1 00:00:06,857 --> 00:00:09,023 ( theme music playing ) 2 00:00:32,565 --> 00:00:34,648 ( clattering ) 3 00:00:35,939 --> 00:00:37,857 Man: It's dusty. 4 00:00:41,106 --> 00:00:43,481 Just hot air. 5 00:00:44,815 --> 00:00:46,189 What? 6 00:00:47,273 --> 00:00:49,023 You okay? 7 00:00:50,398 --> 00:00:52,398 Yeah. What time is it? 8 00:00:53,857 --> 00:00:55,523 9:40. 9 00:00:57,440 --> 00:00:58,857 Are you thirsty? 10 00:01:00,106 --> 00:01:01,857 ( sizzles ) 11 00:01:06,106 --> 00:01:08,565 We shouldn't have stopped. It's my fault. I'm sorry. 12 00:01:10,398 --> 00:01:13,064 Like I said, I just always thought I'd go there someday, 13 00:01:13,064 --> 00:01:15,607 so it seemed like maybe a... 14 00:01:15,607 --> 00:01:17,231 It's okay. 15 00:01:18,398 --> 00:01:20,231 We have time. 16 00:01:20,231 --> 00:01:22,356 You have the phone ready? 17 00:01:25,398 --> 00:01:29,106 My dad and I used to go to games at Lambeau when I was little. 18 00:01:30,565 --> 00:01:31,898 You know, the Packers are the only 19 00:01:31,898 --> 00:01:34,273 community-owned team in the NFL. 20 00:01:35,815 --> 00:01:37,189 Well, the owner of the Padres 21 00:01:37,189 --> 00:01:38,648 tried to donate the team 22 00:01:38,648 --> 00:01:40,481 to the city of San Diego in 1984, 23 00:01:40,481 --> 00:01:43,023 but the league wouldn't allow it. 24 00:01:43,023 --> 00:01:46,273 The system prevented it. 25 00:01:47,565 --> 00:01:49,440 You have the phone ready? 26 00:01:49,440 --> 00:01:52,231 Yeah, I gave it 60 seconds before it goes, 27 00:01:52,231 --> 00:01:54,106 you know, after the call arms it. 28 00:02:02,981 --> 00:02:06,607 Hey, um, mind if I come in? 29 00:02:07,607 --> 00:02:09,690 - Come in? - Yeah. 30 00:02:09,690 --> 00:02:12,315 Yeah, no, I'm working. 31 00:02:12,315 --> 00:02:15,690 Maybe take a break just for a minute. 32 00:02:15,690 --> 00:02:17,523 We don't have a minute. 33 00:02:17,523 --> 00:02:20,148 - You said we have time. - Not if we take a break. 34 00:02:21,648 --> 00:02:23,356 - I'm coming in. - No! 35 00:02:23,356 --> 00:02:25,981 - Oh, Jesus, be careful! - Look, it'll relax me, okay? 36 00:02:25,981 --> 00:02:27,481 Just... 37 00:02:31,815 --> 00:02:33,148 Get out. 38 00:02:36,523 --> 00:02:38,648 Do you know how delicate this is? 39 00:02:38,648 --> 00:02:40,815 Of course. 40 00:02:40,815 --> 00:02:42,690 You wanna get us both killed? 41 00:02:42,690 --> 00:02:44,440 Look, I'll be careful. 42 00:02:48,773 --> 00:02:51,023 ( zipper zipping ) 43 00:02:52,939 --> 00:02:54,148 ( sighs ) 44 00:02:54,148 --> 00:02:56,481 It's even hotter in here. 45 00:02:57,815 --> 00:03:00,398 Sorry I couldn't get the AC going. 46 00:03:04,189 --> 00:03:06,481 So what do we do with the tent? 47 00:03:06,481 --> 00:03:08,064 I mean, when we're done. 48 00:03:08,064 --> 00:03:10,690 - Burn it? - Why would we burn it? 49 00:03:10,690 --> 00:03:12,523 DNA. Evidence. 50 00:03:12,523 --> 00:03:14,857 That's why we're in here, right? 51 00:03:14,857 --> 00:03:18,023 - A tent can be washed. - Right. 52 00:03:19,148 --> 00:03:20,648 What if they check the bag, you know, 53 00:03:20,648 --> 00:03:22,356 before we get to the sot? 54 00:03:23,523 --> 00:03:26,315 - Stick to the story. - Right. 55 00:03:26,315 --> 00:03:28,106 - Short and simple. - Right. 56 00:03:28,106 --> 00:03:31,398 - Two sentences, remember? - Yes. 57 00:03:31,398 --> 00:03:34,064 You'll be fine. 58 00:03:37,273 --> 00:03:38,607 What's your name? 59 00:03:41,315 --> 00:03:42,898 Sorry. 60 00:03:42,898 --> 00:03:44,398 I just... ( sighs ) 61 00:03:44,398 --> 00:03:46,732 I mean, at this point, what does it matter? 62 00:03:55,815 --> 00:03:57,732 Tell me about the Packers. 63 00:03:57,732 --> 00:04:00,189 First game you went to. 64 00:04:00,189 --> 00:04:02,565 Oh, you don't have to Jedi mind trick me. 65 00:04:02,565 --> 00:04:04,231 I'm fine. 66 00:04:12,732 --> 00:04:13,939 I was eight. 67 00:04:16,440 --> 00:04:17,939 And I didn't realize it then, but historically, 68 00:04:17,939 --> 00:04:19,939 it was a really significant game. 69 00:04:19,939 --> 00:04:22,607 Have you ever heard of the Lambeau Leap? 70 00:04:24,939 --> 00:04:28,648 R-Reggie White recovered a fumble from the Raiders 71 00:04:28,648 --> 00:04:31,773 and he lateraled it to LeRoy Butler 72 00:04:31,773 --> 00:04:35,106 who took it in 25 yards for the touchdown. 73 00:04:36,523 --> 00:04:39,607 And to celebrate, he jumped into the first row of stands 74 00:04:39,607 --> 00:04:42,273 and a bunch of the fans, 75 00:04:42,273 --> 00:04:44,898 I mean, old men, grown men, 76 00:04:44,898 --> 00:04:47,898 they just hugged him and patted him on the back. 77 00:04:49,148 --> 00:04:51,231 The Lambeau Leap. 78 00:04:54,981 --> 00:04:59,315 ( chuckles ) Probably the first time any of them had ever touched a black man... 79 00:05:01,273 --> 00:05:03,273 my dad included. 80 00:05:09,773 --> 00:05:11,481 What if he doesn't win? 81 00:05:16,981 --> 00:05:18,815 I'm gonna throw up. 82 00:05:24,023 --> 00:05:26,440 ( vomiting ) 83 00:05:29,398 --> 00:05:31,189 Drink some water. 84 00:05:31,189 --> 00:05:32,981 I'm almost done. 85 00:05:35,064 --> 00:05:37,648 ( toilet flushes ) 86 00:05:40,481 --> 00:05:42,064 You okay? 87 00:05:44,440 --> 00:05:46,023 Mind if I turn on the TV? 88 00:05:47,315 --> 00:05:50,356 If it makes you feel better, go ahead. 89 00:05:50,356 --> 00:05:52,315 ( TV turns on ) 90 00:05:52,315 --> 00:05:55,189 Reporter: ...our correspondent is live at the convention center... 91 00:05:55,189 --> 00:05:57,315 ( scoffs ) 92 00:05:57,315 --> 00:05:59,064 Really? 93 00:05:59,064 --> 00:06:00,356 Reporter: There's a big crowd... 94 00:06:00,356 --> 00:06:01,857 You can't do better than this? 95 00:06:01,857 --> 00:06:03,690 ( crowd cheering ) 96 00:06:12,273 --> 00:06:13,857 ( sighs ) 97 00:06:17,189 --> 00:06:18,981 You getting dressed? 98 00:06:18,981 --> 00:06:22,440 You might wanna shower first. It's like a swamp in here. 99 00:06:25,565 --> 00:06:28,815 Reporter #2: Gonna be a wild one down there tonight as Smith works the delegates... 100 00:06:28,815 --> 00:06:33,315 Supporters believe tonight is the chance to talk to his base, 101 00:06:33,315 --> 00:06:35,398 but the truth is tonight should be all about 102 00:06:35,398 --> 00:06:38,648 convincing people that he can do the job and be presidential. 103 00:06:38,648 --> 00:06:40,732 Can people picture him in the White House? 104 00:06:40,732 --> 00:06:42,273 That's the question. 105 00:06:42,273 --> 00:06:44,815 Will his message resonate with undecided voters? 106 00:06:44,815 --> 00:06:47,732 The spotlight will be on him tonight for about an hour 107 00:06:47,732 --> 00:06:50,481 to see if, you know, he can accomplish just that. 108 00:06:50,481 --> 00:06:53,273 Reporter #3: There's some good points here, Michael. 109 00:06:53,273 --> 00:06:55,064 Definitely a big finale to a long week. 110 00:06:55,064 --> 00:06:57,732 I think it's important to know that each convention 111 00:06:57,732 --> 00:06:59,273 has its own story to tell, 112 00:06:59,273 --> 00:07:01,773 from the opening gavel to the final balloon drop. 113 00:07:01,773 --> 00:07:03,481 - Fuck! - They're trying to create the narrative 114 00:07:03,481 --> 00:07:05,773 of conventions as people. 115 00:07:05,773 --> 00:07:10,148 What's happening here is that people are proving to be unpredictable in the polling. 116 00:07:10,148 --> 00:07:13,106 Reporter: ...is one of the most critical speeches of his life. 117 00:07:13,106 --> 00:07:17,273 One delegate told me a considerable portion of the electorate 118 00:07:17,273 --> 00:07:19,398 simply did not see him as presidential. 119 00:07:19,398 --> 00:07:21,607 His challenge is to reveal himself 120 00:07:21,607 --> 00:07:23,565 as someone who can lead a nation. 121 00:07:23,565 --> 00:07:25,565 He cannot be all things to all people, 122 00:07:25,565 --> 00:07:28,106 but his task will be to convince millions 123 00:07:28,106 --> 00:07:29,898 that he's up for the job. 124 00:07:31,106 --> 00:07:33,231 ( crowd cheering on TV ) 125 00:07:36,981 --> 00:07:38,815 Reporter #3: There's been some concern that if someone 126 00:07:38,815 --> 00:07:40,981 wanted to make a statement or do something, 127 00:07:40,981 --> 00:07:43,231 that today might be that day, 128 00:07:43,231 --> 00:07:45,815 - so we are seeing a lot of police presence. - ( knocking on door ) 129 00:07:49,565 --> 00:07:52,648 ( reporter speaking on TV ) 130 00:08:01,815 --> 00:08:03,815 Reporter: It's definitely in his best interest to. 131 00:08:03,815 --> 00:08:05,981 - Reporter #2: I agree, but... - Holy shit! 132 00:08:05,981 --> 00:08:07,356 Oh, my God. ( sighs ) 133 00:08:07,356 --> 00:08:09,440 - I'm so sorry. - What the hell?! 134 00:08:09,440 --> 00:08:12,148 - The maid let me in. - Reporter #2: He's the only one who can fix it. 135 00:08:12,148 --> 00:08:13,648 - ( door slams ) - We knocked, 136 00:08:13,648 --> 00:08:16,231 but this TV is so... 137 00:08:16,231 --> 00:08:18,315 - Reporter #2: He's had a lot of things on his... - ( TV turns off ) 138 00:08:18,315 --> 00:08:20,815 Could you just come back later? 139 00:08:20,815 --> 00:08:23,106 Um, I didn't mean to alarm you. 140 00:08:23,106 --> 00:08:25,690 I'll be done in a minute here. 141 00:08:25,690 --> 00:08:30,148 It's my last one, and then I can get out of your hair. ( chuckles ) 142 00:08:30,148 --> 00:08:32,023 Go home. 143 00:08:42,023 --> 00:08:45,523 I'm sorry we couldn't come sooner, but we're a man short today. 144 00:08:45,523 --> 00:08:48,523 I'm actually on my way out. 145 00:08:48,523 --> 00:08:51,523 Could you give me 10 minutes to pack up my stuff? 146 00:08:51,523 --> 00:08:54,023 Uh, 10 minutes? I'll be done in five. 147 00:08:54,023 --> 00:08:58,231 - I'm running late. - Well, don't let me stop you. Do what you gotta do. 148 00:08:59,939 --> 00:09:02,315 Isn't it a little late for this? 149 00:09:02,315 --> 00:09:05,231 Yeah, it is. Sorry about that. 150 00:09:05,231 --> 00:09:06,981 It's been a crazy day. 151 00:09:06,981 --> 00:09:10,189 Traffic in the city is a mess with this convention in town. 152 00:09:10,189 --> 00:09:13,648 I had to drive through the thick of it three times already. 153 00:09:13,648 --> 00:09:16,481 Innerbelt's down to one lane 154 00:09:16,481 --> 00:09:18,064 and you can forget about Prospect. 155 00:09:18,064 --> 00:09:20,732 I finally think I got a hold on all these road closures 156 00:09:20,732 --> 00:09:24,732 and, pfft, come out here and hit another massive jam. 157 00:09:24,732 --> 00:09:27,898 Bunch of rowdy kids protesting, 158 00:09:27,898 --> 00:09:32,064 getting into the street, messing up traffic. 159 00:09:32,064 --> 00:09:35,648 ( sighs ) Look, if I'm being honest with you, 160 00:09:35,648 --> 00:09:37,648 I'm at the tail end of a 12-hour day, 161 00:09:37,648 --> 00:09:39,064 I would just love to get home 162 00:09:39,064 --> 00:09:41,732 and see the rest of that speech with my wife. 163 00:09:44,315 --> 00:09:46,398 Please hurry. 164 00:09:46,398 --> 00:09:47,981 I do appreciate it. 165 00:09:49,356 --> 00:09:51,273 Anyway, 166 00:09:51,273 --> 00:09:53,773 don't know how you could take this heat a minute longer. 167 00:09:57,315 --> 00:10:00,231 - You in town for the convention? - Hmm? 168 00:10:00,231 --> 00:10:02,565 I saw your, uh, thingy over there. 169 00:10:05,064 --> 00:10:08,273 Oh, uh, yeah. 170 00:10:08,273 --> 00:10:11,481 Yeah, I'm, uh, in town for the convention, yes. 171 00:10:11,481 --> 00:10:14,440 Well, I guess you are running late. 172 00:10:14,440 --> 00:10:17,732 I'll have this done in a minute, I promise. 173 00:10:20,106 --> 00:10:23,440 I kind of have a rule not to discuss politics with the customers, 174 00:10:23,440 --> 00:10:26,148 but I figured you got it on the TV, so. 175 00:10:27,523 --> 00:10:30,148 Yeah, elephant in the room, so to speak. 176 00:10:30,148 --> 00:10:33,106 Yeah, he's some kind of elephant, that's for sure. 177 00:10:34,939 --> 00:10:36,773 Tough to ignore. 178 00:10:36,773 --> 00:10:37,981 Is that what you mean? 179 00:10:39,815 --> 00:10:41,481 - Yeah. - Yeah? Well... 180 00:10:41,481 --> 00:10:45,148 He really gets the juices flowing, you know? 181 00:10:45,148 --> 00:10:46,481 Uh-huh. 182 00:10:49,023 --> 00:10:51,481 You're not a delegate, are you? 183 00:10:53,981 --> 00:10:57,231 I mean, if you were, you'd be in that arena right now, right? 184 00:10:57,231 --> 00:10:59,773 I'm just going to the after party. 185 00:10:59,773 --> 00:11:01,481 Oh, very nice. 186 00:11:01,481 --> 00:11:03,981 - Some kind of big shot? - No. 187 00:11:03,981 --> 00:11:05,981 ( chuckles ) I hear ya. 188 00:11:05,981 --> 00:11:09,481 Friend of a friend of a big shot, am I right? 189 00:11:11,273 --> 00:11:13,023 Yeah, like I said, 190 00:11:13,023 --> 00:11:16,064 I usually don't talk politics with customers, 191 00:11:16,064 --> 00:11:20,356 but it's all anybody wants to talk about in this town these days. 192 00:11:20,356 --> 00:11:23,106 Politics and sports. 193 00:11:23,106 --> 00:11:27,148 ( chuckles ) I mean, can't we just vote for LeBron James? 194 00:11:28,356 --> 00:11:30,648 I'm not gay, but, boy, 195 00:11:30,648 --> 00:11:33,523 I'd have to give it some serious consideration 196 00:11:33,523 --> 00:11:35,356 if LeBron asked me to marry him. 197 00:11:35,356 --> 00:11:40,481 I might have to rethink my whole position on that gay marriage thing. 198 00:11:40,481 --> 00:11:42,231 ( chuckles ) 199 00:11:42,231 --> 00:11:44,815 I'm just kidding, of course. 200 00:11:46,523 --> 00:11:48,064 That's funny. 201 00:11:50,690 --> 00:11:53,148 Hot as the devil in here. 202 00:11:53,148 --> 00:11:54,607 Yeah. 203 00:11:56,565 --> 00:11:57,857 Where's your little one? 204 00:11:59,398 --> 00:12:00,440 Little one? 205 00:12:00,440 --> 00:12:01,773 When my boys were young, 206 00:12:01,773 --> 00:12:05,607 they used to build forts in the living room, 207 00:12:05,607 --> 00:12:08,189 usually with blankets and sheets. 208 00:12:08,189 --> 00:12:12,148 Can't say they ever used an actual tent, though. 209 00:12:12,148 --> 00:12:16,398 Yeah, no, um, ever since we took him camping, 210 00:12:16,398 --> 00:12:19,106 he's been obsessed with it. 211 00:12:19,106 --> 00:12:22,023 You know, living room, backyard, roof. 212 00:12:22,023 --> 00:12:23,523 I'm so accustomed to seeing it around, 213 00:12:23,523 --> 00:12:25,815 I barely even notice it anymore. 214 00:12:25,815 --> 00:12:28,273 - How old is he? - Seven. 215 00:12:30,857 --> 00:12:32,315 Really? 216 00:12:32,315 --> 00:12:34,231 You seem so young. 217 00:12:36,231 --> 00:12:38,607 Started early, I guess. 218 00:12:38,607 --> 00:12:42,189 Yeah, well, mine are 18 and 22. 219 00:12:42,189 --> 00:12:45,064 - Wow. - Yeah, crazy, little bastards. 220 00:12:45,064 --> 00:12:47,315 Of course, they're not so little anymore, 221 00:12:47,315 --> 00:12:50,773 so I guess they're just crazy bastards now. 222 00:12:50,773 --> 00:12:52,315 ( chuckles ) 223 00:12:52,315 --> 00:12:54,939 Curtis, my older one, he goes to college. 224 00:12:54,939 --> 00:12:58,607 He's a women's studies major, God help us. 225 00:12:58,607 --> 00:13:01,939 The younger one, he's still in high school. 226 00:13:01,939 --> 00:13:05,648 He's a basketball player, all-state. 227 00:13:07,356 --> 00:13:12,607 Well, truth be told, they're both great kids. 228 00:13:12,607 --> 00:13:14,440 You know, really gets you thinking 229 00:13:14,440 --> 00:13:17,481 when they leave the house, I'll tell you that. 230 00:13:17,481 --> 00:13:19,648 Just don't know how they're gonna turn out. 231 00:13:20,939 --> 00:13:25,023 Just do your best and let 'em go, 232 00:13:25,023 --> 00:13:26,981 cross your fingers. 233 00:13:29,189 --> 00:13:31,023 ( clattering ) 234 00:13:34,565 --> 00:13:36,981 Where'd you say your boy was? 235 00:13:36,981 --> 00:13:40,273 At home with my wife. 236 00:13:47,398 --> 00:13:49,815 Right, um, 237 00:13:49,815 --> 00:13:52,981 I know it looks weird, 238 00:13:52,981 --> 00:13:55,648 but I like to bring it with me when I travel. 239 00:13:55,648 --> 00:13:58,231 It makes me miss him less. 240 00:14:00,857 --> 00:14:03,356 That's-- that's sweet. 241 00:14:05,398 --> 00:14:06,898 ( grunts ) 242 00:14:10,315 --> 00:14:14,148 - How's it going? - A few more minutes and... 243 00:14:14,148 --> 00:14:16,189 I'll be out of your way. 244 00:14:16,189 --> 00:14:18,148 Great. 245 00:14:29,648 --> 00:14:31,231 ( exhales ) 246 00:14:32,857 --> 00:14:34,106 You want some? 247 00:14:34,106 --> 00:14:36,690 I better not. 248 00:14:36,690 --> 00:14:37,898 Thanks, though. 249 00:14:44,523 --> 00:14:46,857 You think he can win? 250 00:14:49,565 --> 00:14:51,939 He's made it this far. 251 00:14:51,939 --> 00:14:53,898 Yeah. 252 00:14:53,898 --> 00:14:58,356 I just wonder if this country's ready for someone so real. 253 00:14:59,773 --> 00:15:01,523 Mm-hmm. 254 00:15:01,523 --> 00:15:04,440 But come November, he's got my vote. 255 00:15:04,440 --> 00:15:06,064 Good to hear. 256 00:15:06,064 --> 00:15:10,523 Immigration, NAFTA, the whole mess in the Middle East. 257 00:15:10,523 --> 00:15:13,440 Oh, your guy really tells it like it is. 258 00:15:13,440 --> 00:15:15,356 My guy? 259 00:15:15,356 --> 00:15:17,398 I'll tell you what, though. 260 00:15:17,398 --> 00:15:23,106 Whoever wins, there's gonna be an army of pissed off people roaming in the streets. 261 00:15:23,106 --> 00:15:24,773 Fucking Christ! 262 00:15:24,773 --> 00:15:26,273 Careful, would ya?! 263 00:15:34,481 --> 00:15:35,939 I'm sorry. 264 00:15:37,523 --> 00:15:39,440 No, um, 265 00:15:39,440 --> 00:15:42,607 I just-- I overreacted. 266 00:15:42,607 --> 00:15:44,440 I'm sorry. 267 00:15:44,440 --> 00:15:47,607 Ah, it's-- it's okay. 268 00:15:47,607 --> 00:15:50,023 I'd be on edge, too. 269 00:15:50,023 --> 00:15:52,440 It's a big night for you. 270 00:15:53,648 --> 00:15:55,064 I'll just finish up here 271 00:15:55,064 --> 00:15:57,106 and then I'll-- I'll be on my way. 272 00:16:06,648 --> 00:16:09,106 That offer still stand? 273 00:16:12,315 --> 00:16:14,106 Ah, I hate to be that guy, 274 00:16:14,106 --> 00:16:17,898 but I'm kind of a germ freak. ( chuckles ) 275 00:16:17,898 --> 00:16:20,690 Think you could get me a cup? 276 00:16:20,690 --> 00:16:22,481 Sure. 277 00:16:22,481 --> 00:16:25,523 ( music playing ) 278 00:16:36,315 --> 00:16:38,898 Ah, here you go! 279 00:16:38,898 --> 00:16:40,648 Here you go. 280 00:16:45,815 --> 00:16:47,857 Phew. 281 00:16:47,857 --> 00:16:50,398 It's been a long day. 282 00:16:52,690 --> 00:16:55,023 Oh, nice. 283 00:16:55,023 --> 00:16:56,857 That is very nice. Thank you. 284 00:16:56,857 --> 00:16:59,523 - Small batch bourbon. - Hmm? 285 00:16:59,523 --> 00:17:01,773 A friend of mine distills it in Kentucky 286 00:17:01,773 --> 00:17:05,023 and sells it to hipsters in Brooklyn for $100 a bottle. 287 00:17:05,023 --> 00:17:07,523 A hundred bucks? ( chuckles ) 288 00:17:07,523 --> 00:17:10,481 Wow, everybody's got an angle, I guess. 289 00:17:10,481 --> 00:17:11,857 Don't they? 290 00:17:42,565 --> 00:17:45,064 ( phone beeping ) 291 00:17:54,732 --> 00:17:56,607 Excuse me. 292 00:18:11,273 --> 00:18:13,398 Everything okay in there? 293 00:18:13,398 --> 00:18:16,315 Yeah, just, uh, give me a second. 294 00:18:28,148 --> 00:18:31,898 - An LG burner, am I right? - Yep. 295 00:18:31,898 --> 00:18:35,231 Yeah, I spent a few years in phone repair. 296 00:18:37,273 --> 00:18:39,106 Want me to have a look? 297 00:18:39,106 --> 00:18:40,440 No. 298 00:18:46,523 --> 00:18:47,981 You sure? 299 00:18:57,315 --> 00:18:59,023 ( inhales ) 300 00:19:01,189 --> 00:19:03,481 ( beeping ends ) 301 00:19:03,481 --> 00:19:07,315 - There you go. - ( exhales ) 302 00:19:09,064 --> 00:19:11,481 ( deep breathing ) 303 00:19:40,481 --> 00:19:42,023 Everything okay? 304 00:19:52,565 --> 00:19:54,523 If you had a time machine... 305 00:19:55,773 --> 00:19:57,356 and you could go back in time 306 00:19:57,356 --> 00:19:59,732 and prevent Hitler from becoming Hitler... 307 00:20:01,064 --> 00:20:03,148 you have to do it, right? 308 00:20:04,939 --> 00:20:07,023 A time machine? 309 00:20:07,023 --> 00:20:11,398 Yeah, like "Back to the Future." 310 00:20:11,398 --> 00:20:13,398 A DeLorean. 311 00:20:13,398 --> 00:20:16,981 88.8 miles per hour, you can go back in time, 312 00:20:16,981 --> 00:20:21,273 specifically, you go back to Germany circa 1930, 313 00:20:21,273 --> 00:20:23,815 you're in the same city as Hitler, 314 00:20:23,815 --> 00:20:27,732 same room, you have a gun. 315 00:20:29,064 --> 00:20:30,273 Do you do it? 316 00:20:35,064 --> 00:20:36,690 Yeah. 317 00:20:36,690 --> 00:20:38,939 - I guess I would. - You would? 318 00:20:38,939 --> 00:20:40,440 Yeah. 319 00:20:40,440 --> 00:20:42,273 I mean, murder is murder. 320 00:20:42,273 --> 00:20:44,898 It'd still be a sin, I suppose, 321 00:20:44,898 --> 00:20:47,981 but that one would seem justifiable. 322 00:20:47,981 --> 00:20:50,398 I'd like to think I'd have the guts to do it. 323 00:20:51,481 --> 00:20:52,565 Right. 324 00:20:52,565 --> 00:20:53,815 Get pretty sticky, though, 325 00:20:53,815 --> 00:20:55,523 if that time machine broke down. 326 00:20:55,523 --> 00:20:57,315 I mean, after you killed Hitler. 327 00:20:57,315 --> 00:21:00,440 It'd be a tough one to explain to the folks in the moment. 328 00:21:00,440 --> 00:21:04,607 "Believe me, people, he was gonna do some bad things." ( chuckles ) 329 00:21:04,607 --> 00:21:07,106 I think it'd be worth the sacrifice, 330 00:21:07,106 --> 00:21:09,815 knowing you prevented the Holocaust. 331 00:21:09,815 --> 00:21:11,607 I could sleep at night. 332 00:21:11,607 --> 00:21:14,898 But who's to say another Hitler wouldn't be waiting in the wings? 333 00:21:14,898 --> 00:21:17,732 You know, a different Holocaust? 334 00:21:17,732 --> 00:21:20,607 I mean, one person alone didn't kill two million Jews. 335 00:21:20,607 --> 00:21:24,106 - Six million. - Okay, more to my point. 336 00:21:24,106 --> 00:21:28,939 So we somehow associate this one man with all these millions of deaths... 337 00:21:28,939 --> 00:21:31,981 - Murders. - ...but he wasn't the one pulling the triggers. 338 00:21:31,981 --> 00:21:34,773 Right? He wasn't the one dropping the bombs. 339 00:21:36,148 --> 00:21:38,607 Eh, I don't know. 340 00:21:38,607 --> 00:21:42,356 I'm rethinking this now. Maybe I wouldn't. 341 00:21:42,356 --> 00:21:45,315 - You wouldn't? - No. 342 00:21:45,315 --> 00:21:48,148 So you're saying you wouldn't take out the person 343 00:21:48,148 --> 00:21:50,064 who devised and implemented the destruction 344 00:21:50,064 --> 00:21:52,106 of 11 million human lives? 345 00:21:52,106 --> 00:21:53,440 You said six million. 346 00:21:53,440 --> 00:21:55,481 Six million Jews, five million others. 347 00:21:55,481 --> 00:21:59,815 Well, if I knew that it would prevent those deaths, then, yeah, sure, 348 00:21:59,815 --> 00:22:01,815 but what I'm saying is what if it didn't? 349 00:22:01,815 --> 00:22:03,565 And anyway, it's easy to say, 350 00:22:03,565 --> 00:22:06,273 "If I could've met Hitler, I would've..." blah, blah, blah, 351 00:22:06,273 --> 00:22:08,064 but nobody ever did. 352 00:22:08,064 --> 00:22:11,023 So that means a whole lot of people must've agreed with him. 353 00:22:11,023 --> 00:22:12,939 You think so? 354 00:22:12,939 --> 00:22:15,481 Maybe they hated the Jews, too. 355 00:22:15,481 --> 00:22:18,815 - Enough to kill six million of them? - Enough to go along with it. 356 00:22:21,023 --> 00:22:24,732 I don't know, could be they were living in hateful times. 357 00:22:28,565 --> 00:22:29,857 Right. 358 00:22:29,857 --> 00:22:32,064 Like I said, it's easy to look back 359 00:22:32,064 --> 00:22:34,023 and say you would've been better. 360 00:22:34,023 --> 00:22:37,189 - That we'd resist. - Yeah. 361 00:22:37,189 --> 00:22:39,732 - That we'd do something. - Sure. 362 00:22:39,732 --> 00:22:42,481 Thing is, we don't have a time machine, do we? ( chuckles ) 363 00:22:43,939 --> 00:22:46,523 You didn't see my DeLorean parked out front? 364 00:22:53,648 --> 00:22:56,440 ( phone ringing ) 365 00:22:56,440 --> 00:22:57,857 Sorry. 366 00:22:59,981 --> 00:23:02,398 Uh, it's my wife. I have to take this. 367 00:23:02,398 --> 00:23:05,857 I really am almost done. I'll-- I'll be right back. 368 00:23:09,607 --> 00:23:12,231 - Hey, honey. - ( door closes ) 369 00:23:12,231 --> 00:23:14,565 ( music playing ) 370 00:23:39,773 --> 00:23:42,356 ( door opens ) 371 00:23:42,356 --> 00:23:46,064 Whoa, looking sharp! 372 00:23:46,064 --> 00:23:50,732 I should really get going, but feel free to stay and finish up. 373 00:23:50,732 --> 00:23:55,189 All right, well, room will be nice and cool for you when you get back. 374 00:23:55,189 --> 00:23:56,815 Thanks. 375 00:23:56,815 --> 00:24:00,440 By the way, you might run into my son. ( sighs ) 376 00:24:00,440 --> 00:24:01,773 He's part of a school group 377 00:24:01,773 --> 00:24:03,273 that's been at the convention all week, 378 00:24:03,273 --> 00:24:04,773 and my wife just told me 379 00:24:04,773 --> 00:24:06,857 they got invited to that party tonight. 380 00:24:06,857 --> 00:24:09,273 So he's pretty jazzed about it. 381 00:24:09,273 --> 00:24:11,106 His name's Gerry. 382 00:24:11,106 --> 00:24:13,815 Not that you'll run into him, but who knows? 383 00:24:13,815 --> 00:24:15,773 - Gerry. - Yeah. 384 00:24:15,773 --> 00:24:17,440 I'm Steve. 385 00:24:17,440 --> 00:24:19,231 Nice chatting with you. 386 00:24:20,648 --> 00:24:22,315 Alex. 387 00:24:22,315 --> 00:24:24,231 Good to meet you, Alex. 388 00:24:24,231 --> 00:24:25,690 Have fun tonight, 389 00:24:25,690 --> 00:24:27,981 and good luck in November. 390 00:24:27,981 --> 00:24:29,648 Thank you. 391 00:24:32,773 --> 00:24:36,398 I'm actually gonna hit the bathroom one more time. 392 00:24:36,398 --> 00:24:38,356 ( music playing ) 393 00:24:49,064 --> 00:24:50,523 ( sighs ) 394 00:25:42,523 --> 00:25:44,565 All done! 395 00:25:44,565 --> 00:25:46,815 - Great. - Yeah. 396 00:25:46,815 --> 00:25:48,064 Check it out. 397 00:25:49,064 --> 00:25:51,607 Nah, I-- I should go now. 398 00:25:51,607 --> 00:25:53,773 Stand where I'm standing, Alex. 399 00:25:53,773 --> 00:25:55,565 See how it feels. 400 00:25:57,565 --> 00:25:59,273 I'm late. 401 00:25:59,273 --> 00:26:01,148 You're sweating. 402 00:26:01,148 --> 00:26:02,440 Come on. 403 00:26:06,315 --> 00:26:08,440 ( sighs ) 404 00:26:08,440 --> 00:26:09,440 Come on. 405 00:26:11,648 --> 00:26:14,231 Believe me, you'll thank me later. 406 00:26:15,773 --> 00:26:18,356 - I should really-- - Sit down. 407 00:26:25,732 --> 00:26:27,481 ( sighs ) 408 00:26:35,898 --> 00:26:38,607 Still got that thing in there? 409 00:26:50,981 --> 00:26:52,565 Oh, your cup. 410 00:27:02,273 --> 00:27:04,273 Small batch, huh? 411 00:27:09,690 --> 00:27:11,773 ( exhales ) 412 00:27:24,732 --> 00:27:27,189 ( crowd cheering ) 413 00:27:33,064 --> 00:27:35,773 ( crowd chanting ) USA! USA! 414 00:28:48,148 --> 00:28:50,356 ♪ (INTENSE MUSIC PLAYING) ♪ 415 00:28:50,565 --> 00:28:52,106 -(SCREAMS) -(GRUNTS) 416 00:28:55,773 --> 00:28:56,857 (GRUNTING) 417 00:28:58,732 --> 00:29:00,273 RAYNA: How many rounds, three? 418 00:29:00,273 --> 00:29:01,356 GRETA: Three two-minute rounds. 419 00:29:01,565 --> 00:29:03,023 -RAYNA: Tap out? -GRETA: Tap out. 420 00:29:03,023 --> 00:29:04,440 RAYNA: Whoever taps loses. 421 00:29:04,440 --> 00:29:07,523 GRETA: One of us is gon' tap... but it ain't gonna be me. 422 00:29:07,523 --> 00:29:11,648 (CROWD CHEERING) 423 00:29:12,231 --> 00:29:14,939 What do your kids think when they see you like this? 424 00:29:14,939 --> 00:29:17,732 (GRUNTING, SCREAMING) 425 00:29:19,607 --> 00:29:20,732 They're used to it. 426 00:29:23,481 --> 00:29:24,440 (GRUNTS)