1 00:00:12,401 --> 00:00:15,567 (theme song playing) 2 00:00:36,401 --> 00:00:37,734 Woman: Are you ready to start? 3 00:00:37,818 --> 00:00:40,776 Man: Oof, man. I don't know. 4 00:00:41,442 --> 00:00:42,526 Just, uh... 5 00:00:42,776 --> 00:00:44,734 feeling really cloudy today. 6 00:00:45,943 --> 00:00:47,109 Woman: I understand. 7 00:00:47,776 --> 00:00:49,150 Shall we just give it a shot? 8 00:00:50,109 --> 00:00:51,609 Man: Yeah, sure. Okay. 9 00:00:52,317 --> 00:00:53,442 Woman: Good. 10 00:00:54,442 --> 00:00:57,275 (footsteps) 11 00:00:57,943 --> 00:00:59,776 (light clicks) 12 00:01:00,609 --> 00:01:02,776 Man: Oh. I always forget these things 13 00:01:02,859 --> 00:01:04,567 can't really stand on their own. 14 00:01:05,275 --> 00:01:06,401 There, I got it. 15 00:01:06,776 --> 00:01:07,859 It's kinda like me. 16 00:01:07,984 --> 00:01:09,984 My old busted-up legs, ya know? 17 00:01:14,442 --> 00:01:16,651 -Man: Oof... -Woman: Who's this? 18 00:01:17,317 --> 00:01:18,442 Man: What do you mean? 19 00:01:18,526 --> 00:01:21,943 It's me. I mean... not like "me" me, but, 20 00:01:22,317 --> 00:01:23,651 character me-- 21 00:01:24,234 --> 00:01:25,567 Raw Dawg Avalanche. 22 00:01:25,651 --> 00:01:26,901 Woman: I understand. 23 00:01:26,984 --> 00:01:29,859 I meant this other person, with the robe. 24 00:01:30,150 --> 00:01:31,234 Who was that? 25 00:01:31,317 --> 00:01:34,651 Raw Dawg: Oh, shoot. Sorry. So dumb. 26 00:01:35,192 --> 00:01:37,192 Woman: You're not dumb. You're just-- 27 00:01:37,442 --> 00:01:39,442 Raw Dawg: I know. Forgetful. 28 00:01:40,234 --> 00:01:43,651 This brain. Lot of abuse through the years. 29 00:01:44,567 --> 00:01:45,776 Don't work so good anymore. 30 00:01:47,067 --> 00:01:49,359 Woman: So... the other gentleman? 31 00:01:50,192 --> 00:01:51,234 Who is that? 32 00:01:51,526 --> 00:01:53,109 Raw Dawg: That's a guy I've known 33 00:01:53,192 --> 00:01:55,025 for a long time. It's a big guy. 34 00:01:56,192 --> 00:01:59,234 Dr. Destruction, that's it. Dr. Destruction, yeah. 35 00:01:59,693 --> 00:02:00,859 Woman: Are you sure? 36 00:02:01,693 --> 00:02:05,442 Raw Dawg: Yeah, pretty... Yeah. 100% sure. 37 00:02:05,693 --> 00:02:08,192 Dr. Destruction. Good guy. Good wrestler. 38 00:02:08,609 --> 00:02:11,818 Done a lot of... a lot of good in the community. 39 00:02:14,359 --> 00:02:16,359 Anyway, he always had my number. 40 00:02:16,442 --> 00:02:18,484 Especially in this championship match we've been talking about. 41 00:02:18,567 --> 00:02:19,984 Woman: What do you mean by that? 42 00:02:20,067 --> 00:02:22,609 Raw Dawg: I mean, he really crushed me that night. 43 00:02:22,693 --> 00:02:24,818 Woman: Wait. He crushed you? 44 00:02:25,984 --> 00:02:27,025 He won? 45 00:02:27,359 --> 00:02:29,484 Raw Dawg: Yeah. Of course he won. 46 00:02:30,192 --> 00:02:31,567 I assumed you knew that already. 47 00:02:32,109 --> 00:02:33,401 We've gone over this enough. 48 00:02:34,275 --> 00:02:35,734 Woman: And you're sure about that? 49 00:02:35,818 --> 00:02:37,609 Raw Dawg: Yes. I wouldn't forget something like that. 50 00:02:37,943 --> 00:02:40,234 It was for the championship. We've gone over this! 51 00:02:40,859 --> 00:02:42,651 And I thought I was the one with the memory problems. 52 00:02:42,734 --> 00:02:44,025 (rock music playing) 53 00:02:44,109 --> 00:02:45,526 (ding) 54 00:02:46,234 --> 00:02:48,067 (music continues) 55 00:02:49,359 --> 00:02:51,359 Raw Dawg: First couple of minutes were pretty regular. 56 00:02:51,442 --> 00:02:52,901 But then it really heated up. 57 00:02:53,150 --> 00:02:55,526 -(music continues) -(crowd cheers) 58 00:02:56,776 --> 00:02:58,609 Raw Dawg: We're both locked up. Real tired. 59 00:02:58,901 --> 00:03:01,401 And I felt him come up under me. Throw me to the ropes. 60 00:03:02,317 --> 00:03:04,567 And he hit me with a vicious clothesline. 61 00:03:06,067 --> 00:03:08,651 Then he come right back across with that running leg drop. 62 00:03:09,567 --> 00:03:12,526 I knew what was coming so I rolled out and he landed on his ass. 63 00:03:12,609 --> 00:03:13,859 Ha! 64 00:03:13,943 --> 00:03:16,275 So I jumped up and hit him with a quick elbow drop! 65 00:03:17,693 --> 00:03:20,234 Then I wrapped him up real good, real good for the pin. 66 00:03:20,609 --> 00:03:22,234 But he was real slippery-like. 67 00:03:22,317 --> 00:03:24,275 And he got out of my grip and came up behind me. 68 00:03:25,109 --> 00:03:27,317 Then I felt him reach for my leg with one hand, 69 00:03:27,401 --> 00:03:28,526 and my neck with the other. 70 00:03:28,609 --> 00:03:30,317 And that only means one thing. 71 00:03:31,234 --> 00:03:32,234 Woman: What's that? 72 00:03:32,526 --> 00:03:34,567 Raw Dawg: "The Vertical Suplex Powerslam." 73 00:03:36,025 --> 00:03:37,192 Yeah, that's right. 74 00:03:37,275 --> 00:03:38,693 You bet your ass you should write that down. 75 00:03:38,776 --> 00:03:40,192 Once that move comes out, 76 00:03:40,275 --> 00:03:42,401 it's fuckin' fat lady sings, over and out. 77 00:03:42,776 --> 00:03:43,776 Pardon my language. 78 00:03:43,859 --> 00:03:45,776 Anyway, I start to feel him 79 00:03:45,859 --> 00:03:47,693 gettin' in there for it and I'm like, oh shit. 80 00:03:47,776 --> 00:03:48,859 It's coming. 81 00:03:48,943 --> 00:03:50,442 Sure enough, he flips me. 82 00:03:51,234 --> 00:03:53,693 Before I knew it-- suplex. 83 00:03:53,776 --> 00:03:55,776 (crowd cheers) 84 00:03:56,442 --> 00:03:58,818 (heavy rock music playing) 85 00:04:04,192 --> 00:04:05,651 Woman: And that's it? 86 00:04:06,109 --> 00:04:07,401 Raw Dawg: What do you mean, "that's it?" 87 00:04:07,484 --> 00:04:08,818 -Of course. -(bell dings) 88 00:04:08,901 --> 00:04:11,776 Once you get suplexed, you're done. He won. Over. 89 00:04:13,651 --> 00:04:14,984 Woman: And you're sure? 90 00:04:15,317 --> 00:04:16,734 Raw Dawg: Geez, lady. 91 00:04:17,025 --> 00:04:19,067 Why do you keep askin' me? Yes. I'm sure. 92 00:04:19,150 --> 00:04:20,609 Woman: Okay... 93 00:04:21,025 --> 00:04:23,317 -It's just that-- -Raw Dawg: Just that what? 94 00:04:24,150 --> 00:04:25,984 Why do you keep pushing me on this? 95 00:04:26,275 --> 00:04:27,943 Think I'm lyin' to you or something? 96 00:04:28,234 --> 00:04:29,317 Woman: No. 97 00:04:29,651 --> 00:04:31,776 I just make sure that we get it right. 98 00:04:32,234 --> 00:04:33,526 Raw Dawg: I have it right. 99 00:04:34,109 --> 00:04:35,442 You're the one that's messing it up right now 100 00:04:35,526 --> 00:04:37,192 with all these dumbass questions. 101 00:04:37,275 --> 00:04:39,693 Pressuring me... 102 00:04:39,776 --> 00:04:41,609 Raw Dawg (on tape): And as soon as I flipped him upside down, 103 00:04:41,693 --> 00:04:42,776 he knew what was coming. 104 00:04:42,859 --> 00:04:45,150 I just dropped him back and kablam! 105 00:04:45,234 --> 00:04:47,150 It was over. I won. 106 00:04:50,192 --> 00:04:51,401 Raw Dawg: What was that? 107 00:04:51,943 --> 00:04:52,984 Woman: That was you. 108 00:04:53,317 --> 00:04:54,401 Last week. 109 00:04:56,067 --> 00:04:57,693 Raw Dawg: You recording this? 110 00:04:58,693 --> 00:05:01,359 Yes, I record all of our conversations. You know that. 111 00:05:01,734 --> 00:05:04,693 No, I didn't know that. And I didn't agree to it. 112 00:05:05,192 --> 00:05:06,109 You did agree to it. 113 00:05:06,192 --> 00:05:07,401 Why the hell would I do that? 114 00:05:07,484 --> 00:05:09,025 Because someone was badly hurt. 115 00:05:09,109 --> 00:05:11,359 And we're trying to figure out how and why. 116 00:05:13,234 --> 00:05:15,901 Um, God. This is, um... 117 00:05:16,901 --> 00:05:18,693 I'm not liking this. You know, I don't like 118 00:05:18,776 --> 00:05:20,567 when you mess around with me like this. 119 00:05:21,192 --> 00:05:22,401 I'm not messing around with you. 120 00:05:22,484 --> 00:05:24,025 My head's already cloudy and I don't need you 121 00:05:24,109 --> 00:05:26,609 futzin' around all in my memory like this! 122 00:05:27,109 --> 00:05:28,734 I should never... 123 00:05:28,818 --> 00:05:31,067 Should never have agreed to do this. 124 00:05:31,150 --> 00:05:33,275 -It's okay. -No, it's not! 125 00:05:33,359 --> 00:05:35,067 It's not okay, dammit! 126 00:05:36,192 --> 00:05:37,109 (doll thuds) 127 00:05:39,609 --> 00:05:40,901 Woman: Okay... (exhales) 128 00:05:40,984 --> 00:05:42,401 Let's just take a breath. 129 00:05:42,609 --> 00:05:44,943 We can-- we can forget about that for now. 130 00:05:48,234 --> 00:05:50,609 I'm sorry. I didn't mean to get all worked up. 131 00:05:51,776 --> 00:05:53,025 It's not like me. 132 00:05:54,734 --> 00:05:56,776 That wasn't like me. I'm not a violent person. 133 00:05:57,567 --> 00:05:58,776 It's okay. 134 00:05:59,150 --> 00:06:00,484 Have a sip of water. 135 00:06:02,275 --> 00:06:03,484 (gulps water) 136 00:06:05,192 --> 00:06:06,359 Raw Dawg: Who's that? 137 00:06:06,442 --> 00:06:08,275 Woman: Does he look familiar to you? 138 00:06:08,693 --> 00:06:12,275 Raw Dawg: No. I mean, he's a little boy. 139 00:06:12,693 --> 00:06:14,859 A lot of them look alike. It's not like, um, 140 00:06:14,943 --> 00:06:16,984 there's... (breathes deeply) 141 00:06:17,067 --> 00:06:19,901 Not like there's a lot of details on his face. I mean... 142 00:06:20,275 --> 00:06:22,484 He's dressed kinda like a... 143 00:06:22,859 --> 00:06:23,943 Woman: Like what? 144 00:06:24,651 --> 00:06:27,025 Raw Dawg: I don't wanna be mean about it but, 145 00:06:27,109 --> 00:06:28,067 he looks... 146 00:06:28,150 --> 00:06:29,901 kinda like a little nerd or something. 147 00:06:32,275 --> 00:06:34,776 Geez. You really write down everything, don't you? 148 00:06:34,859 --> 00:06:36,901 Woman: The details are important. 149 00:06:40,359 --> 00:06:42,609 Why am I looking at this nerdy kid? 150 00:06:45,109 --> 00:06:48,442 Is there anything that you feel when you look at him? 151 00:06:52,150 --> 00:06:55,442 Raw Dawg: Feel like... he needs some friends. 152 00:06:55,526 --> 00:06:57,150 Maybe some new clothes. 153 00:06:58,484 --> 00:07:00,025 Woman: Anything else? 154 00:07:02,734 --> 00:07:04,109 Raw Dawg: I mean, I don't know what 155 00:07:04,192 --> 00:07:05,609 you want me to say here. I mean... 156 00:07:06,609 --> 00:07:07,818 just a strange little kid. 157 00:07:07,901 --> 00:07:09,442 And I don't know what he's got to do with 158 00:07:09,526 --> 00:07:11,317 what we've been doing here last couple of weeks. 159 00:07:11,484 --> 00:07:14,317 I'm just trying something new to try to jog your memory. 160 00:07:14,567 --> 00:07:16,609 Anything that occurs to you is fine. 161 00:07:17,192 --> 00:07:18,150 Anything at all. 162 00:07:18,984 --> 00:07:21,401 I mean, I guess it occurs to me is what's this 163 00:07:21,484 --> 00:07:24,359 little kid doin' in a hotel room by himself? 164 00:07:25,025 --> 00:07:26,526 Woman: That's a good question. 165 00:07:26,859 --> 00:07:28,526 Raw Dawg: Where's his parents? 166 00:07:31,526 --> 00:07:33,984 (heavy rock music playing) 167 00:07:35,275 --> 00:07:37,234 Raw Dawg: Ahh. Okay. Sure. 168 00:07:37,526 --> 00:07:40,526 So now this nerdy little kid's in here with Dr. Destruction. 169 00:07:40,609 --> 00:07:41,609 This... 170 00:07:41,693 --> 00:07:43,567 This is getting stupider and stupider. 171 00:07:43,651 --> 00:07:45,693 Sorry, I don't have another doll. 172 00:07:45,776 --> 00:07:48,567 Let's just pretend that this doll is this boy's father, 173 00:07:48,651 --> 00:07:50,359 since you asked about his parents. 174 00:07:50,526 --> 00:07:53,025 This kid's dad dresses like a pro wrestler? 175 00:07:53,943 --> 00:07:55,567 Hard time believing this. 176 00:07:56,359 --> 00:07:58,442 Try to look past the details. 177 00:07:58,526 --> 00:08:00,234 Said the details were important. 178 00:08:00,859 --> 00:08:02,526 Okay, fine. 179 00:08:09,901 --> 00:08:12,234 (Raw Dawg laughs) 180 00:08:12,317 --> 00:08:13,943 Woman: Is something funny? 181 00:08:14,025 --> 00:08:17,442 Raw Dawg: (laughs) I don't know... it's just... 182 00:08:17,901 --> 00:08:19,067 Woman: You're laughing. 183 00:08:19,776 --> 00:08:22,275 Raw Dawg: Sorry, I don't know, I just-- 184 00:08:22,359 --> 00:08:23,442 started laughing. 185 00:08:24,359 --> 00:08:26,567 Woman: Can you tell me what you're thinking about? 186 00:08:28,734 --> 00:08:30,067 Raw Dawg: Wait. 187 00:08:33,234 --> 00:08:34,526 Something's comin' to me. 188 00:08:34,901 --> 00:08:38,192 I mean, I don't know if it's a memory or something else but... 189 00:08:38,567 --> 00:08:39,734 Woman: Just go with it. 190 00:08:39,818 --> 00:08:41,567 Raw Dawg: Okay. If you say so. 191 00:08:56,442 --> 00:08:57,901 It's nice to meet you. 192 00:09:01,526 --> 00:09:02,609 (sighs) 193 00:09:15,401 --> 00:09:19,275 (soft music playing) 194 00:09:30,150 --> 00:09:31,150 Here you go. 195 00:09:36,484 --> 00:09:37,651 Thank you. 196 00:09:38,359 --> 00:09:39,651 Yeah. 197 00:09:42,484 --> 00:09:43,776 Where's your parents? 198 00:09:44,317 --> 00:09:45,943 I was hoping you could show me 199 00:09:46,025 --> 00:09:48,150 the Vertical Suplex Powerslam? 200 00:09:49,484 --> 00:09:51,943 Nah, that's a dangerous move. 201 00:09:52,484 --> 00:09:55,526 I know. You don't have to actually slam me. 202 00:09:56,150 --> 00:09:57,984 I just wanna know how you do it. 203 00:09:58,442 --> 00:09:59,526 Could you show me? 204 00:10:05,943 --> 00:10:07,109 Woman: It's okay. 205 00:10:15,192 --> 00:10:16,401 All right. 206 00:10:17,150 --> 00:10:18,317 You got it. 207 00:10:18,526 --> 00:10:21,859 But don't tell anybody 'cause we could get into trouble. 208 00:10:22,776 --> 00:10:23,734 Okay. 209 00:10:23,818 --> 00:10:24,901 Come on. 210 00:10:27,818 --> 00:10:29,317 (light clicks off) 211 00:10:36,025 --> 00:10:39,901 (electric guitar note) 212 00:10:43,359 --> 00:10:44,484 All right. 213 00:10:45,192 --> 00:10:46,567 I'm gonna show you the move, 214 00:10:46,651 --> 00:10:48,192 but I'm not gonna give you the slam, okay? 215 00:10:48,275 --> 00:10:50,275 -Okay. Yeah. -Ready? 216 00:10:50,359 --> 00:10:51,234 (bell dings) 217 00:10:51,317 --> 00:10:53,734 (heavy rock music playing) 218 00:10:53,984 --> 00:10:55,275 (grunts) 219 00:10:55,734 --> 00:10:57,484 -(boy laughs) -Whoa, okay! 220 00:10:57,567 --> 00:11:00,025 -You are heavy! -(boy laughs) 221 00:11:00,484 --> 00:11:02,317 (laughter continues) 222 00:11:02,401 --> 00:11:04,150 Man, I don't know if I can hold ya. 223 00:11:04,234 --> 00:11:05,651 I don't know if I can hold you. 224 00:11:05,734 --> 00:11:07,484 -(boy laughs) -Gettin' dizzy. 225 00:11:07,567 --> 00:11:09,651 I might drop you. 226 00:11:09,734 --> 00:11:12,025 -I'm not feelin' too good. -Put me down. 227 00:11:12,109 --> 00:11:14,359 -I might drop you. -Please put me down! 228 00:11:14,442 --> 00:11:15,901 You're gettin' heavy, kid. 229 00:11:16,567 --> 00:11:18,067 Boy: Put me down! 230 00:11:18,609 --> 00:11:19,818 Put me down! 231 00:11:19,901 --> 00:11:20,984 (shirt ripping) 232 00:11:21,067 --> 00:11:23,234 -No! -No! 233 00:11:25,609 --> 00:11:28,401 (echoing): No, no, no... 234 00:11:29,734 --> 00:11:32,067 (sirens wailing) 235 00:11:34,150 --> 00:11:36,693 -Raw Dawg: Can you... -Woman: Yes? 236 00:11:37,442 --> 00:11:39,776 Raw Dawg: Can you get that gurney out of there, please? 237 00:11:39,859 --> 00:11:41,442 Woman: Don't you wanna know who it is? 238 00:11:41,526 --> 00:11:43,609 Raw Dawg: I want you to get that gurney outta there. 239 00:11:44,526 --> 00:11:45,609 Please. 240 00:11:48,317 --> 00:11:50,359 Woman: I think you should take a moment 241 00:11:50,442 --> 00:11:51,609 to ask yourself, 242 00:11:51,693 --> 00:11:52,859 who is under those-- 243 00:11:52,943 --> 00:11:54,150 Raw Dawg: Wait... 244 00:11:54,234 --> 00:11:55,526 was that... 245 00:11:55,609 --> 00:11:56,818 was that a real memory? 246 00:11:58,484 --> 00:12:00,401 Did something happen to that little boy? 247 00:12:02,984 --> 00:12:05,776 (sirens fade) 248 00:12:08,609 --> 00:12:10,317 Is he who got hurt? 249 00:12:13,567 --> 00:12:14,984 Am I... 250 00:12:17,693 --> 00:12:19,275 Am I responsible? 251 00:12:21,275 --> 00:12:22,484 Just try. 252 00:12:23,317 --> 00:12:24,693 Try to remember. 253 00:12:25,192 --> 00:12:27,943 I-I... It's too confusing. 254 00:12:29,067 --> 00:12:30,317 (softly): You know... 255 00:12:30,401 --> 00:12:33,818 The championship match, the wrestlers, suplex... 256 00:12:34,484 --> 00:12:36,442 The little boy in the room. 257 00:12:37,317 --> 00:12:39,150 Man in the room. 258 00:12:41,734 --> 00:12:43,484 It's-- it's too cloudy for me. 259 00:12:43,567 --> 00:12:46,401 I'm trying to straighten it out, but... 260 00:12:46,818 --> 00:12:49,401 It's all just-- it's getting mixed up. 261 00:12:49,484 --> 00:12:50,693 You're doing so well. 262 00:12:50,776 --> 00:12:52,025 Just stay with it. 263 00:12:52,109 --> 00:12:53,818 Why can't you help me? 264 00:12:54,067 --> 00:12:55,693 Do you know what happened? 265 00:12:56,317 --> 00:12:57,984 Woman: I know some things. 266 00:12:59,192 --> 00:13:00,150 Tell me. 267 00:13:00,234 --> 00:13:02,150 It's important that you remember. 268 00:13:04,526 --> 00:13:06,067 (exhales) 269 00:13:07,109 --> 00:13:08,067 I remember... 270 00:13:08,818 --> 00:13:10,359 I remember a wrestling match. 271 00:13:11,317 --> 00:13:13,025 Somebody got hurt, I think. 272 00:13:14,025 --> 00:13:15,567 What's that have to do with the little boy? 273 00:13:15,901 --> 00:13:18,025 Woman: Just go from what you remember. 274 00:13:18,317 --> 00:13:20,526 (breathes heavily) 275 00:13:20,901 --> 00:13:22,901 I can't-- I can't! 276 00:13:23,275 --> 00:13:24,776 (panting) 277 00:13:25,359 --> 00:13:27,818 I mean, the last thing I definitely remember is, 278 00:13:27,901 --> 00:13:30,234 I put Dr. Destruction in the suplex... 279 00:13:30,317 --> 00:13:31,818 (rapid breathing) 280 00:13:31,901 --> 00:13:34,651 I've done it a million times before and nobody ever got hurt. 281 00:13:35,859 --> 00:13:38,651 And I, I didn't mean to hurt that doctor. 282 00:13:39,401 --> 00:13:40,567 At all... 283 00:13:41,317 --> 00:13:44,693 Wait... wait, the-- the doctor. 284 00:13:47,234 --> 00:13:48,317 It was-- 285 00:13:48,401 --> 00:13:50,943 It was definitely Dr. Destruction, right? 286 00:13:51,526 --> 00:13:53,609 Woman: There is no Dr. Destruction. 287 00:13:53,693 --> 00:13:55,025 (high-pitched tone) 288 00:13:55,109 --> 00:13:56,150 What? 289 00:13:56,234 --> 00:13:57,025 Woman: He's not real. 290 00:13:57,109 --> 00:13:58,234 (heavy rock music playing) 291 00:13:58,317 --> 00:13:59,567 Woman: It's okay. 292 00:13:59,943 --> 00:14:01,067 Keep going. 293 00:14:01,651 --> 00:14:02,901 It was a doctor. 294 00:14:03,567 --> 00:14:04,776 Like a real doctor? 295 00:14:05,192 --> 00:14:06,234 Yeah... 296 00:14:06,317 --> 00:14:07,234 Yeah, I-- 297 00:14:07,567 --> 00:14:09,109 I put him in the suplex, 298 00:14:09,401 --> 00:14:10,651 but I didn't mean to hurt him. 299 00:14:10,943 --> 00:14:12,275 Woman: No, you didn't. 300 00:14:12,359 --> 00:14:13,442 Raw Dawg: So how'd he get hurt? 301 00:14:13,734 --> 00:14:14,734 Woman: You know. 302 00:14:15,067 --> 00:14:17,651 There's a table and chairs and all the glasses... 303 00:14:17,734 --> 00:14:18,859 What the... 304 00:14:18,943 --> 00:14:20,526 fuck were they doing in the wrestling ring?! 305 00:14:20,609 --> 00:14:22,442 -Woman: Were they in the ring? -Raw Dawg: Yeah. 306 00:14:22,526 --> 00:14:25,109 Yeah, if he fell and broke his neck and his back... 307 00:14:25,776 --> 00:14:27,401 Woman: It's okay. Keep going. 308 00:14:28,567 --> 00:14:29,901 Raw Dawg: He broke his neck. 309 00:14:29,984 --> 00:14:31,150 He got paralyzed. 310 00:14:31,234 --> 00:14:33,526 Woman: Tell me why those chairs and that table 311 00:14:33,609 --> 00:14:34,859 and those glasses were in the ring. 312 00:14:34,943 --> 00:14:36,275 Raw Dawg: I don't know! 313 00:14:36,359 --> 00:14:38,025 They don't have those things in wrestling rings. 314 00:14:38,109 --> 00:14:39,025 Woman: They don't. 315 00:14:39,109 --> 00:14:40,025 Raw Dawg: They only have 'em 316 00:14:40,109 --> 00:14:41,401 in restaurants and bars and... 317 00:14:43,025 --> 00:14:44,567 Raw Dawg: It was a bar. 318 00:14:44,651 --> 00:14:46,317 Woman: Yes, it was in a bar. 319 00:14:46,609 --> 00:14:47,609 Keep going, Doug. 320 00:14:48,651 --> 00:14:50,776 -Raw Dawg: Who's Doug? -Woman: That's you. 321 00:14:51,484 --> 00:14:52,442 That's your name. 322 00:14:53,275 --> 00:14:54,651 You're Doug Avalon 323 00:14:54,734 --> 00:14:57,192 and your wrestler name is Raw Dawg Avalanche. 324 00:14:57,275 --> 00:14:58,359 Doug: That's right... 325 00:14:58,442 --> 00:15:00,275 That's right 'cause I-- I've been retired. 326 00:15:00,359 --> 00:15:01,359 Woman: Yeah. 327 00:15:01,442 --> 00:15:02,609 Doug: Retired for a long time now. 328 00:15:02,693 --> 00:15:04,067 And I was just sittin' there, 329 00:15:04,150 --> 00:15:06,025 in that bar, having a drink, minding my own business, 330 00:15:06,109 --> 00:15:07,317 like I always do and this... 331 00:15:07,776 --> 00:15:09,484 It was that fucking doctor! 332 00:15:10,484 --> 00:15:12,109 He sees me and he knows me. 333 00:15:12,734 --> 00:15:15,609 So he starts telling jokes and they're not real nice jokes. 334 00:15:16,317 --> 00:15:17,484 So I tell him... 335 00:15:18,693 --> 00:15:21,484 I tell him to shut his fuckin' mouth or I'm gonna shut it for him. 336 00:15:21,818 --> 00:15:22,984 And he says to me... 337 00:15:23,442 --> 00:15:24,734 Woman: What did he say? 338 00:15:24,818 --> 00:15:26,067 You remember. 339 00:15:26,150 --> 00:15:27,234 Doug: He says to me... 340 00:15:27,317 --> 00:15:28,567 (high-pitched tone) 341 00:15:28,651 --> 00:15:30,234 "If you don't like it, 342 00:15:30,317 --> 00:15:32,109 go cry to your daddy like a little fuckin' boy!" 343 00:15:32,192 --> 00:15:33,776 (echoes): Like a little fuckin' boy... 344 00:15:34,067 --> 00:15:35,067 (back bones crack) 345 00:15:35,150 --> 00:15:37,776 (rock music playing) 346 00:15:38,651 --> 00:15:39,609 Ahhhh! 347 00:15:39,693 --> 00:15:41,609 (grunts) 348 00:15:43,984 --> 00:15:44,901 Ahhhh! 349 00:15:50,526 --> 00:15:51,734 (groans) 350 00:15:53,442 --> 00:15:56,526 (music continues) 351 00:15:58,067 --> 00:15:59,567 Man: Oh shi-- 352 00:16:02,401 --> 00:16:03,818 Ahhh! 353 00:16:04,984 --> 00:16:06,401 (grunts) 354 00:16:07,609 --> 00:16:09,943 (glass shattering) 355 00:16:10,025 --> 00:16:12,025 (panting) 356 00:16:13,484 --> 00:16:14,734 (heavy breathing) 357 00:16:15,901 --> 00:16:17,734 (country song plays quietly) 358 00:16:19,776 --> 00:16:23,150 I am not a violent person! 359 00:16:27,317 --> 00:16:29,609 He was just an innocent man! 360 00:16:31,192 --> 00:16:33,359 And nobody stopped me! 361 00:16:33,734 --> 00:16:36,275 He was just a little man! 362 00:16:36,359 --> 00:16:38,234 And no one helped him! 363 00:16:41,693 --> 00:16:43,567 (sobbing): I'm not a violent person! 364 00:16:44,234 --> 00:16:47,693 That monster made me a monster! 365 00:16:48,567 --> 00:16:50,234 (song continues) 366 00:16:53,442 --> 00:16:54,567 (sobs) 367 00:16:59,234 --> 00:17:02,192 (crying): I was just a little boy... 368 00:17:03,442 --> 00:17:04,859 (cries) 369 00:17:06,567 --> 00:17:08,734 No one helped me... 370 00:17:09,442 --> 00:17:12,484 (breathes heavily) None of you helped me! 371 00:17:13,734 --> 00:17:15,609 None of you! 372 00:17:21,693 --> 00:17:24,734 (exhales) You let him hurt me. 373 00:17:26,859 --> 00:17:30,109 (cries) 374 00:17:31,150 --> 00:17:33,651 He wasn't a good guy! 375 00:17:35,359 --> 00:17:37,943 He was a monster! 376 00:17:39,359 --> 00:17:41,275 And he hurt me... 377 00:17:41,359 --> 00:17:42,609 (faint sirens) 378 00:17:43,359 --> 00:17:44,609 (breathes heavily) 379 00:17:48,901 --> 00:17:50,609 And now I'm gonna hurt you... 380 00:17:53,901 --> 00:17:56,275 I'm gonna hurt all of you. 381 00:17:57,901 --> 00:18:00,317 Raw Dawg Avalanche 382 00:18:00,401 --> 00:18:04,484 is gonna kill every last one of you motherfuckers! 383 00:18:05,234 --> 00:18:07,442 (panting) 384 00:18:07,526 --> 00:18:09,192 (distorted sirens) 385 00:18:15,943 --> 00:18:18,317 (sirens approaching) 386 00:18:22,984 --> 00:18:24,526 (sirens stop) 387 00:18:29,484 --> 00:18:32,025 (birds chirping) 388 00:18:50,275 --> 00:18:51,526 So that's me. 389 00:18:51,943 --> 00:18:53,192 Woman: Yes. 390 00:19:05,442 --> 00:19:06,734 That's my dad. 391 00:19:07,401 --> 00:19:08,526 Woman: Yes. 392 00:19:16,734 --> 00:19:18,025 He was a doctor. 393 00:19:18,818 --> 00:19:19,943 Woman: Yes. 394 00:19:30,317 --> 00:19:32,734 Furnishings are different. 395 00:19:36,901 --> 00:19:38,693 But this is it. 396 00:19:40,526 --> 00:19:41,693 (exhales) 397 00:19:57,359 --> 00:19:58,943 (ragged breaths) 398 00:20:03,901 --> 00:20:05,442 Doug: Pat's Pizza. 399 00:20:07,776 --> 00:20:08,901 (laughs) 400 00:20:09,693 --> 00:20:12,609 That was a tradition every time we came. 401 00:20:16,317 --> 00:20:18,567 He'd pick it up when he was done volunteering. 402 00:20:25,943 --> 00:20:27,734 That's why we came here. 403 00:20:33,109 --> 00:20:36,192 He volunteered at the free clinic once a month. 404 00:20:41,984 --> 00:20:42,984 Good guy. 405 00:20:50,442 --> 00:20:52,693 We couldn't tell anybody what we did here. 406 00:20:54,442 --> 00:20:56,317 'Cause we might get in trouble. 407 00:21:02,275 --> 00:21:03,859 Woman: Are you okay, Doug? 408 00:21:13,734 --> 00:21:15,150 (clears throat) 409 00:21:23,693 --> 00:21:25,234 It's all startin' to... 410 00:21:25,776 --> 00:21:27,859 to become more clear to me now. 411 00:21:28,192 --> 00:21:29,526 Woman: And? 412 00:21:29,776 --> 00:21:31,192 What do you think? 413 00:21:44,484 --> 00:21:45,818 (inhales) 414 00:21:47,567 --> 00:21:50,234 I think I did something really terrible in that bar. 415 00:21:52,651 --> 00:21:54,234 (exhales) 416 00:22:13,567 --> 00:22:14,734 (sighs) 417 00:22:16,025 --> 00:22:17,693 Something really... 418 00:22:19,442 --> 00:22:21,943 terrible happened to me in this room. 419 00:22:46,943 --> 00:22:48,943 (crying) 420 00:22:50,359 --> 00:22:51,984 Hello? 421 00:22:54,734 --> 00:22:55,943 Hello? 422 00:22:56,776 --> 00:22:57,901 (cries)