1 00:00:02,536 --> 00:00:03,604 Previously on Young Sheldon... 2 00:00:03,704 --> 00:00:04,805 What is happening to our family? 3 00:00:04,905 --> 00:00:06,440 Mom, getting kicked out of the church. 4 00:00:06,540 --> 00:00:08,509 Georgie having a baby out of wedlock. 5 00:00:08,609 --> 00:00:10,611 We really are white trash. 6 00:00:10,711 --> 00:00:12,746 But the church is still your family. 7 00:00:12,846 --> 00:00:15,749 I'd just hate to see you walk away from the Lord. 8 00:00:15,849 --> 00:00:19,920 (sighs) Feels like he's walking away from me. 9 00:00:25,359 --> 00:00:26,694 You looking for a new church? 10 00:00:26,794 --> 00:00:27,928 Not yet. 11 00:00:28,028 --> 00:00:29,663 'Cause I can see you going Catholic. 12 00:00:29,763 --> 00:00:33,000 You got a "get thee to a nunnery" vibe. 13 00:00:34,402 --> 00:00:36,504 Oh. Mom. Really? 14 00:00:36,604 --> 00:00:38,239 Passion's Harvest? 15 00:00:38,339 --> 00:00:41,509 The main character's name is Passion. 16 00:00:41,609 --> 00:00:43,877 She's inherited her daddy's farm, 17 00:00:43,977 --> 00:00:47,115 and there's a stud in the stable. 18 00:00:47,215 --> 00:00:48,816 Oh, that's terrible. 19 00:00:48,916 --> 00:00:52,320 Read it, then tell me how terrible it is. 20 00:00:52,420 --> 00:00:53,821 I'm not reading this trash. 21 00:00:53,921 --> 00:00:56,557 So you're literally judging a book by its cover? 22 00:00:57,858 --> 00:00:59,059 All right. 23 00:00:59,160 --> 00:01:00,994 Fine. I'll give it a look. 24 00:01:01,862 --> 00:01:04,064 How come you've dog-eared all these pages? 25 00:01:04,165 --> 00:01:06,200 You'll see. 26 00:01:07,201 --> 00:01:10,271 * Nobody else is stronger than I am * 27 00:01:10,371 --> 00:01:13,141 * Yesterday I moved a mountain * 28 00:01:13,241 --> 00:01:15,609 * I bet I could be your hero * 29 00:01:15,709 --> 00:01:17,878 * I am a mighty little man * 30 00:01:17,978 --> 00:01:22,583 * I am a mighty little man. * 31 00:01:25,853 --> 00:01:30,358 Ethically, can science ever go too far? 32 00:01:30,458 --> 00:01:33,060 Just because we can do something, 33 00:01:33,161 --> 00:01:35,296 does that mean we should do something? 34 00:01:35,396 --> 00:01:36,930 Yes. 35 00:01:37,030 --> 00:01:38,432 I haven't finished. 36 00:01:38,532 --> 00:01:40,834 I'm sorry, go on. Ethically, 37 00:01:40,934 --> 00:01:44,104 should science have any limitations? 38 00:01:44,205 --> 00:01:45,306 No. 39 00:01:45,406 --> 00:01:47,241 Interesting. 40 00:01:47,341 --> 00:01:49,577 What about human cloning? 41 00:01:49,677 --> 00:01:51,579 More of me? Yes, please. 42 00:01:51,679 --> 00:01:54,047 Well, what about more of everyone else? 43 00:01:55,183 --> 00:01:56,484 No, thank you. 44 00:01:56,584 --> 00:01:58,386 What about, uh, dinosaurs? 45 00:01:58,486 --> 00:02:00,854 Herbivores, yes. Carnivores, no. 46 00:02:00,954 --> 00:02:04,492 Well, what about the herbivores who can squash you like a bug? 47 00:02:04,592 --> 00:02:07,261 Good point. No dinosaurs. 48 00:02:07,361 --> 00:02:10,063 So, cloning is unethical? 49 00:02:10,164 --> 00:02:11,465 Right. 50 00:02:11,565 --> 00:02:13,467 But what if we were to clone Albert Einstein? 51 00:02:13,567 --> 00:02:14,902 That would be swell. 52 00:02:15,002 --> 00:02:16,737 At some point, I'm going to need a sidekick. 53 00:02:16,837 --> 00:02:18,306 So, cloning is ethical? 54 00:02:18,406 --> 00:02:20,441 Right, because Albert Einstein, unlike the dinosaur, 55 00:02:20,541 --> 00:02:21,809 harmed no one. 56 00:02:21,909 --> 00:02:24,044 I think the victims of the atomic bomb, 57 00:02:24,144 --> 00:02:28,081 which his discoveries helped create, might disagree. 58 00:02:28,182 --> 00:02:29,917 So, what's the right answer? 59 00:02:30,017 --> 00:02:33,754 That's why we're here, to find that out. 60 00:02:33,854 --> 00:02:35,022 Why don't you just tell us? 61 00:02:35,122 --> 00:02:37,157 Why don't you? I asked you first. 62 00:02:37,258 --> 00:02:38,692 You're it, no backsies. 63 00:02:38,792 --> 00:02:40,328 (laughs) 64 00:02:40,428 --> 00:02:42,630 (Bo Diddley's "You Can't Judge a Book By Its Cover" playing) 65 00:02:42,730 --> 00:02:44,265 This is such trash. 66 00:02:44,365 --> 00:02:47,435 * You can't judge an apple by looking at a tree * 67 00:02:47,535 --> 00:02:50,804 * You can't judge honey by looking at the bee... * 68 00:02:50,904 --> 00:02:53,173 Oh, Passion, not the stable. 69 00:02:53,274 --> 00:02:55,175 That's where the horses do their business. 70 00:02:55,276 --> 00:02:59,813 * You can't judge a book by looking at the cover * 71 00:02:59,913 --> 00:03:01,181 All night long? Who wants that? 72 00:03:01,282 --> 00:03:03,251 (doorknob jiggles) MISSY: Who's in there? 73 00:03:03,351 --> 00:03:05,052 Uh, me. 74 00:03:05,152 --> 00:03:06,254 I'll just be a minute. 75 00:03:06,354 --> 00:03:07,388 MISSY: I really need to go! 76 00:03:07,488 --> 00:03:08,556 It's occupied! 77 00:03:08,656 --> 00:03:10,458 * I look like a farmer * 78 00:03:10,558 --> 00:03:11,759 * But I'm a lover... * 79 00:03:11,859 --> 00:03:13,661 I could write a better book than this. 80 00:03:13,761 --> 00:03:15,463 (doorknob jiggles) MISSY: Mom! 81 00:03:15,563 --> 00:03:16,830 (sighs) 82 00:03:22,903 --> 00:03:24,572 Hey. 83 00:03:24,672 --> 00:03:26,240 What are you doing here? 84 00:03:26,340 --> 00:03:29,277 I was at the grocery store and I picked some things up for you. 85 00:03:30,077 --> 00:03:32,446 Thanks, but I can buy my own groceries. 86 00:03:32,546 --> 00:03:34,382 I know, but you're eating for two. 87 00:03:34,482 --> 00:03:36,116 I thought I should help out. 88 00:03:38,218 --> 00:03:39,587 Three kinds of pickles? 89 00:03:39,687 --> 00:03:41,622 Everybody knows pregnant ladies like those. 90 00:03:41,722 --> 00:03:44,191 Okay, I'm throwing up enough as it is. 91 00:03:45,526 --> 00:03:47,461 Why is it so dark in there? 92 00:03:47,561 --> 00:03:49,096 No reason. 93 00:03:49,196 --> 00:03:51,031 What's with the candles? Are you on a date? 94 00:03:51,131 --> 00:03:53,301 You think I'd dress like this on a date? 95 00:03:53,401 --> 00:03:54,702 I think you look good. 96 00:03:54,802 --> 00:03:56,370 Well, I don't, and if I was on a date, 97 00:03:56,470 --> 00:03:57,605 it'd be none of your business. 98 00:03:57,705 --> 00:04:00,541 Then why are you sitting in the dark? 99 00:04:01,909 --> 00:04:03,344 Okay. It's not a big deal. 100 00:04:03,444 --> 00:04:05,313 I was a little short on the power bill this month. 101 00:04:05,413 --> 00:04:07,047 How come? 102 00:04:07,147 --> 00:04:08,816 Well, waiting tables and morning sickness, 103 00:04:08,916 --> 00:04:10,418 not a great combination. 104 00:04:10,518 --> 00:04:12,286 Definitely got reflected in my tips. 105 00:04:13,287 --> 00:04:14,855 (sighs) Don't worry. 106 00:04:14,955 --> 00:04:16,424 I'll pay to get your power turned back on. 107 00:04:16,524 --> 00:04:19,727 I'm not a charity case. I can figure this out on my own. 108 00:04:19,827 --> 00:04:20,994 But you can't even watch TV. 109 00:04:21,094 --> 00:04:22,896 What kind of life is that? It's fine. 110 00:04:22,996 --> 00:04:24,998 I can hear the neighbors fight. That's almost as good as TV. 111 00:04:25,098 --> 00:04:27,701 Hmm. Well, I'll leave you with this. 112 00:04:27,801 --> 00:04:29,002 There's some ice cream in there. 113 00:04:29,102 --> 00:04:30,338 You might want to make that a priority. 114 00:04:30,438 --> 00:04:32,406 (scoffs) Okay. Good night. 115 00:04:32,506 --> 00:04:34,007 I got you the kind with three different flavors 116 00:04:34,107 --> 00:04:35,609 'cause I didn't know what you liked. 117 00:04:35,709 --> 00:04:39,079 Bye. It's chocolate, vanilla and pink. 118 00:04:40,881 --> 00:04:43,083 (takes deep breath) 119 00:04:43,183 --> 00:04:44,918 Chapter one. 120 00:04:45,686 --> 00:04:49,757 When Marie stepped into the bar, she knew she looked good. 121 00:04:49,857 --> 00:04:52,326 But not in a vulgar way, 122 00:04:52,426 --> 00:04:56,029 more for what she didn't show than what she did. 123 00:04:56,897 --> 00:04:58,999 (George McCrae's "Rock Your Baby" playing) 124 00:04:59,099 --> 00:05:00,734 * * 125 00:05:09,209 --> 00:05:11,211 Well, hello. Hi. 126 00:05:11,311 --> 00:05:13,046 * Woman * Dusty. 127 00:05:13,146 --> 00:05:15,248 * Take me in your arms... * That's not a name. 128 00:05:15,349 --> 00:05:16,984 That's a poorly kept house. 129 00:05:17,084 --> 00:05:18,251 (chuckles) 130 00:05:18,352 --> 00:05:20,153 What's your mother call you? 131 00:05:20,253 --> 00:05:22,423 Dustin. 132 00:05:22,523 --> 00:05:24,658 I like that. 133 00:05:24,758 --> 00:05:26,159 And you are? 134 00:05:27,160 --> 00:05:29,563 Marie. Marie. 135 00:05:29,663 --> 00:05:32,600 What are you drinking, Marie? 136 00:05:33,767 --> 00:05:35,803 A dirty martini. 137 00:05:35,903 --> 00:05:39,272 Really? How dirty? 138 00:05:39,373 --> 00:05:41,442 Very. 139 00:05:41,542 --> 00:05:43,577 Hmm. 140 00:05:43,677 --> 00:05:47,548 * And let the loving start. * 141 00:05:47,648 --> 00:05:49,783 Sheldon? Dr. Sturgis. 142 00:05:49,883 --> 00:05:51,552 I don't think I can do the assignment. 143 00:05:51,652 --> 00:05:53,020 Why not? 144 00:05:53,120 --> 00:05:55,222 Just pick either side of any ethical argument 145 00:05:55,322 --> 00:05:56,524 and present it. 146 00:05:56,624 --> 00:05:58,291 But how do I know which argument to present? 147 00:05:58,392 --> 00:05:59,893 Any one you want. 148 00:05:59,993 --> 00:06:01,629 And how do I know which side to take? 149 00:06:01,729 --> 00:06:03,230 Any side you want. 150 00:06:03,330 --> 00:06:04,832 But I want to take the right side. 151 00:06:04,932 --> 00:06:07,367 Maybe there is no right side. 152 00:06:07,468 --> 00:06:10,704 (groans) This is torture, and that can't be ethical. 153 00:06:10,804 --> 00:06:13,073 There you go! You picked a subject. 154 00:06:13,173 --> 00:06:14,475 And a side. 155 00:06:14,575 --> 00:06:17,077 Oh. Good. Torture is unethical. 156 00:06:17,177 --> 00:06:18,979 That's clearly the correct position. 157 00:06:19,079 --> 00:06:20,848 I agree. 158 00:06:20,948 --> 00:06:22,450 But what if there's a bomb 159 00:06:22,550 --> 00:06:24,117 hidden underneath the city 160 00:06:24,217 --> 00:06:28,589 and someone says that the only way to find out its location 161 00:06:28,689 --> 00:06:30,223 is through torture? 162 00:06:30,323 --> 00:06:31,492 Answer that. 163 00:06:31,592 --> 00:06:32,726 Let's see. 164 00:06:32,826 --> 00:06:34,261 Batman plays by Gotham City rules 165 00:06:34,361 --> 00:06:36,664 and would use torture, but Superman's got 166 00:06:36,764 --> 00:06:38,098 those Midwest values. 167 00:06:38,198 --> 00:06:40,067 I hate ethics! 168 00:06:46,173 --> 00:06:48,509 MARY: Haven't seen you here before. 169 00:06:48,609 --> 00:06:50,478 Well, I'm just passing through. 170 00:06:50,578 --> 00:06:52,379 Tonight, I'm here. 171 00:06:52,480 --> 00:06:54,147 Tomorrow, who knows. 172 00:06:54,247 --> 00:06:55,616 Hmm. 173 00:06:55,716 --> 00:06:58,852 Guess we'll have to make the most of tonight, then. 174 00:06:58,952 --> 00:07:00,954 I guess so. 175 00:07:01,054 --> 00:07:02,690 What do you say... 176 00:07:02,790 --> 00:07:04,758 we get out of here? 177 00:07:04,858 --> 00:07:07,360 What do you have in mind? 178 00:07:07,461 --> 00:07:08,629 I don't know. 179 00:07:08,729 --> 00:07:11,164 I was thinking maybe we take a walk. 180 00:07:11,264 --> 00:07:14,101 You can tell me more about your hopes and dreams. 181 00:07:14,201 --> 00:07:16,436 What's going on in here... 182 00:07:16,537 --> 00:07:19,807 and all the way down here. 183 00:07:20,674 --> 00:07:22,776 You really want that? 184 00:07:22,876 --> 00:07:24,878 To know who you really are? 185 00:07:24,978 --> 00:07:27,615 There's nothing I want more. 186 00:07:29,483 --> 00:07:31,218 (sighs heavily) Oh, my. 187 00:07:33,987 --> 00:07:36,256 (knocking) 188 00:07:36,356 --> 00:07:37,658 Hi. 189 00:07:37,758 --> 00:07:39,459 Hey. This is a surprise. 190 00:07:39,560 --> 00:07:41,995 Sorry to just drop in. 191 00:07:42,095 --> 00:07:43,396 No. No, it's okay. 192 00:07:43,497 --> 00:07:44,532 Let me just... 193 00:07:44,632 --> 00:07:45,933 Sorry. 194 00:07:46,033 --> 00:07:47,935 The cleaning lady didn't come today. 195 00:07:48,035 --> 00:07:50,270 Your mother? (scoffs) Good one. 196 00:07:50,370 --> 00:07:52,873 So, what's going on? 197 00:07:53,641 --> 00:07:55,809 Um... 198 00:07:55,909 --> 00:07:58,445 So, you know how I said I had everything under control? 199 00:07:58,546 --> 00:08:00,814 Yeah. Things have changed. 200 00:08:00,914 --> 00:08:03,316 I wasn't just short on the power bill. 201 00:08:03,416 --> 00:08:05,118 I was also short on the rent, 202 00:08:05,218 --> 00:08:08,288 and, uh, now I'm short on a place to live. 203 00:08:09,056 --> 00:08:10,891 Oh, okay, well, you're welcome to stay here. 204 00:08:10,991 --> 00:08:13,426 Mi garage, su garage. 205 00:08:13,527 --> 00:08:17,097 It'd just be for a little while. Stay as long as you need. 206 00:08:17,197 --> 00:08:19,166 You got stuff in your car? Should I go get it? 207 00:08:19,266 --> 00:08:21,969 Yeah, about that, um... 208 00:08:22,069 --> 00:08:25,038 All my stuff's in the apartment and my landlord padlocked it. 209 00:08:26,039 --> 00:08:27,240 That ain't right. 210 00:08:27,340 --> 00:08:28,976 He said when I pay the back rent he'll let me in. 211 00:08:29,076 --> 00:08:31,444 Hell with that, I'll go get your stuff. 212 00:08:31,545 --> 00:08:33,113 (scoffs) How are you gonna do that? 213 00:08:33,213 --> 00:08:35,315 Don't you worry about it, make yourself comfortable. 214 00:08:35,415 --> 00:08:37,050 (softly): Okay. 215 00:08:37,150 --> 00:08:38,719 Oh, you hungry? 216 00:08:38,819 --> 00:08:40,821 You want some SpaghettiOs? 217 00:08:41,822 --> 00:08:44,291 I'm sorry, that was rude. 218 00:08:45,425 --> 00:08:47,828 There's your clean spoon. 219 00:08:54,167 --> 00:08:55,769 (cows mooing) 220 00:08:55,869 --> 00:08:58,205 Can I change the channel? Well, I'm watching this. 221 00:08:59,673 --> 00:09:02,375 I miss when you had a real job and were gone more. 222 00:09:02,475 --> 00:09:03,711 (cows moo) 223 00:09:03,811 --> 00:09:06,213 Can you two help me with my homework? 224 00:09:07,214 --> 00:09:08,348 Did I hear him right? 225 00:09:08,448 --> 00:09:09,817 Yeah, he asked for help. 226 00:09:09,917 --> 00:09:12,152 With his schoolwork? Yep. 227 00:09:12,252 --> 00:09:14,421 How long have you known him? All my life. 228 00:09:14,521 --> 00:09:16,389 Has he ever asked for help? No. 229 00:09:16,489 --> 00:09:17,891 Hello. Hang on. 230 00:09:17,991 --> 00:09:19,392 Is this some kind of prank? 231 00:09:19,492 --> 00:09:21,929 It's not a prank. I just need help with my homework. 232 00:09:22,730 --> 00:09:24,665 Did a bully take it from you? No. 233 00:09:24,765 --> 00:09:26,333 Is it real heavy? You need help lifting it? 234 00:09:26,433 --> 00:09:28,636 No, I need your opinion on an ethical dilemma. 235 00:09:28,736 --> 00:09:31,104 Should robots have the same rights as humans? 236 00:09:31,204 --> 00:09:32,840 That depends. 237 00:09:32,940 --> 00:09:34,808 What's "ethical" mean? 238 00:09:35,743 --> 00:09:37,244 (cow moos on TV) 239 00:09:37,344 --> 00:09:39,980 * * 240 00:09:41,248 --> 00:09:43,583 (grunts softly) 241 00:09:47,688 --> 00:09:48,789 (shotgun clicks) 242 00:09:48,889 --> 00:09:51,524 Don't shoot! I'm not a robber! 243 00:09:51,625 --> 00:09:55,729 Turn around real slow. 244 00:09:56,764 --> 00:09:59,132 How's this? 'Cause I can go slower. 245 00:09:59,900 --> 00:10:02,135 You picked the wrong apartment, little man. 246 00:10:02,235 --> 00:10:04,204 Ain't this 208? 247 00:10:04,304 --> 00:10:05,739 It's 207. 248 00:10:05,839 --> 00:10:07,607 I'm in the wrong apartment. 249 00:10:07,708 --> 00:10:09,342 I just said that. 250 00:10:09,442 --> 00:10:10,944 I can explain. 251 00:10:11,044 --> 00:10:12,680 My girlfriend-- well, she's not really my girlfriend, 252 00:10:12,780 --> 00:10:14,414 but she's having my baby. 253 00:10:14,514 --> 00:10:15,749 She got evicted, 254 00:10:15,849 --> 00:10:17,885 and I came to get her stuff. 255 00:10:18,652 --> 00:10:20,420 Are you talking about Mandy? 256 00:10:20,520 --> 00:10:21,855 Yes. 257 00:10:21,955 --> 00:10:23,824 You're the dumb bastard that knocked her up? 258 00:10:23,924 --> 00:10:27,060 Yes, that's me! Not a robber, dumb bastard! 259 00:10:27,160 --> 00:10:29,462 Aw, hell. 260 00:10:29,562 --> 00:10:31,765 (sighs) Put your hands down. 261 00:10:31,865 --> 00:10:34,167 I ain't gonna shoot you. 262 00:10:37,805 --> 00:10:39,707 I saw the padlock on her door. 263 00:10:39,807 --> 00:10:42,843 Yeah, and all her stuff's in there. 264 00:10:42,943 --> 00:10:44,344 I came to get it for her. 265 00:10:44,444 --> 00:10:46,179 I like that girl. 266 00:10:46,279 --> 00:10:47,614 She's a good one. 267 00:10:47,715 --> 00:10:48,916 I agree. 268 00:10:49,016 --> 00:10:50,583 Why don't you marry her? 269 00:10:50,684 --> 00:10:52,185 I'm trying. She don't want to. 270 00:10:52,285 --> 00:10:56,323 So, you think getting her toothbrush's gonna change that? 271 00:10:57,290 --> 00:10:58,792 Couldn't hurt. 272 00:10:59,793 --> 00:11:01,394 So, what do you say, can I go? 273 00:11:01,494 --> 00:11:02,763 Yeah. 274 00:11:02,863 --> 00:11:04,597 Thank you, sir. Good night, sir. 275 00:11:04,698 --> 00:11:06,533 Sorry to bother you, sir. 276 00:11:06,633 --> 00:11:09,069 (ladder clattering) Nice kid. 277 00:11:09,169 --> 00:11:10,537 (chuckles) 278 00:11:10,637 --> 00:11:12,472 Glad I didn't kill him. 279 00:11:12,572 --> 00:11:14,808 * * 280 00:11:15,843 --> 00:11:18,912 Sometimes I feel like, at my age, 281 00:11:19,012 --> 00:11:20,748 I should have everything all figured out. 282 00:11:20,848 --> 00:11:22,883 (scoffs) But I don't. 283 00:11:22,983 --> 00:11:25,618 Nobody has it all figured out. 284 00:11:25,719 --> 00:11:27,755 You ever get scared? 285 00:11:27,855 --> 00:11:30,357 Oh, yeah. All the time. 286 00:11:30,457 --> 00:11:33,360 I mean, like right now, I... 287 00:11:33,460 --> 00:11:35,796 (chuckles): I'm scared you won't like me. 288 00:11:35,896 --> 00:11:37,865 Oh, Dusty. 289 00:11:39,266 --> 00:11:42,235 You don't have to worry about that. 290 00:11:42,335 --> 00:11:44,371 You promise? 291 00:11:44,471 --> 00:11:47,307 With God as my witness. 292 00:11:47,407 --> 00:11:50,643 Well, I hope he's not watching right now, 293 00:11:50,744 --> 00:11:52,645 'cause I'm about to kiss you. 294 00:11:52,746 --> 00:11:54,181 * * 295 00:11:54,281 --> 00:11:55,648 GEORGE SR.: What you writing? 296 00:11:55,749 --> 00:11:58,986 Oh. Uh, just making a list of chores 297 00:11:59,086 --> 00:12:00,921 that need to get done. 298 00:12:01,021 --> 00:12:03,523 Well, that doesn't sound like fun. 299 00:12:03,623 --> 00:12:05,258 Well... 300 00:12:05,358 --> 00:12:07,227 one of them is. 301 00:12:07,327 --> 00:12:09,262 (groans) I'll get to the rain gutters. 302 00:12:09,362 --> 00:12:10,831 You just got to... 303 00:12:12,099 --> 00:12:13,266 Mm. Mmm. 304 00:12:13,366 --> 00:12:14,935 What's happening? 305 00:12:15,035 --> 00:12:17,805 Why don't you come to the bedroom and find out? 306 00:12:20,307 --> 00:12:21,674 Weird day. 307 00:12:21,775 --> 00:12:22,943 MANDY: Did you have any problems 308 00:12:23,043 --> 00:12:24,477 getting into the apartment? 309 00:12:24,577 --> 00:12:26,013 No. 310 00:12:26,113 --> 00:12:27,614 In the right window, out the right window. 311 00:12:27,714 --> 00:12:29,016 Easy peasy. 312 00:12:30,050 --> 00:12:32,085 You can hang your dresses and whatnot on the barbell. 313 00:12:32,185 --> 00:12:33,420 Fancy. 314 00:12:33,520 --> 00:12:36,156 So we're clear, uh, 315 00:12:36,256 --> 00:12:38,325 just 'cause we're sleeping together 316 00:12:38,425 --> 00:12:40,961 doesn't mean we're... "sleeping" together. 317 00:12:41,061 --> 00:12:42,629 I understand. 318 00:12:42,729 --> 00:12:44,231 If you want, you can take the bed and I'll sleep on the floor. 319 00:12:44,331 --> 00:12:46,233 Oh, I can't ask you to do that. 320 00:12:46,333 --> 00:12:49,002 It's okay. I got a sleeping bag, and I'm young. 321 00:12:49,803 --> 00:12:52,539 We'll share the bed, just, uh, keep your hands to yourself. 322 00:12:52,639 --> 00:12:55,508 Works both ways. You keep your hands to yourself. 323 00:12:55,608 --> 00:12:57,110 I'll manage. 324 00:12:57,210 --> 00:12:59,246 Well, if you find you can't, that's okay, too. 325 00:12:59,346 --> 00:13:01,581 Hey, uh, what's the bathroom situation? 326 00:13:01,681 --> 00:13:03,650 Oh, I pay rent. You can use the one in the house. 327 00:13:03,750 --> 00:13:06,453 Good, I was afraid you were gonna say that sink. 328 00:13:06,553 --> 00:13:07,787 (scoffs) 329 00:13:07,888 --> 00:13:09,122 The sink? 330 00:13:09,222 --> 00:13:10,590 That's kind of gross. 331 00:13:10,690 --> 00:13:12,392 I'll be right back. 332 00:13:13,861 --> 00:13:16,864 (door opens, closes) 333 00:13:16,964 --> 00:13:19,366 Looks like you're just a sink again. 334 00:13:20,868 --> 00:13:22,102 (door closes) 335 00:13:23,070 --> 00:13:24,604 (Mary laughing) 336 00:13:24,704 --> 00:13:25,805 MARY: Oh, George. 337 00:13:25,906 --> 00:13:27,140 GEORGE SR.: Mm, you like that? 338 00:13:27,240 --> 00:13:28,608 MARY: I love that. 339 00:13:28,708 --> 00:13:29,943 GEROGE SR.: How about we turn the lights off? 340 00:13:30,043 --> 00:13:31,144 MARY: Yes, please. 341 00:13:31,244 --> 00:13:32,345 (both laughing) MARY: Tickles! 342 00:13:32,445 --> 00:13:34,247 Get out. Get out. 343 00:13:34,347 --> 00:13:35,082 What? 344 00:13:35,182 --> 00:13:36,449 I'm using the sink. 345 00:13:36,549 --> 00:13:38,285 Sweet. 346 00:13:44,657 --> 00:13:45,725 Good morning. Morning. 347 00:13:45,825 --> 00:13:47,394 Did someone have a sleepover? 348 00:13:47,494 --> 00:13:49,963 Mandy's gonna be staying with me for a little bit. 349 00:13:50,063 --> 00:13:51,231 Mm-hmm. 350 00:13:51,331 --> 00:13:52,332 It's not like that. 351 00:13:52,432 --> 00:13:54,701 Didn't say it was. 352 00:13:54,801 --> 00:13:57,104 Go ahead and take a seat, I'll make you some scrambled eggs. 353 00:13:57,204 --> 00:13:58,805 Since when do you make eggs? 354 00:13:58,906 --> 00:13:59,940 I can make eggs. 355 00:14:00,040 --> 00:14:01,241 (quietly): He can't make eggs. 356 00:14:01,341 --> 00:14:02,442 Actually, my stomach's a little queasy. 357 00:14:02,542 --> 00:14:03,643 How about just some toast? 358 00:14:03,743 --> 00:14:05,678 Great. Toast, I can do. 359 00:14:07,080 --> 00:14:07,981 Good morning, everyone. 360 00:14:08,081 --> 00:14:09,216 Niblingo. 361 00:14:09,316 --> 00:14:10,750 I'm sorry, what? 362 00:14:10,850 --> 00:14:12,352 It's an honorific I came up with to 363 00:14:12,452 --> 00:14:15,055 describe a woman who's carrying my future niece or nephew 364 00:14:15,155 --> 00:14:16,957 but is not related to me by law. 365 00:14:17,057 --> 00:14:18,758 You remember Sheldon. 366 00:14:18,858 --> 00:14:19,859 I do. 367 00:14:19,960 --> 00:14:20,727 Yeah. 368 00:14:20,827 --> 00:14:21,962 I'm glad you're here. 369 00:14:22,062 --> 00:14:23,463 I have a question about robot ethics 370 00:14:23,563 --> 00:14:24,597 I was hoping you could help me with. 371 00:14:24,697 --> 00:14:25,899 Sheldon, leave her alone. 372 00:14:25,999 --> 00:14:28,268 No, it's okay, he can ask me a question. 373 00:14:28,368 --> 00:14:30,938 I'm his, uh... What am I? 374 00:14:31,038 --> 00:14:33,673 Niblingo. Niblingo. What's your question? 375 00:14:33,773 --> 00:14:36,476 Ethically, should a robot be programmed to never kill, 376 00:14:36,576 --> 00:14:38,278 even if killing would save lives? 377 00:14:38,378 --> 00:14:39,913 Where's the dang toaster? 378 00:14:40,013 --> 00:14:42,549 Welcome to breakfast at our house. 379 00:14:43,350 --> 00:14:45,385 (door opens) (entry bell dings) 380 00:14:45,485 --> 00:14:48,088 (snoring) (door closes) 381 00:14:50,423 --> 00:14:52,325 (snoring) 382 00:14:52,425 --> 00:14:53,526 Fire! 383 00:14:53,626 --> 00:14:55,895 What? What? Where? (groans) 384 00:14:55,996 --> 00:14:58,498 You know, thanks for keeping an eye on things. 385 00:14:58,598 --> 00:14:59,532 Sorry. 386 00:14:59,632 --> 00:15:01,401 I didn't get much sleep. 387 00:15:01,501 --> 00:15:02,936 Oh, you and Mary fighting again? 388 00:15:03,036 --> 00:15:05,372 Oh, no, we're getting along real good. 389 00:15:05,472 --> 00:15:06,406 Okay. 390 00:15:06,506 --> 00:15:08,675 I mean... real good. 391 00:15:08,775 --> 00:15:10,843 Yeah. I-I said okay. (chuckles) 392 00:15:10,944 --> 00:15:12,412 It's like she's a different person. 393 00:15:12,512 --> 00:15:14,514 That reminds me of a film. 394 00:15:14,614 --> 00:15:17,450 A lady fell off a boat, she hit her head, 395 00:15:17,550 --> 00:15:21,254 and when she woke up, she was a completely different person. 396 00:15:21,354 --> 00:15:22,922 What's your point? 397 00:15:23,023 --> 00:15:24,524 Did Mary fall off a boat recently? 398 00:15:24,624 --> 00:15:26,526 Not that I know of. Well, you should ask her. 399 00:15:26,626 --> 00:15:28,361 We're not boat people, Dale. 400 00:15:29,429 --> 00:15:31,564 Something strange is going on in the bedroom. 401 00:15:31,664 --> 00:15:32,732 Uh-huh. 402 00:15:32,832 --> 00:15:34,267 I mean, I'm happy about it. 403 00:15:34,367 --> 00:15:36,303 (chuckles): You know, it's actually pretty great. 404 00:15:36,403 --> 00:15:37,770 I just... 405 00:15:37,870 --> 00:15:39,706 I don't understand why. 406 00:15:40,673 --> 00:15:42,775 See, now I'm with you there. 407 00:15:42,875 --> 00:15:44,177 When I was married to June, 408 00:15:44,277 --> 00:15:45,878 she was going through the change. Hmm. 409 00:15:45,979 --> 00:15:48,215 She became downright frisky. 410 00:15:48,315 --> 00:15:50,450 I think Mary's a little young for the change. 411 00:15:50,550 --> 00:15:51,551 Well, you'd think. 412 00:15:51,651 --> 00:15:53,086 Nature's curious. 413 00:15:53,186 --> 00:15:55,422 I went to school with a kid whose hair turned gray 414 00:15:55,522 --> 00:15:57,090 in the tenth grade. 415 00:15:57,190 --> 00:15:59,759 We called him Whitey. Clever. 416 00:15:59,859 --> 00:16:02,195 He used to buy us liquor. 417 00:16:03,196 --> 00:16:04,164 Oh, anyway, 418 00:16:04,264 --> 00:16:05,598 what I'm saying is that 419 00:16:05,698 --> 00:16:07,767 have the family medic do a once-over on her. 420 00:16:07,867 --> 00:16:10,103 You know, kick the tires, see how she's rolling. 421 00:16:10,203 --> 00:16:11,571 Yeah, thanks, Dale. 422 00:16:11,671 --> 00:16:13,040 I tell you my wife wants to have sex with me, 423 00:16:13,140 --> 00:16:14,574 you tell me she needs to see a doctor. 424 00:16:14,674 --> 00:16:16,043 Well, I'm sorry. 425 00:16:16,143 --> 00:16:19,579 You making a woman hot, that's completely normal. 426 00:16:22,582 --> 00:16:24,317 (door opens) 427 00:16:24,417 --> 00:16:25,318 Hey. 428 00:16:25,418 --> 00:16:27,187 Hey. (door closes) 429 00:16:27,287 --> 00:16:28,455 I thought you were working. 430 00:16:28,555 --> 00:16:30,557 Oh, I'm on lunch break. 431 00:16:30,657 --> 00:16:31,724 Brought you something to eat. 432 00:16:31,824 --> 00:16:33,993 Oh, thank you. 433 00:16:34,094 --> 00:16:36,196 Oh, I also got you some ginger ale for your tummy. 434 00:16:37,830 --> 00:16:39,799 Why do you look like you're gonna cry? 435 00:16:40,833 --> 00:16:42,369 (cries): 'Cause I am. 436 00:16:42,469 --> 00:16:44,104 What's wrong? 437 00:16:44,204 --> 00:16:46,706 My whole life. 438 00:16:46,806 --> 00:16:50,210 A year ago, I was a TV weather girl in San Antonio, 439 00:16:50,310 --> 00:16:52,812 and now I'm living in a garage with the 17-year-old 440 00:16:52,912 --> 00:16:54,013 who got me pregnant. 441 00:16:54,114 --> 00:16:55,815 I'll be 18 before you know it. 442 00:16:55,915 --> 00:16:57,550 (crying): But not before you're a father! 443 00:16:57,650 --> 00:17:00,220 Okay, well, what can I do? 444 00:17:00,320 --> 00:17:02,289 Nothing, you're doing great. 445 00:17:02,389 --> 00:17:03,923 That's how screwed up my life is right now, 446 00:17:04,023 --> 00:17:05,958 you're the best part of it. 447 00:17:06,726 --> 00:17:08,628 Thank you. 448 00:17:08,728 --> 00:17:10,563 I'm really trying. 449 00:17:11,364 --> 00:17:13,400 I know you are. 450 00:17:13,500 --> 00:17:15,635 It's gonna be okay. 451 00:17:15,735 --> 00:17:18,037 (sniffles) Is it? 452 00:17:18,138 --> 00:17:21,974 (whispers): I peed in the sink last night. 453 00:17:22,809 --> 00:17:25,245 Trust me, I'll fix this. 454 00:17:25,345 --> 00:17:28,148 MEEMAW: Now, here's the guest room. 455 00:17:28,248 --> 00:17:30,817 Make yourself at home. 456 00:17:30,917 --> 00:17:32,018 Thank you so much. 457 00:17:32,119 --> 00:17:34,154 It's only temporary, I promise. 458 00:17:34,254 --> 00:17:35,522 Oh, no problem. 459 00:17:35,622 --> 00:17:36,656 Stay as long as you need. 460 00:17:36,756 --> 00:17:38,125 Bathroom's right down the hall. 461 00:17:38,225 --> 00:17:40,127 Oh, boy, a bathroom. 462 00:17:40,227 --> 00:17:42,162 I'll go get the rest of your stuff. 463 00:17:42,262 --> 00:17:43,296 Thank you. 464 00:17:43,396 --> 00:17:44,664 Question about your TV... 465 00:17:44,764 --> 00:17:46,166 I want it. Gotcha. 466 00:17:47,167 --> 00:17:48,668 SHELDON: I started working on this presentation 467 00:17:48,768 --> 00:17:51,604 to address specific ethical dilemmas. 468 00:17:51,704 --> 00:17:53,206 The laws of robotics, 469 00:17:53,306 --> 00:17:55,007 whether torture can be justified, 470 00:17:55,108 --> 00:17:57,444 and cloning people for fun and spare parts. 471 00:17:57,544 --> 00:17:59,279 But I realized before resolving 472 00:17:59,379 --> 00:18:01,614 any of these moral quandaries, the real decision is 473 00:18:01,714 --> 00:18:03,316 who gets to decide. 474 00:18:03,416 --> 00:18:04,817 Do we put it up for a vote? 475 00:18:04,917 --> 00:18:07,019 Does everyone get to decide for themselves? 476 00:18:07,120 --> 00:18:08,488 Should it be by committee? 477 00:18:08,588 --> 00:18:09,489 Is that committee 478 00:18:09,589 --> 00:18:10,857 elected or appointed? 479 00:18:10,957 --> 00:18:13,293 You see where I'm going? You probably don't. 480 00:18:13,393 --> 00:18:14,727 For the smartest decision, 481 00:18:14,827 --> 00:18:16,296 we need the smartest person. 482 00:18:16,396 --> 00:18:19,299 Ladies and gentlemen, in the field of scientific ethics, 483 00:18:19,399 --> 00:18:20,567 we can't rely on 484 00:18:20,667 --> 00:18:22,602 democracy or plutocracy. 485 00:18:22,702 --> 00:18:23,936 We need an autocracy, 486 00:18:24,036 --> 00:18:27,574 or to be more precise, a "Sheldocracy." 487 00:18:27,674 --> 00:18:29,642 * * 488 00:18:29,742 --> 00:18:33,246 Um, I don't think this was the assignment. 489 00:18:33,346 --> 00:18:35,047 Sorry, Dr. Sturgis, I pick the assignments now. 490 00:18:35,148 --> 00:18:36,783 Everybody, for next class, 491 00:18:36,883 --> 00:18:38,451 I want 500 words on what you can do 492 00:18:38,551 --> 00:18:39,752 to further the Sheldocracy. 493 00:18:39,852 --> 00:18:41,454 Punishment for typos will be severe. 494 00:18:41,554 --> 00:18:42,889 Class dismissed. 495 00:18:42,989 --> 00:18:44,191 Hey, that's my line. 496 00:18:44,291 --> 00:18:45,358 No, it isn't. 497 00:18:45,458 --> 00:18:47,327 Why don't you see me after class. 498 00:18:48,461 --> 00:18:49,796 Class dismissed. 499 00:18:55,835 --> 00:18:57,337 * * 500 00:18:57,437 --> 00:18:59,005 And I'm telling you, 501 00:18:59,105 --> 00:19:01,007 your feelings are valid. 502 00:19:01,107 --> 00:19:03,210 I don't know. 503 00:19:03,310 --> 00:19:06,012 Hey. Hey. 504 00:19:06,112 --> 00:19:08,415 Look at me. 505 00:19:08,515 --> 00:19:10,983 I know. 506 00:19:12,785 --> 00:19:15,522 Now, tell me about the rest of your day. 507 00:19:16,323 --> 00:19:18,458 Dusty... 508 00:19:18,558 --> 00:19:21,394 I think I'm done talking. 509 00:19:22,662 --> 00:19:24,431 Do you mean...? 510 00:19:24,531 --> 00:19:26,966 I do. 511 00:19:27,066 --> 00:19:29,135 * * 512 00:19:31,003 --> 00:19:33,172 (banging on door) MISSY: Mom, I've really got to go! 513 00:19:33,273 --> 00:19:35,308 Use the sink in the garage! 514 00:19:35,408 --> 00:19:38,044 Captioning sponsored by CBS 515 00:19:38,144 --> 00:19:40,913 WARNER BROS. TELEVISION 516 00:19:41,013 --> 00:19:43,082 and TOYOTA. 517 00:19:43,182 --> 00:19:46,052 Captioned by Media Access Group at WGBH access.wgbh.org