2 00:00:22,180 --> 00:00:28,469 IRAN, DESERT ONE, 200 MILES EAST OF TEHERAN, APRIL 25TH, 1980 - 4:00AM 3 00:01:04,020 --> 00:01:05,847 Let's go! Get on there! 4 00:01:05,980 --> 00:01:08,103 Move it! Move it! Move it! 5 00:01:10,318 --> 00:01:13,485 Move it! Sergeant, get your men on there! 6 00:01:15,324 --> 00:01:17,363 Is that Peterson's helicopter? 7 00:01:17,493 --> 00:01:20,245 He was in that damn chopper that blew up! 8 00:01:23,583 --> 00:01:24,781 McCoy! 9 00:01:24,918 --> 00:01:26,746 McCoy, get back here! 10 00:01:26,879 --> 00:01:30,462 Where the hell are you goin'?! We're pullin? out! 11 00:01:30,591 --> 00:01:32,548 Captain McCoy! 12 00:01:33,804 --> 00:01:36,259 - Bobby, where's Pete? - Still in the chopper. 13 00:01:36,390 --> 00:01:38,845 The flames are too high. He can't be reached. 14 00:01:38,975 --> 00:01:42,428 Captain, don't go in there! The fuel bladders are about to blow! 15 00:01:45,483 --> 00:01:46,479 Pete! 16 00:01:46,943 --> 00:01:48,355 Pete! 17 00:01:55,912 --> 00:01:57,952 Pete! Where are you?! 18 00:01:58,081 --> 00:02:01,616 Get the hell outta here! The thing's gonna blow! 19 00:02:03,045 --> 00:02:04,539 Scott? 20 00:02:04,672 --> 00:02:08,207 Goddammit, get out! This goddamn thing's gonna blow! 21 00:02:11,346 --> 00:02:13,920 - Hang on! - Get out! 22 00:02:15,016 --> 00:02:17,056 Hang on, Pete! 23 00:02:17,729 --> 00:02:19,768 Get outta here! 24 00:02:20,648 --> 00:02:22,059 Ow! My God! 25 00:02:22,191 --> 00:02:24,231 Oh, my God! My leg's gone! 26 00:02:25,863 --> 00:02:27,902 Come on! 27 00:02:28,490 --> 00:02:30,530 Get outta here, Captain! 28 00:02:32,579 --> 00:02:35,034 Listen, Pete! When I raise up the jeep... 29 00:02:35,165 --> 00:02:36,623 ...move your leg! 30 00:02:36,750 --> 00:02:38,374 Ready? 31 00:02:39,252 --> 00:02:41,293 Move it! 32 00:02:42,214 --> 00:02:44,919 Move your leg! Pete, move it! 33 00:03:02,529 --> 00:03:05,400 Hang on. Hang on. 34 00:03:08,368 --> 00:03:10,825 Move! Get 'em up here! Come on, move! 35 00:03:10,955 --> 00:03:12,995 All right, take it up! Let's go! 36 00:03:13,166 --> 00:03:17,117 - Scott and Pete are still back there! - I got a squadron to think about! 37 00:03:17,254 --> 00:03:18,535 Come on, get it up! 38 00:03:21,842 --> 00:03:23,799 Hey, there they are! 39 00:03:24,303 --> 00:03:25,763 Come on, Scott! 40 00:03:25,889 --> 00:03:28,261 Take it down! Take it down! 41 00:03:28,391 --> 00:03:30,301 Come on, man! 42 00:03:30,435 --> 00:03:32,725 Get that air load secured! 43 00:03:32,855 --> 00:03:34,895 Come on! Come on, man! 44 00:03:35,024 --> 00:03:37,064 All right, we've got him. 45 00:03:39,363 --> 00:03:41,402 Come on, make a move! Go! 46 00:03:41,532 --> 00:03:44,568 - Come on, close the door. - Give him some room! 47 00:04:23,912 --> 00:04:25,953 Why wouldn't they listen, Nick? 48 00:04:26,082 --> 00:04:29,498 We told 'em it's too dangerous to launch this operation at night. 49 00:04:29,627 --> 00:04:32,629 They thought their plan was better. 50 00:04:32,757 --> 00:04:37,253 I spent five years in Vietnam watching them do the planning... and us the dying. 51 00:04:38,471 --> 00:04:41,887 Well... I'm resigning when I get back. 52 00:04:54,114 --> 00:04:58,657 We interrupt this programme to bring you the following special news bulletin. 53 00:04:58,786 --> 00:05:03,781 An hour ago an attempt to rescue the American hostages held in Teheran... 54 00:05:03,917 --> 00:05:08,745 ... ended in disaster for the Army' top- secret antiterrorist special forces. 55 00:05:08,881 --> 00:05:13,757 Eight members of the special unit have been killed and 13 wounded. 56 00:05:13,886 --> 00:05:19,012 No further information as to the cause of this disaster is available at this time. 57 00:05:23,105 --> 00:05:30,271 ATHENS, FRIDAY, JULY 19TH, 1985 - 7:45AM 58 00:05:39,791 --> 00:05:44,334 American Travelways Flight 282 from Cairo has just landed. 59 00:05:44,462 --> 00:05:50,003 Passengers taking this flight to New York via Rome should proceed to Gate 11. 60 00:06:12,327 --> 00:06:14,367 I have a bad leg. 61 00:06:20,462 --> 00:06:24,377 I thought you would like to know, it's our silver wedding anniversary. 62 00:06:24,508 --> 00:06:26,168 - Mazel tov! - Congratulations. 63 00:06:26,302 --> 00:06:30,431 We'd have divorced years ago but neither of us wanted custody of our kids. 64 00:06:30,557 --> 00:06:34,685 Please don't listen to him. If it was up to him, he would spoil 'em rotten. 65 00:06:34,811 --> 00:06:38,146 - I'm going shopping. - Good idea. I can check on my daughter. 66 00:06:38,274 --> 00:06:40,314 - You wanna go to the duty-free? - OK. 67 00:06:40,443 --> 00:06:42,482 Watch the things, honey. 68 00:06:42,612 --> 00:06:46,361 - Harry Goldman. Philadelphia. - Ben Kaplan. New York. 69 00:06:55,376 --> 00:06:59,042 Deborah, let her have the doll she wants. She's a baby! 70 00:06:59,172 --> 00:07:01,925 Momma, she's not a baby. And you're spoiling her. 71 00:07:02,051 --> 00:07:04,624 I'm not. I didn't do such a bad job with you. 72 00:07:04,762 --> 00:07:08,761 Harry wanted to buy me a new ring for our anniversary. I said no. 73 00:07:08,892 --> 00:07:11,893 He got me this ring in Jerusalem on our honeymoon. 74 00:07:12,020 --> 00:07:14,558 Really? Oh, it's lovely. What does it say? 75 00:07:14,689 --> 00:07:16,730 One minute. I'll show you. 76 00:07:16,859 --> 00:07:18,899 Here, take it. 77 00:07:19,028 --> 00:07:20,937 It says: Anti 78 00:07:21,072 --> 00:07:23,112 ... vie dodo li. 79 00:07:23,242 --> 00:07:25,993 Ash, that's... that's Hebrew. I know that. 80 00:07:26,120 --> 00:07:28,159 It's from the Song of Songs. 81 00:07:28,288 --> 00:07:29,913 "Me to my lover... 82 00:07:30,041 --> 00:07:31,666 ...my lover to me." 83 00:07:31,793 --> 00:07:34,082 - You're Jewish, huh? - No, I'm Chinese. 84 00:07:34,212 --> 00:07:35,623 Of course! 85 00:08:15,092 --> 00:08:17,464 - What's the problem? - There's no problem. 86 00:08:17,595 --> 00:08:20,880 - We thought you had a water leak. - Can we start boarding now? 87 00:08:21,015 --> 00:08:23,886 Sure. Better check that with your flight engineer. 88 00:08:24,019 --> 00:08:25,928 Have a nice flight. 89 00:08:35,406 --> 00:08:39,535 I'm sorry, sir. This flight is full. Check the ticket counter for the next one. 90 00:08:39,661 --> 00:08:44,122 - No, no. I must go on this flight. - I'm sorry, sir. You have a stand-by ticket. 91 00:08:44,249 --> 00:08:46,920 We're full, sir. Please move aside. 92 00:08:53,594 --> 00:08:58,220 - You see in your book if there is space. - Sir, you can't go on board this flight. 93 00:08:58,349 --> 00:09:02,050 You see if there is a place for me. They told me there is a place! 94 00:09:02,187 --> 00:09:04,512 - Move aside, please. - No! You move aside! 95 00:09:04,648 --> 00:09:06,475 They told me I got a ticket! 96 00:09:06,943 --> 00:09:08,520 Send security - immediately! 97 00:09:10,279 --> 00:09:12,319 Calm down. Show me your ticket. 98 00:09:12,448 --> 00:09:15,534 Here. Here. Go see. 99 00:09:19,164 --> 00:09:20,742 What shall we do? 100 00:09:20,958 --> 00:09:22,619 We do what we have to. 101 00:09:26,673 --> 00:09:30,292 - Where's my back brace? - Robert has your back brace, Ma. 102 00:09:53,454 --> 00:09:56,988 Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. This is your captain speaking. 103 00:09:57,124 --> 00:09:58,749 My name is Roger Campbell. 104 00:09:58,877 --> 00:10:03,704 On behalf of American Travelways, welcome to a continuation of Flight 282... 105 00:10:03,840 --> 00:10:05,879 ... to Rome, then onward to New York. 106 00:10:06,009 --> 00:10:08,927 Our flight time to Rome will be 55 minutes. 107 00:10:09,054 --> 00:10:13,135 - Don't be scared to take off. - Honey, could you pull this for me? 108 00:10:13,267 --> 00:10:15,308 - Yes. - Don't kill me, just pull. 109 00:10:15,437 --> 00:10:17,429 Take a deep breath, I won't kill you. 110 00:10:17,564 --> 00:10:19,603 - Stop it. - I'm kidding. 111 00:10:37,378 --> 00:10:38,921 Are you all right, sister? 112 00:10:39,047 --> 00:10:41,798 - Could I have a glass of water, please? - Sure. 113 00:10:41,925 --> 00:10:43,468 She's afraid of flying. 114 00:10:43,594 --> 00:10:47,639 Sister wants to get to Heaven. She just doesn't want to fly to get there. 115 00:10:48,265 --> 00:10:49,724 I'll get you some. 116 00:10:52,771 --> 00:10:53,933 Excuse me. 117 00:10:54,064 --> 00:10:55,641 You're from Chicago, no? 118 00:10:55,774 --> 00:10:57,766 Yes! Yes, we are. How did you know? 119 00:10:57,901 --> 00:11:01,852 I am from Chicago myself. I must have seen you somewhere in Chicago. 120 00:11:01,989 --> 00:11:06,035 - You don't sound like Chicago. - I've only been in Chicago four years. 121 00:11:06,161 --> 00:11:08,368 - You're Polish? - Russian. 122 00:11:08,497 --> 00:11:12,115 Do you know the Orthodox Church by Lincoln Park? Father Duchinsky. 123 00:11:12,251 --> 00:11:14,493 I go to hear his sermon every Sunday. 124 00:11:14,629 --> 00:11:17,796 - Are you going back home? - My first vacation since Russia. 125 00:11:17,924 --> 00:11:21,009 - Enjoyed yourself? - I feel like I am reborn. 126 00:11:21,887 --> 00:11:23,714 America has been good to us. 127 00:12:01,265 --> 00:12:03,803 God be praised. 128 00:12:18,618 --> 00:12:20,113 Oh, shit! 129 00:12:20,245 --> 00:12:22,571 - Dad, look! - Let me sleep. 130 00:12:24,958 --> 00:12:27,414 This is a hijack! Heads down! 131 00:12:27,545 --> 00:12:30,167 Heads down! 132 00:12:30,298 --> 00:12:34,212 Everybody down! This is a hand grenade! We will blow the plane! 133 00:12:34,970 --> 00:12:36,595 What are you doing?! 134 00:12:38,057 --> 00:12:41,177 - Get your heads down! - What are you doing?! 135 00:12:45,023 --> 00:12:48,107 - Get down, everybody! - Put your heads down! 136 00:12:48,235 --> 00:12:50,987 This is a hijack! This is a hand grenade! 137 00:12:51,113 --> 00:12:54,447 We will blow the plane if you do not do exactly as we say! 138 00:12:54,575 --> 00:12:56,200 Put your hands on your head! 139 00:12:57,579 --> 00:12:58,694 Oh, my God! 140 00:13:00,666 --> 00:13:02,326 No! 141 00:13:03,460 --> 00:13:05,121 Robert, are you all right?! 142 00:13:09,175 --> 00:13:11,927 We are prepared to die! Do not provoke me! 143 00:13:12,053 --> 00:13:14,462 Hitler! You want to die, die someplace else! 144 00:13:14,598 --> 00:13:17,884 Shush, shush. Mister... Mister... Don't. Don't. 145 00:13:18,018 --> 00:13:20,095 Don't. Don't. 146 00:13:24,359 --> 00:13:27,444 - Cockpit. Come! - We will cooperate. 147 00:13:28,072 --> 00:13:30,646 - Open... - Calm down. We'll cooperate, man. 148 00:13:30,783 --> 00:13:32,657 We'll do anything you want. 149 00:13:32,785 --> 00:13:35,455 Open the cockpit. Open the cockpit! 150 00:13:35,581 --> 00:13:37,241 Open this door! 151 00:13:41,420 --> 00:13:42,963 Jim! It's me. 152 00:13:43,673 --> 00:13:45,001 Open! 153 00:13:49,137 --> 00:13:52,222 - Open, Jim! - Is everything OK? 154 00:13:53,434 --> 00:13:56,103 Everything is all right! Open, please! 155 00:14:04,405 --> 00:14:06,813 Open this door or I will blow the plane! 156 00:14:11,496 --> 00:14:13,536 JIM, YOU HAVE TO OPEN! 157 00:14:25,428 --> 00:14:26,840 Pick it up. 158 00:14:42,448 --> 00:14:43,444 Move. 159 00:14:43,574 --> 00:14:45,199 Sit down. Sit down! 160 00:14:46,285 --> 00:14:49,620 I am taking over this airplane. You will cooperate. 161 00:14:50,707 --> 00:14:53,377 We'll take you anywhere you wanna go, buddy. 162 00:14:53,502 --> 00:14:56,670 Now why don't you put that pin back into that hand grenade? 163 00:14:57,882 --> 00:15:00,124 Put it. 164 00:15:03,346 --> 00:15:05,256 Easy, Jim. 165 00:15:12,023 --> 00:15:14,063 I am prepared to die. 166 00:15:14,192 --> 00:15:18,404 I am Abdul Rafai. I am a commander in the New World Revolution. 167 00:15:18,530 --> 00:15:21,401 You will take orders from me, and from no one but me... 168 00:15:21,534 --> 00:15:23,657 ...or I will blow this airplane. 169 00:15:23,786 --> 00:15:26,574 - Do you hear me? - Loud and clear. 170 00:15:26,707 --> 00:15:28,331 Now, you fly to Beirut. 171 00:15:28,458 --> 00:15:30,996 - Where? - Beirut! Fly to Beirut! 172 00:15:31,712 --> 00:15:33,540 Beirut. 173 00:15:33,673 --> 00:15:34,953 Roger. 174 00:15:37,427 --> 00:15:40,381 - Take your hand away. - That's normal procedure. 175 00:15:40,763 --> 00:15:45,011 Damn it, it's a hijack! Call the American Embassy. 176 00:15:45,144 --> 00:15:48,228 - Dave, contact Athens departure control. - No! 177 00:15:48,773 --> 00:15:50,517 You will fly by map. 178 00:15:50,650 --> 00:15:52,857 I know flying. You will fly by map. 179 00:15:52,986 --> 00:15:55,394 I don't think we have enough fuel, Captain. 180 00:15:55,530 --> 00:16:00,027 Then you will fly until your fuel runs out, Captain. 181 00:16:00,161 --> 00:16:02,200 That is all. 182 00:16:06,168 --> 00:16:09,868 American Embassy? This is Athens airport tower. It' urgent. 183 00:16:10,005 --> 00:16:11,963 This is the American Embassy in Athens. 184 00:16:13,843 --> 00:16:17,758 Get me the State Department operations centre. This is an emergency. 185 00:16:17,889 --> 00:16:21,093 I'm reporting a hijack. It occurred five minutes ago... 186 00:16:21,227 --> 00:16:23,848 ... aboard American Travelways Flight 282... 187 00:16:23,979 --> 00:16:27,147 WASHINGTON D.C., FRIDAY, JULY 19TH - 2:10AM 188 00:16:27,275 --> 00:16:30,644 We have no more information at present as to the status... 189 00:16:30,779 --> 00:16:34,991 THE PENTAGON, FRIDAY, JULY 19TH - 2:15AM 190 00:16:35,117 --> 00:16:37,443 Yes, sir. I'll put the President on the line. 191 00:16:48,007 --> 00:16:51,423 Good evening. Or, rather, good morning. 192 00:16:51,553 --> 00:16:54,968 As you know, we have a major crisis in the Middle East. 193 00:16:55,098 --> 00:16:58,883 The President is sending the Delta Force into the area immediately. 194 00:16:59,854 --> 00:17:03,722 Now, what we have to do is work out an emergency rescue operation. 195 00:17:06,111 --> 00:17:08,150 Get me Nick Alexander at Bragg. 196 00:17:09,281 --> 00:17:15,865 FORT BRAGG, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY, JULY 19TH - 2:20AM 197 00:17:17,039 --> 00:17:19,531 Well, I got a good imagination. I, uh... 198 00:17:20,627 --> 00:17:22,667 I was just tryin? to be nice. 199 00:17:22,796 --> 00:17:25,881 Anyone ever accuse you of being a gentleman, Nick? 200 00:17:26,009 --> 00:17:28,048 Not lately. 201 00:17:28,928 --> 00:17:31,598 Grab me the phone, would you, sweetheart? 202 00:17:38,606 --> 00:17:40,101 Alexander here. 203 00:17:40,233 --> 00:17:42,903 Put Delta Force on a Phase Three alert. 204 00:17:43,028 --> 00:17:45,067 ATW Flight 282 was just hijacked. 205 00:17:45,197 --> 00:17:48,483 - Get Sabre Squadron to the Middle East. - Lebanon? 206 00:17:48,618 --> 00:17:50,160 We don't know for sure. 207 00:17:50,286 --> 00:17:53,157 - Check in while you're in the air. - Will do, General. 208 00:17:54,123 --> 00:17:56,164 Here you go, sweetheart. 209 00:18:00,547 --> 00:18:02,041 Ladies and gentlemen... 210 00:18:02,174 --> 00:18:04,214 ...this is your new captain speaking. 211 00:18:04,344 --> 00:18:05,719 My name is Abdul Rafai. 212 00:18:05,845 --> 00:18:09,214 I am a member of the New World Revolutionary Organisation. 213 00:18:09,349 --> 00:18:13,299 We have declared war on American imperialists, Zionists, terrorists... 214 00:18:13,437 --> 00:18:16,308 ...and all other antisocialist atrocities. 215 00:18:16,982 --> 00:18:19,653 Your plane is now headed for a new destination. 216 00:18:19,778 --> 00:18:23,229 For your safety, I suggest you listen carefully... 217 00:18:23,365 --> 00:18:25,323 ...and follow all instructions. 218 00:18:28,704 --> 00:18:30,199 - Harry. - What? 219 00:18:30,331 --> 00:18:32,159 My ring, it's Hebrew. 220 00:18:32,292 --> 00:18:34,332 Take it off. Put it in your purse. 221 00:18:35,462 --> 00:18:37,289 Take it off. 222 00:18:37,422 --> 00:18:40,839 Harry, there's a white mark on my hand. Think they'll notice? 223 00:18:47,101 --> 00:18:49,140 Will you marry me? 224 00:18:51,188 --> 00:18:53,858 Oh, Harry! What's gonna happen to us? 225 00:18:54,734 --> 00:18:56,359 One thing is certain. 226 00:18:56,486 --> 00:19:00,318 We'll always remember our silver wedding anniversary. 227 00:19:00,448 --> 00:19:02,857 Let's do something. 228 00:19:02,994 --> 00:19:05,745 - It's only two of 'em. We can take 'em. - Shh! 229 00:19:05,872 --> 00:19:08,991 It's not a good idea. These guys are dangerous. 230 00:19:09,125 --> 00:19:14,286 If they're gonna blow this plane up, that's a lot of people. We gotta play their game. 231 00:19:14,423 --> 00:19:15,668 All right! 232 00:19:15,799 --> 00:19:17,793 You can all sit up now! 233 00:19:17,927 --> 00:19:19,552 But nobody talks! 234 00:19:19,679 --> 00:19:21,719 Nobody move! 235 00:19:25,561 --> 00:19:26,936 Excuse me, sir. 236 00:19:27,062 --> 00:19:29,600 - This young lady is preg... - Shut up! 237 00:19:29,732 --> 00:19:31,560 Please, I'm not feeling well. 238 00:19:35,488 --> 00:19:38,822 FAYETTEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 239 00:19:38,951 --> 00:19:43,494 McCOY'S RANCH, FRIDAY, JULY 19TH, 2:42AM 240 00:19:43,623 --> 00:19:44,998 ... has just been hijacked. 241 00:19:45,124 --> 00:19:48,624 Over 100 Americans are believed to be on board the ATWairliner. 242 00:19:48,754 --> 00:19:51,671 We'll bring you further developments as they occur. 243 00:19:51,798 --> 00:19:54,800 None of the known terrorist groups in that region... 244 00:19:54,928 --> 00:19:58,628 ... are willing to take responsibility for this current action. 245 00:20:01,393 --> 00:20:03,433 Now! 246 00:20:04,230 --> 00:20:06,602 All men sit by the windows! 247 00:20:07,691 --> 00:20:11,393 All women sit near the aisles! Do it now - and quickly! 248 00:20:12,489 --> 00:20:13,983 Just do it! 249 00:20:17,078 --> 00:20:19,533 Fast! Fast! And quiet! 250 00:20:22,833 --> 00:20:26,286 You shut up! Nobody talk. 251 00:20:29,591 --> 00:20:34,135 The hijacked plane is still in the air heading for an unknown destination... 252 00:20:34,264 --> 00:20:36,755 ... presumably somewhere in the Middle East. 253 00:20:36,891 --> 00:20:41,353 There is still no word on the condition of the Americans and the other hostages. 254 00:20:41,480 --> 00:20:45,394 We'll keep you updated as further information becomes available. 255 00:20:47,320 --> 00:20:49,609 Everyone get up and go into the back! 256 00:20:49,739 --> 00:20:51,317 Hurry up! 257 00:20:51,449 --> 00:20:53,027 Hurry up! 258 00:20:53,159 --> 00:20:56,031 We're coming, we're coming. It's OK. 259 00:20:56,163 --> 00:20:58,203 Move! Move! 260 00:20:59,333 --> 00:21:01,790 - Excuse me. I left my purse. - Leave it! Go! 261 00:21:02,629 --> 00:21:04,503 Come on back. Keep movin' 262 00:21:04,631 --> 00:21:07,087 Move! Come on, move, move, move! 263 00:21:07,217 --> 00:21:10,338 - Come on, move. Keep movin' - Sit down! Sit down! 264 00:21:10,471 --> 00:21:12,429 - I can't sit on the floor! - Sit! 265 00:21:12,557 --> 00:21:15,427 - My back! My back. - Sit! Sit up there! Sit there! 266 00:21:15,560 --> 00:21:17,185 Sit! 267 00:21:17,313 --> 00:21:20,563 - I'll sit on his lap. - Thank you very much. Thank you. 268 00:21:20,691 --> 00:21:22,731 - Sit down! - Watch that gun, sir. 269 00:21:23,403 --> 00:21:25,941 What'd you hit him for, man?! 270 00:21:28,658 --> 00:21:30,117 Keep quiet. 271 00:21:30,243 --> 00:21:31,407 Silence! 272 00:21:31,537 --> 00:21:35,784 - There's no space to breathe here! - Shut up! Everyone, shut up! 273 00:21:35,917 --> 00:21:37,115 Sit down! 274 00:21:37,251 --> 00:21:39,624 Ellen! Come back here! 275 00:21:39,755 --> 00:21:42,625 - What are you doing here? Go back. - My doll! 276 00:21:48,848 --> 00:21:51,055 It's a nice doll. What is your name? 277 00:21:51,184 --> 00:21:52,845 Ellen. 278 00:21:52,978 --> 00:21:55,054 Ellen. It's a very nice name. 279 00:21:56,815 --> 00:21:59,651 - How old are you, Ellen? - Six. 280 00:21:59,777 --> 00:22:01,817 You know, Ellen... 281 00:22:01,947 --> 00:22:04,235 ...I had a daughter exactly your age. 282 00:22:04,366 --> 00:22:06,074 Her name was Salima. 283 00:22:07,035 --> 00:22:09,029 You understand, Ellen? 284 00:22:10,122 --> 00:22:12,162 Good. Good. Take it. 285 00:22:12,291 --> 00:22:13,951 Thank you. 286 00:22:14,085 --> 00:22:16,209 Go, go, go, go. Go! 287 00:22:16,797 --> 00:22:18,457 Come on. 288 00:22:22,135 --> 00:22:29,219 POPE AIRFORCE BASE, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY, JULY 19th - 3:00 AM 289 00:22:35,317 --> 00:22:38,105 Hey, Ace. You think the Captain's gonna show up? 290 00:22:38,238 --> 00:22:41,108 - I'll be damned if he doesn't. - Wasn't he called? 291 00:22:41,241 --> 00:22:44,610 Who'd call him? He's retired to that old horse farm of his. 292 00:22:44,744 --> 00:22:48,280 Though I must admit I wouldn't mind havin? Captain McCoy along. 293 00:22:48,416 --> 00:22:51,619 - I took the liberty of giving him a call, sir. - You what?! 294 00:22:51,752 --> 00:22:53,248 He wasn't at home. 295 00:22:53,380 --> 00:22:55,705 He just might be on his way here, Colonel. 296 00:22:55,841 --> 00:22:57,880 Nah... None of that. 297 00:22:58,010 --> 00:23:00,050 That looks good. 298 00:23:00,179 --> 00:23:02,587 Oh, yeah. 299 00:23:02,724 --> 00:23:04,218 Pull down the shades! 300 00:23:04,350 --> 00:23:07,518 Pull down the shades. Pull the shades down! All of you! 301 00:23:07,646 --> 00:23:09,271 Shades down! 302 00:23:10,482 --> 00:23:12,107 Pull them down! 303 00:23:14,738 --> 00:23:17,904 All right! Pull them down, all these window shades! 304 00:23:18,033 --> 00:23:20,358 Pull the shades down. Pull the shades. 305 00:23:40,391 --> 00:23:41,305 Pull these down! 306 00:23:41,434 --> 00:23:42,845 Abdul, come here. 307 00:23:43,436 --> 00:23:44,301 What is it? 308 00:23:44,438 --> 00:23:45,434 Come quick. 309 00:23:45,606 --> 00:23:46,602 What? 310 00:23:48,150 --> 00:23:49,146 Look. 311 00:23:52,739 --> 00:23:54,399 This is Hebrew. 312 00:23:54,616 --> 00:23:56,490 There are Israelis here. 313 00:23:58,078 --> 00:24:00,071 Come here! 314 00:24:00,539 --> 00:24:01,738 Come here! 315 00:24:07,256 --> 00:24:09,925 There are Israelis aboard this airplane. 316 00:24:10,050 --> 00:24:12,292 I want you to identify them for me. 317 00:24:12,427 --> 00:24:15,429 We don't know who the Israelis are. How could we? 318 00:24:15,556 --> 00:24:18,760 They came off the El Al flight! And I will find them. 319 00:24:22,356 --> 00:24:24,016 Collect all passports. 320 00:24:24,483 --> 00:24:26,440 - Why? - Do it! 321 00:24:27,194 --> 00:24:28,819 OK. 322 00:24:34,035 --> 00:24:38,579 Ladies and gentlemen, attention. They want all of you to turn in your passports. 323 00:24:38,708 --> 00:24:40,747 So, please, get out your passports... 324 00:24:40,876 --> 00:24:43,035 ...and hold them over your head. 325 00:24:43,170 --> 00:24:45,627 - Why? - I don't know why. 326 00:24:47,634 --> 00:24:49,176 Thank you. 327 00:24:52,807 --> 00:24:54,634 Come on! 328 00:24:57,312 --> 00:24:59,638 Mustafa, watch her. 329 00:25:19,587 --> 00:25:22,542 Just be quiet and do what they tell you to do. 330 00:25:22,674 --> 00:25:25,165 No! Just women! You go back! Go back! 331 00:25:25,302 --> 00:25:28,719 Miss, did they tell you why they want our passports? 332 00:25:28,848 --> 00:25:30,259 Will we get 'em back? 333 00:25:58,465 --> 00:26:01,751 Put them here! All of them! I want all of them! 334 00:26:01,885 --> 00:26:04,969 No cheating. I know there are 144 passengers. 335 00:26:05,097 --> 00:26:07,055 Ingrid is getting the rest. 336 00:26:07,183 --> 00:26:10,682 Excuse me, miss. We don't have passports. We're in the Navy. 337 00:26:10,812 --> 00:26:13,100 - We have these Navy IDs. - Hide them away. 338 00:26:13,232 --> 00:26:15,438 Hide it, man. Put it away. 339 00:26:15,567 --> 00:26:19,233 Hey, you. Why didn't you collect these men's passports? 340 00:26:19,363 --> 00:26:22,448 - They don't have passports. - You are lying. 341 00:26:22,575 --> 00:26:25,742 No, wait a second. We have these. We have these. 342 00:26:25,870 --> 00:26:27,910 It's a Navy ID. 343 00:26:29,166 --> 00:26:32,666 - Marines. - No. We're divers for the American Navy. 344 00:26:32,795 --> 00:26:35,631 - You? - All three of us. We're all Navy. 345 00:26:36,508 --> 00:26:41,668 Marines. American Marines killed many of my friends when they bombed Beirut! 346 00:26:41,805 --> 00:26:43,431 America never bombed Beirut. 347 00:26:43,558 --> 00:26:46,428 Planes from your ship New Jerseybombed our camps! 348 00:26:46,561 --> 00:26:49,396 - Relax. - Son, you're making a mistake. 349 00:26:49,522 --> 00:26:51,563 America never bombed Beirut. 350 00:26:51,692 --> 00:26:53,981 - Your American ship! - No! 351 00:26:54,778 --> 00:26:55,774 No! 352 00:26:59,826 --> 00:27:01,866 Stop! He's a priest! 353 00:27:03,788 --> 00:27:06,078 Enough, enough! 354 00:27:09,587 --> 00:27:13,372 These three are American Marines. Look. 355 00:27:15,135 --> 00:27:16,546 Oh, yes? 356 00:27:17,304 --> 00:27:19,546 Three American heroes. 357 00:27:19,681 --> 00:27:23,347 From now on, you travel only first class, gentlemen. 358 00:27:28,025 --> 00:27:30,694 - What's goin? on here? - Shut up. 359 00:27:30,819 --> 00:27:33,026 - Why do you want us... - Just shut up! 360 00:27:38,828 --> 00:27:40,655 Come here. 361 00:27:40,789 --> 00:27:42,747 Hold this. 362 00:28:03,106 --> 00:28:05,265 Please, please, just be quiet. 363 00:28:05,401 --> 00:28:06,859 OK? 364 00:28:06,986 --> 00:28:09,441 Everything will be all right. 365 00:28:13,994 --> 00:28:16,117 Listen. You don't have to do that. 366 00:28:16,246 --> 00:28:18,571 - We'll cooperate. - Shut up. Sit down. 367 00:28:19,374 --> 00:28:21,414 Sit... down! 368 00:28:21,544 --> 00:28:23,121 Now you listen to me. 369 00:28:23,254 --> 00:28:25,959 Look at these passports one by one. 370 00:28:26,090 --> 00:28:28,664 Pick out the passport with Jewish names. 371 00:28:29,761 --> 00:28:32,133 American passports do not state religion. 372 00:28:33,390 --> 00:28:35,549 Give me the Israelis. 373 00:28:35,685 --> 00:28:37,476 There are no Israelis on board. 374 00:28:38,187 --> 00:28:40,513 Then pick out the Jewish names. 375 00:28:40,648 --> 00:28:44,943 I told you, there is no way I can know who is a Jew. How can I? 376 00:28:45,070 --> 00:28:46,019 Do it! 377 00:28:46,155 --> 00:28:49,072 I can't! I won't do it! 378 00:28:49,199 --> 00:28:51,110 Yes, you will do it! 379 00:28:51,244 --> 00:28:52,489 No, not me! 380 00:28:52,621 --> 00:28:55,028 Don't you see? I'm German! 381 00:28:56,833 --> 00:28:59,870 - What does that mean? - The selections. 382 00:29:00,713 --> 00:29:02,421 The Nazis! 383 00:29:02,548 --> 00:29:04,340 The death camps! 384 00:29:04,468 --> 00:29:07,303 Don't you see I can't do what you want me to do? 385 00:29:13,102 --> 00:29:15,142 Very sorry, dear lady. 386 00:29:16,230 --> 00:29:19,482 But... you must do this for us. 387 00:29:27,077 --> 00:29:30,446 You claim you belong to a revolutionary organisation. 388 00:29:30,580 --> 00:29:35,373 That is correct. We are freedom fighters. We are fighting for our brothers. 389 00:29:35,503 --> 00:29:38,504 But then you don't want to be associated with Nazis... 390 00:29:38,631 --> 00:29:40,670 ...who killed six million Jews. 391 00:29:40,800 --> 00:29:42,840 Not enough, lady! Not enough. 392 00:29:42,970 --> 00:29:45,543 The Jews stole Palestine. They took our lands. 393 00:29:45,681 --> 00:29:48,088 Leave her! With no gun, you wouldn't be shit! 394 00:29:48,225 --> 00:29:51,891 - Shut up, you American imperialist pig! - Stop it, please! 395 00:29:52,021 --> 00:29:54,263 You are all pigs and killers! 396 00:29:54,440 --> 00:29:55,935 Don't kill him, please! 397 00:29:57,611 --> 00:30:00,019 Stop him! Don't let him kill him! 398 00:30:01,615 --> 00:30:04,368 You will do what Abdul said! 399 00:30:04,494 --> 00:30:07,412 He is your new captain, and you obey or you die. 400 00:30:07,539 --> 00:30:09,578 Do you hear me? You die! 401 00:30:09,708 --> 00:30:13,125 We will kill everyone on this bloody plane. 402 00:30:14,046 --> 00:30:16,964 No! I won't do it! 403 00:30:18,634 --> 00:30:20,094 Yes! 404 00:30:23,849 --> 00:30:27,978 What's going on, Colonel? Men and equipment are aboard. What's the delay? 405 00:30:28,104 --> 00:30:30,346 - I'll give him five more minutes. - Who? 406 00:30:30,481 --> 00:30:33,768 Oh, uh, nothing, sir. Just... Just a few more minutes. 407 00:30:36,947 --> 00:30:38,406 Colonel? 408 00:30:50,463 --> 00:30:52,669 Well, it's about time you showed up. 409 00:30:52,798 --> 00:30:55,087 I was afraid I was gonna have to use this. 410 00:30:55,217 --> 00:30:56,629 What is it? 411 00:30:56,762 --> 00:30:59,881 A presidential decree ordering you back to duty. 412 00:31:01,350 --> 00:31:03,592 And you can leave the keys in the van, too. 413 00:31:03,728 --> 00:31:05,767 I've got your gear on the plane. 414 00:31:05,897 --> 00:31:07,724 General, we're all set. 415 00:31:07,857 --> 00:31:10,942 - How was your engagement party? - A little cut short. 416 00:31:11,070 --> 00:31:13,643 - Bobby, good to see you. - Welcome back, boss. 417 00:31:13,781 --> 00:31:15,820 - Do you know who that guy is? - No! 418 00:31:16,825 --> 00:31:19,033 - Well, let's go do it. - Let's do it! 419 00:31:20,538 --> 00:31:23,492 - Great to see you. - Good to see you, Captain Jack. 420 00:31:25,962 --> 00:31:29,377 - Don't make me carry your ass this time. - No way, Captain. 421 00:31:29,507 --> 00:31:31,001 Uh... Major. 422 00:31:31,133 --> 00:31:33,174 Yes, sir, Major! 423 00:31:36,807 --> 00:31:39,677 - What the hell, huh? - Congratulations. 424 00:32:10,177 --> 00:32:11,721 Ladies and gentlemen... 425 00:32:11,847 --> 00:32:15,050 ... this is your new captain speaking. 426 00:32:15,183 --> 00:32:17,639 Miss Ingrid will read some names... 427 00:32:17,770 --> 00:32:21,020 - What are they doing? ...immediately to first-class cabin. 428 00:32:21,149 --> 00:32:23,604 I repeat: immediately. 429 00:32:33,455 --> 00:32:34,997 Kaplan, Benjamin. 430 00:32:35,123 --> 00:32:37,579 Mr Benjamin Kaplan. 431 00:32:38,251 --> 00:32:41,123 This... can't be happening. Not... not again. 432 00:32:41,255 --> 00:32:42,880 Not again. 433 00:32:43,758 --> 00:32:46,249 What are you doing? Where are you going? 434 00:32:46,385 --> 00:32:49,056 - Don't go. - We... We survived once. 435 00:32:50,140 --> 00:32:52,631 We can do it again. 436 00:32:57,440 --> 00:32:59,480 I'm coming. 437 00:33:03,697 --> 00:33:05,986 Where are you going? Go back to your seat. 438 00:33:06,116 --> 00:33:07,908 He is my husband! 439 00:33:08,035 --> 00:33:10,075 - Sit down! - No. 440 00:33:10,205 --> 00:33:13,122 No. I won't listen. No, I won't! 441 00:33:13,249 --> 00:33:15,657 Go on! Why don't you all do something?! 442 00:33:15,794 --> 00:33:19,413 There's only two of them! There's so many of you! Why don't you... 443 00:33:19,548 --> 00:33:21,921 I don't care! 444 00:33:22,051 --> 00:33:23,759 She's just upset. 445 00:33:23,886 --> 00:33:28,596 No! It's the war! It's the war all over again! The concentration camps! 446 00:33:28,725 --> 00:33:31,014 Why don't you do something? Something! 447 00:33:31,144 --> 00:33:33,268 - There's only two of them! - Sit down! 448 00:33:33,398 --> 00:33:34,940 And there's so many of us! 449 00:33:35,066 --> 00:33:37,522 - Well, do something! - Please... 450 00:33:43,951 --> 00:33:45,990 You! Sit down! 451 00:33:46,120 --> 00:33:47,947 Sit! 452 00:33:59,260 --> 00:34:00,884 I'm Benjamin Kaplan. 453 00:34:03,307 --> 00:34:05,346 What can I do for you? 454 00:34:06,351 --> 00:34:07,976 Sit down. 455 00:34:08,603 --> 00:34:09,803 Next one! 456 00:34:14,569 --> 00:34:16,146 Harry Goldman. 457 00:34:16,905 --> 00:34:19,527 Mr Harry Goldman, come to first class, please. 458 00:34:19,658 --> 00:34:21,283 Please... don't take him! 459 00:34:21,410 --> 00:34:23,782 He's a sick man! He has a heart condition! 460 00:34:23,912 --> 00:34:25,740 Sylvia! Sylvia, be strong. 461 00:34:25,874 --> 00:34:27,950 Listen to me. Be strong. I'm OK. 462 00:34:28,084 --> 00:34:32,000 - Please don't go! Please! - I can go. I can go. It's OK. It's OK. 463 00:34:32,131 --> 00:34:34,254 - It's OK. - Move, move. 464 00:34:34,383 --> 00:34:36,423 Oh, please don't... 465 00:34:43,268 --> 00:34:44,893 Go! 466 00:34:50,151 --> 00:34:52,191 - Harry Goldman. - Sit. 467 00:34:53,989 --> 00:34:56,611 - Next! - Robert Levine. 468 00:34:57,493 --> 00:35:00,862 Mr Robert Levine, please come to first class, please. 469 00:35:03,750 --> 00:35:05,789 OK, OK. Move, move. Move, move. 470 00:35:06,961 --> 00:35:09,251 Please don't take my daddy! 471 00:35:11,384 --> 00:35:13,839 Daddy, take me with you! 472 00:35:13,969 --> 00:35:16,259 I have to go, sweetheart. 473 00:35:16,390 --> 00:35:18,513 But I'm not leaving the plane. 474 00:35:18,642 --> 00:35:20,848 He can't, sweetie. Daddy can't... 475 00:35:20,977 --> 00:35:23,017 I'll be back. 476 00:35:23,898 --> 00:35:25,392 Daddy, here! Take! 477 00:35:38,832 --> 00:35:40,112 OK, move, move, move! 478 00:35:40,250 --> 00:35:41,530 Move! Move! Move! 479 00:35:42,794 --> 00:35:45,961 Go, go, go! Move! Move! Move! 480 00:35:46,549 --> 00:35:49,170 You just keep your hands off my daughter. 481 00:35:49,301 --> 00:35:50,926 Go! 482 00:35:55,434 --> 00:35:57,841 On the floor. 483 00:36:06,738 --> 00:36:08,148 David Rosovsky. 484 00:36:09,700 --> 00:36:12,369 Mr Rosovsky, come to first class, please. 485 00:36:16,833 --> 00:36:18,458 They're making a mistake. 486 00:36:19,169 --> 00:36:21,873 They're making a mistake. I... um... I'm... 487 00:36:22,005 --> 00:36:24,793 Mr Rosovsky, you move or I shoot you right here. 488 00:36:24,925 --> 00:36:26,669 But I am not Jewish! I'm American! 489 00:36:26,802 --> 00:36:29,174 I came from Russia but now I live in America! 490 00:36:29,305 --> 00:36:31,382 I am Christian Orthodox! Ask them! 491 00:36:31,516 --> 00:36:34,850 Sister, tell him I am not a Jew! 492 00:36:34,978 --> 00:36:38,015 Father, don't you know me from Chicago? 493 00:36:38,149 --> 00:36:40,225 - Move! - Wait! 494 00:36:40,360 --> 00:36:44,227 - This is man is telling the truth! - Sit down! We know what we are doing! 495 00:36:44,364 --> 00:36:46,404 Sir, you are making a big mistake... 496 00:36:47,534 --> 00:36:49,112 Sit down. 497 00:36:49,244 --> 00:36:51,284 On the floor! 498 00:36:56,378 --> 00:36:59,877 - He is telling the truth! - We know what we are doing! 499 00:37:00,006 --> 00:37:03,008 - Father! Where are you going? - You! Come back! 500 00:37:04,595 --> 00:37:06,552 - I said come back! - No! 501 00:37:06,681 --> 00:37:08,721 Sit... down! 502 00:37:18,111 --> 00:37:20,399 - What are you doing here? - You called me. 503 00:37:20,530 --> 00:37:22,986 - What is your name? - William O'Malley. 504 00:37:23,117 --> 00:37:26,201 - I did not call you. - You called for all the Jews. 505 00:37:26,328 --> 00:37:29,282 I'm Jewish, just like Jesus Christ. 506 00:37:30,458 --> 00:37:33,578 If you take one of us, you gotta take us all. 507 00:37:38,134 --> 00:37:39,332 Sit down, then. 508 00:37:51,565 --> 00:37:53,393 - You! - Me? 509 00:37:53,526 --> 00:37:55,684 Yeah. The pregnant lady. Come on! 510 00:37:57,030 --> 00:37:58,440 Excuse me. 511 00:37:58,573 --> 00:38:00,862 Go, go, go. Move. Move. 512 00:38:00,993 --> 00:38:03,069 Come, come, come. 513 00:38:03,912 --> 00:38:06,582 I need some pillows. Give me some pillows. 514 00:38:06,707 --> 00:38:08,747 Come, come. 515 00:38:10,211 --> 00:38:12,251 Yeah... Sit down. Sit. 516 00:38:12,380 --> 00:38:14,420 OK, that's enough. Sit, sit. 517 00:38:14,549 --> 00:38:16,590 That's enough. Sit down. 518 00:38:16,719 --> 00:38:19,589 - You feel good? - Fine. Thank you for remembering. 519 00:38:19,722 --> 00:38:21,549 - OK everything? - Thank you. 520 00:38:21,682 --> 00:38:23,059 Good, good. 521 00:38:37,451 --> 00:38:39,490 - Sleep well. - Thanks. 522 00:38:53,552 --> 00:38:57,680 Beirut approach control, American Travelways Flight 282... 523 00:38:57,807 --> 00:38:59,599 ...under command of Captain... 524 00:38:59,726 --> 00:39:01,766 ...Abdul Rafai... 525 00:39:01,895 --> 00:39:03,935 ...of the New... 526 00:39:04,064 --> 00:39:06,103 World Revolution. 527 00:39:06,233 --> 00:39:08,107 ...World Revolution... 528 00:39:08,236 --> 00:39:10,478 ... requesting landing instructions. 529 00:39:10,613 --> 00:39:15,241 American Travel Way, I am unable to give you landing instruction. 530 00:39:15,369 --> 00:39:18,904 This airport is closed today to all international flights... 531 00:39:19,039 --> 00:39:21,198 ...by order of the Lebanese government. 532 00:39:21,960 --> 00:39:24,795 You heard the man. Now what do you want to do? 533 00:39:25,338 --> 00:39:27,545 Land. 534 00:39:28,758 --> 00:39:29,755 Damn! 535 00:39:41,773 --> 00:39:45,938 Beirut, you must clear that runway at once or we'll all die! 536 00:39:46,070 --> 00:39:48,905 You are facing disaster if you try to land! 537 00:40:01,087 --> 00:40:03,163 - Where is the plane? - There. 538 00:40:03,465 --> 00:40:06,003 Do you have the captain? Give it to me. 539 00:40:07,803 --> 00:40:09,712 Captain? Captain... 540 00:40:09,847 --> 00:40:12,255 ... this is the Minister of Defence speaking. 541 00:40:12,391 --> 00:40:15,512 You cannot land in our country. We have enough trouble. 542 00:40:15,645 --> 00:40:19,774 We have 144 men, women and children aboard this aircraft! 543 00:40:19,900 --> 00:40:25,357 The hijacker has threatened to blow us up. If he does, it'll be your responsibility. 544 00:40:25,490 --> 00:40:27,731 Do you understand that, Mr Minister? 545 00:40:27,867 --> 00:40:30,157 Do we now have your permission to land? 546 00:40:30,287 --> 00:40:32,743 My answer is definitely not! 547 00:41:00,947 --> 00:41:03,070 Yeeeagh! 548 00:41:08,956 --> 00:41:11,245 Mr Minister... Mr Minister... 549 00:41:11,458 --> 00:41:12,407 ...listen. 550 00:41:12,543 --> 00:41:13,824 What is it? 551 00:41:19,718 --> 00:41:21,592 Captain! What's this shouting? 552 00:41:21,721 --> 00:41:23,797 What' going on there?! 553 00:41:23,931 --> 00:41:26,387 They're torturing a young boy. 554 00:41:26,517 --> 00:41:28,890 A Navy hostage. 555 00:41:29,020 --> 00:41:31,060 They're killing him. 556 00:41:31,189 --> 00:41:36,777 Mr Minister, we're coming in for a landing whether we have your permission or not. 557 00:41:36,904 --> 00:41:38,315 Reducing power. 558 00:41:42,493 --> 00:41:43,609 Let them land. 559 00:41:44,455 --> 00:41:47,906 Captain! Captain, it's OK. You have permission to land. 560 00:41:48,042 --> 00:41:51,328 But just give me a minute. I want to clear the runway. 561 00:42:16,115 --> 00:42:20,743 OVER THE ATLANTIC OCEAN FRIDAY, JULY 19TH - 5:45AM 562 00:42:22,414 --> 00:42:25,285 Gentlemen, we'll go in in three sections. 563 00:42:25,417 --> 00:42:27,374 McCoy, you'll lead the first section. 564 00:42:27,503 --> 00:42:31,833 I want you to hit the emergency exits on the port wing... here and here... 565 00:42:31,966 --> 00:42:34,457 ...clearing the first-class cabin... 566 00:42:34,594 --> 00:42:36,089 ...and the cockpit. 567 00:42:36,222 --> 00:42:38,547 Pete, you'll have the second section. 568 00:42:38,682 --> 00:42:43,559 Hit the emergency exits on the starboard wing, here, clearing the main cabin. 569 00:42:43,688 --> 00:42:46,892 Bobby, you'll have section three for backup and emergencies. 570 00:42:47,025 --> 00:42:48,519 It should be a piece of cake. 571 00:42:48,652 --> 00:42:51,986 - There are only two terrorists on board. - How do we know that? 572 00:42:53,324 --> 00:42:54,902 A calculated guess. 573 00:42:55,034 --> 00:42:57,740 All right, gentlemen. Any questions? 574 00:42:57,871 --> 00:43:01,075 LEBANON, BEIRUT AIRPORT FRIDAY, JULY 19TH - NOON 575 00:43:05,338 --> 00:43:07,378 Please help yourself. 576 00:43:15,975 --> 00:43:18,726 Tell America in five minutes... 577 00:43:19,311 --> 00:43:22,812 ...we will kill one after the other. 578 00:43:23,024 --> 00:43:24,567 They'll kill one every five minutes. 579 00:43:24,860 --> 00:43:26,402 This will be a disaster. 580 00:43:26,611 --> 00:43:28,439 Jamil. Thank God you came. 581 00:43:28,656 --> 00:43:30,115 They're going to kill one every five minutes. 582 00:43:30,324 --> 00:43:32,234 - Let me try. - Try. 583 00:43:32,577 --> 00:43:33,656 - Hi, brother. 584 00:43:33,870 --> 00:43:35,744 - Jamil. - Congratulations. 585 00:43:36,415 --> 00:43:38,704 Now we need the sympathy of the world. 586 00:43:38,917 --> 00:43:42,037 Now we need the American public opinion. 587 00:43:42,255 --> 00:43:44,129 Now is the time to be united. 588 00:43:44,340 --> 00:43:46,167 Release women and children... 589 00:43:46,384 --> 00:43:48,176 ...then the Americans will talk. 590 00:43:48,303 --> 00:43:48,884 No. 591 00:43:49,012 --> 00:43:50,127 Listen to me, brother. 592 00:43:50,347 --> 00:43:52,423 I am your commander. 593 00:43:52,641 --> 00:43:53,970 Not any more. 594 00:43:55,186 --> 00:43:58,353 Abdul, we're all fighting for the same cause. 595 00:43:58,690 --> 00:44:00,434 No. Give us fuel. 596 00:44:04,530 --> 00:44:05,360 No way? 597 00:44:05,490 --> 00:44:07,613 Their way is suicide. 598 00:44:08,868 --> 00:44:11,110 Get them fuel and get rid of them. 599 00:44:12,956 --> 00:44:16,740 All right, Abdul... finish your mission your way. 600 00:44:17,169 --> 00:44:18,628 God be with you. 601 00:44:31,811 --> 00:44:33,969 Momma, it's so hot! 602 00:44:34,105 --> 00:44:36,312 I know, sweetie. Everybody's hot. 603 00:44:36,441 --> 00:44:38,813 What are they doing there with Daddy? 604 00:44:39,945 --> 00:44:41,985 Asking him some questions. 605 00:44:42,115 --> 00:44:44,154 What kind of questions? 606 00:44:44,283 --> 00:44:46,241 Maybe... 607 00:44:46,369 --> 00:44:48,160 ...about being Jewish. 608 00:44:48,955 --> 00:44:51,281 They don't like Jews, huh, Momma? 609 00:44:51,417 --> 00:44:53,789 No, sweetie, they don't like Jews. 610 00:44:53,919 --> 00:44:56,125 Open the door. Open the door! Open! 611 00:44:58,466 --> 00:45:00,874 - Hassan. - Mustafa, welcome. 612 00:45:01,010 --> 00:45:02,837 You - move! Move! Sit down! 613 00:45:02,971 --> 00:45:04,466 Come on! 614 00:45:18,613 --> 00:45:20,572 Congratulations, my brother. 615 00:45:21,033 --> 00:45:22,741 Happy to see you. 616 00:45:23,953 --> 00:45:25,412 Take them off. 617 00:45:49,399 --> 00:45:53,148 - Father, God be with you. - Take care of yourself, sister. And them. 618 00:45:56,324 --> 00:45:57,783 You stay. 619 00:45:59,869 --> 00:46:01,778 Ben! 620 00:46:01,913 --> 00:46:04,831 - Don't take him, please! - Daddy! 621 00:46:04,958 --> 00:46:07,628 Mommy! They're taking Daddy! 622 00:46:09,379 --> 00:46:11,669 No! No! 623 00:46:14,969 --> 00:46:16,547 Move, move! 624 00:46:21,727 --> 00:46:23,352 All right. Time to leave. 625 00:46:23,479 --> 00:46:25,057 We take off. 626 00:46:25,272 --> 00:46:28,559 - Where to? - I'll let you know when we reach the sky. 627 00:46:34,659 --> 00:46:38,194 BEIRUT, CENTRE OF TOWN - TERRORIST HEADQUARTERS 628 00:46:38,329 --> 00:46:41,664 FRIDAY, JULY 19TH - 2:00PM 629 00:47:44,905 --> 00:47:46,565 Put them in the cells. 630 00:47:46,823 --> 00:47:48,449 Move! Quickly! 631 00:48:44,055 --> 00:48:49,596 Israeli Intelligence says they've left Beirut. We believe they're on their way to Algiers. 632 00:48:49,728 --> 00:48:53,097 If so, they'll land at Boumédienne Airport in four hours. 633 00:48:56,570 --> 00:48:59,654 Nick, I've just had confirmation from the President. 634 00:48:59,781 --> 00:49:03,697 The Algerian government is ready to cooperate. You can go to Algiers. 635 00:49:05,705 --> 00:49:07,744 All right, guys! Listen up! 636 00:49:08,833 --> 00:49:12,167 We're landing in Algiers! Prepare your gear! 637 00:49:18,636 --> 00:49:22,136 Algiers, this is Delta One requesting permission to land. 638 00:49:22,265 --> 00:49:26,180 This is Boumédienne International Airport. Permission granted. 639 00:49:51,924 --> 00:49:56,088 American Travelways Flight 282, this is Boumédienne Airport. 640 00:49:56,221 --> 00:49:58,047 You are cleared to land. 641 00:50:13,907 --> 00:50:16,113 So you men stay with the equipment. 642 00:50:18,704 --> 00:50:21,409 We are gonna go for it this time, right, Colonel? 643 00:50:21,541 --> 00:50:23,165 Damn right. 644 00:50:29,466 --> 00:50:33,085 This is Delta One. I receive you. Delta One. I receive you. 645 00:50:33,221 --> 00:50:35,260 Yes, sir. Just a minute, sir. 646 00:50:35,390 --> 00:50:38,676 Colonel! General Woodbridge, sir. 647 00:50:41,564 --> 00:50:44,481 General, we've got damn near perfect conditions. 648 00:50:44,608 --> 00:50:47,813 It's just the situation we've been waiting for. 649 00:50:47,946 --> 00:50:50,982 If we wait any longer, we can end up with another fiasco. 650 00:50:51,700 --> 00:50:55,829 I'm sorry, Nick. The President doesn't want to risk any lives. 651 00:50:55,955 --> 00:50:59,787 If he can release our people by negotiations, that' what he wants. 652 00:50:59,917 --> 00:51:02,919 So until the negotiations break down... 653 00:51:04,214 --> 00:51:06,254 ...your people are on hold. 654 00:51:11,514 --> 00:51:13,056 How long do we have to wait? 655 00:51:13,183 --> 00:51:16,350 Woodbridge is waiting for the go-ahead from the President. 656 00:51:16,479 --> 00:51:20,808 I'm waiting for the go-ahead from him and you're waiting for the go-ahead from me. 657 00:51:20,941 --> 00:51:23,183 Meantime I'm going over to the terminal. 658 00:51:23,320 --> 00:51:27,567 I wanna debrief any hostages that are released - if and when any are released. 659 00:51:27,699 --> 00:51:30,107 So you get out there, and get set. 660 00:51:30,243 --> 00:51:32,700 - But wait for my signal. - Got it. 661 00:51:40,422 --> 00:51:42,249 OK, get rid of the box. 662 00:51:54,438 --> 00:51:55,719 Move out! 663 00:52:09,539 --> 00:52:12,824 Captain Rafai, the flight from Athens has just landed. 664 00:52:12,959 --> 00:52:15,533 Your comrade will be with you any moment. 665 00:52:15,671 --> 00:52:19,918 We expect you to release the women and children without any more delays. 666 00:52:20,050 --> 00:52:23,550 We shall keep our word as promised, Mr Ambassador. 667 00:52:23,680 --> 00:52:27,808 - Colonel, I'm gonna go to the plane. - I'll wait here, Mr Ambassador. 668 00:52:27,934 --> 00:52:31,636 You send back any hostage from that plane that speaks English. 669 00:52:34,275 --> 00:52:38,605 McCoy! Nobody moves until all the women and children are safe! 670 00:52:38,738 --> 00:52:41,739 All sections, acknowledge! One, two and three! 671 00:53:01,764 --> 00:53:03,804 Jaffer! 672 00:53:09,315 --> 00:53:11,853 I'm happy to see you again, brothers. 673 00:53:11,984 --> 00:53:14,190 You wait. You get women and children. 674 00:53:14,320 --> 00:53:15,270 How are you, Jaffer? 675 00:53:15,405 --> 00:53:17,149 So... so. How is the mission? 676 00:53:17,365 --> 00:53:18,776 Everything is great. 677 00:53:18,909 --> 00:53:20,533 Mustafa. 678 00:53:22,371 --> 00:53:24,163 Shall we release the women and children? 679 00:53:24,373 --> 00:53:25,832 Yes, go ahead. 680 00:53:26,792 --> 00:53:28,370 Please... 681 00:53:28,503 --> 00:53:30,330 ...let him go. 682 00:53:30,464 --> 00:53:32,456 He's almost dead. 683 00:53:32,758 --> 00:53:34,585 No. 684 00:53:34,718 --> 00:53:38,420 But you may go. I release you with the women. 685 00:53:41,935 --> 00:53:42,930 Go! 686 00:53:47,525 --> 00:53:48,687 Ingrid... 687 00:53:50,528 --> 00:53:52,605 You're a brave woman. 688 00:54:44,923 --> 00:54:46,548 Section one in position. 689 00:54:46,675 --> 00:54:48,335 Section two in position. 690 00:54:48,468 --> 00:54:50,342 Section three in position. 691 00:54:50,470 --> 00:54:53,223 We don't move until the women and children are safe. 692 00:54:53,349 --> 00:54:56,267 - Acknowledge, section two. - Section two acknowledge. 693 00:54:56,394 --> 00:54:59,598 - Section three? - Section three acknowledge. 694 00:54:59,690 --> 00:55:02,644 Ladies and children, Allah be praised. 695 00:55:03,444 --> 00:55:05,567 It is time to leave the airplane. 696 00:55:05,696 --> 00:55:07,606 Men will stay in their seats. 697 00:55:07,741 --> 00:55:09,365 We will ask you to have... 698 00:55:09,493 --> 00:55:12,162 ...your valuables, your money, your jewellery... 699 00:55:12,287 --> 00:55:18,243 ...out in your hands for us to collect as you come through the first-class cabin. 700 00:55:19,712 --> 00:55:21,254 Go on, sweetie. 701 00:55:21,381 --> 00:55:22,876 We'll see you later. 702 00:55:27,387 --> 00:55:30,508 Jay, you take care of your mom. You understand me? 703 00:55:34,771 --> 00:55:37,310 You ladies, go forward. Everyone forward! 704 00:55:37,441 --> 00:55:41,059 - Keep it with you. - Move forward, Christian ladies! 705 00:55:41,195 --> 00:55:44,896 Why are you behaving like bandits? Aren't you freedom fighters? 706 00:55:46,952 --> 00:55:49,075 Go. 707 00:55:52,542 --> 00:55:54,368 I take this... and this... 708 00:55:54,502 --> 00:55:56,329 I have some money. 709 00:56:00,133 --> 00:56:02,589 - This is yours? - Yes. 710 00:56:09,477 --> 00:56:11,221 Thank you. 711 00:56:12,355 --> 00:56:14,598 You have some money? OK, go, go. 712 00:56:14,733 --> 00:56:15,765 Here. 713 00:56:41,722 --> 00:56:43,431 Go, go. 714 00:56:49,606 --> 00:56:52,276 Thank God the women are safe. 715 00:57:24,229 --> 00:57:25,343 Yeah. 716 00:57:25,563 --> 00:57:28,055 The bus has left. We're ready to make our move. 717 00:57:28,192 --> 00:57:31,027 Sorry, McCoy. We're still on hold. 718 00:57:31,153 --> 00:57:33,988 Damn it, Nick. Let's not screw this one up. 719 00:57:38,662 --> 00:57:40,785 Everyone to the back! 720 00:57:40,914 --> 00:57:43,121 To the back! Everybody to the back! 721 00:57:46,629 --> 00:57:48,456 - Colonel Alexander? - Yeah. 722 00:57:48,589 --> 00:57:50,666 They want you on the phone. 723 00:57:54,680 --> 00:57:56,637 - Alexander here. - Nick... 724 00:57:56,765 --> 00:57:58,225 ...it's a go. 725 00:57:58,351 --> 00:58:00,178 Gotcha. 726 00:58:02,230 --> 00:58:04,269 McCoy... it's a go! 727 00:58:04,399 --> 00:58:06,476 Take 'em down! 728 00:58:07,528 --> 00:58:09,983 OK, section two and three, let's do it. 729 00:58:10,114 --> 00:58:12,153 Close communications. 730 00:58:12,283 --> 00:58:14,323 We go in... 60 seconds. 731 00:58:15,537 --> 00:58:17,576 Ready? Mark. 732 00:58:17,706 --> 00:58:19,034 Mark. 733 00:58:19,165 --> 00:58:20,744 We go in 60 seconds. 734 00:58:20,877 --> 00:58:22,620 60 seconds. Mark. 735 00:58:22,753 --> 00:58:24,663 Radios off the air. 736 00:58:38,980 --> 00:58:41,934 Colonel, this is Ingrid Harding, the plane's purser. 737 00:58:42,066 --> 00:58:44,737 Mr Ambassador, I'd like to talk to her alone. 738 00:58:44,862 --> 00:58:46,689 - Yes, sir. - Thank you. 739 00:58:49,283 --> 00:58:52,155 Miss Harding, this will only take a few minutes. 740 00:58:52,287 --> 00:58:55,454 - What's happening? - Commandos are gonna storm the plane. 741 00:58:55,582 --> 00:58:57,410 Oh, no. Don't. 742 00:58:57,543 --> 00:59:00,414 All the hostages in Beirut, they'll kill them all. 743 00:59:00,546 --> 00:59:04,081 - What hostages? - Navy guys and Jews who left the plane... 744 00:59:04,217 --> 00:59:07,717 ...when the other hijackers came on. - What other hijackers?! 745 00:59:07,846 --> 00:59:10,337 All those men who came on board. 10 or 12 of them. 746 00:59:10,474 --> 00:59:11,470 Oh, God! 747 00:59:11,600 --> 00:59:13,926 All sections! All sections! 748 00:59:14,062 --> 00:59:16,434 OK, 30 seconds. All right? 749 00:59:17,565 --> 00:59:20,236 All sections! Come on, somebody respond! 750 00:59:20,361 --> 00:59:22,816 Let's go! Turn the light on! Hit the siren! 751 00:59:34,919 --> 00:59:37,920 What the hell is that? 752 00:59:38,047 --> 00:59:40,087 Come on, get out of there, McCoy! 753 00:59:40,216 --> 00:59:41,711 McCoy! 754 00:59:43,011 --> 00:59:45,585 Turn the lights out! Turn the lights out! 755 00:59:45,722 --> 00:59:48,095 Get down! Get down! 756 00:59:48,225 --> 00:59:49,222 What the hell? 757 00:59:55,191 --> 00:59:57,315 Don't shoot back! We're clearing out! 758 00:59:57,444 --> 00:59:59,817 - Get out! - Don't shoot! Don't shoot! 759 00:59:59,947 --> 01:00:02,403 Get out! Get out of the tanker! 760 01:00:25,726 --> 01:00:26,925 Oh, shit. 761 01:00:29,522 --> 01:00:31,645 Take off - immediately! Take off! 762 01:00:31,774 --> 01:00:35,109 - All right, all right! - Take off! Take off! 763 01:00:49,795 --> 01:00:51,835 Come! Come! 764 01:00:56,094 --> 01:00:57,553 Americans! 765 01:00:57,679 --> 01:00:59,672 Look what you have done! 766 01:00:59,806 --> 01:01:01,514 Look here, Americans! 767 01:01:01,642 --> 01:01:03,849 - Look! - He's gonna kill him. 768 01:01:03,978 --> 01:01:06,683 Now your president will know we are serious! 769 01:01:06,814 --> 01:01:08,724 - Here is a token... - Don't shoot. 770 01:01:08,858 --> 01:01:10,483 ...for the American people! 771 01:01:10,610 --> 01:01:12,319 One Marine killer! 772 01:01:24,334 --> 01:01:27,371 - Oh, Jesus! - Son of a bitch. Let's go! 773 01:01:28,297 --> 01:01:30,967 Come on, move! 774 01:02:03,629 --> 01:02:07,959 Sorry I had to do it that way, boys. It was the only way I could stop you in time. 775 01:02:08,092 --> 01:02:11,427 - What happened, Colonel? - 12 terrorists got on board. 776 01:02:11,555 --> 01:02:16,347 They were in every part of that plane with machine guns. It woulda been a disaster. 777 01:02:16,476 --> 01:02:18,885 He's an American. He was in the Navy. 778 01:02:19,022 --> 01:02:22,391 - Where do we go from here? - After them, I hope. 779 01:02:33,705 --> 01:02:35,532 They're going back to Beirut. 780 01:02:35,665 --> 01:02:39,034 - You mean it' all over for us? - On the contrary, Colonel. 781 01:02:39,169 --> 01:02:41,209 The President wants you to fly to Israel. 782 01:02:41,339 --> 01:02:43,047 Israel? 783 01:02:43,174 --> 01:02:47,718 Israel is our best friend in the Middle East, and it' only 20 minutes from Beirut. 784 01:02:48,430 --> 01:02:51,135 You're gonna get everything you want to do it right. 785 01:02:51,266 --> 01:02:53,804 The President wants those people home. 786 01:02:53,936 --> 01:02:56,641 So do we, General. So do we. 787 01:03:20,216 --> 01:03:21,959 We are Americans! Stay down! 788 01:03:27,432 --> 01:03:29,390 - Clear! - Clear! 789 01:03:30,060 --> 01:03:33,726 Not bad, McCoy. Not bad. 20 seconds. Just like clockwork. 790 01:03:33,856 --> 01:03:36,145 - We can do it in 10. - All right, one more time. 791 01:03:37,151 --> 01:03:43,440 ISRAEL, AIRFORCE BASE SATURDAY, JULY 20TH - 5:50AM 792 01:03:47,539 --> 01:03:49,781 Hold it, McCoy. We've got visitors. 793 01:03:51,459 --> 01:03:53,748 - Colonel Alexander? - Yeah. 794 01:03:53,878 --> 01:03:57,046 Good morning. I'm Colonel Amir from Israeli Intelligence. 795 01:03:57,174 --> 01:03:58,966 Oh, yes. This is Major McCoy. 796 01:03:59,093 --> 01:04:01,216 - Good morning, Major. - Colonel. 797 01:04:01,345 --> 01:04:03,138 Can I talk to you? 798 01:04:03,265 --> 01:04:04,593 Certainly. 799 01:04:04,725 --> 01:04:07,476 Bobby, take over. I want it done in 10 seconds. 800 01:04:07,603 --> 01:04:09,145 We'll be right down. 801 01:04:09,271 --> 01:04:12,937 - So what's happening? - They took the hostages off the plane. 802 01:04:13,067 --> 01:04:14,692 - Where to? - I don't know. 803 01:04:14,819 --> 01:04:17,228 They could be spread all over Beirut by now. 804 01:04:17,364 --> 01:04:21,528 Colonel, I assume your Mossad still has people planted in Lebanon, right? 805 01:04:21,660 --> 01:04:23,700 Your assumption is correct. 806 01:04:23,829 --> 01:04:29,417 - I need to get in contact with one of them. - Do some reckoning before the rescue? 807 01:04:29,544 --> 01:04:33,044 - It'd be a great help to us, Colonel. - If I may suggest... 808 01:04:33,174 --> 01:04:37,385 - They've announced a press conference. - Ah, of course. 809 01:04:37,511 --> 01:04:41,925 Now that they got the world's attention, they wanna manipulate the press. Perfect. 810 01:04:42,059 --> 01:04:48,347 BEIRUT, MEDITERRANEAN BEACH SATURDAY, JULY 20TH - 8:00AM 811 01:05:14,178 --> 01:05:18,806 ? Oooh... ooh, ooh, ooh 812 01:05:29,988 --> 01:05:32,195 Move them in... quickly! 813 01:05:37,121 --> 01:05:39,577 Bring in the mattresses fast. 814 01:05:40,083 --> 01:05:42,076 Give them to the dogs. 815 01:05:53,640 --> 01:05:56,475 Mahmud! Go and double the guards. Quickly! 816 01:06:23,883 --> 01:06:25,507 Another funeral. 817 01:06:26,010 --> 01:06:27,504 Another Christian. 818 01:06:45,531 --> 01:06:47,572 I was in Beirut 20 years ago. 819 01:06:48,661 --> 01:06:50,700 You should have been here then. 820 01:06:51,914 --> 01:06:54,204 It was something. They had everything. 821 01:06:54,334 --> 01:06:58,166 Nightclubs, dancing, concerts... 822 01:06:58,296 --> 01:07:00,205 ...laughter. 823 01:07:00,340 --> 01:07:03,425 It was the Las Vegas of the Middle East. 824 01:07:05,388 --> 01:07:07,427 Beirut was beautiful then. 825 01:07:07,556 --> 01:07:09,846 Beautiful. 826 01:07:25,077 --> 01:07:26,619 I don't like it. 827 01:07:27,121 --> 01:07:28,698 What don't you like? 828 01:07:29,707 --> 01:07:30,953 This Christian place. 829 01:07:31,334 --> 01:07:33,706 The church? It's always been here. 830 01:07:34,170 --> 01:07:36,377 Do you want us to destroy it? 831 01:07:36,590 --> 01:07:37,752 What about the priest? 832 01:07:38,009 --> 01:07:39,207 The Greek? 833 01:07:39,760 --> 01:07:42,382 He was always here... like the building. 834 01:07:42,972 --> 01:07:45,808 He is a priest and a friend... we cannot hurt him. 835 01:07:46,018 --> 01:07:48,556 I don't trust this Christian. 836 01:07:56,154 --> 01:07:57,981 Hey, Marine heroes. 837 01:08:00,492 --> 01:08:01,690 Your friend. 838 01:08:04,788 --> 01:08:06,580 He made the news. 839 01:08:19,555 --> 01:08:21,595 They killed him. 840 01:08:21,724 --> 01:08:23,765 They killed Tom. 841 01:08:31,110 --> 01:08:34,479 BEIRUT AIRPORT MONDAY, JULY 22ND - 10:00AM 842 01:08:34,614 --> 01:08:37,616 How have they been treating you, Captain? 843 01:08:38,160 --> 01:08:42,074 Quite well. They're feeding us. They're letting us use the rest rooms. 844 01:08:42,206 --> 01:08:44,876 I suppose they're treating us quite well. 845 01:08:45,001 --> 01:08:49,213 Where are the others? The Jews? It's true about the selection? 846 01:08:49,923 --> 01:08:51,334 Go back! 847 01:09:04,106 --> 01:09:05,814 One more question! 848 01:09:08,611 --> 01:09:11,980 If you try to be clever with me, Captain, I will kill you. 849 01:09:12,115 --> 01:09:15,200 - That'd make you a real hero, wouldn't it? - Yes. 850 01:09:15,327 --> 01:09:17,071 Yes. 851 01:09:17,204 --> 01:09:20,905 Now you go back to the press, but you watch what you say, huh? 852 01:09:23,837 --> 01:09:26,375 Now, ask your questions, please... 853 01:09:26,506 --> 01:09:28,546 ...one at a time. 854 01:09:32,805 --> 01:09:35,213 Mister, your luggage, please... 855 01:09:37,644 --> 01:09:38,973 ...and the cameras too. 856 01:09:43,150 --> 01:09:44,609 Passport, please. 857 01:09:48,531 --> 01:09:51,152 - Canadian? - Yes, CBC-TV, Canada. 858 01:09:51,576 --> 01:09:54,494 All the world's television is here today. 859 01:09:56,790 --> 01:09:58,748 Belt. 860 01:10:00,045 --> 01:10:01,207 Excuse me. 861 01:10:05,925 --> 01:10:07,089 And that's it. 862 01:10:07,845 --> 01:10:09,008 It's OK, it's OK. 863 01:10:09,221 --> 01:10:10,929 Have a good time in Lebanon. 864 01:10:11,140 --> 01:10:12,303 Thank you. 865 01:10:13,434 --> 01:10:15,475 Where'd you get the stupid belt? 866 01:10:15,604 --> 01:10:17,643 You gave it to me for my birthday. 867 01:10:17,773 --> 01:10:19,812 I did? I hope you like it. 868 01:10:43,718 --> 01:10:45,427 So you're Canadian. 869 01:10:45,554 --> 01:10:48,840 You're blessed with a beautiful and peaceful country. 870 01:10:48,975 --> 01:10:51,014 I'd like to go there myself one day. 871 01:10:51,143 --> 01:10:54,181 Well, it's beautiful country here. It's a shame. 872 01:10:54,314 --> 01:10:58,442 - Do you know where we need to go? - Yes, my son. We're on our way. 873 01:10:58,568 --> 01:11:00,609 You'll need these. 874 01:11:23,681 --> 01:11:27,180 If you look down to your right, you'll see the main sewer pipe. 875 01:11:27,310 --> 01:11:29,766 It leads directly to the backyard of the school. 876 01:11:31,982 --> 01:11:34,437 That is where most of the hostages are. 877 01:11:51,004 --> 01:11:55,298 Their headquarters. The Jews are there. Do you want to come with me? 878 01:11:55,425 --> 01:11:57,465 No. Go and do what you have to do. 879 01:11:57,594 --> 01:12:01,758 Under the seat you'll find something you might need... just in case. 880 01:12:01,891 --> 01:12:03,930 Don't take too long. 881 01:12:21,121 --> 01:12:23,909 Boss, aren't we trusting this guy a bit too much? 882 01:12:24,041 --> 01:12:27,540 The Israelis say he's the best man they have in Lebanon. 883 01:12:27,670 --> 01:12:30,956 And we need someone to get the message back to Nick. 884 01:13:11,761 --> 01:13:12,758 Father. 885 01:13:18,144 --> 01:13:21,763 Yes, my son. God will forgive you. 886 01:13:23,650 --> 01:13:24,646 Come. 887 01:13:25,444 --> 01:13:27,021 Boss. Boss, look. 888 01:13:35,873 --> 01:13:37,497 We'd better get outta here. 889 01:13:37,625 --> 01:13:38,787 Wait. 890 01:13:41,462 --> 01:13:43,040 Stay there. 891 01:13:51,641 --> 01:13:53,799 Go! Go! Go! Go! 892 01:13:53,934 --> 01:13:54,930 Go! 893 01:13:55,061 --> 01:13:56,721 Jesus Christ, what do we do now? 894 01:13:58,357 --> 01:14:01,311 Aaghh! 895 01:14:02,194 --> 01:14:03,569 Get them... get them! 896 01:14:04,739 --> 01:14:05,854 Get the hell outta here! 897 01:14:18,629 --> 01:14:20,207 Shit! 898 01:16:50,385 --> 01:16:52,674 - You OK, Butch? - Yeah, I'm OK, boss. 899 01:16:52,804 --> 01:16:55,212 Shit, that was a close one, huh? 900 01:17:04,943 --> 01:17:06,734 It's already 4:15. 901 01:17:09,656 --> 01:17:13,441 We had him on the radio. He started to say something. Then we lost him. 902 01:17:13,578 --> 01:17:15,617 Well, I can't wait any longer. 903 01:17:16,456 --> 01:17:19,660 - This is Mr Samir, your guide in Beirut. - Oh, good. 904 01:17:19,793 --> 01:17:23,494 We gotta get moving. Otherwise we'll miss that rendezvous. 905 01:17:25,592 --> 01:17:31,345 ISRAEL, HAIFA NAVAL BASE MONDAY, JULY 22ND - 4:15PM 906 01:17:31,473 --> 01:17:35,388 Uh, Raffi... I just wanna thank you for all your help on this. 907 01:17:35,519 --> 01:17:38,686 - I wish I could join you. - Well, you boys have done it before. 908 01:17:38,814 --> 01:17:41,769 - Now it's our turn. - Good luck. 909 01:17:41,902 --> 01:17:44,357 All right, check your gear, boys. 910 01:17:44,488 --> 01:17:46,813 All the vehicles, weaponry, personal. 911 01:17:46,948 --> 01:17:48,360 Let's go. 912 01:17:53,206 --> 01:17:57,039 Aw, Jesus, boss. She's had it. We need another vehicle here. 913 01:18:04,135 --> 01:18:05,333 We've got one. 914 01:18:10,351 --> 01:18:12,723 Here are some blankets for the night. 915 01:18:12,853 --> 01:18:14,893 How about some beds? 916 01:18:15,898 --> 01:18:18,983 You don't need beds. You're gonna die tomorrow. 917 01:18:32,208 --> 01:18:34,249 Scott, that must be them. 918 01:18:35,004 --> 01:18:37,043 About a mile offshore, I'd say. 919 01:20:07,066 --> 01:20:08,893 - You OK? - Yeah. You? 920 01:20:09,026 --> 01:20:12,361 - Good to be on dry land. How we doin'? - We have three targets. 921 01:20:12,489 --> 01:20:15,775 A school in north Beirut beach. 60 hostages are there. 922 01:20:15,909 --> 01:20:19,279 - Do you know where that is? - By the Greek Orthodox cemetery? 923 01:20:19,414 --> 01:20:21,038 Yeah, right. 924 01:20:21,165 --> 01:20:25,627 The Jews are being held in a dungeon at their headquarters in the centre of town. 925 01:20:25,754 --> 01:20:28,424 And the ATW crew is still being held on the plane. 926 01:20:28,549 --> 01:20:31,966 - We'll have to get them last. - Right. And I drew a map here. 927 01:20:32,095 --> 01:20:36,045 All right, everybody! Get your badges on! We move out in two minutes! 928 01:21:21,192 --> 01:21:23,231 Let's go right, partner! 929 01:21:40,089 --> 01:21:41,749 Abdul, get up. 930 01:21:41,965 --> 01:21:42,831 What is it? 931 01:21:42,966 --> 01:21:44,425 - They are here. - Who? 932 01:21:44,635 --> 01:21:45,881 The Americans. 933 01:21:46,012 --> 01:21:47,969 Americans? 934 01:21:48,515 --> 01:21:51,599 Get up... all of you. Quickly! 935 01:21:52,602 --> 01:21:54,596 You are all coming with me. 936 01:21:54,772 --> 01:21:56,396 Abdul... 937 01:21:57,066 --> 01:21:58,975 Get the hostages out of here. 938 01:21:59,944 --> 01:22:00,941 OK. 939 01:22:02,030 --> 01:22:04,486 - God be with us. - God be praised. 940 01:22:04,783 --> 01:22:08,200 Come on, let's move out. Quickly! Move your ass! 941 01:22:08,413 --> 01:22:09,955 That's the place. 942 01:22:19,883 --> 01:22:21,923 Good luck. 943 01:22:38,405 --> 01:22:39,982 Is everything all right? 944 01:22:40,407 --> 01:22:41,071 All right. 945 01:22:41,199 --> 01:22:42,444 Did they eat? 946 01:22:42,659 --> 01:22:45,280 They ate and went to sleep. 947 01:23:12,109 --> 01:23:14,149 Why do you look at me like that? 948 01:23:19,117 --> 01:23:21,157 You hate me, huh? 949 01:23:23,414 --> 01:23:26,201 It's your government we fight, not you. 950 01:23:26,334 --> 01:23:28,576 It's your White House. 951 01:23:28,711 --> 01:23:31,203 One day I will go there. 952 01:23:31,340 --> 01:23:33,795 I will drive a truck... 953 01:23:33,926 --> 01:23:36,677 ...and truck, it will blow. 954 01:23:36,804 --> 01:23:39,343 No, that'll be suicide. You know that. 955 01:23:40,141 --> 01:23:41,552 I know how to die. 956 01:23:41,684 --> 01:23:45,019 The White House is very big. You'll need a lot of explosives. 957 01:23:45,147 --> 01:23:48,065 You'll never get near the place. Don't kid yourself. 958 01:23:48,567 --> 01:23:51,058 Do you think we don't have friends in America? 959 01:23:51,946 --> 01:23:54,070 You will be surprised. 960 01:23:57,411 --> 01:24:00,282 One day... One day. 961 01:24:51,013 --> 01:24:52,556 Delta Two in position. 962 01:25:41,112 --> 01:25:43,400 - Ready, boss? - Let's do it. 963 01:27:10,713 --> 01:27:12,373 Did you hear anything? 964 01:27:13,007 --> 01:27:14,917 No. Only my dice. 965 01:29:06,553 --> 01:29:08,510 Cover us. 966 01:29:26,242 --> 01:29:28,282 One minute to showtime. 967 01:29:31,498 --> 01:29:33,537 Get ready. 968 01:29:35,128 --> 01:29:37,167 OK, 30 seconds to blastoff. 969 01:29:46,807 --> 01:29:48,846 Come on, McCoy. 970 01:31:03,435 --> 01:31:05,476 Sleep tight, sucker. 971 01:31:42,063 --> 01:31:45,562 - Backyard, Bobby! Nick's got the truck! - Right, boss! 972 01:31:45,692 --> 01:31:48,444 Gentlemen, let's go! Segal, take the rear! 973 01:31:48,571 --> 01:31:50,859 Move! Move! 974 01:31:50,990 --> 01:31:53,066 Come on! Move, move, move! 975 01:31:53,617 --> 01:31:55,860 Stop him! 976 01:32:13,015 --> 01:32:14,806 School calling headquarters! 977 01:32:15,267 --> 01:32:17,509 School calling headquarters! 978 01:32:18,146 --> 01:32:20,601 This is the commander. Don't shout. 979 01:32:20,815 --> 01:32:21,729 What is it? 980 01:32:21,858 --> 01:32:22,854 The Americans are here! 981 01:32:23,777 --> 01:32:25,187 All hell broke loose! 982 01:32:25,946 --> 01:32:26,942 Who are they? 983 01:32:27,573 --> 01:32:28,569 The Americans! 984 01:32:28,949 --> 01:32:32,864 Thousands of them with jeeps and tanks, killing us! 985 01:32:33,163 --> 01:32:34,574 Where is Mustafa... and your officers? 986 01:32:34,790 --> 01:32:35,821 Where are the hostages? 987 01:32:36,041 --> 01:32:37,749 You must kill all the Americans. 988 01:32:38,293 --> 01:32:39,871 The Americans are killing all of us! 989 01:32:40,212 --> 01:32:42,882 I'll be there in five minutes with reinforcements. 990 01:32:43,090 --> 01:32:44,917 We can't wait... we can't wait! 991 01:32:45,051 --> 01:32:46,047 Hey. 992 01:32:46,177 --> 01:32:47,671 Aagh! 993 01:32:48,180 --> 01:32:50,303 Salim. Salim... can you hear me? 994 01:32:50,682 --> 01:32:52,758 Salim, what's going on there? 995 01:32:53,060 --> 01:32:54,768 Salim! 996 01:32:54,895 --> 01:32:55,892 American? 997 01:32:56,439 --> 01:32:59,559 American, do you hear me? I want to talk to you. 998 01:32:59,692 --> 01:33:02,100 American? I want to negotiate. 999 01:33:02,237 --> 01:33:04,277 Do you hear me, American? 1000 01:33:05,407 --> 01:33:06,818 Loud and clear. 1001 01:33:11,206 --> 01:33:12,155 Hurry up. 1002 01:33:12,290 --> 01:33:14,330 Come on, hurry! 1003 01:33:33,481 --> 01:33:34,892 Get back! 1004 01:33:38,653 --> 01:33:40,694 My leg! My leg! 1005 01:33:40,823 --> 01:33:43,065 All right, here I come. Hold on to me. 1006 01:33:43,200 --> 01:33:45,870 Hold on. I got you. 1007 01:33:45,995 --> 01:33:50,622 - Let me help. I'm a medical student. - Cut his pants. I'll help his circulation. 1008 01:34:12,859 --> 01:34:16,442 McCoy! What are you doing up there? Drop that and get down here quick! 1009 01:34:16,571 --> 01:34:18,481 What do you want me to do? Jump? 1010 01:34:18,616 --> 01:34:20,857 I don't care what you do. Make it fast. 1011 01:34:28,168 --> 01:34:29,543 Aarghh! 1012 01:34:32,882 --> 01:34:35,338 - Fast enough? - Where are the hostages? 1013 01:34:35,468 --> 01:34:38,967 They must be delayed in the shelter. Bobby's with them. 1014 01:34:39,096 --> 01:34:41,767 This'll do till we get you to a hospital. 1015 01:34:41,892 --> 01:34:43,931 Not a local hospital, I hope! 1016 01:34:45,354 --> 01:34:47,431 Hey, am I gonna lose the leg? 1017 01:34:47,565 --> 01:34:50,436 Don't worry. You'll be jogging by next week. Let's go. 1018 01:34:50,568 --> 01:34:54,781 - Let me carry him. You've enough to do. - Thanks. Gentlemen, follow me quickly. 1019 01:34:54,907 --> 01:34:57,824 - Hurry. Reinforcements on the way. - How do you know? 1020 01:34:57,952 --> 01:35:01,570 - Something I heard on the radio. - I didn't know you spoke Arabic. 1021 01:35:01,705 --> 01:35:04,458 If we don't get outta here, we'll all be speaking it. 1022 01:35:04,584 --> 01:35:06,624 Bobby! Come on! 1023 01:35:08,296 --> 01:35:12,046 - Watch his leg. - Let's just go! Come on. 1024 01:35:17,015 --> 01:35:19,091 Come on, keep it moving. Let's go! 1025 01:35:19,226 --> 01:35:22,429 Move! Come on, man, we've gotta go! Let's go. Come on! 1026 01:35:25,567 --> 01:35:27,227 Hit it! 1027 01:35:27,360 --> 01:35:28,985 Move it, move it! Go! 1028 01:35:51,804 --> 01:35:53,844 Goddamn place is empty. 1029 01:36:03,443 --> 01:36:05,482 Looks like they've been here. 1030 01:36:13,037 --> 01:36:15,706 Come on. Let's go. 1031 01:36:17,918 --> 01:36:19,957 - Delta One! - Delta Two here. 1032 01:36:20,086 --> 01:36:23,538 Colonel, by the looks of it, their headquarters is empty. 1033 01:36:23,674 --> 01:36:25,466 I repeat, the cells are empty. 1034 01:36:25,593 --> 01:36:27,632 Looks like they took our people away. 1035 01:36:27,762 --> 01:36:30,716 - Then find 'em, dammit! - Any suggestions, Delta One? 1036 01:36:30,848 --> 01:36:35,807 Beggin? the Colonel's pardon, but Beirut's a goddamn big city with 2 million people. 1037 01:36:35,938 --> 01:36:38,560 Find one that speaks English and work on him! 1038 01:36:38,691 --> 01:36:40,518 Come on, boys! You gotta move fast! 1039 01:36:40,652 --> 01:36:42,691 Gotta find one who'll talk. 1040 01:37:03,636 --> 01:37:07,135 - Where'd you find 'em all? - Hiding in the bedrooms upstairs. 1041 01:37:07,265 --> 01:37:08,261 Yeah? 1042 01:37:11,562 --> 01:37:12,557 Now... 1043 01:37:13,313 --> 01:37:15,223 ...who is your commanding officer? 1044 01:37:15,357 --> 01:37:17,481 Speak or you're dead! 1045 01:37:17,610 --> 01:37:19,982 Officer! You? You? 1046 01:37:20,113 --> 01:37:22,152 1047 01:37:23,701 --> 01:37:25,740 Come here! Get up! 1048 01:37:27,746 --> 01:37:29,538 Open your mouth. 1049 01:37:29,665 --> 01:37:32,750 Open your mouth - now! Ah! Ah! 1050 01:37:33,795 --> 01:37:35,124 Ah... ah... 1051 01:37:35,255 --> 01:37:37,294 Not if you wanna live. 1052 01:37:37,424 --> 01:37:39,464 Do you wanna live? Live? 1053 01:37:39,594 --> 01:37:42,760 - Where did they take the Americans? - Ah... ah, ah... 1054 01:37:42,889 --> 01:37:45,177 Where did they take the Americans?! 1055 01:37:53,651 --> 01:37:54,814 I hear you, Jamil. 1056 01:37:55,153 --> 01:37:57,311 We just received a message from Khomeini. 1057 01:37:57,530 --> 01:37:58,277 Did he agree? 1058 01:37:58,406 --> 01:38:00,696 The Ayatollah will welcome you and your hostages. 1059 01:38:00,910 --> 01:38:02,867 God be praised, Jamil. 1060 01:38:03,245 --> 01:38:05,321 You'll be met by General Mahamuzi. 1061 01:38:05,539 --> 01:38:08,162 He'll take you through Syria and on to the Ayatollah. 1062 01:38:08,293 --> 01:38:11,579 First and ten, Delta One. They're on their way to Teheran... 1063 01:38:11,713 --> 01:38:14,085 ...on the Damascus road. - Go after them! 1064 01:38:14,216 --> 01:38:15,711 Yes, sir! 1065 01:38:15,843 --> 01:38:17,883 I'll see you when I see you. 1066 01:38:18,012 --> 01:38:20,052 OK, let's move! 1067 01:38:30,318 --> 01:38:32,311 Damn. It's gonna be light soon. 1068 01:38:32,445 --> 01:38:36,525 - Take off. I'll delay the reinforcements. - OK. Then you join Pete. 1069 01:38:36,658 --> 01:38:40,075 - I'll see you at the airport. - I won't be able to wait for you. 1070 01:38:40,204 --> 01:38:41,781 - Then don't wait. - I won't! 1071 01:38:41,914 --> 01:38:46,043 Bobby, stick with the Major, then take my vehicle. I'll meet you at the orchard. 1072 01:38:46,169 --> 01:38:47,580 Let's go! Come on. 1073 01:38:59,141 --> 01:39:01,100 Delta Two, this is Delta One. Over. 1074 01:39:01,228 --> 01:39:03,517 - What's the plan, boss? - A surprise party. 1075 01:39:03,647 --> 01:39:05,438 - Just like the old days. - You got it. 1076 01:39:05,566 --> 01:39:08,651 - Delta Two, come in. - I'll prepare the upper floors. 1077 01:39:08,778 --> 01:39:10,818 Yeah, I'm here, Major. 1078 01:39:10,947 --> 01:39:14,565 - How' it goin; kid? - Well, those bastards snaked us, boss. 1079 01:39:14,702 --> 01:39:16,196 I'm gonna go get 'em. 1080 01:39:16,328 --> 01:39:18,404 Watch your ass, Butch, OK? 1081 01:39:18,539 --> 01:39:20,496 Yeah. I'll see you when I see you, boss. 1082 01:39:23,628 --> 01:39:25,206 Bobby! 1083 01:39:25,338 --> 01:39:26,334 Yo! 1084 01:39:26,464 --> 01:39:27,793 It's showtime. 1085 01:39:27,924 --> 01:39:29,502 Let's rock 'n? roll. 1086 01:39:36,809 --> 01:39:38,602 No one moves without my order. 1087 01:39:39,438 --> 01:39:41,395 It looks like the Americans are still here. 1088 01:39:41,899 --> 01:39:43,523 I'm afraid we are too late. 1089 01:39:44,527 --> 01:39:46,852 Maybe it's a trap, looks like an ambush. 1090 01:39:47,071 --> 01:39:48,316 I don't think so. 1091 01:39:51,451 --> 01:39:54,868 Commander... I think you are wrong. 1092 01:39:59,753 --> 01:40:00,832 God almighty. 1093 01:40:08,262 --> 01:40:10,634 Attack the school! 1094 01:41:09,582 --> 01:41:15,122 LEBANON, DAMASCUS ROAD TUESDAY, JULY 23RD -5:50AM 1095 01:41:29,646 --> 01:41:31,888 - Why did you stop? - It's not me, it's him. 1096 01:41:34,151 --> 01:41:36,857 What's going on? Why did you stop? 1097 01:41:37,071 --> 01:41:38,020 Move on! 1098 01:41:38,156 --> 01:41:39,531 Look at him... look at him. 1099 01:41:43,369 --> 01:41:46,158 You stopped because of one man on a motorcycle? Move on. 1100 01:41:51,379 --> 01:41:53,004 Move on! Go! 1101 01:42:06,396 --> 01:42:08,436 Go back! Go back to Beirut! 1102 01:42:55,243 --> 01:42:57,282 God damn! That's Scott down there! 1103 01:42:57,412 --> 01:43:01,363 All right, let's rock 'n? roll, partner. OK, let's move! Let's go! 1104 01:43:04,920 --> 01:43:06,581 Let's take 'em. 1105 01:43:11,970 --> 01:43:14,842 They're our guys! Americans! They're Delta Force! 1106 01:44:07,075 --> 01:44:08,617 Need a hand? 1107 01:44:09,911 --> 01:44:12,367 Grab the wheel! 1108 01:44:43,783 --> 01:44:44,862 Move out... 1109 01:45:01,553 --> 01:45:03,380 Cover us! 1110 01:45:03,513 --> 01:45:05,139 Pete! 1111 01:45:05,474 --> 01:45:07,301 Pete! 1112 01:45:07,435 --> 01:45:09,262 Gimme that blanket. 1113 01:45:09,395 --> 01:45:10,973 Pete... 1114 01:45:11,105 --> 01:45:13,146 - Take off his clothes. - Pete! 1115 01:45:18,280 --> 01:45:20,320 Aw, Jesus... Pete. 1116 01:45:22,410 --> 01:45:24,866 - You know the way to the airport? - Yes, Major. 1117 01:45:24,996 --> 01:45:27,239 Put the hostages into our vehicles. 1118 01:45:27,374 --> 01:45:32,120 The Colonel's waiting at an orange grove by the airport. Don't stop for anything! 1119 01:45:32,254 --> 01:45:34,295 I'll take your bike. 1120 01:45:34,424 --> 01:45:37,875 - What about you, Major? - I've got some business to finish. 1121 01:45:38,011 --> 01:45:40,051 Tell the Colonel not to wait for me. 1122 01:45:40,764 --> 01:45:43,220 - Use a switchblade? - Too much blood. 1123 01:45:55,822 --> 01:45:57,068 Anybody here? 1124 01:46:45,045 --> 01:46:46,705 Going somewhere? 1125 01:48:40,343 --> 01:48:42,170 Aaagh! 1126 01:50:09,277 --> 01:50:10,653 Pete! 1127 01:50:10,779 --> 01:50:13,484 Hey, doc. Get on Pete here. Keep it quiet. 1128 01:50:13,615 --> 01:50:17,365 Mike! Bring my bag, and the oxygen too. 1129 01:50:25,796 --> 01:50:28,714 - Looks like they're expecting us. - Yes, sir. 1130 01:50:32,137 --> 01:50:34,176 We're gonna have to find another way. 1131 01:50:34,306 --> 01:50:37,223 Maybe we could cut through the back fence. 1132 01:50:52,534 --> 01:50:54,362 Looks quiet. 1133 01:50:54,495 --> 01:50:57,781 How many guards around the plane, do you figure? 1134 01:50:57,915 --> 01:51:00,241 - I'd say between 12 and 16. - Yeah. 1135 01:51:00,376 --> 01:51:02,417 Six of our men. 1136 01:52:06,368 --> 01:52:07,862 What is it? Come here. 1137 01:52:08,871 --> 01:52:09,867 Hold it! 1138 01:52:13,835 --> 01:52:15,626 - You speak English? - Yeah. 1139 01:52:15,753 --> 01:52:18,755 - Talk fast. Who's in charge? - Jaffer. He is in the plane. 1140 01:52:18,882 --> 01:52:20,958 - How many men does he have? - Nobody. 1141 01:52:21,093 --> 01:52:23,336 - Come on! - I swear by Allah, he is alone! 1142 01:52:23,471 --> 01:52:27,303 - What about the hostages? - There are three, sleeping in the cockpit. 1143 01:52:27,434 --> 01:52:29,142 Do you have a password? 1144 01:52:29,269 --> 01:52:31,309 If you wanna live, then use it. 1145 01:52:37,737 --> 01:52:41,237 Jaffer Iben Khalil, "Come from the mountain!" 1146 01:52:41,366 --> 01:52:43,655 - Maybe he is asleep. - Wake him up! 1147 01:52:43,785 --> 01:52:44,865 Jaffer Iben Khalil! 1148 01:52:44,995 --> 01:52:47,202 "Come from the mountain!" Come quickly! 1149 01:52:47,415 --> 01:52:48,411 What? 1150 01:52:57,426 --> 01:52:59,051 - Good morning. - Morning. 1151 01:53:01,181 --> 01:53:04,301 Good morning, gentlemen. Colonel Alexander. Delta Force. 1152 01:53:04,434 --> 01:53:05,549 It's about time. 1153 01:53:05,685 --> 01:53:07,227 - Got enough fuel? - For what? 1154 01:53:07,354 --> 01:53:10,024 - To fly to Israel. - You bet! 1155 01:53:10,149 --> 01:53:11,892 Need anything else to take off? 1156 01:53:12,026 --> 01:53:13,900 Yeah. A clear runway. 1157 01:53:14,028 --> 01:53:16,567 OK. All right, Jim, bring 'em in. 1158 01:53:16,698 --> 01:53:20,114 - Come on, guys. - Let's get our butt moving. 1159 01:53:20,243 --> 01:53:22,283 Let's go! 1160 01:54:20,353 --> 01:54:24,269 Sit down in the rear and buckle up. We gotta get out of here fast. 1161 01:54:24,400 --> 01:54:26,439 Come on, move, move, move, move! 1162 01:54:30,407 --> 01:54:32,446 Everybody find a seat fast! 1163 01:54:42,462 --> 01:54:46,507 Put him in first class. If you're not wounded, move down the plane. 1164 01:54:46,634 --> 01:54:48,341 Put him over there. 1165 01:54:49,219 --> 01:54:50,963 Get 'em down there. Keep going. 1166 01:54:51,096 --> 01:54:53,968 Come on, come on. Are you all right? Get in the back. 1167 01:55:04,987 --> 01:55:07,028 Come on! Double time! Let's go! 1168 01:55:10,202 --> 01:55:12,241 Pull it! 1169 01:55:17,627 --> 01:55:19,666 Where is that McCoy? 1170 01:55:26,345 --> 01:55:27,756 Intercom check. 1171 01:55:27,888 --> 01:55:29,514 Check. 1172 01:55:29,641 --> 01:55:32,096 All right, Captain. Everybody's on board. 1173 01:55:32,227 --> 01:55:36,556 Let's wind this son of a bitch up and get outta here before all of Beirut shows up. 1174 01:55:36,691 --> 01:55:38,185 You got it! 1175 01:55:38,317 --> 01:55:41,733 OK. High-pressure start... number two. 1176 01:55:46,743 --> 01:55:48,202 Samir! Move! Move! 1177 01:55:48,453 --> 01:55:50,612 Go and stop that plane! 1178 01:56:08,768 --> 01:56:10,263 Come on! Close that hatch! 1179 01:56:10,395 --> 01:56:13,847 - What about Major McCoy? - We can't wait. He's always late. 1180 01:56:13,983 --> 01:56:15,940 I gotta get these people outta here! 1181 01:56:16,485 --> 01:56:19,023 OK, gang, let's go. 1182 01:56:35,715 --> 01:56:38,633 Flight 282? Flight 282, what are you doing?! 1183 01:56:38,761 --> 01:56:41,631 You have no authorisation to move! 1184 01:56:41,764 --> 01:56:43,341 Stay where you are! 1185 01:56:43,474 --> 01:56:44,850 Beirut... 1186 01:56:44,976 --> 01:56:47,728 ...this is American Travelways Flight 282. 1187 01:56:47,896 --> 01:56:51,515 I wanna thank you for an interesting stay in Beirut. 1188 01:56:51,651 --> 01:56:53,690 Hope you all have a nice day. 1189 01:56:53,819 --> 01:56:55,729 ATW 282, out. 1190 01:56:55,863 --> 01:56:58,152 They're crazy... they're insane... 1191 01:56:58,366 --> 01:56:59,777 ...they're out of their minds! 1192 01:57:22,185 --> 01:57:24,510 Hell! They're shooting at us! 1193 01:58:01,604 --> 01:58:03,893 Colonel, it's the Major! 1194 01:58:06,902 --> 01:58:08,942 Well, come on! Get a rope down to him! 1195 01:58:39,481 --> 01:58:40,975 Ready? OK! 1196 01:58:43,027 --> 01:58:45,518 That's it! We got you! Don't worry! Pull! 1197 01:58:49,700 --> 01:58:51,326 Steward, close the door! 1198 01:58:54,539 --> 01:58:58,455 - Goose this bird and get outta here! - I don't know that we have enough room. 1199 01:58:58,586 --> 01:59:02,002 - We won't have a second chance. Go on! - All right. Here we go. 1200 01:59:14,229 --> 01:59:15,972 How's Pete? 1201 01:59:16,106 --> 01:59:17,600 He's up front. 1202 01:59:17,732 --> 01:59:20,853 Doc set up a hospital in the first-class section. 1203 01:59:38,923 --> 01:59:42,375 Hey, guys, Budweisers! Let's pass 'em over! 1204 01:59:42,511 --> 01:59:45,880 Pass 'em over! There's lots more where these came from! 1205 01:59:59,321 --> 02:00:01,148 How is he, doc? 1206 02:00:11,793 --> 02:00:13,419 Boss. 1207 02:00:14,881 --> 02:00:16,505 Hi, kid. 1208 02:00:19,218 --> 02:00:21,545 Did we get 'em all out? 1209 02:00:22,765 --> 02:00:24,389 Yeah, we got 'em all. 1210 02:00:28,938 --> 02:00:30,812 Are we goin? home now? 1211 02:00:33,985 --> 02:00:35,895 We're goin? home. 1212 02:00:37,698 --> 02:00:39,738 Well, I'll see you there, Scott. 1213 02:00:41,703 --> 02:00:43,743 See you when I see you. 1214 02:00:45,582 --> 02:00:46,578 Doc... 1215 02:00:51,964 --> 02:00:53,459 Pete. 1216 02:00:55,885 --> 02:01:00,347 ? America, America 1217 02:01:00,474 --> 02:01:04,473 ? God shed his grace on thee 1218 02:01:04,604 --> 02:01:08,981 ? And crown thy good with brotherhood 1219 02:01:09,109 --> 02:01:13,487 ? From sea to shining sea 1220 02:01:29,215 --> 02:01:32,750 Greater love no man hath than he gives up his life for a friend. 1221 02:01:34,680 --> 02:01:38,547 Heavenly Father, we humbly ask you that you cherish this... 1222 02:01:38,684 --> 02:01:42,385 ...most loving soul in the palm of your hand... 1223 02:01:42,522 --> 02:01:44,930 ...for all eternity. 1224 02:01:46,026 --> 02:01:48,944 In the name of the Father and the Son... 1225 02:01:49,071 --> 02:01:51,111 ...and the Holy Ghost. 1226 02:01:52,700 --> 02:01:54,324 Amen. 1227 02:02:14,349 --> 02:02:20,104 ISRAEL, BEN-GURION AIRPORT TUESDAY, JULY 23RD - 8:00AM 1228 02:02:23,109 --> 02:02:25,149 Oh, my God! 1229 02:04:05,059 --> 02:04:07,098 I'll be OK. You all right? 1230 02:04:19,450 --> 02:04:20,944 How are you? 1231 02:04:21,077 --> 02:04:23,116 Don't give up on this airplane.