1 00:00:06,021 --> 00:00:10,687 [♪] 2 00:00:21,021 --> 00:00:25,021 [♪] 3 00:00:28,854 --> 00:00:29,854 [fighter jets overhead] 4 00:00:38,229 --> 00:00:39,354 [sonic boom] 5 00:00:54,562 --> 00:00:57,312 I've fought the unimaginable 6 00:00:57,354 --> 00:00:59,646 in defense of this world. 7 00:00:59,687 --> 00:01:02,479 I've battled alien tyrants, 8 00:01:02,521 --> 00:01:04,979 defeated nightmares from the deep. 9 00:01:05,021 --> 00:01:08,812 Gone toe to toe with ancient gods... 10 00:01:08,854 --> 00:01:10,979 but no matter what threat I faced, 11 00:01:11,021 --> 00:01:13,896 I knew I wasn't facing it alone. 12 00:01:13,937 --> 00:01:15,854 Darkwing. 13 00:01:15,896 --> 00:01:17,396 Aquarus. 14 00:01:17,437 --> 00:01:18,896 War Woman. 15 00:01:18,937 --> 00:01:20,979 Green Ghost. 16 00:01:21,021 --> 00:01:22,062 Red Rush. 17 00:01:22,104 --> 00:01:24,062 Martian Man. 18 00:01:24,104 --> 00:01:25,729 Immortal. 19 00:01:25,771 --> 00:01:28,896 The Guardians of the Globe. 20 00:01:28,937 --> 00:01:32,479 Today, we have lost titans, 21 00:01:32,521 --> 00:01:34,396 protectors, 22 00:01:34,437 --> 00:01:36,062 heroes, 23 00:01:36,104 --> 00:01:38,646 and we are left to wonder... 24 00:01:38,687 --> 00:01:40,646 who will save us now? 25 00:01:40,687 --> 00:01:43,479 I will, 26 00:01:43,521 --> 00:01:45,729 and so will others like me. 27 00:01:45,771 --> 00:01:48,729 New heroes answering the call. 28 00:01:48,771 --> 00:01:52,229 New champions ready to risk everything 29 00:01:52,271 --> 00:01:54,146 to keep this planet safe. 30 00:01:54,187 --> 00:01:58,062 All inspired by these great souls 31 00:01:58,104 --> 00:02:00,646 who came before us. 32 00:02:00,687 --> 00:02:03,062 You will have moments of doubt, 33 00:02:03,104 --> 00:02:04,146 of fear, 34 00:02:04,187 --> 00:02:05,979 of uncertainty, 35 00:02:06,021 --> 00:02:11,021 but in those moments, have faith... 36 00:02:11,062 --> 00:02:13,271 and look to the sky. 37 00:02:17,146 --> 00:02:19,187 [woman sobbing] 38 00:02:20,771 --> 00:02:22,187 [Mark] We seriously have to put everyone 39 00:02:22,229 --> 00:02:23,271 through this again? 40 00:02:23,312 --> 00:02:25,396 The big one's for show, 41 00:02:25,437 --> 00:02:26,479 but the public can't know 42 00:02:26,521 --> 00:02:28,854 where the actual bodies are buried. 43 00:02:28,896 --> 00:02:30,562 Souvenir hunters. 44 00:02:30,604 --> 00:02:31,979 Jesus. 45 00:02:32,021 --> 00:02:34,146 [Nolan] I was never a Guardian of the Globe, 46 00:02:34,187 --> 00:02:37,229 but it was the Guardians who welcomed me 47 00:02:37,271 --> 00:02:39,479 when I first arrived on this planet. 48 00:02:39,521 --> 00:02:41,896 They were my mentors. 49 00:02:41,937 --> 00:02:43,812 My comrades. 50 00:02:43,854 --> 00:02:45,729 My friends. 51 00:02:45,771 --> 00:02:49,104 They knew the reality of this life. 52 00:02:49,146 --> 00:02:52,437 Martian Man was exiled from his own people. 53 00:02:52,479 --> 00:02:54,646 War Woman was from a different age. 54 00:02:54,687 --> 00:02:56,354 Darkwing... 55 00:02:56,396 --> 00:02:57,604 [chuckles ruefully] 56 00:02:57,646 --> 00:02:58,854 [clears throat] 57 00:02:58,896 --> 00:03:03,479 Well, Darkwing made his own kind of solitude. 58 00:03:03,521 --> 00:03:06,604 It was a rare, lucky few of us 59 00:03:06,646 --> 00:03:10,562 who found someone who understood our path, 60 00:03:10,604 --> 00:03:13,562 even rarer if they accepted it. 61 00:03:13,604 --> 00:03:15,646 I hope they will rest in peace, 62 00:03:15,687 --> 00:03:18,812 but at least they will rest together. 63 00:03:18,854 --> 00:03:21,146 [woman sobbing] 64 00:03:21,187 --> 00:03:24,521 Get your hands off me! 65 00:03:24,562 --> 00:03:25,521 [screams in anguish] 66 00:03:25,562 --> 00:03:27,979 Olga, please, calm down. 67 00:03:28,021 --> 00:03:29,812 You wouldn't even let me see him. 68 00:03:29,854 --> 00:03:33,479 Josef is finally standing still, 69 00:03:33,521 --> 00:03:35,729 and I still can't see him! 70 00:03:36,937 --> 00:03:37,896 I'd better... 71 00:03:37,937 --> 00:03:38,979 Yeah. 72 00:03:40,229 --> 00:03:41,729 You okay? 73 00:03:41,771 --> 00:03:43,812 Me? I... I dunno. 74 00:03:43,854 --> 00:03:45,271 It just doesn't seem real. 75 00:03:45,312 --> 00:03:46,354 That could have been my mom, 76 00:03:46,396 --> 00:03:48,354 putting my dad in one of those holes, 77 00:03:48,396 --> 00:03:49,646 or me. 78 00:03:49,687 --> 00:03:51,229 If this could happen to the Guardians of the Globe, 79 00:03:51,271 --> 00:03:52,396 it means that none of us are... 80 00:03:58,354 --> 00:03:59,646 [Olga sobbing] 81 00:04:05,937 --> 00:04:08,479 [huffs] 82 00:04:10,354 --> 00:04:12,729 This is a private ceremony, Darkblood. 83 00:04:12,771 --> 00:04:14,187 [grumbles] 84 00:04:14,229 --> 00:04:15,729 Never get invited. 85 00:04:15,771 --> 00:04:17,521 Show up anyway. 86 00:04:17,562 --> 00:04:18,812 What do you want? 87 00:04:18,854 --> 00:04:20,271 Same as you. 88 00:04:20,312 --> 00:04:22,354 Discover clues. Catch killer. 89 00:04:22,396 --> 00:04:24,896 Bring to justice. 90 00:04:24,937 --> 00:04:27,312 And buy yourself a few more years out of hell. 91 00:04:27,354 --> 00:04:29,771 Don't pretend you do this because you care. 92 00:04:29,812 --> 00:04:31,937 You just don't want to go home. 93 00:04:31,979 --> 00:04:35,021 Maybe one day, you'll know why. 94 00:04:35,062 --> 00:04:39,104 I already told Cecil everything I know. 95 00:04:39,146 --> 00:04:41,021 Saw nothing. Heard nothing. 96 00:04:41,062 --> 00:04:42,812 Attacked in darkness. 97 00:04:42,854 --> 00:04:44,479 Left for dead. 98 00:04:44,521 --> 00:04:46,646 Are you insinuating something? 99 00:04:46,687 --> 00:04:47,979 [grumbles] 100 00:04:48,021 --> 00:04:49,937 Didn't mean to offend. 101 00:04:49,979 --> 00:04:54,312 Nuance of human conversation difficult for me. 102 00:04:54,354 --> 00:04:56,437 If you remember something... 103 00:04:57,562 --> 00:04:58,646 [Nolan] I'll call you. 104 00:04:58,687 --> 00:04:59,646 [Olga] Josef... 105 00:04:59,687 --> 00:05:02,896 [Debbie] Let's get you in a car, Olga. 106 00:05:02,937 --> 00:05:04,187 [Cecil] Robot! 107 00:05:04,229 --> 00:05:05,937 You know, for a bunch of computer code, 108 00:05:05,979 --> 00:05:08,687 you run a mean superhero team. 109 00:05:08,729 --> 00:05:10,812 You really saved our bacon with those Flaxans. 110 00:05:10,854 --> 00:05:11,812 [Robot] Thank you, Cecil. 111 00:05:11,854 --> 00:05:13,562 That means a lot coming from you. 112 00:05:13,604 --> 00:05:15,437 I know you've always been independent, 113 00:05:15,479 --> 00:05:17,687 but I want you to come work for the GDA, 114 00:05:17,729 --> 00:05:19,771 and build me a new Guardians of the Globe. 115 00:05:19,812 --> 00:05:21,271 Now, you'll pick the team, 116 00:05:21,312 --> 00:05:22,562 you'll be in charge. 117 00:05:22,604 --> 00:05:27,229 The only person that you will answer to is me. 118 00:05:27,271 --> 00:05:28,437 Forgive me, 119 00:05:28,479 --> 00:05:30,062 but would Omni-Man not be the natural choice? 120 00:05:30,104 --> 00:05:31,104 Sure. 121 00:05:31,146 --> 00:05:32,729 Except it's never gonna happen. 122 00:05:32,771 --> 00:05:33,729 I've tried for a decade 123 00:05:33,771 --> 00:05:35,187 to make him an official Guardian. 124 00:05:35,229 --> 00:05:36,354 He helps out, yeah, 125 00:05:36,396 --> 00:05:38,937 but he's never taken orders, 126 00:05:38,979 --> 00:05:40,062 not from me, anyway. 127 00:05:40,104 --> 00:05:41,896 Then I don't know what to say... 128 00:05:41,937 --> 00:05:43,104 Easy. 129 00:05:43,146 --> 00:05:45,104 Say you'll do it. 130 00:05:49,854 --> 00:05:52,771 [door closes] 131 00:05:52,812 --> 00:05:54,187 I'm feeling pizza. 132 00:05:54,229 --> 00:05:55,354 I can be to Naples and back 133 00:05:55,396 --> 00:05:57,437 before the cheese stops bubbling. 134 00:05:57,479 --> 00:05:58,396 Honey, 135 00:05:58,437 --> 00:06:00,979 let the delivery guy do it tonight. 136 00:06:01,021 --> 00:06:02,812 Sure. 137 00:06:06,521 --> 00:06:08,729 I've battled alien tyrants, 138 00:06:08,771 --> 00:06:10,729 defeated nightmares from the deep, 139 00:06:10,771 --> 00:06:12,271 gone toe to toe... [click] 140 00:06:12,312 --> 00:06:13,646 You will have moments of doubt... 141 00:06:13,687 --> 00:06:14,937 [click] We are left to wonder... 142 00:06:14,979 --> 00:06:15,937 [click] 143 00:06:15,979 --> 00:06:17,271 -Mark... -Who will save us now? 144 00:06:17,312 --> 00:06:18,354 Why don't you call William? 145 00:06:18,396 --> 00:06:19,479 And do what? 146 00:06:19,521 --> 00:06:21,062 Hang out? Go buy comic books? 147 00:06:21,104 --> 00:06:21,937 After this? 148 00:06:21,979 --> 00:06:22,771 [Nolan] Hey... 149 00:06:22,812 --> 00:06:23,896 Watch the tone. 150 00:06:23,937 --> 00:06:24,812 [Debbie] It's okay. 151 00:06:24,854 --> 00:06:25,937 It's not. 152 00:06:25,979 --> 00:06:27,729 This is new, I get it, 153 00:06:27,771 --> 00:06:29,271 but you need to keep that separate. 154 00:06:29,312 --> 00:06:31,521 What happens out there, the mistakes, 155 00:06:31,562 --> 00:06:32,687 even the victories, 156 00:06:32,729 --> 00:06:34,896 you can't bring it home. 157 00:06:36,354 --> 00:06:37,396 Okay? 158 00:06:38,729 --> 00:06:39,854 Can I go to my room? 159 00:06:41,687 --> 00:06:43,187 [sighs] Sure. 160 00:06:43,229 --> 00:06:45,187 Hey, we'll do some more training tomorrow, okay? 161 00:06:45,229 --> 00:06:47,437 Just you and me. 162 00:06:49,521 --> 00:06:50,521 What? 163 00:06:50,562 --> 00:06:52,937 We just came from your friends' funeral. 164 00:06:52,979 --> 00:06:53,812 Co-workers. 165 00:06:53,854 --> 00:06:55,729 And you're talking about pizza, 166 00:06:55,771 --> 00:06:57,729 and telling Mark not to feel anything? 167 00:06:57,771 --> 00:06:58,771 This is the life. 168 00:06:58,812 --> 00:07:00,187 Mark has to learn that. 169 00:07:00,229 --> 00:07:03,521 What if Mark and I were burying you today? 170 00:07:03,562 --> 00:07:04,896 I'm not so easy to kill. 171 00:07:04,937 --> 00:07:07,104 Yeah, well, I'm sure that's what Red Rush told Olga. 172 00:07:07,146 --> 00:07:09,021 Hey, he could run fast, okay? 173 00:07:09,062 --> 00:07:11,646 It's not exactly one of your premier superpowers. 174 00:07:13,854 --> 00:07:15,062 I'm sorry. 175 00:07:15,104 --> 00:07:16,854 I didn't mean that, 176 00:07:16,896 --> 00:07:19,771 but Mark and I can do more good out there 177 00:07:19,812 --> 00:07:22,437 than sulking in here. 178 00:07:25,146 --> 00:07:26,104 [Debbie, on hidden microphone] Just remember 179 00:07:26,146 --> 00:07:28,354 that Mark's a 17-year-old boy. 180 00:07:28,396 --> 00:07:30,437 They break more easily than you think, 181 00:07:30,479 --> 00:07:33,437 and I don't want a broken family... 182 00:07:37,771 --> 00:07:41,021 [♪] 183 00:08:00,354 --> 00:08:01,854 [music playing quietly] 184 00:08:01,896 --> 00:08:05,812 [cell phone rings] 185 00:08:05,854 --> 00:08:06,896 Hello? 186 00:08:08,562 --> 00:08:11,146 Hey, it's, uh, it's Mark. 187 00:08:11,187 --> 00:08:12,354 Grays-Grayson. 188 00:08:12,396 --> 00:08:13,812 Mark Grayson. 189 00:08:13,854 --> 00:08:15,604 Who? 190 00:08:16,937 --> 00:08:18,396 Mark? 191 00:08:18,437 --> 00:08:20,021 From school? 192 00:08:20,062 --> 00:08:21,521 [laughter] 193 00:08:21,562 --> 00:08:22,896 I know. 194 00:08:22,937 --> 00:08:24,896 I'm just messing with you. 195 00:08:24,937 --> 00:08:26,812 Oh, god, you thought I was serious. 196 00:08:26,854 --> 00:08:28,604 Oh, no, no, I... 197 00:08:28,646 --> 00:08:29,687 I got it. 198 00:08:29,729 --> 00:08:32,562 I was wondering if you were going to call. 199 00:08:32,604 --> 00:08:34,687 Don't you mean "when"? 200 00:08:34,729 --> 00:08:37,646 Nah, I can think up a few reasons for "if". 201 00:08:37,687 --> 00:08:38,854 I came on too strong. 202 00:08:38,896 --> 00:08:40,146 You've got a girlfriend. 203 00:08:40,187 --> 00:08:41,479 You're lame, and you don't like chicks 204 00:08:41,521 --> 00:08:43,354 who kick assholes in the balls when they threaten you... 205 00:08:43,396 --> 00:08:45,187 Uh... 206 00:08:45,229 --> 00:08:47,771 You're terrified of me, aren't you? 207 00:08:47,812 --> 00:08:48,771 No! 208 00:08:48,812 --> 00:08:50,687 I think you're amazing. 209 00:08:50,729 --> 00:08:52,146 That's why I'm calling to tell you that. 210 00:08:52,187 --> 00:08:53,021 I mean.... 211 00:08:53,062 --> 00:08:54,771 that's not why I'm calling. 212 00:08:54,812 --> 00:08:56,229 Not that that's not true. 213 00:08:56,271 --> 00:08:57,812 [sighing] Ah... 214 00:08:57,854 --> 00:08:58,729 Sorry. 215 00:08:58,771 --> 00:09:00,062 It's been a weird day. 216 00:09:00,104 --> 00:09:01,854 Sounds like it. 217 00:09:01,896 --> 00:09:03,229 You wanna start again? 218 00:09:03,271 --> 00:09:05,146 Hey, handsome Mark Grayson? 219 00:09:05,187 --> 00:09:06,187 What's going on? 220 00:09:08,187 --> 00:09:09,812 I was thinking, finals are coming up, 221 00:09:09,854 --> 00:09:11,979 and we're both in Ms. Walker's Global Issues class. 222 00:09:12,021 --> 00:09:15,604 Maybe we can go over everything together? 223 00:09:15,646 --> 00:09:18,021 A study date? 224 00:09:18,062 --> 00:09:19,854 Well played. 225 00:09:19,896 --> 00:09:21,354 Safe and responsible. 226 00:09:21,396 --> 00:09:22,396 No pressure, 227 00:09:22,437 --> 00:09:23,479 but with potential for things to move 228 00:09:23,521 --> 00:09:24,687 to the next level. 229 00:09:24,729 --> 00:09:26,396 Smooth. 230 00:09:26,437 --> 00:09:27,729 Uh... 231 00:09:27,771 --> 00:09:29,229 [laughs awkwardly] 232 00:09:29,271 --> 00:09:31,146 Works for me. 233 00:09:31,187 --> 00:09:33,437 When and where? 234 00:09:43,271 --> 00:09:45,729 Anyone home? 235 00:09:47,229 --> 00:09:48,937 [water running] 236 00:09:55,021 --> 00:09:56,562 Eve? 237 00:09:56,604 --> 00:09:58,562 I thought you were at the funeral. 238 00:09:58,604 --> 00:09:59,896 I was. 239 00:09:59,937 --> 00:10:00,854 I'd say you should've been there, 240 00:10:00,896 --> 00:10:02,354 but it was pretty bleak. 241 00:10:02,396 --> 00:10:04,229 Red Rush's girlfriend had a meltdown, and... 242 00:10:04,271 --> 00:10:06,104 [gasps] 243 00:10:06,146 --> 00:10:07,437 You okay? 244 00:10:07,479 --> 00:10:09,521 Hiccups. 245 00:10:09,562 --> 00:10:10,771 Hmm. 246 00:10:10,812 --> 00:10:11,979 Anything happening? 247 00:10:12,021 --> 00:10:13,312 Is Rex around? 248 00:10:13,354 --> 00:10:14,521 Rex? 249 00:10:14,562 --> 00:10:16,271 Eve, hang on a sec... 250 00:10:16,312 --> 00:10:17,687 [shower running] 251 00:10:17,729 --> 00:10:18,687 [man moans] 252 00:10:18,729 --> 00:10:21,271 You piece of shit! 253 00:10:21,312 --> 00:10:22,479 [Rex] Babe, wait! Hang on! 254 00:10:22,521 --> 00:10:23,854 I knew there was a reason you skipped the funeral! 255 00:10:23,896 --> 00:10:26,062 -Just-just wait a second! -Don't even... 256 00:10:26,104 --> 00:10:28,729 Oh, god! 257 00:10:28,771 --> 00:10:30,521 Are you kidding me, Kate? 258 00:10:30,562 --> 00:10:32,437 I-I can't believe this. 259 00:10:32,479 --> 00:10:33,271 Eve... 260 00:10:33,312 --> 00:10:35,229 Oh, I am such an idiot. 261 00:10:35,271 --> 00:10:37,271 Rex said you're dating Invincible now. 262 00:10:37,312 --> 00:10:38,771 Said that you guys talked about it. 263 00:10:38,812 --> 00:10:39,854 What? 264 00:10:39,896 --> 00:10:41,979 Oh, don't give me that. 265 00:10:42,021 --> 00:10:42,812 It's true. 266 00:10:42,854 --> 00:10:43,979 What did you expect, huh? 267 00:10:44,021 --> 00:10:46,312 It's not true, 268 00:10:46,354 --> 00:10:50,271 and whatever I expected, I guess I was wrong, 269 00:10:50,312 --> 00:10:53,271 about both of you. 270 00:10:53,312 --> 00:10:54,687 Hold on! 271 00:10:54,729 --> 00:10:55,521 This? 272 00:10:55,562 --> 00:10:57,521 This doesn't mean shit! 273 00:10:57,562 --> 00:11:00,104 They're not even the real Kate! 274 00:11:00,146 --> 00:11:02,521 We're all the real Kate. 275 00:11:02,562 --> 00:11:03,896 Okay, I... 276 00:11:03,937 --> 00:11:05,104 I didn't... 277 00:11:05,146 --> 00:11:07,312 That's technically not what I... 278 00:11:07,354 --> 00:11:10,187 But you know what I mean, right? 279 00:11:13,229 --> 00:11:14,646 [Mark] Is that Demi-God? 280 00:11:14,687 --> 00:11:16,146 Oh, Shrapnel! 281 00:11:16,187 --> 00:11:18,604 [Robot] And Burly, Pangea, Bug-Eye... 282 00:11:18,646 --> 00:11:21,646 It's the crowning achievement of any crusader's career 283 00:11:21,687 --> 00:11:24,937 to be selected for the New Guardians of the Globe, 284 00:11:24,979 --> 00:11:28,146 which makes me wonder again why you won't try out. 285 00:11:28,187 --> 00:11:29,062 I know. 286 00:11:29,104 --> 00:11:30,479 I talked it over with my dad. 287 00:11:30,521 --> 00:11:32,104 He wants to train me himself. 288 00:11:32,146 --> 00:11:34,479 Plus, my mom would kill me if I miss any more school. 289 00:11:34,521 --> 00:11:36,146 Then why are you here? 290 00:11:36,187 --> 00:11:37,104 Are you kidding? 291 00:11:37,146 --> 00:11:38,812 Like I'd miss this? 292 00:11:38,854 --> 00:11:39,812 Oh, my god, there's Fight Force. 293 00:11:39,854 --> 00:11:40,687 Why'd they even come here? 294 00:11:40,729 --> 00:11:42,687 Despite your name, 295 00:11:42,729 --> 00:11:45,187 I believe you underestimate yourself, Invincible. 296 00:11:45,229 --> 00:11:47,271 I'll still be around, helping. 297 00:11:47,312 --> 00:11:48,937 When does this all get started? 298 00:11:48,979 --> 00:11:50,937 ["Rocket Fuel" -by De La Soul/ -DJ Shadow plays] 299 00:11:50,979 --> 00:11:52,812 Thank you all for coming here today. 300 00:11:52,854 --> 00:11:53,812 ♪ Ladies and gentlemen... ♪ 301 00:11:53,854 --> 00:11:54,812 The Guardians of the Globe 302 00:11:54,854 --> 00:11:56,812 were more than a group of heroes. 303 00:11:56,854 --> 00:11:58,104 ♪ Ladies and gentlemen... ♪ 304 00:11:58,146 --> 00:12:00,062 -They were icons. -♪ Are you ready? ♪ 305 00:12:00,104 --> 00:12:01,979 Those of you who pass our trials 306 00:12:02,021 --> 00:12:03,021 will be among the elite... 307 00:12:03,062 --> 00:12:04,021 ♪ Get ready y'all ♪ 308 00:12:04,062 --> 00:12:05,729 [♪] 309 00:12:05,771 --> 00:12:06,771 -♪ Get ready ♪ -[chuckling] 310 00:12:06,812 --> 00:12:08,729 ...The best of the best. 311 00:12:08,771 --> 00:12:09,979 [♪] 312 00:12:10,021 --> 00:12:12,271 [roaring] 313 00:12:13,271 --> 00:12:14,229 ♪ We giving a show ♪ 314 00:12:14,271 --> 00:12:17,021 ♪ But can you rock it like rocket fuel? ♪ 315 00:12:17,062 --> 00:12:18,729 ♪ Space out your mind? ♪ 316 00:12:18,771 --> 00:12:21,021 ♪ But can you rock it like rocket fuel? ♪ 317 00:12:22,271 --> 00:12:23,437 Needless to say, 318 00:12:23,479 --> 00:12:25,646 not all of you will be up to the challenge. 319 00:12:25,687 --> 00:12:26,771 Ouch. 320 00:12:26,812 --> 00:12:28,187 What's up with her? 321 00:12:28,229 --> 00:12:29,521 No idea. 322 00:12:29,562 --> 00:12:32,271 Those of you who are up to the challenge 323 00:12:32,312 --> 00:12:33,521 will succeed 324 00:12:33,562 --> 00:12:36,062 not just by the uniqueness of your abilities, 325 00:12:36,104 --> 00:12:39,479 but by the uniqueness of your tactics... 326 00:12:41,396 --> 00:12:42,479 your adaptability... 327 00:12:42,521 --> 00:12:44,521 [bellowing] 328 00:12:47,562 --> 00:12:49,562 ...the agility of your minds. 329 00:12:49,604 --> 00:12:50,812 [whistles] 330 00:12:50,854 --> 00:12:52,021 ♪ This be the green light, go Tires burn the pavement ♪ 331 00:12:52,062 --> 00:12:54,354 ♪ People wanna know where Mase, Pos' and Dave went ♪ 332 00:12:54,396 --> 00:12:55,729 ♪ Still here Still in ya ear ♪ 333 00:12:55,771 --> 00:12:56,812 ♪ With a style so hot ♪ 334 00:12:56,854 --> 00:12:58,562 ♪ You'll see where all the sun rays went ♪ 335 00:12:58,604 --> 00:13:01,479 ♪ Legs, arms, and head all being moved in a frenzy ♪ 336 00:13:01,521 --> 00:13:03,062 ♪ The blends we all the right cred' ♪ 337 00:13:03,104 --> 00:13:04,021 ♪ Meaning credentials ♪ 338 00:13:04,062 --> 00:13:05,229 ♪ Best of both worlds ♪ 339 00:13:05,271 --> 00:13:07,146 ♪ When we rocking over pearls in the instrumental ♪ 340 00:13:07,187 --> 00:13:09,562 ♪ Are you ready? Ready! Set? Set! ♪ 341 00:13:09,604 --> 00:13:11,521 ♪ Jump to the rhythm as hard as you can go ♪ 342 00:13:11,562 --> 00:13:12,562 ♪ Keep it steady Steady! ♪ 343 00:13:12,604 --> 00:13:13,562 ♪ Let it rock ♪ 344 00:13:13,604 --> 00:13:15,396 ♪ Turn it up We giving a show ♪ 345 00:13:15,437 --> 00:13:18,146 ♪ But can you rock it like rocket fuel? ♪ 346 00:13:18,187 --> 00:13:19,396 ♪ Space out your mind? ♪ 347 00:13:19,437 --> 00:13:20,646 Oh, yeah! 348 00:13:20,687 --> 00:13:22,812 ♪ But can you rock it like rocket fuel? ♪ 349 00:13:22,854 --> 00:13:23,812 ♪ Space out your mind? ♪ 350 00:13:23,854 --> 00:13:25,646 Rah! 351 00:13:25,687 --> 00:13:26,729 [roaring] 352 00:13:27,562 --> 00:13:30,562 [Robot] ...And perhaps most importantly, 353 00:13:30,604 --> 00:13:33,021 the strength of your character and spirit. 354 00:13:33,062 --> 00:13:36,812 That is what truly makes a hero. 355 00:13:36,854 --> 00:13:38,229 [applauding] 356 00:13:38,271 --> 00:13:42,729 It is my pleasure to introduce the new Guardians of the Globe. 357 00:13:42,771 --> 00:13:44,729 Black Samson. 358 00:13:44,771 --> 00:13:46,604 Shrinking Rae. 359 00:13:46,646 --> 00:13:47,479 Dupli-Kate. 360 00:13:47,521 --> 00:13:50,437 Monster Girl. 361 00:13:50,479 --> 00:13:52,979 [laughing] 362 00:13:53,021 --> 00:13:55,479 Aw, look at her, she's adorable! 363 00:13:55,521 --> 00:13:57,146 But isn't there, like, an age requirement 364 00:13:57,187 --> 00:13:57,979 for this ride? 365 00:13:58,021 --> 00:13:58,896 Am I wrong? 366 00:13:58,937 --> 00:14:00,312 'Cause this seems weird, right? 367 00:14:02,854 --> 00:14:03,937 Rex... 368 00:14:03,979 --> 00:14:05,437 I dunno, you're here. 369 00:14:05,479 --> 00:14:07,646 Isn't there a dick size requirement? 370 00:14:07,687 --> 00:14:08,479 [Rex] I'm sorry? 371 00:14:08,521 --> 00:14:10,479 For what, your tiny dick? 372 00:14:10,521 --> 00:14:12,521 I mean, the way you've been strutting around here, 373 00:14:12,562 --> 00:14:15,854 you must be compensating for something. 374 00:14:15,896 --> 00:14:17,271 [laughter] 375 00:14:18,729 --> 00:14:20,604 Somebody ought to teach you 376 00:14:20,646 --> 00:14:23,146 some mother-fucking... 377 00:14:23,187 --> 00:14:24,104 What the fuck? 378 00:14:24,146 --> 00:14:25,604 [glass shatters] 379 00:14:25,646 --> 00:14:26,562 [screaming] 380 00:14:26,604 --> 00:14:28,021 Oof! 381 00:14:28,062 --> 00:14:29,437 [groans] 382 00:14:29,479 --> 00:14:30,521 [heavy thud] 383 00:14:30,562 --> 00:14:33,021 Guess you missed my try-out. 384 00:14:33,062 --> 00:14:35,437 [growling] 385 00:14:38,146 --> 00:14:40,396 [deep, rumbling voice] Still think I'm adorable? 386 00:14:42,979 --> 00:14:43,896 [groans] 387 00:14:45,479 --> 00:14:47,146 You little bitch. 388 00:14:50,271 --> 00:14:52,021 Aw... 389 00:14:52,062 --> 00:14:54,896 Now, that's adorable. 390 00:14:54,937 --> 00:14:59,812 I'm gonna blast that smile off your stupid, green face. 391 00:14:59,854 --> 00:15:02,021 Please, stop, this is hardly constructive. 392 00:15:02,062 --> 00:15:02,896 Ha! 393 00:15:04,896 --> 00:15:06,104 [roars] 394 00:15:06,146 --> 00:15:08,312 Uh... is this okay? 395 00:15:08,354 --> 00:15:10,146 He asked for it. 396 00:15:10,187 --> 00:15:13,021 [Rex grunting] 397 00:15:17,646 --> 00:15:18,937 Okay, enough. 398 00:15:18,979 --> 00:15:20,437 Get lost, boy scout. 399 00:15:21,812 --> 00:15:23,271 [Mark] I said, enough! 400 00:15:24,771 --> 00:15:26,104 [grunts] 401 00:15:27,104 --> 00:15:29,354 [woman] Invincible hit that little girl! 402 00:15:30,521 --> 00:15:32,187 Oh... shit. 403 00:15:32,229 --> 00:15:35,396 Uh, look, I'm so sorry. 404 00:15:35,437 --> 00:15:37,062 Nah, my bad. 405 00:15:37,104 --> 00:15:39,937 The kid thing sets me off every time, 406 00:15:39,979 --> 00:15:41,771 and then it's like, "Rah!" 407 00:15:41,812 --> 00:15:43,021 Beast mode. 408 00:15:43,062 --> 00:15:45,104 Sorry about the dick joke. 409 00:15:45,146 --> 00:15:47,646 I'm sure your junk is awesome. 410 00:15:47,687 --> 00:15:49,146 [groans] It's fine. 411 00:15:49,187 --> 00:15:50,479 I'm good. You're good. 412 00:15:50,521 --> 00:15:53,562 You can... punch hard. 413 00:15:53,604 --> 00:15:54,396 [groaning] 414 00:15:54,437 --> 00:15:56,812 Didn't need your help, asshole. 415 00:15:56,854 --> 00:15:58,646 [groaning] Aw, Christ... 416 00:16:01,646 --> 00:16:03,354 [Robot] As I was saying, 417 00:16:03,396 --> 00:16:04,771 welcome to the Guardians of the Globe, 418 00:16:04,812 --> 00:16:05,771 Monster Girl... 419 00:16:05,812 --> 00:16:07,771 I'm gonna shit blood. 420 00:16:07,812 --> 00:16:09,521 ...along with Rex Splode, 421 00:16:09,562 --> 00:16:11,604 once he's recovered... 422 00:16:11,646 --> 00:16:12,771 and our final member, 423 00:16:12,812 --> 00:16:15,146 Atom Eve. 424 00:16:15,187 --> 00:16:18,187 Thank you all for coming today. 425 00:16:18,229 --> 00:16:20,812 We'll be making a public announcement shortly. 426 00:16:21,646 --> 00:16:22,854 [Eve] Robot. 427 00:16:22,896 --> 00:16:24,479 No need to thank me. 428 00:16:24,521 --> 00:16:27,521 I obviously needed to remain impartial, 429 00:16:27,562 --> 00:16:28,771 but I'm still delighted 430 00:16:28,812 --> 00:16:31,104 so many members of the Teen Team made the cut. 431 00:16:31,146 --> 00:16:34,271 I can't be on the same team as Rex and Kate. 432 00:16:34,312 --> 00:16:36,562 What? Why? 433 00:16:36,604 --> 00:16:37,562 Hey, wait! 434 00:16:37,604 --> 00:16:38,896 Rex, what did you do? 435 00:16:38,937 --> 00:16:39,854 [groans] 436 00:16:39,896 --> 00:16:42,146 Thanks for the help, Robot. 437 00:16:42,187 --> 00:16:45,646 Can't wait to be on your team. 438 00:16:48,604 --> 00:16:49,937 Hey... 439 00:16:49,979 --> 00:16:51,396 what's going on? 440 00:16:51,437 --> 00:16:52,771 Rex cheated on me... 441 00:16:52,812 --> 00:16:53,771 What? 442 00:16:53,812 --> 00:16:56,146 ...with Dupli-Kate, all three of her. 443 00:16:56,187 --> 00:16:57,729 Whoa. 444 00:16:57,771 --> 00:16:59,937 Whoa... 445 00:16:59,979 --> 00:17:02,437 I walked in on them. 446 00:17:02,479 --> 00:17:05,521 Rex told her you and me were a thing? Ugh. 447 00:17:05,562 --> 00:17:06,687 Huh, what? 448 00:17:06,729 --> 00:17:09,021 That's... crazy. 449 00:17:09,062 --> 00:17:10,979 I didn't want to say it while you were dating the guy, 450 00:17:11,021 --> 00:17:12,854 but what an asshole. 451 00:17:12,896 --> 00:17:14,646 He wasn't always, 452 00:17:14,687 --> 00:17:15,687 but... yeah. 453 00:17:15,729 --> 00:17:16,646 [sighs] 454 00:17:16,687 --> 00:17:18,854 Well, that sucks. 455 00:17:18,896 --> 00:17:19,771 I'm sorry. 456 00:17:19,812 --> 00:17:21,604 Thanks. 457 00:17:25,396 --> 00:17:29,271 As soon as the forensic investigation has concluded, 458 00:17:29,312 --> 00:17:31,521 we'll be moving into the Guardians' headquarters. 459 00:17:31,562 --> 00:17:33,271 Until then, we'll be training here. 460 00:17:33,312 --> 00:17:35,229 Breakfast is at 6:00 a.m., 461 00:17:35,271 --> 00:17:37,604 then close-in combat exercises until lunch. 462 00:17:37,646 --> 00:17:39,854 Where is Kate Prime? 463 00:17:39,896 --> 00:17:40,854 Had a thing. 464 00:17:40,896 --> 00:17:42,187 I can fill her in. 465 00:17:42,229 --> 00:17:44,604 Okay, just to make it clear, 466 00:17:44,646 --> 00:17:46,521 there is no universe 467 00:17:46,562 --> 00:17:48,604 in which I wake up at 6:00 a.m. 468 00:17:48,646 --> 00:17:50,937 and the world isn't on fire. 469 00:17:50,979 --> 00:17:52,687 Come on, Robot. 470 00:17:52,729 --> 00:17:54,479 We don't need this boot camp bullshit. 471 00:17:54,521 --> 00:17:55,646 It's us. 472 00:17:55,687 --> 00:17:57,896 We're not on the Teen Team any longer, Rex. 473 00:17:57,937 --> 00:17:58,979 Exactly. 474 00:17:59,021 --> 00:18:00,521 I'm sure you've had a lot of experience 475 00:18:00,562 --> 00:18:01,854 wrangling teenagers, 476 00:18:01,896 --> 00:18:03,896 but I was with the Guardians from day one. 477 00:18:03,937 --> 00:18:05,604 Wow, thanks, Dad. 478 00:18:05,646 --> 00:18:07,062 Maybe if you didn't lose your powers, 479 00:18:07,104 --> 00:18:08,687 you might've been there to help the Guardians 480 00:18:08,729 --> 00:18:10,396 on their last day. 481 00:18:10,437 --> 00:18:11,646 I don't know you yet, 482 00:18:11,687 --> 00:18:13,646 so I'm going to assume that was a joke, 483 00:18:13,687 --> 00:18:14,979 and I don't need to beat your ass 484 00:18:15,021 --> 00:18:17,896 until all you wanna do is call me Dad again. 485 00:18:22,229 --> 00:18:23,562 I don't know you either, 486 00:18:23,604 --> 00:18:25,521 but we need a leader we can look in the eye. 487 00:18:25,562 --> 00:18:26,896 Not a bunch of ones and zeros. 488 00:18:26,937 --> 00:18:27,812 No offense. 489 00:18:27,854 --> 00:18:29,979 That's actually super offensive, 490 00:18:30,021 --> 00:18:32,896 so wait, you think you should be in charge? 491 00:18:32,937 --> 00:18:34,604 I am the most experienced. 492 00:18:34,646 --> 00:18:36,979 Yeah, at losing your powers. 493 00:18:37,021 --> 00:18:38,479 Didn't I crack that joke already? 494 00:18:38,521 --> 00:18:41,146 Why are we even putting up with this guy? 495 00:18:41,187 --> 00:18:42,687 He wears a suit! 496 00:18:42,729 --> 00:18:44,687 It takes batteries. 497 00:18:44,729 --> 00:18:46,479 Let's just get Eve back in here. 498 00:18:46,521 --> 00:18:48,187 I'm new to this whole team thing, 499 00:18:48,229 --> 00:18:50,146 but I thought it involved teamwork. 500 00:18:50,187 --> 00:18:51,937 As did I. 501 00:18:51,979 --> 00:18:53,271 Call me when you figure it out. 502 00:18:53,312 --> 00:18:54,687 I'll be in the gym. 503 00:18:54,729 --> 00:18:56,729 Me too. 504 00:18:57,812 --> 00:18:59,187 I'll go supervise. 505 00:18:59,229 --> 00:19:00,312 [Dupli-Kate] No, you won't! 506 00:19:00,354 --> 00:19:02,479 [Rex laughs] I can do whatever I like. 507 00:19:04,187 --> 00:19:06,271 Good first day, Robot. 508 00:19:09,812 --> 00:19:12,354 I can't do three combat exercises a day. 509 00:19:12,396 --> 00:19:16,146 I'm on a rather tight timetable to get this team operational. 510 00:19:16,187 --> 00:19:18,437 Whenever I transform, I get younger. 511 00:19:18,479 --> 00:19:21,354 It's part of the curse that gives me my powers. 512 00:19:21,396 --> 00:19:25,104 I don't look it, but I'm 24 years old. 513 00:19:25,146 --> 00:19:26,979 I used to go by Monster Woman, 514 00:19:27,021 --> 00:19:29,771 but it got too hard to explain, so... 515 00:19:29,812 --> 00:19:32,396 if you don't want to start changing my diapers, 516 00:19:32,437 --> 00:19:35,187 three exercises a day are too much for me. 517 00:19:35,229 --> 00:19:36,437 I didn't... 518 00:19:36,479 --> 00:19:38,687 Of course, my apologies. 519 00:19:38,729 --> 00:19:40,437 It must be difficult. 520 00:19:40,479 --> 00:19:43,396 Try having a normal relationship looking like this. 521 00:19:43,437 --> 00:19:44,521 The guys who are interested 522 00:19:44,562 --> 00:19:46,104 are either going through puberty, 523 00:19:46,146 --> 00:19:48,437 or popping up on sex offender registries. 524 00:19:48,479 --> 00:19:50,021 I understand what it's like 525 00:19:50,062 --> 00:19:52,687 for the world to look at you and see one thing, 526 00:19:52,729 --> 00:19:55,187 never knowing the truth of what's inside. 527 00:19:55,229 --> 00:19:57,437 How can you understand? 528 00:19:57,479 --> 00:19:59,896 You're a robot. 529 00:20:02,854 --> 00:20:04,937 Pathetic. 530 00:20:04,979 --> 00:20:06,229 [William] This has gotta go. 531 00:20:06,271 --> 00:20:07,687 Hide this. 532 00:20:07,729 --> 00:20:09,562 Toss this. 533 00:20:09,604 --> 00:20:10,729 What? Stop. 534 00:20:10,771 --> 00:20:13,771 Hey, being a geek is cool now, okay? 535 00:20:13,812 --> 00:20:15,896 So, maybe Amber likes comics, too. 536 00:20:15,937 --> 00:20:17,062 You thought of that? 537 00:20:17,104 --> 00:20:18,104 Ya dick. 538 00:20:18,146 --> 00:20:19,479 I'm not talking about the comics, 539 00:20:19,521 --> 00:20:20,854 I'm talking about the dirty clothes, 540 00:20:20,896 --> 00:20:21,854 the dishes, 541 00:20:21,896 --> 00:20:23,021 the tissues. 542 00:20:24,104 --> 00:20:25,479 Uh... 543 00:20:27,229 --> 00:20:28,187 Better. 544 00:20:28,229 --> 00:20:30,854 Okay, I brought you some homework. 545 00:20:30,896 --> 00:20:32,062 A little Naomi Klein. 546 00:20:32,104 --> 00:20:33,187 A touch of Margaret Atwood. 547 00:20:33,229 --> 00:20:34,521 Some Ta-Nehisi Coates. 548 00:20:34,562 --> 00:20:35,354 I haven't read any of those. 549 00:20:35,396 --> 00:20:37,104 [sighs] But she has, 550 00:20:37,146 --> 00:20:38,187 so get started. 551 00:20:38,229 --> 00:20:40,646 It'll show Amber you're interested in her. 552 00:20:40,687 --> 00:20:43,396 She's also into spicy foods, stand-up comedy, 553 00:20:43,437 --> 00:20:44,937 and fourth-wave feminism. 554 00:20:44,979 --> 00:20:46,437 What? I read her file. 555 00:20:47,729 --> 00:20:49,646 I asked around at school. 556 00:20:49,687 --> 00:20:52,521 It's just a study date, not a first date. 557 00:20:52,562 --> 00:20:55,562 Mark, every date should feel like a first date. 558 00:20:55,604 --> 00:20:56,729 [doorbell rings] 559 00:20:56,771 --> 00:20:59,479 [Debbie] Mark! Your friend is here! 560 00:21:00,729 --> 00:21:01,729 [dishes clattering] 561 00:21:08,937 --> 00:21:10,854 Go! Out the back way. 562 00:21:10,896 --> 00:21:12,104 You can thank me later when you call me, 563 00:21:12,146 --> 00:21:14,354 and tell me exactly how it all went. 564 00:21:14,396 --> 00:21:16,312 [Amber] Hi, Mrs. Grayson. I'm Amber. 565 00:21:26,271 --> 00:21:28,854 Um, William said I should read it 566 00:21:28,896 --> 00:21:30,729 to show you that I'm interested- 567 00:21:30,771 --> 00:21:32,104 interesting- 568 00:21:32,146 --> 00:21:33,896 and I will, 569 00:21:33,937 --> 00:21:37,562 but this is more me. 570 00:21:37,604 --> 00:21:38,896 An honest man. 571 00:21:38,937 --> 00:21:40,312 I like that. 572 00:21:40,354 --> 00:21:41,562 So... 573 00:21:41,604 --> 00:21:43,229 you're into comics. 574 00:21:43,271 --> 00:21:44,646 Is it that obvious? 575 00:21:44,687 --> 00:21:46,354 [chuckles] 576 00:21:46,396 --> 00:21:47,396 What's your favorite? 577 00:21:47,437 --> 00:21:50,229 Oh, man, I can't pick a favorite, 578 00:21:50,271 --> 00:21:51,687 but... 579 00:21:51,729 --> 00:21:54,979 Ooh, this one is about a guy who's an underwater welder, 580 00:21:55,021 --> 00:21:57,521 and starts seeing ghosts on the bottom of the ocean, 581 00:21:57,562 --> 00:22:00,187 and this one is about a Jack Russell terrier 582 00:22:00,229 --> 00:22:02,312 who's a master of the metaphysical arts. 583 00:22:02,354 --> 00:22:03,562 Seance Dog? 584 00:22:03,604 --> 00:22:04,729 Cool. 585 00:22:04,771 --> 00:22:06,229 You mind if I borrow it? 586 00:22:06,271 --> 00:22:09,229 I mean, just to show you that I'm interested. 587 00:22:09,271 --> 00:22:10,437 Yeah. 588 00:22:10,479 --> 00:22:11,562 Absolutely. 589 00:22:13,146 --> 00:22:15,479 [Mark's cell phone rings] 590 00:22:17,271 --> 00:22:19,021 Okay... 591 00:22:19,062 --> 00:22:20,854 don't know who that is. 592 00:22:20,896 --> 00:22:22,937 Um, I figured we should start with global issues, and then... 593 00:22:22,979 --> 00:22:24,104 [cell phone rings again] 594 00:22:25,229 --> 00:22:26,479 Sorry. 595 00:22:26,521 --> 00:22:27,937 Must be a robo-call. 596 00:22:27,979 --> 00:22:29,812 Ha, this should do it. 597 00:22:29,854 --> 00:22:32,104 So Ms. Walker says we should focus on the... 598 00:22:32,146 --> 00:22:33,146 [phone rings] 599 00:22:34,979 --> 00:22:37,271 I'm gonna run and use your bathroom 600 00:22:37,312 --> 00:22:39,271 while you deal with that. 601 00:22:39,312 --> 00:22:42,437 Yeah, uh, down the hall on the left. 602 00:22:47,354 --> 00:22:48,979 [beeping dismiss button] 603 00:22:49,021 --> 00:22:49,937 Whoa! 604 00:22:49,979 --> 00:22:51,604 [sighing] Christ almighty. 605 00:22:51,646 --> 00:22:53,104 I didn't think she would ever leave. 606 00:22:53,146 --> 00:22:54,021 Hey! 607 00:22:54,062 --> 00:22:54,854 Oh, what are you... 608 00:22:54,896 --> 00:22:56,396 How did you know Amber... 609 00:22:56,437 --> 00:22:58,146 Are you spying on me? 610 00:22:58,187 --> 00:22:59,687 You wanna be a super hero, right? 611 00:22:59,729 --> 00:23:02,229 Fame, glory, get the pretty gal? 612 00:23:02,271 --> 00:23:05,312 I mean, that's sexist, but okay. 613 00:23:05,354 --> 00:23:07,687 Well, then, the whole concept of personal privacy 614 00:23:07,729 --> 00:23:09,104 or me time? [scoffs] 615 00:23:09,146 --> 00:23:10,396 That's out the window. 616 00:23:10,437 --> 00:23:14,396 When the world needs you, you answer your goddamn phone! 617 00:23:14,437 --> 00:23:16,229 Don't worry, she hasn't flushed yet. 618 00:23:16,271 --> 00:23:17,979 I don't even work for you! 619 00:23:18,021 --> 00:23:19,229 And you never will, 620 00:23:19,271 --> 00:23:21,146 not unless you show a little respect, 621 00:23:21,187 --> 00:23:23,979 and decide if you want to be a superhero or not. 622 00:23:24,021 --> 00:23:25,062 Right now? 623 00:23:25,104 --> 00:23:27,396 Yes, Mark, right now. 624 00:23:27,437 --> 00:23:28,729 Okay, yes. 625 00:23:28,771 --> 00:23:30,812 I want to help. 626 00:23:30,854 --> 00:23:31,979 What's the problem? 627 00:23:32,021 --> 00:23:33,562 Rogue supervillain. 628 00:23:33,604 --> 00:23:34,479 Public in danger. 629 00:23:34,521 --> 00:23:35,437 Eve's already en route. 630 00:23:35,479 --> 00:23:36,979 Here, so we can talk on the go. 631 00:23:37,021 --> 00:23:38,646 Eve's gonna be there? 632 00:23:38,687 --> 00:23:40,687 Oh, did that just sweeten the deal? 633 00:23:40,729 --> 00:23:42,146 What? No. 634 00:23:42,187 --> 00:23:43,229 I mean, um... 635 00:23:43,271 --> 00:23:44,396 Where? 636 00:23:44,437 --> 00:23:46,354 Where is this... at? 637 00:23:46,396 --> 00:23:47,687 Mount Rushmore. 638 00:23:48,896 --> 00:23:51,062 Okay. 639 00:23:51,104 --> 00:23:52,646 What state is that again? 640 00:23:52,687 --> 00:23:55,979 What do they teach you kids in school these days? 641 00:23:57,479 --> 00:23:59,021 Who were you talking to? 642 00:23:59,062 --> 00:24:00,312 Oh, um... 643 00:24:00,354 --> 00:24:02,812 Yeah, the thing with the, uh, the phone, it's, um... 644 00:24:02,854 --> 00:24:04,354 It was a friend of my dad's, 645 00:24:04,396 --> 00:24:06,479 and, uh... I forgot I'd promised 646 00:24:06,521 --> 00:24:10,437 I'd help him with this thing, um... 647 00:24:10,479 --> 00:24:11,937 Now? 648 00:24:14,437 --> 00:24:16,646 How's it going in here? 649 00:24:16,687 --> 00:24:18,729 I brought snacks. 650 00:24:19,854 --> 00:24:22,104 [Cecil in earpiece] South Dakota. 651 00:24:22,146 --> 00:24:24,937 [Eve] We know where Mount Rushmore is, Cecil. 652 00:24:24,979 --> 00:24:26,312 [Cecil] I wouldn't be asking for your help, 653 00:24:26,354 --> 00:24:29,312 but Omni-Man's dealing with a kaiju ten time zones away, 654 00:24:29,354 --> 00:24:30,812 and the new Guardians are a shit show, 655 00:24:30,854 --> 00:24:32,479 so here we are. 656 00:24:32,521 --> 00:24:33,896 Target is Doc Seismic. 657 00:24:33,937 --> 00:24:35,812 He has a Ph.D. in seismology, 658 00:24:35,854 --> 00:24:37,812 so the doc thing, that's legit. 659 00:24:37,854 --> 00:24:40,187 Problem is, he made himself a pair of earthquake gloves. 660 00:24:40,229 --> 00:24:41,521 What's he want? 661 00:24:41,562 --> 00:24:42,896 Even he doesn't seem to know. 662 00:24:42,937 --> 00:24:44,479 Working theory says brain damage 663 00:24:44,521 --> 00:24:46,104 from a side effect of those gloves. 664 00:24:46,146 --> 00:24:48,771 He basically gets a concussion every time he uses them. 665 00:24:50,062 --> 00:24:51,604 So your basic mad scientist deal. 666 00:24:51,646 --> 00:24:52,646 Have fun, kids, 667 00:24:52,687 --> 00:24:53,896 and try to remember, 668 00:24:53,937 --> 00:24:55,979 that's a national treasure down there. 669 00:24:56,021 --> 00:24:58,979 [crowd screaming in panic] 670 00:24:59,021 --> 00:25:00,812 [ground rumbling] 671 00:25:02,646 --> 00:25:06,146 [evil laughter] 672 00:25:08,354 --> 00:25:13,396 You've come to pray at this obscene monument? 673 00:25:13,437 --> 00:25:15,729 They were oppressors! 674 00:25:15,771 --> 00:25:16,896 Racists! 675 00:25:16,937 --> 00:25:18,479 Slave owners! 676 00:25:18,521 --> 00:25:22,104 I give you a new god worthy of worship! 677 00:25:22,146 --> 00:25:25,187 Bow before Doc Seismic! 678 00:25:26,187 --> 00:25:27,229 Rah! 679 00:25:27,271 --> 00:25:28,062 Hah! 680 00:25:28,104 --> 00:25:29,187 [ground rumbling] 681 00:25:30,896 --> 00:25:32,437 [crumbling] 682 00:25:34,146 --> 00:25:35,021 [panicked screams] 683 00:25:35,062 --> 00:25:36,937 Run! This way! 684 00:25:38,687 --> 00:25:40,104 Hurry! Hurry! 685 00:25:41,104 --> 00:25:43,354 [laughs wickedly] 686 00:25:43,396 --> 00:25:46,021 The great emancipator? 687 00:25:46,062 --> 00:25:48,562 He'll emancipate you... 688 00:25:48,604 --> 00:25:50,396 from your lives! 689 00:25:53,687 --> 00:25:54,562 Wow, man, 690 00:25:54,604 --> 00:25:56,354 I'm still working on my one-liners, 691 00:25:56,396 --> 00:25:59,187 but that one is really bad. 692 00:26:05,729 --> 00:26:06,604 Ha ha! 693 00:26:06,646 --> 00:26:09,646 That's how you get ahead in life. 694 00:26:09,687 --> 00:26:11,479 See, it's not quite there, it's not there. 695 00:26:11,521 --> 00:26:13,646 No argument from me. 696 00:26:13,687 --> 00:26:15,271 Now die! 697 00:26:16,187 --> 00:26:17,437 [grunts] 698 00:26:17,479 --> 00:26:19,271 Ah, thanks. 699 00:26:19,312 --> 00:26:20,562 Anytime. 700 00:26:20,604 --> 00:26:21,854 We need to take out his gloves. 701 00:26:21,896 --> 00:26:23,104 [Mark] Those aren't gloves. 702 00:26:23,146 --> 00:26:24,354 Gloves have fingers. 703 00:26:24,396 --> 00:26:25,562 They're more, uh... 704 00:26:25,604 --> 00:26:27,062 earthquake bracelets? 705 00:26:27,104 --> 00:26:29,479 Ha! You're wearing earthquake bracelets! 706 00:26:29,521 --> 00:26:30,896 [grunts with effort] H'yah! 707 00:26:33,937 --> 00:26:37,854 Y'ah! [cackling wickedly] 708 00:26:39,187 --> 00:26:40,021 Y'ah! 709 00:26:50,104 --> 00:26:52,896 You should be on my side! 710 00:26:52,937 --> 00:26:55,396 We could tear down the old power structure, 711 00:26:55,437 --> 00:26:57,229 build a new order! 712 00:26:57,271 --> 00:26:59,771 I mean, look at the costume they've got you in. 713 00:26:59,812 --> 00:27:02,604 Talk about pandering to gender roles. 714 00:27:02,646 --> 00:27:04,729 I designed my own costume, 715 00:27:04,771 --> 00:27:07,146 and I thought your doctorate was in seismology? 716 00:27:07,187 --> 00:27:08,979 Undergrad in sociology and women's studies. 717 00:27:09,021 --> 00:27:10,021 I had a minor in African Dance, 718 00:27:10,062 --> 00:27:11,521 but enough politics! 719 00:27:13,646 --> 00:27:14,771 H'wah! 720 00:27:19,312 --> 00:27:20,687 -[gasps] -Oh... 721 00:27:20,729 --> 00:27:21,854 [grunts] 722 00:27:25,062 --> 00:27:27,271 -Whoa! -Oh! 723 00:27:27,312 --> 00:27:28,771 [ground rumbling] 724 00:27:32,437 --> 00:27:33,271 [gasps] 725 00:27:34,979 --> 00:27:36,854 [child screams] 726 00:27:39,896 --> 00:27:41,896 [screaming] 727 00:27:49,771 --> 00:27:50,896 Mark! 728 00:27:56,521 --> 00:27:58,229 [screaming] 729 00:27:58,271 --> 00:27:59,271 Shit! 730 00:28:01,729 --> 00:28:04,521 [screaming] 731 00:28:10,312 --> 00:28:11,646 Bah! 732 00:28:15,896 --> 00:28:17,687 [crackling] 733 00:28:17,729 --> 00:28:19,271 [panting] 734 00:28:21,937 --> 00:28:24,271 [grunts] 735 00:28:24,312 --> 00:28:25,812 [yelps] 736 00:28:27,271 --> 00:28:28,979 Oof! Oh... 737 00:28:29,021 --> 00:28:29,979 [screams] 738 00:28:34,437 --> 00:28:35,396 Thank you. 739 00:28:35,437 --> 00:28:36,521 Don't mention it. 740 00:28:39,229 --> 00:28:41,271 Eve! Eve! 741 00:28:46,271 --> 00:28:47,271 Eve! 742 00:28:47,312 --> 00:28:48,771 [Eve] Invincible! 743 00:28:51,062 --> 00:28:51,854 I got you. 744 00:28:51,896 --> 00:28:52,729 He's slipping. 745 00:28:52,771 --> 00:28:54,312 Ah, God dammit. 746 00:28:54,354 --> 00:28:57,479 I should have spent more time working on the jet pack! 747 00:29:00,979 --> 00:29:02,771 [cackling] 748 00:29:02,812 --> 00:29:03,604 H'ah! 749 00:29:03,646 --> 00:29:04,812 Ugh! 750 00:29:07,854 --> 00:29:08,896 [screams] 751 00:29:09,937 --> 00:29:11,437 [gasps] Look out! 752 00:29:22,062 --> 00:29:23,021 [Eve chuckles] 753 00:29:23,062 --> 00:29:25,104 Wow, that guy is toast. 754 00:29:25,146 --> 00:29:26,187 Oh, I see, 755 00:29:26,229 --> 00:29:28,604 so, like, none of these sound good, huh? 756 00:29:28,646 --> 00:29:30,229 Oh, crap, I gotta go! 757 00:29:30,271 --> 00:29:31,479 I-I'll talk to you later, Eve! 758 00:29:31,521 --> 00:29:32,979 Thanks! 759 00:29:33,896 --> 00:29:36,729 You're welcome. 760 00:29:39,604 --> 00:29:41,021 [panting] 761 00:29:41,062 --> 00:29:43,646 Whoa, slow down. What's up? 762 00:29:43,687 --> 00:29:45,854 Cecil asked me to save Mount Rushmore, 763 00:29:45,896 --> 00:29:47,146 but I left Amber waiting in the room so I gotta... 764 00:29:47,187 --> 00:29:48,687 You left a girl in your room 765 00:29:48,729 --> 00:29:50,646 while you flew off to deal with a crisis? 766 00:29:50,687 --> 00:29:51,979 Mm-hmm. 767 00:29:52,021 --> 00:29:52,854 Good. 768 00:29:52,896 --> 00:29:55,646 I mean, not good for her, but good. 769 00:29:55,687 --> 00:29:57,771 That's the tricky part of the job, 770 00:29:57,812 --> 00:30:02,062 balancing what you wanna do, with what you need to do. 771 00:30:02,104 --> 00:30:03,646 Mm-hmm, mm-hmm. 772 00:30:03,687 --> 00:30:07,146 Remember, you're not just a superhero, Mark. 773 00:30:07,187 --> 00:30:10,312 You're a Viltrumite. 774 00:30:10,354 --> 00:30:16,187 We have... responsibilities that normal humans don't. 775 00:30:16,229 --> 00:30:17,729 Right. 776 00:30:17,771 --> 00:30:18,854 Yeah, thanks. 777 00:30:18,896 --> 00:30:20,937 Hey, one last piece of fatherly advice, okay? 778 00:30:20,979 --> 00:30:23,604 You might wanna change. 779 00:30:23,646 --> 00:30:25,437 Oh, crap. 780 00:30:26,562 --> 00:30:28,229 Dad, you got a little... 781 00:30:28,271 --> 00:30:29,521 here. 782 00:30:33,104 --> 00:30:35,021 [grunting with effort] 783 00:30:37,187 --> 00:30:40,146 I am so sorry. 784 00:30:40,187 --> 00:30:42,104 I've been sitting here for an hour. 785 00:30:42,146 --> 00:30:43,396 I know. 786 00:30:43,437 --> 00:30:45,354 Uh... Oh, that's a good one. 787 00:30:45,396 --> 00:30:47,229 What'd you- what'd you think? 788 00:30:47,271 --> 00:30:49,312 Why did you even agree to hang out 789 00:30:49,354 --> 00:30:51,521 if you weren't gonna hang out? 790 00:30:51,562 --> 00:30:53,354 I do want to hang out. 791 00:30:53,396 --> 00:30:54,937 I just didn't think that... 792 00:30:54,979 --> 00:30:57,437 Could've fooled me. 793 00:30:57,479 --> 00:31:00,354 I don't even know why I came. 794 00:31:00,396 --> 00:31:02,604 Okay, then, why did you come? 795 00:31:02,646 --> 00:31:05,187 You didn't even know I existed until I stood up to Todd. 796 00:31:06,271 --> 00:31:07,354 For the record, 797 00:31:07,396 --> 00:31:09,104 Todd kicked your ass. 798 00:31:09,146 --> 00:31:11,187 For the record, 799 00:31:11,229 --> 00:31:13,896 that's absolutely true. 800 00:31:13,937 --> 00:31:16,354 I've had guys throw punches for me before, 801 00:31:16,396 --> 00:31:19,187 but you're the first one who stood there and took 'em. 802 00:31:19,229 --> 00:31:20,354 Twice. 803 00:31:20,396 --> 00:31:24,229 I wanted to know the kind of guy that would do that. 804 00:31:24,271 --> 00:31:25,521 An idiot? 805 00:31:25,562 --> 00:31:26,646 [chuckles] Maybe. 806 00:31:26,687 --> 00:31:28,229 Maybe not. 807 00:31:28,271 --> 00:31:30,521 So, what now, hmm? 808 00:31:30,562 --> 00:31:31,937 I finished all the review questions 809 00:31:31,979 --> 00:31:35,146 while you were off saving the world or whatever. 810 00:31:35,187 --> 00:31:37,562 It's big, sir. 811 00:31:40,687 --> 00:31:42,021 Really big. 812 00:31:42,062 --> 00:31:44,771 First time I've seen Omni-Man on the ropes like that. 813 00:31:44,812 --> 00:31:46,062 [low growling] 814 00:31:46,104 --> 00:31:49,187 Also, it might not be dead. 815 00:31:49,229 --> 00:31:50,146 [Cecil] Huh. 816 00:31:50,187 --> 00:31:51,354 Put it on ice. 817 00:31:51,396 --> 00:31:52,437 You never know when something like that 818 00:31:52,479 --> 00:31:53,937 might come in handy. 819 00:31:53,979 --> 00:31:55,021 Yes, sir. 820 00:31:58,104 --> 00:32:00,146 Oh, good God! 821 00:32:01,021 --> 00:32:02,729 Calamari for dinner? 822 00:32:02,771 --> 00:32:04,187 [chuckling]] 823 00:32:04,229 --> 00:32:06,271 Get that off my counter! 824 00:32:06,312 --> 00:32:07,937 Aw, you sure? 825 00:32:07,979 --> 00:32:10,271 It's considered a delicacy in some places, 826 00:32:10,312 --> 00:32:12,396 and an aphrodisiac. 827 00:32:12,437 --> 00:32:14,229 [scoffs] Like you need it. 828 00:32:15,521 --> 00:32:16,562 Did you call Cecil? 829 00:32:16,604 --> 00:32:18,562 About putting some protection on the house. 830 00:32:18,604 --> 00:32:19,896 I was kinda busy. 831 00:32:19,937 --> 00:32:20,896 Nolan... 832 00:32:20,937 --> 00:32:22,479 Yeah, I'll take care of it. 833 00:32:22,521 --> 00:32:23,562 Thank you. 834 00:32:23,604 --> 00:32:24,979 Hey, don't forget 835 00:32:25,021 --> 00:32:26,562 I just took down a freakin' kaiju 836 00:32:26,604 --> 00:32:28,104 and saved the world. 837 00:32:28,146 --> 00:32:30,146 Your husband's a badass. 838 00:32:30,187 --> 00:32:33,312 Yeah, well, you're not the only badass in this family. 839 00:32:33,354 --> 00:32:37,271 I sold a house today that had a double homicide. 840 00:32:37,312 --> 00:32:39,187 I told them lightning never strikes twice. 841 00:32:40,062 --> 00:32:41,312 [gasps] 842 00:32:41,354 --> 00:32:43,687 Are you seriously gonna put that on the grill? 843 00:32:45,021 --> 00:32:46,562 ["Let It All Go" by Birdy and Rhodes plays] 844 00:32:46,604 --> 00:32:50,604 ♪ I've been sleepless at night ♪ 845 00:32:50,646 --> 00:32:55,854 ♪ 'Cause I don't know how I feel ♪ 846 00:32:55,896 --> 00:32:59,437 ♪ I've been waiting on you ♪ 847 00:32:59,479 --> 00:33:03,771 ♪ Just to say something real ♪ 848 00:33:03,812 --> 00:33:05,229 [explosions booming] 849 00:33:05,271 --> 00:33:10,437 ♪ There's a light on the road and I think you know ♪ 850 00:33:10,479 --> 00:33:15,604 ♪ Morning has come and I have to go ♪ 851 00:33:19,812 --> 00:33:25,896 ♪ But if we're strong enough to let it in... ♪ 852 00:33:25,937 --> 00:33:28,354 Surprise! 853 00:33:28,396 --> 00:33:29,979 [sighs] Look, 854 00:33:30,021 --> 00:33:30,979 I screwed up, Eve. 855 00:33:31,021 --> 00:33:32,521 I know I did, I just... 856 00:33:32,562 --> 00:33:34,687 I just, I don't know why I keep doing this. 857 00:33:34,729 --> 00:33:36,021 I don't want to. 858 00:33:36,062 --> 00:33:37,437 You know that, right? 859 00:33:37,479 --> 00:33:38,937 You know I love you. 860 00:33:38,979 --> 00:33:40,604 I know... 861 00:33:40,646 --> 00:33:43,021 but that wasn't an apology, Rex. 862 00:33:43,062 --> 00:33:44,271 You're right. 863 00:33:44,312 --> 00:33:45,604 I'm sorry. 864 00:33:45,646 --> 00:33:47,354 Look, give me a do-over, 865 00:33:47,396 --> 00:33:48,562 just this one time. 866 00:33:48,604 --> 00:33:49,604 I'll be better. 867 00:33:49,646 --> 00:33:51,021 I-I promise. 868 00:33:51,062 --> 00:33:54,021 Good luck with the new team, Rex. 869 00:33:56,062 --> 00:33:59,562 ♪ ...Strong enough to let it go ♪ 870 00:33:59,604 --> 00:34:00,937 Fuck. 871 00:34:00,979 --> 00:34:02,771 [♪] 872 00:34:08,271 --> 00:34:09,396 [gasps] 873 00:34:16,979 --> 00:34:19,771 Good for you, Mark. 874 00:34:29,937 --> 00:34:31,437 [hissing] 875 00:34:31,479 --> 00:34:35,604 [yawns] 876 00:34:46,979 --> 00:34:48,687 Chow time. 877 00:34:53,312 --> 00:34:54,604 You know the drill. 878 00:34:55,979 --> 00:34:57,896 Ah, Thursday. 879 00:34:57,937 --> 00:34:59,771 Chicken pot pie. 880 00:34:59,812 --> 00:35:00,937 [guard] Everybody's favorite. 881 00:35:02,646 --> 00:35:03,896 Stay back from the door. 882 00:35:08,354 --> 00:35:10,187 [sniffs] 883 00:35:10,229 --> 00:35:11,187 [sighs] 884 00:35:20,437 --> 00:35:22,354 Stay back from the door. 885 00:35:27,437 --> 00:35:28,646 Huh? 886 00:35:31,021 --> 00:35:32,271 Shit. 887 00:35:32,312 --> 00:35:33,187 Ah! 888 00:35:33,229 --> 00:35:35,854 Ah, sorry, Pete. 889 00:35:35,896 --> 00:35:36,729 [grunts] 890 00:35:39,187 --> 00:35:40,562 [groans] 891 00:35:48,479 --> 00:35:49,854 [lock buzzes open] 892 00:35:56,729 --> 00:35:57,646 Hmm... 893 00:36:00,646 --> 00:36:01,854 Damn. 894 00:36:01,896 --> 00:36:03,437 Chicken pot pie night. 895 00:36:07,396 --> 00:36:09,229 Mm... 896 00:36:10,187 --> 00:36:11,937 [heavy knock on door] 897 00:36:15,229 --> 00:36:16,271 How? 898 00:36:16,312 --> 00:36:17,771 Obvious. 899 00:36:17,812 --> 00:36:19,437 As the original article, 900 00:36:19,479 --> 00:36:21,271 my intellect's undiluted 901 00:36:21,312 --> 00:36:23,646 by the cloning process that created you. 902 00:36:23,687 --> 00:36:26,312 [dryly] Oh, please. 903 00:36:26,354 --> 00:36:27,646 Just open the door. 904 00:36:29,354 --> 00:36:30,687 Say it. 905 00:36:30,729 --> 00:36:35,604 You cheap, genetically inferior knock-off... 906 00:36:35,646 --> 00:36:36,771 Say it, 907 00:36:36,812 --> 00:36:39,562 or stay here forever. 908 00:36:42,229 --> 00:36:43,187 [sighs] 909 00:36:43,229 --> 00:36:45,521 I'm the clone. 910 00:36:45,562 --> 00:36:47,146 [Mauler #2] Yes, you are. 911 00:36:48,146 --> 00:36:50,604 This way. 912 00:36:50,646 --> 00:36:52,812 ["Chase Me" by Danger Mouse and Run The Jewels plays] 913 00:36:52,854 --> 00:36:54,937 [alarm wailing] 914 00:36:54,979 --> 00:36:56,146 ♪ Whoo! ♪ 915 00:36:56,187 --> 00:36:57,979 ♪ Run, run, run ♪ 916 00:36:58,021 --> 00:36:59,896 ♪ Gangster like you wake up in Dickies ♪ 917 00:36:59,937 --> 00:37:01,271 ♪ And load the clippy ♪ 918 00:37:01,312 --> 00:37:02,646 ♪ The reign of our ascension ♪ 919 00:37:02,687 --> 00:37:04,604 ♪ Make statisticians feel sickly ♪ 920 00:37:04,646 --> 00:37:05,562 ♪ Accountants they get snippy ♪ 921 00:37:05,604 --> 00:37:06,979 ♪ They never counted so quickly ♪ 922 00:37:07,021 --> 00:37:09,854 ♪ Got 'em up sniffin' yak up off an abacus for a living ♪ 923 00:37:09,896 --> 00:37:11,562 ♪ Crime authors ♪ 924 00:37:11,604 --> 00:37:13,562 ♪ Autobiographically bastards ♪ 925 00:37:13,604 --> 00:37:16,146 ♪ Pain passin' put a pain in your brain ♪ 926 00:37:16,187 --> 00:37:18,979 ♪ Style droppin' the drums and stun all goggles ♪ 927 00:37:19,021 --> 00:37:21,354 ♪ Small talkers get launched on... ♪ 928 00:37:21,396 --> 00:37:23,229 Clear a path. 929 00:37:23,271 --> 00:37:24,979 [grunting with effort] 930 00:37:25,979 --> 00:37:26,979 ♪ Tick tock ♪ 931 00:37:27,021 --> 00:37:28,354 ♪ You got until the hands on the clock stop ♪ 932 00:37:28,396 --> 00:37:30,271 ♪ I'm baggin' a bag then I'm backing out ♪ 933 00:37:30,312 --> 00:37:32,937 ♪ Better back off ♪ 934 00:37:32,979 --> 00:37:34,937 ♪ That's why I'm outta here, baby ♪ 935 00:37:34,979 --> 00:37:37,812 ♪ Before these clowns put me down in the ground, baby ♪ 936 00:37:37,854 --> 00:37:41,854 ♪ I'm running reds 'til I'm out of this town, baby ♪ 937 00:37:41,896 --> 00:37:43,687 ♪ You want your money back? Chase me ♪ 938 00:37:43,729 --> 00:37:45,312 [alarm blaring] 939 00:37:46,937 --> 00:37:50,604 We have a benefactor, it seems. 940 00:38:01,396 --> 00:38:03,771 [hatch thuds] 941 00:38:03,812 --> 00:38:05,312 [grunting] 942 00:38:11,354 --> 00:38:14,312 [mechanism humming nearby] 943 00:38:14,354 --> 00:38:15,521 Huh? 944 00:38:15,562 --> 00:38:19,396 Multi-phased fusion generator in the 30-megawatt range. 945 00:38:19,437 --> 00:38:21,396 [hydraulics whirring] 946 00:38:21,437 --> 00:38:22,979 What now? 947 00:38:23,021 --> 00:38:25,146 I'm surprised you don't see it, 948 00:38:25,187 --> 00:38:27,562 you being the original and all. 949 00:38:27,604 --> 00:38:28,896 [grunts] 950 00:38:30,187 --> 00:38:31,646 [gasping] 951 00:38:33,437 --> 00:38:35,396 [power ramping up] 952 00:38:36,937 --> 00:38:39,146 [roaring] 953 00:38:39,187 --> 00:38:40,812 [blasts squelching] 954 00:38:42,729 --> 00:38:43,896 [bellowing roar] 955 00:38:50,646 --> 00:38:52,521 [raspy breaths] 956 00:38:52,562 --> 00:38:54,771 I'd say I'll miss you, brother... 957 00:38:56,146 --> 00:38:59,146 but I can always make another one. 958 00:39:01,771 --> 00:39:03,229 [drone buzzing softly] 959 00:39:06,646 --> 00:39:07,979 [door opens] 960 00:39:08,021 --> 00:39:09,896 So, give me an update. 961 00:39:09,937 --> 00:39:12,146 You get my team ready for the deep end yet? 962 00:39:13,896 --> 00:39:15,312 We still have work to do, 963 00:39:15,354 --> 00:39:17,562 but I feel confident in the progress 964 00:39:17,604 --> 00:39:19,604 we've made today. 965 00:39:28,396 --> 00:39:29,354 [dog barking] 966 00:39:29,396 --> 00:39:32,354 [keyboard clacking softly] 967 00:39:36,187 --> 00:39:38,062 [exhales] 968 00:39:38,896 --> 00:39:40,854 [frost crackling] 969 00:39:42,771 --> 00:39:43,812 [gasps] 970 00:39:45,062 --> 00:39:46,396 My apologies. 971 00:39:46,437 --> 00:39:49,396 Didn't mean to scare. 972 00:39:49,437 --> 00:39:51,062 What are you doing in my house? 973 00:39:51,104 --> 00:39:54,146 Seeking... information. 974 00:39:54,187 --> 00:39:55,771 Clues. 975 00:39:55,812 --> 00:39:57,146 Answers. 976 00:39:57,187 --> 00:39:58,562 Answers to what? 977 00:39:58,604 --> 00:40:01,187 That night, the massacre. 978 00:40:01,229 --> 00:40:03,646 Still not clear to me. 979 00:40:03,687 --> 00:40:05,479 I don't know what you're talking about. 980 00:40:05,521 --> 00:40:06,646 You need to leave now. 981 00:40:06,687 --> 00:40:08,021 Seven dead. 982 00:40:08,062 --> 00:40:09,229 One alive. 983 00:40:09,271 --> 00:40:11,062 Your husband. 984 00:40:11,104 --> 00:40:14,479 Was hoping you could make that piece fit. 985 00:40:14,521 --> 00:40:16,312 Well, you'll have to ask him. 986 00:40:16,354 --> 00:40:17,146 Did. 987 00:40:17,187 --> 00:40:18,896 Answers were... 988 00:40:18,937 --> 00:40:21,396 unsatisfactory. 989 00:40:21,437 --> 00:40:22,896 Why do you care? 990 00:40:22,937 --> 00:40:24,896 Escaped from hell. 991 00:40:24,937 --> 00:40:28,437 Seek justice for others to save own soul. 992 00:40:28,479 --> 00:40:30,312 Husband told you nothing? 993 00:40:30,354 --> 00:40:32,937 Not a whisper to soothe your fears? 994 00:40:32,979 --> 00:40:34,187 No. 995 00:40:34,229 --> 00:40:35,104 He didn't say anything. 996 00:40:35,146 --> 00:40:37,562 [grumbles] Hmm... 997 00:40:37,604 --> 00:40:39,521 You have a lovely home. 998 00:40:39,562 --> 00:40:41,187 [Nolan] Debbie? 999 00:40:41,229 --> 00:40:42,354 You all right? 1000 00:40:42,396 --> 00:40:44,687 I thought I heard something. 1001 00:40:47,229 --> 00:40:48,937 I'm fine. 1002 00:40:50,021 --> 00:40:52,146 I was just coming to bed. 1003 00:41:06,604 --> 00:41:10,604 [♪]