1 00:00:00,001 --> 00:00:01,801 آنچه در "بلک لایتنینگ"گذشت.... 2 00:00:01,802 --> 00:00:04,422 ...مارکوویی هایی ها تو حومه فری لند هستن 3 00:00:04,425 --> 00:00:06,803 و دارن نیرو هاشون رو آماده میکنند.... 4 00:00:06,806 --> 00:00:10,959 اونا میخوان هر چقدر که بتونن فرا انسان دست گیر یا بکشن. 5 00:00:10,962 --> 00:00:12,086 تو میخوای من چیکار کنم؟ 6 00:00:12,088 --> 00:00:14,463 هدفت جلوتر تو مزرعه ست 7 00:00:14,465 --> 00:00:16,081 پیداش کردم - نابودش کن - 8 00:00:19,846 --> 00:00:21,189 صد نفر، 9 00:00:21,192 --> 00:00:23,097 جنگجو های فری لند، 10 00:00:23,099 --> 00:00:25,049 میخوان سر تیکه خورده ها بجنگن؟ 11 00:00:25,051 --> 00:00:26,980 بیمار شماره چهل و نه برای تست خون اینجاست 12 00:00:26,983 --> 00:00:28,345 ممنون،پرستار آلن 13 00:00:28,348 --> 00:00:31,106 تو "آنتی بادیز"من رو برای پایدار کردن فرا انسان ها میخوای،مگه نه؟ 14 00:00:31,109 --> 00:00:34,484 اگه اونا پایدار نشن اونوقت ای اس ای نمیتونه اون هارو تبدیل به سلاح کنه 15 00:00:34,487 --> 00:00:35,651 من غاز طلایی توئم 16 00:00:42,443 --> 00:00:43,942 سریع باش،بیا داخل 17 00:00:43,944 --> 00:00:45,533 نه!کیفم! - ولش کن،ولش کن - 18 00:00:45,536 --> 00:00:47,277 گمبی من کیفم رو میخوام - وقت نداریم - 19 00:00:47,280 --> 00:00:49,742 الان موقشه که بفهمیم قاتل گمبی رو کی استخدام کرده 20 00:01:01,027 --> 00:01:02,668 تا وقتی که میتونی بمیری، 21 00:01:02,671 --> 00:01:05,922 میتونی همیشه به زندگی برگردی 22 00:01:05,925 --> 00:01:07,340 من دیگه با تو کاری ندارم 23 00:01:07,343 --> 00:01:08,509 انتخاب دیگه ی نداری 24 00:01:08,512 --> 00:01:09,659 جواب اشتباه 25 00:01:10,855 --> 00:01:11,988 اون یه هولوگرامه 26 00:01:11,990 --> 00:01:13,686 این هنوز تموم نشده خانم جوان 27 00:01:11,994 --> 00:01:26,530 ارائه شده توسط دو کانال @ArrowVerseIRAN @DC_IRAN1 28 00:01:26,537 --> 00:01:31,240 اول از همه سرهنگ گاردنر گیل هستم و الان در ای اس ای کار میکنم 29 00:01:31,242 --> 00:01:35,378 از یه شهر کوچیک تو کنتاکی دقیقا بیرون لوئی ویل 30 00:01:35,380 --> 00:01:37,665 اول خیلی هیجان زده بودم که ای اس ای منو استخدام کرد 31 00:01:37,668 --> 00:01:39,790 از هفتاد و پنجمین گروه رنجر ها 32 00:01:39,792 --> 00:01:43,719 اون شانس من برای خدمت به کشورم در بالاترین سطح بود 33 00:01:43,721 --> 00:01:45,313 حداقل،چیزی بود که به من گفتن 34 00:01:53,303 --> 00:01:55,564 و دیگه من نمیخوام اینو باور کنم 35 00:01:55,566 --> 00:01:57,400 ولی یه چیزی رو خوب میدونم 36 00:01:57,402 --> 00:02:00,903 کشتن بچه های بی گناه چیزی نبود که من براش استخدام شدم 37 00:02:00,905 --> 00:02:03,373 من یه عهد بستم که از قانون اساسی مون دفاع کنم 38 00:02:04,858 --> 00:02:06,983 اگه چیزی برام اتفاق افتاد 39 00:02:06,986 --> 00:02:09,078 این چیزیه که باید بدونید 40 00:02:09,080 --> 00:02:12,590 زیر دستورات مستقیم مامور اودیل...... 41 00:02:28,358 --> 00:02:29,432 بابا! 42 00:02:29,434 --> 00:02:31,100 با تمام سرعت خودم رو رسوندم.حالت خوبه؟ 43 00:02:31,102 --> 00:02:32,542 آره،من خوبم،من خوبم 44 00:02:33,803 --> 00:02:35,529 عه اون برندونه 45 00:02:35,532 --> 00:02:37,752 ای اس ای میخواست ما رو بدزده هی 46 00:02:38,351 --> 00:02:39,650 چی؟ 47 00:02:39,652 --> 00:02:41,066 ببین من میدونم اودل پشت این بوده 48 00:02:41,069 --> 00:02:43,429 پس من بهش زنگ زدم و وقتی اومد خواستم بهش شلیک کنم 49 00:02:43,430 --> 00:02:44,780 ولیداون فقط یه هولوگرام بود 50 00:02:44,782 --> 00:02:46,237 تو الان بهش زنگ زدی؟ 51 00:02:48,527 --> 00:02:49,629 یه لحظه 52 00:02:56,368 --> 00:02:57,735 خیلی خب.پس...... 53 00:02:57,738 --> 00:02:59,387 تو همین الانشم میدونی که اودیل به من یه لباس داد 54 00:02:59,389 --> 00:03:00,930 ولی یه راه دیگه برای انجامش هست 55 00:03:02,225 --> 00:03:03,430 اوکی 56 00:03:05,428 --> 00:03:07,303 خیلی خب.عصبانی نباش.... 57 00:03:07,305 --> 00:03:09,213 ولی اودیل به من یه تلفن داده بود که باهاش بهش زنگ بزنم 58 00:03:09,215 --> 00:03:10,535 وقتی تو و مامان تو چاله بودید 59 00:03:11,572 --> 00:03:12,995 خب اوکی 60 00:03:12,998 --> 00:03:14,438 میدونم باید بهت میگفتم 61 00:03:14,439 --> 00:03:16,178 ولی اون داشت چیزهای بدی بهم نشون میداد 62 00:03:16,180 --> 00:03:17,613 درباره ی مارکوویا 63 00:03:17,616 --> 00:03:19,456 و اون داشت بهم میگفت که شما اشتباه میکنید 64 00:03:19,457 --> 00:03:21,171 و تو هیچوقت حرفش رو قبول نمیکردی پس.... 65 00:03:22,610 --> 00:03:25,192 پس من کمکش کردم که با مارکوویایی ها بجنگه 66 00:03:25,861 --> 00:03:27,564 صبر کن صبر کن.کمکش میکردی 67 00:03:27,566 --> 00:03:28,824 چجوری کمکش میکردی؟ 68 00:03:28,826 --> 00:03:30,626 منظورم اینه که من چند تا ماموریت برای اودیل انجام دادم 69 00:03:31,713 --> 00:03:33,386 چه ماموریت هایی؟ 70 00:03:33,389 --> 00:03:35,498 من اون بروبچی که تو رو کتک زدن رو روشن کردم 71 00:03:35,500 --> 00:03:37,554 باید قبول کنی که اون ها اون رو میدونستن 72 00:03:37,557 --> 00:03:38,634 73 00:03:39,620 --> 00:03:40,845 و؟ 74 00:03:42,839 --> 00:03:44,413 ....آم 75 00:03:44,416 --> 00:03:47,459 I kind of located a Markovian data center, 76 00:03:47,461 --> 00:03:48,978 where they were doing cyber warfare. 77 00:03:49,722 --> 00:03:50,893 I blew it up. 78 00:03:52,016 --> 00:03:53,522 You did what? 79 00:03:54,852 --> 00:03:56,819 Jen, you could have killed somebody. 80 00:03:58,022 --> 00:03:59,377 I think I did. 81 00:04:00,266 --> 00:04:01,857 Oh, no, baby girl. 82 00:04:01,859 --> 00:04:03,826 Look, I saw in that other reality, 83 00:04:03,828 --> 00:04:05,107 how the road I was on 84 00:04:05,110 --> 00:04:07,250 was just leading me to a person that I never wanna be. 85 00:04:07,253 --> 00:04:08,803 I know that, Dad. I got played. 86 00:04:09,942 --> 00:04:12,985 But you and Mom never let me use my powers. 87 00:04:12,987 --> 00:04:15,165 So, you feel like this is our fault? 88 00:04:15,168 --> 00:04:16,669 No. 89 00:04:16,672 --> 00:04:17,930 I don't. 90 00:04:17,933 --> 00:04:21,131 But they're growing every day, and it's painful. 91 00:04:22,639 --> 00:04:23,855 I love you and Mom, 92 00:04:23,858 --> 00:04:25,578 but you made me feel like some sort of freak 93 00:04:25,580 --> 00:04:27,100 that had to be locked up all the time. 94 00:04:27,101 --> 00:04:28,457 And Odell, 95 00:04:28,460 --> 00:04:30,163 he made me feel special. 96 00:04:30,166 --> 00:04:32,128 I know this sounds crazy, 97 00:04:32,131 --> 00:04:34,673 but he set me free in ways I never could've imagined, Dad. 98 00:04:34,675 --> 00:04:35,724 He took me to space. 99 00:04:35,726 --> 00:04:36,751 I've been to... 100 00:04:36,753 --> 00:04:38,299 I've been to space. [LAUGHS] 101 00:04:41,515 --> 00:04:43,045 Jen... 102 00:04:43,048 --> 00:04:44,200 I love you. 103 00:04:45,444 --> 00:04:47,662 Everything your mother and I do for you 104 00:04:47,664 --> 00:04:49,550 is because we love you. 105 00:04:49,553 --> 00:04:50,665 I know. 106 00:04:51,909 --> 00:04:53,603 I'm really sorry. 107 00:04:53,606 --> 00:04:55,531 Trust me, I learned my lesson. 108 00:04:56,913 --> 00:04:59,030 But despite how you may feel about it, 109 00:04:59,033 --> 00:05:00,216 Odell needs to die. 110 00:05:01,869 --> 00:05:03,398 He needs to be dealt with. 111 00:05:04,514 --> 00:05:07,256 That doesn't mean killing him. 112 00:05:07,258 --> 00:05:10,509 I'll come back and get you when I figure out how to get to him. 113 00:05:11,552 --> 00:05:12,989 All right. 114 00:05:14,932 --> 00:05:16,715 So, Brendan... 115 00:05:16,717 --> 00:05:18,150 Uh, actually, it's Brandon. 116 00:05:18,152 --> 00:05:19,435 Yeah, whatever. 117 00:05:19,437 --> 00:05:21,270 Stay away from my daughter. Understand? 118 00:05:21,272 --> 00:05:23,680 Dad, I told you, we're just friends. 119 00:05:23,682 --> 00:05:25,766 Your mother and I were just friends, too. 120 00:05:25,768 --> 00:05:26,963 [SCOFFS] 121 00:05:28,985 --> 00:05:30,220 Brandon. 122 00:05:31,282 --> 00:05:32,832 You know what a eunuch is? 123 00:05:32,834 --> 00:05:34,332 Yes, sir. 124 00:05:34,335 --> 00:05:35,664 Keep that in mind. 125 00:05:43,744 --> 00:05:45,055 [EXHALES SHARPLY] 126 00:05:46,246 --> 00:05:49,348 Now, that's a scary dude. 127 00:05:49,350 --> 00:05:51,300 Oh, you don't know the half of it. 128 00:05:51,302 --> 00:05:52,531 [ANISSA] Mmm... 129 00:05:53,304 --> 00:05:55,137 Oh, my God, I've missed you so much. 130 00:05:55,139 --> 00:05:57,576 - Then take me back with you. - [BREATHING HEAVILY] 131 00:05:58,476 --> 00:05:59,808 What about your shifting? 132 00:05:59,810 --> 00:06:01,678 It's under control now. 133 00:06:01,681 --> 00:06:04,232 The party healers are fantastic. 134 00:06:04,235 --> 00:06:06,452 Plus, seeing you with your dad made me realize... 135 00:06:07,318 --> 00:06:10,202 my problem is with abandonment. 136 00:06:10,204 --> 00:06:12,488 And that's why my emotions would flare up 137 00:06:12,490 --> 00:06:14,290 and I couldn't control my shifting. 138 00:06:15,442 --> 00:06:16,656 But now... 139 00:06:17,495 --> 00:06:19,503 I know I'm not alone anymore. 140 00:06:20,739 --> 00:06:22,864 You found my cure. 141 00:06:22,867 --> 00:06:25,700 It's my connection to you. 142 00:06:25,703 --> 00:06:27,233 [MESSAGE ALERT VIBRATES] 143 00:06:29,978 --> 00:06:31,236 I'm sorry. 144 00:06:31,239 --> 00:06:33,709 My dad has been blowing me up. I gotta go. 145 00:06:33,712 --> 00:06:35,457 We gotta go. 146 00:06:41,844 --> 00:06:43,611 Are you okay? You look terrible. 147 00:06:44,614 --> 00:06:46,471 Thank you, Peter. 148 00:06:46,473 --> 00:06:47,856 No, I didn't mean it like that. 149 00:06:47,858 --> 00:06:50,250 I mean, you look a little sick. 150 00:06:50,253 --> 00:06:52,119 It's just, uh, a flu. 151 00:06:53,698 --> 00:06:54,928 Why are you here? 152 00:06:57,484 --> 00:07:00,861 I need a dose of the metastablization cure. 153 00:07:00,863 --> 00:07:03,155 You know I only have a limited number of vials left... 154 00:07:03,157 --> 00:07:06,542 And you can't make more without Tobias. Yes, I know. 155 00:07:06,544 --> 00:07:09,970 I also know that you do what you do because those kids in the Pit... 156 00:07:09,972 --> 00:07:12,002 are counting on you to keep them alive. 157 00:07:13,050 --> 00:07:15,579 I have someone counting on me to do the same now. 158 00:07:17,296 --> 00:07:18,565 What do you mean? 159 00:07:19,798 --> 00:07:22,180 One of the original meta-kids, 160 00:07:22,183 --> 00:07:23,800 he's in the Sanctum. 161 00:07:23,802 --> 00:07:25,152 A 30-year pod kid? 162 00:07:26,230 --> 00:07:28,153 - Are you sure? - I'm sure. 163 00:07:29,433 --> 00:07:30,953 Because I'm the one who put him there. 164 00:07:32,737 --> 00:07:34,596 I thought I was doing the right thing. 165 00:07:35,444 --> 00:07:37,239 Keeping the world safe for liberty, 166 00:07:37,241 --> 00:07:39,575 you know, the whole thing, but the reality was, 167 00:07:39,577 --> 00:07:42,360 I was pointing out children for abduction. 168 00:07:42,362 --> 00:07:45,221 And when the meta-human experiment started killing them... 169 00:07:45,224 --> 00:07:46,882 It was why I quit. 170 00:07:48,327 --> 00:07:51,607 I did everything I could to protect Jefferson. 171 00:07:51,610 --> 00:07:53,689 Raised him as if he was my own son. 172 00:07:54,833 --> 00:07:57,613 But I know it doesn't make up for all the lives I took, 173 00:07:57,616 --> 00:07:58,894 from so many kids. 174 00:08:00,255 --> 00:08:02,055 And I'm asking you, Lynn, just please... 175 00:08:03,217 --> 00:08:04,914 help me give one back. 176 00:08:08,037 --> 00:08:10,213 [EXHALES] How could I refuse. 177 00:08:10,216 --> 00:08:11,323 [EXHALES] 178 00:08:14,412 --> 00:08:16,353 I need something from you first. 179 00:08:16,355 --> 00:08:17,477 Name it. 180 00:08:17,480 --> 00:08:20,835 You have remote access to the AC system in the Sanctum. 181 00:08:20,838 --> 00:08:23,359 I need it to check on the kids in the Pit. 182 00:08:23,362 --> 00:08:24,953 You don't wanna get caught with... 183 00:08:24,955 --> 00:08:27,488 I'm not asking this lightly. I know the risks. 184 00:08:29,627 --> 00:08:30,871 All right. 185 00:08:35,029 --> 00:08:36,442 Thank you. 186 00:08:37,876 --> 00:08:39,707 Do you love travel, Major? 187 00:08:40,471 --> 00:08:42,480 Is that why you joined the ASA? 188 00:08:43,775 --> 00:08:45,549 Because I don't. 189 00:08:45,551 --> 00:08:47,092 I'd rather be home. 190 00:08:47,094 --> 00:08:50,186 A place specifically designed by me... 191 00:08:50,189 --> 00:08:51,489 for me. 192 00:08:52,492 --> 00:08:53,932 But I can't be home, 193 00:08:53,934 --> 00:08:57,319 because if I dare go back to Gotham, 194 00:08:57,321 --> 00:09:01,263 everything goes to hell. 195 00:09:01,266 --> 00:09:03,900 We've had a few setbacks, sir. 196 00:09:03,902 --> 00:09:06,306 - It's nothing that we can't... - "Setbacks"? 197 00:09:08,407 --> 00:09:12,668 You lost a quarter of the city to the Resistance. 198 00:09:12,670 --> 00:09:16,454 The Resistance took down our detainment facility. 199 00:09:16,456 --> 00:09:20,668 And you failed with Jennifer Pierce so badly 200 00:09:20,671 --> 00:09:23,512 that she likely turned against us. 201 00:09:23,514 --> 00:09:26,106 "Setbacks". 202 00:09:26,115 --> 00:09:28,866 These are not setbacks. They're disasters. 203 00:09:30,521 --> 00:09:33,272 Might I suggest a new plan of action, sir? 204 00:09:33,274 --> 00:09:34,551 By all means. 205 00:09:34,554 --> 00:09:38,097 Chip and stabilize the metas we have here in the Pit. 206 00:09:38,100 --> 00:09:41,605 Do we still have supplies of the stabilization cure? 207 00:09:41,607 --> 00:09:43,106 Negative. 208 00:09:43,108 --> 00:09:46,126 But Dr. Blair's standing by to make more. 209 00:09:46,128 --> 00:09:49,113 All we need is more bone marrow from Tobias Whale. 210 00:09:51,466 --> 00:09:53,949 Request permission to move him to the medical ward. 211 00:09:53,952 --> 00:09:57,662 Chip and stabilize the metas, rinse and repeat. 212 00:09:58,624 --> 00:10:00,516 Your plan... 213 00:10:02,836 --> 00:10:04,231 is approved. 214 00:10:06,671 --> 00:10:08,292 Sergeant Grayle. 215 00:10:08,295 --> 00:10:09,674 Thanks for coming. 216 00:10:10,302 --> 00:10:11,708 Come in. 217 00:10:11,711 --> 00:10:12,987 No problem. 218 00:10:20,371 --> 00:10:21,744 Are you okay? 219 00:10:23,332 --> 00:10:25,023 I'm fine. 220 00:10:25,025 --> 00:10:27,525 I don't know how you messaged me through the ASA system 221 00:10:27,527 --> 00:10:28,616 and I don't wanna know. 222 00:10:28,619 --> 00:10:31,197 I saw you in the security footage picking up the bag. 223 00:10:31,200 --> 00:10:32,995 You didn't log it in. 224 00:10:32,998 --> 00:10:35,491 Because I needed to decide whether to find you and return it. 225 00:10:35,494 --> 00:10:38,161 Or you knew you were being watched and you were trying to play me. 226 00:10:38,163 --> 00:10:39,405 With all due respect, 227 00:10:39,407 --> 00:10:42,707 I don't play when it comes to innocent lives. 228 00:10:42,709 --> 00:10:44,730 Now, you have every right not to trust me... 229 00:10:44,732 --> 00:10:45,804 Exactly. 230 00:10:52,540 --> 00:10:53,779 [BAG UNZIPPING] 231 00:10:59,828 --> 00:11:01,146 Thank you. 232 00:11:02,780 --> 00:11:03,940 [GRAYLE] Everything is there. 233 00:11:05,115 --> 00:11:06,856 But I was tempted to go through and see 234 00:11:06,858 --> 00:11:08,983 if there were any stabilization cures in there. 235 00:11:09,987 --> 00:11:11,787 Dr. Blair attempted to recreate it 236 00:11:11,789 --> 00:11:13,905 and killed three kids in the process. 237 00:11:13,907 --> 00:11:15,007 Oh, my God. 238 00:11:16,626 --> 00:11:18,292 I have to stop them. 239 00:11:18,295 --> 00:11:20,704 Security in the Pit is beyond cutting-edge. 240 00:11:20,706 --> 00:11:23,390 There is no way in hell to extract those kids. 241 00:11:23,392 --> 00:11:25,764 Yeah, but they need Tobias for the cure. 242 00:11:25,767 --> 00:11:26,876 I'll get him out. 243 00:11:26,878 --> 00:11:28,187 Dr. Stewart, Tobias Whale... 244 00:11:28,189 --> 00:11:30,426 Is extremely dangerous. Yes, I know. 245 00:11:31,400 --> 00:11:33,425 Listen, you could be prosecuted for treason. 246 00:11:33,427 --> 00:11:36,146 I'll conceal your involvement. 247 00:11:36,149 --> 00:11:37,237 Don't worry about me. 248 00:11:38,765 --> 00:11:40,295 Sounds like you have a plan. 249 00:11:40,852 --> 00:11:42,201 I do. 250 00:11:43,124 --> 00:11:44,425 I'm with you. 251 00:11:46,509 --> 00:11:47,922 Excellent. 252 00:11:49,715 --> 00:11:51,519 Would you excuse me for a moment? 253 00:12:06,326 --> 00:12:11,354 - Synced and corrected by VitoSilans - -- www.Addic7ed.com -- 254 00:12:16,273 --> 00:12:17,766 That's a lot of boxes. 255 00:12:19,443 --> 00:12:21,327 You ain't had no trouble with the ASA? 256 00:12:21,329 --> 00:12:24,237 Yo, man, after everything they did to me while I was in there... 257 00:12:24,239 --> 00:12:26,632 Every chance I get to pop an ASA joke, I'm taking it. 258 00:12:27,501 --> 00:12:29,242 That's what's up. 259 00:12:29,244 --> 00:12:32,954 But be careful mixing personal with business, Devonte. 260 00:12:32,956 --> 00:12:35,371 That's the fastest way you end up getting caught slipping. 261 00:12:36,752 --> 00:12:39,169 I'm born and bred in Freeland. 262 00:12:39,172 --> 00:12:41,005 And these streets... 263 00:12:41,008 --> 00:12:43,316 These streets are my heart, and so are the people. 264 00:12:44,518 --> 00:12:46,635 That's personal. 265 00:12:46,637 --> 00:12:49,655 But you wanna know why I sell guns to the Resistance double the price? 266 00:12:49,657 --> 00:12:51,932 - Business. - That's right. 267 00:12:51,934 --> 00:12:54,785 You've been moving up since you got out of the ASA jail. 268 00:12:54,787 --> 00:12:56,103 I need you to stay focused. 269 00:12:56,105 --> 00:12:57,200 I'm focused. 270 00:12:57,203 --> 00:12:59,603 I even found a hacker for that briefcase just like you asked. 271 00:12:59,604 --> 00:13:01,447 Yeah, I need you to hit pause on that, 272 00:13:01,450 --> 00:13:04,569 until we know for sure that Tobias is still in Freeland. 273 00:13:04,571 --> 00:13:07,287 'Cause ain't nobody seen his albino ass. 274 00:13:07,290 --> 00:13:08,924 We got other business to handle. 275 00:13:09,710 --> 00:13:11,380 Streets have been talking. 276 00:13:11,383 --> 00:13:13,712 Somebody else set up shop on the East Side. 277 00:13:13,714 --> 00:13:15,122 Making bank... 278 00:13:15,124 --> 00:13:17,613 and they ain't offered me a penny for protection. 279 00:13:17,616 --> 00:13:19,977 They ain't paid their tithes. 280 00:13:19,979 --> 00:13:21,937 I need you to find out what's what. 281 00:13:21,939 --> 00:13:23,606 I got you. 282 00:13:24,508 --> 00:13:25,799 That's what's up. 283 00:13:25,801 --> 00:13:27,983 - [COMPUTER BEEPS RAPIDLY] - My entire body hurts. 284 00:13:29,063 --> 00:13:30,529 I've got just what you need. 285 00:13:35,349 --> 00:13:36,702 It's not gonna hurt. 286 00:13:38,345 --> 00:13:39,829 [WHIMPERS] 287 00:13:41,409 --> 00:13:42,855 That feels weird. 288 00:13:45,028 --> 00:13:46,923 - [COMPUTER BEEPS SLOWLY] - [EXHALES] 289 00:13:48,449 --> 00:13:49,830 Better? 290 00:13:49,833 --> 00:13:51,056 Better. 291 00:13:58,040 --> 00:13:59,688 Why are you doing all of this for me? 292 00:14:00,761 --> 00:14:02,669 Most white people would've seen me and... 293 00:14:02,671 --> 00:14:04,772 had a problem, and called the ASA. 294 00:14:06,350 --> 00:14:08,717 We all need someone sometime. 295 00:14:08,719 --> 00:14:10,602 Nobody gets through this life alone. 296 00:14:10,604 --> 00:14:12,405 Right now, I'm just a guy who could help you. 297 00:14:13,607 --> 00:14:14,607 Besides... 298 00:14:15,517 --> 00:14:17,443 you remind me of someone. 299 00:14:17,445 --> 00:14:19,517 Now, why don't you lay back and get some rest? 300 00:14:21,088 --> 00:14:22,652 [JEFFERSON] Gambi? 301 00:14:25,786 --> 00:14:27,614 Jeff, what is it? 302 00:14:27,617 --> 00:14:29,404 Odell... 303 00:14:29,406 --> 00:14:33,167 manipulated my baby girl to commit murder. 304 00:14:33,169 --> 00:14:36,583 Now, you know once you kill someone you're never the same again. 305 00:14:37,372 --> 00:14:39,465 That's exactly what he wanted. 306 00:14:39,467 --> 00:14:41,739 [GAMBI] Come on, Jeff, take a breath. 307 00:14:45,898 --> 00:14:47,189 [EXHALES DEEPLY] 308 00:14:50,572 --> 00:14:52,000 Who's that? 309 00:14:53,814 --> 00:14:55,945 Well, this very special young man is TC. 310 00:15:00,085 --> 00:15:01,466 Jefferson. 311 00:15:02,290 --> 00:15:03,436 TC. 312 00:15:04,492 --> 00:15:06,793 Excuse me. Can I talk to you? 313 00:15:14,117 --> 00:15:15,909 [LYNN] If this meta-booster works, 314 00:15:15,911 --> 00:15:17,669 I can temporarily augment normal cells 315 00:15:17,671 --> 00:15:20,172 to transfer to a particular meta-human profile. 316 00:15:20,175 --> 00:15:22,082 That's unbelievable. 317 00:15:22,084 --> 00:15:24,461 - Everybody can have powers. - Temporarily. 318 00:15:25,513 --> 00:15:27,846 If it works, I can use it to sneak Tobias out. 319 00:15:27,848 --> 00:15:30,040 But I have to test it on myself first to be certain. 320 00:15:30,043 --> 00:15:31,298 No. 321 00:15:31,301 --> 00:15:32,985 You're too important. 322 00:15:32,987 --> 00:15:34,711 What if something goes wrong? 323 00:15:35,873 --> 00:15:38,123 I'll do it. 324 00:15:38,126 --> 00:15:41,475 Sergeant, we're talking about cell disruption, it could be fatal. 325 00:15:41,478 --> 00:15:43,454 I'm in the ASA. 326 00:15:43,456 --> 00:15:45,437 We take fatal risks every day. 327 00:15:47,290 --> 00:15:48,829 Let's do it. 328 00:15:51,881 --> 00:15:54,131 [GRACE] How can you not like puzzles? 329 00:15:54,133 --> 00:15:55,448 [ANISSA] I'm just saying. 330 00:15:55,450 --> 00:15:57,784 Even as a kid, puzzles completely puzzled me. 331 00:15:57,786 --> 00:15:59,828 Ha-ha. Funny pun. 332 00:15:59,830 --> 00:16:03,715 You don't know what you're missing. They are very relaxing. 333 00:16:03,717 --> 00:16:07,127 [SHONDA] Anissa, my queen. Your father is here. 334 00:16:07,129 --> 00:16:09,296 - "My queen"? - Yeah. Well, 335 00:16:09,298 --> 00:16:13,234 at least Shonda is intelligent and she laughs at my jokes. 336 00:16:13,237 --> 00:16:15,809 You see your dad. I'll give you some space. 337 00:16:15,812 --> 00:16:18,093 All right, cool. Dinner will be ready in about 15 minutes. 338 00:16:18,094 --> 00:16:19,472 [GRACE] Okay. 339 00:16:19,474 --> 00:16:20,807 - Shonda... - Yes, Anissa? 340 00:16:20,809 --> 00:16:22,317 - Let him in. - [DOOR BEEPS] 341 00:16:26,422 --> 00:16:28,597 - What's wrong? - The ASA. 342 00:16:29,443 --> 00:16:30,881 We're going after Odell. 343 00:17:12,096 --> 00:17:13,675 [NEEDLE PRICKING] 344 00:17:28,032 --> 00:17:29,294 Okay. 345 00:17:31,972 --> 00:17:33,551 I'm not dead yet. 346 00:17:33,554 --> 00:17:34,806 [EXHALES] 347 00:17:37,740 --> 00:17:39,305 I'm starting to feel something. 348 00:18:03,261 --> 00:18:04,552 Good news. 349 00:18:04,555 --> 00:18:06,389 Your vitals never wavered from normal, 350 00:18:06,391 --> 00:18:08,494 and your genetic profile is back to normal. 351 00:18:09,652 --> 00:18:12,453 The meta-booster effect lasted roughly one hour. 352 00:18:12,456 --> 00:18:14,181 It should be enough. 353 00:18:14,184 --> 00:18:17,042 Tobias is being moved to the med ward tomorrow to collect bone marrow. 354 00:18:17,044 --> 00:18:20,069 It should be much less guarded than the detention wing. 355 00:18:20,071 --> 00:18:22,214 But I'm afraid we'll still be skating uphill. 356 00:18:22,216 --> 00:18:23,865 I don't need you to go in. 357 00:18:23,867 --> 00:18:26,218 I have a cloaking device. But since it's key to my DNA, 358 00:18:26,220 --> 00:18:27,671 I'm gonna have to boost Tobias with 359 00:18:27,674 --> 00:18:29,203 the chameleon ability to get him out. 360 00:18:29,205 --> 00:18:30,992 I'll be there for exfil. 361 00:18:30,995 --> 00:18:32,224 Let's go. 362 00:18:37,460 --> 00:18:38,864 [SIGHS] 363 00:18:43,145 --> 00:18:45,386 You know what, I'm not waiting around anymore. 364 00:18:45,388 --> 00:18:46,646 Then I'm coming with you. 365 00:18:46,648 --> 00:18:48,982 No, Brandon. Look, this is not your fight, okay? 366 00:18:48,984 --> 00:18:50,187 I'm not trying to involve you. 367 00:18:50,190 --> 00:18:52,393 It's a little too late for that, don't you think? 368 00:18:52,395 --> 00:18:54,978 Besides, we're both freaks, remember? 369 00:18:54,981 --> 00:18:56,647 So we're in this together. 370 00:18:56,650 --> 00:18:59,100 You helped me find Jace, now let me help you. 371 00:18:59,103 --> 00:19:00,936 Fine. 372 00:19:00,939 --> 00:19:03,737 But there's some stuff you might find out about me on the way 373 00:19:03,740 --> 00:19:05,465 that you're gonna have to keep on the hush. 374 00:19:08,119 --> 00:19:10,912 You're in play, the package just left the warehouse. 375 00:19:10,914 --> 00:19:13,081 Sending you an intercept... [CLACKING ON KEYBOARD] 376 00:19:13,083 --> 00:19:14,824 ...now. 377 00:19:14,827 --> 00:19:15,851 [TC BREATHING HEAVILY] 378 00:19:17,253 --> 00:19:19,438 You're up. 379 00:19:19,440 --> 00:19:21,842 You're still a little shaky, son. Maybe, go back to bed. 380 00:19:22,874 --> 00:19:24,100 I have to show you... 381 00:19:26,146 --> 00:19:28,124 I unraveled that that Bitcoin chain. 382 00:19:39,984 --> 00:19:41,614 This is who had you killed. 383 00:19:42,371 --> 00:19:43,869 You know her? 384 00:19:43,872 --> 00:19:45,872 [GAMBI] Did. 385 00:19:45,874 --> 00:19:49,376 She's a former ASA agent who went into business for herself. 386 00:19:49,378 --> 00:19:52,356 Drug trafficking, money laundering... 387 00:19:52,359 --> 00:19:53,663 murder. 388 00:19:53,665 --> 00:19:55,081 She funded an offshore account 389 00:19:55,083 --> 00:19:56,997 and paid for the hit through the dark web. 390 00:19:58,316 --> 00:19:59,919 See? 391 00:20:03,725 --> 00:20:06,332 Took her shooters a year to find me and make their move. 392 00:20:08,847 --> 00:20:10,864 Well, she's not one to worry about now. 393 00:20:10,866 --> 00:20:12,306 What do you mean? 394 00:20:12,308 --> 00:20:14,547 What's to say she doesn't hire someone else? 395 00:20:15,485 --> 00:20:16,795 She's dead. 396 00:20:17,741 --> 00:20:19,068 [COMPUTER BEEPS] 397 00:20:19,875 --> 00:20:21,196 Excuse me. 398 00:20:25,747 --> 00:20:27,255 [EXHALES] Okay. 399 00:20:28,491 --> 00:20:29,755 Coordinates as follows. 400 00:20:32,354 --> 00:20:33,995 [MAN] It's them. Get ready. 401 00:20:51,356 --> 00:20:52,803 [TIRES SCREECH] 402 00:20:58,313 --> 00:21:00,794 [AGENT ODELL] Don't stop. Keep going. Go, go, go! 403 00:21:07,921 --> 00:21:09,089 Don't move! 404 00:21:30,386 --> 00:21:31,749 Got your ass. 405 00:21:37,059 --> 00:21:38,262 He's awake. 406 00:21:48,715 --> 00:21:50,874 You're making a mistake... 407 00:21:50,877 --> 00:21:52,551 of immense proportions. 408 00:21:52,553 --> 00:21:53,913 Yeah, well, you already made one. 409 00:21:53,916 --> 00:21:56,388 You reneged on our deal, went behind my back 410 00:21:56,390 --> 00:21:58,849 and made my baby girl a killer. You think I'll let that stand? 411 00:21:58,852 --> 00:22:00,550 What you're doing right now is gonna get 412 00:22:00,553 --> 00:22:04,474 you locked up for the rest of your lives. 413 00:22:04,477 --> 00:22:06,290 Agent Esposito. 414 00:22:08,026 --> 00:22:11,012 - You're not dead. - No. And I have questions. 415 00:22:11,672 --> 00:22:13,112 [AGENT ODELL] I have nothing to say. 416 00:22:14,291 --> 00:22:16,821 Everybody talks, eventually. 417 00:22:21,248 --> 00:22:23,105 Since you taught me everything I know... 418 00:22:24,393 --> 00:22:26,036 you know this is gonna hurt. 419 00:22:28,469 --> 00:22:29,898 You're bluffing. 420 00:22:31,892 --> 00:22:34,093 You don't kill, you won't torture either. 421 00:22:35,113 --> 00:22:36,428 [GAMBI] No, he won't. 422 00:22:37,097 --> 00:22:38,555 But I will. 423 00:22:38,557 --> 00:22:40,515 I'm gonna take off your shoes and socks. 424 00:22:40,517 --> 00:22:42,601 And I'm gonna hammer a nail into your foot. 425 00:22:42,603 --> 00:22:45,836 And I'm gonna keep going until you tell me everything I need to know. 426 00:22:46,857 --> 00:22:48,413 I play golf. 427 00:22:48,416 --> 00:22:49,842 With the President. 428 00:22:49,845 --> 00:22:52,771 Yeah, well, the next time you do it, you'll be doing it with a limp. 429 00:22:54,114 --> 00:22:56,114 I warned you not to make an enemy of me. 430 00:22:56,116 --> 00:22:58,625 You have to kill me after this is over. You know that, right? 431 00:22:58,628 --> 00:23:01,578 - Okay. - You're not okay with this. 432 00:23:01,580 --> 00:23:04,414 - You're a hero. - I've never claimed to be. 433 00:23:04,416 --> 00:23:06,872 [AGENT ODELL] But you try to do the right thing. 434 00:23:06,875 --> 00:23:08,126 [BREATHING HEAVILY] 435 00:23:08,128 --> 00:23:10,587 There's good in the worst of us, 436 00:23:10,589 --> 00:23:12,272 and evil... 437 00:23:12,275 --> 00:23:13,798 in the best of us. 438 00:23:13,800 --> 00:23:15,112 When we know this, 439 00:23:16,112 --> 00:23:18,093 we're less able to hate... 440 00:23:18,096 --> 00:23:20,055 our enemies. 441 00:23:20,057 --> 00:23:23,701 Did this coward just quote Dr. King to get off the hook? 442 00:23:23,704 --> 00:23:25,440 [AGENT ODELL] I'm not a coward. 443 00:23:25,443 --> 00:23:27,288 I knew the man. 444 00:23:27,290 --> 00:23:30,982 At least, I think you'd appreciate what I'm saying. 445 00:23:30,984 --> 00:23:33,306 Mmm-hmm. Here's what I'm saying. 446 00:23:38,792 --> 00:23:41,952 I told you not to mess with my family. You did. 447 00:23:41,954 --> 00:23:44,177 So your ass is mine. Hit him. 448 00:23:44,180 --> 00:23:45,914 [AGENT ODELL] The Lord is my shepherd. 449 00:23:45,916 --> 00:23:47,916 Yea, though I walk through the valley 450 00:23:47,925 --> 00:23:49,283 of the shadow of death... 451 00:23:49,286 --> 00:23:50,646 Really, now you're full of prayer? 452 00:23:50,647 --> 00:23:52,852 The 23rd Psalm, after all the evil you've done. 453 00:23:52,855 --> 00:23:55,206 - [COMPUTER BEEPS] - "Evil"? I'm a patriot. 454 00:23:56,635 --> 00:23:58,396 A patriot. 455 00:23:58,399 --> 00:23:59,923 Do your worst. 456 00:23:59,926 --> 00:24:01,638 [COMPUTER BEEPS] 457 00:24:01,640 --> 00:24:03,406 That should do it. 458 00:24:03,409 --> 00:24:04,990 [BLACK LIGHTNING] You got it? 459 00:24:04,993 --> 00:24:06,357 Mmm-hmm. 460 00:24:09,240 --> 00:24:11,037 You tricked me. 461 00:24:15,529 --> 00:24:16,909 Yeah, how about that? 462 00:24:24,347 --> 00:24:26,513 He's out. Jeff? 463 00:24:26,515 --> 00:24:28,739 Don't lose yourself just to get him. 464 00:24:45,457 --> 00:24:48,032 [SOFT PIANO MUSIC PLAYING] 465 00:24:48,035 --> 00:24:49,535 Heads up. 466 00:24:49,538 --> 00:24:52,230 Black Lightning and Thunder have kidnapped the director. 467 00:24:52,232 --> 00:24:54,137 Could you track Black Lightning again? 468 00:24:55,935 --> 00:24:59,070 - Affirmative. - [CONTINUES SHARPENING BLADE] 469 00:24:59,072 --> 00:25:02,999 I've got his energy signature in my goggles now. 470 00:25:03,002 --> 00:25:06,507 I just need to go to where he acquired the boss, and play bloodhound. 471 00:25:09,374 --> 00:25:12,751 I'm rescinding the immunity for the Pierce family. 472 00:25:12,753 --> 00:25:15,802 We're going to find Agent Odell and kill the Pierces. 473 00:25:17,308 --> 00:25:19,141 Each and every one. 474 00:25:19,143 --> 00:25:21,535 [CONTINUES SHARPENING BLADE] 475 00:25:26,775 --> 00:25:28,844 [BRANDON] Hey, what is this place? 476 00:25:28,847 --> 00:25:30,327 [JENNIFER] It's where my uncle works. 477 00:25:31,021 --> 00:25:32,413 Who's your uncle? 478 00:25:32,415 --> 00:25:33,742 James Bond? 479 00:25:36,055 --> 00:25:37,341 Man! 480 00:25:38,612 --> 00:25:40,403 [JENNIFER] Don't touch anything. 481 00:25:40,405 --> 00:25:42,205 Yeah... of course. 482 00:25:45,298 --> 00:25:46,719 Damn. 483 00:25:46,722 --> 00:25:48,298 This place is dope. 484 00:25:55,512 --> 00:25:57,173 Hey. 485 00:25:57,176 --> 00:25:58,866 That's Black Lightning. 486 00:26:00,609 --> 00:26:01,971 And that's Thunder. 487 00:26:04,221 --> 00:26:05,459 You're Lightning? 488 00:26:08,642 --> 00:26:10,025 Wait. And he's... 489 00:26:10,027 --> 00:26:12,310 - Wait, he's... - He's my father, yes. 490 00:26:12,312 --> 00:26:14,270 And Thunder's my sister. Now, come on. 491 00:26:14,272 --> 00:26:16,147 Whoa! Hey. Wait, wait. Hold on. 492 00:26:16,149 --> 00:26:17,394 Brandon. 493 00:26:17,397 --> 00:26:20,356 Hey, isn't that the guy who was the hologram you blasted? 494 00:26:21,994 --> 00:26:23,172 [JENNIFER] Odell. 495 00:26:25,562 --> 00:26:26,975 Damn it, Dad. 496 00:26:27,887 --> 00:26:29,562 [KEYBOARD CLACKING] 497 00:26:30,426 --> 00:26:31,764 [JENNIFER SCOFFS] 498 00:26:33,834 --> 00:26:35,985 Hey, so, do I get a suit? 499 00:26:35,988 --> 00:26:37,943 No. Look, the only reason why I brought you here 500 00:26:37,946 --> 00:26:39,220 and I'm showing you any of this 501 00:26:39,223 --> 00:26:42,340 is because those stupid ASA commandos are after the both of us. 502 00:26:42,342 --> 00:26:44,175 So we need to stick together. 503 00:26:44,177 --> 00:26:46,454 Besides, you don't have a name yet, so... 504 00:26:46,457 --> 00:26:48,456 Damn. Right... 505 00:26:49,233 --> 00:26:50,601 What would my name be? 506 00:26:51,568 --> 00:26:52,891 "Quakeboy"? 507 00:26:53,662 --> 00:26:55,105 "Earth Force"? 508 00:26:55,996 --> 00:26:56,996 "Geo". 509 00:26:56,997 --> 00:26:59,259 Look, I don't know. Just stay here, okay? 510 00:26:59,261 --> 00:27:01,576 There's a fridge in the back with snacks and drinks. 511 00:27:01,578 --> 00:27:03,640 Nobody should bother you. Just don't touch anything. 512 00:27:03,643 --> 00:27:04,880 [DOOR CLOSES] 513 00:27:17,076 --> 00:27:18,268 I'm Destiny. 514 00:27:19,263 --> 00:27:20,871 Welcome to the Ultimate O. 515 00:27:20,874 --> 00:27:22,309 Right this way. 516 00:27:25,601 --> 00:27:28,027 We believe in equal opportunity, 517 00:27:28,030 --> 00:27:29,321 here at the Ultimate O. 518 00:27:30,557 --> 00:27:32,574 You have your choice of male... 519 00:27:34,284 --> 00:27:35,934 female... 520 00:27:35,937 --> 00:27:37,413 or both. 521 00:27:38,666 --> 00:27:39,781 So what will it be? 522 00:27:41,285 --> 00:27:42,617 What you think? 523 00:27:42,619 --> 00:27:43,960 [CHUCKLES] 524 00:27:47,958 --> 00:27:49,458 Now... 525 00:27:49,460 --> 00:27:51,802 So, as far as price... 526 00:27:54,706 --> 00:27:56,107 You. 527 00:27:58,585 --> 00:28:00,100 You. 528 00:28:30,778 --> 00:28:33,413 Y'all go ahead, get started without me. I'll be right back. 529 00:28:37,132 --> 00:28:38,320 Damn! 530 00:29:19,791 --> 00:29:22,516 [MAN] Yeah. There you go. 531 00:29:22,519 --> 00:29:23,644 [LAUGHS] 532 00:29:32,149 --> 00:29:35,062 If they like their feet tickled, 533 00:29:35,065 --> 00:29:39,115 then make sure someone tickles their feet. 534 00:29:41,855 --> 00:29:47,409 ...feet tickled, then make sure someone tickles their feet. 535 00:29:48,680 --> 00:29:50,912 - [WHIPS ON PHONE] - [GRUNTS ON PHONE] 536 00:29:53,199 --> 00:29:55,950 You ought to get some serious paper up in there, boss. 537 00:29:55,952 --> 00:29:58,308 I'm talking about the whole place was packed. 538 00:29:58,311 --> 00:29:59,723 Yeah. 539 00:30:00,809 --> 00:30:02,200 There was a lady in there. 540 00:30:02,203 --> 00:30:04,545 I don't know who she is, but she seemed important. 541 00:30:08,673 --> 00:30:10,265 Yeah, that's her right there. 542 00:30:10,267 --> 00:30:13,885 ...tickled, then make sure someone tickles... 543 00:30:13,887 --> 00:30:15,279 That's Lady Eve. 544 00:30:17,274 --> 00:30:20,150 The last time I saw her ass, she was floating in a vat. 545 00:30:22,329 --> 00:30:24,074 She's been brought back from the dead. 546 00:30:26,566 --> 00:30:28,125 Let's pack these guns up. 547 00:30:29,569 --> 00:30:31,004 For sure. 548 00:30:34,576 --> 00:30:36,118 Okay. 549 00:30:39,944 --> 00:30:42,765 [GRAYLE] The entrance you need to use will have guards here, 550 00:30:42,767 --> 00:30:44,859 and here. 551 00:30:44,861 --> 00:30:46,568 Once inside, you'll be 20 meters from 552 00:30:46,571 --> 00:30:48,577 the medical wing where they have Tobias. 553 00:30:51,875 --> 00:30:53,034 Okay. 554 00:30:53,895 --> 00:30:55,361 [RAPID BEEPING] 555 00:31:02,244 --> 00:31:03,453 So how much longer? 556 00:31:03,455 --> 00:31:05,788 Here we go. It's rendering. 557 00:31:05,790 --> 00:31:07,294 By the time it's finished, 558 00:31:07,297 --> 00:31:11,242 we use the biometrics and keywords we've collected to simulate Odell. 559 00:31:11,245 --> 00:31:13,037 Then we go into the ASA system 560 00:31:13,039 --> 00:31:15,974 to take down the perimeter and withdraw from Freeland. 561 00:31:15,976 --> 00:31:17,833 By the time they realize it's not him, 562 00:31:17,835 --> 00:31:19,895 we'll have taken back the city. 563 00:31:19,898 --> 00:31:22,455 All right. 564 00:31:22,457 --> 00:31:24,185 This is Agent Odell. 565 00:31:24,186 --> 00:31:27,849 I am ordering all officers to withdraw from Freeland. 566 00:31:27,852 --> 00:31:29,070 [CHUCKLES] 567 00:31:30,073 --> 00:31:31,741 Damn, that's freaky. 568 00:31:31,744 --> 00:31:34,184 [AGENT ODELL] If you don't like this one, you can kiss my ass. 569 00:31:34,185 --> 00:31:35,350 [DOOR OPENS] 570 00:31:36,518 --> 00:31:38,788 I guess I missed my call that you found him, huh? 571 00:31:38,790 --> 00:31:40,704 - Jen, slow down. - You lied to me. 572 00:31:40,707 --> 00:31:42,668 This is better for everybody. Trust me. 573 00:31:42,671 --> 00:31:44,431 - I'm done trusting you. - [GLASS SHATTERING] 574 00:31:45,150 --> 00:31:46,241 [GAS HISSING] 575 00:31:46,244 --> 00:31:48,113 We're under attack. 576 00:31:48,115 --> 00:31:50,070 Look, take care of the data. We got this. 577 00:31:52,453 --> 00:31:53,971 [GAMBI] Get down, get down! 578 00:31:56,681 --> 00:31:57,974 [GRUNTING] 579 00:32:04,546 --> 00:32:05,815 Khalil? 580 00:32:14,809 --> 00:32:17,281 And here I thought it was gonna be another boring day. 581 00:32:18,566 --> 00:32:20,143 [KEYBOARD CLACKING] 582 00:32:20,146 --> 00:32:21,206 We're leaving. 583 00:32:26,510 --> 00:32:29,177 I'm afraid you didn't think this through, Dr. Stewart. 584 00:32:29,180 --> 00:32:31,380 How am I supposed to just walk right out the front door? 585 00:32:31,381 --> 00:32:33,200 You'll have Maryam's chameleon powers. 586 00:32:33,202 --> 00:32:34,544 So, yes, to answer your question, 587 00:32:34,546 --> 00:32:36,466 we're gonna walk right through the side entrance. 588 00:32:36,467 --> 00:32:37,704 Hmm. 589 00:32:38,550 --> 00:32:40,552 Looks like Christmas came early this year. 590 00:32:40,555 --> 00:32:42,384 [CHUCKLES] 591 00:32:42,387 --> 00:32:44,003 I'll admit, 592 00:32:44,005 --> 00:32:46,226 you're a lot smarter than I gave you credit for. 593 00:32:49,894 --> 00:32:51,027 You can't run. 594 00:32:52,513 --> 00:32:54,021 We have to stick together. 595 00:32:55,206 --> 00:32:56,324 Run? 596 00:32:57,310 --> 00:32:59,018 Now, why would I do that? 597 00:32:59,020 --> 00:33:01,246 I have Black Lightning's wife. 598 00:33:01,248 --> 00:33:03,072 I'm not running anywhere. 599 00:33:03,074 --> 00:33:06,336 You thought I was your golden goose, Dr. Stewart, but in reality... 600 00:33:09,339 --> 00:33:10,714 you're mine. 601 00:33:11,490 --> 00:33:13,716 [BREATHES DEEPLY] 602 00:33:27,857 --> 00:33:29,432 [ALARM BLARING] 603 00:33:29,434 --> 00:33:30,863 [MEN GROANING] 604 00:33:31,936 --> 00:33:33,311 [MEN SCREAMING] 605 00:33:33,313 --> 00:33:35,220 Dad, don't let him touch you. 606 00:33:35,222 --> 00:33:36,648 [BOTH GRUNTING] 607 00:33:52,039 --> 00:33:53,325 No! 608 00:33:56,303 --> 00:33:58,553 - [JEFFERSON] Jen, stop. - [JENNIFER] Khalil. 609 00:33:58,555 --> 00:34:00,830 - Khalil, are you okay? - Jen, let us go. 610 00:34:00,832 --> 00:34:03,312 [JENNIFER] Guys, what's going on? Why y'all trying to hurt him? 611 00:34:03,313 --> 00:34:05,310 - Because he's not Khalil! - No, he's a murderer. 612 00:34:05,312 --> 00:34:07,103 [JENNIFER] Khalil, talk to me, please. 613 00:34:08,565 --> 00:34:10,514 Get Agent Odell out of here. 614 00:34:10,516 --> 00:34:11,840 Yeah. 615 00:34:11,842 --> 00:34:13,643 I'll deal with the Pierces. 616 00:34:13,645 --> 00:34:15,146 You need to stop them! 617 00:34:15,572 --> 00:34:17,262 [MAN] Sir. 618 00:34:17,264 --> 00:34:19,008 Watch it. 619 00:34:19,011 --> 00:34:20,317 This way. 620 00:34:23,580 --> 00:34:25,540 Jennifer Pierce, 621 00:34:25,543 --> 00:34:27,431 you are a pain in the ass. 622 00:34:27,434 --> 00:34:29,248 You need to let us go. 623 00:34:29,251 --> 00:34:30,460 Khalil, stop. 624 00:34:31,403 --> 00:34:32,736 Just stop. 625 00:34:39,256 --> 00:34:40,725 [JENNIFER WHIMPERS] 626 00:34:43,624 --> 00:34:44,766 It's okay. I got you. 627 00:34:45,894 --> 00:34:47,018 I got you. 628 00:34:50,122 --> 00:34:51,543 He's still alive. 629 00:35:08,147 --> 00:35:09,338 Damn. 630 00:35:12,798 --> 00:35:14,369 Not bad. 631 00:35:14,372 --> 00:35:16,280 [DESTINY] Welcome to the Ultimate O. 632 00:35:16,934 --> 00:35:19,009 Men, women or both? 633 00:35:19,011 --> 00:35:20,143 Lady Eve. 634 00:35:21,546 --> 00:35:23,296 We don't have anyone here by that name. 635 00:35:23,298 --> 00:35:24,862 Yes, you do. 636 00:35:24,865 --> 00:35:26,261 Now, take me to her. 637 00:35:28,136 --> 00:35:30,289 I think it's best you leave. 638 00:35:30,292 --> 00:35:32,648 Ain't nobody ask you what you think. 639 00:35:36,761 --> 00:35:38,258 Do y'all know who this is? 640 00:35:39,303 --> 00:35:40,569 Big man... 641 00:35:42,609 --> 00:35:44,225 take the night off. 642 00:35:44,228 --> 00:35:45,519 Let's go. 643 00:35:45,522 --> 00:35:46,782 All right. 644 00:35:51,392 --> 00:35:52,800 In the next two seconds, 645 00:35:54,179 --> 00:35:57,618 you're gonna have Lady Eve's location on your lips, 646 00:35:57,621 --> 00:35:59,414 or a bullet in your head. 647 00:36:02,443 --> 00:36:04,146 Follow me, please. 648 00:36:13,799 --> 00:36:15,073 Excuse me. 649 00:36:21,864 --> 00:36:23,497 [LADY EVE] Well, well, well. 650 00:36:24,776 --> 00:36:27,711 Thought I saw you when I was in resurrection... 651 00:36:28,822 --> 00:36:30,714 but I assumed I was dreaming. 652 00:36:32,033 --> 00:36:34,387 Now you're back on top in Freeland. 653 00:36:36,180 --> 00:36:38,901 I like this little hustle that you got going on here. 654 00:36:40,434 --> 00:36:42,945 Let me guess, you want a piece? 655 00:36:42,948 --> 00:36:44,183 Nah. 656 00:36:45,565 --> 00:36:47,356 I'm taking the whole thing. 657 00:36:48,517 --> 00:36:50,468 As of right now, you work for me. 658 00:36:51,553 --> 00:36:53,028 Ain't gonna happen. 659 00:36:53,030 --> 00:36:55,346 I know where Lazarus' creepy ass is staying. 660 00:36:55,348 --> 00:36:58,033 If I smoke both of y'all, there ain't no coming back for you. 661 00:36:58,035 --> 00:37:01,656 Be careful writing checks with your mouth that your ass can't cash. 662 00:37:01,659 --> 00:37:03,650 Honey... 663 00:37:03,653 --> 00:37:07,255 you'd be surprised of what this ass can do. 664 00:37:08,212 --> 00:37:11,621 Now, I'd appreciate it if you'd leave, 665 00:37:11,623 --> 00:37:15,801 and take the 40 hitters you got waiting outside with you. 666 00:37:20,582 --> 00:37:22,282 In consideration 667 00:37:22,284 --> 00:37:26,419 of what you have done in this community for the past 20 years, 668 00:37:26,421 --> 00:37:29,518 I'm gonna give you 48 hours to get some sense into your head. 669 00:37:30,834 --> 00:37:32,067 [GRUNTING] 670 00:37:33,145 --> 00:37:34,402 [NECK CREAKING] 671 00:37:34,404 --> 00:37:35,804 [EXHALES] 672 00:37:43,245 --> 00:37:44,887 That was disrespectful. 673 00:37:46,365 --> 00:37:47,808 How do you wanna handle it? 674 00:37:47,811 --> 00:37:49,251 We deal or we die. 675 00:37:50,663 --> 00:37:52,210 For now. 676 00:38:25,781 --> 00:38:27,464 [KEYBOARD CLACKING] 677 00:38:30,035 --> 00:38:32,109 Odell just left the perimeter. 678 00:38:32,111 --> 00:38:34,037 He's probably heading back to Gotham. 679 00:38:34,039 --> 00:38:35,415 Oh, my God. 680 00:38:37,345 --> 00:38:38,842 Hey, is that your ex in there? 681 00:38:39,594 --> 00:38:40,844 Yeah. 682 00:38:42,047 --> 00:38:43,880 He was actually gonna kill me. 683 00:38:43,882 --> 00:38:45,748 That's because he's not your ex. 684 00:38:45,750 --> 00:38:47,532 [GAMBI] The ASA rebuilt him. 685 00:38:47,535 --> 00:38:50,553 They put a chip in his head so they could control his mind. 686 00:38:50,555 --> 00:38:51,700 They can do that? 687 00:38:51,703 --> 00:38:54,056 You knew Khalil was alive and you didn't tell me. 688 00:38:54,059 --> 00:38:56,059 How could you keep something like that from me? 689 00:38:56,061 --> 00:38:57,766 Jen, so you can go after somebody who 690 00:38:57,769 --> 00:38:59,470 looks like they're your ex-boyfriend, 691 00:38:59,472 --> 00:39:01,064 get heartbroken, maybe even killed? 692 00:39:01,066 --> 00:39:02,510 I'll never forgive you for this. 693 00:39:02,513 --> 00:39:03,861 Whoa, wait a minute, 694 00:39:03,862 --> 00:39:06,494 let's calm down before we say something we don't mean. 695 00:39:06,496 --> 00:39:08,246 Your sister was only trying to protect you. 696 00:39:08,248 --> 00:39:09,402 [JENNIFER SCOFFS] 697 00:39:09,405 --> 00:39:11,315 Why does everyone think I need their protection? 698 00:39:11,317 --> 00:39:13,168 I don't, I'm not helpless. 699 00:39:13,170 --> 00:39:15,542 If I had known, maybe I could've gotten through to him. 700 00:39:15,545 --> 00:39:16,945 Jen. 701 00:39:16,948 --> 00:39:18,451 It's not that simple. 702 00:39:19,492 --> 00:39:20,750 So we're not even gonna try? 703 00:39:20,752 --> 00:39:22,036 [TC] Hey. 704 00:39:22,039 --> 00:39:23,377 Who's Jen? 705 00:39:25,017 --> 00:39:26,306 That's me. 706 00:39:28,710 --> 00:39:30,167 He loves you. 707 00:39:30,169 --> 00:39:31,591 How do you know that? 708 00:39:33,953 --> 00:39:35,273 He told me. 709 00:39:48,538 --> 00:39:50,372 [LYNN] This way, follow me. 710 00:39:50,374 --> 00:39:53,115 [TOBIAS] You said it was gonna last more than an hour. 711 00:39:53,118 --> 00:39:54,910 [LYNN] I don't know. 712 00:39:54,913 --> 00:39:57,570 You have a uniquely altered genotype, remember? 713 00:39:57,572 --> 00:39:59,572 [TOBIAS] Are you trying to set me up? 714 00:39:59,574 --> 00:40:01,383 I'm not. 715 00:40:01,386 --> 00:40:03,985 The surveillance cameras in this section are disabled. 716 00:40:03,988 --> 00:40:05,553 For now. Now, come on! 717 00:40:07,372 --> 00:40:10,391 [TOBIAS] You know, I had you all wrong, Dr. Stewart. 718 00:40:10,394 --> 00:40:13,803 I thought you was one of them saditty, bougie, squeaky-clean sisters, 719 00:40:13,805 --> 00:40:15,722 afraid to get her hands dirty. 720 00:40:15,724 --> 00:40:17,005 But, you know, 721 00:40:17,008 --> 00:40:18,549 it's refreshing to know 722 00:40:18,552 --> 00:40:21,052 that Black Lightning's wife is a bit more flexible. 723 00:40:21,054 --> 00:40:22,661 Shut up and keep moving! 724 00:40:26,365 --> 00:40:28,962 Where the hell is he? He should be here by now. 725 00:40:28,965 --> 00:40:31,160 Whoever you're waiting for, probably got canceled. 726 00:40:31,163 --> 00:40:32,963 The ASA is good at stuff like that. 727 00:40:34,434 --> 00:40:35,875 You know what, Dr. Stewart? 728 00:40:36,638 --> 00:40:38,712 You're not that smart after all. [GRUNTS] 729 00:40:41,949 --> 00:40:43,407 Did you really think 730 00:40:43,409 --> 00:40:46,336 I would give you powers and not give myself any? 731 00:40:46,338 --> 00:40:48,003 You black women. 732 00:40:48,006 --> 00:40:50,357 Always so damn tricky. 733 00:40:52,052 --> 00:40:53,940 You thick-lipped bastard! 734 00:40:55,847 --> 00:40:57,088 Thanks, Erica. 735 00:40:58,016 --> 00:40:59,131 I owe you one. 736 00:40:59,133 --> 00:41:00,759 [TIRES SCREECHING] 737 00:41:13,272 --> 00:41:14,748 What happened? 738 00:41:14,751 --> 00:41:16,399 I had to go to plan B. 739 00:41:17,819 --> 00:41:19,151 Outstanding. 740 00:41:19,153 --> 00:41:20,723 Help me load him into the back. 741 00:41:39,224 --> 00:41:40,953 [SPEAKING FOREIGN LANGUAGE] _ 742 00:41:43,055 --> 00:41:44,594 _ 743 00:41:49,831 --> 00:41:55,529 - Synced and corrected by VitoSilans - -- www.Addic7ed.com --