who can pull you up out of that second-class status 307 00:18:43,175 --> 00:18:45,141 you've been branded with. 308 00:18:45,143 --> 00:18:47,354 All you have to do is say yes. 309 00:18:47,357 --> 00:18:48,856 [CELL PHONE VIBRATING] 310 00:18:56,188 --> 00:18:57,887 Excuse me for a moment. 311 00:19:03,929 --> 00:19:05,061 Yes. 312 00:19:05,063 --> 00:19:07,430 Our friend's gonna be dead within the hour. 313 00:19:07,432 --> 00:19:09,833 - Thought you should know. - I had one request, 314 00:19:09,835 --> 00:19:12,302 and that was for him to be brought in alive. 315 00:19:12,304 --> 00:19:14,437 Which was clearly my intent. 316 00:19:14,439 --> 00:19:17,374 But when those metas showed up, I went with the poison blades. 317 00:19:17,376 --> 00:19:19,212 If it wasn't for his enhanced immune system, 318 00:19:19,215 --> 00:19:20,397 he would've been dead hours ago. 319 00:19:20,399 --> 00:19:21,945 Are you a... 320 00:19:21,947 --> 00:19:25,901 My terms were very clear. If you want your money, abide by them. 321 00:19:25,904 --> 00:19:28,237 Tobias, come on, dead is dead. 322 00:19:28,920 --> 00:19:30,420 Let's not make things difficult. 323 00:19:30,422 --> 00:19:33,723 Death at someone else's hands is too easy an outcome. 324 00:19:33,725 --> 00:19:37,961 I want him alive. No exceptions. No excuses. 325 00:19:50,917 --> 00:19:53,970 Giselle Cutter. Assassin, tracker, 326 00:19:53,973 --> 00:19:56,373 world-class martial artist, mercenary for hire. 327 00:19:56,376 --> 00:19:58,446 - Is she a meta? - There are rumors. 328 00:19:58,449 --> 00:20:00,873 People have had her lined up point-blank, and they've missed. 329 00:20:00,876 --> 00:20:03,177 - She's bulletproof? - Bullets never hit her. 330 00:20:03,180 --> 00:20:06,363 It's also been said that she can literally throw knives around corners. 331 00:20:06,365 --> 00:20:08,530 That says to me, low-level telekinetic. 332 00:20:08,533 --> 00:20:10,333 - Any connection to Tobias? - Nothing solid. 333 00:20:10,336 --> 00:20:12,336 And she's been tracking Jen since the hospital. 334 00:20:12,338 --> 00:20:13,971 She's several hours ahead of us. 335 00:20:13,973 --> 00:20:17,040 These markers signify all of the zoned locations within the county. 336 00:20:17,042 --> 00:20:18,102 A total of 41. 337 00:20:18,105 --> 00:20:20,977 I've searched every structure 30 miles east of the hospital. 338 00:20:20,980 --> 00:20:23,079 There's nothing but mountains to the north. 339 00:20:23,082 --> 00:20:26,683 Now, if Khalil was hurt bad enough that Jen would steal medicine, 340 00:20:26,685 --> 00:20:28,108 there's no way he's hiking that terrain. 341 00:20:28,110 --> 00:20:30,854 That leaves us with 15 possible locations, 342 00:20:30,856 --> 00:20:34,558 including some farms, silos and an old power plant. 343 00:20:34,560 --> 00:20:36,527 Keep monitoring the sheriff and police scanners. 344 00:20:36,529 --> 00:20:39,563 - We still doing this together? - No, there's no time. 345 00:20:44,303 --> 00:20:45,335 [SIGHS] 346 00:20:45,337 --> 00:20:46,813 I figured I'd see you. 347 00:20:46,816 --> 00:20:49,743 Hard for anyone to get into the sanctum without me knowing. 348 00:20:49,746 --> 00:20:51,574 What are you trying to find? 349 00:20:51,577 --> 00:20:54,678 I got the name of Khalil's father, Kito. 350 00:20:54,680 --> 00:20:57,481 I'm hoping he might be able to help us find them. 351 00:20:57,483 --> 00:20:59,141 Is a name all that you have? 352 00:20:59,144 --> 00:21:01,071 That, and he just got out of jail. 353 00:21:01,074 --> 00:21:02,653 Try the FBI database. 354 00:21:02,655 --> 00:21:05,756 Once he's been fingerprinted, he's in the system. 355 00:21:09,951 --> 00:21:11,651 "Possession with intent to sell. 356 00:21:11,654 --> 00:21:13,154 Assault and battery. 357 00:21:13,832 --> 00:21:15,399 Resisting arrest. 358 00:21:15,401 --> 00:21:17,267 Carrying a concealed weapon without a permit." 359 00:21:17,269 --> 00:21:18,902 Are you sure this is a good idea? 360 00:21:18,904 --> 00:21:20,829 No, but I'm willing to do whatever it takes. 361 00:21:20,832 --> 00:21:22,306 Well, if I thought it'd do any good, 362 00:21:22,308 --> 00:21:23,373 I'd try to talk you out of it... 363 00:21:23,375 --> 00:21:24,408 I know. I'm as stubborn 364 00:21:24,410 --> 00:21:25,609 as the rest of my family. 365 00:21:25,611 --> 00:21:28,545 I'll be careful. I just... I need an address. 366 00:21:28,547 --> 00:21:29,963 All right, we're chasing the clock here. 367 00:21:29,965 --> 00:21:30,985 I've gotta get back. 368 00:21:30,988 --> 00:21:33,321 Right. If I find anything, I'll let you know. 369 00:21:39,391 --> 00:21:40,824 [DOOR BEEPS] 370 00:22:05,918 --> 00:22:07,517 [KHALIL SHIVERING] 371 00:22:07,519 --> 00:22:08,952 Please don't die. 372 00:22:16,662 --> 00:22:17,828 God... 373 00:22:18,464 --> 00:22:20,384 God, please don't let him die. 374 00:22:21,433 --> 00:22:22,733 Please. 375 00:22:24,169 --> 00:22:26,403 Did you say something, J? 376 00:22:26,405 --> 00:22:27,671 What? 377 00:22:29,966 --> 00:22:31,032 No. 378 00:22:33,345 --> 00:22:34,611 [WHISPERS] No. 379 00:22:37,578 --> 00:22:39,715 Khalil, I'll be right back, okay? 380 00:22:39,718 --> 00:22:41,453 I'm just gonna go step outside. 381 00:22:41,456 --> 00:22:43,150 I'll be right back. 382 00:22:43,153 --> 00:22:44,418 Right back. 383 00:22:58,210 --> 00:22:59,576 [SOBBING] 384 00:23:16,622 --> 00:23:18,622 [CURRENT BUZZING] 385 00:23:34,006 --> 00:23:35,672 What... What happened? 386 00:23:35,674 --> 00:23:39,176 You tell me. This is a place of your own making. 387 00:23:40,346 --> 00:23:41,778 Wait. 388 00:23:41,780 --> 00:23:44,681 So this is different than before? You're not actually here? 389 00:23:44,683 --> 00:23:48,232 Everything you need to know is already inside of you. 390 00:23:48,235 --> 00:23:49,868 What does that even mean? 391 00:23:49,871 --> 00:23:51,504 I think she means me. 392 00:23:53,692 --> 00:23:55,652 But I'm just as scared as you are. 393 00:23:56,628 --> 00:23:58,862 Let your fear be your guide. 394 00:23:58,864 --> 00:24:01,765 Two parts of your brain working in harmony. 395 00:24:01,767 --> 00:24:05,035 So if she's a part of my brain, then so are you? 396 00:24:05,037 --> 00:24:06,203 Indeed. 397 00:24:08,948 --> 00:24:11,515 There's something humming out there in the dark. 398 00:24:11,518 --> 00:24:12,709 Like that machine at the hospital? 399 00:24:12,711 --> 00:24:15,712 Yeah, exactly. Just not as strong. 400 00:24:15,714 --> 00:24:18,782 But there's nowhere to plug something in. 401 00:24:18,784 --> 00:24:21,284 - Batteries. - Batteries. 402 00:24:21,286 --> 00:24:22,953 [BUZZING CONTINUES] 403 00:24:32,263 --> 00:24:35,331 If there are binoculars, then someone's out there watching us. 404 00:24:35,334 --> 00:24:39,236 If you know where to look, electricity can be found anywhere. 405 00:24:40,036 --> 00:24:42,104 Including the human body. 406 00:24:42,107 --> 00:24:46,710 Okay. Mrs. Glew's chemistry class, fourth period. 407 00:24:46,712 --> 00:24:49,346 We had a whole section on this. Think, think, think. 408 00:24:49,348 --> 00:24:51,014 Okay, let me see. Um... 409 00:24:51,016 --> 00:24:52,983 We learned about charged elements, 410 00:24:52,985 --> 00:24:55,452 human voltage, electrical currents, ions... 411 00:24:55,454 --> 00:24:57,821 If there's all this electricity in the body, 412 00:24:57,823 --> 00:24:59,856 and we can see the binoculars, 413 00:25:00,726 --> 00:25:03,126 then we should also be able to see... 414 00:25:03,129 --> 00:25:04,729 [HIGH-PITCHED TONE] 415 00:25:11,236 --> 00:25:13,451 [GASPS] Run! 416 00:25:55,871 --> 00:25:57,204 You good? 417 00:25:58,366 --> 00:25:59,999 I thought you left. 418 00:26:00,602 --> 00:26:01,868 Never. 419 00:26:02,838 --> 00:26:03,937 Never. 420 00:26:23,425 --> 00:26:25,358 - Anything? - No. 421 00:26:29,397 --> 00:26:31,764 Look, I just wanted to... I wanna... 422 00:26:31,766 --> 00:26:35,134 - I just wanna say... - Jeff. Jeff, we're good. 423 00:26:42,944 --> 00:26:44,897 - Did you find anything? - Nothing. 424 00:26:44,900 --> 00:26:47,865 There must be some buildings that haven't been registered with the county, 425 00:26:47,868 --> 00:26:49,847 or that are just obscured from satellite imagery. 426 00:26:49,850 --> 00:26:51,529 - What about Cutter? - Nothing. 427 00:26:51,532 --> 00:26:52,898 From everything I've gathered, 428 00:26:52,901 --> 00:26:56,002 if she doesn't wanna be found, we're not gonna find her. 429 00:26:56,005 --> 00:26:57,505 But she's probably found Jennifer. 430 00:26:57,508 --> 00:26:59,208 No, Dad. Dad, we don't know that. 431 00:26:59,211 --> 00:27:00,927 But at this point, we have to assume the worst. 432 00:27:00,929 --> 00:27:03,342 [GAMBI] There's gotta be something we're missing. 433 00:27:03,345 --> 00:27:04,911 [SCREAMS] 434 00:27:06,501 --> 00:27:08,668 My daughter's a damn generator. 435 00:27:08,670 --> 00:27:10,837 I'm Black Lightning, and I can't find her. 436 00:27:10,839 --> 00:27:12,573 Dad, come on. Take a deep breath. 437 00:27:12,576 --> 00:27:15,909 It is because you're Black Lightning we're gonna find her. 438 00:27:15,911 --> 00:27:17,944 You gotta believe that. 439 00:27:19,170 --> 00:27:21,504 I don't believe anything right now. 440 00:27:31,793 --> 00:27:33,393 [CURRENT SURGING] 441 00:27:36,027 --> 00:27:37,436 What did you do to him? 442 00:27:37,439 --> 00:27:39,919 You can tase me all you want, I'm not telling you nothing. 443 00:27:42,604 --> 00:27:44,871 Tell me what you did. He's gonna die. 444 00:27:44,873 --> 00:27:46,439 Bitch, we all gonna die. 445 00:27:46,441 --> 00:27:47,874 [KHALIL COUGHS] 446 00:27:54,536 --> 00:27:57,933 What did you do? Tell me! 447 00:27:57,936 --> 00:27:59,651 [GRUNTS] 448 00:27:59,654 --> 00:28:01,521 [BREATHING HEAVILY] 449 00:28:03,625 --> 00:28:05,224 [LAUGHING] 450 00:28:06,494 --> 00:28:09,162 You are gonna die tonight. 451 00:28:12,033 --> 00:28:14,267 Why the hell didn't the medicine work? 452 00:28:31,786 --> 00:28:33,419 What does the red tape mean? 453 00:28:36,558 --> 00:28:38,224 Well, I'd like to find out. 454 00:28:41,096 --> 00:28:43,663 How about I use one of your own poison knives on you, 455 00:28:43,665 --> 00:28:45,365 make you suffer like he has? 456 00:28:48,760 --> 00:28:52,895 As smart as you are, you probably have an antidote on you somewhere... 457 00:28:54,275 --> 00:28:55,575 Just in case? 458 00:28:56,827 --> 00:28:58,560 Let's find out where it is. 459 00:28:58,563 --> 00:28:59,829 [GRUNTS] 460 00:29:14,729 --> 00:29:16,496 It's in my necklace. 461 00:29:22,881 --> 00:29:24,237 Booyah. 462 00:29:26,041 --> 00:29:27,373 Oh... 463 00:29:28,123 --> 00:29:29,545 And this one's for Khalil. 464 00:29:35,450 --> 00:29:37,183 Hey, hey. I got something. 465 00:29:37,185 --> 00:29:39,065 I got something. Hang in there. 466 00:30:29,749 --> 00:30:31,265 Hey. 467 00:30:31,717 --> 00:30:34,368 I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. I'm... 468 00:30:34,368 --> 00:30:36,835 I'm Lynn Stewart, Jennifer Pierce's mother. 469 00:30:36,837 --> 00:30:39,738 Our kids are in danger. I was hoping you might be able to help. 470 00:30:39,740 --> 00:30:41,907 - He's running from Tobias. - We assume so. 471 00:30:43,544 --> 00:30:46,612 I warned him to stay away from that dude, but he wouldn't listen. 472 00:30:46,614 --> 00:30:48,347 Felt like he owed him for his legs. 473 00:30:48,349 --> 00:30:50,449 Do you have any way to get in contact with him? 474 00:30:50,451 --> 00:30:51,750 Just his cell phone. 475 00:30:51,752 --> 00:30:54,253 He pretty much keeps me at arm's length. 476 00:30:54,263 --> 00:30:58,152 And if you talked to Nichelle, you know she hates me something fierce. 477 00:30:58,155 --> 00:30:59,589 I was already doing time 478 00:30:59,592 --> 00:31:01,859 when our other boy, Keenan, started running wild, 479 00:31:01,862 --> 00:31:04,096 hanging on the corner, same way that I had. 480 00:31:04,098 --> 00:31:05,875 Is there anybody you can think of? 481 00:31:05,878 --> 00:31:09,501 A friend, a cousin, a pastor, a couch he might have crashed on? 482 00:31:09,503 --> 00:31:10,903 No, nothing. 483 00:31:11,771 --> 00:31:13,237 He got this new place, 484 00:31:13,240 --> 00:31:15,340 but I never heard him talk about neighbors or roommates. 485 00:31:15,342 --> 00:31:18,277 I don't know why, I just assumed he was staying with Tobias. 486 00:31:18,279 --> 00:31:20,679 Do you know where this new place is? Do you have an address? 487 00:31:20,681 --> 00:31:22,019 I'm sorry, I don't. 488 00:31:22,022 --> 00:31:25,342 He definitely wasn't staying with Tobias, though. That I know for sure. 489 00:31:26,425 --> 00:31:28,826 - Kito, thank you. - Yeah. 490 00:31:38,227 --> 00:31:39,860 Let's just run through them again. 491 00:31:39,863 --> 00:31:41,533 But we've searched all of these. 492 00:31:41,535 --> 00:31:43,746 [BLACK LIGHTNING] Yes, Gambi, the clock is ticking. 493 00:31:43,749 --> 00:31:45,148 I feel like I'm wasting my time. 494 00:31:45,151 --> 00:31:47,272 Now, why do you think we're gonna find something new? 495 00:31:47,274 --> 00:31:50,008 Look, like I said, we must be missing something. 496 00:31:50,011 --> 00:31:51,678 Jennifer is out there somewhere. 497 00:31:51,681 --> 00:31:54,315 This is like finding a needle in a haystack. 498 00:31:55,916 --> 00:31:57,249 Wait a minute. 499 00:31:57,951 --> 00:31:59,550 Maybe the haystack's the problem. 500 00:31:59,553 --> 00:32:02,464 Gambi, can you increase the voltage threshold in these goggles? 501 00:32:02,467 --> 00:32:03,598 Yes. Why? 502 00:32:03,601 --> 00:32:07,425 Most generators and large appliances operate at about 240 volts. 503 00:32:07,428 --> 00:32:10,571 And since Jen runs much hotter than that, by increasing the threshold... 504 00:32:10,574 --> 00:32:12,741 We'll be able to narrow down the search. 505 00:32:15,636 --> 00:32:16,769 [BLACK LIGHTNING] Okay. 506 00:32:16,771 --> 00:32:18,719 All right, let's go. Come on. 507 00:32:18,722 --> 00:32:21,240 I need you to isolate each location so I can lock in the coordinates 508 00:32:21,242 --> 00:32:23,202 and see if anything new pops up. 509 00:32:26,239 --> 00:32:29,206 All right. Here's the laundromat Anissa went to. 510 00:32:34,355 --> 00:32:36,722 Here's the pumping station you saw. 511 00:32:36,725 --> 00:32:37,991 Here's the power plant. 512 00:32:41,962 --> 00:32:43,695 What about this last one? 513 00:32:44,572 --> 00:32:45,671 It's not on the list. 514 00:32:46,734 --> 00:32:48,667 That's gotta be her. Let's go. 515 00:33:00,059 --> 00:33:01,125 Hey. 516 00:33:03,884 --> 00:33:06,118 - [SOBBING] - Hey. 517 00:33:06,120 --> 00:33:08,086 Hey, it's okay. It's okay. 518 00:33:08,088 --> 00:33:09,454 Thank you, God. 519 00:33:11,257 --> 00:33:13,858 - Don't cry. - I thought you were dead. 520 00:33:13,861 --> 00:33:15,160 Come on, J. 521 00:33:16,430 --> 00:33:19,064 You know you can't get rid of me that easily. 522 00:33:21,355 --> 00:33:22,601 [KISSING] 523 00:33:24,738 --> 00:33:25,804 I love you. 524 00:33:28,509 --> 00:33:30,309 I love you, too. 525 00:33:31,444 --> 00:33:34,712 Don't scare me like that, please. 526 00:33:34,715 --> 00:33:36,347 Don't leave me out here, okay? 527 00:33:36,350 --> 00:33:39,185 I got you. It's okay. 528 00:33:46,721 --> 00:33:50,528 - What exactly happened here? - She pissed me off. 529 00:33:50,531 --> 00:33:52,231 She's lucky after everything she did, 530 00:33:52,233 --> 00:33:54,533 I still decided to give her the antidote. 531 00:33:54,535 --> 00:33:56,535 The antidote? 532 00:33:56,537 --> 00:33:58,704 I'll tell you later. Are you good to go? 533 00:33:59,506 --> 00:34:01,039 - Yeah. - Yeah? 534 00:34:01,041 --> 00:34:02,721 - I'm fine. - Come on. 535 00:34:25,833 --> 00:34:29,368 There's quite a bit of blood over here. I assume it's Khalil's. 536 00:34:32,272 --> 00:34:34,606 It looks like someone was held captive here. 537 00:34:34,609 --> 00:34:36,609 There's drag marks on the ground. 538 00:34:37,320 --> 00:34:39,320 Could be sign of a struggle. 539 00:34:39,322 --> 00:34:40,788 You think it was Jennifer? 540 00:34:40,790 --> 00:34:42,590 With Cutter on their tail, 541 00:34:44,210 --> 00:34:46,444 it's hard to think otherwise. 542 00:34:46,447 --> 00:34:48,780 We saw a series of electrical pulses. 543 00:34:48,783 --> 00:34:51,823 Maybe try the goggles. See if there's any residual traces. 544 00:35:03,551 --> 00:35:05,743 [BLACK LIGHTNING] Yeah, they were definitely here. 545 00:35:05,746 --> 00:35:08,349 This whole area is lit up like a Christmas tree. 546 00:35:09,609 --> 00:35:10,908 Let's walk the perimeter. 547 00:35:15,925 --> 00:35:19,293 We tracked 'em to a barn where it looks like they were hiding. 548 00:35:19,296 --> 00:35:21,095 And? 549 00:35:21,097 --> 00:35:23,498 They were already gone by the time we got here. 550 00:35:23,500 --> 00:35:25,400 Jeff, there's something you're not telling me, 551 00:35:25,402 --> 00:35:26,930 I can hear it in your voice. 552 00:35:26,933 --> 00:35:31,139 - Lynn... - No, please don't lie to me. Not now. 553 00:35:31,141 --> 00:35:32,807 Just tell me the truth. 554 00:35:34,744 --> 00:35:36,210 Did they kill her? 555 00:35:37,747 --> 00:35:39,614 Is that what you're saying? 556 00:35:40,383 --> 00:35:43,718 [TEARFULLY] Is Jennifer dead? 557 00:35:43,720 --> 00:35:44,819 I don't know. 558 00:36:02,570 --> 00:36:04,637 [RAP MUSIC PLAYING] 559 00:36:16,668 --> 00:36:17,819 T... 560 00:36:19,789 --> 00:36:21,656 The nerd wants to see you. 561 00:36:23,159 --> 00:36:25,159 I believe you owe Todd an apology. 562 00:36:27,141 --> 00:36:28,774 I said apologize. 563 00:36:30,133 --> 00:36:32,600 I'm sorry, man. No disrespect. 564 00:36:36,373 --> 00:36:38,539 I trust you're having a good time? 565 00:36:40,209 --> 00:36:43,010 Yeah. A little too good, 566 00:36:43,013 --> 00:36:46,447 which is why the question keeps rattling around in my mind. 567 00:36:47,293 --> 00:36:49,806 Why me? Why are you doing this? 568 00:36:49,809 --> 00:36:51,645 Let's just say I'm a big fan. 569 00:36:51,648 --> 00:36:53,521 Well, I'm flattered, but... 570 00:36:53,523 --> 00:36:56,758 I'm afraid I'mma have to decline whatever it is that you're offering. 571 00:36:56,760 --> 00:37:00,395 But thank you, you know, for your generosity. 572 00:37:02,198 --> 00:37:06,034 Though I respect it, Todd, I think you're bluffing. 573 00:37:06,036 --> 00:37:07,869 Now, we could blame it on the alcohol 574 00:37:07,871 --> 00:37:10,872 or that surge of excitement at being wanted, 575 00:37:10,874 --> 00:37:14,475 but if I had my guess, I'd say this is about power. 576 00:37:15,421 --> 00:37:16,654 Now, how's that? 577 00:37:16,657 --> 00:37:19,180 By rebuffing my offer. 578 00:37:19,182 --> 00:37:21,983 Even if for a moment, it made you feel strong. 579 00:37:21,985 --> 00:37:23,150 [CHUCKLES] 580 00:37:23,153 --> 00:37:24,886 Like you're in control. 581 00:37:24,888 --> 00:37:27,688 Funny thing is, there's very few people in this world 582 00:37:27,690 --> 00:37:29,857 that can do what I'll be asking you to do. 583 00:37:29,859 --> 00:37:32,760 And that is why you're here. 584 00:37:32,762 --> 00:37:37,632 If you come work for me, not only would I make you incredibly rich, 585 00:37:37,634 --> 00:37:41,269 but you'd have more control and more power than you've ever dreamed of. 586 00:37:41,271 --> 00:37:43,237 [CELL PHONE VIBRATING] 587 00:37:43,239 --> 00:37:45,640 Go ahead, look at it. 588 00:37:49,779 --> 00:37:53,197 Did you really just deposit 100 grand into my account? 589 00:37:53,200 --> 00:37:55,683 If it's a problem, I can take it back. 590 00:37:55,685 --> 00:37:57,900 I wanted you to know I put a value on your time. 591 00:37:57,903 --> 00:38:01,422 No. [STAMMERS] Whatever it is, I'm in. 592 00:38:08,948 --> 00:38:11,682 You know Tobias is never gonna stop, right? 593 00:38:12,435 --> 00:38:13,801 My family, either. 594 00:38:16,773 --> 00:38:17,839 I know. 595 00:38:21,424 --> 00:38:23,524 J, we're never gonna be able to run fast enough. 596 00:38:23,527 --> 00:38:24,806 You know that, right? 597 00:38:24,809 --> 00:38:27,415 Then we'll find a place to hide, you know? 598 00:38:27,417 --> 00:38:29,517 Get 'em off our scent for a while. 599 00:38:35,031 --> 00:38:36,564 [JENNIFER CLEARS THROAT] 600 00:38:37,160 --> 00:38:38,960 I think you should go home. 601 00:38:40,614 --> 00:38:41,829 [SCOFFS] 602 00:38:41,831 --> 00:38:43,531 I'm not going anywhere. 603 00:38:44,667 --> 00:38:46,901 J, come on. Look, 604 00:38:46,910 --> 00:38:48,977 you deserve better than this. 605 00:38:49,942 --> 00:38:51,739 Look, just because my life is jacked, 606 00:38:51,741 --> 00:38:53,307 doesn't mean that yours has to be. 607 00:38:53,309 --> 00:38:55,009 [JENNIFER] I'm not hearing you right now. 608 00:38:55,011 --> 00:38:57,244 I'm the ride or die type, you already know that. 609 00:38:57,247 --> 00:38:59,536 Yeah, and it's the dying part that I'm afraid of. 610 00:38:59,539 --> 00:39:00,848 Well, I'm not. 611 00:39:02,585 --> 00:39:05,753 We're in this together, okay? 612 00:39:08,291 --> 00:39:12,126 And after everything we've been through, 613 00:39:12,128 --> 00:39:14,495 what should we even be afraid of? 614 00:39:49,766 --> 00:39:52,633 - [BLOW LANDING] - [MAN YELLS] 615 00:39:59,976 --> 00:40:01,114 [GRUNTS] 616 00:40:10,086 --> 00:40:11,652 [MAN GROANING] 617 00:40:27,203 --> 00:40:28,536 There you are. 618 00:41:07,343 --> 00:41:09,110 [CELL PHONE VIBRATING] 619 00:41:14,050 --> 00:41:16,851 It's done. What's next? 620 00:41:19,989 --> 00:41:21,856 Well, how much we talking? 621 00:41:25,094 --> 00:41:26,727 Freeland, huh? 622 00:41:43,982 --> 00:41:51,772 - Synced and corrected by VitoSilans - -- www.Addic7ed.com --