1 00:00:02,303 --> 00:00:03,637 Previously on Young Sheldon... 2 00:00:03,737 --> 00:00:05,273 Where's George? 3 00:00:05,373 --> 00:00:06,707 He had a heart attack. 4 00:00:06,807 --> 00:00:08,742 He... he's okay, right? 5 00:00:10,611 --> 00:00:12,346 He's gone. 6 00:00:16,317 --> 00:00:19,087 ADULT SHELDON: I wasn't always as emotionally intelligent 7 00:00:19,187 --> 00:00:20,454 as I am today. 8 00:00:20,554 --> 00:00:23,391 For example, when my father died, 9 00:00:23,491 --> 00:00:25,259 I was flummoxed by all the different ways 10 00:00:25,359 --> 00:00:27,461 people expressed grief. 11 00:00:28,296 --> 00:00:31,465 My mother threw herself into religion. 12 00:00:31,565 --> 00:00:34,768 My meemaw turned to a different kind of spirit. 13 00:00:36,604 --> 00:00:39,006 My brother tried to fill the vacuum 14 00:00:39,107 --> 00:00:40,741 created by my father's passing. 15 00:00:40,841 --> 00:00:42,510 $3,500? 16 00:00:42,610 --> 00:00:44,678 You do realize we're talking about the beloved head coach 17 00:00:44,778 --> 00:00:46,714 of a winning football team? There's an argument... 18 00:00:46,814 --> 00:00:48,682 ADULT SHELDON: And then there's all the friends and neighbors 19 00:00:48,782 --> 00:00:50,318 who expressed their grief with food. 20 00:00:50,418 --> 00:00:52,353 I made you a casserole. 21 00:00:53,121 --> 00:00:55,089 I made you a casserole. 22 00:00:55,189 --> 00:00:56,757 I made you a casserole. 23 00:00:56,857 --> 00:00:58,992 I bought you a casserole. 24 00:00:59,793 --> 00:01:01,162 ADULT SHELDON: And of course, I thought about 25 00:01:01,262 --> 00:01:04,132 Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan... 26 00:01:04,232 --> 00:01:06,033 I have been, 27 00:01:06,134 --> 00:01:08,636 and always shall be, 28 00:01:08,736 --> 00:01:10,271 your friend. 29 00:01:10,371 --> 00:01:13,307 ...and how upset I was over the death of Spock. 30 00:01:16,144 --> 00:01:18,879 Live long... 31 00:01:18,979 --> 00:01:20,381 and prosper. 32 00:01:24,818 --> 00:01:26,320 What are you doing? 33 00:01:26,420 --> 00:01:27,588 Thinking about Star Trek. 34 00:01:27,688 --> 00:01:29,757 What is wrong with you? Our dad just died. 35 00:01:29,857 --> 00:01:32,092 ADULT SHELDON: And some people express their grief 36 00:01:32,193 --> 00:01:33,794 by lashing out. 37 00:01:34,995 --> 00:01:38,065 ♪ Nobody else is stronger than I am ♪ 38 00:01:38,166 --> 00:01:40,468 ♪ Yesterday I moved a mountain ♪ 39 00:01:40,568 --> 00:01:43,070 ♪ I bet I could be your hero ♪ 40 00:01:43,171 --> 00:01:46,207 ♪ I am a mighty little man ♪ 41 00:01:46,307 --> 00:01:50,278 ♪ I am a mighty little man. ♪ 42 00:01:53,181 --> 00:01:55,483 If there's any pictures of George 43 00:01:55,583 --> 00:01:57,351 you'd like to display at the ceremony, 44 00:01:57,451 --> 00:02:00,020 I'll need to get those. 45 00:02:00,120 --> 00:02:01,121 Oh, um... 46 00:02:01,222 --> 00:02:02,122 Don't worry, Mom, 47 00:02:02,223 --> 00:02:03,424 I'll take care of it. 48 00:02:03,524 --> 00:02:05,092 Did George have a favorite hymn 49 00:02:05,193 --> 00:02:07,161 or song that might be played? 50 00:02:07,261 --> 00:02:09,096 He did always play "Born to Be Wild" 51 00:02:09,197 --> 00:02:10,698 when the team ran out on the field. 52 00:02:10,798 --> 00:02:13,567 Not sure our organist knows that one. 53 00:02:13,667 --> 00:02:14,968 I can bring a boom box. 54 00:02:15,068 --> 00:02:17,037 We'll call that plan B. 55 00:02:17,905 --> 00:02:19,173 GEORGE SR.: What's happening? 56 00:02:19,273 --> 00:02:20,208 MARY: We are leaving for 57 00:02:20,308 --> 00:02:21,375 the bluebonnet picture at 4:00. 58 00:02:21,475 --> 00:02:22,410 Don't be late. Wouldn't miss it. 59 00:02:22,510 --> 00:02:24,077 You want a ride to school? 60 00:02:24,178 --> 00:02:25,579 Nah, I'll take the bus. 61 00:02:25,679 --> 00:02:27,315 Suit yourself. 62 00:02:27,415 --> 00:02:29,183 See y'all later. 63 00:02:29,283 --> 00:02:30,684 4:00. 64 00:02:36,224 --> 00:02:37,858 See y'all later. 65 00:02:37,958 --> 00:02:39,227 4:00. 66 00:02:41,094 --> 00:02:42,730 Dad, wait. 67 00:02:42,830 --> 00:02:43,997 Yeah? 68 00:02:44,097 --> 00:02:48,202 I have been, and always shall be, your friend. 69 00:02:48,302 --> 00:02:50,871 Live long and prosper. 70 00:02:58,979 --> 00:03:00,614 See y'all later. 71 00:03:00,714 --> 00:03:01,849 4:00. 72 00:03:03,884 --> 00:03:05,286 Dad, wait. 73 00:03:05,386 --> 00:03:07,221 Yeah? 74 00:03:08,188 --> 00:03:09,457 Bye. 75 00:03:10,258 --> 00:03:11,825 Bye, son. 76 00:03:14,662 --> 00:03:15,896 MARY: Shelly? 77 00:03:15,996 --> 00:03:17,164 You okay? 78 00:03:17,265 --> 00:03:18,266 He's probably thinking about 79 00:03:18,366 --> 00:03:19,833 stupid Star Trek stuff. 80 00:03:19,933 --> 00:03:21,702 I was thinking about alternate realities 81 00:03:21,802 --> 00:03:23,804 branching off from a single decision point. 82 00:03:23,904 --> 00:03:25,439 Only one of them was about Star Trek. 83 00:03:25,539 --> 00:03:27,207 We're talking about Dad's funeral. 84 00:03:27,308 --> 00:03:28,609 Why don't you care? 85 00:03:28,709 --> 00:03:30,311 The details of the funeral are irrelevant. 86 00:03:30,411 --> 00:03:31,345 They won't change anything. 87 00:03:31,445 --> 00:03:32,746 I can't wait for yours. 88 00:03:32,846 --> 00:03:34,748 Hey, that's enough out of you two. 89 00:03:34,848 --> 00:03:36,750 You're not Dad. You don't tell us what to do. 90 00:03:36,850 --> 00:03:38,586 Well, I will, and that's enough! 91 00:03:38,686 --> 00:03:40,888 It's okay. It's healthy for everyone 92 00:03:40,988 --> 00:03:42,089 to let their feelings out. 93 00:03:42,189 --> 00:03:43,257 Oh, shut up, Jeff. 94 00:03:43,357 --> 00:03:45,225 Missy! Go to your room. 95 00:03:45,326 --> 00:03:46,660 How about I just go? 96 00:03:48,028 --> 00:03:49,263 (sighs) 97 00:03:50,298 --> 00:03:52,333 (door opens, closes) 98 00:03:52,433 --> 00:03:54,201 I'm sorry about her. 99 00:03:54,302 --> 00:03:56,203 No need to apologize. 100 00:03:56,304 --> 00:03:58,439 Now, which of you might... 101 00:03:59,206 --> 00:04:00,874 See y'all later. 102 00:04:00,974 --> 00:04:01,975 4:00. 103 00:04:04,044 --> 00:04:05,679 Dad, wait. 104 00:04:05,779 --> 00:04:07,147 Yeah? 105 00:04:07,247 --> 00:04:09,249 I love you. 106 00:04:09,350 --> 00:04:11,819 I love you, too, son. 107 00:04:20,994 --> 00:04:21,995 Hey, Missy. 108 00:04:22,095 --> 00:04:23,096 Hey. 109 00:04:23,196 --> 00:04:24,365 I brought you food. 110 00:04:24,465 --> 00:04:27,000 Thanks, but I'm not hungry. 111 00:04:30,338 --> 00:04:31,972 I'm real sorry. 112 00:04:34,375 --> 00:04:36,477 Your dad was always nice to me. 113 00:04:37,511 --> 00:04:39,079 He liked you. 114 00:04:39,880 --> 00:04:42,282 Now you and I have something in common. 115 00:04:42,383 --> 00:04:43,684 What's that? 116 00:04:44,485 --> 00:04:45,986 My dad's gone, too. 117 00:04:46,086 --> 00:04:49,122 Your dad's in New Jersey. 118 00:04:49,222 --> 00:04:52,092 Yeah, but he's not coming back. 119 00:04:53,794 --> 00:04:54,995 Sorry. 120 00:04:58,031 --> 00:04:59,500 Want a hug? 121 00:05:00,267 --> 00:05:01,869 No. 122 00:05:02,970 --> 00:05:04,772 Want a kiss? No. 123 00:05:04,872 --> 00:05:06,540 Yeah, me neither. 124 00:05:10,944 --> 00:05:13,347 ("Dreams" by The Cranberries playing on television) 125 00:05:14,782 --> 00:05:16,684 How you doing, sweetheart? 126 00:05:16,784 --> 00:05:18,318 All right. 127 00:05:18,419 --> 00:05:22,923 ♪ Impossible not to do, impossible... ♪ 128 00:05:23,023 --> 00:05:24,892 What the hell are you doing? 129 00:05:24,992 --> 00:05:26,727 Sitting? 130 00:05:26,827 --> 00:05:28,929 Not there. 131 00:05:30,063 --> 00:05:31,465 Oh, I'm sorry. 132 00:05:33,901 --> 00:05:35,068 Gosh. 133 00:05:35,168 --> 00:05:37,204 Here okay? 134 00:05:37,304 --> 00:05:38,338 (scoffs) 135 00:05:44,077 --> 00:05:45,879 ♪ Totally amazing mind... ♪ 136 00:05:45,979 --> 00:05:47,014 That's my spot. 137 00:05:47,114 --> 00:05:48,982 Oh, sorry. 138 00:05:49,817 --> 00:05:51,084 Here, have a seat. 139 00:05:51,184 --> 00:05:52,152 I don't want to sit there, 140 00:05:52,252 --> 00:05:53,954 that's just my spot. 141 00:05:55,589 --> 00:05:57,625 (sighs) 142 00:05:58,726 --> 00:05:59,693 Hey, Mary. 143 00:05:59,793 --> 00:06:01,529 Hi, Wayne. Come on in. 144 00:06:02,863 --> 00:06:05,933 I cleaned out George's desk. 145 00:06:06,033 --> 00:06:07,901 Uh, thought you might 146 00:06:08,001 --> 00:06:09,503 like his stuff. 147 00:06:09,603 --> 00:06:10,638 Thanks. 148 00:06:12,540 --> 00:06:14,508 I just wanted you to know that 149 00:06:14,608 --> 00:06:17,377 if there's anything that you or the kids need... 150 00:06:18,946 --> 00:06:20,313 (crying): ...I'm here for y'all. 151 00:06:20,414 --> 00:06:22,516 Oh, Wayne. I mean it. 152 00:06:22,616 --> 00:06:23,784 Anything that you need. 153 00:06:23,884 --> 00:06:25,786 Thank you. I appreciate that. 154 00:06:25,886 --> 00:06:26,920 (sobs) 155 00:06:27,020 --> 00:06:28,321 You doing okay? 156 00:06:28,422 --> 00:06:30,791 Oh, yeah, yeah. Don't worry about me. 157 00:06:30,891 --> 00:06:33,126 (sobs) 158 00:06:35,028 --> 00:06:36,930 Okay. Let me get you a tissue. 159 00:06:37,030 --> 00:06:38,165 Okay, okay. 160 00:06:38,265 --> 00:06:40,400 (suppressing sobs) 161 00:06:42,369 --> 00:06:43,671 I just miss him, you know? 162 00:06:43,771 --> 00:06:44,938 (blows nose) 163 00:06:45,038 --> 00:06:46,607 I do. 164 00:06:46,707 --> 00:06:48,742 I used to... I used to mess with him by telling him 165 00:06:48,842 --> 00:06:50,478 he was my best white friend, you know. 166 00:06:50,578 --> 00:06:53,614 But... but the truth is that he was my best friend. 167 00:06:53,714 --> 00:06:55,583 And you were his. 168 00:06:55,683 --> 00:06:57,651 Oh, that's nice to know. 169 00:06:57,751 --> 00:06:59,687 I'm not helping, am I? 170 00:06:59,787 --> 00:07:01,589 That's okay. 171 00:07:02,790 --> 00:07:04,525 Are you hungry? 172 00:07:04,625 --> 00:07:06,126 We've got lots of food. 173 00:07:06,226 --> 00:07:08,361 Yeah, I-I could eat. 174 00:07:09,196 --> 00:07:10,864 Hope you like casserole. 175 00:07:10,964 --> 00:07:12,700 I do like casserole. 176 00:07:12,800 --> 00:07:15,035 ♪ ♪ 177 00:07:39,226 --> 00:07:41,361 ADULT SHELDON: Eventually I realized 178 00:07:41,461 --> 00:07:43,997 there was a better way to deal with grief: 179 00:07:44,097 --> 00:07:46,600 avoid it completely. 180 00:07:49,436 --> 00:07:50,203 Sheldon. 181 00:07:50,303 --> 00:07:52,005 Oh, hello. I just wanted to 182 00:07:52,105 --> 00:07:53,941 tell you how sorry... No, thank you. 183 00:07:54,675 --> 00:07:56,744 Well, if there's anything you need... 184 00:07:56,844 --> 00:07:58,078 Nope. 185 00:08:00,480 --> 00:08:02,015 I'm here to pick up a suit for Cooper. 186 00:08:02,115 --> 00:08:03,617 Oh, sure. 187 00:08:08,021 --> 00:08:09,056 George Cooper? 188 00:08:09,156 --> 00:08:10,157 Yes, ma'am. 189 00:08:10,257 --> 00:08:12,760 Looks a little big for you. 190 00:08:12,860 --> 00:08:14,728 (chuckles) It's my dad's. 191 00:08:14,828 --> 00:08:16,564 Nice of you to pick it up for him. 192 00:08:16,664 --> 00:08:19,232 That'll be eight dollars. 193 00:08:24,805 --> 00:08:25,839 (sighs) 194 00:08:25,939 --> 00:08:27,107 What you doing? 195 00:08:27,207 --> 00:08:30,510 Trying to write my speech for the funeral. 196 00:08:30,611 --> 00:08:31,745 Mmm. 197 00:08:31,845 --> 00:08:32,980 Not easy, is it? 198 00:08:33,080 --> 00:08:34,615 No. 199 00:08:34,715 --> 00:08:35,448 Where's Dale? 200 00:08:35,549 --> 00:08:37,284 Oh, he was wandering around, 201 00:08:37,384 --> 00:08:39,820 afraid to sit anywhere, so I sent him home. 202 00:08:40,588 --> 00:08:43,490 Anyway, you want to read me what you got? 203 00:08:43,591 --> 00:08:45,125 (exhales): Uh... 204 00:08:46,026 --> 00:08:47,327 (sighs) 205 00:08:47,427 --> 00:08:49,196 George was a good husband, 206 00:08:49,296 --> 00:08:51,765 a good father and a good coach. 207 00:08:52,766 --> 00:08:54,334 Keep going. 208 00:08:54,434 --> 00:08:56,704 No, that's all I got. Oh. 209 00:08:56,804 --> 00:08:57,871 Short and sweet. 210 00:08:57,971 --> 00:08:59,139 Leave 'em wanting more. 211 00:08:59,239 --> 00:09:02,009 I don't know how to do this. 212 00:09:02,109 --> 00:09:03,944 Oh, honey, 213 00:09:04,044 --> 00:09:05,713 why would you? 214 00:09:06,947 --> 00:09:09,249 How did you get through Dad's funeral? 215 00:09:10,183 --> 00:09:11,819 You're gonna think less of me. 216 00:09:11,919 --> 00:09:13,020 I won't. 217 00:09:13,120 --> 00:09:14,221 I drank tequila and smoked 218 00:09:14,321 --> 00:09:15,856 a marijuana cigarette. 219 00:09:15,956 --> 00:09:17,257 Oh, Mom. 220 00:09:17,357 --> 00:09:19,860 Don't knock it till you try it. 221 00:09:21,328 --> 00:09:23,764 I'll have you know 222 00:09:23,864 --> 00:09:26,967 that I took a couple of puffs my senior year of high school. 223 00:09:27,067 --> 00:09:28,401 The devil's lettuce? 224 00:09:28,501 --> 00:09:30,237 George gave it to me. 225 00:09:30,337 --> 00:09:32,706 I knew he was a bad influence. 226 00:09:32,806 --> 00:09:34,141 (laughs) 227 00:09:34,975 --> 00:09:38,345 It was the night before he shipped out to Vietnam. 228 00:09:39,446 --> 00:09:41,348 And we snuck into my bedroom 229 00:09:41,448 --> 00:09:43,116 and we... you know. 230 00:09:43,216 --> 00:09:45,518 Mary Tucker. (chuckles) 231 00:09:45,619 --> 00:09:48,822 I wanted to make sure he knew what he was fighting for. 232 00:09:48,922 --> 00:09:52,459 See, that's a story you should tell at the service. 233 00:09:52,559 --> 00:09:55,195 In my church, in front of my children? 234 00:09:55,295 --> 00:09:57,197 It's patriotic. 235 00:09:58,632 --> 00:10:01,268 I can't help feeling like 236 00:10:01,368 --> 00:10:02,903 something's wrong with me. 237 00:10:03,003 --> 00:10:04,004 What are you talking about? 238 00:10:04,104 --> 00:10:05,105 (sighs) 239 00:10:05,205 --> 00:10:06,674 I know it doesn't make sense, 240 00:10:06,774 --> 00:10:10,610 but... I am mad at him for leaving me. 241 00:10:10,711 --> 00:10:13,246 Yeah, I get that. You do? 242 00:10:14,047 --> 00:10:16,083 I was mad at your daddy when he passed. 243 00:10:16,183 --> 00:10:18,051 How did you get over it? 244 00:10:18,151 --> 00:10:19,953 Time. 245 00:10:20,921 --> 00:10:23,791 And Dale helps. Don't tell him, please. 246 00:10:23,891 --> 00:10:24,692 (chuckles) 247 00:10:24,792 --> 00:10:26,593 I'm happy you found each other. 248 00:10:26,694 --> 00:10:29,229 You're still young, honey. 249 00:10:30,230 --> 00:10:31,999 No. 250 00:10:32,099 --> 00:10:33,033 (clears throat) 251 00:10:33,133 --> 00:10:34,768 That's it for me. I'm done. 252 00:10:37,004 --> 00:10:38,906 I'll leave you to it. 253 00:10:39,006 --> 00:10:40,040 Thanks. 254 00:10:40,808 --> 00:10:42,275 And listen, if you can't think of 255 00:10:42,375 --> 00:10:43,911 anything complimentary to say, 256 00:10:44,011 --> 00:10:45,946 just make stuff up. 257 00:10:46,046 --> 00:10:47,047 Nobody's gonna call you on it. 258 00:10:47,147 --> 00:10:49,282 Sheldon will. 259 00:10:51,018 --> 00:10:52,185 Yeah. 260 00:10:52,285 --> 00:10:53,721 Sheldon will. 261 00:10:53,821 --> 00:10:54,922 (laughs) 262 00:10:55,022 --> 00:10:56,323 GEORGE SR.: You want a ride to school? 263 00:10:56,423 --> 00:10:58,191 MISSY: Nah, I'll take the bus. 264 00:10:58,291 --> 00:10:59,893 GEORGE SR.: Suit yourself. 265 00:11:00,894 --> 00:11:02,329 See y'all later. 266 00:11:02,429 --> 00:11:03,697 4:00. 267 00:11:05,766 --> 00:11:07,200 Dad, wait. 268 00:11:07,300 --> 00:11:08,869 Yeah? 269 00:11:08,969 --> 00:11:11,004 Can I go with you? 270 00:11:11,104 --> 00:11:12,572 Sure. 271 00:11:12,672 --> 00:11:14,674 Maybe we could play some of them car games you love 272 00:11:14,775 --> 00:11:15,709 on the way. 273 00:11:15,809 --> 00:11:17,811 I'd like that. 274 00:11:29,056 --> 00:11:31,324 (organ playing) 275 00:11:36,730 --> 00:11:38,498 Mary. 276 00:11:38,598 --> 00:11:39,632 We're so sorry. 277 00:11:39,733 --> 00:11:40,968 Thank you. 278 00:11:41,068 --> 00:11:42,169 Well, I didn't know him long, 279 00:11:42,269 --> 00:11:44,872 but, uh, I loved that guy. 280 00:11:45,705 --> 00:11:47,941 He felt like y'all were long-lost friends. 281 00:11:48,041 --> 00:11:49,910 (voice breaking): Oh, here we go. 282 00:11:50,010 --> 00:11:52,445 Come on, let's get you some Kleenex. 283 00:11:53,747 --> 00:11:54,948 Aren't y'all sweet to come? 284 00:11:55,048 --> 00:11:56,649 Of course. 285 00:11:57,417 --> 00:11:58,618 I saw Sheldon the other day. 286 00:11:58,718 --> 00:12:00,120 He wouldn't speak to me. 287 00:12:00,220 --> 00:12:02,189 Is he okay? 288 00:12:02,289 --> 00:12:04,691 He's not really talking to anybody. 289 00:12:04,792 --> 00:12:06,259 We'll keep him company. 290 00:12:06,359 --> 00:12:07,694 I'll, uh, try to distract him 291 00:12:07,795 --> 00:12:10,530 by telling him the latest news about leptons. 292 00:12:10,630 --> 00:12:11,932 He'll like that. 293 00:12:12,032 --> 00:12:14,067 He's crazy about the leptons. 294 00:12:14,167 --> 00:12:16,403 Who isn't? (chuckles) 295 00:12:19,172 --> 00:12:20,941 How'd you know George? 296 00:12:21,041 --> 00:12:22,309 Next-door neighbor. 297 00:12:22,409 --> 00:12:23,343 Oh. 298 00:12:23,443 --> 00:12:24,778 So, you knew him well? 299 00:12:25,913 --> 00:12:27,147 A little. 300 00:12:27,915 --> 00:12:28,816 How about you? 301 00:12:28,916 --> 00:12:30,617 I taught Sheldon science. 302 00:12:30,717 --> 00:12:32,085 Oh, I'm sorry. 303 00:12:32,185 --> 00:12:33,686 Thank you. 304 00:12:35,188 --> 00:12:36,089 I'm single. 305 00:12:36,189 --> 00:12:37,457 Same. Mm-hmm. 306 00:12:37,557 --> 00:12:38,826 Missy, 307 00:12:38,926 --> 00:12:40,928 if you want a minute with Dad before they close the casket, 308 00:12:41,028 --> 00:12:42,329 now's the time. 309 00:12:43,696 --> 00:12:45,565 It's okay if you don't. 310 00:12:47,767 --> 00:12:49,036 I have to. 311 00:13:00,480 --> 00:13:02,582 GEORGE SR.: Here, let me help you with that. 312 00:13:02,682 --> 00:13:04,351 Okay. 313 00:13:08,255 --> 00:13:09,489 Holy moly. 314 00:13:09,589 --> 00:13:10,657 It's good, huh? 315 00:13:10,757 --> 00:13:11,724 Unbelievable. 316 00:13:11,825 --> 00:13:12,759 I'll leave you to it. 317 00:13:12,860 --> 00:13:14,727 No, sit with me. 318 00:13:14,828 --> 00:13:17,064 Okay. 319 00:13:19,032 --> 00:13:21,134 (crying): Thank you for that. 320 00:13:25,038 --> 00:13:26,739 Thank you for everything. 321 00:13:30,577 --> 00:13:32,212 I love you. 322 00:13:38,218 --> 00:13:39,619 (sniffles) 323 00:13:40,387 --> 00:13:42,322 You don't need to worry. 324 00:13:43,656 --> 00:13:46,226 I've got everything under control. 325 00:13:47,861 --> 00:13:50,097 (breathes deeply) 326 00:13:50,998 --> 00:13:52,900 Won't let you down, Dad. 327 00:13:53,000 --> 00:13:54,267 (sniffles) 328 00:13:57,837 --> 00:14:00,473 Sheldon, they're gonna close the casket. 329 00:14:00,573 --> 00:14:03,110 If you want to say goodbye to your dad... 330 00:14:12,685 --> 00:14:16,589 You really didn't want to take that family portrait, did you? 331 00:14:22,862 --> 00:14:24,631 See you later. 332 00:14:25,832 --> 00:14:28,301 (cries) 333 00:14:29,669 --> 00:14:32,272 When I quit the football team, 334 00:14:32,372 --> 00:14:35,342 I thought my dad was gonna kill me. 335 00:14:35,442 --> 00:14:38,211 And then, when I quit high school, 336 00:14:38,311 --> 00:14:40,547 I really thought he was gonna kill me. 337 00:14:41,781 --> 00:14:45,085 Then, when I got my girlfriend pregnant... 338 00:14:45,185 --> 00:14:47,354 I was sure he was gonna kill me. 339 00:14:47,454 --> 00:14:50,557 But as you can see, he didn't. 340 00:14:52,592 --> 00:14:54,494 No matter what I did, 341 00:14:54,594 --> 00:14:56,629 he always had my back. 342 00:15:00,033 --> 00:15:01,568 I love you, Dad. 343 00:15:02,369 --> 00:15:04,871 And now George's loving wife Mary 344 00:15:04,972 --> 00:15:06,706 would like to say a few words. 345 00:15:06,806 --> 00:15:07,840 Mary. 346 00:15:11,144 --> 00:15:13,046 MARY: Thank you, Pastor Jeff. 347 00:15:13,146 --> 00:15:14,714 Um... (clears throat) 348 00:15:14,814 --> 00:15:16,449 (breathes deeply) 349 00:15:16,549 --> 00:15:18,885 I met George in high school. 350 00:15:18,986 --> 00:15:21,955 Well, I was in high school. 351 00:15:22,055 --> 00:15:23,156 He was an older man 352 00:15:23,256 --> 00:15:24,691 with a motorcycle. (light laughter) 353 00:15:24,791 --> 00:15:27,394 I'd like to tell you he caught my eye, 354 00:15:27,494 --> 00:15:29,796 but actually it was the motorcycle. 355 00:15:29,896 --> 00:15:32,199 (laughter) 356 00:15:34,634 --> 00:15:36,503 (voice breaking): I'm sorry, I can't... 357 00:15:36,603 --> 00:15:37,304 do this. 358 00:15:37,404 --> 00:15:38,805 I am... 359 00:15:38,905 --> 00:15:41,674 so angry. 360 00:15:41,774 --> 00:15:42,775 (sighs) 361 00:15:42,875 --> 00:15:44,677 George and I had our ups and downs, 362 00:15:44,777 --> 00:15:47,147 but we were finally in such a good place, 363 00:15:47,247 --> 00:15:49,716 and then he... 364 00:15:49,816 --> 00:15:51,451 left. 365 00:15:52,652 --> 00:15:54,154 (crying): He left all of us. 366 00:15:54,254 --> 00:15:56,756 How-how could you do that? 367 00:15:56,856 --> 00:15:58,425 I am so mad at him. 368 00:15:58,525 --> 00:16:01,561 I'm mad at God, I'm mad at myself 369 00:16:01,661 --> 00:16:04,297 for not trying harder while he was here. 370 00:16:04,397 --> 00:16:07,300 This wasn't supposed to happen. 371 00:16:07,400 --> 00:16:09,736 (crying) Okay. Oh. 372 00:16:10,870 --> 00:16:14,241 Thank you, thank you, darling, thank you. 373 00:16:14,341 --> 00:16:16,343 Jeff, could you...? 374 00:16:22,915 --> 00:16:24,184 Very heartfelt. 375 00:16:24,951 --> 00:16:28,288 I know this is hard for everyone. 376 00:16:28,388 --> 00:16:30,490 It's certainly hard for me. 377 00:16:31,291 --> 00:16:34,327 But no one... 378 00:16:34,427 --> 00:16:37,164 is more upset 379 00:16:37,264 --> 00:16:39,266 with George's passing 380 00:16:39,366 --> 00:16:41,134 than the Lone Star Beer company. 381 00:16:41,234 --> 00:16:43,070 That flag is at half-mast. 382 00:16:43,170 --> 00:16:45,072 (laughter) 383 00:16:45,172 --> 00:16:47,274 On the other hand, there's a lot of cows out there 384 00:16:47,374 --> 00:16:50,643 that are breathing a sigh of relief. 385 00:16:51,444 --> 00:16:54,013 As the king of brisket has 386 00:16:54,114 --> 00:16:57,684 put down his fork and ridden off into the sunset. 387 00:16:57,784 --> 00:16:59,619 (laughter) 388 00:16:59,719 --> 00:17:01,554 And, uh, I'll tell you something... Why are they laughing at Dad? 389 00:17:01,654 --> 00:17:03,856 'Cause they love him. ...that I always 390 00:17:03,956 --> 00:17:05,558 kind of kept to myself, 391 00:17:05,658 --> 00:17:07,026 but... 392 00:17:07,127 --> 00:17:09,762 I wasn't always a big supporter 393 00:17:09,862 --> 00:17:12,865 of George and Mary being an item. 394 00:17:12,965 --> 00:17:14,701 As a matter of fact, 395 00:17:14,801 --> 00:17:16,669 whenever he came to visit, 396 00:17:16,769 --> 00:17:20,273 I would always invite Mary's slutty friend Janice over, 397 00:17:20,373 --> 00:17:24,211 hoping to catch his interest. 398 00:17:24,311 --> 00:17:26,213 (laughter) Hey, Janice. 399 00:17:26,313 --> 00:17:28,014 Thanks for coming. You're a doll. 400 00:17:28,115 --> 00:17:29,982 Anyway... 401 00:17:32,219 --> 00:17:36,089 George only had eyes for Mary. 402 00:17:37,990 --> 00:17:39,126 And of course brisket. 403 00:17:39,226 --> 00:17:42,129 (laughter) 404 00:17:42,229 --> 00:17:44,264 And over the years, 405 00:17:44,364 --> 00:17:47,134 he surely earned my respect. 406 00:17:47,234 --> 00:17:48,968 ♪ ♪ 407 00:17:49,969 --> 00:17:52,305 He was a good man. 408 00:17:53,173 --> 00:17:57,144 (voice breaking): And I will always be proud... 409 00:17:57,244 --> 00:17:59,746 to call him my son. 410 00:18:14,994 --> 00:18:18,365 (crying) 411 00:18:24,003 --> 00:18:26,606 Okay. Okay. 412 00:18:27,674 --> 00:18:31,844 Uh, what Wayne here is trying to say, 413 00:18:31,944 --> 00:18:36,383 uh, is, uh, George was a hell of a coach. 414 00:18:38,818 --> 00:18:40,887 He was a hell of a friend. 415 00:18:42,088 --> 00:18:43,923 And we're gonna miss him a hell of a lot. 416 00:18:45,425 --> 00:18:47,059 Thank you. 417 00:18:52,765 --> 00:18:54,767 Before our final prayer, 418 00:18:54,867 --> 00:18:57,404 would anyone else like to say a few words? 419 00:18:57,504 --> 00:18:59,339 Missy? 420 00:18:59,439 --> 00:19:01,174 (mouths) 421 00:19:02,108 --> 00:19:03,843 Shelly? 422 00:19:08,415 --> 00:19:09,649 (clears throat) 423 00:19:18,991 --> 00:19:20,327 I've been thinking a lot about 424 00:19:20,427 --> 00:19:22,429 the last moments I had with my dad. 425 00:19:23,730 --> 00:19:26,433 It was morning, and he was leaving for work. 426 00:19:27,734 --> 00:19:29,836 He said, "See y'all later." 427 00:19:31,204 --> 00:19:32,972 And I said nothing. 428 00:19:34,407 --> 00:19:36,108 I regret that. 429 00:19:37,277 --> 00:19:40,580 I could have said "Bye" or asked him for a ride. 430 00:19:41,448 --> 00:19:43,082 Or told him that I loved him. 431 00:19:43,182 --> 00:19:44,551 But I didn't. 432 00:19:46,353 --> 00:19:48,588 I barely noticed he left. 433 00:19:50,723 --> 00:19:55,862 So many times that I didn't notice my father. 434 00:19:58,865 --> 00:20:01,468 I hope he knew how much I loved him. 435 00:20:02,635 --> 00:20:03,836 ADULT SHELDON: I wish I could tell you 436 00:20:03,936 --> 00:20:05,905 I said all those things. 437 00:20:06,806 --> 00:20:07,907 But I didn't. 438 00:20:08,007 --> 00:20:09,609 Shelly? 439 00:20:14,914 --> 00:20:17,950 Let's bow our heads in prayer. 440 00:20:18,050 --> 00:20:21,454 ALL: Our Father, who is in heaven, 441 00:20:21,554 --> 00:20:23,656 hallowed be Your name... 442 00:20:23,756 --> 00:20:25,124 ADULT SHELDON: For a long time, 443 00:20:25,224 --> 00:20:28,695 I focused on my father's shortcomings. 444 00:20:28,795 --> 00:20:32,365 Now that I'm his age and have kids of my own, 445 00:20:32,465 --> 00:20:36,836 I realize he was just a person doing the best he could, 446 00:20:36,936 --> 00:20:39,238 and he did a lot. 447 00:20:40,006 --> 00:20:41,708 I didn't say it at his funeral, 448 00:20:41,808 --> 00:20:44,444 but I can say it now. 449 00:20:44,544 --> 00:20:46,379 I loved my father. 450 00:20:46,479 --> 00:20:48,014 I will miss him forever. 451 00:20:48,114 --> 00:20:49,382 Captioning sponsored by CBS, WARNER BROS. TELEVISION 452 00:20:49,482 --> 00:20:51,117 and TOYOTA. 453 00:20:55,322 --> 00:20:56,523 Captioned by Media Access Group at WGBH access.wgbh.org