1 00:00:18,479 --> 00:00:19,562 Coffee? 2 00:00:19,604 --> 00:00:20,854 For sure. 3 00:00:20,896 --> 00:00:22,146 Thanks, man. 4 00:00:23,104 --> 00:00:24,479 You ready for next week? 5 00:00:24,521 --> 00:00:25,604 What's next week? 6 00:00:25,646 --> 00:00:27,479 Superhuman evasion training. 7 00:00:27,521 --> 00:00:29,187 We have to get recertified. 8 00:00:29,229 --> 00:00:30,896 Look, I... I get the need, 9 00:00:30,937 --> 00:00:32,312 but it's the worst. 10 00:00:32,354 --> 00:00:33,479 When I was on the force, 11 00:00:33,521 --> 00:00:35,062 you had to do hand-to-hand training all the time. 12 00:00:35,104 --> 00:00:36,271 The guy comes at you with a knife, 13 00:00:36,312 --> 00:00:37,437 you gotta be ready, 14 00:00:37,479 --> 00:00:40,187 but, uh, this is... th-this is something else. 15 00:00:40,229 --> 00:00:42,104 I'm supposed to learn to tuck and roll 16 00:00:42,146 --> 00:00:43,312 away from a guy 17 00:00:43,354 --> 00:00:44,812 who can shoot lasers from his eyes, 18 00:00:44,854 --> 00:00:46,979 or control minds, 19 00:00:47,021 --> 00:00:50,271 or kick a goddamn schoolbus to the moon? 20 00:00:50,312 --> 00:00:52,312 It's the job. 21 00:00:52,354 --> 00:00:54,312 You're awful calm about it. 22 00:00:54,354 --> 00:00:55,937 Hell, last time you sprained your back. 23 00:00:55,979 --> 00:00:56,854 You-- 24 00:00:56,896 --> 00:00:57,896 Aw, shit, wait, 25 00:00:57,937 --> 00:00:59,437 you're not even gonna be here, are you? 26 00:00:59,479 --> 00:01:01,104 Sucks to be you! 27 00:01:02,104 --> 00:01:03,646 I'll be living it up in London, 28 00:01:03,687 --> 00:01:05,437 seeing the sights, eating Indian food. 29 00:01:05,479 --> 00:01:06,687 Enjoy getting laser burn. 30 00:01:06,729 --> 00:01:08,729 Oh, you're gonna be gone the whole time? 31 00:01:08,771 --> 00:01:09,771 All friggin' week? 32 00:01:09,812 --> 00:01:10,604 Two. 33 00:01:10,646 --> 00:01:12,354 All of Matt's spring break. 34 00:01:12,396 --> 00:01:14,062 The boy is obsessed with The Beatles. 35 00:01:14,104 --> 00:01:15,396 He wants to go to Abbey Road, 36 00:01:15,437 --> 00:01:17,604 he wants to visit Apple Records. 37 00:01:17,646 --> 00:01:19,396 I might even get to see some things I want to see, 38 00:01:19,437 --> 00:01:20,271 if we have time. 39 00:01:20,312 --> 00:01:22,271 And it's just the two of you? 40 00:01:22,312 --> 00:01:23,771 You sure about that, Steve? 41 00:01:23,812 --> 00:01:25,146 I thought you two hated each other 42 00:01:25,187 --> 00:01:26,812 with the burning fury of a thousand suns. 43 00:01:28,229 --> 00:01:29,979 Well, maybe a hundred. 44 00:01:30,021 --> 00:01:33,854 I mean, Matt, he had it rough, you know, 45 00:01:33,896 --> 00:01:36,271 but he's really pulled himself together. 46 00:01:36,312 --> 00:01:38,771 With what you told me that kid was doing? 47 00:01:38,812 --> 00:01:41,271 The stealing, the drugs? 48 00:01:41,312 --> 00:01:43,146 How'd you turn that around? 49 00:01:44,104 --> 00:01:45,521 Good morning. 50 00:01:45,562 --> 00:01:46,771 It wasn't easy. 51 00:01:46,812 --> 00:01:47,812 The thing is, 52 00:01:47,854 --> 00:01:48,979 when Molly and I first got together, 53 00:01:49,021 --> 00:01:50,146 he was living with his dad, 54 00:01:50,187 --> 00:01:52,604 and he was just running wild. 55 00:01:52,646 --> 00:01:55,271 Kid was a real asshole. 56 00:01:55,312 --> 00:01:57,021 You saw the shiner he gave me. 57 00:01:57,062 --> 00:01:58,854 That's all behind us now. 58 00:01:58,896 --> 00:02:01,229 He stared down his demons, and he... 59 00:02:01,271 --> 00:02:04,146 damn it, he conquered them. 60 00:02:04,187 --> 00:02:06,896 I've never done anything that hard in my life. 61 00:02:06,937 --> 00:02:09,271 We're so damn proud of the guy... 62 00:02:09,312 --> 00:02:11,437 of the man that he's becoming. 63 00:02:11,479 --> 00:02:13,354 So he wants to go to London, 64 00:02:13,396 --> 00:02:15,687 Molly and I scraped together enough to make it happen. 65 00:02:15,729 --> 00:02:16,771 We wanted to show him 66 00:02:16,812 --> 00:02:19,604 how much we appreciate all his hard work. 67 00:02:21,687 --> 00:02:23,604 I never had a kid of my own. 68 00:02:23,646 --> 00:02:24,687 I wasn't there when he was born. 69 00:02:24,729 --> 00:02:26,771 I didn't teach him how to ride a bike, 70 00:02:26,812 --> 00:02:27,646 or throw a ball... 71 00:02:30,146 --> 00:02:31,021 ...but in a few months, 72 00:02:31,062 --> 00:02:32,812 when he walks across that stage, 73 00:02:32,854 --> 00:02:34,271 and accepts that diploma... 74 00:02:35,812 --> 00:02:37,896 ...that is my son. 75 00:02:39,312 --> 00:02:42,604 Oh, you... you just take all the time you need. 76 00:02:42,646 --> 00:02:44,437 Why don't I just make some hot cocoa 77 00:02:44,479 --> 00:02:46,104 to cheer up my sweet boy? 78 00:02:46,146 --> 00:02:48,146 Come on, like you're not crying on my shoulder 79 00:02:48,187 --> 00:02:49,896 every time you don't get a second date? 80 00:02:51,146 --> 00:02:52,187 What was-- 81 00:03:22,562 --> 00:03:25,271 We were supposed to be inside. 82 00:03:25,312 --> 00:03:26,646 I should never have trusted 83 00:03:26,687 --> 00:03:29,312 the flawed calculations of a clone. 84 00:03:29,354 --> 00:03:30,312 Clone? 85 00:03:30,354 --> 00:03:31,729 I am not! 86 00:03:34,229 --> 00:03:36,771 This was always the plan. 87 00:03:36,812 --> 00:03:38,354 The president is targeting us, 88 00:03:38,396 --> 00:03:40,271 so we shatter the illusion of his safety. 89 00:03:40,312 --> 00:03:42,062 It's not enough for us to kill him. 90 00:03:42,104 --> 00:03:43,479 It has to be a spectacle. 91 00:03:45,604 --> 00:03:48,021 You'd know this if you were truly the original. 92 00:03:49,021 --> 00:03:50,646 Oh, god, oh, god, oh, god... 93 00:03:50,687 --> 00:03:51,937 Refreshing. 94 00:03:51,979 --> 00:03:52,979 Kind of tickles. 95 00:03:53,021 --> 00:03:54,854 Mm, I prefer a higher caliber. 96 00:03:59,979 --> 00:04:01,479 -Huh? 97 00:04:03,937 --> 00:04:05,562 I order... 98 00:04:05,604 --> 00:04:08,062 I order you... 99 00:04:08,104 --> 00:04:09,562 You order what? 100 00:04:14,896 --> 00:04:16,271 Kill that one and move on! 101 00:04:16,312 --> 00:04:18,187 Your eye is as replaceable as you are. 102 00:04:18,229 --> 00:04:20,187 I am the original! 103 00:04:21,396 --> 00:04:22,687 Steve, look out! 104 00:04:36,021 --> 00:04:37,312 Sorry I'm late! 105 00:04:37,354 --> 00:04:39,146 Red Rush, get this guy out of here! 106 00:04:39,187 --> 00:04:40,396 Focus on evac! 107 00:04:40,437 --> 00:04:43,562 We can deal with these two once the area is clear! 108 00:04:47,187 --> 00:04:49,062 We can take it from here! 109 00:04:49,104 --> 00:04:51,646 Fall back, help us evacuate civilians! 110 00:04:51,687 --> 00:04:52,646 Yes, ma'am! 111 00:04:52,687 --> 00:04:53,854 Damn it! Run! 112 00:04:55,812 --> 00:04:57,687 War Woman... 113 00:04:58,854 --> 00:05:02,062 Please, you couldn't just sit this one out? 114 00:05:02,104 --> 00:05:03,896 Let us kill the President? 115 00:05:03,937 --> 00:05:05,229 Haven't you earned a day off? 116 00:05:05,271 --> 00:05:06,271 Not our style. 117 00:05:06,312 --> 00:05:07,146 Sorry. 118 00:05:08,312 --> 00:05:09,604 This isn't a spectator sport! 119 00:05:09,646 --> 00:05:10,479 Move! 120 00:05:13,937 --> 00:05:14,771 No! 121 00:05:16,729 --> 00:05:19,021 Stay together, stay together, stay together, stay together! 122 00:05:23,687 --> 00:05:24,854 Don't move. 123 00:05:24,896 --> 00:05:25,979 You're safe now. 124 00:05:26,021 --> 00:05:26,854 I got 'em! 125 00:05:29,896 --> 00:05:30,812 They're in the clear. 126 00:05:32,312 --> 00:05:34,562 -You are on President duty. -On it. 127 00:05:35,854 --> 00:05:38,312 Sorry, I wouldn't normally move so fast, 128 00:05:38,354 --> 00:05:39,437 but there were so many of you that... 129 00:05:39,479 --> 00:05:41,271 -Oh, no. 130 00:05:41,312 --> 00:05:42,479 It starts with one of you, then it-- 131 00:05:46,104 --> 00:05:48,396 Oh! Sorry. 132 00:05:48,437 --> 00:05:49,479 I can't... 133 00:06:01,646 --> 00:06:02,646 Huh? 134 00:06:03,937 --> 00:06:04,812 Now! 135 00:06:04,854 --> 00:06:06,104 While he's distracted! 136 00:06:06,146 --> 00:06:07,312 This floor looks clear. 137 00:06:07,354 --> 00:06:10,521 I'll go up, you go down. 138 00:06:49,521 --> 00:06:50,521 I've got you. 139 00:06:50,562 --> 00:06:51,562 We're gonna be fine. 140 00:06:51,604 --> 00:06:53,021 We'll get out of this. 141 00:07:09,354 --> 00:07:13,729 No, no, what about you? 142 00:07:32,104 --> 00:07:33,729 Behind you. 143 00:07:38,604 --> 00:07:39,812 You're welcome. 144 00:07:39,854 --> 00:07:41,562 Get those soldiers out of here! 145 00:07:45,562 --> 00:07:46,479 We can take it from here. 146 00:07:46,521 --> 00:07:47,687 Too dangerous for you. 147 00:07:49,187 --> 00:07:50,479 When we crush the Guardians of the Globe 148 00:07:50,521 --> 00:07:52,021 and kill the president, 149 00:07:52,062 --> 00:07:54,521 no one will be left to stop us! 150 00:08:08,521 --> 00:08:09,562 Take my hand! 151 00:08:11,937 --> 00:08:13,229 I had him. 152 00:08:17,479 --> 00:08:19,104 Ah. All clear. 153 00:08:19,146 --> 00:08:20,812 The building is clear. 154 00:08:20,854 --> 00:08:21,771 It's just us. 155 00:08:21,812 --> 00:08:22,937 Evacuation complete. 156 00:08:22,979 --> 00:08:23,979 Now we can cut loose 157 00:08:24,021 --> 00:08:26,229 and focus on taking these brutes down. 158 00:08:39,896 --> 00:08:41,562 Ah! 159 00:08:44,229 --> 00:08:45,229 Ah! 160 00:08:59,896 --> 00:09:00,937 Ah! 161 00:09:05,146 --> 00:09:06,437 -Ah! 162 00:09:18,479 --> 00:09:20,104 Mom? What! 163 00:09:20,146 --> 00:09:20,979 I'll be out in a minute! 164 00:09:21,896 --> 00:09:22,771 I don't have a minute. 165 00:09:22,812 --> 00:09:23,604 Mom! 166 00:09:23,646 --> 00:09:24,687 My bathroom's out of soap. 167 00:09:24,729 --> 00:09:26,104 Get over yourself. 168 00:09:26,146 --> 00:09:27,937 I used to change your diapers, kid. 169 00:09:27,979 --> 00:09:28,812 There's nothing going on down there 170 00:09:28,854 --> 00:09:29,687 I haven't seen before. 171 00:09:29,729 --> 00:09:31,604 Just get out! 172 00:09:32,521 --> 00:09:34,187 As you can see, 173 00:09:34,229 --> 00:09:37,354 the scene is absolute chaos as the Mauler twins... 174 00:09:37,396 --> 00:09:39,271 Looks like Dad's saving the White House. 175 00:09:39,312 --> 00:09:40,146 Alone? 176 00:09:40,187 --> 00:09:41,437 Guardians are there, too. 177 00:09:41,479 --> 00:09:43,021 Who are they fighting? 178 00:09:43,062 --> 00:09:44,937 Ugh, Mauler Twins. 179 00:09:44,979 --> 00:09:46,354 Looks like we won't be getting breakfast together 180 00:09:46,396 --> 00:09:47,354 this morning. 181 00:09:47,396 --> 00:09:48,354 Bummer. 182 00:09:48,396 --> 00:09:49,771 It's the White House, Mom. 183 00:09:49,812 --> 00:09:51,021 Kind of important. 184 00:09:51,062 --> 00:09:54,854 Oh, they rebuild that thing twice a year at this point. 185 00:09:54,896 --> 00:09:55,937 If it's not Doc Seismic, 186 00:09:55,979 --> 00:09:57,729 it's the Lizard League, or someone else. 187 00:09:57,771 --> 00:09:59,104 I doubt the President still lives there. 188 00:10:01,604 --> 00:10:02,521 I'm not too late! 189 00:10:02,562 --> 00:10:03,771 I'm gonna shower. 190 00:10:03,812 --> 00:10:05,187 Not so fast. 191 00:10:05,229 --> 00:10:06,354 Come here first. 192 00:10:09,521 --> 00:10:11,521 Don't make me get the spray bottle. 193 00:10:12,896 --> 00:10:16,146 Now, let's get you out of that costume. 194 00:10:16,187 --> 00:10:17,604 Boundaries, people! 195 00:10:18,979 --> 00:10:20,521 Bathroom doors are closed for a reason, 196 00:10:20,562 --> 00:10:22,271 and parents should never, ever talk about sex 197 00:10:22,312 --> 00:10:24,021 in front of their kids! 198 00:10:24,062 --> 00:10:27,479 You should be overjoyed to see your parents 199 00:10:27,521 --> 00:10:30,187 passionately expressing their love for each other. 200 00:10:30,229 --> 00:10:31,604 Now stop griping. 201 00:10:31,646 --> 00:10:32,771 Get ready for school. 202 00:10:32,812 --> 00:10:35,437 Couldn't you at least wait until I leave the house... 203 00:10:35,479 --> 00:10:36,812 for college! 204 00:10:38,021 --> 00:10:39,562 What were you thinking? 205 00:10:39,604 --> 00:10:40,479 Paris? 206 00:10:40,521 --> 00:10:41,604 Actually, I was kind of pulling 207 00:10:41,646 --> 00:10:42,979 for that little cafe in Berlin. 208 00:10:43,021 --> 00:10:45,271 I've been jonesing for those sausages. 209 00:10:46,187 --> 00:10:47,771 Aw, man, you guys are going to Best Wurst? 210 00:10:47,812 --> 00:10:49,354 I love that place! 211 00:10:49,396 --> 00:10:50,562 You've got school. 212 00:10:50,604 --> 00:10:52,604 When your powers kick in, you can go on your own. 213 00:10:52,646 --> 00:10:55,187 Salt on the wound, Dad. 214 00:10:55,229 --> 00:10:57,896 They've gotta be due any day now, son. 215 00:10:57,937 --> 00:10:59,937 Even the latest bloomers on Viltrum 216 00:10:59,979 --> 00:11:00,937 would get their powers 217 00:11:00,979 --> 00:11:03,479 before what would be their 18th birthday. 218 00:11:03,521 --> 00:11:04,562 You'll see. 219 00:11:04,604 --> 00:11:05,854 Don't get his hopes up. 220 00:11:09,937 --> 00:11:10,979 Bye! 221 00:11:11,021 --> 00:11:12,479 Have fun! 222 00:11:12,521 --> 00:11:13,687 I'll just be walking, 223 00:11:13,729 --> 00:11:14,729 on the ground, 224 00:11:14,771 --> 00:11:15,646 with my feet. 225 00:11:34,479 --> 00:11:36,562 Morning. 226 00:11:38,354 --> 00:11:39,979 Uh, just, uh... 227 00:11:40,021 --> 00:11:43,187 just trying to break in these new shoes. 228 00:11:43,229 --> 00:11:46,104 -Ugh! 229 00:11:50,604 --> 00:11:52,771 Mauler Twins attack the White House? 230 00:11:52,812 --> 00:11:53,812 Nuts, right? 231 00:11:53,854 --> 00:11:54,854 I saw. 232 00:11:54,896 --> 00:11:56,396 I can't believe the Guardians of the Globe 233 00:11:56,437 --> 00:11:59,187 let them get that close to killing the President. 234 00:11:59,229 --> 00:12:00,729 They didn't even get into the building, 235 00:12:00,771 --> 00:12:02,396 and Omni-Man was there, too. 236 00:12:02,437 --> 00:12:04,937 You're such an Omni-Maniac. 237 00:12:04,979 --> 00:12:06,521 Way to root for the underdog. 238 00:12:06,562 --> 00:12:08,771 Big fan of the Yankees, are you? 239 00:12:08,812 --> 00:12:10,854 Sure, he's hot and all, 240 00:12:10,896 --> 00:12:12,354 and that mustache... 241 00:12:13,812 --> 00:12:14,646 Sorry! 242 00:12:14,687 --> 00:12:16,396 Okay, straight stuff. 243 00:12:16,437 --> 00:12:17,896 You up for some Clash Crash tonight? 244 00:12:17,937 --> 00:12:19,771 I'm hoping for a Level 43 chest armor. 245 00:12:21,729 --> 00:12:23,396 Don't bring up that stupid job, man. 246 00:12:23,437 --> 00:12:24,604 Don't be that person. 247 00:12:24,646 --> 00:12:26,229 When's the last time you bought a comic book? 248 00:12:26,271 --> 00:12:27,687 Those things are expensive, 249 00:12:27,729 --> 00:12:30,437 and they're doing Seance Dog twice a month all summer. 250 00:12:30,479 --> 00:12:32,354 You're into the stupidest stuff. 251 00:12:32,396 --> 00:12:34,771 Knock it off, Todd! 252 00:12:34,812 --> 00:12:36,187 Come on... 253 00:12:36,229 --> 00:12:37,396 Quit playing games. 254 00:12:37,437 --> 00:12:38,687 I know you're crazy about me. 255 00:12:38,729 --> 00:12:40,271 Marcy told me. 256 00:12:40,312 --> 00:12:43,271 Well, you are big and strong, aren't you? 257 00:12:43,312 --> 00:12:44,271 You know it. 258 00:12:44,312 --> 00:12:46,187 And you think that makes it okay 259 00:12:46,229 --> 00:12:47,646 for you to harass me? 260 00:12:47,687 --> 00:12:49,521 Hey, don't walk away from me. 261 00:12:49,562 --> 00:12:51,271 What, are you a lesbian or something? 262 00:12:51,312 --> 00:12:53,854 Oh, my god, I wish! 263 00:12:53,896 --> 00:12:55,354 Would you leave me alone then? 264 00:12:55,396 --> 00:12:56,479 Let go of me, 265 00:12:56,521 --> 00:12:58,271 so I can go find a girl to kiss! 266 00:12:58,312 --> 00:12:59,312 Don't. 267 00:12:59,354 --> 00:13:00,687 Guy's twice your size. 268 00:13:00,729 --> 00:13:02,021 Maybe you can just sit back and watch this? 269 00:13:02,062 --> 00:13:03,021 I can't. 270 00:13:03,062 --> 00:13:05,062 I can because I'm not Omni-Man, 271 00:13:05,104 --> 00:13:06,479 and neither are you. 272 00:13:06,521 --> 00:13:07,979 Let's see. 273 00:13:09,187 --> 00:13:10,479 I think Amber's been pretty clear 274 00:13:10,521 --> 00:13:13,729 about how she feels, Todd. 275 00:13:13,771 --> 00:13:14,729 Are you serious, Grayson? 276 00:13:14,771 --> 00:13:15,687 Look-- 277 00:13:21,812 --> 00:13:23,354 Leave him alone! 278 00:13:25,562 --> 00:13:26,937 What are you lookin' at? 279 00:13:30,896 --> 00:13:32,146 Thank you. 280 00:13:32,187 --> 00:13:33,187 Yup. 281 00:14:14,979 --> 00:14:16,437 Close one. 282 00:14:20,271 --> 00:14:21,479 Huh. 283 00:14:22,812 --> 00:14:25,312 It's about time. 284 00:14:29,562 --> 00:14:32,104 And a big welcome home to my favorite son. 285 00:14:32,146 --> 00:14:33,312 I made some chicken, 286 00:14:33,354 --> 00:14:36,396 but I also heated up some authentic German bratwurst 287 00:14:36,437 --> 00:14:37,479 flown in special today, 288 00:14:37,521 --> 00:14:38,479 just for you. 289 00:14:38,521 --> 00:14:42,771 I... had a pretty interesting day. 290 00:14:45,104 --> 00:14:46,271 Sorry I'm late. 291 00:14:46,312 --> 00:14:48,854 Honest to god, a dragon was attacking Hong Kong. 292 00:14:48,896 --> 00:14:49,729 I stopped it. 293 00:14:49,771 --> 00:14:51,187 Ooh, a dragon. Nice. 294 00:14:51,229 --> 00:14:52,604 Mark was getting ready to tell us 295 00:14:52,646 --> 00:14:54,104 how interesting his day was. 296 00:14:54,146 --> 00:14:57,687 Guess who's finally getting his powers? 297 00:14:59,146 --> 00:15:00,437 Are you sure? 298 00:15:00,479 --> 00:15:02,062 Pretty sure. 299 00:15:02,104 --> 00:15:04,604 Threw a trash bag into space at work. 300 00:15:06,979 --> 00:15:09,437 Oh, that's great, Son, 301 00:15:09,479 --> 00:15:10,687 just great! 302 00:15:10,729 --> 00:15:11,812 If you're up for it, 303 00:15:11,854 --> 00:15:13,021 I'll make some time tomorrow for training. 304 00:15:13,062 --> 00:15:14,146 This is so exciting! 305 00:15:14,187 --> 00:15:15,354 Bright and early tomorrow, Mark. 306 00:15:15,396 --> 00:15:16,771 Make sure you get a good night's sleep. 307 00:15:16,812 --> 00:15:18,354 Ha! For sure! 308 00:15:29,437 --> 00:15:32,937 Okay, Son, bear with me... 309 00:15:32,979 --> 00:15:37,021 This is gonna be a little awkward for both of us. 310 00:15:37,062 --> 00:15:38,437 You may have noticed 311 00:15:38,479 --> 00:15:41,937 that I'm not like normal dads. 312 00:15:41,979 --> 00:15:44,854 Your mother and I think it's time you knew the truth. 313 00:15:44,896 --> 00:15:47,729 We think you're old enough for me to tell you 314 00:15:47,771 --> 00:15:50,354 where I really come from. 315 00:15:50,396 --> 00:15:52,396 Millions of miles from here, 316 00:15:52,437 --> 00:15:53,937 out in deep space, 317 00:15:53,979 --> 00:15:56,812 is the planet Viltrum... 318 00:15:56,854 --> 00:15:59,146 It's a cool blue oasis 319 00:15:59,187 --> 00:16:02,396 alone in a solar system much like our own. 320 00:16:02,437 --> 00:16:04,229 I was born on this planet. 321 00:16:04,271 --> 00:16:07,104 Viltrumites are very similar to humans, 322 00:16:07,146 --> 00:16:08,604 except we can fly, 323 00:16:08,646 --> 00:16:10,562 move at super speed, 324 00:16:10,604 --> 00:16:13,146 and possess great strength. 325 00:16:13,187 --> 00:16:14,771 When our people come of age, 326 00:16:14,812 --> 00:16:16,021 we leave Viltrum, 327 00:16:16,062 --> 00:16:18,146 and venture out into the galaxy, 328 00:16:18,187 --> 00:16:21,396 using our abilities to help lesser-developed worlds. 329 00:16:21,437 --> 00:16:23,229 I volunteered to relocate to Earth, 330 00:16:23,271 --> 00:16:25,562 and be its sole protector. 331 00:16:26,521 --> 00:16:27,812 That's when I met your mother... 332 00:16:30,104 --> 00:16:32,979 and we eventually had you. 333 00:16:33,021 --> 00:16:37,312 I know this is a lot to take in at one time, 334 00:16:37,354 --> 00:16:40,562 but you're half Viltrumite, Son, 335 00:16:40,604 --> 00:16:42,479 and you're getting older. 336 00:16:42,521 --> 00:16:44,979 Things are gonna start to change for you 337 00:16:45,021 --> 00:16:46,187 in a few years 338 00:16:46,229 --> 00:16:47,562 as you hit puberty. 339 00:16:47,604 --> 00:16:50,354 You're gonna get acne. 340 00:16:50,396 --> 00:16:53,979 Your voice will start to crack as it begins to change. 341 00:16:54,021 --> 00:16:57,562 You'll begin to grow hair in strange places, 342 00:16:57,604 --> 00:17:01,021 and you're gonna start to develop superpowers 343 00:17:01,062 --> 00:17:02,562 of your own. 344 00:17:02,604 --> 00:17:03,562 Just like me, 345 00:17:03,604 --> 00:17:05,479 super strength and speed, 346 00:17:05,521 --> 00:17:07,312 flight, the whole bit. 347 00:17:07,354 --> 00:17:09,312 Do you understand? 348 00:17:12,437 --> 00:17:15,396 I'm gonna be able to fly? 349 00:17:15,437 --> 00:17:16,937 Yes, Son, 350 00:17:16,979 --> 00:17:20,604 you're gonna be able to fly... 351 00:17:20,646 --> 00:17:23,104 I'm gonna be able to fly. 352 00:17:27,146 --> 00:17:28,521 Whew. 353 00:17:28,562 --> 00:17:29,687 Don't look down... 354 00:17:29,729 --> 00:17:30,604 Stop looking down! 355 00:17:30,646 --> 00:17:32,271 I'm not going down. 356 00:17:32,312 --> 00:17:33,271 I'm gonna fly up, 357 00:17:33,312 --> 00:17:35,354 because I can fly. 358 00:17:36,187 --> 00:17:38,062 What if I can't yet? 359 00:17:38,104 --> 00:17:39,312 No, no, no, okay. 360 00:17:39,354 --> 00:17:41,187 Dad always said it was like a reflex, 361 00:17:41,229 --> 00:17:43,104 so if I don't want to fall, I won't, 362 00:17:43,146 --> 00:17:45,562 and even if I do, maybe it won't even hurt, 363 00:17:45,604 --> 00:17:47,312 or maybe... 364 00:17:47,354 --> 00:17:49,312 Ah, screw it! 365 00:17:55,187 --> 00:17:57,146 Whoo-hoo! 366 00:17:59,729 --> 00:18:01,146 Whoa... oh, crap. 367 00:18:01,187 --> 00:18:02,062 Whoa! Oh, god... 368 00:18:06,146 --> 00:18:08,604 Whoo-hoo-hoo-hoo! 369 00:18:09,896 --> 00:18:11,146 Ugh! 370 00:18:11,187 --> 00:18:13,104 No, no, no, no, no... 371 00:19:13,312 --> 00:19:14,271 Put some pants on, 372 00:19:14,312 --> 00:19:15,646 and let's get in the sky, my boy. 373 00:19:21,604 --> 00:19:24,396 I'll... put some coffee on. 374 00:19:24,437 --> 00:19:26,646 It's kinda like how you walk, 375 00:19:26,687 --> 00:19:29,896 and you don't think about balancing anymore, 376 00:19:29,937 --> 00:19:31,937 but when you were a baby, you did. 377 00:19:31,979 --> 00:19:33,646 You're a baby flier right now. 378 00:19:33,687 --> 00:19:35,979 You have to focus on staying upright, 379 00:19:36,021 --> 00:19:39,062 focus on going the direction you want to go. 380 00:19:39,104 --> 00:19:40,146 Understand? 381 00:19:40,187 --> 00:19:40,979 Yeah. 382 00:19:41,021 --> 00:19:42,646 I think I got it. 383 00:19:42,687 --> 00:19:44,646 It doesn't look like you do. 384 00:19:44,687 --> 00:19:45,646 Follow me. 385 00:19:48,687 --> 00:19:49,687 No, no... 386 00:19:55,354 --> 00:19:57,437 You can wear yourself out flying. 387 00:19:57,479 --> 00:20:00,062 Moving fast is like tensing a muscle. 388 00:20:00,104 --> 00:20:01,146 You're much better off 389 00:20:01,187 --> 00:20:03,771 if you relax that muscle from time to time, 390 00:20:03,812 --> 00:20:07,229 use the momentum you're building to carry you forward. 391 00:20:10,687 --> 00:20:12,396 Okay, you don't want to fall, 392 00:20:12,437 --> 00:20:14,896 so you're gonna have trouble relaxing. 393 00:20:14,937 --> 00:20:17,979 It's kind of like peeing your pants on purpose. 394 00:20:18,021 --> 00:20:18,979 What? 395 00:20:19,021 --> 00:20:20,437 Peeing your pants on purpose. 396 00:20:20,479 --> 00:20:21,979 You know, you spend your whole life 397 00:20:22,021 --> 00:20:23,771 trying not to pee your pants, 398 00:20:23,812 --> 00:20:27,354 so letting go, peeing your pants on purpose, 399 00:20:27,396 --> 00:20:28,646 it's next to impossible. 400 00:20:28,687 --> 00:20:30,104 How how do you know this? 401 00:20:30,146 --> 00:20:31,812 Who would try that? 402 00:20:31,854 --> 00:20:34,354 You are far better at flying than you should be. 403 00:20:34,396 --> 00:20:35,646 Late-night practice? 404 00:20:35,687 --> 00:20:36,979 Is that why you're so tired? 405 00:20:37,021 --> 00:20:38,312 Don't try to change the subject. 406 00:20:38,354 --> 00:20:39,854 Land over there. 407 00:20:43,687 --> 00:20:46,146 Slow down. 408 00:20:46,187 --> 00:20:47,479 Land. I said, land. 409 00:20:47,521 --> 00:20:48,729 Why aren't you slowing down? 410 00:20:48,771 --> 00:20:49,646 I can't! 411 00:20:49,687 --> 00:20:52,146 Stop. Just stop! 412 00:20:58,146 --> 00:20:59,062 Okay. 413 00:20:59,104 --> 00:21:00,521 I guess that still counts as a landing. 414 00:21:00,562 --> 00:21:01,396 Get up. 415 00:21:02,562 --> 00:21:04,521 Come on, we're gonna try something else. 416 00:21:04,562 --> 00:21:06,229 I'm actually getting used to this a little. 417 00:21:06,271 --> 00:21:07,729 That's not good. 418 00:21:08,562 --> 00:21:09,396 Try to hit me. 419 00:21:10,479 --> 00:21:12,479 -Really? -Yeah. 420 00:21:14,062 --> 00:21:15,062 Use your whole body. 421 00:21:16,604 --> 00:21:18,479 You can punch with your arm, 422 00:21:18,521 --> 00:21:20,396 but if you punch with your shoulder, 423 00:21:20,437 --> 00:21:22,646 your hips, and your legs as well, 424 00:21:22,687 --> 00:21:24,229 it'll be much more powerful. 425 00:21:24,271 --> 00:21:25,812 It'll take a while to get the hang of it. 426 00:21:26,979 --> 00:21:27,812 Okay. 427 00:21:27,854 --> 00:21:29,187 Now, with us, 428 00:21:29,229 --> 00:21:32,396 we can freely move ourselves through physical space. 429 00:21:32,437 --> 00:21:33,354 That's how we fly. 430 00:21:33,396 --> 00:21:35,562 So we don't have to pivot on our feet 431 00:21:35,604 --> 00:21:37,229 and push off the ground. 432 00:21:37,271 --> 00:21:39,396 We can literally push off anything. 433 00:21:39,437 --> 00:21:41,562 We can create our own leverage. 434 00:21:46,354 --> 00:21:48,146 Good... 435 00:21:48,187 --> 00:21:49,979 but try it a little more like this. 436 00:21:50,021 --> 00:21:51,312 Like what? 437 00:21:59,146 --> 00:22:01,062 Dad... 438 00:22:02,104 --> 00:22:05,062 You hurt me. 439 00:22:06,312 --> 00:22:07,937 I know, Son. 440 00:22:07,979 --> 00:22:08,979 I didn't... 441 00:22:09,021 --> 00:22:10,896 I didn't mean to hit you so hard. 442 00:22:10,937 --> 00:22:12,812 I'm sorry. 443 00:22:14,021 --> 00:22:16,021 Why did you do that? 444 00:22:16,062 --> 00:22:16,896 Mark... 445 00:22:16,937 --> 00:22:18,521 if you really wanna do 446 00:22:18,562 --> 00:22:19,854 what I do, 447 00:22:19,896 --> 00:22:22,396 you have to be prepared for anything. 448 00:22:22,437 --> 00:22:24,937 No one is gonna pull their punches. 449 00:22:39,937 --> 00:22:41,854 So... 450 00:22:41,896 --> 00:22:43,896 how badly did that go? 451 00:22:43,937 --> 00:22:45,854 I pushed him pretty far. 452 00:22:45,896 --> 00:22:47,729 It's what he needs. 453 00:22:47,771 --> 00:22:49,896 Did you maybe push too far? 454 00:22:49,937 --> 00:22:51,146 Are you questioning me? 455 00:22:51,187 --> 00:22:54,104 What the hell has gotten into you? 456 00:22:55,729 --> 00:22:56,771 I don't know. 457 00:22:56,812 --> 00:22:57,604 I... 458 00:22:57,646 --> 00:22:58,896 I'm sorry. 459 00:22:58,937 --> 00:23:03,729 Mark got his powers so late, I wasn't prepared for this. 460 00:23:03,771 --> 00:23:06,354 It changes things. 461 00:23:06,396 --> 00:23:07,854 I can't help but think, 462 00:23:07,896 --> 00:23:09,771 maybe our lives would be better 463 00:23:09,812 --> 00:23:12,687 if he hadn't gotten them at all. 464 00:23:15,604 --> 00:23:16,854 Jeez, man. 465 00:23:16,896 --> 00:23:18,104 You still sore from Todd's thrashing? 466 00:23:18,146 --> 00:23:19,104 What's up? 467 00:23:19,146 --> 00:23:20,479 Huh? 468 00:23:20,521 --> 00:23:21,687 No, I'm fine. 469 00:23:21,729 --> 00:23:22,937 Okay, man. 470 00:23:22,979 --> 00:23:24,354 You sure look fine. 471 00:23:24,396 --> 00:23:26,521 Hey, Mark Grayson... 472 00:23:28,812 --> 00:23:30,979 ...and I don't see Amber anywhere nearby 473 00:23:31,021 --> 00:23:32,687 to protect your sorry ass. 474 00:23:32,729 --> 00:23:33,812 Todd, please. 475 00:23:33,854 --> 00:23:35,229 Just don't-- 476 00:23:35,271 --> 00:23:36,062 Don't? 477 00:23:37,229 --> 00:23:38,146 Don't what? 478 00:23:38,187 --> 00:23:39,729 Don't kick your ass again? 479 00:23:39,771 --> 00:23:41,646 Or what? Are you threatening me? 480 00:23:41,687 --> 00:23:44,646 Or do you need a replay of what happened last time, ass? 481 00:23:44,687 --> 00:23:46,312 Hit me. 482 00:23:47,354 --> 00:23:48,396 Go on. 483 00:23:48,437 --> 00:23:49,812 Hit me as hard as you can. 484 00:23:55,021 --> 00:23:56,229 Again. 485 00:23:59,229 --> 00:24:00,604 Again. 486 00:24:00,646 --> 00:24:02,271 Harder. 487 00:24:12,104 --> 00:24:13,604 Freak! 488 00:24:15,396 --> 00:24:17,812 Dude, what is up with you? 489 00:24:17,854 --> 00:24:19,354 I need something to punch. 490 00:24:19,396 --> 00:24:20,896 He just walked away, Mark! 491 00:24:20,937 --> 00:24:23,354 You missed your chance. 492 00:24:30,396 --> 00:24:31,562 Gunfire... 493 00:24:31,604 --> 00:24:33,479 Where did the gunfire go? 494 00:24:34,937 --> 00:24:36,604 There! 495 00:24:40,562 --> 00:24:42,812 Whoa... 496 00:24:42,854 --> 00:24:43,896 Dammit. 497 00:24:47,062 --> 00:24:48,354 -Let's go! 498 00:24:56,521 --> 00:24:58,479 You're not supposed to run with us, you idiot! 499 00:24:58,521 --> 00:24:59,771 You're supposed to stay behind 500 00:24:59,812 --> 00:25:01,479 so we can get away! 501 00:25:01,521 --> 00:25:03,396 You brought me along to protect you from the cops. 502 00:25:03,437 --> 00:25:04,396 I can't do that 503 00:25:04,437 --> 00:25:05,979 if I hang back and let them shoot me. 504 00:25:06,021 --> 00:25:08,646 Shut up and get us over the fence! 505 00:25:11,604 --> 00:25:12,937 Huh? 506 00:25:17,562 --> 00:25:19,271 Meant to do that. 507 00:25:21,271 --> 00:25:22,646 Who the hell are you? 508 00:25:22,687 --> 00:25:24,187 I'm... 509 00:25:24,229 --> 00:25:25,062 Uh... 510 00:25:25,104 --> 00:25:26,271 I'm... 511 00:25:26,312 --> 00:25:27,812 I guess I'm working on that. 512 00:25:27,854 --> 00:25:28,937 Any suggestions? 513 00:25:28,979 --> 00:25:31,437 Captain Guy with a hole punched through him? 514 00:25:31,479 --> 00:25:33,479 Doesn't really roll off the tongue. 515 00:25:35,479 --> 00:25:36,521 Anything else? 516 00:26:03,187 --> 00:26:06,646 Huh, what about Ass Kicker? 517 00:26:06,687 --> 00:26:07,771 No... 518 00:26:07,812 --> 00:26:09,104 that sounds willfully childish. 519 00:26:09,146 --> 00:26:09,979 What are you thinking? 520 00:26:10,021 --> 00:26:12,896 You look ridiculous. 521 00:26:14,187 --> 00:26:16,146 Let's get outta here. 522 00:26:19,021 --> 00:26:20,396 Whoa... 523 00:26:20,437 --> 00:26:21,271 Oof! 524 00:26:23,312 --> 00:26:24,521 Honestly, 525 00:26:24,562 --> 00:26:26,896 I think you might have skipped a few steps, Mark. 526 00:26:27,979 --> 00:26:29,896 Seemed to work out just fine. 527 00:26:29,937 --> 00:26:31,396 It may not look like much, 528 00:26:31,437 --> 00:26:33,604 but you did far more damage down there 529 00:26:33,646 --> 00:26:34,979 than you needed to. 530 00:26:35,021 --> 00:26:36,396 I don't think you're ready. 531 00:26:37,312 --> 00:26:38,229 Hit me. 532 00:26:38,271 --> 00:26:39,312 What? 533 00:26:39,354 --> 00:26:41,479 Hit me now. Do it! 534 00:26:41,521 --> 00:26:42,896 I wasn't ready before. 535 00:26:42,937 --> 00:26:43,812 Now I am. 536 00:26:43,854 --> 00:26:45,062 I can take it. 537 00:26:45,104 --> 00:26:46,646 Come on! 538 00:26:46,687 --> 00:26:48,812 I'm not gonna hit you. 539 00:26:48,854 --> 00:26:50,021 You'd never hit me before, okay? 540 00:26:50,062 --> 00:26:51,146 It scared me. 541 00:26:51,187 --> 00:26:52,771 It wasn't too much, I could take the pain. 542 00:26:52,812 --> 00:26:53,729 I'm strong. 543 00:26:53,771 --> 00:26:55,062 I know you are. 544 00:26:55,104 --> 00:26:56,104 No, you don't! 545 00:26:56,146 --> 00:26:57,812 I know you think I can't do this! 546 00:26:57,854 --> 00:26:59,437 Hit me, and let me prove you wrong! 547 00:26:59,479 --> 00:27:00,771 Please, Dad! 548 00:27:00,812 --> 00:27:02,146 Please just hit me. 549 00:27:02,187 --> 00:27:03,729 Oh, Son... 550 00:27:03,771 --> 00:27:06,354 I'm strong enough, and I can do this! 551 00:27:06,396 --> 00:27:08,812 It's all I ever wanted for as long as I can remember. 552 00:27:08,854 --> 00:27:12,729 I wanna do what you do. 553 00:27:12,771 --> 00:27:15,396 I wanna be just like you. 554 00:27:18,562 --> 00:27:20,896 You will be, Son. 555 00:27:20,937 --> 00:27:22,437 You will. 556 00:27:25,354 --> 00:27:28,021 Let me make this up to you. 557 00:27:32,104 --> 00:27:33,604 Follow me. 558 00:27:40,271 --> 00:27:41,271 You're taking me shopping? 559 00:27:41,312 --> 00:27:44,021 I am. 560 00:27:53,062 --> 00:27:54,271 Were you seen? 561 00:27:54,312 --> 00:27:55,979 Who are you talking to? 562 00:27:56,021 --> 00:27:57,562 Sorry, sorry. 563 00:27:57,604 --> 00:27:58,812 Just need to ask. 564 00:27:58,854 --> 00:27:59,771 Whoa... 565 00:27:59,812 --> 00:28:02,104 Prom dresses by day, 566 00:28:02,146 --> 00:28:05,437 indestructible super suits by night. 567 00:28:05,479 --> 00:28:07,187 I'm Art Rosenbaum, kid. 568 00:28:07,229 --> 00:28:08,812 Pleasure to finally meet you. 569 00:28:08,854 --> 00:28:10,687 I've heard so much about you. 570 00:28:10,729 --> 00:28:12,729 You, too. 571 00:28:12,771 --> 00:28:13,812 Heh. 572 00:28:13,854 --> 00:28:15,604 Your dad's never mentioned me, has he? 573 00:28:15,646 --> 00:28:16,937 Well, I... 574 00:28:16,979 --> 00:28:17,979 He's a teenager, Art. 575 00:28:18,021 --> 00:28:19,146 He barely remembers anything 576 00:28:19,187 --> 00:28:20,937 he doesn't see in the mirror every morning. 577 00:28:21,854 --> 00:28:23,396 Wait, super suits? 578 00:28:23,437 --> 00:28:24,937 Am I getting a costume? 579 00:28:24,979 --> 00:28:26,521 Do you make Dad's costumes? 580 00:28:26,562 --> 00:28:28,021 He's a quick one, this kid. 581 00:28:28,062 --> 00:28:29,229 I can't have you running around in your pajamas 582 00:28:29,271 --> 00:28:30,104 all the time. 583 00:28:30,146 --> 00:28:31,479 Oh, man! 584 00:28:31,521 --> 00:28:32,646 Awesome! 585 00:28:32,687 --> 00:28:34,104 Wait, do you already have one made for me? 586 00:28:34,146 --> 00:28:35,146 Is it a surprise? 587 00:28:35,187 --> 00:28:37,104 Usually, we start with a conversation, 588 00:28:37,146 --> 00:28:39,104 and I make something custom, 589 00:28:39,146 --> 00:28:41,354 but I do have one that might work. 590 00:28:44,229 --> 00:28:46,271 What do you think? 591 00:28:46,312 --> 00:28:47,354 Well... 592 00:28:47,396 --> 00:28:49,062 I don't know about the orange and yellow. 593 00:28:49,104 --> 00:28:49,979 It's pretty loud. 594 00:28:50,021 --> 00:28:50,854 Dad? 595 00:28:50,896 --> 00:28:53,021 Not your best work, Art. 596 00:28:53,062 --> 00:28:54,771 Can't blame a guy 597 00:28:54,812 --> 00:28:57,271 for trying to move unsold merchandise. 598 00:28:58,271 --> 00:28:59,562 I like the goggles. 599 00:28:59,604 --> 00:29:01,979 They'd keep the wind out of my eyes when I fly, 600 00:29:02,021 --> 00:29:05,187 but I was really, like, hoping for something more, uh... 601 00:29:05,229 --> 00:29:06,187 I don't know... 602 00:29:06,229 --> 00:29:07,187 iconic? 603 00:29:07,229 --> 00:29:08,812 Of course you were. 604 00:29:08,854 --> 00:29:10,687 That's what everyone wants. 605 00:29:10,729 --> 00:29:11,604 Iconic. 606 00:29:11,646 --> 00:29:12,687 A symbol. 607 00:29:12,729 --> 00:29:14,312 Something kids will draw 608 00:29:14,354 --> 00:29:15,854 in the margins of their notebooks 609 00:29:15,896 --> 00:29:18,937 while they daydream about being as cool as you. 610 00:29:18,979 --> 00:29:20,604 It's also tough as hell to pull off, 611 00:29:20,646 --> 00:29:21,937 but listen, 612 00:29:21,979 --> 00:29:23,896 your dad being who he is, 613 00:29:23,937 --> 00:29:25,896 I'm willing to put a lot of elbow grease 614 00:29:25,937 --> 00:29:26,979 into this one... 615 00:29:27,021 --> 00:29:29,354 but I'm gonna need a little help from you. 616 00:29:29,396 --> 00:29:31,104 Have you decided on a name yet? 617 00:29:31,146 --> 00:29:33,104 I haven't really thought about it. 618 00:29:33,146 --> 00:29:34,854 Well, having a name helps. 619 00:29:34,896 --> 00:29:36,896 Darkwing has dark wings, 620 00:29:36,937 --> 00:29:39,604 the Red Rush is a red rush when he runs by you. 621 00:29:39,646 --> 00:29:40,687 You get it? 622 00:29:40,729 --> 00:29:41,979 You give me something to go on, 623 00:29:42,021 --> 00:29:43,562 I'll strive for iconic. 624 00:29:43,604 --> 00:29:45,021 Think about it and get back to me. 625 00:29:51,437 --> 00:29:52,854 Mark? 626 00:29:58,979 --> 00:30:00,437 Mark? 627 00:30:08,229 --> 00:30:09,062 Mark? 628 00:30:22,979 --> 00:30:24,354 What the hell was that? 629 00:30:25,437 --> 00:30:26,562 Uh... 630 00:30:26,604 --> 00:30:27,854 practicing my landings? 631 00:30:27,896 --> 00:30:30,521 Yeah, I see that now. 632 00:30:30,562 --> 00:30:31,479 Yeah, uh... 633 00:30:31,521 --> 00:30:33,021 sorry about the yard. 634 00:30:33,062 --> 00:30:34,271 What are you doing? 635 00:30:34,312 --> 00:30:35,937 I need practice, Mom. 636 00:30:35,979 --> 00:30:39,021 I can't land well, I can't fly all that fast. 637 00:30:39,062 --> 00:30:39,854 I need to be better. 638 00:30:39,896 --> 00:30:42,104 Mark, you need to sleep. 639 00:30:42,146 --> 00:30:43,604 I need to practice. 640 00:30:43,646 --> 00:30:44,854 Honey it's the middle of the night. 641 00:30:44,896 --> 00:30:46,979 I have work tomorrow, you have school. 642 00:30:47,021 --> 00:30:48,521 Get inside right now. 643 00:30:49,521 --> 00:30:50,521 Make me. 644 00:30:52,021 --> 00:30:53,604 Does that make you feel strong? 645 00:30:53,646 --> 00:30:56,062 To know I can't physically make you do something? 646 00:30:56,104 --> 00:30:57,521 Is that what you need? 647 00:30:59,062 --> 00:31:01,479 This is important. 648 00:31:04,187 --> 00:31:05,771 Remember when you were little, 649 00:31:05,812 --> 00:31:07,271 and we'd talk almost every night 650 00:31:07,312 --> 00:31:08,771 before you went to bed? 651 00:31:08,812 --> 00:31:09,937 You'd tell me 652 00:31:09,979 --> 00:31:12,396 about whatever jerk made fun of your hair, 653 00:31:12,437 --> 00:31:14,604 and I'd tell you about all the girl drama 654 00:31:14,646 --> 00:31:15,687 I lived through 655 00:31:15,729 --> 00:31:16,729 so you'd feel better? 656 00:31:17,812 --> 00:31:18,896 I can't talk to you 657 00:31:18,937 --> 00:31:20,562 while we soar through the clouds, 658 00:31:20,604 --> 00:31:23,729 but... but I'm still here. 659 00:31:26,021 --> 00:31:27,521 It used to be you and me, 660 00:31:27,562 --> 00:31:28,937 and this crazy world-saving, 661 00:31:28,979 --> 00:31:31,396 super-powered father of yours. 662 00:31:31,437 --> 00:31:33,479 Now it's you and him, 663 00:31:33,521 --> 00:31:35,812 and your boring, old, normal mom. 664 00:31:35,854 --> 00:31:36,812 Mom... 665 00:31:36,854 --> 00:31:37,812 It's okay, sweetheart. 666 00:31:37,854 --> 00:31:39,104 I get it. 667 00:31:39,146 --> 00:31:42,437 You have to move away from the normal life with me, 668 00:31:42,479 --> 00:31:44,437 and get used to being... 669 00:31:44,479 --> 00:31:45,604 something more, 670 00:31:45,646 --> 00:31:46,812 like your dad. 671 00:31:46,854 --> 00:31:49,104 Yeah, but see, that's what I'm worried about. 672 00:31:49,146 --> 00:31:51,229 I'm nothing like Dad. 673 00:31:51,271 --> 00:31:52,937 I'm more like you. 674 00:31:52,979 --> 00:31:54,354 I'm nothing special. 675 00:31:54,396 --> 00:31:56,437 Oh... 676 00:31:56,479 --> 00:31:59,396 Like a knife to the heart with this one. 677 00:31:59,437 --> 00:32:00,979 Ah... crap. 678 00:32:01,021 --> 00:32:02,312 You know what I mean. 679 00:32:02,354 --> 00:32:03,979 After everything he's done, 680 00:32:04,021 --> 00:32:07,312 how could I possibly live up to all that? 681 00:32:07,354 --> 00:32:08,812 Who says you have to? 682 00:32:08,854 --> 00:32:12,021 You don't have to be the greatest Omni-Man ever. 683 00:32:12,062 --> 00:32:15,562 You just have to be the greatest you. 684 00:32:15,604 --> 00:32:18,562 And what if the greatest me isn't enough? 685 00:32:18,604 --> 00:32:20,229 Mark, you stupid boy. 686 00:32:20,271 --> 00:32:22,562 How could the greatest you not be enough? 687 00:32:23,562 --> 00:32:24,771 Thank you. 688 00:32:24,812 --> 00:32:26,187 I love my boring, 689 00:32:26,229 --> 00:32:28,521 powerless, everyday, run-of-the-mill Mom. 690 00:32:28,562 --> 00:32:32,021 And I love my asshole son. 691 00:32:44,312 --> 00:32:46,479 You seem tired. 692 00:32:46,521 --> 00:32:48,562 I'm fine. 693 00:32:48,604 --> 00:32:51,521 Just got... a lot on my mind, I guess. 694 00:32:53,604 --> 00:32:54,854 Oh, yeah? 695 00:32:54,896 --> 00:32:56,687 So, what is it? 696 00:32:56,729 --> 00:32:58,396 You're just gonna keep prying 697 00:32:58,437 --> 00:33:01,687 if I'm evasive at all, so, um... 698 00:33:01,729 --> 00:33:03,437 I'm scared, Dad. 699 00:33:04,271 --> 00:33:06,854 What if I can't do this? 700 00:33:09,812 --> 00:33:11,104 You hear it? 701 00:33:11,146 --> 00:33:11,937 I do. 702 00:33:11,979 --> 00:33:13,354 Get ready. 703 00:33:15,104 --> 00:33:16,521 Were you nervous? 704 00:33:16,562 --> 00:33:17,771 A little. 705 00:33:18,729 --> 00:33:19,937 But you caught it? 706 00:33:19,979 --> 00:33:21,729 I did. 707 00:33:21,771 --> 00:33:23,521 Being a superhero is no different. 708 00:33:23,562 --> 00:33:25,687 This is the beginning of a long journey 709 00:33:25,729 --> 00:33:26,979 for you and me. 710 00:33:27,021 --> 00:33:28,812 Along the way, 711 00:33:28,854 --> 00:33:29,896 you're gonna need to do things 712 00:33:29,937 --> 00:33:31,771 you don't want to do, 713 00:33:31,812 --> 00:33:33,729 or might not think you can do. 714 00:33:33,771 --> 00:33:36,062 It's okay to be scared. 715 00:33:36,104 --> 00:33:38,271 It's natural to doubt yourself, 716 00:33:38,312 --> 00:33:39,812 but if you can push through that, 717 00:33:39,854 --> 00:33:41,729 and do what needs to be done, 718 00:33:41,771 --> 00:33:43,937 you'll do just fine. 719 00:33:43,979 --> 00:33:45,979 Do you think you can do that, Mark? 720 00:33:46,937 --> 00:33:47,896 Yeah. 721 00:33:56,937 --> 00:33:58,146 Son... 722 00:33:58,187 --> 00:34:00,479 kids your age think they're invincible, 723 00:34:00,521 --> 00:34:01,437 and it holds them back, 724 00:34:01,479 --> 00:34:02,646 makes them careless. 725 00:34:02,687 --> 00:34:04,646 The thing is... 726 00:34:04,687 --> 00:34:06,646 you're different. 727 00:34:06,687 --> 00:34:08,521 You actually are... 728 00:34:09,979 --> 00:34:11,312 invincible. 729 00:34:18,687 --> 00:34:19,896 Got it. 730 00:34:19,937 --> 00:34:21,771 Okay, kid. 731 00:34:21,812 --> 00:34:23,146 Let's get to work. 732 00:34:58,937 --> 00:35:01,396 ♪ I was born on the wrong side of the train tracks ♪ 733 00:35:01,437 --> 00:35:04,437 ♪ I was raised with the strap across my back ♪ 734 00:35:04,479 --> 00:35:08,396 ♪ Lay me on my side or hold me up to the light ♪ 735 00:35:08,437 --> 00:35:09,854 ♪ Yeah ♪ 736 00:35:09,896 --> 00:35:13,104 ♪ I was burned by the cold kiss of a vampire ♪ 737 00:35:13,146 --> 00:35:16,104 ♪ I was bit by the whisper of a soft liar ♪ 738 00:35:16,146 --> 00:35:18,979 ♪ Any good friend of yours is a good friend of mine ♪ 739 00:35:22,437 --> 00:35:25,062 ♪ Broken boy ♪ 740 00:35:25,104 --> 00:35:27,979 ♪ How does it feel? ♪ 741 00:35:28,021 --> 00:35:30,437 ♪ Broken boy ♪ 742 00:35:30,479 --> 00:35:33,104 ♪ How does it feel? How does it feel? ♪ 743 00:35:43,646 --> 00:35:45,854 ♪ Tell me why I'm forced to live in this skin ♪ 744 00:35:45,896 --> 00:35:49,146 ♪ Tell me why I was born to live in this skin ♪ 745 00:35:49,187 --> 00:35:53,187 ♪ I'm an alien Not just an alien ♪ 746 00:35:53,229 --> 00:35:54,312 ♪ Oh! ♪ 747 00:35:57,396 --> 00:35:58,896 Crap. 748 00:36:09,729 --> 00:36:11,354 You guys think you might have bitten off 749 00:36:11,396 --> 00:36:12,479 more than you can chew? 750 00:36:12,521 --> 00:36:15,437 That building has a hole in it, look! 751 00:36:20,229 --> 00:36:22,021 Shit! 752 00:36:36,937 --> 00:36:37,896 Whoa... 753 00:36:38,729 --> 00:36:40,021 All clear? 754 00:36:40,062 --> 00:36:41,104 Whoo! 755 00:36:46,562 --> 00:36:48,062 Ow! 756 00:37:04,396 --> 00:37:05,437 Huh? 757 00:37:06,562 --> 00:37:07,937 You might as well give up. 758 00:37:07,979 --> 00:37:08,979 I'm... 759 00:37:16,146 --> 00:37:20,021 I just mean, he is a fish person. 760 00:37:20,062 --> 00:37:22,312 I think you should maybe be nicer to him. 761 00:37:22,354 --> 00:37:24,479 It must be hard for him to make friends. 762 00:37:24,521 --> 00:37:27,062 He's got a whole ocean of friends, 763 00:37:27,104 --> 00:37:28,521 but you're right, I'll-- 764 00:37:29,354 --> 00:37:32,312 Run! 765 00:37:32,354 --> 00:37:34,104 I want to see fear in your eyes! 766 00:37:34,146 --> 00:37:36,187 The same fear-- 767 00:37:36,229 --> 00:37:37,854 What is this? 768 00:37:37,896 --> 00:37:39,229 I do my best 769 00:37:39,271 --> 00:37:41,354 to make friends with the guy. 770 00:37:41,396 --> 00:37:42,521 Josef! 771 00:37:42,562 --> 00:37:43,437 You promised! 772 00:37:43,479 --> 00:37:45,687 Huh? Oh, crap. 773 00:37:45,729 --> 00:37:47,062 How is this going to work 774 00:37:47,104 --> 00:37:50,437 if I can't hold your interest through one conversation? 775 00:37:50,479 --> 00:37:51,604 Hold my interest? 776 00:37:51,646 --> 00:37:52,812 Olga, please. 777 00:37:52,854 --> 00:37:54,854 You can't see things how I do. 778 00:37:54,896 --> 00:37:56,771 My perception is just as fast as I am. 779 00:37:56,812 --> 00:37:58,562 The briefest conversation with anyone 780 00:37:58,604 --> 00:37:59,937 seems like hours to me. 781 00:37:59,979 --> 00:38:01,187 It's agony. 782 00:38:04,229 --> 00:38:08,354 But with you, it's a gift. 783 00:38:08,396 --> 00:38:11,771 Your voice is like music. 784 00:38:11,812 --> 00:38:13,729 You're thoughtful, compassionate, 785 00:38:13,771 --> 00:38:15,396 beautiful woman. 786 00:38:15,437 --> 00:38:18,646 I hang on every word. 787 00:38:19,562 --> 00:38:20,354 Hmm. 788 00:38:20,396 --> 00:38:21,896 You mean that? 789 00:38:21,937 --> 00:38:22,771 I do. 790 00:38:26,021 --> 00:38:27,229 That's... 791 00:38:27,271 --> 00:38:28,729 Guardians emergency. 792 00:38:28,771 --> 00:38:29,729 I'm so very sorry. 793 00:38:29,771 --> 00:38:31,146 I understand. 794 00:38:31,187 --> 00:38:32,562 Go. 795 00:38:42,521 --> 00:38:45,271 Denver is toast, Immortal! 796 00:38:45,312 --> 00:38:46,729 I'm going out, 797 00:38:46,771 --> 00:38:49,729 and I'm taking the whole city with me! 798 00:38:49,771 --> 00:38:51,479 I've lined my suit 799 00:38:51,521 --> 00:38:52,937 with plutonium! 800 00:38:55,437 --> 00:38:57,604 When in doubt, throw them into space. 801 00:38:57,646 --> 00:38:59,729 -Huh? 802 00:39:17,896 --> 00:39:20,521 Finally, some action! 803 00:39:27,354 --> 00:39:29,271 Holly, wait up! 804 00:39:29,312 --> 00:39:30,229 Please, Connie, 805 00:39:30,271 --> 00:39:31,812 don't waste any more of my time. 806 00:39:31,854 --> 00:39:33,854 This is good news. 807 00:39:33,896 --> 00:39:36,562 With our third quarter roll-out of Haven Storm 4.0, 808 00:39:36,604 --> 00:39:40,146 our market share should rise by a minimum of 10%. 809 00:39:40,187 --> 00:39:42,687 We have a spectacular year ahead of us. 810 00:39:42,729 --> 00:39:43,937 The new roll-out of Haven Storm 811 00:39:43,979 --> 00:39:45,396 was supposed to be free. 812 00:39:45,437 --> 00:39:47,646 I'm not worried about the shareholders' year. 813 00:39:47,687 --> 00:39:49,896 I want a spectacular year for the world. 814 00:39:51,937 --> 00:39:54,646 Don't you do enough for the world? 815 00:39:54,687 --> 00:39:56,062 None of us do. 816 00:40:06,729 --> 00:40:07,937 Come on! 817 00:40:09,896 --> 00:40:11,604 Come on, you're almost there! 818 00:40:11,646 --> 00:40:13,187 You got this! 819 00:40:14,521 --> 00:40:16,021 You did it! You did it! 820 00:40:20,604 --> 00:40:21,854 Oh, crap. Sorry! 821 00:40:23,479 --> 00:40:26,104 Okay, got it. 822 00:40:30,271 --> 00:40:32,646 Are you okay? 823 00:40:32,687 --> 00:40:33,812 I am fine. 824 00:40:33,854 --> 00:40:34,812 We did it. 825 00:40:34,854 --> 00:40:37,354 I'd never expanded myself to that extent. 826 00:40:37,396 --> 00:40:39,479 That was... intense. 827 00:40:41,396 --> 00:40:43,604 Aw, man, take me with you. 828 00:40:43,646 --> 00:40:44,979 Come on, I can help! 829 00:40:45,021 --> 00:40:46,187 No, Nikki. 830 00:40:46,229 --> 00:40:48,771 You know Guardians' business is too dangerous 831 00:40:48,812 --> 00:40:50,854 for human children. 832 00:40:50,896 --> 00:40:51,979 Oh, man... 833 00:40:53,979 --> 00:40:55,146 Aw, you're doing so good. That's it! 834 00:40:55,187 --> 00:40:57,437 Ooh, yes, like that. Like that! 835 00:40:57,479 --> 00:40:58,354 Keep going. 836 00:40:58,396 --> 00:40:59,646 Aw, yes, yes, yes, 837 00:40:59,687 --> 00:41:00,687 hold that, hold that. 838 00:41:01,854 --> 00:41:03,646 What is that beeping? 839 00:41:06,312 --> 00:41:07,271 Uh... 840 00:41:07,312 --> 00:41:08,271 That's a wrap. 841 00:41:08,312 --> 00:41:09,271 Uh, great work, everyone! 842 00:41:22,437 --> 00:41:24,396 We're in. 843 00:41:24,437 --> 00:41:25,396 Uh... Sam? 844 00:41:25,437 --> 00:41:26,396 What? 845 00:41:26,437 --> 00:41:27,437 Darkwing. 846 00:41:27,479 --> 00:41:28,979 Don't worry about him. 847 00:41:29,021 --> 00:41:30,604 He can't be everywhere. 848 00:41:34,896 --> 00:41:37,687 Luckily, I don't have to be everywhere. 849 00:41:37,729 --> 00:41:40,604 Only where I'm needed. 850 00:42:03,771 --> 00:42:05,312 I know what's in this building, 851 00:42:05,354 --> 00:42:06,771 and I know who wants it. 852 00:42:06,812 --> 00:42:07,979 Tell me about your boss. 853 00:42:08,896 --> 00:42:10,729 We look like rats to you? 854 00:42:13,021 --> 00:42:15,187 I'll check back with you tomorrow. 855 00:42:18,771 --> 00:42:19,771 Wing Jet. 856 00:42:42,646 --> 00:42:44,229 Darkwing, 857 00:42:44,271 --> 00:42:45,937 why did you call us here? 858 00:42:45,979 --> 00:42:47,187 Me? 859 00:42:47,229 --> 00:42:48,937 So none of us signaled the alert? 860 00:42:48,979 --> 00:42:50,771 Oh, god, what's going on? 861 00:42:50,812 --> 00:42:51,687 Is it bad? 862 00:42:54,354 --> 00:42:55,521 Huh? 863 00:43:10,771 --> 00:43:11,854 Omni-Man? 864 00:44:00,646 --> 00:44:01,937 -No! -No! 865 00:44:06,271 --> 00:44:08,021 Why have you done this? 866 00:44:13,437 --> 00:44:14,437 Ah! 867 00:44:29,979 --> 00:44:31,646 Oh, no. 868 00:44:42,896 --> 00:44:44,104 Are you all right? 869 00:44:44,146 --> 00:44:45,396 I live. 870 00:44:45,437 --> 00:44:47,396 Someone must be controlling him. 871 00:44:47,437 --> 00:44:49,396 He would never do this. 872 00:44:49,437 --> 00:44:52,396 Regardless, it's him or us. 873 00:44:53,521 --> 00:44:54,896 I choose us. 874 00:45:03,729 --> 00:45:05,021 Ah! 875 00:45:51,521 --> 00:45:54,521 Why? 876 00:45:54,562 --> 00:45:56,104 Why!