1 00:00:08,775 --> 00:00:11,733 ( theme music playing ) 2 00:00:39,858 --> 00:00:41,858 ( women grunting ) 3 00:01:21,024 --> 00:01:23,441 ( both grunting, panting ) 4 00:02:07,816 --> 00:02:10,941 ( buzzer blares ) 5 00:02:10,941 --> 00:02:13,524 ( panting ) 6 00:02:25,691 --> 00:02:28,024 Commentator: That was a good low takedown for Gaines. 7 00:02:28,024 --> 00:02:29,900 - Not a bad move for Greta, a woman of her age. - ( neck cracking ) 8 00:02:29,900 --> 00:02:32,232 Commentator #2: Yeah, she's hanging in there. 9 00:02:32,232 --> 00:02:34,358 Commentator: She's still protecting that left side, though, Greg, you know? 10 00:02:34,358 --> 00:02:36,524 I wonder if she came back a little too early from that injury. 11 00:02:36,524 --> 00:02:38,483 - What do you think, man? - ( laughs ) How long is she gonna wait? 12 00:02:38,483 --> 00:02:40,691 At her age, she's probably only got a few fights left 13 00:02:40,691 --> 00:02:42,858 before they send her off to the glue factory, you know what I'm saying? 14 00:02:42,858 --> 00:02:44,399 - Commentator: Jesus, Greg! - ( phone buzzing ) 15 00:02:44,399 --> 00:02:46,149 Commentator #2: What? I'm sorry. 16 00:02:50,816 --> 00:02:52,524 - Hey. - Man over phone: Hey, how's my girl? 17 00:02:52,524 --> 00:02:53,900 Are you ready? 18 00:02:53,900 --> 00:02:55,358 I'm nervous as shit. 19 00:02:55,358 --> 00:02:57,232 Nah, nah, you're gonna be great. 20 00:02:57,232 --> 00:02:59,274 Did they even fix my name on the marquee yet? 21 00:02:59,274 --> 00:03:02,399 Oh, yeah, they-- yeah, they're working on it. 22 00:03:02,399 --> 00:03:05,066 What about the hotel mix-up? 23 00:03:05,066 --> 00:03:08,399 Yeah, you know, they, uh-- they haven't called me back yet. 24 00:03:08,399 --> 00:03:10,232 - So I gotta-- - Jesus, JR. 25 00:03:10,232 --> 00:03:12,358 What? What are you so pissy about? 26 00:03:12,358 --> 00:03:14,191 It's supposed to be my big shot. 27 00:03:14,191 --> 00:03:16,316 I'm the fucking headline on this fight tomorrow night, 28 00:03:16,316 --> 00:03:17,566 and they're supposed to put me in a-- 29 00:03:17,566 --> 00:03:19,107 what did they call it in the contract? 30 00:03:19,107 --> 00:03:20,982 - Four-star hotel. - That's right. 31 00:03:20,982 --> 00:03:23,524 A four-star hotel, and this is the shithole that they put me in. 32 00:03:23,524 --> 00:03:25,358 Yeah, and that's why I said if it's really bad, 33 00:03:25,358 --> 00:03:27,441 then we'll move you and deal with them later, okay? 34 00:03:27,441 --> 00:03:30,024 - No, no, it's not about that. - Okay, okay-- 35 00:03:30,024 --> 00:03:32,608 It's about them showing me some fucking respect, JR. 36 00:03:32,608 --> 00:03:34,274 Okay, I got it, all right? 37 00:03:34,274 --> 00:03:36,691 Do you really-- do you... ( sighs ) 38 00:03:36,691 --> 00:03:38,775 - What? - Is it really worth freaking out like this? 39 00:03:38,775 --> 00:03:41,316 Well, you know Rayna Gold's getting her fucking four-star hotel. 40 00:03:41,316 --> 00:03:43,358 I fucking know for a fact that she is not, okay? 41 00:03:43,358 --> 00:03:45,358 You need to be focusing on the fight and get some sleep. 42 00:03:45,358 --> 00:03:47,441 No, what's Rayna making on this fucking fight? 43 00:03:47,441 --> 00:03:49,733 You know she's making more than the six grand that I'm making. 44 00:03:49,733 --> 00:03:52,608 You know, six grand is not a bad wage for a day's work. 45 00:03:52,608 --> 00:03:54,982 "Not a bad wage for a day's work"? 46 00:03:54,982 --> 00:03:58,941 Dude, I can fight, what, four times a year? That's $24,000. 47 00:03:58,941 --> 00:04:01,775 And that's before I have to pay you and my fucking medical bills, 48 00:04:01,775 --> 00:04:04,650 so don't fucking tell me, JR, how well I'm paid. 49 00:04:04,650 --> 00:04:06,733 All right, fine! I-- all right, I'm sorry. 50 00:04:06,733 --> 00:04:09,066 - Calm down. - I will not fucking calm down! 51 00:04:09,066 --> 00:04:11,775 I wanna stay in the same fucking kind of goddamn hotel 52 00:04:11,775 --> 00:04:13,232 that Rayna Gold's fucking staying in! 53 00:04:13,232 --> 00:04:16,982 You are in the same hotel as Rayna Gold. 54 00:04:16,982 --> 00:04:18,691 She's in this fucking hotel? 55 00:04:18,691 --> 00:04:19,982 Yes! Yes! 56 00:04:19,982 --> 00:04:21,608 Well, why the fuck would they put us 57 00:04:21,608 --> 00:04:23,441 in the same goddamn hotel the night before we fight? 58 00:04:23,441 --> 00:04:25,524 Jesus, Greta, I don't fucking know! 59 00:04:25,524 --> 00:04:26,982 I-- I don't know what to tell you. 60 00:04:26,982 --> 00:04:29,274 - Just deal with it. - ( sighs ) 61 00:04:29,274 --> 00:04:30,900 If you wanna blow up your career 62 00:04:30,900 --> 00:04:32,650 and you wanna bitch out some upper-level executive 63 00:04:32,650 --> 00:04:35,691 about a hotel booking, then be my guest. 64 00:04:35,691 --> 00:04:37,941 Thanks a lot, JR. You're the fucking best. 65 00:04:37,941 --> 00:04:39,524 I guess I'll see you tomorrow. 66 00:04:39,524 --> 00:04:40,982 - Good ni-- - ( hangs up ) 67 00:04:43,982 --> 00:04:47,149 ( exhales ) 68 00:05:02,858 --> 00:05:04,733 ( line ringing ) 69 00:05:04,733 --> 00:05:07,191 - Woman over phone: Front desk. - Rayna Gold's room, please. 70 00:05:07,191 --> 00:05:10,232 - Uh, can you repeat the name? - Rayna Gold. 71 00:05:10,232 --> 00:05:13,524 No, we don't have any guest here under that name. 72 00:05:13,524 --> 00:05:16,608 Uh, Carol Jackson. 73 00:05:16,608 --> 00:05:18,399 One moment, please. 74 00:05:19,524 --> 00:05:21,316 ( line ringing ) 75 00:05:22,691 --> 00:05:24,316 ( sighs ) 76 00:05:37,149 --> 00:05:38,982 Rayna over phone: Hello? 77 00:05:38,982 --> 00:05:41,691 So they put you in this shithole, too, huh? 78 00:05:41,691 --> 00:05:43,232 The fuck do you want? 79 00:05:44,483 --> 00:05:45,816 We need to talk. 80 00:05:45,816 --> 00:05:48,066 ( knocking on door ) 81 00:06:01,358 --> 00:06:03,941 What makes you think I'm making more? 82 00:06:03,941 --> 00:06:06,982 Well, you got more experience, your record's better. 83 00:06:06,982 --> 00:06:09,066 I gotta think that all that shit adds up. 84 00:06:10,274 --> 00:06:11,775 ( scoffs ) 85 00:06:15,358 --> 00:06:17,524 ( scoffs ) 86 00:06:17,524 --> 00:06:19,399 Six grand. 87 00:06:19,399 --> 00:06:22,608 With a six-grand win bonus 88 00:06:22,608 --> 00:06:25,274 - after I beat your ass. - Dude, no, fuck that. 89 00:06:25,274 --> 00:06:28,441 How many people do you think are gonna be there tomorrow night? 90 00:06:28,441 --> 00:06:30,441 People bought the tickets. They're expensive. 91 00:06:30,441 --> 00:06:32,650 People watching the livestream. 92 00:06:32,650 --> 00:06:34,566 All the merchandise they're gonna sell. 93 00:06:34,566 --> 00:06:36,982 We don't fucking see any of that shit. 94 00:06:36,982 --> 00:06:39,483 Getting our heads busted the fuck in for what? 95 00:06:43,566 --> 00:06:45,358 All right, I'm going to sleep. 96 00:06:45,358 --> 00:06:47,191 I don't know what the fuck you're-- 97 00:06:47,191 --> 00:06:48,816 Tell me it doesn't bother you. 98 00:06:48,816 --> 00:06:51,191 Yeah, that shit bothers me. 99 00:06:51,191 --> 00:06:53,858 But what the fuck else am I supposed to do? 100 00:06:53,858 --> 00:06:57,441 I got kids. I gotta put food on the table, man. 101 00:06:57,441 --> 00:06:59,608 What are we supposed to do? 102 00:07:02,524 --> 00:07:04,316 ( sighs ) 103 00:07:05,650 --> 00:07:07,816 We call Martha Simms. 104 00:07:10,483 --> 00:07:12,650 You know, Martha Simms. 105 00:07:12,650 --> 00:07:14,483 That old-ass, rich white lady? 106 00:07:14,483 --> 00:07:16,608 Okay, hear me out. 107 00:07:16,608 --> 00:07:19,274 Everybody is making money in this business 108 00:07:19,274 --> 00:07:20,858 but the fighters, right? 109 00:07:20,858 --> 00:07:23,524 We can't change that 'cause the system is fucked. 110 00:07:24,982 --> 00:07:26,691 But we can try and beat it. 111 00:07:28,650 --> 00:07:29,858 How? 112 00:07:31,733 --> 00:07:33,982 'Cause we're gonna throw the fight. 113 00:07:35,816 --> 00:07:37,274 We're gonna throw it, 114 00:07:37,274 --> 00:07:39,608 and we're gonna make a ton of money doing it. 115 00:07:48,900 --> 00:07:50,816 ( both panting ) 116 00:07:52,858 --> 00:07:54,691 ( exhales ) 117 00:07:54,691 --> 00:07:56,191 Damn, man! 118 00:07:56,191 --> 00:07:57,982 I said watch the fucking punches. 119 00:07:57,982 --> 00:08:00,608 Yeah, well, you were the one fucking smashing my face into the carpet 120 00:08:00,608 --> 00:08:02,691 like a fucking cheese grater. 121 00:08:02,691 --> 00:08:04,441 I'm just sayin'. 122 00:08:04,441 --> 00:08:06,358 Yeah, well, I'm just sayin'. 123 00:08:17,775 --> 00:08:19,191 ( phone beeps ) 124 00:08:22,358 --> 00:08:25,107 - ( grunts ) - Oh, shit! I didn't mean--! 125 00:08:37,608 --> 00:08:39,733 ( groaning ) 126 00:08:50,733 --> 00:08:52,066 ( grunting ) 127 00:08:59,358 --> 00:09:01,399 ( glass shatters ) 128 00:09:16,024 --> 00:09:17,816 - ( grunts ) - Fuck! 129 00:09:17,816 --> 00:09:19,608 You split my fucking face! 130 00:09:19,608 --> 00:09:22,274 Yeah, well, you started that shit with the fucking uppercut! 131 00:09:52,274 --> 00:09:54,858 ( buzzer blares ) 132 00:09:54,858 --> 00:09:57,441 ( both panting ) 133 00:10:06,982 --> 00:10:09,316 ( Martha talking over phone, indistinct ) 134 00:10:16,399 --> 00:10:19,816 Oh, yeah, I've talked to Rayna. She's down. 135 00:10:21,399 --> 00:10:23,650 So you'll bet 500,000 on the fight, 136 00:10:23,650 --> 00:10:26,149 take 20% off the top, 137 00:10:26,149 --> 00:10:27,691 and we'll split the rest. 138 00:10:30,232 --> 00:10:31,650 All right. 139 00:10:36,066 --> 00:10:37,358 Hold on a sec. 140 00:10:38,524 --> 00:10:39,775 The odds are even, 141 00:10:39,775 --> 00:10:42,232 so she needs to know who to bet on. 142 00:10:49,566 --> 00:10:51,524 You know what? We're gonna have to call you back with that. 143 00:10:51,524 --> 00:10:53,149 Till then, just get the money together 144 00:10:53,149 --> 00:10:55,982 and then we'll make the bet first thing in the morning. 145 00:10:55,982 --> 00:10:57,191 Okay? 146 00:10:58,941 --> 00:11:00,691 All right, I'll get back to you. 147 00:11:04,816 --> 00:11:09,691 Look, it doesn't really matter who wins or loses, right? 148 00:11:09,691 --> 00:11:11,566 Right. 149 00:11:11,566 --> 00:11:15,274 Because we're gonna get out after tomorrow night anyways, right? 150 00:11:15,274 --> 00:11:16,941 Right. 151 00:11:16,941 --> 00:11:18,900 Okay, so then it doesn't matter. 152 00:11:20,232 --> 00:11:22,566 Right, it doesn't matter. 153 00:11:22,566 --> 00:11:24,066 Yeah, so? 154 00:11:26,441 --> 00:11:28,232 So? 155 00:11:32,107 --> 00:11:35,066 ( sighs ) 156 00:11:35,066 --> 00:11:37,524 ( both panting ) 157 00:11:43,274 --> 00:11:45,191 ( grunts ) 158 00:11:49,566 --> 00:11:51,816 Hey! What the fuck, man?! 159 00:11:51,816 --> 00:11:53,608 - You're fucking cheating! - I'm not fucking cheating, dude! 160 00:11:53,608 --> 00:11:55,524 I fucking saw you grab the bed, bitch. 161 00:11:55,524 --> 00:11:57,691 You're just fucking scared 'cause you know I was gonna fucking win! 162 00:11:57,691 --> 00:11:59,941 No, 'cause you're fucking cheating! 163 00:12:07,775 --> 00:12:09,775 Enough. 164 00:12:17,566 --> 00:12:19,858 Greta: So, we gotta watch the faces 165 00:12:19,858 --> 00:12:22,274 so that we don't look like shit for tomorrow night. 166 00:12:23,775 --> 00:12:24,941 We gotta cover our asses 167 00:12:24,941 --> 00:12:26,941 so that no one gets suspicious. 168 00:12:26,941 --> 00:12:30,650 No, shit. We gotta keep this shit super tight and be careful. 169 00:12:30,650 --> 00:12:33,941 And since there's no judge, we gotta keep it clean. 170 00:12:33,941 --> 00:12:36,149 - No face work. - Simple. 171 00:12:36,149 --> 00:12:38,274 All right, how many rounds, three? 172 00:12:38,274 --> 00:12:40,358 Rayna: Three two-minute rounds. 173 00:12:40,358 --> 00:12:42,232 Greta: So, winner takes 60%? 174 00:12:42,232 --> 00:12:44,982 Rayna: Hold up. On the phone, you told Martha we split 50/50. 175 00:12:44,982 --> 00:12:47,982 Greta: Yeah, but I think the winner should get more. 176 00:12:47,982 --> 00:12:50,024 What, scared you're gonna lose? 177 00:12:50,024 --> 00:12:53,191 Rayna: Fuck you. 60/40 it is. 178 00:12:53,191 --> 00:12:55,191 - Greta: Tap out? - Tap out. 179 00:12:55,191 --> 00:12:57,358 Whoever taps loses. 180 00:13:04,149 --> 00:13:06,524 ( both panting ) 181 00:13:12,650 --> 00:13:15,274 - ( both groan ) - Fuck. 182 00:13:19,775 --> 00:13:23,316 What do your kids think when they see you like this? 183 00:13:23,316 --> 00:13:25,566 They're used to it. 184 00:13:27,232 --> 00:13:30,358 ( sighs ) What are you gonna do when you get out of this? 185 00:13:30,358 --> 00:13:32,691 ( scoffs ) 186 00:13:32,691 --> 00:13:35,191 That's a good question. 187 00:13:35,191 --> 00:13:37,191 What are you gonna do? 188 00:13:43,733 --> 00:13:45,524 I don't know. 189 00:13:53,566 --> 00:13:56,232 Fighting's the only thing I've ever been good at, 190 00:13:56,232 --> 00:13:58,733 but I'm tired of getting fucked over, man. 191 00:14:01,066 --> 00:14:02,399 ( sighs ) 192 00:14:03,733 --> 00:14:05,900 Okay, let's finish this thing. 193 00:14:05,900 --> 00:14:07,024 Last round. 194 00:14:27,900 --> 00:14:29,191 ( exhales ) 195 00:14:47,733 --> 00:14:49,608 ( both grunting ) 196 00:14:52,858 --> 00:14:54,650 - ( grunts ) - ( grunts, groans ) 197 00:15:06,066 --> 00:15:08,107 - ( grunts ) - Fuck! 198 00:15:26,816 --> 00:15:29,107 ( grunts ) 199 00:15:42,316 --> 00:15:44,858 ( buzzer blares ) 200 00:15:44,858 --> 00:15:46,524 ( both panting ) 201 00:15:57,316 --> 00:16:00,900 - Greta: What if no one taps? - ( exhales ) 202 00:16:00,900 --> 00:16:04,858 Rayna: One of us is gonna tap, but it ain't gonna be me. 203 00:16:06,483 --> 00:16:07,358 ( groans ) 204 00:16:08,858 --> 00:16:11,775 Greta: I've never tapped in my life. 205 00:16:11,775 --> 00:16:15,524 Rayna: Well, one of us has to lose. 206 00:16:36,316 --> 00:16:38,232 ( both grunting ) 207 00:16:59,107 --> 00:17:01,566 ( groaning ) 208 00:17:13,900 --> 00:17:16,691 ( both screaming ) 209 00:17:20,691 --> 00:17:24,066 ( both grunting ) 210 00:17:28,441 --> 00:17:33,232 - Fucking tap! - Tap, bitch, before I break your fucking arm. 211 00:17:36,107 --> 00:17:38,232 - Greta: Tap! - ( grunts ) 212 00:17:41,149 --> 00:17:42,816 Tap. 213 00:17:44,107 --> 00:17:46,733 Fucking tap! 214 00:17:46,733 --> 00:17:49,775 ( both grunting ) 215 00:18:13,691 --> 00:18:15,358 ( sighs ) 216 00:18:15,358 --> 00:18:17,149 ( mutters ) 217 00:18:25,650 --> 00:18:27,358 There's that. 218 00:18:34,524 --> 00:18:36,358 Jesus. 219 00:18:44,024 --> 00:18:46,816 ( TV playing, muffled ) 220 00:18:48,691 --> 00:18:51,691 ( women grunting ) 221 00:18:53,232 --> 00:18:55,982 - Man: Oh! - ( crowd cheering ) 222 00:18:58,858 --> 00:19:02,441 - Commentator: Come on! Oh, man! - Everything okay in there? 223 00:19:02,441 --> 00:19:04,900 Man: Uh, yeah, crazy good fight! 224 00:19:04,900 --> 00:19:07,066 Yeah? Who's fighting? 225 00:19:07,066 --> 00:19:10,483 I don't know. Two chicks, but they're fucking going at it. 226 00:19:10,483 --> 00:19:12,024 It's an all-out brawl. 227 00:19:12,024 --> 00:19:14,691 Best fight ever, man, seriously! 228 00:19:14,691 --> 00:19:16,191 Oh! 229 00:19:16,191 --> 00:19:18,358 Dude, you gotta come see this! 230 00:19:21,024 --> 00:19:22,691 Really? 231 00:19:22,691 --> 00:19:25,566 Yeah, really, man! Come on over. 232 00:19:25,566 --> 00:19:28,524 - Oh! - Man #2: You see that?! 233 00:19:28,524 --> 00:19:32,024 Yeah, you bet. 234 00:19:32,024 --> 00:19:34,733 - Commentator: Oh! - ( crowd cheering ) 235 00:19:34,733 --> 00:19:37,191 Commentator #2: These two have been through a war, and they just keep bringing it. 236 00:19:37,191 --> 00:19:39,149 You gotta wonder how they're even on their feet. 237 00:19:39,149 --> 00:19:41,149 Commentator: Best fight I've seen in a long time. 238 00:19:41,149 --> 00:19:42,816 Commentator #2: Seriously, we won't be forgetting the names 239 00:19:42,816 --> 00:19:44,941 of Rayna Gold and Greta Gaines any time soon. 240 00:19:44,941 --> 00:19:46,358 ( crowd gasps ) 241 00:19:46,358 --> 00:19:48,107 Commentator #2: Oh, she just got the arm bar. 242 00:19:48,107 --> 00:19:49,941 - Commentator: This is it. - ( Rayna grunts ) 243 00:19:49,941 --> 00:19:51,566 Commentator #2: But she's not tapping out. 244 00:19:51,566 --> 00:19:53,441 It's like she wants her to break it! 245 00:19:53,441 --> 00:19:55,524 - Commentator: Oh, oh! - ( Greta grunts ) 246 00:19:57,399 --> 00:20:00,232 - ( bone snaps ) - Crowd: Oh! 247 00:20:00,232 --> 00:20:02,566 ( music playing ) 248 00:20:05,399 --> 00:20:07,608 ♪ Yeah, ho, Kitana, Kitana, Kitana, Kitana ♪ 249 00:20:07,608 --> 00:20:09,399 ♪ "Mortal Kombat," I'll see you mañana ♪ 250 00:20:09,399 --> 00:20:11,232 ♪ "Mortal Kombat," I'll see you mañana ♪ 251 00:20:11,232 --> 00:20:12,816 ♪ "Mortal Kombat," I'll see you mañana ♪ 252 00:20:12,816 --> 00:20:14,608 ♪ Kitana, Kitana, Kitana, Kitana ♪ 253 00:20:14,608 --> 00:20:16,441 ♪ "Mortal Kombat," I'll see you mañana ♪ 254 00:20:16,441 --> 00:20:18,232 ♪ "Mortal Kombat," I'll see you mañana ♪ 255 00:20:18,232 --> 00:20:19,858 ♪ "Mortal Kombat," I'll see you mañana ♪ 256 00:20:19,858 --> 00:20:21,900 ♪ I step in this bitch and I do what I want ♪ 257 00:20:21,900 --> 00:20:24,858 ♪ I don't give a damn and I don't give a fuck ♪ 258 00:20:24,858 --> 00:20:26,358 ♪ Yeah, ho! ♪ 259 00:20:26,358 --> 00:20:28,399 ♪ I step in this bitch and I do what I want ♪ 260 00:20:28,399 --> 00:20:31,107 ♪ I don't give a damn and I don't give a fuck ♪ 261 00:20:33,232 --> 00:20:36,608 ♪ Princess Nokia, you can call me on my cellular ♪ 262 00:20:36,608 --> 00:20:39,941 ♪ I think I'm the shit and I never been a regular ♪ 263 00:20:39,941 --> 00:20:43,232 ♪ Rhymes I spit are sick, see you bleeding from your jugular ♪ 264 00:20:43,232 --> 00:20:46,274 ♪ You can suck my dick, all them shady fucks that set me up ♪ 265 00:20:46,274 --> 00:20:48,274 ♪ I step in this bitch and I do what I want ♪ 266 00:20:48,274 --> 00:20:50,982 ♪ I don't give a damn and I don't give a fuck ♪ 267 00:20:52,232 --> 00:20:53,608 ♪ Yeah, ho! ♪ 268 00:21:02,107 --> 00:21:03,358 ♪ (SNAPPING AND DRUMS PLAYING) ♪ 269 00:21:05,858 --> 00:21:07,733 -My name is Jennifer. -My hame is Samuel. 270 00:21:07,733 --> 00:21:09,191 -My name is Anish. -My name is Scott. 271 00:21:09,191 --> 00:21:10,816 And I'm confirming my reservation-- 272 00:21:10,816 --> 00:21:11,900 I'm confirming my reservation-- 273 00:21:11,900 --> 00:21:13,650 We're confirming our reservation for Room-- 274 00:21:13,650 --> 00:21:15,232 -104. -Room 104. 275 00:21:15,232 --> 00:21:16,982 Our reservation is confirmed. 276 00:21:16,982 --> 00:21:20,107 Oh, yes dear, Room 104. 277 00:21:23,024 --> 00:21:24,858 Tonight is for us. 278 00:21:25,107 --> 00:21:26,858 Let's travel back in time... 279 00:21:27,441 --> 00:21:29,232 Fifty-six years ago. 280 00:21:29,232 --> 00:21:30,149 Me and my bride. 281 00:21:30,149 --> 00:21:31,191 I love you. 282 00:21:31,650 --> 00:21:32,691 Charlie. 283 00:21:37,024 --> 00:21:38,274 (SHOUTS) 284 00:21:38,274 --> 00:21:39,358 (BOTH LAUGHING)