1 00:00:10,174 --> 00:00:12,174 ( music playing ) 2 00:00:41,050 --> 00:00:43,383 ( birds chirping ) 3 00:00:43,466 --> 00:00:45,424 ( cars passing by ) 4 00:01:01,341 --> 00:01:03,508 You OK, honey? 5 00:01:03,591 --> 00:01:05,883 Yeah, just give me a minute. 6 00:01:11,675 --> 00:01:13,341 ( door closes ) 7 00:01:22,050 --> 00:01:25,092 ( dialing phone ) 8 00:01:25,174 --> 00:01:27,591 ( line out ringing ) 9 00:01:27,675 --> 00:01:30,299 - Man: Hey, Sarah. - Hey, Dad. 10 00:01:30,383 --> 00:01:32,967 How'd she do in the car ride? 11 00:01:33,050 --> 00:01:35,092 Uh, she was good. 12 00:01:36,716 --> 00:01:37,967 Quiet. 13 00:01:38,050 --> 00:01:39,466 And sad. 14 00:01:39,550 --> 00:01:41,925 Well, it sounds easier than usual. 15 00:01:42,008 --> 00:01:44,341 At least she's not screaming. 16 00:01:44,424 --> 00:01:46,633 Listen, I know you're feeling conflicted 17 00:01:46,716 --> 00:01:48,633 on whether this is a good idea. 18 00:01:48,716 --> 00:01:52,424 I think you need to let her do whatever it is she needs to do. 19 00:01:52,508 --> 00:01:53,842 Let her get it out of her system, 20 00:01:53,925 --> 00:01:56,092 and try not to come down on her. 21 00:01:56,174 --> 00:01:58,466 OK, well, that's what I've been trying to do for the last five months, 22 00:01:58,550 --> 00:02:00,258 and clearly that's not working. 23 00:02:00,341 --> 00:02:02,508 I'm sorry. Don't get defensive. 24 00:02:02,591 --> 00:02:05,508 I'm not trying to criticize or tell you what to do, 25 00:02:05,591 --> 00:02:07,341 I'm just trying to help. 26 00:02:07,424 --> 00:02:08,716 I know this isn't easy. 27 00:02:08,800 --> 00:02:10,258 And for what it's worth, 28 00:02:10,341 --> 00:02:12,299 I think you're doing a fantastic job. 29 00:02:12,383 --> 00:02:14,758 Well, we both know that's not true. 30 00:02:14,842 --> 00:02:16,883 Honey, she'll come back around. 31 00:02:16,967 --> 00:02:18,675 This isn't gonna last forever. 32 00:02:18,758 --> 00:02:21,174 - ( door opens ) - Dad, can I call you back? 33 00:02:21,258 --> 00:02:23,216 - Sure. Bye. - OK, bye. 34 00:02:28,216 --> 00:02:30,050 I had an idea. 35 00:02:31,299 --> 00:02:33,299 What's your idea? 36 00:02:33,383 --> 00:02:34,800 Well... 37 00:02:34,883 --> 00:02:38,383 I don't want to say goodbye to him. 38 00:02:39,925 --> 00:02:41,800 But... 39 00:02:41,883 --> 00:02:44,842 it's what we came here to do. 40 00:02:44,925 --> 00:02:46,883 That's what you asked for, so... 41 00:02:46,967 --> 00:02:49,591 But I miss him. 42 00:02:49,675 --> 00:02:52,633 I know you do, honey. We all do. 43 00:02:52,716 --> 00:02:54,925 You keep saying that. 44 00:02:55,008 --> 00:02:58,341 But then you just keep trying to push him away. 45 00:02:58,424 --> 00:03:02,216 Honey, we're not gonna have that discussion again. 46 00:03:02,299 --> 00:03:04,591 I loved him just as much as you did, 47 00:03:04,675 --> 00:03:07,050 and I miss him just as much as you do. 48 00:03:07,133 --> 00:03:09,758 So let's contact him. 49 00:03:11,800 --> 00:03:13,758 I'm sorry? 50 00:03:13,842 --> 00:03:15,550 Here's my idea. 51 00:03:15,633 --> 00:03:18,258 I know you're gonna think it's silly, but... 52 00:03:18,341 --> 00:03:22,092 you know how much Dad and I loved Harry Potter. 53 00:03:22,174 --> 00:03:24,341 We all did. 54 00:03:24,424 --> 00:03:26,466 Right. Of course. 55 00:03:26,550 --> 00:03:29,842 So I brought some things. 56 00:03:29,925 --> 00:03:33,258 I wrote him a kind of a spell. 57 00:03:33,341 --> 00:03:35,925 To contact him. 58 00:03:36,008 --> 00:03:39,008 I was thinking we could try it. 59 00:03:43,008 --> 00:03:46,092 Are you sure you want to do that? 60 00:03:46,174 --> 00:03:47,800 Yeah. 61 00:03:51,716 --> 00:03:53,092 ( grunts ) 62 00:03:56,050 --> 00:03:59,383 OK, then... let's do it. 63 00:04:02,258 --> 00:04:03,883 Dear Dad, 64 00:04:03,967 --> 00:04:06,299 you died of a surprise heart attack 65 00:04:06,383 --> 00:04:09,258 one hundred and fifty-seven days ago... 66 00:04:09,341 --> 00:04:12,424 in this bed, in your sleep, 67 00:04:12,508 --> 00:04:14,925 sometime in the middle of the night. 68 00:04:15,008 --> 00:04:19,008 We were supposed to go to Aunt Justine's birthday party the next day. 69 00:04:19,092 --> 00:04:21,133 I remember knowing something was wrong 70 00:04:21,216 --> 00:04:24,800 because your leg felt cold under mine when I woke up. 71 00:04:24,883 --> 00:04:28,258 Mom was still snoring very loudly. 72 00:04:28,341 --> 00:04:31,216 I don't know where you are or what you are, 73 00:04:31,299 --> 00:04:34,050 but do you still look like you? 74 00:04:34,133 --> 00:04:37,299 Red beard and freckles? 75 00:04:37,383 --> 00:04:40,800 Are you in heaven? Is there even a heaven? 76 00:04:40,883 --> 00:04:43,466 Or are you in my heart like you always said you would be 77 00:04:43,550 --> 00:04:45,383 if anything bad happened? 78 00:04:45,466 --> 00:04:48,633 I don't know, but I do believe that you can hear me. 79 00:04:48,716 --> 00:04:51,092 Mom does too. Right? 80 00:04:52,424 --> 00:04:54,299 - Yeah. - So I've written a spell. 81 00:04:54,383 --> 00:04:57,383 If you can hear me, the spell will help you talk to us. 82 00:04:57,466 --> 00:05:00,383 On three, we read the spell together. 83 00:05:00,466 --> 00:05:01,967 We have to believe. 84 00:05:02,050 --> 00:05:04,174 - Very important. - OK. OK. 85 00:05:04,258 --> 00:05:06,508 One, two, three. 86 00:05:06,591 --> 00:05:10,633 - Loquatus con mortem amore. - Locust con mortem amore. 87 00:05:10,716 --> 00:05:14,174 "Loquatus," not "locusts," or whatever you said. 88 00:05:14,258 --> 00:05:16,883 Oh. OK. Sorry. 89 00:05:16,967 --> 00:05:18,716 One two, three. 90 00:05:18,800 --> 00:05:22,508 Both: Loquatus con mortem amore. 91 00:05:30,842 --> 00:05:33,466 It didn't work. 92 00:05:33,550 --> 00:05:36,633 But... it was a really good idea, Elle. 93 00:05:38,633 --> 00:05:41,550 And this letter you wrote is so great. 94 00:05:45,675 --> 00:05:50,716 Maybe-- Maybe we should just say our goodbyes, and-- 95 00:05:50,800 --> 00:05:54,216 I think you need to go into the bathroom. 96 00:05:54,299 --> 00:05:55,716 Excuse me? 97 00:05:55,800 --> 00:05:58,383 This is only going to work if everybody believes. 98 00:05:58,466 --> 00:06:00,258 I'm not gonna go into the bathroom. 99 00:06:00,341 --> 00:06:02,050 Or outside, or somewhere else! 100 00:06:02,174 --> 00:06:04,092 - Elle-- - Do you believe? 101 00:06:04,174 --> 00:06:07,716 I would like to believe we can talk to Dad, yes. 102 00:06:07,800 --> 00:06:11,092 But you don't! So you shouldn't be a part of this. 103 00:06:11,174 --> 00:06:13,591 - I need to do this alone. - Sweetheart-- 104 00:06:13,675 --> 00:06:16,424 I don't expect you to understand. 105 00:06:16,508 --> 00:06:19,050 OK, see, this is where we get into trouble. 106 00:06:19,133 --> 00:06:21,092 It's not trouble. You just don't get it. 107 00:06:21,174 --> 00:06:23,675 You don't get this! This is a me-and-Dad thing, and you-- 108 00:06:23,758 --> 00:06:25,550 I'm not gonna be dragged into this with you again. 109 00:06:25,633 --> 00:06:27,925 You don't even like Harry Potter! 110 00:06:28,008 --> 00:06:30,925 I do like Harry Potter, I spent my entire vacation 111 00:06:31,008 --> 00:06:32,800 at Harry Potter World with you and Dad-- 112 00:06:32,883 --> 00:06:34,466 And you complained the whole time! 113 00:06:34,550 --> 00:06:36,258 I was not complaining, I was just questioning 114 00:06:36,341 --> 00:06:38,092 whether we needed to spend five full days there. 115 00:06:38,174 --> 00:06:39,925 Because you don't get it like Dad and I do! 116 00:06:40,008 --> 00:06:42,424 And now you're trying to forget him and push him out of our lives! 117 00:06:42,508 --> 00:06:44,508 OK, you know what? Nope. That's it. We're going. 118 00:06:44,591 --> 00:06:48,133 OK, I tried. I tried, but if you're gonna act like this, 119 00:06:48,216 --> 00:06:50,341 if you're gonna treat me like shit, then we're going. 120 00:06:50,424 --> 00:06:55,008 Give me my bag! If you want to leave, I don't care! I'm staying! 121 00:06:55,092 --> 00:06:56,299 If you want to stay, then you can stay. 122 00:06:56,383 --> 00:06:58,424 - Give me my bag! - Stop it! 123 00:06:58,508 --> 00:07:01,174 - You need to control-- - Don't you fucking tell me what to do! 124 00:07:01,258 --> 00:07:04,174 - No! - Give me my bag! 125 00:07:04,258 --> 00:07:06,299 ( panting ) 126 00:07:06,383 --> 00:07:07,967 Did you hear that? 127 00:07:10,341 --> 00:07:11,800 What? 128 00:07:11,883 --> 00:07:13,675 That voice. 129 00:07:15,050 --> 00:07:17,550 - No, I didn't-- - I heard it. 130 00:07:17,633 --> 00:07:20,675 It was a muffled voice. 131 00:07:20,758 --> 00:07:22,633 Or voices. 132 00:07:22,716 --> 00:07:26,216 Like a bunch of computer voices. 133 00:07:26,299 --> 00:07:29,299 And they were all muffle-y. 134 00:07:33,842 --> 00:07:36,842 Elle, I don't know. Maybe it was the people-- 135 00:07:36,925 --> 00:07:38,967 There it is again! 136 00:07:39,050 --> 00:07:41,299 It's coming from the bed! 137 00:07:44,883 --> 00:07:47,299 - Elle, don't do this. - Shh! 138 00:07:51,299 --> 00:07:53,383 Can't hear it, Mom? 139 00:07:55,383 --> 00:07:57,550 - No, I don't-- - It's talking! 140 00:07:57,633 --> 00:07:59,424 Can't you hear it? 141 00:08:13,299 --> 00:08:16,424 ( Elle whispering ) Can you help me talk to my Dad? 142 00:08:16,508 --> 00:08:18,174 Elle. 143 00:08:21,383 --> 00:08:24,050 They think they know where Dad is! 144 00:08:36,716 --> 00:08:40,466 - Who's "they"? - The spirit voices. 145 00:08:40,550 --> 00:08:42,466 ( whispering ) Can you help me contact him? 146 00:08:42,550 --> 00:08:44,550 What are they saying? 147 00:08:44,633 --> 00:08:46,383 One second, Mom. 148 00:08:47,466 --> 00:08:49,550 They're-- 149 00:08:49,633 --> 00:08:51,299 They've-- 150 00:08:51,383 --> 00:08:53,758 They've contacted Dad! 151 00:08:53,842 --> 00:08:56,299 I can't believe it, it's working! 152 00:08:56,383 --> 00:08:59,341 Oh! This is amazing! 153 00:09:01,842 --> 00:09:05,633 ( whispering ) Tell him I say "Hi, it's Elle." I really miss him. 154 00:09:05,716 --> 00:09:08,633 - Now what's happening? - Shh! 155 00:09:13,383 --> 00:09:15,925 ( whispering ) I'm gonna tell Mom. 156 00:09:18,925 --> 00:09:21,716 Mom, we can talk to him! 157 00:09:23,508 --> 00:09:25,092 OK. 158 00:09:25,174 --> 00:09:27,925 Uh... how does it work? 159 00:09:28,008 --> 00:09:31,258 Well, the voices can talk to Dad and me, 160 00:09:31,341 --> 00:09:33,716 but you and I can't talk directly to Dad. 161 00:09:33,800 --> 00:09:35,800 Does that make sense? 162 00:09:35,883 --> 00:09:39,341 Mm-hmm. Sure. 163 00:09:39,424 --> 00:09:42,216 Has he said anything yet? 164 00:09:42,299 --> 00:09:45,133 He said he loves us 165 00:09:45,216 --> 00:09:49,424 and he misses us, but we shouldn't worry, 166 00:09:49,508 --> 00:09:52,424 because he's not in any pain or anything. 167 00:09:52,508 --> 00:09:55,633 Well, that's good. 168 00:09:55,716 --> 00:09:57,842 Did he say anything else? 169 00:09:59,633 --> 00:10:01,925 That was really it. 170 00:10:03,133 --> 00:10:06,216 You were under there for a while. 171 00:10:06,299 --> 00:10:08,133 Nothing else? 172 00:10:12,675 --> 00:10:15,800 It's OK. You can tell me. 173 00:10:15,883 --> 00:10:17,758 Well, the voices... 174 00:10:17,842 --> 00:10:21,633 translate more than what he's saying. 175 00:10:21,716 --> 00:10:25,341 They actually translate what he's feeling. 176 00:10:26,466 --> 00:10:28,508 Oh. 177 00:10:28,591 --> 00:10:30,675 And what was that? 178 00:10:32,258 --> 00:10:35,675 Well, I don't want you to get your feelings hurt. 179 00:10:35,758 --> 00:10:38,133 Oh, honey, it's OK. 180 00:10:40,550 --> 00:10:43,842 Well, the voices... 181 00:10:43,925 --> 00:10:48,174 they said that while he said he misses us both, 182 00:10:48,258 --> 00:10:51,883 he actually misses me a bit more than he misses you. 183 00:10:57,174 --> 00:11:00,216 Well, that's understandable. 184 00:11:00,299 --> 00:11:03,424 - It is? - Sure. 185 00:11:03,508 --> 00:11:05,550 All three of us love each other, 186 00:11:05,633 --> 00:11:09,133 but I know you and Dad had a special connection, 187 00:11:09,216 --> 00:11:11,092 so it makes sense that the voices 188 00:11:11,174 --> 00:11:13,925 would translate it that way. 189 00:11:18,508 --> 00:11:20,883 OK. So what do we do now? 190 00:11:20,967 --> 00:11:23,341 We have to give them a message for Dad. 191 00:11:23,424 --> 00:11:27,466 OK, great. Um... 192 00:11:27,550 --> 00:11:31,133 well, we should tell him that we love him, 193 00:11:31,216 --> 00:11:33,716 and miss him, 194 00:11:33,800 --> 00:11:36,716 and that we wish he was with us, 195 00:11:36,800 --> 00:11:39,675 but we understand that he had to go. 196 00:11:39,758 --> 00:11:44,967 And to give hugs from us and to say goodbye. 197 00:11:45,050 --> 00:11:48,883 Or we could ask him if there's any way that he could come back. 198 00:11:51,216 --> 00:11:54,383 That's... That's an idea. 199 00:11:54,466 --> 00:11:56,216 Worth asking, right? 200 00:11:56,299 --> 00:12:00,008 If he can't, then we can just do our goodbyes like we planned 201 00:12:00,092 --> 00:12:03,800 but if he could come back somehow, 202 00:12:03,883 --> 00:12:06,466 that would be the best, right? 203 00:12:11,591 --> 00:12:14,716 You're right. That would be the best. 204 00:12:14,800 --> 00:12:16,675 We should check. 205 00:12:28,299 --> 00:12:31,341 ( whispering ) Is there any way he can come back? 206 00:12:38,925 --> 00:12:43,341 ( whispering ) That's the only way? I have to choose? 207 00:12:44,341 --> 00:12:46,341 What's happening? 208 00:12:52,550 --> 00:12:54,800 - ( exhales ) - What's wrong? 209 00:12:57,925 --> 00:13:01,675 Dad said that there is actually a way 210 00:13:01,758 --> 00:13:03,508 that he could come back. 211 00:13:04,633 --> 00:13:06,758 And what's that? 212 00:13:06,842 --> 00:13:11,299 He would have to trade places... 213 00:13:11,383 --> 00:13:13,174 with you. 214 00:13:14,842 --> 00:13:17,174 Dad said that? 215 00:13:17,258 --> 00:13:20,591 Well, Dad said that he could come back, 216 00:13:20,675 --> 00:13:24,550 but there can't be three of us anymore-- only two. 217 00:13:27,925 --> 00:13:32,092 But he said he would never want anything bad to happen to you. 218 00:13:33,133 --> 00:13:34,758 But... 219 00:13:36,800 --> 00:13:40,133 But the voices translated how he really felt. 220 00:13:41,633 --> 00:13:43,174 Yeah. 221 00:13:44,299 --> 00:13:46,800 And what was that? 222 00:13:46,883 --> 00:13:50,424 That... he... 223 00:13:52,633 --> 00:13:56,050 ...misses me so much 224 00:13:56,133 --> 00:13:58,383 that he would actually rather 225 00:13:58,466 --> 00:14:02,216 you be dead... than him... 226 00:14:02,299 --> 00:14:05,092 so he could come back and be with me. 227 00:14:07,842 --> 00:14:11,050 Do you agree with Dad? 228 00:14:11,133 --> 00:14:15,341 Would you rather him come back and me go and take his place? 229 00:14:19,050 --> 00:14:23,383 Because... that's OK if that's what you want, 230 00:14:23,466 --> 00:14:25,842 if that's what you're really feeling. 231 00:14:27,133 --> 00:14:29,216 I want you to know that. 232 00:14:33,174 --> 00:14:35,758 Do you mean... 233 00:14:35,842 --> 00:14:41,842 you'd be willing t-to trade places with Dad... 234 00:14:41,925 --> 00:14:44,383 if that's what I wanted? 235 00:14:47,842 --> 00:14:50,258 I th-- I think-- 236 00:14:52,008 --> 00:14:55,716 I think I'd be willing to do that for you... 237 00:14:55,800 --> 00:14:59,008 if that's what you really wanted. 238 00:14:59,092 --> 00:15:02,925 OK? You can tell Dad that. 239 00:15:03,008 --> 00:15:06,842 You can tell the voices to tell Dad, OK? 240 00:15:08,174 --> 00:15:11,883 I want you to know that's an OK thing to say. 241 00:15:13,883 --> 00:15:16,466 - Elle: What? - Sarah: Hmm? 242 00:15:16,550 --> 00:15:19,341 Sorry, they're trying to talk to me again. 243 00:15:53,716 --> 00:15:56,258 ( Elle whispering ) 244 00:16:03,633 --> 00:16:05,716 What did Dad have to say? 245 00:16:07,633 --> 00:16:10,550 They weren't translating for Dad this time. 246 00:16:11,758 --> 00:16:13,008 No? 247 00:16:13,092 --> 00:16:16,341 They were translating for you. 248 00:16:16,424 --> 00:16:18,299 Me? 249 00:16:18,383 --> 00:16:20,675 They said that you didn't really mean it 250 00:16:20,758 --> 00:16:23,341 when you said you'd trade with Dad. 251 00:16:23,424 --> 00:16:27,716 That inside, you were secretly happy that you were alive, 252 00:16:27,800 --> 00:16:30,258 that he was the one that died instead of you. 253 00:16:30,341 --> 00:16:33,424 Oh-- Honey, that's not true. 254 00:16:33,508 --> 00:16:35,508 This is confusing. 255 00:16:35,591 --> 00:16:36,842 I know it is, 256 00:16:36,925 --> 00:16:38,508 but you know what, your father and I, 257 00:16:38,591 --> 00:16:41,675 we love you so much, and it's going to be fine, OK? 258 00:16:41,758 --> 00:16:44,883 But you both are saying things, and you mean different things, 259 00:16:44,967 --> 00:16:47,716 and I don't know what you mean-- this is confusing! 260 00:16:47,800 --> 00:16:49,716 - I know. - You say that you know, 261 00:16:49,800 --> 00:16:51,758 but I don't know what you mean! 262 00:16:51,842 --> 00:16:53,800 - Why does there only have to be two?! - Elle-- Elle-- 263 00:16:53,883 --> 00:16:57,133 Why can't there be three of us like it used to?! 264 00:16:57,216 --> 00:17:00,424 - It's not fair! It's not fucking fair! - Honey! 265 00:17:00,508 --> 00:17:03,008 - Everybody else has their whole family! - I know they do. 266 00:17:03,092 --> 00:17:04,633 - It's not fair! - I know, honey. I know. 267 00:17:04,716 --> 00:17:06,299 No! Get off of me! 268 00:17:06,383 --> 00:17:07,967 You're just trying to make me like you 269 00:17:08,050 --> 00:17:10,050 so I'll choose you and let you live! 270 00:17:10,174 --> 00:17:13,383 Oh, my God, are you both pretending to like Harry Potter? 271 00:17:13,466 --> 00:17:15,008 No, we're not pretending, Elle, OK? 272 00:17:15,092 --> 00:17:18,508 - Oh, my God! It's not fair! - Elle, stop it. 273 00:17:18,591 --> 00:17:20,008 - It's not fair! - Stop it! 274 00:17:20,092 --> 00:17:21,258 I know it's not fair. I know it's-- 275 00:17:21,341 --> 00:17:25,299 ( Elle shrieking ) 276 00:17:30,633 --> 00:17:33,466 ( panting ) 277 00:17:47,800 --> 00:17:49,800 It's not fair. 278 00:17:49,883 --> 00:17:52,800 I just wish it didn't have to be two. 279 00:17:52,883 --> 00:17:56,216 Just wish it could be three, together again. 280 00:18:06,883 --> 00:18:09,092 Elle. 281 00:18:09,174 --> 00:18:12,633 I know that this is incredibly hard. 282 00:18:12,716 --> 00:18:17,883 And I know that you think that I don't understand how you're feeling 283 00:18:17,967 --> 00:18:21,133 because you and Dad were so close. 284 00:18:22,299 --> 00:18:24,800 But you know, your Dad and I 285 00:18:24,883 --> 00:18:27,508 also had a very special connection. 286 00:18:31,216 --> 00:18:32,716 You did? 287 00:18:34,424 --> 00:18:36,133 Of course. 288 00:18:37,424 --> 00:18:39,341 He was my husband 289 00:18:39,424 --> 00:18:42,716 and my best friend in the whole world. 290 00:18:42,800 --> 00:18:45,675 And we had our own set of secret worlds 291 00:18:45,758 --> 00:18:49,008 and things that only we shared. 292 00:18:49,092 --> 00:18:54,216 And now I feel like I've lost this piece of myself... 293 00:18:56,092 --> 00:18:58,716 ...and I can never be the same. 294 00:18:59,800 --> 00:19:03,174 That's exactly how I feel. 295 00:19:03,258 --> 00:19:04,800 I know. 296 00:19:07,591 --> 00:19:09,675 I'm sorry. 297 00:19:11,758 --> 00:19:13,967 It's OK. 298 00:19:14,050 --> 00:19:15,591 I love you so much, honey. 299 00:19:31,633 --> 00:19:33,633 ( Elle whispering ) 300 00:19:56,675 --> 00:19:59,925 - ( whispering ) But will Mom and I be OK? - Elle. 301 00:20:00,008 --> 00:20:01,383 Hold on, Mom. 302 00:20:01,466 --> 00:20:04,050 I'm saying goodbye to Dad. 303 00:20:09,550 --> 00:20:11,383 ( whispering ) I think about you all the time, 304 00:20:11,466 --> 00:20:15,424 and I dream we'll be together forever. 305 00:20:19,133 --> 00:20:22,299 OK, Dad. Goodbye. 306 00:20:22,383 --> 00:20:24,133 I love you. 307 00:20:26,842 --> 00:20:29,174 Man: I love you too. 308 00:20:34,967 --> 00:20:36,925 ( music playing ) 309 00:21:36,174 --> 00:21:37,633 Where shall we begin, Charles? 310 00:21:38,591 --> 00:21:43,008 Good question. That depends on... how much time we have. 311 00:21:43,092 --> 00:21:44,633 I've rented the room for three days. 312 00:21:45,591 --> 00:21:47,550 (LAUGHS) 313 00:21:48,174 --> 00:21:49,424 That wasn't a joke. 314 00:21:51,133 --> 00:21:53,383 ♪ (OMINOUS MUSIC FADES) ♪