1 00:00:00,010 --> 00:00:01,408 Previously on Black Lightning... 2 00:00:01,410 --> 00:00:04,159 I left the formula for the meta-boost serum in Markovia. 3 00:00:04,160 --> 00:00:07,899 What happens if Gravedigger can have any meta power he wants? 4 00:00:07,900 --> 00:00:09,289 He'd be unstoppable. 5 00:00:09,290 --> 00:00:10,959 War is coming to Freeland. 6 00:00:10,960 --> 00:00:12,459 Take this peace offering. 7 00:00:12,460 --> 00:00:16,929 Use it to burn down the ASA for what they did to my city. 8 00:00:16,930 --> 00:00:19,240 Gravedigger is en route with a battalion of troops. 9 00:00:19,250 --> 00:00:20,879 The powers that be have decided that 10 00:00:20,880 --> 00:00:23,169 they would rather nuke Freeland than let Gravedigger win. 11 00:00:23,170 --> 00:00:24,900 The government is gonna bomb Freeland 12 00:00:24,910 --> 00:00:26,234 if we don't beat Gravedigger? 13 00:00:26,235 --> 00:00:29,869 The DNA sample I took from Gravedigger matches your DNA. 14 00:00:29,870 --> 00:00:31,110 Gravedigger's your great-uncle. 15 00:00:32,550 --> 00:00:34,033 Gravedigger's at the perimeter. 16 00:00:34,034 --> 00:00:35,229 Where's Jennifer? 17 00:00:35,230 --> 00:00:36,420 Jen? 18 00:00:44,500 --> 00:00:46,504 We got a bogie at 9 o'clock. What is that? 19 00:00:46,505 --> 00:00:47,890 That's Jen. 20 00:00:48,740 --> 00:00:50,508 Gambi, she's alive! 21 00:00:50,509 --> 00:00:51,810 Good for her. 22 00:01:04,190 --> 00:01:06,650 _ 23 00:01:25,848 --> 00:01:28,929 Hold it. What has gotten into you? 24 00:01:28,930 --> 00:01:31,747 You're coming on hard. 25 00:01:31,748 --> 00:01:33,635 Hold up. 26 00:01:33,636 --> 00:01:34,980 Electrical powers... 27 00:01:35,950 --> 00:01:37,770 Young enough to be your daughter. 28 00:01:40,368 --> 00:01:42,144 That's baby Lightning. 29 00:01:42,810 --> 00:01:45,127 Mmm, that's why you mad, huh? 30 00:01:45,128 --> 00:01:46,279 Come on. 31 00:02:03,791 --> 00:02:06,677 Can't believe you got up. 32 00:02:08,098 --> 00:02:11,340 What you can't do, you'll do for blood, right? 33 00:02:12,020 --> 00:02:15,840 - You and I are blood. - That's funny. 34 00:02:15,850 --> 00:02:18,407 Black Lightning continues to fight for the city of Freeland, 35 00:02:18,408 --> 00:02:20,427 which is suffering from a full-scale invasion 36 00:02:20,428 --> 00:02:21,974 from Markovian forces. 37 00:02:21,975 --> 00:02:23,447 Police 38 00:02:23,448 --> 00:02:25,527 and fire stations have been blown up. 39 00:02:25,528 --> 00:02:28,617 Citizens are being shot down in the street. 40 00:02:28,618 --> 00:02:30,617 And the ASA's nowhere to be found. 41 00:02:30,618 --> 00:02:33,407 Is Black Lightning the only line of defense? 42 00:02:33,408 --> 00:02:36,057 Has the government abandoned Freeland? 43 00:02:36,058 --> 00:02:39,189 I'm Jamillah Olsen, reporting live from Mark... 44 00:02:46,830 --> 00:02:48,501 Now. 45 00:02:48,502 --> 00:02:51,007 There she is. 46 00:02:51,008 --> 00:02:53,250 Come on. They got out. They got out. 47 00:02:56,730 --> 00:02:58,386 Let's stop the madness. 48 00:02:58,387 --> 00:03:01,467 We're family. We can work it out. 49 00:03:01,468 --> 00:03:04,100 Man, stop. We ain't related. 50 00:03:04,101 --> 00:03:05,677 No? 51 00:03:05,678 --> 00:03:07,937 Why am I a stable meta like you? 52 00:03:07,938 --> 00:03:10,877 I know you were born out of wedlock. 53 00:03:10,878 --> 00:03:12,877 Your father's name was Cassius. 54 00:03:12,878 --> 00:03:14,467 You got that from the ASA. 55 00:03:14,468 --> 00:03:18,114 I know you only met your half-brother twice. 56 00:03:18,115 --> 00:03:19,827 Once when you were young, 57 00:03:19,828 --> 00:03:22,619 and once right before you both went off to war. 58 00:03:23,770 --> 00:03:25,847 His name was Ben. 59 00:03:25,848 --> 00:03:28,167 My grandfather. 60 00:03:31,808 --> 00:03:33,504 Look here, kinfolk. 61 00:03:33,505 --> 00:03:36,924 You ain't gonna talk your way out of this one. 62 00:03:36,925 --> 00:03:39,067 I'm on a mission. 63 00:03:39,068 --> 00:03:40,595 And I'm gonna complete it. 64 00:03:40,596 --> 00:03:43,227 So you can surrender now. 65 00:03:43,228 --> 00:03:46,067 You'll be treated nicely. 66 00:03:46,068 --> 00:03:47,728 Just like your baby girl. 67 00:03:49,990 --> 00:03:51,237 Where is she? 68 00:03:51,238 --> 00:03:52,747 Ah! 69 00:03:52,748 --> 00:03:53,987 She's a prisoner of war. 70 00:03:53,988 --> 00:03:56,977 - Where is she? - I'm giving you one last chance 71 00:03:56,978 --> 00:03:58,613 to surrender, boy. 72 00:04:04,244 --> 00:04:06,579 Yeah, you feel that? 73 00:04:06,580 --> 00:04:08,607 Those are microwaves. 74 00:04:08,608 --> 00:04:10,747 Cooking you from the inside. 75 00:04:10,748 --> 00:04:12,887 That's it. 76 00:04:12,888 --> 00:04:14,670 Nothing to be ashamed about. 77 00:04:15,680 --> 00:04:17,173 You fought well. 78 00:04:17,174 --> 00:04:19,000 Now stay down. 79 00:04:59,830 --> 00:05:01,220 Rangers. 80 00:05:02,190 --> 00:05:04,387 Prepare for glory. 81 00:05:04,388 --> 00:05:09,730 - Synced & corrected by MementMori - -- www.addic7ed.com -- 82 00:05:14,888 --> 00:05:17,275 Grayle, Gambi. 83 00:05:17,276 --> 00:05:19,167 We have to move the meta kids to the Pit 84 00:05:19,168 --> 00:05:20,577 to keep them away from Gravedigger. 85 00:05:20,578 --> 00:05:22,647 It's the most secure place in all of Freeland. 86 00:05:22,648 --> 00:05:24,787 Thunder's on her way to help you escort them. 87 00:05:24,788 --> 00:05:26,268 Have them ready to travel. 88 00:05:26,269 --> 00:05:27,519 Copy you. 89 00:05:27,520 --> 00:05:28,787 Grayle, what's up? 90 00:05:28,788 --> 00:05:30,747 We have to prep to move. 91 00:05:30,748 --> 00:05:32,300 Okay, let's do it. 92 00:05:38,610 --> 00:05:41,767 Katie, are you still jamming all transmissions? 93 00:05:41,768 --> 00:05:44,027 Yes, this video will go unseen. 94 00:05:44,028 --> 00:05:46,287 Sir, without our perimeter barrier, 95 00:05:46,288 --> 00:05:48,723 Markovian forces will overrun the city. 96 00:05:48,724 --> 00:05:51,877 First will come a shock-and-awe strike to disrupt everything. 97 00:05:51,878 --> 00:05:53,607 Then they'll secure an exfiltration route. 98 00:05:53,608 --> 00:05:55,187 While the elite Markovian Rangers 99 00:05:55,188 --> 00:05:57,690 recon the city to locate Freeland's metas. 100 00:05:57,691 --> 00:06:00,152 No longer our problem. We're pulling out of Freeland. 101 00:06:01,710 --> 00:06:05,027 Commander, leave nothing classified behind. 102 00:06:05,028 --> 00:06:06,574 I want total closure. 103 00:06:06,575 --> 00:06:07,847 Yes, sir. 104 00:06:07,848 --> 00:06:11,257 Major, find the briefcase and bring it to me, or... 105 00:06:11,258 --> 00:06:12,705 destroy it. 106 00:06:12,706 --> 00:06:14,670 Yes, sir. 107 00:06:20,339 --> 00:06:23,508 Did I stutter? 108 00:06:46,280 --> 00:06:48,060 Gambi, I need you. 109 00:06:48,070 --> 00:06:50,029 I'm here. 110 00:06:50,030 --> 00:06:51,660 The Markovians took Jen. 111 00:06:51,670 --> 00:06:53,359 I need you to find out where they took her. 112 00:06:53,360 --> 00:06:55,700 I'm on it. 113 00:06:59,980 --> 00:07:01,820 Odell isn't at the Pit. 114 00:07:01,830 --> 00:07:03,990 He must be at a safehouse somewhere. 115 00:07:04,000 --> 00:07:06,220 Okay. Okay, well, uh, 116 00:07:06,230 --> 00:07:08,430 I'll start talking to the cameras around the city. 117 00:07:08,440 --> 00:07:10,220 - I'll find him. - Thanks. 118 00:07:10,230 --> 00:07:12,239 I need to concentrate on using the ASA's system 119 00:07:12,240 --> 00:07:14,509 to search for Lightning's energy signature. 120 00:07:14,510 --> 00:07:16,930 - Copy you. - Come on. 121 00:07:32,700 --> 00:07:35,020 It's not gonna work. 122 00:07:38,140 --> 00:07:39,792 My name is Tyson Sykes. 123 00:07:39,793 --> 00:07:41,447 I'm in command here. 124 00:07:41,448 --> 00:07:44,047 And the first thing you need to understand is, 125 00:07:44,048 --> 00:07:45,548 I'm not your enemy. 126 00:07:45,549 --> 00:07:48,467 You could've fooled me with the whole kidnapping and invasion thing. 127 00:07:49,470 --> 00:07:52,467 Actions made necessary by the continuing treachery 128 00:07:52,468 --> 00:07:54,056 of the US government. 129 00:07:54,057 --> 00:07:57,560 I have been empowered by the nation of Markovia 130 00:07:57,561 --> 00:08:00,567 to establish an independent meta-human state 131 00:08:00,568 --> 00:08:02,314 inside their borders. 132 00:08:02,315 --> 00:08:05,234 A place where meta-humans can be free. 133 00:08:05,235 --> 00:08:07,737 - Live normal lives. - Mmm-mmm. 134 00:08:07,738 --> 00:08:09,948 You need to sell that trash somewhere else. 135 00:08:11,910 --> 00:08:13,670 Trash? 136 00:08:15,090 --> 00:08:16,817 Little girl, 137 00:08:16,818 --> 00:08:20,332 you don't know a damn thing about this country. 138 00:08:20,333 --> 00:08:27,006 This country was built by and for rich white men. 139 00:08:27,007 --> 00:08:28,397 That's never gonna change. 140 00:08:28,398 --> 00:08:29,925 There's been plenty of change. 141 00:08:29,926 --> 00:08:31,907 Not enough, sure, but it's disrespectful 142 00:08:31,908 --> 00:08:33,377 to the sacrifices of our ancestors 143 00:08:33,378 --> 00:08:35,598 - to say there's been none. - Change. 144 00:08:35,599 --> 00:08:37,207 Oh, you mean Obama? 145 00:08:37,208 --> 00:08:39,267 And Martin Luther King? 146 00:08:39,268 --> 00:08:41,747 Well, seems to me 147 00:08:41,748 --> 00:08:43,577 that Obama was bought and paid for 148 00:08:43,578 --> 00:08:46,527 by rich liberals and multinational corporations, 149 00:08:46,528 --> 00:08:49,417 and Martin Luther King, well, he was a coward 150 00:08:49,418 --> 00:08:51,767 who lacked the courage to fight for his own freedom. 151 00:08:51,768 --> 00:08:52,948 Are you insane? 152 00:08:52,949 --> 00:08:54,767 MLK was one of the most courageous people 153 00:08:54,768 --> 00:08:55,987 to walk the face of this Earth. 154 00:08:55,988 --> 00:08:57,453 Not by fighting, 155 00:08:57,454 --> 00:08:59,997 but by purposefully putting himself in harm's way. 156 00:08:59,998 --> 00:09:02,247 The moral authority of his cause couldn't be debated. 157 00:09:02,248 --> 00:09:04,210 Yeah, they debated that plenty. 158 00:09:04,211 --> 00:09:05,669 But he was on the right side of history. 159 00:09:05,670 --> 00:09:07,317 "Metas are with you, or else." 160 00:09:07,318 --> 00:09:10,091 That's not independence or peace. 161 00:09:10,092 --> 00:09:12,757 Who are you to judge me, huh? 162 00:09:12,758 --> 00:09:16,263 You've been on this planet for the blink of an eye. 163 00:09:16,264 --> 00:09:19,725 I'm 100 years old. 164 00:09:19,726 --> 00:09:22,436 Maybe that's why you're so negative and grouchy. 165 00:09:22,437 --> 00:09:25,523 I ought to kill you where you stand. 166 00:09:25,524 --> 00:09:27,867 Why don't you let me out of here? 167 00:09:27,868 --> 00:09:29,361 Try it. 168 00:09:31,350 --> 00:09:33,072 Maybe later. 169 00:09:35,951 --> 00:09:38,161 Is this moment in black history over? 170 00:10:39,250 --> 00:10:42,547 What assurance do I have that the ASA will honor 171 00:10:42,548 --> 00:10:44,310 its side of the deal? 172 00:10:44,311 --> 00:10:46,287 Above my paygrade. 173 00:10:46,288 --> 00:10:48,439 You have something for me or not? 174 00:10:48,440 --> 00:10:50,942 Suppose I'll have to trust you. 175 00:10:52,319 --> 00:10:56,087 Or I could wash my hands in your blood 176 00:10:56,088 --> 00:10:57,616 if you double cross me. 177 00:11:00,830 --> 00:11:04,330 The briefcase is at Gambi's tailor shop. 178 00:11:04,331 --> 00:11:06,790 The tailor who came back from the dead? 179 00:11:06,791 --> 00:11:09,207 - Mmm. - Who does he work for? 180 00:11:09,208 --> 00:11:10,711 No one. 181 00:11:10,712 --> 00:11:13,714 Piece of cake. We'll be in touch. 182 00:11:13,715 --> 00:11:15,966 Prepare for relocation to Gotham City. 183 00:11:15,967 --> 00:11:18,877 You'll receive your seat on the Shadow Board there. 184 00:11:18,878 --> 00:11:21,513 Gotham? Wait a minute. 185 00:11:21,514 --> 00:11:23,599 You're gonna nuke Freeland 186 00:11:23,600 --> 00:11:27,437 if the Markovians take it. 187 00:11:27,438 --> 00:11:30,273 And I just became a loose end. 188 00:11:38,281 --> 00:11:40,347 You'll never get out of here alive. 189 00:11:40,348 --> 00:11:43,118 I'm already gone, bitch. 190 00:11:45,588 --> 00:11:48,537 Des... Destiny. 191 00:11:48,538 --> 00:11:50,687 Call... 192 00:11:50,688 --> 00:11:51,927 Call Lala. 193 00:11:51,928 --> 00:11:56,857 Call Lala, tell him that I just got from the ASA 194 00:11:56,858 --> 00:12:02,720 that we won't have Freeland if the Markovians succeed. 195 00:12:08,290 --> 00:12:10,480 Good morning, Nurse Judas. 196 00:12:21,408 --> 00:12:23,747 Of course, a loser like you is still living at home 197 00:12:23,748 --> 00:12:25,744 with his parents in his 40s. 198 00:12:25,745 --> 00:12:27,746 Oh, my God. What'd you do with them? 199 00:12:27,747 --> 00:12:30,027 Your mom will be just fine, 200 00:12:30,028 --> 00:12:31,407 as long as you take me 201 00:12:31,408 --> 00:12:33,837 to where they're keeping the Markovian metas. 202 00:12:35,730 --> 00:12:37,089 What about my father? 203 00:12:37,090 --> 00:12:38,507 Ah, yes. 204 00:12:38,508 --> 00:12:40,592 The Blackovian. 205 00:12:40,593 --> 00:12:43,550 I assure you he died well. 206 00:12:50,010 --> 00:12:51,430 _ 207 00:12:53,110 --> 00:12:54,447 You sure this is where Jen is? 208 00:12:54,448 --> 00:12:55,567 Not completely. 209 00:12:55,568 --> 00:12:56,889 Her energy signature's vanished, 210 00:12:56,890 --> 00:12:58,620 but I picked up an energy signature similar 211 00:12:58,630 --> 00:13:01,363 to ASA's meta collars. It's there, 212 00:13:01,364 --> 00:13:04,033 in the middle of where the Markovian battalion has made camp. 213 00:13:04,034 --> 00:13:06,609 - That has to be it. - What has to be it? 214 00:13:06,610 --> 00:13:08,077 You need him. 215 00:13:08,078 --> 00:13:10,748 You'll never get Jen out alive past a hundred Markovian troops. 216 00:13:10,749 --> 00:13:12,189 I know what I said before, 217 00:13:12,190 --> 00:13:15,127 but if Jen needs help, then I'm there. 218 00:13:15,128 --> 00:13:16,588 What's the plan? 219 00:13:19,591 --> 00:13:21,801 TC! 220 00:13:23,430 --> 00:13:25,054 What's wrong with him? 221 00:13:25,055 --> 00:13:26,769 Probably ASA countermeasures. 222 00:13:26,770 --> 00:13:28,265 We were trying to trace Odell. 223 00:13:28,266 --> 00:13:29,837 The ASA had him in a pod. 224 00:13:29,838 --> 00:13:32,436 You best believe Odell knows how to deal with his powers. 225 00:13:32,437 --> 00:13:34,740 - Is he gonna be okay? - I think so. 226 00:13:40,320 --> 00:13:42,059 Everything okay? 227 00:13:42,060 --> 00:13:43,937 Yeah. Just a glitch. 228 00:13:43,938 --> 00:13:45,949 Thought someone was opening up my front door. 229 00:13:45,950 --> 00:13:48,027 All good. 230 00:13:48,028 --> 00:13:49,580 Let's go get Jen. 231 00:13:59,710 --> 00:14:02,299 Oh, thank God. 232 00:14:02,300 --> 00:14:04,635 I presume I'm being tracked, 233 00:14:04,636 --> 00:14:06,639 and Odell wants you to break me out? 234 00:14:06,640 --> 00:14:09,027 My orders are to clean out the classified information 235 00:14:09,028 --> 00:14:11,059 in Freeland. 236 00:14:28,827 --> 00:14:31,328 Move. 237 00:14:31,329 --> 00:14:32,749 All right, keep moving, everybody. 238 00:14:32,750 --> 00:14:35,749 Go, go, go. You'll be safe inside. Go. 239 00:14:35,750 --> 00:14:36,867 Keep moving! 240 00:14:36,868 --> 00:14:38,168 Hey, Henderson. 241 00:14:38,169 --> 00:14:40,167 That's a lot of... That's a lot of bad guys, bro. 242 00:14:40,168 --> 00:14:41,640 What we gonna do? 243 00:14:43,070 --> 00:14:44,427 We're gonna fight, Two-Bits. 244 00:14:44,428 --> 00:14:46,010 - Everybody fight! - Huh? 245 00:15:11,940 --> 00:15:13,455 Get off my block. 246 00:15:58,550 --> 00:15:59,792 Daddy. 247 00:16:12,690 --> 00:16:15,357 - Hey, I appreciate you. - Always. 248 00:16:15,358 --> 00:16:16,477 We could still use your help. 249 00:16:16,478 --> 00:16:18,177 You wanna meet us at the Pit? 250 00:16:18,178 --> 00:16:19,867 Yeah. I got you. 251 00:16:19,868 --> 00:16:21,267 Gambi will direct you. 252 00:16:21,268 --> 00:16:22,870 Can you fly? 253 00:16:29,614 --> 00:16:30,650 Shh. 254 00:16:31,670 --> 00:16:33,140 That's dope. 255 00:16:47,160 --> 00:16:49,550 - You shouldn't be here. - If we're gonna have any chance 256 00:16:49,560 --> 00:16:52,469 of beating Gravedigger, we have to strip him of his extra powers. 257 00:16:52,470 --> 00:16:54,346 Can you do that? 258 00:16:54,347 --> 00:16:56,140 I think so. 259 00:16:57,400 --> 00:17:00,185 My orders are to destroy all classified information. 260 00:17:00,186 --> 00:17:02,689 That includes the files you're using. 261 00:17:03,900 --> 00:17:06,483 And, I imagine, the information inside my head. 262 00:17:06,484 --> 00:17:09,077 Yes. 263 00:17:09,078 --> 00:17:11,239 Dr. Jace has already been dealt with. 264 00:17:14,280 --> 00:17:16,035 And I'm next. 265 00:17:20,490 --> 00:17:24,042 Commander Williams, you're obviously dedicated to your duty. 266 00:17:24,043 --> 00:17:25,219 But if you try and stop me, 267 00:17:25,220 --> 00:17:28,547 Markovians will kill and kidnap Americans. 268 00:17:28,548 --> 00:17:30,050 Children. 269 00:17:31,620 --> 00:17:34,262 Children, like you were. 270 00:17:35,710 --> 00:17:37,055 Me? 271 00:17:37,056 --> 00:17:38,891 Because you're a meta. 272 00:17:40,780 --> 00:17:42,687 I'm not a damn meta. 273 00:17:45,000 --> 00:17:46,524 I'm a soldier. 274 00:18:12,258 --> 00:18:14,189 First Citizen, Gravedigger. 275 00:18:14,190 --> 00:18:16,489 We've located an underground complex 276 00:18:16,490 --> 00:18:20,109 with an above-ground entrance that is heavily guarded. 277 00:18:20,110 --> 00:18:21,949 Excellent. 278 00:18:21,950 --> 00:18:24,049 That's it. 279 00:18:24,050 --> 00:18:26,670 That's where they're hiding my metas. 280 00:18:31,694 --> 00:18:33,389 I'm working on the anti-booster. 281 00:18:33,390 --> 00:18:35,219 I need five minutes to render the solution. 282 00:18:35,220 --> 00:18:36,699 I'm on my way. 283 00:18:46,090 --> 00:18:48,089 I'm here to take back control. 284 00:18:48,090 --> 00:18:50,009 Maybe after I finish my last mission 285 00:18:50,010 --> 00:18:52,099 and kill the Pierce family. 286 00:18:52,100 --> 00:18:54,759 Starting with that pain in the ass you love so much. 287 00:18:56,500 --> 00:18:58,261 Jennifer. 288 00:19:13,695 --> 00:19:15,987 Are you serious right now? 289 00:20:44,952 --> 00:20:46,704 You ever hear of the rope a dope? 290 00:20:51,250 --> 00:20:53,085 You're the dope. 291 00:21:19,960 --> 00:21:22,980 Why's it gotta be in the woods? 292 00:21:24,350 --> 00:21:27,078 These damn bugs are eating me alive. 293 00:21:35,628 --> 00:21:37,479 Hey, wait. 294 00:21:37,480 --> 00:21:39,899 I see Resistance members guarding something. 295 00:21:39,900 --> 00:21:42,509 - Doesn't look like much. - It's not supposed to. 296 00:21:42,510 --> 00:21:44,846 - Who the hell is this? - I don't know. 297 00:21:49,141 --> 00:21:50,949 I just saw a man float down from the sky 298 00:21:50,950 --> 00:21:53,395 and land into the woods about 40 yards away. 299 00:21:53,396 --> 00:21:55,105 Delta three, you in position? 300 00:21:55,106 --> 00:21:57,941 Affirmative. Suppressive fire, sir? 301 00:21:57,942 --> 00:21:59,192 Negative. 302 00:21:59,193 --> 00:22:01,027 Looks like he's giving orders. 303 00:22:01,028 --> 00:22:03,864 That would be Gravedigger, Chief, do not engage him. 304 00:22:03,865 --> 00:22:05,782 Leave him for Black Lightning and Lightning. 305 00:22:05,783 --> 00:22:07,158 They're on their way. 306 00:22:07,159 --> 00:22:08,743 Arm the meta weapons. 307 00:22:08,744 --> 00:22:11,455 Engage with Black Lightning when he arrives to follow. 308 00:22:14,041 --> 00:22:16,377 What's this about? 309 00:22:20,923 --> 00:22:22,120 Light him up! 310 00:22:26,178 --> 00:22:27,220 He's still coming. 311 00:22:27,221 --> 00:22:28,723 You think we can't see that? 312 00:22:30,140 --> 00:22:31,182 Reload! 313 00:22:31,183 --> 00:22:33,351 I already have. 314 00:22:33,352 --> 00:22:34,720 Move! Now! 315 00:22:39,340 --> 00:22:40,693 Sleep. 316 00:22:49,690 --> 00:22:51,209 It's just around the corner. 317 00:22:51,210 --> 00:22:52,409 I've already opened it. 318 00:22:52,410 --> 00:22:53,929 Okay, I see it, I see it. 319 00:22:53,930 --> 00:22:55,099 Everybody listen to me. 320 00:22:55,100 --> 00:22:57,119 There is a safe room right through this door, 321 00:22:57,120 --> 00:22:58,579 and I need everybody in it now. 322 00:22:58,580 --> 00:22:59,749 Let's go. Come on. 323 00:22:59,750 --> 00:23:01,004 Gravedigger's on level one. 324 00:23:01,005 --> 00:23:02,729 He's headed to level two. 325 00:23:02,730 --> 00:23:04,029 - Go, go, go. - The safe room can withstand 326 00:23:04,030 --> 00:23:05,258 a thermonuclear war. 327 00:23:05,259 --> 00:23:07,636 So hopefully, it can keep Gravedigger out. 328 00:23:07,637 --> 00:23:09,469 Come on, come on, come on. 329 00:23:09,470 --> 00:23:10,720 Hurry. 330 00:23:16,938 --> 00:23:18,522 Wait. 331 00:23:19,330 --> 00:23:20,999 This is unnecessary. 332 00:23:21,000 --> 00:23:24,361 I'm here on your behalf, trust me. 333 00:23:24,362 --> 00:23:25,869 Okay. 334 00:23:25,870 --> 00:23:27,519 And this ass-whooping that we brought, 335 00:23:27,520 --> 00:23:29,074 it's for your own good, too. 336 00:23:29,075 --> 00:23:31,118 Yeah, trust us. 337 00:23:33,000 --> 00:23:34,410 You know what? 338 00:23:35,640 --> 00:23:37,040 Kill her. 339 00:23:39,377 --> 00:23:41,087 What the hell is wrong with you? 340 00:23:41,660 --> 00:23:43,798 What the hell is wrong with you? Stop! 341 00:23:48,280 --> 00:23:49,860 Are they dead? 342 00:23:53,720 --> 00:23:55,569 They're asleep. 343 00:23:55,570 --> 00:23:57,520 Gravedigger's here. 344 00:23:58,370 --> 00:24:00,313 First Citizen, Gravedigger. 345 00:24:00,314 --> 00:24:02,019 I have Black Lightning in my sight. 346 00:24:02,020 --> 00:24:04,567 Permission to take the shot? 347 00:24:04,568 --> 00:24:06,569 - Permission granted. - Drop them. 348 00:24:37,500 --> 00:24:39,130 No. 349 00:24:40,000 --> 00:24:41,229 No, no. 350 00:24:41,230 --> 00:24:44,566 No, no. No! No, Henderson! 351 00:24:44,567 --> 00:24:46,519 What are you doing here, man? 352 00:24:48,330 --> 00:24:50,865 Saving your black ass. 353 00:24:52,450 --> 00:24:54,952 Get me out of here, man. 354 00:24:57,250 --> 00:24:59,165 I can't. 355 00:25:00,520 --> 00:25:02,334 What you mean you can't? 356 00:25:03,350 --> 00:25:06,169 Henderson, you got a hole in your chest. 357 00:25:06,170 --> 00:25:08,510 If I move you... 358 00:25:09,759 --> 00:25:11,769 Damn. 359 00:25:11,770 --> 00:25:14,597 Damn, I'm not ready, man. 360 00:25:24,090 --> 00:25:26,650 Thank you for saving my life, man. 361 00:25:30,700 --> 00:25:33,769 Seemed like a good idea at the time. 362 00:25:40,500 --> 00:25:43,459 I can't feel my legs, man. 363 00:25:47,780 --> 00:25:51,467 Henderson, man, you're my best friend. 364 00:25:52,820 --> 00:25:55,012 I'm sorry I let you down. 365 00:25:57,820 --> 00:26:00,329 Never, man. 366 00:26:00,330 --> 00:26:02,478 Never. 367 00:26:08,240 --> 00:26:11,570 Now, you don't let down Freeland. 368 00:26:49,318 --> 00:26:50,690 Grace. 369 00:26:52,950 --> 00:26:54,247 No, Grace. Stop. 370 00:26:54,248 --> 00:26:55,739 Grace, stop! 371 00:27:19,170 --> 00:27:21,677 Grace. Grace. Come on. 372 00:27:21,678 --> 00:27:23,177 Oh, my God. I didn't mean to... 373 00:27:25,120 --> 00:27:27,379 Gambi. Gambi. Gambi. 374 00:27:27,380 --> 00:27:28,599 I'm here. 375 00:27:28,600 --> 00:27:29,747 We're in the Pit. 376 00:27:29,748 --> 00:27:31,177 And Grace, she's hurt. She's hurt bad. 377 00:27:31,178 --> 00:27:32,400 I don't know what to do. 378 00:27:32,401 --> 00:27:35,187 You need to stay on mission. 379 00:27:35,188 --> 00:27:36,738 We'll get her out when we're done. 380 00:27:42,578 --> 00:27:44,087 I'm so sorry. 381 00:27:44,088 --> 00:27:45,830 I'm sorry. 382 00:27:52,400 --> 00:27:54,627 Whoa, you need to lay back down. 383 00:27:54,628 --> 00:27:56,407 There's no time. 384 00:27:56,408 --> 00:27:59,867 I figured out how the ASA's countermeasure kicked me out. 385 00:27:59,868 --> 00:28:01,972 I'm going to find Odell. 386 00:28:15,140 --> 00:28:16,488 Is that the anti-booster? 387 00:28:16,489 --> 00:28:17,519 Yeah. 388 00:28:17,520 --> 00:28:19,357 I'm gonna deliver it with this. 389 00:28:19,358 --> 00:28:20,667 No. No. Give it to me. 390 00:28:20,668 --> 00:28:22,757 Jeff, he's not just gonna let you shoot him. 391 00:28:22,758 --> 00:28:24,249 You concentrate on staying alive. 392 00:28:24,250 --> 00:28:26,069 And while he's busy with you, I'll do it. 393 00:28:28,238 --> 00:28:30,084 I hate to say it, but you're right. 394 00:28:31,470 --> 00:28:34,588 Jeff, I heard what happened with Henderson over the comms. 395 00:28:39,650 --> 00:28:41,500 I'm so sorry. 396 00:28:45,180 --> 00:28:46,640 What happened here? 397 00:28:48,920 --> 00:28:51,100 I don't wanna talk about it. 398 00:28:52,370 --> 00:28:54,440 Okay. 399 00:28:54,441 --> 00:28:56,359 Hey. 400 00:28:56,360 --> 00:28:57,778 You ready? 401 00:28:58,530 --> 00:29:00,530 Yeah. 402 00:29:00,531 --> 00:29:02,080 Let's go. 403 00:29:17,010 --> 00:29:18,840 You again. 404 00:29:18,841 --> 00:29:20,241 Well, this time I brought a friend. 405 00:29:20,990 --> 00:29:22,177 What's up? 406 00:29:22,178 --> 00:29:23,790 Wanna know a secret? 407 00:29:25,180 --> 00:29:27,683 Volcanic lightning beats magnetic field. 408 00:29:36,984 --> 00:29:38,957 Dad, Brandon and I have Gravedigger. 409 00:29:38,958 --> 00:29:40,897 But I'm not sure how long we can hold him. 410 00:29:40,898 --> 00:29:42,097 He'll kill her. 411 00:29:42,098 --> 00:29:43,860 You go ahead. I'll catch up. 412 00:30:19,735 --> 00:30:20,900 Katie. 413 00:30:22,700 --> 00:30:24,707 Activate self-destruct. 414 00:30:24,708 --> 00:30:26,477 Password, please. 415 00:30:26,478 --> 00:30:28,247 Rosebud. 416 00:30:28,248 --> 00:30:30,161 Self-destruct activated. 417 00:30:30,162 --> 00:30:34,920 And put this safehouse on a ten-minute fuse, 418 00:30:36,350 --> 00:30:38,545 - then blow it. - Understood. 419 00:30:48,790 --> 00:30:50,306 Oh, you're back, huh? 420 00:30:50,307 --> 00:30:52,101 You gonna run again? 421 00:31:11,130 --> 00:31:12,560 Damn. 422 00:31:14,130 --> 00:31:15,581 You all right? 423 00:31:15,582 --> 00:31:17,747 Yeah, I'm good. Are you good? 424 00:31:17,748 --> 00:31:19,159 Mom. 425 00:31:19,160 --> 00:31:21,039 - Sweetie, are you okay? - Yeah, Mom, I'm good. 426 00:31:21,040 --> 00:31:23,027 - You okay? - Yeah, I'm good. 427 00:31:23,028 --> 00:31:25,467 Lynn, Black Lightning is fighting Gravedigger. 428 00:31:25,468 --> 00:31:27,094 He needs that anti-booster. 429 00:31:27,095 --> 00:31:29,090 Mom, go. Go, we're fine. Go. 430 00:31:41,070 --> 00:31:42,647 I ain't got time for this. 431 00:31:47,614 --> 00:31:51,300 What were you thinking, hmm? 432 00:31:59,376 --> 00:32:01,836 You should've gone for the head. 433 00:32:10,670 --> 00:32:12,306 You know what I was thinking? 434 00:32:13,557 --> 00:32:16,184 You ain't too tough without those extra powers. 435 00:32:28,000 --> 00:32:30,073 You have nothing to be ashamed of. 436 00:32:31,325 --> 00:32:33,120 You fought well. 437 00:32:34,411 --> 00:32:35,917 Something's wrong. 438 00:32:35,918 --> 00:32:38,456 The ASA system is really, really upset. 439 00:32:38,457 --> 00:32:40,467 It's on self-destruct. 440 00:32:40,468 --> 00:32:41,797 Override. 441 00:32:41,798 --> 00:32:43,667 Saying it can't be. 442 00:32:43,668 --> 00:32:45,797 They have 60 seconds to get out. 443 00:32:45,798 --> 00:32:48,397 Jeff, you need to get out of there, right now. 444 00:32:48,398 --> 00:32:49,675 There's a self-destruct. 445 00:32:49,676 --> 00:32:52,237 The safe room will survive, but it's already been sealed. 446 00:32:52,238 --> 00:32:54,199 Everyone, you've got less than a minute 447 00:32:54,200 --> 00:32:55,556 to get away from the Pit. 448 00:32:55,557 --> 00:32:57,038 Okay, I'll pick him up. You get on my back. 449 00:32:57,039 --> 00:32:58,659 No, we have to go. 450 00:32:58,660 --> 00:33:01,027 - What? - He lives, we die. 451 00:33:01,028 --> 00:33:02,587 Lynn, he's family. We can't leave him. 452 00:33:02,588 --> 00:33:05,358 No, Jeff. We have to go now. Come on! 453 00:33:05,359 --> 00:33:06,777 Come on. 454 00:33:34,200 --> 00:33:38,957 Now, you didn't really think I was gonna let you get away? 455 00:33:38,958 --> 00:33:42,020 Not after making me kill my own mother, did you? 456 00:33:46,191 --> 00:33:47,990 Caveat emptor. 457 00:33:51,050 --> 00:33:53,640 That shut-down only works for Painkiller. 458 00:33:55,960 --> 00:33:57,120 I'm Khalil. 459 00:33:59,162 --> 00:34:01,915 We haven't officially met. 460 00:34:10,882 --> 00:34:13,539 Don't try to stop me. 461 00:34:13,540 --> 00:34:15,261 No, you're gonna stop yourself. 462 00:34:15,262 --> 00:34:17,007 Because you're smart enough to realize 463 00:34:17,008 --> 00:34:19,140 that a bullet to the head is too good for him. 464 00:34:19,141 --> 00:34:21,007 He needs to be shackled, 465 00:34:21,008 --> 00:34:24,097 caged, humiliated, 466 00:34:24,098 --> 00:34:26,189 and then die alone. 467 00:34:30,990 --> 00:34:32,280 Khalil! 468 00:34:40,770 --> 00:34:43,187 I shot him through the spleen. 469 00:34:43,188 --> 00:34:46,119 Don't need it, anyway. 470 00:34:46,120 --> 00:34:47,519 He'll be all right. 471 00:34:47,520 --> 00:34:49,447 No. Unless he has internal bleeding 472 00:34:49,448 --> 00:34:50,687 or gets an infection. 473 00:34:50,688 --> 00:34:52,006 And if that's the case, 474 00:34:52,007 --> 00:34:54,040 it's God's will. 475 00:34:56,020 --> 00:34:57,530 He's all yours. 476 00:35:06,355 --> 00:35:08,477 Team two in position. 477 00:35:08,478 --> 00:35:10,630 Team three in position. 478 00:35:11,920 --> 00:35:13,680 Charlie three on point. 479 00:35:16,200 --> 00:35:17,730 Fire in the hole. 480 00:35:25,080 --> 00:35:26,577 Clear! 481 00:35:26,578 --> 00:35:28,300 Cover this area. 482 00:35:44,600 --> 00:35:46,352 Mr. Gambi. 483 00:35:46,353 --> 00:35:47,895 We know you're in here. 484 00:35:47,896 --> 00:35:49,937 We know you have the briefcase. 485 00:35:49,938 --> 00:35:51,197 Can't help but notice you have 486 00:35:51,198 --> 00:35:53,234 your most trusted Commandos with you. 487 00:35:53,235 --> 00:35:56,195 Showing off that you're in our personnel files, tailor? 488 00:35:56,196 --> 00:35:58,531 - Brag much? - Thanking you. 489 00:35:58,532 --> 00:36:00,757 For bringing me the last ASA personnel to know 490 00:36:00,758 --> 00:36:02,369 the Pierce family's secrets. 491 00:36:03,060 --> 00:36:05,317 You're welcome. 492 00:36:05,318 --> 00:36:07,749 They all know you very well. 493 00:36:08,400 --> 00:36:10,057 You're not gonna get out of here. 494 00:36:10,058 --> 00:36:11,419 I've seen worse. 495 00:36:19,040 --> 00:36:20,428 Visual. Visual. 496 00:36:20,429 --> 00:36:22,180 He's on the move. 497 00:36:23,000 --> 00:36:24,660 We have visual. 498 00:36:27,838 --> 00:36:29,509 Flash out. 499 00:36:29,510 --> 00:36:31,260 Flash in. 500 00:36:33,460 --> 00:36:34,970 Go, go. 501 00:36:40,360 --> 00:36:41,810 All sides clear. 502 00:36:45,650 --> 00:36:47,413 Nothing here, sir. 503 00:36:47,414 --> 00:36:49,007 He's here somewhere. 504 00:36:49,008 --> 00:36:50,760 - Help me. - Okay. 505 00:36:54,120 --> 00:36:55,650 All clear. 506 00:36:56,720 --> 00:36:58,080 My left. 507 00:36:59,840 --> 00:37:01,720 Pulling. 508 00:37:17,420 --> 00:37:18,653 TC! 509 00:37:20,800 --> 00:37:23,117 You okay? 510 00:37:23,118 --> 00:37:24,950 Come on. 511 00:37:24,978 --> 00:37:27,412 I got you. 512 00:37:28,730 --> 00:37:30,790 Come on. 513 00:37:30,791 --> 00:37:32,057 You're doing good. 514 00:37:32,058 --> 00:37:33,668 - Good. - You're doing good. 515 00:37:38,320 --> 00:37:39,883 Look, so what's your assessment? 516 00:37:42,490 --> 00:37:43,928 She's in a coma. 517 00:37:43,929 --> 00:37:46,957 I'm sorry, honey, but you know how this goes. 518 00:37:46,958 --> 00:37:50,140 It could be ten minutes, it could be ten years. 519 00:37:51,630 --> 00:37:53,197 And there's no data to determine 520 00:37:53,198 --> 00:37:55,247 how the shape-shifting might affect it. 521 00:37:55,248 --> 00:37:57,227 No. Come on, come on, come on. 522 00:37:57,228 --> 00:37:59,861 There's gotta be something that you can do. 523 00:38:01,030 --> 00:38:04,533 She needs to be someplace where she can have constant care. 524 00:38:06,993 --> 00:38:09,246 And we can pray. 525 00:38:16,294 --> 00:38:18,697 The last of our troops are returning from Freeland. 526 00:38:18,698 --> 00:38:20,937 The Americans have declined to keep prisoners of war, 527 00:38:20,938 --> 00:38:23,217 but demanded reparations for the damage to Freeland. 528 00:38:23,218 --> 00:38:25,447 The Prime Minister has flatly refused. 529 00:38:25,448 --> 00:38:28,307 Meanwhile, the Americans are conducting hearings to investigate 530 00:38:28,308 --> 00:38:31,357 the provocation that made our raid necessary... 531 00:38:31,358 --> 00:38:32,537 Thanks, Ma. 532 00:38:32,538 --> 00:38:33,937 The Commission has been convened 533 00:38:33,938 --> 00:38:36,827 by Congress to look into the Freeland conflict. 534 00:38:36,828 --> 00:38:39,897 A heinous and brutal attack on American soil. 535 00:38:39,898 --> 00:38:43,047 Among others, the vigilante known as Black Lightning 536 00:38:43,048 --> 00:38:45,739 is expected to testify. 537 00:38:45,740 --> 00:38:48,930 The Neon Negro's about to get his 15 minutes of fame. 538 00:38:50,420 --> 00:38:52,637 He ain't nothing but a snitch. 539 00:38:52,638 --> 00:38:54,280 Just like you. 540 00:38:56,167 --> 00:38:58,567 Well, my brother, 541 00:38:58,568 --> 00:39:01,497 looks like it's time for me to pack my bags. 542 00:39:01,498 --> 00:39:03,837 Things seem copacetic back home. 543 00:39:03,838 --> 00:39:07,159 Plus, I got a date with a beautiful divorcée doctor. 544 00:39:07,160 --> 00:39:09,417 She's gonna help me get the crown of Freeland 545 00:39:09,418 --> 00:39:12,140 that I am destined to wear. 546 00:39:13,440 --> 00:39:16,297 I am pleased to report that every meta-human in Freeland 547 00:39:16,298 --> 00:39:17,877 has been stabilized. 548 00:39:17,878 --> 00:39:18,937 _ 549 00:39:18,938 --> 00:39:21,514 And though I was able to fix their bodies, 550 00:39:21,515 --> 00:39:23,299 their lives remain shattered. 551 00:39:23,300 --> 00:39:26,739 They're outsiders, in need of reassimilation into society, 552 00:39:26,740 --> 00:39:29,337 and education, a place to live. 553 00:39:29,338 --> 00:39:31,117 I have your recommendations here 554 00:39:31,118 --> 00:39:32,727 for a boarding school 555 00:39:32,728 --> 00:39:35,497 keyed to the needs of Freeland's meta-humans. 556 00:39:35,498 --> 00:39:38,125 This Congressional Commission hereby ratifies your plan. 557 00:39:38,126 --> 00:39:39,752 Thank you. 558 00:39:39,753 --> 00:39:42,172 The Commission calls Black Lightning. 559 00:39:43,940 --> 00:39:47,137 So what happened in Freeland was not random. 560 00:39:47,138 --> 00:39:50,707 It was the latest in a long, reprehensible history 561 00:39:50,708 --> 00:39:52,598 of experimenting on black people. 562 00:39:52,599 --> 00:39:55,377 From trial-and-error surgeries on women in bondage, 563 00:39:55,378 --> 00:39:58,717 to giving men syphilis at Tuskegee, 564 00:39:58,718 --> 00:40:03,477 and now to decades of illegal human experimentation 565 00:40:03,478 --> 00:40:05,230 to create meta-humans. 566 00:40:10,300 --> 00:40:12,535 All the evidence is in this briefcase. 567 00:40:13,480 --> 00:40:15,657 The Chair recognizes Judge Isabella. 568 00:40:15,658 --> 00:40:19,777 Black Lightning, where did you get that briefcase? 569 00:40:19,778 --> 00:40:21,460 From the ASA. 570 00:40:21,461 --> 00:40:23,999 Now, what you're looking at is the master control 571 00:40:24,000 --> 00:40:27,467 for the ASA's operation on meta-humans. 572 00:40:28,340 --> 00:40:30,357 The Chair recognizes Judge von Eeden. 573 00:40:30,358 --> 00:40:33,147 Black Lightning, I assume the information in there 574 00:40:33,148 --> 00:40:35,015 is encrypted, is it not? 575 00:40:35,016 --> 00:40:36,477 It was. 576 00:40:36,478 --> 00:40:37,893 But it's been cracked. 577 00:40:37,894 --> 00:40:41,217 And it will reveal a crime against humanity 578 00:40:41,218 --> 00:40:43,482 orchestrated by the ASA, 579 00:40:43,483 --> 00:40:46,827 and brought to its height with Agent Odell and Freeland. 580 00:40:46,828 --> 00:40:49,737 As Chair of the Commission on the Freeland conflict, 581 00:40:49,738 --> 00:40:51,073 I promise you this, 582 00:40:51,074 --> 00:40:53,137 Agent Odell is being detained, 583 00:40:53,138 --> 00:40:55,577 and he will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. 584 00:40:55,578 --> 00:40:58,097 Furthermore, the ASA will be disbanded, 585 00:40:58,098 --> 00:40:59,660 effective tomorrow. 586 00:41:01,660 --> 00:41:04,336 For security reasons, everyone will remain where they are 587 00:41:04,337 --> 00:41:06,157 until Black Lightning, Thunder, and Lightning 588 00:41:06,158 --> 00:41:08,177 have left the building. 589 00:41:08,178 --> 00:41:10,510 The lobby has been cleared for your exit. 590 00:41:47,240 --> 00:41:51,080 - Synced & corrected by MementMori - -- www.addic7ed.com --