1 00:00:39,330 --> 00:00:43,050 - Access granted. - Merry Christmas, Sergeant Maaka. 2 00:00:45,330 --> 00:00:47,906 Uh, thank you, computer. And the same to you. 3 00:00:47,930 --> 00:00:51,906 O'Leary, Minogue, welcome to the Paranormal Office Christmas party. 4 00:00:51,930 --> 00:00:53,386 You having fun? Uh-. 5 00:00:53,410 --> 00:00:56,866 Um, yes. Well, I'm having a lot of fun, as you can see. 6 00:00:56,890 --> 00:01:00,626 Uh, what's the best Christmas present you ever got? 7 00:01:00,650 --> 00:01:05,506 Well, one time, when I was 10, I got this really great, um-it was, like, a pull-back police motorcycle. 8 00:01:05,530 --> 00:01:07,906 It had lights, and you pulled it back, and it drove itself. Oh, yeah. 9 00:01:07,930 --> 00:01:09,186 Great. 10 00:01:09,210 --> 00:01:11,466 Minogue. Mum got me school clothes. 11 00:01:11,490 --> 00:01:14,026 I mean, she got me a school uniform for the upcoming year... Hm. 12 00:01:14,050 --> 00:01:16,626 ...which she said was generous, but I think she's-No, that's cool. 13 00:01:16,650 --> 00:01:18,666 Was that gen-? Was that cool? 14 00:01:18,690 --> 00:01:21,506 It was cool. See, one Christmas, I, uh... 15 00:01:21,530 --> 00:01:26,986 when I was 6 years old, and I got a teddy bear with a tiny little police uniform. 16 00:01:27,010 --> 00:01:31,226 I loved it so much. Uh, it's actually what inspired me to join the police force. 17 00:01:31,250 --> 00:01:33,586 One day, it went missing. Where did it go? 18 00:01:33,610 --> 00:01:36,506 I-I don't know that. I launched a full investigation, 19 00:01:36,530 --> 00:01:40,730 and I even wrote it its own case file, as you can see. 20 00:01:40,770 --> 00:01:44,026 At the age of 6, you wrote a case file? Yeah. 21 00:01:44,050 --> 00:01:46,330 Anyway, I thought that, uh, 22 00:01:46,530 --> 00:01:50,410 we should do a bit of a Secret Santa. 23 00:01:50,610 --> 00:01:55,610 There's only three of us, though, Sarge. It might be a bit obvious. Just humour me, O'Leary. 24 00:02:03,850 --> 00:02:05,850 'Minogue.' 25 00:02:06,010 --> 00:02:09,746 Oh. 'O'Leary.' Do we get ourselves presents? 26 00:02:09,770 --> 00:02:11,770 Well, we'll go again. 27 00:02:12,250 --> 00:02:14,906 What should I get Sarge for Secret Santa? Ah! 28 00:02:14,930 --> 00:02:17,866 Now you've told me it's Sarge. That's who you're buying for. You're not supposed to let me know. 29 00:02:17,890 --> 00:02:19,890 No. I meant... 30 00:02:21,330 --> 00:02:23,666 if Sarge was my Secret Santa, what would I get him? 31 00:02:23,690 --> 00:02:27,226 He's not my recipient. I know what I'm gonna get the person that I've got. 32 00:02:27,250 --> 00:02:29,866 But you're better at keeping secrets than me. Correct. 33 00:02:29,890 --> 00:02:34,546 Car Four, this is comms. Uh, need you to go to the Tawa Mall. 34 00:02:34,570 --> 00:02:39,346 Apparently, the Santa there has been making kids cry. Over. 35 00:02:39,370 --> 00:02:42,450 Uh, yeah, copy that. We're on our way. 36 00:02:42,490 --> 00:02:44,946 I thought that's what Santas do - make kids cry. 37 00:02:44,970 --> 00:02:47,346 No, they're supposed to make you feel all excited about Christmas. 38 00:02:47,370 --> 00:02:49,706 Yeah, well, that's not what they did. Well, what hap-? 39 00:02:49,730 --> 00:02:52,426 You'd go there and you'd sit on his knee... Yeah? 40 00:02:52,450 --> 00:02:54,866 ...and then he'd say, 'What do you want for Christmas?' 41 00:02:54,890 --> 00:02:57,306 And you'd tell him... Yeah? Yes? ...And he'd go, 42 00:02:57,330 --> 00:03:00,786 'Don't like your chances, mate.' What Santa-? 'Not on my watch.' 43 00:03:00,810 --> 00:03:03,826 And then your mum'd come over, and he'd go, 'Ho, ho, ho!' 44 00:03:03,850 --> 00:03:08,466 So these kids shouldn't be so surprised that they're crying, because that's what Santa's for. 45 00:03:08,490 --> 00:03:11,029 OK, I think you've had a bad experience with a really bad Santa. 46 00:03:16,170 --> 00:03:19,066 You reckon Sarge might like some scented soaps? Well, soap's what you get 47 00:03:19,090 --> 00:03:22,226 when you've got no idea what to get someone for Christmas, so... Well, I got my brother Adam some, 48 00:03:22,250 --> 00:03:24,346 and he absolutely loved 'em. He was speechless. Really? 49 00:03:24,370 --> 00:03:26,479 Yeah. He opened them up, and he was like... 50 00:03:29,130 --> 00:03:32,426 Hi. Can I help you? I'm Ian. I-I represent the mall. 51 00:03:32,450 --> 00:03:34,266 Oh. Hey, uh, we've received some complaints. 52 00:03:34,290 --> 00:03:37,026 Apparently, your Santa's been upsetting people? 53 00:03:37,050 --> 00:03:39,626 Oh. Yep. Um, he's... he's just down this way. 54 00:03:39,650 --> 00:03:41,650 He's just by the FCK. 55 00:03:42,050 --> 00:03:44,050 Uh, did you mean the KFC? 56 00:03:44,090 --> 00:03:46,106 Oh, sorry. Just a little bit dyslexic, yeah. 57 00:03:46,130 --> 00:03:48,226 I had to call this guy in last minute... Mm? 58 00:03:48,250 --> 00:03:50,426 You will find your photos on the website - ...and the problem now is 59 00:03:50,450 --> 00:03:53,826 he doesn't seem to leave. And your souls. Return to your pathetic life. 60 00:03:53,850 --> 00:03:57,386 - Bring me the next child! - He doesn't seem very Santa-y. 61 00:03:57,410 --> 00:04:00,306 Yeah, that's been the main problem. I-I wasn't quite sure how to bring it up. 62 00:04:00,330 --> 00:04:02,186 And did you book this guy? Look again to me! Yep. 63 00:04:02,210 --> 00:04:04,746 Yeah, so- And you said you're dyslexic? Yes. Yeah. 64 00:04:04,770 --> 00:04:06,946 I'm just wondering if maybe you've got your letters a bit muddled up 65 00:04:06,970 --> 00:04:11,426 and you've booked Satan instead of Santa. We'll put that away for Georgia. 66 00:04:11,450 --> 00:04:12,666 Oh, yeah. 67 00:04:12,690 --> 00:04:15,626 Obviously, this is not optimum. Um, I don't think Satan should be at a mall, 68 00:04:15,650 --> 00:04:18,786 especially not round Christmas time, um, so I think it's important that we now get in there 69 00:04:18,810 --> 00:04:22,186 - and break this thing up. Minogue? - Have fun with your headless doll! 70 00:04:22,210 --> 00:04:24,586 Take away your child - and bring me the next one! 71 00:04:24,610 --> 00:04:26,786 Gidday, mate. Hi. Uh, we're from the Wellington Police. 72 00:04:26,810 --> 00:04:28,906 How's it going? 73 00:04:28,930 --> 00:04:30,946 Good. Good. Pretty good, yep. Yeah. Hey, look-Hi. Uh... Hi. 74 00:04:30,970 --> 00:04:32,906 ...we've just had some complaints. 75 00:04:32,930 --> 00:04:35,506 Apparently, you've been scaring children. 76 00:04:35,530 --> 00:04:37,426 Uh, no, I've... 77 00:04:37,450 --> 00:04:41,186 Well, I've been scarring children. Oh, misunderstanding. OK, no, actually, that's worse. 78 00:04:41,210 --> 00:04:45,626 It's just that I was gonna claim this mall to be my foul citadel. 79 00:04:45,650 --> 00:04:48,626 I was gonna take the souls of the damned. Oh, here's one. 80 00:04:48,650 --> 00:04:52,386 Yes! Yes, you'll do nicely. 81 00:04:52,410 --> 00:04:56,946 Come on, mate. Is this really the place where you wanna start your fiery realm, though? I mean... 82 00:04:56,970 --> 00:04:58,786 It's a shopping mall in Tawa. 83 00:04:58,810 --> 00:05:01,586 Well-Hey, um, if these guys have booked you, 84 00:05:01,610 --> 00:05:04,426 - how does that work, exactly? - Have you got an agent, or...? 85 00:05:04,450 --> 00:05:07,106 No. I-I was just sitting on my throne in hell... Mm. 86 00:05:07,130 --> 00:05:10,626 ...and I was summoned here. OK, so how exactly were you summoned? 87 00:05:10,650 --> 00:05:12,346 - By fax. - By fax?! 88 00:05:12,370 --> 00:05:16,185 Yup. If you fax Satan... Mm? ...I appear. 89 00:05:16,210 --> 00:05:18,866 Ah. Yeah. As soon as they invented it, we got one in hell. 90 00:05:18,890 --> 00:05:20,746 Guys. Oh. Sorry. 91 00:05:20,770 --> 00:05:22,786 Yes. You're now choking a member of the public, 92 00:05:22,810 --> 00:05:24,266 you know? OK? That mall manager. 93 00:05:24,290 --> 00:05:25,666 He's not having a nice time up there, OK? 94 00:05:25,690 --> 00:05:27,906 All right. I just really think, potentially, it's time for you 95 00:05:27,930 --> 00:05:30,346 - to go back to hell... - ...finish off your hell stuff... 96 00:05:30,370 --> 00:05:32,306 You've had a pretty good run of it today, mate. OK? 97 00:05:32,330 --> 00:05:35,186 You're in the wrong suburb. Tawa is not the place for you. Or anyone. 98 00:05:35,210 --> 00:05:37,826 - Let him go. - OK! All right, all right, all right. 99 00:05:37,850 --> 00:05:41,786 Look, if you ever need to spice up a party, just give me a fax. I might be interested in that. 100 00:05:41,810 --> 00:05:43,186 I can create havoc on earth... Yeah? 101 00:05:43,210 --> 00:05:46,066 ...make fire and blood come out of everything, and, uh... Yeah, yeah, yeah. 102 00:05:46,090 --> 00:05:48,106 ...also a dubstep DJ. OK. Do people still listen to that? 103 00:05:48,130 --> 00:05:50,946 - Yeah! - How does that go, again? 104 00:05:50,970 --> 00:05:54,066 Yeah, you can't dance to it. Also, I'd get your card sorted out. 105 00:05:54,090 --> 00:05:55,946 If you're representing your business, 106 00:05:55,970 --> 00:05:59,506 it needs to be a really clean card. Look, there's probably a place here at the mall you can probably 107 00:05:59,530 --> 00:06:01,666 get some more printed. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, does Sammy still print the...? 108 00:06:01,690 --> 00:06:02,667 Yeah, yeah. Oh, OK. 109 00:06:02,691 --> 00:06:04,386 Yeah. It's 50% off today. 110 00:06:04,410 --> 00:06:05,147 Is it? Yeah. 111 00:06:05,171 --> 00:06:08,466 You wanna take Satan down there? And you guys can sort it out before he ducks off. 112 00:06:08,490 --> 00:06:10,986 Oh, I'd rather not, to be honest. It's a fair call. Yeah. 113 00:06:11,010 --> 00:06:12,946 I mean, he had him by the throat. Look, um... Yeah, he did. 114 00:06:12,970 --> 00:06:16,426 Do you need a lift anywhere, like, to get back down to, uh... hell? 115 00:06:16,450 --> 00:06:20,546 Nah, nah. I'll just grab an Uber. By the way, uh... 116 00:06:20,570 --> 00:06:23,050 one of you two is going to hell. 117 00:06:23,570 --> 00:06:25,506 I'll let you enjoy that on the drive home. Two people or-. 118 00:06:25,530 --> 00:06:27,306 We're not playing your game, Satan, OK? OK, all right. 119 00:06:27,330 --> 00:06:30,546 Well, I'll see one of you later. Is it her? 120 00:06:30,570 --> 00:06:33,626 See you later. Thank you. Is one of them tall or short? 121 00:06:33,650 --> 00:06:36,226 Who, who, who, who's it gonna be? 122 00:06:36,250 --> 00:06:38,146 Is it the tall one? 123 00:06:38,170 --> 00:06:40,026 Is it the short one? Tah-ta-ta! 124 00:06:40,050 --> 00:06:42,706 Whoosha-ka-ka, ha-te-fah! Off you go, please, Satan. No, we've had enough. 125 00:06:42,730 --> 00:06:44,586 Enjoy the ride home, guys. 126 00:06:44,610 --> 00:06:48,106 Those hooves have given me an idea to get Sergeant Maaka some toenail clippers. 127 00:06:48,130 --> 00:06:51,130 What? Does Sergeant Maaka want some toenail clippers? 128 00:06:53,130 --> 00:06:55,866 Nah. Minogue and O'Leary? Go ahead. 129 00:06:55,890 --> 00:07:00,906 We have a report of some stolen meat from a barbecue at 12 Pamela Drive. Over. 130 00:07:00,930 --> 00:07:02,476 Yeah, on our way. Let's go. 131 00:07:04,570 --> 00:07:06,706 Hey. Thanks for coming. I'm Kev. Gidday, Kev. Oh, hi, Kev. 132 00:07:06,730 --> 00:07:08,906 Gidday. We understand you've had some meat go missing. 133 00:07:08,930 --> 00:07:13,426 Uh, yeah. Had a whole load of steaks and chops and sausages... Mm-hm? 134 00:07:13,450 --> 00:07:17,066 ...and corn-fed chicken breast, bangers - you know, some, uh, 135 00:07:17,090 --> 00:07:20,106 sizzlers and saveloys for the kids. Then we had some burgers 136 00:07:20,130 --> 00:07:23,226 and pork medallions, and we had some venison mince. 137 00:07:23,250 --> 00:07:25,826 Uh, we had pork mince as well, formed into little meatballs, 138 00:07:25,850 --> 00:07:28,466 with onion-Got it. So you had meat? 139 00:07:28,490 --> 00:07:29,826 Meat? Uh, yeah. Yeah. 140 00:07:29,850 --> 00:07:33,106 All meat. All goneburger. So, goneburger? Gone... Why don't you just write, 141 00:07:33,130 --> 00:07:35,786 'There was meat, and that's all gone'? OK? Gone meat. 142 00:07:35,810 --> 00:07:38,706 And no one here noticed anything? Not a sausage. 143 00:07:38,730 --> 00:07:42,946 OK, can we just keep those bad dad jokes to a minimum? OK? Yeah, word to the wise - 144 00:07:42,970 --> 00:07:45,586 I wouldn't bother with those jokes. She's a bit more highbrow than that. Right. 145 00:07:45,610 --> 00:07:48,426 I just don't get them. Did, uh, anything else go missing? 146 00:07:48,450 --> 00:07:51,386 Well, we can't find my auntie. Your auntie? 147 00:07:51,410 --> 00:07:54,546 You didn't think maybe you should've told me that first? Well, we just noticed. 148 00:07:54,570 --> 00:07:58,026 Could she have stolen the meat? Nah. She's in a wheelchair, so... 149 00:07:58,050 --> 00:08:00,946 Uh, Minogue! Yo! We've got a missing person. 150 00:08:00,970 --> 00:08:02,226 No, I'm just over here. 151 00:08:02,250 --> 00:08:05,506 Not you - a missing person. Oh. Copy that. 152 00:08:05,530 --> 00:08:07,626 We've got a missing woman. She's in a wheelchair. Right. 153 00:08:07,650 --> 00:08:09,586 And how old are we talking? Um, she's 91. 154 00:08:09,610 --> 00:08:11,610 91! 155 00:08:12,210 --> 00:08:13,546 But if you had to choose - 156 00:08:13,570 --> 00:08:16,546 meat or auntie... What? ...which one do you want back? 157 00:08:19,410 --> 00:08:22,306 So, um, obviously, there has been some meat that's gone missing. 158 00:08:22,330 --> 00:08:25,586 Probably more importantly, there's also an elderly woman that is missing too. 159 00:08:25,610 --> 00:08:28,426 Nah. She's not in there. Is it there? Nah. 160 00:08:28,450 --> 00:08:32,626 Yeah, I've got a sneaking suspicion the elderly lady is not particularly trustworthy, 161 00:08:32,650 --> 00:08:35,426 and I think if we find her, we find the meat. 162 00:08:35,450 --> 00:08:37,340 Minogue! I think I found something. 163 00:08:40,890 --> 00:08:43,226 What do you think that is? This might sound outlandish, 164 00:08:43,250 --> 00:08:45,786 but I think it's a vertical spa pool. 165 00:08:45,810 --> 00:08:50,226 OK, that's not a spa pool, OK? It looks like some sort of, uh, vortex. 166 00:08:50,250 --> 00:08:53,626 Mrs Siri, please Google Image 'vortex'. 167 00:08:53,650 --> 00:08:56,490 You'll need to unlock your iPhone first. You've gotta unlock your phone. 168 00:08:56,850 --> 00:08:58,210 Images? Yeah. 169 00:09:00,810 --> 00:09:02,666 Definitely a vortex, isn't it? 170 00:09:02,690 --> 00:09:05,854 - Maybe one of us should stick our hand in. - That's a stupid idea. 171 00:09:09,610 --> 00:09:12,906 It's cold in there. Well, that's gonna be terrible if Auntie Flo's in there. 172 00:09:12,930 --> 00:09:15,226 Really good for the meat, though, so... 173 00:09:15,250 --> 00:09:16,666 Kevin! 174 00:09:16,690 --> 00:09:22,426 Hi, Kevin. Hey, um, just wondering - were you aware that you had some sort of a vortex back here? 175 00:09:22,450 --> 00:09:24,866 Uh, the big funny colour thing? Yes. Mm. 176 00:09:24,890 --> 00:09:29,146 Um... yup. So you have noticed it? I mean, yeah, I've noticed it. 177 00:09:29,170 --> 00:09:32,106 Yeah, I can't feel anything back there. Oh my gosh. 178 00:09:32,130 --> 00:09:34,786 What? That must be where the cat disappeared to. 179 00:09:34,810 --> 00:09:37,466 I think maybe one of us is gonna have to go in there. 180 00:09:37,490 --> 00:09:39,386 That's insane. 181 00:09:39,410 --> 00:09:41,066 I'll do it. Yup. 182 00:09:41,090 --> 00:09:43,306 Are you sure this is the best we can do? I sort of feel like if that hose 183 00:09:43,330 --> 00:09:45,266 was tied around the tree or something-Have you got good grip? 184 00:09:45,290 --> 00:09:46,666 Nah, I'm-Yeah, I'm good. We've got it. OK. 185 00:09:46,690 --> 00:09:48,049 Good as gold. 186 00:09:50,090 --> 00:09:53,026 What?! What?! What?! What?! O'Leary, my leg's being eaten! 187 00:09:53,050 --> 00:09:54,506 Come back! Come back! It's being eaten! 188 00:09:54,530 --> 00:09:57,946 It's not. It's not. It's not being eaten. You should've seen your faces. 189 00:09:57,970 --> 00:09:59,306 Or maybe it is being eaten. 190 00:09:59,330 --> 00:10:00,744 Nah. It's not. 191 00:10:04,010 --> 00:10:05,346 Steady. Hold it tighter. Yeah, yep. 192 00:10:05,370 --> 00:10:07,186 Yep. OK, good! Pretty good. 193 00:10:07,210 --> 00:10:09,266 Good, good. Keep going back. 194 00:10:09,290 --> 00:10:11,426 Whoa, whoa! Whoa, whoa, whoa! Oh God! 195 00:10:11,450 --> 00:10:14,130 I've lost it! Minogue! Minogue! 196 00:10:15,811 --> 00:10:18,706 Minogue! Aren't you gonna go in and help him? 197 00:10:18,730 --> 00:10:22,586 Did you go in and help your cat? 198 00:10:22,610 --> 00:10:24,626 - It's Minogue. - You there, O'Leary? 199 00:10:24,650 --> 00:10:28,186 Minogue! Minogue, where are you? O'Leary, I'm in the vortex. 200 00:10:28,210 --> 00:10:32,546 This place is crazy. It's sort of like a large void - that's what I'd call it - but it's... 201 00:10:32,570 --> 00:10:36,306 it's full of stuff. You're in the void? Swing ball set, 202 00:10:36,330 --> 00:10:39,186 Cabbage Patch Kid. I used to have one of those. 203 00:10:39,210 --> 00:10:43,666 This is possibly where all the lost stuff comes. Hang on a minute. 204 00:10:43,690 --> 00:10:46,026 I found the meat! 205 00:10:46,050 --> 00:10:48,050 He's found the meat! 206 00:10:50,530 --> 00:10:52,426 And Auntie Flo. 207 00:10:52,450 --> 00:10:55,786 And... And Auntie Flo. 208 00:10:55,810 --> 00:10:59,706 So, we seem to have discovered some sort of dimensional vortex at the back of this property, 209 00:10:59,730 --> 00:11:02,386 from which Minogue has retrieved an elderly woman... 210 00:11:02,410 --> 00:11:03,706 Auntie Flo, I'm so relieved. 211 00:11:03,730 --> 00:11:06,073 ...and some meat. Job well done. 212 00:11:08,650 --> 00:11:11,866 Well, that was a strange one. I think that's an understatement. 213 00:11:11,890 --> 00:11:15,506 Well, it was a really, really, really strange one. Would that be an understatement? 214 00:11:15,530 --> 00:11:17,740 I'd say that's getting closer to what it was. Mm. 215 00:11:22,090 --> 00:11:25,666 Car Four, this is comms. Go ahead. 216 00:11:25,690 --> 00:11:28,426 We got some sort of a disturbance at a property in Salisbury Terrace, 217 00:11:28,450 --> 00:11:31,106 - number 22. - Need you to respond. Over. 218 00:11:31,130 --> 00:11:33,730 On our way. Over. 219 00:11:33,970 --> 00:11:38,026 Evening, folks. Good evening. 220 00:11:38,050 --> 00:11:39,946 Had a call-out from you guys? Yes, yes, that was us. 221 00:11:39,970 --> 00:11:44,106 Um, one of the presents escaped and started attacking us. Out of its box, so... 222 00:11:44,130 --> 00:11:46,306 Yeah. OK, so, was this present, like, a new pet? 223 00:11:46,330 --> 00:11:49,626 A dog? No, no. No, it's-it's a doll. Yeah, a possessed doll. 224 00:11:49,650 --> 00:11:52,026 How do you know it's possessed? It mentioned it. Well, it-Yeah. 225 00:11:52,050 --> 00:11:55,666 Yeah, it, um... it burst out of the wrapping paper and started attacking us, 226 00:11:55,690 --> 00:11:59,106 and then it mentioned that it was possessed by a murderer. By a murderer. 227 00:11:59,130 --> 00:12:02,746 Yeah. It was going like... 228 00:12:02,770 --> 00:12:04,546 Awful. 229 00:12:04,570 --> 00:12:07,106 It was also yelling insults at us as well. Yeah. 230 00:12:07,130 --> 00:12:11,106 About your jeans? No, it just said that I wasn't very smart. 231 00:12:11,130 --> 00:12:12,506 Said that I talked too much. Is that true? 232 00:12:12,530 --> 00:12:15,655 Is this true, you guys? Is this your mum and dad - these people? 233 00:12:20,650 --> 00:12:24,866 So, we've just spoken to the family who believe that a toy has come to life and is potentially dangerous, 234 00:12:24,890 --> 00:12:27,093 so we're just gonna make sure that everything's safe. 235 00:12:28,970 --> 00:12:30,970 Hey, O'Leary. What? 236 00:12:31,010 --> 00:12:33,210 'Hoo' is that? 237 00:12:36,490 --> 00:12:39,370 What's this? That could be the box. 238 00:12:39,770 --> 00:12:42,306 Well, I'd say that's a pretty good guess, yeah. It's like that movie Alien, 239 00:12:42,330 --> 00:12:45,346 where that alien bursts out of that guy's chest. Wouldn't you say it's more like 240 00:12:45,370 --> 00:12:48,146 that movie where the toy comes to life and terrorises the family? 241 00:12:48,170 --> 00:12:50,346 Toy Story. I couldn't get through that. 242 00:12:50,370 --> 00:12:54,186 What was that? Did that just smash? Go find out. 243 00:12:54,210 --> 00:12:57,266 Come with me. Get your Taser out. Straight away? 244 00:12:57,290 --> 00:13:00,650 I'm not coming if you haven't got your Taser out. OK, I'm getting it. I'm getting it. 245 00:13:11,930 --> 00:13:13,826 Can you try not to make that big noise 246 00:13:13,850 --> 00:13:16,050 every time? I was thinking about Alien again. 247 00:13:17,970 --> 00:13:19,970 What was that? 248 00:13:20,610 --> 00:13:22,946 Um... What was that? ...Cat. 249 00:13:22,970 --> 00:13:24,970 Probably, eh? 250 00:13:26,330 --> 00:13:28,986 Maybe we should, um, you know, split up. 251 00:13:29,010 --> 00:13:30,786 OK. OK. 252 00:13:30,810 --> 00:13:34,731 Not that far. What? Just arm's-distance. 253 00:13:35,530 --> 00:13:37,346 Yeah, OK. 254 00:13:37,370 --> 00:13:39,370 You hear that? What? 255 00:13:40,290 --> 00:13:42,026 Do you reckon it's in the fridge? 256 00:13:42,050 --> 00:13:43,890 Three, two, one. 257 00:13:45,850 --> 00:13:47,586 I'm all right. I'm all right. He's all right. 258 00:13:47,610 --> 00:13:49,226 Yep. He's actually OK. I'm good. 259 00:13:49,250 --> 00:13:50,266 Dishwasher. 260 00:13:50,290 --> 00:13:53,186 I'll hold it, and if it jumps at you, it'll go in here, 261 00:13:53,210 --> 00:13:56,386 and then we'll hold it down like it's a spider. 262 00:13:56,410 --> 00:13:57,410 Empty. 263 00:13:59,930 --> 00:14:03,010 Did you hear that? What? 264 00:14:04,010 --> 00:14:06,306 Anything in there? Nothing. 265 00:14:06,330 --> 00:14:08,826 Uh, so, we've done an exhaustive search of the property... Empty. 266 00:14:08,850 --> 00:14:10,146 Under the table! 267 00:14:10,170 --> 00:14:11,626 ...and we've found nothing whatsoever. 268 00:14:11,650 --> 00:14:16,066 I mean, we've looked pretty thoroughly through the entire house, um, so we can probably go out now 269 00:14:16,090 --> 00:14:18,826 and have another talk to the family... 270 00:14:18,850 --> 00:14:21,346 ...and let them know that everything's pretty safe in here. 271 00:14:21,370 --> 00:14:24,386 I mean, maybe they were just imagining it. I think they did. 272 00:14:24,410 --> 00:14:27,466 - Yeah. - I mean, how does a doll come alive and attack people? 273 00:14:27,490 --> 00:14:29,770 I dunno. 274 00:14:42,730 --> 00:14:45,146 What is that? 275 00:14:45,170 --> 00:14:47,466 You gotta stay still! He's digging his teeth in! Get it off me, O'Leary! 276 00:14:47,490 --> 00:14:49,306 I'm not touching that! Get it off me! It hurts! 277 00:14:49,330 --> 00:14:51,346 - Tase it! Get it away! - No, it's busted! 278 00:14:51,370 --> 00:14:53,306 Get it off! Get it off! It's broken! 279 00:14:53,330 --> 00:14:55,466 I'll kick it off. I'll kick it off. No, Minogue! I'm right in front of you! 280 00:14:55,490 --> 00:14:57,330 I'll kick it off! No! Here we go! 281 00:14:59,930 --> 00:15:03,466 Aargh! Minogue! 282 00:15:04,650 --> 00:15:08,530 Just been caught in a Christmas tree. 283 00:15:09,490 --> 00:15:13,090 This is not optimum. 284 00:15:13,850 --> 00:15:16,266 Why do they make toys so violent these days? I don't know. 285 00:15:16,290 --> 00:15:18,426 Look, but we've gotta get out there. We've gotta catch this thing. 286 00:15:18,450 --> 00:15:21,010 Well, it's only little. It's not like it can kill us or anything. 287 00:15:23,410 --> 00:15:25,546 Where's the Taser? You broke it! We're gonna have to improvise. 288 00:15:25,570 --> 00:15:27,130 There'll be something in these presents. 289 00:15:29,810 --> 00:15:31,066 A bat! Great. 290 00:15:31,090 --> 00:15:32,866 Well, this isn't gonna work. Yeah, it's good. 291 00:15:32,890 --> 00:15:34,466 Well, you have it, then. We'll swap. No, I don't wanna swap. 292 00:15:34,490 --> 00:15:36,450 Well, this shoots only very soft projectiles. See? 293 00:15:38,050 --> 00:15:40,666 That's not a genuine 'ow'. I'm gonna open the door, OK, and smack it with the bat. 294 00:15:40,690 --> 00:15:42,386 This isn't over. 295 00:15:42,410 --> 00:15:45,146 See? It's doing nothing! 296 00:15:45,170 --> 00:15:47,946 You can barely even feel it. You're distracting me, Minogue! 297 00:15:47,970 --> 00:15:51,586 We've gotta concentrate. Damn, I'm out! Smash it, O'Leary! It did nothing! It did nothing! 298 00:15:51,610 --> 00:15:53,610 Smash it! 299 00:15:53,810 --> 00:15:55,810 Think I got it. 300 00:16:01,490 --> 00:16:02,490 O'Leary? 301 00:16:07,650 --> 00:16:09,860 Requesting backup! Find something to help me, Minogue! 302 00:16:11,490 --> 00:16:13,490 Pot plant? No! 303 00:16:14,010 --> 00:16:16,290 Find another one! Yoga mat! 304 00:16:17,130 --> 00:16:19,186 It's a scarf! It's a scarf! 305 00:16:19,210 --> 00:16:21,626 It's a really nice scarf. She's-Well, that's got no use! Find something else! 306 00:16:21,650 --> 00:16:23,506 Yeah! Yes! 307 00:16:23,530 --> 00:16:25,650 It's too late. 308 00:16:26,770 --> 00:16:29,050 I've already killed it. 309 00:16:29,490 --> 00:16:31,106 Oh. Hi, guys. 310 00:16:31,130 --> 00:16:34,186 Um, so, we've incapacitated the, uh, scary doll, 311 00:16:34,210 --> 00:16:36,466 and it shouldn't cause you guys any more problems. 312 00:16:36,490 --> 00:16:39,106 His head's come off. So, um, yeah. 313 00:16:39,130 --> 00:16:42,666 That's probably for you. It's not the best- And that is not a great present, 314 00:16:42,690 --> 00:16:45,186 but you can have that. Early Christmas present. 315 00:16:45,210 --> 00:16:46,826 Great. See you later, guys. 316 00:16:46,850 --> 00:16:48,706 'Scuse me. Sorry. 317 00:16:48,730 --> 00:16:53,410 Another job well done. Have an awesome Christmas, guys. 318 00:16:56,650 --> 00:16:59,706 You were really heroic in there tonight, O'Leary. Oh, thank you. 319 00:16:59,730 --> 00:17:02,786 Maybe if I was the one that got the cricket bat, 320 00:17:02,810 --> 00:17:06,746 then you'd be the one singing my praises right now instead of me singing your praises. 321 00:17:06,770 --> 00:17:09,946 We can't know that, though, can we? That's how I like imagining it in my head - 322 00:17:09,970 --> 00:17:13,066 that I was the heroic one, cos I had the cricket bat and not you. 323 00:17:13,090 --> 00:17:15,026 I've seen you play cricket, though. 324 00:17:15,050 --> 00:17:18,746 Patrol Four, can you respond to a missing persons at an office Christmas party? 325 00:17:18,770 --> 00:17:22,946 - 103 Willis St, level 2. Thank you. - Yeah, copy that. On our way. 326 00:17:22,970 --> 00:17:26,186 Another missing person? Mm. Christmas is so busy. 327 00:17:26,210 --> 00:17:30,170 'Scuse me. 'Scuse. 'Scuse. 328 00:17:32,210 --> 00:17:34,146 That's actually very dangerous. I don't recommend doing that. 329 00:17:34,170 --> 00:17:36,266 That's dangerous. We've got this guy that works here - his name's Jeff. 330 00:17:36,290 --> 00:17:39,426 He's a bit of a crack-up. Anyway, he went into the photocopy room, 331 00:17:39,450 --> 00:17:43,210 and he took photocopies of his arse and he emailed them to everyone, and look. 332 00:17:45,410 --> 00:17:49,586 No one saw him leave the photocopy room, so I went and checked it, and he was gone. 333 00:17:49,610 --> 00:17:54,266 But then I went and had a look at some of the security footage. 334 00:17:54,290 --> 00:17:55,461 Look at this. 335 00:17:56,330 --> 00:17:59,106 See? That's Jeff there. That's gotta be a health and safety issue. 336 00:17:59,130 --> 00:18:01,146 Yeah, the glass is reinforced, though. 337 00:18:01,170 --> 00:18:04,970 But then watch this. 338 00:18:05,130 --> 00:18:08,130 Out of it, eh? OK. Where's this room? 339 00:18:09,730 --> 00:18:11,146 Well, he's not in here, is he? 340 00:18:11,170 --> 00:18:13,026 So, we know that Jeff just sat on the photocopier... 341 00:18:13,050 --> 00:18:14,586 And then he just disappeared. OK, yeah. 342 00:18:14,610 --> 00:18:16,626 Minogue, I think maybe you should just try that. Hey? 343 00:18:16,650 --> 00:18:18,384 Well, you try what- do what Jeff did. 344 00:18:20,090 --> 00:18:22,186 Minogue, what are you doing? Doing what Jeff did. 345 00:18:22,210 --> 00:18:24,226 You don't need to take your trousers down. Didn't think so. 346 00:18:24,250 --> 00:18:26,970 That would be unprofessional. That would've been a stupid thing to... 347 00:18:30,690 --> 00:18:32,970 - OK, you ready? - Yep. 348 00:18:37,370 --> 00:18:39,370 Tickles. 349 00:18:41,450 --> 00:18:44,346 Minogue! Minogue! I should call the photocopy guy. 350 00:18:44,370 --> 00:18:47,866 Well, you're not gonna get him on Christmas Eve. 351 00:18:47,890 --> 00:18:49,026 Oh, it's Minogue. 352 00:18:49,050 --> 00:18:51,106 - Minogue, where are you? - In an inky-black void. 353 00:18:51,130 --> 00:18:55,170 It's probably the same black void as earlier. I can see a light. 354 00:18:55,195 --> 00:18:57,946 Heading towards the light, O'Leary. No-no-n-no, you never go towards the light! 355 00:18:57,970 --> 00:19:00,050 Stay away from the light, Minogue! Think I can see-. 356 00:19:02,250 --> 00:19:05,506 I should just call Steve - like, he's real good with technology and stuff - 357 00:19:05,530 --> 00:19:09,226 cos maybe it just needs new toner. OK, I don't think it's a toner issue. 358 00:19:09,250 --> 00:19:13,106 OK, I'm... I'm... I'm gonna have to, maybe, go in after him. 359 00:19:13,130 --> 00:19:15,466 If I get lost, you have to call the police again. OK. 360 00:19:15,490 --> 00:19:16,826 Well, it's gotta go on A3. 361 00:19:16,850 --> 00:19:20,066 What are you trying to say? No, it won't scan if it's on A4, 362 00:19:20,090 --> 00:19:22,066 cos we don't have the paper for it. That's all. OK. 363 00:19:22,090 --> 00:19:26,546 Yeah, and I dunno how to go back now, cos you sat on it and it broke. Well, I don't think it's my fault. 364 00:19:26,570 --> 00:19:28,706 What have you done? I haven't done anything. 365 00:19:28,730 --> 00:19:30,666 This is not my office building, is it? No. 366 00:19:30,690 --> 00:19:33,506 Oh yeah. Hang on. 367 00:19:33,530 --> 00:19:35,866 - Oh, it's Minogue again. - Minogue, where are you? 368 00:19:35,890 --> 00:19:39,466 Gidday, O'Leary. Just wanted to let you know that, um, I followed the light from earlier on. 369 00:19:39,490 --> 00:19:43,066 Uh, it's taken me all the way back to the vortex at Kevin and Hine's place. 370 00:19:43,090 --> 00:19:46,706 And I also managed to get that Secret Santa present. Minogue, where is your uniform? 371 00:19:46,730 --> 00:19:52,306 Um, I hung it up. Obviously, hanging it up was a better alternative than getting into the spa pool with it. 372 00:19:52,330 --> 00:19:55,010 Oh, and, Gayle, look who I found. 373 00:19:55,090 --> 00:19:58,185 Say Gidday, mate. Hey, Gayle! Hey! 374 00:19:58,210 --> 00:20:02,066 Hey, did everyone get those emails of my bum? Yeah. It was hilarious. 375 00:20:02,090 --> 00:20:05,466 It wasn't hilarious. We had to report it to the police. 376 00:20:05,490 --> 00:20:07,970 H-Have an awesome Christmas. 377 00:20:08,450 --> 00:20:10,946 I'll probably bring him down the station when I get out of the spa. 378 00:20:10,970 --> 00:20:13,586 Uh, look, I'm gonna have to come and pick you up. You come in your togs, 379 00:20:13,610 --> 00:20:15,626 and if you get in, then I'll get out. 380 00:20:15,650 --> 00:20:17,850 OK, I'm coming to get you, and I'm not bringing my togs. 381 00:20:20,170 --> 00:20:23,386 An inky blank void? Mm. It was pretty freaky, Sarge. 382 00:20:23,410 --> 00:20:26,266 Sounds like you might've entered some kind of fourth dimension. 383 00:20:26,290 --> 00:20:29,506 I'm surprised it didn't do all sorts of weird things to your atomic structure. 384 00:20:29,530 --> 00:20:31,706 Atomic structure feels fine. 385 00:20:31,730 --> 00:20:33,506 What's an atomic structure? I'll tell you later. 386 00:20:33,530 --> 00:20:36,946 Job well done. Mm-hm. On to more important business -. 387 00:20:36,970 --> 00:20:40,226 Secret Santa. Oh! Look at that. O'Leary. 388 00:20:40,250 --> 00:20:43,666 I wonder who could've got me this? 389 00:20:43,690 --> 00:20:45,906 Oh. Scented soaps. Yay. 390 00:20:45,930 --> 00:20:48,130 Vanilla. Yep. Bit racist. 391 00:20:49,610 --> 00:20:51,977 Oh. Minogue. Yes! 392 00:21:02,650 --> 00:21:05,666 You do know I'm a grown man? Don't... Don't look at me. 393 00:21:05,690 --> 00:21:10,090 What am I gonna do with this? Must be my turn, then. Hm. 394 00:21:10,530 --> 00:21:12,930 Oh, it's rather large and... 395 00:21:13,850 --> 00:21:16,650 feels quite... feels quite soft. 396 00:21:20,330 --> 00:21:22,330 It can't be. 397 00:21:22,810 --> 00:21:25,546 It can't be. It's Officer Fuzzypants. 398 00:21:25,570 --> 00:21:27,306 Thank you! 399 00:21:27,330 --> 00:21:29,330 How did you find him? 400 00:21:30,130 --> 00:21:34,970 - Merry Christmas, Sarge. - Merry Christmas, Sarge. 401 00:21:41,770 --> 00:21:43,770 Case closed. 402 00:21:44,410 --> 00:21:46,810 Na-na, na-na. 403 00:21:49,890 --> 00:21:51,074 Boop! 404 00:21:54,770 --> 00:21:58,946 Captions by Maeve Kelly. Edited by Cameron Grigg. 405 00:21:58,970 --> 00:22:02,946 Captions were made with the support of NZ On Air. 406 00:22:02,970 --> 00:22:06,050 www.able.co.nz Copyright Able 2019