1 00:00:21,146 --> 00:00:22,271 Shit. 2 00:00:22,312 --> 00:00:23,521 Look at that place. 3 00:00:23,562 --> 00:00:24,521 Language. 4 00:00:24,562 --> 00:00:25,521 Sorry. 5 00:00:25,562 --> 00:00:27,479 I mean, it's impressive, 6 00:00:27,521 --> 00:00:29,062 but, like, who needs that many rooms? 7 00:00:29,104 --> 00:00:30,437 It's not about rooms. 8 00:00:30,479 --> 00:00:32,021 It's about power. 9 00:00:32,062 --> 00:00:34,021 That building has one purpose. 10 00:00:34,062 --> 00:00:36,687 To say, "I'm the Queen, and you are my subjects." 11 00:00:36,729 --> 00:00:38,021 Huh. 12 00:00:38,062 --> 00:00:39,396 You think so? 13 00:00:39,437 --> 00:00:41,354 The Queen might look like a nice old lady, 14 00:00:41,396 --> 00:00:43,604 but she comes from a long line of tyrants 15 00:00:43,646 --> 00:00:45,437 who all thought they were better than the rest of us. 16 00:00:45,479 --> 00:00:47,229 Dad! 17 00:00:56,854 --> 00:00:59,562 I didn't know they had Burger Marts here. 18 00:01:01,729 --> 00:01:03,812 You called me Dad. 19 00:01:45,021 --> 00:01:46,062 Clear. 20 00:01:46,104 --> 00:01:47,354 Go, go, go! Get in there! 21 00:01:47,396 --> 00:01:48,354 One team per casualty! 22 00:01:48,396 --> 00:01:50,312 -Move it! -Jesus Christ. 23 00:01:50,354 --> 00:01:51,729 What the hell happened here? 24 00:01:51,771 --> 00:01:53,271 Applying aqueous sealant. 25 00:01:54,271 --> 00:01:55,771 Is that part of her brain? 26 00:01:55,812 --> 00:01:56,979 It's the Green Ghost! 27 00:01:57,021 --> 00:01:58,187 Did you find all the pieces? 28 00:01:58,229 --> 00:01:59,646 I used to worship this guy as a kid. 29 00:01:59,687 --> 00:02:00,729 Get those on ice. 30 00:02:00,771 --> 00:02:02,062 Cut in the neck now. 31 00:02:02,104 --> 00:02:03,062 Watch out. 32 00:02:03,104 --> 00:02:04,604 Sometimes, it affects the spinal... 33 00:02:13,396 --> 00:02:15,229 Beginning nano-suscitation. 34 00:02:15,271 --> 00:02:16,812 Locking in neural stabilizer. 35 00:02:18,062 --> 00:02:19,312 Omni-Man's alive! 36 00:02:19,354 --> 00:02:20,771 Get out of the way! 37 00:02:21,771 --> 00:02:22,937 Hurry up! 38 00:02:22,979 --> 00:02:24,604 It's all we can do here. 39 00:02:24,646 --> 00:02:26,104 Get ready for transport. 40 00:02:26,146 --> 00:02:27,104 Go, go, go! 41 00:02:27,146 --> 00:02:29,479 Careful. Don't bump her. 42 00:02:29,521 --> 00:02:31,146 Never seen anything like this. 43 00:02:33,812 --> 00:02:34,854 Goddammit! 44 00:03:16,312 --> 00:03:17,229 Hey, Mom. 45 00:03:17,271 --> 00:03:18,729 What's wrong? 46 00:03:18,771 --> 00:03:19,687 Nothing. 47 00:03:19,729 --> 00:03:21,229 Just missing your dad. 48 00:03:21,271 --> 00:03:22,646 He didn't come home last night. 49 00:03:22,687 --> 00:03:24,187 Mom, stop worrying. 50 00:03:24,229 --> 00:03:25,937 He probably got buried under a mountain again 51 00:03:25,979 --> 00:03:27,354 or something. 52 00:03:28,187 --> 00:03:29,896 Well, it wouldn't be the first time. 53 00:03:31,104 --> 00:03:32,187 Don't be late for school. 54 00:03:36,021 --> 00:03:40,562 Nolan's receiving the absolute pinnacle of care. 55 00:03:40,604 --> 00:03:42,604 As the Global Defense Agency, 56 00:03:42,646 --> 00:03:44,646 we have access to medical technology 57 00:03:44,687 --> 00:03:47,979 far beyond any normal hospital. 58 00:03:49,437 --> 00:03:51,479 [Mark, quietly] Whoa... 59 00:03:51,521 --> 00:03:52,854 Ah, that's one of our threat-response teams. 60 00:03:52,896 --> 00:03:54,437 They're able to get anywhere... 61 00:03:54,479 --> 00:03:56,521 We're not in the mood for the tour, Donald. 62 00:03:56,562 --> 00:03:57,854 Sorry, Debbie. 63 00:03:57,896 --> 00:04:00,187 My dad never mentioned you guys. 64 00:04:00,229 --> 00:04:01,812 That's the idea. 65 00:04:01,854 --> 00:04:03,854 We work with superheroes like your father 66 00:04:03,896 --> 00:04:06,104 to keep the world safe. 67 00:04:06,146 --> 00:04:07,854 Who knows, maybe someday, we'll even work with... 68 00:04:13,479 --> 00:04:15,937 Oh, my god, Nolan! 69 00:04:15,979 --> 00:04:16,937 Dad! 70 00:04:20,521 --> 00:04:21,729 He's gonna be okay, right? 71 00:04:21,771 --> 00:04:23,562 We... hope so, 72 00:04:23,604 --> 00:04:25,437 and our doctors are doing their best, 73 00:04:25,479 --> 00:04:28,854 but we don't get a lot of Viltrumites in here. 74 00:04:28,896 --> 00:04:30,187 Who did this? 75 00:04:30,229 --> 00:04:31,646 We have no idea. 76 00:04:31,687 --> 00:04:33,187 Not yet, anyway, 77 00:04:33,229 --> 00:04:34,229 but we'll find out, 78 00:04:34,271 --> 00:04:35,812 and when we do, 79 00:04:35,854 --> 00:04:36,896 they're gonna look a hell of a lot worse 80 00:04:36,937 --> 00:04:38,729 than your dad right over there. 81 00:04:38,771 --> 00:04:39,771 Cecil Steadman. 82 00:04:39,812 --> 00:04:40,854 Director of the GDA. 83 00:04:43,479 --> 00:04:45,104 Deborah, 84 00:04:45,146 --> 00:04:46,187 I'm so sorry. 85 00:04:46,229 --> 00:04:47,021 Cecil, 86 00:04:47,062 --> 00:04:48,354 you've got a lot of nerve. 87 00:04:48,396 --> 00:04:50,104 Someone murdered the Guardians of the Globe last night. 88 00:04:50,146 --> 00:04:50,937 Oh, my god. 89 00:04:50,979 --> 00:04:52,021 All of them. 90 00:04:52,062 --> 00:04:53,479 Tore 'em limb from limb. 91 00:04:53,521 --> 00:04:55,229 Now, we tried like hell to bring 'em back, 92 00:04:55,271 --> 00:04:57,396 but Nolan was the only survivor. 93 00:04:57,437 --> 00:04:58,771 How is that even possible? 94 00:04:58,812 --> 00:05:00,229 We don't know yet. 95 00:05:00,271 --> 00:05:03,937 We also don't know why your dad was at Guardians' HQ. 96 00:05:03,979 --> 00:05:04,937 Now, working theory is, 97 00:05:04,979 --> 00:05:07,146 whoever killed the Guardians lured him there, 98 00:05:07,187 --> 00:05:08,771 tried to wipe 'em all out at once. 99 00:05:08,812 --> 00:05:10,646 -Why? -Why? 100 00:05:10,687 --> 00:05:13,021 Well, that's the easy part. 101 00:05:13,062 --> 00:05:14,271 There isn't a super-villain alive 102 00:05:14,312 --> 00:05:15,521 who doesn't want Omni-Man and the Guardians 103 00:05:15,562 --> 00:05:16,812 six feet under. 104 00:05:16,854 --> 00:05:18,562 Now, we're keeping this all hush-hush for now, 105 00:05:18,604 --> 00:05:19,771 but news will break. 106 00:05:19,812 --> 00:05:22,354 I wanted you and Mark to know first. 107 00:05:23,687 --> 00:05:24,604 Cold towels, 108 00:05:24,646 --> 00:05:25,812 and ice water, 109 00:05:25,854 --> 00:05:27,271 and have a cot brought in here for me. 110 00:05:27,312 --> 00:05:29,187 Deborah, we've got the best-trained... 111 00:05:29,229 --> 00:05:31,521 I've patched Nolan up for 20 years, Cecil. 112 00:05:31,562 --> 00:05:33,562 I am not leaving. 113 00:05:36,354 --> 00:05:38,854 Of-of course, Debbie. 114 00:05:41,937 --> 00:05:43,187 Sir... 115 00:05:43,229 --> 00:05:45,604 There's some kind of attack happening downtown, it seems. 116 00:05:45,646 --> 00:05:46,979 Numerous contacts. Heavy weaponry. 117 00:05:47,021 --> 00:05:47,896 Multiple casualties. 118 00:05:47,937 --> 00:05:49,062 Now? 119 00:05:49,104 --> 00:05:51,812 We're a little understaffed in the hero department. 120 00:06:11,229 --> 00:06:12,396 Holy shit. 121 00:06:26,479 --> 00:06:28,562 Get it together, Mark. 122 00:06:28,604 --> 00:06:30,354 Get it together. 123 00:06:30,396 --> 00:06:31,437 Get in there. 124 00:06:39,396 --> 00:06:40,729 Stop! 125 00:06:40,771 --> 00:06:41,729 Get away from those people! 126 00:06:54,521 --> 00:06:55,812 Oh, shit. 127 00:07:00,354 --> 00:07:01,312 Get it together. 128 00:07:03,437 --> 00:07:04,396 Help me. 129 00:07:04,437 --> 00:07:05,521 No! 130 00:07:09,854 --> 00:07:10,646 It's okay. 131 00:07:10,687 --> 00:07:11,646 It's okay, I'm here. 132 00:07:11,687 --> 00:07:13,146 Are you hurt? 133 00:07:14,896 --> 00:07:16,771 Brax moy! 134 00:07:23,229 --> 00:07:24,437 Oh! 135 00:07:25,437 --> 00:07:27,854 Oh, shit! Oh, my god... 136 00:07:37,604 --> 00:07:39,187 -Huh? 137 00:07:50,937 --> 00:07:52,437 Huh? 138 00:07:56,146 --> 00:07:59,687 I don't know who you are, but it's time to go. 139 00:08:08,979 --> 00:08:11,937 Eve, two and a half seconds after this sentence, 140 00:08:11,979 --> 00:08:14,271 three enemy tanks will align 50 degrees to your right. 141 00:08:14,312 --> 00:08:16,604 I got it. 142 00:08:20,979 --> 00:08:21,896 Rex... 143 00:08:21,937 --> 00:08:23,271 civilians in danger to your left. 144 00:08:23,312 --> 00:08:25,521 Uh, yeah, I got eyes, too, Robot. 145 00:08:32,187 --> 00:08:33,396 Dupli-Kate... 146 00:08:39,562 --> 00:08:41,646 Keep doing what you are doing. 147 00:08:50,062 --> 00:08:51,479 You! Get her to a hospital! 148 00:08:51,521 --> 00:08:53,021 We can handle this. 149 00:08:53,062 --> 00:08:54,729 You're Atom Eve... 150 00:08:54,771 --> 00:08:55,937 What? 151 00:08:55,979 --> 00:08:56,937 Just go! 152 00:09:00,479 --> 00:09:02,521 Admirable intention, Eve, 153 00:09:02,562 --> 00:09:04,562 but I am not positive we can handle this. 154 00:09:07,312 --> 00:09:08,854 Ha! Huh... 155 00:09:12,896 --> 00:09:14,604 Oh. 156 00:09:23,396 --> 00:09:24,271 Uh, guys? 157 00:09:24,312 --> 00:09:25,729 I'm down to pocket change here. 158 00:09:27,604 --> 00:09:30,021 They're killing me faster than I can keep up. 159 00:09:31,271 --> 00:09:33,146 We gave people time to escape. 160 00:09:33,187 --> 00:09:34,771 That's what matters. 161 00:09:34,812 --> 00:09:35,646 Uh, no. 162 00:09:35,687 --> 00:09:36,979 Me living is what matters. 163 00:09:38,354 --> 00:09:40,146 Then I have bad news. 164 00:10:03,396 --> 00:10:04,646 Ah! 165 00:10:20,396 --> 00:10:21,771 I don't know what just happened, 166 00:10:21,812 --> 00:10:24,062 but I think I speak for everyone here 167 00:10:24,104 --> 00:10:24,979 when I say 168 00:10:25,021 --> 00:10:28,979 I never want it to happen ever again! 169 00:10:30,312 --> 00:10:31,104 Y'ah! 170 00:10:34,062 --> 00:10:35,396 Indeed. 171 00:10:36,937 --> 00:10:38,312 Help! 172 00:10:38,354 --> 00:10:39,229 Anyone! 173 00:10:39,271 --> 00:10:40,146 I need help! 174 00:10:40,187 --> 00:10:42,437 Freeze. 175 00:10:42,479 --> 00:10:43,562 She needs a doctor! 176 00:10:43,604 --> 00:10:45,021 He's covered in blood. Come on! 177 00:10:45,062 --> 00:10:46,271 Give her to us. 178 00:10:46,312 --> 00:10:48,354 Clamp that vein and get a drip started. 179 00:10:48,396 --> 00:10:50,437 -Prep operating room six. Yes, doctor. 180 00:10:50,479 --> 00:10:52,104 He's clear. 181 00:11:01,937 --> 00:11:04,354 Mark! 182 00:11:04,396 --> 00:11:06,104 I tried my best. 183 00:11:07,146 --> 00:11:09,187 I tried to be like Dad. 184 00:11:11,187 --> 00:11:15,146 It's okay. 185 00:11:29,104 --> 00:11:30,729 Hey! 186 00:11:30,771 --> 00:11:31,729 Hey... 187 00:11:31,771 --> 00:11:33,146 Watch it! 188 00:11:33,187 --> 00:11:34,021 Dick... 189 00:11:34,062 --> 00:11:35,229 Hey, Mark. 190 00:11:36,146 --> 00:11:37,021 Mark. 191 00:11:37,854 --> 00:11:38,687 Mark! 192 00:11:40,021 --> 00:11:40,979 Whoa. 193 00:11:41,021 --> 00:11:42,062 Are you okay? 194 00:11:42,104 --> 00:11:43,937 My dad, um... 195 00:11:43,979 --> 00:11:45,812 he got attacked. 196 00:11:45,854 --> 00:11:47,104 What? 197 00:11:47,146 --> 00:11:48,187 You're kidding. 198 00:11:49,896 --> 00:11:51,562 Oh, god, you're not kidding. 199 00:11:51,604 --> 00:11:53,812 Is-Is he okay? What happened? 200 00:11:53,854 --> 00:11:55,687 He's in the hospital. 201 00:11:55,729 --> 00:11:56,937 They're doing, uh... 202 00:11:56,979 --> 00:11:59,312 They're doing their best, but it's... 203 00:11:59,354 --> 00:12:01,646 It's messed up, William. 204 00:12:01,687 --> 00:12:02,604 He's really hurt. 205 00:12:02,646 --> 00:12:03,646 Jesus, Mark. 206 00:12:03,687 --> 00:12:04,812 I'm so sorry. 207 00:12:04,854 --> 00:12:06,146 Did they catch who did it? 208 00:12:06,187 --> 00:12:07,896 No, not yet. 209 00:12:07,937 --> 00:12:09,396 Speaking as someone who's been attacked 210 00:12:09,437 --> 00:12:10,812 in this stupid city, 211 00:12:10,854 --> 00:12:11,937 I'm here for you. 212 00:12:11,979 --> 00:12:13,146 Whatever you need. 213 00:12:13,187 --> 00:12:15,021 You wanna talk, I'll listen. 214 00:12:15,062 --> 00:12:17,896 You and Debbie need a lasagna, I make a good one. 215 00:12:17,937 --> 00:12:19,896 Actually, I make a great one. 216 00:12:19,937 --> 00:12:20,812 Eve Wilkins... 217 00:12:22,104 --> 00:12:23,146 What? 218 00:12:23,187 --> 00:12:24,146 Um... 219 00:12:24,187 --> 00:12:25,479 Yeah, that's her. 220 00:12:25,521 --> 00:12:26,729 I need to talk to her. 221 00:12:27,729 --> 00:12:28,771 You and all the other straight boys 222 00:12:28,812 --> 00:12:29,979 in a ten-mile radius. 223 00:12:30,021 --> 00:12:32,062 Good luck with that, 224 00:12:32,104 --> 00:12:33,812 and didn't you just get your ass kicked last week 225 00:12:33,854 --> 00:12:34,812 for Amber Bennett? 226 00:12:34,854 --> 00:12:36,937 Eve? 227 00:12:36,979 --> 00:12:38,771 Hi, uh... 228 00:12:38,812 --> 00:12:39,771 Oh, hey. 229 00:12:39,812 --> 00:12:41,187 Mark, right? 230 00:12:41,229 --> 00:12:42,771 Grayson, yeah. 231 00:12:42,812 --> 00:12:44,271 Um... 232 00:12:44,312 --> 00:12:46,979 thanks for saving my butt back there. 233 00:12:47,021 --> 00:12:49,396 Y-Yesterday, I mean. 234 00:12:50,396 --> 00:12:51,604 Yesterday? Oh. 235 00:12:52,854 --> 00:12:53,729 Oh! 236 00:12:53,771 --> 00:12:55,354 That was you? 237 00:12:55,396 --> 00:12:57,146 In the blue and the yellow? 238 00:12:57,187 --> 00:12:58,562 Yeah. 239 00:12:58,604 --> 00:12:59,771 That was me. 240 00:12:59,812 --> 00:13:01,437 I'm, um... 241 00:13:01,479 --> 00:13:02,687 Invincible. 242 00:13:03,562 --> 00:13:06,854 God, that sounds dumb when I say it like that. 243 00:13:06,896 --> 00:13:10,396 It sounds a little optimistic maybe. 244 00:13:10,437 --> 00:13:12,479 I'm Atom Eve, 245 00:13:12,521 --> 00:13:14,271 but the rest of the team just calls me Eve. 246 00:13:14,312 --> 00:13:15,396 So does everyone else. 247 00:13:15,437 --> 00:13:17,187 Right, since it's kind of a normal name, 248 00:13:17,229 --> 00:13:18,646 and not something like... 249 00:13:18,687 --> 00:13:19,729 Invincible? 250 00:13:19,771 --> 00:13:20,979 Invincible, yeah. 251 00:13:21,021 --> 00:13:22,979 Do you want to talk about yesterday? 252 00:13:24,354 --> 00:13:26,646 You look like you need to talk about yesterday. 253 00:13:28,437 --> 00:13:29,812 I heard he just let Todd hit him. 254 00:13:29,854 --> 00:13:30,937 Like 20 times. 255 00:13:30,979 --> 00:13:32,646 He didn't flinch or anything. 256 00:13:32,687 --> 00:13:34,104 Todd got so freaked out 257 00:13:34,146 --> 00:13:35,687 he stayed home for three days. 258 00:13:35,729 --> 00:13:37,271 Are you talking about Mark Grayson? 259 00:13:37,312 --> 00:13:39,104 Duh. Of course, Amber. 260 00:13:39,146 --> 00:13:42,146 You're the reason Todd beat him up again. 261 00:13:44,062 --> 00:13:46,687 I never recognized you before. 262 00:13:46,729 --> 00:13:47,562 No one does. 263 00:13:47,604 --> 00:13:48,854 It's a psychology thing. 264 00:13:48,896 --> 00:13:51,854 If you don't expect to see a superhero in your school, 265 00:13:51,896 --> 00:13:54,187 you don't see a superhero in your school. 266 00:13:54,229 --> 00:13:55,437 Hmm. 267 00:13:55,479 --> 00:13:57,437 I even follow Teen Team on Instagram. 268 00:13:57,479 --> 00:13:58,521 That's us. 269 00:13:58,562 --> 00:14:01,229 Everyone's fourth favorite superhero team. 270 00:14:02,354 --> 00:14:04,437 I like you guys way better than Fight Force. 271 00:14:04,479 --> 00:14:06,187 Oh, we're definitely better than Fight Force. 272 00:14:06,229 --> 00:14:07,687 Those guys are the worst. 273 00:14:07,729 --> 00:14:11,021 They got their asses kicked by the Lizard League last year. 274 00:14:11,062 --> 00:14:13,021 Oh, I remember seeing that on TV. 275 00:14:13,062 --> 00:14:14,312 So... 276 00:14:14,354 --> 00:14:16,312 you're new to this, right? 277 00:14:16,354 --> 00:14:18,896 Uh... I just got my powers. 278 00:14:18,937 --> 00:14:20,562 That was my first big fight. 279 00:14:20,604 --> 00:14:22,104 Ah, okay. 280 00:14:22,146 --> 00:14:22,937 Explains a lot. 281 00:14:22,979 --> 00:14:25,062 Still, not bad for a rookie. 282 00:14:25,104 --> 00:14:26,062 Are you kidding? 283 00:14:26,104 --> 00:14:27,187 I froze out there. 284 00:14:27,229 --> 00:14:28,396 People got hurt. 285 00:14:28,437 --> 00:14:31,187 People escaped because of you, 286 00:14:31,229 --> 00:14:33,604 and everyone freezes their first time. 287 00:14:33,646 --> 00:14:35,604 I used to throw up before every fight. 288 00:14:35,646 --> 00:14:37,229 Barf my guts out. 289 00:14:37,271 --> 00:14:40,021 Really? 290 00:14:40,062 --> 00:14:41,896 Like a fire hydrant. 291 00:14:41,937 --> 00:14:43,146 You'll get used to it. 292 00:14:43,187 --> 00:14:45,312 The fights, not the barfing. 293 00:14:46,354 --> 00:14:47,604 Ah... 294 00:14:47,646 --> 00:14:49,354 I just... 295 00:14:49,396 --> 00:14:52,312 It wasn't what I expected. 296 00:14:52,354 --> 00:14:54,229 I figured I'd punch some aliens, 297 00:14:54,271 --> 00:14:56,437 and they'd go home. 298 00:14:56,479 --> 00:14:57,646 It's not how it looks on TV. 299 00:14:57,687 --> 00:14:59,229 No shit. 300 00:15:01,479 --> 00:15:02,604 Thanks. 301 00:15:02,646 --> 00:15:05,437 I charge 250 an hour. 302 00:15:06,396 --> 00:15:08,479 Now I'm kidding. 303 00:15:08,521 --> 00:15:10,354 You are new at this. 304 00:15:12,979 --> 00:15:15,646 Why don't you come by and meet the Team after school? 305 00:15:15,687 --> 00:15:16,521 Teen Team? 306 00:15:16,562 --> 00:15:18,062 I dunno... 307 00:15:18,104 --> 00:15:21,979 I heard they were only everyone's fourth favorite. 308 00:15:23,146 --> 00:15:25,979 Meet me out front after class, Invincible. 309 00:15:33,146 --> 00:15:36,437 You kids did good, Robot. 310 00:15:36,479 --> 00:15:37,687 Thank you, Cecil. 311 00:15:37,729 --> 00:15:39,437 It's an honor to assist the Global Defense Agency. 312 00:15:39,479 --> 00:15:41,354 Though your use of the term "kids" 313 00:15:41,396 --> 00:15:42,437 might be considered condescending. 314 00:15:42,479 --> 00:15:44,062 But a victory? 315 00:15:44,104 --> 00:15:45,229 No. 316 00:15:45,271 --> 00:15:47,187 Do you know how many people died here yesterday? 317 00:15:47,229 --> 00:15:49,229 338. 318 00:15:49,271 --> 00:15:50,771 338... 319 00:15:50,812 --> 00:15:52,396 and it only stopped there 320 00:15:52,437 --> 00:15:55,271 because whoever the hell those assholes were, ran away. 321 00:15:55,312 --> 00:15:57,229 -The Flaxans. -What? 322 00:15:57,271 --> 00:15:59,021 They call themselves the Flaxans. 323 00:15:59,062 --> 00:16:00,646 I reverse-engineered their language 324 00:16:00,687 --> 00:16:02,271 using recordings from the battle. 325 00:16:02,312 --> 00:16:03,396 Any idea why they left 326 00:16:03,437 --> 00:16:05,104 just when they were kicking our asses? 327 00:16:05,146 --> 00:16:07,521 I have six ideas... 328 00:16:11,687 --> 00:16:14,521 ...but I believe that narrows it down to one. 329 00:16:18,271 --> 00:16:20,312 Oxidized and corroded. 330 00:16:20,354 --> 00:16:23,312 For an alloy like this, that should take years. 331 00:16:24,354 --> 00:16:26,562 Time runs faster wherever they come from. 332 00:16:26,604 --> 00:16:27,646 They ran off because they... 333 00:16:27,687 --> 00:16:29,396 Because they were dying of old age. 334 00:16:29,437 --> 00:16:30,521 Huh. 335 00:16:30,562 --> 00:16:31,812 Well, if they come back, 336 00:16:31,854 --> 00:16:33,437 maybe I'll just evacuate the area 337 00:16:33,479 --> 00:16:35,479 and wait till they get cancer. 338 00:16:35,521 --> 00:16:37,146 How did that new kid do? 339 00:16:37,187 --> 00:16:38,312 Invincible? 340 00:16:38,354 --> 00:16:39,396 He has promise, 341 00:16:39,437 --> 00:16:40,604 but he seems unprepared 342 00:16:40,646 --> 00:16:44,146 for the more realistic aspects of super-herodom. 343 00:16:44,187 --> 00:16:46,146 Well, he'd better toughen up. 344 00:16:46,187 --> 00:16:47,354 We're gonna need his help. 345 00:16:47,396 --> 00:16:48,312 Why? 346 00:16:51,354 --> 00:16:54,479 From one giant shitshow to another. 347 00:16:54,521 --> 00:16:56,312 Give me some good news, Donald. 348 00:16:56,354 --> 00:16:58,646 Whoever did this cut the power and the backup. 349 00:16:58,687 --> 00:17:00,646 They killed the cameras and the security systems. 350 00:17:00,687 --> 00:17:02,479 Forensics, frankly, is stumped. 351 00:17:02,521 --> 00:17:04,979 I told them to start over and try harder. 352 00:17:05,021 --> 00:17:05,979 That's not good news. 353 00:17:06,021 --> 00:17:07,437 That's not good news at all! 354 00:17:07,479 --> 00:17:10,062 I asked you for some good news, Donald! 355 00:17:11,479 --> 00:17:12,646 Get the hell out. 356 00:17:14,021 --> 00:17:15,146 Everyone. 357 00:17:15,187 --> 00:17:18,396 Come on, you heard the director. Move it! 358 00:17:22,437 --> 00:17:24,104 Come on out. 359 00:17:24,146 --> 00:17:25,396 I know you're there. 360 00:17:27,604 --> 00:17:30,229 Wasn't hiding. 361 00:17:36,062 --> 00:17:37,312 Sir, who the hell... 362 00:17:37,354 --> 00:17:40,146 Damien Darkblood, demon detective. 363 00:17:43,437 --> 00:17:45,312 Huh... 364 00:17:45,354 --> 00:17:47,396 Seven superheroes murdered. 365 00:17:47,437 --> 00:17:51,187 Strongest man on the planet almost dead. 366 00:17:51,229 --> 00:17:53,646 No suspects. No leads. 367 00:17:53,687 --> 00:17:54,479 How does he... 368 00:17:54,521 --> 00:17:55,479 I don't know. 369 00:17:55,521 --> 00:17:56,604 Demon magic or something. 370 00:17:56,646 --> 00:17:58,354 If you're asking if we need your help... 371 00:17:58,396 --> 00:18:00,354 Wasn't asking. 372 00:18:02,604 --> 00:18:05,021 Fine. Knock yourself out. 373 00:18:05,062 --> 00:18:08,146 Help us solve the case, oh, Great-horned Holmes. 374 00:18:08,187 --> 00:18:10,479 Sir... are you sure? 375 00:18:10,521 --> 00:18:12,146 You got a problem with the demon? 376 00:18:12,187 --> 00:18:14,479 I thought you were an atheist, Donald. 377 00:18:14,521 --> 00:18:15,937 Th-theoretically. 378 00:18:19,146 --> 00:18:20,396 Hey. 379 00:18:20,437 --> 00:18:21,479 I heard you took 380 00:18:21,521 --> 00:18:22,896 a few on the chin for me again. 381 00:18:22,937 --> 00:18:25,312 Oh, hey, Amber. 382 00:18:25,354 --> 00:18:26,896 Uh, yeah, but don't worry, 383 00:18:26,937 --> 00:18:28,146 I've got this amazing new strategy 384 00:18:28,187 --> 00:18:29,729 for dealing with Todd. 385 00:18:29,771 --> 00:18:30,729 I let him hit me 386 00:18:30,771 --> 00:18:32,896 until he gets bored and goes home. 387 00:18:32,937 --> 00:18:35,604 Hmm... nice. 388 00:18:35,646 --> 00:18:37,062 He'll never see it coming. 389 00:18:37,104 --> 00:18:38,812 Unfortunately, neither will your face. 390 00:18:38,854 --> 00:18:41,062 Eh, people always told me I was too pretty anyway. 391 00:18:41,104 --> 00:18:42,062 I gotta run. 392 00:18:42,104 --> 00:18:43,729 Catch you later? 393 00:18:46,687 --> 00:18:47,604 Ready? 394 00:18:53,937 --> 00:18:55,646 Try to keep up. 395 00:19:10,896 --> 00:19:11,896 Eve? 396 00:19:11,937 --> 00:19:12,979 Eve! 397 00:19:16,104 --> 00:19:17,979 Whoa! Shit! 398 00:19:19,396 --> 00:19:21,604 Oof! 399 00:19:23,562 --> 00:19:24,854 Okay. 400 00:19:24,896 --> 00:19:28,021 Let's try this again. 401 00:19:32,229 --> 00:19:33,354 Follow me. 402 00:19:48,771 --> 00:19:49,687 Now what? 403 00:19:49,729 --> 00:19:50,604 Oh! 404 00:19:57,271 --> 00:19:58,896 Cool. 405 00:19:58,937 --> 00:19:59,771 Ha! 406 00:20:00,729 --> 00:20:01,562 Babe. 407 00:20:05,229 --> 00:20:07,312 Oh, hey! 408 00:20:07,354 --> 00:20:08,937 It's the iceman. 409 00:20:08,979 --> 00:20:10,062 Rex... 410 00:20:10,104 --> 00:20:11,854 Couldn't have won that fight without you. 411 00:20:11,896 --> 00:20:13,937 Oh! Except we did. 412 00:20:13,979 --> 00:20:14,896 They got old. 413 00:20:14,937 --> 00:20:15,937 And ran away. 414 00:20:15,979 --> 00:20:17,521 Still counts. 415 00:20:17,562 --> 00:20:18,646 Welcome, Invincible. 416 00:20:18,687 --> 00:20:20,062 My name is Robot. 417 00:20:20,104 --> 00:20:21,854 Apologies for Rex Splode. He's... 418 00:20:21,896 --> 00:20:23,604 Unbelievably awesome. 419 00:20:23,646 --> 00:20:24,521 Incorrigible. 420 00:20:24,562 --> 00:20:25,646 And rude. 421 00:20:25,687 --> 00:20:27,187 And bored of this. 422 00:20:27,229 --> 00:20:29,021 I'm Dupli-Kate. 423 00:20:29,062 --> 00:20:30,187 Invincible. 424 00:20:30,229 --> 00:20:32,979 Which one of you do I look at when we talk? 425 00:20:33,021 --> 00:20:35,687 Hey, Robot, find anything at the site? 426 00:20:35,729 --> 00:20:37,396 The Flaxans come from a dimension 427 00:20:37,437 --> 00:20:39,396 with a faster temporal rate. 428 00:20:39,437 --> 00:20:40,687 As a result, 429 00:20:40,729 --> 00:20:42,771 the tachyons they emit spin more rapidly than our own. 430 00:20:42,812 --> 00:20:46,646 I've created this detector to warn us if they return. 431 00:20:46,687 --> 00:20:49,521 Ah, because we almost missed all the explosions 432 00:20:49,562 --> 00:20:51,896 and the screaming and the chaos. 433 00:20:51,937 --> 00:20:55,604 It should give us a few minutes of early warning. 434 00:20:55,646 --> 00:20:56,646 Cecil and the GDA 435 00:20:56,687 --> 00:20:58,146 have also requested to call on us 436 00:20:58,187 --> 00:21:00,187 for any possible emergencies. 437 00:21:00,229 --> 00:21:03,271 Since the Guardians are apparently indisposed, 438 00:21:03,312 --> 00:21:05,937 Invincible, may we count on you in the future? 439 00:21:05,979 --> 00:21:07,729 You sure you want my help? 440 00:21:09,396 --> 00:21:11,187 Yeah, I mean, of course. 441 00:21:11,229 --> 00:21:13,562 Just text me, I guess. 442 00:21:13,604 --> 00:21:16,437 Oh, right, you need my number. 443 00:21:18,021 --> 00:21:20,021 I know you don't like teams much, 444 00:21:20,062 --> 00:21:22,604 but they were all pretty cool. 445 00:21:22,646 --> 00:21:24,271 Except Rex Splode. 446 00:21:24,312 --> 00:21:26,771 I do not know what that guy's problem is. 447 00:21:26,812 --> 00:21:29,271 I think he and Eve are a thing maybe. 448 00:21:30,562 --> 00:21:31,437 Who's Eve? 449 00:21:31,479 --> 00:21:32,521 Uh... 450 00:21:32,562 --> 00:21:33,604 No one. 451 00:21:33,646 --> 00:21:35,021 Just-just a friend. 452 00:21:35,062 --> 00:21:36,521 Mm-hmm. 453 00:21:36,562 --> 00:21:39,437 Did you find the dinners in the freezer? 454 00:21:39,479 --> 00:21:40,354 Yeah. 455 00:21:40,396 --> 00:21:41,354 Thanks, Mom. 456 00:21:41,396 --> 00:21:43,437 Oh, Mark, I'm sorry. 457 00:21:43,479 --> 00:21:47,896 I've been so focused on your dad that I've forgotten about you. 458 00:21:47,937 --> 00:21:48,937 Are you okay? 459 00:21:48,979 --> 00:21:50,771 Donald said you saved a lot of lives. 460 00:21:50,812 --> 00:21:53,229 Yeah. It was just, um... 461 00:21:53,271 --> 00:21:55,437 harder than I thought. 462 00:21:55,479 --> 00:21:58,354 Dad didn't talk about this part of being a superhero. 463 00:21:58,396 --> 00:22:00,812 Your dad's good at a lot of things. 464 00:22:00,854 --> 00:22:03,521 Talking about his feelings isn't one of them... 465 00:22:03,562 --> 00:22:04,604 but we can talk. 466 00:22:14,104 --> 00:22:16,479 Is, uh... is she okay? 467 00:22:16,521 --> 00:22:18,521 Her name's Maya. 468 00:22:18,562 --> 00:22:19,812 Doesn't she have any family? 469 00:22:19,854 --> 00:22:23,396 We've contacted them, yes, but this is a secure facility. 470 00:22:23,437 --> 00:22:24,521 She's not strong enough 471 00:22:24,562 --> 00:22:26,812 for us to transfer her to a normal hospital. 472 00:22:26,854 --> 00:22:28,479 But she'll be okay? 473 00:22:28,521 --> 00:22:31,937 Well, it's too soon to tell, but I hope so. 474 00:22:42,062 --> 00:22:43,854 Whoo! 475 00:22:50,021 --> 00:22:53,312 Is this supposed to be doing that? 476 00:22:53,354 --> 00:22:54,771 Huh? 477 00:22:54,812 --> 00:22:57,396 We're just friends. 478 00:22:57,437 --> 00:22:59,271 Will you stop saying that? 479 00:22:59,312 --> 00:23:00,604 It's like you're trying to jinx 480 00:23:00,646 --> 00:23:02,604 any chance you have of dating Eve. 481 00:23:02,646 --> 00:23:05,062 A day ago, you said I had no chance! 482 00:23:05,104 --> 00:23:06,687 That was before everyone saw you 483 00:23:06,729 --> 00:23:09,104 leave school with her yesterday. 484 00:23:09,146 --> 00:23:10,979 Everyone saw that? 485 00:23:11,021 --> 00:23:12,229 It doesn't matter. 486 00:23:12,271 --> 00:23:13,312 She already has a boyfriend. 487 00:23:13,354 --> 00:23:14,479 So? 488 00:23:14,521 --> 00:23:17,271 You can be more awesome than him and take his place. 489 00:23:17,312 --> 00:23:19,021 That's how dating works! 490 00:23:19,979 --> 00:23:22,479 Why are you so intimidated by her? 491 00:23:22,521 --> 00:23:25,562 Other than she's amazing and you're kinda basic? 492 00:23:25,604 --> 00:23:27,354 Thanks for that, William. 493 00:23:27,396 --> 00:23:28,187 I gotta go. 494 00:23:28,229 --> 00:23:29,396 Go? 495 00:23:29,437 --> 00:23:31,062 Go where? 496 00:23:31,104 --> 00:23:32,771 You know what, I don't care. 497 00:23:32,812 --> 00:23:36,271 It's probably somewhere you'll be alone forever. 498 00:23:36,312 --> 00:23:37,771 Is Mark dating Eve Wilkins? 499 00:23:37,812 --> 00:23:39,562 I wish! 500 00:23:39,604 --> 00:23:41,229 I-I mean, no. 501 00:23:41,271 --> 00:23:43,104 Definitely not. 502 00:23:43,146 --> 00:23:44,062 She's got a boyfriend. 503 00:23:44,104 --> 00:23:45,604 He is super available. 504 00:23:45,646 --> 00:23:46,521 Want his number? 505 00:23:46,562 --> 00:23:48,229 I'll write it down for you. 506 00:23:52,771 --> 00:23:55,062 Uh, where are you guys coming from? 507 00:23:55,104 --> 00:23:57,521 Um, we go to the same high-school, Rex. 508 00:23:57,562 --> 00:23:59,812 Oh, you do, do you? 509 00:23:59,854 --> 00:24:01,896 Um, yeah, we do. 510 00:24:01,937 --> 00:24:03,604 Must be nice. 511 00:24:03,646 --> 00:24:05,396 You know who never got to go to high school? 512 00:24:05,437 --> 00:24:06,354 Me. 513 00:24:06,396 --> 00:24:07,854 We know. It shows. 514 00:24:07,896 --> 00:24:09,729 I'd appreciate everyone's attention 515 00:24:09,771 --> 00:24:10,771 on the matter at hand. 516 00:24:10,812 --> 00:24:12,521 Guess who's back. 517 00:24:26,354 --> 00:24:28,354 They're not getting old, Robot. 518 00:24:28,396 --> 00:24:30,437 Why aren't they getting old? 519 00:24:30,479 --> 00:24:31,562 They seem to have discovered 520 00:24:31,604 --> 00:24:33,312 a way to resist our time stream. 521 00:24:33,354 --> 00:24:34,646 In three days? 522 00:24:34,687 --> 00:24:35,729 Three days for us. 523 00:24:35,771 --> 00:24:37,312 Decades for them. 524 00:24:37,354 --> 00:24:39,146 Who cares? 525 00:24:39,187 --> 00:24:40,396 I bet their bones still break. 526 00:24:40,437 --> 00:24:42,062 So do ours! 527 00:24:42,104 --> 00:24:43,062 Ready for this? 528 00:24:44,479 --> 00:24:45,396 Yeah. 529 00:24:45,437 --> 00:24:46,979 I think so. 530 00:24:58,521 --> 00:24:59,479 Ah! 531 00:24:59,521 --> 00:25:00,937 Orep udea! 532 00:25:12,979 --> 00:25:15,854 Hey, don't do that! 533 00:25:35,354 --> 00:25:36,812 Run! 534 00:25:49,937 --> 00:25:50,771 Whew... 535 00:25:53,312 --> 00:25:54,646 Y'ah! 536 00:25:59,812 --> 00:26:00,771 Ah! 537 00:26:08,646 --> 00:26:10,521 Ugh! 538 00:26:13,104 --> 00:26:14,479 Xopa moy. 539 00:26:34,687 --> 00:26:35,896 They seem... 540 00:26:35,937 --> 00:26:38,229 to have spent their time wisely. 541 00:26:39,604 --> 00:26:40,896 Eve! 542 00:26:46,229 --> 00:26:47,104 No, don't! 543 00:26:47,146 --> 00:26:48,937 Don't. Don't! No! 544 00:26:50,354 --> 00:26:51,812 I said, no! 545 00:26:53,604 --> 00:26:54,896 Brax moy! 546 00:27:05,021 --> 00:27:06,854 Invincible! 547 00:27:06,896 --> 00:27:08,062 Eve! 548 00:27:12,646 --> 00:27:14,687 You okay? 549 00:27:30,896 --> 00:27:33,271 The wristbands protect them from our timestream. 550 00:27:34,562 --> 00:27:36,312 Destroy their wristbands. 551 00:27:36,354 --> 00:27:37,604 What? 552 00:27:37,646 --> 00:27:39,187 All of them? 553 00:27:49,937 --> 00:27:50,812 Y'ah! 554 00:27:57,937 --> 00:27:59,396 Y'ah! 555 00:28:03,437 --> 00:28:06,146 49,000 kilohertz. 556 00:28:08,896 --> 00:28:10,604 Keep them off meeee... 557 00:28:12,479 --> 00:28:14,437 ♪ eeeeee.... ♪ 558 00:28:31,146 --> 00:28:33,687 Right back 'atcha, buddy. 559 00:28:35,104 --> 00:28:37,604 Way to go psycho there, Invincible. 560 00:28:37,646 --> 00:28:39,646 I take back everything I said about you before, 561 00:28:39,687 --> 00:28:41,104 and I said a lot. 562 00:28:41,146 --> 00:28:42,604 I don't know what happened. 563 00:28:42,646 --> 00:28:44,771 I got mad... I guess? 564 00:28:44,812 --> 00:28:46,354 Don't get me wrong, that was amazing, 565 00:28:46,396 --> 00:28:48,729 but also the scariest thing I've ever seen. 566 00:28:48,771 --> 00:28:51,104 Just don't ever point that at me, okay? 567 00:28:51,146 --> 00:28:52,187 Don't listen to Rex. 568 00:28:52,229 --> 00:28:53,229 You did great. 569 00:28:53,271 --> 00:28:55,021 That's what I said, Eve. 570 00:28:55,062 --> 00:28:57,021 God, my back. 571 00:28:58,229 --> 00:28:59,729 Can I get a massage? 572 00:28:59,771 --> 00:29:01,479 Anybody? Just a little rub? 573 00:29:01,521 --> 00:29:02,521 Everything okay? 574 00:29:02,562 --> 00:29:04,104 I gotta go. 575 00:29:04,146 --> 00:29:05,646 Oh, no, that's fine. 576 00:29:05,687 --> 00:29:06,896 We'll handle the clean-up. 577 00:29:06,937 --> 00:29:08,729 Asshole! 578 00:29:13,312 --> 00:29:14,604 Oh! 579 00:29:15,979 --> 00:29:16,896 Mark! 580 00:29:16,937 --> 00:29:19,146 -Hey, son. -Dad! 581 00:29:19,187 --> 00:29:20,312 Ow! 582 00:29:20,354 --> 00:29:21,146 Ribs... 583 00:29:21,187 --> 00:29:22,312 Careful! 584 00:29:22,354 --> 00:29:24,396 You're going to put him in a coma again. 585 00:29:24,437 --> 00:29:25,562 You're okay! 586 00:29:25,604 --> 00:29:27,187 No, he's not, 587 00:29:27,229 --> 00:29:29,646 but he is okay enough to come home. 588 00:29:29,687 --> 00:29:32,979 Mom says you've been keeping the planet safe for me. 589 00:29:33,021 --> 00:29:34,979 Mom's exaggerating. 590 00:29:35,021 --> 00:29:37,271 Tell me everything. 591 00:29:48,479 --> 00:29:50,729 What hospital did they move Maya to? 592 00:29:54,812 --> 00:29:57,146 No, they said she'd recover. 593 00:29:57,187 --> 00:29:59,396 It's part of the job. 594 00:30:00,396 --> 00:30:01,812 Come on, let's go home. 595 00:30:01,854 --> 00:30:03,479 I'm dying for some real food. 596 00:30:07,312 --> 00:30:08,687 Hey, I need my costume back. 597 00:30:08,729 --> 00:30:10,396 I don't care how torn up it is. 598 00:30:10,437 --> 00:30:11,937 It's classified, 599 00:30:11,979 --> 00:30:13,271 and I want it back. 600 00:30:13,312 --> 00:30:14,187 Go get it. 601 00:30:14,229 --> 00:30:16,354 Now. 602 00:30:21,437 --> 00:30:23,521 Where are the Guardians of the Globe? 603 00:30:23,562 --> 00:30:25,729 There's been no sign of the iconic heroes 604 00:30:25,771 --> 00:30:26,979 for over a week, 605 00:30:27,021 --> 00:30:29,771 leaving the local champions to pick up the slack. 606 00:30:36,812 --> 00:30:37,729 It's like you're not even trying. 607 00:30:40,146 --> 00:30:42,104 And now you're trying too hard. 608 00:30:42,146 --> 00:30:43,604 Slow down. 609 00:30:43,646 --> 00:30:44,854 Don't hit me where I am, 610 00:30:44,896 --> 00:30:46,062 hit me where I'm going... 611 00:30:47,896 --> 00:30:49,646 Thanks for the tip. 612 00:30:49,687 --> 00:30:52,812 You know, you have to be able to take a hit, too. 613 00:30:52,854 --> 00:30:53,937 Nolan! 614 00:30:57,896 --> 00:31:00,104 Oh, great. 615 00:31:00,146 --> 00:31:01,854 We picked this up near Mars an hour ago. 616 00:31:01,896 --> 00:31:03,729 Moving fast. 617 00:31:03,771 --> 00:31:04,854 He's back. 618 00:31:04,896 --> 00:31:07,271 15 minutes till he's breathing our air. 619 00:31:07,312 --> 00:31:09,229 I wouldn't ask, Nolan, 620 00:31:09,271 --> 00:31:10,979 but with the Guardians gone... 621 00:31:11,021 --> 00:31:12,437 I'll stop him. 622 00:31:12,479 --> 00:31:13,521 Who's he? 623 00:31:13,562 --> 00:31:14,937 Nolan's been home a week, 624 00:31:14,979 --> 00:31:16,687 and you want to send him to space? 625 00:31:16,729 --> 00:31:18,562 No. No way. 626 00:31:18,604 --> 00:31:19,687 He doesn't work for you. 627 00:31:19,729 --> 00:31:20,646 Sweetie... 628 00:31:20,687 --> 00:31:22,271 There's no one else, Debbie. 629 00:31:22,312 --> 00:31:23,104 I'll go. 630 00:31:23,146 --> 00:31:24,771 -Sweetie... -I said, no. 631 00:31:24,812 --> 00:31:25,854 You're still injured. 632 00:31:25,896 --> 00:31:26,687 I'll go. 633 00:31:26,729 --> 00:31:27,854 Okay. 634 00:31:27,896 --> 00:31:29,771 -What? -Why not? 635 00:31:29,812 --> 00:31:30,771 He's not that tough. Mark can take him. 636 00:31:30,812 --> 00:31:32,437 Oh, wonderful. 637 00:31:32,479 --> 00:31:34,354 That's your solution? 638 00:31:34,396 --> 00:31:35,979 Could you define "not that tough"? 639 00:31:36,021 --> 00:31:37,312 Just knock some sense into the guy 640 00:31:37,354 --> 00:31:38,604 and throw him back where he came from. 641 00:31:38,646 --> 00:31:39,646 Easy. 642 00:31:41,021 --> 00:31:43,521 How do I breathe in space? 643 00:31:43,562 --> 00:31:44,854 That's the neat thing. 644 00:31:44,896 --> 00:31:46,896 You don't. 645 00:31:46,937 --> 00:31:48,437 12 minutes. 646 00:31:56,896 --> 00:31:58,271 Okay... 647 00:32:13,229 --> 00:32:15,354 Hey, you're early! 648 00:32:15,396 --> 00:32:17,354 And you shaved your mustache. 649 00:32:17,396 --> 00:32:19,187 Stay away from my planet! 650 00:32:27,896 --> 00:32:29,104 Not bad, 651 00:32:29,146 --> 00:32:31,062 but if you're trying to tackle me into something, 652 00:32:31,104 --> 00:32:32,729 your moon is that way! 653 00:32:38,521 --> 00:32:40,312 Why can I hear you in my head? 654 00:32:40,354 --> 00:32:41,979 Where else do you keep your brain? 655 00:32:48,687 --> 00:32:51,354 That's what you call protecting your planet? 656 00:32:51,396 --> 00:32:53,396 I am sad for your people! 657 00:33:10,479 --> 00:33:13,771 Are you sure you're the same guy I fought here three years ago? 658 00:33:13,812 --> 00:33:15,729 What? No, I'm not the same guy! 659 00:33:15,771 --> 00:33:17,354 Well, sucks to be you then. 660 00:33:17,396 --> 00:33:18,229 Ah, my eye! 661 00:33:20,021 --> 00:33:20,812 Really? 662 00:33:20,854 --> 00:33:22,312 -You tried this already. -Huh? 663 00:33:28,187 --> 00:33:29,812 Ha! 664 00:33:29,854 --> 00:33:31,646 Maybe you'll do after all. 665 00:33:31,687 --> 00:33:33,812 What are you talking about? 666 00:33:36,562 --> 00:33:38,354 Wait! Stop! I... 667 00:33:38,396 --> 00:33:39,937 Hold on, I just wanna... 668 00:33:39,979 --> 00:33:40,854 I wanna talk! 669 00:33:42,729 --> 00:33:43,896 Are you using your time out? 670 00:33:43,937 --> 00:33:45,729 I get a time out? 671 00:33:45,771 --> 00:33:46,896 Why do I get a time out? 672 00:33:46,937 --> 00:33:48,812 Hey, I didn't invent the rules. 673 00:33:48,854 --> 00:33:50,896 What rules? 674 00:33:50,937 --> 00:33:52,812 I don't even know who you are! 675 00:33:52,854 --> 00:33:54,896 Oh. You don't? 676 00:34:08,812 --> 00:34:10,437 All right, um... 677 00:34:10,479 --> 00:34:13,312 I'm an evaluation officer for the Coalition of Planets. 678 00:34:13,354 --> 00:34:15,646 I drop by little dirtballs like yours 679 00:34:15,687 --> 00:34:18,229 to make sure there's someone capable of defending them 680 00:34:18,271 --> 00:34:20,604 against, you know, planet-conquering monsters, 681 00:34:20,646 --> 00:34:22,354 things of that nature. 682 00:34:22,396 --> 00:34:26,312 I literally have no idea what any of that means. 683 00:34:26,354 --> 00:34:27,646 Well, I don't know what to tell you, man. 684 00:34:27,687 --> 00:34:29,521 Your planet signed up for the program. 685 00:34:29,562 --> 00:34:30,521 See? 686 00:34:30,562 --> 00:34:31,771 Request from Urath for evaluation. 687 00:34:31,812 --> 00:34:32,771 Urath! 688 00:34:32,812 --> 00:34:34,104 This is Earth! 689 00:34:37,229 --> 00:34:38,021 Earth? 690 00:34:38,062 --> 00:34:39,104 Yes! 691 00:34:39,146 --> 00:34:40,604 Not Urath? 692 00:34:40,646 --> 00:34:41,687 No. 693 00:34:41,729 --> 00:34:43,771 Is that with an "E" or a "U"? 694 00:34:43,812 --> 00:34:45,812 "E"! 695 00:34:45,854 --> 00:34:47,562 Oh, I'm in so much trouble. 696 00:34:47,604 --> 00:34:49,312 Well, thanks for letting me know. 697 00:34:49,354 --> 00:34:51,479 I'm Allen, by the way. 698 00:34:51,521 --> 00:34:52,729 Invincible. 699 00:34:52,771 --> 00:34:54,021 Oh, yeah? 700 00:34:54,062 --> 00:34:55,521 A little optimistic, isn't it? 701 00:34:55,562 --> 00:34:56,437 Yeah, I know. 702 00:34:56,479 --> 00:34:57,437 I just fought you, 703 00:34:57,479 --> 00:34:59,854 and I think you're quite "vincible." 704 00:34:59,896 --> 00:35:01,854 Okay, well, as long as I don't get fired, 705 00:35:01,896 --> 00:35:03,771 I'll see you around, Invincible. 706 00:35:03,812 --> 00:35:05,854 Sorry about all the... 707 00:35:05,896 --> 00:35:07,729 you know. 708 00:35:10,146 --> 00:35:12,312 What the hell was that? 709 00:35:13,979 --> 00:35:16,646 Wow. 710 00:35:16,687 --> 00:35:18,104 Cool. 711 00:35:19,771 --> 00:35:20,854 Before I go... 712 00:35:20,896 --> 00:35:23,146 I already told you everything I remember. 713 00:35:23,187 --> 00:35:24,729 Right. 714 00:35:24,771 --> 00:35:27,437 Right, just go over it for me one more time. 715 00:35:27,479 --> 00:35:31,104 I got a distress call from the Guardians, 716 00:35:31,146 --> 00:35:34,354 but when I arrived, everything seemed fine. 717 00:35:34,396 --> 00:35:37,062 Then the lights went out and someone attacked me. 718 00:35:37,104 --> 00:35:39,729 I fought with them until I passed out. 719 00:35:39,771 --> 00:35:41,187 Woke up in your hospital. 720 00:35:41,229 --> 00:35:42,271 That's it. 721 00:35:42,312 --> 00:35:43,729 That's it? 722 00:35:43,771 --> 00:35:44,979 Hmm. 723 00:35:45,021 --> 00:35:46,687 Must have been a pretty tough bastard 724 00:35:46,729 --> 00:35:47,812 to take you down. 725 00:35:47,854 --> 00:35:51,812 I've never seen you lose like that before. 726 00:35:51,854 --> 00:35:53,771 Yeah. 727 00:35:55,271 --> 00:35:57,354 Do you have any leads yet? 728 00:35:57,396 --> 00:35:59,271 Someone thinks they're too clever for us. 729 00:35:59,312 --> 00:36:02,479 They all think that at first. 730 00:36:10,979 --> 00:36:12,396 Oh, my God! 731 00:36:12,437 --> 00:36:13,437 Ow! 732 00:36:13,479 --> 00:36:14,312 Oh, great. 733 00:36:14,354 --> 00:36:16,896 Excuse you. 734 00:36:16,937 --> 00:36:18,646 Look, Todd. 735 00:36:18,687 --> 00:36:19,854 Why don't we just... 736 00:36:19,896 --> 00:36:20,937 Shut it, Grayson! 737 00:36:21,771 --> 00:36:23,187 -I'm sorry. -What? 738 00:36:24,229 --> 00:36:25,521 I'm sorry I kicked your ass. 739 00:36:25,562 --> 00:36:27,521 I don't know what you're saying. 740 00:36:31,396 --> 00:36:33,646 I'm sorry I kicked your ass, okay? 741 00:36:34,687 --> 00:36:35,979 Oh. 742 00:36:36,021 --> 00:36:38,187 Thanks, I guess? 743 00:36:39,271 --> 00:36:40,396 Amber Bennett also wants to know 744 00:36:40,437 --> 00:36:42,062 -if you'd like her number. -What? 745 00:36:42,104 --> 00:36:44,187 Do you want Amber's phone number, nerd! 746 00:36:44,229 --> 00:36:46,354 Yes, but why are you... 747 00:36:46,396 --> 00:36:48,271 Because she found some old photos of me, okay? 748 00:36:48,312 --> 00:36:50,729 Photos she said she'd delete if I did this one stupid thing, 749 00:36:50,771 --> 00:36:51,854 and then never talked to you again. 750 00:36:51,896 --> 00:36:53,354 There. 751 00:36:53,396 --> 00:36:54,646 Have a crappy life with her. 752 00:36:54,687 --> 00:36:56,229 You both suck. 753 00:36:59,146 --> 00:37:01,062 Photos of what, Todd? 754 00:37:01,104 --> 00:37:03,354 Don't push your luck, Grayson. 755 00:37:07,354 --> 00:37:08,229 Amber? 756 00:37:08,271 --> 00:37:10,646 I-I mean, uh, hello? 757 00:37:21,062 --> 00:37:22,521 Brax moy! 758 00:37:27,646 --> 00:37:28,771 I have bad news. 759 00:37:28,812 --> 00:37:30,354 Oh! 760 00:37:30,396 --> 00:37:32,646 Robot's got bad news, everybody. 761 00:37:32,687 --> 00:37:33,771 Did ya hear that? 762 00:37:33,812 --> 00:37:36,604 Hey, Robot, what's the bad news? 763 00:37:36,646 --> 00:37:37,812 There are too many of them, 764 00:37:37,854 --> 00:37:39,521 their technology has advanced too far, 765 00:37:39,562 --> 00:37:42,729 and they've rendered themselves immune to our time stream. 766 00:37:42,771 --> 00:37:44,521 We should consider the city lost. 767 00:37:44,562 --> 00:37:47,354 I will contact Cecil and suggest a nuclear response. 768 00:37:47,396 --> 00:37:48,646 What? No! 769 00:37:48,687 --> 00:37:49,896 No way! 770 00:37:49,937 --> 00:37:55,021 We're not nuking anyone, Robot, and we're not giving up. 771 00:37:55,062 --> 00:37:57,062 What are we, Fight Force? 772 00:37:57,104 --> 00:37:58,062 I love you, man, 773 00:37:58,104 --> 00:38:01,479 but sometimes, you've got a screw loose. 774 00:38:01,521 --> 00:38:03,104 I don't use screws. 775 00:38:03,146 --> 00:38:05,479 My fastenings are all magnetic interlocks. 776 00:38:26,479 --> 00:38:27,312 Oh! 777 00:38:34,854 --> 00:38:35,854 Invincible! 778 00:38:37,562 --> 00:38:38,396 Ah! 779 00:38:50,604 --> 00:38:51,812 Help. 780 00:38:54,562 --> 00:38:56,229 Die. 781 00:39:00,271 --> 00:39:01,521 Are you okay, Mark? 782 00:39:23,562 --> 00:39:24,771 My turn. 783 00:39:24,812 --> 00:39:25,979 H'ah! 784 00:39:32,229 --> 00:39:33,854 H'ah! 785 00:39:50,479 --> 00:39:52,437 Juti urec! 786 00:39:52,479 --> 00:39:54,021 Laji moy! 787 00:40:01,937 --> 00:40:03,562 Dad! 788 00:40:05,687 --> 00:40:06,729 Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa! 789 00:40:06,771 --> 00:40:09,562 Omni-Man's your dad? 790 00:40:20,729 --> 00:40:22,562 What happened? 791 00:40:22,604 --> 00:40:25,187 Dad saved us from the Flaxans... 792 00:40:25,229 --> 00:40:28,396 but he went into one of their portals. 793 00:40:28,437 --> 00:40:29,354 Oh. 794 00:40:29,396 --> 00:40:30,562 So he'll be late for dinner? 795 00:40:33,771 --> 00:40:35,146 I was worried before 796 00:40:35,187 --> 00:40:37,771 because I've never seen your father so badly hurt, 797 00:40:37,812 --> 00:40:39,771 but taking on aliens in another dimension? 798 00:40:39,812 --> 00:40:41,271 That's just Tuesday. 799 00:40:42,854 --> 00:40:47,062 I'm sure he's explaining nicely why they should leave us alone. 800 00:40:49,479 --> 00:40:51,937 You don't seem to understand. 801 00:40:51,979 --> 00:40:55,604 Earth isn't yours to conquer. 802 00:41:42,146 --> 00:41:43,562 I need a shower. 803 00:41:43,604 --> 00:41:45,812 Dad! 804 00:41:50,771 --> 00:41:53,729 I'm-I'm at a loss for how to report this, 805 00:41:53,771 --> 00:41:59,062 but the Guardians of the Globe are dead. 806 00:42:06,021 --> 00:42:07,937 Get an extraction team out there now. 807 00:42:07,979 --> 00:42:10,854 Tell the French President we have it covered. 808 00:42:15,396 --> 00:42:17,437 I need the room. 809 00:42:17,479 --> 00:42:18,604 Now! 810 00:42:21,729 --> 00:42:23,896 Well? Enlighten me. 811 00:42:23,937 --> 00:42:26,021 Know one thing for sure. 812 00:42:26,062 --> 00:42:28,479 No one else at scene of murders. 813 00:42:28,521 --> 00:42:30,562 Only Guardians. 814 00:42:30,604 --> 00:42:32,021 Omni-Man. 815 00:42:32,062 --> 00:42:35,062 Which means killer must be one of them. 816 00:42:35,104 --> 00:42:36,396 One of them? 817 00:42:36,437 --> 00:42:38,604 There's a hundred super-villains who don't leave a trace. 818 00:42:38,646 --> 00:42:41,521 Who turn into smoke, or living electricity, 819 00:42:41,562 --> 00:42:44,271 or only exist in dreams. 820 00:42:44,312 --> 00:42:45,521 I know. 821 00:42:45,562 --> 00:42:47,021 You don't listen to me. 822 00:42:47,062 --> 00:42:48,104 You listen! 823 00:42:48,146 --> 00:42:50,271 Now, you mention your idiotic thoughts to anyone, 824 00:42:50,312 --> 00:42:51,729 and I mean anybody, 825 00:42:51,771 --> 00:42:53,729 I'll make sure they're the last thoughts you ever have. 826 00:42:53,771 --> 00:42:55,104 You understand me? 827 00:42:55,146 --> 00:42:57,021 Now, get out. 828 00:42:57,062 --> 00:42:58,562 Get out! 829 00:42:58,604 --> 00:43:01,604 Before I send you back to hell myself. 830 00:43:02,729 --> 00:43:05,521 Blind old man. 831 00:43:07,104 --> 00:43:09,229 Put an A-6 surveillance team on the Graysons. 832 00:43:09,271 --> 00:43:10,521 Sir? 833 00:43:10,562 --> 00:43:12,812 The killer's still out there, Donald. 834 00:43:12,854 --> 00:43:15,312 Might decide to finish the job.