1 00:01:15,913 --> 00:01:18,165 Ja, all this is under control. 2 00:01:37,727 --> 00:01:42,106 A hundred and fifty million dollars and my dope is on the way. 3 00:01:42,607 --> 00:01:44,817 Today is gonna be a good day. 4 00:01:46,944 --> 00:01:49,530 We are 25 degrees north, 84 degrees west. 5 00:01:50,156 --> 00:01:52,283 The cargo's being dropped. 6 00:02:25,149 --> 00:02:26,275 Good. 7 00:02:26,651 --> 00:02:28,361 - Do you want to see his gun? - Yeah. 8 00:02:31,906 --> 00:02:33,741 Bang. Bang. 9 00:02:35,493 --> 00:02:37,495 Sorry, Johnny. 10 00:02:37,912 --> 00:02:39,163 Fucking bitches. 11 00:02:43,543 --> 00:02:45,378 Infrared's got a live one on the water. 12 00:02:45,545 --> 00:02:47,588 Air Force Stallion C-1 4 to Coast Guard. 13 00:02:47,839 --> 00:02:52,260 We've got a fast-moving contact heading 3-5-0 toward South Florida. 14 00:02:52,426 --> 00:02:55,429 Captain, Air Force Stallion has a contact at 1 -8-0 closing fast. 15 00:02:55,847 --> 00:02:58,808 This is Coast Guard cutter Valiant. Request to know your intentions. 16 00:02:59,016 --> 00:03:01,811 Vessel off our port bow, this is U.S. Coast Guard. 17 00:03:02,186 --> 00:03:04,856 Intercept is 1 -8-0, speed 1 7 knots. 18 00:03:05,022 --> 00:03:06,691 Make it so, chief. Scramble the helo. 19 00:03:11,070 --> 00:03:13,197 Vessel off our port bow. 20 00:03:13,447 --> 00:03:14,824 This is U.S. Coast Guard. 21 00:03:15,032 --> 00:03:17,451 Request to know your intentions at this time. 22 00:03:21,873 --> 00:03:23,332 Incoming. 23 00:03:35,136 --> 00:03:36,429 Valiant, Valiant. 24 00:03:36,596 --> 00:03:38,514 This is Coast Guard 6-0-0-3. 25 00:03:39,015 --> 00:03:40,933 Negative contact with target. Over. 26 00:03:41,392 --> 00:03:42,727 Captain, we've lost target. 27 00:03:55,907 --> 00:03:58,075 Here's your delivery and payment. 28 00:04:01,287 --> 00:04:02,330 Is it done? 29 00:04:02,580 --> 00:04:05,416 - Cargo is on Dixie 7. - Okay. 30 00:04:15,384 --> 00:04:18,346 All right, TNT, for the millionth time, listen up. 31 00:04:18,596 --> 00:04:22,767 Since 9-1 1, we've gone hi-tech over water. Dope runners have gone low. 32 00:04:22,975 --> 00:04:25,937 Our source says the biggest X shipment on record arrives tonight... 33 00:04:26,145 --> 00:04:27,855 ...and we want to know who's behind it. 34 00:04:28,064 --> 00:04:30,900 Hopefully in a few hours we'll have our answer. 35 00:04:31,067 --> 00:04:32,652 We'll hit from three directions: 36 00:04:32,860 --> 00:04:37,490 We'll go in with a water team, vehicle assault and we got guys on foot. 37 00:04:37,698 --> 00:04:42,537 We cannot make a move until our UCs have ID'd the drugs and called us in. 38 00:04:42,745 --> 00:04:46,332 No call, we back away. And these guys we're going after... 39 00:04:46,541 --> 00:04:51,003 ...they got a lot of firepower and they hate the law. So eyes open out there. 40 00:04:58,135 --> 00:04:59,637 Bravo's on the move. 41 00:05:20,366 --> 00:05:22,201 Heads up. Here comes the drop. 42 00:05:29,625 --> 00:05:32,170 Fuck. My lens is flaring. 43 00:05:32,378 --> 00:05:34,088 I can't see shit. 44 00:05:34,505 --> 00:05:38,050 Brothers! Gather around! 45 00:05:40,970 --> 00:05:41,929 Hey. 46 00:05:42,138 --> 00:05:45,516 - Why didn't you say there was a rally? - Who's looking? 47 00:05:45,683 --> 00:05:48,394 - Take that shit. I'm out of here. - Shit. 48 00:05:51,063 --> 00:05:52,732 - White power! - White power! 49 00:05:52,899 --> 00:05:55,318 - White power! - White power! 50 00:06:00,031 --> 00:06:02,491 Blue power, motherfuckers. Miami PD. 51 00:06:02,700 --> 00:06:05,244 Aw, damn. It's the Negroes. 52 00:06:05,536 --> 00:06:08,414 Casper, drop the bag. Alpha leader, bring them in. 53 00:06:08,581 --> 00:06:11,626 Bad boys, bad boys What you gonna do? 54 00:06:11,876 --> 00:06:14,795 What you gonna do When we come for you? 55 00:06:18,966 --> 00:06:22,011 - Dude, you gotta learn the words. - We usually only do the chorus. 56 00:06:22,220 --> 00:06:24,013 Alpha leader, hit it. Br... 57 00:06:24,180 --> 00:06:25,515 Repeat your transmission. 58 00:06:26,390 --> 00:06:29,602 Alpha leader to Bravo Four, please continue relay. 59 00:06:30,603 --> 00:06:31,729 Where's backup? 60 00:06:32,063 --> 00:06:35,233 - Alpha leader, bring them in. Hit it. - Mike, I'm only getting static. 61 00:06:35,441 --> 00:06:37,276 It's all static. The radios are fucked. 62 00:06:38,611 --> 00:06:41,948 - Something funny? Something funny? - Mike, where are they? 63 00:06:46,911 --> 00:06:48,579 Got you, nigger. 64 00:06:51,123 --> 00:06:54,418 - Looks like we got us a situation here. - You won't shoot. 65 00:06:54,585 --> 00:06:58,214 You got a gun to his head, so you think I won't splatter you all over? 66 00:06:58,422 --> 00:06:59,423 That's what I think. 67 00:06:59,590 --> 00:07:02,468 My partner came here tonight prepared to die. 68 00:07:02,635 --> 00:07:03,719 Hell... Hell, no! 69 00:07:03,928 --> 00:07:06,556 Incinerating trash like you. Ready to die, right, Marcus? 70 00:07:06,764 --> 00:07:09,475 - The fuck I want to do that for? - Scared, ain't you, boy? 71 00:07:09,684 --> 00:07:12,186 A: Put the gun down, tell me who brings this shit in... 72 00:07:12,395 --> 00:07:14,522 ...and maybe I'll just pop one in your shoulder. 73 00:07:14,689 --> 00:07:17,358 Or B: Keep acting all Brody and I'll put one in your chest. 74 00:07:17,525 --> 00:07:20,319 Or C: You know, take the time to talk a minute. 75 00:07:21,195 --> 00:07:22,989 You know, de-escalate the situation. 76 00:07:23,155 --> 00:07:25,533 See, that's my partner's new spiritual bullshit. 77 00:07:25,700 --> 00:07:28,369 Me? I actually prefer shooting motherfuckers. 78 00:07:28,786 --> 00:07:30,413 A lot of movement going on. 79 00:07:30,621 --> 00:07:31,789 Can't see the UCs. 80 00:07:31,956 --> 00:07:34,417 - I think something's going down. - Don't move yet. 81 00:07:34,584 --> 00:07:36,878 Mike, the man has a gun to my head. 82 00:07:37,086 --> 00:07:39,463 He'll put it down if a hollow point's in his eye! 83 00:07:39,672 --> 00:07:41,465 Your partner's a cocky nigger. 84 00:07:41,799 --> 00:07:44,844 - Damn. Now, was that necessary, sir? - See? 85 00:07:45,052 --> 00:07:47,388 He can't just be a cop? He got to be a nigga too? 86 00:07:47,555 --> 00:07:48,556 I'll hot this fool. 87 00:07:48,806 --> 00:07:51,017 - Calm down. - Calm down? I'm calm. 88 00:07:51,184 --> 00:07:54,687 I'm calm! Hey! Whoa! Whoa! 89 00:07:54,854 --> 00:07:56,772 I am way too unstable for that bullshit. 90 00:07:56,939 --> 00:08:00,610 Stop all the goddamned movement! Everybody stop moving! 91 00:08:00,818 --> 00:08:03,779 We can't let you all go, but this shit'll get worked out in court. 92 00:08:04,322 --> 00:08:05,907 We got our rights. 93 00:08:06,115 --> 00:08:08,284 Exercise your right to shut the fuck up. 94 00:08:08,826 --> 00:08:13,873 I'm all right. I'll give you a warning. It's the best I can do for all of youse! 95 00:08:14,040 --> 00:08:15,708 Okay? He's crazy. 96 00:08:15,958 --> 00:08:19,879 - You got 3 seconds to drop your gun. - He has anger issue problems! 97 00:08:20,046 --> 00:08:22,215 - One. - He goes to bed early for this shit! 98 00:08:22,381 --> 00:08:24,926 Just to wake up to pop one in a motherfucker! 99 00:08:25,134 --> 00:08:26,844 - Two! - Mike, no! 100 00:08:27,011 --> 00:08:28,095 Gun! 101 00:08:31,057 --> 00:08:32,642 Rock 'n' roll! Let's go! 102 00:08:32,850 --> 00:08:34,185 Kill them cops! 103 00:09:06,509 --> 00:09:07,468 Marcus! 104 00:09:42,920 --> 00:09:45,214 Go! Go! Go! Go! Come on, go! 105 00:09:51,262 --> 00:09:52,597 - Get down! - Drop the...! 106 00:09:54,682 --> 00:09:56,267 - I didn't do shit! - Get your hands up. 107 00:09:56,475 --> 00:09:57,435 I didn't do it! 108 00:09:57,643 --> 00:10:01,063 The radios were fucked up. Get some medics over here. You guys okay? 109 00:10:01,272 --> 00:10:03,691 - Yeah, we're fine. - What you mean, "we"? 110 00:10:03,858 --> 00:10:06,485 Motherfucker shot me in the ass, man. 111 00:10:07,486 --> 00:10:10,531 - Who shot you in the ass? - Who? That "who" would be you. 112 00:10:10,740 --> 00:10:12,700 - Me? I shot you? - Yeah. 113 00:10:12,950 --> 00:10:16,329 I mean, I was shooting. Yeah, I did a lot of shooting. 114 00:10:16,537 --> 00:10:18,956 But I ain't saying I shot you in the ass. 115 00:10:19,165 --> 00:10:21,751 I ain't saying I didn't shoot you... 116 00:10:22,001 --> 00:10:25,755 ...but, damn! Somebody shot you in the ass. 117 00:10:26,005 --> 00:10:27,048 Tell me about it. 118 00:10:27,215 --> 00:10:29,383 - Yo, man, how's it feel? - It's hot, man. 119 00:10:29,592 --> 00:10:31,302 I can smell my ass burning. 120 00:10:31,552 --> 00:10:34,680 Mike, you should give it a little kiss so it'll feel better. 121 00:10:34,847 --> 00:10:36,682 Pretend like we're not even here. 122 00:10:36,849 --> 00:10:39,769 Hey, isn't Ricky Martin having a concert? Get the fuck on. 123 00:10:39,936 --> 00:10:42,772 - You always gotta go racial, man. - It's sad, man. 124 00:10:44,732 --> 00:10:47,777 I think it's cool. It hit the meat. It ain't nowhere near the hole. 125 00:10:50,238 --> 00:10:51,614 Two lousy bags? 126 00:10:51,822 --> 00:10:55,535 What about the biggest shipment of ecstasy to come out of Amsterdam? 127 00:10:55,743 --> 00:10:57,411 Let me worry about my snitch, all right? 128 00:10:57,578 --> 00:10:59,622 It's a lot of cop work for nothing! 129 00:10:59,831 --> 00:11:01,666 Take your ass home somewhere. 130 00:11:09,215 --> 00:11:12,176 Tonight la policia jacked my mules. 131 00:11:12,385 --> 00:11:17,223 Who can tell me how those jackals knew where to bite Johnny Tapia? 132 00:11:17,431 --> 00:11:19,809 Speak up, cousins. 133 00:11:20,059 --> 00:11:23,104 You're lucky they did not find my drugs on Dixie 7. 134 00:11:23,771 --> 00:11:25,064 Change the boat schedule. 135 00:11:25,231 --> 00:11:27,650 We can't. We got a shipment Thursday. 136 00:11:27,859 --> 00:11:31,028 Change it after. Just keep them guessing. 137 00:11:32,697 --> 00:11:37,493 You know, unlike you, my daddy didn't leave me no trust fund. 138 00:11:37,785 --> 00:11:40,079 I got real-world shit to deal with, Mike. 139 00:11:40,621 --> 00:11:42,623 I'm not in it for the thrills. 140 00:11:42,832 --> 00:11:44,792 Same old shit, different day. 141 00:11:45,710 --> 00:11:48,671 All right, yes, damn. I shot you, all right? 142 00:11:49,130 --> 00:11:51,841 But you'd be seeing nothing at all if I hadn't made my move. 143 00:11:52,049 --> 00:11:53,676 I don't know why you acting so angry. 144 00:11:53,843 --> 00:11:57,054 - You're misinformed. I'm not angry. - No, you're very angry. 145 00:11:57,221 --> 00:11:59,098 No, I'm not angry. 146 00:11:59,891 --> 00:12:02,894 You are angry. It's okay. 147 00:12:03,060 --> 00:12:07,523 I'm not angry. Except when you keep repeating "you're angry." 148 00:12:07,773 --> 00:12:09,692 That shit's fucking annoying. 149 00:12:09,901 --> 00:12:12,778 Like a fucking gnat at a barbecue. 150 00:12:12,987 --> 00:12:15,281 Just bugging the fuck out of me. 151 00:12:15,448 --> 00:12:17,408 Good. I want you to say: 152 00:12:17,575 --> 00:12:21,954 "I'm angry. It's okay. I'll process my anger. 153 00:12:22,121 --> 00:12:23,873 I love myself. 154 00:12:24,123 --> 00:12:25,458 Whoosah." 155 00:12:25,625 --> 00:12:27,251 I don't know what the fuck you mean. 156 00:12:27,418 --> 00:12:29,879 Yes, you do know what the fuck I mean. 157 00:12:30,046 --> 00:12:31,589 You're the one that needs therapy. 158 00:12:31,756 --> 00:12:33,049 - I did my therapy. - When? 159 00:12:33,299 --> 00:12:36,302 Capt. Howard made me do it after I shot them people at the airport. 160 00:12:38,221 --> 00:12:40,181 Whoosah. 161 00:12:40,806 --> 00:12:42,683 Whoosah! 162 00:12:43,226 --> 00:12:44,769 Officer Mike. 163 00:12:47,522 --> 00:12:49,690 - Papi. That's "daddy," right? - Yeah. 164 00:12:50,983 --> 00:12:52,235 Whoosah. 165 00:12:52,443 --> 00:12:55,988 Mike, you go to therapy to get your issues worked out... 166 00:12:56,197 --> 00:12:57,949 ...not bang your therapist. 167 00:12:58,115 --> 00:13:01,577 - See, now you just talking nasty. - I gotta survive. 168 00:13:02,662 --> 00:13:04,372 I gotta start loving me for me. 169 00:13:04,664 --> 00:13:06,624 That sound like that group thing. 170 00:13:07,208 --> 00:13:09,585 Maybe I did the group thing once or twice. 171 00:13:09,961 --> 00:13:11,462 Whoosah. 172 00:13:11,671 --> 00:13:14,090 - And whoosah. - Whoosah. 173 00:13:14,257 --> 00:13:19,178 A bunch of men hugging and kissing, that's some cult shit. 174 00:13:57,300 --> 00:13:58,301 Buy. 175 00:14:40,051 --> 00:14:42,386 Ignore him, doc, he's blowing this out of proportion. 176 00:14:42,595 --> 00:14:46,516 My ass is what's out of proportion, Mike, okay? I got a big chunk missing. 177 00:14:46,724 --> 00:14:48,184 It's actually a small chunk. 178 00:14:48,392 --> 00:14:50,770 This tension you bringing into this relationship... 179 00:14:51,020 --> 00:14:52,522 ...won't be healthy in the long run. 180 00:14:52,772 --> 00:14:54,815 Maybe there ain't gonna be no long run. 181 00:14:55,066 --> 00:14:56,234 Whatever. 182 00:14:56,359 --> 00:14:58,152 He's seeing a shrink. I mean... 183 00:15:02,365 --> 00:15:05,201 - Icepick, Lowrey. - Hey, brother. 184 00:15:05,409 --> 00:15:08,412 Two bags? You embarrassed me in front of my people. 185 00:15:08,955 --> 00:15:11,874 Wait, brother. No, no, no, brother. Wait, wait, wait, wait. 186 00:15:12,083 --> 00:15:14,669 Whatever. You better pray to whoever it is you pray to... 187 00:15:14,877 --> 00:15:18,548 ...because you got 2 4 hours to find that X before I find you. 188 00:15:25,888 --> 00:15:27,098 The cops hit my mule. 189 00:15:27,265 --> 00:15:30,142 Well, Mr. Tapia, I don't know where the heat is coming from. 190 00:15:30,351 --> 00:15:33,062 It's a delicate situation for both of us, isn't it? 191 00:15:33,312 --> 00:15:36,566 - I'm telling you, I've checked them. - Alex, look. A guy's OD'ing. 192 00:15:36,732 --> 00:15:38,109 I'm sorry, I gotta hang up. 193 00:15:38,317 --> 00:15:40,736 Some fucking punk thinks he can die in my club. 194 00:15:43,948 --> 00:15:45,867 Ecstasy fucks them up. 195 00:15:47,201 --> 00:15:50,204 - Get him out of here, Josef. - We'll dump him around the block. 196 00:15:55,793 --> 00:15:57,253 Dump him. 197 00:16:17,148 --> 00:16:18,941 Auntie Syd, it must be so cool. 198 00:16:19,150 --> 00:16:21,360 Young, single, living in New York. 199 00:16:21,569 --> 00:16:23,779 Probably hook up with a lot of cute guys. 200 00:16:23,988 --> 00:16:27,575 - Just like Sex and the City. - Theresa, cancel the damn cable. 201 00:16:28,576 --> 00:16:30,703 So, Auntie Syd, you're a cop too, huh? 202 00:16:30,912 --> 00:16:33,623 Sort of. I work for the DEA, but I just push a lot of papers. 203 00:16:33,831 --> 00:16:36,083 - Nothing exciting. - Well, you keep pushing papers. 204 00:16:36,542 --> 00:16:39,962 Don't have to worry about my little sister fighting crime. 205 00:16:40,213 --> 00:16:41,172 Okay? 206 00:16:41,881 --> 00:16:44,050 Possibly getting hurt. 207 00:16:45,551 --> 00:16:48,471 James. Get my screwdriver. Damn bolts. 208 00:16:48,638 --> 00:16:50,890 Ignore him. He's being mean because he got injured. 209 00:16:51,057 --> 00:16:54,268 - Are you okay? - His wound is fine. It's... 210 00:16:54,435 --> 00:16:57,063 ...other things that were affected. 211 00:16:57,230 --> 00:16:58,814 - Theresa! - What? 212 00:16:59,857 --> 00:17:02,568 You... It's just nerve damage, that's all. 213 00:17:04,445 --> 00:17:06,113 Y'all not gonna spoil it. 214 00:17:06,531 --> 00:17:07,698 I'll talk to you about it. 215 00:17:16,290 --> 00:17:18,167 It's a donut. 216 00:17:18,334 --> 00:17:19,502 It's a medical thing. 217 00:17:19,752 --> 00:17:22,713 I got it from a maternity store. You know, pregnant women use it. 218 00:17:22,922 --> 00:17:25,967 They can put one cheek here. It take pressure off the other cheek. 219 00:17:26,384 --> 00:17:28,427 - For you, dog. - Thoughtful. 220 00:17:29,720 --> 00:17:31,013 Look, man... 221 00:17:31,556 --> 00:17:34,100 ...last night there was something different in your eyes. 222 00:17:34,308 --> 00:17:37,270 You know, Mike, I had an epiphany. You know? 223 00:17:38,521 --> 00:17:41,482 - I realized you're an enigma. - Yeah, I could see that. 224 00:17:41,691 --> 00:17:44,652 God sent you here to test me. But guess what? 225 00:17:44,861 --> 00:17:47,738 You not gonna break me, Mike. No. 226 00:17:47,947 --> 00:17:49,907 Whoosah. 227 00:17:50,283 --> 00:17:51,784 Is that Syd? 228 00:17:51,993 --> 00:17:53,995 - That's Syd. - Now's not a good time. 229 00:17:54,203 --> 00:17:56,164 Mike, listen, now's not a good time. 230 00:17:56,330 --> 00:17:57,832 Hit me, hit me, hit me. 231 00:17:58,416 --> 00:18:00,877 No throwing balls in the house. 232 00:18:05,882 --> 00:18:07,049 Whoosah. 233 00:18:07,300 --> 00:18:08,843 - What's up, Theresa? - Hey. 234 00:18:09,051 --> 00:18:11,053 Aw, they ain't tell me it was a luau. 235 00:18:15,099 --> 00:18:16,934 Syd, hold up. Hold up. Hold on. 236 00:18:17,143 --> 00:18:19,770 Behave yourself, girl. Hey, hold up. Hold up. Hold up. 237 00:18:20,021 --> 00:18:22,440 Oh, look at you. Look at you. 238 00:18:22,648 --> 00:18:24,859 Oh, okay. Okay. I see now. 239 00:18:25,067 --> 00:18:26,903 You didn't tell Marcus about New York. 240 00:18:27,945 --> 00:18:31,032 - He knows about New York. - About us? You told him about us? 241 00:18:31,240 --> 00:18:33,117 No, he knows about New York. 242 00:18:33,326 --> 00:18:37,455 You know, it's a nice city and that I dropped a witness off last month. 243 00:18:40,458 --> 00:18:42,543 Mike is so sweet. 244 00:18:43,794 --> 00:18:47,215 - So sweet he make your teeth rot. - So have you told him yet? 245 00:18:47,882 --> 00:18:50,426 Baby, soon, okay? Real soon. 246 00:18:50,676 --> 00:18:54,096 He needs to know you're transferring and won't be his partner anymore. 247 00:18:54,263 --> 00:18:55,973 Theresa, timing is everything. 248 00:18:56,182 --> 00:18:58,267 Marcus is not very happy with me right now. 249 00:18:58,935 --> 00:19:02,104 No, no, Syd, I'm telling you, that is Scarface limping around in there. 250 00:19:02,313 --> 00:19:05,358 We need to give that boy a few minutes to let his butt heal up good. 251 00:19:05,566 --> 00:19:07,443 We like each other. What's the big deal? 252 00:19:07,652 --> 00:19:10,613 I'm just gonna go tell him right now, because this is dumb. 253 00:19:10,780 --> 00:19:12,907 Hold up. Hold up. I'm gonna tell him. 254 00:19:13,074 --> 00:19:15,451 It ain't like I won't tell him. How am I not tell him? 255 00:19:15,660 --> 00:19:17,328 - When? - I need a minute. 256 00:19:17,537 --> 00:19:20,873 Straight up. We're not vibing right now. I just need a minute. 257 00:19:21,499 --> 00:19:25,461 Mike, he's my brother, okay? Don't be scared. Toughen up, chief. 258 00:19:25,670 --> 00:19:28,464 Whoa. Hey. Hey, I ain't say I was scared. 259 00:19:28,798 --> 00:19:31,634 Just... There's something wrong with your brother. 260 00:19:34,971 --> 00:19:38,599 So, Mike, I understand you were in New York last month. 261 00:19:41,352 --> 00:19:42,854 Yeah, I was... 262 00:19:43,145 --> 00:19:45,398 - Remember I did the thing? - No. 263 00:19:45,606 --> 00:19:46,941 You remember? 264 00:19:47,108 --> 00:19:50,903 The two of you should've gotten together. That would've been nice. 265 00:19:51,654 --> 00:19:53,990 I never told you Mike was in New York. 266 00:19:54,657 --> 00:19:56,117 Well, you know what, Mike? 267 00:19:56,325 --> 00:19:59,579 Syd, she's gonna be in town, what, another week? 268 00:19:59,787 --> 00:20:01,873 Why don't you show her around? That'd be nice. 269 00:20:02,081 --> 00:20:03,499 That would be so great. 270 00:20:03,916 --> 00:20:06,794 Yeah. Yeah, I could... Well, me and... 271 00:20:07,420 --> 00:20:10,756 Marcus, you want to show her some stuff? 272 00:20:12,008 --> 00:20:14,385 Yeah, because I'm in town on vacation. 273 00:20:14,594 --> 00:20:16,512 I'm staying at the most amazing hotel. 274 00:20:16,762 --> 00:20:19,557 The view, the pool. Oh, my God. 275 00:20:19,765 --> 00:20:20,975 We got a pool right here. 276 00:20:22,727 --> 00:20:24,103 That ain't exactly a pool, man. 277 00:20:24,312 --> 00:20:27,773 That's like a big-ass puddle wrapped in blue plastic. 278 00:20:27,982 --> 00:20:30,693 Didn't they have any good pools when you bought this one? 279 00:20:30,902 --> 00:20:32,904 Megan, that pool cost $3900. 280 00:20:33,154 --> 00:20:35,031 Okay, so how much do the good pools cost? 281 00:20:35,740 --> 00:20:38,201 - It's all right, baby. - It is kind of whack, huh? 282 00:20:39,118 --> 00:20:42,330 I gotta go meet somebody. It was nice seeing you again, Mike. 283 00:20:42,580 --> 00:20:44,499 Nice... Good to see you. 284 00:20:46,000 --> 00:20:47,001 Where you going? 285 00:20:47,210 --> 00:20:48,294 - Bye, sweetie. - Bye. 286 00:20:48,503 --> 00:20:50,171 I thought you were on vacation. 287 00:20:51,172 --> 00:20:52,632 So glad you could join us, Mike. 288 00:20:52,840 --> 00:20:55,801 I'm telling you, spending time like this make a partnership strong. 289 00:20:56,010 --> 00:20:57,803 Mike, can I see you by my stupid pool? 290 00:20:58,971 --> 00:21:00,640 What's the deal, baby? 291 00:21:01,557 --> 00:21:04,477 Why you gotta always come over here and try to take over, Mike? 292 00:21:04,685 --> 00:21:07,855 - What are you talking about? - This is my family, man. Okay? 293 00:21:08,064 --> 00:21:10,399 - What are you talking about? - My place of peace. 294 00:21:10,566 --> 00:21:12,360 Are you taking medication? 295 00:21:12,527 --> 00:21:14,445 You taking medicine for the thing, right? 296 00:21:14,654 --> 00:21:16,822 - What'd I do? - Forget it. Just forget it. 297 00:21:17,031 --> 00:21:19,575 - What'd I do? - Mason. Go fetch. 298 00:21:27,667 --> 00:21:28,876 Oh, shit! 299 00:21:33,714 --> 00:21:35,216 Now, that shit is funny. 300 00:21:36,384 --> 00:21:37,718 That's some funny shit. 301 00:21:37,927 --> 00:21:39,720 Oh, man, hold up. 302 00:21:40,596 --> 00:21:41,764 Yo, Lowrey, you hot. 303 00:21:41,973 --> 00:21:44,350 Thirty-nine hundred dollars. Thirty-nine hundred. 304 00:21:44,559 --> 00:21:48,229 You better pray to God you right this time. Yo, dry off, sweetheart. 305 00:21:48,437 --> 00:21:51,607 Icepick said the Haitian Zoepounds about to do a rip. Let's move. 306 00:22:03,661 --> 00:22:05,746 All right, guys, smarten up. Talk to me. 307 00:22:06,539 --> 00:22:08,583 Eyes on, agents. Good luck. 308 00:22:09,167 --> 00:22:10,543 This is 1 05. 309 00:22:13,421 --> 00:22:14,380 They're backing in. 310 00:22:14,964 --> 00:22:15,965 I got a good look. 311 00:22:16,382 --> 00:22:18,718 - We got a good eyeball. - All right, we're in. 312 00:22:25,308 --> 00:22:26,559 What's up? 313 00:22:34,567 --> 00:22:37,612 You come highly recommended out of New York. 314 00:22:37,820 --> 00:22:41,073 You did some good jobs for our Russian crew up there. 315 00:22:41,324 --> 00:22:42,617 How old are you? 316 00:22:43,034 --> 00:22:44,202 Old enough. 317 00:22:44,494 --> 00:22:47,788 Come on. If you want to move this stuff you gotta do it quick. 318 00:22:49,207 --> 00:22:52,168 Wow, nice getup. You can start to run these through. 319 00:22:52,376 --> 00:22:54,212 I'd like to see how your machine works. 320 00:22:56,172 --> 00:22:57,798 Ooh, that sounded dirty. 321 00:22:58,007 --> 00:23:01,260 "I would like to see how your machine works, baby." 322 00:23:02,762 --> 00:23:03,971 I wouldn't be so crude. 323 00:23:04,180 --> 00:23:06,557 I mean, I'm more of a refined kind of a human being. 324 00:23:08,518 --> 00:23:09,894 You follow ballet? 325 00:23:10,978 --> 00:23:14,857 Three of my cousins are dancing with the Bolshoi Theatre in Moscow. 326 00:23:17,777 --> 00:23:19,403 I like hippie-hop too. 327 00:23:24,951 --> 00:23:26,577 I gave you 5000. 328 00:23:26,786 --> 00:23:28,162 You gave me 4900. 329 00:23:28,371 --> 00:23:30,206 - I gave you 5000. - 4900. 330 00:23:30,373 --> 00:23:31,415 - 5000. - Count it. 331 00:23:31,582 --> 00:23:35,169 If you want to fuck with me again, find yourself another chump. 332 00:23:35,795 --> 00:23:36,796 Okay. 333 00:23:39,715 --> 00:23:41,259 - How much? - Three. 334 00:23:41,467 --> 00:23:44,011 Look at this. Money everywhere. Clean it up. 335 00:23:44,220 --> 00:23:48,349 Okay, we want to change a little over $3 million, all right? 336 00:23:49,225 --> 00:23:52,019 How many jobs did you do with my friends up there in New York? 337 00:23:52,228 --> 00:23:53,187 Quite a few. 338 00:23:53,396 --> 00:23:56,399 How you behave with me has consequences for a lot of people. 339 00:23:56,607 --> 00:23:58,734 You found me, not the other way around. 340 00:23:58,943 --> 00:24:02,446 You need me to change small bills to large ones and deliver to a third party. 341 00:24:02,655 --> 00:24:04,866 I bet he'd like his money in a timely fashion. 342 00:24:05,074 --> 00:24:07,618 Delivery's late, it's your ass, not mine. 343 00:24:21,257 --> 00:24:24,177 Here's 50,000 in 1 00s for your 50,000 in 1 0s. 344 00:24:24,385 --> 00:24:27,096 Third party takes his million in these five briefcases here. 345 00:24:27,263 --> 00:24:30,099 - I hope I'm not losing you, chief. - I hate math. 346 00:24:30,308 --> 00:24:32,935 So for your $3 million that we shrunk for you... 347 00:24:33,144 --> 00:24:35,313 ...you get 2 million in clean money back. 348 00:24:35,521 --> 00:24:38,357 Less our percentage: $300,000. 349 00:24:38,649 --> 00:24:42,278 - I'll be delivering these to your dealer. - Alexei. 350 00:24:42,486 --> 00:24:44,572 - What? - We're giving too fucking much away. 351 00:24:44,989 --> 00:24:47,074 We take all the risk. 352 00:24:47,241 --> 00:24:50,286 And our suppliers take too much of our profit. 353 00:24:51,120 --> 00:24:53,664 Yeah, we'll call the general, renegotiate. 354 00:24:54,207 --> 00:24:56,876 He's a businessman, we're businessmen. 355 00:24:57,502 --> 00:24:58,794 Yeah, call him. 356 00:24:59,128 --> 00:25:00,254 You call. 357 00:25:00,713 --> 00:25:03,174 Agents, we're on the move to the money drop. 358 00:25:04,383 --> 00:25:05,843 Forward. 359 00:25:06,219 --> 00:25:09,055 Hey, man, the truck's leaving. We're going to follow it. 360 00:25:12,808 --> 00:25:14,310 Don't lose that truck. 361 00:25:16,646 --> 00:25:18,648 Follow that truck. Follow that truck. 362 00:25:27,740 --> 00:25:31,160 Yep, they saddling up. Look like Icepick came through. 363 00:25:31,327 --> 00:25:33,913 Wonder whose shit they about to rip now? 364 00:26:15,913 --> 00:26:17,373 Falcon One, do you see her? 365 00:26:19,792 --> 00:26:21,043 Stand by. 366 00:26:21,711 --> 00:26:23,546 I don't want to get spotted, take a burn. 367 00:26:23,713 --> 00:26:26,090 Zoepound a bunch of pirates, man. Steal anything. 368 00:26:41,230 --> 00:26:43,149 Black Suburban at 1 0 o'clock. 369 00:26:44,150 --> 00:26:46,569 Oh, come on, baby. Park it at the top. 370 00:26:46,777 --> 00:26:48,446 Roberto, she's coming to you. 371 00:26:52,366 --> 00:26:53,659 I got her. 372 00:26:56,078 --> 00:26:58,706 This is Falcon One, guys. I got her coming up. 373 00:26:58,915 --> 00:27:01,375 Heads up, guys. I got an orange muscle car. 374 00:27:01,584 --> 00:27:03,920 Looks to be three black male occupants. 375 00:27:04,128 --> 00:27:06,547 It's out of our field of vision. Bring it up. 376 00:27:06,714 --> 00:27:09,091 All right, be aware, we got three bogeys unidentified. 377 00:27:20,102 --> 00:27:22,939 Guys, we got three bogeys. They're splitting up. They're moving. 378 00:27:23,147 --> 00:27:25,066 Be aware. They're approaching... Shit. Shit. 379 00:27:29,612 --> 00:27:31,030 - Fuck, it's a hit! - Shit. 380 00:27:40,957 --> 00:27:42,166 Agent down. Agent down. 381 00:27:44,710 --> 00:27:46,087 Roberto, fucking follow them! 382 00:27:46,295 --> 00:27:47,755 - I'm on it! I'm on it! - Shit! 383 00:27:48,714 --> 00:27:49,841 Stay here! 384 00:27:50,049 --> 00:27:51,592 Son of a bitch! 385 00:28:32,550 --> 00:28:33,551 It's Syd! 386 00:28:34,802 --> 00:28:36,637 Move! Move! 387 00:28:40,474 --> 00:28:42,518 Man, what is your sister into? 388 00:28:53,613 --> 00:28:55,239 Sidewalk! Sidewalk! 389 00:28:56,782 --> 00:28:57,742 Move! Move! 390 00:28:59,702 --> 00:29:01,037 Shit. 391 00:29:10,796 --> 00:29:13,716 - Shit! - I need backup on Canal, now! 392 00:29:19,889 --> 00:29:21,641 You just get ready to shoot. 393 00:29:25,436 --> 00:29:26,729 Police! 394 00:29:28,231 --> 00:29:29,315 Stop the car! 395 00:29:29,524 --> 00:29:32,401 Man, your badge?! He has a gun! Shoot him! 396 00:29:48,417 --> 00:29:50,086 Mike, she's in trouble, man. 397 00:29:52,964 --> 00:29:54,715 Move! Get out of the way! 398 00:30:08,271 --> 00:30:10,898 I think I done just got mad. 399 00:30:20,324 --> 00:30:21,826 - Gun! Gun! Gun! - Hold on. 400 00:30:32,461 --> 00:30:34,005 Now show them your badge! 401 00:31:05,203 --> 00:31:07,371 - This shit is crazy. - I know, right? 402 00:31:07,872 --> 00:31:09,207 Move! Move! 403 00:31:28,518 --> 00:31:30,353 Get the world down here! 404 00:31:57,046 --> 00:31:58,506 Shit! 405 00:32:06,931 --> 00:32:08,391 Go! Go! 406 00:32:17,066 --> 00:32:18,526 Get out! 407 00:32:19,193 --> 00:32:20,444 You, drive! 408 00:32:28,202 --> 00:32:29,662 Go! 409 00:32:37,587 --> 00:32:39,797 Go, go, go, Mike! Punch that shit! Punch it! 410 00:33:02,028 --> 00:33:03,404 Kill the fucker! 411 00:33:13,873 --> 00:33:15,166 Shit! 412 00:33:20,671 --> 00:33:21,964 Move! Move! 413 00:33:26,802 --> 00:33:28,638 - Don't lose her, Mike! - This is what I do! 414 00:33:46,405 --> 00:33:47,490 Shit! Shit. 415 00:33:47,698 --> 00:33:49,742 Definitely shoot that motherfucker that just... 416 00:33:49,992 --> 00:33:51,410 Oh, man, my headlight. 417 00:33:53,162 --> 00:33:54,914 Shoot back! Shoot back! Shoot! Shoot! 418 00:34:06,676 --> 00:34:09,679 What the...?! What are you doing, man? 419 00:34:09,846 --> 00:34:11,973 - That's my bad. - Shoot outside! 420 00:34:12,181 --> 00:34:14,016 Pay attention to what you're doing. 421 00:34:32,118 --> 00:34:33,661 These dudes is off the chain! 422 00:34:44,172 --> 00:34:45,256 Jesus! Fuck! 423 00:34:52,597 --> 00:34:55,516 - This is some sick shit! - Yep, it's about to get sicker. 424 00:35:06,152 --> 00:35:07,653 Watch out! Watch out! 425 00:35:09,697 --> 00:35:10,781 Oh, sh...! 426 00:35:10,990 --> 00:35:14,285 - Oh, they are not about to do that. - Hell, yes, they are! 427 00:35:14,452 --> 00:35:15,995 Go! 428 00:35:26,214 --> 00:35:28,925 - You see that?! - They throwing cars! How can I not?! 429 00:35:34,096 --> 00:35:37,058 - I'm just trying to help, okay?! - You know what'd be fucking helpful? 430 00:35:37,266 --> 00:35:39,810 Just shut the fuck up and let me drive! Let's try that! 431 00:35:47,693 --> 00:35:50,154 Hey, come on, man, with the screaming shit! 432 00:35:51,531 --> 00:35:53,783 I'm concentrating on dodging these fuckers. 433 00:36:00,540 --> 00:36:02,041 Just relax. 434 00:36:08,506 --> 00:36:10,466 - That was a flip! - That motherfucker flipped! 435 00:36:10,633 --> 00:36:13,970 - That one puckered up my butthole. - Almost fucking crushed my head. 436 00:36:33,656 --> 00:36:35,158 The boat! 437 00:36:57,763 --> 00:37:01,267 I lost them. Yeah, I've got your cargo to the backup drop point. 438 00:37:05,021 --> 00:37:08,107 Attention all units, suspects still at large. 439 00:37:11,360 --> 00:37:12,361 There she is. 440 00:37:19,243 --> 00:37:21,204 What the fuck is going on, Syd? 441 00:37:22,205 --> 00:37:23,539 Some desk you're driving. 442 00:37:23,706 --> 00:37:26,834 Get over here, I'm undercover. And please call off your dogs. 443 00:37:27,043 --> 00:37:29,670 I got DEA watching my back, so don't blow my case. 444 00:37:30,213 --> 00:37:32,256 - We saved your life. - And I appreciate that. 445 00:37:32,465 --> 00:37:34,926 What I don't appreciate is you two following me here... 446 00:37:35,134 --> 00:37:37,553 ...nearly burning a case that took five months to set up. 447 00:37:38,054 --> 00:37:40,473 So now we lie to each other? Is that what we do? 448 00:37:40,681 --> 00:37:42,475 - What do you want me to do? - All right. 449 00:37:42,683 --> 00:37:46,103 - Fuck that, Mike, she's wrong. - Calm down. Relax. 450 00:37:46,312 --> 00:37:48,272 Syd, are there drugs in that truck? 451 00:37:48,523 --> 00:37:50,358 - There's cash. - Where's it going? 452 00:37:51,234 --> 00:37:53,069 - I can't tell you that. - Why not? 453 00:37:53,236 --> 00:37:56,572 Because I have a career and if I want to keep it, I have rules to follow. 454 00:37:56,739 --> 00:37:57,865 What's that mean? 455 00:37:58,032 --> 00:38:01,536 My orders are, under no circumstances share information with Miami PD... 456 00:38:01,744 --> 00:38:05,164 ...because they got too many leaks. - Oh. I'm Miami PD now? 457 00:38:05,331 --> 00:38:07,250 You done forgot I'm your big brother, huh? 458 00:38:07,416 --> 00:38:10,378 You know what, Syd, that shit you did was reckless... 459 00:38:10,545 --> 00:38:13,381 ...it was stupid and it was dangerous. Okay? 460 00:38:13,923 --> 00:38:17,885 I'm telling Mommy. Okay? I'm definitely leaking that shit. 461 00:38:18,094 --> 00:38:19,220 Hey, Marcus... 462 00:38:21,848 --> 00:38:23,432 Syd, come on, he got a point. 463 00:38:23,599 --> 00:38:25,226 Your brother loves you. 464 00:38:25,601 --> 00:38:28,271 Not to mention a little thing called professional courtesy. 465 00:38:28,437 --> 00:38:32,066 You bouncing in somebody's yard, you should let them know about it. 466 00:38:37,864 --> 00:38:39,282 First time using your gun? 467 00:38:40,449 --> 00:38:43,369 Hey, you handled yourself very well. 468 00:38:43,619 --> 00:38:45,621 Too bad your partner didn't notice. 469 00:38:47,331 --> 00:38:48,708 Thanks. 470 00:38:48,875 --> 00:38:51,961 Think you get off that easy? You been working this for five months? 471 00:38:52,170 --> 00:38:53,880 How come you ain't tell me in New York? 472 00:38:54,046 --> 00:38:55,882 - What would you have said? - I would've... 473 00:38:56,090 --> 00:38:58,718 I'd have let you know this job is rugged, you know. 474 00:38:58,885 --> 00:39:01,512 It's dangerous. And if something happen to you I might... 475 00:39:02,305 --> 00:39:04,682 Exactly why I didn't say anything. 476 00:39:12,273 --> 00:39:13,774 Somebody's stealing your money. 477 00:39:17,320 --> 00:39:20,031 The drop's done. I gotta go. 478 00:39:24,994 --> 00:39:25,995 Thanks. 479 00:39:44,847 --> 00:39:47,183 We gotta close this case before it get her killed. 480 00:39:47,517 --> 00:39:48,893 Yeah, no doubt. 481 00:39:49,268 --> 00:39:52,021 You ready to go back to the station, get our asses whupped? 482 00:39:52,688 --> 00:39:54,815 I think we gonna be all right. 483 00:39:56,275 --> 00:39:57,819 Fellas. 484 00:39:58,027 --> 00:40:00,029 What's your job description? 485 00:40:00,446 --> 00:40:01,823 No, you two. 486 00:40:01,989 --> 00:40:04,867 What is your job description? 487 00:40:05,034 --> 00:40:06,035 I'll tell you. 488 00:40:06,202 --> 00:40:08,412 TNT: 489 00:40:08,621 --> 00:40:11,374 Tactical Narcotics Team. 490 00:40:11,833 --> 00:40:13,876 Keyword: "tactical." 491 00:40:14,919 --> 00:40:19,131 "Displaying finesse and subtlety in achieving a goal!" 492 00:40:20,591 --> 00:40:22,051 Tell me, gentlemen... 493 00:40:22,260 --> 00:40:26,389 ...what was subtle about your work today? 494 00:40:32,186 --> 00:40:33,855 Twenty-two cars... 495 00:40:34,230 --> 00:40:36,315 ...and a boat, totaled? 496 00:40:37,775 --> 00:40:39,569 How did you sink a boat? 497 00:40:42,822 --> 00:40:44,532 We didn't sink it. 498 00:40:50,329 --> 00:40:52,290 Whoosah. 499 00:40:55,585 --> 00:40:58,462 All right, the positive. Thank God no cops died. 500 00:40:58,671 --> 00:41:03,718 The negative: I got a police commissioner so far up my ass... 501 00:41:03,926 --> 00:41:06,929 ...if he spits it's coming out of my mouth. 502 00:41:09,098 --> 00:41:12,560 But I know that there's always two sides to a story. 503 00:41:13,102 --> 00:41:14,604 So, what's yours? 504 00:41:14,896 --> 00:41:17,440 Well, I was at a family barbecue. 505 00:41:17,648 --> 00:41:19,525 We got a tip that the Zoepounders... 506 00:41:19,692 --> 00:41:23,321 ...were gonna do a hit on cash or drugs from this big-time X-Man. 507 00:41:23,488 --> 00:41:25,948 That's what they call a ecstasy dealer on the streets. 508 00:41:26,115 --> 00:41:28,242 Marcus, I know what they call them. 509 00:41:28,451 --> 00:41:30,411 That's why I'm captain. It's cool. 510 00:41:30,995 --> 00:41:32,413 So you got the drugs. 511 00:41:33,915 --> 00:41:37,293 No drugs. Oh, okay. All right. How about the money? 512 00:41:37,668 --> 00:41:38,836 - No money. - Nope. 513 00:41:39,045 --> 00:41:40,505 Then who is this X-Man? 514 00:41:40,922 --> 00:41:43,424 Captain, I was at a family barbecue. So l... 515 00:41:43,633 --> 00:41:46,469 We don't know, but we are going to find out. 516 00:41:46,636 --> 00:41:48,638 Well, then all that... 517 00:41:48,804 --> 00:41:51,349 ...was for nothing? - We didn't do all of that. 518 00:41:51,557 --> 00:41:54,352 If you look close... Watch. Hold up. Let me s... 519 00:41:54,644 --> 00:41:58,189 There's DEA all over. Wait, the... Wait, hold up. 520 00:41:58,397 --> 00:42:00,441 The DEA? Without consulting me?! 521 00:42:00,900 --> 00:42:02,318 That's a DEA car right there. 522 00:42:03,486 --> 00:42:05,196 Christ! Fuck! 523 00:42:05,404 --> 00:42:08,783 Cap. No. Remember your pressure points. 524 00:42:08,991 --> 00:42:11,369 Do my... My exercises. 525 00:42:11,828 --> 00:42:13,454 - Holler at your boy. - Whoosah. 526 00:42:15,414 --> 00:42:18,042 Twenty-one thousand? What?! 527 00:42:18,668 --> 00:42:21,838 Oh, kiss my black ass. 528 00:42:22,505 --> 00:42:24,298 It was the dashboard. 529 00:42:26,342 --> 00:42:27,468 - You know what? - Better. 530 00:42:27,677 --> 00:42:29,136 Yeah, you'll get your money. 531 00:42:29,345 --> 00:42:31,472 Somebody's on they way with your money. 532 00:42:34,392 --> 00:42:37,228 Is it possible we could discuss potential reimbursement... 533 00:42:37,395 --> 00:42:40,523 We don't cover personal property. That's why we drive police cars. 534 00:42:40,690 --> 00:42:42,358 So where do we go from here? 535 00:42:43,317 --> 00:42:46,320 Zoepounders knew exactly when to hit the drop, where to hit the drop... 536 00:42:46,529 --> 00:42:48,489 ...so we figure they know where the cash is. 537 00:42:48,698 --> 00:42:50,533 We find the cash, we find the X-Man. 538 00:42:50,700 --> 00:42:54,078 Hey, I'm through playing games, all right? I have three cops critical. 539 00:42:54,245 --> 00:42:57,039 I got kids dying on my streets from souped-up X. 540 00:42:57,206 --> 00:43:01,043 I do not want these animals taking over my city. 541 00:43:01,210 --> 00:43:02,336 Do you understand? 542 00:43:02,545 --> 00:43:06,299 So I want you guys to do whatever you do, whatever it takes, but do it now. 543 00:43:14,056 --> 00:43:15,558 It's not good, boss. 544 00:43:20,897 --> 00:43:22,481 Oh, my God. 545 00:43:25,067 --> 00:43:28,070 Fucking ratones eating my fucking money. 546 00:43:29,405 --> 00:43:33,993 Carlos, this is a stupid fucking problem to have. 547 00:43:34,285 --> 00:43:37,705 But it is a problem nonetheless. 548 00:43:38,247 --> 00:43:39,790 Rat fuckers. 549 00:43:39,999 --> 00:43:41,584 Rat fuckers. 550 00:43:44,295 --> 00:43:45,588 Boss, it ended up crazy. 551 00:43:45,796 --> 00:43:50,092 This black chica working for the Russians was a maniac lunatic. 552 00:43:50,301 --> 00:43:51,302 She saved your money. 553 00:43:51,511 --> 00:43:53,930 She wasted some Haitians and got the load to the drop. 554 00:43:54,096 --> 00:43:56,933 Also, Roberto saw these two crazy gangbanger homeys. 555 00:43:57,099 --> 00:43:58,935 - Oh, shit. - Yeah. Chasing and shooting. 556 00:43:59,560 --> 00:44:02,063 Old days, did I have this problem? No. 557 00:44:02,271 --> 00:44:05,817 Just fly the drugs in and ship the money out. 558 00:44:08,611 --> 00:44:11,906 Now American security's so goddamned tight over the water... 559 00:44:12,073 --> 00:44:13,241 ...and in the sky... 560 00:44:13,449 --> 00:44:16,786 ...that the rats eat my money before I can get it to Cuba. 561 00:44:19,622 --> 00:44:21,249 - You see? - Fiery crash... 562 00:44:21,457 --> 00:44:25,419 I can't even get my money across town without making the news. 563 00:44:27,922 --> 00:44:28,881 Hey, man. Man. 564 00:44:29,382 --> 00:44:30,758 Tell me... 565 00:44:31,843 --> 00:44:33,344 ...should I be worried? 566 00:44:33,511 --> 00:44:35,638 - No, boss. - Shut the fuck up. 567 00:44:35,888 --> 00:44:39,016 People is trying to jack my loads here in Miami. 568 00:44:39,225 --> 00:44:42,144 I own this fucking town. You see? 569 00:44:42,520 --> 00:44:43,813 This is my town. 570 00:44:45,773 --> 00:44:48,067 Oh, my God. Pink. 571 00:44:48,359 --> 00:44:51,404 Pink, niņa, pink. Pink. No powder blue. 572 00:44:51,612 --> 00:44:52,780 Pink is prettier. 573 00:44:52,989 --> 00:44:55,992 But the lady at the store said I look like a model. 574 00:44:57,493 --> 00:45:01,706 You're lucky your mother was my mother's cousins. 575 00:45:01,998 --> 00:45:03,749 Don't pay attention to Roberto. 576 00:45:04,667 --> 00:45:07,879 Besides, models are filthy creatures. 577 00:45:08,045 --> 00:45:10,006 You look more like an angel. 578 00:45:11,174 --> 00:45:13,009 - What do you think, Carlos? - Of course. 579 00:45:13,176 --> 00:45:15,970 - Roberto, what do you think? - It's fucking beautiful. 580 00:45:16,888 --> 00:45:21,267 Talk polite in front of my little bonbon... 581 00:45:22,185 --> 00:45:24,854 ...or I'm gonna chop your balls off. 582 00:45:27,064 --> 00:45:30,693 For real, I'm straight with all your spiritual enlightenment and that shit. 583 00:45:30,943 --> 00:45:34,489 But I need to know if a crackhead rolls to me with a.9, you'll cook that fool. 584 00:45:34,697 --> 00:45:36,949 No question about it. Shoot him in the leg. 585 00:45:37,116 --> 00:45:38,576 Come on with that leg shit. 586 00:45:38,784 --> 00:45:41,871 - Everybody deserves a little dignity. - What about my dignity? 587 00:45:42,038 --> 00:45:44,999 Your crackhead will be missing a kneecap. I'll be in a body bag. 588 00:45:45,166 --> 00:45:47,168 - So sad. - What's so sad? 589 00:45:47,376 --> 00:45:50,046 Your untreated control issues. 590 00:45:50,213 --> 00:45:51,589 It's not your fault. 591 00:45:52,256 --> 00:45:54,383 What in the hell is that supposed to mean? 592 00:45:54,550 --> 00:45:57,762 Your mama probably refused you her tit when you were a baby. 593 00:45:57,929 --> 00:46:00,723 You grew up a malnourished high-school softie. 594 00:46:00,890 --> 00:46:03,476 Got your gun, little tight T-shirt... 595 00:46:03,643 --> 00:46:06,270 ...and became a overcompensating tough guy. 596 00:46:07,730 --> 00:46:12,568 That is the last time you will ever refer to my mother's titties. 597 00:46:13,653 --> 00:46:15,822 I don't even want them up in your head. 598 00:46:18,074 --> 00:46:21,744 You know, I said all that, Mike, and all you heard was "titties." 599 00:46:22,453 --> 00:46:25,414 Man, you can't keep suppressing my spiritual growth, Mike. 600 00:46:25,581 --> 00:46:28,918 You need to suppress my mother's titties out of your psychoanalysis. 601 00:46:29,085 --> 00:46:32,797 You just remember one thing, my friend. I may not always be here. 602 00:46:36,092 --> 00:46:37,969 What's up, Icepick? 603 00:46:38,928 --> 00:46:42,056 Jesus is the way, my brothers. Step inside. 604 00:46:42,265 --> 00:46:44,559 You just went number one on Uncle Mike's shit list. 605 00:46:44,725 --> 00:46:47,645 - We got two lousy bags, man. - My brothers. 606 00:46:47,812 --> 00:46:49,939 Haitian blond with dreads. Where is he? 607 00:46:50,106 --> 00:46:51,649 Blondie Dread? 608 00:46:53,109 --> 00:46:55,361 He's very expensive. 609 00:46:55,570 --> 00:46:59,240 You and you have to do something for me. 610 00:46:59,448 --> 00:47:01,784 Oh, you trying to get gangster on me like that? 611 00:47:02,118 --> 00:47:04,287 - Yeah, he went gangster. - So we should probably... 612 00:47:04,453 --> 00:47:06,956 - So we want to do the... You got them? - Yeah, sure. 613 00:47:07,123 --> 00:47:11,127 Me and my partner, we're on the Miami PD tandem dance team. 614 00:47:11,335 --> 00:47:13,629 We got a routine. We won all the local talent shows. 615 00:47:13,838 --> 00:47:15,298 We thinking about going national. 616 00:47:15,464 --> 00:47:17,884 You want to show him some of the routine? 617 00:47:18,301 --> 00:47:21,095 Warm it up. Don't hurt nothing. 618 00:47:21,262 --> 00:47:22,638 Yo, yo, watch this. Watch this. 619 00:47:22,805 --> 00:47:25,141 This the shit right here. This is the shit. 620 00:47:34,358 --> 00:47:36,986 - What you doing to my shop?! - Watch this spin. 621 00:47:37,153 --> 00:47:38,279 Wait. 622 00:47:41,365 --> 00:47:43,451 - What are you doing?! - Oh, give me some. 623 00:47:44,076 --> 00:47:45,369 You're ruining my shop. Stop! 624 00:47:45,995 --> 00:47:48,789 - Do the dance thing. - I'm gonna bring the house down. 625 00:47:54,962 --> 00:47:56,547 Stop! Stop! 626 00:47:57,215 --> 00:48:01,135 He lives in a pink house eight blocks from here on Carl Street. 627 00:48:07,016 --> 00:48:08,392 One... 628 00:48:09,185 --> 00:48:10,853 - Police! Get down. - Police! 629 00:48:47,056 --> 00:48:49,058 Who that? Who in my house?! 630 00:48:49,267 --> 00:48:53,354 - I'm the devil, who's asking?! - The devil is not welcome here! 631 00:48:53,604 --> 00:48:56,524 You got to call yourself the devil in his house?! Shit! 632 00:48:57,567 --> 00:48:59,443 You're in my house! 633 00:48:59,694 --> 00:49:01,445 This is all your fault! 634 00:49:01,737 --> 00:49:04,323 - You're in my country, though. - Fuck you, how's that? 635 00:49:04,490 --> 00:49:07,410 - I'm gonna kill you, motherfucker! - Your country, my ass! 636 00:49:07,577 --> 00:49:11,038 - Fuck you. - Fuck me? Fuck you! 637 00:49:11,581 --> 00:49:12,707 You no problem! 638 00:49:12,915 --> 00:49:15,585 Mike, do you have to be so combative? 639 00:49:15,793 --> 00:49:17,295 Fucking...! 640 00:49:17,920 --> 00:49:19,630 You calling me a bitch?! 641 00:49:22,133 --> 00:49:23,301 Do or die, man! 642 00:49:23,551 --> 00:49:26,596 A bullet in the head'll really mess up your extensions. 643 00:49:26,804 --> 00:49:29,432 Take your bullet and eat that shit, man. 644 00:49:29,640 --> 00:49:31,225 How about that? 645 00:49:36,147 --> 00:49:37,565 What the fuck? 646 00:49:46,949 --> 00:49:48,409 Sir, we just want to talk. 647 00:49:48,618 --> 00:49:51,120 You want to talk?! Well, go ahead. Go ahead. 648 00:49:51,287 --> 00:49:52,914 We're not lmmigration. 649 00:49:53,080 --> 00:49:56,167 They can't hear you because they're still shooting at you. 650 00:49:57,126 --> 00:50:00,463 Fucking Haitians in a fucking little-ass room... 651 00:50:00,630 --> 00:50:03,174 ...with fucking guns. Shit! 652 00:50:15,603 --> 00:50:18,731 Got to make it home to my babies. Damn, now. 653 00:50:25,905 --> 00:50:28,366 Motherfucker! You killed my brother! 654 00:50:32,370 --> 00:50:33,871 That's a bitch! 655 00:50:35,164 --> 00:50:37,166 Shoot them. Fucking shoot them. 656 00:50:40,962 --> 00:50:42,922 They shot me. They got me, man. Yo! 657 00:50:57,103 --> 00:50:58,271 Got you. 658 00:51:02,066 --> 00:51:04,152 Oh, shit! Motherfucker! 659 00:51:04,360 --> 00:51:05,695 They killed the boy! 660 00:51:05,862 --> 00:51:07,071 They kill me! 661 00:51:07,238 --> 00:51:08,990 They're killing everybody! 662 00:51:10,449 --> 00:51:11,993 Motherfucker! 663 00:51:17,039 --> 00:51:18,499 My eyes! 664 00:51:18,791 --> 00:51:20,501 I'm gonna kill you, motherfucker! 665 00:51:25,423 --> 00:51:27,008 Come. Come kill me, motherfucker. 666 00:51:27,341 --> 00:51:29,302 Come. You don't take me alive. 667 00:51:29,468 --> 00:51:31,429 You got three seconds to drop your weapon! 668 00:51:31,596 --> 00:51:33,097 I got a present for you! 669 00:51:33,598 --> 00:51:35,224 - A nice present for you! - One! 670 00:51:37,018 --> 00:51:38,978 - Two! - I'm gonna kill you. 671 00:51:47,487 --> 00:51:49,906 Don't shoot. Don't shoot, man. Don't kill me. 672 00:51:53,576 --> 00:51:56,746 - Bullets and all... Excuse me. - You all right, man? 673 00:51:59,248 --> 00:52:02,418 Apologize to that man. Apologize to that man. 674 00:52:02,627 --> 00:52:04,921 Apologize! Apologize. 675 00:52:05,796 --> 00:52:07,590 Hey, listen, I owe you... 676 00:52:07,757 --> 00:52:10,468 It's just that, you know, you was disrespect... 677 00:52:10,676 --> 00:52:13,471 But that don't mean it give me the right, though. It don't. 678 00:52:13,679 --> 00:52:16,182 Excuse me. Whoosah. Whoosah. 679 00:52:16,390 --> 00:52:18,226 Whoosah, motherfucker! 680 00:52:21,521 --> 00:52:24,690 See, the interesting thing is he's the one of us that's not pissed off. 681 00:52:24,857 --> 00:52:27,652 - I don't know nothing. - I didn't ask you no question yet! 682 00:52:27,819 --> 00:52:29,403 - I don't know nothing. - Lying already? 683 00:52:29,570 --> 00:52:31,656 - No, get... - How'd you know about the drop? 684 00:52:31,823 --> 00:52:33,658 - I don't know nothing! - Stop lying! 685 00:52:33,825 --> 00:52:35,284 Do you know anything? 686 00:52:35,785 --> 00:52:38,454 I'm gonna be nice about it. Do you know anything? 687 00:52:38,913 --> 00:52:40,665 Let's ask some other suspects. 688 00:52:40,832 --> 00:52:44,126 - Hey, look, man, fuck it. - Let's try this. Let's talk to his homeys. 689 00:52:45,086 --> 00:52:46,796 Hey, look here, man. 690 00:52:47,004 --> 00:52:50,800 Can you tell me who was driving the black Suburban? 691 00:52:52,051 --> 00:52:54,011 Oh, he don't know nothing. 692 00:52:54,178 --> 00:52:56,347 His brains is under the end table. 693 00:52:59,475 --> 00:53:01,310 He can't tell us shit, Mike. 694 00:53:01,477 --> 00:53:03,980 - He's all fucked up. - What's your point? 695 00:53:04,397 --> 00:53:06,649 Dead suspects can't say shit. 696 00:53:06,816 --> 00:53:10,862 It seems like live suspects don't say shit either, so I'll hot this dude here. 697 00:53:11,028 --> 00:53:13,197 - Save us the paperwork. - I don't know nothing! 698 00:53:13,364 --> 00:53:16,617 I don't do motherfucking surveillance, man. He do surveillance. 699 00:53:16,784 --> 00:53:19,078 He don't let nobody touch his camera. 700 00:53:20,663 --> 00:53:24,458 - What's on that camera? - Trigger Mike strikes again. 701 00:53:25,334 --> 00:53:27,211 Hi, welcome to Phat's. How can I help you? 702 00:53:27,670 --> 00:53:30,339 - Miami PD. - Whoa. Cops. I love that show. 703 00:53:30,631 --> 00:53:33,050 - We need to see what's on this video. - Absolutely. 704 00:53:33,217 --> 00:53:36,804 You got a little bullet hole in there. You guys tell me about it? 705 00:53:37,680 --> 00:53:40,474 Guess not. We'll put this in our central floor model. 706 00:53:40,641 --> 00:53:42,935 It has kick-ass bass. You like hip-hop? I love it. 707 00:53:43,102 --> 00:53:46,814 We freestyle in the break room. If you guys ever want to kick it, we'll flow. 708 00:53:47,231 --> 00:53:50,610 We're gonna set you up on the wide-screen. Correct ratio. 709 00:53:50,860 --> 00:53:52,445 There you go. 710 00:53:55,531 --> 00:53:57,992 "Spanish Palms Mortuary." 711 00:53:58,201 --> 00:54:02,121 Why would they be doing surveillance at a funeral home? 712 00:54:02,622 --> 00:54:03,915 Is that a Cuban flag? 713 00:54:04,540 --> 00:54:06,042 Right there. See the gun? 714 00:54:06,209 --> 00:54:10,213 Never knew guards at funeral homes needed to carry them kind of weapons. 715 00:54:13,508 --> 00:54:15,510 It just seems like we should turn it off... 716 00:54:15,718 --> 00:54:17,220 ...because my dad owns the store. 717 00:54:17,803 --> 00:54:19,055 She got a tongue ring. 718 00:54:21,182 --> 00:54:23,893 - This is like a porno. We're not... - Dude. Dude. 719 00:54:24,060 --> 00:54:25,436 - All right? - Yeah. 720 00:54:27,313 --> 00:54:28,731 Okay. Okay. 721 00:54:28,898 --> 00:54:31,317 It's just, you know, my dad's gonna be... 722 00:54:31,484 --> 00:54:33,069 I just need to... I think l... 723 00:54:33,236 --> 00:54:35,279 - I think I screwed this up. - Relax. 724 00:54:36,739 --> 00:54:40,076 - My dad's gonna... This is like a porno. - Oh, yeah. I want more. 725 00:54:43,287 --> 00:54:45,373 - Okay. - This is official police business. 726 00:54:46,123 --> 00:54:48,543 - What the fuck's going on here? - Out of my way. 727 00:54:48,709 --> 00:54:50,795 My dad is coming. My dad is coming. 728 00:54:51,796 --> 00:54:53,631 What the hell is going on in my store? 729 00:54:54,757 --> 00:54:58,219 Son, how did this porno crap get on my videos in my store?! 730 00:54:58,803 --> 00:55:01,264 What the hell is going on in here?! 731 00:55:03,266 --> 00:55:06,352 - You all right? - No, I'm not all right, Mike. 732 00:55:06,686 --> 00:55:10,565 Three days of this shit. Got my nerves all rattled. 733 00:55:14,402 --> 00:55:16,112 My ass still hurts... 734 00:55:16,904 --> 00:55:19,407 ...from what you did to it the other night. 735 00:55:19,782 --> 00:55:21,117 Oh, my Lord. 736 00:55:21,742 --> 00:55:23,411 Yeah, it got rough. 737 00:55:24,287 --> 00:55:25,246 You know? 738 00:55:25,454 --> 00:55:29,375 I mean, we got caught up in the moment, shit got crazy. 739 00:55:29,625 --> 00:55:30,668 You know how I get. 740 00:55:33,713 --> 00:55:37,258 When you popped me from behind, I think you damaged some nerves. 741 00:55:37,967 --> 00:55:38,926 Okay. 742 00:55:39,635 --> 00:55:41,387 Now, I can't... 743 00:55:42,305 --> 00:55:44,432 I can't... Now, I can't... 744 00:55:45,641 --> 00:55:48,811 - Can't what? - I can't even get an erection. 745 00:55:49,270 --> 00:55:51,189 What's an erection? 746 00:55:51,355 --> 00:55:55,234 I tried taking Viagra, you know, pop one, pop two. 747 00:55:55,485 --> 00:55:57,278 Been eating them like Skittles. 748 00:55:57,445 --> 00:56:00,114 That poor man is pouring out his heart. 749 00:56:00,948 --> 00:56:02,950 And I'm still flaccid. 750 00:56:03,451 --> 00:56:05,953 Okay. I'm comfortable talking to you... 751 00:56:06,162 --> 00:56:08,247 It's got 5.1 Dolby. 752 00:56:08,498 --> 00:56:11,542 ...about what I did to your ass... 753 00:56:12,210 --> 00:56:14,504 ...but you not getting an erection... 754 00:56:15,505 --> 00:56:17,548 ...that's a real problem for me. 755 00:56:17,715 --> 00:56:20,218 - I just figured I could talk to you. - Yeah. No, no. 756 00:56:20,384 --> 00:56:24,764 We're... We partners, but we are partners with boundaries. 757 00:56:25,681 --> 00:56:27,183 We got a new rule. 758 00:56:27,433 --> 00:56:31,354 From now on you can't say the word "flaccid" to me. 759 00:56:31,854 --> 00:56:33,481 He's a mean fuck. 760 00:56:33,689 --> 00:56:35,983 Look here. This is our little boundary box. 761 00:56:36,192 --> 00:56:37,985 So we gonna take the word "flaccid"... 762 00:56:38,194 --> 00:56:40,947 ...and we're gonna put it in there with my mom's titties... 763 00:56:41,113 --> 00:56:44,408 ...with your erection problems, and we're gonna close this box... 764 00:56:44,575 --> 00:56:46,702 ...and we're gonna throw this bitch in the ocean. 765 00:56:46,869 --> 00:56:49,956 And the only way that you can get to this box... 766 00:56:50,122 --> 00:56:53,042 ...is you got to be motherfucking Jacques Cousteau. 767 00:56:53,292 --> 00:56:54,877 We cool? 768 00:57:02,051 --> 00:57:04,053 Oh, shit. 769 00:57:04,679 --> 00:57:06,347 We gotta go. 770 00:57:06,931 --> 00:57:09,934 In front of my babies you got porno and homo shows up in here? 771 00:57:10,142 --> 00:57:12,270 What kind of freak-ass store is this? 772 00:57:13,396 --> 00:57:16,023 And you two motherfuckers need Jesus. 773 00:57:16,399 --> 00:57:17,900 Cover your ears, baby. 774 00:57:19,152 --> 00:57:21,571 Palm Mortuary, owned by an offshore holding company... 775 00:57:21,737 --> 00:57:23,739 ...which, after 1 7 layers of bullshit... 776 00:57:23,906 --> 00:57:27,076 ...turns out to be registered to Donna Maria Tapia... 777 00:57:27,368 --> 00:57:31,038 ...mother of Hector Juan Carlos Tapia, who calls himself Johnny. 778 00:57:31,247 --> 00:57:33,374 Johnny Tapia. Shit. 779 00:57:33,583 --> 00:57:35,585 Every time the PD goes after him... 780 00:57:35,793 --> 00:57:39,005 ...he sues for wrongful arrest. And, oh, does he win. 781 00:57:39,213 --> 00:57:41,757 Last year he was awarded $9 million. 782 00:57:42,091 --> 00:57:45,052 And got a dozen dumb-ass officers like you fired. 783 00:57:45,261 --> 00:57:47,263 Well, he hasn't run across us yet. 784 00:57:47,513 --> 00:57:49,807 We'd love to hear what's going on in that house. 785 00:57:50,016 --> 00:57:52,435 Use your computer brain and tap the phone. 786 00:57:55,104 --> 00:57:58,900 Well, that happens to be highly illegal without a judge. 787 00:58:00,401 --> 00:58:04,655 We were thinking of something more along the lines of a training operation. 788 00:58:04,864 --> 00:58:06,073 No, I can't do that. 789 00:58:06,282 --> 00:58:08,826 - Get you tickets to the Heat game. - I need floor seats. 790 00:58:09,035 --> 00:58:11,412 With thick-ass glasses you don't need floor seats. 791 00:58:11,621 --> 00:58:13,414 He can see the game from the parking lot. 792 00:58:13,623 --> 00:58:17,335 - I can't work under these conditions. - Floor seats to the Heat. You got it. 793 00:58:17,543 --> 00:58:19,837 - Lakers. - Yes, Lakers. 794 00:58:20,087 --> 00:58:21,756 Okay. Watch me work. 795 00:58:33,601 --> 00:58:35,770 Hello? Is this the pest control? 796 00:58:35,978 --> 00:58:38,606 Yeah. We got a fucking problem. 797 00:58:38,815 --> 00:58:40,149 You know where we live. 798 00:58:40,358 --> 00:58:42,652 - Yeah, South Miami. - We got it. 799 00:58:43,444 --> 00:58:44,445 Got our way in. 800 00:58:44,654 --> 00:58:46,489 - Illegally? - You got to put a word to it. 801 00:58:46,697 --> 00:58:47,782 It's like, secret. 802 00:58:48,449 --> 00:58:49,784 So y'all want to kill roaches? 803 00:58:49,992 --> 00:58:52,662 - Illegal. - We'll plant a couple gypsy wires... 804 00:58:52,912 --> 00:58:54,330 ...find out what Tapia's up to. 805 00:58:54,539 --> 00:58:56,749 These are your basic household bugs. 806 00:58:56,958 --> 00:58:58,334 Dog, this is what we do. 807 00:59:02,421 --> 00:59:04,924 - What's the sprayers for? - The roaches. 808 00:59:05,132 --> 00:59:08,511 - Roaches? We got rats. - Say what? 809 00:59:08,678 --> 00:59:10,847 That's not an issue. We can handle that. 810 00:59:11,097 --> 00:59:14,267 We'll just have to slightly adjust our approach a little bit. 811 00:59:14,767 --> 00:59:17,311 Nope. Nope. I don't mess with no rats. 812 00:59:17,520 --> 00:59:19,480 Hey. Stop it. 813 00:59:19,689 --> 00:59:23,151 - We're in. Get your head right. - Mike, I'm a grown-ass man. 814 00:59:23,359 --> 00:59:25,987 Get your grown-ass self together and let's do this. 815 00:59:27,905 --> 00:59:30,950 - You got a beautiful house, sir. - Well, start looking. 816 00:59:32,910 --> 00:59:34,162 They're all over. 817 00:59:41,669 --> 00:59:42,837 Those ain't normal rats. 818 00:59:43,045 --> 00:59:45,840 What he means is that they're obviously a special breed. 819 00:59:46,048 --> 00:59:48,509 - What kind of breed are they? - Big motherfuckers. 820 00:59:49,010 --> 00:59:51,137 Disposing of the rats isn't a problem. 821 00:59:51,345 --> 00:59:54,182 But we should ensure there's no breeding elsewhere in the house. 822 00:59:54,390 --> 00:59:56,058 Yeah, at Zook... 823 00:59:56,267 --> 00:59:59,353 ...we like to work from the outside in, you know. 824 00:59:59,604 --> 01:00:02,356 So we gonna leave these... Excuse me. 825 01:00:02,565 --> 01:00:05,026 We'll leave these here and send in a special unit. 826 01:00:05,234 --> 01:00:07,445 It'd be better to begin in the rest of the house. 827 01:00:07,653 --> 01:00:09,363 You're not getting in the rest of the house. 828 01:00:09,572 --> 01:00:11,449 We won't be able to guarantee our work. 829 01:00:12,074 --> 01:00:14,035 The only thing that we can guarantee... 830 01:00:14,243 --> 01:00:16,913 ...is that these rats will keep fucking. 831 01:00:17,121 --> 01:00:19,707 Giving off offspring until we find the colony. 832 01:00:20,249 --> 01:00:22,043 Rats don't got no stinking colony. 833 01:00:22,251 --> 01:00:24,045 Well, actually these are colonial rats. 834 01:00:24,253 --> 01:00:27,423 What they do is they send out worker rats that are called... 835 01:00:27,632 --> 01:00:29,425 Marsupials. 836 01:00:30,009 --> 01:00:31,427 Marsupials. 837 01:00:31,594 --> 01:00:35,765 These drones, they're explorers of the rat world, you know. 838 01:00:35,973 --> 01:00:38,893 They just looking for rat pussy. 839 01:00:40,478 --> 01:00:42,772 - You know. - Are you fucking with me? 840 01:00:42,939 --> 01:00:45,608 Hold on. You called us. We can leave. 841 01:00:45,817 --> 01:00:49,195 But what you should understand is that these rats will hump twice a day. 842 01:00:49,403 --> 01:00:52,448 All right. Down there. Just kill them and bring me the bill. 843 01:00:55,493 --> 01:00:57,995 That's that bullshit. That's that bullshit right there. 844 01:00:58,162 --> 01:00:59,872 - You see these rats? - Plant your wires. 845 01:01:00,081 --> 01:01:02,583 - You're not leaving me with them. - Plant your wires. 846 01:01:04,836 --> 01:01:07,171 Gentlemen. Alexei, Josef. 847 01:01:07,463 --> 01:01:11,259 Oh, I really like that word, Johnny. "Gentlemen." 848 01:01:11,467 --> 01:01:15,012 I'm just trying being civil. This is business, we can all relax. 849 01:01:15,304 --> 01:01:17,640 - Alexei, would you like a Cohiba? - Why not? 850 01:01:17,849 --> 01:01:20,309 Of course. And you? Josef. 851 01:01:20,518 --> 01:01:23,104 I'm told you're a wine connoisseur. 852 01:01:23,312 --> 01:01:24,313 I am. 853 01:01:24,856 --> 01:01:29,694 Carlos, have Josef pick a wine and Alexei and I will have a cigar. Come. 854 01:01:35,700 --> 01:01:38,911 - Where the fuck you going? - Pretty bad problem you got here. 855 01:01:39,162 --> 01:01:42,415 I'm gonna head down to the truck, get some poison pellets and stuff. 856 01:01:42,623 --> 01:01:44,500 Come straight back. No screwing around. 857 01:01:48,838 --> 01:01:49,839 They're all over. 858 01:01:50,339 --> 01:01:52,800 Nice place you got here. 859 01:01:54,093 --> 01:01:58,639 It's Mama's. And it's a shithole. Built a fucking million years ago. 860 01:01:58,848 --> 01:02:01,434 - Expensive shithole, eh? - Oh, no. 861 01:02:01,642 --> 01:02:06,314 My new place I'm building in Cuba. Esto va a set tremendo, brother. 862 01:02:06,522 --> 01:02:10,359 Almost finished. Everything fucking shiny new. Come on upstairs. 863 01:02:11,694 --> 01:02:13,070 Oh, shit. 864 01:02:13,905 --> 01:02:16,991 Oh, shit! Look at the balls on that motherfucker. 865 01:02:57,406 --> 01:02:58,407 Roberto... 866 01:02:58,616 --> 01:03:02,411 ...the general's office camera is out. - Everything in this house is broken. 867 01:03:10,253 --> 01:03:11,379 My wire's planted. 868 01:03:11,587 --> 01:03:13,756 - How about yours? - Almost got three wires planted. 869 01:03:19,679 --> 01:03:20,888 Mike! 870 01:03:21,764 --> 01:03:25,434 There's a papa rat humping the shit out of this mama rat. 871 01:03:25,643 --> 01:03:28,104 No, he's straight pile-driving her! 872 01:03:28,312 --> 01:03:31,399 Now, how is that information gonna help me do my job? 873 01:03:31,774 --> 01:03:33,651 They fuck just like us. 874 01:03:33,943 --> 01:03:35,611 Where's the pest guy? 875 01:03:53,462 --> 01:03:55,298 There's something going on down here. 876 01:04:10,605 --> 01:04:12,482 Goddamn rats. 877 01:04:12,732 --> 01:04:16,110 Yeah, they everywhere. Just like cockroaches. 878 01:04:16,652 --> 01:04:18,279 No disrespect... 879 01:04:18,488 --> 01:04:22,617 ...but I do not wish to talk business until my partner return. 880 01:04:22,825 --> 01:04:26,787 It's baffling. You secretly decide to pay me less and you talk about respect? 881 01:04:26,996 --> 01:04:30,917 Let's wait for Josef. You know, me and digits. 882 01:04:31,501 --> 01:04:34,086 Carlos, could you bring Josef in? 883 01:04:48,518 --> 01:04:49,769 So... 884 01:04:52,313 --> 01:04:54,357 ...your partner is here. 885 01:04:57,026 --> 01:04:58,361 Would you like to talk now? 886 01:05:01,531 --> 01:05:02,657 Carlos, another box. 887 01:05:05,868 --> 01:05:10,581 So you sign over ownership papers for all the Florida clubs you own... 888 01:05:10,790 --> 01:05:12,708 ...and I will control everything... 889 01:05:12,875 --> 01:05:15,253 ...from point of origin to sale. Okay? 890 01:05:15,545 --> 01:05:19,006 No middleman. Especially Russian middleman. 891 01:05:19,215 --> 01:05:21,759 With all due respect, Mr. Tapia... 892 01:05:22,635 --> 01:05:26,097 ...in my country, I see such things all the time. 893 01:05:26,305 --> 01:05:28,057 I'm sorry for your country. 894 01:05:28,266 --> 01:05:32,061 That must be some Cuban stupid tradition to put them in a tortilla bin. 895 01:05:32,270 --> 01:05:34,772 Now, listen to me, you Russian punk. 896 01:05:35,022 --> 01:05:39,735 I, me, Johnny Tapia, will sever your head off! 897 01:05:39,944 --> 01:05:43,281 You kill me and you will have a shit-storm. 898 01:05:48,911 --> 01:05:50,746 Should I screw your young wife... 899 01:05:50,913 --> 01:05:54,125 ...or visit your son, the soccer player? 900 01:05:56,085 --> 01:05:58,296 My daughter knows your son. 901 01:06:08,347 --> 01:06:11,893 - You're gonna regret this. - I hope that we can remain friends. 902 01:06:12,101 --> 01:06:15,396 Because at the end, what else do we have but friendship, trust... 903 01:06:15,605 --> 01:06:17,273 ...honor. 904 01:06:18,608 --> 01:06:23,196 Without this, we are no more than beasts. 905 01:06:36,792 --> 01:06:38,753 The kitchen monitor's out. 906 01:06:39,462 --> 01:06:41,005 What the hell's going on out there? 907 01:06:44,217 --> 01:06:45,927 Shit. 908 01:06:47,136 --> 01:06:49,013 I found something. 909 01:06:53,768 --> 01:06:57,438 - It's a guy's finger. - What, did the rats eat the rest of him? 910 01:06:58,439 --> 01:07:01,943 - What the fuck are you doing? - Hey, I was just looking for you. 911 01:07:02,151 --> 01:07:04,153 I think I figured out your problem. 912 01:07:04,445 --> 01:07:06,280 Y'all a bunch of filthy motherfuckers. 913 01:07:08,658 --> 01:07:09,784 Blow out! 914 01:07:09,992 --> 01:07:12,161 - What's going on? Shit! - Get out of the house! 915 01:07:16,499 --> 01:07:18,876 This shit's got to stop. 916 01:07:27,385 --> 01:07:28,845 Fuck! 917 01:07:29,345 --> 01:07:30,805 We should go. 918 01:07:34,433 --> 01:07:35,893 Go! Go! 919 01:07:36,102 --> 01:07:37,687 Just another day with Mike Lowrey. 920 01:07:44,569 --> 01:07:46,529 - Damn! Go! - Come on! 921 01:07:55,204 --> 01:07:57,206 Roberto thinks they were the gangbangers... 922 01:07:57,373 --> 01:07:59,333 ...that tried to hijack the drop, boss. 923 01:08:01,836 --> 01:08:04,046 How did this thing happen? 924 01:08:06,382 --> 01:08:10,636 I don't know. We called the rat people and these guys showed up. 925 01:08:10,845 --> 01:08:12,680 Maybe you're the rat, huh? 926 01:08:13,431 --> 01:08:17,894 They tried to steal from me, and you let them into my mother's house. 927 01:08:18,102 --> 01:08:20,146 Johnny. Hey, no. 928 01:08:20,396 --> 01:08:22,106 I would never... 929 01:08:22,899 --> 01:08:27,487 Nobody puts in danger my daughter, my mother... 930 01:08:28,237 --> 01:08:29,572 ...or my money. 931 01:08:34,785 --> 01:08:37,038 Send him to the mortuary. 932 01:08:37,580 --> 01:08:41,125 Johnny. Johnny, what happened to Roberto? 933 01:08:41,417 --> 01:08:43,794 He killed himself, Mama. 934 01:08:46,088 --> 01:08:49,467 - Very sad. - Write a nice letter to his mother. 935 01:08:49,675 --> 01:08:51,093 I'll do it. 936 01:08:51,260 --> 01:08:52,845 Okay. Bye. 937 01:08:54,806 --> 01:08:58,059 - Yo, run the print. - Mike, stop playing, man! 938 01:08:58,267 --> 01:09:00,895 - Run the print. - Don't touch me with no dead finger. 939 01:09:02,438 --> 01:09:05,775 Excuse me, run this print. I need to find the owner. 940 01:09:06,400 --> 01:09:07,401 Thank you. 941 01:09:07,610 --> 01:09:10,029 Think you can find out what's on these shreds? 942 01:09:10,238 --> 01:09:11,572 Of course. 943 01:09:13,908 --> 01:09:16,118 We're thinking about ordering lunch. 944 01:09:16,327 --> 01:09:20,289 Should we put you down for some extra crispy and a couple of grape sodas? 945 01:09:21,082 --> 01:09:23,251 "Couple of grape sodas." 946 01:09:24,126 --> 01:09:26,754 - Very funny. That's hilarious. - Isn't it low tide? 947 01:09:27,004 --> 01:09:28,047 I think it is. 948 01:09:29,340 --> 01:09:31,425 - Don't you have relatives to pick up? - What? 949 01:09:31,634 --> 01:09:34,804 Yo, now you crossed the line, man. Okay, no, that's not funny. 950 01:09:35,012 --> 01:09:38,349 We're fucking with you. We planted wires, we need some help. No bullshit. 951 01:09:41,227 --> 01:09:43,229 I want you... 952 01:09:47,191 --> 01:09:48,985 ...to find out... 953 01:09:49,527 --> 01:09:52,530 ...who those two black puta de mierda are. 954 01:09:53,322 --> 01:09:56,826 And I want them lying right here... 955 01:09:57,160 --> 01:10:01,372 ...in Mama's garden in these coffins! 956 01:10:02,665 --> 01:10:05,751 And our mystery finger belongs to: 957 01:10:05,960 --> 01:10:08,129 Josef Kuninskavich. 958 01:10:08,337 --> 01:10:10,923 He was a lieutenant in a Russian mob. 959 01:10:11,174 --> 01:10:13,676 Owned a couple dozen Florida nightclubs. 960 01:10:13,843 --> 01:10:16,387 Tapia's starting to knock off Russian mob bosses. 961 01:10:18,764 --> 01:10:20,266 Got something. 962 01:10:20,850 --> 01:10:21,934 What you got, dickhead? 963 01:10:22,143 --> 01:10:24,770 The computer matches half tones, gray tones, densities. 964 01:10:24,979 --> 01:10:27,440 Sort of like a visual code-breaking. 965 01:10:27,648 --> 01:10:29,609 Little something I put together. 966 01:10:30,109 --> 01:10:34,405 The shredded papers was a photo. Some kind of boat. "Dixie 7." 967 01:10:34,614 --> 01:10:35,656 Dixie 7. 968 01:10:36,157 --> 01:10:40,912 - It's registered to a one Floyd Poteet. - The Poteet brothers. 969 01:10:41,579 --> 01:10:45,833 One of the KKK guys we busted. You blew his ear off, remember? 970 01:10:46,334 --> 01:10:48,461 Mike, can you teach me how to shoot people? 971 01:10:49,754 --> 01:10:51,756 Listen to what we got at Tapia's. 972 01:10:59,263 --> 01:11:00,765 The second-in-command is talking. 973 01:11:00,973 --> 01:11:05,436 He's telling him, "Yes, boss. We found a bunch of fat doe fuckers... 974 01:11:05,645 --> 01:11:08,564 ...and we're getting them emptied." - Fat does emptied? 975 01:11:08,731 --> 01:11:11,943 - The hell does that mean? - He has a meeting this afternoon. 976 01:11:13,319 --> 01:11:16,280 - You know who I am? - Name sounds familiar. 977 01:11:16,531 --> 01:11:18,533 Sense of humor. I like that. 978 01:11:19,242 --> 01:11:22,078 Meet me on the sand, 2:00, Shore Club. 979 01:11:22,286 --> 01:11:25,790 - She has no idea. Let's roll. - Y'all come with us. 980 01:11:35,005 --> 01:11:37,382 I ordered a couple of Bacardi Mojitos. 981 01:11:42,596 --> 01:11:43,931 Miami. 982 01:11:44,973 --> 01:11:49,394 Okay, zoom in on nine. A little more audio, please. 983 01:11:49,645 --> 01:11:52,773 So, why don't we take a swim? Cool off. 984 01:11:54,233 --> 01:11:57,694 Or we could just stay here and get drunk. How about that? 985 01:11:58,070 --> 01:12:00,030 Or we could drink this later. 986 01:12:00,197 --> 01:12:02,032 Unless you have a reason... 987 01:12:02,199 --> 01:12:06,078 ...why you don't want to get that beautiful body of yours wet. 988 01:12:07,371 --> 01:12:09,414 Why not just ask if I'm wearing a wire? 989 01:12:11,041 --> 01:12:13,043 I'd rather go swimming. 990 01:12:17,339 --> 01:12:19,716 - What the hell's he doing? - Son of a bitch. 991 01:12:19,883 --> 01:12:22,427 Shit. He's taking her into the water. 992 01:12:34,815 --> 01:12:36,400 This guy's smart. 993 01:12:37,526 --> 01:12:42,322 I want you to work for me. Why waste time on this unnecessary talking? 994 01:12:42,573 --> 01:12:46,410 It's very unnecessary. What do you need with another banker? 995 01:12:47,119 --> 01:12:50,205 For the same reason as your previous employer. 996 01:12:50,455 --> 01:12:54,209 But now I own all the Russian clubs. No middleman. 997 01:12:54,418 --> 01:12:59,548 I'm about to be the biggest importer and distributor of X in North America. 998 01:12:59,756 --> 01:13:03,886 You're gonna be a very rich young woman. That's why I thought... 999 01:13:04,094 --> 01:13:06,722 I know what you thought, Mr. Tapia. 1000 01:13:06,930 --> 01:13:09,433 As long as you don't think it more than once... 1001 01:13:09,600 --> 01:13:11,602 ...l'm happy to be in business with you. 1002 01:13:12,936 --> 01:13:14,730 All right. 1003 01:13:14,938 --> 01:13:16,732 Let's do business. 1004 01:13:28,243 --> 01:13:30,370 What are you, a cop or a model? 1005 01:13:30,621 --> 01:13:34,082 What do you mean? I threw something on. I like looking good. What? 1006 01:13:34,291 --> 01:13:35,626 For who? 1007 01:13:35,834 --> 01:13:38,086 Don't hate the player. Hate the game. 1008 01:13:38,462 --> 01:13:39,838 I hate the tailor. 1009 01:13:41,798 --> 01:13:43,467 Good job. We'll get him. 1010 01:13:45,802 --> 01:13:48,305 Your brother would love to talk to you down the street. 1011 01:13:48,514 --> 01:13:50,307 Whoa, what's going on? 1012 01:13:54,978 --> 01:13:56,939 You trying to blow my case or you just insane? 1013 01:13:57,147 --> 01:13:59,608 You're the one taking a dip with the Cubano maniac. 1014 01:14:01,568 --> 01:14:03,779 - How'd you know that? - We had a wire in the house. 1015 01:14:04,404 --> 01:14:07,741 - You two have a warrant for that wire? - Look, fuck that, okay? 1016 01:14:07,950 --> 01:14:10,702 You don't know the kind of danger that you're in, Syd. 1017 01:14:10,911 --> 01:14:15,207 I am fully aware and I am fully capable of what I am doing. 1018 01:14:15,415 --> 01:14:17,042 I am not your baby sister anymore. 1019 01:14:17,251 --> 01:14:19,253 For the DEA you ain't nothing but a honeypot. 1020 01:14:19,461 --> 01:14:20,546 What'd you just say? 1021 01:14:20,754 --> 01:14:24,424 That's why you got the job, because you look good in a bathing suit. 1022 01:14:24,675 --> 01:14:27,177 All right, let's sit down somewhere. 1023 01:14:29,721 --> 01:14:33,016 All right, look, Syd, there's some shit you need to know. 1024 01:14:33,183 --> 01:14:36,645 Johnny Tapia is cutting up Russian mob bosses in his mom's kitchen. 1025 01:14:37,145 --> 01:14:38,272 In the kitchen, Syd. 1026 01:14:38,480 --> 01:14:40,649 He found a severed finger by the crock pot. 1027 01:14:40,899 --> 01:14:43,569 You're about to be in the middle of a drug war. 1028 01:14:44,194 --> 01:14:48,156 Miami PD has arrested this guy 1 2 times with no convictions. 1029 01:14:48,365 --> 01:14:50,909 Why don't you just hang back and let us bring him down? 1030 01:14:51,076 --> 01:14:53,662 Guys, look, I need this, okay? And I am this close. 1031 01:14:53,912 --> 01:14:54,913 What's "this close"? 1032 01:14:55,205 --> 01:14:57,833 I'm in charge of money laundering for his entire operation. 1033 01:14:58,208 --> 01:15:01,503 In a month or two we'll have enough for a conviction and it'll be over. 1034 01:15:01,712 --> 01:15:03,255 What about a day or two? Sound better? 1035 01:15:03,505 --> 01:15:06,758 Marcus and I think we found the key to Tapia's whole operation. 1036 01:15:06,967 --> 01:15:08,677 You have nothing to say now, huh? 1037 01:15:08,886 --> 01:15:12,848 - Just stuck, right? - Okay, time-out, y'all. Damn. 1038 01:15:13,056 --> 01:15:14,933 We got this peckerwood that'll put us down... 1039 01:15:15,142 --> 01:15:18,687 ...with the transport end of Tapia's operation. Do you want in? 1040 01:15:18,896 --> 01:15:19,855 - Why would you...? - When? 1041 01:15:20,063 --> 01:15:21,481 - Tonight. - Page me. 1042 01:15:21,690 --> 01:15:23,567 Should I bring my thong? 1043 01:15:25,402 --> 01:15:28,697 Get your bitch hands off. I'll knock you the fuck out. 1044 01:15:30,032 --> 01:15:32,993 Mike, we're trying to keep her out of trouble, man... 1045 01:15:33,202 --> 01:15:34,870 ...not invite her in. 1046 01:15:35,245 --> 01:15:37,706 Man, I just figured, you know, if she with us... 1047 01:15:37,915 --> 01:15:40,751 ...that's just less trouble she could get into. 1048 01:15:41,376 --> 01:15:45,380 I'm gonna keep it real with you too, man. I think she can handle herself. 1049 01:15:45,589 --> 01:15:48,926 I'm gonna keep it real with you. Don't nobody know my sister like I do. 1050 01:15:49,134 --> 01:15:52,221 Okay? She doesn't make good choices, Mike. 1051 01:15:52,429 --> 01:15:55,265 - She's not street-smart. - Doesn't make good...? 1052 01:15:55,432 --> 01:15:57,559 - Like, what kind of choices? - Men, for one. 1053 01:15:58,268 --> 01:16:00,521 She's attracted to these dumb... 1054 01:16:00,771 --> 01:16:05,067 ...flashy, just musclebound dickheads, Mike. You know? 1055 01:16:05,317 --> 01:16:11,073 Cock diesel motherfuckers that can't even fucking turn to wipe their ass. 1056 01:16:11,281 --> 01:16:12,783 - You feel me? - Yeah. 1057 01:16:12,950 --> 01:16:16,411 You know? Just dumb as a bucket of shrimp. 1058 01:16:16,620 --> 01:16:20,082 Yeah. Yeah. That shit's crazy. 1059 01:16:21,041 --> 01:16:22,876 I mean, you don't think maybe you... 1060 01:16:23,085 --> 01:16:26,004 Maybe you didn't, like, get a chance to know any of them? 1061 01:16:26,213 --> 01:16:28,173 I'm gonna give the next one a chance. 1062 01:16:28,382 --> 01:16:31,301 A chance to whup his ass. 1063 01:16:31,760 --> 01:16:34,930 - Whup the shit out of him. - Oh, you gonna fight him? 1064 01:16:35,138 --> 01:16:37,641 What I'm gonna do ain't even gonna be legal. 1065 01:16:37,850 --> 01:16:40,561 I might be up in here with these motherfuckers. 1066 01:16:40,894 --> 01:16:42,896 Do you know what I mean? 1067 01:16:44,147 --> 01:16:45,649 The fuck you looking at? 1068 01:16:45,983 --> 01:16:46,149 Thank you kindly. 1069 01:16:46,149 --> 01:16:47,943 Thank you kindly. 1070 01:16:48,110 --> 01:16:51,488 - Who sprung me? - Hey, Cousin Floyd. 1071 01:16:51,655 --> 01:16:52,990 - Oh, you. - Remember me? 1072 01:16:57,452 --> 01:16:58,912 Cheese. 1073 01:16:59,746 --> 01:17:01,039 Y'all look great together. 1074 01:17:01,248 --> 01:17:03,458 - What the fuck you doing? - Just a little insurance. 1075 01:17:03,667 --> 01:17:05,460 You gonna help us find Dixie 7... 1076 01:17:05,669 --> 01:17:08,130 ...and tell us what that boat has to do with Johnny Tapia. 1077 01:17:08,338 --> 01:17:11,175 - I ain't no snitch. - Oh, you ain't no snitch? 1078 01:17:11,425 --> 01:17:15,220 - Oh, damn. That's a shame. - Know what I'm gonna do? 1079 01:17:15,429 --> 01:17:20,309 I'm gonna send a special 8 x 1 0 to his KKK buddies back in jail. 1080 01:17:20,517 --> 01:17:22,394 You know what, it's a digital photo too. 1081 01:17:22,603 --> 01:17:25,314 So we can do whatever we want to do with it. 1082 01:17:25,522 --> 01:17:27,107 By the time we get done with you... 1083 01:17:27,274 --> 01:17:29,735 ...you gonna be in the next Busta Rhymes video on BET. 1084 01:17:29,943 --> 01:17:31,528 Tuck ass. 1085 01:17:33,030 --> 01:17:34,740 I got my rights. 1086 01:17:35,532 --> 01:17:38,327 I'm worried. There's too much heat around in Miami. 1087 01:17:38,535 --> 01:17:41,371 I can feel it. I can feel it. 1088 01:17:43,248 --> 01:17:46,460 We need to put my money in coffins to Cuba faster. 1089 01:17:46,710 --> 01:17:49,796 You should tell the mortuary to speed things up. All right? 1090 01:17:58,931 --> 01:18:01,266 That's the channel marker way out there. 1091 01:18:01,475 --> 01:18:06,188 They make the drop mostly at dawn, but there'll be one today, though. 1092 01:18:11,276 --> 01:18:14,530 Syd, you talk to Mama? She's got hives. 1093 01:18:15,822 --> 01:18:18,367 Oh, and I told Mama about your Cubano boyfriend. 1094 01:18:18,575 --> 01:18:20,244 He ain't invited to Christmas dinner. 1095 01:18:20,494 --> 01:18:23,455 Change the station. More music, less Marcus. 1096 01:18:23,705 --> 01:18:28,585 If you open the door he'll be a black Dr. Phil for the next 40 minutes. 1097 01:18:30,504 --> 01:18:32,923 Syd, you might not want to get too flirty with Mike. 1098 01:18:33,090 --> 01:18:36,093 Your boyfriend might cut off his trigger finger. 1099 01:18:37,553 --> 01:18:40,889 Maybe Mike's been flirting with me. Did you ever think about that? 1100 01:18:43,892 --> 01:18:44,893 Trigger Mike? 1101 01:18:45,102 --> 01:18:47,187 Not like this. Don't play with that boy. 1102 01:18:47,396 --> 01:18:50,566 - Seriously. Don't play with that boy. - Just tell him about New York. 1103 01:18:50,774 --> 01:18:52,401 - Do it. - Tell me what? 1104 01:18:52,651 --> 01:18:54,695 Oh, shit. Is he walking down the steps? 1105 01:18:55,404 --> 01:18:57,906 Oh, shit. He coming down. 1106 01:18:58,156 --> 01:19:00,826 - It's okay. - Yeah, you done fucked up. 1107 01:19:01,118 --> 01:19:03,078 You done fucked up. 1108 01:19:04,580 --> 01:19:05,956 You remember... 1109 01:19:06,123 --> 01:19:07,958 Remember I went to New York? You remember? 1110 01:19:08,625 --> 01:19:10,085 And... 1111 01:19:10,294 --> 01:19:11,920 ...I said, "Syd." 1112 01:19:12,254 --> 01:19:13,589 I ran in... 1113 01:19:14,006 --> 01:19:17,301 Syd ran into me in New York on the street in that place. 1114 01:19:17,509 --> 01:19:19,428 And I said: 1115 01:19:19,845 --> 01:19:20,929 "What's up?" 1116 01:19:21,346 --> 01:19:23,932 And we was hungry, so then... 1117 01:19:24,725 --> 01:19:26,518 ...she had fish. 1118 01:19:27,811 --> 01:19:29,605 It was grouper. 1119 01:19:30,981 --> 01:19:32,608 And then I had some chicken. 1120 01:19:33,400 --> 01:19:35,777 Remember I was supposed to come home? 1121 01:19:35,944 --> 01:19:37,487 But I didn't. 1122 01:19:37,946 --> 01:19:39,823 We went out on a date. 1123 01:19:40,574 --> 01:19:43,785 Five, actually. Now we're seeing each other. 1124 01:19:45,662 --> 01:19:46,622 Hold up. 1125 01:19:46,830 --> 01:19:50,751 You know, really out of respect for you, Marcus, nothing happened. 1126 01:19:52,085 --> 01:19:54,004 Hey, Mike, why you tripping, man? 1127 01:19:54,171 --> 01:19:56,548 I mean, we wanted to make sure you was cool with it. 1128 01:19:56,757 --> 01:20:00,469 Doesn't matter what I think, you know. Hey, I had to find out like this, right? 1129 01:20:00,969 --> 01:20:01,929 Don't matter. 1130 01:20:02,179 --> 01:20:06,141 Let me ask you, y'all gonna have babies? Little bunch of mini Mikes? 1131 01:20:06,350 --> 01:20:08,352 Bunch of little lying, violent motherfuckers? 1132 01:20:08,560 --> 01:20:10,354 Marcus, nothing happened. 1133 01:20:10,562 --> 01:20:12,689 I just want to say, Mama's gonna be thrilled. 1134 01:20:12,856 --> 01:20:16,151 All right, you know what, you need to "whoosah" or something for a second. 1135 01:20:16,360 --> 01:20:18,278 Hey, here comes the Dixie 7. 1136 01:20:19,488 --> 01:20:20,864 Whoosah. 1137 01:20:22,991 --> 01:20:24,034 Just leave it alone. 1138 01:20:24,243 --> 01:20:27,204 - Why you acting like that? - Go on about your business, man. 1139 01:20:27,371 --> 01:20:29,790 - We gonna talk about this. - No. Get out of my face. 1140 01:20:29,998 --> 01:20:33,001 - I'm trying to talk to you. - Get the fuck off me, Mike. 1141 01:20:33,210 --> 01:20:37,005 What the hell is your problem, man?! Why you acting so stupid?! 1142 01:20:37,214 --> 01:20:40,300 This is a dysfunctional partnership. That's why I'm acting like that. 1143 01:20:40,551 --> 01:20:41,927 - You know... - There ain't no trust. 1144 01:20:42,135 --> 01:20:43,387 I didn't lie to you! 1145 01:20:43,595 --> 01:20:46,849 I was waiting for the right time to tell you. But that ain't your issue. 1146 01:20:47,015 --> 01:20:50,269 Why don't you bring it to me real. What is your problem with this?! 1147 01:20:51,228 --> 01:20:53,313 You know what? You a dog, man. 1148 01:20:53,522 --> 01:20:56,525 - That's it. There it is. I said it. - Oh, okay. 1149 01:20:56,900 --> 01:21:00,028 You like a pit bull with that little pink thing hanging out. 1150 01:21:01,488 --> 01:21:03,991 Oh, it's like that. Oh, okay. 1151 01:21:04,575 --> 01:21:07,870 I'm not good enough for your sister. 1152 01:21:09,246 --> 01:21:11,415 Guys, enough. The boat's coming. 1153 01:21:12,332 --> 01:21:16,378 Okay. We gonna handle that shit. Go ahead, man. 1154 01:21:20,257 --> 01:21:22,634 In about an hour, the drop boat's gonna come. 1155 01:21:38,692 --> 01:21:40,611 We got them. 1156 01:21:42,946 --> 01:21:45,073 Wonder what mortuary that coffin's going to. 1157 01:21:58,128 --> 01:21:59,755 Keep going straight by. 1158 01:22:05,552 --> 01:22:07,596 You seeing what I'm seeing? 1159 01:22:12,809 --> 01:22:16,396 Get the load to the mortuary and don't screw up. 1160 01:22:16,647 --> 01:22:17,814 I got it. 1161 01:22:18,649 --> 01:22:19,608 Load up. 1162 01:22:31,995 --> 01:22:32,996 They're getting away! 1163 01:22:33,163 --> 01:22:34,706 Stop! Stop! 1164 01:22:35,374 --> 01:22:36,834 We need your car. All right? 1165 01:22:37,125 --> 01:22:39,628 - Get out the car. - Can't you get a better car than that? 1166 01:22:40,796 --> 01:22:41,797 Let that man go! 1167 01:22:42,089 --> 01:22:44,800 - Don't be coming at me with that tone. - Freak. 1168 01:22:45,092 --> 01:22:48,303 - Small cars don't hurt the ozone layer. - That's what I'm talking about. 1169 01:22:48,512 --> 01:22:50,180 - Stop the car. - Get... Yeah. 1170 01:22:50,430 --> 01:22:53,267 - Pop the trunk. Get out. Get in. - Get out. Get out. 1171 01:22:53,517 --> 01:22:55,477 - Get your ass in. - Okay. 1172 01:22:56,019 --> 01:22:58,647 - I am in the middle of a sale. - Do I have to pull my gun? 1173 01:22:58,856 --> 01:23:02,651 Oh, shit. Dan Marino. What's up? Back up, Dan. Hey, you're the truth. 1174 01:23:02,860 --> 01:23:05,070 - Whatever you need, officers. - That's Dan Marino. 1175 01:23:05,279 --> 01:23:07,781 - Hey. Back up. - Let me know how it rides. 1176 01:23:07,990 --> 01:23:10,158 He's gonna test-drive the shit out this. 1177 01:23:10,367 --> 01:23:12,035 Go. I don't want to blow my cover. 1178 01:23:17,040 --> 01:23:18,834 Got them. Got them right there. 1179 01:23:33,265 --> 01:23:34,725 Why you gotta get so close? 1180 01:23:34,933 --> 01:23:37,811 - I won't let that coffin get away. - But they're all around us. 1181 01:23:38,020 --> 01:23:39,521 Shit, those are the gangbangers. 1182 01:23:39,730 --> 01:23:41,565 Relax, they don't know us. 1183 01:23:42,524 --> 01:23:44,693 Boss, we got a problem here. We're being followed. 1184 01:23:45,527 --> 01:23:47,404 This is a big problem, Carlos. 1185 01:23:47,613 --> 01:23:52,868 - Sorry, boss. I'll take care of it, okay? - Kill those black bitches. All right?! 1186 01:23:53,243 --> 01:23:55,579 They made us. Get some undercovers to roll with us. 1187 01:23:55,996 --> 01:23:59,333 We're splitting up. Everybody go to Third and Boxter, now! 1188 01:24:02,419 --> 01:24:03,420 Here we go. 1189 01:24:13,847 --> 01:24:16,517 I didn't sign up for no goddamned car chase! 1190 01:24:30,113 --> 01:24:31,365 Have you lost your mind? 1191 01:24:35,661 --> 01:24:39,748 I see you got your mind set on doing dumb shit, so please let me out! 1192 01:24:48,841 --> 01:24:51,426 I seen this in a movie once. They didn't make it! 1193 01:24:54,805 --> 01:24:55,764 Oh, shit! 1194 01:25:04,481 --> 01:25:05,732 - Dump truck! - I got it. 1195 01:25:07,401 --> 01:25:09,570 - Mike! - I'm fine. I'm fine. 1196 01:25:14,324 --> 01:25:16,118 Right there! Oh, shit, Mike! 1197 01:25:16,326 --> 01:25:18,412 - Did you see that shit? - No shit. 1198 01:25:27,546 --> 01:25:29,464 Dan Marino should definitely buy this car. 1199 01:25:30,841 --> 01:25:34,052 Not this one. I'm fucking this one up. But definitely one like this. 1200 01:25:36,054 --> 01:25:37,139 I almost missed that. 1201 01:25:39,349 --> 01:25:41,977 All right, that was almost fucked up. I almost fucked up. 1202 01:25:44,313 --> 01:25:45,480 Shit! 1203 01:25:47,191 --> 01:25:48,400 This is not necessary. 1204 01:25:57,868 --> 01:25:59,411 Oh, shit! 1205 01:26:03,207 --> 01:26:05,626 - Damn! - Dead man on the hood! Dead man! 1206 01:26:05,834 --> 01:26:07,503 - I'm trying to get it off. - Get it off! 1207 01:26:07,711 --> 01:26:08,837 I'm trying to get it off. 1208 01:26:10,631 --> 01:26:12,925 - That shit's nasty. That's nasty. - Get it off! Get... 1209 01:26:13,133 --> 01:26:14,551 That shit is nasty. 1210 01:26:34,988 --> 01:26:37,741 - Undercover police! Everybody move! - Undercover police! 1211 01:26:37,950 --> 01:26:40,536 - Move! - Move! Move! Move! 1212 01:26:51,630 --> 01:26:52,881 Coming around the corner! 1213 01:26:53,298 --> 01:26:55,801 Get ready, they're coming around the block. Move! 1214 01:27:11,441 --> 01:27:12,568 Up top! 1215 01:27:20,367 --> 01:27:21,493 Shit! 1216 01:27:21,702 --> 01:27:24,413 Boy, if this was my car, I'd be pissed! 1217 01:27:24,621 --> 01:27:26,290 Get down! Get down! 1218 01:27:31,128 --> 01:27:33,881 Trying to break the world record for gun fights in a week!? 1219 01:27:34,089 --> 01:27:36,091 This is not the time to criticize! 1220 01:27:36,300 --> 01:27:38,510 I can't work with you blaming me all the time! 1221 01:27:38,719 --> 01:27:42,181 - This is not your fault? - This is not... No! No! 1222 01:27:42,347 --> 01:27:45,142 Bullshit, Mike! Everything's your fault! 1223 01:27:53,692 --> 01:27:55,152 Okay, let's go! Let's go! 1224 01:28:04,161 --> 01:28:06,038 - Clear around! - Cool! 1225 01:28:10,918 --> 01:28:12,169 I'm going around! 1226 01:28:16,423 --> 01:28:18,717 - Mike, got him! - They got the coffin. 1227 01:28:30,729 --> 01:28:31,730 Move! 1228 01:28:32,314 --> 01:28:34,525 Move! Move! Get down! Police! Get down! 1229 01:28:40,906 --> 01:28:41,990 Move! Move! 1230 01:28:43,283 --> 01:28:44,952 Police! Move! Move! 1231 01:28:45,160 --> 01:28:46,829 Get out of my way! Move! Move! 1232 01:28:46,995 --> 01:28:48,372 Get down! Get down! 1233 01:28:53,919 --> 01:28:56,839 Shit! Open the door! Police! 1234 01:28:58,048 --> 01:28:59,383 No! 1235 01:29:00,801 --> 01:29:02,135 Whoa! Shit! 1236 01:29:03,387 --> 01:29:05,389 Mike! Mike! 1237 01:29:19,278 --> 01:29:20,821 That boy bit me! 1238 01:29:25,033 --> 01:29:26,410 Mike! 1239 01:29:42,050 --> 01:29:43,260 Move! Move! 1240 01:29:46,180 --> 01:29:47,598 Police! Move! 1241 01:30:03,655 --> 01:30:05,115 Police! Move! 1242 01:30:08,952 --> 01:30:10,621 He under there? 1243 01:30:11,955 --> 01:30:13,499 We lost the coffin... 1244 01:30:13,957 --> 01:30:16,585 ...and you barbecued our only lead, Mike. 1245 01:30:16,960 --> 01:30:20,923 This has got to be the worst, most emotional cop week of my life. 1246 01:30:21,882 --> 01:30:23,634 Yeah, it's been a little rough. 1247 01:30:29,389 --> 01:30:33,352 - Where were these bodies going? - I don't know. It's really strange. 1248 01:30:33,602 --> 01:30:35,687 All the John Does we found out here are empty. 1249 01:30:36,063 --> 01:30:38,482 Empty Does. Fat Does. 1250 01:30:38,690 --> 01:30:41,693 Cut them open, took the organs out. Sewed them back up. 1251 01:30:42,861 --> 01:30:43,987 Nice work. 1252 01:30:44,196 --> 01:30:47,115 The more you guys fuck up, the more we look like rock stars. 1253 01:30:47,324 --> 01:30:49,910 The van you was chasing is a transport for the city morgue. 1254 01:30:50,118 --> 01:30:53,956 The John Does were being delivered to the university for medical research. 1255 01:30:54,164 --> 01:30:56,291 - Nice going. - I can't believe you guys. 1256 01:30:56,500 --> 01:30:59,127 Do you both wake up in the morning, call each other up? 1257 01:30:59,336 --> 01:31:01,088 "Good morning, Marcus." "Morning, Mike." 1258 01:31:01,255 --> 01:31:02,506 "How you doing?" "A'ight." 1259 01:31:02,756 --> 01:31:05,676 "So how are we gonna fuck up the captain's life today?" 1260 01:31:05,843 --> 01:31:07,469 "Gee, I don't know." "I don't know." 1261 01:31:07,719 --> 01:31:09,847 "Ooh. Look, over there. 1262 01:31:10,055 --> 01:31:12,808 Let's kill three fat people... 1263 01:31:13,016 --> 01:31:15,185 ...and leave them on the street." 1264 01:31:15,352 --> 01:31:17,187 They were dead before we ran over them. 1265 01:31:17,354 --> 01:31:21,358 It doesn't matter whether they were dead or not, goddamn it! 1266 01:31:21,650 --> 01:31:24,528 Every time you leave a corpse on the street... 1267 01:31:24,695 --> 01:31:29,783 ...I have to get these forensic coroner guys to come to see what happened. 1268 01:31:29,992 --> 01:31:33,620 Then I gotta get detectives. See? They're detecting shit. 1269 01:31:33,829 --> 01:31:39,084 Then I gotta get these forensic guys to stick them back in the fucking bag! 1270 01:31:39,251 --> 01:31:41,378 Jesus Christ! 1271 01:31:41,712 --> 01:31:43,672 You guys, you're like... 1272 01:31:44,089 --> 01:31:47,342 You're like a bunch of bloodsucking ticks... 1273 01:31:47,718 --> 01:31:50,846 ...draining the life's blood out of this department. 1274 01:31:51,430 --> 01:31:53,265 - Whoosah. - Damn the whoosah, captain. 1275 01:31:53,432 --> 01:31:56,101 - Did you just call me a tick? - I was referring to him. 1276 01:31:56,310 --> 01:31:58,061 - Thought so. - These aren't normal corpses. 1277 01:31:58,270 --> 01:32:01,440 If I threw you out of a speeding ice truck... 1278 01:32:01,648 --> 01:32:04,693 ...and then ran over your head, you wouldn't be normal either. 1279 01:32:04,902 --> 01:32:07,863 Think about this for a second. These bodies have been emptied... 1280 01:32:08,071 --> 01:32:11,074 ...from a drug smuggler that just happens to own a mortuary. 1281 01:32:11,325 --> 01:32:14,161 I got a bunch of bodies waiting with plenty of room in them... 1282 01:32:14,411 --> 01:32:15,871 ...I could smuggle some shit. 1283 01:32:16,079 --> 01:32:19,249 - Johnny Tapia has the perfect cover. - Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. 1284 01:32:19,500 --> 01:32:21,168 Johnny Tapia? 1285 01:32:21,376 --> 01:32:23,795 I want a warrant to go into his mortuaries immediately. 1286 01:32:24,004 --> 01:32:25,923 No warrant. What? For what? For what? 1287 01:32:26,089 --> 01:32:28,800 For a bunch of dead guys on their way to med research? 1288 01:32:29,009 --> 01:32:33,889 No. Every time we go after him, he sues us and wins. 1289 01:32:34,097 --> 01:32:38,143 This shit stops now or they'll fire us, disband TNT... 1290 01:32:38,352 --> 01:32:40,354 ...and stick me in a fucking coffin. 1291 01:32:40,604 --> 01:32:43,690 - This is over now! - What happened to "whatever it takes"? 1292 01:32:43,899 --> 01:32:47,861 That was pre-vehicular manslaughter. Not to mention Johnny Tapia... 1293 01:32:48,070 --> 01:32:50,489 - What the fuck is that? - Oh, shit. 1294 01:32:54,827 --> 01:32:58,288 Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. 1295 01:32:58,497 --> 01:33:00,999 This man has violated my rights! 1296 01:33:01,166 --> 01:33:02,584 Who the fuck is that? 1297 01:33:02,960 --> 01:33:06,630 Running people over is not enough for you? Now you're into kidnapping? 1298 01:33:06,839 --> 01:33:09,132 That man is a criminal. Okay? We busted him at the... 1299 01:33:09,341 --> 01:33:11,468 Excuse me, I have so much brass up my ass... 1300 01:33:11,677 --> 01:33:14,137 ...I could be playing "The Star-Spangled Banner." 1301 01:33:15,681 --> 01:33:17,474 I ain't cut out for this, man. 1302 01:33:17,933 --> 01:33:20,018 Come on, man. I can't do this with you right now. 1303 01:33:20,269 --> 01:33:24,231 - I'm re-evaluating what's important. - About what? Being a cop? 1304 01:33:24,481 --> 01:33:26,233 No, about you being my partner. 1305 01:33:26,483 --> 01:33:29,528 Is this about Syd? God! Hey, Marcus, man... 1306 01:33:29,736 --> 01:33:32,656 That was messed up, but that ain't what this is about, Mike. 1307 01:33:32,823 --> 01:33:36,743 Once we nail Tapia, you and me, we're over. 1308 01:33:36,952 --> 01:33:38,954 I already signed my transfer papers. 1309 01:33:45,669 --> 01:33:49,298 Megan, what's the name of this boy taking you to the movies? 1310 01:33:49,506 --> 01:33:50,549 Reggie. 1311 01:33:50,799 --> 01:33:53,886 Daddy, please don't embarrass me and ask him a lot of questions. 1312 01:33:54,136 --> 01:33:56,805 Everybody knows you're a cop, and it makes people nervous. 1313 01:33:57,014 --> 01:33:59,600 Well, why nervous? He on crack? 1314 01:34:02,603 --> 01:34:05,230 - It's cool? - Yeah. Come in. 1315 01:34:05,439 --> 01:34:06,899 What'd you...? 1316 01:34:07,524 --> 01:34:08,984 I got a sneak and peek. 1317 01:34:09,359 --> 01:34:11,862 Judge Sinclair said we can go into the mortuary tonight. 1318 01:34:12,070 --> 01:34:14,281 We can't touch nothing, but if we find something... 1319 01:34:14,489 --> 01:34:16,116 ...he'll give us a righteous warrant. 1320 01:34:16,325 --> 01:34:18,494 You love pissing Captain Howard off, don't you? 1321 01:34:19,077 --> 01:34:20,245 It's what I do. 1322 01:34:20,996 --> 01:34:23,123 So when you start playing golf? 1323 01:34:23,749 --> 01:34:27,711 Hey, so you real serious about this transfer thing, huh? 1324 01:34:27,961 --> 01:34:31,507 I mean, you been quitting for 1 0 years. I just always thought it was... 1325 01:34:31,715 --> 01:34:33,342 ...how you dealt with all this shit. 1326 01:34:33,717 --> 01:34:36,261 It's what's best for me and my family. 1327 01:34:39,056 --> 01:34:41,183 Look, I'm gonna get my stuff, man. 1328 01:35:03,914 --> 01:35:07,042 "We ride together, we die together. 1329 01:35:07,543 --> 01:35:09,211 Bad boys for life." 1330 01:35:10,337 --> 01:35:11,505 We getting old, Mike. 1331 01:35:11,964 --> 01:35:15,133 One of them young punks coming to take my baby out on her first date. 1332 01:35:19,471 --> 01:35:22,140 - Who the fuck are you? - Hi, Mr. Burnett. I'm Reggie. 1333 01:35:22,808 --> 01:35:24,935 - What you doing here? - I came to take out Megan. 1334 01:35:25,143 --> 01:35:27,437 - What?! - I came to take out Megan. 1335 01:35:27,646 --> 01:35:29,648 - How old are you? - I'm 1 5, Mr. Burnett. 1336 01:35:29,857 --> 01:35:31,567 Motherfucker, you look 30. 1337 01:35:32,442 --> 01:35:34,361 - Show me some ID. - I don't have none on me. 1338 01:35:34,570 --> 01:35:37,489 You don't have no ID. Get your ass up against that wall. 1339 01:35:37,698 --> 01:35:38,824 What is your problem? 1340 01:35:39,032 --> 01:35:41,827 You think you know it all. Little young Thundercats. 1341 01:35:42,035 --> 01:35:43,162 - Got joints on you? - No. 1342 01:35:43,370 --> 01:35:44,913 - You smoke that shit? - No, sir. 1343 01:35:45,122 --> 01:35:47,708 You trying to get my daughter high? Do you smoke that shit? 1344 01:35:47,875 --> 01:35:49,918 - Nigga, who that is at the door? - It's Reggie. 1345 01:35:50,294 --> 01:35:53,297 - Who the fuck is Reggie? - Came to take Megan out. 1346 01:35:54,214 --> 01:35:56,925 - What you want, nigga? - I'm here to take his daughter out. 1347 01:35:57,134 --> 01:35:58,468 - What's your name? - Reggie. 1348 01:35:58,635 --> 01:36:00,637 I heard the motherfucker say your name Reggie. 1349 01:36:00,846 --> 01:36:01,930 You taking Megan out? 1350 01:36:02,139 --> 01:36:03,515 - How old is you? - Fifteen. 1351 01:36:03,724 --> 01:36:05,767 - Shit, nigga, you at least 30. - This is Mike. 1352 01:36:06,018 --> 01:36:07,311 - Can you fight? - Yeah. 1353 01:36:07,561 --> 01:36:10,564 You can fight? Motherfucker. You can't fight. Look at you... 1354 01:36:10,814 --> 01:36:12,649 - Cut it out. - I want to know if... 1355 01:36:12,858 --> 01:36:15,819 When somebody taking my niece out, I want to know if he can fight. 1356 01:36:16,028 --> 01:36:19,239 Somebody might come say something, the nigga can't fight, she can't go. 1357 01:36:19,406 --> 01:36:22,075 This is Megan's godfather, okay? He just got out the joint. 1358 01:36:22,284 --> 01:36:24,661 Why you putting all my business in the street? 1359 01:36:24,870 --> 01:36:27,956 - They call him... - I got out of jail. I ain't going back! 1360 01:36:28,165 --> 01:36:29,333 I ain't going back! 1361 01:36:29,541 --> 01:36:32,878 What's wrong with you? You're scared. You ain't seen a gun before? 1362 01:36:33,086 --> 01:36:34,546 Stop pointing the gun at the boy. 1363 01:36:34,755 --> 01:36:37,382 Look, don't you disrespect me in front of company. 1364 01:36:37,633 --> 01:36:38,717 Let the gun go off. 1365 01:36:38,967 --> 01:36:42,554 Nigga, you a big, tall, Ludacris-looking motherfucker, ain't you? 1366 01:36:42,721 --> 01:36:43,680 - You rap? - No. 1367 01:36:49,520 --> 01:36:50,646 Hey, Mike! 1368 01:36:51,313 --> 01:36:53,982 Now, listen. Have my daughter home at 1 0:01. 1369 01:36:54,191 --> 01:36:57,110 If she ain't home at 1 0:01, I'm in the car, okay? 1370 01:36:57,319 --> 01:37:00,322 Lock, loaded and hunting your motherfucking ass down. 1371 01:37:00,531 --> 01:37:02,783 - Do you hear me? Speak up. - I'll go with him. 1372 01:37:02,991 --> 01:37:05,953 If I'm there, know what it'll be? Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, nigga. 1373 01:37:06,161 --> 01:37:07,746 - That's what it'll be. - Marcus! 1374 01:37:07,955 --> 01:37:12,000 Reggie, baby, I am so sorry. Forgive Megan's dad and his silly friend. 1375 01:37:12,209 --> 01:37:13,335 - You a virgin? - Yes. 1376 01:37:13,585 --> 01:37:15,921 Keep it that way. Ain't gonna be no fucking tonight. 1377 01:37:16,171 --> 01:37:18,882 Baby, the red shirt's nice. You guys have a good time. 1378 01:37:19,091 --> 01:37:20,843 - You ever made love to a man? - No. 1379 01:37:21,176 --> 01:37:22,719 - You want to? - No, sir. 1380 01:37:23,095 --> 01:37:25,514 - Hey, have a good time, baby. - Go. Go. 1381 01:37:25,722 --> 01:37:28,016 - All right. - I need to go. 1382 01:37:28,600 --> 01:37:30,477 That was cool. 1383 01:37:30,644 --> 01:37:32,521 So you ready to bust this case open? 1384 01:37:32,729 --> 01:37:34,940 Oh, yeah. Let's finish strong. All right? 1385 01:37:45,450 --> 01:37:48,954 All right, ladies. We cannot take a burn tonight or Tapia walks. 1386 01:37:49,204 --> 01:37:51,540 I need a good, clean break-in. 1387 01:37:52,040 --> 01:37:54,877 - Zank, eyeball. - Eyeball set. 1388 01:37:55,085 --> 01:37:57,421 - Dex, high ground. - Rooftop set. 1389 01:37:57,629 --> 01:38:00,090 - Fanuti, light your crack pipe. - Got you. 1390 01:38:00,549 --> 01:38:01,592 Lockman, you buzzing? 1391 01:38:02,926 --> 01:38:03,886 We're up, baby. 1392 01:38:14,062 --> 01:38:16,732 - Hello, anybody home?! - We got a stiff to deliver! 1393 01:38:19,818 --> 01:38:22,821 - What's going on here, man? - We got a stiff to deliver. 1394 01:38:23,030 --> 01:38:26,200 - Nobody told me about any stiff. - The guy's in the van now. He's fresh. 1395 01:38:26,408 --> 01:38:27,659 No deliveries tonight. 1396 01:38:32,831 --> 01:38:36,084 They told us to come right over to the place. This is the place. 1397 01:38:37,252 --> 01:38:39,713 - We must bring him in here. I'm sorry. - No one in. 1398 01:38:39,963 --> 01:38:42,341 - You get that body to the morgue yet? - Morgue? 1399 01:38:42,549 --> 01:38:44,801 You said to get it to the Spanish Palms Mortuary. 1400 01:38:45,010 --> 01:38:46,470 No, you dumb Latin fuck. 1401 01:38:46,678 --> 01:38:48,305 What you smoking in that crack pipe? 1402 01:38:48,555 --> 01:38:50,224 Who you calling a Latin fuck, man? 1403 01:38:54,311 --> 01:38:55,771 Check. 1404 01:38:55,854 --> 01:38:57,814 There's burnt people down here, Mike. 1405 01:38:59,233 --> 01:39:01,068 Oh, fuck. 1406 01:39:03,278 --> 01:39:05,322 Damn, somebody's teeth. 1407 01:39:05,656 --> 01:39:08,242 Now that we're here, you need to sign some paperwork... 1408 01:39:08,450 --> 01:39:12,246 ...because the man is very contagious. His contagiousness could touch you. 1409 01:39:12,454 --> 01:39:14,289 You guys have a nice evening. Good night. 1410 01:39:14,498 --> 01:39:17,209 Might you see us inside for some hot cocoa? 1411 01:39:44,319 --> 01:39:47,990 Cam one, I got a good signal. Cam two, I got a good signal. 1412 01:40:02,796 --> 01:40:05,340 - Damn! - Stop it. Do not do that tonight. 1413 01:40:05,549 --> 01:40:07,551 - You don't smell that? - Oh, yeah, I smell it. 1414 01:40:07,801 --> 01:40:09,511 - It stinks. - Stop! 1415 01:40:11,513 --> 01:40:13,640 I'm gonna have some Pepto. 1416 01:40:21,899 --> 01:40:24,776 - This dude hasn't been embalmed yet. - What you talking about? 1417 01:40:24,985 --> 01:40:29,406 They stick a tube down your throat and just suck out all the gunk and bile. 1418 01:40:29,573 --> 01:40:32,993 Because what happens is, your body'll get gaseous and you'll decompose. 1419 01:40:33,202 --> 01:40:35,496 Don't want that to happen before your family see you. 1420 01:40:35,746 --> 01:40:38,540 - I don't need to know that now. - They sew your mouth closed. 1421 01:40:38,749 --> 01:40:41,919 They got to get it all out because a lot of times dead people'll fart. 1422 01:40:42,544 --> 01:40:44,505 That shit'll clear a funeral home out. 1423 01:40:44,796 --> 01:40:48,467 - How do you know all that? - Learning Channel. That shit got me. 1424 01:40:51,553 --> 01:40:53,055 Oh, shit. 1425 01:40:58,435 --> 01:41:00,312 You're not even gonna warm up to it? 1426 01:41:00,562 --> 01:41:02,814 Hey! Do some cop work. 1427 01:41:03,273 --> 01:41:05,901 - He's a human being. - Check the casket. 1428 01:41:06,151 --> 01:41:08,862 Why don't you check his spine while you're in there. 1429 01:41:11,698 --> 01:41:12,950 I'm retching. 1430 01:41:19,039 --> 01:41:20,290 Mike! 1431 01:41:20,457 --> 01:41:22,417 - What? - Have some dignity. 1432 01:41:22,626 --> 01:41:24,753 - I ain't doing nothing. - Cover her titties up. 1433 01:41:24,962 --> 01:41:28,590 Like, what am I gonna do with these big-ass dead titties? 1434 01:41:28,799 --> 01:41:30,092 But you're looking, though. 1435 01:41:30,300 --> 01:41:32,678 There's... Something's wrong with your brain. 1436 01:41:32,886 --> 01:41:34,096 Just cover the titties. 1437 01:41:34,471 --> 01:41:36,473 Goddamn! 1438 01:41:37,891 --> 01:41:40,602 Damn. This nicer than some cribs. 1439 01:41:41,311 --> 01:41:42,980 She's going to Cuba. 1440 01:41:46,608 --> 01:41:48,819 Who's top cop now? Huh? 1441 01:41:49,027 --> 01:41:51,280 That's what I'm talking about. See? There you go. 1442 01:41:51,822 --> 01:41:55,033 That's it right there. Take a picture of the money, then check this body. 1443 01:41:55,993 --> 01:41:57,995 Nah, I'm gonna count these. You know? 1444 01:41:58,203 --> 01:41:59,204 Check the body. 1445 01:41:59,413 --> 01:42:03,208 I'm gonna check the body, Mike. I'm not rushing into it, that's all. 1446 01:42:04,877 --> 01:42:07,045 This one's going to a mortuary in L.A. 1447 01:42:08,755 --> 01:42:11,216 I'm gonna check this one. 1448 01:42:34,490 --> 01:42:36,950 That's that bullshit that I be talking about. 1449 01:42:37,159 --> 01:42:39,328 Mike, the motherfucking head fell off. 1450 01:42:39,786 --> 01:42:41,455 Come here. 1451 01:42:43,540 --> 01:42:46,001 I'm back in the game. 1452 01:42:49,588 --> 01:42:51,173 Think I got something. 1453 01:42:52,508 --> 01:42:53,842 Feels like a bag. 1454 01:42:55,010 --> 01:42:56,428 Shit, it's his kidney. 1455 01:43:06,021 --> 01:43:07,856 I smell dead people. 1456 01:43:08,482 --> 01:43:11,026 Drugs and money. We got him, baby. 1457 01:43:21,328 --> 01:43:22,663 This dude is loaded. 1458 01:43:23,247 --> 01:43:27,251 Bet he thinks he's a damn genius, transporting them in dead bodies. 1459 01:43:28,252 --> 01:43:29,753 Let's get this body. 1460 01:43:31,839 --> 01:43:33,465 Mike, you got company, man. 1461 01:43:33,674 --> 01:43:36,718 Somebody's coming. Hide! Give me the X. Give me the X. 1462 01:43:38,887 --> 01:43:40,264 You gotta stall them. 1463 01:43:46,854 --> 01:43:48,522 Hide! Hide! Hide! 1464 01:43:48,981 --> 01:43:49,940 Shit! 1465 01:43:50,190 --> 01:43:52,484 Punk kids do this? Go check it out. 1466 01:43:52,693 --> 01:43:53,694 Hide! 1467 01:43:57,614 --> 01:44:01,577 Marcus! Why would you...? That's just not smart, man. 1468 01:44:05,831 --> 01:44:08,000 You tell Theresa, I'll kill you. 1469 01:44:13,839 --> 01:44:15,424 Bimbo's next. 1470 01:44:15,841 --> 01:44:18,927 Oh, God. Not that. Not the bimbo. 1471 01:44:20,345 --> 01:44:22,347 Let's hurry this shit up. 1472 01:44:32,232 --> 01:44:33,942 Shit. 1473 01:44:34,234 --> 01:44:36,195 We got a big problem. We got a big problem. 1474 01:44:36,403 --> 01:44:38,530 Drive that ambulance into the building right now. 1475 01:44:38,739 --> 01:44:42,159 - Crash it into the building! - No. Not me, baby. 1476 01:44:42,326 --> 01:44:44,286 I got too many crashes on my file. You do it. 1477 01:44:44,495 --> 01:44:47,706 No. You're kidding. I got red-flagged last month for the thing. 1478 01:44:47,915 --> 01:44:51,335 You know how much the city paid. I can't have another ding on my file. 1479 01:44:53,086 --> 01:44:55,881 Mike, my man, we want to help you out here, you know... 1480 01:44:56,048 --> 01:44:59,301 ...but we got a couple of administration problems over here, you know? 1481 01:44:59,510 --> 01:45:02,095 So how about we give sirens and some flashing lights? 1482 01:45:02,346 --> 01:45:03,597 Make a racket. How's that? 1483 01:45:04,598 --> 01:45:06,141 Negative! Negative! 1484 01:45:06,391 --> 01:45:08,560 Crash that ambulance into the building right now! 1485 01:45:08,894 --> 01:45:11,396 We want to help the team out and everything, but... 1486 01:45:11,605 --> 01:45:13,357 But I'm not getting suspended for this. 1487 01:45:13,565 --> 01:45:17,694 Okay, I plan on whupping y'all asses the second I get out of here. 1488 01:45:17,903 --> 01:45:20,364 - Crash into the building right now! - Screw it. 1489 01:45:20,531 --> 01:45:22,157 Just the price of cop business. 1490 01:45:23,200 --> 01:45:24,326 Now, get her on the table. 1491 01:45:34,962 --> 01:45:36,505 Oh, my God. 1492 01:45:39,216 --> 01:45:42,261 Jeez! What the hell! I'm so... I'm so... 1493 01:45:42,469 --> 01:45:43,679 That's tragic, man. 1494 01:45:43,887 --> 01:45:45,639 Go, go, go. Back door's clear. Go! Go! 1495 01:45:46,056 --> 01:45:47,683 Get up, Marcus! 1496 01:45:48,058 --> 01:45:50,477 The gas got stuck. I didn't mean to. 1497 01:45:57,109 --> 01:45:58,735 Oh, man. 1498 01:46:00,863 --> 01:46:02,906 Supple leather, you know. 1499 01:46:04,783 --> 01:46:06,618 You ever rub your leather? 1500 01:46:06,785 --> 01:46:10,038 You know, like, just rub it. See how good it feels. 1501 01:46:13,458 --> 01:46:15,919 What does love mean to you, Mike? 1502 01:46:16,545 --> 01:46:19,047 Don't worry about me and my love. 1503 01:46:20,048 --> 01:46:22,634 Look, I got plenty of love in my life. 1504 01:46:23,760 --> 01:46:25,679 Like a woman's butt. 1505 01:46:25,888 --> 01:46:28,640 - Don't do that. - Whoa, whoa, whoa. Mike. 1506 01:46:28,849 --> 01:46:30,893 Let's just concentrate and get this warrant. 1507 01:46:31,101 --> 01:46:32,603 I need to express right now. 1508 01:46:32,811 --> 01:46:36,815 I want you to know, if this is our last job, I really appreciate you. 1509 01:46:37,065 --> 01:46:38,192 Okay? 1510 01:46:38,358 --> 01:46:39,484 No, this is not gay shit. 1511 01:46:39,735 --> 01:46:42,279 This is man shit. You know what I mean? 1512 01:46:42,529 --> 01:46:44,740 And you a beautiful man. You know? 1513 01:46:44,948 --> 01:46:47,284 And when you let the beautiful side... 1514 01:46:48,702 --> 01:46:50,621 - What? - Look at your pupils. 1515 01:46:50,787 --> 01:46:52,915 How am I look at my pupil? What, I'm... 1516 01:46:53,582 --> 01:46:56,460 Yo, what are you taking? Did you take some of that X? 1517 01:46:57,002 --> 01:47:00,088 - Hey, look, give me a hug. - Hey, get off. Listen, listen. Listen! 1518 01:47:00,297 --> 01:47:04,134 We need this warrant. Do not fuck this up. Pull yourself together. 1519 01:47:10,432 --> 01:47:12,017 Evening, captain. 1520 01:47:12,226 --> 01:47:13,810 Hello... 1521 01:47:14,019 --> 01:47:15,479 ..."capteeon." 1522 01:47:15,729 --> 01:47:18,690 So how do you two plan to fuck up my evening tonight? 1523 01:47:18,899 --> 01:47:22,236 Well, captain, believe me, we would not be here... 1524 01:47:22,444 --> 01:47:25,572 ...if it weren't seriously, utterly important. 1525 01:47:26,281 --> 01:47:27,533 Get in here. 1526 01:47:28,700 --> 01:47:30,285 Get off me! 1527 01:47:39,378 --> 01:47:43,048 Cap, this is beautiful. 1528 01:47:43,257 --> 01:47:45,509 Have such a warm feel, you know. 1529 01:47:45,759 --> 01:47:48,846 Sort of like a "ving shwa." What's it, Mike? 1530 01:47:49,096 --> 01:47:52,975 - It was a V, like a "von schwo." - Why don't you have a seat? 1531 01:47:53,183 --> 01:47:56,019 - Or "ven wangs" or... - Feng shui. 1532 01:47:56,228 --> 01:47:57,688 "Von sway." 1533 01:47:58,188 --> 01:48:00,566 You have a "von sway" home. 1534 01:48:00,774 --> 01:48:02,109 Make yourself at home. 1535 01:48:02,317 --> 01:48:05,279 All right, captain, I know you said that Johnny Tapia was hands... 1536 01:48:05,487 --> 01:48:08,157 - Oh, no! No! - Look, captain, we got him. It's a wrap. 1537 01:48:08,365 --> 01:48:11,785 Look, we messed up today, but we got him. Please just look. 1538 01:48:11,994 --> 01:48:15,038 - How do I move it? - Here, you flip through the pictures. 1539 01:48:16,039 --> 01:48:18,208 You can flip... You can flip through picture... 1540 01:48:18,834 --> 01:48:20,043 This is horrible. 1541 01:48:25,424 --> 01:48:28,177 - Take the picture. - You can look really close. 1542 01:48:28,343 --> 01:48:30,804 Listen, we got everything that we need to take this dude. 1543 01:48:31,597 --> 01:48:33,098 Oh, God. 1544 01:48:33,682 --> 01:48:35,642 They're taking the organs out. 1545 01:48:35,851 --> 01:48:39,313 Right there you can... You can... Yeah. If you look there... 1546 01:48:39,605 --> 01:48:41,190 Oh, gosh. 1547 01:48:44,776 --> 01:48:47,237 This is good. That's horrible. 1548 01:48:49,156 --> 01:48:50,657 Look at this. 1549 01:48:51,366 --> 01:48:55,746 Everybody just needs to relax. Whoosah. Whoosah. Whoosah. 1550 01:48:55,871 --> 01:48:59,374 What are you doing? Marcus, it's 2 a.m. Get your hands off me. 1551 01:49:00,751 --> 01:49:04,671 Remember we said we were gonna call Vargas and Reyes? 1552 01:49:04,880 --> 01:49:07,299 - No, I don't... - Call Vargas! 1553 01:49:07,758 --> 01:49:10,093 Tell him the thing we said to tell him. 1554 01:49:10,719 --> 01:49:13,514 - What thing? - Tell him we said... About yesterday. 1555 01:49:14,389 --> 01:49:15,891 And tell him about the thing. 1556 01:49:16,099 --> 01:49:18,727 So, captain, listen, we've also got videotape. 1557 01:49:18,894 --> 01:49:21,605 Yesterday, we fucked up bad. But we got him now. 1558 01:49:22,231 --> 01:49:23,565 Oh, shit. 1559 01:49:23,815 --> 01:49:25,734 - What? - No, a lot of times with these... 1560 01:49:25,943 --> 01:49:27,027 Oh, shit! 1561 01:49:27,236 --> 01:49:29,404 - What? Did I erase it? - No. We got video. 1562 01:49:29,655 --> 01:49:32,407 - We got fucking... - Oh. Let me see. 1563 01:49:33,700 --> 01:49:35,077 Oh, shit. 1564 01:49:35,285 --> 01:49:37,579 He's shipping the drugs around the country in bodies. 1565 01:49:37,788 --> 01:49:39,790 We found coffins of cash, tagged for Cuba. 1566 01:49:39,998 --> 01:49:42,751 And you think Tapia's about to move out with all this money? 1567 01:49:43,293 --> 01:49:45,921 I love it when you call me Bunny Nose. 1568 01:49:46,129 --> 01:49:47,631 Shit! 1569 01:49:47,798 --> 01:49:49,174 Yeah, I do, girl. 1570 01:49:49,383 --> 01:49:51,593 You should see this sexy shit I got on. 1571 01:49:51,802 --> 01:49:53,595 Who the hell are you talking to? 1572 01:49:53,804 --> 01:49:56,598 I talked to Vargas and... 1573 01:49:57,391 --> 01:50:01,812 ...Ru... Reyes. They said that they're down for whatever. 1574 01:50:02,104 --> 01:50:04,773 This is a nice fish, you know. 1575 01:50:04,982 --> 01:50:08,318 Big fucking eyes, but a nice fucking fish. 1576 01:50:08,819 --> 01:50:10,696 We need this warrant, captain. 1577 01:50:11,155 --> 01:50:12,698 Let's take this scumbag down. 1578 01:50:18,829 --> 01:50:20,664 What the fuck is going on? 1579 01:50:21,790 --> 01:50:25,919 - He ingested X. - You okay, pal? Take it easy. 1580 01:50:27,421 --> 01:50:28,422 Okay, thank you. 1581 01:50:28,630 --> 01:50:30,799 Poison lady says we gotta keep him cool. 1582 01:50:31,049 --> 01:50:33,802 Otherwise, he's burning up, he can get brain damage. 1583 01:50:34,052 --> 01:50:35,804 Nobody'll even notice that. 1584 01:50:40,893 --> 01:50:42,895 Mike, I got an erection. 1585 01:50:45,230 --> 01:50:46,648 Take me home. 1586 01:50:47,232 --> 01:50:50,694 Call the wife, tell her I'm on the way. 1587 01:51:00,662 --> 01:51:02,706 Hope you guys hear me. 1588 01:51:05,542 --> 01:51:08,170 - We got her. Loud and clear. - She's in. 1589 01:51:08,420 --> 01:51:09,880 Showtime. 1590 01:51:10,172 --> 01:51:12,174 Palm Mortuary, Alpha team. 1591 01:51:12,424 --> 01:51:15,719 - Tapia's mansion, Delta. - Dixie Boy boat dock, Bravo. 1592 01:51:15,928 --> 01:51:18,805 Coast Guard gunships, anything that hits the water. 1593 01:51:19,014 --> 01:51:20,849 We hit all three places simultaneously. 1594 01:51:21,391 --> 01:51:25,896 Tac up at 08:45. We go hot at 09:00 sharp. 1595 01:51:26,188 --> 01:51:27,147 Bring the noise. 1596 01:51:34,905 --> 01:51:38,200 You're such a beautiful girl. 1597 01:51:38,408 --> 01:51:39,993 Thank you. 1598 01:51:40,577 --> 01:51:42,579 - Johnny. - Yeah? 1599 01:51:42,871 --> 01:51:44,832 - Is she a Negro? - Please, Mama! 1600 01:51:45,040 --> 01:51:46,458 Shut up! Get out of here! 1601 01:51:47,751 --> 01:51:49,461 You make your bed, you sleep in it! 1602 01:51:57,594 --> 01:51:59,304 Make way! 1603 01:52:00,639 --> 01:52:03,600 - Get down! - Don't fucking move! 1604 01:52:04,476 --> 01:52:07,563 You take risks. I like that. 1605 01:52:08,105 --> 01:52:09,314 Or... 1606 01:52:12,109 --> 01:52:15,445 ...maybe I'm the one taking a risk on you. Huh? 1607 01:52:16,196 --> 01:52:17,447 - Yeah? - Yeah. 1608 01:52:20,117 --> 01:52:22,995 Excuse me, boss. We need to talk now. 1609 01:52:23,662 --> 01:52:25,164 Something's going on outside. 1610 01:52:26,623 --> 01:52:28,667 - Cops. - What the fuck do you mean, cops? 1611 01:52:31,086 --> 01:52:32,546 Goddamn it. 1612 01:52:34,131 --> 01:52:36,633 DEA. You don't plan on entering, do you? 1613 01:52:36,800 --> 01:52:40,971 - We have a warrant to get in there. - A UC's inside. She's gotta leave first. 1614 01:52:41,180 --> 01:52:42,306 You got two minutes. 1615 01:52:42,514 --> 01:52:44,474 - Call her on her cell. - Yes, sir. 1616 01:52:45,767 --> 01:52:47,603 Cut the power to the house. 1617 01:52:49,313 --> 01:52:51,273 - You got her? Well, let's go. - No, sir. 1618 01:52:55,736 --> 01:52:57,112 We got a bogey. 1619 01:53:00,824 --> 01:53:05,746 God. This is for you, Josef, and me and Mother Russia. 1620 01:53:08,499 --> 01:53:11,043 They're not gangbanger homeys. They're cops. 1621 01:53:11,335 --> 01:53:12,461 Cops?! 1622 01:53:13,003 --> 01:53:17,299 They weren't trying to hit the load. I think they were looking after her. 1623 01:53:24,765 --> 01:53:26,016 Now, you tell me... 1624 01:53:26,225 --> 01:53:28,852 ...where is the wire? - They made her. 1625 01:53:29,686 --> 01:53:32,022 We gotta get her out. Go! Come on! 1626 01:53:32,564 --> 01:53:36,401 Hey, Tapia, you fucking mother. 1627 01:53:42,199 --> 01:53:44,868 The Russian Grim Reaper is here. 1628 01:53:46,036 --> 01:53:47,746 Everything's in here. 1629 01:53:48,497 --> 01:53:51,291 - Oh, shit. - Goddamn. 1630 01:53:51,500 --> 01:53:54,378 Eyeball, has anything left this mortuary in the past two hours? 1631 01:53:54,586 --> 01:53:58,048 A four-hearse funeral just left. We trailed them to Miami Harbor. 1632 01:53:58,590 --> 01:54:01,844 Miami Air, Tapia's running his money to Cuba. Get us a chopper! 1633 01:54:08,809 --> 01:54:11,270 Hey, Tapia! 1634 01:54:12,604 --> 01:54:14,773 You scared of me, you little scumbag?! 1635 01:54:14,982 --> 01:54:17,442 - We got some heat. - Pull the car back. 1636 01:54:17,734 --> 01:54:20,737 I'll fucking kill you! Who the hell are you? 1637 01:54:20,946 --> 01:54:22,906 - Drop the weapon! - Drop the weapon now! 1638 01:54:23,240 --> 01:54:25,784 - I'm with you guys! - Put it down, now! 1639 01:54:26,034 --> 01:54:27,703 - I'm over here! - Shut up! 1640 01:54:27,911 --> 01:54:30,581 - Drop the weapon! - I'll kill that son of a bitch! 1641 01:54:41,216 --> 01:54:44,094 This is Alpha. Heads up to the Coast Guard Sharks and Bravo Team. 1642 01:54:44,303 --> 01:54:46,471 Close the harbor. Freeze any moving speedboat. 1643 01:54:46,680 --> 01:54:47,681 This is Bravo. 1644 01:54:47,890 --> 01:54:50,767 We got a go-fast slinging a high rate of speed down Miami harbor. 1645 01:54:50,976 --> 01:54:52,644 Stop that boat. 1646 01:55:07,784 --> 01:55:09,328 This guy's moving us. 1647 01:55:12,456 --> 01:55:14,416 Think we're going for the bridge. 1648 01:55:44,321 --> 01:55:46,073 Coast Guard, we're going in. 1649 01:55:47,783 --> 01:55:49,576 Miami Police. Shut it down. 1650 01:55:49,827 --> 01:55:52,162 This is the police. Shut it down. 1651 01:55:57,960 --> 01:56:00,170 - Watch out, he got a weapon. - Bail out! 1652 01:56:04,716 --> 01:56:06,635 Coast Guard, take him down. Burn him. 1653 01:56:17,271 --> 01:56:20,065 Vessel is dead in the water. Vessel is dead in the water. 1654 01:56:23,694 --> 01:56:25,571 This is what we do. 1655 01:56:29,283 --> 01:56:31,743 Oh, man, it's full up. It's full up. 1656 01:56:32,035 --> 01:56:33,662 It's a righteous bust. 1657 01:56:43,589 --> 01:56:45,257 How the hell they slip away? 1658 01:56:46,383 --> 01:56:48,468 Give me the watch commander on the horn. 1659 01:56:48,677 --> 01:56:51,221 Do you know her brother on Miami PD? Find him. 1660 01:56:52,055 --> 01:56:56,226 Do you know anyone who might want to save your life? 1661 01:57:01,190 --> 01:57:03,525 - Hello? - Marcus, they...! 1662 01:57:03,734 --> 01:57:07,321 You have $ 1 00 million of mine... 1663 01:57:07,529 --> 01:57:09,907 ...and I want it back in 48 hours. 1664 01:57:21,919 --> 01:57:23,921 Shit just got real. 1665 01:57:34,681 --> 01:57:36,600 Jack Snell, DEA. 1666 01:57:36,808 --> 01:57:38,393 Agent Eames, FBI... 1667 01:57:38,810 --> 01:57:40,771 ...who has just informed me... 1668 01:57:41,146 --> 01:57:45,484 ...that satellite pinpointed Tapia's jet in Cuban airspace 20 minutes ago. 1669 01:57:45,651 --> 01:57:47,319 Cuba? 1670 01:57:47,569 --> 01:57:50,739 United States does not negotiate with hostage-takers. 1671 01:57:50,989 --> 01:57:52,950 Especially Cuban hostage-takers. 1672 01:57:53,200 --> 01:57:55,661 It's a delicate situation. 1673 01:57:56,245 --> 01:57:59,706 This is not just a situation. This is my sister. 1674 01:57:59,915 --> 01:58:02,751 Off the record, all State Department agencies... 1675 01:58:02,960 --> 01:58:05,963 ...are using their back-channel contacts for a diplomatic solution. 1676 01:58:06,129 --> 01:58:09,258 You know, by the time y'all finish being diplomatic... 1677 01:58:09,466 --> 01:58:13,011 ...my sister could be in a fucking box. This is bullshit. 1678 01:58:35,325 --> 01:58:37,703 He ain't getting away from us that easy. 1679 01:58:47,379 --> 01:58:49,089 We ride together... 1680 01:58:50,757 --> 01:58:52,426 ...we die together. 1681 01:58:54,469 --> 01:58:56,180 Bad boys for life. 1682 01:59:03,187 --> 01:59:05,355 We just gotta do it ourselves, man. 1683 01:59:33,091 --> 01:59:34,426 I don't know you. 1684 01:59:34,635 --> 01:59:37,554 You look like you're about to do something stupid. I'm in. 1685 01:59:38,305 --> 01:59:40,891 Dodd tell you how crazy us ex-Delta guys are? 1686 01:59:42,226 --> 01:59:44,019 My brother, Tito, lives in Cuba. 1687 01:59:44,228 --> 01:59:47,272 He's a little crazy, but he's hooked up with the underground. 1688 01:59:47,481 --> 01:59:50,108 Weapons, men, a safe house. Whatever we need. 1689 01:59:50,400 --> 01:59:52,569 You can forget about passports and all that stuff. 1690 01:59:52,736 --> 01:59:55,739 Because if the Cubans catch us, we're all dead. 1691 01:59:56,073 --> 01:59:59,743 My brother Tito's in Alpha 66, the Anti-Castro Underground. 1692 01:59:59,952 --> 02:00:01,620 What does that have to do with Tapia? 1693 02:00:02,329 --> 02:00:05,541 Everything. Tapia's the biggest supplier of drug cash to Castro. 1694 02:00:05,791 --> 02:00:07,668 So Alpha 66 will be all over him. 1695 02:00:07,918 --> 02:00:12,047 Brother, that is perfect. He says he can get men on the tunnel right away. 1696 02:00:12,256 --> 02:00:13,465 Let me holler at him. 1697 02:00:14,258 --> 02:00:17,427 Tito, we need layout, security, the whole deal. 1698 02:00:17,636 --> 02:00:21,598 We got info that Tapia's got a casket coming in tomorrow at 4:00 p.m. 1699 02:00:22,140 --> 02:00:24,768 Yeah, that might be our way in. Yeah. 1700 02:00:25,477 --> 02:00:29,356 Brought you a little care package from my friends over at the CIA. 1701 02:00:29,606 --> 02:00:32,734 They want to help. And don't ask me. 1702 02:00:33,777 --> 02:00:34,987 They're spies. 1703 02:00:35,320 --> 02:00:39,825 Former Delta Intel and Demo. Requesting permission to tag along. 1704 02:00:56,508 --> 02:00:59,511 Ronnie, I hear there's a boat on fire off the coast of Cuba. 1705 02:01:00,012 --> 02:01:02,514 Shouldn't we break international waters to help them? 1706 02:01:02,806 --> 02:01:03,891 That's my dog. 1707 02:01:08,812 --> 02:01:10,564 Point of no return. 1708 02:01:11,064 --> 02:01:13,484 I want to thank y'all from the bottom of my heart. 1709 02:01:14,902 --> 02:01:19,198 - Mike, look, I just... - Tell me when we get back. 1710 02:01:20,991 --> 02:01:22,784 The target's in sight. I see the boat. 1711 02:01:22,993 --> 02:01:25,746 Roger. Target 1 2 o'clock. 300 yards. 1712 02:01:28,332 --> 02:01:30,792 Roper in the door. Stand by. 1713 02:01:34,505 --> 02:01:36,340 Go! Go! Go! 1714 02:01:47,768 --> 02:01:50,604 - Tito? - Welcome to Cuba. 1715 02:02:08,205 --> 02:02:13,001 Damn. What's up with the safe house across the street from Tapia's crib? 1716 02:02:13,168 --> 02:02:14,962 This is the last place anyone would look. 1717 02:02:15,212 --> 02:02:19,091 We've been watching the place. Guards play soccer each day at 3:30. 1718 02:02:20,008 --> 02:02:24,054 The bad news, everyone knows he uses the army like his bodyguards. 1719 02:02:25,055 --> 02:02:28,308 - This is Tapia's compound. - CIA hooked us up, huh? 1720 02:02:28,559 --> 02:02:31,979 Yeah. This LIDAR laser technology even shows his escape tunnel. 1721 02:02:32,187 --> 02:02:34,731 The alarm security is wired to the army. 1722 02:02:34,940 --> 02:02:38,569 We're screwed if we don't blow up this security room before we make a move. 1723 02:02:38,777 --> 02:02:40,487 The tunnel we're digging branches off. 1724 02:02:40,737 --> 02:02:44,575 One under his back yard and the other into his escape tunnel. 1725 02:02:45,492 --> 02:02:47,077 We gotta hurry up. 1726 02:02:48,537 --> 02:02:51,957 See? I told you my brother was a maniac. 1727 02:02:53,625 --> 02:02:56,003 - How we looking? - Let me check it out. 1728 02:03:15,272 --> 02:03:17,399 Papi, you look like Jesus. 1729 02:03:18,108 --> 02:03:20,402 Why they call this The Last Supper? 1730 02:03:20,611 --> 02:03:24,656 It was the last time they were all together before Jesus was crucified. 1731 02:03:25,532 --> 02:03:27,326 Crucified? 1732 02:03:28,535 --> 02:03:30,829 Hold your ears. Hey, you. 1733 02:03:31,371 --> 02:03:35,459 Listen to me. This is fucking depressing! You understand?! 1734 02:03:35,667 --> 02:03:37,794 I mean, who had this fucking idea? 1735 02:03:38,795 --> 02:03:42,799 I just want little angels looking down on me. 1736 02:03:43,800 --> 02:03:46,887 Okay, here's the ocean, 300 yards from Tapia's house. 1737 02:03:47,137 --> 02:03:50,766 We're here. Safe house. First tunnel comes through to here. 1738 02:03:50,974 --> 02:03:53,477 First team takes out the security station. 1739 02:03:53,685 --> 02:03:56,563 Second tunnel comes through into the center of the house. 1740 02:03:56,855 --> 02:04:00,192 Tito, your contacts inside said Syd's in the last bedroom... 1741 02:04:00,400 --> 02:04:01,735 ...on the second floor, right? 1742 02:04:01,944 --> 02:04:04,321 Lupe's one of us. If she says your sister's there... 1743 02:04:04,530 --> 02:04:05,572 ...she is there. 1744 02:04:05,739 --> 02:04:09,618 Three o'clock sharp, the bag of cats and iguanas go over the fence. 1745 02:04:09,827 --> 02:04:13,121 Hopefully the motion detectors'll go so crazy security'll shut them off. 1746 02:04:13,372 --> 02:04:16,041 My guys will watch the outside for any military. 1747 02:04:16,250 --> 02:04:18,252 If they come, that's bad. 1748 02:04:27,636 --> 02:04:29,263 Let's make this count, guys. 1749 02:04:53,203 --> 02:04:54,830 We're in. 1750 02:05:14,057 --> 02:05:16,935 Goddamn it, it's the fifth time today. 1751 02:05:17,561 --> 02:05:21,982 Carlos, turn off the motion sensors till we get it fixed. 1752 02:05:22,274 --> 02:05:24,443 - Look what I found. Can I keep them? - No. 1753 02:05:24,776 --> 02:05:26,111 All right, guys... 1754 02:05:26,320 --> 02:05:29,448 ...sensors are down. Time to move. - We are 1 00%% go. 1755 02:05:30,699 --> 02:05:32,326 Let's go. 1756 02:05:48,258 --> 02:05:51,845 Left. Left. Yeah. There we go. This is not as easy as it looks. 1757 02:06:10,906 --> 02:06:13,116 Okay, we're at the T. Split right. 1758 02:06:16,161 --> 02:06:17,579 Good luck, guys. 1759 02:06:21,500 --> 02:06:23,669 Let's go. Come on, let's go. 1760 02:06:26,129 --> 02:06:29,675 Find the soccer game. Sniff it out, baby. Sniff it out. 1761 02:06:35,848 --> 02:06:37,641 To the left. To the left. Oh, shit. 1762 02:06:44,148 --> 02:06:46,150 Oh, you did not see me. 1763 02:06:50,654 --> 02:06:53,949 - Ready to bust into the escape tunnel. - There we go. Soccer. 1764 02:07:06,503 --> 02:07:07,588 Sorry. 1765 02:07:15,137 --> 02:07:16,805 Go, go, go, go, go! 1766 02:07:32,905 --> 02:07:34,448 Go! 1767 02:07:36,158 --> 02:07:37,743 Get me the American bitch. 1768 02:07:37,993 --> 02:07:40,329 Call General Santos. Tell him I need him now! 1769 02:07:40,996 --> 02:07:43,665 Sorry, darling. Take her outside to safety. Come on. 1770 02:08:02,726 --> 02:08:04,686 - Carlos, this is not good! - I know! 1771 02:08:05,062 --> 02:08:07,481 - Where is General Santos?! - He's coming, boss! 1772 02:08:14,404 --> 02:08:17,533 You fucking maricons! I'm gonna blow your head off! 1773 02:08:18,033 --> 02:08:19,409 Fuck! 1774 02:08:19,743 --> 02:08:23,664 What's happened to this gun? My son will slice you into chorizo. 1775 02:08:24,248 --> 02:08:26,041 - Mama, I'm very sorry. - You little puta! 1776 02:08:35,884 --> 02:08:38,220 - Vargas, you in? - We got Mama and the girl. 1777 02:08:38,428 --> 02:08:40,556 We're entering the house. Go! 1778 02:08:55,154 --> 02:08:56,488 Move! Move! Move! 1779 02:09:09,501 --> 02:09:12,671 Everything's clear outside. You got 30 seconds max. Haul ass. 1780 02:09:17,301 --> 02:09:20,804 You got two rovers on the balcony. I can't get a shot off. 1781 02:09:23,307 --> 02:09:25,434 See the rover? I missed him! 1782 02:09:31,815 --> 02:09:33,192 Get down! Get down now! 1783 02:09:33,400 --> 02:09:34,526 - Get down! - Down! 1784 02:09:37,196 --> 02:09:39,198 Move! Move! Move! 1785 02:09:39,615 --> 02:09:41,200 - Marcus! - Come on! 1786 02:09:41,408 --> 02:09:43,160 Move! We got the package. 1787 02:09:43,368 --> 02:09:45,913 Move now. It's turning into a real bad day. 1788 02:09:46,121 --> 02:09:49,374 - Vargas, we're coming back. Cover us! - We got you covered, baby. 1789 02:10:03,263 --> 02:10:05,140 Somebody talk to me. What's going on? 1790 02:10:05,349 --> 02:10:06,683 The military is everywhere. 1791 02:10:13,982 --> 02:10:17,069 - This is bad, I have to go. - Listen, you have a lot of company. 1792 02:10:17,277 --> 02:10:19,613 Get out of there now! 1793 02:10:26,954 --> 02:10:28,497 I'm hit! I'm hit! 1794 02:10:29,832 --> 02:10:31,625 Head for the tunnel. I'll blow this. 1795 02:10:35,712 --> 02:10:37,506 Go, go! Get out! 1796 02:10:50,853 --> 02:10:52,813 Mike, you gotta get out. 1797 02:10:54,273 --> 02:10:54,398 Vargas! Get out! Abort! 1798 02:10:54,398 --> 02:10:56,525 Vargas! Get out! Abort! 1799 02:10:56,733 --> 02:10:58,735 We won't reach the tunnel! Go to plan B. 1800 02:10:58,944 --> 02:11:00,863 - We're going to plan B! - What plan B?! 1801 02:11:01,071 --> 02:11:02,489 You don't pay attention to shit! 1802 02:11:02,698 --> 02:11:04,449 - What's the plan B? - That's your problem! 1803 02:11:04,658 --> 02:11:06,577 Are you fucking shitting me? Let's go! 1804 02:11:06,827 --> 02:11:08,328 - Follow me! Follow me! - I will... 1805 02:11:08,579 --> 02:11:11,290 Plan B? What the hell is plan B? 1806 02:11:12,499 --> 02:11:15,794 - Tito, what you doing here? - You need a Cuban guide, fool. 1807 02:11:16,003 --> 02:11:17,421 This way! 1808 02:11:19,006 --> 02:11:21,717 - They won't make it to the tunnel. - Let's blow out of here! 1809 02:11:24,761 --> 02:11:26,430 Keys, keys, keys! 1810 02:11:41,653 --> 02:11:44,698 Oh, my God! No! God! Oh, my God! 1811 02:11:48,911 --> 02:11:50,829 Plan B did not have that big-ass gun in it! 1812 02:11:51,246 --> 02:11:54,791 You call this plan B?! What the plan B stand for? Bullshit! 1813 02:11:55,000 --> 02:11:55,959 Do you want to drive?! 1814 02:11:56,168 --> 02:11:58,629 Yeah, pull over by the fuckers with the machine guns! 1815 02:11:58,837 --> 02:12:00,172 Shit! 1816 02:12:08,972 --> 02:12:10,766 I am not to be fucked with! 1817 02:12:12,935 --> 02:12:16,563 I missed the part of the meeting when you drive through the dining room. 1818 02:12:16,814 --> 02:12:18,607 And right out the front door. 1819 02:12:35,833 --> 02:12:37,334 Get in the truck! 1820 02:12:41,672 --> 02:12:42,965 Cuban army was everywhere. 1821 02:12:59,356 --> 02:13:01,942 - Gotta get us to Guantanamo Bay! - No. 1822 02:13:02,151 --> 02:13:04,027 You can't drive onto a U.S. Naval base. 1823 02:13:04,236 --> 02:13:05,612 Hey, we're Americans, okay? 1824 02:13:09,241 --> 02:13:12,244 Marcus, you know how when we usually get in these situations... 1825 02:13:12,452 --> 02:13:15,956 ...l'm always trying to make you feel better, like we'll be all right. 1826 02:13:16,206 --> 02:13:18,041 - Yeah, yeah. - I could say it... 1827 02:13:18,250 --> 02:13:20,669 ...but that'd be a bunch of bullshit today. 1828 02:13:31,013 --> 02:13:32,306 Military, military. 1829 02:13:32,514 --> 02:13:34,641 - Which way?! - No, right! Right! Go right! 1830 02:13:40,147 --> 02:13:42,816 These are drug dealer shacks. They make cocaine here. 1831 02:13:43,025 --> 02:13:45,152 Hope there's shit in there that likes to blow. 1832 02:13:54,244 --> 02:13:56,413 Faster! I'll kill you, motherfucker! 1833 02:13:56,663 --> 02:13:57,748 I'm gonna go for it. 1834 02:13:57,998 --> 02:14:00,000 - This is a big-ass hill. - Shit. 1835 02:14:08,091 --> 02:14:12,012 - Oh, shit! Is this still called plan B? - No, this is definitely plan C. 1836 02:14:47,089 --> 02:14:48,090 Oh, Jesus! 1837 02:15:07,526 --> 02:15:09,194 God! God! 1838 02:15:09,361 --> 02:15:11,822 Everybody start shooting at somebody! 1839 02:15:14,825 --> 02:15:16,326 Shoot! Shoot! 1840 02:15:20,998 --> 02:15:23,959 - Shit! I'm out! - I got two rounds left. 1841 02:15:24,168 --> 02:15:25,711 - One in the chamber. - I'm out. 1842 02:15:25,919 --> 02:15:28,213 All these guns and none of you got no bullets?! 1843 02:15:28,422 --> 02:15:31,633 - I got one in my hip! - Oh, God, he's hit! 1844 02:15:34,178 --> 02:15:35,470 There! Gitmo! 1845 02:15:37,347 --> 02:15:39,391 U.S. Soil, baby. U.S. Soil. 1846 02:15:39,641 --> 02:15:40,601 Come on! Go! 1847 02:15:42,186 --> 02:15:45,147 - Americans on the way! - Whoa, watch... 1848 02:15:51,195 --> 02:15:52,613 Run it! Run it! 1849 02:16:08,337 --> 02:16:09,796 Go. 1850 02:16:22,226 --> 02:16:23,769 Go! Go! Go! 1851 02:16:31,860 --> 02:16:33,111 Fuck. 1852 02:16:36,073 --> 02:16:37,199 Mike! 1853 02:16:56,343 --> 02:16:58,178 We're Americans! 1854 02:16:58,387 --> 02:17:01,515 I pay my motherfucking taxes! Shoot them! 1855 02:17:01,723 --> 02:17:04,101 Hey, fucking gringo. Drop the gun! 1856 02:17:04,309 --> 02:17:07,354 Put it down! Put it down! 1857 02:17:11,441 --> 02:17:15,821 They can't help you. You're staying in Cuba. 1858 02:17:20,409 --> 02:17:22,828 You are standing on a live minefield! 1859 02:17:23,162 --> 02:17:24,621 Do not move! 1860 02:17:26,415 --> 02:17:29,543 Look, why don't we all go home... 1861 02:17:29,751 --> 02:17:32,212 Well, we'll go home, you go to a hotel. 1862 02:17:32,421 --> 02:17:36,383 Work this shit out another day. None of us is having a good day right now. 1863 02:17:36,592 --> 02:17:37,843 - Give me the gun! - Okay. 1864 02:17:38,135 --> 02:17:39,887 I'll toss it right at your feet... 1865 02:17:40,053 --> 02:17:42,431 ...right next to the mine. 1866 02:18:38,278 --> 02:18:40,531 Now, that's how you supposed to shoot! 1867 02:18:40,739 --> 02:18:43,659 From now on, that's how you shoot! 1868 02:18:44,910 --> 02:18:47,746 Oh, I want my next partner to shoot just like that. 1869 02:18:47,955 --> 02:18:51,416 It take a dysfunctional motherfucker to bust somebody in the head like that. 1870 02:18:51,667 --> 02:18:53,502 That's some dysfunctional shit. 1871 02:18:53,710 --> 02:18:56,338 My next partner'll invite me to his barbecues, though. 1872 02:18:56,547 --> 02:18:58,590 Come here, girl. Come here. 1873 02:19:00,884 --> 02:19:03,178 I came all the way to Cuba for this. 1874 02:19:05,681 --> 02:19:07,808 Come on. 1875 02:19:08,016 --> 02:19:10,185 Y'all gotta do that around land mines? 1876 02:19:13,897 --> 02:19:17,651 Would you tell them that that shit is dangerous around these land mines? 1877 02:19:30,372 --> 02:19:34,585 You know, Mike, this ain't easy for me, but I was wrong. 1878 02:19:34,793 --> 02:19:38,672 I'll be very proud for you to date my sister. 1879 02:19:38,881 --> 02:19:40,424 - Thanks, man. - All right. 1880 02:19:40,924 --> 02:19:42,968 You know, me and Syd thought about it... 1881 02:19:43,135 --> 02:19:45,179 ...and your behavior was so crazy that... 1882 02:19:45,429 --> 02:19:50,058 ...any magic we could've captured, probably best if we didn't... You know. 1883 02:19:50,267 --> 02:19:52,895 You're just gonna take advantage of my little sister? 1884 02:19:53,103 --> 02:19:54,605 Already you breaking her heart? 1885 02:19:54,813 --> 02:19:57,232 - What you talking about? - She not good enough for you? 1886 02:19:57,774 --> 02:20:00,152 Syd, Mike says you ain't shit! 1887 02:20:00,360 --> 02:20:03,238 Now, why would you scream out some crazy nonsense like that? 1888 02:20:03,489 --> 02:20:08,118 I don't appreciate you coming here, disrespecting me in my new pool. 1889 02:20:08,327 --> 02:20:09,536 I bought your new pool. 1890 02:20:09,786 --> 02:20:14,583 Why don't you hook this pool up to your Ferrari and drag it out of here? 1891 02:20:14,791 --> 02:20:16,293 First of all, I was joking. 1892 02:20:16,460 --> 02:20:19,546 And second of all, all this right here, smell yourself right now. 1893 02:20:19,713 --> 02:20:21,924 Because this moment is what's wrong with you. 1894 02:20:22,132 --> 02:20:24,301 I got the transfer papers in the trash can. 1895 02:20:24,635 --> 02:20:26,845 I'll get them and glue them the fuck up. 1896 02:20:27,137 --> 02:20:28,347 - Glue them up. - What? 1897 02:20:28,555 --> 02:20:30,390 - Want some glue? - We won't be partners no more. 1898 02:20:30,641 --> 02:20:31,600 I got glue in the car. 1899 02:20:31,809 --> 02:20:35,604 I'm trying to talk to you. It's hot, I feel like I'm cooking in this fucker... 1900 02:20:35,813 --> 02:20:38,774 ...and I gotta hear shit out of you? Then on top of that shit... 1901 02:20:38,982 --> 02:20:40,901 ...you gonna dog my baby sister? 1902 02:20:45,489 --> 02:20:47,366 Oh, this that bullshit! 1903 02:20:52,955 --> 02:20:54,248 Dad! 1904 02:20:54,498 --> 02:20:55,457 Dad! 1905 02:20:55,666 --> 02:20:59,169 I kept the warranty. I kept the warranty! 1906 02:21:00,254 --> 02:21:02,130 Bad boys, bad boys 1907 02:21:02,339 --> 02:21:03,966 What you gonna do? 1908 02:21:04,174 --> 02:21:07,177 What you gonna do When we come for you? 1909 02:21:11,473 --> 02:21:13,767 Bad boys, bad... 1910 02:21:16,770 --> 02:21:19,106 Come on, you gotta learn the words. 1911 02:21:19,314 --> 02:21:22,276 Mike, you don't know the damn words either. 1912 02:21:22,484 --> 02:21:25,654 Bad boys, bad boys What you gonna do? 1913 02:21:25,904 --> 02:21:28,824 What you gonna do When they come for you? 1914 02:21:25,904 --> 02:21:28,824 What you gonna do When they come for you? 1915 02:21:25,904 --> 02:21:28,824 What you gonna do When they come for you?