1 00:00:07,079 --> 00:00:11,037 (theme music playing) 2 00:00:20,371 --> 00:00:22,454 ♪ ♪ 3 00:00:34,579 --> 00:00:37,454 -Megan: Shit. -Casey: What's up? 4 00:00:38,120 --> 00:00:39,537 Megan: Nothing. 5 00:00:39,621 --> 00:00:41,663 Oh. Let me see. 6 00:00:41,746 --> 00:00:42,788 Oh no, it's gross. 7 00:00:42,871 --> 00:00:44,287 -No. Let me-- let me-- -It's gross! 8 00:00:44,371 --> 00:00:45,913 -You don't wanna see it! -Let me see! 9 00:00:45,995 --> 00:00:47,621 Fine. 10 00:00:48,120 --> 00:00:50,037 Oh! Yikes! 11 00:00:50,120 --> 00:00:52,245 Yeah, I don't know what happened. 12 00:00:52,329 --> 00:00:54,871 I got the right shoes and the right socks, 13 00:00:54,954 --> 00:00:57,371 and I spent all that extra time breaking them in. 14 00:00:57,454 --> 00:00:59,579 But I guess I did not notice... 15 00:01:00,995 --> 00:01:02,913 this little guy. 16 00:01:05,663 --> 00:01:07,829 Like, where did it even come from? 17 00:01:08,371 --> 00:01:10,245 -Oh my God. You're not gonna believe this. -What? 18 00:01:10,329 --> 00:01:13,829 Okay. You know how we always used to make fun of our moms 19 00:01:13,913 --> 00:01:18,621 for their cucumber facials, and... overnight masks, 20 00:01:18,704 --> 00:01:21,245 -and long spa days? -Yeah. 21 00:01:21,329 --> 00:01:24,245 Well, I kind of think 22 00:01:24,329 --> 00:01:27,245 they might have been on to something. 23 00:01:27,329 --> 00:01:31,329 (laughs) You thought to bring Epsom salts on a hiking trip? 24 00:01:31,663 --> 00:01:34,704 That is so... beautifully extra. 25 00:01:34,788 --> 00:01:36,913 Well, I was gonna save them for the last day, 26 00:01:36,995 --> 00:01:40,954 but it'll be our last night with a bathtub and... 27 00:01:41,871 --> 00:01:43,287 I think it's the right time. 28 00:01:43,371 --> 00:01:46,037 It's like, I mean, it's not that bad. 29 00:01:46,120 --> 00:01:47,746 Let's go draw you a bath. 30 00:01:47,829 --> 00:01:49,245 Okay. (laughs) 31 00:01:49,329 --> 00:01:50,663 Do you-- do you want help? 32 00:01:50,746 --> 00:01:53,120 -I'm good. I think I can hobble. -Okay. (laughs) 33 00:01:54,704 --> 00:01:57,120 (Casey humming) 34 00:02:02,871 --> 00:02:04,537 (chuckles nervously) 35 00:02:04,621 --> 00:02:06,454 There's no dressing rooms on the trail, dude. 36 00:02:06,537 --> 00:02:09,871 Oh, um, the water's good now. 37 00:02:10,995 --> 00:02:12,579 Megan: I just had the best idea. 38 00:02:12,663 --> 00:02:16,079 How about you move in with me and take care of me forever? 39 00:02:16,162 --> 00:02:20,412 Can't. I've got a lot of business to attend to in my parents' basement. 40 00:02:21,995 --> 00:02:24,621 Sorry. I didn't mean to bring it up. 41 00:02:24,704 --> 00:02:26,371 Relax. It's fine. 42 00:02:27,537 --> 00:02:30,162 This is heaven. Thank you. 43 00:02:31,162 --> 00:02:32,621 Don't even mention it. (chuckles) 44 00:02:32,704 --> 00:02:34,454 No. Not just for this. 45 00:02:34,537 --> 00:02:35,871 Look, I... 46 00:02:35,954 --> 00:02:38,120 I know that it's only been a day. 47 00:02:38,204 --> 00:02:39,788 Whoa. Just a day? 48 00:02:39,871 --> 00:02:42,995 Two peaks in one day is nothing to scoff at. 49 00:02:43,079 --> 00:02:44,995 Like, that is a major achievement. 50 00:02:45,079 --> 00:02:46,995 Well, that's why I need to thank you. 51 00:02:47,079 --> 00:02:50,454 Ever since I pitched you this crazy idea and you didn't laugh-- 52 00:02:50,537 --> 00:02:53,120 and for real, I thought you would laugh in my face-- 53 00:02:53,204 --> 00:02:56,496 I knew quitting wasn't an option. 54 00:02:56,579 --> 00:02:58,412 Even with this little setback? 55 00:02:58,496 --> 00:03:01,704 Yeah, I feel like I really am ready for three months of this. 56 00:03:04,079 --> 00:03:06,621 I am beat, I'm gonna go lay down. 57 00:03:06,704 --> 00:03:10,079 Just shout if you need anything. 58 00:03:10,162 --> 00:03:11,537 -Okay? -Okay. 59 00:03:16,871 --> 00:03:19,371 -(door closes) -(sighs) 60 00:03:19,454 --> 00:03:21,746 ♪ ♪ 61 00:03:25,204 --> 00:03:26,621 (door closes) 62 00:03:27,329 --> 00:03:29,120 (chuckles) Are you okay? 63 00:03:29,204 --> 00:03:31,245 Uh, yep. 64 00:03:32,454 --> 00:03:34,245 I'm just tired. 65 00:03:34,329 --> 00:03:36,371 Are you sweating? 66 00:03:36,454 --> 00:03:39,746 Oh, I think my body is still cooling down from today. 67 00:03:39,829 --> 00:03:41,621 -Oh. -You know, 68 00:03:41,704 --> 00:03:43,871 I actually wanted to check in with you. 69 00:03:43,954 --> 00:03:45,537 How are you feeling? 70 00:03:45,621 --> 00:03:47,245 I'm great. 71 00:03:47,329 --> 00:03:49,537 I know you said quitting isn't an option, 72 00:03:49,621 --> 00:03:51,788 and you want me to hold you accountable, 73 00:03:51,871 --> 00:03:53,162 and we're doing this no matter what. 74 00:03:53,245 --> 00:03:57,079 But... if you need to stop, I'll respect that. 75 00:03:57,162 --> 00:04:00,120 No. Everything you said is still true. 76 00:04:00,204 --> 00:04:02,371 I'm not gonna let a blister keep us from the end of the trail. 77 00:04:02,454 --> 00:04:04,204 Okay. Well... 78 00:04:04,287 --> 00:04:07,120 if the pain ever gets to be too much, just tell me. 79 00:04:07,204 --> 00:04:10,663 There's no shame in taking a break, at all, like, whatsoever. 80 00:04:10,746 --> 00:04:13,663 I mean, it's not like a three-month hike was gonna be a cakewalk, right? 81 00:04:13,746 --> 00:04:16,245 Plus, I mean, it's not Epsom salts, 82 00:04:16,329 --> 00:04:18,537 which had me smelling amazing, by the way, 83 00:04:18,621 --> 00:04:20,663 but I did come prepared. 84 00:04:20,746 --> 00:04:22,829 -You did? -Yeah. 85 00:04:24,871 --> 00:04:26,954 So I think I'm just gonna lance it and wrap it up 86 00:04:27,037 --> 00:04:28,829 and make sure it's all nice and bandaged in the morning-- 87 00:04:28,913 --> 00:04:31,621 Wait, wait. Wait. You're gonna lance it? 88 00:04:31,704 --> 00:04:33,412 Yeah, I looked it up before we left, 89 00:04:33,496 --> 00:04:36,037 and apparently, you're supposed to drain it and keep it covered. 90 00:04:36,120 --> 00:04:38,037 Everybody knows that you're supposed 91 00:04:38,120 --> 00:04:40,079 to just take a square piece of duct tape, put it on there, 92 00:04:40,162 --> 00:04:42,663 -and then just grip and rip, you know? -Ow! 93 00:04:42,746 --> 00:04:45,746 A little "ow" now will save you a lot of "ow" later. 94 00:04:45,829 --> 00:04:48,579 Hmm. I don't know. I feel like it'll heal better 95 00:04:48,663 --> 00:04:51,329 if I just do it the way that I read. 96 00:04:53,371 --> 00:04:55,788 Okay, uh, how about this? 97 00:04:55,871 --> 00:04:58,245 How about we just get an early night, 98 00:04:58,329 --> 00:05:01,079 and I'll sleep on it and see if the salt helps. 99 00:05:01,162 --> 00:05:03,204 And in the morning, we can decide what to do. 100 00:05:03,287 --> 00:05:05,454 -Deal? -Sure. 101 00:05:05,537 --> 00:05:06,871 -Great. -(laughs) 102 00:05:06,954 --> 00:05:09,037 ♪ ♪ 103 00:05:09,913 --> 00:05:12,037 (snoring softly) 104 00:05:26,871 --> 00:05:28,162 (sighs) 105 00:05:28,245 --> 00:05:30,746 (whispers): Oh! Shit. 106 00:05:35,412 --> 00:05:37,621 (bag crinkling) 107 00:05:48,788 --> 00:05:49,954 (sighs) 108 00:05:51,079 --> 00:05:52,287 Megan? 109 00:05:52,371 --> 00:05:55,412 Uh... Is everything okay? 110 00:05:57,287 --> 00:05:58,704 Yeah, I just... 111 00:05:58,788 --> 00:06:01,704 I think it's so... funny... (chuckles) 112 00:06:01,788 --> 00:06:05,621 that our entire journey could be derailed by a tiny pebble. 113 00:06:06,079 --> 00:06:10,913 It's like, is it a sign, from the universe? 114 00:06:12,245 --> 00:06:14,537 (stammers): Do you think it's a sign? 115 00:06:14,621 --> 00:06:17,954 I think if this rock is a sign, 116 00:06:18,454 --> 00:06:22,788 maybe you bringing those Epsom salts is also a sign. 117 00:06:23,287 --> 00:06:26,204 Casey: I'm your best friend, 118 00:06:26,287 --> 00:06:29,454 of course I'm here to support you. 119 00:06:29,954 --> 00:06:31,621 I guess, um... 120 00:06:32,120 --> 00:06:34,788 like just now that I'm being vulnerable. 121 00:06:35,371 --> 00:06:36,913 I, uh... 122 00:06:37,788 --> 00:06:39,871 I want you to know 123 00:06:39,954 --> 00:06:42,162 that you can do the same with me. 124 00:06:47,120 --> 00:06:50,913 Is there anything you wanna tell me? 125 00:06:57,329 --> 00:06:58,663 No. 126 00:07:01,995 --> 00:07:05,162 -Casey... -Yeah? 127 00:07:07,496 --> 00:07:10,537 Never mind. I think I'm just gonna hit it. 128 00:07:25,995 --> 00:07:28,704 ♪ ♪ 129 00:07:45,204 --> 00:07:48,329 (coughing) 130 00:07:57,496 --> 00:07:59,120 What's that? 131 00:07:59,204 --> 00:08:02,704 I don't know. I thought maybe you'd know. 132 00:08:05,371 --> 00:08:07,496 (Casey sighs) 133 00:08:08,871 --> 00:08:12,621 Uh... this is a bag of rocks. 134 00:08:12,704 --> 00:08:14,579 I think you're right. 135 00:08:15,287 --> 00:08:16,663 Where did this come from? 136 00:08:16,746 --> 00:08:19,995 Well, it's funny actually because I found it in your bag. 137 00:08:20,079 --> 00:08:22,995 -How did it end up in there? -Why were you going through my bag? 138 00:08:23,079 --> 00:08:25,995 Why would somebody carry a bag of rocks throughout a hiking trip? 139 00:08:26,079 --> 00:08:27,995 Wouldn't that just add a lot of extra weight? 140 00:08:28,079 --> 00:08:31,037 It must've been trash I picked up along the way. 141 00:08:31,120 --> 00:08:33,995 You're supposed to leave everything better than how you found it. 142 00:08:34,079 --> 00:08:36,537 -Right? -That's not trash. 143 00:08:36,621 --> 00:08:38,871 -It's debris. -(scoffs) 144 00:08:38,954 --> 00:08:40,329 Okay. Tell me. 145 00:08:40,412 --> 00:08:44,913 How did your debris end up in my boot? 146 00:08:46,329 --> 00:08:47,788 Okay. Wow. 147 00:08:47,871 --> 00:08:50,496 You're implying something really hurtful here, 148 00:08:50,579 --> 00:08:54,579 and I am not even gonna dignify that with a response. 149 00:08:55,329 --> 00:08:57,329 Why did you put the rock in my shoe? 150 00:08:57,412 --> 00:09:00,454 I suppose you could've just dragged your foot somewhere 151 00:09:00,537 --> 00:09:02,079 and a pebble got in there. 152 00:09:02,162 --> 00:09:04,037 Casey. (scoffs) 153 00:09:04,120 --> 00:09:08,079 You put the rock into my boot. 154 00:09:08,829 --> 00:09:11,120 I know that you did. 155 00:09:12,371 --> 00:09:14,454 So just tell me why. 156 00:09:19,746 --> 00:09:22,788 Okay. Okay, okay. 157 00:09:24,412 --> 00:09:26,829 So, yeah, I took those rocks at the beginning, 158 00:09:26,913 --> 00:09:28,788 and I put one in your shoe 159 00:09:28,871 --> 00:09:32,454 because I knew it would cause a blister. 160 00:09:32,913 --> 00:09:35,913 But it was gonna be this turning point in your life, 161 00:09:35,995 --> 00:09:38,371 where like life throws you a curveball, 162 00:09:38,454 --> 00:09:40,663 and you think you plan for everything, 163 00:09:40,746 --> 00:09:44,412 but you have to find your inner strength to get over it. 164 00:09:44,496 --> 00:09:47,329 And then you'd be so much stronger for it. 165 00:09:47,412 --> 00:09:50,871 And you'd finish the trail, not just breaking physical boundaries, 166 00:09:50,954 --> 00:09:53,871 -but becoming mentally strong-- -Stop. 167 00:09:56,829 --> 00:09:59,788 Casey... for the sake... 168 00:10:00,287 --> 00:10:02,537 for the sake of our friendship, 169 00:10:02,621 --> 00:10:04,663 just be honest with me. 170 00:10:10,245 --> 00:10:12,329 I don't think you want that. 171 00:10:14,663 --> 00:10:16,496 I can take it. 172 00:10:18,663 --> 00:10:21,496 All right, uh... Okay, fine. 173 00:10:21,579 --> 00:10:23,329 I did it. 174 00:10:23,412 --> 00:10:27,537 Because I knew you'd fail at this whole journey. 175 00:10:27,621 --> 00:10:30,371 You thought that something this small could take me out? 176 00:10:30,454 --> 00:10:34,579 No! (chuckles) I knew you'd fail regardless of an injury. 177 00:10:34,663 --> 00:10:37,120 I mean, how much longer do you think you would have lasted? 178 00:10:37,204 --> 00:10:38,412 -Realistically? -(scoffs) 179 00:10:38,496 --> 00:10:41,704 Another day? Another week? 180 00:10:42,537 --> 00:10:44,788 I did this for you, 181 00:10:44,871 --> 00:10:47,704 to protect you. Aah. 182 00:10:48,120 --> 00:10:50,579 And I hope you know what a difficult decision it was 183 00:10:50,663 --> 00:10:52,913 -to make, to do-- -(laughs) I cannot-- 184 00:10:52,995 --> 00:10:56,746 I can't believe that I didn't see this before. 185 00:10:57,704 --> 00:11:00,037 This entire time... 186 00:11:00,120 --> 00:11:02,371 You know what? Let me ask you something. 187 00:11:03,579 --> 00:11:05,162 And... 188 00:11:05,245 --> 00:11:08,079 for once can you just tell me the truth. 189 00:11:10,371 --> 00:11:11,579 Sure. 190 00:11:16,579 --> 00:11:18,537 Are you jealous of me? 191 00:11:21,537 --> 00:11:23,162 What? 192 00:11:23,245 --> 00:11:25,913 Are you jealous of me? 193 00:11:28,120 --> 00:11:32,245 Why on Earth would you say something like that? 194 00:11:32,329 --> 00:11:34,496 I'm prepared for either answer. 195 00:11:34,579 --> 00:11:38,371 -Why would I be jealous-- -Oh, of me? 196 00:11:39,496 --> 00:11:41,371 Why, why not? 197 00:11:42,287 --> 00:11:45,079 I have a great family. I have great friends. 198 00:11:45,371 --> 00:11:47,162 I'm about to start a great job. 199 00:11:48,037 --> 00:11:49,579 I'm happy. 200 00:11:51,329 --> 00:11:53,704 I think we need to get real with each other, Meg. 201 00:11:53,788 --> 00:11:55,079 Yeah. I think so too. 202 00:11:55,162 --> 00:11:56,871 I'm sorry, but you're lying to yourself. 203 00:11:56,954 --> 00:12:00,037 -Why is that? -You are strong in so many ways, 204 00:12:00,120 --> 00:12:01,871 but you're not an athlete. 205 00:12:01,954 --> 00:12:04,120 -I'm a hiker. -Okay. (laughs) 206 00:12:04,204 --> 00:12:06,788 That is like, so profound of you, but-- 207 00:12:06,871 --> 00:12:10,079 Listen, the trail is just me and what I can do. 208 00:12:10,162 --> 00:12:12,371 And I can do this. Can you? 209 00:12:12,454 --> 00:12:14,287 (laughs) 210 00:12:14,371 --> 00:12:16,537 Yeah, I'm not asking you what you look like, Casey. 211 00:12:16,621 --> 00:12:17,954 I think you might be confused. 212 00:12:18,037 --> 00:12:20,412 I think you might be confused. 213 00:12:21,037 --> 00:12:23,621 You know what, here's why I'm doing this hike. 214 00:12:24,287 --> 00:12:26,537 It's my last hoorah, 215 00:12:26,621 --> 00:12:28,995 woo-woo, free-spirit moment after college. 216 00:12:29,079 --> 00:12:32,454 -And you wanna get in shape. -Did I ever say that? 217 00:12:32,537 --> 00:12:34,579 Is it not implied? 218 00:12:35,329 --> 00:12:38,162 Okay, how about you? Why are you doing this hike? 219 00:12:38,829 --> 00:12:41,079 Because you wanted to do it, 220 00:12:41,162 --> 00:12:43,287 and I'm your best friend. 221 00:12:43,371 --> 00:12:46,079 And I wanna help you get your life on track. 222 00:12:46,162 --> 00:12:47,954 My life is on track. 223 00:12:48,746 --> 00:12:51,162 Listen. Do you know what people say? 224 00:12:51,829 --> 00:12:54,079 Behind your back, all your life, the jokes they make? 225 00:12:54,162 --> 00:12:56,913 No, actually. I don't. What do people say? 226 00:12:56,995 --> 00:12:59,287 I was your only friend sometimes. 227 00:12:59,371 --> 00:13:00,913 I stood by you. 228 00:13:00,995 --> 00:13:04,621 I was never embarrassed to be seen with you, like everybody else. 229 00:13:04,704 --> 00:13:08,788 And I never once commented about your body to other people. 230 00:13:09,788 --> 00:13:11,245 What did people say to you? 231 00:13:11,329 --> 00:13:12,454 All sorts of things. 232 00:13:12,537 --> 00:13:14,496 They're so mean, I don't even wanna tell you. 233 00:13:15,371 --> 00:13:16,621 Like what? 234 00:13:16,704 --> 00:13:18,371 Like you're fat, okay? 235 00:13:18,454 --> 00:13:20,120 And ugly. 236 00:13:20,204 --> 00:13:22,995 -Fat and ugly. -I know! 237 00:13:23,496 --> 00:13:25,287 You do? 238 00:13:25,371 --> 00:13:28,204 (scoffs) Of course I do! Who gives a shit? 239 00:13:28,871 --> 00:13:31,287 You don't care that people think you're fat? 240 00:13:31,371 --> 00:13:34,371 No, I don't care that people think I'm fat because I'm fat! 241 00:13:34,454 --> 00:13:35,954 And I know that. 242 00:13:36,037 --> 00:13:38,663 (chuckles) You know, and I know that to some people 243 00:13:38,746 --> 00:13:41,537 that means that I'm ugly, but to me it doesn't! 244 00:13:42,371 --> 00:13:45,120 (scoffs) You... You expect me to believe 245 00:13:45,204 --> 00:13:47,746 that you don't care that people say all that, 246 00:13:48,371 --> 00:13:50,496 or think that you're a... 247 00:13:50,579 --> 00:13:52,329 a disgusting little pig? 248 00:13:52,412 --> 00:13:54,371 Or that your rolls have rolls? 249 00:13:54,454 --> 00:13:57,913 Or that you're a normal person's worst-case scenario? 250 00:13:57,995 --> 00:14:01,579 Can you name one person who has ever said that to you? 251 00:14:02,579 --> 00:14:04,746 Why can't you let me help you? 252 00:14:04,829 --> 00:14:06,037 You know-- 253 00:14:06,120 --> 00:14:09,371 All those times you needed a friend, who was there? 254 00:14:09,454 --> 00:14:11,995 All those times you wanted to feel included 255 00:14:12,079 --> 00:14:13,621 when you weren't invited to parties 256 00:14:13,704 --> 00:14:16,204 and-and I brought you along anyways! 257 00:14:16,746 --> 00:14:18,454 And you would have gone to prom alone 258 00:14:18,537 --> 00:14:21,245 if I hadn't told Jason Smith to ask you! 259 00:14:21,913 --> 00:14:24,704 And trust me, I do it out of love. 260 00:14:24,788 --> 00:14:28,245 Because I love watching you shine against the odds. 261 00:14:28,329 --> 00:14:30,245 -What odds? -(Casey scoffs) 262 00:14:30,329 --> 00:14:33,371 The fact that you were able to be so successful 263 00:14:33,454 --> 00:14:36,746 and happy in spite of everything, it just-- 264 00:14:36,829 --> 00:14:39,245 it blows my mind! I-I-I ha-- 265 00:14:39,329 --> 00:14:42,871 I have no idea how you live inside your body! 266 00:14:42,954 --> 00:14:45,746 I wish that I could bottle up your confidence. 267 00:14:45,829 --> 00:14:47,371 Because if-- 268 00:14:47,454 --> 00:14:50,537 I would rip my skin clean off my body if I were you. 269 00:14:50,621 --> 00:14:51,913 Megan: Mm. 270 00:14:51,995 --> 00:14:54,329 Well, thank God you're not me then! 271 00:14:55,079 --> 00:14:57,412 I thought we were in this together. 272 00:14:58,079 --> 00:15:00,746 And I thought I could trust you with anything. 273 00:15:02,245 --> 00:15:06,287 But now I feel like I don't even recognize you! 274 00:15:08,788 --> 00:15:10,621 You know what? 275 00:15:14,704 --> 00:15:17,287 You disgust me! 276 00:15:20,162 --> 00:15:23,496 I... disgust you? 277 00:15:24,079 --> 00:15:25,537 Really? 278 00:15:26,788 --> 00:15:29,412 Here, you have this friend 279 00:15:29,496 --> 00:15:32,371 who is trying to drag you, 280 00:15:32,454 --> 00:15:36,454 kicking and screaming into a better, stronger life 281 00:15:36,537 --> 00:15:39,663 and you decide you don't want it? 282 00:15:40,995 --> 00:15:43,496 And you feel the need to walk around flaunting it? 283 00:15:43,579 --> 00:15:45,579 When-when just the other day, 284 00:15:45,663 --> 00:15:49,162 you posted that-that Instagram picture in a fucking bikini! 285 00:15:49,245 --> 00:15:52,496 And you captioned it, "Living my best life"? 286 00:15:52,579 --> 00:15:55,329 Whose best life? That is no one's best life! 287 00:15:55,412 --> 00:15:58,120 That is the before picture on a reality show, 288 00:15:58,204 --> 00:16:00,871 where the main character dies in surgery! 289 00:16:01,579 --> 00:16:03,621 It makes me want to scream. 290 00:16:03,704 --> 00:16:06,454 Fine, I give up! I give up! You know-- 291 00:16:06,537 --> 00:16:08,829 Just stay repulsive! 292 00:16:09,746 --> 00:16:11,621 Stay unlovable! 293 00:16:11,704 --> 00:16:13,162 Stay alone. 294 00:16:14,287 --> 00:16:16,537 You disgust me. 295 00:16:17,663 --> 00:16:20,287 Casey: I can't even look at you. 296 00:16:20,371 --> 00:16:22,287 You're embarrassing. 297 00:16:22,371 --> 00:16:25,120 You're vile! 298 00:16:25,204 --> 00:16:27,537 You make me want to die! 299 00:16:30,079 --> 00:16:31,746 I hate it. 300 00:16:31,829 --> 00:16:34,329 I hate it! It's horrible! 301 00:16:34,412 --> 00:16:35,954 I'm disgusting! 302 00:16:36,037 --> 00:16:38,995 I can't look! I can't fucking take it! 303 00:16:39,079 --> 00:16:41,579 (crying): I can't fucking take it! 304 00:16:43,954 --> 00:16:45,412 (Casey sobbing) 305 00:16:47,746 --> 00:16:49,579 (panting) 306 00:16:55,412 --> 00:16:57,412 Megan: You never believed in me. 307 00:16:57,496 --> 00:16:59,245 Did you? 308 00:17:00,371 --> 00:17:02,663 You never thought of me as a best friend 309 00:17:02,746 --> 00:17:05,537 or... or even a friend at all. 310 00:17:06,746 --> 00:17:11,245 Just, just a way to build your broken self up! 311 00:17:12,954 --> 00:17:14,913 You used me. 312 00:17:16,371 --> 00:17:19,871 And I bet, I bet you think it's wrong 313 00:17:19,954 --> 00:17:22,204 that someone like me can be happy 314 00:17:22,287 --> 00:17:24,788 and someone like you can't! 315 00:17:28,120 --> 00:17:30,954 ♪ ♪ 316 00:17:40,120 --> 00:17:42,245 (Casey sniffles) 317 00:17:55,412 --> 00:17:57,496 (sobbing) 318 00:18:13,412 --> 00:18:15,995 ♪ ♪ 319 00:18:20,995 --> 00:18:23,162 (Casey sobbing softly) 320 00:18:38,621 --> 00:18:41,162 -(faucet squeaks) -(water running) 321 00:18:55,037 --> 00:18:56,746 (faucet squeaks) 322 00:18:58,537 --> 00:19:01,162 (sniffles) 323 00:19:13,371 --> 00:19:14,829 Okay? 324 00:19:49,371 --> 00:19:51,871 I'm gonna take a hike. 325 00:19:59,162 --> 00:20:02,245 ♪ ♪ 326 00:20:14,995 --> 00:20:17,120 ♪ ♪ 327 00:20:42,788 --> 00:20:44,913 ♪ ♪