1 00:00:02,436 --> 00:00:03,904 Previously on Young Sheldon... 2 00:00:04,003 --> 00:00:05,939 I waited at school for an hour and had to walk home. 3 00:00:06,040 --> 00:00:07,208 No one even called. 4 00:00:07,308 --> 00:00:08,342 Mandy went into labor. 5 00:00:08,442 --> 00:00:09,577 I had to go to the hospital. 6 00:00:09,677 --> 00:00:11,545 She had the baby and no one told me? 7 00:00:11,645 --> 00:00:14,948 And what exactly is it that's wrong with your bed? 8 00:00:15,049 --> 00:00:16,484 My husband's in it. 9 00:00:16,584 --> 00:00:18,519 So, you're just gonna keep sleeping here 10 00:00:18,619 --> 00:00:20,221 instead of dealing with it? 11 00:00:20,321 --> 00:00:22,022 I'm helping with the baby. 12 00:00:22,123 --> 00:00:25,559 She'll still be crying tomorrow. Go home. 13 00:00:44,378 --> 00:00:45,946 Uh-oh. 14 00:00:55,656 --> 00:00:58,092 CUSTOMER: Ten dollars on pump two. 15 00:00:58,192 --> 00:00:59,727 CASHIER: You got it. 16 00:01:02,096 --> 00:01:05,465 Hi, uh, ten dollars on pump, uh... 17 00:01:05,566 --> 00:01:06,600 whichever that one is. 18 00:01:06,700 --> 00:01:08,569 Ain't you young to be driving? 19 00:01:08,669 --> 00:01:10,538 Oh, I'm just pumping gas for my dad. 20 00:01:10,638 --> 00:01:12,906 He's in the bathroom. Might be a while. 21 00:01:13,006 --> 00:01:14,475 (scoffs) Been there. 22 00:01:22,450 --> 00:01:24,218 I'm on pump number three. 23 00:01:24,318 --> 00:01:25,586 You? 24 00:01:26,720 --> 00:01:27,420 Two. 25 00:01:27,521 --> 00:01:29,289 Nice. 26 00:01:29,390 --> 00:01:30,924 (phone ringing) 27 00:01:31,825 --> 00:01:32,793 Hello? 28 00:01:32,893 --> 00:01:33,694 Hey, it's Missy. 29 00:01:33,794 --> 00:01:34,795 I stole my dad's truck, 30 00:01:34,895 --> 00:01:36,029 I'm running away. Want to come? 31 00:01:36,130 --> 00:01:38,765 You're running away? Sounds dangerous. 32 00:01:38,866 --> 00:01:40,100 Oh, um... 33 00:01:40,201 --> 00:01:41,435 well, my dad taught me how to drive and... 34 00:01:41,535 --> 00:01:43,904 I'm messing with you. Come and get me. 35 00:01:44,003 --> 00:01:46,907 * Nobody else is stronger than I am * 36 00:01:47,007 --> 00:01:49,577 * Yesterday I moved a mountain * 37 00:01:49,676 --> 00:01:51,912 * I bet I could be your hero * 38 00:01:52,012 --> 00:01:54,948 * I am a mighty little man * 39 00:01:55,048 --> 00:01:59,587 * I am a mighty little man. * 40 00:02:11,732 --> 00:02:13,234 Why didn't we do this years ago? 41 00:02:13,334 --> 00:02:15,102 My feet wouldn't reach the pedals. 42 00:02:18,306 --> 00:02:20,107 (snoring) 43 00:02:20,208 --> 00:02:22,210 Dad, wake up. There's a problem. 44 00:02:22,310 --> 00:02:23,744 What? What's wrong? 45 00:02:23,844 --> 00:02:25,413 It's Saturday morning and no one's cooking bacon. 46 00:02:25,513 --> 00:02:28,115 Oh. So go cook bacon. 47 00:02:28,216 --> 00:02:29,483 But Mom cooks bacon. 48 00:02:29,583 --> 00:02:30,884 Well, she's at your meemaw's. 49 00:02:30,984 --> 00:02:32,620 Which is why I'm waking you up. 50 00:02:32,720 --> 00:02:34,888 Sheldon, you're a very intelligent little boy, 51 00:02:34,988 --> 00:02:36,557 I'm sure you can handle bacon. 52 00:02:37,391 --> 00:02:38,326 I'll wake up Missy. 53 00:02:38,426 --> 00:02:40,194 No, wait... (exhales) 54 00:02:40,293 --> 00:02:41,529 She's mad at the world right now. 55 00:02:41,629 --> 00:02:43,163 Just leave her alone. 56 00:02:43,264 --> 00:02:44,965 Then I'll call Mom. 57 00:02:45,065 --> 00:02:47,034 (groans) Okay... 58 00:02:47,134 --> 00:02:49,503 I'll make your stupid bacon, happy? 59 00:02:49,603 --> 00:02:50,971 I've been better. 60 00:02:55,709 --> 00:02:57,144 This is the best day of my life. 61 00:02:57,245 --> 00:02:58,879 First time running away? 62 00:02:58,978 --> 00:03:00,047 Pretty much. 63 00:03:00,147 --> 00:03:01,549 Think your parents know you're gone? 64 00:03:01,649 --> 00:03:03,784 They barely know when I'm there. 65 00:03:03,884 --> 00:03:07,555 Missy, there's breakfast. We saved you a little. 66 00:03:07,655 --> 00:03:09,257 What about somewhere with a beach, 67 00:03:09,357 --> 00:03:10,424 like California? 68 00:03:10,524 --> 00:03:11,825 We've already driven five hours east, 69 00:03:11,925 --> 00:03:13,561 so we might want to keep heading that way. 70 00:03:13,661 --> 00:03:16,196 East. You really are smart. 71 00:03:16,297 --> 00:03:18,899 I get there was a lot of yelling last night. 72 00:03:19,867 --> 00:03:23,203 Just want you to know I'm here when you're ready to talk. 73 00:03:23,304 --> 00:03:24,472 I mean, if you want a beach, 74 00:03:24,572 --> 00:03:25,806 then Florida's in the right direction. 75 00:03:25,906 --> 00:03:27,708 Oh, and it's almost spring break. 76 00:03:27,808 --> 00:03:29,877 Like MTV Spring Break? Mm-hmm. 77 00:03:29,977 --> 00:03:33,180 If you expect me to apologize, you can sit in there forever. 78 00:03:34,180 --> 00:03:35,849 Great. Then we're going to Florida. 79 00:03:35,949 --> 00:03:37,351 Let's pay and get out of here. 80 00:03:37,451 --> 00:03:38,819 Or... 81 00:03:38,918 --> 00:03:41,555 let's not pay and get out of here. 82 00:03:42,756 --> 00:03:45,559 Fine, ignore me. I'm eating your bacon. 83 00:03:49,797 --> 00:03:52,199 Oh, my God, oh, my God, oh, my God, oh, my God. 84 00:03:54,268 --> 00:03:55,603 You know, there's a more spatially efficient way 85 00:03:55,703 --> 00:03:57,838 to do that. It's good enough. 86 00:03:57,938 --> 00:03:59,239 Is that what you tell your football players? 87 00:03:59,340 --> 00:04:02,610 I make them run laps. That what you want? 88 00:04:02,710 --> 00:04:05,879 You're funny. I like our weekends together. 89 00:04:06,680 --> 00:04:08,516 (pots clattering) 90 00:04:09,283 --> 00:04:10,351 Oh. 91 00:04:10,451 --> 00:04:12,553 Hi. Um... 92 00:04:12,653 --> 00:04:13,821 I didn't see your truck. 93 00:04:13,921 --> 00:04:15,789 I just came to grab a few things. 94 00:04:16,557 --> 00:04:17,625 Yeah. It's fine. 95 00:04:17,725 --> 00:04:19,726 Hi, Shelly. How you doing, baby? 96 00:04:19,827 --> 00:04:21,862 I'm all right, although the dishwasher looks like 97 00:04:21,962 --> 00:04:23,631 it was loaded by Gustaf Dalén. 98 00:04:23,731 --> 00:04:27,100 He won a Nobel Prize in physics. And was blind. 99 00:04:27,935 --> 00:04:29,770 What do you mean you didn't see my truck outside? 100 00:04:29,870 --> 00:04:32,072 It's not out front. 101 00:04:32,172 --> 00:04:33,341 Yes, it is. 102 00:04:33,441 --> 00:04:35,207 I was just out there. 103 00:04:38,712 --> 00:04:40,648 The hell's my truck? 104 00:04:41,515 --> 00:04:44,151 It's a '86 Ford F-250. 105 00:04:44,251 --> 00:04:46,286 And you didn't hear anything? No. 106 00:04:46,387 --> 00:04:47,888 What about you, ma'am? 107 00:04:47,988 --> 00:04:51,158 Well, um, actually... 108 00:04:51,258 --> 00:04:52,593 Oh, she hasn't slept here in days. 109 00:04:52,693 --> 00:04:53,827 She's just getting her things. 110 00:04:53,927 --> 00:04:55,796 I was taking care of the baby. 111 00:04:56,730 --> 00:04:59,500 We have a new grandbaby. (chuckles) 112 00:04:59,600 --> 00:05:01,435 You mentioned you had a daughter. 113 00:05:01,535 --> 00:05:02,536 Any chance she saw something? 114 00:05:02,636 --> 00:05:03,871 (chuckles) I doubt it. 115 00:05:03,971 --> 00:05:04,972 She didn't even come out of her room. 116 00:05:05,072 --> 00:05:06,173 You haven't seen her at all? 117 00:05:06,273 --> 00:05:07,541 No. She's mad at me. 118 00:05:07,641 --> 00:05:09,543 Mind if we ask her? 119 00:05:09,643 --> 00:05:11,845 Missy. 120 00:05:11,945 --> 00:05:13,113 Open up. 121 00:05:15,749 --> 00:05:18,519 (gasps) Missy? 122 00:05:18,619 --> 00:05:19,720 Son of a bitch. 123 00:05:19,820 --> 00:05:21,722 Huh, your truck's gone and she's gone? 124 00:05:21,822 --> 00:05:22,756 What are the odds of that? 125 00:05:22,856 --> 00:05:24,658 She took my truck, Sheldon. 126 00:05:24,758 --> 00:05:27,260 Oh, more chaos. Got it. 127 00:05:28,028 --> 00:05:30,330 We are breaking so many laws right now. 128 00:05:30,431 --> 00:05:32,065 I feel like Thelma & Louise. 129 00:05:32,165 --> 00:05:33,133 Me too. 130 00:05:33,233 --> 00:05:35,002 Have you seen that movie? 131 00:05:35,102 --> 00:05:35,969 No. 132 00:05:36,069 --> 00:05:37,871 Me neither. (giggles) 133 00:05:45,245 --> 00:05:46,547 How could you not know she was missing? 134 00:05:46,647 --> 00:05:48,916 I thought she was giving me the silent treatment. 135 00:05:49,016 --> 00:05:51,452 You know, teenage girls. 136 00:05:51,552 --> 00:05:52,986 I don't. 137 00:05:53,086 --> 00:05:54,622 Moody, moody, moody. 138 00:05:54,722 --> 00:05:56,790 Sheldon. When was the last time you saw your daughter? 139 00:05:56,890 --> 00:05:59,026 Uh, well... 140 00:05:59,126 --> 00:06:01,128 Hard to say. We just... Lot going on. 141 00:06:01,228 --> 00:06:02,796 Well, at 6:15 she made a plate of food 142 00:06:02,896 --> 00:06:04,164 and took it to her room, 143 00:06:04,264 --> 00:06:05,466 which I said, "is how you attract ants," 144 00:06:05,566 --> 00:06:07,067 and she said to mind my own business, 145 00:06:07,167 --> 00:06:08,536 and I said it is my business 146 00:06:08,636 --> 00:06:09,770 because her bedroom shares a wall with mine... 147 00:06:09,870 --> 00:06:12,139 6:15, got it. No one saw her after that? 148 00:06:12,239 --> 00:06:13,774 Well, at 7:22, she had to use the restroom, 149 00:06:13,874 --> 00:06:15,409 but she had to wait because my dad was in there. 150 00:06:15,509 --> 00:06:16,477 Probably due to all the beers. 151 00:06:16,577 --> 00:06:18,345 Thank you. Happy to help. 152 00:06:18,446 --> 00:06:20,514 And then at 7:45, she tried the bathroom again, 153 00:06:20,614 --> 00:06:22,215 and luckily, by then my father had... 154 00:06:22,315 --> 00:06:24,084 Sheldon, when was the last time you saw her? 155 00:06:24,184 --> 00:06:26,487 Well, at 9:15 I brought her a can of Raid for the ants, 156 00:06:26,587 --> 00:06:28,522 and she told me to go to hell, which is rude. 157 00:06:28,622 --> 00:06:30,491 And then at 11:06 I tried to communicate with her 158 00:06:30,591 --> 00:06:32,292 via walkie-talkie to no response. 159 00:06:32,392 --> 00:06:33,761 I can't believe she would do this. 160 00:06:33,861 --> 00:06:36,096 How does she even know how to drive? 161 00:06:36,864 --> 00:06:39,099 All right, now, take your foot off the brake 162 00:06:39,199 --> 00:06:40,968 gently put it on the... (tires screech) 163 00:06:41,068 --> 00:06:42,503 (Missy laughing) 164 00:06:43,971 --> 00:06:45,338 I bet your mother taught her. 165 00:06:45,439 --> 00:06:48,075 She could be lost, she could be in an accident, 166 00:06:48,175 --> 00:06:49,510 she could be in a ditch 167 00:06:49,610 --> 00:06:51,178 by the side of the road somewhere. 168 00:06:51,278 --> 00:06:53,280 * So I wake in the morning * 169 00:06:53,380 --> 00:06:54,448 * And I step outside * 170 00:06:54,548 --> 00:06:56,584 * And I take a deep breath * 171 00:06:56,683 --> 00:06:58,118 * And I get real high... * There's a cop. 172 00:06:58,218 --> 00:06:59,487 (turns volume down) Be cool. Be cool. 173 00:06:59,587 --> 00:07:00,921 * Scream from the top of my lungs * 174 00:07:01,021 --> 00:07:03,757 * What's going on? * 175 00:07:03,857 --> 00:07:04,825 (turns volume up) 176 00:07:04,925 --> 00:07:07,728 * And I say, "Hey-ey-ey." * 177 00:07:07,828 --> 00:07:09,997 Okay, well, if you hear anything, 178 00:07:10,097 --> 00:07:11,298 please give me a call. 179 00:07:11,398 --> 00:07:12,700 Thank you. 180 00:07:12,800 --> 00:07:14,134 Nothing. 181 00:07:14,234 --> 00:07:15,569 Any word? 182 00:07:15,669 --> 00:07:17,705 No. None of her friends have heard from her. 183 00:07:17,805 --> 00:07:19,707 The police are looking for my truck, but still no sign. 184 00:07:19,807 --> 00:07:21,274 I can't believe that girl. 185 00:07:21,374 --> 00:07:23,811 Did she even think about how worried we'd all be? 186 00:07:23,911 --> 00:07:26,480 Wow, you became a dad fast. 187 00:07:26,580 --> 00:07:28,048 Well, it just kicks in. 188 00:07:28,148 --> 00:07:30,017 (sighs) I don't know who else to call. 189 00:07:30,117 --> 00:07:31,218 What about Paige? 190 00:07:31,318 --> 00:07:32,452 Are they still in touch? 191 00:07:32,553 --> 00:07:33,754 They saw each other a few weeks ago. 192 00:07:33,854 --> 00:07:35,422 Although Paige was quite inebriated. 193 00:07:35,523 --> 00:07:37,324 What? It means drunk. 194 00:07:37,424 --> 00:07:38,692 We know what it means. 195 00:07:38,792 --> 00:07:40,327 And Paige has run away from home before. 196 00:07:40,427 --> 00:07:41,428 If I was going on the lam, 197 00:07:41,529 --> 00:07:43,096 that's certainly who I'd contact. 198 00:07:43,196 --> 00:07:44,832 "Lam." What a fun word. 199 00:07:44,932 --> 00:07:46,900 I'm glad I got the chance to use it. 200 00:07:47,801 --> 00:07:49,036 Lam. MARY: Hi. Linda, 201 00:07:49,136 --> 00:07:50,604 this is Mary Cooper. 202 00:07:50,704 --> 00:07:52,405 Um, I'm sorry to call out of the blue, 203 00:07:52,506 --> 00:07:54,441 but is Missy there with Paige? 204 00:07:54,542 --> 00:07:56,577 No. Why? What's going on? 205 00:07:56,677 --> 00:07:58,178 (sighs) Well... 206 00:07:58,278 --> 00:08:00,213 Missy has run away, and we thought... 207 00:08:00,313 --> 00:08:01,649 That my daughter would have something 208 00:08:01,749 --> 00:08:04,451 to do with it? Oh, no, I'm not accusing her. 209 00:08:04,552 --> 00:08:06,687 No, that's exactly something she would do. 210 00:08:06,787 --> 00:08:07,688 Hold on. 211 00:08:07,788 --> 00:08:09,189 Paige. 212 00:08:09,289 --> 00:08:11,024 I'm thinking she might be with Paige. 213 00:08:11,124 --> 00:08:12,392 Paige? 214 00:08:12,492 --> 00:08:13,727 (opens door) Damn it. 215 00:08:13,827 --> 00:08:15,195 Hey, can I drive? 216 00:08:15,295 --> 00:08:16,864 Better not. 217 00:08:16,964 --> 00:08:19,332 My dad'll be pretty mad if something happens to his truck. 218 00:08:19,432 --> 00:08:21,635 Like what, if somebody stole it? 219 00:08:22,603 --> 00:08:23,604 Oh, my God, I'm a criminal. 220 00:08:23,704 --> 00:08:25,205 Yeah. It's pretty cool, right? 221 00:08:25,305 --> 00:08:27,407 I'm gonna be in so much trouble. 222 00:08:28,241 --> 00:08:29,509 Only if you go back. 223 00:08:30,377 --> 00:08:31,278 I guess you're right. 224 00:08:31,378 --> 00:08:32,846 I mean, don't worry. 225 00:08:32,946 --> 00:08:34,347 When we get to Daytona, everything's gonna be great. 226 00:08:34,447 --> 00:08:35,716 Think so? 227 00:08:35,816 --> 00:08:37,784 Yeah. 228 00:08:38,518 --> 00:08:40,554 Hey, maybe we should change our names. Really? 229 00:08:40,654 --> 00:08:41,989 And I hate my name. 230 00:08:42,088 --> 00:08:44,424 Paige. What am I, a congressional aide? 231 00:08:44,524 --> 00:08:46,960 Yeah, totally. 232 00:08:47,060 --> 00:08:48,829 So, what name are you gonna pick? 233 00:08:48,929 --> 00:08:50,698 I'm thinking Ginger. 234 00:08:50,798 --> 00:08:51,932 That is so good. 235 00:08:52,032 --> 00:08:53,767 Ginger's not a boring scientist. 236 00:08:53,867 --> 00:08:56,236 Ginger's fun. She's alive. 237 00:08:56,336 --> 00:08:58,038 I'm gonna pick Susan. 238 00:08:58,138 --> 00:08:59,406 No, Suzie. Much cuter. 239 00:08:59,506 --> 00:09:02,542 Ginger and Suzie. Ginger and Suzie. 240 00:09:02,643 --> 00:09:04,177 * Call me up and tell me... * 241 00:09:04,277 --> 00:09:06,647 Wait, is it too late to change my name to Brandi? 242 00:09:06,747 --> 00:09:09,482 Too late. Come on, Ginger. 243 00:09:11,418 --> 00:09:14,254 I can't believe the last thing we did was yell at her. 244 00:09:14,354 --> 00:09:15,522 Now, don't go blaming yourself. 245 00:09:15,623 --> 00:09:18,258 Uh, I was blaming both of us. 246 00:09:18,358 --> 00:09:20,327 So, we weren't supposed to punish her? 247 00:09:20,427 --> 00:09:22,229 Kids do stupid stuff, parents yell at them. 248 00:09:22,329 --> 00:09:25,198 Yeah, y'all did it to me, I'm gonna do it to my kid. 249 00:09:25,298 --> 00:09:26,667 Calm down, Daddy. 250 00:09:26,767 --> 00:09:28,669 I know y'all are worried, but this ain't helping. 251 00:09:28,769 --> 00:09:30,604 She snuck out and stole my truck. 252 00:09:30,704 --> 00:09:32,405 I mean, how is this our fault? 253 00:09:32,505 --> 00:09:33,641 Well, maybe she was right. 254 00:09:33,741 --> 00:09:35,175 She does get ignored around here. 255 00:09:35,275 --> 00:09:36,476 I liked being ignored. 256 00:09:36,576 --> 00:09:38,111 Let me get away with all kinds of stuff. 257 00:09:38,211 --> 00:09:39,546 Please stop helping. 258 00:09:39,647 --> 00:09:41,414 We need to get the police back on the phone. 259 00:09:41,514 --> 00:09:42,415 I know how to find them. 260 00:09:42,515 --> 00:09:44,084 Really? How? 261 00:09:44,184 --> 00:09:45,919 Right, well, based on the time they've been gone 262 00:09:46,019 --> 00:09:47,587 and the average speed limit, I've calculated that this circle 263 00:09:47,688 --> 00:09:49,022 is the maximum distance they could have traveled. 264 00:09:49,122 --> 00:09:51,759 And what are the pins? I'm glad you asked. 265 00:09:51,859 --> 00:09:54,227 To help narrow down the search, I've identified 266 00:09:54,327 --> 00:09:55,528 points of interest to teenage girls. 267 00:09:55,629 --> 00:09:58,298 The big four-- malls, beauty salons, 268 00:09:58,398 --> 00:10:00,300 horse stables and roller rinks. 269 00:10:00,400 --> 00:10:01,869 And what are the blue pins? 270 00:10:01,969 --> 00:10:03,704 Those are places that I'm interested in 271 00:10:03,804 --> 00:10:05,472 that we can swing by after we find them. 272 00:10:05,572 --> 00:10:06,974 For example, Peaster, Texas... 273 00:10:07,074 --> 00:10:08,141 No one cares. 274 00:10:08,942 --> 00:10:11,078 Peaster, Texas-- birthplace of Robert E. Howard, 275 00:10:11,178 --> 00:10:14,447 regarded to be the father of the sword and sorcery subgenre. 276 00:10:14,547 --> 00:10:16,083 Sheldon, this isn't about you. 277 00:10:16,183 --> 00:10:17,685 But it's a good start. 278 00:10:17,785 --> 00:10:19,452 Why don't you go narrow that down even more? 279 00:10:19,552 --> 00:10:21,689 I'll check in Missy's room for clues. 280 00:10:21,789 --> 00:10:24,557 If she took her roller skates, this case is closed. 281 00:10:28,662 --> 00:10:30,197 Think your parents are freaking out? 282 00:10:30,297 --> 00:10:31,832 Probably having a party. 283 00:10:31,932 --> 00:10:33,801 And then Sheldon will complain about them having a party, 284 00:10:33,901 --> 00:10:36,670 and they'll stop because he gets everything he wants. 285 00:10:37,570 --> 00:10:40,040 I know. Try being the golden child. 286 00:10:40,140 --> 00:10:42,075 Everybody's always expecting big things from you 287 00:10:42,175 --> 00:10:43,376 'cause you're a genius. 288 00:10:43,476 --> 00:10:45,578 What do you want to do? 289 00:10:46,379 --> 00:10:48,048 I don't know. 290 00:10:48,148 --> 00:10:50,083 Something simple, easy. 291 00:10:51,118 --> 00:10:53,020 You know, I heard there's a place in Florida 292 00:10:53,120 --> 00:10:54,621 where you can get a job as a mermaid. 293 00:10:54,722 --> 00:10:56,489 Really? Really. 294 00:10:56,589 --> 00:10:59,359 Don't get mad at me, but you are a genius. 295 00:10:59,459 --> 00:11:01,594 Just don't tell the other mermaids. 296 00:11:02,595 --> 00:11:03,596 (siren chirping) Oh, crap. 297 00:11:03,697 --> 00:11:05,132 Well, how fast are you going? 298 00:11:05,232 --> 00:11:06,399 I'm not going too fast. Maybe I'm going too slow. 299 00:11:06,499 --> 00:11:07,567 Should I speed up? 300 00:11:07,667 --> 00:11:08,435 Don't speed up. What are you doing? 301 00:11:08,535 --> 00:11:09,636 I don't know. 302 00:11:09,737 --> 00:11:11,171 Just... Maybe it's not for us. 303 00:11:11,271 --> 00:11:12,773 Pull over and let him pass. 304 00:11:21,414 --> 00:11:22,482 What do we do? 305 00:11:22,582 --> 00:11:24,151 We need to get our stories straight. 306 00:11:24,251 --> 00:11:26,920 We're cousins, you're 16, you forgot your license at home, 307 00:11:27,020 --> 00:11:29,289 and we're on our way to the hospital to visit our grandma. 308 00:11:29,389 --> 00:11:30,824 Okay. 309 00:11:35,729 --> 00:11:37,297 I'm only 13, I stole my dad's truck 310 00:11:37,397 --> 00:11:39,066 and we didn't pay for breakfast at the diner. 311 00:11:39,165 --> 00:11:40,467 We just left. 312 00:11:41,334 --> 00:11:43,470 Okay. And who's this? 313 00:11:43,570 --> 00:11:45,839 My cousin, Ginger. 314 00:11:53,313 --> 00:11:56,083 Is anyone hungry? I can make sandwiches. 315 00:11:56,183 --> 00:11:57,117 No, thanks. 316 00:11:57,217 --> 00:11:58,986 Not hungry. I could eat. 317 00:11:59,086 --> 00:12:01,221 Then make yourself a sandwich. 318 00:12:01,321 --> 00:12:02,923 Maybe you should. Are you cranky? 319 00:12:03,023 --> 00:12:04,657 Okay, I figured it out. 320 00:12:04,758 --> 00:12:05,725 Based off the pictures 321 00:12:05,826 --> 00:12:07,027 she's ripped out of magazines, 322 00:12:07,127 --> 00:12:08,762 she's a big fan of actor Luke Perry. 323 00:12:08,862 --> 00:12:12,199 Who is that? He plays Dylan on Beverly Hills, 90210. 324 00:12:12,299 --> 00:12:13,666 Your classic bad boy. 325 00:12:13,767 --> 00:12:15,702 Your classic bad boy? 326 00:12:15,803 --> 00:12:17,270 Yeah, like me. 327 00:12:17,370 --> 00:12:19,807 The show not only takes place but is also filmed 328 00:12:19,907 --> 00:12:21,074 in Los Angeles, California. 329 00:12:21,174 --> 00:12:22,675 That's obviously where she's heading. 330 00:12:22,776 --> 00:12:25,012 (phone ringing) 331 00:12:25,913 --> 00:12:27,347 Cooper residence. 332 00:12:27,447 --> 00:12:28,648 Now, given the amount of time since she's left... 333 00:12:28,748 --> 00:12:31,384 They're okay! They've found them. 334 00:12:32,185 --> 00:12:33,086 Oh, thank God. 335 00:12:33,186 --> 00:12:34,354 Where are they? 336 00:12:34,454 --> 00:12:37,124 Uh, about an hour east of Baton Rouge. 337 00:12:37,224 --> 00:12:38,391 Apparently they were on their way to Florida. 338 00:12:38,491 --> 00:12:39,893 That's not where Luke Perry is. 339 00:12:39,993 --> 00:12:41,261 Let me speak to them. 340 00:12:42,062 --> 00:12:43,430 Copy that. 341 00:12:44,197 --> 00:12:45,999 All right. Your parents are on the way. 342 00:12:46,099 --> 00:12:47,534 Are they mad? 343 00:12:47,634 --> 00:12:50,303 If my daughter stole my car and ran away, I'd be mad. 344 00:12:50,403 --> 00:12:52,806 What if she had a good reason? 345 00:12:53,841 --> 00:12:55,042 Do you have a good reason? 346 00:12:55,142 --> 00:12:56,910 Well, my brother's really smart 347 00:12:57,010 --> 00:12:59,847 and my older brother had a baby and they were ignoring me. 348 00:12:59,947 --> 00:13:02,082 You might need a better reason. 349 00:13:03,383 --> 00:13:04,818 Are you taking us to jail? 350 00:13:05,986 --> 00:13:06,887 No. 351 00:13:06,987 --> 00:13:08,856 Great, so we can go? 352 00:13:08,956 --> 00:13:10,457 No. 353 00:13:10,557 --> 00:13:12,625 But I'm not taking you in either. 354 00:13:12,725 --> 00:13:14,127 Why not? 355 00:13:14,227 --> 00:13:17,564 I got a kid your age. I get it. 356 00:13:18,365 --> 00:13:19,867 Oh, God, I'd rather sit in jail 357 00:13:19,967 --> 00:13:22,169 than have another adult tell me how much they get it. 358 00:13:22,269 --> 00:13:25,472 Not me. Happy right here. 359 00:13:27,374 --> 00:13:30,210 I'm real sorry for whatever Paige got Missy into. 360 00:13:30,310 --> 00:13:33,313 Thanks, but I think this one's on Missy. 361 00:13:33,413 --> 00:13:36,016 I doubt it. Last month she swiped my credit card 362 00:13:36,116 --> 00:13:37,885 and bought a plane ticket to Hawaii. 363 00:13:37,985 --> 00:13:39,152 Nonrefundable. 364 00:13:39,252 --> 00:13:40,553 What did you do? 365 00:13:40,653 --> 00:13:41,855 What could I do? I dropped her off at her dad's 366 00:13:41,955 --> 00:13:43,790 and I went to Hawaii. 367 00:13:43,891 --> 00:13:45,292 (chuckles) Trust me, 368 00:13:45,392 --> 00:13:46,826 Missy's never gonna do anything like this again. 369 00:13:46,927 --> 00:13:49,162 Aw, bless your heart. 370 00:13:49,262 --> 00:13:52,832 I'm serious. School and home, that's it. 371 00:13:52,933 --> 00:13:56,169 No TV, no friends, no shoes. 372 00:13:56,269 --> 00:13:57,637 Let's see her run away barefoot. 373 00:13:57,737 --> 00:14:01,208 That's your plan-- make her hate us even more? 374 00:14:01,308 --> 00:14:02,475 I'm not trying to be her friend, Mary. 375 00:14:02,575 --> 00:14:03,911 I'm trying to be her parent. 376 00:14:04,011 --> 00:14:05,612 What do you think I'm trying to be? 377 00:14:05,712 --> 00:14:08,148 Oh, I don't know. Her neighbor? 378 00:14:11,184 --> 00:14:12,953 Is everything okay? 379 00:14:13,053 --> 00:14:14,587 Yes. 380 00:14:14,687 --> 00:14:16,957 I've just been staying across the street 381 00:14:17,057 --> 00:14:18,558 taking care of our granddaughter. 382 00:14:18,658 --> 00:14:20,460 (chuckles) How long you gonna keep using that excuse? 383 00:14:20,560 --> 00:14:23,230 I am so sorry. It's been a stressful week. 384 00:14:23,330 --> 00:14:25,966 You don't need to apologize. I've been there. 385 00:14:26,066 --> 00:14:27,400 Right. 386 00:14:28,168 --> 00:14:30,737 I know it's not my place, but... 387 00:14:30,837 --> 00:14:33,240 Barry and I used to keep a bunch of stuff bottled up, 388 00:14:33,340 --> 00:14:35,508 and we know how that turned out. 389 00:14:35,608 --> 00:14:37,744 We're not getting divorced. 390 00:14:37,844 --> 00:14:39,112 Yeah, over my dead body. 391 00:14:39,212 --> 00:14:41,548 Yeah, that's exactly how it's gonna end. 392 00:14:42,515 --> 00:14:44,251 Oh, boy. 393 00:14:45,585 --> 00:14:46,920 (sighs) 394 00:14:47,754 --> 00:14:50,223 What was Missy thinking? Why Florida? 395 00:14:50,323 --> 00:14:51,624 Why does it matter? 396 00:14:51,724 --> 00:14:53,360 I made a solid hypothesis backed by data. 397 00:14:53,460 --> 00:14:54,527 Where did I go wrong? 398 00:14:54,627 --> 00:14:56,863 You tried to predict a teenage girl. 399 00:14:58,999 --> 00:15:00,133 Perhaps when she gets back 400 00:15:00,233 --> 00:15:01,701 we can take her in for a brain scan. 401 00:15:01,801 --> 00:15:03,503 Maybe what Missy needs 402 00:15:03,603 --> 00:15:06,039 is for us all to be a little understanding. 403 00:15:06,139 --> 00:15:07,307 I'm trying to understand. 404 00:15:07,407 --> 00:15:08,741 That's why I need the brain scan. 405 00:15:08,841 --> 00:15:11,778 Look, your sister's going through a lot these days. 406 00:15:11,878 --> 00:15:13,246 She's feeling overlooked, 407 00:15:13,346 --> 00:15:15,715 confused, angry, sad. 408 00:15:16,483 --> 00:15:18,418 She's feeling all those things at once? 409 00:15:19,219 --> 00:15:20,153 Yeah. 410 00:15:20,253 --> 00:15:21,788 And I can't scan her brain? 411 00:15:21,888 --> 00:15:23,656 That is so unfair. 412 00:15:23,756 --> 00:15:26,159 So, what exactly was your plan? 413 00:15:26,259 --> 00:15:28,128 We were gonna go to Daytona Beach. 414 00:15:28,228 --> 00:15:29,396 Like on MTV. 415 00:15:29,496 --> 00:15:30,897 And what were you gonna do for money? 416 00:15:30,998 --> 00:15:32,499 I don't know. 417 00:15:32,599 --> 00:15:34,267 We would have figured something out. 418 00:15:34,367 --> 00:15:36,736 Yeah, she's an actual genius. 419 00:15:37,704 --> 00:15:38,805 Sorry. 420 00:15:38,905 --> 00:15:41,808 Don't get a lot of geniuses back there. 421 00:15:41,908 --> 00:15:44,144 Mostly stupid folk. 422 00:15:44,911 --> 00:15:47,847 I'm just saying, I have a good relationship with Missy. 423 00:15:47,947 --> 00:15:50,417 Yeah, I taught her how to throw a ball. 424 00:15:50,517 --> 00:15:51,951 Taught her how to drive. 425 00:15:52,052 --> 00:15:53,753 You taught her how to drive? 426 00:15:53,853 --> 00:15:55,555 Oh, uh... 427 00:15:55,655 --> 00:15:57,857 You know, just the basics in-in a parking lot. 428 00:15:59,292 --> 00:16:00,427 Hey... 429 00:16:00,527 --> 00:16:01,694 She made it all the way to Louisiana 430 00:16:01,794 --> 00:16:03,063 without getting into an accident. 431 00:16:03,163 --> 00:16:04,897 I think I did a pretty good job. 432 00:16:04,998 --> 00:16:06,299 Unbelievable. 433 00:16:06,399 --> 00:16:07,867 If y'all want, I can recommend 434 00:16:07,967 --> 00:16:10,170 the marriage counselor me and Barry used. 435 00:16:10,270 --> 00:16:11,538 (snorts) 436 00:16:11,638 --> 00:16:13,573 What's... (snorts) 437 00:16:13,673 --> 00:16:16,043 Y'all got divorced. (chuckles) 438 00:16:16,143 --> 00:16:17,377 How good can he be? 439 00:16:17,477 --> 00:16:19,079 Well, she... 440 00:16:19,179 --> 00:16:21,114 (snorts) Stop with the... (snorts) 441 00:16:21,214 --> 00:16:25,052 Oh, like she's not gonna be on your side? 442 00:16:25,152 --> 00:16:26,653 It's not about sides. 443 00:16:26,753 --> 00:16:28,855 She helped us realize we were staying in our marriage 444 00:16:28,955 --> 00:16:30,223 for the wrong reasons 445 00:16:30,323 --> 00:16:32,092 and it would be better for everyone if we split. 446 00:16:32,192 --> 00:16:34,694 I'm not sure it was better for Paige. 447 00:16:36,196 --> 00:16:39,132 Paige's issues have nothing to do with our divorce. 448 00:16:39,232 --> 00:16:40,733 Sure. 449 00:16:42,335 --> 00:16:45,538 How much she have to pay the counselor to tell her that? 450 00:16:47,774 --> 00:16:49,542 At least my daughter didn't steal my truck, 451 00:16:49,642 --> 00:16:52,712 and none of my kids are having babies. 452 00:16:53,613 --> 00:16:55,682 Okay, we all have our stuff. 453 00:16:55,782 --> 00:16:57,284 (snorts) 454 00:16:57,384 --> 00:16:58,785 Here comes another one. 455 00:17:00,353 --> 00:17:03,056 (beeps) Fifty-eight. 456 00:17:03,156 --> 00:17:04,590 How does it know? 457 00:17:04,691 --> 00:17:06,593 It calculates the speed based on the Doppler shift 458 00:17:06,693 --> 00:17:08,728 of the reflected radio waves. 459 00:17:08,828 --> 00:17:10,762 See? Genius. 460 00:17:10,863 --> 00:17:13,366 My brother's like that too, but she's way more fun. 461 00:17:13,465 --> 00:17:15,702 (car whooshing) 462 00:17:16,569 --> 00:17:18,037 (beep) Ninety-one. 463 00:17:18,137 --> 00:17:19,906 All right, buckle up. 464 00:17:20,006 --> 00:17:21,141 Yes! 465 00:17:21,241 --> 00:17:23,410 (siren wailing) 466 00:17:23,510 --> 00:17:25,578 MISSY: Show me how to use your gun and I'll cover you. 467 00:17:37,924 --> 00:17:40,393 If you need a break, I can drive for a bit. 468 00:17:40,493 --> 00:17:41,961 I'm okay, thanks. 469 00:17:42,061 --> 00:17:44,831 I could take a turn. Not a time for jokes. 470 00:17:44,931 --> 00:17:46,466 You may never drive again. 471 00:17:46,566 --> 00:17:49,068 And you are not hanging out with Paige anymore. 472 00:17:49,169 --> 00:17:51,070 That's not fair. It was my idea, not Paige's. 473 00:17:51,171 --> 00:17:53,206 You really think that's helping your case? 474 00:17:53,306 --> 00:17:55,942 Liked it better when you two weren't talking. 475 00:17:56,042 --> 00:17:58,145 Well, too bad, 'cause we are. 476 00:17:58,245 --> 00:18:00,079 If you're feeling ignored, don't worry. 477 00:18:00,180 --> 00:18:02,615 We're gonna be laser-focused on you from now on. 478 00:18:03,883 --> 00:18:05,318 ADULT SHELDON: This marked the beginning of 479 00:18:05,418 --> 00:18:06,853 what our family would come to call 480 00:18:06,953 --> 00:18:09,088 "Missy's difficult period." 481 00:18:09,189 --> 00:18:10,223 Despite my repeated assurances 482 00:18:10,323 --> 00:18:11,691 that I could solve the problem 483 00:18:11,791 --> 00:18:13,626 with a brain scan and some low-voltage 484 00:18:13,726 --> 00:18:15,228 electric shocks, I was 485 00:18:15,328 --> 00:18:18,565 never given the opportunity. Such a shame. 486 00:18:23,470 --> 00:18:26,373 Captioning sponsored by CBS 487 00:18:26,473 --> 00:18:29,376 WARNER BROS. TELEVISION 488 00:18:29,476 --> 00:18:32,179 and TOYOTA. 489 00:18:32,279 --> 00:18:35,715 Captioned by Media Access Group at WGBH access.wgbh.org