1 00:00:10,705 --> 00:00:13,539 ( music playing ) 2 00:01:10,330 --> 00:01:11,580 ( mutters ) 3 00:01:14,621 --> 00:01:16,122 ( gasps ) 4 00:01:27,330 --> 00:01:30,663 ( breathing heavily ) 5 00:01:35,455 --> 00:01:36,997 ( grunts softly ) 6 00:01:40,289 --> 00:01:42,289 ( yawning ) 7 00:02:00,997 --> 00:02:02,955 Ohh. 8 00:02:06,663 --> 00:02:07,997 ( turns on water ) 9 00:02:13,955 --> 00:02:15,038 ( gasps ) 10 00:02:27,539 --> 00:02:29,539 ( humorless chuckle ) 11 00:02:37,871 --> 00:02:38,913 Mmm. 12 00:02:38,997 --> 00:02:40,539 ( yawns ) 13 00:02:46,871 --> 00:02:49,038 ( inhales, exhales ) 14 00:03:15,746 --> 00:03:17,913 ( static ) 15 00:03:24,414 --> 00:03:26,205 ( static continues ) 16 00:03:32,414 --> 00:03:33,621 ( sighs ) 17 00:03:40,163 --> 00:03:42,247 ( static continues ) 18 00:04:21,205 --> 00:04:24,621 ( static and hissing ) 19 00:04:39,122 --> 00:04:42,080 ( screaming ) 20 00:04:42,163 --> 00:04:43,455 ( gasps ) 21 00:04:48,163 --> 00:04:50,621 ( panting ) 22 00:04:59,621 --> 00:05:01,497 ( inhales, exhales ) 23 00:05:03,330 --> 00:05:05,580 - Woman: Hello? - Hey, Mom. 24 00:05:05,663 --> 00:05:08,330 - Jess? - Yeah. 25 00:05:08,414 --> 00:05:09,871 I'm sorry I'm calling so late. 26 00:05:09,955 --> 00:05:10,955 It's OK. 27 00:05:11,038 --> 00:05:13,414 Is everything all right? 28 00:05:13,497 --> 00:05:14,580 Yeah. 29 00:05:15,788 --> 00:05:18,414 Yeah, I'm fine, I just, um... 30 00:05:18,497 --> 00:05:20,247 I don't even know why I called. 31 00:05:20,330 --> 00:05:24,621 I think I'm just overworked and overtired. 32 00:05:24,705 --> 00:05:27,247 Probably from all the travel. 33 00:05:27,330 --> 00:05:29,455 I get it, sweetheart. 34 00:05:29,539 --> 00:05:31,372 You know, I never told you this, 35 00:05:31,455 --> 00:05:35,080 but I had terrible anxiety when I was your age. 36 00:05:35,163 --> 00:05:37,621 Sometimes it was so bad, I mean, 37 00:05:37,705 --> 00:05:41,122 I couldn't even get out of bed and face the day. 38 00:05:41,205 --> 00:05:43,830 I hope that's not happening to you. 39 00:05:43,913 --> 00:05:47,247 Are you... are you sure you're OK? 40 00:05:49,122 --> 00:05:52,497 Yeah, I'm fine, I just... 41 00:05:52,580 --> 00:05:55,414 I keep having this bad dream. 42 00:05:57,497 --> 00:05:59,788 Would you like to talk about it? 43 00:06:03,247 --> 00:06:06,247 Jess? Are you there? 44 00:06:07,705 --> 00:06:10,038 Yeah. Yeah. Um-- 45 00:06:10,122 --> 00:06:14,205 I say that because sometimes nightmares are just nightmares. 46 00:06:14,289 --> 00:06:17,455 But sometimes they feel so real 47 00:06:17,539 --> 00:06:20,163 they spill over into the daytime. 48 00:06:20,247 --> 00:06:22,080 You don't want that. 49 00:06:23,580 --> 00:06:25,621 You know, I can come over if you want. 50 00:06:25,705 --> 00:06:27,621 Mom, I'm like five hours away. 51 00:06:27,705 --> 00:06:29,663 So? ( laughs ) 52 00:06:29,746 --> 00:06:32,455 So I'm-- I'm fine. ( chuckles ) 53 00:06:32,580 --> 00:06:36,289 I think I just needed to hear a comforting voice. 54 00:06:37,746 --> 00:06:41,330 - I love you. - I love you too, baby. 55 00:06:41,414 --> 00:06:43,289 - Bye, Mom. - Hey, wait. 56 00:06:44,913 --> 00:06:46,955 What? 57 00:06:47,038 --> 00:06:48,663 I'm just getting this... 58 00:06:48,746 --> 00:06:51,038 bad energy from your side of the phone, 59 00:06:51,122 --> 00:06:53,830 like there's something... 60 00:06:53,913 --> 00:06:56,788 lurking around you or something. 61 00:06:56,871 --> 00:06:59,163 Something not quite right. 62 00:06:59,247 --> 00:07:02,247 Something that might be after you, Jess. 63 00:07:02,330 --> 00:07:04,955 Mom, if you're trying to be funny, this is not-- 64 00:07:05,038 --> 00:07:06,289 This is no joke! 65 00:07:06,372 --> 00:07:07,871 You could be in real danger, baby! 66 00:07:07,955 --> 00:07:09,788 You need to get yourself out of that place! 67 00:07:09,871 --> 00:07:11,163 Mom, calm down-- 68 00:07:11,247 --> 00:07:12,497 Just get out of that motel, Jess! 69 00:07:12,580 --> 00:07:14,330 - Mom! Mom! - Get out of there! 70 00:07:14,414 --> 00:07:16,871 - Right now! - Mom, I'm stuck! 71 00:07:16,955 --> 00:07:18,414 They're right there, Jessie, run! 72 00:07:18,497 --> 00:07:19,913 Mom, I'm stuck! 73 00:07:19,997 --> 00:07:21,289 What is wrong with you? Run! 74 00:07:21,372 --> 00:07:23,955 Mom, help! Mom! 75 00:07:24,038 --> 00:07:26,414 ( gasping ) 76 00:07:26,497 --> 00:07:28,788 ( panting ) 77 00:07:34,997 --> 00:07:36,330 Fuck this. 78 00:08:00,163 --> 00:08:02,163 ( unzips bag ) 79 00:08:02,247 --> 00:08:04,289 ( hissing ) 80 00:08:04,372 --> 00:08:08,247 ( gasps ) Fuck! You! 81 00:08:11,080 --> 00:08:13,539 - ( rattling doorknob ) - What? 82 00:08:15,205 --> 00:08:16,330 Fuck. 83 00:08:19,414 --> 00:08:20,372 ( grunts ) 84 00:08:22,414 --> 00:08:24,163 ( panting ) 85 00:08:28,080 --> 00:08:30,205 No. No. 86 00:08:32,539 --> 00:08:33,871 Fuck! 87 00:08:37,414 --> 00:08:38,746 ( door slams ) 88 00:08:40,746 --> 00:08:42,038 Mom. 89 00:08:42,122 --> 00:08:44,663 Jesus, you scared the shit out of me. 90 00:08:44,746 --> 00:08:47,871 Sweetie, you called me and I was worried about you. 91 00:08:50,080 --> 00:08:52,913 What are you still doing here? I told you to get out. 92 00:08:52,997 --> 00:08:55,205 Mom, there's no door. 93 00:08:59,247 --> 00:09:01,455 - Of course there is. - Yeah, well, 94 00:09:01,539 --> 00:09:03,746 we can't get out. It-- It's locked. 95 00:09:03,830 --> 00:09:06,289 Of course it is. 96 00:09:06,372 --> 00:09:08,163 Why didn't you try the key? 97 00:09:08,247 --> 00:09:10,414 The key? 98 00:09:10,497 --> 00:09:13,163 Yes. Jess, are you OK? 99 00:09:13,247 --> 00:09:14,830 No. 100 00:09:14,913 --> 00:09:16,913 No, wait. The-- 101 00:09:16,997 --> 00:09:18,746 The key is how you get in. 102 00:09:18,830 --> 00:09:21,539 You don't open a door from the inside with a key. 103 00:09:21,621 --> 00:09:24,497 What are you talking about, Jess? I've got the key right here. 104 00:09:24,580 --> 00:09:26,038 It was on the table. 105 00:09:26,122 --> 00:09:28,497 ( laughs ) 106 00:09:28,580 --> 00:09:31,122 Come on. Let's get out of this place. 107 00:09:35,330 --> 00:09:38,038 - ( rattling lock ) - See? 108 00:09:38,122 --> 00:09:39,830 Come on! 109 00:09:39,913 --> 00:09:41,621 Jess, let's go! 110 00:09:42,913 --> 00:09:44,913 Jess. 111 00:09:47,038 --> 00:09:47,955 Mom, look out! 112 00:09:52,539 --> 00:09:54,663 No, plea-- Please! 113 00:09:55,955 --> 00:09:59,330 - ( screams ) - ( panting loudly ) 114 00:10:21,163 --> 00:10:22,788 ( dials ) 115 00:10:22,871 --> 00:10:25,955 ( line out ringing ) 116 00:10:26,038 --> 00:10:28,372 Woman: 911. What's your emergency? 117 00:10:28,455 --> 00:10:31,414 Hi. I'm-- I'm at the motel off the parkway. 118 00:10:31,497 --> 00:10:33,247 Can you please send someone? 119 00:10:33,330 --> 00:10:35,247 What's your emergency? 120 00:10:35,330 --> 00:10:39,080 I think that there's someone... or something... in my room 121 00:10:39,163 --> 00:10:40,621 that's trying to harm me. 122 00:10:40,705 --> 00:10:43,746 - Room number? - 104. 123 00:10:43,830 --> 00:10:46,871 Please stay on the line while I dispatch someone to your room. 124 00:10:46,955 --> 00:10:49,788 ( breathing heavily ) 125 00:10:49,871 --> 00:10:51,788 The only other thing is that-- 126 00:10:51,871 --> 00:10:53,205 Yes? 127 00:10:56,205 --> 00:10:58,621 I keep having this dream, and... 128 00:10:58,705 --> 00:11:03,372 and I-- I honestly don't know what's real and what's not. 129 00:11:05,913 --> 00:11:08,705 I don't even know if this is really happening right now. 130 00:11:08,788 --> 00:11:11,788 I'm a 911 operator and this is definitely real. 131 00:11:11,871 --> 00:11:13,455 I've dispatched a black and white 132 00:11:13,539 --> 00:11:15,746 and they should be there in under seven minutes. 133 00:11:15,830 --> 00:11:18,871 Until then, can you tell if you're in any immediate danger? 134 00:11:20,580 --> 00:11:22,455 - I don't think so. - And do you know 135 00:11:22,539 --> 00:11:24,997 the whereabouts of your assailant? 136 00:11:25,080 --> 00:11:27,497 No, I-- I don't see him right now. 137 00:11:27,580 --> 00:11:30,788 Good. What about the man with the knife? 138 00:11:30,871 --> 00:11:32,247 No, I can't see-- 139 00:11:34,830 --> 00:11:36,330 How did you know about him? 140 00:11:36,414 --> 00:11:38,955 I didn't say anything about a man with a knife. 141 00:11:39,038 --> 00:11:41,955 ( 911 operator laughing ) 142 00:11:50,414 --> 00:11:51,746 ( hissing ) 143 00:11:53,122 --> 00:11:54,997 ( hissing continues ) 144 00:11:55,080 --> 00:11:56,247 ( Jess screaming ) 145 00:11:56,330 --> 00:11:57,746 ( whimpering ) 146 00:12:10,871 --> 00:12:13,163 ( panting loudly ) 147 00:12:24,122 --> 00:12:26,414 ( slicing sound ) 148 00:12:28,330 --> 00:12:29,289 ( whimpers ) 149 00:12:30,455 --> 00:12:31,621 ( gasps ) 150 00:12:33,122 --> 00:12:34,580 ( yawns ) 151 00:12:39,289 --> 00:12:40,621 ( panting ) 152 00:12:53,788 --> 00:12:55,038 Look out! 153 00:12:56,163 --> 00:12:57,997 ( yelps ) 154 00:12:59,746 --> 00:13:02,663 - No! - ( slicing ) 155 00:13:31,372 --> 00:13:33,580 'Sup, dude. 156 00:13:35,788 --> 00:13:38,372 I'm not gonna hurt you. You can put that thing down. 157 00:13:41,247 --> 00:13:42,913 What are you so afraid of? 158 00:13:44,038 --> 00:13:45,205 This? 159 00:13:45,289 --> 00:13:48,621 This is all you. You know that, right? 160 00:13:48,705 --> 00:13:51,955 I mean, you're in control here. 161 00:13:52,038 --> 00:13:57,122 You brought us all into this hotel room with you... 162 00:13:57,205 --> 00:13:59,580 I think because you wanted us all here. 163 00:13:59,663 --> 00:14:02,997 - I want to go home. - Really? 164 00:14:03,080 --> 00:14:04,788 Yes. 165 00:14:04,871 --> 00:14:06,163 Then go home. 166 00:14:06,247 --> 00:14:07,580 Just go. 167 00:14:07,663 --> 00:14:09,539 I can't. They're all out there. 168 00:14:09,621 --> 00:14:11,830 Well, they're out there because you put them out there. 169 00:14:11,913 --> 00:14:14,289 If you want 'em to go away, just make 'em go away. 170 00:14:14,372 --> 00:14:16,497 I tried that. It doesn't work. 171 00:14:16,580 --> 00:14:18,497 Did you really try? 172 00:14:18,580 --> 00:14:22,455 'Cause I think you actually want us here. 173 00:14:22,539 --> 00:14:26,122 I think you brought us here because you need us here. 174 00:14:29,122 --> 00:14:31,497 Why would I need you here? 175 00:14:31,580 --> 00:14:37,080 Because without us, then you'd have to face what's out there. 176 00:14:39,330 --> 00:14:41,830 In the real world. 177 00:14:41,913 --> 00:14:45,830 In the truly terrifying daylight. 178 00:14:45,913 --> 00:14:49,788 It's much easier to face us than to face yourself. 179 00:14:51,205 --> 00:14:53,247 I like it in here. 180 00:14:53,330 --> 00:14:56,038 In the warm bath, with you, 181 00:14:56,122 --> 00:14:58,539 all of our friends. 182 00:14:58,621 --> 00:15:00,497 In the cover of night. 183 00:15:03,621 --> 00:15:06,038 You're just trying to scare me. 184 00:15:06,122 --> 00:15:09,122 - Is that so? - Uh-huh. 185 00:15:10,955 --> 00:15:15,455 Because I think... you're already scared. 186 00:15:20,038 --> 00:15:23,122 No. I'm not gonna fall for that. I'm getting the fuck outta here. 187 00:15:25,705 --> 00:15:27,997 Well, good luck to you then. 188 00:15:39,372 --> 00:15:41,163 Allow me. 189 00:15:54,163 --> 00:15:55,997 ( panting ) 190 00:15:57,080 --> 00:15:59,830 ( high-pitched laughter ) 191 00:16:03,497 --> 00:16:06,372 Aaah! Uhh! Unhh! 192 00:16:10,455 --> 00:16:14,497 - ( cries out, grunts ) - ( high-pitched laugher ) 193 00:16:16,705 --> 00:16:19,330 ( grunting ) 194 00:16:20,913 --> 00:16:22,621 ( screams, grunts ) 195 00:16:22,705 --> 00:16:24,205 ( yells ) 196 00:16:26,663 --> 00:16:29,247 - ( screams ) - Run, Jess. 197 00:16:29,330 --> 00:16:32,372 You gotta get out. Get out of here! 198 00:16:32,455 --> 00:16:34,788 I'm trying, Mom. 199 00:16:34,871 --> 00:16:37,080 What the fuck is wrong with you? 200 00:16:37,163 --> 00:16:40,455 You stupid dumb fucking bitch! 201 00:16:40,539 --> 00:16:43,788 Run! Get the fuck out! 202 00:16:43,871 --> 00:16:46,705 - Run! Run! - Let go, Mom! 203 00:16:46,788 --> 00:16:50,871 Get the fuck out! Now! Now! 204 00:16:50,955 --> 00:16:53,247 Mom, let go! Let go! 205 00:16:53,330 --> 00:16:54,955 ( yells ) 206 00:16:55,038 --> 00:16:57,163 ( mechanical-sounding ) Get the fuck out. Get the fuck out. 207 00:16:57,247 --> 00:16:59,497 Get the fuck out. Get the fuck out. 208 00:16:59,580 --> 00:17:01,163 ( demonic-sounding ) Get the fuck out. 209 00:17:01,247 --> 00:17:05,122 Are you sure that's what you really want? Hmm? 210 00:17:08,080 --> 00:17:10,038 ( whooshing sound ) 211 00:17:16,247 --> 00:17:17,746 You're free to go. 212 00:17:26,746 --> 00:17:29,580 Oh, not so sure now. 213 00:17:29,663 --> 00:17:32,205 - Fuck you. - OK, sure, if you want. 214 00:17:32,289 --> 00:17:34,080 I'll make room in the tub. It's nice and warm in there. 215 00:17:34,163 --> 00:17:35,997 - Fuck you! - Fuck you. Jinx. 216 00:17:36,080 --> 00:17:37,871 You already said that. 217 00:17:37,955 --> 00:17:40,746 ( panting ) 218 00:17:47,497 --> 00:17:49,955 So, what's it gonna be, Jess? 219 00:17:52,205 --> 00:17:55,289 ( laughing ) 220 00:17:55,372 --> 00:17:58,621 Don't you want to stay in here with us? 221 00:17:58,705 --> 00:18:00,746 ( laughing ) 222 00:18:00,830 --> 00:18:04,080 I mean, can you really face yourself in the daylight? 223 00:18:04,163 --> 00:18:05,955 ( laughing ) 224 00:18:07,621 --> 00:18:09,997 ( softly ) I'm not afraid. 225 00:18:13,122 --> 00:18:14,414 No! 226 00:18:18,414 --> 00:18:20,163 Run! 227 00:18:20,247 --> 00:18:22,621 I'm not scared. 228 00:18:22,705 --> 00:18:24,580 Run, Jess! 229 00:18:24,663 --> 00:18:25,997 Run! 230 00:18:35,414 --> 00:18:36,871 ( exhales ) 231 00:18:42,163 --> 00:18:44,205 - ( whooshing ) - ( Jess gasps ) 232 00:18:49,705 --> 00:18:52,539 ( panting ) 233 00:19:10,997 --> 00:19:14,038 ( music playing ) 234 00:20:19,122 --> 00:20:20,038 ♪ (MYSTICAL MUSIC PLAYS) ♪ 235 00:20:20,122 --> 00:20:21,997 -ELLE: I miss him. -SARAH: We all do. 236 00:20:22,080 --> 00:20:24,163 I wrote him a spell. To contact him. 237 00:20:24,247 --> 00:20:27,414 BOTH: (CHANT SPELL) Lequaintis, commordum, amor. 238 00:20:29,080 --> 00:20:31,414 -(SHEETS RUSTLE) -Did you hear that?